The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Board of Trade Elect
Secretary's Annual Report Hon. John
H. Fellows Chosen President.
The West Side Board ,of Trade held
their regular meeting: last evening,
elected officers, discussed Iho viaduct,
received the seerctnry'H annual report,
nnd acted on several other minor mat
ters. The nrKUincnt In relutlon to the via
duct resulted In the adoption of n mo
tion to the effect thut In case the
supremo court decides against build
ins the viaduct In the center of the
street, the board favors the passing of
a bond ordinance for the erection of
a structure on the southerly sjdo of the
street, both for economical and prac
tical reasons.
Another motion prevailed that the
viaduct committee be Instructed to
communicate the sentiment of the
board to the councllmen who are In
terested In the project. The proposed
now silk mill project was also reported,
nnd the board will make nn effort to
have the plant exempted from taxa
tion for a number of years.
O. Irving Kern, the West Scranton
correspondent of the Republican was
elected to honorary membership.
The committee on electric lights was
instructed to confer with the director
of public works and ascertnln what Is
contemplated In the way of Improving
the nor vice.
The officers elected were: President,
John II. Fellows; vice president, Jen
kln T. Reese: secretary, W. O. Moser;
treasurer, William Farreil.
The streets and bildgcs committee
weie instructed to report the various
streets and courts in need of repair to
the department of public works.
The secretary's annual report was an
unusual Interesting document.
The new president, Hon. John IT.
Fellows was introduced to the boaid,
nnd made a few remarks, nnd the re
tiring president, C. K. Daniels, thanked
the members for the co-operation he
had received during his three years
service. The board tendered him a
vote of thanks tor his faithful service.
Concert In. Hears Hall.
Continental Local, Xo. 037, U. M. V.
of A., held an entertainment and so
cial In Wear's hall last evening which
was attended by a very large audience.
M. S. Lavello presided, and made a. few
preliminary remarks.
The entejtainment was provided by
Philip H. Warren, David Stephens.
Thomas Abranis, David Jenkins. Gomer
Lewis, John and Tallle Lewis, the Ox
ford Glee club, Murphy and Kelly, Miss
The Best Family Cough Remedy.
Dufour's French Tar,
Tor Sal by
101 S. Slain, are.
1 Items of Interest. !
The store was too crowded yesterday to afford a good
opportunity of looking at the special display of high
grade Hosiery at moderate prices. Call today and look
over the show of smart Stockings for well dressed
women at your leisure.
The Silk Department is well worth a visit these days.
A lavish display of correct fashion, with special value
figures on most of the items adds additional zest to a
look, which in three cases out of every four ends in buy
ing, for the temptation is great.
White Goods, Wash Fabrics and Parasols are now at
their best. Late arrivals have come to hand during the
past week and are now in stock for your inspection.
Jost tbe Tiling
For Chilly Evenings
Fli.'tland ShavvLi makes the dainti
est Mid coitst light wrap a lady cm
Itcul Shetland ShiwK in blue,
pink nnd white; some silk trimmed;
nthcH showing r.vuilslte designs.
Trices mn horn below the dolhr
mail, up to $S,C0. A beauty for
a Make tbe Baby
Feel Comfortable
The r.ew nljlo Go-Carta arc light
and handy, but th(y do not alTonl
tin wno protection to the baby aa
the good old buggies used to do.
fio Cart Holies, in fllk or ribbon
trimmed; light all-wool cldeidowru,
trimmed pltnics, ctr. Prices rungo
from 73o, up to
Summer Neckwear
Crepe do Clilno Stocks and Ties, in
one; light, cool, comfortable and
itjllih, .Ml colors and combination
o( cotyri,; also whlti, I'liccs, from
?:'.W cadi down to
Globe Warehotis?.
Officers and Receive
Norma Williams was the accompanist.
Dancing was enjoyed after the concert.
And Coal So Valuable.
.A team of mules belonging to the
People's Coal company and attached to
a wagon carrying two tons of coal were
left standing on Lafayette street lute
yesterday afternoon while the driver,
Wm. Nlland, was searching for the
house at (which he was to deliver the
The mules took fright at something In
the street and suddenly started on a
wild run. They passed Hyde Park
avenue at a furious pace, and at the
corner of North Mnln avenue dashed
Into the window of Conner's butcher
shop. The window was smashed Into
pieces nnd the coal was spilled all over
the sidewalk.
Both animals were more or less cut
by the broken glass, but neither was
seriously Injured.
A general rehearsal of the Scranton
Choral society will bo held in St.
David's hall this evening.
The Y. P. S. of C. K. will meet In
business session this evening after the
prayer service In the Washburn street
Presbyterian church.
The Ancient Order of Foresters of
the World will meet in Morgan's hall
this evening.
The South Mnln avenue Welsh Cnl
vanlstlc Methodist church, Rev. Hugh
Davis, pastor, Is free from debt, and
they will publicly burn their mortga
ges this evening. An Informal pro
gramme will be rendered.
Camp 33, Patriotic Order of Ameri
cans, will meet in Washington hull this
Mr. nnd Mrs. William N. Chase, of
North Bromley avenue, entertained the
Thimble club at their home last even
ing. John J. Morgan, of North Main aven
ue, who has been so critically 111 for a
long time is somewhat Improved, and
hopes for his recovery are entertained.
Mrs. Joseph P. Phillips, of Swetland
street, who suffered a fainting spell re
cently, fell while In her room and bruis
ed her face.
George, the young child of Mr. and
Mrs. John Schadt, of 1C14 Lafayette
street, spilled a cupful of hot water
over his face recently, scalding it quite
John Parry, of Lincoln Heights, fell
from a street car recently, and sustain
ed severe bodily Injuries.
William F. Riley, of Chestnut street,
a prominent member of St. Paul's Pio
neer Corps, has secured a position as
section foreman with the new Rapid
Transit Railroad company.
A daughter was recently born to Mr.
Great Opportunities
For Suit Bayers
line are a couple of values which
ought, to cliaun the intelligent buy.
ers into a full appreciation of our
cftorta to fene our patrons well:
Ladies' lundsome Spring suits in
flrey, Castor, Blues and Jllack. Some
ars plain and show their cucelb'nce
in the superb tailoring and elegance
of finish. Others are trimmed with
rich mono klllc, etc. Choice of Gib.
ton Blouse or Eton Jacket styles for
LadieV Hton Jackets In CIicvIqU
and Coverts. 'J he my latest and
best stjlcs, with silk faclnys and
elaborate trimmings.
A Sweet Tiling
In Summer Waists
The variety shown in summer waists
here is past the compirlicnilon of any
one who baa not visited (he ftoro
within the past few dajs. Here's a
fair famplej t,till, It's only one ,'rom
the manys
Ladles' White India I.inon WaL-ts,
full tucked joke with sleeves tucked
to elbow and handsomely embuid.
ered. Deep licnitlllihcd collar, with
Val lace trimming-, A lovtly crea
tion, and only
nnd Mrs. William Mltnes, of North
Sumner avenue and Pettobono street.
Mrs. John Morgan, of Jackson street,
Is upending a few days In Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry ruirrrefm, of
South drunt avenue, nro trioleins over
the arrival of a son at their home. An
nouncement has been made nf the ap
proaching marrlngo ot Joseph Harmon
and Miss Annie Dunnlgan,
A now front bus been placed In
Jnmes' hotel nt the corner of North
Bromley nventte and Swetlnnd- street.
The old house which stood on the
southeasterly corner of Hyde Park av
enue nnd Price street for half a century
or more, has been torn down to make
way for a new building, which will bo
built by the heirs of the late Frank
The members of St. Paul's Pioneer
Corps held a regular drill In St. David's
hull last evening, preparatory to their
first annual encampment.
David Morris, of Meridian street, has
accepted a position as machinist at the
spike mill.
A large number of West Scranton
people attended a reception last even
ing at the homo of Elcnzer Jenkins, on
Capouse avenue, which was given In
honor of Kcv. W. G. Jenkins nnd Rev.
S. R. Jenkins, of Wales.
Charles Klmmlck of Swetland street,
will run a. 100-yard foot race with the
Unknown of Allegheny on July 4 for
?100 a side.
The Lackawanna railroad company Is
having new gates erected at the Scran
ton -'street crossing. The switchman's
shanty will be removed to the opposite
side of the street.
Rev. P. J. Moffat, D. D pastor of
the Washburn sttcet Presbyterian
church, will leave to-day for New York
to attend the meetings of the Presby
terian General Assembly.
Miss Margaret Jamelson was In
charge of the Uertha Lallonte Foreign
Missionary society meeting nt the home
of Miss Florence Irving last evening.
An interesting programme was rend
ered. The members of St. Leo's battalion
have decided to run an excursion to
Blnghainton on Memorial Day, May 30.
A committee has been appointed to
make the nrmngements.
The remains of nn Infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Leuthold, of Rundle
avenue, were interred In the Stratford
Cemetery yesterday.
The Electric City Wheelmen will
hold their closing social nt Mear's hall
Wednesday evening, May 28, anl the
Wahneta class will close with a shirt
waist dance on Thursday evening, May
The Need-a-rest Camping club have
elected the following officers for the
coming year: President, Austin Ring
ler; vice-president, Reese A. Thomas;
recording secretary, Will M. Williams.
The Colonial club held a social In
Washington hall last evening, which
was largely attended.
The preliminary meeting of the
Daughters of America, nn auxiliary to
the Junior Order of American Mechan
ics, has been postponed until Satur
day evening.
Miss Elizabeth Pfeiffer, of North
Hyde Park avenue, Is convalescing af
ter an Illness.
Mrs. John T. Richards, of South Main
avenue, is spending a few days In
New York.
Miss Mary Ilanihon. of Hackensack,
N. J., is visiting Mis. J. M. Williams, of
North Main avenue.
Mrs. John Decker and daughter Corn,
of Stroudsburg, are visiting Mrs. Os
man Beers, of North Rebecca avenue.
Mrs. Sidney Baker, of North Main
avenue is reported to be quite sick.
Will M. Williams, of Rock street, is
visiting friends in Carbondale.
Miss Raohael Ketchem. of North
Main avenue, is confined to her home
by illness.
Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas P..
Phillips, of 130U Jackson street, a
The Alonzo Hatch Electric-Photo
Musical company, presenting the latest
nnd most improved of nil Edison
Kinetoscopes, will appear at the North
Main Avenue tabernacle undet the
auspices of the Scranton Institute of
Human Development, Thursday even
ing, May 22, 110:2.
Mrs. Fred Mayo, of North Main ave
nue, after spending the past two weeks
with her parents in PlttSiton, has re
turned home.
Mr. and Mr:-. John Williams, of
Avoca, returned home after spending
the past two days with friends on
Wayne a venue.
The entertainment given in the Court
Stieet Methodist chuich was well at
tended last evening. Mrs. Jarley's wax
work in 30 dllfetent characters were on
exhibition. Ice cream and cake was
enjoyed after the entertainment,
Mr. P. L. Smith, Oak street, Is seri
ously 111 with typhoid fever.
The Crystal Literary and Diamatic
club is rehearsing the drama, "Lin
wood," which will be given In the
Auditorium, May 30.
Captain John L. Huff, orders the
membeis of company H to wear the
kahkl uniform, campaign hat and
legglns for drill, AVodnesrlay evening,
May 14.
The Woman's Clulstlan Temperance
union will hold a regular meeting
Thursday nfteinoou at !, o'clock In the
Young Women'H Christian association
Thf concert under tho auspices of the
choir of the Presbyterian church will
bo hold In the church on Thursday,
May 15. Tho programme to bo rcndcied
is as follows: "Hurk, Apollo Utilises
the Lyre," choir: piano solo, Mint,
l.aur.i Mi'ldruiui bnrltono solo, "The
brigand," John W. Jones; violin selec
tion, Mlp-s IMna t'aryl; contralto solo,
"Thero Is a Iieaiitlful Land on High,"
Mis. Arch Miller: ladlet,' chorus,
"Primrose Flower;" barllonn solo,
"The Hells of St. Mnry," Alfred J,
llnrbcr: recitation, "Tho Polish Boy,"
Miss Luciotla Snyder; soprano polo,
"Sing on," Miss lOthcl Smith; Indies'
chorus, "There Sings a Bird;" piano
solo, Miss Laura Meidruin; nlto soo,
"Abide with Me," Miss ICIsle Powell;
luritono solo, "Will 'O the Wisp," John
W, Jones; ilnal chorus, "Good Night."
Tho committee of the G. A. It. which
has In charge the arrangements for
Memoilal day has Issued a call to no
various organizations In town request
ing thein to send delegates to a meet
ing to be held In 'tho rooms of the
John n. Smith Hose house on Ttuus
day evening, May 15. a collection b
to be taken up In a. few days unions
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. Your
feet fed swollen, nervous and hot, and fret tired
easily, It ou have cnurtlng feet or tight tlrjei
tiy Allen' pool-Hatt. It fool tha feet, ami
makes vvalklni; c.iy. Cures swollen. bwealiuJ
feet. Ingrowing niilf, blMcrs and callous pots
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and Blvej
rist and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all drus
gists and lio stores for Hie. Won't accept any
substitutes. packatto l'lli:K. Address Allen
&. Olnwtid, Ic Hoy, N. V.
the school children to secure funds for
the necessary expenses of the day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 13. Boland, of Potter
street, were yesterday called upon to
tnourn the death of their seven month
old child who died after .a short Illness.
The funeral wilt take place this nfter
noon and Interment will be in old
Catholic cemetery.
Miss Anna Taft, of Hnrrlsburg, Is
the nuest of her brother Royal Taft, of
North Ulnkclv street.
Mrs, W. Carroll and daughter, of
Port Jervls, nro visiting Mrs. Thomas
Pnyton on Bloom streot.
M. J. Bulger goes to Philadelphia
this week as a delegate to the conven
tion of Red Men.
Mrs. Royal Taft nnd daughter, Miss
Mary leave today for a visit with
Brooklyn friends.
The W. C. T. U. will meet In the
Sunday school rooms of the Methodist
Episcopal church tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
A eocial and dance will b the leading noclal
event amons Knlghto of l'jthlas and their hdl
thla evenlnr. The affair will take plce at mat
ter's hall, and will be ghen tinder (he ampicci
of Pythian temple, N... n, Hathbonc .Sisters, an
autilhry to the local Knlfrhu'of l'yth'a. An
excellent musical programme has been arranged..
The rrctbytcrian chuteli parMi house, on Hick
ory street, will be occupied by Clara No. 2 to
morrow evening, and there will, no doubt, be a
biff attendance, ai those in charge have planned
to fuinhli a high-class concsrt and entertain
ment. Jacob Bosar and Mlsa Lena Kaestner, to well
known and popular joung people of this ride,
will appear before the altar of St. Mary's tier
man Catholic church, on Blvcr street, this
luornlnK, where they will be Joined in the bonds
of wedlock. A reception will be held after
vurd at the home of the bride's parents.
The senior clashes of the Scranton Athletic
club, who made such a creditable showing at tho
recent chlbitlon, nere royally entertained by tho
club members last opening.
The funeral of lllchael .1. Thomas, whose mu
tilated remalm anhed jcstirday from Bridge
port, Conn., will take phec today from the fam
ily residence, 20fl Prospect ncnuc.
A young son of Butcher Krayir had one of his
hands badly cut with a meat knife jesterday.
A man named Murray, of Pittston avenue, w is
arrested hy the licc lail ccniiiA, for being
drunk and disorderly, and abusing bis family. He
will be given n hearing this morning.
Henry Iflrlch and I'atiolman Christ Roe, who
is on his vacation, will leave today on a trip
to New York city.
Michael Wetter, ot Prospect avenue, who has
bctn dangerously ill for several week", past, Is
much improved, and was able to be out for the
llrat time yesterday.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Baltam is guaranteed
to cure all couglis. "Xo cure, no pay." for
sale by all dealers. '
Edward Touhlll, of Pitt3ton, was the guest of
his In other, James Touhlll, manager of Kor
nacher's pharmacj-, on Pittston aemie, yester
day. i
Miss Ida Lovcland, of Penn avenue, let', yes
terday for a ten days' stay at Stoscovv.
A. O. Thomason, of North Park, general man
ager of Northeastern Pennsylvania car service, is
in South Bethlehem.
Miss Cora Morris (iriifin, assisted by Mr.
Hughcs-Brundage, gave an excellent entertain
ment in the (ireen Kidge liaptlst church last
evening, for tho benefit of class No. 0 of that
Sabbath school. Every seat was filled, and the
audience was a well-pleased one.
The Woman's Christian Tunpcrancc union of
fSieen Ilidgc will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Kvangclical church, on Capouse avcire.
A full attendance Is desired, as business of im
portance to all will come befoie the meeting. A
literary and musical programme has been pre
pared. Mrs. Henry Penbon will be piesent and
favor with a solo. These meetings are not for
the members only. All are welcome.
home, 1519 Gardner avenue. Green
Ilidge, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
of an Illness of six weeks. Deceased
was born January C, 1822. He was an
old resident of the city and was well
konvtn. "Ho is survived by two sons and
one daughter, C. L. and B. G. Barrow
cliff and Mrs. Meritt Gardner, of Ohio.
Funeral will take place Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock at his home. In
terment at Faetoryville.
resident of Salem street, Archbald,
died yesterday after a lingering Illness.
Deceased was the mother of P. H.
Gallagher, of Dickson City, Mrs. Joseph
Dougher, of Archbald, and sister of
Daniel Loftus, of Carbondale, Anthony
Loftus, of Kansas City, Mrs. John Gll
gnllon, and Mrs. Mary Cutnminga, of
Olyphant. The funeral will take plate
tomorrow mornintr.
The fumral nf the late Mrs. Kv in P. Davis
will lake place this jfternoou fiom tho house, mo
North H.vde Paitc avenue. Shoit services will lo
held there at i o'cloik, and the regular tcrvlic
will take plice at the 'in,t Welsh li.iptibt rlnmh
at 2.3U o'clock. Kev. I). I). Hopkins will ctti
dale, and scveial other clergymen will epeal;.
Interment will be nude in the Damuore ceui:
' m
Among the Street Car Employes
Who Wear Buttons.
The Independent Organization of
Street Railway Employes of America,
about 150 In number, has been organiz
ed by the non-union employes of the
Scranton Railway company to bo
known ns "Division 160, Scranton, Pa."
Their appearance on the enrs bus been
signalized by the wearing of a button
with the above inscription printed
thereon. Tho otllcers are: President,
Robert Shaw; secretary, John Lynch,
treasurer, James Kaufman,
This hcheme Is to off-sot the prom
inence given the members of the Amal
gamated Association ot Street Rail
way Employes of America, who belong
to Division 16S. Their buttons nro
similar, and tho inscription is not
easily detected.
Reply to Plasters' Demands Is to
Be a Month in Forthcoming.
At yesterday nftornoon's meeting of
tho Ruilderf.' ISxelmnge the demand of
tho plasterers fop nn eight hour day was
referred for careful consideration to a
committee comprising the members of
tho MaBter Rlnsters' and Master
Mnsonb' associations,
This commltteo Is to report to the
Builders' exchange at tho nevt meeting
a month hence. The union plasterers are
still out on strike and maintain that
they will stay out until they receive
u favorable reply to their demand,
Well Attended Social Conducted by
Prof, Buck's Class. '
The members of K, D, nuck's Sunday
school class conducted a "charity so
clul" last night In the basement of the
Elm Park church for tho benefit of a
former member of the class who has
lately suffered a great deal of Illness.
Over 200 attended and a substantial
amount was realized.
A brief programme was rendered In
cluding a mandslln and piano duet by
tho Misses jTean nnd Laura Tlussells a
recitation by Professor Milton M. Hit
ler; a soprano solo by Miss Morgan nttd
a stirring bass solo "Tho Clang of the
Forge," sung by aoorge E. Hunk who Is
rapidly making a name for himself as
a singer of more than ordinary ability.
Ice crenm nnd enko were served by a
number of tho young ladles.
Pleasant Evening Spent In the
Home of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins,
r Mr. and Mrs. Eleaaer D. Jenkins of
1G19 Capouse avenue entertained a large
company of friends at their home last
evening In honor of Itev. S. 11. Jenkins,
of Merthyr Tydvll, South Wales, and
Rev. W. O. Jenkins, of Ponty Prydd,
South Wales, who are their guests.
The house was bedutlfully decorated
with palms and cut flowers. Mr. and
Mrs. Jenkins were assisted in enter
taining by their daughters Bertha nnd
Anna and their son Willnrd Jenkins.
Welsh songs were sung nnd an even
ing of rare pleasure passed.
Present were:
Mr. ami Mrs. A. P. Djnoti, Mr, and Mrs.
Elcarer L'vanf, Mr. and Mrs. 1). 1). Kvatu, Dr.
and Mrs. T. A. Hi lion, Mr. and Mrs. Illlns Kvans,
Mr. and Mrs. Ilavid 11. Hughes, Mi. and Mr',
nicharil Owens. Mr. and Mrs, O. T. Davis, Mr.
nnd Mr. V. T. WatkliM, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Tliouns I!, ltcynolds, Mr.
and Mrs. S. II. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
Daniels', Dr. and Mrs. II. O. Ucddoe, Mr. nnd
Mrs, John A. Jnmes, Mr. and Mis. Harry Jenkins,
Mr. and Mrs. John It, Thorn is, Mr. and Mrs. 11.
1'. Davis, Mrs, Hoer llvans, .Mrs. John llvans,
Mrs. J. II. Hughes, Mrs. D. Hughes, Mrs. J.
lleese, Sir. Divld Itecse, Mrs. T. II. Allen, Mrs.
(I. V. lijnon, Mrs. V. H. Davis, Mrs. D. Mvlhus,
.Mrs. Joshua Williams, Mrs. Thomas James, Mn
M. Vaushm, .Mrs. Jennie Lewis, Mrs. 11. fl.
Hughes, Mrs. .1. V.vaiis, Mioses Jennie Danle's,
Jennie Price, Llzic Lloyd, Llr?le Davis, Jennie
Price. Maggie Davis. Sar.ili Thomas, Lbztc l'.vdiK,
Maggie Price. Louia Williams, Jnsle Williams,
Ells Evans, Miry Ovvens and Llz?le Ue.vnold-,
and Messrs. Thomas l'vnon, ltobert Evans and
J. D. Williams.
' m -"
Scores Made in Hampe Tournament
Last Night.
The Backus and Hampe bowling
teams lolled live games ench last night
'on the Hampe alleys having entered
the tournament now In progress there.
The scores for the five gumes werec as
follows: '"
Bacl,us-S10, JM. S.V1, S!0 and 8S; total, -lint.
Hampcs OOJ, BM, b2, 77U and 717; total-,
The averages made by each player
for the five games were as follows:
Peckham 170.15
Mooie 1(12 1-j
l'ahrcnholt ISt t-."
ltoll 175 1-3
Hopkins 180 l-o
Wcdcman 170 2-.',
Litt 101
Wharton i liii (-.'
Jones 11(12 3
O'Conucll 170
Conducted by the Y. P. C. V. of
Susquehanna Association.
The May convention of the Y. P. C.
U. of the Susquehanna association of
Universalists met at Klngsley on Sat
urday nnd Sunday. Delegates wore
present from Scranton, Fleetvllle,
Nicholson, Gibson, Brooklyn, and
Klngsley. A very enthusiastic busi
ness meeting was held Saturday after
noon, and plans were set in motion for
a more active work. At 3 o'clock Rev.
Thomas B. Payne, of Scranton, gave
a talk on "Y. P. C. U. Ideal. '
Saturday evening a lltei.lry and
musical entertainment was given. A
paper was read by one of the members
of the Union on "The Gift of Hosea
Ballou to the Religion of Todny."
At 10.30 Sunday morning a large
audience gathered at the church and
listened to a sermon by Dr. Sage, who
took the place of Rev. L. L. Lewis,
who was detained at home on account
of sickness.
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon a de
votional meeting was held, Miss Maine
Benjamin, of Nicholson, presiding. Fol
lowing this Rev. N. C. Dickey, of Fleet
vllle, preached, taking tor his subject,
the Winchester Confebslon of Faith and
the Five statements. The next meet
ing will be held at Nicholson on Satur
day and Sunday, October 4 and " 1902.
D., L. and W. Board for Today.
Following is the mnke-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
board for today:
wki).i:miay, may it.
Pmherj 11.43 a. in., Moran; 7..TO p. in., .Mur
phy; U p. in., W. II. Uartholomevv.
llelpcis 1.00 a. in.. MUiovein: 7 a, in., Girt
i ey; 10 a. ni Secci ; .l.yj p. m., btanion.
U a. in. etra and pickup U a. in., Ma.v II .m.
l.Nt of letter leinaliiins uncalled f,,r .it the
ivnuiton prwtutlice, Lackawanna lounty, p.i,,
Jluy 13, line. !'ir-oiw calling tor llu-u lcltcis
will plpao .iy udvcitUed and five due, of liar,
i:.ri 11. Hippie, thhtumsttr,
Arnold, Mis-, mijIi A. Lanirnn, 1'atiM. a.
AitfiiM. .Mih. Lrmla MiAa. John
Itrudley. JaiUo (. Jlav, Mi.i .M.mcaiu
llcuy, Holiest W. Jliilu, MUi
Ilailey, Jim Jlorisuii. William tl.
llutler, Joseph MiCoiinjc, Kale
Cinvvfoicl, Jlits I'.va ille, LouU
lw, Linn A. tl!) 1'rctz, John
Chirrlugloii, Mr, Thon.l'eteison. llluuho
i;ouirer. jih, i-rice, .Maici Dive
Dark, .Mlv Annie
lVriy. Js Ue-si,.
ihulor, Jo
Davh., I).
IViris, -MUs Jcnnlo
J'imiU'rt bori, John It.
Ite.v nolds, Ocoi'.'o II. ()
Iti.vnold-., 1", w.
1 iiher, Pert
Kolierts, .Mix,
l'ovvlor, A iron ) ltoliinn," Mi's. Tyler
Krt-wnden, Mi. Kilo linhtun, Mls Lillian
amy, .Mrs. Mary 11. L. Jloe Prjual Palic
Roodrlch, Nellie "Special."
(Je.iry. lldvvurd fi,
Malil. .MIm Illancha
Hauiey, Mlvi Mollle.
How ird, William
Howell, Muv. Lthcl
Houishcld. 'fli'imu
Howell, ML-s II,
Halle, II.
Herhert, John
lUiKhiu-, John
Hunt, Louie, Mi1-. I., h,
Hall, Mi. Mny L,
Jnhnioii, T. P,
Johnson, P. I..
Ktiiulrz. MIm
Kinks, MI'S Alice
Kemp, Mr. (!. I).
Kfefe, It. M.
Lallar, L. K,
.-covin, Jlr. i:. L.
Kinder', Mi-a J,
Sincei, S. S.
Smith, Wllwm ,1.
Svvann, MVvi
J-ehei'iKi', S. C
Hullh, Aitlmr
Scott, ill- I'nmls
l'i'iup rioiiiiin
Tlioni-ifjii, Mis, Kill"
Ttvnillli., Mn. ,lu,,
Pnlon Tnli-tcru Co,
Vallce, Ollle
White, Mloi S. .1.
Mllllaiiis. P, W,
While, Ml. Amy B.
Willie, Lucy
Zenl.ll!, I',
Lan.', I
1'iaiiEOcn Cantlln, Salielta .fo-.iul,CaiiU finla.
rell.i. I'laneesin Moretta, fllovanno !."idl, (Hint.
n.i iliau, Maxdalem Jlonrou, Silvature Yrjifaiilu.
Mantua (Juit'l, Antonio Vitlello.
.lolm WilmukJ, 1'iotr Matau, John l)jni,fl:ow.
ski, Jan llahkievvlu, Alckbandra JaiikevvU. A.
ecksander Kurowtkr. pominlk Stanlevvicze,
llajmnu, Jaioli Y(duhn&l(l. Itantai S-napedal.,
WladUtavv Zdiodovvskl (2), W'lmeiity I'otraazkle
vvlcz, Maiylan Taiiyszuvcky, 1). Kaunas, Jnf
Katiulcieki, StanUtavv l.MiirleAI, Jakuh Llukle
vvicr, .lolm ltoliothikl, John .SutkailK Anlio
1'oloczny, Apollnarl Kuiiunuvv.M, 'Imu Hllital.
tV, Joe (!udckl, Josef Krzji-ztafliiikl.
Jania Ivan, W'alonly Ki!okl, Aleksandcr Xov.
taez, blniunoa Kilnlii'W, JledrrcJ 'IVibus, Jura
I'leiu.. Itoillla bloiuka. TIzj tfudrat I'liuik. hiembali. Waika Karnlak, Ktulnl Ivizela, Jo. i
Jan Krol, Mlchat Kjluk, Kulke hih, Jan Cohan,
Staultavv Walendzik, Mfchal X. J pane, Ailam llor.
hick, Majk Krupanicij, Jeikah 1'cliod, I'jotr Tjlu,
Johu Vatvannjj, Mrs. Uollbab.
West Scrautaa Station.
May Cleary, O. II. Harilson (J). Kdward J.
Kelly, T, I'ltrcvvleze, Miss Ucrllu Uh;
Walt. Walt. Wait.
3 ring Circus
A Continuous Display of Marvelous Performances by Man and Beast.
A Glorious Conclave of Original Notables, most of Whom are seen this season
for the first time in America, consisting of the '
An Incomparable, New and Original Creation. No act too good
to show; no performer too expensive; no rare animal too costly for this show.
The Street Parade A Stupendous Combination of a Magnificent Street
Pageant, Spectacular Street Carnival and Mighty Street Fair at 2 o'clock dally.
Branson's Concert Band plays two Concerts from Center Stage begin
ning at 1.15 and 7.15 p. m.
Two Performances daily, beginning at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one
hour earlier. Excursions Run on Every Line of Travel. No Gambling De
vices Tolerated. Never Divides. Never Disappoints. Not in the Circus Trust.
Lyceum Theatre
Monday Lvening, Jlay HX.Ii, at $.13.
Lectuie with Mutilations hy
Miss Ellen M. Stone,
My Captivity
and Release.
Under Au-plm Jail. -on Stieet llapli-t Chinch.
L'mlor Direction of Tied V. Hand.
I'H!Ci:&-Lovvcr Hon, Ifl.OO, M.50 ami J.(W.
ililconv. 73i'., M.U0 and .1..",0.
I'liiiily C'ucle, Tit) cent.
Diigrnm uptm Wcdnc-day, May llth, at 'J a. in.
Academy of flusic
U. RCIS, Leteee.
A. J. Duffy, Maaagtr. THIS WIT.K.
llatlnei.s ('uniiiicii(!ii Tuesday,
The, Idol of the South,
And tbe Southern Stock Co.
tlevci vaudeville aits, including Ihe woild's
fanioiH l'lir.NTIt'H TltlO.
Till, Alteiiioon-"L!Ti'Ll, ( Di)L KTIII."
Timlt'lit "DUAtON's DAl'filimt."
rrlnw, 1U, it! and till; .Mitlinc, ID and a irnK
ALr 0. HnmtlKaTO.V, Manffr.
Monday, luchday, Wodnioday, May 12, 1!, II.
"Bijou Burlesquers"
it X, K Kf.Ktt . , K K X K tf.
f Today- -U.l.'i p. in., t
fc W IIAN'ION. J,"
H i- K
", AdiuH.ion, 23 t(ntf.
Novelty Which Manager Lnwson
Will Present to Scrnntoninns.
Tho Scranton bitso lull club turlvr-il
lionio lust niBlit with two vli'tni'li's nnd
one defeat to their ctedlt and tied with
Lancaster for first place.
Todny two frames will bu played at
Athletic park with the l.ancaater club,
one in tho afternoon nt 3.15 nnd the
othtr in the ovenlni; at S.1S.
The evenlin? Kiuno will be by electrio
lljjlu and will be the (lrst iiIbIU gaino
over plnyed In this city anil also the
only one this season. MamiKer I.uw
son's oleetrle lltthllnj; outfit hns ur
rlved and was tested last nifilit for
an hour. The llBlitn buineil bilRhtly
and without a flicker and llluiiiinated
tho optlio field.
It Is expected the largest attendance
ever on Athletic field will be at to
night's contest. The Lnwrenco band
will furnish music for the occasion and
every thhur will bo done to make tlio
evening nu enjoyable one. McClarry
and llnlney will be tho tut tery at
night and Wlltse mid itnluey at tho
ufteruoon came.
Consul General at Hamburg.
Dy Kscluslve Wire from The Associated I'reM.
Waxhlngton, May 13. 'I he prealdint todiy jeut
to the ornate the noniluatloii of Hugh I'ltcairn,
of l'rniuylvunta, tu be consul central at Ham
burg, Uennar.y,
Regal ih m$M'
The Prize
Is the thing- among amateurs.
The entry list is now growing
The weather is fine, so why
not take your camera, out to
day, select a landscape view
nnd finish a picture to repre
sent you.
If it is judged the best for
the month of May, the award
will be worth five dollars to
you if not, try again in June.
No entry charge whatever.
Floppy Zt Brooks,
522-524 Spruce Street.
Gencul Aceut for the Wyoming District tor
Dupont's Powder
Mlnlns, Blasting, Sportlns, Fmohcleii and tin
Itepauno Chemical Company'
fialcty Fuse, Caps and Explodcri. Room 101 Cou
ncil Dulldlns .Sciautou.
joii.v n. smith & son
A Much Tnllted-of Improvement.
Tho stir the New .ler.sey Central's re
cent announcement imulo In regard to
Its hourly trains between Now York
and Philadelphia wan far reaching.
Very few cities can boast of such a
train schedule and the beauty of It Is,
that It's easily remembered a train
ovvry hour on the even hour from 7 a.
in, to C i, w.
Tho locomotives, cars and Pullinnn
wi is are tho inofat modern, tho ro.idbed
Is rock ballasted, and as only hard coal
Is used tlieie Ih no smoke or cinders,
Hvery train inns direct to Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, without chaiiRo
ami many of tlieiu cover the distance In
two hours. Tile Jleadlns route by which
the Philadelphia lnu is often known, Is
not only n short way to Philadelphia,
but It is likewise Ihe sceniu route. Thin
service noes Into effect on May 18, but
lu no way does It Impair tho fast and
eli'sant service of the Royal Bluo line,
which will run Independently of tho
Philadelphia line.
Operetta at High School,
After thrca inontlii of hard vvoik tho lilcH
tihool btudilitk, under thu dnectlon of 1'rofe-uir
Herman, aio about leady to prismt tho "Opor.
clta." The ou.iskm piomUej lo he iho liioit
entertaliilni,' held at the Idyll Khool thli jeir,
and since the (Jst is composed cntiiely of tchool
taltnt, it tlioiild uuaken pulillu Intend. It h
hem tlinc jeara tincc anjthlni; of thla kind hat
been undertaken, hut tho meat uuccta whi-l
hit, attended foiiutr events will no doubt be lc
peated. Ilie operetta will he given In the hijjli
Khool auditoriuui Monday evening, May IV.
i"i-Sr.-L tihl&-g&n
,, tr