The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Ppeelil In flu Seranton Trllum.
TunkliRimock, May 8. Tlie local lodBO
of HelicknhH wilt Heml a Inrse tlclcEii
tloti'of lady member to aiehoopany to
nlKlil to vtsIL tlio lodge t that place.
ArrntiKcmctitH liuvc boon inudo lor tho
ulRlil express 1o lirlnir Ihem home.
Attn. Augusta Hleklcr t tho KUuRt ot
Iter filstrr, AIM. .hwcpli llouok, ill IMtttJ
tnn, IhlH week.
The county roinmlwloiier luivo rott
ciliicted to poll tho wooden bridge aorosn
tho Hiipritifhniiuii. rlvrr at tlilf piano tit
public minimi on Saturday, May 21.
Tho Halo will inelutln not only tlin
Hlructuro ItHcir, but tho alone work In
the plcni and abutuiontH, and ttio dwell
ing hotiBo at ihi north pihI, which must
all be removed an speedily iih possible.
Here Is ti I'hanee for some one to nmko
a little money.
Temple ronunandcry. Knight Temp
lars, fitlended Ihe Ascension day exer
cises ill PRIston on Thursday c "nlng
In a. body.
The adjourned meeting In organize a
borough board ol trade will be held al
Harding's law ofllce tonight at 7.S0
J Jr. D. If. tJornsire ban hud bin peu
rIoii Increased to $12 per month.
Joseph Donley, who ban been serving
as a regular soldier In (he Philippines,
hnis completed his term of service and
Is at home once more. Several others
( of our soldiers are reported on the way
Topics of the Keystone Citizen, a
Ilarrlsburg temperance paper, have
been mailed to this place, containing
the names of all persons who signed
llccm-o petitions for taverns in this
county at the last license court.
Mrs. (icorge Al. Khmer, of Mehoop
aliy, visited her parents at this place
on Thursday.
Tho conference, for thf Fourteenth
Congressional district will be held at
Honesdalo. today. Kx-Trea surer AVill
lam I. Avery and ex-Sheriff .Ahlr.-i 11.
flregury arc the conferees from Wyo
ming county.
Special to tlie Scranton Tribune.
Kactoryville, Jl.iy 7.-A half holiday
was given on Jlay 1 in celebration of
Dewey Day.
AUsh tirace Kmlppenburg spent Sun
day with friends in Scr.inton.
Miss Jennie Wood made a business
trip to Kcranton on Saturday.
Mrs. Herman Fa;ctt and Mrs. ITul
ley attended the Dadles" BaptisL Mis
sionary conference held' In Scranlon on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. Robert Hall very pleasantly en
tertained at his home In CJleuburnc on
Saturday evening a. number of his
friends from the Academy.
j tenls tournament between the
Senior and Mlddlor classes is being ar
ranged which piomises to be interest
ing as there are some good players in
both elapses.
The Keystone boys will cross bats
for tho first time of the season on Sat
urday, May 10th, with tho aggregation
from Mont lose. Montrose has a. litim-bc-r
of good players audi they arc likely
to make things lively for us.
The ten speakers who will represent
the senior class on Commencement
Day uro the following: Joseph Cballis,
valedictorian Kclvvord Kiroher, saluti
torian Miss Iclia Parker, II. U. Ciard
ner. Miss Bessie Smith, Miss Jtctla
Dnrrow, Homer D. Pease, Miss Nina
Hark, i. C. Drake and A. (1. Snydane.
Tin- class numbers twenty-ono which
is the same as last year's class, the
largoi'l in the history of the Institu
Special to The Scranlon Tribune.
llopbottom, May S. Misr, Mildred
I5fll has returned to her homo in J.cs
tershiro after sepnding the winter with
her grandparents, Mr. and-Mrs. C S.
Miller.' .
Miss IIel"ii Punnior is In town wltfi
a full line of tho latest millinery.
Mr. Kuiil Tinglcy, formerly of this
place, but who has been working in
S.i;ranlou,.was badly burned by an elec
tric who on Tuesday. At tho latest
report, ho is Improving.
The body of Mr. Leroy Sweet, ot
Scrcnton, killed by carbolic acid
poironlng, was brought to this place
for burial "Wednesday.
t-peelal to tlie Scranton Tiibuno.
llurford, May 8, Mrs. Spauldlng, of
IJInghanUon, and John Brlggs, or
Dvvcgo, altonded tho graduating exer
cises Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sweet, or Troy,
are visiting friends here.
Mrs. Flora Manwcll, of 'Whitney's
Point, who came to visit old friends,
was called homo by tho slekners of her
Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed in tho Congregational
church, Sunday, and sis united with
the church.
Tho remains of Mrs. Thurscy Fuller
wero Interred in tho village cemetery,
May 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Coo Stearns arc visit
ing in Philadelphia this week,
Mrs. )J. F, Ulno was called to Plng
hauitou Wednesday by tho sickness of
her mother.
Tho Methodist people nro introducing
Itev. T, It. Warnek as tho pastor this
week. Nov. McMillcn was sent here,
but other changes woro mndo and ho
was tent to Newton, only remaining
here one Sunday,
Osterhout was In Blngliainton on
The baud gave their first open-air
concert Monday evening In (lie pagoda,
Vienton fjiveiser is very sick at this
l'J. H, Jonctt and eon, Henry, and
By si Persistent Cough, but Pernm
ently Cured by Ohamberlnin'a
Cough Remedy.
Mr, II. P, Uurbage, a student nt law,
In tJreeuville, S. t!. had been troubled
for four or livo years with a continuous
cough which ho says "greaily alarmed
pie causing mo to rur that I was in
thft Hist stage of consumption," Mr.
Hurbago Inning seen Chamberlain's
Cough llcniedy advertised concluded
t! try it: "I soon felt a romarkublo
change and after using two bottles of
the tWe'nty-tlve cent slzo was per
manently emed." Sold by all drug
cists. v
inland Kstnbrook attended the Bundny
rcIiooI convention at llulondiilo. Mr.
Jones and foii will visit Honosdnle be
furn returning home.
Miss Mnttd Forsyth Is III with pneu
monia nt this writing.
Mr. and Mrs, Johnston have moved
to Mansfield. (
Prof. O. A. Stearns was in Montrose,
Pror. Cohen, of Montrose, furnished
music for tho graduating exercises on
May U.
Tho Calvary Hapllsl church passou
age was tho scene of a. pretty mnrrlHgo
last evening when Miss Margaret Mor
ris of West Sernntou and Mr. Wllilatn
P. Thomas of this town were united In
tho bonds of holy matrimony. Pastor
Pev. Dr. II. 11. Harris performed the
ceremony. Miss Sarah Jones of Provi
dence was tho brldcsmuld while Kvan
Washlnslon is signing tlie capitula
tion of Fort Necessity. Find the In
dian Half-King and Queen Alkiuippa.
Thomas, a brother of tlie groom, acted
as bestman. After tho ceremony a re
ception was hold at 'the bride's home.
Tuesday, May 13, is the dale of the
grand entertainment and contests of
the American Protestant Association
which will bo held In Weber's rink. The
following will participate: Anlhraclto
(ileo club, the Female choir winner ot
the Providence eisteddfod competition;
the Arlington Quartette, of Dunmore;
Kxcclsior quartette, Prof W. D. Evans,
Carbondale; Arthur Morgans Miss
Kdith Wynne Watkins, Miss Oliver M.
Howells, Watkins Musical family;
Miss Sarah I. Price and Oscar Morris.
Prof. D. K. Jones will be tho accom
panist of the evening.
lSuv. C. B. Henry of this town was
chairman of the Jubilee sprvice last
evening at tho Embury M. E. Church
of West Scranton. i
rtlchard Crocker tho young boy who
was severely burned at 'tho Taylor
mine on Tuesday died at tho Moses
Taylor hospital yesterday after Intense
sufferings from his burns. Deceased
was fifteen years of age and was tho
sou of Hlchard Crocker of South Main
street. Tho funeral will take place
from tho homo ot his father on Satur
day morning. Interment in tho Forty
Fort cemetery. Tho funeral services
will bo held at 10:30 o'clock a. m.
Jjiilu tho 3-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Davis died yesterday
morning after a few weeks Illness. The
funeral will be held on Saturday after
noon. Services will bo hold at tho par
ents' home In rear ot Main street.
Hurlal will be made in the Forest
Homo cemetery.
G. M. Thomas, or Main street, was
appointed by court on Tuesday as
Judge of election of tlie second ward
of this borough to litl tho vacancy by
William T. Davis who moved from
tho ward.
Mrs. T. Tj. Jones and Mrs. Charles
Jones of Main street visited relatives
and friends in Pittston yesterday.
Miss Martha Itogcrs, of Pittston, was
the guest of Miss Minnie Baker of
Main street on Wednesday.
Special to the Scranlon Tribune.
Ilainillon, N. Y Jlay 8. Alter a lon illnrsj,
Prof, rrrderlrl; II. Howard, of tho department
of (iietk and .(Iciliian (11 Colgate academy, diol
mi S.ituid.i.v, April C. 1'iinfral wrrlrn wero
held ut Ihe homo on Sunday afternoon and wen:
loinlinted by liU intlinatn filcnd, Prof. A. I.
Ilrlsham, of Ihe coHricr. Inleiment was at Syra.
cum' on Monday. 1'inf. llowaul was eriduati'd
from no mihritily in the clam of ISSI, lie
was cla.s il.iy piesldenl: also .1 commencement
ppeakcr, and a member of the Delta L'psllon fra
ternity. ,
At a reient nifellnj; of the I'M Brta Kappa
foolrty, 1'iesldent (Jpoirp P. Adami, of Pea
Mulnca milu'r.lty, wa.s Initiated into memhei
(hip, lull in;; been made eligible 1.11 minmer.
Mr, Admin was C'olgjto university '01 ami mini,
nary '01.
"Heme in tlie Alps and Switzerland" was the
title of an Illustrated lecture by Prof. Prigham
at MadUon last werk.
Hold Secretary Vincent 11. 1'i'k was at Acadia
college, Wolfulle, Nova Scotia, last week, in hc
iiitentts of the niilicrslty.
On Sunday last, pcan numham, of the ficml
nary, preached at Auburn, llr, Kteji at Mherty,
ami Plot. Ilniluiii ut Tabirnaclc llaptht ehiinh,
lr. Pailildse, a relurnerl mMonary, lectured
on "Mission Woik In China" bcloro t lie ceinlnary
011 lat TueMljy evenirtr.
'Hi" lato t'e.u hciV CNamlnallonT were given by
Pr, Iliad nn 'Ihuradiy and 1'riday a-t,
Mr J, M. Tajlor ami wm, Henry, aro KuoMg
of llet-, and Mu. I'lanl; Morris, nt llenninstoii,
Many of Hie ktudciilil aiu flndlne a plcamit i.
vcn-li'ii III lidiiiis at Madlkon reservoir, Home
good ralihcH aro not iimiimijI and trout aro eieu
rauslit in tlm .Meander, ulilcli flows through tbo
i-ullette ciuipu.
TI10 .Held Keolosy rlas U icoiirins H10 countiy
in pumilt of ita course,
'Ihe track mrct at the academy for the various
closea was held on Monday afternoon. 'Urn meet
aUo icrveil as a preliminary for the lomina; pre
paratory fihvol meet al Sjracuie.
Tbo 'Validly bae ball leani played Rochciter
team on the homu grounds TliurMijy.
Mucli Impressed,
On tho day tiiover C'lci eland waj Inauguralcd
ai goirrnor uf New Yi'ik, und about ball an hour
beforo Ihe (hup tct for the ceremonies, tho tov.
cmor-clcet and tho inembera of lib Half mc
tjllicrcd in a laisc loom, i'ov of them keen-
mcIi ether, anil tlirrc ttn nn awkward allcice
imtll' ttcnoral II, f!, Kins, uf Hrooldjn, JiuUo
ndocnlc gtnrral on tlie la(T, told n Mory Jilioilt
ene niMiibtr c( a tomier governor' tnlT, It Imp
pencil on nn Inansiirnllon iUy nNo, mid I lie til
jret WM tor ttio flrU tlino arrayed In Mi lull Uni
form. Vlien lie nrrluil ul llip uipllol lie irniein
Irred liailnit kit fomelliliu nl lrl tioanllns
l,oii( and InurM barl; nltrr II, The Undlitb
unall lioy aiiweinl the iloor bell, lie illln't at
all rpeoambe the loiljtrr in bN Miny rri(ltiieiil.d,
"WUn la II?" aakril Ida mothir, lielnro (solus
Inlo the parlor,
"I don't, know, mamma, but 1 think It'fl tlod."
-1'lill.idelidila Time.t.
f TheatricaL J
AC'ADKMVfif hitler Slock Compmy. Aflerno)n
and iilcht.
SI'Alt 'Ihe Innorent Mild company. Alter
noun and i.tght.
"Tho Innocent Mfiids."
T. W. Dlnkln'a "Innorent Maids" one "t
tho moot sniutlnir lioa ot the rf.uon at the
Mar theater yctterrlay al the hectnnlns of thelf
three daja' eiiKJgement, which preeedes the iloi
Iiir utt ructions. Ihe "Innocent. Maid" minpany
conlaliu fomo ery eleirr mndenl nrlls, in
tlndlnn Annie Yale, U0..0 C'ailln and Nellie Sy.
ctliT, while the comedy ol the piOBt.inmie l
carilrd out by Madden and .Ira, lrUi Imperton-
ntoi, who ale atlually funny; nnd doc Mrri'.
vvlio Ins no superior a a paiudi-l. Pennett and
Itieh kivo a novel fkclili, in wbich illustrated
fonfrs vveie intioduced, and ilark mid Kilty lint
al.'o appeared in a line vaudeville number.
The "Innocent Maid," will be at the Slar,
nfleniooiH and evening, the balance of the week.
The ren.-on at tho Star will with t tic at
traction of next Monday.
"Sis Hopkins."
"Sis Hopkins" is the attraction announced for
tomorrow afternoon and night at tlie Lyceum
theater, and from tho advance fale of feats,
which opened jeMerday luorniiiff, two larfic au
diences will see this amusing comedy.
Miss ItOfo Melville lias made thi.s character
famous on the idage, nnd wherever ho ha.i ap
peared largo and audiences have
crowded to seo her. The matinee tale fT tomor
row is uiiu-ually large.
Next Week's Show.
Mabel Paige, who bears the title of the idol of
the South, and a very c.icollcnt company, will bc
Rln a week's engagement at the Academy of
Music, Monday, Jlay 12, with matinees daily ex
cept Monday, This little actrem is not ;i flran
gcr in Scranlon. Mls Page has spent most of
Hds scokuii in the Southern Mates fiom whence
fhe is now 1 el limine. The company (.upporling
Mbs Paigo is excellent and the vaudeville feat
ures aie irrh and up to date.
The Cleat l'renllco trio, the singing and danc
ing comedy acrobats, will -be tccu at every pel
fnrmance during tho engagement. The melo
drama in four acts, "My I.ady Nell," will be tho
opening bill, Tho ladies have the half-rate cf
ndnih"Joii if they will purchase the ticket before
Monday ut 7 p. 111.
Johnny Hay has quit tlie Mage for good. He
bin. made about ?Jvi,iKifl and will rciide in C'levc
land. Johnny fays he is tiled ot woiklm;.
tlydn l'iteh is tdovly recovering his health
in Pari. He has completed a comedy for l'.thel
Ilairjinore, entitled "The I'liit," and the Uar
will open with it In New York next fall,
Charles rrohman has secured control of the
latest Paris success, "l.cs Trias (," and
will have It translated into KnglMi, It will ha
piodueed under tho title "The (ilorlous l)i,vs,"
Init the ttar his nut yet been drcidecl upon.
Oeorgo Tottcu Smith and Albert Aaions 1110
at woik on 11 new' musical comedy called "The
Knlckeihockcr (ilrl," nod !l will be1 produced
next season. JcKle Hall will have the piineipal
William filllctte writes Ms plays from notes
Jotted down at odd times. Tlirtn ho afterward
dictates at length to a typewriter, "Secret Service-"
was thus written on the bails of old in
v elopes,
Hemlefta CroMnan is expected to make a ten
talluii duiing her t-piing tour with "Madeline,"
a play very much out of the ordinary, 'the i:ng
I Mi rights to the piece nru owned by Mrr. Pat
Joseph Weaver, former leading man for Rich
ard Maiiffleld, I i.i.i med that slar for $:!0,non dim
iigei., Ihe ppcrific- rharge being imaiilt and flan
der. The trouble occ-uried in Atlanta, (.'a., when
Manitleld struck Weaver, on tlm ftage, Mr.
Weaver eigne d a uiuc-)ear contrail with Maiiv
field list fall.
Maggie Moore, who many years ago won niicerM
in this country witli her husband, who wat
named Williani'on, in a piece callnl "struck
Oil," was lately remaiiled, Slip had been di
voiced f 1 oil) her flist partner, who is now in
Austialia, and who presented hki mccestor with
a check for ?1L'3,000.
One of Tom Reed's Retorts,
"No matter what ,vou may sjy," declared
lleprf.'fntativo Italieocl; of Wltconsln tn Chilr
man Pajne of the Wajs and Means conimlttcn
when dltcii'slns the Rabcock proportion to put
all otecl prnducls 011 Hie Ireo 114, " am tight,
and I know it, mid when a 111.111 Is right be Is
in the majority." ".hut o," replied Pajne,
"but you remember that Tom Peed n ti tay,
fioil mid 0110 make a majority, but many a
Hiarljr has been burned at the Make while the
otes weir being counlvd." Leslie's Weekly,
You Could Look
tn aiiltlr1l 1-AIII -lllrrll If nanluita.l
will hxUiz you, you would wck jellef nt
once and that uatu rally would k through
lfjj4ost. Ouaranteerl to cure Con
8 jIIBC 6umption, Uronchitiu,
e' Astlimo, nud all I,udb
Troutiles, Cures Cougltsunrl Colds in a day,
25 cents. Write to fi. C. Wclls & Co.,
I,c Hoy, K, V for free trial bottle.
Krl'8 Clover toot Tea purifies (be Blood
', ' ."-"""
Rare Skill
JACK CintfEN wait a rrporlcr on n
J.oiulnti pnper, ntul In (hat nt
lmulty ho solved tho rlddlo oC Iho
folfbrnleil SylipH rohhory i.'nn!.
Tho nlory wan printed flout into
rnd of tho country to tho other, ami It.
mndo a hero of Uracil, fHppt'lnlly tin ho
iTi-olvcd it pllrjht wound from it titrity
littllot In the frnctiH Unit took pliir-u
whon Hykcn and his confcdorutoH woro
nrrcRtod, ,
Ilia Injury won htm a. mouth's vnrn
tlon, which ho resolved lo ipond nl hist
home In Kent. Atihrord waa not a very
lively plaeo In Iho winter, hut Urcon
wnrt not lookliitr lor reerentlon, Ho
wanted lo sco Uthrl Wnlmiii, who lived
Hi that villus?, and who was, hi .taek'ts
opinion, tho mvcetMi. and Hiiutrteflt
girl In the world.
On the afternoon of hln seventh day
In Afhford tlrcon drove up to tho
Watson house to take Kthel for a.
drive. There hud been it line fall of
anow the night before. Kthel was
aUmdltifr by the Rate, talklupr with .loo
Ha.wyer, who nt.xo was In love with her,,
but didn't dare to sny po openly. Joe'
was lawyer, and tho only one In Ash
furd who had any practice.
"Hello, .Sherlock Unimex!" said Ihe
lawyer. "Have you heard the news?"
"Nn," answered (Ireeu sourly,
"I'm really wtrprls-ivl," km Id Sawyer.
"You should have deducted It from
the slate of the atmosphere and the
price of potatoes."
"1 haven't," responded rircen.
"Justice Uawkln's house ban been
robbed," said VlMtol. "And T think It's
positively providential that you're
Clrcen looked at Hthcl, and he saw
that she expected lilm to perform
Krent miracles, lie looked at Sawyer
and raw something quite different.
"Clot in hero, both of you," said
Green, "and we'll see. wltat wo can do."
They drove In the justice's house.
The robbery had been discovered by
old Mrs. Gubbins, a. life-long dependent
or tho judge's famlly.who went through
the house three or four times a week to
sec that all was well, but did not live
there. She hud reported the ease to tho
local police a day and a night watch
man and these functionaries were pres
ent, with a dozen of the nelghbors.whcn
Green and ilia eonipanlons arrived.
Green consulted his watch, and then
ho slowly walked into the hull, where
the old-fashioned safe built into tbo
wall gaped emptily. Ho glanced around
with listless eyo while everybody
watched him. Then lie walked into the
parlor and stood for half a minute by
tlie manlolplcce.
From this room he passed through all
tbo others in the house, a. slow proces
sion following him. Finally he led tliPin
to the starting point, the broad hall,
and there he sat down upon the stairs,
and looked at his watch, which he had
consulted occasionally in the course of
bin stroll. "Nineteen minutes and a
half," said Green. "Mr. Jones, I believe
you aro a. deputy sheriff ot the county
as well as a constable of the village. I
will make, my report to you, sir. This
robbery was committed by two men
who do not live In Asliford and who aro
not here at present. Where they aro
wo will consider later.
"One of thoni is- about six feet tall
nnd rather slender. He has red hair,
but is bald on tho front; part of his
cranium. Ho wore a long black over
coat and heavy rubber overshoes. The
little linger of his right hand lias been
broken 'and is bent almost double. It
may interest you to know how I dis
covered this. Tho thief Is tall because
he bumped his head on trio swinging
lamp In Ihe parlor, and that is about
six 1'ect from tho floor. He left upon
it a small portion of his scalp ancl ono
red hair. It ho had not been bald in
front ho would have left inoro hair
and less scalp.
"The prints of his overshoes show in
tho dust on tho floor of tho kitchen
closet. Tho print of his linger is in tho
dust on top of that table, or was be
fore Joe Sawyer sat down on it."
"There wasn't any. dust here not a
speck!" exclaimed Sawyer, jumping
off the table.
"It depends on tho eye," responded
Green calmly. "To continue: The
other robber was short, thick-set and
dark. Ho wore a pea jacket and a fur
cap. He had a heavy black board',
which may, however, bo false, I can
not tell from the single hair which I
found upon a piece of bread In tho
kitchen until I have examined It with
u microscope. He was an Irishman."
"Great Scott!" exclaimed tho con
stable. "How do you know that','"
"From his method of knocking out tho
ashes from his pipe," replied Green.
"Irishmen have a peculiar way of doing
it, I have not time lo explain it in de
tail. "They carried a satchel something
like an old-fashioned carpet bag and a
black dress suit case.
"Tho robbery was not committed In
tho night, ns you seem to imagine,"
continued Green, looking at Sawyer as
the teacher looks at a dull pupil. "It
waa about 4.30 In the afternoon. That
deduction is very simple. Ono can see
footprints leading from tho mautclpieco
to tho western window. The thloves
wero taking their plunder to tho light.
Of courso they walked just far enough
lo reach tho place where the sun's rays
struck it, and from that I get tho anglo
and the time, ll's u. regular sun dial.
Now, let's seo where tho men lmvo
He led I lie way to the rear of (he,
house, where n gate opened from a
driveway into a Held. I fore ho very
carefully scraped away the snow from
a. space about three yards wide Just be
yond tho gate. In the slush be
neath two lines of footprints worn vla
ible. A t Iii-Ill ran through tho whole party.
Kvcn Sawyer was Impressed. Ho bent
down to examine tho foolprinls, "Tho
tali man walked on this side," saijl
Green. "Mark tho longer stride and
tho prints of thu overshoes, Without
doubt they walked across meadows to
Chartham and took Iho 7.10 train for
"Why not the 6.50 for Dover?" asked
"Thieves wllh plunder always strlkt)
for tho big cities," Haiti Green, "Mr.
Jones, If you telegraph to London giv
ing a description of tho men and their
plunder, I ihlnk tho police can cntcli
tltom for you beforo tomorrow morn
ing. Now, Kthel, if you're ready, we'll
go for u drive,"
At,0 o'clock the next morning Jones
received this messago from Scotland
"Have your men. Description per
fect, Most of goods recovered, Will
send men in ehurgo of Detective Cuff,
10 o'clock train."
"I'll glvo It up!" said Joo SaVyer.
And lie gnawed bin knuckles till they
bled. Green walked away from tho
station with Kthel, unci a cheering mob
followed. Ho got her Into her own
house as soon as ho could, and there in
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Llnei 3 Cent a for Bieh Extra Mm.
Tor Bent.
I OU tlt:S"i'--to roni clnqle lirtml nil Imptnvt1
mentis Into Moitfry iiti-mic, Inqiilic 1115
(.'apniue avenue.
t'Olt MINT Itowfi 111 tlallnn, HMr i.t.itlont nice
ly Ioc.iIpcIj milcp n tile mtnnifr rrilclettrc;.
for further i.irlkiil.itit, imply V, 11. M.nlf, I'll
ten, I'.t,
t'Olt UKNT-Sni.ill fitriiUlicil house lor rent. In
Tike nt P2.I Vino utrccl. ,
haun i.'ok runt-si:!, April it7 ,,ir" ,""t m!
-, U".? "'''d0 'ii ii '"'' "!:, rr,r...
.":! Mailljon avcmi!. Inquire al CH MmlUon w.
l'prt nKNToTpindlirior-rr,nl In ,W I'.';0"
City. P.i. Building; ED tc-rt by 21 fret, cdUr
timW .ill, nnd nc-emvl flcrv can be arranged 'of
family. All In coorf f-pilr ready to: e. Two
coal lirp.ikern and iuMm r!oc by fmployina nv"
n tliouMml people. An enterptidua ,P.,,crr"',ti
'an get a liroe trade. Apply to WIHUm '
IJIchtnonil, niclimoml Hilt, 3125 S. Main nvimte,
frranton. Pa.
Furnished Itooma for Kent.
KOlt HUNT r.arsc fiont lurnllietl or imtnrnl-lied
room. All I'cnvenlinces; icfcrcncrs required,
.121 rranlilla incline
t'Olt HHNT-Oiic furnished room, Willi Improve
menlsi nl.w one on third floor, cheap. 027
Adam avenue.
KUItMStlllD POOMS lor rent, modern Improve
ments; private family; gentlemen prelcired,
al 537 Adama avenue,
FOR RKXT Furnlilicd room; heat and bath.
(5 Linden street.
FUnNTSlIED ROOMS FOP. RENT, with beat, pai
and balh, gentlemen preferred, at 630 Adimj
For Sale.
I.KillT VOI"R HOMi; wllli acetylene; just the
thing fnr lkn colUges; better than coal
en or rlerli lolly. Inp"it. our plant. Philip .I.
Velter, 02J .ViI.iipis menuc.
l'Olt S.M.K Nine he.iil-nialeil liotfes at I'.lerlric
City ttuhlej. Till Wet l,.id,aivannj avenue.
I'Olt f AMI C' ftore, 217 Wiihluslon avenue,
opposite court hiue, city.
FOR SAM: Cheap, a w.on tic Let for the
Sciinitoii Hall p.irk. Inquire at 1IM C'apou.-c
avenue, city.
FOR HAM: I ciniac Jinnpln net, 1 life B"n, 7
Hall life hells. 1 2."i-l).ll ttlii"c ladder, 1
ladder clrup, 2 ladder pol-,., 1 pidrliec net, 75
foot "i-lneh lope. Apply Wm. Conncll Hose
Co., 1!X .PitlMon uremic.
FOR SAM: Ladies' bicjcle for .ile; co-t l?IOO
when new; will cell chcip. Call al 813 Jef
ferson h venue.
FOR nnd flit bottom boat, in
.slock, and built to ordr in short imlire.
Taekard and Curtii, 1,'3 Cherry tlreel, Huimio.'e,
FOR S.M:-Iland silk doublerj yew. Bamford
Bros.. Paterton. X. .1.
Real Estate.
$1,600 n.'l,Y NFCF.HSARV fo pinrliass a larcre
double house, on (0lS0.foot lot, for $l,'i00;
worth ffrt,0fl0; leut.t for $111 per year; will lent
next for ff42: loeation Is rhoke niihiirlian;
tara only about $38 " .ve:'f- Acldrrai Tctcr Phil
lip, cjrc Tribune office.
FOR SALE Two lots, improved, with fence, side
walk and glitter, N. Rlakely sr., Iiiinmorc;
very reasonable. Addresi Albeit JcnUn, South
Canaan, Wayne county, I'd.
FOR SALK Klearant site for liomM In upper
f.rcen Ridse; choice neighborhood: most de
sirable locality for home in Lackawanna county.
J. A. Marvine, I7!i5 Sanderson avenue.
FARM FOR SALi: Sixty-two acres, one mlie
from Lake Ariel; twelve acres of timber, rest
improved; excellent spring water on lot; farm
situated on road. For particulars address Will
lam Ticslar, Ariel, Pa.
WANTED AT ONCK Teams lo draw coal.
ler Co., 00 Coal Kxchangc.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or four
room, furnished or unfurnlnhcd (or very
light lioufekecpiiiK, first' floor preferred. Addreja
M. D., Tribune oflico.
WANTED Fuinished Iiou;e or four or Ave rooms
for housekeeping. Address A. O. L'., Tribune
Wanted Hooms and Board.
WANTED Room mid board fnr dingle man;
pi irate family In 1 1 fit district prefeired. Ad
dress 11. W., Tribune otttee.
WANTED Tw-9 ccmmunlcatlng rooms with board,
piivate family prefcricd. Two ladles and
gentleman. Ststo full paillculars. Address O.
II. I)., Tribune otdec.
Board and Booms.
VERY DFMRAni.i: suite of rooms with first clasv;
tabic bond, can be obtained at C3i Jctferson
Business Opportunity.
STOCiTaNd'wiIEAT TRADERS without delay.
Write for our special market letter. Free on
application. S. M, Uibbaul & Co., members N.
V. Consolidated and Stock Sxehange, 41 and 46
Flroailvvay, New Yoik. IMablUhed 1SH1, Lone
Dlstinco' 1'lione 23S8 Broad.
Honey to Iionn.
ttralght loans or Building and Loan, At
fiom 4 lo 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
8H-31D Conncll bulldine,
RHEUMATISM All parties that vvish ran bo
speedily and peimancntly lined ol all w
rletles c( Rheumatism by a vegetable cempound.
Cures guaranteed.' Inquiro or addic.i J. L. Tay
lor. Scranton.
the parlor ho faced her, red with
"Rthel," unlit lie, "llovo you, and"
"Anil I love yon," film answorctl, "Lint
I'm only n silly Klrl nnd I'll never bo
anything oIpc. 1 haven't the brains)
your wife phonld have "
"Don't! Dnn't!" lm groaned, "Kthel.
I can't act this Ho heforo you. I luivo
only been a lucky Idiot In this affair, as
in that other In London."
"l,uck!" she cried. "Could luck tell
you that tho other robber cnrrled a
black bag Instead of a brown one"
"fhlhl! Child! I saw It!" inmiupit
Orcen. I was sitting at tho bark of tho
jinlgo'H iioiifio when thoao two thieveii
i'ii mo out through tho yard. 1 luaiil
ono of them say that they I mil tiino to
walk over to Cliaitluiui and catch tho
7,10 train lo London,"
"Juck," sho cried, "you're it bigger
man than 1 thought you were, Vou'ro
a wonder!" anil she flung hop arum
around hln ncok." Waehlngtoii Times.
Lacltawanna Bnllroncl Popular Ex
cursion to Niagara Falls,
On -Aliiy L'Oth tho ticket Hgents of
(ho Lackuwanua railroad will sell
rpeelal louud trip tickets to ,iagani
Kails ircioil coiug on any train nn tlm
above date and for icturn up to and
Incluilins .nine i ut tno esiremciy low
.rato of one way faro plus one dollar
m.nni fm. the roiniil trln which will lir
jl.70 from Kcranlon, Children between
the ages or tivu and twelve years one
hdlf of tlie adult rate.
Branoli WANT Offices,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Bceelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDKIII' s-'Cmttre. corner Mutbttry
flrret and Welnler avenue.
ffUSTAV riClir.L, (U0 Adlms avenue.
Wont Side
(ICOIIfli: W. .IKNKINS, 101 South llln
.iv rune.
South Scranton
FIIIIU b. Tlini'l'K, V:r Cedjr avenue.
North Scranton
W.O. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue and Market sired.
Orcen Ridge
CHARLES P. .10NES, 1S57 Dickvin
I'. .1. .I01I.V.1, Krt rircen I'.ldse ircet.
C. LORBNZ, corner Washington avc-
avenue and Marion ttreel.
W. II. K.NL'rFr.L, 1017 lrvlns avenue.
.1. O. ROM; k EON,
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Hood painters. Apply al once. J.-mira
McUcniiN, 1SW Chiirih avenue, city,
WANTED An esperlencccf man In vvidl paper tic
partmciit .it (inliNiiilth'ii ll.v.aar.
WA.NTi:i Youns man In tliivc siocerv vv.iclii.
Apply C1.1 Pine sticet.
WANTIID A lirlglil, active bov about 13 Ji'.irs
of aire. Will.nd, W.irien lc Kn.ipii. i,o.i Lull
ncll buildiiic.
UANTi:i) A Kulirr. IndiKlrloiis joims man ex
perienced witli to dilvc pliyairlati and
do Ecucral woik aiound home; stale experience;
wages, $Ij an j board. Dr. .1. W. Kncdlcr, lilm
hurst, I'u,
WANTED fly one of the tareot old lino life
insiiraiire companies, len acrcuis fnr North-
eastern Pennsylvania. Liberal conttact. salary
or commission. Address Manager, caic Tribune.
WANTED A yountr man vvho has had one year's
experience In tin shop. Fools & Fuller,
Meara building:
WANTED First shoemaker, for repair
work. D. A. Davis, I.uiernc avenue, West
rlllston. '
WANTED r.iinteis; nnlv good men need npply.
Call at Charles Wagner's, ."31 Adatm avenue.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A girl for geiiTal hoiisevvcirk. Apply
lo Mrs. W. .1. (lark, W2 Mulbciry streel.
AVANTKD Twai girls, one for general housework,
other for light housework and to lirlp in
care of children; good home, gnml wages. Write
to Mrs. W. S Tribune ofllce, Scranton, Pa.
WANTED A thoroughly experienced shoe sales
lady; good llhcial wages. Address rihocu.
Tribune office.
WANTED flood vveaveis. Apply John
I'.iomli'.v ,t Soni,, Lehigh avenue below Front
street, Philadelphia, P.i.
Agents Wanted.
associate editors of Christian Herald. Only hook
endorsed by Talmagc family. Enormous pioflt
for agenti w-Iio act quickly. Outfit ten cents.
Write immediately CLAKK & C ;., 313 S,
4th S:, Pnlla., Pa. Mention this Paper.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED, by young nun with ex
pcrlencc in the butcher business; Al refer
ences. Uox IS, Tribune office.
WIDOW with one child wants a situation as
housekeeper in a widower's family. Address
IS. I!., 00 Roil: street, I'ittston, I'a.
SITl'ATION WAXTKD-lly a reliable colored
man as porter, olfico or day's woik. At
ilr en II. A., Slti I'enn avenue.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Pockelbook containing sum of mon.v. n
few valuable papeis and seascm base ball
ticket, A suitable leward will be given for ic
turn of same to V. ,1, Welsh, foiulli floor,
.Wears buildlntr.
LOST A ladles' gold watch; u liberal rewaid will
be given if returned lo llutil Teirace.
LOST Steel beaded purse containing small sum
of money, nn Lackawanna avenue, near Wy
oming. Finder plea'e return purse to Tribune
office and keep contents.
LOST ff2J, between I'd Is Lumber Co., Katt Mar
ket street and I'resb.vlrrian church. Reward
if returned to office of l'ccli Lumber Co.
STRAYED From tho unrteisigneil, a
blown mulley row, with while Mioulder mid
white hick. A liberal icvvard if relumed to
Jacob Moiisky, S30 I'invleiue toad.
RESOLVED, Ry the Select Council uf the city of
Si randm, the Common Council concurring,
That .Scianlon street fiom Ihe lias hniv-o bridge
to the i., L. k W. railroad, Ilooinbiirg divis
ion, lie paved and tlie cod thereol jiscssrd
against I lie abutting pinpeitlrs accorillng to (he
foot front inlo; piovlded, that thiee.foiiilhi of all
the meniber.1 elected tn enh Inane b of tho coun
cils shall vole in favor theicut. On the
of this resolution by I lm Mid tliircfouilhi vote
and Its approval by Ihe city leiordrr. th city
clerk shall publish a cony theieof In nil Ihe
newopapeis vvliioli thu clly adveill.e.
nients for ten days, i-latinc that, unless a inaiir
ily of Iho owneia of property abiitiing upon i.iid
r-'cranlnii iticet, bclvveen the gas limiiii brldnc
and the D L. .V W, mllroiil, niooinsburg divis
ion, shall signify to councils In writing within
slity davt fiom the date of the approval "f thh
lesoliitlon, their piTferenco ot tho material do,
Ired (or such pavement, icumclls will proceed to
pass an ordliunce diircting paving of Mid fcra-.i-lon
sheet from tlie gas house bridje to tin
Illuoinvburs divleloii of the D I.. .V W. rail
road with such msteilal ai they may see tit,
Apmoied April H, KflJ,
W. ti. Conncll, Ileioider.
Attest; SI. T, Lavelle, City Clerk,
NOTICI! li hereby given that nittenbemler com
pany, cioni hiving a lien under the laws
of I'ennvvlvanla upon gonds ware and incrtlun.
dUe of W, II, Campbell, conslstlnjr of one set uf
buggy wheels on account of stoiagp nud labor
heoowed on such goods, tlje nwiiers having
failed, neglected and tcfiMcl lo pay Iho amount
ot such chaises upon said propeily within tixty
days aflrr deniand tlirieol, made peif.ou.illy, will
cMiosci tlie n.iid id nf buggy wheels to tale at
public auction nt llittcnhcndcr Coiupauy'ti stoic,
1211 Franklin avenue, city of Kciauton, Laika
wanna county, I'a,, on thv Otli clay ot July, A.
),, lUOi, ut 12 a, in., und sell the tamo or so
much theieof ai shall be sullicieiit lo dUchargc
said lieu, together with ca,is nf .-je and ailvcr
ll.lnai lirri'EXIIENDEIl J'Olll'ANV,
NOTICI! ti hiliby given that A. II. Could !;
Sows, prisons having a lien, under tin- laws
of I'ciinijlvanla, upon goods, wins ami mer
chandise of the IWr park llicwlic; Company,
c omitting of one tunhorso delivery wJi'on, on
account of stoiage and l4bnr bestowtd on uch
goods, tbo ovvncia having lulled, neglected and re
iiMd to pay tho amount of such (hirers upon
said propefly vvllliin sixty day alter ilcniind
thereof made personally, will expose, the aid
two-horse dellvciy vvaguii lo sale, ut publlo Mic
tion, at O-iuld's C'arriiiic Woikv, No. .113 121
Linden street, city cf !?cranlon, l.ackawumu
county, I'eiiibjhauia, on Iho lllh day of May,
A. I). 1102, at 10 o'clock- . m.. and tell the
same or so much thereof as chill be tufftclrnt to
discharge raid lien tojether with costs ol sale
and advertising'.
WILLARD, WARREN I: ENA1U', Solicitors.
- j?..v
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MofThi Pour Lltitj, o Ccntitor tltchBxtn Um.
FILE OF sr.LEtrr COIJ.NCIL, no. TTmiT"
rrovidlng for the taring tjf flagstone stdtvvalka r.n
both sides of Wnshlnglon avenue from Klectrle
avenue lo Flskc avenue at the expense of own
els ul abutting pioperty, and approprlatlni
funds to uav fur ilm kiiuk.
fcocllon J. He It ordained by the Selec
Common Councils of the city of Nrrititon, ;
Is hereby ordained by th antliorlly of the
riiat flagslone sldevvalki he. laid on both si
Secllon 1. He It nnlalnrd by the Select and
jn, and It
the same.
I, .Ma. mI
Washington avenue, from Eleetrlo avenue to
isko nvciiiie, at the espeme of owiicm of abutt
ing properly, the walks to be laid In .iceordancn
Willi Ihe present contour of the ground so that
no damages may be mculnned therein' and th
work tn l,e done Under the direction Jnel suuer
vlilon of the lilrerlnr of Publlo WorU and in
aii-nrdanic wltti his specification,
Sec. '.'. Immediately upon the pass-age ol lhl
ordinance, tho Director of fiiMIc Works shall
notify Ihe owners ol lots and binds to makx fh
aforc.'.ild Improvemeiils within thirty days of inch
notice and under nn circumstance shall thu
property cvvneis he p;rmllti-d to lav sldewnlkl
after the evplratlun of the said thirty days' no.
tlco given by (lie Director of Public; Works, Slid
It flinll be the duly nf the Director of Pnhlle
vVorks lo cause compliance with the provision of
this ordinance,
Sec, ,1. Itpnii the rrfiial or reglect of any ot
said owner In lay flagstone sidewalks a herein
directed, within thirty davs after notice It shall
be Hi" duly of Iho lllrrctor of Public Works to
advertise for sealed propo.als to do that portion
of tin work which Ins not been done by th
propei ty owners In nctoi dance with specification!
on nio with Ihe director.
. The prnpoials me lo be opened by the. Direc
tor of Public Wml.a, and the contract awarded to
the lowe'l responsible bidder In the manner pro
vided by law. The right to reieit any and all
lilih are reserved.
Seo. i. Imtucilliilrly upon the execution of the
contract the Director of Public Wnrkl rh.llt
cerllt.v the iisse.-.mrnt cf the ro.'l of the Improve
ment In front of the lot.-i and bindi, the ownsn
nf wlilcli have not ininpllerl with the provdJlons
of tills ordinance wllh Ihe namcit of such own"M
to the City Trramror nnd the Clly Treasurer
sliall receive nnd collect the .une for sixty days
iiffrr (lie eecntlon nf Ihe contract and after that
tliey shall be certified to the City Solicitor to lm
collected accmdllig In law. To all as-Temments
not paid within thirty day alter the execution
of Iho contract Inlcro't .ihall be .nldeil nt the ralo
of sK- per. cr.nlum per nmiiini until paid.
Sec. S. During the progioM of the work, the
lliioclor of l'lihlircWoiks shall furnWi Hie. con
tractor with monthly e'tfm.ites of fhc quantity
of woik- done and the amount due therefor, lew
ten per ernC which shall be retained until the
completion of the work. The amount so esti
mated be the Director of Public Works -1ml an
proved by tho auditing cimmlttcc of Council
and approved by Ihe Clly Recorder final! be paid
the conliiietor from tho collected assessments,
t'pott the final completion and acceptance of tlm
work the enllre balance uf Ihe contract prloet
shall be paid the contractor. All amounts due the
contractor thirty da.v. after the completion of
tlie work shall bear Interest at tho rale of six
per centum per annum until paid.
Sec. li. The city will use duo diligence in col.
lecling the aflsessmenl but will only be liable for
the nmoiiuts collected.
Sec. 7. Out oT the fund rcillrrd from said
iiisersmculf. there is hereby appropriated the sum
cf four thousand five hundred dollars or as much
thereof an may bo required for the payment ol
the CMi'iisc of the work ordered by this ordi
nance and Ihe Incidental expense pertaining
thereto. Approved Oct. 2.". 1IT01.
W. I. CONNELL, Recorder.
Altrct: M. T. LAVELLE.
City Clerk.
, , , '3
bEALED PROPOSALS for moving St. Paul'a St
E. church aic Invited until Slay 17. 1IKM.
Right to reject any or all bids reserved. Ad'
ilre-s Rev. F. P. Doty, Secretary Board ot Trti
tecs, W9 Cherry Etrcct, Scranton, Ta.
Certified Public Accountant.
crs' Hank building. Old telephone. No. 18134.
IWato Exchange Uhlg., 12U Washington avc.
Civil and Mining- Engineers.
Spiucc street, trirantou.
anil Counscllors-at-LavY, C0J to 612 Conncll
Rooms 12. II, 18 and 13 Burr Building.
tlatcd on leal rslute security. Sfears Building,
coiner Washington avenue and Sprues street.
si'llois-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Roonii
19, 20 and 21.
(KKI-fiOl, llth floor. .Mens Building.
of Trado llullding, Scranton, Pa.
flank llullding.
211 W.vomlng avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons,
PrTTv. U..U.LI:n. 5I!J No'llTlfwASIl'lNOTOJl
Inglon avrnue. Rcslflcmc, I31S Slulberry.
riunnic illfe.itrs, lungs, heart. Iiidnejj end
geiillo-urlnaiy oisam a specialty. Hours, J
tn 1 p. m.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
Tiil:T:LK (An:, vii and U7 franHi.inTa'b.
line. Rates icasmiable, ."
1, Zli;QLER, Proprietor.
-CHA.MH. IIUI..TI., .rvAli i'., l.. a i. r,.-
senger depot. Condiictcd on tho Europe
.in. VlinOlt KOCH. Proprietor.
," t
a, "b7 niniics cleans trivy vaults and
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. II.' lliifcjs piopl(etor. Leave- orders 1 101
North Slain avenue, or F.itke's druor slore, ior,
per Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephones,
riviut'ii, 201 Washington avenue; gien
ln'ii-c, li'.V) Noith Main avenue;' etort tel
phone, 7S2. j
Wirp(.S(j!;eei)sv ."'-
Scranlon, l'.i., manufacturer of Wire
al-ii ladli'i)' vvaUts, Louisa Shoemaker, 211
Adaiiu, avenue.
jiEGAiifiEi: nnos., printers' suprMts, f.v.
velopes, paper bass, twine, Warehouse, li)
Wasiilngton ivfpue, Scijnton, I'a.
the wiLKEti-nAiinn iiecord can be had
In Scranton at. the new ljnds 6! ReUmin
Bros.. (ni Sprucc'aml .Wjl.indcn; SI, Norton,
.'.. nihawann meiiuc, .D- svnuutr, .11
tpiucc cUcct. ' , j.
i f
, J. ,
" t