The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    I ft1 ' r I m
Lawn Seats
Porch Chairs
Flower Stands (
Wicker Rockers
Soiled, dlnlired nr iituljihlly Irom arte
or use.mndo more beautiful ccr with
Iteutv ml, oil for ne. Any one tun apply,
Can bo used on wood, tin, liun or atone.
coio- Carmine
Brilliant Mai'0011
Glow Rich Green
Price, 30c, 50c and 8Gc cans
Sole AbciiIs
320 Lackawanna Ave.
01 our stork is the low rot and ou'ellcnt quality
tiuly Rood featuri-; don't jim think?
Our line is
Jacobs & Fasoid,
209 Washington Avenue.
'lUo bccl untie for ." mil
Cigar I
no other. Q
Morris' Magnet
Tiy 0110 and jou will crnnki
.I1 tlio leading hi.iud-t of Tn
'I.T.'j per liu, or C fur 2V
anety of 1'ipcs in Si 1.111I111).
eijiai at
325 Washington Avenue.
""" wmmMmmmmma'
Sn and About
oeoeThe City
Avv'nidcd Contract. .
Citeier William llanley I1.1-. In en awanled the
runtiart fur llio i-atcilii nt tliuMuilijlit-i 'IVinplir
hall at tlio N'c'v Ariuoij.
For Charity's Sake.
l'lnf. Iliuk'n !iiiiil.iy Mhool tla- will condiiet
on ke cieani silo at i:im Pail, ihuuli llii, t-m.
ins in aid 01 Lliiiilulilo P1111K1.H-,
Escaped Lunatic Captured.
An iM'aped liiualio Mined I'utne.i, fiom the
JIIH-ido Home, wji aiu-tid jcleulay 011 V,.in.
instill :ieniie hy I'.iiiIihiii Xotli.iiki"r, He will
U takiu to lint iiotliiilluii toda..
County Convention.
A lAinily (liil-iian llnilciwii iouenlli)n U to
he held at i:iiiilmi-t, Mi.i 2). Tim piniriauiiiio
is the hi-t ein ineM'iiti'd In the Minkem nl
lliu iiiunly. .n i:ndcaoier rliouhl nil it.
Roy Run Down.
Sliplioii l.nii!;.iiiii', of, 11 hoy liicy.lo
lldii, w.i inn dfwii li. a team of huivei' r
l.iikiwann.i iimi ji-tudiy afliinoon and
fIiKill Jiijurrd. tin wli el w.i, bully wieik'.l.
Team Drivers' Mcotlnjy.
'Ilicro v.lll he .1 uvular iiuetina nf Team
Jlilel' Im.ll, Ji, 111 Itiuh's hall, Wiiunln,'
anni.e, at h c.'iloik this immiIiu. 'Hie 'n.'iil ir
mietlrs nf this ln1.1l will he In Id on mo HVinl
uud loiulh Tuesilaja of eaili uiuiilli.
, Charged with Perjury.
.lohn M, lleikii, of lliininoie, was ,(Meiliy
held t.iiiler lull lij Aldeiinan Ituddy on 'a iImiko
nl perjury, pieftiud hy .lames Miiilli. It k .i.
lesul ho awiiic fal-ely when he went lull
for his ton luenlly and took oath that he
owned property wnith MIM.
Missing- from Home.
riMilin I'falder. of V,iti Itemlimton aeiiue, hai
heeu iqiortid In tlio polne as mUniiii; fiuiu lioine
allien May 1. lie Is 10 .iuis of am welahs 3 .10
pounds,' lias hlaik hair .iiid'iiiou'iaihe, timl woie
a b.K-k tcut and hlaik toft hat,
Lecturo on Cecil Rhodes.
TlKiMtci .limes lfnahe.-, will kv a lecture
this eunlni; on the late Cecil Ithoilos, in ,
Ad.uuv uvenun ilnipe), .New York stieet, at 7. 1 "1
ii'rloiK, ' .Mlt. Kilnion will sliiir a nalu or two,
mid Jlr. Ausllu'ft iiaity wjll .-lie,' a unirtette.
D., L. & W. Pay Days.
Tht lunainder of the Del mile, .iiiliuamn
mid W'ejteui lialiiinen weio paid yesteidiy. This
(ompletei, thu pajrt In diiuntoii mid ,kirilty for
theCiiionlli o( Apill. The iiiino wotkeu. will liut
jliS luld, for the tlrt half of Jly until oonio
'time nct week, "
Stonecutters to Meet.
A committee Irom the IoimI union of stuno.
culteia will meet with the union of Cailuul men
ilPriih-,,,,-ylicn Jt is hcllined Hut an niiu'cmiu
(Ion, i lln.,tro unin, will he elfeiteil 11ml the
strike iletlfjinl oil, Coiiniilttee-s Irom hotlt
biauclici met latt iilijht,
y ' Drink Under Bail.
tjjj'.Joliii V, llrjnk, of the i:,pianio liolel, Dun.,lvaaia.r;itivo; e.tudjy at H111 imtanie of
rentjltiilicrt ilon, (or (.elllii!; liquor without
.license. Ho'i wai taken before Jutleo of tlio
'rAwsCll. rivoncy, who plated him under f,uo
Pil for iippearaucc at (unit.
t Clnm Chowder Supper.
ifA -l4in f-lmwder npiu-r umUr the amplee of
ih". W, r llallstojd ilhlslon, hi, ii. I. A. to II.
,Yif!;. I!., will he held nt tlip homo ,of Jr. mid
Jfj. I'fJiik Maple, 1713 l'enn avenue," tlrccii
Jl(d;re, Widuwlay afttjinnoii, May II, tloni 5
uifi'l 10 d'clmk Tim nubile Is Imlii I to M),
IP" MiC 111
Attractive Features
toko ol this nipper nhd liclp (lie iiidlfi In ,
Worthy came,
Misuse of Firo Hydrants.
tn nnnll.rr column IHrrelor nf PuliHe Safely
I'. 1 Worimrr c-.t 1 1 4 attention tn tlio mUmO of
llrr hjilrant liy persons who open lliem without
a pititier ami rlno Hum without entirely "tint
Hub nil the water, thus ramltnr mticli ttani ie
lu llio sheet, llo m.h Hits piacllie. Inmt .tip.
Birthday Party.
Ml t'loicnte Mooie was reeonlly tendered ft
hlrlhdiy parly nt lier homo on Tajlor au-nuc, by,
tlio followltui Mlces 1'loreheo Mnnre, Ariih
t.orImir, tMelln Hubcr, lloe Dickni.iu, I'.inmt
tlunirll, IHiiKr .lncl,.nn, Lru llulier, I'rnl Monie,
Aille .laiint, I'raiil; Monroe. Walter Metliler, Wil
liam llromrhton, I.eo Huber nhd I'lanl: Mom 4
tanif u ililt't, aiinmp.inled li.v Mini IMclln Huber.
Epworth League Institute.
Thu annuit crmentlon of llu W.iomlntr ilblrlet
Kpwoith bojuuei will lie lield nt TiiiiMilnnirk
on Tuiwl.iy evening. .lutio !t, Hint Wednesday,
.tune t, ntonilmr, nftemoon and oienliKT, No
far 11s polhle, Hie Imtltttlu plan will lie ndiit
rd, inul 'pedal rlliirt will lie m.ido In the dltio
Hon 1 if Illhli Rtudy and missions. 1ir. Ch.lilej
Mttorly, of Drew acinlnaly, Madison, X, .1., will
ltla lo nddicssin, mid other Will Known In
flructurs will he pieeut. Tlieio will he n lec
lino f.uli eieiilliir, Itev. W, II, lllller, of Wilkes
lime, will Ifitino on Tuesday iiIkIiI, ntid ))r.
Mlleilv on Wedneiday nlitht. W. A. .Sanfnid, of
V.ierly, li preiddmt of the ilUhlit, and MM
Latin While, of Wllkes-Ilairo, i-ecietary,
Tendered hy tho Members of the
Catholic Historical Society nnd
Newman Magazine Club.
lp wards of throe littmlroil of the rep
reseiitatlvo Catholic men and women of
this city imlil tlii-lr lcspects to Ht. Itev.
Hlshop Al. .1. Ilobiin la.'t nlRlit nt n ro
cptlim tendered lilm by the C'litliolli: society at tho Knli;hts of
Coliiitihns club lious-e.
A formal propi-amine was yn tried out
the principal features of which outside
the bls-hop's address was the sIliRltifr of
the recently oignnliied Catholic C'honl
club tinder the leadership of Professor
John T. Watlilns. The sltiKlnr- of the
club, considering- the few n'liearsais
held, was rent.ii-kably effective, the se
lections beinir rendered with a fluency
and breadth of style seldom heard ex
cept In lar-re cluuuses havlnir had lontr
inacllce. Th" solo parts weie taken ef
fectively by AIlss Xellle Heainlsh, Jliss
Kalheilue Alonfc'iin and William A. I.y
nott. Miss Mary Xlland, a teacher in the
Illtfh school, read !i scholarly paper on
the llf of Cardinal John Henry New
man, Inclurtinir also a brief account of
the 0-foid monument. Attorney John
J. Muiphy, second vice president of tho
club, was expected to have delivered an
addiess but he was unable to attend
and Hlshop was Introduced by
his lit other, Attorney Thomas P. no
ban. The bishup'.q address was purely ex
temporaneous. He referred in passiiiK
to Cardinal Xew man's influence on
modem English thought, an Inlluenco
which wlll'stlll be a direct Inlluenco
a hundred years hence, he said. He re
ferted to the lare number of cultivat
ed Kutfllsh men and women, mote par
ticularly writers, who have lately be
come convei ts to C.tthrilleisni. Anions
these he mentioned Henry Harland,
author of "The Cardinal's Snuff Box,"
and "The Lady Paramount"; Mrs.
Cragle fjohn Oliver Hobbs) and Lu
cas Malet, a srand-nlece of Charles
Klnsisley, one of Newman's greatest
The bishop spoke of the "absuid no
tions" held legnrdlng Catholic doctrine
by the majority of PioteslanK "Take
ten Protestants of fairly good educa
tion and apparent culture," said he,
"and I ventnie the assertion that nlno
of them I'd say nine and a half If I
could, have ab.-olutely no , Lonception
of the meaning of the doctrine of papal
infallablllty or the Immaculate con
ception." He said that other people In Scranton
besides the pastor of the First Piesby
teilan church have the "absurd notion"
that the Catholic church lias taught
that tho end justifies the means. The
deslie to know the tiuth about his re
ligion should be foremost in the mind
of every Catholic, he said.
"We are lold of the cruelties of the
.Spanish Catholics In the Dutch wars,"
said he, "but we must remember that
Catholic Dutchmen were arrayed
against Alba and his countrymen. We
must remember also that Alba In his
day was no more cruel than Kitchener Is
to-day in South Africa and than somo
of our own mllltaty leaders In the Phil
ippine Island1."
Macaulay and Fronde are too often
taken as standard Kngllsh lilstotians by
Catholics, he raid. Their alleged state
ments of certain facts when tiaced to
bed-ioek ate genet ally found to bo what
Father "Tom" liut-ke, the great Do
minican preacher, pleliuesiiuely ie
ferred to as "thumping Kngllsh lies,"
the bishop Fttld. "Itrid the Catholic
side and read the Protestant side," said
he, "that you may know all tho truth."
Following the programme the bishop
conducted an Informal levee and shook
hands with nearly every person piesent.
It Was Located in the Building
Formerly Occupied hy the Hub.,
Proved to Bo a Speakeasy,
Since Theodora Moiiis was refused
a for "Tho Hub," at tho cor
ner of .Spruco street and Raymond
court, an apparently Innocent-looking
restnuraut has boon conducted In the
ftont of 1 ho plucu by Mrs. Timothy
It began tu bo whispered about
hliortly after
utter .Mrs. Jones took chare?,
ro woro "things doing" lit the
that ther
back room, and Inquisitive souls dls
coveied, upon Investigation, that tho
cup that- cheers was passed around.
They aM discovered that tho fieo and
easy spirit of abundoit which was no
tkeablo during the Morris regime
again held sway, and tho place re
siimed Its old-tinio popularity.
Tho pollco heatd of these things with
tho result that n warrant was sworn
out for Mis. Jones' arrest, on thu
chat bo nf sellluir liquor without a li
cense. The placo was raided
night by Superintendent Day and a
squad of olllcers, who arrested Mrs,
Jones and lour other women, together
with five men, all the persons found on
thu ptemlses. They woro bundled Into
the patrol wagon ami hustled up to the
central pollco station.
Moro bottled beer, whiskey and other
intoxicants than could bo loaded Into a
good-hUed7 wauoii wus found In the
Before Judge Kolly tho Trespass
Suit of E. F. N. Edwards, of Mos
cow, Against Dr. S. P. fiongatreet,
Is on Trial Plaintiff was on the
Stand for the Orealer Part of Yes
terday Mattel s In the Orphans'
Court Mrs. Nelllo White Asks a
The May term of common picas court
was opened yesterday morning, Judge
John P. Kolly on the bench in the main
Court loom, Judge K, C. Nowoomb In
No. 2, and Judge F. W. Whontou, of
"Wllkos-IJnrre, In tho superior court
room. When the list of cases for this
week was read some of them were acted
upon as follows:
Settled (III I,lt Paild Spruits uraltnl Wit,
t.ey ti Co.; Intel pleader, lloraii k Itralry
nvalmt ttohert llliir; appeal, ,1.11ms i:. 1 laics
aff.ilnt .1. 11, Wedcnun; appeal. Jl.i- Itcn11utli
attain! Mi Hlee; appeal. J, II. (Illhnol ngilnt
Jl.iry llohi 1 Is; appeal, (,'lty of Serantou ng.iliist
1). W. Willi lliu; appeal. I.'. l Ciiiroll ami
others nit.iltiil i'unkm Hallway (ompuny; trts
pas. ("onl liiued .f. II. A, Kern s Son1! nsnlimt I. A.
C.MA'vc; lepleln. lldward Hooiiey against rlty
of ('.iilmiidalo; tie.pi"i. WilKlit f.owry inraln.t
John Swallow, uppe.ih (leoio b. l'tek, trustee,
in;.'ilnit .lames b. Cnwfoiil, assumpsit. Xeaiy &
.knnlm;s aitainsl C'.iey lliotlin.s. tivil. C I..
lliu .iitaln-.t C. Ij. friulHi; appeal. ('. II. hnU,
inohei, asailist .lolin K. doiici, t.el. fa. Joseph
Walker against t'. Ik Wei's and otheis; tispii"-.
Ilauna .1. Sclilnixcr asalnsL l'.lmluirst lloiileanl
tompiiiy and others; lnptss. Calhailnt' Con
ller :isalut Del.1n.11e, Lackawanna ami Western
totupany; tie-p.i's. ( leollue 31.iiiiifat'tminir com
piny airain-t Antlnaelle lleer couipaiij ; .ussiimp
tit. Hy ngreemont a verdict for the de
fendant was taken In the appeal of
Clreentlcld township against J. T. Ken
yon, replevin case of B. Oi-eenwald
against M. Solomon & company was
inferred to Attorney John ,T. Murphy,
A 11011 suit under tho act of 1S12 was
granted in the case of John L. Hangl
against Guernsey Brothers, 11 wage
The list for next week was also read
and cases were disposed of as lollows:
Continued Continental Tiu-t company against
II. M. Winton, ailuiliiMiHtor; 1 fa. J. t). Atk
iriuaii asain-t I.. I. lljus; appeal.
UlT List Mowcis' I'orl. I'aikinir and I'lmMon
lompiny against Mm. M. Snarls; appeal.'
Settled-s'wpliia Hani's ng.iiii-l III1.1111 O1.1111;
appeal. Wll-011 Untie' aaalust Sciantoii Hallway
(uiupany; tre-p.i'3. l'eliv Voi:iokz aijaiiust Mt.
l'leavint Coil compiny; tiesp.Hs.
Herenid II. Hickn- .V Co. ngaln-t Mary Mc
Alouu; appeal.
Before Judge Kelly tho first case
called was K. F. N. Kdwariis against
Dr. S. P. Longhtreet. Mr. Kdwards Is
an old man over 70 years of age, who
says he was with Custer at the battle
of the Little Big Horn. He now resides
at Moscow, and sues to recover dam
ages for alleged malicious arrest. The
defendant, Dr. I.ongstreot, was former
ly county coroner, and is lepvosenled by
Attorneys O'Brien & Martin, John P.
Hcragg and O. M. 'Wntson. The plala
tllf's attorneys are Attorney Everett
Warren and James 11. Toirey.
In 1&IIS the plalntllf says he owned a
farm at Rattlesnake pond, lu Spring
Biook township, and Dr. Longstreet
used to go hunting and llshlng thete a
good deal. One time Mis. Ed wards
broke her arm and the doctor, being In
the vicinity, was called to attend her.
Tho acquaintance thus formed devel
oped, and after a time Edwards con
llded to the doctor that ho was in debt,
and also needed money to make im
piovoments about tho farm. The doe
tor advanced money to hint and took a
deed for the properly, Edwards alleg
ing that he was to have a life inteiest
in It.
The lelations of the parties continued
to be very friendly until 1&03, when Dr.
Longstreet said he learned that Ed
win ds was cutting down valuable tim
ber and was running up excessive bills
for vat lous kinds of supplies, which tho
doctor had to pay. The doctor went
out to the fat m to remonstrate with
Edwards, and he alleges that Edwards
drove him off the place tit the point of
a gun. Ho had him arrested for point
ing 11 deadly weapon: making tlueats
and cutting timber. The accused was
taken before Aldetiuan Millar, In this
city, and In default of bail was com
mitted to jail. Alter fifteen days Dr.
Longstreet secured a bondsman for
him, and they settled their
by Edwards agreeing to keep away
fiom tho farm. Tlio doctor secured a
house for Kdwaids and his wife at
.Moscow and has paid the rent of it
ever since.
Subsequently Edwards began an ac
tion to recover $10,000 damages for tho
Mirroring he endiuod while under arrest
and in jail. Thu plaintiff was on the
stand from the time the case opened
until adjournment yesterday, and at
that hour hud not yet been turned over
for cross-examination,
A verdict for the defendant was re
turned In the case of Patrick drier
against James Kenrneji & Co,, coal
dealers. Grler was employed as 11 driver
hy the defendants and was paid at the
rate of ?10 per week. Ho Mied to re
cover two weeks' wages. The defense
was that Grler violated his agreement
by leaving without giving his employ
ers any notice, in consequence tholr
team and wagon was Idle for three
days they lost $30. The jury thought
this n good offset to the wage claim.
This easo was tiled lief urn Judge
AVheatou, as was ouu wherein Mrs, Ida
Kulousaek, of Carbondale, was the
plaintiff, and William Fisher, of Green
field, the defendant. The purchase price
of u cow sold by thu plalntllf to tho
defendant fur $20 was the matter at
Issue, Tho defendant alleged that tho
plaintiff owed him more than tho value
of tho cow. The jury will bo discharged
this morning.
Dlvorca Matters.
Mis. Nelllo White appeared for a in
voice yesterday against Thomas White
through her attorney, 11. D, Carey, They
were married September 0, jsrj.'f, und
Mrs. White alleges that her hubband
deserted her on August IB, VJOO, nnd
has persisted in his desoi tlcqi over since,
Mis. Emma L. Williams yebteiday
UHked permission to withdraw the di
vorce proceedings which sho began re
ceutly ngalnst John F, Williams Hnd
tho court allowed her to 'do so.
Publication was directed In the case
of Ora E. Sayro against Arthur U.
An alias subpoena was yesterday di
rected to Issue in tho case of Clyde E
Davenport against Ollle Davenport.
In tho proceedings or Amos R. llanlllt
against Dorothy Ann llanlllt iv rule
was granted yesterday to show cause
why llnnfllt should not be compelled to
pny his wife nllmony pending the deter
htlnlhg of the divorce case between
them and also counsel fees.
, Indebtedness of City.
A ntntpinent compiled by City Con
troller 1 W. Costollo, lu connection
wllh tho $i'8o,00t) Issue of bonds, wns
Hied yesterday with Clerk' of tho
Courts Daniels. The statement fol
lows! The total bonded Indeotrdnrt Is .f" 12,000 01
Sundry claim, unpilil wairnnlM 1J.577 II
Cotitrarts and oilier nceoiints Milijert
tn ailjilslntclit , Mitl F0
.ludftmenift ,, W, 2 JO no
Total IndclitcilueM .,,,,
Tlio renources ol tho illy are.
t.e.iilnu; .1 net tnliince of 131,750 fit
The asseed ,.ilii,illnn of nil city prop
ctly, not iird perjonal, It r.,0d,70:l
Orphans' Court.
The regular May term of Orphans'
court began yesterday, nnd Judge A. A.
Voshurg disposed of n number of mat
tors. Thlrty-iil nu nccounts of execu
tors, administrators nnd guardians were
confirmed nisi, and Saturday, May 24,
ut 10 a, in,, was fixed for the adjudi
cation nnd final confirmation of these
accounts. Counsel for tho accountants
arc required to he present with vouch
ers nt that time.
In the estate of Charles Stuart, de
ceased, n rule was granted to show
cause why Joseph Stuart should not be
discharged as executor, returnable sec.
In the estate of Mary, Pauline, George
and Michael Lucko, Rev. Andrew Pavco
was appointed guardian.
In tho estate of William Mosher, do
ceased, on motion of T. P. Wells rocog?
nlzance was entered by, the purchaser
at the partition sale to secure the pay
ment of the purchase money not yet
In the estate of Jeremiah Simon, de
ceased, arguments were made by At
torneys Dawson and Murphy, repre
senting tho respective parties in In
terest. On motion of A. D. Dean, tho Title
Guaranty and Trust company was ap
pointed guardian of George Hutterfleld
and four otheiv minor children of F. O.
The audit In the estate or Andrew
Watts, deceased, was taken up, Charles
H. elles appearing for the account
ant, Margaretta Watts, and Charles E.
Daniels appearing for tho claimant.
Evidence was offered tending to sup
pott the claim, and the audit -will be
concluded on Tuesday, May 13, at 9 a. in.
The audit in tho estate of Bridget
Ryan, deceased. In which exceptions
weie filed to the account of P. J. Horan,
trustee, under the terms of the will,
was taken up and the hearing will be
continued tomorrow. George f. Horn,
T. P. Duffy, C..R. Pitcher, W. H. Jes
sup, jr., and M. P. Cawley appeared for
the lespcctlve parties in Interest.
Daily Ik Castner, foimeily a member of Com
pany 1), rcjriment, was je.-terdiy
planted u eteratrH licence to peddle.
.ludirc P. W. H'lieaton jesteiday filed an opin
ion in the 1.1-c of Choice W. Wetland .igihi'-t
Iteuhcn Morirau, .hkli was tried Uiilo he was
specially presiding hue, iifiibimc to Kiant a nc.v
In the cae of Ljons ai?ain-t t.'ons the ma-.-tors
leport is directed to he made Auir. 11, 1002,
ai.d the older heretofore nude is continued fiom
jeslerdiy until Auir. II.
James Aheatn, of Lincoln Heiulit', who was
enmicted at the a-t tenjt of couit of liniinx
Mild liquor without a Hrc-iisc, was yesterday
M-ntenied hy Jiuijru Kelly lo spend Ihree luonllu
in Hie lounty jiil and pay 11 fine of $.jij0.
Reports of the Secretaries and Elec
tion of Officers Talk by Mrs.
Clarke, a Missionary.
The fourteenth annual meeting of the
Young Women's Christian association
of this city was conducted last night In
the association rooms on North Wash
ington avenue, and attracted a large
number of members and friends of the
The president, Mrs.f Ezra II. Ripple,
presided and Introduced those who par
ticipated in the exeicihcs which pro
ceded tho election of olllcers. Miss Ger
lock rendered 11 piano solo, and then
came the presentation of tho reports of
tho several seeretaties. Miss Bertha M.
Wood, the general secretary, In charge
of the central rooms of the association,
reported that the membership In the
central city branch has Increased from
437 to 174 during the year.
The Bible classes here have a mem
bership of fifty-two and mi average at
tendance of thirty-seven. Tho ten
classes In tho gymnasium are all ac
complishing great work, she reported.
Tho domestic science department has
flvo classes, with a membership of;
Miss' Wijod announced that prepar
ations are being made for the begin
ning of an active canvass in September
to raise lunds for the erection of an
association building, which shall In
clude a boarding homo for young
Tho teport of the work accomplished
during tho past year In the South
Scranton branch, as presented by tho
secretary, Miss Mario Meredith, was
largely statistical. Tho total attend
ance nt tho rooms was 2,160, and at
classes 1,109. Tho good work accom
plished In tlio Junior department nnd
by tho Loyalty club' were favorably
commented mion.
Tho report of Miss Selby, secretary of
tho North Scranton branch, showed
that Inst year had boon one of tho ban
ner years In tho association's history,
as far as that part of tho city Is con
cerned, Tho attendance of young wo
men at tho rooms since September last
has been Mio, Tho sowing classes, with
a membership of UU, has had a busy
season. These classes are conducted
like a graded school, tho girls being
promoted from 0110 to another as they
attain greater proficiency as seam
stresses. Lessons in sweeping, bed
makliig and other useful household arts
tiro also ttuiRht tho younger members.
Following tho presentation of tho re
ports, 11 violin solo was given by Miss
Stiickhouse, and theifiin address 011 tho
work of tho association by Mrs. Clarke,
formerly Miss Nettio Dunn. Mrs,
Clarke, who Is n sister of Mis. L. M.
Gates, is a missionary lu India, she
was ono of thu founders of thu local
association, and she gave last night an
intensely earnest presentation of tlio
great work which may be accomplished
among young women,
Tho election of officers resulted ns
follows: Picsldent, airs. Ezra II, Rip
ple; vice-president, airs, L, M. Gates;
treasurer, Mrs. H, J, Hall: secretary,
airs. C, II. Dermanj general secretary,
Miss Bertha M. Wood.
Refreshments wero served lu the par
lors after tho meeting by a coterie of
young ladles.
Wanted tho School Board to Take
Action Providing fdi tho Ap
proval of All Blllo by tho Commit
tee, Which Has Nover Had Any
thing to Do Board Didn't Do
What He Wanted Discussion on
Increasing tlio Teachers' Salaries.
Other Matters Considered.
The members of tho (school board
spent nearly an hour last night In dis
cussing a report for tho auditing com
mittee, presented by Ellas Evans, pro
viding thnt no bills bo paid in tho
future unless approved by tho auditing
committee us well as 'the committee
contracting them, nnd providing that
the auditing commlttco meet on the
Friday nights preceding board meet
ing to approve such bills.
This wns signed by five of the mem
bers of that body. W. J. Welsh, one of
the two members who refused to sign
the report, started tho discussion by
saying that he considered tho resolu
tion a reflection 'on the honesty or the
members of tho other committees.
An amendment was offered providing
that all bids should bo audited by tho
committee after they are passed in tho
same manner as bills contracted by tho
county commissioners have been aud
ited by the county auditors In tlio past.
Mr. Evans offered an amendment to
this, providing that all bills not acted
upon by tho committee be taken up nt
once by the board. This was lost by
tho following vote:
Yeas Christmas, Eynon, Phillips,
Murphy, Hand, Robinson, Evans 7.'
Nays II. J. O'Malloy, Roche, Welsh,
Walsh, Jennings, Schrlcfcr, Barker,
Langan, Rolf, Gibbons, Leonard 11.
Mr. .Tennlng's amendment was then
adopted, and when Mr. Evans realized
that the committee was to audit bills
after their payment, he arose and an
nounced his resignation as a member
or tho committee.
Mr. Barker, chairman of the teach
ers' committee, brought up the ques
tion of an increase In tho teachers'
salaries, saying that he wanted an ex
pression of opinion on It from mem
bers of the board. To bring the mat
ter before the board, Mr. Eynon
moved that the teachers be granted a
Hat increase of ten per cent. This
matter was referred to the teachers'
committee, after some little discussion,
during which several of the members
expressed themselves as believing that
a Hat Increase would work an injustice,
giving the higher salaried- teachers big
Increases and tho low-salaried ones,
small Increases.
A motion was finally adopted, pro
viding that a committee of five teach
ers from each grade principals, gram
mar, intermediate and primary meet
with the teachers' committee and care
fully discuss all phases of the ques
tion. Chairman Welsh, of the kindergarten
committee, reported that the members
of the committee made an inspection
of tho eight kindergartens and were
highly impressed at tho results being
accomplished through their agency.
The committee recommended that four
new kindergartens bo established for
the coming school year, and that $10,000
be appropriated for the maintenance
of all the kindergartens.
W. .1. Hand made his maiden speech
In championing the committee's le
port, and told of tho great part played
by the kindergarten In tho modern
educational scheme. That part of the
report piovidlng for the establish
ment of four now kindergartens was
adopted, but the matter of appropriat
ing $10,000 was referred to the finance
The building committee recommend
ed that Pfi-cival Morris bo employed to
prepare plans for an eight-room build
ing lo replace No. 11, tho same to cost
not more than $2'0O per room. This
recommendation was adopted.
Air. Phillips told of the necessity of
purchasing lots on Luzerne street, on
which to erect a building to relievo tho
present over-crowded condition of Nos.
"2, U and 31. This matter wns roferied
to tlio building committee, as wore also
tho mutters of providing for a now
building in tlio Ninth ward and pur
chasing a new site for the school which
It Is proposed to eiect In place of
No. 8.
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