The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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We engrave invitations,
announcements and their
accompanying cards in
correct and latest styles
Shaded or Solid
Shaded or Solid
Using Hurd's new gray-white paper of the
highest grade and the latest size sheet.
R. E. Prendergast
Engraving, Plate Printing, Die Stamping
207 Washington Avenue, Scran ton.
4" i? "V t' "1 J ' I t t! T "J t-' T0 "l' vs ? " T! "1 " f ' T0 T1 T T P T T F f T-1' TJ vl" P T 5 (' T f
I Week's Social News
Sunday school and church, nml their
friends comhiK out ;md make thp ven
ture a succps. Cream, cake and can
difcs will bo sold.
THK preparations for the Knlghta
Templar ball are moving on har
moniously. The only lly In the
ointment, or crumpled rose leaf, which
ever way you choose to quote It. is that
so many more Knights want to come
than can possibly he accommodated in
this city unless there is a more general
opening of hospitable doors. It would
neem that almost anybody would be
glad to entertain a Knight Templar
with a long white plume and a lot of
crosses and bangles, etc., but this sup
position is apparently erroneous, the
only explanation must be" that all the
men who are not Knights Templar are
jealous of the advantages which the
favored enjoy at the annual conclave
and have no desire to take into their
homes a beautiful creature with feath
ers and red and white applique on
his uniform who will go blithely oft
to the ball with the wife and daughters
of the family while the head of the
house Is excluded. ,
The Thursday Card club was delight
fully entertained this week at "Brae
Side," the beautiful country home of
Mrs. Janet Dickson. Among the guests
were: Mrs, Albprt Watson, Miss AVat
Mui, Miss Jessup, Miss Pennypacker,
Miss Foster, Miss Hill, Miss Grace
Spencer, Miss Albro, Mrs. H, C. Barker,
Miss Helen Sanderson, Miss Marion
A pretty and Informal dance was
given last night at the Green rtidge
Wheelmen's club, when among those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nettle
ton. Miss Kleanor Reynolds, Miss Net
tleton, Miss Uunnell, Miss Van Cleef,
Miss Wutson. Miss. Kdlth Hill, Miss
Albro, Miss Foster, Miss Spencer, the
Misses Sanderson, Messrs. Wolf,
Torrey, Hessell, Smith, Bean, Foster,
Linen, Jones, Dr. Kennedy and Dr.
Miss Eleanor Anderson was warmly
greeted by a host of friends In her old
home this week. Miss Anderson has
spent the past two years in Alumogor
do. New Mexico, whore as she naively
expresses it, she has had a good time
"In spots." She has been greatly
missed during her nbsence, and her re
turn Is most welcome. At present sho
Is the guest of Miss Delhi,
The Musical Courier this week con
tains a three-page description of Frau
ce Fisher Powers and his work In
New York. Occupying a prominent
place are portraits and complimentary
notices of Miss Julia Clapp Allen and
Miss Cordelia Freeman, of whom
Scranton Is so proud, their present
connection with the Power's studio
gives both these tulanted young wo
men a place In the musicul woild of
which they are most worthy and It Is
with the liveliest pleasure that their
friends here congratulate them on a
widening career,
Mrs. If. W. Kingsbury gave u
beautiful luncheon on Thursday nt her
homo on Olive street when the guests
were Mrs. K. N. Wlllord, Mrs. K. S,
Moffat, Mrs. C. H. Welles, Mrs. T, K.
Jones, Mrs, N, y. I.eet, Mrs. D. l.
Kingsbury, Mrs. (?. D, Hlnipson, Mrs.
Henry Uelln, jr Mrs. J. ,. Price, Miss
Piatt, Mrs. A. M. Decker.
Dr, J, i Wentis hud u tally-ho
party yesterday that went over thu
Humphroytt' Witch Hazel Oil ourei
Piles or Hemorrhoid External or
HSrOuo application, glvo relief,
tarHample mailed free.
At Dfuyjljlj, of mailed (or i5 c-U
UuniiiluejV Jlid, Co., ill WIULui b(., X. V.
boulevard and enjoyed a delightful af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Belln and Mr.
and Mrs. B. K. Watson entertained a
company of guests Monday night at the
country club at a ping-pong party.
I'rof. Buck's class of Kim Park
Sunday school will hold a charity so
cial In the chinch parlors next Tues
day evening May 13th. The object for
which this social is held is an exceed
ingly worthy one. and the class would
appreciate all the members of the
Movements-of People.
Mr. mi I Jhfc U. I.. I'ullcr luvc rcltuni'il fiom
New Ymlc.
Mr. a ii I Mr. T, C. Vonelorch luvc returned
hum Now A oil..
Mii Ur.uiloy let- uii Wednesday for her Iioine
rj VHUiujii. .. V.
.Mr. nnd Ml.-. ll.nry Iijiis. of 'lilln1eihia,
were tin- iupsIs cf Mr. .Hid Mis. .1. D. I).ienport
UiU vrrl..
Clircni'p llilmoro lift on Mouthy for liii imv
hn'i' in NVw VrU o. Krnost (iilmore is nLout
to jro to Wiscoasin to t.iku up his rt'sidentp.
Mil II. I Well-, of tlic Crjmer-Wclls cmn
panv, Mt 1 ImrnU;- for W'.irrpn, l'.i., wlurp lur
f.itlic is uiy ill rml not ppccted to mocr.
I'miiV E. Wtir, .1 coal operators ot City,
Mo., who c.imp lioru to Mt his eitpr, Mr.. J.
M. Uiowu, of C'apou'.o jcnuc, ius relnuicd hrmi?.
Musical Gossip.
The Pjinpheny orcliMlt.1 innounre their next
concert t tlio Lyceum on Juno P, when they
will Blip ono of their timatly delightful nffalM.
'th fortlicomlnif concert will bo of a popular
tialnrp, and the programme wilt Include numbcta
Hint will appeal In pittleulir to lover of the
br.'ulil, chcciful and brilliant In tutilc. The
eighth litclhovcn .nnpln,ny, a alule for trln(r
lty Victor lletbert, arUlloni on fc Ocrnian folk
long by Sclitfrktl Octl, and inarch by erlloz,
arc part of the rtlieme. The solotut will be Mlis
flracp Spincer, the Ijlenled joiiiir mprane, of
thla illy, who will milo tier protewlonat debut
nt thh conceit. She li to olnit two arl.w tiom
Brand opera, attompanlod by lull orchestra, to
be announced later. At the annuat nicctlntf of
the sorlely, lield lat wee, tho following oftlcera
were elccled! l'reldeiil, John M. Itoberlsoni
Icp pieMilctil, Dr. (leorije Tliowni Hecretuty,
Kinnl; O'llaraj secretins', Jll-n l',IU Ot
land; lrcaurer, Tretl Wldmaj-eri librarian, Wank
Clark, and Theodore lleiuberacr a conductor.
MM .liilla Allen will wnlitt Mr. 1'r.incls Tlsbcc
l'ow(r and Mrs. Madden Alexander, nt n mitlucc
tniili.ite at t'limeslp hull Salurtuy iiiornlnc:.
Tho following nimlcnl sclentlont will he reti'
deicd at the inonilnir and cvenlnu krrliv lonior.
low at Klin 1'ark chinch, under Iho direction of
J. Allied Pennington, uiKanNt and choir muster:
0 k li. Alliiirc-lto In (I niadstonc
ll.tinn iintheni, "The King1 ot hot My Shep-
herd ts" Shelly
nrKnu-Civatln.i In 1) Half
(.'onlr.illo Silo "Kjo Hath Xot Srcii" CoWen
Dikjii fitand (.horut In II flat Duliolj
Orjrau Caiizniinctta del Snltator llfwJ f.t'rt
Chnlr Antheni, "Tho lord U 5Iy I,lrlil". Pinker
Oi iran Vcr bum Sunn mini (iullmant
Duet for Ilarltone and IIjm " Cau
Thy Pace to Shine"
Sir. U'niien and Dr. Woodcock.
Chnlr-lljmn "Tl.e Lord Is My Shepherd"
Oipan Alleio Moderato In 1' Volckmar
Miss t'lctiniu, who has been In New Yoil: alt
the week, wilt te-nuiio teaditmr today, nml the
Studio club lchearsal, which has been tmlttcd
for (lie pat two weeks, will be resuinctl at the hour, tea beinir served at half after the.
II 11 II
Mr. Tlieodoie tleinbeiser, Mr. Prod Wldmayer,
Mr. Punk O', Dr. (leorite llrown and Mr.
llaney Itlackwood attended the Coiuordl.i con
tert in Tuesday ceninir, to hear
Leo S'cliultr, the (treat 'cellist. A Ji gc delega
tion li oin the Llederkranz wcie pictcut at the
The irmilar Piiday cenlllB of th?
Stnvihony oulustra was postponed to this een
Um. to penult the members to attend the roncert
of tho Kncispls In Wllket'Ilatro last cwninsr.
II !! II
t.'iuler the illuction of Organist .1. M. dunce,
the fon;v!mr iniisicfll selections will be uel ot
t omoi row'.s wor.lilf In the Second Picsbjttrijn
emu eh :
MOUSING. Pipliide Audnntc lllielnheicer
Anllieiii "Kioin limit's Iluridagp" Shelley
tjuartctte and Cliolr.
Cfiirloi Duet, Selected
Mi-je- Dlaik and Maufran.
Ou',.in t'utludc Poller!
Oican Pielude "Hymn to Saint. Cceilc"..f!ounod
Authim "Hlfced Arc tho People whose liod
la the IajiJ"
Qiiirtctio and Clmir.
Ofcrloiy fjuaitette, "Jlejoieo in the I.oul"
Mie-i and Garacan, Me.-sis.
(iippel and Morgan. Polludc Cluunet
Thp instruments u-ed liy the members of (ho
KncNcl fiui telle arc probably the most valuabln
and most inUic.-tiiiff art tieasure.s rwr brought
to this .-lty. They ippcent a money alue of
about $23,000. Mr. Km-M and Jlr. Sthiocder
play upon gcnuinG "Stud'.," wliilu Mr. Siisrnsl.i
uscil a Ca-jiar do Silo Inli. Mr. Tin odoro !i .
plajed ujion an Ainalt of wreat beauty. The
(pi.-.itetle was entirtalned ly members of tho
Symphony oiihestm aftrr the coneert, and tt i.s
n'eedliss to add that the topic of romen-ation
and cynosure of all eyes weiu these precious in-striiiiuiits-epe(iall.
tho 'cello, a tpiilharlm of
which is ery'raiely eru tlieic dajTf1
With June, "Imperial Juno of tho em
erald crown," MJliJinc fieile primept as the
months or weddlnus, theic Ls fcalco a family
in the land ts not tout lied In noma way
by tbii ner wldonlm: uutrlmoniil current.
While we tan't all haiu weddinRs in our own
homes and we do not Ions fr that di-linc-1
1ii too often, we are all apt "to hue a
bid" to .some one's else, and Hip ljit weeks
in May find wedding news, wedding fetation
pry, wedding ftift.s, nt tiding refriyhnieiiK and
wedding gowns tho topics pir ceellmoo.
"All the world loves a lover," and his i out
ings and goings tho building of tin- home.
nest and its furnishings, aio till topics of gen
eral lnteiest, while the luide walks for one.e,
at Ir ist, n veritable goddess,
Kcry one ttar.tU icady to gic tho joung
couple "a good send off" and tint almoiplieie
ii roseate, in keeping with (lie month.
Menu for Sundaii, Mau 11.
Imitations tdiould nil be rent out at l.-att
two weeks befoio the great event. Wbllo
theic Is no decided variation fiom t-eason to
season in wedding stationery, theie is a llttlu
ilirTcrentlation in the size of the paper, tho
color, the tjpc and tho wording that ilLstln
gulshcs tho modish from that a little behind
tho tlim.s. This jear the approved sle li
about 0 1-2 by 7 H, thoiuh both smaller and
Urger are used. A giay or mam white it
preftiretl to Hit, blue, and the engraving nny
bo in bcript, sh.idi'd Old IlnglMi or Itonun.
Script is much less ripmstio thin either of
the othus, and is' iiIum.m; in good taste, In
most of the liu flattens the "pleamre" of Mr,
and Mi. So and So' rompiny ii ri'que-t .-d
but In the old PnclWi, "lionourl" pilkd
with a u, is used, Tho jear I.s poiisplenously
absent In I lie latest ImilatlciK, jntitly Iho
hour, day i.nd iiienlh belntr elveu. It i',
liowevel, quilo picper to Use it if desiied.
Wht li ono his wedding Imitations with ad
mission card, reiepllon or wedding bleak
fast taids, "admit to train" p.utlt, with "at
homes" und "annountenieiits" ftilloniug, the
sum total mil en an txtieuiely large Item to
lie aildid to tho wedding evpenfot, t't'iu
piutivtly fvw people, however, leel liuliiicd
to tompjM this laive outlay.
The ciKtom of giving tiiiU to the In id)
it not to aihlliMiy :w It was, While all lain,
ily fiieuds uie n-u illy glad to add their iiunh
or llttlo tou'aid the setting up ot the i'.v
loof'tite, It thoulil rcllbir be expected l.or
ilcslnd that liuie foiuial aiijualutauces slioiild
ftfl it their duly tu tlo o, A card or letier
bearing congiatulatious to the gloom, and
good wisliei to the bildo is In good foim,
and, In fail, should never lie omitted. If tho is uc ut to Mr, und Mr. So ami i-o
and they cannot attend a gratctul fancy U
to IikIosc Iticir c-JitU in mull pnulopos. Tnu
of the t irdt aip slinily nuiked llapplnot,"
nml additss,,) tu t. hilde, Iho otlitr two ail.
diwietl tu Iho giioni with the word ''Coil
giatulatioriK." l)itlnttly fotnul fiiends
only R'uil onp intlopa addu'Mitl In Mr, .nu
Mis. , with theii falllna; tartU lntlo,id.
I'litudly letteis aio hi) more than wet'
come, and Iieasiued eler atteiward, as alsn
ItltfM stnt to Iho plicuts of tho bilde, ,)lil'
patlilzln.' in the ghin- up of a tljujliter, but
(iiugiatulatii'K IIhiii on the gaining of a koii.
Telegrams or cableguuia fiom distant filendt,
limed ta le.ieli Iho lioua jiwt after the icie
uiony, Jic pleating etldtnecs of uflVctlon that
lend to break thu little thill that oini.tliiit4
falls ut then upon the assemblage.
A pleasing lluglUH tustoiii ii for filcndi
ton far away to Join tho YH-ihliug guesU In
person, to bend notification Hut at the tor
ipipondlng hour of the teirmony they may
be depended upon to drink a bumper to tho
health of the bride, flood church women vaiy
tills by mlbis that at the appointed lioui
; .:
Strawbenies and Cream.
Oat Plakr-s.
Cri.-pcd Ilicun. Poathed Kgga on Toast
Cream of A-p.iURUi Snip. Ciontons.
llidishos. Salted Pct.un.
Veal Pol Pip.
Mashed Potatoei. lllee. Spinach.
Lettuce Salad.
Saltlnps. Xt ufc hit el
liar le Due Jelly. Oiauges.
lllicU Coffee.
Kritadella served on lliowu IIn-.nI
ii. (in Chilinj Dish.
Almond Ciistaid. !5,)ongu Cake,
ltasian Tei.
.strains through, leaving the volk on Iho up
pel Mile.
An attrnttivp addition for the tlp-eit courfe
at dinner is a silver poll-p.iiror, who op.-ii
Ids bill to leteive any foil-shelled nots to
-f-4-f --f -f -f -f -f -fi-f -f -f -f -. ,
they will piay for ,i blessing on the ymuij
Atknovvledgeiuent of -ill wediling glf'i
should bo made as as po-.llile alter
their iceeipt. Wlun they comn seveial il.ivs
lirfoip (he wedding they can u-iully be ,it
ttniloil to at imet'-biii if dcla.ved until ihe
wedding il.i.v, tan i-eliluiu ho aiisiveieil bcimc
the icliirn from the wedding Juiimey.
In felecllng tin wedding gifts the futiiie
riiiirriiiiiicnifc and iiriuiii.'tnntea of the ymi'ij;
people aie to b" taken into an cunt. If tli-y
aio to Xcip lioii-tt they will nted and 'appie
tl.ito a wider vuletj ot tiilpmeiit und tin
nhiiings than as thouuli thev aie to beuld.
A hfiisiblp pioeiit leiPntly froui Phlla.
tlilphla to a bride about to ftart liotieLcep
lug on a ranch, touslstid of a lnlf dozen f.rli
of tho btst qiiility bath towels, lund ton ill,
lea, dish, glas and rollei towels, a lulf tltutii
ill.-li cloths and the smto number of silver
poli.blng ilotht. Alt weiP licmined and
marked and the tollei towels sewed tenrether,
leady to lung,
l,a-t autuuin a lulhoruia, bride it ho was
al-n about to (inbjik on a i.mtli life, counled
as ono of he)' most aiteptable presents lifty
jaic, cans and bottles containing ciiuiul
fruits, picseivts, jollies, pkklei and i'al
up). This aamo little brldu letiimlug fii.m
her wedding Jouimy tu Iho pew home. a),
reatly furiiUhcd, found her cupboard ttllnl
with fleshly looked plolisIoiM, Uble it, lli'o
nude and Utile boilln-Pier thing leady
tor (heir first meal. It was lur slrl frieii'U
who had piepired the plo.Kiut urpri-e, iitler
wlilili they wltldicw, leaving the )uuiig pm
plo to bleak their first bread In the ue.v
liomu by thpnisiluw,
U'lille dainty tldna and table linen, cut
lilj-ws and silvei alp ahva.vs a Joy to the brhlo
tvlio loves prtlty things about her, tho liou.j
fuintshlng itvies bhow an .isvoiliueut of i.c
fid, henslhle 1111111 not apt to be tluplleat'id
that will aUo flml appreciation. Among
these aie "twliler," a tort of gimlet at.
ungenieut to cut potatoes foi French fiying,
IKitato ball tcoopt, pretty fiiipouril sliver
skewer,', pineapple, ejp miiA' and egg k
aiatois. a 1 lever lit He device that tan bo fas
tiueU to an ( (unibler by means of a
hprii.g eliy oil ono slJe. When Iho fg ii
bioken 011 ta tho uralner vvldcb has niiincio'u
tills ojiiing Info tho glasj the thinner wilic
One of the most Usctul kitchen utensils for
either Initio or million is a food chopper. Do
signed originally for meats its offices liavo
been tn enlarged as to include icgetnhlc,
1111U, lire. id numbs, tigs, citrous, raisins,
theesp, mint or unythliig. Kbcwhero chop
plug, toarso or etitinely lino is required.
'I lie new cutters come with adjust
mills to lit the purpo-e tleiied, and hashes,
eioipiette-, linibilcs and all kinds of potted
meats anil liili can be prepared In about a
tiutli of the time required by tho old chop
ping bowl and knife method. 'I he best t hop
pers art" ca-llv t leaned, pisily put together
and easy to upciatc,
llcic Is .1 good leclpe foi veal loaf that is
cm Pllcnt sci ved tillier hot or cold.
Take three pounds of raw veal nut put
thiouiih a t hopper ulti(f the medium cutter.
MK with it loin' ciackcrs, also put tlunugli
the cutter; three cgg.s fligbtlv beaten nnd
iiilseil with thiei) tablesporiiiluis of milk,
thrto lable-poonruls butttr melled, one lea
Kpoouliil of black ptpiei, one large tabic
spuuiiful tath of powdeied sago and salt. MW
(hot (Highly 'and pack In .1 butteied bicad tin.
Dike two anil one-halt boms basting otea
.sloually with butter and hot watei,
Wlille the fiult cake plays a lei Import ml
part at tho wtildingof today than It funnel ly
did, many still feel that the wedding is not
tpiitc all it should bo without the t-akc made
at homo and ulter wnio time-honored family
iccipe, A good leclpe for the wedding cake
U tho following: Cream a oiut pound of
wcll-vvashed butter III .1 large bowl, Add III
tli by little 11 pound of lino gianulated or
powdeieil sugar, tho grated rind of twu lem
ons and Juice of lulf a one. Knead well for
ten minutes, using the hands or a flat wood.
111 spoon. Dual; In, ono by one, ten egs,
tontlnuli.g the stlirlne and nihing. Add iiuw
hllf u iiipful coufectloneih' molasses, with .1
teaspoonful ench of ilovts, cinnamon and
liuie, half .1 grated iiiitnu!.' anil two lea
rpiuiiiliils of iilUplee mhi'd In, Heat thor
oughly, lift a puiind of Hour three times and
add It to the eal.u batter, ttliring well. Kin
ally fctlr In two pounds of turrants well
washed and dried, two pounds of lalsiiis
seeded and rhopptd, ono pouid finely sliced
1 .nulled cltion and a gill each of brandy and
Jainalia rum. Knead and inlc thoroughly for
tittetu or twenty minutes und then set away
over night to "ripen." Alter tho bicaktast
Is nut of the way tho nett morning piepaie
jour lire for a lontr, Mow baking, llao a
good body of coal in t lie slovu tn start with
In order that It may not need ipleuWlnv:
while ho cake is In the oven. Tutu off ail
the draughts to deaden tho beat, und kup a
small 1IUI1 of cold water in tho oven, lepiea-l-lilug
it as it evaluate or grows hot.
Duller and line with paper u louud take
mould holding about' the ipuiU, If the tin
Is inertly biitlerctl the salt may glie tho p-iku
a notlii'ible taste. Ilenco the papei, Ptmr
lhe inbturei Into tho till and let it b.ikn
about five houis, The secret of sucecs In
making a black, moist, delltlous cake Ilea
not mi much In the inuicdtents as in the man
ner of biking, width iim-t bo cMicmcly
luvv. When doiio leave undbtuibed in the
pan to root for several hours. 'I hen linn out,
lake off the paper, and place on a baking
tack upside down until toady to lop. Many
people picfer the wedding cake without boil
ing but that is a matter of taste.
Kiiuni Paddock Tclfonl.
mm ':
CS Saturday yL News, ,
Groceries in Basement
Gbinaware and Cnt Glass in Basement
Today's Shoe Offer.
Women's Oxford Ties are the prop
er footwear for this time of tho year.
Our department Is complete In some of
the best made Ties, A visit here
today, when you can take time to try
them on will convince you that the
Dongola or Vlcl Kid or Patent Leather
Oxford Ties at any of the following
prices according to their quality will bo
a surprise at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.48,
$2.00 and $2.53
A pair. Up-to-the-minute styles are
the kind that you will find here.
Men's Shirts.
This Is a new Spring line of shirts.
There Is a choice selection, mostly In
stripes and polka dots, also figured.
You will find every size you want
The bosoms are full pleated, cut full
length and good width, finished like all
$1.25 and $1.50 shirts, and in many
instances sold for such. -. ftn
Our price for today ,))
Ping Pong.
Do you play it ? The greatest craze
of the year. For indoor games It is
considered one of the best. Young
and old can play it. A range of prices
for complete set, vellum and wood
racquets, balls ,and net,
Priced at 9oC up
Main Floor-
Hnnp.v r.nmh. th nnlv nlaro In tVilc
1 city to buy it. Delicious, Something
new in the candy line. At Candy
tjuuuiur ui 51. ana iuiv package.
Women's All , Linen Handkerchiefs
at 9c each, )$ and -inch hems.
Boy's Washable Suits
We display more styles in Boys' Washable Suits, Blouses, Walstl
Hats and Caps than any house In this city. . 1
Our Saturday Specials :
Boys' Washable Suit In dark Cheviot, Denims and ,, .'
Galateas. Large collar, prettily trimmed, size 3 to 10 years.
All colors 98C
Boys' Wash Hats, Capsand Tarn O'Shanters. to match ,,
suit, In all the paetty colors adapted for children's wear at
25c and 50C
1 ,.1
Boys' Wash Suits In dark and light colors, neatly made :,
and trimmed. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Today ,5(iC'
Boys' Linen Crashes, Piques and pretty. Wash Ghetiots, all Jhe
Mam QlliYirvio,. etiortoc AlArfO.tllt, tvinln rA 4-l,vi.W CUa 1 l
ibw wauiiinibi oimuu, ibatltijr niauv, nun II I llllllu. kjlic u JO
to 10 years. Priced at 1 .4o
Boys' Shirt Waists The new style for Summer. ''Wear' just' ,
t!t, nnnn .nno " All ,.!,,!,. lt l I j 'V' - '
llivci y&y wenui j-eu tjrtuci, rtll e-Uluro. L-eiUUUcr-'
ed soft effects, with collar and detachable collar.
5 to 13yearsat 50Cand.75C
We make n Specialty of the K. & E. Wnisfs.
Boys' Straw Hats In all the new-styles" and colors; '' Every
style you think could be made is here. It is one of
the largest assortments we ever had to show. A 4 '
range cf prices from 1 9C to 50C
Boys' Knee Pants A special lot of navy blue wool Cheviots,
made and trimmed in a splendid manner. Sizes 3 to 15 ,
years. Priced at 25C
Hosiery For women and children, for infants and men. You Will
find at this department all sizes and wide range of styles.
Florodora Neck Ruffs A line of beauties in black and white,
white and black, all black, and all white, also grey and black. Made
from Liberty Silk. Come one to two yards long, at a t
range of prices from 1 .'25 up
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall, by Chas. Major, author of "When
Knighthood Vas in Flower." Illustrated by Howard .
Chandler Christy. Regular price $ 1 .50. Our price $1.10
Z t'.V V kwt
i jl l K it
vT dVvbK
The weight of style evidence gives the
verdict in favor of our clothes for the boys
and little fellows.
This department is well known in this
city for its completeness, both in arrange
ment and assortment of boys' fashions.
We are just as careful about the de
tails of our Boys' Clothing as we are of our
Men's. These facts are worth considering.;
it means clothes satisfaction to yourself and
boy. Our prices are always consistent with
Vestee Suits from ' $2.50 to $6.50.
. Sailor Blouse Suits from $2.00 to $6.00.
Two-Piece Short Pants Suits from
$3.00 to $5.50. Young Men's Long.
Trousers Suits from $6.50 to $10.00.
Our "Little Gent" Is the Pop
ular Shoe for Boys.
Samter Brothers,
' 7,1 ' ,, '
wM i ' i"i'
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