The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Tl-llii HC1IANTU.N TJUBDNI-T.UJiSOAlT, MA 13, li)02.
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JIKJe crmfon $ri8une
irrnl.IUl.Ml tUllc. t.xrcpl Fiitnty. .v T''0,,7'.1!;'
sOflri)lllilng C'ompany, at Hlty Ceiil ."kS
3i.ivv H. iirilAltl). 1'illtnr.
i "0. V. MYMll.i:. Uuliic Matiait".
,Kr York OHUft ISO Sa.i ,nl.:iAm
" Sole Agclit f'uriJJMUrrtl'Jnf .
frittMcd nt the 1'oMoinr; "I "crnnlon, Va.,
Second Cln Mlt Matter.
' When space will permit, The
"Tribune is always glad to print
short letteis iron, its friends bonr
'inp on cunont topics, but Its tuiew
.that these must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real name,
.nnd the condition precedent to ac
ceptance Is that all contributions
.shall bo subject to edltorlaljvlon.
Tin: rMT.HATi: rou ahvi.iitimsci.
The rullonlw table f.limm Hie liilef per Inch
; ncli inscitloii, jjijii' la he met! tflllilii miu eJr.
ti ihaif W Int-hri,
' M Inches ...t...
.' " .,
,'m "
fioo " ...;...
sunn " ..i...,
, 00O " ...j...
, For rardi of "tliatit.!. rroln(lnii of cindoteneA
, nnd nlmlhir ttmlrllmtloiK In (he natu r nil
.(Hiring The Tribune inalui a'chattfe of'Ji cenls
,lnp. . . ,
. JfalM nt riMilfleJ Advertising furnished on
. application.
' SCHANTOX, MAY IB, 190'.'.
For governor of Pennsylvania, on the
Issue of nn open field and fair play,
JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana,
' subject to the will of the Republican
Prompt and to the Point.
THERE IS unanimous public
and there should be prompt
vonirre&slonul approval of the
president's, request for a
$500,000 appropriation for the relief of
the stricken victims of the shastly
'tragedy In Martinique. The reported
intention of one member of the house
to oppose such a grant on the ground
that it is without warrant In the cons
titution will not, we trust, be carried
out. The United States, which has so
many times reeerved the sympathy of
,the world In times of especial afllletlon
and which lias an honorable history in
'quick response to human suffering,
should not at this late day grow cal
lous pr penurious or unduly technical.
The frightful occurrence at Jlartlnl
Ique Is an international tragedy, engulf
ing in ItS'swift tide of destruction Am
erlcans'as weir as natives and I'urope-
ans. -It makes a. call to humanity as
, emphatic as il Is urgent. Haste In re
lief measures is doubly essential; and it
'would 111 become the United States, the
nearest, great power, to be tardy or
niggardly. Fortunately there Is little
danger of remissness in ihls respect.
The president has well iiiterp't't'tt'd the
temper of the pople.
From such Information as can be
gleaned, it seems to be true that a con
' servatlve . spirit, has largely governed
the mine workers of this vicinity in
their balloting on the question of con
tinuing the strike. Whether this will
be sufficient to develop Into a majority
of the Hazleton convention must be left
for the convention to determine. Pre
dictions at such a time and In view of
so many uncertain factors would be
No Need to Be Scared.
-w-JIIUtE IS reason to believe
I that more persons re
1 scared to death than die ot
accident. This comiuuaity
In a business sense has been In a
state of s-caro for more than two
years. Strike has followed strike la
such quick succession that those look
ing for excuses to avoid paying their
debts or placing orders have had them
on their tongue's end. Yet in reality
the actual damuge done to buslnesi by
these periodical and now very general
disturbances amongst the laboring
men has been ovei est limited. Ill spite
of strikes, last yrar was the best busi
ness year that Scranton ever had.
The llgures of bank clearings and the
records of the mercantile agencies as
to failures prove this beyond challenge.
As we said, the .scare Is worse than
the hurt. Our merchants have become
pretty well accustomed to that kind of
care. Ot course uncertainty has neces
sarily Interfered with business, inas
much as It has Interrupted orders and
delayed various plans looking to the
future. Hut after tomorrow we shall
know Just what to expect with regard
to the labor situation In our mines. If
the strike Is withdrawn, prosperity, of
course, will take on new 1 i f t' ; but If
the worst comes to; tho"wurst and a
fight to the finish isVenteied upon thoie
"Kim ol 1$Mtnc "ii
Paper. ! llMillnif.
.W ." '
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IB .173
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.IS L 'W
W will be tho consohrflon to bushier. men
fi generally lUnt afteftlils one period or
turWill thern will IfeJuUustrlul peiuo
and a settled foundation for bushiest
for an entire generation,
.Strike or no strike, there are about
no many people in this valley who
j. must wive luuu io cm, ciowies to wear
. ittjd vavlous .othoi).-artliiU's entering
Trrto-,rho'iboa.TtTle'wIffoB6'f W city.
"Consequently, If the strike goes on,
wi trade Is not going to disappear nor the
' "Stores to become, empty. Thero may
, 1(Jjo'rie'w atUuBtmeuts of pUtrouagu mid
-ie n.'ip-nrraHBOiiu'iilri of, stock, but thu huy
aii uii'fngx will continue and tho volume will
' f ''brf'".vpry( Utile lightened, at least for
no nWPlV'is,' i It. tberefoiu, is unnecessary
K oifurcour inorcliants to fee) dlscourageii
"" pessimistic, If they will keep the
public Informed intelligently and regu
larly of what i hey have to sell ami
" ' 'keep for salu what the public wants to
1 " bilS there1 need bo no failures and very
",,.,"' IjjEt'je, jfithy, shilnkugo In proilts.
r,r ,.a before the attorney general Is through
"1 ylth the beef business It Is to bo hoped
that ho will make the "hlg six" look
like the tenth numeral.
)c . "7 i , .
" ,, lUv. Hr. lo,e4e-n;i QrflUPe, Jv', J
'" "divine, has 'appeared Willi' arguments
tq sustain 'the theory thntMho story of
Adaii) and Eye Is nut history but ulle-
' gory. More people would probably take
Inttn,- In Hfv. Jt IV- ' tlnwlfH
If he cotilil bHng convincing talk to
support the Idea that thu promised llres
of llnilea are also llguratlvc.
Ill leu months our exports have
fallen on" nearly Jtio.iioo.ooi), and ycl
men at Washington claiming to be
statesmen oppose reciprocity with
Cuba, one of the surest mentis of ton
ing Up this declining trade.
The Voice of Illinois.
1110 SWONI3 llllltleiitlnl Up-
publican stnte to bold Its 100
convention wiim Illinois, one
door vet of the starter, tu
mid Its platform, like that
framed tit lmllunnpotls rtceiHly, Hugs
linn and true, lien- is one pianii in
particular that merits national notice!
"We commend tho, brilliant and
pntrlotlc services of our army nnd
navy In maintaining , the dignity
and honor of our flag on the sens'
and In our foreign .possessions, nnd
we condemn tho mnllgnnnt attacks
now being made upon our soldleis
and 'sailors."
The present governor of Illinois, itlch
ard Yates, Is a son ot the war governor
In 'fil-r.; iiiul history merely repeats In
this new condemnation of unputi lotto
back-llrlng upon the boys on the light
ing line. .
Here Is another plank significant
enough to be emphasised: "We con
demn all conspiracies and combinations
to ipstrlct business, to create monop
olies, to limit production or to control
m Ices, and favor such legislation as
will etTvctiuilly restrain. and. pr.event all
such abuses, piolect and promote com
petition and secure the rights of pto
duceis, laboiers and all who are on
gnged lu Industry and commerce, and
w'e approve and commend the efforts
of President Uoosevelt to enforce the
liiws against illegal combinations In
restraint of trade, and pledge htm our
hearty support in all his efforts to pre
ve.ut the people from oppressive com
binations of capital." The meat trust,
with Its headquarters In 1'hlcugo, will
derive small comfort fiom this.
Jn addition to these clarion tones,
protection is appioved and an expres
sion In favor of a reciprocal trade
treaty with Cuba Is voiced. Although
brief, the Illinois platform is full of
meat and merit. IL heralds a winning
light by an undivided party.
The sweet gii 1 graduate and the rum
mage sale gubernatorial boom arc now
struggling for the center of the stage.
Why Not?
THE ASSERTION is made by
the Philadelphia Jtecord that
a joint debate of aspirants
' , for the Republican guber
natorial nomination, such as was con
ducted In WIIkes-Barro last week be
tween -Messis. AVuties and Elkln, should
also include the slated candidate. Judge
Pennypaeker; and our contemporary,
with dry humor, adds: "In such a joint
debate, while Colonel Walres is elo
quently supporting the cause of honest
government and while Attorney flen
eial Elkln is defuiuling the light of the
Kepublican party to make It nomina
tion for governor flee from despotic
dictation,' Judge Pennypaeker could ex
pand his original euloglum upon Sen
ator Quay and expatiate at gieater
length upon the merits of the machine
as Illustrated In the state and city gov
ernments." Uttered by H Democratic paper de
risively, why should not this sugges
tion in- cqnsldered seriously? The op
portunity Is near to hand. On May lit
a direct piim.iry election with popular
expres-sion as to gubernatorial candi
dacies Is to be held In Tioga county.
Watres, Elkln and Pennypaeker have
each legistered. The tlrst two have
fared the voters like men and been seen
and measured by the constituents they
would serve. Pennypaeker to the great
bulk of Pennsylvanians Is an abstrac
tion iiieiplyi Not one lu a thousand has
ever seen him. Not one In ten thousand
knows what his opinions are on public
questions eiiteilng into gubernatorial
work. It is known that he is a gentle
man and a scholar, but there the pub
lic's stock of information ends, Should
he be nominated without lurther eluci
dation a inaivel of obscurity would be
the consequence.
We have no authority to speak for
either Colonel Watres or Attorney (len
eral Elkln, but we suspect that they
would welcome the chance to test their
powers lu a friendly contest of oratory
ami argument with the Philadelphia
jurist. From the manner lu which Air,
Elkln enjoyed the discussion at WUkes
Haire and In the light or its effect upon
the primaries, wo doubt not that he
would be willing to pay the cost of
baud hire and halt lent If his two op
ponents should consent to join him in u
peisonnlly conducted tour of. the com
monwealth, with one-night stands in
each county yet to elect delegates.
If the new pension commissioner
thinks he will Hud time or Inspiration
for any moio poetry he Is gieatly mis
taken, Preparing a Defense,
A .STATEMENT by the meat
packing Interests calculated
to counteract the effect
upon public opinion of the
aveiinents slu tho Buxeinmeiu's petl
tlcai foi an Injunction Is said to bj In
couise of preparation. It will 1m wel
comed. The public Is full- enough to
hear both sides. It cannot huvo too
i.uu'li infoimnttau on a subject so vital
to Its welfare,
There Is one phase of the govern
ment's case, however, which the pack
ers can hardly Imvo.the hauilhood to
deny. Tiat Is the averment that the
combination In coutiol of the packing
Industry has forced fiom the railroads
ich.ilcs nnd special privileges sultlcleut
to make competition impracticable.
This Is no heuisay, It has been ad
mitted by railroad olllclals under oath;
and there Is no reason to doubt their
assertion, that they tiro eager to bo re
lleved from the necessity of being rid
den by the octopus.
This forcing of rebates Is tho mean
(Time hi the bill of Indictment., Hall
toads are public institutions! enjoying
public franchises and special legal ud
antageu conditional upon their per
forming certain services vital to the
public, welfare. The law of congress,
bfiTd twain obvious considerations of
Justice, declares that railroads shall
not (llserimitMle as Deiweon snippers
seeking an oqunl service. Wole they
to be permitted t dlscrluiliintc, a power
would iest In them greater than that
.of an einpeior or eaar; tho power to
say what men should prosper In their
commercial enterprises and what
should not. They could then ninku and
utimitke conimunllles and even states;
and III a short time the Inequalities
which would result from such power
unrestrained In the hands or a few'
Would threaten the eliiirncler It nut
the very life of our government.
Yet the meat trust, by reason of the
grip which It has acquired upon thu
InrgeMtltein of Height levenue enter
ing Into the receipts of most or tho
lollrouds traversing the cattle produc
ing states, have demanded and en
forced concessions with regnnl,t'o Inter
state commerce which hot only arc
prohibited by law but which In their
very nature are outrages ubm the pub
lic and in their effect' highway lob
berles. A government which, knowing
tlmt tKs klnd'of migrant violation of
Its law was In tontlnuous and boasted
operation, would take no steps to en
force Its mandate and protect the pub
lic Interests would not deserve the re
spect of .a sluglu honest man.
No wonder that President Iloosevelt
has made up his mind that this sort of
thing must stop.
The wire wound flatlimaii gun, which
was to throw half a ton of steel twenty
miles with sulllclcnt accuracy to sink
a ship, has been declared a dream by
the war department experts. Hut us
long ns Senaturs Tillman and Honey
can be kept lu lighting trim the coun
try will be safe.
For it man who all his professional
life, according to his critics, bad been
an attorney for trusts, Attorney Gen
irul Knox is giving a good imitation
of an attorney for the people.
Two aeronauts have just been killed
by the explosion of an airship at Paris.
Facts seem to justify the oft-repented
assertion that the airship will never get
beyond the toy plane.
Advice to Miners
by a Workingman
I'. V. (.'.ill.isher In the I'kp lic-, SuiuKiy.
Tlinti: Alii: tw ilnllts ilew.lve gii the
jnimrs who jil lncmbeK of llie Mine
WniKn'. union. Thf.v th'ohe tn them
a- in'llviiliuN .mil tiny apply tullisliwly.
As iiuliwihuM the. will meet ,.l llarhtun Weil
nivlay, ami, ieiieeiitlin; their liumlii-ih, they
will slam) for one linliilriil jnd lllty llinu-.iml
A I'lee l'n.-i lepoitcr inteniewetl l'ii.lihnt
Milehell (".."Ulay moininj: at hli lieailijii iilcn
in the SI. ( luilis lintel, uml thi-i u.ii foi the J.ui
pnbo r'f hi'tinc? miiiic of the itjhueKs lit n-lit .1 fiom
the Mluithm and linking the points .it Iv,m
Hand out hohlli, at that theie could he lo
doubt as to their identity.
"Tlieie :ne only two ipiotion-. at in,e," aiu
President Mitilitll. "One in tonti.ii t- min
ers shall meiw an ineie.w ot wanes .iiiK.iinliiig
10 twenty ur unt., and men who are dojnsr
ihiy well: shill leuiu" ,i loiie-punilini,' IiiimW
hy h.ninir their' ImiiLs minted from ten
to el'ht liottis. Of loin-e, we ,il-i want our to inter lino turn aeietmenN."
"How jhuut le.oitnltion uf the llliiunj" jaked
the itporlrr.
U'jIm.1 lonir flute," 1'ioiduit Mil l lit It's
i-haip (
'Mow .ihoul t lit" enfoit tun nt of the working
taid at iiiintst" .1-l.etl the iiuitti.
""ft i.tver tntfleil into the i1ImiissIi.ii," w.ns
llie w.iy Mr. .Mlu In II ilUiulnsc.1 the -itCjeit.
Ilei", then, I- the chillis of the e.i-o, itlieed
of all unnet ts.ny tnhi.it1. .Miners an
inuease in w.irs, .in.l thuse that tiniiloy fhem
tehee to uunt this ie.iic-.t.
This leatci tht.; londitioii: Tho-e who ate niis
guldul .lie I'ljlni; for strike. Tho-e who want to
et" innoni-in iiiislnd nut in this allej ,ue lin
ing lor Miila1, and if the luineis want theli next
condition to he un.-e than Ihflr luesenl, they
will ci.lei" a Milke lor net Weihusilay. If they
aie wife, tht-y will .tMpoiii" the it like iiuhllnlte
ly, anil make llie tli-t tnke they encase In a
strike tlnoush the lnllot li.
The ineuhints of tho eity of Seianlon hate
H.iihetl Hut i i while Miike talk (eases to
woiry limn, iliiiiin; the tt two je.iis it has
lieeu tttiihf, ntiihc, strike, and if it u.i.-n'l in
one line ot atthily, it was in another. 'Ihry
I'm in an ioithm uf the hjidy pulltii,'
mid tlit it" .. in he lie .loulil of their feelhiK".
The. hae ll-tuied lo threats of Mrilii,; .v. long
that thty aie ejirer lo tee the mie-llon thieshed
out llnilly and detislvelt.
The I'll i" I'nss wants to i'o a Ml Ike, loo. It
would like It. He nun of iulelliiiinee strike one
Itpjtl, tletlhe l.l.rtv l.e.l fall, w lit n nun who aie
In ilioosi. I'lilted Stiles' FPiiatuis me to be
iliosin, and when null ale In ! elet ltd to Kit
in the lotwi l.iimli id the lullon's law-iuakluj;
Lmlj in the I'.llloliil laplltil.
Yid, mine wil.iii-. sulke if joii waul to tee
jour ihlhlieu I11111411, ami If any tf jmir Iciileis
are so hliuil as In sit tint ,uu will he aide to
tic-Nip tin shipping .moss Hie .Whittle fin want
of toal to Kentiiti Meam that will finiiMi the
power to 11111M' the M-es, ihlhiouti smli leadtM,
'they me tal-e piophel. A.k lliitii what .1.
1'leipout Moiuau was huiiii: up lines
foil 'I Ills in m r in 1 in 1 i-d III thilll,
Whit .tie the fills? They nie jiM as the
1'ue I'hsss tiei)utntly Mitril them. The nun
who itpiiMi.t toipoi.iie iuteii'-U nn- for
the Miap. They hate heen In tulnlni; tor it for
tome time, .1. l'itlpont .MuU'.ill has hem up
pe.ihil lu, hut thl iieiilleiiiJii lo ton busy ton.
solhl.itliiir his lltet In htw- them lu b.illle au.iy
Hut he hasn't lime lo lUlru lo thu walls of ids
fileuil, the Senator fiom Ohio, .Mr. .Mo.icau
kiwn.s that nest fall will trim I1I111 the uppni:
liiulty of -ijiui lli M.illeis with Minus, and he
will not iuletfue With the plans of lilt own
.ikuiI, Mr. Iher, of lieadinu. And Mr, llaer, of
ItiadluKr, wants the mlneo. to nlilke,
The i.iilju HjJt Iho 1'iee 1'reri lakes In this
luilltr in iv lie 1 be llite whoiii it Is in.
lemlcil to htlitlit, hut IhU will lint piewnt III.
telaute, nor ihler mhlte. 'llie duty of mine
worktis who hate lint t lei ltd thleitites ,ut, i.s to
set. that only men of Miptrlor intellli;iiiie ale
Miit to llili'lim, iiiul II would he hitler if all
wile li;Mruclrd to olo onanist the strike.
Any one who ha hteu lu .1 luring sliike will
aitiee with the hiiiim1 that Is lure c'uifKOateil,
Time la no ileilloii lu pioyit.-.s now, ami no II
ILiiti .1, lli.tan, whn.e honesty mailo him fe.irisl,
Is a ijiiilliljte for (lie piethleuty. Mail; A.
11 inn a,- tt.ilph Kaslej and .Vidian Strauss may
lill .toil Hut tht',1 aie 1.11.-1 r to att .i iiuicllli
told, lilt when only t'ne sidj Is open In idiu illa
tion and the other lrio only olfeis leuiu Hut will
lu. auipted hy loinpuMon, there is not much
ih. line fur the k'ood oHUe of the lueii who torn
pritu the ("lo l'tdel Jlinn. It was ortraulid
with 1 lofly ptilpo-e, hut the Hut lilt; luk tint
is Mihiultled pioi to lie 111010 Hun It could
The only iUt'tliiii thai 1 oilfields the lulur
M' Is 0110 of pride. 'Ihry delllrled their
idllnuliun, uml it lias hem lejecltd. The nat
ural luipul.e i t uel I iick, In iftulljte, Cldl
dun Jit on inipiilris. Mm wi'i'.'U (he ioiiilllion.
Tlif.c aie Kuhleil hy Juilaiueut touiideil on a
lialjiulni; ol all the loiulltlons after ill t de, and in lld.s iw the lldin,' for llie
mine wotkern lo do l to luuMi piltle und nit
011 the fact j, tiny uie pteMiittd, as iiuleut,
reasonable men kliould. II they do lhl, theie
will he mi ulilke. If, however, they ate tlidl of
their 011,'jidzillonl if they lie pie-paled lo Jtriee
with topllali If they aie wlllini; Hut theli e r
Kinlzjtloit lus oulllied Its u.selulneM; if ley
ire willliu; to penult U return to ihaotle eoruli
tloioj Hut pretalled prior to their orifanlatfoii,
the will older u iltlle.
Walter W'elliii.iu lu ITik-jgo IterortMlerjld.
Prrohlt'iit ItooMtelt altackrd the heel tout,
hluillon lietause he uus alltied the tltuallon
Mhi'ie met thu loiiditloiu which ihuiild vvairaut
nppeilMii Hie tourls-l.olii lotollon tit the law
unit mi Injury In ! iuhlli. The pii'riihllt lint
tint mtetl his hind aitnlnst hie torpoliltlous, tiur
nit.tliet lilif i.otnliliHlloiw, nor nliy ol the other
lull in ill iletelopiitflitt ul liioihin luihilriilliui,
tint he ileiiiatnU tint Ihey I itij tm Ihelr luislnrra
In n-.ic'h way ha trt.i lu Inl.ile Ids 1.111II11.1I ptlie
clplef"e( oiporluiilly for lilt; and little! fiilr
Here It found the ke.iiiole lo the l'ieltleiit'
.r.lley. lie will not 11 1 hit I; nrrat liitluslihl coll"
1 1 Hi Imply heialise Ihey ale Uleill, Her lice iiw-o
they are miiiivsIiiI, lie Is.not going itrntiml with
11 mlels.seope III one li.itul and u llllli In the
other. 1 tit t he Is oppost.1 Id methods whlth
leave llie lealiii nf fair hii'ltievt touipelltlon 111.1l
enter the fit hi ol pinny hy hi let leli.ltcs and
oilier toii'pliat les to elilsh mil "miller llwil".
Wjieiewt" he im-i ii-hiMil whoe owner Is.Kteeilll)
inttapetl III Irainpllnjr oil the lult- ul "eipid op
puittiully and fair" he liilends In lilt II.
l'ltilil 11 lire till 1'ie-s lll-p.ltill.
In Ihe space of linen nillitite", SI. 1'lerre nml
4(1.1)110 people Were Mulled out, Il win over he
lore I here was lime, for tlii.tiglit or II I n t it or
plains, It all liappnic'd In the lliue It would
Hike .1 matt In walk lite i.iillniry 1 ll lilotks. It
took no until' thin- than 11 mm lakes in the
inoitiliiK lo put on till shoes. 'Ihe spire of lime
was mi longer than it takts In liny 11 ilrlnk. Per
sons 111 he'd when Ihe iupllon sl.illtil hid time
In hiioiue 110 Iniire thin half iliessed hetiue It
was nil over, A oily was iltslii.ji'il nnd IO.ihkj
people killed In the time II lakes to hull an vug.
It happened In half the time It would take a
man lo Kit -.hated. Il was nil over In the time
occupied In the giectlng of Iwo filemH.
An ntuusliiir iiiildont oe'eurred the other at
Itinoon In 11 Hint lemon's oiillHtliig shop In New
1.(11 el, llliinilisham, when 11 eii.toiner.t'.iinc In
lo puitlust' ,1 hat. He tiled oil n-vetal, mid
was ovlriintly haul to, the coiintir he
loniins niveud with the rejetleel. At last the
salcniait piiked up .1 hrowu bovvlir, lir.islieel
it round with his aim, and extuiilul it tidinlr
Inslv. "'Ihesee an- I111111; eiy iiaicli worn this te.i'on,
II," le esiililned.
"Aie Ihey!" said the customer, thoughtfully
Mine.vinir hluusclf in the minor, Willi the hat
on his "Do jolt think 11 stills me"
"Sulls j 011 t peifecllon, sir If the fit's
"Ves; It tits veiy well. So joii think I had
helttr hc.e If"
"I elon't think ,voti cuuld do heller, sir."
"Sit, I don't think 1 roulil; so I won't luve
n new one." ,
The .alt-mau had heen pushing the old hat.
S'pue Moments.
Sprint; anil Summer Ofoids and II00I3 that con
tent the mind and comfort Hie feet.
Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00
ladies' "Melba,'? Oxfords, $2.50.
L-e-wis & ReiUy,
114-116 Wyoming Avenue.
Everything High but
In plpinir tlnies nf peace or sliife,
Itieatl continues the otah of life.
llvei.vlhini; t'Ne itone tip lv hittll.
l'loui's the only thlnir lo huv.
And when vou want the M'ly h"-r.
".-now Wlille" l'Kur leatls all the Iojt,
"VVe only wholesale It.
ill & Grain Co.,
Scrnnton and Olyphnnt.
Porch Roekers
Ever shown in Scrnnton
A strong' but true state
ment. We have nearly every
thing in summer furniture
including the
Grass Goods
Artistic in design, rich in
appearance and very prac
tical. We want overy house
keeper iu Scrnnton to visit
our store and inspect our
stock you'll find prices
right and goods the best to
be had,
Hill & Cornell
J2I Washington Avenue,
$9574 in Special Rewards
Educational Contests
The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. There are
offered as Special Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY
THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In some of tho Leading Educational Institutions In the Country.
List of Scholarships
Selioltmhlin In ,.v r.ictue tmfveilly, tit JflW
tlt, Il i sot
Stholaishlii in lliiil.nt'11 I'lilvtulty Oil
Modai-hli' In The l,'nlveilty of ltothe.-eler.. :iit
Hc)itlnrlil In W.ishliiKtfiii School for 17IW
Sihi"hil)hli -In Willi inifinrt WiMnson Send-
liav "'",0
Selinliirlili In Dithliwon (.'olliKMlo l'ieiiu.f
lory rehool "'n
Selinlurdli lu .Newton Colleuhili" Ihstltute.. i-'H
Miol.iltlili In Kev-elono Ai'.uleuiy OtH
Si'linltii.lilii 111 llrown t'ollrpp Preparatory
Seholaishlii ill the Sthool ot Ihe I,.iil.uvvann.i 4(l
Seholarshlp iu Wllkes-llane liudllule it'll
.Vhol.nshlp In Cotull Cottuse ("uinnief
.hIiooI) ' 2"" ,,
Schohirshlii", In Siranlon Conieivatory ot
Miwle. ul UltW cull ; 0
Hrlml.iiHlilpt III ll.ndenhemh School of Music
nml Alt co
Sehohiishlit iu Siiiinton Hiislne-w (.olleue, at
Sc-lioljrrliiM III Inli'iftitlonil Corre.-iioiidenic
SihooN, avemite value ?j fiieh 2S.i
."Lliol.irn1iiM"iii 1iiUwiiniu llulne LVIlei;.",
nt IjXi eiieh.. ''"J
biholaiahlps In Alfieel Woolei'i Vocal Studio lii
' IS 10
EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the
scholarships will receive ten per cent.- of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune
during the contest.
Special Honor Prizes
A new feature is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing
the largest number of points each month.
The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. bATURDAY,
May 31, will receive A HANDSOME GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years.
Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later.
Those wishing to enter
concernlnt? the dan will be
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Fenn Avenue.
When in Need I
Of anything in the line of
optical goods wo can supply it. .
Spectacles I
and Eye Glasses i
Properly fitted by an expert
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of prescrip
tion work and repairing1.
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avonuo,
Atlantic City.
Hotel Sothern
On YliKltila avfiiu". tliei widest nml most"
in All-uitic- City. Within .1 ft-vv ,vj'U ul
tin- I'llucuis Mccl ,1'iei ami llujithcalk uml In
(unit iif the incut iliMi.ililn lutliini; kioiiihIs, .Ml
t tinv rnlnicT.i, includine; nIcjiii licit, miii,
ilt'tJtor tu Ml if I li'Vtl, licit tin. mill li.itlH. Talilo
i Nt-e'llcnt, Aetolilliiciil.ltliilts for time liuiiilitej,
lViins inoilrratt'. H'llte for buuLlct.
R. N. Bothwell.
On a niur of tin Allmluuy .Muiinl.iiii'i. I.i'lil'!i
Valley rjili'ojtl; Tutviiinlj. Il.illiiin.', llsMuir,
poll., Ill", I'Mt'lll'llt l.lllll'. Hc.lMiM.lllk I4ll'.
the Westminister
Kcntuckv avc. noar lleacli. MUiitlc- t'ily. Opfii
all tlm )'car, Sun I'atlor. lllevatui uml all modern
iniirovcincnt. bicclal fti'iln;," Itatcs.
Kentucky Aw-iinc. I'litl Hold Iiom lloatli, At
UnIu City, N. Ji M "ciMit view lounwf ia
jucily 400; write) lor icilal lult. J. il. Jctik
liu, I'lOl'.
otiiut-n iu mo niautuil lliuoitc lis; itiitutti
ihw iuoiitli''i Mitxirlpllon $ .r0
Time innnllw' miIhi rlptlou l.-"
SK iiiouIIm' suhs.rlplion. !!.
..... ....... ur ... f .... r. nit
-II... ........ ,....,
the Contest should send in their names at once. All questions
cheerfully answered. Address all communications to
Do You Want
a Good Education?
'Not a tliort course, nor an easy couise,
nor a cheap course", but the licst education
to be hail. No other eihicatltii is vvotth
upendintr time and money on. If jou do,
vviito for o catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
which otTeii tliorough pi epilation in iho
Ilngineci Ins and Chemical l'mfcs-luiis as well
m the." lcatilar Collide coursed.
During tho summer of 1902, in
struction in all the subjects required
for admission to the best colleges
and scientific schools will be given
at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer
.School of Secondaiy Inst: notion,
Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the
direction of Principal Charles 1:.
Fish The couises of instruction
are lor the benefit o( live classes of
1. Candidates who have received
conditions at the entrance examina
tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by reason of illness or other
causes, have dellclencies to make up.
4. Students in Secondary Schools
who wish to anticipate studios and
save time lu the pieparatiou for
D. Students in college who have
admission conditions which must be
removed before the beginning of the
next Scholastic Year.
For particulars address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Lackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's
SSIh vcir. Twenty-llvi' ijm under tlio mail !;
mint of Ml" HOW Mill. t'lillem piepai.iloiy
4lid iirailenik' iouibee. Ileolekiit piiplU limited tu
;o. mi ttlili iKiieii.-l'It nt. Ilcititlliil Kiuiuid,,
'Iciinls ejiitttt, Institution In Jccoriljiic uitli
lilaliesl it-iiilri"iiii"h t be.-t lollecjt m, I'or par
tliulaii) anil citat jeittt ailtlie.
John MjcIIuMc, 1'h. IL, Spilnpllfhl, Mas.
y I'ast btlduiUiintf, I'a,
The csjliilii ll It'll, ten itiiniK-iuii tu the Mld.Ue
Year uml ."-cnlut Vi',tr ilie vvjll be lit hi .lime 1U.
Illtth tclinol tl.i'hiJlc will be peiinllli'il lu tiko
butli exaniliiilloii't aid tnlir itl"' n-nim- ilj.v-vvhtii-
then t'il. hi leivt-u'd the- jiuiloi uml pild.
die veart coeii.c ul (Iw itorinil. TliU jear will
he I'hi' l.iat ipioiitiuity then la do i-u, 114 ihe
time ,veai' lOiit-e i In full feme and all will
1 unit' under the flalc vci-'iilJlioin nf euiiliutiou.
for full luitlculaii adtlre-ts at once.
(I. I'. IIIIII.I.. A. M., l'rlnrliul.
T. J. Foster, Pmldcat. Klmcj II. Law ill, Treat
It. . Foiter, Etaulcy l'. Allen,
Vice rfcildtnt. tkcrtry.
Rules of the Contest
Tho special tevvnrelti will he given to tltc jwtson secur
ing the l.i i (it'll luiinhei- of point. '
I'olnli will lie credited to i'onlcl.inU iteciirlni; new sub-
suimi.iiiiiit.iii.... ...u.j im
.tt.l. .1... ....- .i.i.i.l.,. tt ...ttilld M'lll
u 1 111 I I ... Ill I I, ....1. .11. ..I..I..I i-i ..'....7 .
he fjlvi'ii il eholei" from the Hit ol nprehil rewnnl-ii the con
tP'tnnt vv'th the i-eeoiul hl'ihesl liuiuhcr of polnM Mill he
C'lieii .1 eholei of the icinalulnt: tewnreh, und m on through
the lilt.
The f-nntdliint who seturet the liitrlicst lunnher of points
ehtrlnir any calendar mouth of the ioiitc-t will receive u Iintior lewaid, this tevvaril helni; entirely Independ
ent of the tilllmite illfposlllou nf the nhol.uihlpi.
llath contestant falllnt,' lit seciiio n lew.ird will
ho ul veil W per tent, of all money he or Mic lui-iu in.
All Milj-nlpllotii iniHt he pild In mlviiuee,
Duly new MilmerilieM will he lounleel.
lteliew.ll-i liv perfoiH whoso tntines are nlreatly on our ftib
Fcrlitlon list w'ili net he credited. The Tribune will lnvestl
Kate each Milisrripttoii and If lountl in any way
letiiiviM Ihe tiitht In reject it.
Vii tiansfers can lie made after credit hat once been given.
All MibsiiiptloiM nml the eah to pai for them tmut he
handed lu at The Tribune o'llct- within tho week In which
Ihev nn mured, m that papem can be eenl to the Bub-serlbei-i
at onie.
Suhscrlptloiw niuib be wiltlen on blaiiko, whlelt can be
secured at The; Tribune olllee, or will be sent by null.
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79.3
Don't Strike !
Buy the
"Smoot," the Typewriter
Man, takes pleasure in ex
hibiting its merits from morn
till night. 1st floor Guernsey
Building, Scranton, Pa.
The Dr. Diemel
is the most healthful, comfortable,
cleanly underclothing of any hither
to known. This is a large clajm,
but those who have used the goods
bear testimony ,to tho accuracy of it.
Send for descriptive pamphlet and
samples of material, or call and ex
amine the garments for men, women
and children.
Dr, Jaegars' Sanitary Underwear
412 Spruce Street
309 Lackawanna Avenue,
I. ill's MS
Beer .
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
! ! ! $ '5"i' 'I'
,S,E, Scranton, Pa.
Old M'lione, 3331.
New 'J'hone, '2935.
I jjBt
S?B HiflHSSltRBjSsMBlHh'
ian,vrffj.i ; JCZ&s.r'.aiZ.'.