l 5,T! j ..;, ' . I . ' i a; i THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1902. A.Sft - v '' spy ELKIN AND WATRESIN JOINT DEBATE Concluded from Pdgo 1.1 It It (or them to decide who 1 right nd vvho Is ront In this controversy. All that I now cx 1ect, ind nil that I have claimed from the be tnntnr of ths campaign Ij fair treatment ut the hands, of the leader of the party, as welt as the Toters themselves The question Is now up to the people, and the)' will decide the Issue. ,' Battle for Majority Rule. During the past four year the Ttcpubllcan parly In our state hu fotutht a great battle to sustain the principle of majority rule. lUwas a long, hard contest, and, although n, simple proposition, It wm itontly contested. Hut it was finally dp elded,, once and forever, that In remwjlwnU the wilt of the majority must prevail. It required Mveral ears of the most strenuous kind of to litlcal warfare to decide this simple vexed qur. tion. I had thought that, when the question wal settled, and Senator Quay had been returned to the United States senate, our political troubles would cease, and that those who bad engigod en the 'different aides of this partisan warfare would soon forget past differences, and join to (tether a a united party to Bght the common enemy. My hopes In this direction hac been omewhat blasted. A new question Is now thrust upon u. The real Issue involved In tills contest is whether the people shall be permitted to nominate a candidate for the high and dignified office of gov. ornor. or. whether the will of the people fchall be supplanted by the dictation of the few. I am not vain enough to believe that my peironallly count (or anything in this control cr)'. It oea not. What becomes of me In this rompll ateet situation la a matter of small Jnipoit jiicc to the people of the state, but it ia a question f vast concern whether myself or any other titlzen shall be permitted to come out before the people and seek Hiclr suffrages for official preferment. No friend of mine has nsked that I any favor or advantage bo shown me in the con teat All we have asked is that the choice of a Candidate (or governor rJiall be submitted to the people and be decided by their vote1:. I am adiiaed that somo wealthy gentlemen, lot reasons unknown to me, have thought tironri: to demand my political head as the prU-c of (heir fealty to the party. The reason for inch a demand docs not appear on the suifacc .mil re mains veiled in mjstcry. It is not for mc to conjecture why the demand was made and ai Duitaced in. Under the circumstances however, I would be lacking in a proper appreciation cf the duties of American citizenship if I failed in Standing for a principle that is dear to every Pennsylvania heart; that la to say, that each nan shall have a fair chance in an open field be fore the people on any question in which the public haa an interest. The Republican party will not suiter by reason 4 this contest, so long- aa it is conducted in a proper manner. Let every man who is n candi date for governor como out before the people, submit his candidacy to their approval or dis approval, win all the delegates he can, go into the state convention, and let the majority of that convention decide who the Ftandard-learer shall be. This Is my platform. Tt Is my intention to wage an earnest battle before our people for the nomination. It is my opinion that a majority of the delegates to the next state convention will support my candidacy; but if it is decided oth- eiwlc, and a majority of the delegates in that i onvention decide to favor some other gentleman the nominee of our party, I will bow to that ilecice most, chrci fully, and will do all in my power to aid the succesfllul candidate at the No vemher election. This b a contest within paity lines. It is a fight before the people for ma jnilty nile. If a mijoiity of the people favor my noininitlon, let them ilect delegates and cml them to tlic state lomention in my interest, atid It such a majority is elected, my fi lends will .co to it that their votes aic properly lecmrtcd theie. If u majority of the people Civm the nomination of some other Bcnllriniii, they will indicate their desire by (.PiidhiR a nuji'iity of the delegates to that contention tor the other candidate, the sotee of the Lnnvoitlon will he hraid and le-peited tlnoiuhoiit the coMiuwn Wealth. It i a gnutl tlnni to rutuiuum' ctiidi ddle 10 (Oti'r out in tl.e npiii and ui!o uia.ily ionlr.sls- of thl ihaiaUcr. When the p:nplc have l.ad t'ueii way and the will of the inability has been properly a.-rci tallied, tin' i"ilit!i.il bkii-i ! vijk dear and nun will nettle Uo-n u do the light ami pioprr thins. Hut the potent voice of the gieat m.w ot the plain people, for which the car of Lincoln was eier upon, and to which the late lamented McKinley ever save heed, Whether e.piesed illicitly by the aenililod Mul titude, or j-ilcntly by the hkmUiic ballot, bhoald never be iguoied. Kaillous chiefs may war and temporary confusion teign, but when that greit voice Is heard tl.e waves of discord aie stilled and a mighty calm ensue. It is not an index: of wise leadership to under take to thwart the people's choice of inui and measures. In the administration of polltk.il af fair tlicro has been a constant and growing ten dency to have from the people, as directly as puasible, an expression of their will in the elec tion of nominees for clfleiirt position and for the adoption of incisures of general interest. The right of the citizen to seek the suttiages of h's fellows and the right of the elector to a free arid untrammelcd choice arc elementary princi ples upon which every gleal political oiganla tion must stand. In this contest it shall be my pleasure to advocate the principles and polici-'-s of that party under whose benign, guidance the country, in both state and nation, has to mar vellously progressed and piospcred. This is not a contest for supicmaey. The ques tion of leadership la not involved. Kvery politi cal organization must have its leadcis, and the an,.. . ; Most Men Go .1 ; possible to dupli i cate. $3.50 and $4.00 a pair. MAHON'S SHOE STORE, K 3X LackawanBa Avt, ft' ffeatf (or the (anwu ")i)c qu.llt)" Shoe fer Women. 91 IIHIl(ltIIMtlltlttltMHKHItttltMlttKtHttilttHtt Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center. 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave. If critic can kill a business it ought to die. The harder they strike at what we are doing the better we like It. White Shirt Waists, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 All under-prices. The first is a Gibson waist of pique, plaited back and stock collar. At $1,25 it is the same, only plaited front and back, The $i.0 waist is still the same style only finer. At $1,75, a fine pique waist, plaited front and back. If our Shirt Waist Store did not keep its eyes open and buy large quantities ot the things you want, at the time you want them, you'd be paying full price for these pretty waists. A Sale of Hair Pins Near Shell Hair Pins Aie the nearest approach to real Tortoise Shell that we have been able to find. We have gath ered an immense stock from the makers and are prepared for this sale with a variety of styles never before shown. The clearness of these pins and the fine smooth finish recommend them to your con sideration. Price 25c a dozen. Summer Underwear Men's, Women's, Children's No need to talk now you'll come anyway, but let us just say this: Connolly & Wallace's is not only the best Underwear Store, but the cheapest, for the best is always cheapest in the long run. Everything ready Connolly & Wallac Kieat ma;.-, of Hi" people aie not intended i", who the le.idei Mull lc much as thy are concerned al.'iut the manner in which th aflairs of the patty ale foiidintcd. dlfleieneo of opin ion Ii.ii atl-rn in till' remtett, v.bttli the people ir.v-1 ilieide. Wli should theii vvMics bo Ui'reptaidcd and t.et .nidc? What emouiaijemcnt is tlicie for any youns man to devote bis time and talent to a political orginlzation, if the fact that he has been loval and faithful to that oiginiatlon ! used before the people as an excuse why he is net an available candidate for oltlce? lively vomit man in l'ennfvlvaula is inteiestcd in this eontc't, because Hie fate of one will be the fate of all, if such a polllcal policy K to be adopted. It is not my desire to promote patty di-ionl. I want to ec the factional ditTiunco-. of the past four jeais wined out forever, and no one will rejoice more than m.vscll when the words "Stal wart" and "Insurirent" shall be taken out of our political nomenclatuie of our atate, and all shall be known as "Itepubllian." Interested in the meters of their piriy. It should be borne In mind, howevci, that this lan never be done by making vicailous t.atilfiecs of the people who have helped to sustain the party iipiiin.uy din ing !hee ,vcar of tiial. The ..cnni of fail -play, so deeply rooted in eveiy beait, wilt not peimit a result" of this kind to lie airumpllihed, by puiiisliitie tlw.'.e who have stood by the patty in its scvcrc-l trials and thioturhout its mo.t violent storm". I.i I u have pe.ue In the Itepubllian parly in our state, hut let It come in such a maniuv that the ilishta of all the contending pai ficn will be equitably adusled ami fairly tecog niiscd. I desire to call your attention to ju.-t a few cf the ldo iues involved in the tmitrutciry, before I conclude in," rcinnU this evening. When inj name was hr.t announced as n tandldtte, the op- About in a hearted sort half of a way without tak- J 1 ing any particular interest in life. Our "Walk Over" shoes are a real boon to men who are afflicted with sore and , ; AT aching feet. They , n have a certain chic 2 . and smartness im- A ' v V This and the poor. It serves each serves them both. Corset ' tiri.ll trtn nou en inn re linvrnsl 11 t Mi tmir.1t till trmtir ; l'- .V..V4. .v wt tf'f s.h-i vijtiuf vttai 111111 11 ri ifvu-utn- that, while Mich .1 nomination might he made, it would not it-present the wishes of a inability cf the people, because tt would be biought about by the combination of the delegates elected in the counties of Philadlpliia and Allegheny. It was urged by these same ncvvspapcis that the dele gates from these counties were controlled by the machine, and that they did not icpresent the popular sentiment. In the twinUing of an eve, all the-e conditions teem to have been changed. Thee same newspapers now take great pleasure in tluoiiicllng the fact thatmy nomination will be defeated by reason of the very foices they thiiged me with having in my favor in the cirlier stages of the campaign. At that time they said the only hope my friends had ot se curing my nomination was the support of tl.e two big counties. Now they admit the only hope of defeating my nomination is by getting these two counties practically solid against mc and I am pleased to say that they are not likely to ai complMi this result. My. natural strength is in the country, and it will be seen when the con vention meets that the rural counties will have a mighty voice in saying who the nominee shall be. Laboring People Not Opposed. Those same newspapers have been urging that the laboring people of the state are opposed to my nomination. This lias been so completely an aweie.l thai it is staicely woith.v of consldei.it ion. It has been suggested that the I'nlteil Mine Wurlccis of Xottlicaslcrn Penn-vlvanla vveie at rayed against me. Yet, as cime to your city today, and as I look over this vast audience, composed largely of suili people, the assurance comes to me lliat the laboring people aie my fiiendA It has been my good fortune tu have been associated with laboring men the gieater part of my life. .My natural sympathies' an: with thrni. It has alwajs been a picasiue to hone the inteiests of labor when the opportunity pre sented itself. I desire to icturn my Hunks to the wage-earners of l'oinsvlvania for the loyal and coidlil support they have given me In the conte-t fot governor. Tlicie oamc iirwpapen have urged that the niaisea of the people aic opposed to my nomina tion, jet wlietcvcr the question has been sub mitted to the popular vote, the people theni'elrci have given emphatic denial to this contention. It seems to inn hut fair that all the candidate! for governor eliould come out fiom their hiding places, as a few of us have done, and lay theii claims befoir the people, hi that Ihu popuLr will may be aneitalneil and the Ifcsiii dot lilt ! whin all the fdits .110 Known. Since my meeting at the lintel Stutlutit u few weeks ago, and my irfu-al to he eliminated from the gubctuatoiial rue, over five thousand littcta and tclcgtaiu have been leeched I10111 piople in vatlous parla of tl.e slate, giving assniaiices of their Mippoit. Ilie Millers ot tlicsa letli.it, ami telegtauis tcpre sent Ihn loadlnir business, piii'c&lnnal and libor Ing men throughout the commonwealth, They as.uic me of thtlr loyal Mippoit, and tell tno that this is the sentiment of the people aiiioug whom lliev live, fioiii these facts, I am foitcd to tun- elude that Ihn leaders of Ibe paity, who have tin. ileit.iheu to thrii.t me ulde. are mistaken In the real .sentiment ot the peoplu cm this Miicstloiii ut lea.t. It is my deleiminallon tu give the peo ple tint oppoiiunlly to decide thU question io fai as I am lonecuied. I invlle the co-opeiallon of eveiy llepubllcaii who lielieves in fall play Pim leiogiues iov.ii, intelligent seivlce as a qualllleatloii for ofliec. In Ills reply to Jlr. Kllvlii, Colonel Wntres aulil tlmt It wiiB the first Inti mation lit- hnil hntl Hint lie linU been liohuobhlng with Mayor Ash brlilKo unl Mr, Dtirlnim. It wus newts tti hhn It llicy 1110 hid friendH. He luul no objection to tin ofllce holder work ing In his own district, but this thins or men working for the commonwealth moving their batteries about from place to place to' oppose candidates upon dic tation must be put an end to nnd It will bo by a united Itepubllian party, It Is the system that he objects to ho said. Do you think the personal reglstr'Uon umondmeut to the constitution wiii bo better enforced by the enemies of that bill than by Its friends? he asked. The state administration stands for what the stato does not stand for and what the Republican party does not stand for, "Let n;o suy one inoro word about that nipper bill," ho continued, "The appointment of a member for u year affor the people had an opportunity to &A store serves both the rich better because it Women's Handkerchiefs Twelve thousand Handkerchiefs at 9c each by the dozen, $1.00. This is the best news of today. Part of the lot are all linen handkerchiefs with one-half inch hems, a splendid, fine cjuality worth fully 1 sc each. Then there are quantities of pretty embroidered and drawn work hemstitched hand kerchiefs, fine and sheer Values range from I24c to 25c each. Choose from all at 9c each or $1.00 a dozen. Special These are J. B. Corsets, made of pretty 5UC printed sateens. The shape is good, being the modern straight front the materials are those usually found in all dollar Corsets sizes -. 18 to 26 5UC NEW YORK HOTELS. A LDINE UOTEL 1TH AV..BETWKKN 29TH ANU O'OTH STS. NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. Flf-EPROOF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross.town cars an J transfer at 4 th ave. direct to hotel. rtooms with Hath) ("Suits with nnth tU.riO upward, j ( $2.r0. V. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir In; NEW YOBK. HOTEL j Place, American Tian, tJS.OO Per Day and Upwards. European i'bui, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. Special Rates to FamiUea. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -l For Business Men In the heart ot Hit wholesale district. For Shoppers t minute?' walk to Wancmatters; S minutes to Biecol Cooper's ISie Btorc. Easy of access to the srea: Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers On block from B'way Cars, rlv Ins easy transportatlou to aU points of lntersst. ; HOTEL ALBERT I I NEW YOKK. ' Cor. lltlKST. A UXIVKRSITT VU 4- Only one Block from Broadway -f Rnnmi -RI Iln krstaurant ItOOlU), 3t Up. Prices Reusonsbl elect that ofllclal wtts ttRalust the spit It of the HBO and affulnst proper llepubllcaulbin. The taim; uppllos to the frauchlf-o Brab." As to the witter question hp Mild the pontics thnt mlNCd it up lit this cam paign Is fm dirtier than the water. "Whatever Is the outcome of the June convention," lm uddetl, "I believe the choice will bo a wIm one and t believe the party will move shoulder to hhouldcr to victory In November," UeplylttB to Colonel Wattes Mr. Rl kht said: "Something has been Mild by Colonel Wntres about mistakes of the niehcnt state administration. Of course It made mistakes. No administration ever avoid ed making mistakes. 'When the pres ent administration went Into power there was a deficit of $3,500,000 nnd wo have now tt surplus of 13,000,000, and havo paid the' hchool uppioptiatlon at an earlier day than was ever done bo fore, That s something for this ad ministration to look Upon with pride. The cupltol rmestlon Is not In this cam paign, for tho commission appointed Is to remain In olllco until l'JOti, so that tho governor elected this year will havo nothing to do with It. Hut I hope my opponent did not mean what ho mild about the new capltol, for where is there a man with it drop of red blond In him who does not want to seo nn that hill at Ilurrisburg a cupltol worthy of this Imperial common wealth?" He concluded with un uppeal to his ThUslgnturU on eiery box ot tho genu In o Laxative Bromo-yulnine buts tbj remedy tbst enrew m cold iu one daj. AMUSEMENTS. g nThe Free Food Fair C. .1. VAX IIOI'TIIV JiOO.V, .Vevv Voil., .V. V, Cocoa and llatln"! hoculalc. AXDI'.HSOV i'OOl) CO., Camden, X. ,T Cm- deneil Soiipi, Till', l'llltr. 1001) CO.. New York. .V. V Kgg l'lake. Till! HANITAS .NTT HIOI) CO., llattl'e Cie.'k, Mlfch., I'rnlnni., Jl.illo-e. TIIVAI1ITA KOOI) CO., LTD.. llattle Creel;, Mich.. Tryablta. Hulled Coin. TUN KOllX-Kltl.SP CO.. llattle Creek, llkli.. 0. Til 5 Till lvimi'Krlsn and Klnl.e f'nm. AMllS CIIAt.MI.US' SOX, Wllllainsvlllo. Clulmi'iV (li'hilliw Tin: nomiAS pimtii: mfo, co piiiiuiei. I1I1I.1, Pa., lloyal lViintilone and Peanut Oil. Tin: iiaitm: nti:i-:i plaki: roon co., Ilaltle Creek, Midi.. .'l ik.tlo. i:xti:iiirii: rorrni: co., iiaitimorc, m., WlniKor llltiul Coffee. Deniemlratloin and testa ot vnrlotn products going on all tin time. lntructlon ami FltKi: Tlckel" have been supplied jour grocer. Ak him for one. .Music, fouvenlM, SUB1 Monday, Q NATIONAL :oi;oKKs:xKKKKKssKKKK::xK!OiXKXKx::xxxxx3Qe 5ave Your New Suit From Rain Of course voti would rather run the chances of wetting It than carry that shabby last year's timbrel la. But you can save your suit and u. dollar by getting one of our new silk "rain shed dors." For $3.00. They rome tn nil the popular colors, with steel shanks nnd nat ural wood handles. Not gaudy or cheaply orna mented; just neat, swell and serviceable. They're worth fully $1.00, but wo ijotisht a lot and saved the dollar for vou. P. S. It's liable to rain every da)- this tnoutli. Come in out of the wet. 126 Wyoming Aye. itchenUtensils HAVING THIS V: TRADEMARK? (burned in the enamel) areSdi? We claim Purity and Safety, and siiosiaruiaie iota ctaim wmi uneinists' Certificate. Not J tho Muc Islisl used by in (end fully sustained by recent U. B. Circuit Court deci'icr.) to distinguish our absolutely pure Apata NickeNStecl Ware. Thij lebel Is nsatctl on ewrv piece of KJiiuino Agate Ware. A full assortment (I Ihcc roods for sale tiv all the l-3ilm;; DKl'AlcT.MllNT and ilOl'Si: I' uk.i.ihi:.u aiuiii.s, Btoklii tlw-ji insfM-iimili ef cur laiil, ,':,, jteeiaauruMiesf, ' LALANCC & OROSJEAN flFa. CO. J.ICVV VOKIC 105TOS CHICAGO 'JIM SAFE. friends to stand by him at tho pri maries that evoked Bteat enthusiasm. A larKo number of Scrantoulans heard tho debate. nurliiK tho afternoon Mr. Hlkln was waited upon by tho mayor and city council of Wllkes-Uarre. Ingram Succeeds Glavls. Ily Kidu.ive Wire ftom The Auotlatrd l'rc. ValiliiRton, Jljy 0. Auguittu K. Iiirjin, ot l'ciiiMltuiilj, lui btcii di'siiiiutftl by tho tiiol, dent to cijmliutlon (or itiipolutiueul a-i lonsul.r tier tu rill the vacancy cjud by Ihu irtlguitlon ot Kduard 3. (llavU, cl till. city. Mr. Ingram liai been connected with thu ktate departiiifnt inco March, 1000, and la at iTwrnt a iler In the comular bureau. . AMUSEMENTS. Meet Us at lAMI'.S P. SMITH ,V 10., Sew Vmk, N, Y 'Mldggi" lleef IMiaet. 'I III! Mll.l.lill .MtNUI'ACTLUIIXO CO,, New oik, X. Y PI noting llxtrji't. HOY.M. TIlA.inii: CO., New Ylk, X, Y lloial TeJ.IHte. iit:t:Ki:it..ioxns-.ii;wi:u, Mir.uxn i.ft.,xcr .Yolk, N. Y lleiker'M I'orlna, Hstf.tal!ng Flour. Heektr'n llnjal Health Food. .N. K. I'.MIIIIANK CO., Chicago, 111., Collo- lene. I.F.VKII ltll-t.. t,TI., New Vork, X. Y T.lfe llitof Snap, thi: iiArri.i: ciii:i:k saxitiui).m food (().. llallle ficek, 'Mlh Toatod Wheat 1 lake, (Irannla, Till! XATI'UAt, FOOD CO., Niagara Falls X. Y Shredded Wheat lllsuilt. W. F. ASSAH t'AN'MXfi CO., Italllnuire. Mil.. Xatrag.in.ptl ami Three Star llramN of X. n.iKcil iieuiM and PutV Tonialu Saute. Scranton Bicycle .1 For Two Weelo, FOOD SHOW Wait. Wait. Wait. AT SCRANTON NOT UNTIL FRIDAY, MAY 23 f&gfeli ;3 Ring Circus JaCB nCJr, m Millionaire ! 1113 iMENAGERIE-MUSEUiyfCvO&Si MSPL AQUARIUM AHDNJjMP VsiywL ROMAiyf mSm2rm , SPLENDID MjlEWrttBiBBtoz K Magnificeht: QMmm trmnmmmks caffi wVr sL tfkv 4r kfvewar i&7 r2.ip' v -.-. xrnnf-r BIG j Continuous Display of Marvelous Perform an::' A Glorious Conclave of Original Notables, most o." wh.,.., for the first time in America, consisting of the WORLD'S GREATEST PERFORMERS. the: peerless dakomas An Incomparable, New and Original Creation. No act too good to show; no performer too expensive; no rare animal too costly for this shows The Street Parade A Stupendous Combination of a Magnificent Street Pageant, Spectacular Street Carnival and Mighty Street Fair at 2 o'clock daily. Bronaon's Concert Band plays two Concerts from Center Stage- begin ning at 1.15 and 7. 1 5 p. m. Two Performances daily, beginning at 2 and 8 p. in. Doors open ona hour earlier. Excursions Run on Every Line of Travel. No Gambling De vices Tolerated. Never Divides. Never Disappoints. Not In the Circus Trust, Academy of riusic 11. ItKIS, Leraee. A. J, Duffy, Utntgir. n.r.AxT: w vi:i:k. Schiller Stock Company I'll ti nl Inf Till Atl.Mlidoii'Mi:ni: .I.t:'." Tonight "DAI (Jill lUt 01' llli: 10011." hpcclJl vjuifivlllo lo.itiiri'i, Including the Groat ianiimv Tint), ' l'liiw, I Oct., 31c. uml yUi'. Jl.Ulm'ft', JIK-, and tOc. xi:.r wi:i:k. MABEL PAIGE 'I Iip Ii1.il nf the ?.v.ith. and the Soutlh'iti htoik Co. Monday Xlelit-'MV I.ADV M.'l.h." S. Ji Fufirman & Bro Jtjniitjcturcu ot Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for Awnings a Specialty eniMBH "7r.,T. -., 328 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. Lawyers vThe Tribune will guarantee to print your paper book quicker than uny oth er printing house In the city, AMUSEMENTS. II ItyniKNIC SPi:cl.U.TY CO., Phlladel-ihla, Pa., California Orange and Lcinoii Sugar. .1. V, tlKAHIlKSMiY'S SONS.. New York rltv, Shtedileil Cud Flh, Smoked llnnele Her. ling, Hllcrd lleef, II. T, Itiirnhani'ii llaiiy fnllt. ftl.i., fit .. .1 Jit .. " .u,f -..inui -oiiuurr. ;inm nuinon. on. hi phla, !'., M ., Marvel g CKM.UUm)HTAHCH CO., riitlatlclti (.iiuiuiu ni.uui. Till: .MAllVIM.U CO., Detroit, Mich, II, Maeatonl. AMFItlCAX IIIII.f.UD UMAX CO., ,,TD Hat tie Creek. Midi,. Hulled llcatH. U. T. IIAIinilT, Xew York, X, Y It, T. flabbttl'a llet Soap, 1770 Soup Powder and Puri Potiuh or T.v,.. Till: llOltTOXCATO MFO, CO,, Detroit, ..mil., iiu.llll .,11.111 urCMHlff. XATIOXAt, CAXXIXO CO.. llalllmore, Mil., .iiiininii jicu iieani anu rott co. WI.IM i-nlct liilinnent combined, gamplci, etc. itr.niw. Club Hall, COMPANY. Regal in PRESENTATION THE .fiREATE5T,RAhbEST and best of Americas dgSffigBRtoSnOWS Twiitii 'vian and Beast. ci- een this season Lyceum Theatre II. ilKIS, Le&ce and Manaerr. A. J. DUITY, Uuslness Manager. SATi'nn.vY MA'Hxiin anu nk.iit. J, 11, bterllng iirewnts (tlnrd scison) tho Print atlu Comedy Novelty Succcsa, Rose Melville "Sis Hopkins" Special llaiitalit Day Matinee, I'iIocj, t'i ami M ccnln; rhildrcn to any pari o( theater, 15 cents, ScaU now on talc, i -- Lyceum Theatre Monday livening-, May IWh, at 8.13, l.ecluro with lllu-tralloiis by Miss Ellen M, Sfone, My Captivity and Release. Under Aihphv, JjcUdii Mint lljt!t Cliuuh. I'lider Diitclio-j oi I'ml ('. Hand, Tickets 7Je, to i2. Uijtaui opeiu Wednesday, iljy l(lh, at 0 a. m. STAR THEATRE ALF. 0. IIElUtlKtU'ON, Mintgtr, Thursday, VrUUy and S.ttunliy, Jljy ?, t 10. "THE INNOCENT MAIDS" UATN'Ei: IIVCRV DAT .HI m l . v tl I , 1 W,I I ., 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers