The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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"Tnc little Gent"
Boys Shoe
It's stylish and It's mado
by a' manufacturer who un
derstands the leather qualities
necessary for Boys' Good
I'Ji'fUk i7WfrJ!5rP7w.ii"n!M,,ff!W "
1 s
mWmJr ytAmmsM He
awa! stv tfrWM mmmi iirj)vmm&s-'i& -&&: tt
i! fi
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Our 3 1 years of experience and 'progress
enables us to say this to you truthfully
You'll fall to find elsewhere in this
city such values and style assortments
as we offer you in the Boys' and Chil
dren's Department of this store'
It has grown it will continue to grow.
It's interesting to us, and it's interesting to
you, because there would be no growth
without a good cause for growing. Each
season's business is built up on the satisfac-'
tion of clothes sold the previous season.
Mothers of boys fully realize the importance
of thoroughness in make and material. It's
our strict attention to each and every detail
that has created the demand' and increased
the sales of our Boys' Clothes from year to year. We can't give here a list of
all the styles and prices to be found in our Boys' department.
A Few Suggestions.
Vestee Suits
Some swell little novcltic;
in this style of Suit. From
$2.50 to $6.50
Sailor Blouse Suits
See the new "Middy" Col
lar on all our blouse novel
ties. From
$2.00 to $6.50
Two-Piece Suits
The styles in these Short
Pants Suit includes the new
$3.50 to $7.00
Young Men's Suits
Long Trousers Suits, cut
by patterns that arc correct
for this reason. From
$6.50 to $10.00
Complete Outfitters.
It Consisted of Twenty-four Tiuo
and 160 Ignoicd Bills Joseph
Sorameib Trespass Cnsc on Tiial
Before Aibitvators Caubo of the
Action Mis. Watkius Bungs .1
Suit Against the D., I,. & V. Co.
Win ton. Executors Ask for an In
junction Marriage Liccnt.cs.
Court yrMonl.iy lerelvnl Hip first rc
da n from tlte Ki.incl jury. It consisted
of twent; four iruo hills and 160
JKnored. Among- I lie Iruo hills one
oli.ughiff Y. V. I'lilford villi false im
pel souatlon of a ilclcclhc. The tint
bills are:
1 iNn I'liviiutioii of Dcln luc illiam Y.
Clltlnril: hanmcl I, I'uiUi, vm-.
A'smtt .nid II ill, 11 -Willi mi YrnA, Domlit
Dickson, rif-. H. .Wihsini; Adtui l'ijulil,.,
noi. .locpli hncrwiiv; Mi Km muz, ui.
J0I111 MoruRli-11: ll.iliii lie I'linrir, un.
Laiionv iiiiiJ l!("rilii,- .Mulrrw Itnnnzn; .Mm
V. hilllbiiilp, iin. In SI ijrr; ..Mm . l.llli
ItuU'c, "Jiios. Movni Hunt; .lolrn N, I.iIlihrnjRC.
iros. "-tinliy Mlfrhi.ll . I ninn llullci, mi,
rninliMllnii .mil llistinl.v IIiciimi .Viton;
Tliiilfct Oiklii, no. l.nnij Kolljj ( loe lljloc,
Unccny l'.v flillrc-I'llcrinc M.usihj rlr, n.
B'Usii, pitic. I'.iul (ludiiiali; CI, M. llcillnsir,
liipc A. I. IIoIipiIi; 'Jiali ( ip..s, pf0, IgiuU
Ihloims, Ariips 1CpmI(Ii.KI, inn.
1'hIm! I'rrtf ti-c J 1111c & 01 (!; .lolin H. Cur
roriin, tw,
DIkImisiic l'ircnjiiia Jojcph hurciu ; Mnj
Kiurulifl, iui. .
Cuuin' I cninli'il WpapoiK .lo'cpli Kucrnli;
Jljiy KiKciiic, pios.
Npt'ligPiKp liy llill(p Cliailei lUncIt; h. 1
lei ("onnollj, pi on
nrfiimlin; lluiidlus llou-p -p, Jtocnc; I'. II,
Iliirl.ln, pio,
( oinniuii .SctiM K.ilc Mr.NulIji .loliu Cuiillij,
M.ilidoui Jllxliirf-liollllrh li'ilbr; Dinid
ricnriinuN. pill
i-oIIIiie l.lqunr on hunrlij . I), Itol.rrLs; I.I
luer Crow, pirn.
One hiuidiod and t-ixtffii iRiioir-d hills,
va rcltirncd.
liommeis Ticspnst, Case.
.loseph i-'oiniucip, (iT Old Force, jrp.
h'hpnted hy Attorney Kduiml '',
'I'liajer, pnino time- uro hrought .111 nr
tlon of tifhpai.s agdlnsl John DijIici
jijh, also of Old Koigc, fnp daiuagrh to
Ms piopcrty, which, ho nllcspii, hud
heeii ocrabloned hy hi lmllil
JliK a ditch fioni tlio hit'.ei-'H l.nxl in a
point wlicui thu wuttr llowi'd upon
h'fiinnicis' picinlfccs.
Tim iliifrnduiit mik irprCHPiitrd hy
'Jainru II. WatkliiH, Tim care un
tried hctnio Aihltiatoro TIuhiiiih
Jliiiulley, AValter IJuwui und la.
Jiier 4, Wllliiuna ycaterday In court
room No, U. it appears tlmt Hummers
mid DubPi'iuiH own teitcniPiit propeiilcb
on tlio upixiHlto BldeH of Spilng Htieet,
In Old Koige. In the Hummer of 1U0O
Duhci nits coiwtnuted u clljeU to cuiry
off U10 water whlvli nc cumulated on his
property fioni MprltigK aloiis thu side of
Ppi'liiK Htioet, Thin cuiEPd tlio water o
tollect at 11 point In fiont of tho Koni.
jiipih property mid tiom there It peu-o-Jaled
thiougli tho giound Into the cellar
Pf his teneiucnt house. The tenants
moved out, bevaut-o of fontiiued flood
Jng and because tho water wasdied out
part of tho foundation walls.
Komnicip brought an attlon In trcs
I'ats acalnbt Uubeinaa for ,000.
cla h
wat t
catif-o the
of the plaintiff
accumulated ti
bpriugh in the lin
of tlio tehtlmony v,
and the i.isc will bt
at the ditch did not
accumulate 111 front
"operty, but that it
naturally fiom
Mate icinity. AH
heard yes-terddy,
,fciicd today.
Petition for Injunction.
H. M. Wlnlon and Walter W. Win
Ion, execuUun of the estate of Cather
ine Winton, deceased, jesterday ppti
tloned the court for an injunction
against H. J. I.conatd and tho Clock
TohacLO compiny.
It ih alleged by tho complainants that
they hold two moitgage.s, aggiegatlug
$18,000, given by B. K. Leonaid. on o
lots at Wyoming avenue and Pino
sticet, on which Is a laige thrce-stoiy
brick building. Mr. Loonawl tormeily
conducted a tubacco busines-K there, but
Jold tho biihines.s to the Clock company.
Mr. Leonard having1 defaulted in his
pajnifntti on the mortgage an execu
tion was issued againt.t tho piopcity
and the m.uhimny eontained in the
building. It is alleged that the Clock
company is lemoving the bolleis and
enginen, which tho complainants) allege
Is the 1emov.1l ot part of the security
of their mortgage, and they ask that
touit by injunction lestiain tlio Clock
company fioin fuithcr t.impeiing with
tho lu-opeity.
Wants $20,000 Damages.
Mis. Charlotte AV.ilkirr, a foiiuer
icsldcnt of thlH city, hut now living at
Paisony, is the plaintiff In a JM.OOO
damage suit against tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western ISallroad
company, begun yesterday by Colonel
T. . Martin, of Wllkes-Bane.
Mrs. Wutklnb son, William, a young
111.111 L'3 yeuis of ago, was employed In
tlio defendant ( ompany'tf loeomotUo
icpair shop in this city as a machlnh.t.
1iht July he was working under an en
gine, when thu supports gave way and
he was ciushod to death under Iho
gieat weight of tho engine.
It is alleged that the accident was due
to tho negligence of the company in
failing to have tho locomotlvo properly
supported before allowing 11 mail to go
under It.
In Oiphans' Court.
A special session of the Orphans'
court was held ycbtciduy by Judge A.
A, Vosbuig. Tlio hearing on tho cita
tions upon A. J. Rogan, guardian of
tho lle childien or Bridget Rogan, de
feased, was llxcd for May IS, at it a, m.,
in open com 1,
Tho hearing in the proceedings to re
inovo tho oxeciiliis under tho will of
ricdeih'k hiiiion, for incompetency, was
Used for May II, at 9 a, in.
Thu healing upon the exceptions to
tho widow's appraisement 111 iho citato
of Matthew Connolly, deceased, was set
down for .May in, at '.1 a, 111.
Tim aiKiuncut uprm Urn exceptions) to
tho auditors lepoit in tho cstato of
Matilda Swinglo was also lcd for May
Tho audit In tho estates of Nelllo
llyiwi el al., minora, m, P, AVyiubs.
gmiidluu, was sul down for hearing on
Tuesday, May 13, at 9 a. 111,
A number of motions and orders In
other estates wcio also inuile.
Tho next session will bo jiuld on .Sat
urday at ID a. m, Tim legular May
teiiu begins Monday,
Yestcwlay'B Maningo Liconscs.
Mm b'iaii3iuk ...Illnsliiintoii, .V, Y,
Victoria Cavil iIIIiikIuiiiIuii, S, V,
William II. 'Ilioiu, ..'I'jjlor
Mii'CJiU MoriU rcranton
John fitillltlH , , hujiitou
niila M. MoiKjii ,, Krjiiloii
l'r.Mil. 1:. lllkkriK ......,.,... Ciljplit
Aliic SI. Uey ..,,.,,,,,, Oljphmt
Nature's SWeet
is the name applied to "sleep."
Sleep of the most restorative
Kind follows tho use of
T.l iimM INTflh... mt -
..-"sbV'htiw'S tnnlt e-irtrnnt.
Recoznmended by leading physi
cians as a pure tonic with
wonderful building-up properties.
JNot a "dam beer." but a real
uuen xjwt;r, uui u
All druggists sell it. Prepared only hy
L. fc:Jtv spARKLING "" t '
mXmm A-U r.. iu r.-. a
vinicuaci-ou25i;ii Drewm u
St. Louis. U. S. A.
Dressers of the famous Budwelser, MIchelob.
BlacK O Tan. Pale-Lager. Faust, Anheuser
Standard, Export Palo and Exquisite.
NVhoIesale Dealers,
!,! t v. v. p. . n n k r. v. t v, v. . v. v. v . 01 v. v. v. k v. tn vi n t. v. v.r.v.
I I If You I
! Jk Walk Much S
Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy,
M ff
' vSSWssm
Walk Much
You can do it more comfortably
whenjime is spent in getting the right
shoe for the right foot.
Our shoes have a reputation for
GOODNESS, Style, Perfect Wearing and
Fitting Qualities not found in ordinary
Our $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
Alen's Shoes have no equal in the city.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
VI M 'A 'A 'A ' ' ' 'A H '4 'A 'A 'A V4 U 'A 'A A mA A A A A A A A A A A U A A
Stfphcn l'aluk
Slary liuolo
,,,. UlxihanL
I 'rank Wicili-iiU , hcranton
rnionic IIjiiikI.iiIc , briaiiton
lit liarl lilgrr , , iM l'uigc
Julia KmjKipIti: ,,, (, Vovge
Juliu IlltoK .,,., , ,,, 01, pliant
Joscfa, Ciaunon , ,,,, Cll.tphant
All of jesterday iaa ronsiimcil with die nffee
111); o( cliccks jml llilcnln to Iho trtliinony nl
Charlu W. (iray, in tho Dcaii.Winloii njulty
tanc, It nill take burial ilj.i moic to dUpoc
o( the nc
Jlulhcilii i. .Iii'lcc ,(alniljy oliialucj .1 v.jlt t
irj.loiin illrcilcil jgulnt I'olci' X, Hani .m.j John
Caliban for two cray liiuc, alucil at .'V. The
liorsrn wcio lulf'l upon h.v llaau for a debt or.J
lilm hy Ton) MikhoIII. Miilliciln & .lii'Uu allege
that I hoy, and not Slijnolli, arc lh ouncu vt
the licito.
A Much TalkccUof Improvement.
The stir Hie New jtjsey i.'cntral's re-
rent nnnoiiiii'cmrnt ni.iclh In itb.chI to
IIh liouily tr.ilim between New Voil;
una PlilludPlplilit w.ih lur reai'liiiiR,
Very few cities eim lio.iht of stall a
train fwhcilulo and tlio lieauiy of It In,
tliwt It'B easily loniLMiilicfcil a train
every hour on tho even hour fiom 7 a.
in, to ti p, 111.
Tlio locomotive ciua and Pullman
caus mo tho most modem, tho loadbed
la iocH hallusted, and as only hind eoal
Ih used theio Ih no unokc or rliulctn,
Nvery train inns dlint to Heading
Toimlnal, I'lilladulphla, without eh.niRo
and uiuny of them rover tho dlntnnco In
two hoiliit. Tlio lleadliiK louto hy wlileli
tlin riilladclphla linu In often knonii, is
not only u bhoit way to Plilludelphl.i,
but It lb llkcwlbo tho becnlo iruite. Thin
hcrvleo goea Into effect on Jluy U, but
u no way does It Impair tho fat-t mid
elegant wrtlco of the Hoyal nine line,
which will iiiii Independently of tho
Phlludcliihlu Hue.
One of the satisfactory retailing events in this city and
surrounding towns is found at the
Big Store's Great
Snle No. I
Begins Promptly nt
2 (TcJock.
In Basement.
10 Important Items. Don't Miss Seeing One.
Sale of IMoth Balls It is. a usual thing to find a pood many
incline paying juc. a pounci ior tuc same Kind 01 motli balls
that you can get here this Jrri(!ay at
Sale of Clothes Tins Can't sec how they can manu
facture them to sell 300 for ,
Sale of Gallon Jugs This is an article you can ttt.c for many purposes. For instance,
jar or molasses. Priced verv low for this hour sale .'
Sale of Salad Fork and Spoon Made of boxwood; nicclv polished; good size; a value
it 1'c. for both. Buy them tin's Friday, fork and spoon, at.'.
Sale of Whisk Brooms Large sue; well made from A-1 corn and rccularlv sold at
J' riday ,
Sale of House Brooms Another lot of P.rooms similar to those of a few weeks ago;
made of good corn; sewed three times; good weight; value :i."c. Friday
Snle No. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Sale of Cottage Poles on the Third Floor Useful for any room in your house, This
white corrugated pole is -t feet long, complete with fixtures; a ."c, value; this Friday...,
Advertisers of Facts Only
Jonas Long's Sons
We judge the future by the past. Our Great Hourly Sales have proved to be a
revelation to the economical buyer. This Friday we expect greater responses to this
splendid list of every day wants. From basement to the top floor you will find during
one of the three hours goods at extraordinary reductions from regular prices.
Sale of Clothes Baskets Made of good willow; woven .
firm and sold regularly at .0c. ; this Friday at 35C
Sale of Toilet Paper Large size roll, full weight and count.
Kc-gtuar price inc.; tins 1-nclay buy it at the unheard of
price of o rolls for ' . .
Sale of Baking Dishes This kind is made of the best fire clay; medium size; an article
inai you can oaue witli in the oven and not injure it; value !lc; l'riday buy them al
Sale of Garden Hose The time is at hand when the use of a hose will b,c needed. This kind
on sale for this hour is guaranteed thrcc-plv, comes in 50 feet lengths; value $5.00 a .
length. This Fridav onlv J).5ll
Sale of Ribbons : inches wide; all silk metallic finish Taffeta
Ribbon. Comes in all shades. This is the time of year when Rib
boiih seek to be prominent in many ways in dresses and for neck
wear, bows, etc. l'riday lmy this splendid loc. value ribbon .
for one hour only at, yard )C
Sale of Shirt Waist Sets 3 styles in six assorted colors, opal,
garnet, pcail, turquoise and amethyst. Comes in three and four-piece
sets. Not a set among them that a woman wouldn't be glad Q
tu have for her shirt waist. Priced for this sale at, a set. . . oC
Sale of Hose This lot our buyer thought was so good that a
quantity was purchased at a special price. Our good fortune we
pass along to you for this hour sale. This is Children's Hose,
made of lisle thread; fast black; ribbed; double knee; extra
heavy weight. Toda, for one hour, buy them at, per pair vC
Sale of Fine Madras Now here is a line fabric and to be sold
for this hour at such a price is, a saving al 5c. a yard to every one
ho will avail themselves of this hour sale. Plain and broken
stripes, mostly in blues and pinks, ;- inches wide, and al-
ways sells for 15c. Friday for sixty minutes I UC
Sale of Boys' Sailor Blouse Suits Navy blue; all wool; light weight; Cheviot; sailor collar
trimmed with 5 rows of soutache braid; sizes : to 8 years. This garment is splendidly 0
made and cut full sizes, finy them this hour on the second floor at 98C
Sale of Porch Rockers Timely news. A good easy rocker is a comfort. The kind on sale on
the fourth floor l'riday is built of selected white maple stock, having a double coat of finish to pro
tect it from the weather. Backs double rail and eleven-spindle insertion, all joints Q
pinned and glued. A value at Sjtt.OO. Sold Frday at , pl.OO
Sale of Wilton Rugs on the Third Floor This is the time of year when carpets come up and
rugs go clown ; and this is an opportunity to buy this $1.75 U7x5-i-inch Wilton Rug,
fringed ends, Oriental and medallion patterns; today at the unusual price of.... ,....
Women's Fine Hemstitched Drawers, willrhcnislitched ruffle; yoke band all sizes; t
good muslin; put on sale on the second floor today at ....,..lrt 19C
Sale of Woman's Low Shoes Made of Dongola Kid, with
patent leather toe caps; medium extension soles; military heel;
patent leather back stay and perforated leather on tips.
This magnificent value, worth $1.29, will be sold this I'ri-
day, one hour, al VOC
Sale of Infants' Caps on Second Floor Time to discard the
wool cap, and the more comfortable one be used. This style on
sale for one hour this Friday is a fine Fmbroidcry Cap;
inching edged with lace ; sold for sixty minutes at 2C
Sale of Women's Vests Made of good cotton ; all sizes. A
summer garment ribbed ami bleached ; priced for this one .
hour today, at. , , 5C
Sale of India Linen An old time favorite; buy it with your
eyes closed and you can't miss buying just what ou want in
white. A value that sells for Me. Our Friday hour price
s ill be, per yard ,..., 1 I C
Sale of Childtcn's ParasolsPlease the little ones. The kind on sale this l'riday will please
them and it wilU'ost you but a third of-the legular price. A variety of colors; come in
plain and two-ruffle covers; good frame; value up to iinc. Friday buy them at 4C
Sale of Men's 50c. Negligee Shirts and 25c. Ties This combination sale is up to you men of
Serautou. This shirt is made from pretty colored Bedford Cord fabric; the tics arc this season's
latest and all new. Choose any shirt or any tic, both worth 7.ic but this l'riday take
them at
7 us 1 f e v .,,