The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 12, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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1 i
hie Monnnw tunnwAnR sTOtw.
Your Trees
By using th
Tree Guard
Constructed entirely of
stool. No trouble to put It
Price, S1.25.
C a i- Ct.- C
JI9N. Washineton Ave
The Course
of Study
In nil departments of the
Hardenbergh School of Music
and Ait Is arranged on broad
lines nnd according to modern
progressive ideas. Send for
circular. Garter Building,
604 Linden Street.
Pajamas . . .
For summer wear in
s'zes from three to ten
IIS Washington Avenue,
Livery, Boaiding, Heavy Teaming
and Geneial Draying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
This Bank I
Solicits the checking ad
counts if firms mid indi
viduals, and extends every
leasonable courtesy and
0 V
o q$ the Hour &
Hew Kvan 1!, Williams pastor of the
Coalville, O,, Congregational church,
who Is spending a month or ho among
aoauuintaneos In this city, Is a young
man who has attained the position In
llfo which he now holds, by continuous
hard study.
In his early (lus he it'celved a coin
man school education, and afterward
spent several years in and about the
mints hereabouts, Having a ileMiu- for
l(r.. , .V II USI.i.IU...,
advancement, ho devoted nearly all his
spare moments to study, selecting
pmmlucut ii'uthnru for his muling.
Y'lieu ijullo young hu beeunie ufllll
utt'd with the Plymouth Congregational
church, West Scmn.tun, and was a
faithful and earnest worker for the
ciiiiho of Clulhtlaulty and temperance.
Continuously ho hearehed the scriptures
for the best thoughts and thereby quail
lied himself for a theological course,
Ho enteied Marietta college, Ohio, In
Oulliptlllon n CI135
U u Inulnir ft'a
turn tu tclioolj oinl
lollcgiw, ami In-UIL-.U
of lu
lustu tu tlic sludcnl
Till: C'llXEiKHVA.
; 'iOltV I.oldi tu ilasi
llUlllirllOll. (Villi
In mill ncc liuw wo
ill) It. simlntj arc
cntciing now tu
tliuly tliruui'li tu
tlic tint of tlic turn.
lllr ta'lmnl
J. Alfred l'cnulDEtoii. DlrcUnr.
C3mBg?aBTggg3gMJVgS KW W.krEM&ftffsy
5fc Ys Mr e-he
U imis&assr-cd
ISO! nlid was graduated with high hon
ors six years later.
I'revhlH lo his gtmltiullon his services
were intifh sought nfter ntul he re
eclved several olTeis to accept charges
In various parts of tliu country, ills
modesty, however, taught him to begin
us he had begun his studies, on the
bottom rung of the ladder, nnd de
cided upon taking the charge lit Coal
ville, ftcturnliiff to Sernnton he wedded
Miss Mlnm Jones, or North Utotnley
avenue, and together they left for their
new home, Ituv, Mr. Williams being
somewhat of a parliamentarian his ser
vices have been much In demand, es
pecially to preside over conventions,
nnd nt tlic last session of the confer
ence in which his church is located ho
was chosen as a moderator for the pres
ent yenr.
Itev. Mr. Williams resided In the
Fifteenth ward the greater portion of
his llfo and Is the son of Kvan J. Will
iams, of Hampton street, lie Is not yet
.10 years of age and those who heard
his masterly discourse recently In the
Plymouth church piudlct a bright fu
ture ror the reverend gentleman.
City Assessor, Kilns Morris Is the old
est city otllelal In this city nt present
but despite this fact he is one of the
most assiduous members In the muni
cipal building. Theto are certain sen
sons of the year when the ns'seasors
have Utile work to do, except furnish
Information to Inquiring taxpayers.
This does not deter Mr. Morris from
being on hand every day In the week. It
Is said that since he assumed office
In April, 1901, ho hns not been away
from the office a single day except be
cause of Illness.
Sir, Monls Is a man of Independent
means and It was a surprise to many
of his friends when ho agreed to ac
cept the appointment as assessor tend
ered to him by former Recorder Molr.
Ho Is eminently lilted for the place
because of his wide knowledge of pro
perty values in this city. He Is an ex
tensive property owner himself nnd
long years of real estate dealing have
given him a knowledge of values that
is considered second to none In the city.
When the members of the board were
out making the assessment for the
present flscnl year and there was a dif
ference of opinion between them, the
question at Issue was- generally put
"up to Morris" and his decision was
allowed to govern.
Aiclillrrt GIIIipiI X. Kil-on lu Jdiocl an office
in tlic Council luillclin','.
Dr. It, 11. Hani icliuiicil fiom a two
woolv,' IM tlnoiiRli MNsiilil.
Mli Mao, cf Mom or avenue, is c.tPi
lining Mlv IIjjo.-', of Hiiokljn, X. V.
John'-. loimitloii is lepuitcil lo lie still
eiloiw ltit tlicie ic-ciih tu lie no ilungi' fiom
r.Uiolincn Jolni ('. Sillry, (liiKiian ISo-c pml
Oome .lours -Liilcil on tlirlr annual vacation
Me-ilani"-. DuiikIkiIj .mil Tlmiiia-, the Wyo
ming menus mllllnoi--, went to Xv Yolk en, where tlie.v will lcm.lin until Tue-iliy
Mis. II. Douninir. of nil MmlUon nienue, lias
SOUL to Voik, l'.i., for -.eieial week? lo iit
ikuulitcr, Mi. ('. I'. Wotious, and eon, Dr. I'd
win M. DtiiMiins:, who li is recently mined thfie
Veinon Dowett, liiaiUKir of the Tholi theatre,
l.rndon, ho i lieinc rnteitaincd in till- eity hy
his liiolher-in-law, Ueee .1onc, the well-known
lii.inUt, will for New Yolk city today. Mr.
Dou-ctt letumeil on Situnluy fiom a tup io j
.Mjgaia rjib, nnd is ingiiiy riea-ru wiiii
A Kit lo the -tales. lie li.H a keen e!lL ot
humor, and has aliejdi ..ciiuiieil a fund of mice
doles lecaidlmr Ills rieili'iir, with which lie
will enteiuin hi- jollj friends upon hi- le'.iim
home. While in thi- ciiv Mr. Dow-ett nude
iiujiiiiemcnts to inmlucc K. T. Sweet's vaude
ille sketch, ' 1 lie Hoiiejuiocn of Mr. and Mi-.
1'olts," in London, and al-o K-iuied the KusrlMi
linht- for the produi ticn of Mr. Sweet's l.ew
mu-leal lomeily as foon as it is flni-hed. After
-pending ' fiw" dajs in New Ymk, he will is;t
W.i'lilneton, 11. C, nnd epeds to i.tum to
i:nj.ijiiil aliout two weeks hence.
Thomas Kemerer, the Fireman, Is
Suppose to Have Peiished
While trying to Escape.
The Itlue Itidge bieaker at Peckvllle,
owned by the Scranton Coal company,
caught lire in u mysterious way yester
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock and In a
very short time was burned to the
ground. The llreman, Thomas Kemer
er who was the only person about
the pluce at the time cannot be found
and it feared that he has perished in
the (lames.
The Blue Itidge was lecently purchas
ed by the Sernnton L'oal company and
the breaker abandoned. The coal from
the top and only remaining vein was
carried up through the shaft and from
there conveyed by n small locomotive
to the Ontario colliery wheio It was
prepared for use. When It became ap
parent that Fireman Kenan ur must
have peiished, two very plausible
theories wei'o at once advanced, One
was that he had .gone up into the
breaker when he discovered It nlire to
save it If he could, us there weie bar
rels of water located In dllfeient places
for such an emeiKency, and was over
come by the smoke and smothering
was burned.
Acting on the other theory, Mine
Foicmen Smith, Allen and Blown, went
Mown into the mine and bnirnn a
seal ch for him as It was known to be
part of his duty on Sunday to feed
the four mules which are kept theie.
Two of the mules were dead and the
others nearly s-o. Only partly consum
ed feed was found In the maugeis,
showing that they hail Just been fed,
A seiuch of the workings wan then
made and the only possible places
where ho might have wandered and
been lost was so full of black damp
that the party neaUy overcome, had lo
return convinced' that tho un
fiirtuniile llreman could not have peu
attateil thus far. Boturnlntr to the
opening in tho shaft, tho drend thought
In tho minds of each had now become
ceitaluty and this was that on dis
covering tho lire Kemerer knowing that
the distance fropi the vein to tho top
of tho shaft was only thlrty-llvo feet,
believed that hu could climb tho ladder
nt tho sldo of thu shaft and escape
without danger, but that tho burning
timbers fell while he was struggling
upward and carried him crashing
down tho shuft a hundred feet through
the wooden covering of iho abandoned
sump with the charred timbers of tho
breaker on ton of him,
things of men nre now removing tho
timbers and It Is believed that by tho
this afternoon they will bo able to drag
tho sumn. Kemerer Is a married man
with u wife and child,
Tho lire was it llerco one while It lust
ed and began In the upper putt of tho
breaker. Besides the Wilson Hose
company from Peckvllle the Olyphant
and Prlcebuig companies were called
to the scene. There are no theories or
uny evidence as to how tho flto started.
It was Hrst thought to have been front
forest fires, but there were no flres In
the immedlnto vicinity. The loss will
umouut to ubout (23,000,
Goal Carrying Companies Are Clos
ing Repair Shops and Laying Oil
Train Hands Whose Services Will
Not Be Needed, as There Will Be
No Coal to Ship President Mit
chell Has No Fear That Coal from
Other Countries Will Be Shipped
H Is ns good as certain that there
will be no work done In tho mines
of the Lncknwnnnn region today. In
tho Jlrst place tho miners will not
report for work, and, In tho second
place, lr they did, they would llnd no
work lo do.
The order for a- temporary suspen
sion of work will be religiously obeyed.
At some of tho collieries the men re
moved their tools at noon Saturday.
Saturday afternoon the superinten
dents of the local compalnes had n
meeting in this city, and agreed to
make no effort to operate. The meet
ing was attended by' General Manager
E. E. Loomls nnd General Superinten
dent Beese A. Phillips, of the D. L. &
W. company; AV. A. May, general
manager of tho Erie's coal deuart
inent; (J. C. Bose, general superinten
dent of the Delaware and Hudson coal
department and others.
It was stated positively yesterday,
by one ot those at the meeting that
all agreed to shut down tho colllerleM
Indefnltcly, beginning with Monday
morning. It was given out from the
Delaware. Lackawanna. & Western
ofllees, however, that the whistles
would be blown nt Its collieries, and
that vigorous attempts would be made
to operate the wnsherles. At the
Delaware & Hudson company's ofllees,
It was slated that efforts would bo
made to operate some of the wnsherles.
The Erie company will not attempt to
run even Its wnsherles.
Repair Shops Closed.
The Erie company has ordered its
repair shops, at Dunmore, closed down
Indefinitely. Two hundred men will
be thrown idle, The Lackawanna
railroad laid off all but a few of Its
coal crews and the other companies
propose to do likewise. '
There was a report current, yester
day that the companies Intended to
post notices at all their collieries an
nouncing that any man who did not
report for work this morning should
consider himself no longer in the em
ploy of the company nnd take out
his tools. The companies denied that
such notices would be posted this
morning. It would not be stated
whether or not notices to this effect
would appear later.
Everything depends on the meetings
to be held today by the locals. The
order of tho district oflleers calling
tho strike nnd tho -Wednesday con
vention, contained a clause-, advising
that the locals meet Monday afternoon
elect delegates to the Hnzleton con
vention and linstruct them ns to
whether or not they should vote to
make the temporary strike permanent,
or to continue work under the present
Tho sentiment of the community and
the most thoughtful of the miners is
unquestionably opposed to a. strike nt
this time. It is felt that the com
panies are anxious for a conflict and
that It would be inopportune tp engage
them now, when they are seemingly so
well prepared, and when the miners
have shown such u decided reluctance
to entering upon a conflict.
Not Trying to Prevent It.
Those of the miners who oppose a
continuance of tho suspension ot work
will use as one of their chief argu
ments the significant fact that the
bosses are doing absolutely nothing to
discourage the men from striking,
while at the same time, relatively In
the last strike, these same bosses
worked day and night soliciting their
men to continue at work.
It will also be argued by tho anti
strike men that while It may be true
that a refusal now to accept what Is
so generously considered a challenge
from the operators, may detract some
from the prestige of the union. It Is,
on the other hand, an absolute, fact
that n defeat after a prolonged strike,
would possibly, yes piobably destroy
the union.
The pro-strike men will argue that
the miners can not lose, because a
strike will cause a coal famine, whlcfc
can not be relieved except by the com
panies acceding lo the men's terms. It
may necessitate a long struggle, sure
ly. one of several months, but even this,
with all Its attendant hardships, they
will argue, would be better than a
withdrawal of the strike order.
Interesting speculation Is born of the
fact that the very men who control
the mining industry the Morgan Inter
est will before many days control the
shipping of tho Atlantic. Should the
strike come, and It should happen that
the strikers succeeded In shutting off
soft coal from the hard coal markets,
Is It not possible, this speculation sug
gests, that the Morgan licet would bo
need to bring In from England, Nova
Scotia nnd the continent sufllclent hard
coal to at least prevent what could be
teimcd it famine?
No Importing of Coal.
Prchldeit Mitchell declares he has lit
tle fear from this possibility. Ho points
to tho fact that tho United States con
tinually exports coal, and claims it
would bo hardly HUoly that any con
siderable quantity or coal could bo se
cured abroad, even In nn emergency.
To got any coal from Nova Scotia, ho
says Is un Impossibility, for the United
States annually Bends from ten to fif
teen million tons to supply Canada,
How President Mitchell views tho
question at whether or not It Is de
rlvablo to coptlnuo the strike, up one
has as yet been able lo fathom, It Is
the general belief, however, that he
considers It inadvisable, and that ho Is
so confirmed In this opinion thot, If
neccssaryi he will take nn open stand
tor a postponement of hostilities to
some more opportune season, It Is be
lieved that whilo he wants that the
miners themselves shall decide, by
what is practically a direct voto,
whether or not they will enter upon a
war, ho hopes that tho vote will be
one sire entailer after luiu? Allen's root-Dj.t. a
powder to bo kluktn into the times. It unike
tight or new thocs feel ea.y; five inuuut te
lle! to tonu and bunions, lt't. the (,'riateot comfort
diaeumy of the ue , Curcu and prewnU tuollen
fut, bluster, callous and tuie spots. Allen'
Foot-tote, in a certain cure (or twratlui;, hot, jcli
ing feet. At all drugKifts and hoe t-torw. &"e.
Don't accept any eululilutc. fiUl paekao l'lli:i;
by null. Addict Allen S. OhnstciJ, LcLoy, N'.Y.
against such a course. This belief ob
tultw very genet nlly with the miners
anil will exert it big Inflttenfe on thu
voto among Ihu locnls today.
There Is a great danger that even If
the best Judgment ot the more Intelli
gent mid comiorvntlvo miners Is for it
withdrawal of Iho strike order, their
judgment will not prevail. Saturday,
nt noon, tho driver hoys nt the I-rg-gelt's
Creek colliery quit work, by way
of nntlelpatlng iho strike order, and
compelled thu closing down of the
works. Mine boys, however, have only
hulf n vote, and, while lit the lunjorlly
In Kimr of the locals, do not control
many ot them, when It comes to tt
Still in the City.
PifPldcnt Mitchell and District Presi
dents Nlcliolli and (Kahy are still In
the city nnd had n number of Informal
vjiiferences Saturday and yesterday.
The committeemen from out of town
went homo Saturday, nfter a brief
morning session. Nothing wns given
out concerning tho proceedings of this
session, lurtlier than that only routine
business was transacted.
President Mitchell nnd District Presi
dent Fnliy will remain hero until to
morrow allernoon, and accompany the
Serunton delegation, to Itnzlelnu. Presi
dent Mitchell will spend the Interim in
attending to his correspondence. It Is
understood ho does not look with much
confidence on tho hope of any further
Intervention, or anything else that will
woik from thu outside for tho preven
tion of the continuance ot the strike.
It tho strike continues, he will make his
hendqunrters at Ilazluton.
At S o'clock mass In the Cathedral
yesterday morning, Bishop Hobnn
spoke briefly on tho strike and nsked
the congregation to pray that its pro
longation might bo averted.
He pointed out that a strike meant
great hardships to the strikers, demor
alization of business Interest, and pos
sible bloodshed. He declared that the
companies should come to a proper
realization of tho arduous work tho
miner Is compelled to do, the skill re
qithcd of him In doing It, nnd the dan
ger lie Is constantly exposed to in his
daily toll. He would not, hu said, ven
ture, to even suggest how the miners
ought to vote. He would pray, how
ever, that God would enlighten them to
do what was for the best.
Meetings of Locals.
The members of the Diamond local,
No. 213, held a meeting in Jayne's hall
Saturday evening, nnd elected two dele
gates and two alternates to the general
convention, to be held at Hnzleton on
Wednesday. The delegates are Ter
rencc Gullugher and William J. Hughes,
and the alternates, William T. James
and Thomas Davis.
A meeting of the engineers, firemen,
pump runners auj mine machinists,
members of local union, No. 803, f the
United Mine Worker of America, will
be held in Jaynes 'nail this morning
at 10 o'clock and nt f.SO o'clock this
evening, for the purpose of selecting
and instructing their iwpresentative to
the Hnzleton convention. Wednesday,
May 14.
The members of Stoiv No. 2 shaft
local, No. 1CH, will meet in the Dickson
borough hail Monday at Q o'clock, for
the purpose of electing delegates.
A special meeting of Local No. S2!),
at Dunmore, will be held 11.30 o'clock
tills morning.
The Marvine colliery local met Satur
day night and Instructed Hs delegation
to vote ngAinst a contiswatlon of the
One of the Dunmore locals, composed
of men from collieries adjacent to the
Corners, met yesterday and voted to
continue the strike.
Situation at Pittston.
Plttston. Ph., May 11. The strike or
der will be obeyed to tho letter here
Moaday'mornirig, even by almost all of
those mine employes who have not yet
become members of the union. In fact,
tho strike Is already in force, for few
collieries In this district worked more
than u half day yesterday.
For the past week or more the minors
have curtailed their purchases of sup
plies, in anticipation of a stilke order,
and many ot them had not enough oil
and powder ,to hold out a full day Sat
urday and therefore worked only a few
hours. At Nos. S, 9 nnd 10 collieries of
the Erie company, the driver boys quit
work at 10 o'clock, throwing those
mines Into Idleness. The companies
also evidenced an intention to curtail
expenses, and at several collieries, such
men as locomotive engineers and com
pany hands, who are usually kept at
work during temporary idleness, were
notified to cease work until further or
ders. Oflicials at the collieries have
been interviewing the firemen, pump
runners and engineers during the past
week, to ascertain just how many of
them would stay with the company In
case of strike. Endeavors were made
to Induce them to sign agreements to
remain at work, but a majority of tho
men refused to do so.
Special Low Rates to St. Paul, Minn.
On account of the National Baptists
iinniverfctirles at St. Paul, Minn., May
Oth to 28th the Lackawanna railroad
will sell round trip tickets to St. Paul
and Miinenpolls, Minnesota, at $33.70.
Tickets will bo sold good going May
17th. ISth and 19th and for return until
June 30th Inclusive, upon payment nt
no cents additional.
Dr. Bateson,
337 Wnshlnuton avenue. Oillcit hours:
9 to 12 and 7 to S p, m. Telephone Con
nection. '
We believe nre equal to the
finest Imported Havana Cigar
such ns Bock & Co,, Cnrolinns
or Vencedoras. Wo offer 50
Conchas nt $3. Any purchaser
nfter smoking 5 may return
the balance (if not satisfactory)
and we will refund the puv
puicbase price namely $3,00.
E. G. Goursen,
420 Lackawanna Avenue.
Glorious FlnlBh of n Cheat Weok.
Kellerman Still in the Lend.
Froedmnn Advances to Second.
Harry Madden, a Now Contestant,
Is Tied for Third Place with
Charles Burns, of Vnndllng Many
Other Changes in the List All
Returns Must Be Made Before D
p. m. In Ordor to Bo Recorded In
the Next Issue of The Tribune.
Standing of Contestants
A. J. Keilermnn, Sernnton 74
Albort Froedmnn, Belle-
vuo 40
Charles Burns, Vnndllng. 43
Harry Madden, Sernnton. 43
Herbert Thompson, Cnr-
bondnle 39
Wm. T. S. Rodriguez,
Sernnton 36
Grant M. Decker, Hall
stead 33
Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 33
Homer Kresge, Hydo Park 28
WilUnm Cooper, Prlceburg 23
Louis McCusker, Tark
Plnce 20
C. J. Clark, Peckvllle 14
Wm. Sherwood, Harford. . 13
Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 11
A. J. Havenstrite, Sernn
ton 10
John Dempsey, Olyphant. 8
Hugh Johnson, Forest
City 7
Chas. O'Eoyle, Sernnton. 5
Miss Edna Coleman,
Sernnton 5
Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
City 3
Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 1
R. D. Dorsey, Scranton ... 1
Saturday was a record-breaking day
In The Tribune's Educational Contest,
179 points being scored. This was the
banner day of the present contest and
a glorious finish of a great week.
Harry Madden, of Scranton, alone
brought In 43 points, this being his
first appearance In the race. Mr. Mad
den had been In Harrlsburg until
Thursday, and ills work is wonderful,
considering ho has devoted but two
days to it so far.
Others who scored for the first time
were Louis McCusker, of Park Place,
with 20 points, and Beatrice Harpur, of
Thompson, with 11.
A. J. Kellerman still holds tho pre
mier position, he being first this morn
ing: by n margin of 28 points. Albert
Frcedmnn, of Bollevue, Is second, hav
ing advanced from third yesterday, and
Harry Madden, of Scranton, and
Charles Burns, of Vandllns, are tied
for third. Herbert Thompson, of Car
bondale, is fifth, and William Bod
riguez, of Scranton, has advanced from
eighth to sixth place. There is a tie
for seventh, and nlso ties for both eigh
teenth and twenty-first places.
There were two entries Saturday:
Edgar Wilson, Jr., C10 Gibson street.
Miss Mary Yeager, 1341 Capouse ave
nue. , There Is still lots of room for new
contestants, as eleven of the thirty
three scholarships are still unrepre
sented. The entry list is still open, and
a description of the contest Is printed
daily on the fourth page of The
Since the above table was prepared,
several points have been brought in or
have been leeeived by mall. These will
bo credited tomorrow morning'. All
points received after " p. in. each day
are held over, as at that hour the Con
test Editor must prepare his dally re
ports, get the table ready for publica
tion tho following morning, and get the
names of new subscribers properly re
corded, so that there will be no delay
In sending out the papers promptly.
Superintendent of Police Day re
ceived a telegram yesterday from
Bridgeport, Conn., announcing that
Michael J. Thomas, formerly of this
city, had been murdered there In the
morning by an Italian, who struck him
over the head with a cleaver.
The murdered man was about 2,'t
years old and was employed as a chef
at the Atlantic hotel. He is survived
by his mother nnd four sisters, Kate,
Annie. Bridget and Mary, all of whom
reside at 20C Prospect avenue. His
father and two brothers, John and
Marlln, live In Buffalo.
Lodoro Will Bo the Mecca for Ex
cursionists the Coming Season.
All Indications point lo Lako Lodore
as tho most popular of all excursion le
sorts for the fust-approaehliig season,
and to even suipuss Its Immense busi
ness of last year, Tho Individual ex
cm slonlst piefers a lako resort, .and tho
scenlo beauties of Lodoio Itself, Us fur
spieadlug grove, Incomparable dance
pavilion, Its merry-go-round, tho de
light of thu chlldien, Its well-equlpped
kitchens, clam oven, refreshment
booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha
launches, steamer, large oxcurslon boat
and vnrled other amusements render It
a summer paradise, and at tho snmo
time thu most prollt-iuuklug rebort for
churches and societies. There uro somo
splendid dales left, for the privilege of
which pleuso nppply to W. U. l'ryor,
district passenger agent, Delawnto and
Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa.
Dr. I.ludabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 2ir. council building.
Hours; 11 a, in. to 4 p, jn., 7 to 8.30 p, m.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct fiom the
Our lin of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large nnd complete,
nnd embraces all the latest pat
terns. We guarantee all our
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
313 Spruce Street.
This Is Important For Health
Building in May.
Thousands of Cit:o3 Kat) b?
Paine's Celery
Should Convlncj You of Its
"What you do, 'do It well," Is the
golden rule ot business life. This rule
nnd fur reaching command can be
profitably observed In many oilier con
ditions of life. In sickness and suffer
ing It Is all-Important that "what you
do" to banish disease and restore lost
health, should bo well done. While pru
dence and common sense wilt, in nearly
every Instance, direct you aright, tho
experience of your friends and neigh
bors and thu thousands rescued from
sickness and suffering, will point di
rectly to Paine's Celeiy Compound us
tho Infallible health giver.
People who think they will get rid of
troubles such as rheumutlsni, neuralgia,
dyspepsia, and nervous disorders by
medicines which have not yet passed
the experimental stage, will be sadly
disappointed and find their sufferings
To got rid of rheumatism, neuralgia,
dyspepsia, and nervous complaints, it
Is wisdom lo use Paine's Celery 'Com
pound, a medicine that proceeds at
once to make tho appetite normal, sleep
natural and refreshing, tho nerves
strong, as a foundation for building up
health and vigor.
If sick people In May look for a true
nerve strcngthoner, nn honest blood
purified, a reliable diuretic, that will
restore strength, renew vitality, regu
late the kidneys, liver, and bowels, they
should at once make use ot Paine's Cel
ery Compound, and note the speedy and
pleasing results that flow from its use.
It's easy to dye with Diamond Pye3
Simple. Dnralilc. Kconomiriil.
Are the best in the -world.
There is not; a squaro inch of
material used in their con
struction that is not inspected
both before and after it is put
into use. There is not a loose
joint or fastening anywhere
about it. Inside walls, backs
and bottoms are an inch thick;
the sheathing is charcoal.
Double boxes, extra size ice
chambers, etc., nil heavy gal
vanized steel, large doors and
sliding shelves and n hundred
other good features. Buy a
White Mountain and you have
the best.
The Tribune will gunranteo to print
your paper book quicker than any oth
er printing house la the city.
I I1
u mi Done I go
H I I Wm I II I llfllffm ill
fwfcSj? : (I5j g$
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, J
it j-iiv meruuuu atreci. a
We solicit your trade lut , J
Goal and
Dirt Picks,
t Shovels,
and Drag
Scrapers. ;
126-128 Franklin Ave.
. 4. .) 4 .; .;! ! (It .f i .j,
5 cents each or 6 for 25
We place on sale tbie
day au elegaut line of
these Collars for three
day's only.
Cramer-Wells Co.
130 Wyoming Avs.
Phone 353-3-
Have but one shaft one object
to Induce the reader to try the
article ONCE.
If yon will but give us a chance
:o show you the class of clothing
we bundle, we shall feel satisfied
to leave the rest of the matter
with vou.
John D, Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
Booms 1 and 3
Commonwealth Sldr.
Jl.ido at Moosic and Itu-.Ii.Ialc Work.
Xaflin & Band Powder Co.'s
Ulectrio n.ittcilc', lllcclilc Enploilen, Kx-
plocllns blasts, Sifcly ruse.
Collars to
There's a surety of K
purity in VL
Green, Valley Rye If
It's rich, mellow quality is not
fully expressed by the price; per
bottle $1.25. g
Your money back if it is not as f
good as we say. J&
Casey Brothers, fj
Sales Department, 216 LacNn. Ave, rQ
9 f
ana Burning:
. ltC ' "'