The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1902, Image 1

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    pcwfev 'yaKt'j m j3&' nf) 'HftTCifL ' j'jc l yjffiaftro'WaWiymnmffi
yw3?-&iffckVr 'u-'''',T,CT,stTg'&
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Rival Candidates for ttic Repub
lican Nomination Meet on
the Forum.
Colonel Watres Declared That the
People Would Not Stand for tho
Work of the Last Legislntuio nnd
That the Time Had Come When the
Party In This State Must Be Re
formedAttorney General Elkin
Decried the Sowing of Discord and
Defended the State Administration.
Admitted mistakes Were Made but
Contended That These Were Over
shadowed by Commendable Work.
Debate Takes Place on the Eve of
an Important Primary Election.
$prclal fiom n Staff I'orrcpun'l'-nt.
Wilkes-Earre, Mny 9. A contest
unique in tlio political history of this
part of the state was waged here to
night in the Ninth regiment armory,
where Hon. John P. Klkin, of Indiana
county, the present attorney general of
the state and candidate for the Repub
lican nomination for governor, and Col
onel Louis A. Wntres, of Scrnnton, for
mer lieutenant governor of the .state
nnd now also a. candidate for the Re
publican gubernatorial nomination, met
in joint debate upon the political issues
of the present day in this state.
This debate grew out of the fact that
tomorrow a primary election will be
held in the First district of Luzerne
county for the purpose of electing two
delegates to tho Republican state con
vention. There are two sets of candi
dates. Hon. Charles Miner and Hon.
Morgan B. Williams are tho candidates
in the interest of Colonel Watres, and
their opponents are Dr. A. G. File and
Dr. A. H. Morgan. The convention will
he held Monday. The suggestion for
the debate came from the Watres side
of the house and was promptly ac
cepted by Mr. Elkln.' The latter airived
in the city early in, the day, and Col
onef'tVatros came down fronTScianton
nt 7 o'clock p. m. nnd went to the Hotel
Hart, where an hour later a parade
was foimed, headed by the N-inth Regi
ment band, and proceeded to tho Hotel
Sterling, where' Colonel Watres called
upon Mr. Elkin. and the two men en
tered the carriage with Attorney II. A.
Fuller, the chairman of the meeting,
find they started for the armory. Other
cairiagcs following contained Candi
dates Morgan nnd Miner and many
prominent Luzerne Republicans.
As the candidate-debaters walked up
through Hip aisle of the armory to the
platfoim, they weie warmly greeted by
the cheeis of the live thousand people
present. On the platform with the
speakers and chairmen were the four
candidates for state de legate in the
Flist district.
The meeting opened with a short.
winy unities by Hairy A. Fuller. He
said that Messrs. Wanes and Elkln
were about to meet in a joint discus
sion, nnd he had the advantage .so nee-
rwBNiry in a pie-shilng officer of not
knowing what subject they were going
eiise-u-s. tie introduced Colon,.!
litres, as the Mist sneaker. piii-Ii
have forty minutes for their opening
address. Colonel W.uies said:
Colonel Waties Speech.
The people ol I'cims.vlvanli I. no i,..iS.jn lo be
inoud of thcii r,ite. in atiillmle .no ouibKiz
uned In it molln: "lttui', I.iuut.v ,im Jrulc.
iMulcncc." 'i lie popi'ltutlmi uf 'U1 U.toilu
lur. In Hut i weie 1 lie l-iithptju- f .iinil
.in Independence leou in the civic vhlii,' of in
ltln. A', u Idpulillcjii, 1 am pinnd ol my
Mate, und I am pioud of my pait.v-flic 1Urty
if l.lmoln, of f,i-jnl, of McKinli'i, jes ami the
p.uly of Hoo'cvcH the paity of achievement und
pi Officii.
Anll-elcctloti pionilf aic looKod upon tlici-e
I'lijs'wIUi ktii.plci.Jii, When Napoleon was a,W
lo appoint oi promoto, lie usl.ecl coiicerimiir ilie
iippllcnnt: hn lie dune' What U Ms
wordf In the illsui-.lon ol this evening, it u
in dr.lre, .mil 1 doubt not, tho ilcilic ut my
opponent not tu ttoop to Ihc low level of lei
niialltloj, hut to difct oui lliomihU to tlioo
liuitteia which affect the iduto and (he,,
I am glad i.f the uipui Utility of liiuliui; tho
eltfcein ol WIIKevllatie. ami flail to uchoinn my
opponent In tM, tltv of yum velum u tan
mjoy unions: oilier tliliie (nod Spline; Ilioul;
watei In iihtiinliiiee, Ainomr 'many other meat
frilurca of our rov eminent is thu nppor
tunlty Kiien to eveiy one to asphe to (he liluh.
it office of our laie. lime U un ro).il road
to place, it I i'-h-u to all, whether It he the
nun hchlnd tlio plow or Hie IminMo plcleei nt
untliracltr vlale,
l) (iinillilaiy U noii-fai lion it made within
piny Unci, ami will iiiiuln h'i to tlui end. I
am a linn liellewr in mu'Jnlullou uml In mi.
Jfr'.t) inlc. U l pi,iij, lionnei, that tho
.TnlzUk.ii fclwuhl lie I ept clean ami tint tho
fljy uliall be hoiietly uc iguii i-tl. Duiinu my
iii'li'ucy, I lue analled not tlio ItepulilUurt
)a t), but tbwe who hate iiiI-umiI the pouir n
tn.itnl to tlfiii by the pJity, and nho lma
ilMionoud and brought til blume both the paity
and the utate,
Until tho eiW iciiiphlned of are remedied,
the people limit lontlmiu dl-scutsliif and araiivi
llitnuelwt fioni a lethariry whleli mates them
guilty ol lontlibutory negllgi nee,
Since Hie mornliiB stai ans together, (hero
hiH not been mcli n loblatun aa that of 11X11,
There weie injnv tue, uptight nieuiliew rnd
n: ill mini, and ainonjr them )our own member,
Hon, Uoortre J, llirlmnn, and ft U fair tu i-iy
that much K'H'd lesUlation was ciuttcd, but tho
open bilbciy, the .IijiiicIpvi IcgrUlatlon and the
iiltrr ilUrrKuril of the people's welfare will go
down In liUtcry as uicktd and monition?,
Evils of the Hipper.
'Ih m!j of the lllppri" ''HI, and the "Iran
ihl urab'," ocr towtr all cle. The "Jllpptr"
Mil as orlelnally diawn may liac been warranted
and JusliRalle, but m It vv.13 tuUtrd uml aim-id-ei)
.nid foriH throuli tlio leUlaluro by the thief
nee ut he, it became a erltable monster, taUlntf
from the people the lOMlitutlonal right to voicrn
thinikchu, and niacins the uuuicioaljtlca uffect-
rd under the aksnlulr rontrol and porwwal trnv
ernment ot the Komnor of the lotunionuealtli,
Ihrrc cm bo 110 lloubl but tint the hnUUltnc
hid a rlrjlit lo pli the fnnrhise bllli iifcirrtl
to. It may hate been inpilrril by the exltlna;
inmlltlniii. hut there ran be no posltilo etlenii
atlon of the offence which M.1 committed imalmt
the public when tli chief rieeuthc nt tho hour
of midnight afhxed lil.i Mi:ntHiri' tu 11 bill which
iiuifciTcd ureal pergonal bcmllts to a select few
of hla fidloniiitr, who alone were admit
ted tu bU Miu'tiurj'.
There cin be no wrons in acquiring Mate
ihnrter't nnd In building tip enterprises. Under
the laws of the state, any citizen may apply for
and obtain them. I hue obtained many of them
m.iielf. Hut intueinimr these, there in no rxilu
the iliclit nu pertnnil preference no midnight
dial. Tiny are open lo all, and nuy be had by
.1I1IOHC who compiles with the Iium and p.i.m
the state tce. Not so, however, with the fr.ln
clic'bllls. The rinliLs conferred thereunder were
not open to any but the chosen few.
Ict nie call jour attention to another piece of
legislation worthy uf thought. I lefei to un act
An net, "To provide for the removal of the two
bulldlngx now occupied by the secretary of in
teinal affairs and other dcpirtmcnts of the stale
goicrnment and the secretary of airrleiiUuic and
other departments of the slate Roermnent, and
for the fonstruction and completion of the state
capltol building, and niaktmr an npproprttllon
therefor; and repealing; tin act, entitled 'An net
to provide for the ciecllon of a new capltol
bulldlns for tho use of tho K-neral assembly, nnd
to secure plans for said building and such other
buildings to be erected in the future as may be
necessary forcxecuthe and departmental puiposc,
and making an appropriation theicfor,' approtcd
the fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini on
thousand eight hundred and ninety-wen." I,ct
ine read for )our infonnition section 1 of that
"Section 1. De it emcteit, etc., That the gov
ernor of the commonwealth of I'cimsjhania shall
appoint four persons, resident within the com
monwealth of Peniii)Iauia, who, with the pies
ent governor of the lonimor.wcaUh of l'ennyl
anla, William A. Stone, shall constitute a com
mlndon until the (list day of January, one thous
and nine hundred and sW, when said commission
shill cease lo exist; which commission is hereby
authori7cd ami empowered to construct, build and
complete the state capltol building at Harrlsbmg,
including a power, light and heat plant, of
sufficient capacity to tJtisfaclorlly supply the
needs of said building or buildings. And lo
employ an architect, who shall be .1 citizen of
l'tniHjhauia; and said commission shall receive
no compensation whatcer for its services, but
hall be rcimbuiftcd for actual expenses incurred
in connection with the duties thereof. Any va
cancies occurring in the number of the commis
sion shall lie tilled by appointment by the then
goieinor of the commonwealth."
William A. Stone Chairman.
This bill was passed only after a lierce stiug
gle. The fiiends of the slite udministiation wero
marshalled in its support. The bill became a
law, and cougtitutcs William A. Stone, cliaiiman
and principal director of the commission lo ex
pend four millions of dollars in the construct! )i
of the new capltol building. The chief eseeu
tive is not iaiiig much thct'e da)s, but does tnj
one imagine he i wholly indifiereut .is to
who his hUccersoi &hall be?
The eils lefened to aic? matters of serious le
giet, and il U biimillaliiig lint they hue. been
perpttrated unc'ci Republican rale. But it is
better by fir that as .1 patty we chould lciognize
the ei lis nnd seek to rriucdr them within the
part) lines thin tint we should avoid our ie
tponsibility, and lone to our common enemy,
the Democratic puly, the task, which although
unpleasant, is siaely our own.
Whit tho state needs today inou til in aught
cl-e is a unifoim ptimiry election law, an I .in
cttecliie eiifoicement of the personal legislation
constitutional amendment. Thcie ncier wji. a
better object lexson of the ening need of a
ptimary election law than lias been shown in
l.iuerne county in die past Hirer weeks.
The 'lrhmnes (list held in the 'third .'lid
fourth ilistiicW; then m the Tilth, and now
in the l'lnd, and nest wick in tho Sixth, iiiia
giwn the stale jdniiniatutloii a most excellent
opportunity to conceiiliate Its force In each point
in tuin. Ve, then fore, (bid thu goiernoi's incs.
seuger, the chitf ot inuu's and mining, a mine
irspeitor, two clerks from the law department,
the deputy factory in-peetoi, the irsldnit govern
ment stamp dcik, most actliely and pfrMstintly
engaged in forwarding the inicitiit of my up
pom nl 1 and I wai.t to congratulate him upon
baling such adept woikon. Might lure let me
refer lo an intcii-sting incident in thu lneil cam-
piig". .
As any eltUin had a right to do, I rami- i'etc
to reglatu my name as a raudidite for the He
t.ubllcan nomination, I coinplied with the le
quest of )our district chafiiinn; I pild my leg-i-liatiun
fee, which as I bid suppo-od was to
be used in the Icgitimiti' expenses ot th cam
pilgu. I haio been wondering since coming beio
if lour 1 lull nun has considcied the posted witli
which )our city is rotrird against me as .1 legiti
mate expeiis". 'Ihis caul announced tint a diet
ing nas to hue been held at (!i Dentin's lull. I
am infoiined that .it thii. meeting your district
ihiinuan "whocioi" (llooiei) heard of such a
thing win me of Hie pilnc-ipil Fpeakcis, ami
that .iccnnipau)liig liini aln n a speiker was
)our county cliaiiman.
Pair and Couiteous Treatment.
I .1U0 find tint (iieulated through )our dUtriet
.uc lette'is ilenmine ing mo signed liy )our county
lie Is an excellent gentleman, foi whom I enter
tain high iitfrin. lie undoubtedly has a light to
wilto .111) litters ho clnvn and sign tlirm in ids
penuiial eapaclt), but I am sine that, upon re
Itcellon, ho will .igicv with me that the ufrUo of
le.'jiity 1 lull 111.111 shiiuld not be Used in other
Hull 11 lap.ult), In the Svrnnd l.egls.
lallie dUtiicl--knoMi lhee da)s as tlie L'nray
illstilil, presided our by jour foiine-r lounty
1 luiiiiini, itml that method air unite the ic
nrc and tint eaudidalus bale fair und comlcvmj
Wlnl N sertly lenled Is that upon a certain
day und bom cay Miter in the cnmmonwc.iUli
may go to thu prlmirlcs and dt bis unmolested
otei for Hie citUiii of Ids choice', and at tho
i'pilir not ut an oieituxed ,ipirJiit lor olflce
but e.f the county or the slate', thus leinoiing
(lie of the gualest evils of our da), This would
penult the poor men as well as thr nun ol larger
means tu tubnilt his name for tho sutfiage of the
people, The inuiilc ipal league) of Vlilladelphl.1 are
entitled tu cr, illt fur haling seriirtd ill thr mil
cif six )iats of laid sliuifglo the passage of tho
ruiiotitiittonal anifiidment niiilrilig peisonal leg
ltr.itlon. '
'nd amenduuiit was letoed in 1S by tho
prewnt chlif exeeiitiif-but upon appeal the Su
preme court unanimously denied the right of 1I10
governor to uto a proposed euustitutloiul amend,
nirnl, 'llie llepublleau party stand pledge t by
its platfoim of ls-M, uno, wi; am) MOO to better
ballot laws.
Senator Quay, at We.t Chciler, in ISO), in Ids
state cainass, whose political sagacity cannot be
iiue.tloned, said, and I fully bclleic that ho was
sincere In liU declarations "Without prctrndlny
lo control results, 1 believe. J am able to sav
tbjt Mr. fluffey, who Incltcel the proposlllcui of
TTnew law (for ballot reform) may frame anv
fair statute which Is- u manifest Improvement
pur the pnscnt one and the llrpubliean or
panfjullou will 11 Id its passage. Wc will icpeal
the lljker law and subtltutc the (iuSey law,
and the legislative action will no doubt be up
pioved by the ruceuliu! wlio sits bevide me."
It il known that .Senator Quay kept his pact
of thl? arrangement, but .stiung-e us it may srem
lie could not control the legislature. It is e'e
V cully lo be hoped tint tlie constitutional mnd.
ment brforc. rrferred lo may be cffcrtltcty en
forced by the next Irglstiture.
With n legislature' composed of lire nnd tin
traminrlrd men, lleiins.ilvnnh will secure uni
form primaries, linnest elect kns and honest leg
islation. r'nelionaHsni will ceie, the people'a
rlghlii will be protected, patriotism promoted,
education advamed, the dlfleirnecs of cuplliil and
labor adjusted, and the prri'perll)' and good
name of Hie th u'stited.
Greeting' to Speakers.
' The Rrectlnfr plven Colonel Wntres
puled into Insignificance alongside of
the Brent ovation tendered Mr. Klkin
when he was introduced by Chairman
Fuller. He commended the presence ot
so many Indies, said he had no ill feel
ing in this canvass; that he Is work
ing1 ns hard as he can all over this
state for delegates and ho will go
go down in the state convention and
get mm many votes as he can by honora
ble moans, but if some other man co
cures more votes ho will chporfully
march shoulder to shoulder with that
candidate next November and cheerful
ly give him his support as a good Re
publican and a patriotic citizen
should. After further remarks con
cerning conditions In the first dis
trict the speaker was proceeding1 with
his talk when a man in the audience
wanted to know about the "ripper"
bill and Mr. Elkln in reply said:
"The ripper hill provides for the gov
ernment of cities of the second class in
this state, und I believe, so far as its
general tendency is concerned, it Is a
good thing. The vice of it, they say, is
the nppointment of a recorder by the
governor until 1903. If they find fault
with it now, I can only say that the
friends of my worthy opponent, Col
onel Watres, were demanding It und
forced it through the legislature. I
should not be held responsible for what
Colonel Quay and the other friends of
my worthy opponent did. If he con
sults these friends of his he can learn
lots more about the 'ripper bill than I
can tell him. The last legislature, ho
said, was the best since the new con
stitution of 1873. He then referred to
the fact that according to the Phila
delphia papers Colonel Watres was In
Philadelphia yesterday hobnobbing
with Mayor Ashbrldge and Insurance
Commissioner Durham." Then with a
whimsical smile, he jjaid: "Now, hon
est and man to man, when I see re
formers going around holding secret
conferences with Mayor Ashbrldge und
others whom they have so roundly de
nounced, I feel like a pretty respect
able sort of a man myself." Continuing,
ho said:
Elkins Speech.
It is gi.itif)ing to mo to appear betoie :liis
large and enthusiastic audience in this wide
awake und progressive city. 1 eo all around me
the evidences of peace, prosperity and hippiness,
nearly nil of which hue been xouchsafed to
jonr people under the benign influences of the
Itcpubllcan parly. Wc live in a country whose
destinies arc guarded and guided by "political
iwrtles.' In our form of government political
parties are necessary to work out the great func
tions of government. Hence it is that political
organlzHtions, under one name or another, have
existed since the very earliest of the i.
public. Through political organizations" thr peo
ple speak on questions involving the cluilru of
candidates for office and the adoption of measures
intended for tho public wclfaie.
The concrete question to which jour attention
U United tonight cannot be stated without some
icfefence to ni)self as a candidate foi olflce. 'J his
is in) only leason for attempting to speak to jou
upin my candid icy tonight. It his been well
known during the past two )ears that ni.vself
and a number of othei gentlemen have been can
didates for governor. -My candidacy has been
open nnd avowed. It was announced several
months ago. Iheie his been no disposition to
make the contest behind intienchments or to
mislead the people of the state mi nn.v of the
question, involved. Sly name lias been submitted
to the iiopular vote at the primailes in eveiy
enmity whcie the opportunity pm-ruttd itself
under the inlo. In counties where the lule-t did
not provide fur a sulnnis-don to the popular vote,
delegates have been announced in mv inteiest,
so ihal the people might, act intelligently in
making a choice of their standard-bearer. Sly
fiieuils hair been swceMiil in every county
where a contest was nude. At the time when
an attempt was made to eliminate me (10111 the
guhirnatmlal luce 1 had recehed instructions' or
pledges of support in seventeen of thr nineteen
count lit where primaries h.ul at that tin 11 b.'en
held. It would seem that this result ought to
have bceii taken as a measure of the public
tentiinent on this question, and tint the leaders
of the party at least would not feel called upon
to oppose the wishes of the- people ill their choice
nf a exindidalr. I had fieepiently discussed the
gubernatorial cpicstiou with the leaders of the
puty throughout the state and not one of Ihem
at uny time, until my eonfeience at the Until
Stl.itford in the city ot Philadelphia, had said to
n.e person illy that theio was uov objection to my
candidacy. The details ot my campaign 'vere
known to the leaders of the party, and no om
of tlirm had uttered a word of protest to me
about it.
Reference to Quay.
1 lead in the newspapns that 11 certain wealthy
gentleman of the city of I'lttsbutg, who had spent
some of the vv Inter montlu In rioridj, had ar
rived in the city ot Washington, and had tbeiu
held a conference with the party leaders with a
view of eliminating me from the race. This
conference look place 011 a Satiiulav. I also
lrntucd fiom the newspapers that another coufet
enee was to be held at the national capital oil
the follow lug Wednesday, when the ellminatlni
pioccss was supposed to lie mule pennant nt. All
this Inhumation caum from the uewspapeis, and
not one of the parlhs at these confeieuevs lud
mentioned any fads peilalnlng to my candid 11 y
to 1110 person illy, altliough I had been In fre
quent inlricouises with 1110-t of the paitleipants
ill rcfciencc. lo this question. If was not deemed
of nil lie lent importance to notify 1110 that such ,1
conference was to bo held, or that my fi lends
should bo consulted in lelucnce m me sclctkn
of a eandldato for governor.
After tho Washington conference a iloso friend
ot 111 Ine was selected lo vidt ine al my horns
am 1 It'll 111 of my fate. 1 received this lnfor
inatlun on Tiuuxl.iy and that evening took the
tiaiu foi Philadelphia, and had u interview
at the Hotel Stratford, the result of which is
now well known to the people of our state.
It is not my puipuso to weary )oii with ii'ie
cital of details, und I have no vyi.h to Hlt any
grievance of mine, upon tho peopla of thu slate,
' facts ate brictly stated because it seems
tci me Hint an issue is involved far be) cud the
personality ol an) one conrrrnrd. In my luliri:w
with Senator Quay tho question was ulscd wheth
er u statement should br given to tho public
in rcfcrcnco In tlio dllfeiencu of opinion which
existed between us. I inado tlio following prono
sillon, with the assurance that if be would glie
tbd statement to the public I would Iiavo iiolUlua;
further lo say und the contest rhould go on befoio
Did people. Thr proposition which asked lilui
to nuke ui: "I (Quay) lnvo no raudidato for
governor, and neither fivor nor oppose Klkin. I
belleio this question should bo settled by (be
Ilepubllcam at their ptimary elections, and will
bo satlslM wllli whoever wins a majoilty of
the delegates in on open fight before tho people.'1
lie ledised to accept the proposition unless tho
statement were added Hut, in Ids judgment, De
nomination would piejudleo the tlictlon of con
gressmen, members of the legislature and county
ciflicrrs in close districts. I refused lo hue the
proposition thus poisoned, and lie refused to ac
crpt mine without the' poison. What then hap
pened is familiar to the people of the state, and
ifViilliuisil em Pane il.l
An Elton MadB to Fix Tims lor
Ballot in the Senate Is
He Contends That They Are Capable
of Self Government Opposition, in
tho House to the Bill for the Ad
mission of Oklahoma. Arizona and
New Mexico Collapsed at the Last
Minute And the Bill Passed as It
Came from the Committee.
"Washington, May 0. -An effort was
made in the Senate to fix u time for a
vote on the pending: Philippines bill, hut
It was unsuccessful. Tho minority said
that many senators still desired to
speak on the measure and it would not
he proper at this tlne to fix upon a
vote. To-day's debate on the Philip
pines hill was mild. Mr. Teller of Colo
rado occupied considerable time in op
position to the measure. He contended
principally that the Filipinos were cap
able of self Rovernment and of estab
lishing a government quite equal to
some European governments.
Some debate occurred over the res
olution to discharge the committee on
privileges and elections from further
consideration of the proposed constitu
tional amendment, providing for the
election of senators by tho people.
Finally, tho resolution was -withdrawn,
assurance being given that a
report from the committee would soon
be made.
The opposition in the House to the
bill for the admission of Oklahoma,
Arizona and New Mexico collapsed at
tho last minute to-day and the bill
was passed without division as it came
from the committee, except for a few
verbal amendments. The real test
ciinic on an amendment offered' by
Mr. Overstreet, of Indiana, to join
New Mexico and Arizona arid admit
them as the state of Montezuemu. It
was beaten 28 to 106 and all oppot.1
tlon then ceased. The closing scenes
of the debate were accompanied' by a
dramatic incident which narrowly es
caped being a tragedy. Delegate
Mark A. Smith, of Arizona, who, has-
S J3l.,1 ... U .l 1-?.. ..! 1.1..
ut?uu jikuiii's, cue cue: iiuiiiiruti ui inn
territory for a dozen years, had just
made a vigorous speech against the
Overstreet amendment, when he was
seized with a rush of blood to the head.
He was conveyed to the lobby, where
several physicians who are members
of the house, by the prompt adminis
tration of powerful heart stimulants
laved him fiom a stroke of apoplexy.
.He later rallied and was moved
to his hotel.
The bill as passed to-day .provides
enabling acts for Oklahoma, Arizona
and Nev Mexico, similar in form to
the acts admitting other territories,
except in minor details.
The enabling acts differ from each
other chiefly in reference to the pub
lie lands appropriated for education
al purposes.
The latter part of the session was
devoted to private pension bills, eighty-
seven of which were passed, twenty
eight original, fifty-four for incieases,
and five to conect military records.
Clever Young Fellows Have Been
Fleecing Immigrants.
Chief Special Agent Adamson. of tho
Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western
railroad company, learned some time
ago that a number ot sharp young
men about town have been making a
practice of lleeclng immigrants and
he determined to put a stop to It.
Tho modus operandi adopted by the
sharpers has been to volunteer to pre
tend to escoit Immigrants desirous ot
finding certain friends to their desti
nation. The Immigrant would be taken
on a street car and rode around the
city and out Into one of the suburbs
for an hour or so, while on the car
the sharper would ask for some mon
ey for his trouble, generally demanding
anywhere from 'l to $.'. The majority
of the victims having hazy ideas about
the valuo of Ameilcaii money would
pay over thu amount asked without
question. Then the obliging gentleman
would hepur.ite from them with much
celerity offering homo ptetext for do
ing so.
The company's detectives' weie In
structed to watch out for the young
men and yesteiday morning Deteativo
Casey saw an immigrant with a well
dressed young fellow named John
Cobb, who lives on Raihoad a venue.
The inunlgiant seemed to ha complain
ing that Cobb had not done what he
agreed to do and Inquiry revealed the
fact that he had paid Cobb $2 to tukii
htm to a certain place. He claimed
that tho latter had taken him mi a
street car and brought him back tu tho
Cobb was arrested and taken beforo
Alderman Ruddy, who lined him $10,
Breaker Boys Strike.
By Kxcluttte Wire from Die Assoclitcd I'rrts.
Hulelon, May 0. 1 lie four hundred employee
nt tho Colralno colliery, operated liy A, S. Van
Willie eV Co., nro idle as the remit of a stilke
of the breaker how today because ot.tlie chancre
ill the (tardus hour from 7 to 8, a. m. TliU
was decided upon in older to irivo the company
a chance to ect 3 buftlclent supply of coal on
hand each inornini; to keep the breaker in eteady
operation the lein.ilndci' ot the day,
Eugene F. Ware Nominated,
By Eielusive Wire from The Assoclittd i'rnt
Washington, May !. lliu picsldent today ent
to (he Kiiate the nomination of Kugene l", Waic,
of Kaii'ji, to he oiiimi&don;r ot pension.
Will Be the Location of Next En-
By Occlusive Wlte from The Awoclatrd Vttrt.
llarrlsburg, May 0. The general offi
cers of tho Nutlonnl Qutirtl of Penn
sylvania visited the Ctctt.VHbtirg battle
field to-day and selected a location for
tho division encampment on July 12-15.
General and division headqunrters will
be located on the Kmmetsburg road In
front of the historic bloody angle. Tho
first brlgado will encamp on the Span
glcr farm over which the famous Pick
ett charge was made: the second bri
gade will be stationed on tho outskirts
of Gettysburg.
The artillery and cavalry will encamp
on the Chambersburg plko and Itey
nolds avenue on tho site of the first
day's fighting.
General orders will bo Issued next
week by Adjutant General Stewart
formally announcing tho selection of
Gettysburg for holding the encamp
ment and giving the details for the
movement of the troops.
The Alleged Kidnapper Will Be
Brought Back Mother Does Not
Care to Prosecute.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'rcs.
Washington, May S. Agreeably to the
request of the state department, the
Italian authorities have provisionally
detained Clara Taylor and the kid
napped child, Margaret Taylor, at
Booberigahera, the town in Italy where
they were located by Ambassador
Choate. A cablegram received at tho
state department today from Consul
Pearson, at Genoa, reports that Albert
Amalgello, consular agent at San Remo,
the nearest United States official to
Booberigahera, has identified the wom
an and child to the satisfaction of the
Italian authorities, who have thereupon
taken them in custody, awaiting the
arrival of extradition papers from Cin
cinnati. Cincinnati, May 9. Mrs. May Tennett
Taylor, the mother of Margaret, and
her attorney, Thomas H. Darby, have
tclegranhed President Roosevelt nnd
Secretary of State Hay at Washington,
requesting them to instruct Ambassa
dor Meyer, at Rome, to ask that Mar
garet be turned over to an emissary,
who expects to start for Italy with the
officer bearing the extradition papers.
Mrs. May Tennett Taylor, mother ot
Margaret, said today, nfter a talk with
her counsel, that she would not insist
on prosecuting Clara Taylor.
"All I want," she said, "Is lo have my
daughter back."
Prosecuting Attorney Hoffheimer does
not consent to any arrangement and
will try Miss" Taylor under theindlct
ment pending here.
Columbus, O., May 9. Governor Nash
today forwarded the necessary papers
to Washington for he extradition of
Clara Taylor, by special delivery. The
governor stated that Detective Ryan,
of Hamilton county, would start from
Cincinnati on his trip to Italy.
Production Curtailed at an Un-
Fortunate Time by Fires, Labor
Troubles and a Tornado.
By Inclusive Wire from The Asooclalccl l'redJ.
New York. Mav 9. R. G. Dun & no's
weekly review tomorrow will say:
.At a time when consumptive demand
surpass all previous leeords In the mi.
tlon's history, it is unfortunate that
production should' be curtailed. Yet
that is the present situation. Tires,
labor controversies and a. tornado
stopped work at many points, greatly
reducing the output, and many mote
wage disputes must be settled beforo
the end of the month or furnace fires
will be banked and wheels cease to re
volve. Procrastinating consumers who pre
dicted a crash in the Iron and steel in
dustry similar to the break that oc
curred two years ago, have greatly In
creased the pressure by tardily sup
plying their requirements. The only
limit to prices appears to be the abil
ity of purchasers to pay fancy figures,
nccoidlng to the urgency or their needs.
Meanwhile, there is no advance on long
term contracts, and these cover tho
large bulk of tho business. Productive
capacity is being greatly enlarged, hut
theio Is no evidence ns yet that tho
nation's needs are not expanding equal
ly fast. A disposition to await develop
ments Is still seen in the textile mar
kets, although outside distributing
points make more favorable returns.
Mote encouraging weather leportH
have made the outlook brighter for a
noinial wheat yield, while there was
little of a sustaining nature in specu
lative operations, Kxports fiom nil
ports In tho United States during the
wpek nmounted to 3,-H7,378 bushels:
(lour Included, compared with C,S70,027
In tho preceding week, but theio ap
peared an increase ot the 3,iri3,l,"l
bushel shipped this week a year ago.
Failures for the week numbered 218 In
the United States airalnst 1ST nr
and 1M In Canada against 20 last your.
Steamship Arrivals.
By I xciuthf Wire from "llie Awoclatrd J'reia.
New Voile, Jlay II. Arrived! Meaiucr f, u.
ralnc. Havre, t'learcdi SlNimn r.ncjnl.i ii,...
pool; ltottcrdam, ftutteidam via lloulcgne; l.alin,
iicnoa ami ,-vapics. niinii: Mt'Jiutr leltic,
eipoul, lloulenjnr Sailed! Steamer htilendnm,
(frcmi nottcrduni) .fw Vurk. Southampton
Sailed: Steamer Auuustp Vhlnrtj. efmm II .m.
hurir), New Voik via Chei bonier.
Fourteenth Congressional Conference
Uy Exclusive Wire from The Asuoclatcd 1'retfi.
Iloneedale, May 0. The Itrpuullcaii loufeienrc
of tho r'outlmitli congrc-olon il dUtrlet met here
today and adjourned to meet In WilLo-Ilarrc,
May 27, after laklmr two b.illou, tcnultlng In bit
votca for M. I'. Mlly, of Hradford; alt for ('. I',
Wrifht, of Suscuelianna, and four for iloinu
Greene, of a)iie, Wyoming's Iwo confnics
voted for Mr. Wright.
Consul-geueial at London.
Uy Exclusive Hire from Thu Associated l"ie.
WjishliiKton, Jlay U The wnale toda,v iron
fnued, tho noiiilnatlcm..oI II, (Jlay Kwns to be
consul-general at l.oudo'n.
President, Cabinet nnd Diplomatic
Corps nt Funeral Full Naval
Military Honors.
By r.tcluiive Wire from The Aoclated Prcu.
Washington, May 9. The body ot
William Thomas Sampson, rear admi
ral In the United States navy and commander-in-chief
of tho United States
naval forces on tho North Atlantic
station during tho war with Spain, was
to-day burlcel in Arlington cemetery.
Full naval and military honois were
given, and every department of the
national government was represented.
The president nnd his cabinet attended
in pet son. Many prominent officials of
the civil service, several senators and
representatives, members ot the United
States supreme court und numbeis of
military and naval officers of all ranks
were present.
The diplomatic corps In Washington
was at the services in tho church of
the Covenant.
The military and naval features of
the ceremonies were brilliant and Im
pressive. They were conducted under
the direction of Itear-Admiral Terry,
commandant of the Washington navy
yard, assisted by Lieut. Henry George,
the adjutant-general,
The Funeral Services of the Late
Archbishop Corrigan Xargely
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Pi ess.
Now York, May 9. The funeral ser
vices of the late Most Rev. Michael
Augustine Corrigan, D. D archbishop
of New York, were held In St. Patrick's
cathedral at 10.30 o'clock today. The
presence of a cardinal, of more than a
score of bishops, ot more than a thou
sand priests, and of a mourning multi
tude ot lay churchmen and women lent
a profound impresslveness to the sol
emn ceremonies of the church. The oc
casion was memorable both for its sol
emn splendor and for Its spontaneous
tribute of grief for the death of a great
priest and a remarkable man.
Cardinal Gibbons officiated at ilie
celebration of the requiem mass. The
cardinal wore the deep red carina
mcigna and a red beretta. and walked
with steady step and bowed head past
the catafalque to the sanctuary, wheie
he took his seat on tho throne erected
on the epistle or light of the nltar. It
was draped In purple and faced the
black-draped throne on the Gospel side
on which the late archbishop had sat
for so many years.
aVfter a few moments' rest the cardi
nal arose and the assistant' priestR be
gan to lobe him for the solemn lequlem
mass which he was to celebrate for the
repose of the soul of the archbishop.
Piist he assumed the long surplice of
white, then the linen alb was placed
upon his shoulders and the maniple on
his left arm. The stole was then placed
about the cardinal's neck, after which
he assumed the chasuble. The priests
then placed the white mitre with a
cross of diamonds on his head, and
with the ciw.ler in his hand he de
scended and proceeded to the lower
step of the high altar, accompanied by
tho deacons, sub-deacons, assistants
and acolytes.
The most solemn moment of all was
at the consecration, and while every
head was bowed low not the faintest
rustle could be heard, not n sound ot
any kind save the solemn notes of the
gong struck thrice at tho elevation of
the Host. After the Sanctus the cardi
nal celebrant was led to his throne and
Archbishop Hyan, shortly alter la
o'clock, ascended the pulpit to deliver
the panegyric,
Archbishop Uyan chose us his text;
"He sanctified him In his faith and
meekness, und chose him out of all
flesh. And placed a,ciown of gold upon
his mitre, wheiein was engraved Holi
ness, an ornament of honor, a work of
power, and delightful to the eyes for
Its beauty. Therefore, he made to him
a covenant of peace, to ho the prince
of the sanctuary, and of his people,
that tho dignity of the priesthood
should be to him and to his feed for
ever." Keclpslablleus, 4!ith chapter, 1th,
llth and 30th verses.
They Bombard NR.vNing-Fu and
Kill from Three to Four Hun
dred Inhabitants.
fly t xeluIve Wire from Tl c Associated I'reo.
Hong Kong, May . Advices received
here fiom AVu-t'hoii say the rebels bom
barded Nang-N'lng-Fu for three houis
Aid II l!7, using modem Held guns.
rioiii thic'ti hundred io four hundred
of the inhabitants worn killed. The leb
els subsequently withdrew to tho hills,
New Jersey Central Receipts,
Dy Kxduslve Wile from The AhVicUled l're.
Xivv Veil:, Mj.v t'.Tho Uh hlioldi rs ot (he
Central Itailrcad of New Jcrpcy today tlected the
pusent iKianl of dlrectois, The kiom 1-erclpU of
the jmt jear wire hlionn o bo 1",IW,SA5, an
luciease nf I,I.VI,I8(I. Tho itrripU film train.,
porlatlon new flJ.'J.-O.TOO, an increase of $1,311,.
IX! on the liXHl receipt.
Local data for May 0, Jtfti!
Highest tcuineraturo ,,,,,.,,,., il degrees
Lowest temperature ,.,,.,,, 4) dcgiec
Itllatlve humidity;
S . m ,.,,. 33 per cent.
S p. in i ... ti per cent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. w., none
REACH 40,000
Horrors ol the Volcanic Eruption
Have Not Been Fullu
Confirmation, of the Disaster in thr
Danish West Indies by the
French Cruiser Suchet Officers
of the French Vessel Unable to
Penetrate the Town Commander
Ordered to Return to the Scene of
Disaster for Additional Details It
Is Feared That Governor Houttet of
Martinique Has Perished.
Uy liudu'lvc he from The Associated ire.
St. Thonius, D. "W. I.. May . It Is
now estimated that 40.COO pel sons pei
Ished as a result of the volcanic erup
tion in the island of Martinique.
The French cruiser Suchet arrived at
Polnte-a-Pltre, island of Guadeloupe,
French UVest Indies, from Fort de
Franco, island of Martinique, this
morning, bringing several retugees, Sim
confirmed the report that the town of
St. Pierre, Martinique, was entirely de
stroyed at S o'clock on Thursday morn
ing by a volcanic eruption. It is sup
posed that most of the inhabitants ot
St. Pierre were killed, that tho neigh
boring parishes were laid waste and
that the residue of the population of
St. Pierre is without food or shelter.
Tho British royal mall steamer Esk,
which arrived at St. Lucia this morn
ing, reports having passed St. Pierre
last night. The steamer was covered
with ashes, though she was five miles
distant fiom the town, which was in
impenetrable darkness. A boat was
Lsent In as near as possible to the shore,
but not a living soul was seen ashore,
only flames.
The Quebec Steamship company's
steamer Ror.Uma was seen to explodn
and disappear.
The commander of the Suchet reports
that at 1 o'clock on Thursday the en
tiro town of St. Pierre was wrapped
in flames. He endeavored to save
about thirty persons more or less
burned from the vessels In the harbor.
Ills ollicers went ashoie In small boats
seeking for survivors, but were unable
to penetrate tho town. They saw heaps
of bodies upon the shores and it Is
believed that not a single person resi
dent In St. fieri e at the moment ot
the catastrophe escaped. The gover
nor of the colony and his staff and wife
were In St. Plerie and probably pe
ished. The extent of the catastro
phe cannot be imagined.
The captain of the Hrltlsh steamer
Roddam was very seriously injured
and Is now in the hospital at St. I.ucl.t,
All of his otllceis and engineers aie
now dead or dying. Nearly eveiy
member of the crew is dead. Super-
cargo Campbell anil ten of the crew of
the Kodeliim jumped oveiboaid at St.
Pierre and Weiu lost.
Paris, May !. Thu commander of th"
French cruiser Suchet, now al Foil
de Fiance, has been ordeied to retiii:)
to St. Pleire. Mai Unique, with all the
speed possible and to forward details
of the disaster to the French govern
ment. He cannot, however, be heanl
from for twenty-four horns, as th
Sucliel has gcim to the Island ot
Guadeloupe In order lo obtain provi
sions. Tt is feat eel thai M. U. Mouttet, the
governor uf Mat Unique, lias peilshed.
lie telegiaphed May 7 that he was
pioceedins lo St. I'lenc Senator
Knight is also supposed tp have been
at St. Plene.
Famine Threatens Suivlvors.
London, May 10.A dispatch to tht
Dally Mall ftom Polnto A I'itie, Island
of Guadeloupe". Flench West Indies
elated jesteiday says:
The Mont Pelee (rit. Pierre) cra
ter ejected yesterday morning, molten
rocks anil ashes during three mlnutei
and completely destroyed St. Plena
and the districts within a four mile
radius. All the Inhabitants weie
About eight passeugeis from the
Itoraiin.1, of the Quebec Steamship line,
were saved by tho Ft each cruiser Su
The inhabitants of the southern dis
trict of the Island who were dependent
mi st. Pletre for provisions me men
aced by famine.
The suivlvors of tho British steamci
Roildum describes the scene at St. Pier
ru as being "glimpses of hell," beggar-'
lug' description. The Roddom'a roeii
were killed chiefly by molten lava.
The Roralma was wrecked in a terri
ble upheaval of land and eea. Tin
whole crew perished.
Two ships were lost with all on board
In an attempt to approach Martinique
San Juan, Porto Rico, May 0. Tho
cable! olllclals here have received advl-
ces from tho Island of Dominica that a
fchooner which has arrived there from
tho island of Martinique reports that
over 40,000 people are supposed to
havct perished during the volcanic dis
turbance In Martinique, The cable re.
pair steamer Grappler, belonging" tu
the West India and Panama Telegraph
company of London was lost with all '
hands during the eruption of Mohl
Pelee, at St. Piere, Martinique.
f -t f t "f -f j
f Waalilnsston, May . lTor-?cit for Sat-
urday and Bundiy: E-istrm rViuinjlvanl '
4- I'ulr and continued cenil fiaurday. Sun- -f
day, fair with rlalnif temperature; fre-di
north to nerthut',iiiuiU
r - 1 . . & v.-t f t M
, I
H't r
5jf. n