The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
. . - 't -, , -r7 i - - My '' .v ''j1) -.1 , i "4 "H THE SCLtAiNTOiN TKIJcJUNJjUSAUlUJAV, MAV 10, .1.002. ,-VW'.l'-ijM'.a' '"- "Ur " I r Br uiy I I"' 1 i b li- Hi t B klV i a- In' I- A I I f A. j; :.K F. s tic AcranfcfefcriBtme Mtu I'ublltlilmt Company, t t'K'rJf'"'''.'!.' -tej.-jyirMs; Sl.ltfes. WcHAIIb, t;rtll;rrf' . o. tl V.pi:Br'nihlnpUiiMr. X Sole Agent fot foreign AUvttlWnr. Knttrrd t llic I'oMnltlee nt Pcrotiton, t'a., i Second i.iavi sum jmucr. ,' When space will permit, The Ylbune is always glad to print short letters frd'm Us friends bear ing on current topics, but Us rule is that these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that nil contributions shn II be subject to editorial revision. , TUB PtAT HATE roil ADVr.HTIStNCI. The followlnc (aide show the ptlee Irr Inrh ach Irwcitlon, space lo lie ticJ ivllliln otic jear, , nun'of Ishll; u n "Piill " ' IISPFAV. t'a per. I llwidlw. IVvdtlom &m tliin'm Inclici. .SO " .Si"" . ' 50 inchm 10 .41 ' loo " ::u ,r,i ."" 250 " .-. .:. - ."" X) ,'' 20 ,-jj .'it loon " l .1". .I1' aooo " 1", .17 .1S enoo " i. .mi I .n ,' Kor card, of thanhi. resolution, of cnwlolenof, (ini tlmllar rontrlhtitloiH in tin- Mtuto r,f ml ,oiltslni: The Tritume mal.n a iliarui of ' tent linn. '' Ftatpfti of f'liMltlril Adviid-lns tmtililieil on pplicatlon. TWELVE PAGES. & HtJRANTON, MAY 10, 1902 For erovernor ot Pennsylvania, on the issue of an open field und fair play, i OtJHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, 'fiibject to the- ,wlll of the Republican masses. On Chance Yet for Peace. THE SITUATION developed by the strike order is not with out a ray of hour. The ref erence back to a convention of the miners insures an expression of the majority will. It gives opportunity for public sentiment to bring influence to bear upon the voting1 membership, and until that shall have exerted itself there will be work for every conserva tive citizen. The recently threatened reopening of the Dreyfus controversy in consequence of the alleged statement of M. L.e Roux, the French lecturer, that the govern ment at Paris has in Its possession a written confession of Dreyfus' guilt is likely, after all, to be averted. M. Le Roux never said it. Getting at the Facts. MUCH has already been and no doubt more will be printed in unti-aiTinltiis-tratiou papers about the concentration camps established by American officers In certain parts of the Philippines. The charge has been ntade thai Weyler'n tactics in Cuba have been reproduced by American au thority in Sumitr and portions of Lu zon. It Is well, therefore, to under stand the facts. The first order to establish these camps was issued by Cieneivil Franklin IJeli In Katangas piovlnce, Luzon. It was done for the purpose of protecting friendly or peacefully disposed natives from the abuse and terrorism of roving bandit "bands. It was followed by u vigorous prosecution of the severest allowable military measures against those bands, with the result that the piovlnce is now at peace and the camps have been abandoned as no longer necessary. Here is a picture of these camps which so exasperate Dem ocratic editors. It Is contuined in a statement made to the Commissary General of Subsistence by the chief commissary of the division of the Philippines, dated March 17, 1901': We aiv getting alonir Vtry nli-ply In supplui,; rice to tlm ruliu'd who air rnmeuti.itc-d in II j tangos and I;3kuiu provlncm. Vast week, in ompany with Oneiul Wlieaton, I visltpil Bliun, ('jlamhj, Sjiito Tciiuh, Tjnu.iu uiul I.ipi, and the way the rrvccntialloii of the xutivrs i (ar tic out up there Is a iredit to the t'nlted States Army. (IcneiaU AVIie-iton and Ufll lioth di"jre Ktvit deal; of rrcitll. Instead of lie I ri if iuIIuI "ramps of concentration," the proper n.ime w be "cumpi of iiiilruillon and ranitllon." Tlio 'diffcient harries, or little UH.ijfs, jie KJlherid, eatli liarrlo on a tin-1 or jenue by itself. Vli'u these different aeniiM are cep:u-.ittil by ahout iwo hundred feet from tlielr haik jjidi, Ihmu Hi.' do their eouklnjf, Imni up the ollal, etc. Tiny have their file lirijf.iiirs armed with lnnk'l at bamboo, lt iriK or eifht faet lout!'. 'I'lu.e .nc grouped on rail;-) evcia- iwo or tluee hundred feet. and every house alr l. required to Keep two i.f these fltlfd.t iilnlit. 'I he heu's nte aliauL a.s comfort tble athoe the H'eie required tu l.icavo. Tliey all have an aljundaiue n( fond, whether collected b,v"theiittoJei or furiildipil f the Mill 'tary autlioritle. The inhabitants aic 1110.-1 if Kpecttul nnd very iheerful looking, They all have the. appearance of lieiue w-fl fed, Nd ju dication cf auHeimi-fcs i.v diKruiiiuit, Their herd', aie taken out to glare, and ullogethci I leally tlilnk, niilside nt a military nUudpoliu, the iu tliei will be decidedly iuipioted by vhtii" of having llvedlln thev well nntnlated tamp uf In. trii'.-tloii Hnjlaiiltatlon. '('lie very poor are iniiUi Jietlcr off injjjwy way llian t l,c,i eer weie lie(u;e, and tliey mm ntbjeit tiy" tie mllitaij to has tyranny llulti fomuily'by the headmen. Troui mllitaiy ftlaiidpolnt, of (niii..e, the oipe:ilra 1 Ion has beSi niosi valuable and I1.1? icMillfd J11 biiiiBlnp bijiieaily every sun ami eu'iy ,ii. Ktnt bebliid)l who In-, i.ul lied In Ihn pr,ivluei4 nt I'avlte uial Ta alias, whiili are ninlrr I lie I'.-n-trol of llieiIvil KOeiiiuieut, The seVfre allowable measures In ttortucecj!Uy Cienernl Bell ure embodied, with the Reasons for their adoption, in the follqwiiii; uidcr Issued on Dec, III last; j&vvtj 'Hie (fyjtri 'lain yoiciiiiiint, dlsimardiiig; many piojuciloiii HiVikMlx-rwiii', has fur thice years Mfrebtg'111 c.vtraiiriliuary foibiuramo md palientnr ulimcli'ln .v inairnimitnou and be.nnvo. lent pofjerttb'tflii'Vie Inhabitants of the terriloiy,hli(,;ibrli,-l(.'f. Notultlntjndnij Otis fait, oppflJtp .f' ln; government ban been ier UlentlWfAtUnijeilliroui(bqut this entile peilod '"J" J"18Sj''t,J'UJto,',WUi'K Tbo enemy, lonj lizliiiiKBwiaaiiabJUUtbf maintain, tlicnieclua iM4Jionf.;3.liJC,iUS(iHnW;v-nl'rtloii and tuppoit c.f3heym(iejijultloii!ljav0, in order In keep UBIiej iiMtRlruir(livcilablieli(il a telitn of tmjw- liifjptyg tu alr'oitleiand expedients lie)t'i4UUUdhe well knov.ii las ami uatres t WJV; JfriiMiuiiveg fu Ueiieiul Order. Xo. 100. yaWifl4aKt'Qrnen)l'4 Ufflce, IMil, appiwed and pub Vahiy pii order -i,f i I'rejldeut Lincoln, fur ilii rowtnment of the jriiile of Ike' Culled E-iatrs in the Eelfi. U IS ' , nrkttiTlify livlt allied lofal pfflce fiwu the Kovrrmnent an'.;taV,t" Tlie oatlo ullei,'iaii(e (j1i ly for the purpof liupioriiv tlielr uppoitini' t1 and facilities for drtrhle Ameiiean olbcials md treaeliiroiiily aldirc and anhliiiif the cauc I 1I10 iEsiirrectiou in violation of Section 20. Second They have with bolo and other wea pons killed helpless prltoner jml tiMli-ji lin; on the gi omul, wholle dliablrd h wuuudi ulikli prcvcnUil thrlr iletchdlnir tlirhi'cUes In Any way, In tlolatloii of Keellom 41, .VI, lit and tli ThlriWu iitiler tu contuse tlielr Mentll)'.. nnd tliereby be able the nir sifely lo conduct Ihsir fkulkln? i)peitloii, I hey Ii.ue ndcpled Ihe ttnl I'oim iif tun aimy ami imllie tr6op wltliout miy plain, Mrlkliuf, fllid ulilfoim maik of illftlnctlait l lllelrmvii. In tloljlbm of'Sertlon til. ' t'vlirlli-Tliey Ii.ue Inipiatlieil anil etrrlfd In the v trinity uf roadu and trulls leaily roiilfin:l."I Infetiirtl maclilne iioielllnit iolmieil arrows or datt. In tlolallon uf Pedum TO. thui phi-lim llienwhn beyond the palu ot tlm lawi ami u'.ies of war. , Klfth Men nn-l sipiail-i ol men without inii mlvsloii, without helm; part 01 poitton ot the icif lilaily nijratilril hotlle army, wllhi.ut sliarlns eonllniioudy In the wiif, but w-llli Inlcrmlllrnt returns to theli litmen and f'oeallon, and "villi Itiquciil iifMinipllon of Iho iAtnbl.ince ol peace ful piiiult, dliejlliiir Iheiiwliei ot lite 1I111 Ic ier unit appearance uf soldier", bale lomrnilteil ImsttllllFH b) flulitlms and innkliiif raid', ol .v iloiw kllidi, alter' whli h, ronre lllnit their iiimt, Ihey hatr feliiinei), piMlnr as peaceful cltlens, and Mildly llwd In Ihe eainr Inwns wllli v-'r-tlu of cm Iroop-i, In vlotitlon nf Serllon S'J. sKlh Vinifil pruttleiN hate stiilui wllhlll tl.e lines of our army lo nit leleitrapli wires and tie Klmy bilditex. Armed n'sasylirt, dedniulid find fulihultcil b.i ll neiiiy, line ruiiie, dl'KuUed as p.'aieful iitl7cns Into the eiy piptenir of our Karrlon, and lne aalnaled, lu broad dajllirlil In itouilcil nutkit il ic r. peAsnns unlaw fiillv ion ilriuiii'il In death by the enemy for being liiendiy, or osltliur tie leitltllii ililv unritnlrril ixovern- ineiil, Ihe ff.ii, fjnipalhy, or en-opoiatlon of the tnllie lioliillal on elliituallv DtelclUlliL' oil! tip prrlieiisloii and pitiii-hinciil of the ,ijsslu, 'J 'lis in violation of Seel Ion sl. Sevenlli 'I'fio apparently p.iollle lnli.ibll mis ut towns oeiuplid by the Ainetleuii auny trcailntou'b il-en In aims ajr-'!"- '' " vieil.v (lull of Seel Ion M, KIkIiIIi lalpe pen enlace of the piipillallon, IIioiibIi owllii; jll((.'iJl.i e lo lh AuieileJii Kineill ineiil limlei the pluil-lim of Sot Inn 2it. hale nitetl as nibs .md v.iv tiallnrs. In viuljlluli of piotl-loiis of Me'tloiH .su. !K mil !'-'. Nliilli A very iiuuilxi' of inuii;ei:l "III rials, soldiers mid other alders and abelleis of I lie liisiirrrctiun, after lolunlailly 'stirrandsilus and after haUiiK been raptired, hive been par doned mid leleased from lontlnrmeiit upon t.ik iti the tut li of allegiance or Kliinir paroles, nnd have Mibseiiunlly violated theli oatlw or panic's wllliout rruf,1e, by aKain eiiteilnir Ihe sen Ire of Hie Insurgent ,iuy or aiding or a-slsllnir the siinc, in violation of A'(lion 'ill, 121 and 1 0. Aralnt bill one of llicr tlaKranl violations of the lawn of w.n, namely, murder, lus the I'uited blates yoveinmelil ner nelfudKuil or evented the feveir pen.ill H -", juthuiicd by the actions of the law above tiled, In Ihe aiii hope that, by lids even 1st- of foibearaute and (renrmsiiy, the people inbiht be roiitlliatcd and betomr leroncileil lo and romlutod of lb benooknt purposes of thu Ifovei unit lit. In-lead of having bad the ilc'Mied effrtl, lionevrr, this polity Hi the proviucs of liataugMR and l.aKiina Ins apparently failed lo appeal lo even Ihe keenest and mot appncialbe IntillecK On Hie tnutiaiy, it lia been intrr pieled by tiuuj n.s an evidenif of weakne-1- .iml tear, anil, pulled up by .1 iliildlsli and igniiJiit eomeil over whit tliey are pleased lo ton.ider successful resistance ot our power, the people have become so airogsmt. lbs' they look down upon our government and btoni its kindliest eltods at pat lAcaliun. We tniurtpienHy find tjutieles operating- In a IhoiotiKhly orruiiled terrliu aaalnn the eatire iiopulalloii. milled in a hope- lesj sliug.rle. iMiitr. lonnivliie al or loleraling baibarous littlhod-. wliltli nlieo-l le.ub Ihe limit in outraging? the Jaw: and t,aKi,s of leitimat-1 : 1 fa it1. The letkles expedients adopted 1. the enemy, especially t tie policy of intimidation .md a-ia-Mil, il ion, leaus lo Ihe briatlr lomniandti i.u utlit r means tif piolectiug ellliei the Hies of bis uhordiiiatr', 01 those ol peatetul 01 liitnul.v till 7.ens, or ihe mleie-U of Ids goieiiiinenl .urit.iit the lepetition uf bubaiotis outiar cvttpt Ihe enftiuemenl of the penalties auihoii7ed ly tiie above cited law.- of wat, and lie lus (be light ol let.ilhlioo under the proviilons of Sections 5!) and US, wlienevei Ihe iluly ai'd eairfiilly isioi 1. lined coiiilitioiii .11, d ( in mil't.incc-. w-.11r.1nl the Nttne tiniliV tiir 11 ti it lions pie.-tiilitd in Set lion The hiitiade tominflnder lhreftie .iiinoiiiit es lor tiir iufoimatioii of all tonreiiied that wIit tev vpiioneit. or imaiiiictl or ilefenteles Auu'ii tans or natives flionill- to t lie I'lilled Slates j;o fiiiinenl aie muideied or asisin.ilfd for jtoli-ii al reason", and this fatt 1.111 be otiihli-hed, it i Ills piupo-e 10 tetiile a of war undri I lie authoiily contained in Sectiuiis ."i0 and ll. 1 lit' pihoner of war will be t-eb'itetl bv lul fiom ainomr the ofltceis ot prominent citizens lieltl as pi isolicr.s of wai, and 'lill be tho-ai when nac licable fiom thoie who beloim to the town whole the inuider or a.-sa-siiialion ocrunrd. le is nlo bis puipose lo severely punish, in the same or a. leaser degree, the comniiv-ion of ollitr acts tlcnouncKl by the aforementioned articlri. lu this connection the attention of all Anitrli in orllteit. is invited 10 the list patagraph ot Sec tion 2U, and to the pi ov Nit ui of S.'ctioii, Comniandimr olllreis air authorized to inforce tiie provi.sions of this latter set tion wlienevei they may deem it just and praclirable. .f. i'. Bell, Brigadier (feneral, t'omnundiuir. Sectetary Root, in comment upon this policy, based as it was on' laws of warfare and, instructions to officers, approved b President Lincoln, well says: "The war department paw no reason to doubt that the policy embod ied in the above mentioned orders was at once the most effective and the most humane which could possibly be fol lowed, nnd so, indeed, It has proved. Within a comparatively few weeks af ter this policy was inaugurated the guerilla warfare in Butangas and Laguua and the adjacent regions, with all its accompaniments of long con tinued suffering, destruction and as sassination, has been ended, the au thority of the United States hits been asserted and acquiesced In, and the people who had been collected and pro tected In the camps of concentration have been permitted to return again to their homes anil resume their cus tomary pursuits in peace." These ure the facts. Let the people judge. The indorsement by the Illinois Ite pttbllcau convention of the seniitoiiul candidacy of Albert J, Hopkins, now and for ninny years past a leading rep resentative iu congress, Insures the substitution In the senate of a strong and experienced man for a mere Jester, ' Figures and Reflections. FIFTY years ago there wero In tlm United States K'S.MS manufacturing establish- mentis representing a capi tal of $."&'i.-l".:s''l: employing y.17, 0."i!) wage-earners, lo whom wore paid J2:io',"5ij,4iH In wages; using materials which cost $.."., 1 23, si':! uiul turning nut it product valued at $1,01!),100,0'16. In those days there were few labor un ions and no trusts, lu ll'u(), according to the llgures of the recent census, tiie number Of establishments had grown to filL'.VL'e, an increase of more than four fold; the capital Invested hud Incieased to $,8"J.,tl04.0871 n gain of nearly nine teen fold; the number of wago earn ers had risen to D.S'.'I.OS", an increase of neatly live and one-half fold; the wages paid had becoino $2,2:0,73,0-'J, n ten-fold multiplication, und tlio cost nf materials used had climbed to $7,31)0, 9."l,o97 und thCj vnluo of output had reached the significant figures, ?i:s.o-IO,-013,038, both thlrteen-fold growths. During this., time the population had experienced a gtowth of two and one quarter fold, nnd the woods has be come full of labor unions nnd trusts. The lesson from these figures, It seems tu us, is that In spite of dividing Influences tlieie has been a good deal of mutually valuable co-operation be tween American capital and labor, por has labor got the wors,t of It, if you trace the operations iu these Indus os bite In Which they had tlielr origin you will find that an overwhelming per cent, of the represented values stands for pay ments to labor; while ot tlio ptoilts hai -vested by capital none ure of nny use except In so fur us thoy give employ ment to dabor. The mtlt!otiultr runiiut eat, sleep or stir without giving to labor more thnn he can poslbly get out of,hlB millions himself. He would be the nwt helpless mortal on earth If there wero no luborem whom ho could hire. In that event his millions would be worth to hlin ulisoluicly not one cent. On the other hand, his mll llnos tire of better use lo labor than If they were only thousands', for they enable him lo plan larger undertakings out of which labor gets the bulk of the benefits. In other words, the flintiest skinned mllllounlre, whether he knows It or not, Is In teallty a. trustee for ln bor nnd for civilization, IIu may not amount to much himself but his mill ions are tins seeds of valuable reaplngs for his follow men, These few facts and rullcelions lire worthy of keeping In mind hi connec tion with the present troubled situa tion In the anthracite coal ileitis. They may have no Immediate bearing but they supply to the philosophic, mind some reasons for believing that event ually the frictions or the moment will work out satisfactorily. Certainly only a mind unbitlanteit could have prompted the horrible deeds of Muli'olm W. Ford. One of the mys teries Is why good men und women should be liable to injury or destruc tion by reprobates gone mad. In view of his remarks concerning- the American people, it has not been thought necessary to Introduce Piince Henry to the "Blarney stone" upon his present tour of Ireland. ALWAYS BUSY. 4 m Spring mil Hummer (Woida and noots that con tent the mind ami conifoil the feet, Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, 93.00 Ladles' "Melba" Oxfords, t?3.C0. Lewis 8e Reilly, 1 14-1 10 Wyoming: Avenue. , SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. Hotel Sothern TOLD BY THE STABS. Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus, The Tribune Astrologer. .Wrolabe Cist: I.U a. in., for Sal11rd.1v, .M.1.1 in. pre. A child boin oil this die will notltr lint luck seldom favois the our who titptuits wilclv upon it. 'Ihe ruiiilltr the foul, a- .1 tide, the gic.itrt the folly. Model. iHun i mnip dc-uahle thin agitation, and in 1110-t ui-u it is lc-.s epcmiuv The wouiin who piints hei face Imdi lui-ilt only. It is ra-iti to lie son vou ,110 lii-hi thin to ronviiitf othus 01 the fait. hen theotifs tf ,1 1 1 ink bttonie valuible, tin 1 1 auk btioiiit". .1 guiiu-'. it i linnetts.u y to invent t.uisc foi a good leptttatinu. Ajacchus' Advice: Iteiuinibei that a Luge man will Mldum .lonp lo peity lev- nge. On Virginia avenue, the widesl and most fash ionable in Atlmtic f'ltj. Within a few- yauK of the ruinous Steel Pier ami IJoinlvvalk and in front ot t lie most desirable bathing grounds. All conveniences, Including: stciui heat, Ftin parlor, elevator to sticet level, hot mid cold baths. Table excellent. ions for three hundred. Terms moderate. Write for booklet. R. N. Bothwell. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING (in .1 -.pur of tiir UKidi.tny MomilaiiH. l.e'aijjth alley i.nhoid; neai Trnvandi. Ilithlirj', li-!iin, spoils, tic. I.vrlltnt table, lfeasouablr nucs. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL )'. (., Ape., Pi. N.111I ior booklet. C. IC. HAIIltlS. $9574 in Special Rewards SCRANT0N TRIBUNE'S GREATEST OF ALL Educational Contests CLOSES OCTOBER 25, 1902. The bCRANTON. Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. Thore aro offered as Special Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY THREE SCHOLARSHIPS in some of the Leading Educational Institutions In the Country. List of Scholarships Scholarships In bvracuse trnlrcrsllr, ot ?l"2 each 1 ', ,..$ sot Scholarship In lluckiiell linltcrnltv f2H Scholaislilp In The University of Hoclinitcr., 321 I70S Srhohrdilp In U'tnlilimlnii .School for Mom., 1700 Scholarship In Wlllhnisport Dickinson Semi nary , 7,i) Pcliolati'hlp lu Dickinson t.'ollrslate t' toil Sttiool 7,V) Scliuhirdilp iu N'rvvton ColIrRiatp Institute.. 7l'ii Sthohirshlji In Kr.vstoue Arnlniiy MX I Scholaiehlp lu llrtivvn t'olIcKo I'rep.irntotv -'rliool IXH) sitholaishlp In tin' Sehnnl of I hp Iickilvviiiin.i tin) St liol.n.slilp In Wllkes-llairr Institute 27U Scholarship in Colitlt Cottasu (stinrincr School,) i 2."tl wia Sthol,iisliln in Scranlon Conservatory ol Miit'i, at 6l'-' rath : COO hehol.ii ships In lliidotibeinh.Niiool of Jluslr and Al 1G0 Siliolninlilpsn Sci.imou Huslncss Collcne, at "i'l;l rail ;.00 Scliolarsblpi iu CorrefroiMleucL' Nlionl'i, aveiioic vatur j? eacli -S.1 Sehnlarshlps ill L:ickav. 11111,1 Uti"luess College, at $s,'i each 170 sjcholaislilps in Alfred Wuolci'i Vocal Mmllo I'Ji 1SI0 ifW7 Rules of the Contest The special lewirds will tie uhen In tlio person ecin Ins Hie lamest number of points, I'oltits will be eii'iliteil lo rontcslaiils eeciiiliis new mib- Birioerj it, jug pcranion iiiouiie M lotiows: One lilulilli's Mibscilptlou $M Thicr luotilhs' wibscrjiitlon t.Si hl moiilhs' Rubstrlplloii 2.(l One'is mlwcrliitloii fliio Tlio with tiir blghcit nvunhrJ' of t'olnta. 1 :l n 12 dills will be itlven a tliolro from lln list of mrrul rlwartlsi the con- lestant vv'tli tin n'cond blithest mimhtr of linliiln will be lilvcu .1 cliolrc of the rcinalnlnic levvards, and so oil thiouRlt the list. Tiie lonleatnnl who serine1) tlio hliibcst niunber ot points thirlnir any ralriular month of the coldest win receive, a. honor lewiinl, this levvard belni? cntlicly independ ent of the iilllmatr disposition of tlio Kliolarhlps. ' llirli tontrslant falling to sccute a fprviul levvanl will bo Kit ru 10 ptr tenl. of nil money he or ulie twins iu. All subTtlptlotis must be paid in advance. Only new' Mihstilbcis will be reunited, Ilcnevvals bv- persons whose names air already on our sub scription list w'ili not br trrdltrd, The Tilbnnn will investl ir. Mr 0 irh MilHriiplloii and If found Inegukiv ill any way retcrves the iluht to irject it. Xo ti,iiifeM 1.111 lie iii.ulr aflrr cietlll lias oner been (jlven. All MibstilptiotiH mid the rash In piy for Ihrin must bo handed In nt Tlm Tribune o'.iltr within Iho week ill which tiny .ue teemed, so tliat papers can be tent to the Mib fccribers at ontr. Sulisrripl ions must be written on blanks, which ran bo secured at 'J ho Tribune ulfii c, or will be sent- by mall. thc Westminister Kentucky live., 11c.11 lltacb, Atlantic City. Open all the jeai, Sun Pallor, lllevalor and all modern imptovcmints. ? ispiins ilatcs. CIIAS. lillllRI:, Crop. HOTEL RICHMOND. Krnliickv Avenue, l'iitt lloirl fiom Uracil, At lantic t ilv, .N. .1. i '") Uttan view 1001115; c 11 p..cll) SOU; willr leu i.ilc. J. 11. Jetik in". Prop. WORTH Considering Superb Ready-to-Wear Sliowin EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships will recelveten per cent, cf all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the, contest. ' , t Special Honor Prizes A new feature is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points each month. The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m., Saturday, May 31. will receive A HANDSOME GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. Those wishing to enter the Contest should send in their names at once. -s All questions concerning the plan wilt be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. Everything High but Flour r .-j0 f'-Sk jMak&fmt'M'i 6VERYTHING spic span new, and they , teach the whole les son of smart styles, and fabrics for Spring and1 Summer. They teach a still greater lesson in successful! merchandising the buying ot the highest class garments! from the best makers, giving exclusive yet sought after modes at prices such as mean practical economy on every , garment. Iu handsome cos tumes we have attempted thiugs never before ventured upon in Scranton and have, met success the success which comes from the ap proval of carefully dressed ladies. In piping (iiu" ot pour m atiifr, llieati loutiiiuo ihr Malt" of life, iivri.vtliimr ti-r mr i.p sKy luli, I'lom'.s ihr only thliur to bti.v. nil when vou want Iho .ciy be-t, "Mww While" I'louv leads all the icmI. CHEAPEST nrcitusc UKSTJ We only wholubiile it. Dickson ill & Grain Co., Scranton nnd Olyphnnt. EDUCATIONAL.. r Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY The newest fabrics, all col ors, sold heretofore at $iS,50, 2o. oo $22.50 and $25.00. 1 $15.50 A great offer in good grade Suits, iu all colors, all cloths, nil sizes, formerly $2.00, $26.60, $27.50 and $28,00, at the uniform flJ-lO Cfl price of.. ,.. iPujiJU A colletion of cHigh Grade Ladies' Suits; in all the new est Spriug models and mate rials, formerly $30.00, $32.50, ,$37-50, $40.00 and $43.50, at the uuiform tfn7 CH price of. M ,,,,,. ipjliuU Crane's 324K2anna Take Elevatpr. Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Lo You Want a Good Education? I Not a short course, nor an easy cojisc, nor a tiieap lour-r, but tlio best education to be had. Xo ollici education is woith Fpendins time and money on. If J0U do, wiite for a catalogue of Lafayette tollege Easton, Pa. which offers thorough preparation in the Dilneerliis and Chemical Professions as well e.3 the regulai College comscs. 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 7q.2 Don't Strike ! Buy the a 1 Ousisfsrli Forsyth I Lr3-327 Peiiu Avenue. L .j. .j. 4. 4. 4. & i ! i When in Need I Of anything -n the lino of j, optical E'ooils wo enn t3upply tt. 4, I Spectacles t I and Eye Glasses l T Properly fitted by nn expert 4, optician, From $1.00 Up J Also nil klnd of piescvlp- J tlon work tuul repairing:. j, .j. I Mercereau & Connell, J 132 Wyominp; Avenutj. 4 , 'J Allis-Chaliuers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Munufactuiini; Co., Scranton ona WIlke3narre, Pa. Stationary Knslnes, Boilers, Mlnlnff Mttchlnery. Pumps. Announcemenl During tho summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required lor admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles 1:. Fish The courses of instruction are for the benefit of five classes of students : ' conditions nt the entrance cxnmlnn . tions. I 2. Candidates who have postponed oxnmincttions until September. 0. Students iu Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other onuses, hnve deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and bnvo time in the preparation for college, 6. Students iu college who have ndinUsion conditions which must be removed before tho beginning of the next Scholastic Year. For paitlculars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanno. Scranton, Pa. "Smoot," the Typewriter Man, takes pleasure in ex hibiting its merits from mora till night. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Scranton, Pa. Dr. & Mrs. Johu MacUuffie's SCHOOL FOE GIRLS 2$th cir. Tiunty-tlvc jcau under the nunit;c incut of JlIsS IIOWAIII), Colloxe ptepatatoiy and aiadeinlct cuiiujia. llcctdcnt pupil, llnilte.1 to 21). W uilh lion-ii'sident, llcimiful ciounds. Tennis courts, Instruction in aciurdanco with hitthe.t iUlrenientii ot i'M coIIcbcs, for pai tlculars and iMtalvitui! jddrcj John Mae Unfile, I'll, I) SpinIKdd, JJai. SIATC NORMAL SCII001. Ka.t btioud.liiu, l'.i. 'Iho csjiviinatioin for iiiliiil-sinn iu the Mlildlc i ir and Kniur Vear iljsoos will be held Juno Hi. llit,h uliool iriiiduitcn will ho ieriiiltlul lu tiku lioth csaiiilnitloii-, and intir the irnii ili vvliiii' tlivli woik ia (ou'icd the junior Sud mid die years coiu.o of the normal, 'ihli !i' will I hi tlm lat oppoitumty ulicu tu ihi fo, as tlio time .UMia' 10111.0 U In lull foica uud all will r 01110 under tlio Mate iru'uUtiom of.csaiulnatloiH. I'or full jiirticulir-) additwi-it eince, 11. l IIUII.Im . M I'rliicipil. SOHAWTON COEItESPONDENOE SOIIOOIil SCIcANlty, IM. t, T. 3. Foster, I'tesldeut. iTiiicr H. l.avvall, lien.' R, J. kToJter, Stink)- l. Alien, Vice rrcildmt. Bs-erettrj. The Dr. Diemel LinenMesh Underwear is tho most healthful, comfortabla cleanly underclothing' of any hither' . to known. This is a large clnim, but those who hnve used the goods bear testimony to the accuracy of it. Send for descriptive pamphlet and samples of material, or call and ex- amine the garments for men, women and children. ALSO SOLE AGENTS FOB Dr. Jaegars' Sanitary Underweai :.;;. :3 418 Spruce- Street 300 Lackawanna Avenue. I ill's tt Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock J i' 4"J f" M l PILSNER l" f 4' ! "I 5 'J i f i"l"i' f llrewry. 4JS to 453 N. scvciitlt :t. Old 'l'lionc, a33i. New 'Phous, 2935. .Scranton, Pa, TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS . .I ?v ,'A. i A 'r ' ,r: ih