The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    th '
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1 x , i r-
Result of Yesterday's Games.
Wllkcs-llano, Si Siranlou, 6.
tahanou, 10) Wllllnmsport, 4.
Lancaster, 0 Heading, fi.
Standing of Glubs.
Plaied. Won. I.od.
crnnten :t - 1
Wllkcs-llatie n S t
Lebanon ',.... ...1 - 1
Lancaster .' ,...1 - t
Heading, 3 1 B
William-fort "' 0 a
Today's Gnni03.
Wllku-Barro nt Hciantou.
I.anc.rslrr nt Eradlntr.
l.ctiuion at William:
Scranton Had Gaine Cinched Until
That ntal Inning A Wild
Throw Sid It.
Wllkes-Llarrc defeated Scranton by
the score of S to G yesterday afternoon
nt the park. Scranton had the giime
cinched until the eight Inning and then,
with Stclnlntrg's wild throw, and
rWilkos-Biirre's 'battlnjr streak, Scran
ton lost. .
,Tho game started with both Scranton
and 'Wllkes-Barro being retired without
(i run. Scranton got two in the fourth,
two In the ilfth and one In the seventh.
"WllkeH-Harro got one In the third, and
then the locals had everything their
own way until the fatal eighth when
Wllkcs-Uarre with two men out, sent
eeven runneis across the platt.
Scranton had a chnnctot feorlng In
the eight inning but they were unable
to conieiup td the occasion. Stolnburg
did not show up so well as In the
previous games. Hardy pitched his
first game yesterday, and did splendid
work until the eighth. He Is it good
batter, and gives promise of being a
good one.
Scranton's playing yesterday Jacked
that snap and ginger noticeable Satur
day nnd Monday. Wllkes-Barrc has a
fast lot of youngsteis, who ought to
inake a good, showing In the league.
Vilkes-33arre plays here again today,
aiid Scranton has resolved to have a
more pleasant , tale to tell than that of
yesterday. The score:
1!. 11. o. a. i:.
Coiton, c.f. ....' 1 I) 1 (I 1)
lllnkc), l.r 12 10 0
Nickels, f.t 2 tl 0 0 0
Logan, 21) 0 12 5 0
K'lllinn, Hi 1 01 II 1
Miiiiullr, Jb (I 1 12 0 0
Slioh, "S.s 0.1-1 1 0
Stcinbcig, c (I 0 II
2 I)
1 1
Llardy, p , 0 1
..'. 5 0 21 12 2
11. II. 0. A. K.
KiliS, c.t 0 ' 0 0 0 0
Barker, :.b 10 3 10
t-'ltpp, S.s t '2 2 '' 1
Conway, l.f 110 0 0
Cole, l.f t 0 a 1 0
,T. Welsh 117 2 1
Course), b 2 1 (20
Burke, e I 1 S S 0
Koos, p. ., 0 1 0 2 I)
ToUU 8 T 27 11 2
Bcianlon 0002 2 010 0 j
Will.os-Biric 0 0100007 8
Two b.i?e bits Logan, .7. Walsh, Burhc. Three
base hits Nickels. Stolen lnc9 Sullivan, Rai
l;er, IlurKe. Lilt on bases Sciantoii, 0; Wilkes
llaue, 4. Struck out lly Il.iidy. ; by Boss, 4.
Double plays Haul)- to Logan to, Lo
pan to bctnnaltz to J. WaMi to Coursey. I'ir-t
on cnors Seiunton, 1. That on balls-Off Hanly,
3; off lions, 5. Hit by pilthci lly Haul)-, 4; by
Hos, 1. Passed ball Duike. Umpiic Gilli
gan. Time l.t!0.
Reading, May ft The Stale League soa-on was
opened hue this a(ceinuon.1icfoie 1,200 people.
I'uige pitthed u grcit.f,'Uiic, but the loi lis went
to pieces in the sKth inning, making five bad
ci ioi s, nnd the visitors lolled up hlv inns. Stoic:
It. 11. O. A. K.
'CuiTinan, Sb 10 10 1
Hontlnon, 12 110
Ionian, ih o o io o l
.c)iiohK i.f ) 1 7 0 0, s.? 112 2 2
Ussier, l.f 110 0 0
liluntaine, l.f 1 1 1 0 0
Meld. 21 0 2 1 .1 1
Paige, p 0 1 1 :: (J
Totals B 1 27 11 4
It. II. O. A. i:.
Shlmieis, s.s 1 II 2 ." 2
Holrcr, 'JI I II U 1 1
KoleiKa, o I I) 7 0 0
JcflilcH, Mi 0 10 10
lJiauby, 11 1 0 H 0 1
McClvnn, 1 0 0 2 1 0
J Unci, l.f 0 10 0 0
Fortnoy; f.f 1 I) .1 II 0
Unl,lc, c.f I 2 2 0 0
Totals 0 1 27 1,1 4
Stoie by innings:
Peadliig 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 2-3
Lanea-Acr 0 o o o 0 (I 0 u -o
SjJirlttre lilt .Inidui, blilnnus, n-lcr. Stulrn
Iiumm He) noliN, lluntliron. Left on bases Itcail
Ins, 9; ljiuMitcr, 0. btruelc out lly lltUlynn,
7. I'lrt on cnor RiMillwr, fi; Laneihtrr, S.
I-lrt on ballf-Oir 1'aUe. 2. lilt by pltilitr
fchlnners, Illnei. Wild pitch SU(ll)iin. Umpiic
' Southard. Time 1,15.
Wllllauiiport, Slay . The State I.eauuc feason
.n openid lu'io today llh ne.uly 1,00(1 people
)iCent. I'iet!nu3 to tbu same, a tliort btrcit
ji.iruile wai hcbl, ith the niauir, manager and
nutnpaper nun In unices, and beaded by tlm
laiuoui llepis? band of forty piece. At the
pul, the band Bo a coi.ierl, nnd Mo)or I.fad
,leln, In a few nppropilalo iimaiKn. to.-ed the
liali to the umpire. MI.rablo fleldins; and In
oblllly to hit at tbu pioper time lot the home
team the fame. The ecoic:
It. II. O. A. i:.
Tcniplcn. 1,1 0 0 0 0 1
Heard, x.U 0 10 0 0
fkhulU, 2b 117 11
O'rlbky, c 0 14(1
firfei. lb 13 7 11
Ii. WIllIlT, l. 2 2 3 2 1
tew, 21 , ,... 0 0 0 4 0
CtoiiRlian. c.f ,...,,.. 0 I 3 n ii
II. Wllllir, l.f 0 10 2 2
Hell, p ,,.. 0 0 0 0 2
21 It
VOIJR FAITH will be a.
strong as
ours If you try -
and ours Is co strou
guarantee a cursor ri
'UK. wo
lllonev. ntnl n-f sond vnu
free trial bottle it ou write for it.
SUILOiru costs 25 cents and will cure Con.
sumption, Pueutuonia, IlrouchltU and all
I.ung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
lu a day, and thus prevent serious results.
It has been doing these things for 60 years.
S. C. WELLg U Co., I,c Roy. II. V.
KmrVa i!invMDAiTa a tmu ClnH.anl.
wv.vwi iwvi I VV' k7wtucwi J
cxr.arif tit- thw
n. it. o. A. v.,
MeD.ide, M. .....,.,,,,..., 2 4 12 1
Yotinar, 3b. ......i... ,,.,,. 0 1 1 , 1
t'orlello, l.f. ...,.,.,,,1,,,. 2 0 2 0 0
llollln, f, .1...... ,,..,,... 0 1 10 2 0
llairlsan, lb. ,.., ,,,,,, 2 2 7 0 0
I'ldlblti, c.f ,..., 0 0 1 0 0
HY.tliKr, 2b. ....,,.,,,,,., 1 o ,1 a 1
I.aflVy, l.f, ..,.,,., i,..,.,.. 2 12 0 0
Ihinn, p. ,..,...., 110 10
Total" ., ,, 10 10 27 8 3
Kerne by Innlnus!
Wllllaimport 0 1100200 04
Mmnon , .13 0 0 0 0 2 3 x 10
llirned runs Wllllamport, 2. To bniso lilts
-lrlbley, I. Wlllltf, Wlovt, Me.ttlc,2l llatrl
Rilii, I)ui)ii. Sacrifice lilts Rolllin, Save, 2,
Slnlen liafps llorrlitiili, WcftlaKe, t,affey,
RchtilU. Celt oit liiip-Wllllnni'pnrt, (lj !&
bnnon, B. StnicK nut lly Hell, 4i by Dunn, P.
Double plajif McDiile, Wcsttahc to llarrlffan,
l'lrt on rrrort Wllllaniport, UJ Ilnnon, 8,
Phut on bills-Olf Bell. 3. Umplrc-Seld.
National League.
At Cincinnati ll.ll.G.
I'lttslilllR 10 000 000 30 R 0
t'lncinnatl 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 12 D 0
llnttcilci CIh-hIhh iiiul Silinmcr; I'lillllpa and
BcrRcn. Umpire 1,'nnlle.
At Oldeaco St. Ioul y Chle.igo; rain.
Oilier cliilid not scheduled.
American League.
At Philadelphia IMMI.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C
Phlladlphla 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 4 x 11 10 0
Jean Bnpllste discovers his sweet
heart, Adele. Find the old Mohawk
chief and General Winslow.
Battel ics CVirrick an! Drill; Plank and Pow
ers. 1,'inpiic 0'I.oiikIiIIii.
At Bo-tou P
llilllmuic 0 .1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Ho-ton 0 8100000 1 u
S i
12 1
Batteries rotcmau uml Uobinson; Uineen
Wainei. Umpire bheihlan.
At C'le eland B.
12 1
lrt ;t
rhiuiKo 2 0000100 3 II
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 a
Batteiies Griffith nnd bullban; T.nlor
lliniK. Lmpirc Cirutheis.
At Detioit St. T.oul-r-raln.
Eastern League,
Worcester, 0: Jersey City, 5.
Piouilente, 9j Xewatk, J.
Othei games jirevented by rain
?pceial to the Scianlon Tribune.
Tunkhannock, May C Attorney
James R. Scouten, of WIlkes-Barre,
was doing business In town on Tues
day. W. It. Arnts was doing business in
Scranton on Tuesday.
At the school directors' convention,
lveld at the court house on Tuesday
afternoon, Superintendent T. H. Jarvls
was chosen to fill a third term as
superintendent of schools, over his
competitor Prof. T. J. Merman, by a
vote of 10."i to 61. The convention by a
unanimous vote fixed the salary of the
superintendent at fifteen hundred dol
lars a year.
Squire Frank II, Welnsheimer, of
Noxen, was chairman of the conven
tion; Dr. A. H. Fitch, of Factoryvllle;
Fred II. Fahsett, of Forkstoa and
William E. Warner, of Nicholbon, sec
retaries. The court room was packed
with a large and enthusiastic audience,
who frequently applauded or disap
proved the woik of the convention In
an unaffected manner. Parliamentary
law was little evoked.
Piofessor Charles F. Osborne, of 'the
Nicholson graded schools was an In
terested spectator at the school direc
tor's convention on Tuesday. Profes
sor Osborne was himself a. candidate
for superintendent in 1S9!, but did not
secure the necessary number of votes.
Burglars entered thd hardware stoio
of A. P. Williams a. company, on
East Tioga street, Monday night nnd
carried off n smalt amount of change
which they found In tho cash drawer.
The meat market of West Brothers,
nearby was also entered on the samo
evening and probably by the samo
Law Student Jesslo Slckler, expects
to tttko an examination for admission
to tho bar about the llrst week In
Ex-Sheiirc Charles S. Knapp, of
Skinner's Eddy, who lias just returned
fiom a trip to California, was u caller
in town on Tuesday.
Special io The Scranton Tribune.
JIallHtead. May C Among tho Blng
hamton callers Monday wefc: W. J.
McIcod, Mrs. Charles Lawrence, Mis.
A. P. Merrill, Mis, James Snover, Mrs.
Benjamin I.uwrenco uml Mrs. Qeotgo
Mrs. Thomas Shannon returned Mon
,ciiy,from lilnehnniton, wheio she went
to attend tho funeral of a relutlvp,
Miss Bessie Conrad, of Alford, la tho
guest at the home of Mrs. l3ert Altl
rldge, on Park avenue.
Miss Canto Mead on Saturday after
noon very pleasantly entertained a
number of her friends at a 0 o'clock
tea. Among those present were Misses
Marlon uud Lillian Church, liattle Mc
TJL'oil, Grace Harding, Katherlue Sum
merton, Gertrude and Gruco Ucad,
Bruco Chase, of Penn Aigyl, visited
his grandparents, Mr. unci Mis. S. B.
Chase, Saturday und Sunday.
Miss Ethel May, of .Scranton, vlBlted
ft lends In town iicently.
W, It. Tinker preuched at Dundaff,
Mrs, Peter Allen, of Chose avenue,
Who has been visiting her parents ut
Silver Luke und helping to cuio for her
sister, Miss Julia Donovan, wlio has
been seriously ill, returned home Mon
day, Morris Stuck und, crew nnd George
alliens and crow have been transferred
to Scranton, Where they will run from
Scranton to Elmlra.
Mlssea Katharine Condon nnd Alice
Kelley, of Lestershtro, .visited nt the
homo of Mrs. Anna Condon on Sunday.
Miss Georgia. WcWltt, of Bllighuniton,
Is the guest of her nunt, Mrs. George
Ijtnnb, of Main street.
K, D. Hcmtrlck taught nt the High
school Tuesday, In the absence of Pro
fessor 1$. W. Pease, who was nt Mont
rose on business.
DuBols Chase, of Easton, la visiting
friends and relatives In town.
Nov. U Vf. Church preached at the
Presbyterian church, in Upsonvllle, on
Mndolhie Wcntz, of Blnghnniton, vis
ited her grandmother, Sunday Inst.
J. Ij. noss was a cliller at Montrose,
Special (o the Scranton Tribune.
" Nicholson, May C Miss Esther Wil
cox la spending n. few days at Lake
Edgar Bell Is home for his summer
Byron Blakcsloo has resumed his
position In J. E. Harding's store, after
n prolonged Illness. "
Stone business Is hold up on nccount
of shortage of cars, the company being
unable to furnish more than onc-fltth
of the number required.
Supoilntendont Hixon's men are. put
ting in now track scales at this station.
Frank CarluccI, of Carluccl's Stone
company, was In town on business,
Special in the Scranton Tribune.
Duryea, May 6. Miss Lillian Bur
leigh was a caller lif Plttston, Mon
day. , ,
Dennis Tennie, of this place, had his
leg Injured at the Simpson colliery1. He
was removed to the Lackawanna hos
pital where the leg was amputated.
Miss Nellie Dills has returned home
after a few days visit with friends in
George Ammorman will kindly thank
anybody that will return his dinner
pall which was stolen at the Erie depot
yesterday. Can have the dinner, but
not the pall.
Special to the Scranton Tiibune.
Hopbottom, May C Several of the
young people from this place enjoyed
a drive to Waverly, Saturday.
Mr. D. W. Wright, spent Sunday
with his family in town.
List of letters reinahilnj; uncalled for at the
Sci.intou potoultc, I.uckauiinua county, Pa.,
Jl.iy 7, 100.'. Persons calling for lluu lelteis
ill plca-c su advertised and ghc date of list.
Abercnthy, II. f,. dent,
Anton, (ieoree,
Bacon, Andiuw H.
llronu. 1). U.
ll.irlmv, Hiram.
Bilnk, Miller.
Ititnnan, .May.
ItlKiH, Mike.
Harnett, Harnett 0.
llentley, llenj. h.
Ballaul, W. A.
Ilrnliiir, Pcuy I
Butler, .Icwcpli.
Hrunk, C. M.
Cuunlnluui, II. O.
t'aipeutcr, Vhtor.
C'liik, .lay A (2).
Clark, .MI-.S Snah M.
Clark, i:. 11.
Case, Linn A.
Cnnnell, Ma Annie,
Columbia Car hcliools.
Colli), Mr.
DuiiKlicity, William.
DUchiiiKer, 1. .1 .
Dougherty. Aiuia.
Deck, h. II.
Douil, Xolson.
llletiiik, -Mi-u. Mailha.
Dullnif, JliM (iiiclc.
DUlMinv, Clurhs (1,
lih, Clara. J.
DouKhertv, William,
llnirle, Sin. .lennlo,
lMirBOOd, JIu. Alice
Kikman, Jll Kluipiice.
KltziurU, Mr. John
Prldile, Mi. M.
(iaiillner. II"' Poulliy
men's Prlutir (2).
drat low, i:dwaid.
(lolcllni,', Mrs. Klsle.
(3allt, Mis. Nellie,
dill, James., Samuel.
Hughe'. Jamc.
lilne, Mis. Maud.
Hoi u, Mivi Miv.
Iluse, Ml. Claia,
Heirman, Kuill.
Horn, Hell!.
Hall, Prank W,
Illllmrn, Mrs.
HalUtead, Miss Ulanche.
Hamlley. A. (!.
lloian, M. It.
llundcker, Adam,
Haney, A. II.
Hoes, llobcrt.
Haiiiuan. MUs Mary.
Heitle, William.
llapeman. Jlrs. William.
Holden, Thomas.
H)den, Predcrifk.
.Mm, Thomas.
Johnson, Catharine,
Judlckjs & S)jlnu,
Kahle, OeorBc W,
Karnes, MIs llnsc.
Kliwln, Mis. l'aniile.
Xcnh, H. 1).
Line, fieoie.
Lee, (.'coipre A.
Lons, Mis. L. B. W.
len, IJev, Jolin P.
L.ncll, Mis. Annie.
Mctlrniv, .ls Kuti.
Jlullierlii, -MUs Nellie.
Mi'ichaut, llcuiy 1).
Mlsctt, Ann.
Moore, Itev. John L.
Xiton, Oeoige.
Noon, W. J.
On ens, Kev.
O'Connor, Anqle.
Old, Mr.
O'Malley. Pat. II.
Powell, JIKs Vcrdlc.
I'.Ujka, Peter.
Pond I, Joepn.
Potter, William P.
ltny, Allen.
Ite) nobis, Abraham,
lllildand, IMnard W.
Itllllfil'i'. John.
l()icr, .Mrn. Josephine,
Buddy, Ith haul .1.
lllncman, William J,
ll.wler, I,.
Hilev, William.
Mall, MIm Pa a.
Salvlna, Mis.
Sanderson, O, R.
huait, (ieoico W.
Swarts, llariy.
Smith, J. 11,
buret, Mrs. II. B,
ShiKcr, John.
Smith, W, O,
Slinonson, Miss.
Scluiik, Jlis Plonnco
Punpnn, lladv,
Slilelds, William S.
Sliuirei, W. II. and M. 6.
RwlUci, Phillip.
Mew lis, MUs Lizzie.
Mnl III, Pied A.
S)tenke, Frame.
Smith, Hit. P.o.e.
Sherwood, Vliglnla,
hloccmhe. Mis. Tlioj. D.
Smith, William.
Silllvjii. MUs Qiace,
Sleber, John.
Thomas, II, I),
'lilllng, C. II. 0, i
'lliompsoii. T. S,
'lliomas, II,
llHord. 11.
Vuiiahn, M. A.
Walter, W. n.
Wmblewtkl, Cliailcs.
Walter, Harry.
Wrlulit, I'micls,
Whitukir, l'li'il.
Wheeler. Nettle X,
W)l,ikle, Jacob., l'etei,
Zm oibka, Mrs. V.
l.autiinau, i iiu.
Tiimn m".tti:h.
Jo.eph Collins, deaf mute, caidj I). Foley, dozen
photos; Mr. John Miller, photo.
West Scranton Station,
I.0ICH7. Blikwlck, O. W. Burleigh. Mix BllJ
Plurlaton, WuiitrMtc Dikan, Mis. Mltl !)
trs, Mrs. Kwns, Wllliaui Kaiu, Mls lles!e Par.
ner, MI- Kullc IligKlns, Alexander Madejkottskv,
lUlubclb O'Bilcn, II. V. Palmer. MUs Mjkj-Iii
Phllllrw, Aiulro l'rantrlcUk, JcjsIc 1.. Wllliains,
Autoiit Zeauojck.
1'iitct UooLIim.,
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents tor Cadi Extra lArn.
For Bent.
FOIt llll.ST 12-room home, Inlett Impiovcmcnts,
1W1 Mulberry. Inquire en premises.
l'Olt 1IP.NT llouio In Batten, near station: nice
Iv located) inako n nice mniincr reshlenie,
For fmther parlleuhrs, apply W. 11. Slade, Hil
ton, Pa.
l'Olt I1F.NT Pleasant house for mnnmer, nice
jard, prarden and fruit. Pasture lor covj
sprlns water in limikei nice ilrho to city. Ap
ply J. C. Billey, Chlneliilla, Pa.
FOIt ItF.NT-fimall furnished house for rent. In
quire nt 023 Vino street.
BA1IN FOB ni:NT-$12, April 1st, three box and
three ligle stalls and wash rack, rear oi
.124 Madison avenm. Inquire nt 031 Madison ovc.
10B BHNT-Slnre hulldlnp for rent In DicliMn
City. ii. nulldlnc 0 feet by 24 feet, cellar
under all, nnd second story can bo arranptcil wr
family. All In Rood icpalr ready for use. Two
roal breakers nnd mines clone by employing over
a thousand people. An cntcrprlslns: m"0'11,",'
ran get a lartrc trade. Apply to William H.
nichmond, Blclimond Hill, 3123 N. Main aumtc,
Scranton, Pa.
Furnished Booms.
I'lillNlSIIKU KOOAIS-One, two, three or tour.
T29 Jefferson acnuc.
FOB BKNT Ono furnished room, with Imple
ments; also one on third floor, cheap. C27
Adams avenue.
FUBNISHED nOOMS for rent, modern lmpra.o
Inents; private family; gentlemen piclcrred,
t 5.17 Adams atenuc.
FOIt ItBNT Furnished room; heat and bath.
C25 Linden street.
FUBNISHED BOOMS FOB nT.NT. with heat, pas
and bath, gentlemen prcfccrcd, at &30 Adams
For Sale.
FOB SALn Cheap, a season ticket for tho
h'cranton Ball l'aik. Inquire ut 1H3 Capousc
avenue, city.
FOB SALB 1 canvas jumping net, 1 life gun, 7
Hall life belts. 1 2j-foot tiiBul ladder, 1
ladder strap, 2 lidder polos, 1 pradlcc net. 7"i
foot vi-lnch lope. Apply Win. Council Hose
Co., lfiC) I'ittston nveinie.
HOUSE FOB SAM-.7j. Lickawunna Laundiy
barn, rear 01.1 Pine f-trcct.
FOB SALE Ladies' bic.vcle for sale; cost $100
when new; will tell cheap. Call at 815 Jcf
frrson avenue.
FOB SALE Bound nnd flat bottom boats, In
stock and built to ordr in short notice.
Packaid nnd Curtis, liJ Cherry t,ticet, Uunnio.c,
FOB SALE-Hand tilk doublcrs.
Bros , Paterson, ,V. J.
New. Bam ford
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED BOOMS For two adults, three or four
rooms, furnished or unfurnished for very
light housekeeping, first floor picfirrcd. Addrc&s
M. B., Tribune office.
WANTED Furnished houc or four or five rooms
for housekeeping. Addiess A. 0. E., Tiibune
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED A good road nnd family hoise; young,
sound, kind and linnil.oine; good fl)lc and
some speed; not .ifriid of nnv tiiini. Xcw
'phone UOS, or address "IIor-,cinan," Scianton, Pa.
WANTED TO BUT V second limit genfa bleyclo.
State price. Addiess E. S. 1)., Tiibune office.
I Theatrical
ACADEMV-Schiller Stock Company. Afternoon
and night.
Schiller Stock Company
Two huge audiences gieeted the Schiller Slock
company .vcsteiday at the Academy of Muiic.
"Sippho" was the bill in the afternoon and "Wo
man's Encni)" at night. Both pioduetions wcro
admirably pirsented by this excellent oiganla
tion, which is beaded by tho accomplished ar
tiste. Miss Ella 1'oiit.iiiicblcau und Campbell
liratten. PleaJng specialties are introduced be
tween the acts, chief among which was (lie great
Zarrow Tilo of trick bicyclists, clo-iiiw tho per
formances. Their net, entitled, "A Night on tlic
Board Walk," is easily Hie cleverest act of its
kind and deserved the cnthu-lastic reception they
received. 'Ihe wonderful tilcks tills famous trio
perform on blc)cles amixo and bewilder the au
dience in their daiing nn(Lilc.tprlty. The mount
ing of a ladder, which stands fully ten feet high,
on one wheel and a thrilling jump to the c-tagc
below, Is only one of the many marvelous feats.
Beautiful and appiopriately illuiutiutPil seen
ciy is u-od in tills act, and btaitling uud amus
ing athletic f ci Id arc peifoimcd by tiki attach
ments. They will be with the Schlllii company
the entile week. This afternoon, "Monte Crlsto"
will be the hill, and tonight a icvUcil and elah
date pioductlon of "Jesse James" will be pre
H'lHed. "Sis Hopkins."
AH the fcwcctncas and purity and delicacy of
sentiment which chaiactcrlze- mch pieces as
"Way Down East" and "The Old Hontestcd,"
and unke them among the gieatest playa the
ttagc has cwr seen, arc elements which have
made "Sis lllpklm" equally famous. Tills, with
the chaunlng churaclir study of a countiy girl
of Indiana, liy Mls Jtose Melville, has made tho
play one of the most successful lend pleasing now
befoio the public,
"his Hopkins" comes to the L)cenm Saturday
afternoon and night, Special haigain day mati
nee will be given at 2.15. Pi Ices, 2.1 and Ml
cents; children to any part oi the house, IS
cents. Seats go on tale tomorrow moinlng at
t) o'clock.
Innocent Mnl do Company.
"Tho lnnocrit Maids" company, whlih plajs
at the Star th.'.iter tomoiiuw, will piooiil foi the
hut part a builcquo entitled, "A Wooden Wo
man." This Is followed by an olio, In which there
an' none but lar acts.
Ihe biiiliMpio whlih clones the show Is a side-i-pllttlng
piece, entitled, "A Lutteiy Ticket,"
and nlforiN the loiiuill.iiie full bway to display
their talents. Altogether, tin perfoimanco la
unequalled In tbu cm i 111 nee of Its talent ami tho
lalh maiini't In which It hi piodueeil, nimintcd
and rootuiucd, Special icturn engagement,
"The Old Cabin Home," a new play of South
ern life, wiltteu ,by (liattun Donnelly, will be
produced by Jicob Lltt licit season.
Dorothy Morton ln.t her suit agilust the Sliu
Brotheu foi ShOl). She rclusul to slug: on Sunday
ami was discharged, ami the suit followed.
A modern comedy called "The Wa)s of Susan"
has been written for Henrietta Cio.uian by En-
By a Persistent Cough, but Permci
ently Cured by Charaberlain'a
Cough Bemedy.
Mr, II. I. Uurbuge, a stiident at law,
In Qrconvllk'i S. C, hail been ttoubletl
for four or live years with a continuous
cough which ho suys "greatly alarmed
ine causing mo to fear that I wns in
tho llrst stage of consumption," Mr,
Burbuge having Been Chamberlain's
Cough Ileiuedy advertised concluded
to try It: "I soon felt a remarltablo
chango and after using two bottles of
the twcnty-Uvo cent size wus per
manently 'iirii," Sola lv U dl'Ulf
Bists, -
Branch WANT Offices,
Wnnt Advertisements Will Be
Becelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
ALBEBT SCIIDI.TZ,' corner Mulberry
street and Webster nvenue.
OUSTAV P1CI1EL, B50 Adams avenue.
West Side
(lCOIIIIi: W. JENKINS, 101 Soulh Main
South Scianton
FBEI) I,. TEltl'PE. 720 Cedar avenue.
North Sernnton
fJEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main
aicnuc and Market street.
Green Bidge
F. J. JOHNS. ft.'O rireen llhlgc flrcct.
O. LOItENX, corner Washington ave-
avenue and Marlon street.
VW. II. KNEITEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
Dunmore ,
J. 0. BONE & SON.
Help Wanted Malo.
YOfNCI MEN WANTED, any distance, copy
icners nome evenings ami return to us. vve
pay $10 pei t lions mil. Send addressed envelope,
p.iitlculiis and copy. l M. C, Dept. U'i, Box
1111, Philadelphia.
WANTED At once, two good caat mak-rs;
steady work. Applv to (ieorge Huts, city
tailor, Main street. Plttston, Pa.
WANTED By one of the largest old line life
iiKUi.mi'c conipaiilcM. ten agents for North
eastern Fenii-yhanhi. Lihcral contiact, saliry
or commission. Address Manager, cue Tribune.
WANTED A .voting man who his hid ono eii'a
experience lu tin shop. Foote & Fuller,
Meats building.
WANi'ED Fiist class sliopm iker, for repiir
wcilc. D, A. Davl, Liucnic avenue. West
WANTED Painters; only cood men need apply.
Call at Charles Wagner's, ".III Adams avenue.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED An experienced cook and liundrcss.
Apply at once. olO (julnc-y nvenue.
WANTED Two girls, one for general lioiisewoik,
other for light lioucwoik. aril tn help in
cue of children; good home, good wages Write
to .Mrs. W. S., Tribune office, Scianton, Pa.
WANTED A tlioioiigldy evpeiienied shoo sales
lad) ; good liberal wages. Addre.-s Shoes,
Tribune office.
lOU.Nti LADIES WANTED, any distance, copy
letters 1 ome ewnings and letmn to,u. We
pay S10 per lliouind. Send addressed envelope,
pirtlciilars and copy. F. M. C, Dept. 413, Bo
1411, Philadelphia.
WANTED Women to cimass for and renres:it
the TABARD INN L1BI1ABV; in some ells
tricts subscriptions have been secured at prac
ticnlly evciy bouse; evpciienccil canvasscis can
make $30 a week, (live lefeiences ami addiess.
W. F. Smith, Mgr. Sub. Dept., The llool.lovers
Library, Phiiadelpliii.
WANTED Good lace vvcams. Apply John
Bromlev & Sons., Lehigh avenue lielovv Fiont
street, Phiiadelpliii, Pa.
ply at Kc)stono laundry, 114 South Main
avenue, between 7.30 and 8.J0 p. m.
Agents Wanted.
associate eilttors ot (.lirLstlan iieiaiu. only dooi:
endorsed by Talmagc family. Enormous profit
for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents.
Write immceliitely CL.KK & CJ., a2a s,,
4tli bt, I'nllu. , Pn. Mention this Paper.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED, by )Oung man with ex
perience in the butcher business; Al lefer
enccs. Box 13, Tribune oftlce.
LADY SrEN'OGBAPllKB of several year.' cvpui
encc dcsiics situation. Addre.'s, Box S'M.
POSITION WANTED by'expericnccil Inly stenog
rapher and ofllcn assistant; wages, fJO a
month. Address S. (J Tiibune office'.
WANTED Position by a )oung man as book
keeper or assistant and l)pewrlter, wheio
good bard woik (alls lor advancement; ein give
lefeirnco as to iliuractcr and abiliti ; good pen
man; correpondeni a solicited. Adthcvi "Per
manent Position," cue of Tribune oftlce.
SITUATION WANTED taking care of lawns, or
gaiden, or grading, lilt Llo)d .street, top
WIDOW with one child wants a situation as
housekeeper in a widower's family. Address
B B., ttl Bock stieet, Plttston, Pa.
SITUATION WANTED By a reliable colored
manos porter, office or day's work. Ad
dress II, A .'llll Penn avenue.
WANTED AT ONCE Teams In draw coal,
ler Coal-Co., 50 Coal Enduing!',
WANTED To buv second hind cart for louniry
use; iiiu.t be strong and cheap. Address, Box
27I, Factoryvllle, Pa.
gene Presbbrey, but won't be keen until the firt
of next j car.
Louis Maun will piobably be seen in a tinman
llebiew lole next m'.uoii miller Hie direction of
the Site Binthers. Clara Llpm.ui will star alone.
Connie Edhs will probably tome to this coun
try as llm piinclpal in "The Silver Sllppei"
limit HMnn, She was last seen heio in "'Ihe
Shop rilil."
Charley F.vans will-make a big levival of his
old sueiets, "A Parlor Match," next season, A
big featuie for the second act will be obtained
in Euiupe,
Ellen Burg will replace tiii'tcben L.vons next
seifon as lending lady In "soldiers of Foituiie."
Miss Buig is tho wife of Bobeit Ede.sun, the star
of the piece,
"'Ihe Climbers," whlih, aa produced for 21)
nights at the BIJou theater, New York, will
conic to the L)ccum shortly, hxs for Its then e
Hie social climbing of u New Ymk fuinlly, who-e
cffoils to be ilionlly fashionable aro attended by
ditliculllrs. 'Ihe charter to be, as-sumed by Jen
nlu A, Eustaci! Is life ically worthy one among
Ihice daughters of a vain and ambitious woman.
I'eekvillo has a dog exterminator. No less
(ban foui dugs have recently died fiom pultun.
William Oo)iic has lot two valuilde dog; ,W
Scott, one, and .Mrs. T.i)lor, one all within a
few di)s. Beiently J, 1). Peck lot a valuable
bird el vir from the tame cauie,
William Warfleld. driver for Iho Wll.on Fire
compiny, U on the tick lUt. ,
Arthur Wearno left Monday for m FinncUco,
Cal. Hr. Wiarne it afflicted with bronchial
trouble, and It U hoped hU lay llieie will be
Jacob Micruur, of the Fast Side, is hiving a
new stole elected, and will, in tho near futuie,
embark in the groceiy bu.luess.
Dr. .J, B. Clover returned last evening fiom u
trip to Albrny, N. Y.
Dr. J. W, Beck is havlne; a new bam elected
on Ida lot on Main street.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mora Til n Four Une. a Cents tor tiacli Utn Un,
NOTICE Is hereby given (lint appllentlnn will lie
uiHiie in iiu govrrnor oi reniwvivani.1, on
May US, ItlOJ, by David f,. Ennnuel, John M.
Bucklatiil mid Lcotiird Pcckllt, all lesldciils of
Pennsylvania, under the Act ot Assembly, en
titled, "An Ait to piovlde tor the Incornora.
Hon and regulation of certain, cnrpoiallons," ap
proved April 29, tfffl, nnd Ihe supplements
thereto, for the charier of an Intended corpora,
tloii In be called 'The Eininuel Stone Company,"
the charier and object nf which Is the ipiirr)lng
and riushlng of stone, slag or other material and
the rolling of Hie same, and for these purposes to
have, possess, and injoy all tho rights, beneflls
and privileges of raid 'Act of Assemblv nnd sup
plements thereto. . ALEX. N. ULI1ICH,
May !!, Him, Solicitor.
NOTICE is hereby given that an application will
be made to the governor nf the Stale nf
Peiin-ylvanla on Wcdnenliy, Hie 2Mb. dty of May,
IDOL by William I,. Connell. Edward S. Jones
and James S. McAiuilly. et al under the Act ot
Assembly nf the Conmionucaltli of Pcnns.vjvanl.i,
entitled. "An Act to piovlde for the Incctnora
tlon and regulation of certain corporation", ap
proved April 2'l, 1S74, and the supplements then
to, for a charter of an Intended corporation, to
be cnlled "North End Coal Compiny," the
character und object whereof Is mining, prepiu
Ing, shipping, and soiling anthracite coal and
for tliee puipiws to hive, pusses and enjov all
the rights, benefits .mil prlvlliges of the said Act
of Assembly and Its supplements.
1. O. REYNOLDS, Solicitor.
NOI'ICE Is hereby given that Blttenbender rom
limy, pi'isoiM bivlng a Hen under the laws
nf l'enns.vlvani.i upon goods ware and merchan
dise of W. II. Campbell, consisting of one set of
buggy wheels on account of storage nnd labor
bestow oil on such goods, fbo owners having
failed, noglieted and refused In pay the amount
of such chaiges upon said property within sixty
da.vs after demand thereof, made personally, will
expose tli said set of buggy wheels to sale nt
public auction at Bittenbemier Company'!! store,
12l Franklin nvenue, oily ot Scranton, licka
wanna county. Pa on the fitli dty of July. A.
1)., 1002, at 12 n. in , and sell the samo or so
much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge
said Hen, together with costs of sale and adver
l!Es.OLVED, By the Select Council of the city of
Scianton, the Common Council concmrlnr.
That Scranton stieet from the Cias house lirldte
to the D., L. & IV. r.illroiil, IllooimbuiR divis
ion, bo paved and the cot theieof nseiu:il
against the nbutting pioperties aicouling to the
foot front rule; provided, that tlircc-fouillis of all
the memhers elected to each branch of the coun
cils shall vote in favor thereof. On the ptage
of this resolution by the said three-fourth vote
and ILs nppiowd by the city recouler. the city
cleik shall publish a copy thereof in all the
newspapeis which publish lliu city advertise
nienl. for ten days, stating that unless a tnajar
lly of Hie owners of property nbutting upon laid
Scranton street, between the gas house bridge
and the D., L. k W. railroad, Bloomsburg ilivis
ion, shall signify to councils in writing within
sixty U from the date of the approval of this
lesolutioii, their preference of the material de
sired for such pavement, councils will proceed to
pi-n an oidhiancc directing paving of said Scran
ton stieet horn the gas house bridge to the
Illoonishuig division of the D., L. & W. rail
road with such material as they may sec lit.
Approved April 28, 1102.
W. L. Council, Recorder.
Attest: M. T. Lavclle, City Cleik.
NOTICE Is hereby given Hilt A. R. Gould &
ons, peisons having a lien, under the law.s
of I'itins)l',ania, upon goods, wares and mer
chandise of tho Deer Paik Brewing Company,
consisting of one two horse delivery wagon, on
account of stmagc and labor bestowed on such
goods, the owners having failed, neglected and re
fused to pay the amount of such charges upon
said propei 1 within sixty tlayn alter demand
thereof made personally, will cxpo-e the said
two-horse deliveiy wagon to sale, at public mo
tion, at (,'iuld'ri Carriage Woiks, No. 413-421
Linden street, city of Scranton, Lackawanna
county, Penns.vlvania. on the 14th day of May,
A. D. 1(02, at 10 o'clock a. in., and sell tho
same or so much theieof as shall be sufficient to
discharge said lien together with costs of sale
and advertising,
W1LLABD, WARBEN & KNAPP. Solicitors.
LOST A beidcd purse, containing sum of money.
Return to Coulon Supply company, 211 Penn
av enue.
LOST A l'idics' gold watch; a liberal reward will
lie given if icturncd to Hotel Terrace.
LOST Agdld watch and fob cither on Carbon
street or fiom Carbon stieet to Mulberry on
Penn. Finder icturn to George J. Ash, Times
office. Reward.
LOST Steel beaded purse containing small sum
of money, on Lackawanna nvenue, near Wy
oming. Finder please icturn pure to Tribuno
otilec and cep contents.
LOST ?2'i, between Peck Lumber Co., East Mar
ket stieet and Prcb) terlan church. Bcvvard
If returned to office of Peck Lumber Co.
Business Opportunity.
Write tor our special market letter. Tree on
application. S. M. llibbaul k Co.,mcmbera N.
Y. Consolidated and Stock Sxchange, 4t and 16
Broadway, New York. Established 111. Long
Distance' Phone 23S8 Broad.
Beal Estate.
FOR SVI.E Two lots, imnroved. with fence, side
walk and gutter, N. Blakcly st Dunnioie;
veiy icaionalile. Address Albert Jenkins, south
Canaan, Wiijne county, Pa,
FOB SALE Elegant sites for homes in tipper
Cfrccn llhlgc; choice nelgiuioriioou; moi eic
titrable locality for home in Lackiwanna county,
J. A. Marvlne, 17J0 Sanderson nvenue.
FARM FOB SALE Slxtv-two acres, one mile
from Lake Ariel; twelve acres of timber, ret
Improvcil; excellent spring water on ioi, Linn
situated on road. For particulars address Will
iam Trcslar, Ariel, Pa.
Board and Booms.
Villi Y DEhlHAIILE suite of rooms with fust clas
table bond, (.an be obtained at SOI Jefferson
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Tvva communicating rooms with board,
inhale family, preferred. Two ladiea ana a
gentleman. State full particulars. Address C.
H. D,, Tiibune ofilco.
nilEUMATISM All parties that wish ran ba
speedily and permanently cured ot all va
rlctlcs of Bheuiiutisin by a vegctalde compound,
Cuica guaranteed. Inquire or address J. L, Tay
lor, Scianton,
The Scrantou Storage Co,
offers perfect facilities for the
Storage of household goods
Upwards of 30 dry, clean
aud thoroughly ventilated
rooms, with, individual keys
are at the disposal of the
113 Franklin Ave,
rju: of sKLiXT'Cotixqr no..,!, rtottj -
Providing for the construction nf a tal$rhlewef
to drain both sides of Penn Avenue bitween
the main sewer and 'a point shown on a '
plan, and both side of lairch street from Penn
avenue to n point near W)omlng avenue, an
shown on plan, profile and specification tiled
In the office of tin? city ilerk; tegtllatlnit tho
manner of making and cullcctlnir the assess
tnrnt therefor nnd appropriating funds to pay
for the same. k
Section 1. Be It onlaltied by the Select anil
Common Council of the City ol Scranton, and
It I hereby ordained by the atllbotlly of the
same. That n lateral sewer with the necsssary
Manhole; latnphnlcs, basins, branchca and ap
pliances lo drain both sides of Penn nvenue from
the main fewer to a point designated on plan,
and both side of Mrcli street lo ft point tmtr
Wyoming avenue, In the Fourteenth Sewer dis
trict, be constructed In accordance with plan,
prollle and specifications filed In the office of lha
City Clerk.
See. 2. For Ihe purpose of paying for th con
struction of said sevvirs, there Is hereby appro
prlated the urn of Three Thousand Dollars or
so much thereof as may be necessary, which sum
shall be derived from nsrssmrnt according In
the assessed valuation of the propcrtle abutlln
upon the street upon whlih the proposed sewer
Is to be constructed, a suih properties aie as
sessed (or1 tlioypurpcvo of City Taxation for tho
J en r iroi. ?
See. if. Immediately upon Ihe passage of thl
ordinance the Dlicrtnr ol Public Work slnll
nc' Ihe cost and expetics of constructing will
newer by an eniial ncssmeiit according to tho
nwwd valuation nf the properties abutting
upon the streets along which this sewer Is to
be constructed, as such properties are assessed for
the purpose of City Taxation for the year 11)01.
Sec, 4. The sum assessed for the purpose of
pi) Ing cots nnd expel so of said sewer upon
piopcrlle benellttcd thereby, shall be pn.vablo
n follow; One-half thereof upon the commence
ment nf the work nnd the balance, or so much
thereof as may be nccc'Siry, upon the comple
tion of the work. Interest shall be computed
upon the entire assessment from the date of tlm
commencement of the work of constructing said
Fewer. And the City Solicitor shall flic lien
according to law for all assessment which aro
not paid. Any assessment or installment there
of may be pild before it Is due and Interest
thereon eIi ill cease from, the date of said pay
ment. l
See. 5. Immediately upon Ihe passage ot this
ordinance, the Director of Public Work shall
ndverllse for scaled pioposals to construct said
sewers, branches etc., and the contract shall
be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Each
proposal slinll be accompanied by ,cash or cer
tified cheek In the sum nf,tluee hundred dollar.
In cue the bidder to wjiom the contract shall
have been awarded refuse or omit to cxecuta
a contract for the work lu accordance with the
plans and specifications therefor within ten da)si
from the date of award, the enclosure i accom
pin) big his proposal shall be forfeited to the
use of the City of Scranton.
Sec. (I. The contractor shall, before the exe
cution of Ihe contract, give a bond In the sum
of two thousand dollars, vlth sureties to be up
proved by the City Executive and conditioned
for the faithful performince of the work accord- ,
Ing to the contract and the plans nnd specifica
tions and for the pa.vment of all claims against
said work for material and labor. The contract
shall bo completed within three months after
it execution and shall contain a penalty of five
dollars per day for every day in excess of said
time limit In which the woik Is not completed.
Sec. 7. The contractor shall be paid upon
monthly estimates made by the city engineer,
lens ten per cent., which shall be held until the
completion of the work and the final acceptance
nf the same by the Director of Public Work.
AH amounts not paid the contractor within thir
ty dais alter they shall have become due shill
heir interest at the rate of six per centum p-r .
iinntuu. But in no cae shall the contractor be
entitled to receive nnv sum whatever in excesi
ot the amount actually received by the ell.
from the assessment for said sewer.
Sec. S. If it shall appear, when the work of
constructing said .sewer is completed that th
aggregate thereof Ms Icff than the estimated
amount as fixed by the Director ot Public Works,
be shall prepare a icvicd assessment in whlih
lie shall reduce all assessments pro rata, and
certify tho same to the City Clerk anJ City
Sec. t). The Executive shall appoint an In
spector to oversee said work, who shall be p.1id
two dollars and fifty cent- per da v. The Dhec
tor of Public Works shill keep the Inspector's
time and nppiove Ids bill for services rcndciciU
Approved Aug. SO, 1001.
W. I,. CONNELL, City Recorder.
Attest: V. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk.
Honey to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
fiom 4 to 0 ner cent. Call on N. V. Walker.
814-315 Connell building.
Certified Public Accountant.
crs' Bank building. Old telephone, No. 1S6J.
li-tate Exchange Iitdg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spiucc street, Scranton.
ami Counscllors-at-Lavv, UVJ to 812 Connell
Room 12, 14, 10 and IS Burr Building.
Hated on real estate security. Mears Building,
comer Washington avenue and Spruce street.
Commonwealth Buildings lliionii
IP, 20 and 21.
0ftMK)4, Bth floor. Mcars Building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building.
211 W.vomlng avenue.
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
dr. w. i:.
Hit. S. W. L'AMOREvUX, OFFICE 331 U'.vSll
liigton avenue. Rcshlenie, lJSv,Mulbfy.
Clnonli' dlseises, lungs, lieairt.1 tkidne ) s --end
gcnllo-uilmryoigans a specialty. Hours... 1
to 1 p. in, ,1
Hotels and Restaurants. 'Z
nue, Rates reasonable,
P. ZIEOI.ER, Proprietor.
sciiger depot. Conducted on tho European
plan. VICTOR KOCH,, Proprietor.
i en pools; no odor; only Improved pumps iwil,
A. II. Ililggs, pioprlelor. Leave orders ll'il
North Main avenue, or Eleke's ding store, cor
ner Adam, and Mulberry. Both telephone!,
Seeds, -
ri)iiun, (tore 201 Washington avenue; given
houses, lno North Main avenue, store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, P.i., iiianufieturcr of Who Seieetit
. ' ' ' ' ' i
also ladle,' waUU. I.ouUa, 'J1J
Adams avenue.
velopi'., paper bags, twine. Warehouse,, U'i
Wathii gtou iTfnu.o; Siranton, Pa,
in Scranton at the news standi of Helinuu
Bros., 40ct spruce and 60-1 Linden: M. Norton,
321 Laikavauiu avenue; Lx ,S. SchuUir, ,211
Spruce, street.
' I
. .,
a I
' II
!- ,
.-'" -..
' -.
V . -