fiflsraffissas- m M'mmwwiim j; . ww?yjsyz$ jga. J SrMr-; n THE SCll ANTON TIUBUiVE-MONDAY, MAY 12, 1902. T 1 ?iMBMIff-VAll'"''apm,;''M- -vn-sE, .rn- "W THE POX WAS DISAPPOINTED STRANGE SIGHT WITNESSED BY A DUCK HUNTER. s An Anecdote of the Lnte Hon. Anios CummlngB Rumor Regarding the Erlo Shops Bub Peddler's Modest Bequest Fanner Casper's Treas ure Trove All About a Book. Special lo the Snanton Tilbiuip. Sus(Uolmnini, May 11. While hunt ing wild iluekH on the river, near State Lino, on Friday, u Shnmuohanna sports niiin named Hodge, wlw six wild Reese, out or riinKP. II ii crouched down, In the hope that they would presently come nearer, and, while thus cnucpitlcil, vMie observed a fox stealing down the hank. The fox watched the kccso for 'point; time, and at length retired, and, when ho reappeared, lie carried a large bundle of iiios-h in his mouth. Entering the water silently, the fox panic himself, and then, keeping the moss above the water, he Hunted among the geese. Suddenly one of them waH drawn tinder the water, and the fox soon appeared on the bank with this goose on Ills back. Close to the water's edge, he found u hole, caused by the uprooting of a tree. This hole lie cleared out and enlarged, placing the goose at the bottom of It, and covered Ills prize with dead leaves. The fox then look his departure, and Dodge went to the hole, i moved the goose, and then routined to his hiding place. In halt' an hour, the fox came ljaek, in company with another. They went straight to the place where the goose was bulled, but the goose was misslner. TIipv stood lnoklntr at eacb V other for some time, nud then sudden ly the second fox attacked the other 1 most furiously, and, when he ran. pur sued him, with the evident Intention of making lilm pay dearly for Ills decep tion. ' FLOTSAM AND JKTSAJI. There Is a rumor that Erie Mechani cal Superintendent,. Murr, who recently removed his ofilco from Susijiielimina to Meadvllle, lias lesigned. The clerical force of the Erie stores department, about iifteen people, weie on Saturday lcmoved fiom Susfpie lianna to Aleuelville. This Is thought to be the last exodus. The remains of the late Engineer Pat rick Lauinon, a native of Susquehanna, who died at Luilutli. iuich., arrived here on Saturday, and the funeral will take place today from St. John's Catholic church. Deeea.-ed was, for several years, an Erie llreinun and engineer. He was a member of the P.rolherhood of Locomotive Engineers. .11 'ST BETWEEN' US. Lo! the piu;-pcng 11.10 is 1"" ining, l'athu ticaliucs pimiutlp, lT.ineing in fintaslic inc.isutp l'.illiil pluiu-ers .a I he I or. P.iliputly hi' sil mill "-iifti'i. Longing fnv tho pctcpf'il shore. Whete Ihe puueis tp.i-') fii'tn ponging And the pitigcr.s ping nf. niou'. Xl.nnjmoiis Bald. Marriage and death are preventatives of crime. . .- -. - - - 'Labor and capital ate one." But Miifeh Is the one'.' A Susquehanna county man owns 700 acres 'of land, upon which he raises nothing except the rent. The most trying position a truthful clergyman can be in Is to be preaching tho funeral sermon of a man who died rich and mean. The woman who marries a hultl lieatled man must expect to find her self at ;i loss occasionally for Fome- thiug to turn her hand to. A Scranton rug peddler called several times at a house in Susquehanna and found the people away from home. At lai he wrote and pinned this note on the door: "Madam kindly remain at home tomorrow forenoon. 1 want to sell you a rug." ALL AI10LTT A LOOK. "W.urants for ninety-two engineers on the Erfle railroad will be served In a day or two. They woie taken out In Chicago 1 y the Crawford Etching com pany. Tift' engineers have refused to pny $V "'ch for a souvenir biographic history of tho Erie raihoad engineers, with their photographs. The railroad lomp.iny has set aside ?u' .100 from the wages of the engineers to pay the claims, but an Injunction, by Judge linker, of the Illinois courts, re strains such action, The cases have already hren carried to the Illinois Ap pellate court nud lemandcd back to tho circuit court. New cases were started, as. on ac count of the death of Justice 'Wallace, jurisdiction was lost, The engineers have fanned an association to light the book concern to tho bitter end. The Carpenter brothers, of I'nltm dale, who are prospecting for coal, will purchase new machinery and re sume operations, The next convention of the Susquc hnnna County Sunday School associa tion will be held at Hrooklyn. Kiln mil Jones, of Harford, Is the new president. It Is reported that Itev, L. AV, Church for many yenis anil until recently the ablo and popular pustor of tho Hull ' 'stead Presbyterian church, has he en tendered the paRtorato of the Presby terian church at Itenssaeler, near Albany. Henry L liu Holes, eldest son of Hon, James L, nu Soles, of llallstead, will be class orator ut the commencement exercises of the tthwliumton high schoool. In another year lie expects to enter Cornell university. Tho father of tho late lamented Hon, Amos J Cuininlngs was a Methodist clergyman, who was nt ono tlmo stationed at Couklln. u few miles from Ifallstead, where Amos wtfs born, "N'Iipii fi my, Amos used to play the fiddle In the church choir, r. THE DEAD LIST. ' A ilJlnty 1.1, a little iiu.', 'I'ii the p.irton'a then skci'addlc; I'nr .imi raiment then to tug, 'i'lmi o'er the jl) to piddle, Haul of Unlondale, 7 YOUR. FAITH SffiS st rout; as ours If you try Shiloh's Consumption f4 4 - oud oaru 1 so strong we 1 .III tT guarantceacureorrcfunel x inoiiey, and ive send you free trial bottle if you write for it. SHILOH'S costs 3 cents and will cure Con. tuuiptlou, Pneumonia, llrouchltis and all I,uug Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold iu a day, uud thus prevent serious result!!. It lias been dolus these things for 50 years. S. C. Wm.L Co., Le Roy, N. Y. VarVa rjsvf DaaIT.1, n....f. ,L. Cima..!. -MT1 ri n irniBiiM,! .m.mi. Sheriff Mnxc'y Isn't 111, Xot ho usually has a dozen felons on his hands, t "Do you thing It will rain tomorrow, Forecaster Moore?" "Well, I don't know whether-" "No; Mr, Moore, 1 don't believe you do." The man In Blate'sprlpon Is the only ono sure of a utendy Job. There nro 172 known species of crea tures that tiro blind. This does not In clude lovers. A Susquehanna man complained (o Ills butcher that tho last piece of steak sent was so tough that his mother-in-law could not chow the gravy. MATTE11S AND TH1NCIS. Let us Indulge In the hopp that the Kcquhllcun congressional conference at ilonosdule will come out nil Wright. A Montrose drug store has been Humiliated with natural cms, taken from the salt springs, where prospect Jug Is In progress. It Is reported that Principal Pease, of the llallstead schools, and Principal Hlchards, of the Great Ueiul schools, will ngaln be candidates for county superintendent of schools. The next meeting of the Susque hanna. County Medical society will bo held at Susquehanna, August C. Following are the new officers of the Susquehanna County Sunday School association: President, E. K. Jones; vice president, secretary, Hyland Estabrook, Montrose: treasurer, llev. Henry J. Crane, Unlondale, Pa., members execu tive committee, Charles F. Whitney, North Jackson, lluv. AV. C. Tlldiin, Pirchordvllle; llev. Hubert Clark, Forest City; county primary superin tendent, Eva Sophia, Susquehannu; home department superintendent, -Mrs. Si. J. McCausland, Montrose; normal department superintendent, Dr. A. 13. Snyder, New Mllford. TREASURE TROVE. "VVhlle Farmer Gasper, of Cascade valley, was digging near his home stead on Friday, his spade struck what seemed to be a heavy plank. After much difficulty he hauled out an old and heavy oak chest, parts de cayed. It wus opened and found lo contain a valuable collection of China, elaborately painted In the style of a century and a half ago. Ciaspcr has sent It to New York, to be sold. HE GOT THE .TOIL When the late Hon. Amos J. Cum mings arrived in New York city after the Civil war. he had a most excellent Npportunity to bo a wanderer. All he possessed besides a job lot of old clothes on his back was twenty cents wot th or postage stamps, badly glued together. He wore a pair of battered cavalry boots, and about three-quarters of a. pair of pants. The place where the missing parts or the latter should have been were concealed by ti sun burned army overcoat. In this garb he climbed up to Horace Greeley's edltoilal den and asked Mr. .Qreeley for n job. He did not ask to be appointed to either the nosition of managing editor or foreman. He was willing to do anything. "No place for you!" squeaked Mr, Greeley, without tinn ing fiom bis desk to look at the ap plicant, ."Don't you see, I'm busy? G'way! Scat!, Damlt!" "But 1 tell you 1 must have a Job'.'" Mr. Greeley turned around his revolving chair, anil glaring at Cummlngs. said: "Must? For what leason young man, do you say must? "For this reason," lcpiied Amos, turning his back to .Mr. Greeley, lifting the-drapery of his old blue over coat, and exhibiting the vacant places where the wild winds had whistled lluough his trousers. Ho got the jo", and "ere long was a leading editorial writer on the Tribune. Whitney. HALLSTEAD. pi' tu 'Ihe 11.111(011 Tiilumc llallstead May 11. A public Tarewell reception will be tendeied to the re tiring secretary of the Y. M. C. A., Monday evening, May 12, at the Y. M. C. A. hall, at S o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bylngtnn and daughter. May, and Chailes and Har riet Lang were In Deposit, Wednesday, attending the wedding of their, brother Henry Lang. Engineer Fred Fish, while on his run to Scranton. Wednnsclav after noon, was quite badly injured by the bursting of the water glass on tho engine, cutting an artery In his hand. Among the Dlnghamton visitors Wednesday were Miss Ella Durget, Mrs. Pert Waterman and Miss Anna Doyle. Mrs. A. E. Conyne, of PInghnmton, was a business caller in town Wednes day. Mr. and Mis. Saxon Wilson, of Montrose, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hundrlck, on Chase avenue, Wednesday, Lu Itoss was a Scranton caller on Thursday. Rev. L. AV. Church nnd John Chides ter attended the Sunday school con vention at Unlondale, Tuesday and Wednesday. Charles DcAVltt, of Illughauitou, was a business caller In town AVednesday, Orange G, AA'oodhouse Is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John AVoodhouse, at MUlerton. Miss A'lrglnia Elden, of Conklln, visit PICTURE aagi,jLiiiiMiiiiLBM 1 iw- These children have deserted their pets to play shadowgraphs. Find an other girl, a rlbblt and n goat, Solution for Lait Week's Puzzles: Monday, May 5 Catcher inverted in rentic of plttuiei uuipiic uboto black lialred boy's aim, Tuesday, May 0. Ono in tree piong near upper lelt-haud (oiner; cue back ot lady's head, am other near lower left-band comer. Wednesday, May 7-Chlet at right of ttunk; Yinlow to the left ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Alden, on Church street AVcdnrsday. Mrs. Mary Wesley wus a Montrose editor AVednesdny. Tho ofllelnlfl of the D., h. & AV. road were In town Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Hill, of Dlnghaniton, was a business caller In town Wednesday. Association Day will bo observed at the Y. M. O. A. hall, Sutiitny afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock. President F. .1. Arnold will preside. Music will bo rurnlshed by Mr. Carl Crane, of ttliaca; Miss Mubel Mnltlnnd, of Tennessee, and Alice Mead Martin, of New York ellv. Cards uro out announcing the com ing marriage of Mr. Edward Simons, of Hobokon, anil MIssEthel Corwln, of this place. The Yoke Fellows bund at the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday morning will be led by Al. Sherwood, of Tlngley, Tho Alonzo Hatch Electro Photo Musical company's grand entertain ment will bo given ut Rlstler's hall, May in, I NEW MILFORD. Special to the Scrinton Itllmne. Now Mllford, May 11. Benjamin Hutching and daughter, Miss Char lotte Hatchings, of Oqttago, are visit ing friends nnd relatives here. School closed Thursday, and Thursday evening the following programme was given, before a large audience, at the Opera House: Piano solo, Miss Maine Miller; butterfly drill by ten little girls; declamation, "Marion's Dinner," Ever ett Spencer; tableau, "Hiawatha"; es say, '"Natural Scenery In the United States," Hattle Smith; scarf drill; es say, "Tho Evolution of the English Race," Ray Moss; rose drill; recitation, "On the Shores of Tennessee," Isa Darrow ; ladles' quurtette, "Whispering Leaves"; oration, "Life of Daniel AVeb stcr," AVIiloughby Tucker; baritone solo, "Anchored," Lee Tiffany; essay, "Promoters of Electricity," Grace Llndsley; ladles' quartette, "The But terfly;" class will, Anna White; presen tation of diplomas. Tho members of the graduating class presented Prof. Benson with a very fine umbrella. F. F. Moss, who has been employed In Hobokon, N. J., tho past year, is spending a week with his family In this place. Mis May Hose, of Binghamton, is home for a few days. Tho Carl Crance Trio will give an entertainment in the Opera House on Monday evening, May 12. II. J. Brown, of llallstead, was a pleasant caller In town one day this week. PITTSTON. Spfcial to tlic .Scriiiilon Tilbuno. Pittston. May 11. AViltlani F. Jen kins, ii7 Railroad street died Saturday evening at 10.S0 oclock, of Blight's dis ease, aged 58. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. John Bry den, Mrs. Ell Folnton, Mrs. Grace A'aughn, Benjamin. Jenkins, John Jenkins, nnd AVllliam Jenkins. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. in. Services at the home. Interment in Pittston cemetery. The deceased was one of the old and respected residents of the city. He was at one time 11 miner, but retired many years ago. Theatrical S j ATTRACTIONS TODAY. I Ai.iiUiny M.ilii'l Paige company. Mslit. Sl.11 ltijoii ItiulCMiui'i. Afl( 1 1101.11 .mil nlsht. Mabel Paigo and Company. M.tljd I'.iicc, the tak'iitcil little f.iMJille, will be :it the luuil of the Southern stock lonip.viy, which U lionheil for .1 letuui engagement s't Hit) Academy of Mii-lc, .-.tailing tmilidil. 'Hie slii'iiatli of the company, the Bi.inil piotluetion-, together uilli die choiee 'election of pluj,-, will make tho encasement one ot. d( ( ided intcuM. It li.H broil the object ot Manager liichm to pioUile .1 ".Ties nt pioilurtioiH which would natch each olhei in Micngth and to make caeli pie-oiitalioii complete anil peifcct in itself. The fccnie melodiaiiia, ''.My Lady Xell," will be tho openins bill. Daily lintnues, Mailing Tiievlay. I. idle-.' l.'i (out tickets .Monday, It puicluu-d licfoie 7 p. in. STAGE NOTES. llani-011 Ciey 1'i-l.p will net -. Mh. Patrick t'.imphell'a manager next mu-oii in lhi country. JelTeifcon lie Angrlh will luie .1 new vehicle for next t-eascn cilleil "The Kinciaht Isle." IMnoril K. Kidder will not wilte the play in which i:.i Kendall will star net sej-on, a toinw could not be agreed upon. Helen I.oid, who ha-i been wilh "All- Simplic ity," ix seriously ill in New Yolk, and will sins no moic this ,scaou. "Ilcau lliunimel" paid (i.wle 1'itili only 1,000, while from Ills late plajs lie Is aer.ii;lii us high ni $50,000 in ro) allies alone. Jtaudc Adams' mother lecently secured a dhorce from her husband in Wjonilntr, lie wns only the stepfather of the actress. Kthel Darijmoic eailtd for London last Tups. day, llefote going aboard ship Jli llan.unore denied all matilinonlal intention--. Amelia Karle, who has been a member ot Itogeis Brothers' thorns will nunv 11 wealthy western ranch owner in the fall, and bid good. bjc to the blage. PUZZLE. Tliursday, May 8.-l'li to left of tipper tree trunk: one labbit oicr fence and other tu licjit of tiec. l'riday, .May 0 Kins back of Washington; Queen imcrtcd in tieo trunk. Saturday; May 10-Pog under woman's chinj eat under her forearm and goat iu upper left hand corner of picture. ( BASEBALL."') STATE LEAGUE. Itesult of Yestcrdnyfa Games. Pcrniitmi, llj l.niitntor, tl. Wllllam;port, 12 WllkcOlitrre, 10. Lclnnun, d lleaillns:, I, Standing of Clubs. Played. Won. I.oit. P.O. S i .ml on ........ n f.iiliciintrr 0 Lebanon .,, it Wllkcsdlatlc I Wllllani-port II rtcading 0 t !! .iwr 1 'i .MI7 t '2 ,IM7 :i :t ,:m 2 1 .:.! I B .107 Today's Games. Seraiilnii nt Knitting. Vllllnmpoll nt Wllkes-llirre. ' L'.h.mon nt Lanrnilcr, W1LTSE HAD GOOD SUPPOBT. That Made Saturday's Victory nt Lancaster Possible. Lancaster, Pn.. Muy 11. Superb fleld Inp; won yesterday's kiiiiio for the Scranton team. Wlltso was lilt eleven t lilies but tho support given him held Lancaster's score down beyond which It ought to have been. During the first few Innings It looked ns It the visitors would suffer their fate of the previous day, but In the fourth the Scranton team got down to busi ness and kept up their good work for the remainder of tho game. The score: it. h. o. a. n. Million, 0 115 1 llalzcr, rf 0 110 1 .letTrle", 3b 1 1 II 1 0 MtUhmi. 2b 1 1 1 J :t 2 llnuiby, II 1! !) HI 0 0 nines, If 12 0 0 0 Unlele, cf 0.0 2 0 1 I'onlnr.v, c 1 2 fl 1 1 lies, )i 0 0 1 S 3 Totals fi U 27 IS 0 SC'ltANTO.V, 15. 11. O. A. L Cotton, cf. 2 0 3 0 I) Illake, if 12 2 0 0 Nichols, if. 2 2 2 0 0 I.oisnn, 2b 0 113 0 Sultiiun, lib 0 0 0 0 0 Smalt;', lb 1 0 S 1 0 Plioh, m 2 2 0 2 0 li.iupy, e 2 2 7 0 0 Wllt-e, 1 I IK 1 2 1 Totals 11 0 27 S 1 Lancaster 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 I) 111 bti.inton 0 i) 0 2 2 0 3 :! r 11 Ihiined nun Lancaster, 1. Two-base lilt, DiMiihy, I'otdupy, sjdoi,, 'Iluce-base hits Jlc lilynn, Illake. Siirliirp hits Stroll, Loi;a:i. iloleii bases .IcITi ies, 3; Baltr, (inituii. Lett rn bases Lancaster, 0; Sciantou, 4. Double plajs He.-s, JleClxnn In Drtuby. 1'iist bite on rrr.ns Sciantou, .". Slinek oit Hy He-, I; l,j Wlltso, 6. n,i-e on balls-Off AVillse, I. Hit ly pile heii less, liurtou. Passpil balls I'oiiln -y. I'mpite l'hel in. Time l.W. I Williamsport and Wilkes-Barre. Williaiibport, I'a.. Jlay 11. Ilcaul's wildncs tf.iie Wilkcs-llaue a lead ol tue inns in the tlist limine; of jt'steidaj's same, but teiiilio battiiiLr by Wllliuiiisporl oierciine the lead in the .nest two innings'. Tlit'ieafler. lU'atd was ei eftert ice with mi'ii mi bases. Altciidai'cc, W'J. ''ihe seoic: WlLLfAMSl'OItT. K. II. O. A. i:. Tiniplelou, lb 1 I) 11 0 0 Stliult, :ib. .'..2 2 2- 5 1 mack-, if ;..:.::. 2 -s 1 0 0 Waid. if 2 10 0 1 Willie;, ss ."..". 1 1 1 1 IJ ,Sis,e, 2b .'. 1 !! 1 3 1 CioRhan, cf ......1 1100 llaitmau, c 2 3 C 3 0 IJeaid, p 0 10 2 1 Totals 12. 13 "20 II 4 WlLKL'si-BAMti:. II. II. O. A. L". Kiiier. eT '.! 0 0 10 Baker, .lb 1 0 2 (I 1 Cole, if 112 0 0 Sapp, ss ! 2 O 0 2 0 Wal-h, lb n 2 7 0 1 Cuiuoy, If. 13 10 1 Cmiisoy, 2b 0 1 1 1 0 Biiike, c 0 1 2 0 0 ltosj, p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 10 b 21 I 3 Cole deelaied out Joe' tuttine; tlrst base. Williain-poit ' 3 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 012 Wilktv-Baue 5 0 2 O 0 1 0 0 210 Kaincd inns' Willlainspmt, !; WilkcBaiic, 1. Tttodiaso hits scluilt, Has'e, Walsh, t'ouise'y. Thice-ba-e lilts Meliult llnma luii-llaitmiii. stolen bases llaitmau, 2; Walsh, Course', 2. Struck oul'-By Beaul, .1; ltovs, 1. Kirst on or mi Willianispoit, 2; Wilkes-Barre, I. I'hst on Balls Off ItoRS, 3: otr Beard, 3 Hit by plle'icil ball Boss, ; IImiiI. 3. Wild pitch Itu-.s. L'ni piie M-bl. Time 1. to. Beading and Lebanon. Roailinp, Jlay ll.-l'oi the tlflli fiiceeoslee time Itoadlnff siiftcied defpiit heie Salutdav nftcinnon before a crowd of 400 people. Cnstcllo's triple, Punu's double, I'hilbln'ri single, an out, a pis', ft hit by pitcher ami an eiror foimed u com. binatlou that ceoleed ll'.e tallies for the old Lebanon bunch in the llflh innine; and beat With man's ageticgatlon. Liwson, Boiilhrou and Mi Dade pl.iicd gieat ball nud Loie pitched In mag nificent stle. The moic: LL'BANO.V. U. H. O, A. j:. JtcDade, s 0 II 1 2 0 Vomit:. 21 0 2 0 2 0 Cnstello, If 1 I 1 II 0 ilolllus, v 12 7 0 0 Clemens, 3b 1 2 1 1 Philbln, cf 1 1 0 II 0 Lairoy, If 10 10 0 Dunn, lb 1 2 13 o l Loo, p 0 0 12 1 Totals 0 10 27 11 3 UKADI.Vii. u. ii. o. a. i:. Coffinan, 31). 0 0 2 2 1 nontliron. c- 0 0 HI I .Ionian, lb ,,.. 0 u u I 0 Lawson, M , 0 il 1 . 0 Hitter, 2b 0 I 0 0 0 rtuhland, rf I 0 Jlehl, p 0 0 l u o Paige, p 0 0 0 11 Lafontaiue, If. .,,.,., 0 1 1 0 0 Brent, cf 0 0 2 1 I Itust, cl 1 n 0 0 i) Totals 1 3 27 IS I Lebanon ,,., 0 0 0 l' fi 0 0 i 0-0 Iteadinif 0 n o o o 1 o o o-l Two-baso Iiii-Tilium. Tlufo-b.ise, lilts Ch'inciis, Ilolllus, Costello, Kairillru hit-L'offman. M-tleii bases Itltter, Left on ban's Heading, 3j Leb anon, 0. Rtiuek out By Mehl, 3j by l'.il'i', 2; by l.oe, 11. Double play Clemens uud Dirili, first mi cuors Heading, 3: Lebanon, ,1. 1'li.t on balls-Olf Jlehl, 3; oil Paine, lj olf I.oie, 1, lilt by pllelier I.aiTey, Paed t'uiplfo SouthaiJ. Time 1,10, SUNDAY BASE BALL. American League, At Delloit (Ten iuulnei.) It, , U. Petiolt 11004 2 00 11-10 10 2 Chicago , 2O0UOO 1 3 Jls- 0 10 5 Ballcilcs Mulllii, Yeager uud McCuiic; Plait, Patleison nnd Sulllan, I'lniihe; .luhiistonc. At. tendance, T.&iO. National League. At (hlccgo- it. ii. i:. Chlcagu , OOOOU0O0O-U :l 1 Btooklli ,....0 000 01 1 i 03 0 1 Batteries To lor and Chance i Ifcntoii unci Abeam, Uinpiic L'nisllc, Attendance, 17.V00. 41 I'ln, tiiimlt II. II. II. Clnellinatl k..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 U U PItUbuig .,..,.,.,... .1 7 0 001)0-10 jo 0 Balterics Currie, Lwing and llcrgcn; Dohoay aud inillb. Uiuplic I'owcu. Attendance, 10,000. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Unes 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, .1 Cent lor Ketch tlxtta Un j. Tor Rent. rOlt Ill'.Vr til innm alnrln linusp! .ill llUlirolC' incuts: 1010 .Mousey illeliue. , lltqilliel Hl'1 Cnpouso incline. roil Hi:.T-llouso In lliillon, near sUllon! nice ly locatedl make u tileu wininicr icsldence. 1 or further particular, apply W, II. Slide, Huh ton, l'a. i llAltN' I'On HKNT-I2, Apill 1st, three box ami thrpn i.ts..u .111 s,l , mrk. tear Ot 334 Madl-on avonu.. Inquire nt 0.11 Madison "Vf; I'OIt IIKXT-Stnrp' bulldlner for rent In nlckon City. l'a. Bulidlng H) foot bv 2' ' c.n,!" uiiue-r mi, anil reconu siote can we ii.mss" - family. All In good icpilr ready for ity. v'' coal break-era and mines cloe by employing over a thousand people. An rntrrprlsliitf iiicrrliani ran get a largo tiniK Apply to W'lltoni . lllclunond, nichmond Hill, 3125 N.Miiln ultimo, Seranlnn. Pa, . Furnished Hooma for Eont. l'Olt ni'.XT Largo finnt fitmlheil or tiiifurnlslied room. All .'omcniciiecaj rclctcnecs lequlred, 321 franklin nienue. FOll HBNT-Ono furnished room, with Imple ments; also one on thlld fluor, cheap. 027 Adams nienue. t'tlRKISIinD BOOMS for rent, modern Improve ments: private family; gentlemen preferred, t S37 Adams avenue. fOIl ItL'NT-rurnlshcd room; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. FUrtNISHF.Il BOOMS FOR ItHNT. with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at DS9 Adams iienue. For Sale. LKillT YOUlt ItOMlV, with acel.ileno; Just the thing for like cottages; better than coal gas or t'lecliJelty. Inspect our plant. 1'hlllp J. Vetler, 022 Adams .ntnup. I'OIl SALB 1 cinias jumping net, 1 life gun, 7 Hall life belts, 1 a"j-fncit liu.-spil ladder, 1 ladder stlap, 2 lidder pole", 1 piactieo Met, 7, foot -Ti-IihIi lope. Apply Win. Council Iloe Co., 1WI l'ittstou incline. FOB SM.i: Ladies' lileicle for palp; cost '100 when new; will toll cheap. Call at M3 Jef fcison aecnuc. FOB bLi:-lland sll; doublers. New. BainforJ Bios., l'atersoit, X. J. Eeal Estate. V.liW OXI.V MX'l'.'-sJAnV to puichase a Luge double house, on MKIMl foot lot, for 'M.OIO; worth IsO.OOO; lrnts foi"jltl jier earj will lent nest year for !vl02; location is choice Miburbin; t.iC5 only about I f.)3 u car. Acldicss I'clci l'hll lljis, caic Tilbune offne. I'OH PALI: I'.Iegant slles for homes in upper Cireen Itldge; thoiec neighborhood; most de 'irable locality-tor lionio iu Lackawanna county. J. A. Alanine, 1730 Sandeison avenue. I'AIIM FOK SALB Sixty-two acres, one mile from Lake Ariel; twclie acres ot timber, lest improved; excellent spiing water on lot; farm situated on road. I'or particulars addiess Will iam Tieslar, Ariel, Fa. Wanted To Bent. WANTBD nOOMS I'or two adults, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished for icry light housekeeping, fitst floor piefcrrcd. Addrccis M. B., Tribune ofhee. WANTED rurnished house or four or file rooms for housekeeping. Addie&s A. 0. L'., Tribune office. Wanted Rooms and Board. 1VAXTKD Hooiu and boaid for single man; priiatc family iu 11111 ilUhltt picfcntd. Ail eh esc H. 1,, 'lrihunc oftice. WANTLD Two ccmmtinicating looms with board, priiatc family piefened. Two ladies and a gentleman. State full putticulars. Address C. Hr D., Tribune ofllce. Board Wanted. Ci:.TLi:HAX AM) WH'i:, with child and ninse want boaid in countiy dining July and Aug ust; local Ion on high giound, coincident to iail load; not oei Iwenty miles fiom Stiantnp, Ad chess "1'," Tiibuno ofliee. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WllL'AT TRADBIIS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Tree on application. S. JL Hibluid & Co., members N. Y. Consolidated and Stock fexthangc, 41 and 1G Broadway, New Voik. lL.tablished 19.11. Long Distance' Phone 23S8 Broad. SUALl'.l) l'HOl'OSALS The Borough of Dii'imoic otfns for sale to ho higliest bidder or bid ders, for cash, ihiity-tlie thousand dollais (S-ij,-000) coupon bonds, chted September 1, 1S'J1, known as the "Duiunoie Botough fsewit Bonds, Series A," being sevci.ty bonds of the ia tion ot tile hunched dollais (-WJ) each, mini beted coiisccuthel, and ledeeiuablo in the older of their nunibci as follows: 1'iom 1 to 17 Inelusiio Septpinbcr 1, lortl. 1'iom 18 to 31 inelusiio, jseptember 1, 1001. 1'ioin 3.1 to f,2 jnilushe, Scptrmbcr 1, 1014. 1'iom 5) to 70 iucliitilc, Heptenihcr 1, tOl'i, 'Hie bonds bear four per cent, iiiteiest, piy. able femi-annually on the first dajs of .Match and September at the 1'iist Xational bank iu the City of huauton, l'a. Tlie ordinance of tho Dciough of Uunmoie, dull' approied, aulhoiUing the issue of said bon'ds, pioiidcs. for the levy of a special tav for the pajiuciit of tho piincipal and interest of said bonds as the fame become due, as requited by law. Slid pioposals will be leeched by the socie tal v of Dunninip buiough ui.tll S o'clock p, in., Jla'v lllth, 1W2, for the puichaso of said bonds. Bids hhall state the pilco offertil, in addition to thp aceiued Inteicsl flout Scpltiubcr 1, JS'Jl), iu dito ol cleliiciv of bonds. A ccitllied check for 5'O0 slnll lie purloicl witli each bid, widen shall ha foifolti'd tu the Botough ot Dunniore in ease of ufiisal ni omis sion of the successful bidder to accept thci bonds nnd make' pa me nt theicfor wiiliiu thrco weeks fiom the imardintf of tho same. No pioposil will be lead or cousideicd, which falls to ioui. ply witli this lequirtuieut. The boiough le.eiii's the light to lelecl any nr nil bid-. Addiess blcl.s Ii, II II. (I1I.I.KIAX, loioii;h ecictaiy. 702 Hast Blinker Street, Duinnoie, l'a, I'IIOI' for I'lic Vioof Vault and Addition tu Susquehanna County Couit lloma at Moiitiiiri-, l'a. healed bids will be reeVlied at the ofllce of the Couiilv Coninilseloiieis, Moiitfase, l'a., until 12 tn May II. 1002. tor a lite pioof addition to the County Couit llnr.e, I'liiis nnd tpcilllc.itiinis tail be seen at the ofllce of Ciiuntv ConuuUsioneis or nl the cfttce, of S. O, & II. A. Lucy, utchltetls, lllnsliai'llou, " The' nities.-ful bidder will be loqufred to give u iroml and .sufllehnt bond in Hut -'nil of rue thousand dollais (s-1,000.00) lr Hip fallhful pot tiiiiiianic' of tin' contract, 'the Conunitsloiiem icariio the light t" teject anv ot all bid., , (I, K. 'llNtll.liV. II, 11. 1IAHIIIMIIO.V, bAIAll iiaihi:, lte.t: - Cimiiti" Coiiunlvslou'.'is. " . A TUMVdll'lll. ('Ink. lluntiiisc'. I'.L. Mi' I, 1002. hi:l.i:i I'HOl'ps.M.S for inmlns St. l'.iul'.s 31. '. ihuiel. am luiltid until Jluy 17. Il.'. llUht t" icjeet liny or all bids lesciied, d ihess llev. I'. I". hot, Seiietaty Boaid of Till, tees, 330 Chetry stteet, Rcranton, Il At St. Louis It. 11. 1.'. M .oiiis 2000 1100 0-1 10 J Ne'w VmK 0 2 II II II 0 0 0 3--f, 10 0 and Mchuh; Tajlor and Boweriiiau. I lupllcCanlllllou, Attendance, 7, too. WELSH HILL, Special to the Snaiilou Tribune. AYclHh Hill. Ma' 8. Wlioojilup; ooituli Is prevalent hero. School dosed, Wednebiluy, May 7, The closing exercises were hold In the hull Friday evening May 'J. .Mr, and Mrs. A. Cotoy of Herrlch, visited ut Mr, and Mrs. AVullaco Wat hliis' on Sunday last. Several from this place attended the Sunduy school Institute ut Unlondale this week. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Branch WANT Offices, Want Advertisements Will Bo Received nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBini'l' SCIIISLTZ. coiner Mulberry ttort ami Wcliter airline. OUSTAV I'lCIIIlL, CiO Adams aicnttc. West Side (li:oil(li: W. JKM'IXS, 101 South Jt.tiu aicnue. South Scranton l'ltlll) I,. Tl'.lll'l'i:, 720 Cedar menuc. North Scranton (IL'O. W. DAVI.s, corner N'oith Jlu'n aicnue nnd Market sticcl. Green Bldge ClIAItLBS P. .IONT.s, I,'" Dlcl.sou nienue, I'. .1. JOIIV, i'i) flrceti ltldgo sticet. C. I.OIILNZ, inriior Washington ale- aicnue aud Marion Fticet. Petersburg W. H. KNLI'I'LL, 1017 In Ins aiemio. Dunmoro J. a, bom: .t son'. Help Wanted Male. MACHINISTS MAX'll'.D-At the C.uhieil Monu .lat'cLs. Apiily at once. WANTT.l) An cvpciienced man in wall pipei de pirtment tit (iuldinltli's ll.17.1ar. WAXIIIU A sobpi. industiioiis joimg in in . ppiieiitrcl wilh liotsps to ililii- ph .Irian nnd do genual wink nioiiiid house; stale cipciloii'c; wages, l"i .1111 bond. Hi. ,1, . KiiHIei. lllili Inn, I, l'a. WANTBH I'hst class shoeiiiil.or, tor leiulr 11 oil. II. A. Balis, Luieine a.cnue, West l'illslon. ' WATi:i)l'alutei(i; only good men need apply. Call nt Chirles Wagnei's, :1 Admis aicn'ie. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED ' LIF3 OP T. UEWI1T TALAUUL', by his Son, ItLT. FRANK UCWITI" TALMAtil! and associate editors of Clnisllau lleiald. Only book endorsed by Ta Image family. Ihiutmous piollt for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents. Wilte inimpdiately CLAKK & C ... 232 r. 4tn St, Pnilii., Fa. Jlentlon this. Paper. Situations Wanted. WANTBD Place iu small family for good onns gill, paitly tiained. Apply 01(1 ispiuce stiei t. POSITION" WAN'TLO for fiermait oung uoiiiin, J list landed; inteiniediate plan1 in good fam ily; piefeiable with ehlldien; good seamstiPss uud musician; help with household. Apply Mini tlai between 10 and o o'clock. .Mis. (J. L. Ho.i l, 1310 Jlonioe aienue. SITUATION WASTi:U By a gill as muse. Ill New Mtcct. SITUATION WANTi:i) Will take ladies and gen tlemen's launch' home; will laundiy minted shlits without fading. 1111 Lloid stieot, top -loor. WANTLD Position, by a oung man, us book keeper ot assistant; tan furnish icfcmice us to ihataetcT and ability. Addiess "PprnlaiKiit Position," cue of T.lbui.c office. CITY ORDINANCE. itlu or bi:i.i:c;T cdcncii, no. , ltoi. an oiiijimxu:. Piotiding for the tnnstiuttiuii of a Sewer, Section "A," lie the heu'iittenth Sewir iliti i I, in the Lleienth waul; pioiiding loi the i,-i,c'm- imc lit uf the cost and ovyenses ot said sewei; ipgulating the iiiauucr of collecting as-pssinints thcietur and appiopiiating tiuids to piy 101 vine. Section 1. He it oidained bv the, Silei't and Common Councils of the City ot Ni.iuLou and it is hetcby oidnmcd hi the uuihoill of the same, that a sewer system known as Stcttuu "A," in the s-eitntccnlli .s.ewci dlsuiit, with the tipics sarsc, biauchs, eteiisioi.s,eonueelIoiis, basin-, utau holes and IKImes, be ton-triicteil hi acevidaue-a with the plans and spccilkatlons on tile in Hip liuieaii of i:iiiucitiug. Said scutr I" begin at the Seienteeiith dlstild luaiii sewer on litming ton aienue, at Locust slicet. thence alon ltcin ingtou aitiiup fiom I.cuusl sttcpt to Maple sti.'et, ulfo hi Maple stieel ftotii ltemlnglon iiuiiue to s-chimplf mint, iilsn in Dim street fiom tvilh toiirt to Sehhiipll couit, al-o iu liolb couit fiom Blm sticit lo JIaple stici', al-u in Sehl'uptl couit lioni Slatroul Jlcdow bmuk tu I'.liu s'.ieet. s'ec. 2. I'ur the piuposp uf paiug foi the ion stiuctiou e said sewer sisiem, then' is h"ieby uppinpiialeil the sum uf M'lin Thousand Dullu-, or so much theiiof as ma be mir-ssai, which sunt dull be dcilied from iscsmcntf atiuidina: ti the assc-vscd lulualiuu of the piopiitlcs .limi ting upon tlic stitets upon which the pioposed sewer is tu be constituted, as such pinpcities aie n-sunsicl for tliu puipo-e of city taaticii for th? ear 1C01. Sec. .1. Immediately upon the pis-age of this nidill.ime tho Dliector of Public' Works idnll as sess the costs and expenses of constituting slid .sewer by an equal assessment iiceuuliiig to the assessed lalu.ition of the ptopertics abutting tho sttcets along whlih this sewer is to be ton stliieteel, as such propeities ale asse.-sed foi tip piupose of illy taxation foi tie ycai luoi. Sec. 4. The sums nssc-scd for the puipo-e of paing damages, costs and expenses of said sow r upon propeities beneitteil thereby, shall he pa ablo as follows; One-half theiiot upon the iiiui liieiiccmcut of the woil; and the lialanie, hi sj iimcli ilieuof ci may he neecs?aiy upon the eoin pletlou of I lio miiI Inteiest shall be lompuiel upon tliu entile assessment fiom tlic elite ot Hip t eminent e'lneut of Ihe woik of constituting tald suwtr. And tho City Solicitor shall tile Ileus aetoidlns ; law for all assos-minls whleli aiii not paid. Any asis.inent or Insiallinent thcicof may be paid before It Is duo and inteiest th'ieon shall lease fiom (he ditu of raid pa.nnenl. Sec, fl. Iniinedlati'ly after tho pas-aup cf this nidltiante, tlic hlreetoi of Public Works shall ad for sealed piopo'alt tu ton-tiuit said sew els, hiaiiehps, etc,, and the ronti.ict shall bo let lu the lowest le.-ponsib!e bidder, caeli piopo-il shall be accompanied bv cash oi 1 1 titled elnck in the sum of thiee htindrcd tlollns, lu civ. the hiddei to whom the eonliact 'bill haw been awaided lifiis.s en omits tu ce-cute a nil, trait for the woik hi auoidanin wilh the ld.un nnd speclltcalhni-i then ten- within ten fiom the il.ile of tliu anaid, tho cuilosiiie iiiiumpiiiiiu his proposal dull be foifelted tu the tbe uf tin city ot siranton. Sec, (I. The coutiattor shall, liefore. the exe eutloii uf tho tontiaet, (jlw a bond ill the sum of Two Thousand Dollain, with ftuclles to be ap. pioird by tliu City llriuidoi and conditional for the fallliful pcifuiniance uf Hie woik .inoidhu' tu the coutiaet and tin' iliu and spceltiialloiis and for the piimint uf all il.ilins against said woik fur in uud labor, T. enuiiatt Hull he) umipleted within Unco inoiilhs allei its ex.' eutloii and shall contain a pcniltj' of rive Jl.l l.ils, per ila.i pi' euiy day lu ctec- Ci slid tiinu limit lu which tliu woik Is not computed. bee 7, The (oiillaitur shall u pihl upon inonthly estimates niacin bv the lllrcctor f I'lihllci Winks, ca ten pit' cent., whleli sliall io held Willi tbe completion of Ihe woik and Itti d aicept.ii.te of the Mine by liici Dliector uf Public Woiks. All amounts not paid tho tonliatto.' within (hilly alter they sliall hatu lueome clue, feluill bear iutcicst at the late of six pel etntuni per milium. But in no lase si all the ion tiaitor ho entitled lu iceelu am; sum wlutewr iu exei'ss uf I ho amount actually if id nil by the eltv fiom Ihe assessments, foi said scwci, Ssc V. If It slnll appear, iiliin Ihe iicluil amount of all damages, costs ami expenses tor i outline line (he slid sewer shall bo asceitalneil, that the ablegate thucof Is Uy lluii Hi" oil liillfil aniount a tixwl b the lllicelur of Public WoiU, he shall pupaii' iciiscd assessment in iihleli he shall ledum all assessments too lata, and ecitlfy (he same lo tliel'ity TlMjuirr, Sec .' The hliector of I'ublh' Woik shall nominate ami by and with the .idtlce uud con tent of the Hlect niunell appoint nil lli.peclor to oietsce said work, wh'i shall be jiaid two dollar and llfty win I" -! ,'HU' V"1.'"01', "' Public Works thill lcci the iiispecloi'i, time and atipioie his bills for senicci lendcicd. Apiuoud July 20. 11.01. " W. I,. COSKKLL, lleiotdcr, Attest; M.-T. IiAVEMX. City CUrk. ' DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mom Tim Hour Unes, i Cent lor liacliBxlr Urn, LEGAL.' M1TICI1 IS lll',lli:ilV niVKN of an Intended up plication to the Auditor Ocnenil and tho (loiernor of Pcnnsihanlu, Angtut S, 1002, for a elnrler for it bankdur eunipaiiy to be railed "Thp South Side Bank," of Siranton, l'a., lo be located tu the southerly part of the city uf Scranton, I'enin.ilvmila. The upcclflo oliect for which It h lo be chattered Is tn exercise bank liiB piltllrgrs under the provisions nf the Act in tlllril "All Act for Hie Incoiporallon and regu lation of imnks uf discount nnd deposit," p proud May 10, IS70. The rapital ttock to be llfty IhuttsMni! doll its, Welles k Turrey, Solicitor. l!i:SOLVi:i), By the Select Council of the city ol Scr.mloti, the Common Council conciirrlni, That S'crnntou sltppt fiom the flan house bridal tu the 1)., L. & W. nilhoad, Blooiushurg illus ion, bo paved anil the cn.t tliereof a-se.s.sed against the abutting piupertles accoidlng to Ilia foot front rule; proihhd, that tlirep-fointln'ol nil the members elected to oath blanch uf Hie loiim ills shall lolo lu f nor thereof. On the passage of this lesotutlon by Ihe slid lliiec-fotiillm lote and Its aiipimal by Hip clly lecorder, the city ileik Hull publish a mpy thcipnf iu all the newspapers whlih publish Hip city adiprtls tncnts for ten days, ntutintr that mile's a major It' of Hip owner." of properly nhiittiug tipu'i ltl Str.inton slicet, between tho gn lions" hriditt and the ll L. V W., Blooiilshiirg dills Inn, shall signify to cutmells Ip wiltlir within sixty dais front the date of the npprmat of tills resolution, llielr piefeicnce nl Hip miterlal do sited far such pavpincnl. councils will propped t puss an nrdli.nncc directing paving of said Serai. Ion street from the gis lioiivo bridge to til! Illuoinsburg dlilslon of llip 1)., L. k W. rail load witli such material Us th. may see Ot. Approied Aptll 21, 1IK12. W. L. Ciinnell, ltecoider. Attest : M. T. Laveltp. City Clcik. , NOT 1(1! is hereby giun Hut Blltenhendi'r corn pan, pcions liiiiiii a lien under tile liws of I'eiiusiliaul.i upon goods ware and merchan dise nl W. II. Cimpiiell, tun-istitr nf oiip sot of buggy whrpls on r.ccoiitit of rtoiagc and labor bp.towed on uth gooilj.. the owners haiina failed, iiegbcled and refused to pay the amount of Mich ihaiges upon slid propeit within sixty days aftpr eiciniml thcipnf, niadi peisoiially, will rxiiosp the slid set ot liuggi wh'els to sale at pulille iiuclioii nl Biltenbcniler Cumpnni's stoic, Uil I'lankllu .Hemic eltv of Siinntoii, I.iiek.t wann i tmuily. l'a., un the .'th lUy of .Inly, A. 11., lOOi, at 12 ii. tu , and sell the saute or so much thiiiif as slnll be suflicient In dieehartp said lien, together with nuts of sale and adu-i- Using. bitti:nbi:niii:h companv. Lost Strayed Stolen. 1.0 - I" gill's gol I biaielct. Betwcpn Madi-ott and Mi.niiip aunties aid Miilheiiy unci Vino heels. Pleue lo IIS IJulniy atenue. L0-T A ladies' gold watch; a llbeial row.ud will be giun If letutiicd to hotel Ten ace. LOST Steel beaded piiisp containing small num of ninney, on Laikawnnna atenue. near Wy oming. Punier i'e.i-e tctlirn purj,e to Tribunj ' olfice and keep content-. LOST 23, between Peck Lumber Co.. L'asl Mar ket stieet and Pie-btprian church. Reward if returned lo office of Peck l.tnnbc (.'o. Board and Booms. VI!1!V niXRAIILI! suite of jooin with first clasi table bojtd, can bo obtained at SSI Jeircrson aienue. Money to Loan. AN-V AStftliNT OP MONBY TO LOAN Quick. straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 31 1-31 j Connell building. Rheumatism. IHILUMATISM All rTaitics that wish can ba speedily and permanently cured of all i rietlcs of Itlicumatisni by a xcgetable i-ompound. Cuies guaranteed. In.gune or address J. L. Tay lor. Scranton. PiROFSS0V4 Certified Public Accountant. laiwAiti) c. si'M'Liiivi;, c. p. a, cis' Bank building. Old telephone, , 2i THAI) No. lWfl. Architects. BilW.MIl) II. HAVIS, AltCHITLCT, CONNLLL Building. rill!ili:ill(K L. P.ltliWN. l!(ll. B.. llLUb IMale i:changp Bhlg., I2i Washington aie. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I.. IIAIIIIIXC, 81.1 I OVNT.I.L BriLIlINO. ,sit:vi:non" .t knkiiii'. 720 connkll bltxi. Dentists. int. c. i:. i:ii.i:xm:i:t!i:i:. pai'li iirii.BiNd, Spine p -tieet, rniilcm. j Bit, C. O LAlBAd.l, 11.". WMIMISH AVI'.NI'I!. Lawyers. WILLAItll, WAUIIIIV .x- KNAPP, ATlOltNIS and uiunsclluis-at-L.itt. Ol'.l to 012 Contrll Biiildiu.'. rilA.NK I!. IIOM.I!. VIHIIIN'IIV-AT-I.VW. Booms 12, II, In and IS Bun llullillug. ' uTirliV.Pi.(i(ii.i:. ati'iihn'iiv-lo n M:no. llated on teal estate secuilly, Meait Bulidlii'., ceuiiei Washington aienue and t-jniice stict. ,ilsri' .llSf'l', VITOIINIs. AM) COIN. Mllois-at-liw. t'nmmoi, wealth Biiilillng, Boo. us IU, 20 and 21. CIIWAIII) W. TTIAVI'.lt, VITIHINIIV. BOOMS UOI-IKll. Oth (loot. Meais Building. L . WATIII'.S. ATIOIIXLV-AT-LAW, BOMHI of Tiacle llulldln,'. Scr niton, I'a, irrKitsT'T'i" wii.con. TTtuir.irs nation m, 'lliuk Building. C. COMIHlVsT'o IT BBITBLlCW Bl'ILIILNQ. .7 w"bi:uT7ioli', (IITICi: jiomid to no. 211 W.ionihu; an line. Physicians and Surgeons, Bit. . j:M.KV. .MS NOItlll WAIIINI!TWf IllCtlllP. ' imTis. nvTITamoihiaia'. iji'i'icj' :n'i wvSti' ingtou .ililiui'. Ilesldenic. UIH Midben-v ( luonlc il!-ei-i, lungs, hi-.nt. Lldueis Said giliitii-iuinaiy oijiaiit a ipeelalty, Jbnirsl to I i. iu. ;, "r Hotels, and Bestaiirants. TiTTr-Hi" aTi:. 12.1 anii 1.7 itian'i.i.i.n ):i;. hup, jlatei itasotiaMe. - P. ZILHI.BIl, PiopilPtor.V Si II XYfOliOlc'ssf.. NKill I).. L, .v- W. PAS M'ii"er depot, iniiluitcel on the .iuopan .,iii, Vll'lult KOCH, ITopiletor'. Scavenger. 7ll.lllll(i(is"('l,i:ASs' l'IV VAULTS AN'il ecs, pooh; no odon only Iniproud pumps used, It. llrlggs, pioptlctor. Leaic oiilett IJ'HI Nciilli Main nr llltke's ding store, tor. 11,1 Adams uud Jliilbeiry. Both tclcphone.s.;.- Seods, (i it. (i.Aiiiii: fc to.. si:i:i)Mir,N and Niifts- Vdiiuii, slum 201 ".ashlnssloii aicnue; green huii-is, 111V) Xnilh Main avenue ; store tylf phone, 72. . Wire Screens, v. ,iosi:ih Kiirnr.L. ur.ui 011 i.vckv. avg., !-cianou, l'a,, liuniuaciuici' oi Hire scu-rii. Miscellaneous. inu:ssMAiiiN(i roit chili)hi:n to- oiioiat; also ladlcV walsis. Louise Shoemaker, ','U Adautf (Jvinyi.', Mi:(Lmii:i:'iiii(iir,'pHivn:iJV m'pplilw, i:.v. iflopcs, l'it l(ag. twine Wauhuu,e, J30 WuLluKtvn iu;uuo,fcciantoti, l'a. TIIK WILKKS-liAIUlK HIHOItll CAN UK IIAII iu Scranton' ut "the Titws stands of -lUUmau llroa., 100 Spiuce and Ull Linden; M. N'oitou. U2S Lackawanna aiinue..l, B. Schutir, 2 ' Spruce street; " . J It ' K T , - ' ts) l-lnr i n-,- -. j Stay iMFJ.-J-.A4Mit- t-,tf'.J!-(J5s. rsjwii.---e2