' rfM WEPVircf,ffWT(07a9rSXiSiiS'1i'f''jSSi!5' hr1' rr , j '-'??; isaM groi&KafV mMmtztmnmr;j1iKijKiit.'TJi ' ,1w.j.i; vsaaga m5.yT rghr. s'smKBiHRVnRVHHHHninBmnarm. mhk MVM Ipipri piifPf' S!'Cj',i' WX" CSV F". ,. 1 -.- 1 It' 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAY 12, 1902. RETURN OF THE GRAND JURY SELLERS OF RENOVATED BUT TER INDICTED. Deputy Food Inspector Stevens Secures True Bills Against Four Men for Illegal Selling of Patent Butter True Bills Also Against Cruel Parents Petition for a County Morgue Is Opposed Jury Session Continued to This Week. Other Mattoio In the Court3. Connolly & Wallace 1 Scranton's Shopping: Center 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave. The store that has abnormally low prices on some things either sells you trash or makes its loss up by charging too much for other things. This business was built on satis factory service. It is never too late and we are never too busy to listen to a dissatisfied customer. fri 'Wfl H Cubanola cigars cost one fM A H ihird more to manutf ac - ? J IB H ture than other I IM LAjliiot have this benefit? H M I True- bills wuro ruturnrd by lite jrantl jury, Saturday, tigulnat M. P. VConnor, Alfred Horry ami Joseph Cross, of Curbondnlc, chnrged by Deputy Stato Food Inppector Stanley J, Stevens with selling renovated but ter without a license. There were also true bills returned against Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gibson, charged by Mrs. Duggun with cruelty to their children, and John Coleman, or Dunmore, charged by Agent Wilson, of the Municipal league with selling liquor without a license. Among the bills Ignored was one charging J. "W. HHnk.of the Exchange hotel at Dun more with selling liquor Illegally. Agent Wilson says this party will bo rearrested. The complete list o true bills Is appended: Ilurglarj Mliliuil dudge mid Xl.ick.iy, Mellon. hiirIi; Loni n. Day, pros. Mlchiol .)tid0'e, M.iukay Jlrvonouirji; Lonii II. l).i), jros. Latcrny mid Deceiving .lolm TulTyj I.ona Day, 1io. MorrU Klein; Lena Day, pros. Tcofll Mali' nou..M; Mlihacl Coui tnry, pro. Thomas Wit J.in, Knic-t Walking; James fchieUls ami Joseph (inglrm ; Lona Day, pros. Maikny McOumush, John J. Walsh, Putrir-k rinnre.in :iml Mhluel Judge; Lona Day, pros. A. II. Adams; Lona Day, pi 01. Assault and Hattrrv Luke Hobcck; fcckla Wangiancck, pros. John Kirn; K 1. Frovvikik, pro. Paintul Van Wen; S. 1. l'rovvdrlk, pros. Henjainln Jnrvls, Thomas Tumor, Kiatik llalnite iniil Krank Units; l'r.mk I.lncjevvtki, pios. Kvan Jehu; Mary Zigmoular, pro. William MfAn iliivv; .Tunics Killy, pio. William Uronan; Helen I.npuinck, prot. Joseph Zima. Stanley Novaltof ski, Stanley Villinski, Frank Kiimvviski and John iownkl ; Frank hlppcl, pros, Henry I'll col I.ona II. Day, p ro. Irf-opild Schimpfl; .Miry hi himpff, prov. Itcciivintr Molru OfoH Jacob I. Told; I.o-ia )iy, pros. William Hushinsl.y; I,oi.a Day, prey. b.-llini; Rrmnaliil liutler Without a l.icciwc "T. P. O'Connor; ht.mley J. Stovcm, pro. Alfred 3oiry; faunley J. Minns, pro.'. Jus.'ph Cros; latiley J. Mcvens. puis. O unity to Infant Michael Cili-on; Mrs. W. n. JluRjn. piov. t-aiali fiihson; ill-. W. B. Dug Kan, prov. Iincny In- Bulrc Mai.v Phillips; ltolicrt .Alexander, ru.. Abe PoMior; James fcullh.in, pi OS t .NeglcetiiiK to Kcrp Hooks Jacob l'eld; I.ona l'iv, pro Jaiob Mivitli; I.ona Day, pio. Mulicious Mlsdiiif Benjamin ,1arvi, Frank Milone, 'Ihonias Turner, 1'iank llullz; Frank I.inerwiski, plus. Dl'chargins Firearms Joseph Demeliin; John .' iluli, pro. ollins Liquor Withtul a Lilpujc John Cole nun; llobcrt Wil'nn, pre;. Malicious Mischief to Railroad'. Michael JCa; all i, Iluinllo Mace; Mcphen D.er, pro?. The jury made a favorable report on the petition for the establishment if a, county morgue. If the next grand jury also favors, tlm proposition, court will have the authority to direct the county commissioners to proceed to the establishment o the morgue. The jury could not complete Its work 'nturday and V.is continued In session intil this week. In Orphans' Court. At the ht-ssion of the orphans' court, m Saturday, before Judge A. A. Vos ,iurg hearing was had in the proceed ings to compel the representatives of the estate of John K. Mahon to file an account. The petition was presented by Mrs. Donovan, an aunt of the dc cednnt's wife, who claims to be a cred itor by reason of, services performed in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Mahon. The respondents deny that any relationship of creditor exists and therefore the pe titioner has no standing to compel the filing of an account. The petitioner was represented by C. H. Welles, esq., and Attorney D. J. Reedy represented the respondents. Argument of counsel will be heard on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. In the- estate of Peter Manning, cie ceased, leave was granted the adminis trator to mortgage the real estate of the deeedant for the payment of debts. , Pe titioner was represented by R. C. Stuart. On motion of II, C. Reynolds, J. George Elsie was appointed guardian of George Ferber, a minor. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The May term of common pleas opens this noining, with Judges Kelly and Xcucomb pro dding. Will r. Clifford, ulio m indicted last week for like personation of a dctecthe, applied to lourt Saturday for a liicnsc. He had had a license, but allowed it to lapse, EISTEDDFOD PROGRAMME. Eull List of the Various Competitive Events. The national eisteddfod to be held in the now armory on Thursday and Fri day, May 9 and 20, piomlses to bo one of the greatest musical events ever held In this country. Following Is the programme: MUSIC. liked Chorus. Firtt prUc, SJt.Ono; setond prise, ?J5. "The Night Is Departing" Hymn of I'ralte (Mendelssohn), Jiowllo, Ewir h Co. edition. For choirs not under ISO nor omt 173 toll'Ctf. Jlale Chorus Open competition. First prize, $.100; Kcond prize, $100. (a) "The, Ilritons" XDan I'rothcroe, Mus, Dae.) (b) "Ar Ilyd y No" ("All Tlno' the Night)" (Arrangement of T, J, lUvlcs, Mus. He.) For ihoirs not un der M oIces. German Male Chorus For Cicnnan societies only. Trophies valued at ip.WH, 8300 and $ZOO. Ojm A "Dlo Hlutenfcc" (Ilegar); not limited to any number ot voices. Cluni II "JJer Pilot (Carl Figue, op. 40); for choirs not under SO nor out "0 voices. ClaM C "Kinehi" (WIN helm Sliuni, op, 10, No. 'J); for iholis not un der thlity nor over iO oleea. Indies' Clionu Open competition. Hrst prize, pw; fccond priie, $t00. (a) "Spanish Ojphy" (Ijsseii). (b) "Nos Calan" (New Vtar'3 Ke), Jirungcnunt of J, W, Fireon I'rleu; to bo .ling tult throughout. Not under 0 nor out C3 olu'. Qujrlellf I'noc-companlcd. I"rhe, 20. "Sunset" (Dan I'rotheroe, Mil Uac.) I'rica donated by Mi. Kate Cios-sln O'llrlrn. Ouet Soprano and contralto. Prize, $13. "Cheer. Whooping Cough. This Is a very dangerous disease un less properly treated. Statistics show that thei'o are more deaths from it than from scarlet fever. All danger may be avoided, however, by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It liquifies the tough mucus, making It easier to expectorate, keeps tho cough loose, and makes tho paroxylsms of coughing less frequent and less severe. It has been used in man epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For fcale by all druggists. 13 IMPERIAL CIGAR CO.,109 LACKA. AVE., fulness" (P. (Jumbert). Prize donatetl by Hon. A. A. Wburc Duet Ti nor and bif-. Prize, 15. "(!o, llafltcil Coward, Co" fiom oratoilo of "&on" (Handel). Nniello, Kcr .t Co. edition. 1'ilzo donated by Hon. A. A. Vosbiirg. Soprano Solo. I'rire, 10. "Tlio better Land", Key otl), (F. Concn). Trle donated by Dr. John O'.Malley. Contralto S)lo t'ri?e, flO. "Hope On", ey of V. flat (I. Klein. I'llzc donated by I-!. S. Jic- Naul, esq. Tenor Solo Prlro, 10. "Lend Mc Your Aid" from "Queen of Sheba," key of C, (Gounod). Prize donated by Dr. J. J. ItobeiK Bass Solo l'rie, $10. ".lust Are the Waa of (Jod tn Man" from "Samson," ey, (1 miner, (Handel). Novello, Kwer k Co. edition. I'rlzc ilonated by I). M. Iteynold-), eq. Juu'iiilo Chonis l'irst prize, iji73; second pil?c, 5'. "Tho Niffht Hells" (Clnrles Vincent. ?u- M'llo, i;er Co. edition. For choirs not im- dir 10 nor over CO oiets, and not out 10 jeais of iirc; can hac aistmcc of four adult Ices. l'nrcs donated by Messrs. Clarke IiiolhcrJ. i.iTKH.viun!: I'ltosi:. Kssay Fust prbe, ?i0; wooiid piie, $10. "Ih rVnnpukory Aibitration Feasible, as a .Methed of hettlimr. Industrial nipute-i in the United St.itei?" (Vote The e6ay to ho in Kngllsh and not to exceed the thousind word. The prizes arc donited by tin- Scranton Tune.-. FfiiK-Clmedl Gjmrcis First prize, 25; serend prize, .10. Porluniidol o I"njrt Pnndeithasol a fittclthfa-d jn Ardilocild Mnnml lnnyl.i nla, beb fod dio ddcir mil o eiiuu. (Nmel in ihe Wcl'h lanejuice, not to cm cod 10,000 void-, illuti-atlc of life in the mininp regions of I'cnns.slvjnia). The prizes arc donated bj W. R. Ijewis, esq. Poem In Unlish. First piize, $.,0; second prize, ?10. "In Jlemorlam" McKlnley. ot to ex reed one hundred and fifty line. The pnzc3 arc donated by the Scranton Tribune. Song First prize, $23; second prize, $13; third prize, 10. Words for solo and ihorua; subject, "The Song ot Labor." (The so'.o to consist of three ciRht line stanzai, and a chorus of four line.'. Tlio intention being to net the words to music). The prizes arc donated by the Scranton Truth. l'r.iddet Dde-iifladol (Yn Oymraeg First prize, Si",; second prize, $10. "Rhaiadr Y Niagara". Heli fod droa 130 o linelliu. Djsgwjllr i'r Ilrdrtest gjnwjs dim r, rMeugnn i haner can' llinell cifaddisi'w adrodd nionn I.titeddfodm. (A descriptive po-m in Welsh, "The Fal's ot Ma-r-ira," not to exceed l"-0 Uncs). The prizes are donated bv John 11. Jone", e.q. Enchn. I'rizc, 3. Teitjii, (wibject) "Eng Ijn." INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. D.. Tj. and W. Board for Today. Following 13 the mnke-un of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western board for today: MONDAY, MAY 1.'. Pushers 8 a. in.. Homer: 11.43 a. m.. llnrm' MO p. in., Murphy; 9 p. m., W. H. Uarth. Helpers 1.30 u. in., McOmcrn; V a. m., Cart ney; 10 a. r,i Secor; 3 30 p. in., Stanton. XOTICTI. riclcup 9 i. m., May 12, annulled. A. Cerrity and crew w ill run 11.S0 p. in. extra. May 11. Mi Cue and crew ill run 8 a. in, extra, May 12. Kafterty and crew will run No. C2, May I.'. This and That. Notices wore posted yesterday at the Dunmore car repair shops of tho Kiie company, stating that they will be shut down until further ordets. They employ about 300 hands. Work on the Erection nf tho power plant for the new shops of the Allis C'hulmciR company, nt We&t Allis, Wis., is under way. The building will he 57b feet long, U'O feet wide and CO feet high. It will contain the central power sta tion for the entire plant and also the blneksmlth shop. The stack will be 173 feet high. The Pittsburg ortlce of the" Allls Chahners company has been awarded tho contract for tho erection of a blow ing engine at the bessemer plant o tho Republic Tron and Steel company, Youngstown, O. It will bo of the verti cal compound condensing type, with sti'am cylinder 40 Inches and SS by 60, air cylinders 78 inches and 70 by CO inches. Tho general committee of tho Order of Hallway Conductors of tho Lacka wanna system, itnUhed its conference with General Superintendent Clark, Saturday. An answer Is to be given as to what the company will do regard ing the four Kingston men discharged for non-compliance with the new order substituting flagmen for conductors on pusher and helper engines,, Now Dining Car Service on the Lackawanna Railroad. Effective Monday, May la, a new dining ear will be placed In service, leaving Scranton train No, ir at ti.22 a. m. to Owego, j-eturning Owego to Ming hamton In train No, -12 and Glnghaui ton to Dover, N, J in train No, 4, leaving Scranton for New York at J2.-15 noon, and Dover to Scranton In train No, 25, which leaves New York at 1,00 p, m arriving Scranton 8.55 p, in. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. Tho following quotation ore furnished 'Ihe Tribune by iUrehl It Frccse Co., 311-315 Mean, building. W. D. Run) on, manager. , Open. UMi. tnur. Tin AmiiKaiiutcu uupper oa Am. Car & Foundry ,,,,30 Amcr. Locomotho ...,,, 32 Araer. Locomotive, I'r.,. 04 Am. Smelt, k Ilo'tr. Co,, 10U American Sugar ,,.,....127?! Atchlicn ,..,,, ,,, IDVi Atchison, Pr. , ,, 07 Halt. c Ohio ,..,.107U Brook. IUp. Transit ,,,. W Canadian Paclflo ,,,,,,,127 Clicg. & Ohio ,,.,..,.,,474 Chic. & Alton ,,,,. SUVi Gbic. k Gt, Wat. ,,.,. sog wi; C5ti M ml 128 2D 1U 71) 01 ta 127 78 70V! ViVl OTit 107 107i 107W (U 03K IW, i27',i nay nmu tfl'. iTLt int. 'X'Z sau soHi 301i 30 SO Wholeiale Tobacconists and Distributers of FINANCIAL THE Six Eaglss Minis An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling nt $ .50 a share. Tho price will' soon be advanced. Get in now on tho ground floor. "Write for full particulars, iw mm ntf c co 1203 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. UEIlH I N OIL STOCKS! willia'm b king&co Members ot Houston (Texas) Oil Stock Ex. change solicit order", inWAFARrv?K,4 CASH BALANCE ICBOPfl ikL SiouCJTUA. Chic, Mil. & St. 1'. ...170 170 VJi'i 1!!1 Chic, It. I. A- l'.ii 171,s 17o 17.1 17", Col. Fuel k Iron I014 10-J'J 101U 101V& Del. & Hudson W) isi lTit- IbO Eu 36T4 ;t7 :.h :;6h lne, .t. I'r. C1 dS h7 t.7?s Uili, Jd. I'r ."i .Vi'i S3 .n.i Iliickin' Vnlle RI 83 S3 Kl llliniils Centrdl V.ZYi l"i2 15'H ir,2' International l'oncr 0.1 liYi 03 l J4 Louis. A- Nashville 112 142', U07A HO'n Mjiihattnn Mi 1J2 l'il H1H Met. Stieet By. IJ9V4 140i 110 140 Mevieau Ctntnl 27" 27Ts 27T', 'J7"S Miuso., I.m. k 'lci-.... 2"i'l 2J'" 2"iJi li'i'-j JIo., K.m. & Te., I'r... r :,7 W, .r,7 MibMiiri I'Jcific lOUli 1003J Wi, V0 N. Y. Centi.il !, ir.S 157i 177Vi Nmfolk d Wi.'teru u,Ts "'7Th "7"i P7-4 Ont. .c Wetim iU M.l'.i 32T 274 I'cniia. It. It IjOH l.iHi lW'b HO'.-i l'cup'o's Gjs iati iar; 10,114, lOJVi Pitted Steel Cir 11 11 II 14 Mcidini; Itv (Vi'i ,5i 01!i lTa Headinjr, M. I'r. SI S4 S3' S4 Itiailins, 2,1. I'r (i')Vj 70 CS CHi Ilepubllc f-teel 17 17Ti 17 17Ts ltipublie fiteel. 11 73i Wi 7.!"A 7.14 St. LouU k .Sin nan.. (,7Ti 07'A (.Oh C3 .'niithfin Pacific f,','i WIVi CnU Ki'S Poiithcin It. I! :i7-li 37?4 SiFh Sti'i Smith. 1! 11., I'r IW'4 llJVi PJU "J'S Tcnn. CVial k Iron 01 (llli fti ul IJiilon Pacific 1U4V4 10Hi loiu lOf'S Union I'anlie, Pi h71l h7 S714 kT'i V, .s Leither mi 1.0 H'i 1 14 V. f, Lnihcr. l'i MH M'4 Sl'i fct'l U. S, Steel 41'i tla 41'i lli U. b. Stiel, I'r. 01 I1"h !il'i HH4 Wabash ,i4 231 a.ij fliA Wabash. I'r 4P4 14H 44 Hi; Wct. Union Tel O"! Y Hi Hi Mic1. r L. Krie liiH 21i ?2U 22V, Wi-iinMu Cenlial 27'.j 274 ,"i )H Tot il bale- isii.Stfi. Jlonej 1. C1IICAOO ORAIN AND PROVISION MXTlKt.T. WlinAT Open. Hiirli. Low. Close. July 74's 7J1a 71)1 7.'i'H h ptunbrr 7.i?i 71V1 7Js 74'a COItN .luh (.Pi om oi? r.i4 &eptrmh(r W,'& CIV', 00'i M'A OATS .Inly fll'i S.VJ 3ITi "" Reptenilnr S'l'.a 209i 2a',i iOi 1'OliIC- .luly 17.17 17.47 17,27 17.I10 rieptcniber 17.1') 17.15' 17.27 17.27 KAI'.U .1 ul v 1032 10.:'.', 10 SI 10.2.1 isep'tember 10.32 10.:;2 10,27 10 27 Itlllh Tulv 0.07 0.70 I.tiJ 0.02 r-eji'tcmber 0.70 t,70 . ROl U.03 Ni;iV YORK COTTON MAUKKT. Open. Ilia!- Low. t loie. July I.11 (i,2l 0.12 0.12 August S.U.1 h.07 S.7 f S7 September S.ll MO H.M S.'W Oclobci S.2J S.2.-I 8,20 &20 HANK SrATKMCNT. Tteseive, decie.iso $1,021,000 l.o.iiis, ilwrciis 2,221,riOO Specie, ileereue H.SflO.lKiO U4l tender, iluieT.i a.Wl.fWi Dcpo-lt, detieiMi 7,054,(hhi CiKiilation, jncuae 1(0,300 Scranton Board, of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. nij. A$teJt I.acUwunua Dairy Co,, Pr. IX) ,., County S.nings Hank k Tiiiit Co,, Soo I'liit National Hank (Caibondalo) ;w Third National Haul; ,,,., ZM ,,, Dime Deposit and DUoiint Hank,,, 300 ,,, Hconomy Light, II. i; l, Co 4'j Tint National Hank 1300 ... Lack.!, Ti net k Site Deposit Co,.... 11)3 ,,, Clurk k Suoer Co., I'r ,,,, 125 ,,, Scranton S nines Hank ,,, 500 ,,, Tuilt'iV National Hank ,, 221 ,,, Siranton Holt k Nut Co 121 .,, I'eoplu's Hank ..., , ,,, 133 ,,, BONDS, Scranton Packing Co , 33 Scranton Pamcr Hallway, (Irst Mortitage, due 1020 , 115 .,, People's Street Hallway, first moii- fe-a.-e, due 1013 , 115 ,,. Pioplc'a btiret Haliway, General mortgage, due 1021 ,,,, 115 ,,. Siranton Traction U per cent,,, 113 ... economy Light, Heat k Power to 07 North .Icrtey k i'oiono lie Co,.,,,, ,., 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, O. Dale, 27 Lackawamu Ave.) Hour ?U0. Ilutter Freeh creamery, 23c: fieh diiiy, Sic. Cheesi-MalJliif. K;g Nearby, 18e.; western, 17Wc, Manow lieuns Per buhel, il 31j3.IV. Oreen Peas Per bu.luU. fl.75. Potatoes Per builicl. $1.00 Onion Bermuda, $2.25 per crate. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. We offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue; $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., S per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Uenomlnilioii $1000. Matuiing 1 to 30 years. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. The Matchless Splendors of (lie Canadian Rockies BANFF the LAKES In the CLOUDS, YOHO VALLEY, the GREAT GLA CIER a region described by Whym per, tho eonquerer of the Matterhorn, as fifty or sixty Switzerland rolled Into one reached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway Daily transcontinental train service throughout the year from Toronto and Montreal. IMPERIAL LIMITED, crossing1 the continent in 97 hours, leaves Toronto and Montreal (com mencing June 15th next, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping and dining ears attached to all through trains. First-class hotels In the mountains. Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest ugent of the C. P. R., or to E. V. Skinner, 353 Broadway, New York. ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal. A few Uuya can bo pleasantly spent In a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THK OLD DOMINION LINE Steamers sail dally except Sunday from Pier 2C, North Itlver, foot of Heueh street, New York. Tickets, including meals and state room accommodations, $s.0O one way, $13,00 round trip, and upwards, Send stamp for illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAHSHIP CO. 81 Beach Street, New York, N, Y, II. B. WALKER, Ti-alllo Manager. J. J. UitOWN, General Passenger Agent Vnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Women's Jackets Black Cloth and Tan Covert Cloth Jackets it's been a race between the tyo all spring. Now is the time when you need a little jacket more than any other season of the vear something that looks light and is light. And you will find that our jackets keep their shape longer than most because we uve put more thought into the tailor ing of every one. , . Covert Cloth Jackets $10.00, $12,50, $15,00 and $16.50. Black Cloth Eton Jackets $6.00, $7.50, $10.00. Black Cloth Jauniv Jackets, mostly 27 inches long, $7.50, $lo 00, $12.50, $15 00, $17.50. Silk' Etons $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 up to $37.5o. White Shirt Waists As warm weather draws nearer, the buying of White Shirt W.tists' waxes last and lurious, and this superb Connolly & Wallace stock keeps pace with your demands exceeds them, stimulates them, in fact. For it is an inspiration to every woman to look at the variety of beautiful styles gathered here. Materials such as Lawns, Dotted Swiss Mus lin, Madras ate fine, cool, and wrought into every conceivable effect by means of plaiting, insertion and embroidery. You can buv a simple but well-made and styl ish waist for 75c or go as high as $4.00. Connolly & Wallace BUSINESS HOUSES. TH-Sr ENTSItPRISINQ DEALERS 0N SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHtRCTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS' FfiOTORILY. FOR SALE niTGGIES and WAGONS of all hinds; also I! uses and Duildinc Lots at bargains. HORSES CLIPPED and GR00M11O at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. J.B.Woolsey cGCo CONTRACTORS AND Dealers in Plate Glass and Lum3i? OF ALL KINDS. SECURITY BUILOIN 3 A -5 VAV 33 It 'HON Home Office, 205-200 Mcars Buildlns. We ale miturln? tliaici each month flhlcli Wi'W a net Rain to the Imrstor of about i I'(.r cent. Wp loan money. Wo also iaiue 1'1'LI, PAID SrOf.K flOOOO per share, inter est pajable semi-annuilly, ALIIEHT BALL, Seeretaiy. B. JOSEPH KUZTTEL. far 511 Lackawanna .-nenue, manufacturer of Wiic Greens of all kinds; fully itieparcd for tho spring season. Wc mako all kinds of porch scieens, etc. PETER STIPP. (loncril Ccntractor, Builder and Dealer in riuililniK Mone, Cementing of cellais a spa tially. Telephone 259J. Office, 327 Washington aienue. The scrantoi Vitrified Brick 1VO TILE MANUFCTURIN3 Oa rff NY Maker of Pavlmr Pliiek, etc, M. II. Dile, General Sales Agent, Office 323 Washington aie. Works at Nay Auff, Pa., H. k V, V. It. II. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for D.upont's Powder Mining, Blasting, Sporting, Smokeless and tht Repauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Ileum 401 Cou ncil Building ,Scintou. AQUXCIES. JOHN- B. SMITH .V SOX , I'ljnioutli C. W, MULLIGAN WilUs-llarr RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New York, Ontario and Western. In Uttect Tuesday, Sept. IT, JU01. xouni UOL'.NU. N Leae Leave Arrh Trains. Ssrintuu. Cilbonilale. Cadosls. i-o , i J0.ro a. m. 11.10 a. in. I.OOp. in. Ku 7 ........ .Wp. m- Ar- GirbomWo tl.o p. in. "" ' sOtllil HOUND. Uii l'ae Anr Trains. Cadosia, Carbondile, Scranton. No. 0 , 71WU. m. 7,a. m. so ........ 2-15 P- '" 4o P- '" -i9 li. m. bUSDAVS ONLV, XOI11II HOUND. Leave Lcaia Arrl? Trains. fccramon. Laiuoniuic, i;auosla. No. 0 8-JO ,n- . yP- " , W J. m! ;toPtiT:i ilSuNa lcMOp-ra- bCUVU ,ac Airtve Troiiu. Cadosia. Caibondalc. Scianton. , , 7 00 a.m. 7.40 a.m. No! 10 ....... 4-30 p. m. , ODD p. in. fi.l3p.in. Iralns Nos. 1 on week daj, and 0 on bundajs, make main line connections for New York city, Middletown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Q,weg ind all points et. For further Information rcntult ticket agents, J. f. ANDKHbOX, U. V. A., New YerL , E. WfLSli, . 1'. A., &.rnton, t'. CLOTHIHG ( jk)0N CREDIT1 oortfr PAY Here Are Some Bargains 317 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. PEOPLE'S RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Klfcct Nov. 3. 1001. Trains leave Scranton for New "tork At 1.40, 3.16. ii.05. 7,60 and 10.03 a. m.: 12.15, 3.40, 3.3J D m. 1'or New York and Philadelphia 7.60, 10.05 a. in., and 12.45 and 3.33 p. ra. For Tob). hanna At 0.10 p. m. For lluffalo 1.15. 0.22 and 0 00 a. m.i 1.55, 0.60 ,ind 11.35 p. ui. Tor Blng hamton and way (.Utlons-IO.M o. m. ahd 1.10 n in For Oswego, bjracuse and Utica 1.15 and o'2 a. m. : 1.S5 p. ra. Oswego, Syracu- and Utica train at 6.22 a. in. daily, c.uept Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. in,; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m, Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m. illoomsburg Division ror Northumberland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. ra. For Plymouth, at 8.J0 a, m.i S.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Tialns-ror New York, 1,40, 3.15, 6 OJ and 10.03 a. in,; 3.40, 3.33 p. m. For lluffalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.i 1.55, 0 50 and 11.35 p, ra, Fur Ilinshamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. Illconnburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.03 a. ni. and 0.10 p. m. BEADING SYSTEM, New Jevsey Control. COltllKOTEI) TO NOV. 17, 1001. Stations in ,iw YorK, loot ot Llueity street and South i'uiy, X. 11. Trains leave Scianton for New York, Philadel phia, Kastrn, Ilethleluni, Allcnloun, Maucli llmnL, Whltf Haven, Aehley and Wilkes-Daire at 7,10 a. m, I V "' ""J P. '" buiiday, 2.10 p. m. tluaker Wly Impress lcaiej Scrantoii at 7.39 a. in., through solid vestibule tiulr. ultii Pullman Uullet I'arlor Cars, for I'hlladelphla, with ouly one change ot cars for Jialtimore, Wa&hiugton, 1). O,, ami all principal points south and vcot. For Avoca, 1'ltti.ton uid Wilkes-Dane, I p. ra. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. to. Tor Long llranch, Ocean Qiove, etc., 7.30 . in. and I p. m. For Itcadlu.', Leban-m and ilairlsbuig, via A! 'ciitovvn, at 7.30 a. iu. and J p. m. Sunday, 2.JQ p. in. For Pottsvillo at 7,30 a. m. and 1 p in. For rates and tickets epply to agent at station. (I. niM.lllt. tldieial Manager, C. M. UUUT. Ren. fas,. Am. Lehigh Valley Railroad, In Kltect, Nov. 3, 1001. Iiaint lcivo bciantou. For Philadelphia and Xcw York via 1). k II. It. It , at (U and 0.33 a, in., and 2. IS, 4 27 (Dlack Diamond fciircss), and U.3J p. m. buu dajs, D- k II. II. IS-, L5, lJ.27 p. in. For White lltvcn, Ilailctun and pilncipal points in the coal legions, via D. i. II. It. II., 0 JS. 2.IH and 4.27 p. m. Ftr I'ottsvillc, 0.33 a. in,, 2.IJ p. m. ' For Dethlehrm, Laston, Heading, Ilairkburg, and pilucipal lutiriiicdlatc stations, via 1). 4. II, It. It., ll.3, 0.341 a. in.; 2. IS, 4-27 (Ulack Dla. monil i:prcb!.), 11.30 p. m. Sundajs, D. & II. 11. It., IMS . in.; 1.6s, i.27 p. in. For Tuitkluiiuuck, Touauda, Lliulra, Itbaci, Summer Underwear Not the kind that everybody sells the Con nolly & Wallace Underwear is mostly made espec ially for us; Of course, makers put our suggestions into their general stock for next year. But for a whole year we have the good points to ourselves. The variety, we believe, is larger than any other store can show. Men's, Women's and Children's right together Children's Stockings And Underwear Everything from baby's first togs up to the things worn by little men and women. ' Stockings start at I2jc for baby's Cotton Socks and Children's Long Ribbed Black Cotton Stockings and go up to fine silk. Underwear starts at isic for white ribbed cotton, and goes up to fine merino. Everything comes direct from the" maker to you, and is bought in large quantities so that you get the greatest possible money's worth. Told in a Minute It makes one feel better when they get in Connolly & Wallace's. That sentence won't parse, but it contains a great deal of meat. It was heard yesterday in the central promenade. it you want to be comfortable this summer pet fitted with the right Corset in our Corset De partment. Experienced fitters to tell you what to wear and how to wear it. The store is as ready as it will be with cool clothes and other hot weather comforts. The store is less crowded in the morning it's essier to see and get around, and buy, and rest then, than later. SI Pay in small Payments For two days we will sell regular $i$ Tailor-made Suits for $9.95. 18.00 Suits for $12.48. 22 00 Suits for $14.98. Regular $7.00 Silk Waists for $3.98. 9 00 Silk Waists for $5.48. No old stock here. Everything is new and stylish. Come and see for yourself. Clothing, Hats. Shoes, Man. Woman, Child. Credit Clothing Company RAILROAD TIME TAB'.ES. Geneva and principal intermediate stations, vis D., L. and V. II. ., 8.10 a. m. and 3.50 p. m. For Geneva, llothester, Uuffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west, via D. k II. B. It., 7.43, 12.0J a, ni.! 1.42, 3.28 (Black Diamond Kx press), 7.1S, 10.41, 11.30 p. m, Sundays, D. & IL, It. It., 12.W, 8.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and olceplns or Lehigh Valley I'arlor taw on all trains between Yi'ilkes-Darra und New York, Philadelphia, liuffalo and Suspen, tlon tlridgc. ItOLLIX It, WlLnUlt, Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland street. New Yolk. CUAItLKS S. LKi:, Gen. Pass. Agt., M Cortland street, New York. A. W. NOXLMACIILB, Div. Pass. Agt., Soutli Dethlchfin, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply ta city ticket oluu', C9 Public Square, WllUs-Usrre, Pi. Delaware and Hudson. In KOect November 24, 1001. Trains for Carbondalo leava Scranton at 6.20. 8.00. 8.03, 10.13 a. m.i 12.00, 1.29. a.3J, 3.63. 6,20 0.25, 7,07, 0.15, ll.Wi p. m. i 1.31 a. m. Foi llonesdalc 0.20, lO.lta. m,; 2.31 and 5,2 P'ror" WilkPs-Darre-ti.39, 7.48, 8.41, 9.38, 10.41 a. m.i 18.01, 1.1-'. SM, 3.20, 4.27, 6.10, 7.4S. 'Vo'r U"v.1fi."li. Points-0.33, 9.38 a. m.j 2.18. 4.27 and 11.30 n. in. For I'eimlv'inla It. It. Points-0.S8, 0,33 a. in.; J.4J. 3.23 and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points nortlt-0.20 a. in. and 3.5J P ' SUNDAY TRAINS, For Caibondlle 3 60, 11.33 a. m.i 2,34, 3.ii, 5.6J and 11.17 p. m. lor WllkM.narie-9.C8 a. ni.; 12.03, 1.63, 3.2J. 0.32 and 0.J7 l. rn. For Albanv and points north 3.52 p. in, For llone.dalc S.60 a. in. and 3 61 p, ra. W, L. PllYOIt, D. P. A., btranton, Pa. Pennsylvnnla Railroad. Schedule iu Effect June 2, 1901, Train) Hava Scranlo.i; 0.3s a. m week days, throu-'li vestibule ttair, from Wllkcs-Uarie. Pull, man bullet parlor far and coaches to J'hiladvl. phla, via Pottsvllle! stop, at prluclpal iuteime. dtato statlo'is. Also connects for Sunbury, liar. risbuig, 1'hiUdelphlu, Daltlmoiu, Washington aiU for PltUbmg ut.d llm Mut. n.as a. in., v.-eeli dajs, for Sunbury, Harruburg, Phlladilphia, tliltlmoie, Washington and Pitts buirf and the weft. Hi p. in., vvcel; ilis fSundavs. 1.53 p. in.), for sunbury, llairUbuig, VliiladelnliU, Daltlmore, Wavhliuton and 1'lttsbur.' and the wot. 3.23 . in., wccl: il.u, thiough vcstlbula train from Wilkci-Harre. Piillinuu bullet parlor car and loathes to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stop at princijul intermediate station 4.27 p. in., ucck diy, for lUtletou, Sunbury, llarrUburg, I'lilladelphla and Pittsburg. J. 11. HinCllINfcON. Uen. Mgr. 4. U. iOOD, Gen. Pasa. Agt. V E-Mi P, . .& I ' ft , C . X K f. ,1 -J " ;