The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Branch office in Jenkins' Drug store, corner of Main avenue and
Jackson street. Old phoue, 617-4. New 'phone, 8-2-8-7. Open even
ings until 10.30 o'clock. WILLIAM JL. HUGHES, Correspondent.
Attorney Charles R. Pitcher Elected
President Dr. P. F. Struppler,
tho Retiring President Resolu
tions Will Be Presented Two
Funerals Yesterday Pastors Ex
tend Fraternal Greetings in, the
New Embury M. E. Church.
Other News Notes and Personals.
Tlio regular monthly meeting of the
Klectrlo City Wheelmen was held lit
the club house lust evening, anil of
llceis wore elected for the coming year,
11 h follows:
President, Charles n. Pitcher; vice
president, W. Hayden Evans; secre-
nii. I. r. stim;!tm:k.
tary and Measurer, Emrys Joseph;
directors, three years. Dr. P. F., Strup
pler, John II. Fellows; two years, Dr.
v?. IJowland Davis, Samuel McCrac
len; one year, 13. Barry Davis, David
Dr. P. F. Struppler, the retiring
piesldent, has had a very successful
admlnlstiatlon duiing tho past year.
Tho howling alleys were Installed dur
ing that timo and twenty-live new
members were added to the club.
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
Three new members were elected last
evening. They were William H. Wil
liams, William A, Davis and Gwllym
Jones. Tho new president, Mr. Pitcher
passed' the cigars around among tho
boys, and Caterer Robinson served a
very palatable lunch after the meet
ing. The social committee announced that
they will conduct their closlngMnformal
dance at Mears' hall on Wednesday
evening, May 28, when Bauer will fur
nish the music. ,
The first and second bowling teams
will piny a match game of ten pins on
the alleys tomorrow evening. The
line-up will be ns follows:
First teitm Whettllng, McCraclcen,
Owens. Davis, Wllllums. Second team
Lewis, Hughes, ) Chatfleld, Stover,
The first team will also play a re
turn game on the Green Uldge wheel
men's nlleys next Monday evening. "
A base bait club Is being formed
among the imembers, and an Invitation
has been received for the team to play
ii game at Clark's Summit In the near
beth Jones, Amy Davlcs, Jennie Reese,
Gwladys II. Jones, Annie Bowen, Annie
Jones, Celnwen Williams, Leotm Perry,
Elizabeth Williams, and Arthur Davlcs,
David Thomas, Henry Perry and Me
seen Thomas.
Presentation of Resolutions.
While the lire, which destroyed the
old Scranton Street Baptist church,
was still burning the members of the
First Welsh Baptist church met and
offered to the homeless congregation
the use of their church building, which
offer was thankfully accepted.
For almost three years -the hospital
ity and brotherly friendship of the sis
ter church was enjoyed, and now that
the First Baptist church people are
cnstalled In their own new and beauti
ful home they desire 'to express In a
substantial manner their appreciation
and respect.
They have Invited the members of
the members of the First Welsh Bap
tist church to meet with them this
evening In the auditorium of the First
Buptist church when the following
programme will be carried out:
ltctiuiks Chairman William McCInc
Solo W. W. Kcips
Presentation ul 1'iigiosseil ItewlutiotK,
Dy Hcv. S. K. Mathews
Remarks llcv. 1). P. Hopkiui
Soto Miss Via Jonrc
Address Hon. J. T. Williams
Anthem Choir
Short Addresses.
Closing II; mn.
The resolutions which -will be pre
sented were engrossed by City Control
ler P. W. Costollo, on fine parchment
and are a very beautiful piece of work.
They ate framed In black ebony.
. Birthday' Party.
Mrs. Evan Jones, of Edwards com t,
entertained a party of young folks at
her home on Monday afternoon, In
honor of her little daughter Elizabeth's
fifth birthday. The children pluyod
various games, after which tea was
served. Mrs. Jones was assisted in
serving by her sistpr, Mrs. W. Will
iams, and bi other, Mr. J.
The following weie present: ElUa-
v5t eg-
m Pretty Graduate!
Fraternal Greetings.
Another large assemblage gathered
at the new Embury church last even
ing, when fraternal greetings were ex
tended to the pastor and his people by
the members and pastors of the other
churches. Rev. James Bennlnger pre
sided, nnd the subject of the evening
was "The Fraternal Spirit."
Short addresses were delivered by
Rev. J. P. Moffat, of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church; Rec. S. F.
Mathews, of tho First Baptist church;
Rev. Thomas deGruchy, of the Jackson
Street Baptist church and Rev, H. C.
McDermott, of the Simpson M, E.
This evening will be "Old Folks
Night." Rev. C, H. Newlng will pre
side, and Rev. G. Cure will .deliver an
address on tho subject "At Even Time
It Shall Be iLlfjht."
Funeral of Amos Bond. "
Rev." E. B. Singer, assistant pastor of
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church,
officiated at tho funeral services over
tho remains of the late Amos Bond at
noon yesterday. The obsequies were
held at the home of deceased's daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Phlnney, Jr., on Lafay
ette street.
Appropriate hymns were sung by the
Schubert male quartette, and the pall
bearers were the sons-in-law of the de
ceased, J. W. Walter, J. W. Kambeck,
Charles Fuller and Robert Phlnney, Jr.
The remains were taken to Elmhurst
by Funeral Director Price, where In
terment was made In the afternoon.
note lo he irouml tin, liter ft woelc'i con
finement from rheumatism.
Mr. ami Mm. Uul Sklllhorn, of Philadelphia,
re lilting Seranlon relathes nnd friend.
The bedding; nf Harry 8. ifenkliw nml Ml
ratio ttathbumo will take place at 11 o'clock
thla morning; at St. Luke's Kptocopal church.
The funeral of Mra. Ratliel Evatw, of 1.11 ftmtli
Sumner aunuc, will be held tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock at the Plymouth Oongrciratlonat
church. Interment will be made In Waahburn
afreet cemetery. nv. Peter Itolierta will cru
ciate. Prayer tetvlcea will be held at tho Iioum
this erenlnir.
Funeral of Mrs. Anna E. Klrst One
of the, Largest Ever Seen in This
Part of the City.
St. Mark's Luther League.
The Austrian Oberammergau world
famous Passion Play, as performed
every ten years by tho peasants of
Mount Horitz, will be reproduced this
evening and tomorrow evening at St.
Mark's Lutheran, church, corner of
Wushburn and Fourteenth streets,
under the auspices of tho Luther
It is a moving-picture story of the
cross, and will be given with appropri
ate music, both vocal and Instrumental.
The play Is described as being an In
tensely Interesting and descriptive lecture.
Entertainment and Social.
There will bo an entertainment nnd
social held In Red Men's hall, Saturday
evening, under the auspices of the
West Side Loyal Crusaders.
At the close of the entertainment re
freshments will be served free to all
present. Following is the programme:
folo Thomas Kilns
Itrciliillon William l)al
fcolo , Mli Dans
Humorous Addrevt Joshua Kllas
(rdphoni SclcUinn.
Ilei itatlon "A l.ojal Ciumlci" Oirl
Mediation "A Cni-adei" Boy
All are cordially invited to be
piet-cnt. Every crusader should bring
as many strangers ns possible.
Died in New York.
Mrs. Mary Hcernian, aged 43 years,
wife of Emll Heerman, died In New
Yoik on Monday, and the remains were
brought here yesterday and taken In
charge by Funeral Director Tague.
The funeral will take place from the
home of deceased's brother, Jacob
Shark, 1147 Luzerne street, either this
or tomormw afternoon. Interment'
will be made in tho Pittston Avenue
One of tho largest funerals ever seen
In this part of the city took place yes
terday ufternoon, when all that, was
mortal of the late Mrs. Anna E. Klrst
were laid In Mother Earth with solemn
ceremony. jLong before tho hour set,
hundreds of sorrowing friends had
gathered at the house, on South Wash
ington avenue, to take a last farewell
look at one whom they had highly es
teemed during life.
Services were held at 2 p. m. by Rev.
W. A, Nordt, pastor of the Hickory
Street Presbyterian church, who paid a
fitting and eloquent tribute to the
memory of deceased. The remains were
afterwards borne to their last resting
place In the Plttston avenue cemetery
by the following pall-bearers: Oscar
Helrlegel, Charles Neuls, John Grlenor
and Charles Kellerman. The many
floral offerings were borne to the grave
by John Demut and Herman Goldamer.
The following out-of-town relatives at
tended the obsequies: Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jacob Klrst, Fred Klrst and Henry
Klrst, all of Philadelphia.
Political Club Organized.
Polish National alliance, Branch 103,
of this side, held its regular monthly
meeting Sunday afternoon. Tho mem
bers of tho alliance have decided to or
ganize a political club. The object of
the club will be to educate and assist
Its members, those who have not as yet
become naturalized, to secure citizens
papers, and ulso to enllchten thpm nn
pollticul lines. The organization was
formed with 114 members, and prom
ises to be one of the strongest organ
izations in the city. The committee
In charge will make application for a
Officers were elected as folllows:
President, A. Chovnowski: vleo-m-osi-
dent, A. Vearing; secretary, K. Sof-
iiowski; treasurer, j. Pilkulskl. The
next meeeting will be held May 11.
And the Coming
Will find a world of interest in the store these days.
There is a wealth of dainty finery to look at, especially
prepared and gotten together for these momentous
occasions thai conic to most women but once in a
Fashion's Resources
J-s have been taxed to their utmost to make
if This Special Display
Meritorious from c.verv nnint nf vipw nnd wn
dially invite all who are interested in gowning the
blushing graduate, just budding into womanhood, or
preparing the faultless Bridal Robe, to give us a call,
and freely express their opinion on the merits of this
unique and timely display.
The Silk Mulls, Wash Chiffons,
Silk Batistes, Point de Esprit Nets,
Parisian Lawns, Leno Damerique,
Mousseline de Soie
And other airy and fairy-like weaves, are bound to
win your admiration because of their dainty sweetness
and elegant simplicity, while richer fabrics will com
mand' your attention because of their alluring splendor.
The Trimmings
Is in keeping with the lavish show of materials, and
includes Chiffons, Mousselines, Chantillv, Point, Ven
ice, all-over Laces, etc., Tuckings, Shirred Mousse
lines and Liberty Silks, Ribbons innumerable in all
the weaves that fashion demands, and all widths.
But men can't write about these tilings, and a wo
man can understand them at a glance.
A call from you will b esteemed a
favor this, week.
Globe Warehouse
Funeral of Mis. Thomas.
Services over the remains of the Into
Mrh. Ann D. Thomas weie hold yester
day afternoon at the house, le.u- of 114
Luzerne street, and ieie In charge of
Rev. David Jones, of the Fiist Welsh
(.' church, assisted by Hev.
D. D. Hopkins, of the Fiist Welsh Bap
tist church.
Many friends nnd relatives were in
attendance. A number of Welsh hymns
were sung during the service. The pnll
beaiets were Thomas T. Evans, Will
iam D. Thomas, John J. Morgan nnd
Daniel D. Kvans. Interment was made
in the Washburn stieet cemeteiy.
P.innoKa trilio, No. 141, Impimnl Order of Itnl
Men, Hill hold n Mnokrr nltpr tlis K'iihr mp.t.
Iiik this rtrnlnsr. Clnilri. lvliltr ulll deliu'r .in
aildrr-A un "Tho UMnry and .Motto of tho Ol
der." A meolliiK of r,imp No, 33, P.1I1 iotio Order cf
Amcriians will l,o hold in Wdoliingtun hall His
Tho Alumni tlio II ill chili will jiliy tlio Wyo
ming heiiiiiur. lo.mi nt Kinzrtr.n th'u aflermon.
fit. Irf-o's H.1U.1II011 ill hold a nieilul micllnir
toinonow olenitis .it ,0 o'tloik. All iihiiiIioir
are uracil lo Jtlend, ,n toinolhlnir iinpottant lo
thorn will he illsuisnl,
f. II. 1'IUlor, MUs M.n,v Pitcher and Mln
Until Pcilt, of Piloii flrcu. jttimlel tho (uncial
of 11 rclatltc in .Icrwy lily jotcrdiy.
Tho collodion at No. pj kIiooI this upelc
ain.iiinted lo llJj. 'I ho Interest in the fund is
Aflor their roKiilar nuclln.', on Monday oven
Inn, .1 hour wan onjojod liy the (iJin-ia
Nn society of tho .ishhurn litreit Prelitcrlan
.Mis. WIUIjiiu', of Price ttrcet, gr.niilmotlier if
Alfred. Sauuilon, one of the lwj whn ran uway
fiom homo loiciillv, coutradkti the iiililUhed
Etatcimiit that tho hoy .n chaxlisod.
The Ml-so-, M.une and (Jirollno Doiulil'on, (f
Uiiulvi', N. V aie Waiting MIm Helen Uaripj',
of llrciiiloy .iccnue,
Horn To Mr, and Mrs. lald Joseph, of Achir
avenue, a son.
A social bewlon of (he Colonial club was held
In their ruoiiH m WukhiiictPii hall last oienlncr,
when 11 lljsht lunch u (.cried ly the toclal com.
Mr, and Mr. John MeAndrew, of JacUon
etreet, iiro enltrtalnlns Iliehard lieiTernun, if
William Mclliide, of Xorllv Llnrnln aenue, has
returned home from a business trip In Canada,
Mrs. Joseph bummer and daughter, Mr. Ira.
Krcie, of Ualton, Ime returnotl home from a
Mt with Mrs. W, J. Kwns, of I,afajctle street.
Mr, and Mrs. lluhler, of Mill City, are visit
ins relathes 011 North 11 do Park aionue.
William Warner, of UoulcUboro, U (he euot
of Mr, and Mrs. V, T. Ace, of South Lincoln
a enue,
Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes, of South Ifids Paik
avenue, i reported to be seriously ill.
A neui son has brightened the homo of Ml,
and MrsJ David S. ltecse, of Price street,
Miss lUhcl Tucker, of Aihlcy, is vUItlnir l)r,
ami Mrs. T, A. Knon, of North Main avenue.
Miss ljnnia Krleg, of Kmmct slicct, enle.'.
tallied a number of her intimate friends at her
home on Monday ociiing.
William W, Kvans, of North Bromley avenue,
was squeezed betneeu u car ami the rib at the
Pine llroolt shaft on Monday, and quite badly in
Mr. Ann Owen, of West Klin street, was suri
prised by a number of her frlcmU recently, en
the octa.lon of her sevent -sixth birthday, when
a five o'clock tea was served.
The Alert ,Iae Hall club held an entertain
ment and social in Meurs' hal last evening-. The
programme included a number of vocal, instru
mental and other numbers. A social was held
Common Councilman M. J, Norton, of Jack
son street, has returned home from New York and
intends to reiide hcie permanently.
The remains of an lufaut rhlld of Mr, and Sirs.
John llcese, of Koutli Everett uvenue, were In
terred In the C'atliidrsl cuucterv Kslerdjy morn-Ink.
WllliiDi Trostcl, the Jackson ttrcet butcher, i
The following card has been .iddrpvpil lo the
member of tho South Side branch nf the Young
Women's Christian association: "Tho fourteonlh nioetiiiR of the Young Women's
Christian aooiation will ho hold Monilaj oion
ins. May 12th, at 7.41 o'clock, at the ccnlr.ll
association, 201 W.ih!iiKlon avenue, to which
jou arc cordially invited. Tho addrrw of tho
eionlnc will be made by Mr'. Nellie Dunn
William Ihitchrr, .1 well known resident of this
fide for inmy JCJrs, left jesterdaj for Philidcl
phi.i, wiioro he has 'ocured a Rood position.
Division ii, A. O. n., mot in reprulir .-c-sirn
at St. John'j hill, on t-lone avenue, la-t cur.
inpr. Dr. Quinn has moied to 7.'', Pll talon .no
nuo. Itoth 'phonoi.
John Hum-, of Pill-ton .i.rmio, Inrl ln I ami
riiiclil and hnllv injured in machinery at the
Woolen milh Mondi.v.
C-omet lodcro, Knlirhts of Pulvas met Tit irsu-
Jar -e-vlon )jt ocrnliu.
A biliy daughter lnt nnio lo lirbhl'ii the
homo of Ml. .Tn,d Mrs. Alov.ipdrr llacen.
Dr. Shlej's I.11111; tlealinir H1I-1111 is cuirin'eol
to euro all roimln. "No cine, no pay." Kor
!ilo by all dealer1..
The fmirral of .hni-ph fiirihi'r will Ivko phfo
this afternoon. Service- vcill ho conducted lo
Hev. II01111111 Hotter, and inlermsnt will be inic'c
in tho Mlnooka cimeten.
Tho funcial of the late Ad nil NVuU will tike
place loincirrov, rftemoun nt 1! p. 111,
Fiidny evening nn Interesting lnsitel
ball game will be played by the North
Knd Stars and the North Hcrant'i
Gymnasium team, at the Auditorium.
This game Is to l,e fnr the champion
ship of Northeastern Pennsylvania, The
game will be played according to as
sociation rules.
Several young men of this soction
have organised it social club, under
the name of Columbia Social club und
have taken up their quartets In the
Auditorium. The following are tho of
ficers and members: President, Evan
M. Thomas; vice president, Ira Davis;
secretary, Richard Hughes; treasurer,
Daniel Davis; members: David Gaines,
Thomas Howells, Frank Coleman,
Zachariah Wlllamo and Morgan Wil
liams. Next Sunday the Rev. W. Morris, F.
R. G. S. of Dreorchy, and the Rev.
K, Iorwerth Jones; two leading divines
and two of Wales' most popular
preachers will be at Memorial Baptist
chuich both morning nnd evening.
They will prench ulso at the same place
Monday evening. Services will be con
ducted In Welsh and English.
All members of the North Scranton
Glee society are requested to meet at
their rooms thlB evening, as business of
Importance Is to be transacted.
The Crystal Literary and Drnmatlo
club, wll present tho drama "Lin wood"
at the Auditorium, May 30.
Tho rummage sale of the Young
Women's Christian association will
open In the Osterhout building tomor
row and will continue on Friday und
George Sllkman, of New York city,
Is visiting the home of his parents on
Church avenue.
The Ladles' Auxiliary, Ancient Order
of Hibernians, are making elaborato
preparations for the dance which will
be held at the Auditorium, May 26.
The Cambrian Bowling team will
play at South Scranton, this evening.
A piano recital by pupils of Miss 12,
J, Owens, assisted by Miss Maud
Weatherhog, of Hyde Park, will be
given on Friday evening, May 9, In tho
North Main Avenue Baptist taber
nacle, Admission, a sliver offering.
Christian Science
Applied Christianity
Is the subject of a lecture to be
given at the Lyceum Theatre, Thurs
day evening, 8 o'clock, May 8, 1003,
by OABOL NORTON, of New York,
a member of the Christian Science
Board of Lectureship, of the First
Church of Christ's Scientists in Bos
ton, Jtass. All are welcome. Seats
Tm. Oims
Behind every printed testimonial to a cure offcolcd by Dr. Pierce's Goldon Med
ical Dincovery there are a thousand others imprinted. Tens of thousands of men and
women have testified to cares of scrofula, sores, erysipelas, eczema and other diseases
(caused by tho blood's impurity), through the use of this medicine. This fact is im
pressive chiefly as showing the great curative power of," Golden Medical Discovery." An
evidence of these cures it is superfluous. ' If the fact that "Golden Medical Discovery"
purifies the blood were required to be proved in a court of law to-day and a thousand
witnesses were waiting to testify, justice would have no use. for nine hundred and
ninety-seven witnesses of the thousand. It would call two or three representative wit
nesses, and on their evidence the caso would be, deoidod. Those who, witness to the
blood-purifying power of "Golden Medical Discovery" are reputable, reliable and
responsible people whoso testimony would carry weight, in any court of law in tho
land. It should carry weight with you. It is singular that people who read of cures
of scrofula effected by tho use of "Golden Medical 'Discovery " should ask: "But
wilj it cure me?" It would bo just as reasonable) to say, "I boliove it cured Mr.
Smith, btit will it cure Mr. Brown ? " What has a man's name to do with the condi
tion ol his blood? Even if his namo is Bloodgood he's just as apt to bo tortured
with eczema or a sufferer from scrofula.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood and cures blood
diseases. It takes no account of age, sex, color, rich or poor.
"Three years ago I was afflicted with a growth on the left side of the neclc," writes Mrs.
Eliza J. Stanton, of Bozrahville, Conn., Box 36. "It was the size of a walnut. My friends
were very mucn aiarmea; were sure it was a cancer. It grew quite fast, ana in a tew
months was large as a hen's egg and very painful. I grew weak and emaciated; had
no appetite, If I tried to eat I suffered terribly, for it was with grent difficulty that I
could swallow, the growth seemed to be filling up my throat. A physician in the town
where I live advised me to have it cut out. I wrote to you describing growth and
symptoms. Vou recommended "Golden Medical Discovery," and a solution to
use ou ray inronc: inree umes a uay. Alter 1 wrote you a menu wrote, uuicnown
to me, to a cancer doctor, I received a letter from him saying the growth was of
a cancerous nature I paid no attention to him, but took seventeen bottles of the
' Golden Medical Discovery ' and used the solution as advised. The bunch on my
neck gradually grew smaller aud less painful, until it finally disappeared. My
general health improved, and I rejoice to say that I have enjoyed good health
ever since. It is two years since I was cured."
It is 0110 of the contradictions of human nature that people who
believe all men arc "created of ono blood", belie their own belief in
practice. If John Smith testifies to a cure little notico is taken of the
fact. But if Senator eomobody is cured of a boil then tho medicino
must bo all right. Yet blood is the same in king and kaiser, prince and
peasant, senator and tramp. It is made in the samo way of digested
food. It is circulated by tho same meohanism. If an emperor's blood
is impure ho'll have boils or some other eruption like tho commonest
of his subjects. It follows just as surely that a. medicine that will purify
the blood of a somebody will purify the blood of anybody Dr. Pierce s
Golden Medical Discovery purifies tho blood; anybody's blood, every
body's blood, if it is impure.
" I am glad to say for Dr. Pierce that his medicine has done me more good
than all the medicine I have ever taken," writes Mr. Hilery Koons, of Queens,
West Va. " I had scrofula and erysipelas for eighteen years, until I heard of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When I commenced to take his med
icine I weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. I have taken six bottles of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and three vials of his 'Pleasant Pellets,'
and am glad to say I feel like a new man. I now weigh one hundred and
seventy-five pounds. When I had used one bottle of the medicine I could feel
it was helping me."
The medicine which will purify the blood at one season will do it
at anoiuer. i or mis reason mere is no Doner moon-puniyiiig uieui
cine for sprincr use than " Golden Medical Discovery." It carries m
off tiie impurities of tho blood. , It cures scrofula, sores, eczema,
boils, pimples and other eruptive diseases. It increases the sup
ply of pure blood, ricli in the red corpuscles of health, and so
gives vigor ana vitality to tho whole body.
" I was troubled with eczema from the crown of my head to the
soles of my feet," writes Mrs. Ella Quick, of Cass City, Tuscola
Co. , Mich. " Could not walk at times nor wear my shoes. Thought
there was no help for me at least the doctor said there was none.
I went to see friends at Christmas time and there heard of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery had done for theni,
and was advised to try it at once. For fear that I might
neglect it, my friend sent to the village and got a bottle and
made me promise that I would take it. I had been getting
worse all the time. I took thirteen bottles of the ' Golden
Medical Discovery ' and ten vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets, and used the 'All-Healing Salve,' which made a
complete cure. It was slow, but sure. I was taking the
medicine about eight months."
Siok people, especially those suffering from
chionic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierco
bv letter free and so obtain (without charge) tho
opinion of a t-pociulist on their ailments. All cor
respondence strictly confidential. Address Dr.
K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for " Golden Medical Dis
covery." There is nothing "just as good" for
diseases of the blood, stomach and lungs.
i i Jfiiillnir iiL
Jffl fii' y rm I
ill BpftwyfWM i7 H
Jk Vi BBJ0R lilA . n
77w SVV mm J A. . ISA ,
& xSOv VlHjKttMiil'r :
umi in ii" 1 A
L I I '
&ra PSesoa'a Gammon Sonse Mef
SssB Mtfvssar, csntawfag mora than
a ifootsssintS large pages and! over
780 SSJtsstsratEcns, is sent FHEE on
receipt! of siamps to pay oxponso
of mailEstg ONLY Sent! 31 one-cent
stamps for the clotla-hound volume,
or onSy St stamps for tho hook In
paper covers (
Address Br R. V. PIEROE, Buflaio, M Y
"I write this note for the
benefit of any who may be suf
fering," say3 Mr. John T. Walk,
of iltifdoon, Texas. "I have
received a perfect cure. Had
a chronic sore leg tor four
years, and went to see two
doctors, but they failed to do
me any good. I wrote to you
for advice, and you told me to
take Dr. Pierce's Golden fled
ical Discovery and use his
All-Healing Salve. 1 did so,
and after using five bottles of
Golden Medical Discovery '
and six boxes of the 'Salve'
1 was cured. I will recom
mend your medicines to all
my friends, and will advise
any who are suffering from
any chronic disease to write
to Dr. Pierce, as he will kind
ly give advice freely as he did
to me."
w ,yjAwg7gpairasc-.3a
Lyceum Theatre
M. Iti:iS. I.os'cc ami Jlanasor.
A. J. DUITV, Ilcismcij Manner.
J. II, htoilliiK prc'cntt (tlnnl scj'on) the Dram
atic Comedy Nmelty Smic'ccns,
Rose Melville
is Hopkins"
Special n.iririln Div M.itlnrc
I'llrrs, 21 and M icnUj children lo any part
of tlicMtrr. 11 cents,
f-oats on ealc lomuuov. at t) .1. in,
Academy of ritisic
II. m!JS, LeMte. A. J. Duffy, Uinajtr,
Mh this vi:i:k. matiski: uvi:uv dav.
Schiller Stock Go,
This Afternoon "MONTE OEISTO"
The Great Zarrow Trio
At Hvprr Performance,
Intludlng PElloy niUrClUK, Scranton'n favorite
Kunlnit I'rlee-10, 20 and 30 rent.
Matinee Prlcea 10 and 20 cents. .No higher,
$. .j. .j, ., .j. .j. .fr ' ! ! Z
Tbe Kneiscl Quartette,
Scranton Illcjcle Club. Under u tuple ea of tho
Free Klndcigaitcn Association.
Tickets, 1.50.
JCo ltcecricd Scats.
Free Food Fair :
National exhibition of fine and famous
foods, gathered from every part of the world
for your instruction and entertainment.
Demonstrations of things to eat and use.
Samples and beautiful souvenirs for all.
a ii
m 1
For Two Weeks
For the convenience of the public and
the courtesy of the dealers we supply them
with tickets. Ask your grocer to save you
a ticket. 'There'll be no cost. Watch for
list of exhibitors.
IIi:i.P WANTBD-We will requlic thlity tjlili
lo aUt our demonstrators, Apply Inspect.
rct3, National Food Show company, bcianton, I'a,
ALF. 0. UEItlllNQTOS, llaniftr.
Thuaday, Friday and Saturday, Jlay 8, 0, 10.
W y y y 1 W
ff Todaj 3.15 p. 111., )f
H SClt.VMOX. $
' . m
M v v - ' T '4 '4-4 MM'
Admission, ii ccntj.
JSr 'I
4pjsBai IH
ll no
j !?- 'A 'la.
x t t V
7'. rw
' a.
i-K -' riirtLy.Hf n ,