The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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THE SCRANTON Tliri3UNi3-WEDNl5SDAr, MAY 14, 1902
ix v '
1 -
'.Eugene Swingle, a Fiumer of South
Cannan, Shot in the Side During
a Souffle. Frank Morcui, of the
' "Bush" Whom He Wns Tiying to
An est for Fishing on a Private
Pond, Was Shot Through Hand.
Ariests to Follow.
A llshlttg tilp made by n number of
ouhr men from the "bush" section of
Jarbondule township to Lake Qulnslga
montl, beyond South Cunuun, Wnne
county,, had u dKustious ending yostei
duy mot ninvr.
Utigeiip Swingle, ii fui in owner In
that section, who acts ns wntchiimn
about the lake was phot In the side,
though not dangoiously. Funk Mm an,
tone of the Ilshci men has u bullet wound
In his hand. The wound' weio In
flicted dining a sollllle. while Su'lngln
was cndoiuoilng to attest Moian for
(tresspassing on the hike. Who Is re
sponsible for the "hooting Im- not been
'del el mined, It was Swindle's iooler
nnd he h-ul It dr.iwn when ho iipproiu li
ed Momn. Dining lilts mix-up, fol
lowing Mount's lesintineiU of Swingle,
Ihe lovoher w.ih dNehiiigid tlneo
.time. One of the bullets struck
Swingle In the left side. Sulking u
Ruckle, Its ouise was delleeted and It
was smt sculping along his lib.'. The
ball may hao left the body as Dr. A,
It. Stcens' probe failed to locate 11.
Swingle. N in bed. Mnum's Injuiy is
. After the --11001111? Mouin skipped, '
Constable Neaiy, liowesei, sot assur
ances lioiu bin folks hist night Hint
lie would Rive lull bvioie some justlie
of the peace In this city. Constable
Ttoblnson, of Cnuian, ni tested one of
the fishermen, Anthonv 0'BoIe, but le
Jmed lilm lnt night. MUliuel Qiflim
and Daniel, two others of the
patty, woie m tested by Constable
Neaiy and gae bail last night be
fote Ahleiiuiin .Tones'.
The Hbhlng pnity was made Up of
young men whose homes aie In the
"Buh." The .shiitlluR down of the
mines wjs taken advantage of to spend
tlhlng oer Canaan wav. They lei t for
hake CJuinsig.iiiiond. which is In Can
aan, about tlnee-quatteis of a mile
south of Kobinson's pond. It was
owned fonneilv by Eugene Swingle, the
man who was shot, and It Is "-till
sometimes called Swingle's pond
Swingle sold the lake to the late J. II.
Steel!, of Set.inton, lioe
ily spends the summer months
thete. Pinto tS tiansfer of the
lake, Swingle has kept a watch
ful eje about the place. Paitlcu
larly for ticsspas-lng flsheimen. When
ho obteied the tiowd of Caibondale
town.ship flsheimon at the pond yestet
tlny moi n In if, he had wai rants sworn
out eli.uging them with uep.(ssiiig
and catchiiiR picket el out of season.
In company with Constable A. .T.
Bobinson, Swlnsle went towauls the
lake wheie the llilioimen wete as busy
as only fMiei men can bo The consta
ble nabbed and held onto one man
Swingle went mound the hill to In
tel lupt the othets who wue hnstllly
making anaj. He singled out Moittti,
because he cat tied a bag filled with
fish. AVhen Swingle seized Mor.tu theie
.was ti tussle. Swingle had a teolver
,n his hand, whtth Morvtn endeaoted
o get away fiom him, the loimer sa.
l'htee shots wcic (lied while the strug
jle was on oet the pos- sslon ol the
feolet. In the excitement Mot an got
it way." A ihubu ensued up the moun
tain, but the "r.ush" men's speed and
the fact that Swingle needed attention
i.iused the put suit to be abandoned.
Const ible Xe ity and Moian wete ap
pilsetl ol the happening, the latter be
ing called by-Swingle's nephew. Hoth
went over the mountain. Beloie men
Ing Constable Xeaty had ten of the
pattv and had the assuianee fiom
Moran'b folks that he would suucnilei.
The iithets will be appieliended In a
day or two.
N Hoi an Blames Swingle.
Funk Moian who was" In the ml
up with Swingle tells quite :i dlffeintit
stoty to the one gatltetrd bv the con
stables In South Canaan. Ills t-lot v
malteo Swingle the aggtesor, chaiging
that the latter tonimenccd llilng at
the tiowd, as he apptoulied whete
thev stood.
Mot an gits his eiMon ot the ottitr
ttnee with much earnestness and with
Mtme feeling towaid.s Swingle lor Inn
ing, as he ilahns, flied on the tiowd
a. Ithout any -how ot opposition ot fotte
on Its patt. Swingle, Moian s-ajs when
lie advanced towaid.s him and hlr com
panions, began 19 flie and they m
demored to shield themselves hiki
vhllc In tl)0 act of holding out his
hand .11 , bullet ploughed thtougti
Moi an's hand. In .tn Instant, Swingle
was tlo'e to Motan, The hitter e
iihpeiateil bv Swingle's attack with his
let oh or and ji, mn,i tinglng with
pain, gtnppled with the Cnnannlte and
and they weie soon lolling about.
Moinn, Is riuito an athlete nnd ad-
LIGHT "llOOZi:."
Do Vou Drlol, It?
Ajmlnlstet's wile had qtilto u tmsle
f-JlTl colteo and her expoi lemo hi Intel -'
Htlncr. She suvs. "ninlnn tin. t ,.
'eajfl of my tialnlngos a nuiho while
j in plight duty I bet'tiino addicted to
jcoftpe ill Inking, for between midnight
jo ml; four hi tho moinlng, when tho pa
Jtlotts weie asleep, theto was Uttlo to
jdo .eept make the toutuls, and It wnt
J'lulo natuinl thut T should want a
Jgoojl, hot cup or toffee about that time.
Jit stimulated me and I toiild keep
aw.1ko better,
! After thiee or lour eui uf loifee
jdriiiklug I became a neivous wieck and
'tfiooght that I slipply could not Ihe
telthout my coffee, All this time 1 wai
Wbject to frequent bilious attack",
iinetlines so severe as to keep 1110 In
UcLfor seyeial days.
S ATtor belnsr tnauied, hUBband begged
gneio leave off coffee for he fenied that
tltjvul ulready hurt mo almost beond
TerJ'alr, so I lesolvetl to inuke an effoit
ail leleaso myself from the hurtful
Habit, I began taking Post urn Food
Coffee and for a few duys felt the lan-
tjftlra, tired feeling from the lack of the
ujtlrnulnnt, hut I liked the taste of Pos.
um and that nnsweied for the bieak-
fast beverage all ilsht.
finally I liegan to feel clearer headed
ond, had steadier nerves, Aer,n. yeai'9
lisc of Postum Imjojv feel UIco a new
oman. Have not had any bilious at
tacks" since I left off coffee." This lady
requests thatiejnamo be kept; fiom
publlovprjji:'Namo.,irlvcriv by Pos'tum
c-u., ijuiub crveh, iuicn, J
Cy0M3 J0COJ 0(W
(f Shopping yL News
Our Annual Carpet Sale Is Now On
A Sale
This is n Timely bulletin of
SSc Tapeslry Brussels at 41c
The active selling this spring made
for us a number of short lengths. In
Carpets and Borders. They're of
the best makes and good assortment
of patterns. Priced for this . fl
sale at, a yard 4lC
SI. 25 Body Brussels and Velvets
at 85c A choice lot of borders
to make a selection from. SI. 10
Smith Axmlnsteis, 51.35 Blgolow
BttiGsels, and SI. 10 Best ., .
Velvet, all go at 04C
Summer time means garden and lawn time. A garden needs a rake, a hoe, a
spading folic. The children can play better if they have a set of garden tools, consist
ing of hoe, rake and shovel. In our basement you will find all of these things and
many more items that go to make up the gardening outfit complete.
Women's and Children's Garden Sets, 10c, 25c and 50c.
Three-Piy Hose, 25 and 50 feet lengths; the 25 feet lengths pticed at $2.25 to
$3.50. This kind is warranted.
Hoe. made of best steel, blade medium size, 19c and 30c. Lawn Rakes, 35c
and 59c. Spading Fork, tegular size, 75c.
Our line of Ice Chests and Refiigeiarois are built on the -most economical plans for
ice saving that is known to manufacturers. A range ol prices from $5.49 to $27.50.
Screen Doois, all regular sizes; Whitewash Brushes can be found here, and a
hundred and one items of usefulness. Visit" our basement, notice the display of suit
able ai tides for June Wedding Piesents on laige table.
27-inch Serge at nc
36-inch Bnlliantine, Melrose
and Flannel S.?c
40 inch All-Wool Cheviots.
Diagonal Cloths and Storm
Serges at ' 45c
42-inch Melrose, Henrietta,
Granite, Brilhantine and
Serge .' 67C
50-inch Granite Cloth and
Fine Whipcords 95C
"50-inch Sicilians Monday at. 5-i6
inlts lie gae Swingle a peete iPttmt'l
Injf. 'VVliili they wue ioIIIhr .11 omul,
thu ieoher was dlsehaised, the bullet
t-tiikins Swingle in the side. Jloian
'..ild he gne Swindle, a blow -uionK
oiiouKh tn weaken him o as to pip
the totnier .1 elmnee to lleo. 31oi.ui
took the ieolei with him .is- a 1110:111s
of inoteotlon, he tavs n he femed
Ihut It might be .ikuIii fitely dhected
upon him.
Jloi nu's wound N .eeicly p.iinfitt.
The bullet In ploiihliiK UiioiibIi tho
lph made jn tiKly hole. Yesteidity
afteinoon he (.nine to O'.ubolidule and
hud the wound dieted bv I)t. V. J.
WitBiier In his olllco on Main stteet.
lie will g'w bail today for hN npiieni
ance In the AVane count couit nt
Motan is well known as 11 Mint,
an indent fbhetituin, athlete and e.s
lieit In the if- 01 a lifle. He tlalini
that hu hud no of llsh In hih pos-i-esU)ii
.is the t'.innan paitles assttt.
assistant superintendei:t.
Thomas Boylan Piomotecl at Pow
tleily Mine. James Hoian in His
Thtie was nn Impoi t.tut iiiiiuilntimnt
made at the lnjdeil mine thlsi wetk,
one which meets, with the he.iity luor
ol the mltiei !. It w is the advancement
of Juiik- lioyl.iu fiom the posltlun of
di her bo-s to ii-s,taut sunMintend
ant untUr Mine Supjilutuulent Thomas
Jotd 111.
Mr. lJujlan dot.t not mined! any (ini
tial. The plate he nils was utated as
the duties of .SupeiliiU'iideut .loidun
liuse multiplied Ik nnd his t.ue.
As Indleaied Ml. IioylanV mUaiiee
iiient Is highly phn.sliiir to the mlnei.s
who ime tho hlfcheht leK.utl for lilm
and look upon the appointment as a
ittOKtiitlon of 1111 ill This leellns tit
letlpioelty will be an Impoitaut lot tor
In Mr. Ho) kin's stttcet'H.
Mr, Uoylim'h hUitcs,-or Is .luuies .Hot -an,
wlioie uttfutlon to Ills wotl; 1ms
won lilm the pinmotlon,
Edison's Latest Piojecting- Klneto
scope To Be Used In This City,
Xoni Salutdiiy oenlm;'.s tuteilalu
uiettt at the (ii.ind Open llotifu
Ii l' be dindtieted by Alunao
Hatch, Ho 1st i online; heie un
der the allspices of tho WouuiuVi l!e
llef foips. llo linsHhe most linptoyed
and best of all animated pletino ma
thlneH and with It ho will piojeet nzy
nitnliie pletutes which aie conslduied
tho best over put In view. They iep
leseut hcenes and events innu all patts
of the woild. They hold the minor up
to iiutuie. uud Kle tho audltnce a cos
mopolitan (duration. Jn addition to
the t-eenea In Miilous pails of thu
w 01 Id theie wjll be eleutio-pltoto IHus
nations of thlity of ihe most popular
songs of tho day, Don't inlbs tlia hhow
neM Patuulay ueulug.
At the meeting of the Caibondale C'y.
cl flub lu Id last night the tallowing
ollleois veto elected; I'tesldeilt, Jacob
Fuchs; vito piesldont, M. II. Tappeu;
seeietary, George (W, James; ticnsuitfr,
F. n. Derby; captain Itobert Van Ilet
gen; bo.ud of goeiiiou, v. y. Huni
Pluey, .Dr, D. J. Day, Clnyde H.
.Smith, 11. Likely, Huiiy T. W'lllams;
of Unusual Importance
Carpet Bargains.
$1.65 Smith Saronneres, borders
to match 90s
Can't be duplicated elsewhere at
this price.
Rag Carpet, 45c kind, at 24c
Carpet Department Third Floor.
Tapestry Borders, 85c quality,
now 48c
SI. 35 Bigelow Biussels Border
An early visit will be advisable
for anyone contemplating purchas
ing carpets. We can't duplicate
these values at suclr'prlces.
44-inch Silk and Wool Grena
dines at S1.35
46-inch All Wool French Eta
mlnes at Si.25
56-inch Cheviot at
$1.19, $(.35 up to St. 65
52-inch Pan Cheviot, and Nov
elty Basket Cloth at S1.35
36 and 38-inch Serge at 19c
38-inch All Wool Henrietta.
Cashmere and Brilllantine at 45c
The contest fot pitbldtnt between Kane
Slngci and Jntob Fuchs was ety elose,
the latter winning by t1e Mittb. A
smoker was attetwatd enjoted.
D. & H. Biakcman Succumbs at
Enieigency Hospital fiom Injuiles
Sustained by Being Thrown fiom
'William Douglas died at laueigenty
hospital about midnight Inst night. His
death was, the consequence i injuiles
to his foot Mistnined v hlle at wotk as
11 biakeiuan on the Deluwnie & Hudson
lalhoad, sevetnl weeks nuo.
The accident ottuiu'il near the
Moosle station of the Polnwaie i. llutl-i-on
Douglas was on top ot a bo tar
nnd was not In a position to s-eo the
piiglnect. The ti.iin starti d and 11.11 1-
1 fd btiddtnly. Douglas was tin own fiom
his high plate and landed with his
ftet against the mils. The tats did
not pass over tho toot, but It got
s-tliieezed lmdl. Douglas was ietno
id In a few' das to l.nieigeney hos
pital It was the hope of his jihjsltlans
to ptesene the loot fiom amputation
and ticntmont to this end wa. peislsted
In. It did not uMiIl, howeei, tot
sept le poisoning dee!opid and Douglas
litL.imo 1 educed to a gtne eunillUou .1
lew weeks ago. hlneo then he battled
bt.nely tor his life, enduring the most
Intense Hiiffeilngs, Sund.iv the teitlbly
di&tiiM'tl loot was amputated, thu linul
hetole step to i)tts(.te his Hie, His
ltnllty was too low und he tallied
only leinpot ntlly, lie .slowl.s sank
until death tame near midnight last
The dtueiihod was bom near AVay
111.11 1. He was 3S jeaisj of nge. Kor
j ear.", ho was einploed as giound
keeper at Km lew, A jear or over he
(.tme to Caibondale, being employed
as fouthman tor Hupeilnteudent Mau
llle, of the D, iV: It. Hevciul months
ago he became u hiakeni.111. He hnil a
host of ti lends In Caibondale, whom
deepest sympathy hne been shown
dining his tons- Kiffeilngs. His death
For the sake of saving odd
pennies, don't buy an inferior
emulsion when you really need
Scott's Emulsion.
The difference in price is
pennies. The difference in re
sults is pounds pounds of
new ilesth and days of
strength and comfort.
Those who have lost flesh
can regain it more quickly by
means of Scott's Emulsion
than in any other way.
Send (or tree Sample.
IjCOTT & UOWNt, CheniUw, j J'eirl bt., N. V.
SI. 10 Smith Axmlnster, border
to match, at 76c
SI. 10 Best Worsted Velvet) bor
der to, match, at 76c
SI. 35 Hartford Axmlnster, bor
der to match, at 90c
SI. 65 Wilton, border to match,
at 90c
Lot of Best Velvet, border to
matqh, at 76c
$1.50 Bigelow, Axmlnster, bor
der to match, at 90c
50-inch Storm Serge, all 55c
42-inch Canadensis and 52
inch Cheviots at 57c
42 and 45-Inch Whipcords,
- Satin Sollel, Poplin, Granite
Cloth, Canvas, Panama,
Novelty DIagonals.Etamines
and Brilllantines. all popular
weaves and a splendid value.
Priced this week at, a yard. 85c
will he lteenl ltgtetted lluouKhout
the city. To his mother, whose only
suppoit lie was his death will be a
soie gi lei.
"Douglas is uihed by his mothei,
Mis. Mat v Douglas, with whom he lhed
on Canaan .sticet, and two slsteis, Mis
William Mfkatighlan. of .Scinnton, and
Mis. Hdwaitl J. IJuinlan, ot t'.tn tan
stieet, this tltv.
Long- Piocessicn Eollowed the De
ceased to Resting- Place.
The funeial of the lite Thomas ni
teu was held jesteulnv moi ning. The
cortege wa.s one ot the latgest ever
seen. The St. Alosius nnd Knights
of Father Matthew of which dec cased
was 11 member attending lu a body.
The ptoie-don left the leshienee on
Fullhtook -ticet at '):.,u and pi ot ceded
to St. Uo-e (hutch whete 11 teriuleiu
lilgh 111 tss was sung by ltcv. Walter
CJontiun. In his senium Fathei flor
mnii paid an floqucut ti Unite to the
.01111g nmn. latei mutt was In ft. Rove
(onietety. The pall beniets and lloinl
bcnteis weie selected tioui the tanks of
the two hoeletltt nnd weie ns follows-. Xdilon, labile Can oil, Patilek
I'onlty. 1'iniik und Thomas Duggnn, Wnn, Thomas Lnngnii, Walter
Qillnn. Joheph Uanett, and Michael
I'.ulden. Two huge llotnl pleef.s weie
tetehed fiom the two Mitletle.s with
hultablo liixtiiptloii,
An Entertaining' Pi-ogiammo to Bo
Given at Congiegational Chuich.
Theie will be a niusii.ile at the
rongiegatlonal thuttli on Filday even
ing that will bo a means of pleasing
enteitalninetit to music loveis. Tho
pioeeeds ttie to o to the organ fund
of the ohm eli. The pi ogt annuo Is u.s
Ol.MIl .illClnn ,, , j.t 11101111-
J.1"'111 Itolieit (ijulmr
lljls )iiirtotlt
Mri rimni ia, rinik, Iu,1kh and ti
, ",'., M"' " ' Uhilcn
Miillii uii'l Molt Jiui.1 Iliomas j ml rijitliui
""' Illuilnlii Uitls
Miitloii , M,l ifmutcile
sl" Mi.. (, phi ,. r. MHIj
lllil1 Itolieit tiniliicr
TTiiclaimed Lettois.
I.Ut ot Idler rciiuliiln? in the ljil,uinji!c,
'' I '' M' 1. l'i.', fm iHruw 1111.
laimuii , 11. .lil,,,, i'jiI PnU, liroree fiou.
nli, Uoilu .1, lluniiiliii), liuluit Kllulrlil,
V, JlcCortin, (,ejii!f llltttr, 0. b, htcicm, Ml,
Kami Ailam,, JIM H, f. Iliiinlte, 3IU Jliij C,
Hi IK, Ml., Ijh 1'lmniiy, MIh llildfit Mo.
(lalini, .Mary J, llcuks, Jli. .1, T. WHIUiiui (i,
.Mr. .Ijiiih Dmllltlt, Mk. Uoulicn w,
MmIm Pule. I'uirlsu Ml.i Jlai WjI.Ii.
J, II. I Imiiuj, ro.lmaitcr.
Gone to Colomdo,
Arthur aiiliiKtou, uf tliU tt), lift .tclmljy
fui ( ripplo CuiU, tol Hlmc ,e qirud (lue'e
ur four inontlu. Mi. YJilln.toii uiitl(lute a
iliaant trip atiOM the cuutintnt.
Meetings of Tonight.
Willlaiii II. ljir iot, 0. A. It.
rioiictr (Utf, hiuslitii of tli Jlj.lli; Cluhi.
IliKllty teiiclni, llqitu.opln,
I ailiomljlc loji-, hnl.lit. of I'.ttlihs.
Office Holdeis In Town.
I'll A-!o)n (lll,m Joi.w, Will llliulaml uihI
i:ilj Muiii, of M.iinton, ntic at llin llariWn
lioiie last eitiilin,'. iluiln; lh daj llicj U,J
tuiiil the tun 11 Mr. Joins, who is u (aiulUlatu
lu the IlipiililUau iioiiiliuiloii for luinitj cum-
It's quite certain that we do the
largest Boys' and Children's business
in this city. Such a business could not
be built without strict attention to qual
ities and styles. The fact that we do
the largest business is reason enough
that we sell the Best Ck)thes made for
Boys. The completeness of our stock
and the varied assortment of styles
make iteasy for mothers to select be
coming clothes for the boy -whether he
be a little tot of three years, or a young
man of eighteen years. . We mention
here a few prices. You can only judge
the quality by comparison.
Vestrc Suits tt'om $2.50 to $0.50
Sailor Blouse Suits from $2 to $
Two-Piece Short Pauls Suits.
$2.50 to $5.50
Young Men's Suits, Lang Trous
ers, $0.50 to $10.
To Men and
ml'-limii, luliw IlilHiiH'tol to llic ho t nf
frluii'-i llial Mi liliwl'lil 1 1 tin in Ihw i H.
f iilmmlilc is Mi l!iii-'.ii if-. Iiiitlipl h.', ml
pmliiliH no nun who uin- thu iii Iuh 11 wiilu
iKniiihilinci. lie U fuiiillii with .11 tin f.Nlt i
iciiluiK mil llnli ilui u Ii li-tic - uul n.ln-
ilu's ilil ! i (-nm ( u 1 1 thi" I. int'l injij-
Mi. Mum-, ihnlis Hit' i iv . nut i niiiiiliir rf
the pioin'niit ii'.l'Itnn it (.'irlicmlili. Ml.
.Iniu-, ml Mi. 1,'Iih'iihI will al o p 'l I" ' '. '
( iiliumlah .
Cuied of Appendicitis.
lir.lul Si.viln, ('mghUi' uf t'liiiiiiu V, Mil mi
"mil i, of llic lliliwaie iinl IIuImhi, rut to
In i piirnts homo, on 1 uilin i-lml, u-tiu!n,
aftir i ooil uimi ij fium ippinlidt-, ft
whlih l o wa- ipuildl ill it riiiiii.i'iKi hu-p'
til i frw i ! i"i 'lit iiiinuioiw i inpiliiuis
n( ili. iriil will he dolUlitril ti hiu In r hid. in
theii luiil-t nn iiiou.
Homy Nelson Getting Well.
Iltlil.i NiNon, the iiiIiki who, at thu thin' cf
tin Kililcnt. it wa-i liaicil wnu'il mil Umuci,
.in (iiiuliinl iu inpiuuil .11 lu he lbh lu
hue lmil'nu Im'pltal til his Innm.
Nihiu in. i mwlit iiiiilei i fall uf iu(K In N(.
1 mill' i fiw witlt in" .mil wis liulh cui-hiil.
His iiuiur.i has In hi iLiuiihihlj i ip il
Returned fiom Attending Couit.
'In l ill Ii ill. 1 lluLnt-.l. I. the Jolh .luilll if
Wli.viif KUliilv, N lull, at his ihillis is luIIiiIu
uf the Kinut hnwtl. ntfl two W((K- alueiuu
ill lloiie-ilili', wlure he was itlriulliu (rliiilnil
limit Mssi-un, Duilii; his iImiki, liimial
M,unt,(i llmUtr s1(m ainni)- the tiaih.
Injuied i"liem(iu Eecovevlng.
.1 lines Lulllns, tho (liitiiilu at.. I Motrin Hu
man who IhiI a iuii.ih map! rum daiiKiidii in
jmv In lillliic mm tho lu'i,' liostle In this illj
i fdi ilns ai,.), was ilU.huii.l tium laiuicdiii
liu.-pll il ioliii.. 1 iillln.s oi:-taiiic ,i piinful
nalp wouiij uml rru'in tuiiliisluii. on his lnnlj,
II, I' Kimliall, if .liim.limu, I. In thu dl.
1 ml lliiiiimi, of Wllliirt-lliiii', Is in the lili,
llcptity Hrillf .huiili IoiIki, uf s-ct niton, w m
u l aihouilali. ibitui jtsU'iilai,
.It, C Cuic.i, ot W.iliullit, N, , Is at llu
Ilaiilsun IllHIM' fm i li ili.v.-,
Altiino) Join J, iuplu, of uaiiluii, wis in
Caihoiiilalo mi loa, il Inwlniss j ciulij llinnih ainl (In i If), ot 1'out
C'llj, il-IU-l in (aihonitalo vottidav.
W. Ini;ls, ot Hianl.m nilno Mipalnluid
cut foi the ) rjo, wa. .it tho nuiUan ji,ltiilj.
Joe McKiiiiij, of I. union .iwniie, la. letmnoil
froin SthdKitail), ,N, , while Ik Ii j Iumi nil.
pluiiil for 8JUU1 linn.
Hi, Andiiu MU, Dr, John S MUi ami tlnlr
Rin.t, tin) emrahle Di, l' A. Dii-.iiiliiiu", of
Iloupmlale, ilroe to L'rjutal lake jcslfulai,
Sil.ncl UoillmM. of 1'iorla, 111,, ami lis
fallur-lli'law, II. Mo-scs, of Siiiiilon, who thu
BitW JP.lmliy Of h, "tilled. Ml. Moflhui Is
u wultlii ilUlllhv ami I. cio cf the .noiivo.t
tiimpi'iltois uf the wlii,ho.i liu.t,
Alficil llclmis, a u.lilint of J(iin.n, ilk.l tu !
iluily jot i'iniiii', wiillu lotiiinlni," from bU
worU. 'Iho doioa.oil, who waj cmploinl .n J
loinpaii) huiil In thu Polaiwie ami lliul-on i oi
lier, hail luiii (omplaliiliii,- iliuli'if the ill) to
some of Ills fiilow-upllonm that hu ilhl not fill
well. U ahout 311 last oirnli'i tiuril uf ihe
iniu who were woiklni; tos'illiu n.inl
woiU jiid alJtlcl for their homes, imiln.' int.
through uliat is known ai th'i iowiKr mill .It il I.
'llioy hail reaclidl the until. io ami hal kouc hut
a thoit ilistamc when llolinw, without i.ny J
waiiiint', Ml tu tin,' fio'in.i. Hi, dun.., who I
" Tie Little Sent '
It's economy to buy good shoes for
healthy boys. "Ijhe Little Gent" i lihe
best we know of in Boys' Shoes, and the
pi ices aie consistent with such qualities.
Complete Outfitters
Boys. m ?f .
g.1." .,tj. Ai??!,1 ,ar'g 1 ?sffii Wlt'iFA ""-ptBaB:
w.u In Ihe iiiPKhhmhufiil it tho tliiw, lennul
tin nun's dih in a t.w miimu-, tint iMiiiim
turn i-hiiwiil lint tho ii'ifoitimite nun's .--pliit
hul lht III-, iiniiins wire sfirtli atin takui
to his hi mo, whiro the Menu was paindillj nil
Ilui i-nl was will Kiiuwii .mil liepcitnl ill this
lilnlt mil Iih ill itli Is Kind ill iiurctlnil. He
is -uiilml hi .1 wife ami tii little (hilllou,
linns ami I Me, ami l son mil thiei riomii up
ilimthtin h i foiniu wile. 'Iheo no: (.".i.ko,
of ateilmi , -Ml- Sinn Hill, of I'ltlslon, ant
Mis. I.nmirf' llilims uml Mis l.llahitli ii-t, of
lliliton. 'Hie fimuil anaiu'i incuts laio not nt
hem ciimti'rtril
Mi.. I'l nil. Mtcini", wlo his Incn III fm m
ci il monlln with thioit ami Imv tiouhli, dhil
iietonla ntiuiomi Tor the pi't fiw wim li
-iillilliii Ins hull must Intcn'o, lull tlioiuhut
It ill slio hole' It l llh Kioal icsleilltlnii De
i ioimiI wis lioiu In Muosie. twuii usin inn
I a. -o, eml Ind n,i('oil In liiinin tm tin l"st
I llnic nit, ami 'o mi li id hi hei liu-himl
1 c in. ilillil, I mini. 'Iho funeral will t il.n pine
in I'llday nftirnoon. brief puur will
li 1 Id at tin1 homo, on Ihlid ttroot, uul ill"
ion ill), will ho UWii 10 .Muo.n on Iho 1 U amj IIihImiii Ii llu. whno the tumial
seniles will lu I ehl, uul inleiimnt iiinlo.
n inldistlti,' (,'iiip of f..t lull wai plijeil
Mitoidii afiiino.iii at lowloi's pnl.,
'loams of marrlul ml ilnitlo men. 'Iho funmi
wuo ( iplainid hi Willi nn U ikln, itnl th I'td'r
In (iiou;o llemi'tt Iho was full ot cool
plain, lint the fi itmo whs tho plniiis of (Ji ii-e
lli-limtl, who dll m Will lli It his tf mi Hull
won li 1 ( mo nf ri lo .'.
'Iho lumili iclool Imilil In M lis leulil
moiitlih iniitimr lit eiiiilint, Ml. tolliiif, Ol
iho Ihlui will, hilns tie mil iln.ntie. 1 lie
folloiilnir hills who n id ami oiiKml pild' ',
i, ui. (s..'fill', Mini & I! lion, s-II.Ii I'.Ue
tile I IMit tompim, l. Watei loinpni, )'; In
liir.t on limuls, 1U ill: li.Ulit WIN, 1 "3,
hill nt II. 11 Uihon for MlSsj, wis rind ind
put piini'iit of "0 riiciimieudod. 'Ihe llt of
lion nn inline pupiN was then ta'.in up, ami
MJine of Iho tiues ollucd wile (tii-lihu.l mf.
Ilclml, while It v is iloiunilneil in tlio ( i o of
iomo of the others lo priuiltu the pnents it
the ililhhin do not attimi. It waj iliddul to
ihiso iIil kIio.i! teiin on Junu I. Applloitliin
foi pel m mint tit. illpleiuas fiom John
and MNs I loreneo i oliioll who oidiroil hUueil,
'Ihe dliittori dciiileil In attuid uhool in ,i hod)
on the 'Jlil, piriiiU' di), when Ihe i
hihllluil (f rOIIlii of tho pupils' Wall. fii Ihi p.i-t
,mji i)ill lii.o 'i no, ine nn.iiii ,-iitriw urn nil
juiiiKi to mirt on the .'ih to up Ilia
JtMl'l lllbltls.
rrniuiminn me nmi loniplote' foi the riiilna
put) ami mkIuI lu ho hi hi luulei tho aihpUij
of tho M, Alo)(.lii4 and , M I, loelitln ol
Jriiii)n, or tin hiuillt if the ihurili fund, 'Iho
all ill will take on I'llday fuuiuir, 'Iho
iitiluo pail will Im held in the aiiilltoiliiiu of
Paired lliait chiuih ami will conmieiico at 8.W
ci'dod,,' t H n'cloiK adjiuiiiiniut will hu ninls
to Asaiinhly hall, wheiu the unelal will ho held,
'Ihe loimiiltre aio retelling iliiiations: fnmi the
local liionliiuta for prlzis, fm whiili tin) aie'
Tho im'iuliei.s ot Hit benlor ilabs of
tilt) lllllll t-CllOOl SlILl t HSl'llHy l.lbt'll
their final c.Muiiimitioiid uml mo ti
lutppy eiiinpiitiy ot youiiR jieople', Tlio
club's In I'onipobcil of tlio following
pupils: l.unit'iieo Sniitli, Mauile Mil
let, .ntitt Tiffany, Jiluiiilo Citpwoll,
MuiKfiiivl Habboti, Muttlo Itlce, AiibIo
S.ilTotd, Kiunui DecKor, Adellno rutniis,
Tlio ollloers of the class ttic: I'losl
ilent, l..ivieiifo Kinltli; beciottuy,
Maudo SUllC'i; ticabiner, Anna Tltrany,
KnniKt Ijcekei- has piouured Hist honois
and Maude LVipwcll noeuiul lionot y. Thu
eulois of tho elats aio led und white
!; f u
5l a Jf
iillL. 1"
wr ? !!: o
and the motto is: "No Vlctoiy Without
l.ahoi." The commencement exeicibea
will be held In tho Baptist cliuich,
Filday c filing. May 23.
Floyd Aiithotn who accidentally bhot
himself on Filday eenliiK last Is doing
nicely and theie beems excellent pros
pects for his lecoveiy. Di. Chailes
teller N tho atoudlng physician and
.MNs Slgt'iled a trained muse of Scran
ton, Is nut sing him.
Attorney and Mib. Fied 13. Scott, of
Pc i. niton, bpent Sunday vlth Mlsa fiiown.
Mis Huiiy Dean Is cntei talnlng her
mother, Mis. Pi entice, of Huffalo.
Mis I.en.e Xottluup's Sunday tchool
cl.ibi ot tlio Baptist chinch will glo
.in enteitalnmen In the church on Fri
day eenlng of this Meek. Tho ad
mission will bo 15 cents and at tho
clobo ol" the ptogianime lie cieain will
bo sen ci.
Mm. Charles Vleg.uil. of Petiolt,
Mich, la visiting her p.uents. Mi. and
Mi.s. Clayton Northtup, of tilenuuin.
The final meeting of the Dalton Liter
al y cliclo for tho jitesent was held on
Monday oening at the homo of Mr.
and Mm, S. C! Hliot'iu.iKrr. A vcty en
joyable tlmo was had In a social way
and lefioshmeius wcio paitaUen (r.
Those pi cent weie: Mr. and Mm. AV.
H. Huslander, Mi. and Mis. Fitd 13.
Scott, Mr. and Mis. pud Palmer, He v.
and Mis. Itoboit It. Thompson, Mis.
Chailes Illcn, Miss Maiy fiaidner,
Miss Ponti packer, Miss Helen IIus
landet', Mr. and Mis, S. rj. Shoemaker,
Mis, Palmer, Miss Margin ot B.ibson.
Miss Fanny Duislilmer, Miss balllo
Du Uols, MlbS Ethel Catr, Nelson
Bet shinier, A. I. Cooper and Jilt-.
Oscar Hesse, ji , of Ued Punk, N. J.
Palmer Smith and Chailes Vou Store h,
took- seoral llashllght pletutes of dlf
leient uiouns. Bitting the past ear
tho ciitlo has lead Hamlet, Macbeth
and tho Mctchant of Vnleo and Juno
taken cotu.scs of ti.ivd In Scotland,
Hnglaml, Ii eland and Fiance. A com
mittee composed of Mr. and Mis. W,
S. Huslundur and Mlbs Maiy Gaidncr
with appointed to iiiiango a plan of
leading and btudy lor the coining w In
tel. Tho elide will icsunio Its wotlc
about tho Hist of next October,.
Mis, Homy M, Jacs. rntoitalned on
Sunday Mlbs Palen, of Wyoming.
A Joint meeting of tho Knights of
Malta, Knights of Pythias nnd Inde
liendi'iit Older ot Odd Follows lodges
will bo liuld lu Keystpno luill Sat
in day night. Tho purposu of tho
nieetlng Is to decide tho question of
electing a building. AH nieiiibeib aio
uiged to attend.
Tho annual umfeionte of the Baptist
Voting People's union and tho
Baptist asboel.itlon will bi'glit In tho
Siibniiehaun.i Stiett B.tptlbt chinch
neNt Satuiday morning and lontli'im
until Tuesday. Itev. K, loeswortli
.loncs and Itev, William Mollis, J', It.
I), S., two noted clergyiueii will be
uinoug the bpeakcis.
Itobfit I.uwsley has ictumed homo
aftei spe'iidlng two weeks lth ichuhu
at Caibondale,
j i? BV FT3t
fiSHhlk JffcdC -
i illF TlJ
M )M u)
i", .
? j
- s.