M.? ' -' "'(! OS'S 1 4. IU' m Wf , - THE SCJRANTOK IBUNE-T&HftSDAY, MAY 15 look ' " " & .i"'"- Ml iVlMniinnHiisllHiW'il nil i ii ' ii i' i ' i J .11 I i - - '- .,..', f'i ' i'? Working uniformly and perfectly, it makes the bread and cake always light and beautiful, and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs. Finer food; saving of money; saving of the health of the family: the last is the greatest economy of all. ,The "Royal Baker nnd Pastry Cook" over Eoo practical and valuable cooking receipts free to every patron. Send full address. ROYAL Our Foreion Trade. Compiled for The Trilunc by Walter .1. BilhriL. Jurt oii(! moio dsy'i. rccoid of Aineiican enni nicrcl.il and iiidiKtrl.il expansion. Iron works in frjn Puucioco have teemed a contract, for a lauc drcdginif plan in Scuth Afilca. A railroad com pany lias been organized, with lioadijuartsrs in Yoiingstovni, O., to construct a toad from Ha vana to Jair.anitas, Cuba. Of ionise the mate rial, the niglncoung coips and inoft of tlie Toice c.f nflkiali Slid emplrje. holding- pliers of ic sponsiullily will coinu from Hie United Stales. A dcpirtmcnt store, to cot ifl,iXX),000, I to bo elected in Monterey, Mexico. The roateiial ncel in the building will be mainly Aineiican, ond the establishment will lie inn un American lines, although the owner nic JIcnIi.iiio. An Ohio com piny has been avvaided the rontncL for a water vicrks plant at S'.iawinigan, Oniuela. Troy Times. The shipments of lumber tiom Poitlam!-, Or., to the Orient flm Jin. 1 have been about !!",000,000 feet and the cojitnUc thipnicnU to &an 1'i.iiiclsco over lfl.uoo.OOO feet. We haio just shipped from Pan Francisco the lusest cargo of flour 2,0utl ton ever sent fiom that port to New Zealand ana Australia. Tood is puixliaicd fiom us because it cannot lie had clscivliue. and we should of course seek every possible maikct for our surplus firm pro 'dints Outiidcof suiiar, tci and coffee, wc Import but little so-called food. We can easily increase cur acioaue in every cicp and in a few years could double our paain, meat, dairy products and vegetable?. Demand will regulate supply in agri cultuial products. And with an Amenean mer chant marine wc should no doubt find new and increased maikcts for nil piudueU." American I'lcnomist. liven njstrrs! "Ilijport, I. I., April 'JO. A linn of o.istcr dcaloi-. of thii place his r"ccivvd en older for IT." barrel of Rlue Point ousters to be U;cd at King Kdnard's coionalion. The eivs tru will be s-ent by .i fn-t tlc.imr to Liverpool Jiet week. The shipn'rut is mule now to allow tin1 oyilei.i to diliiK in Ensli'li waters, which Kill take away the bad elfects that may icitilt fiom the sea vey.it;e." Our porH cu the i'acifie cxpoiteii in Maiili &t,l'i.l,teS ard Impurleil &l,2l7,Oji, U-.ivinar a bal ance' in oin favor, of fJ.'JJil.O.-'. Time j cm ago It w.i-. Inidly po".Mbh' to find a -hoc or bat of Aineiican make in f.tntei Pc iningo. Now thp nitirli'H nic b.uiilh'd by a, Iiiiniber of hmi-t-, and trade in oth.T lines' Is in ciiMsing largely. Ilcrtilcs Si per cent, ot the pieivMoh tiade wc supply nil of the lumber tlut i-, iuipuited and a good portim uf nthei building li.aleiuK. 'Ihe following flgiin'-. are cloepicnt of our neeel of a ship fub-iidy bill, to give im more oi'CAn sti'inishlpa .mil a fall chance to inn case our for eign cummiuc: l-npitts Our Ter V.kk). Sluic. Cent. riiMpe, gener ally ",f.o.-i,s.-!i .oiKi ?i,iii,ni;,fivi jj.oo I'nltril Kingdom 2,"l,-Ji".0,(i'iH tOa.2J,17.1 SM.rt (l.'imany ,:in,sit,tt)il IHT.iiflS.im 11.2 India ."Im.'IiO.OM "..VInISO l.'i (V.cn .il.7'.tt,no) 2U,;iin .1 Him 12.tm,0"0 lill.llt 1.2 I'lench Alilia.. 307,'i.,il Wrt,:.7) .1 Oltii.iu Afilea. S,2.!.(,KI H,7."i7 .0.1 AMitli' TuikfJ. ':U,riX),lifiO Slt.ntX) .7 Iliillsh Afiici,. in7.mo,uit in,i(Ki,fi,-,M 11. i Aiia, generally. l.UI.KSi.iWl (Jl..wj..-,I9 .1.:! JVjpt Ii7,ti7.ri,00l 1, -.11,111 L'.2 Japan 11,('0,(nii) 2.i, W,K!j l'.l AfricLiicneially :i7.'f.sSl.O0O .'.SI8.7J5 5.1) Ii, t Ik Danish West Indies the impents fiom the I'liilcd ht.itea are .lelMincing je..rly in epltn of tl.nlo deiression, Tho uncertainty of communica tion is tho main diawbaek to our trade, It U stated. At one period ot last jear llfty-two dija piv.nl without u lnglo ellitit steamer tu tho United htntej. Tho following shows the list of wheat and flour curlers cleared fiviu l'orU.jml, Oie., during March: Tor IJ, K. for Oideri. lluih. Value, Conway, llr, ship,' 115.07.r $7,(K) (Juci'ii j:)Uabetli, llr, tl Itt.lKI CU,7l IlaiiUleigh, llr. bk M.IIB M.VK) Versailles, Vr, bk llu.lM 7.i,0(M felcrra Vcntaiu IW.BOI fi'MOO General Faldheibo Hli,iliS 7W) nannhek, Ger. bk ll,:n 75,710 llldart, 1'r. bk,, 111,003 7-l.SM !,ota, llr. bk n,81ll 01,071 llockhutht, llr. nil HUN) fi'J.OOi) l'or South Africa. Illil-, VhIup, Earl CudoiMU, Ptt bk Ji,tK.3 tOO.OOO Incliape Hock, 111, sh '.oil .'iiWJ A glance at this list shows that oil except two of tluso twelve xessela are Dritlsh ondvtho two wccpteel may or may not bo Aineiican. This is ail object U-ssiin in favor nf the ship subsidy bill (ar more, potent than pages of theory, "Hy building our own ships we keep our ship. puileljiig plants going, employ, hundreds of than rands of wage earners directly and indirectly, and , lielp to bring greater prosperity to business men ' anil bread wluners." American Kconoml.t. Whooping: Cough. This Is a very dangerous disease un less properly treated, Statistics show that thero are more deaths from It than from scarlet fever. All danger niay he avoided, however, by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, u liquifies tho tough mucus, niaklng.lt easier to expectorate, keeps the cough loose, anil makes the puroxylsms of coughing less frequent and less severe. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect, success. For cae by all druggists. $& -Absolutely Pure BAKING POWDEn CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW Duiing one month France built SO.O'IO tc.113 in ocem steamships, l.'ngland Built 1,300,1X10 tons and (In-many Ht.000 tons. In the whole year we only built 210,000 ton?. Why? Our expansion is rot in territory alone. Tor 11.0 hist eight months of 1S'J4 (Democratic) fiscal jiar our exports of manufactured goods amounted to Si:.'i,ti),(i"0, but for thn same period of inoi ti'cal year the figures were $J"7,000,00O, neirly three times as much. Vive years of Itcpublican policies worked thii miiaelc. Our record of exports for the Cist nine months of this fiseul year. sliow3 a shortage of yio,0il0,oiw from list yeir's similar period, more than ac counted for by Corn, droutl V3,000,000 ltaw rotton, lower prices 13,flfl0,09) Oats, u-cd as feed S.OOO.OW 5-71 ,0)0,001 Less net total shoitage 50,000,000 Oain in niauufaeture.'', etc $12,0X1,000 Last year our sales to Canada were $-110,000,0011, while those of Ore.it Ilritain, notwithstanding the S.J 1-3 per cent. elilTciential tariff in her favor, were only $13,000,000. Mexico ineieased her pure cases of us lat yeir by iM.OOO.OOO, or ll.S per cent., while the Ccnnan increase was only $111,000, or 5.S per cent. "The Russian government is building a rail road as the crow Hie;;, stiaight. across the w.is'ci of Siberia, but it is u-Jiib Amrriran rails mid American eais. Tinj city of L!crpool is equip ping its underground i.-illways with electric rp paratus from Schenectady, undo by Anicrlem workmen. At Dunkirk, .XT. Y., they hace jut recoiled an order for sixty-five locomotives to be ued in New Zealaml. They arc used cveiy where, wheio the best machine is neceled. Xot only are our locomotives in demand, but our textiles are .13 well. America is the lirgoat ex porter of textile in the world. Perhaps tome cf ,vou saw tho reci'nt irag.iino article that said that the United States not only carries coal? to Newcastle, textiles to Jlire-hcstcr, cutlery to Sheffield, but even beer to the banks of the Iihine." Hon, Danfonh 11. Ainsworlh at L'nbn College. It is with us in our nnrcli tluough forciijn cominerclnl tenitnry, as it was with niucnci's army of CO.Oiio men as tlicy tolled on, ovi'icoimng oli-tiel? after cbitnelo, on their niauh to the field of Waterloo, the war cry of their famitia leaeler ever ringing ill their c.us, "Vorw.uts, Vonvirts!" THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. Xew York, May II. Today's small change in pliers of stocks arc mostly gains, but (he liimiit'ss ot the market was passive and hid no poiitive element In it so far as could be iiercciveel. Tho trading fell near to the point of stagnation and the day's total transactions were wnaller than for many months, Union I'acillc niado some show c.f stlength and was far in the lead of all other stocks in point of activity. A ruinsc of uncer tainly in speculative ciieles was tho anthracite minors' convention, which was in sovdem tit lliulclon to decide whether to maku tho condi tional fctrlke of the miners permanent. No light was thipnu on this question before tho close ot the day, but the roal stocks shared generally in the firmness of the inaiket. Another feature of the day was wide recoveries scored by some of (he high priced stocks which fell violently in the lleiuidation Monday. There were other high-nrie-e-d stocks in the inactive list which sold tmiav at wide declines from the pievious sabs, 'JI10 monev market was mueli onleter to,hv ..,,1 tl,,.,,. 111 (111 UHAinlne ill f ttmll ! tilnl..l... .lt I...... was no seeming difficulty in obtaining call loam at u per cent, or uneier, jotai sales inetay, 370,. 000 shares. Honds were dull but firm. Total sales, par value, $3,270,000. United States 3's declined (4 per cent, on the last rail, The following quotation! are fumlshc-J Tht Tribune by Jlalght li Frctae Co., 311-315 Hears building, W, D. llunyon, manager, ' Olion. IIIl'Ii. Laev. Close. Ainaigamateei uopper . .. e3Vi Am. Car & Foundry ,.,, 30 American feo 18si American lev, Pr, ...... (1171 Amer. Locomotive 3194 American Lccomotive.Pr 03 CH 7?1 U3' 30V1 lb 01 SHi P3 4051 112 70?; 07T1 lOl'l (W'.i I2i 47'4 Kel'.I iiOlJ 109V4 174?i 102 Wt, 177 U7 82 152fj w'i Sill 30U IS'j 1 fiM IKJ 4UH 127T1 112 70 W7T1 lttlH 05T1 l!!ilj 47i 0!4 :n 100 , 1731 ion; HO'A 171H 37U 82 152!, m 31U 'IbH iJl?i 3lH w 4Ji 127Ts 112 7bT4 W 100 V-j 12s 47 35H 20 lOs'i 17d?I 100)4 30 17U',3 37 82 152 03 31 Am. Smelt. & Itel'tr. Co. ll'.i American Sugar 12 AniconeU Copper . Atchison Atchison, Pr Ilat. U Ohio Hrook. R.111. Transit Canadian Pacific ,, dies. & Ohio . .... Chic. It. Alton .... ..11'.' .. 704 .. 0714 ,. 00 ..1K .. 47 ,. 3591 .. awi Chic. 1 & (it. West. Chic, Mil. k m Paul. 109'! Chic. It- I. & Pao 174ll Col. 1'ucl li Iron 10114 Col. & Southern ,, 30 Del. k lludou ,,.,,,,,,177 Krie . It ,.,. 37 Hocking Valley , 82 Illinois Cential 152',i International Power ,,. MVi Kansas City & South. ,,,31 Louis. & Nashville .,,.11 J'' 113V4 141H Manhattan ,...., Mot. Street Hy. ,.132?i 133?I 132 1331 ..l(81i UHl U7aT It 11J lti'4 Mexican Central '27 Ti tni Mo.. Kan. li. Texas .... 25 Mo., Kan. & Tex., Pr,. M Missouri ricttci .,,,,.,.101 N. Y. Central ,..,.lMi Norfolk & West, ....... 67H North American ,,,,,,,121 Ontario & West. .,.,,. 33U PacIBo Mall ..., M& Pc-nna. R. R 150 reopiea uu ,,iui Pressed Steel Car ,,. l Beading By, ,,,.,. 64 Reading-, lit. Pr. 81 i n is-js 25 25 25)1 68 6 m 101 10O-H 100H 157 150 167 67J4 074 57U 12414 123 123U 83Vi S3 33 ml 89 30 1501,4 U'M ISO S4 ICB Wli 10251 H 4l? 41 41 60 W, ct 81 81 H Btttuaf, SO. Pr. ,.,.... H '. Some baking powder makers claim their powders are cheaper. They can, be cheaper only if made from cheaper materials. To cheapen the cost of an article of food at the expense of its liealthfulness, as is done in alum baking powders, is a crime. YORK. Republic Steel 1791 17&1 17!, j 1791 Republic Mecl, Pr 73! 7.1i 71 73 St. Louis & Sin Tian.... CO', 07 CC'S fci'5 Soulhem Pacific lijjs Ofi'l r."-(i i"i Southern H I 37 37'i ."iut W4 fcoutli. It. II., Pr m'3 K 05"i !),-i!a Trnn, Coal & Iron 0lfi 0t?i W:;s fit Union Pacific VH', 10J3s 10l-5i 105U Union Pacific, Pr. S7 al'X S7 S7',i V. S. Leather I't's l7s 1-i's 13i U. S. Leather, Pr. S3B. 81 WSs St U. S. Meel W(, 41'i It sM'.i li. S. Steel, Pr MVi Ws bl 01 Wabash K. It 2fi",a 27'.i M1 27 Wabash, Pr. .'... 14Vs 45 44' 44'i West. Union Tfl 01T, 01"s d3i fl?i Wheel. & Lake Uric .... 2291 23 22al 23 Wisconsin Central 27V1 27'i 26i 201 Total sales 300.200. Mono T. C'HICAOO (1RAIN AND PROVISION MAI1KLT. WIIKAT Open. High. Low. Close. July 7i TOIA September 75 75U CORN 7Vi 7.!s July '3 0371 02 C2"i Mis 039 lit'.i cptember .t'l'.i U.VI5 .Inly September PORK July September . . . , LARD- July September RIUS July September 35V1 29H .2')7i 201 21171 .17., .17. '.00 .02 17.150 17.55 17.01 17.02 .10.42 .10.35 10.4i 10.45 10.12 10.35 10 12 10. 11 0.7.) 0.75 0.S0 0.S2 0.7, 9.7, 0.77 P.eO KEW YORK COITON SIAUKI-.!'. Open. Hitr! Low. .Jiilv- 8. 01 fi.05 P.S') August S-0'1 R""' S02 September 8.22 S.SI S.20 October 8.05 8.10 S.OI Close. 0.05 8.10 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did." Lackawanna luirj Co., Pr. CO Coiintvsavingi UanU & Ttmt Co.. 300 I'li-t National Ilmk (Cai'.iondale) Third National Hank C50 Dime Deposit and Discount Dank... 300 L'toncmy Light. II. .'c P. Co Filst Nation il Kink 1300 Lacka. Tru-t k Safe Deposit Co.... 105 A-,kcd. CO) 48 Clark i: Snover Co., Pr 121 Scranton Savings Hank 600 Tiadeis' National Hank 221 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 12'i People's 11 ink 135 ... DONDS. Scranton Packing Co 35 Scrcnton Passenger Railway, fiist Mortgage, due 1U20 115 People's sticct Railway, Hist mort gage, due 1015 115 People's Slieet Railway, (leneial mortgage, due 1921 115 Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 ... Keonumy Light, Heat & Power Co 07 Nurth .lersev k Pnumo Ice Co 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co 195 Scranton Wholesale Market, (Corrected by .11, G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) I'loiir H.4,0. Ruttei Fresh creamery, 23c; fresh daily, 21c. Che-e.sc l."a Ml jn. l.'ggs Neaibj, ISe.j western. 17lsC Mariovv Heans Per bushel, 82.3.ria2. to. Green l'ca I'ct bushels, ?L75. Potatoes Per bii-hel, 'J1.00, Onions lleimudas, fi.SS per crate. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia. May It. Whe.it-Uo. lovvcv; con. tract gride. May. S.'isaSSe. Corn Steadyj No. 2 iiiixcil. May, iiil!in;7e. Oats -Steady; No. 2 white clipped, Sic. Mutter j1c, lower; extra vveeleru creameiy, 23 i'.MUc do. nearby pilnts, 2ric. Rggn l-'imi and Vtv. higher; fresh nearby, lUMio. ; do. vvestcin, 17c! 1I0. soiithweatcrn, let nlfiiic; do. vmtliirn, UalSHe, Cheese V ill New Yoik full cieaim, old, fancy email, 13'ia IKVici do. do, do., choice1, large, 12',je.j do, do, do., new, pi line small, 119ial2c, ; do, do, do, elo,, fair to good, lti'.jall'.-ic. lletinel sugars Sleaely but eiuiel. Cotton Unchanged. Tulnw 1 inn, fair eleinawli CUV pitnio in.tieiccs, a I t(l 7'Ac.i cminliy elo. do., lurieis, irtiaic. 1 110, daik, 0'4nbV&i!. ; cakes, 7',;a7'c. Live poultry Finn and a shade higher: fowls, 13c; old rnosteis, Oc.j spring chickens, 20i23e.; ducks, 10al2c, Dressed poultry Kit 111, with u gooel de. FINANCIAL MAKE A1JKB HONEY. Is your Income aufllelcntT If not, nnd you nrii'iillxleniM to lucre aoe It, vvilto tins at'illng .what amount you iM'i invest, ho ly.Seo, nnel I w II vvillo , vim 11 b'lteritrinlvli e Fre. h'or TnrI Imveilono nolliliig c-xce t study I in et iimiitH. Ikuovv I cu iiii'rt'iihuyuiirliiciittiiuby noliitliiK out aU InveHtmotits, liltuerto uu. known. ANDREW t, Rl'Sil, Investment Broker, Buiil. Kefeiences ."prngl eld, Mast GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS I WILLIAM 11 KINd&CO Members nf amnion (Texas) Oil Btoelc Ex. change kollclt ordorH, HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District (01 Dupont's Powder Wiling, Rlutln;, Siwrtlng, Sraokelesa and the Bepauno Chemical Comptuy'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps arid Explodere.' Boom 401 Cou ncil Pulldlnff ,Seratcn. I ' AQUXCIE9. JOHN B. SMITH & 60N ,..,., Plymouth E. W.UULLIOAN ..,.....,,. Wllkes-Birrt nundl fowl, choice, 1.1c. t rtet. fair to good, (. l vi.i luinit-iiff nuo-,2e-. vvi-kil-iii nw.- itig chicken?, froreti, Italic, t do. brollcre, fromn, iiiaiBci ncathf broilers, freh killed, 30a33c dn. froien. 222Se. n.N)lhl.l-ni,. 1 MM 1. ..!. .4 4 A1Y0 rWl It.. In eacksl wheat. KO.OOOl rnrn. 3.000 1 oil... 11.1 000 tnnlicl. Hlilpnifntu Wheat, 0,000j com, .I.OOOf oaUl, 10,000 bushel. Now York Grain and Produce Market New York, May . rloin-Acllvp am) llrm, without change. Byo dour Dull. V1ieUtoot eajyi No. 2 led, M-lfie. elevator, nnd sutdo. f. o. b. afloat! No, 1 Northern Dulutii, 8l5ic f. 0. 1. afloat. Options opctieel weak, rallied later and be- c.iine nultc firm. In thu l.nt hour prices broke, closing ic net loweit May. sIWiblTHc., e'locd MMrC.t duly, Sl,ie.i Sept., 70?ic.i Dec, SOfte. Coni Spot ileady! No, 2, il-Uc elevator, and 71?o. f, o. li, afloat. Option maiket opened stronj?. A final tet back left the market easy at ....... .... . . ... ... . . . . e..... n',ic'. ore Hovancc. .vniy ciopeu 10c., .liny. OsUr.i Sept., tWV4c', Dec, B3',Jd. 0.ita-;-Spot Meanyi io. s, lie; o. a, 4o;iiCi r.o. a white. ClUe. I N'o. n while. Me..' track inlted westetn, 4748c: track while, OlaoSHc Option opened lower with wheat, but aoon raiueii ona was firm nil day with corn. tlutlcr Steaelyj creamery, 20',Ja22'4c ( factory, 10,.20',ic: reno vated. Iila2le. ! Imitation creamery. 10Uu21c.S late dairy, 20a22c. CIicnc liregulari new jtate full cream, ftmall. nolnre-d anil white, choice. 12c t largi colored, llic! large, white, HHc. Kggs ft'nilv; tt.ite and I'cnna,, 17c; western, li;;,a 17',ici scuthcrn, 15c. ' Chicago Qrniii Market. rhlroi-n. M.iv 11. drain (rait todaV WJ3 a dragging contest between the bears, backed up by favorable weather for wheat and corn, and the bulla In the corn pit who were making goon niirphfitfe. nn the ftvlrninelv Fmnll local movement. In the end .Inly wheat closed "JAo. deprciiceli July corn, c higher, and July oats, '.iaTsC lower. Provision continued In their upward Journey and closed 10 to 12V&C advanced. Cash quotations were as follor.s: Flour Steady; No. 2 spring wheat. 7GV2.7c; No. 3, 7Mic; No. 2 red, SltfjC.i No. 2 oats, 44c. i No. 2 white. 4flJ4c; No. 8 white, :Mn 40c: No. 2 rye. COtfc.j fair to choice malting, 0072r.; No. 1 Haxeed, $1.00; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.77: prime tlmothr seed, $d.60a0.0."i ; incs-i pork per barrel, $17.45al7.r.0; lnrrt, per 100 Uu., S10.40.iIQ.42Vi: niiort llhs su'ej, s:).7JaO.S3; shoulders, SaSVlc; short clear sleles, $10.25al0.33. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Slav 14.-CJttlc Receipts, 13,000; ac tive and 10c higher; good to prime steers, $7a 7.0O-. nonr to me, Hum. SriaO.f0: tdockois .'.nd feeders. S2.7."ia3.10: cowa. Sl.OOaO: heifer., S2.50 a.40; canneis, ?t.S0V2 ra; btitti. 52 7."a5.7ii; calves, 2aB35; Texas fed steers, tr5.2Jafi.50. Ilogi Rce-elpti, todav, 27,000; lomoi row, 23, 000; left over, 4,000: D to 10 centi higher; mixed and butchers, R).05.i7.l2',3; good to choice heavy, 7.33a7.W: lough heavy, $7.i7.23; light, $6.0Oa 7.'.nr bulk nf si1r. ft7.or,n7.30. Sheet) Rccelots. 13.000: theen. strong for choice; lambs, steady to strong; good to choice wethers, $5.73a1.30; western sheep, ?5.3."i aO.no: native lambs, clipped, $.'.23ifl.0O; western lambs, S3.DOaO.Rj; Colorado woolcd lambs, $G.23i7. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Fast Buffalo, May 14. Cattle None on sale. Veals Receipts, 42.; demand, good; strong tnel 25c higher; top", $0 50a7; fair to good, S.S.'iOaC; cr.mmou nnd light, 9I.ti0a3.23. Hogs Receipt?. 2,200; active: 10c higher on liiht errailev: others, sttadv: heavy. S-7.43i7.D0; mixed, $7.Mi7.!0; pigs, $7a7.05; roughs, $0.bOa 7; stags, !5is.7.. She-jii and lamhs Recelnts. C.ino head: active; lambs, stionc t.v 5c. higher; sheep, steadv; top lamb.?. ?D0a7.0i: fair to good. Sll.50i0.75: culls and common, 813.1,73: yearling", V'.23iB.40; i-l.eet). nilNed tops, S3.7oafi: fair to good, ;.2ol 6.30; cuPs and common, 93al.73. Oil Market. Oil Citv, Mav 14. Credit balances, $1.20; cor (!fic.ites, no bid. Shipments, 110,050: average, ia",i!20. Runs, S7.70O; average. 7(i.S7i. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Opeu Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. Trans-Continental Maps mailed upon request to Institutions, Kxecutors, Investors and Trustees. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS, 27 & 29 Pine St., New York BOODY.McLELLAN &C0. BANKER?, No S7 Broaelwav, New York City. MKJIIIEIIS NKW YORK STOCK KXCIIAXC1C. SI OCKS.BONDS iiiU IN V Ei 1 iUuN IS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN THE Six Eagles Minis An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not ft Prospective Proposition, A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze fledal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ ,50 a share. The price will soon be advanced, Oet in now on the ground floor, Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES IHC CO 1203 Orozler Bldg, Philadelphia, Pa. Allis-Clmliners Co Buccewora to Machine Business ot P)ckson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and WUkes.Barre, Pa. Stationary Englnti, Boilers, Mining Machinery,' Pump. Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: Center 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave. No one can do more than his best. Our more than 100 helpers are all trying to avoid mistakes. Please help by seeing that they get your name and address right. PROCLAHATION Let It Be Known Tllat the store baa now fairly entered on season, Let It Be. KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Let .It Be KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Connolly & Wallace. Wmm Cubanola cigars are made from k ffl&A old, mild Havana leaf, which H IR IMPER1RLCICARC0..109LACKA. AVE., RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in KUcct June !, 1001, Tr.ilnx lcuvei scraiUun: el. to . 111,, week days. lirmi"h vestibule) tulll (iom U'ilkci-llnire. Full- man bullet parlor ear anil coaches to Philadel phia, via I'otUillle; bton at prmciiul iutciinc diate stations. AUo connects (or Simbuiy, liar. rUburg, rhilnelelphla, Baltimore, Washington and lor nilBUUrg UIIll lltu ni-ai. 0.38 a. m., week elajs, for Sunbury, Harrlsburs, a.. ...J.I ,.l. D.lltmji. ei'.rlilni..nn t, n.l ' t,l . . I nllaQClllIlia, i4vmwC i.tHtmituu miu nta burg anj tho west, 1.42 p. w.i ft days (Sundays, 1.53 p. rei.), or Sunlmry, llarrUbnrfr, Philadelphia, Ujltlmote, Washington and l'ittsburg and tho we.t. 3.23 p. in., week dav, through vestibule train from wllku-llarrc. Pullman bullet parlor car and coaches to .'hlMilelphU vlet I'ottsvilic. Stop! at principal intermediate station 4.27 p. ri.i week days, tor lUsleton, Sunlmry, liarrisbiirs, l'lilloiielnhla and I'lttabum. J. 11. HUTClHNbON. Gen. Wgr. J. U. WOOU, Qen, Pas. Act. Delaware, Ijackawanua and Western. In Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton lor New Vork At 140, 8.15, 0.U5. T.tJO and 1U.U5 a, m.i 12.45, 3.40, 3.3J p. m. l'or New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. in., and 12.45 and 3.S3 p. m. l'or Toby lianna At 0.10 p. m, lor lluiulo 1,13, el.iJ tad 0.00 a, in.; Lett, 0.50 iind 11.35 p. in. For Ding hamton and way btatlons 10,20 a. in. and 1,10 p, m. For Oiweu-o, b';racuso and Utlca 1,15 anj li.22 a, in,; 1.05 p. in. OjUC'o, Kyratu'4 und Utlca train at U.22 a, in. dally, cieept hund.y For Montrose 0.00 a. m.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m Nlrholion accoinniodatloii I.UO and 0.15 p. m. UloomeburK Wlvislon For Northumberland, ,t 0.S5 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. in. Fm Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and O.og p. m Sunday Iralru For New York, 1.40, 3.15, 0 e and 10.05 a. m.; 3,40, 3.33 p. in. For IliitTaln 1.15 and ft.22 a. in.', 1.55, 0.50 and 11.35 p. in For llinshamton and way stations 10.20 a. in Blcoimburp; l)illon Lcavo iicraiitoii, lO.oj a in. and 0.10 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Ktlcct November 21. 1001, Trains tor Caibondalo leave bcranton at 0 ' 8.00, H.5.1, 10.13 s. m.i 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, . 6.20, 0.25, 7.67, 0.15, 11.20 p. in.; 1.31 a. m. For llvucsdale el.'JO, lO.lLa. lu.; 2.31 and 5 p. m. For Wllkes-Darrej C.3S, T.43, 8 41, 0.33, lata a. B.i 12.03, 1.42, 2.13, 3.2J, 4.27, CIO, 7.1S, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For U V, It. It. rolnUi-fl.33, 0.33 a. m. 2.13, 4.27 aud 11.30 p, in. For 1'cnn.ylvania It. It. l'olutj-0,33, 0.33 a. tn. ; 1.42. 3.23 and 1.27 p. in. For Albany aud all points north 4.20 . ra. and 3.52 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondalc b.60, 11.3J a. m.j 2.34, 3.5!, .52 and 11.17 p. m. For WUUraDaire P-3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.63, 3.23, 6.32 and 0.17 p. n. For Albany and points north 3.63 p. ra,. For llonewllle 8.50 t. m. and 3.63 p. m. W. U I'BYOH, D. l. A., bcranton, Pu. Tbat this " the most comfortable store in town-1-that it is the largest, best ventilated and healthiest that it has more summer comforts and can make you more comfortable 'at home. ' That its stocks are fresh and full and large, and its prices fair. That shopping early is wise early in the season and early in the day because it avoids the crowds and the heat. It keeps you and us in better temper and gives you more leisure to examine things. It gives you first pick. It helps our salespeople, and consequently gives you better service. That to make summer more bearable iu every way is our one thought now. To take the strain off man and .beast. To help you get ready early, or if you must wait until latex to make summer shopping as comfortable as possible for you then. t That this store serves all classes, both the rich and, the poor, and that it serves each batter because it serves them both. y That the Connolly & Wallace store is a place for your convenience, aud whether you wish to buy, or look, or visit, or rest, you are always welcome. Wholesale Tobacconists and Distributer of RAILROAD TIME TABLES. READING SYSTEM. New Jersey Central. COUHKCTKll TO NOV. 17, 1W1. 8tatlons in New York, toot ot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. B. Traliu leave scranton for New ork. Phlladel. phia, Uuitrn, Bethlehem. Ailentown, Mauch Ihunk, While Haven, Anhley and Wilkej-Bane at 7.30 a. m.i 1 t- m. "nl1 P- ,n "nJjyi 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Kxprcsa leaves Scranton at 7.S0 a. in., through solid yrttlbulc trail: with Pullman Bullet Parlor Curs, for Philadelphia, wit i only onu chaiiKO of eara, lor Baltimore, Ytashlnfrton, D. 0 and all principal points aouth and vvcot. For Av oca, I'lttilon and ilkes-Barrc, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Qrovc, etc., 7.30 a. ''For Beadlni;, Lobanin and HarrUburtr, via Al. 'entown, at 7.::0 a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 ''l'or I'ottsvllle nt 7.30 a. m. and 1 p m. For lales mid tlcl.eU :ply to oi;ent at station. W. O. BlM.r.H, Gcnerul Mutuxer. O, M, BURT, Gen. I'asi, At. New York, Ontario and Western. In KHcct Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. Lcavo Leave Arrlva Tmins S ronton. Carbondalc. Cadoala. Z'fl 10.1.0 a, in. 11.10 a. m. 1,00 p. !. Ka 7 t10n. m. Ar. Carbondalo0.40p. m. ? SOU I'll BOUND, v Ixavo Leave Arrlvs fralns. Cadosla. Caibondale. Scrantoa S 2.15 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 4.10p.m. ' BUNDAVS ONLY, NOJUll BOUND. Leave Iavo Arrlvt trains. Scranton, Carbondale, Cadosia. '"J b.30a. m. 0.10p.m. io.45a.ml ,0. 6 7,00 p. m. Ar. Carbondale 7.40 p. m. '"' iOUTil BOUND. ' I ave Leave Arrive nalns. Cadosia, Carbonelale, Scranton, ,i c 7,00a.m. 7.40a.m. j. 10 4.30 p. m. o oo p. m. o. 45 p. m. 1'iain Nos. 1 on week ilajt, and 0 on Sundays, ike main lino connections for New York city, Idletnun, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oivvego ..1 all points west. For' further inloiuiatiein consult ticket agent, J. V. ANDKHSON, (1. P. A New York. 1, V. Wi:i.Sll, T. P. A., Scranton, Pi. Lehigh Valley Railroad, In i:iTect, Nov. 3, 1901. '1 rains lc.no Scianton. Fo Philadelphia and New York via D. & II. R. It., at 0.38 and 9.3S a. in., and 2.13, 4.27 (Black Diamond &.pr.&), and 11.30 p. m. Sun. daj, D. 4; li. It. It., l.W, 8.27 p. 10. For White Haven, lluleton and principal poind in the toil regions, via 11. k II. II. ll 0.33, 2.13 and 4.27 p. iu. For Pottsville, O.SS a. in., 2,13 For Bethlehem, Enton, ltudlnir, Hjrrlsburir, and principal inttnnedlate stations, via D. 1 U. B, R., .88, .8. a. m.; 2.18, 4.27 (Black DU- Wherever there's a window show ing the new styles, there's a crowd. Most of the windows these days seem to be at Connolly & Wal its summer The Matchless Splendors or tiic Canadian Rockies BANFF tho LAKES 111 tho CLOUDS, VOHO VALLEY, tho GREAT GLA CIEH a region described by Whyni per, the conqueror of tho Matterhorn, an fifty or sixty Switzerland rolled Into one reached only by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout tho year from Toronto uml Montreal. JMPKIUAL LIMITED, crossing tho continent In 97 hours, leaves Toronto and Montreal (com mencing Juno 15th next, every Sunday, "Wcdnohday and Friday. Sleeping and dining cars uttaclied to all through trains, Flrst'Class lintels In the mountains, Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent of tho O. I'. It., or to E. V. Skinner, 353 Broadway, New York, ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. nionel Express), 11.30 p. m. bund. H, jj., 0.118 a. ro.1 l. 8.27 p. 111. For TuiiUiannock, 'lowoiida, 1.1 faundajj, P, A; IL in. For TuiikiiaiinocK, lovvouua, i.imira, jtntca, Ceneva and principal iniciuieuiatc tuuons, vis D . L. and W. It. It.. 8.10 a. m. anil 3.50 p. m. For Ccreva, Rochester, Bullalo, Niagara Falls, Chltato and all points west, via D. k II. It. It., 7.4" 12.11 s. m.; 1.42, 3.2S (Black Diamond LV. iircu), 7.44. 10.41. 11.30 p. la. buudajs, D, & II. 1(. II. 12.01, 6.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and tleeplnjr or Lclilch Valley Parlor eais on all trains between Wtlkcs-Biri and Nevr Yoik, Piiiladelpliia, Bullalo and Suspen sinn llrlds'e. ROLLIN II. WILBUB, Gen. Supt., 29 CortlaneJ street, New York. CIIA1II.ES S. l.Ki:. Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortlanel street, New Yoik. A. W. NONB1IACIIKK, Dlv. Pass. Ast., Soutk Bellileiicm, Pa, , For ttckctt and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket oiUu, Co Publis Square, Wilkca-Uarrt, P. 1 -t. . fc.jl m fe- -fc. j&& . , i i tm ..u k r- v rtRS