The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 12, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad.
.Vmciihxt'JI, 1501. ,
Trillin Imc Ciiiliomblo nt illy flntlon ns lob
lousi . . ...
for Hcr.wlon nml fl.nn, ,.W, S.i,
I'.OI, 10.01, 11.21 11. til. I l.W, 1.4'), 2.W), ..iH,
C.OH, 7.00, 10.1)1, 11.00 p. tn,
S11111l.1v (Mint Idle nt 8.3'!, 11.21 11. in. I 1.10,
2.4'l, B.W, KM p. 111.
Tor Alh.inv, Saratoga., llotnn, rw
llimlaml poltili, ilc, 7.00 n. 111. 1 l.4'l p. in.
i'or nml Honostlalo, 7,2.', 11. OS a. m.
3.61. 0.22 p. in. ... , ,
Kimiliy tinliu lf.ic Wdjliurt nml lloiipvlale
at u, tn.: I.l'i p. in. ,,
Tmltn nitlic nt r.iilioiuhlo fiom lll.-r-H.irp
ami Srinntoii in followi: U.Sfl. S.:t7, 0.".0. -.
n. in. I 12.37, 2.00,, 1.2?, 0.0S 7.01, Will "'I'
11. W p. 111.! 2.03 u. 111. ,
SuiiiI.iv traliu niritc nt .11.27 a. ni.i 12.10, .1.1.1,
4.2S, 0.20, U.S. i. in. ..
Sunday (rutin ntrlm 11 1 f'jilioiiilnln fii'i" "'
marl anil lloneid.ili- at 12.17 .mil 7.S p. in.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
Srptimlicr 17. Villi,
Vralm Umio ('.iiliiiinlilf fr Sci.iiiIii nt
7,00 a.
m.; l.oo p. 111.
Suiidjv tialm at 7.00 a, 111.: II(n1 V. I".
Tialm l.-UM- r.iiliimdiln for puliil". 11'" ."
11. to 11. in. On Smut iv lit 0.10 a. I". T'"
Inln,r at 11.0) 11. 111, wri'k 1I.1J1 ii. m.
SniiiliijM ni.11,0 ruiimillvlii fur Ni'W VniK. I toil"
inll. itf.
Traliu aimc fitmi Sn.iiilnii at It 10 a. in.: J'.i"
11. III.! flnm tmtlilM imtlli. I HO li. HI. ""HIliMH
llnl'l Ml I T It oil al 'Mil .1, 111
firou Caitola at O.flil p. 111.
and 7. II p. m.:
' Subscribers in The Tribune are re
quested to report any Irregularity or
t nufiislnu !n ihe delivery or this paper,
either lo Hie Cnrbolidnle braneli of The
Tribune In Hie IJurke building, or I'.ob
' ert & Reynolds, newsdealers. Some
confusion In delivery has bren reported
1 lo tills olllec, and to aid In ellieletil scr
lco subscribers are uracil to ivpoi t at
Once any dcllnqulncy.
A Keen but Friendly Rivalry after
the Office of President Elect on
Tuesday Night.
The members of the ('arliiiiidale Cycle
club have been discussing for
weeks the probabilities or"lht senil-un-nuul
election, scheduled to take place al
the club house to-morrow evening.
As this Is the eve of election theie Is
nn Intense inteiest among the clubmen,
perhaps a greater Interest anil activity
than have over been manifested in a
club election. The presidency is the
chief element of interest. The rivalry
for tlilsj olilce while It Is between only
two candidates, Isaac Singer pud Jacob
Fuehs, is keen withal the most friendly.
The club Is an important factor In the
-oclal life of Cirbnndale and to be at
Its head is no small honor. That the
otllce should stir up such .1 frhmdly
contest as i on Is 110 small wonder. An
exceptionally large attendance is looked
for, to-monow evening. It Is expected
that the absentees will be exceedingly
few. The retiring piesldeut. It will be
lecalled, is Geoige S. Kimball, whose
absence from the club, though not pi
man'ent, will lie greatly fell.
Aside Horn the presidency, the only
olilee for which the cycle men will hove
any choice to exercise i in the election
of the board of governors. Fur the
live places to be Idled there ate eight
candidates, as follows:
President, Jacob Knell. Isaac Singer;
vice-piesldent. U.-ilpli llennle; secretary
fleorge !'. Jaims: treasmvr, Frank
Derby; Imaid of governois (live to be
elected) Dr. Day. ,loe liilhool, (iuoige
Kimball, (. !:. Spencer, II. (1. Ukely.
Dr. Wliecler, D. V. Ilumplney, Harry
Williams; auditor", I'. O. Felts, liny
Clifford, i:. C IUy.
Party of Them Stop Here En Koute
to Susquehanna.
A party of well known active woik
cis in Kepubliian politics in llonesdale
was in Hie itly yesterday duiing the
' iiflnrnoou.
The iJone.-dali' men took dinner at
the American nnd lclt for Susquehanna
In the alteinoon, where they will at
lend the .senatoiial lonference today.
With them was William F. Kleflor, of
llonc-dnle, candidate for state senator,
In wlio.'e interests they weie going to
the conference. The other members of
the delegation weie 1 JI, Atkinson,
district attorney of of AVawne county;
ex-Sheriff !:. H. Courtright, ('. M. Uetz.
treasurer of Wuvne county; .1. 17.
Hohluson, N. ij, Spencer, ,1. 51, Sliarp
stern. All of the delegation have many
Iriends in I'arbondale, wlio greeted
them wiirmlly during their stny. .Mr.
Sp"ncer will be romenibeied for his
activity In snorts in which llonesdalo
and Caiboiidale teams were Interested.
Brnkeman Wlliam Douglas Operated
on at Hospital.
Wllllniu Douglas tlie Delaware &
Hudson lirakemun, who bus been In n
precailous condition at ICmergeney
hospital for the past ten weeks, hail
the Injuied foot, which was the cause
, all his trouble amputated yesterday
afternoon. He stood the operation well
..and appealed lo be stronger last oven
ping than before going to ihe operating
S Douglas' fMit wusj removed just above
!3ho"ltVil;lo. ' 'As septic poisoning laid
Cjlovgli)iijdli(H salvation seemed to lie
an .uinpututlng tho member. This c.
aieitI6nC W'o'idd luivf been rleil eailier
Iluif 36UKliis wAiC too ,wAM;, Tho past
JSveel;",h(i rallied enimgli stiength to 011
nourago tlio surgenons to operate.
3iouglas now lias n ehanco of getting
Withdraws After Active Work.
; lieorge 15, Hi own, who had been s loll
oping at tho iriirilson!; house for a
number of weelt.s' whilo' lie was en-
rolling seoren of tnemberu In True Hlue,
geft.lhp. city 011 Saturday to resume ids
jjvorl; among tho Held force pf the
Jraternltles neeldent order, .Mr, Brown
FjvhojWfiB known by his former military
fjlt9in "Captain Hrowii," having Imd
;.ljf the cost
of meat
Rich cream
Q rape-Nuts
a charming; dish
11 company in Hip Ninth regiment dur
ing the Spanish wnr, formed numerous
warm friendships during his stay In
Charles Hull, Victim of Methodist
Church Fire, While In Despondent
Mood Takes Poison Drank Only a
Small Quantity.
While suffering on Saturday morn
ing from aberration of the mind Churles
Hull, the llietnan who was so badly
burned In the Methodist eliuroh lire, at
tempted to swallow the contents of 11
bottle of Paris green. Ills attempt was
unsuccessful, however. Ills sister, Lil
lian Hull, who had been observing her
brother's strange actions for a day or
(lIAltl.!.- 1117.1..
Immlilit ill S.iluld.iv llv ttcniiU'il tn
H.lllOW P.llH (illPII.
W ll!)- ll,
two and had some apprehension, was
at his side in a moment, knocking his
arm as he raised the bottle to his lips.
Hull did swallow a quantity of the po
ison but ll was not enough to cause
him any haim.
Hull's act was the consequence It Is
believed of his physical suffering which
tho past week have kept him in con
siderable mental distiess. It will be
readilly recalled that lie was painfully
burned In the chinch fire, sustaining
injuiles that caused the physicians to
marvel over Ills smviving them. He
has not fully leeovered as yet, and is
still undergoing tieatinent, without
an abundance of means to meet the in
ei casing expense. This ciieumstance of
his condition ami the fact that lie wan
quite sick on Thursday and Ftiday
with rheumatism are the explanations
offered for his act. lie was about the
home of his parents' on Dixon Hill and
had not eaten anything shuc Fiidav
morning and arter' walking about the
house for a few minutes lie grabbed the
bottle which ills slater's fortunate pies
euce pivvented liini from emptying.
The I'.uls green was kept about the
house for the destruction of potato
The Sad Summons Came Satm day
When Thomas Uarrett. jr., was taken
from Di. Wheeler's hospital 011 Friday
night, it was that he might die In his
father's heme. The young man was
not home long until the sad summons
came. He passed away at H o'clock
Saturday forenoon .11 the le.-ldeuce, 40
Fallbrook street.
Tlie deceased wan the son of Select
I'ouiicilmau Thomas Uarrett, of the
First ward. Three weeks ago, lie was
taken with appendicitis and hurt led to
Dr. Wheeler's hospital and operated
upon, in the hope ol saving his life.
The delay before he was given over to
the smgeons mllliuUd against his
chances of recovery. He made a splen
did rally, but developments followed
that aw re not only unexpected, but
never before met with in a ca'se of tills
kind. For 'a couple of Aweks lie made a
brave light against death, displaying
unexpected vitality and a fortitude
rarely met with in one of his years.
His case excited universal Intercut and
sympathy and the announcement of his
death on Saturday was received with
deep regret in every quarter of the
The deceased was lit years of age. Ho
was born In i'arbondale and spent his
young life hero. He was virtually In
charge ol his father's store, .and his
management indicated qualities that
would make for his success In the
mercantile world. He was a model
young man and ids Iniluence among his
companions counted for 11 good deal.
He was a member of the Knights of
Father Mathew and the St. Aloysius
society. Ills loss is an overwhelming
grief to ids father, llesldes ids parents,
three sisters survive him, They arc,
Mis. Michael Clllroy, Alice and f.orotta
The funeral will take place on Tues
day morning from the .residence, No.
40 Fallbrook street. A high mass of re
quiem will be sung In St, Hose church,
Huilnl will be in St. cemetery.
Carbondnlo Press Club 'Wants
Play Maplo City Scribes.
To fall buck apidn on our friend,
"Chuck" (.'onnors, Ilonesdulo was
nuver "up against It" until now, Cause;
Tho (.'arbondulo floss club and the em
ploye of the ISvenlhK Leader havo
formed a rommuulty of Intel ests, as
11 were, one of the kind that, unllko
tho beef trust, can defy tho United
Stales attorney general. These com
bined forces (Hint sounds big) also defy
a similar combination Ju Houcsdule, to
play a sumu of ball, ft doesn't matter
much where the game Is played, but It
nuiHt bo understood Unit tho liouesdale
players be employes of tlie newspapers
of Honesdale. Otherwise, Hie Maplo
City men might ling In Detective Lufe
Fmlth's YVaymnrt cracks. As wo
know too well the iccord of J.nfu and
his corps for catching things, we draw
tho line on (hem, us they might catch
all tho Hied of our slugging butters.
We might make u heap of suggestions
but there la one that we urge. "We
want lo Impress on the scribes of Ma
ple City, Bethany, Dumascus and Haw.
ley, .If you like, that It Is a base ball
Bamo wo Intend to piny, not the favor
lt( Itoncsdalc game of matching pen
nies or counting the trnlnn that stop
on their way through the Chestnut bor
ough, The Cnrboiuliilo team's mascot, tier
nld Mollnte tlerald with the green
stilt mndu fit inuny good suggestions,
that nt 11 meeting of tho Press club
yesterday they wore approved nnd
adopted ns rules to govern tho hoped
for contest. They rend something like
Tho llrst time tho umpire If ho In a
llonesdalo limn gives 11 fair decision,
ho shall be bounced.
The llrst time n llonesdalo player
fnlh) to kick against the decision of tho
umpire If he Is a Carbonclule man ho
shall bo made to port six pounds of
The llrst man on either side who
makes n homo-run shall be put out of
tho game.
Kvery man the pitcher strikes out
shtill be given a medal of honor nnd
tho pitcher shall bo retired to right
A pint of peanuts shall be placed at
each base lo induce the runner to got
put out if possible. If lie makes tho
base safely, he shall cat the peanuts
before endeavoring to make another
A batter getting live strikes sln11
tnke two bases; It lie lots two balls
pass without offering one, lie shnll bo
out; If ho gets four balls, he shall bat
The basemen shall wear pillows In
stead of gloves.
The umpire shall not open his mouth
wider than a walk.
Twenty runs or more for each club,
shnll be a gome.
If tlie scorer keeps tally .straight, ho
shall not be, admitted to the banquet.
Any mun thrashing the umpire shall
be credited with live runs.
Tlie player who falls to make live
eirors la the llrst Inning shall bo con
sidered Incompetent.
Jf the fourth Inning lias not been
completed by sundown, the game shall
be continued next day.
Game Between bobbin Employes
Score, 15 to 14.
Sandy's Held was the scene Saturday
of all kinds of excitement. After the em
ployes of the Bobbin woiks had thrown
aside their tools at the close of their
day's work, and the clerks at the Hen
drlch Manufacturing: company had
placed the covers on their type-writers
and laid aside their pens, nil repaired
to the Held nnd began to don mitts and
masks while an empire selected from
the ranks of the onlookers cried "play
Tlie game was a. hot one while It
lasted and each team's supporters had
ample opportunity to root as they pleas
ed. Tlie game was to consist of live
innings, but a tie made another inning
Purduu made a home run, Warren
and Purdnn each a two-base hit and
Oliver glorified himself by making two
The l3obbln woiks team won the
game by a score of IS to 14.
The playing positions of both tennis
were as follows:
I3obbln works Jos. Hillings, c; II.
Warren, Thos. Hates, p; Ed. "Purdon,
lb; Kd. Giles, lib; .lolin CVI.e.iry. Sb;
Harry Tolley, 1. f.; Isaac Matthews, c.
f. ; John Wedeman, r. f.
OHIce hands Ray Oliver, c; Herbeit,
Wilson, p.;Claude Oliver, H. Holthem,
lb,; Clnis. Severance, 2b.; Mehln Tap
pin, r:b.; Wallace Jones, 1. f.; D. Thomas
c. f.; 12. Thomas, Will Price, right Held.
Two-base hits Warren. Purdon:
three-base lilts Oliver, two; homo
run Kd. Purdon.
Thomas V. Nenlon, of the leader
May Go to Trenton, N. J.
Thomas X. Xealon, who has been on
the repertoilnl staff of the Evening
Leader since resigning a similar posi
tion on the Hepubliean, is considering
an offer from the True American, of
Tienton, X. J. H. B. Keilly, formerly
editor of the Carbondale News, now
managing editor of tlie True American
has advised .Air. Xealon that there is n
good opening on the staff of the Tren
ton dally which he can have If he
Mr. Xealon Is a splendid news gather
er and he is sine to advance himself If
he goes to Tienton, which Is not un
likely. Former Carbondalions.
Frank Forbes, of Xew York city, son
of the late John ft, Forbes, former
superintendent of schools of Carbon
dale, returned homo Saturday after
spending a week among his friends in
this city. Mr. Forbes Is well situated In
Xew York holding a remunerative po
sition under the Metropolitan Street
Hallway company.
John J. Kennedy, a Carbondale boy,
who Is mooting with success in Xew
York city, is visiting at his parents'
home on South Main street.
Discharged from Hospital.
Mis, Martin wiio hns been a patient
In the medical ward at Emergency
hospital for several weoks, was well
enough yesterdny to go to her home,
Miss F.liznbeth Devlue left tlie hos
pital on Friday and returned to her
homo on Brooklyn street greatly Im
proved In health after her recent oper
ation for .appendicitis.
Speeding New Trotter.
Constable Edwaid Xeary and dohn
Gilbert enjoyed a rlilo to Crystal Lake
yesterday behind tlie former's now colt
which Is developing into a speedy trot
ter, Constable Xeary lias become an
enthusiastic horseman and threatens to
A Chapter ofi Scott's Emul
sion often hfclds a prominent
position in the histories of
weak children.
The gist of that chapter
usually reads like this:
"Child weak and thin
began with small doses of
Scott's Emulsion three times a
day after a week appetite im
proved soon a little stronger
child more lively weighs
And so it goes till the child
is reported well and strong
Scud for free Simple.
BCOVf llOWNE, Chtmljii, 409 Pul St., N. Y,
.Dress Goods
and Silks
Carpet 5argains
This Is a Timely Bulletin of Carpet Bargains.
Tapestry Borders, 85c quality, now 48c
$ 1 ,35 Blgolow Brussels Border 64c
An early visit will bs advisable for anyone contemplating purchas
ing carpets. We can't duplicate these values at such prices.
$1.10 Smith Axminster, border to match, at
$1.10 Best Worsted Velvet, border to match, at
$ 1 ,35 Hartford Axminster, border to match, at V. . . .
$ 1 .65 Wilton, border to match, at
Lot of Best Velvet, border to match, at
$1.50 Blgelow, Axminster, border to match, at
Black Dress Goods
27-inch Serge at
36-inch Brllliantine, Melrose
and Flannel 33c
40 inch All-Wool Cheviots.
Diagonal Cloths and Storm
Serges at 45c
42-inch Melrose, Henrietta,
Granite, Brllliantine and
Serge 67c
50-inch Granite Cloth and
Fine Whipcords 05c
50-inch Sicilians Monday at. $1.16
44-inch Silk and Wool Grena
dines at $'-35
46-inch All Wool French Eta
mines at '. .. $1.25
56-inch Cheviot at
$1.19, $1.35 up to $1.65
The New Shapes in Li Yida Corsets Ara Here, Now
These models correspond to the new modes wherever a radical
departure has been made In the style of dresses, It Is correspondingly
mirrored in the new La Vldas. La Vlda is the perfection of corset
making, Each pair is manufactured entirely by hand Is full gored
bias cut filled throughout with purewhalebone and manufactured from
the finest grades of imported materials. There's a special La Vlda
Corset for each and every different build or figure. They are made for
American figures and therefore do not require alterations as all French
Corsets invariably do. As there is no import duty to be paid, it is easily
possible for La Vidas to be 50 per cent, lower in price when equal in
quality to French Corsets of the same standard.
worry owners ,of fast horses In this
vicinity when his embryo llyer becomes
seasoned. ,
Conceit Wednesday Night.
The following is the programme that
will be given at the concert of the Jun
ior choir of tho Church of Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel on Wednesday evening:
ltonde, Godnrd, the ehoir.
Song, "Lungl," Foster, girls' trio.
Recitation selected, Miss Vennu
Soprano solo, "Laureen," Anderson,
little Daisy "Wisely.
Violin solo, selected, Miss M. Graham,
piano Miss Graham.
Tenor solo, "Lovers' Sorrows, Shelly,
M. Kearney.
Recitation and pantomime, Pride of
Battery B," Rose Gerro, and choir.
Solo, selected, gultur accompaniment,
Mlcss Xellie Lynott.
Soprano solo, "Rosary," Xevin, Miss
Kathryn Flannelly.
Recitation, selected, Miss Florence
Song, "Rock-a-Bye Dolly," Preston,
trio and chorus.
Tenor solo, "Queen of the Enith,"
Plnsutl, Edward Battle.
Comic song, "Johnnie Doubter," the
Solo, "Day by Day," Miss Vennn
"Doan You Cry Ma Honey," the choir.
Olyphant's Good Wishes.
Carbondale elty Is making it deter
mined effort to get the Knights of
Pythias state convention of 1003. Oly
phant Is in the same district as Car
bondale and all Knights In this vicinity
hope that they will succeed. piy
uhunt Gazette.
The D. F. C, Entertain,
The members of tho D, F, C. passed
11 plensant evening Friday as the
guests of Miss Alice Bobbins at her
home on Belmont street. After several
hours enjoyment at the diversions sug
gested by tho entertaining hostess,
luncheon wus served.
In Their Automobile.
Mr. and Mr?, Frank SlUIman of
Scrunton, were the guests yesterday of
Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Mnnvllle. During
t lie nfternoon they enjoyed several
.spins over the city stieets in tlie hit
ters fast automobile.
Meetings of To-night.
Common council.
Olive Leaf lodge, Odd Fellows,
Federal Union, No. TiOi,
Patriotic Order Sons of America,
Carbondnlo Council Knights of Co
MIhs Emma Hivurtz spent the Sabbatli
la Avoea.
Mrs, George Foster Is spending a few
days at Protnptou.
M, J, Koran spent last evening as
tlie guest of friends In Scranton,
Thomas Puce, of Pittstou, is sepndlng
a few days with friends In this city,
Mrs. Ralph Giles apt! daughter Mir
Ian spent last week with Mis. M, O,
George Patterson and Henry U, Jail
win were in Honesdale, Saturday on
Anson Manulngtou, of Aldenvllle, is
spending a few days with friends In
this city.
Miss Hettlo Davis has leturned from
a pleasant visit with friends in New
York rltv.
MIhs Alice Osborne litis been culled
to Arlluclim bv tho illness of her
mother, Mrs. Ames.
Mis, Edwurd Quhillu, who has been
kSS vxVsVNvtVsyoxX
( Shopping L News
11c J 52-Inch Pan Cheviot, and Nov
elty Basket Cloth at $1.35
36 and 38-Inch Serge at." 19c
38-Inch All Wool Henrietta,
Cashmere and Brllliantine at 45c
50-inch Storm Serge.all 55c
42-Inch Canadensis and 52-
inch Cheviots at
42 and 45-Inch Whipcords,
Satin Soliel, Poplin," Granite
Cloth, Canvas, Panama,
Novelty Diagonals.Etamines
and Brilliantines, all popular
veaves and a splendid value.
Priced this week at, a yard.
quite ill at her home on Canaan street,
Is able to be around.
Hugh Fltzpat'riek, of Scranlon, spent
Sunday In Carbondale.
Mrs. Oliver Chapman Is ciuite 111 at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. George
Foster, of Seventh avenue.
Miss Anna Ln Vny has leturned from
"Wllkes-Barre, where she was called
by the illness of her mother.
Miss Lulu Foster has returned to her
home on Seventh avenue after spend
ing the past month in PItlston.
Attorney Henry Singer, of Xew Yoik
city, spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Singer.
M. J. Nugent, of Scranlon, road
inaster on the Delaware & Hudson was
at the Harrison, house yesterday.
Mrs. E. L. Bevan and Master Lath
rop Bevan, of Scranton, have been tho
guests of tlie lormer's parents for a
few davs.
The borough council met on Friduy
evening and spent about an hour in
going over the exoneration list. The
list, as usual, was a long one, nnd
most of the exonerations recommended
by the special committee were passed
upon favorably. Tlie bids for building
the culvert on Second street, which
were presented at tlie previous meet
ing, were again read. Thomas Hen
dricks made an explanation on his bid,
and through some misunderstanding of
,tho specifications had made a miscal
culation. Ho desired to amend his bid
by having it comply with the specifica
tions, and this increased the amount of
the bid from 27G to 3i8. It was after
wards discovered that neither of the
other three bids were In accordance
with the specifications, and it was
therefore decided to throw out all tho
bids and readvortlso for others.
Gomer Davis has resigned his posi
tion with tho Mooslo Powder company
and, with Mrs. Davis and their daugh
ter, Miss Josephine, will move on a
small form which he hns purchased
near the city of Springfield, Mass. Mr.
Davis has been u trusted employe of
tho company for the past thirty years
and Is a citizen Jermyn can ill afford
to lose. Their many friends will bo
sorry to hear of their intention of leav
ing Jermyn.
Hon. and Mis. P. V. Timlin, of Scran
ton, were visitors here yesterdny.
Mr. J, J. Milter will shortly give up
his position Willi J. D. Stocker & Son,
to tuke charge of a water works near
Pittsburg, In which Mr, Stocker Is In
terested. Mr, Miller's many ft lends
are glad to hear of Ids promotion,
which Is a deserved one,
Thomas Stevenson, of Dunmore, was
a Jermyn visitor yesterday.
Charles Arnold, of Vnndllng, was in
town yesterday morning.
Tim school board met on Saturday
evening ut tlie central school building.
Tho following membeis were absent;
Messrs. Weaver, Syinons nnd McCann.
Tho flnunce committee submitted ex
oneration lists for 1S9 and WO. Tlie
1U00 list which amounted to $9:13.53 was
accepted but the other was returned
for correction. The followlmr bills
were ordeied paid: Olyphant lOlectrio
Light department, 310; P. U. Hastings,
$9; Lawrence Howard, $8; Anthony
Gannon,; James II, Lally, $S.t5;
John Dempsey, $37,50; U. G. Cat neuter
& Company, 1150. Assessor William T,
Evans asked the boaid for an as.
slstant to secure tho names of the
foreign residents of the town. Ills
request wus granted.
Tho Brown's played their lultlul
game oil Saturday and lost by a score
of 9 to 7, The Luckawannu'a of
Scranton weie (heir opponents. The
55c Tapestry Brussels at 41c The active selling this spring made
for us a number of short lengths in Carpets and Borders. They're of
the best makes and good assortment of patterns. Priced for . 4
this sale at, a yard 4lC
$1.25 Body Brussels and Velvets at' 85c A choice lot of borders
to make a selection from, $1.10 Smith Axminsters, $1.35 , .
Blgelow Brussels and $1.10 Best Velvet, all go at 04C
$ 1 .65 Smith Saronneres, borders to match
Can't be duplicated elsewhere at this price,
Rag Carpet, 45c kind, at
Carpet Department Third Floor.
1 8-inch Taffeta " j2c
27-Inch Taffeta
85c, 95c and $1.19
Novelties in Black Silk Gren
adines at 95c up to $2.85
20-inch Peau de Soie at
85c to 95c
20 to 25-inch Peau de Soie
at $i.i9 to $1.95
21 -inch China Silks at '35c
19-inch Cashmere Taffeta.. . . 65c
MEiilixiery News
New Goods Arriving
All the latest Ideas from New York and Paris are here. Our de
partment grows more popular every day. The question mark with a
"Why?" is easily answered, because we carry the latest shapes and
largest stocks this side of New York city.
One of our late Hats which we are showing Is called the Envelope,
worn by New York's best gowned women. Hats are made plainer every
day. Our line of Tailored and London Round Hats is large. Our re
cent trip to the city gave us many new ideas. Come in and have a talk
with us, and try on one of our new hats, ;
The Browns had three pitchers in tho
box during the game, Cleary, Mahon
and Patten. Griffery officiated for the
Council will meet lu regular monthly
session tonight. It is expected that
definite action will bo taken in regard
to the Delnwaio street pave at this
In response to a call for assistance
both tlie Excelsior and No. 2 Hose com
panies rendered timely aid at the Blue
Ridge lire nt Peckville, yesterday.
B. K. Kingsley, who has been ill at
Pottsvllle, returned home on Saturday.
Mrs. J. II. Jones, of Nantlcoke, visit
ed friends at this place on Saturday.
Miss May Feiguson left yesterday to
visit relatives in Philadelphia.
Miss Kittle Jiang, of Carbondale, was
a' visitor In town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, or Potts
vllle are visiting relatives here.
Harry Danvers and Thomas Davis, of
Providence, spent yesterday in town.
The funeral of -Richard Crocker, jr.,
who died on Thursday night from the
effects of burns received at the Taylor
mine occurred on Saturday. Services
were held at Ids late home on South
Main street. Rev. C. B. Henry, pastor
of tlie M. 13. church officiated. Inter
ment was made at tho Forty Fort cem
etery. The pall-hearers weie Samuel
Byerly, Howard Xyhart, Ralph Miller,
and John Williams.
All local mine unions will meet in
their respective halls this afternoon to
take action on the strike.
Following is the programme arranged
to be given at tho Welsh Congregation
al church on Wednesday evening next
by tho pupils of Mrs. Sarah J. Price,
elocutionist, assisted by Miss Elsie
Powell, of Dunmore, and Miss Oliver
Howells and Mr. Arthur Morgans, of
Taylor, as sololsls, accompanist, Miss
Lydla Hosklns, chairman, J. E. Wat
kins, esq.: solo, selected, Miss Olwen
M. Howells; recitation. "Betty Lee,"
Margaret Davis; recitation, "Keeping
Ills Word," Cora Loverlng; recitation,
"Fancy Work," Almina Cooper; recita
tion, "Pins hi Her Toes," Ada Loverlng;
solo, selected. Miss Elslo Powell; reci
tation, "What tho Little Girl Said," Vi
ola Jones; recitation, "The Remorseful
Cakes," Bessie Jones; recltntlon,
"Calls," Louisa Nicholas; recitation,
"Soliloquy of an Old Maid," Ida Frut
Iger; doll drill, sixteen little girls; reci
tation, "Mulklttlo's Hoy," Lydla Jones;
recitation, "The Kink," Nellie Lewis;
recitation, "When Grandpa Fell Down
iStnlrs," Gcitrtide Watklns; recitation,
"Asleep lu the Church," Ollvo Loverlng;
solo, selected, Arthur Morgan; recita
tion, "I'm Going Hack to Grandpa's,"
Minn Tubus; recitation, "The Duel,"
Verna Williams; leciratiou, "The Rag
lan," Myrtle Futsinger; lecltation,
"Biddy Troubles," Delia Davis; recltn
tlon, "Hunting tho Receipt," Bkmcho
Williams; umbrella drill, sixteen little
girls; recitation, "Pa's Awful Ignor
ance," Master Oscar Morris; tuinbour
ino di HI, twelve young Indies.
Tlie funeral of Lulu M Hie li-year-old
child of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J,
Davis, took place mi Saturday after
noon and was hugely attended. Ser
Tho Best Liniment,
"i hao derived gieat beuellt fiom
the use of Chamberlain's l'ala Halm
for rheumatism and lumbago," ' says
.Mrs, Anna Hagelgans, of Tuckahoe,
N. J. "My husband used It for a
sprained back and was ulso quickly
lelieved. lu fact it Is the best family
liniment 1 havo ever used. I would
not think of being without It. 1 havo
U'comiueuded Jt to many and they al
ways speak very highly of it and de
clare Its merits am wonderful." For
saletty ull druggists.
Sale Begins Promptly
Monday Morning
23-Inch Taffeta Silks at 78c
36-inch Taffeta Silks at'. . . . $1.10
Very best grade of Black
18-inch at 45c
l 27-inch at. , . . 65c
26-inch at. ,.. 95c
27-Inch at.. ..$1.59
Corded Silks, the taffeta kind,
at 89c
These quotations are special,
quality guaranteed.
vices were conducted .nt tlie homo ofi
the parents lu the rear of Main street.
Rev. C. B. Henry ofilclnted. ..Burial
was made in the Potest Home ceme
tery. The degree team of the Minookal
Tribe, No. 217, Improved Order of Reill
Men will meet this evening. All menu
hers of the team are requested to ;bet
All members of the Taylor Reds base
ball team are requested to report for
practice this afternoon on the River
side Park grounds.
All tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western collieries will be Idle here to
day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones, of Storra
street, spent the Sabbath as the guests)
of relatives in West Scranton.
T. J. Evans, of Plalnsville, was titer
guest of Ids aunt, Mrs. Ed wan) J. Ev
ans of North Main street yesterday.
A Much Tolked-of Improvement." '
The stir the New Jersey Central's re
cent announcement made In regard to
its hourly trains between Now York
and Philadelphia, was far reaching.
Very lew cities can boast of such a
train schedule and the beauty of it Is,
that it's easily remembered a train
every hour on the even hour from 7 a.
m. to G p. m.
The locomotives, cars and Pullman
cars are tho most modern, the roadbed
is rock ballasted, and as only hard coal
Is used there is no smoke or cindeis.
Every train runs direct to Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, without chungc
and many of thein cover the distunee In
two hours. The Reading route by which
the Philadelphia lino Is often known, Is
not only a short way to Philadelphia,
but It Is likewise the scenic route. Tills
service goes Into effect on May IS, but
In no way does It impair tho fast and
elegant service of tho Royal Blue line,
which will run Independently of the
Philadelphia line.
First Class Tickets to San Francisco
and Return at Less Than Ono Way
On account of the Imperial Council,
Nobles of the Mystic Schrine, San
Francisco, California, June 10th llth,
1901', the Lackawanna railroad will is
sue llrst-cluss excursion tickets from
Scranton at the low rate of $C6.L'5 for
ihe round trip, on salo good going May
lidth 10 June 7th Inclusive and for re
turn to reach orlnlnul starting point
not later than CO days from oiigiual
date of purchase of ticket, Seo Depot
Ticket Agent In regard' to stop olf priv
ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull
man reservations, etc.
Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore.,
and Return.
On account of the National Convention
Travellers Protective Association of
America, Portland, Ore,, junu 3rd to
7th; the Supremo Lodge A, O, IJ. W
Portland, Oie Juno lOtli to liOth, 1902,
tho Lackawanna railroad will Issuu
First Class lound trip tickets for $70,30
nn salo good going May L'Gtfi to Juno 7th
liiel, and for return passago to reach
original starting point not later than
CO days from original datu of sae, See
Depot Ticket Agent for paitlculars as
to stop-over privileges routes ami train
Lackawanna Railroad Popular Ex
cursion to Niagara talis.
On May 'J9th the ticket agents ol
Hie Lackawanna rallroud will sell
sqieclnl round tilp tickets to Niagara
Falls good going on any tiain on Hie
ubovo date und for return up to uud
Including June 1 ut tho extremely low
lato of one way fare plus one dollur
($1.00) for the round trip which will be
$7.70 from Scranton. Children between
tho ages of ilvo and twelve years one
half of the adult rate.
1, "if IT- ip if