rw; ft ,4, ' S. ! Vs-TITjpsitf-f5-.JB 'r53!3fr7 ?5.v V t ! r r '! 1 P 4 " , 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MAX 0, 1901 L ':.: Points AboutPAINT 1. Brllllnncy. 2. Durability. a. Covering Capacity. Till! COST U NOMINAL nml liMrt BO mii!i.irlon with Hip HATISIWCTION CJliPtlciiiTil nml IIIXII.T iillt.ilnci! In tilnif an nrtltlr wl.le'li lonlulm llicso Tinti:i: i:ssskntia iHAI.itii:h LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT in llio tl('0(JNIZi:i) HTANDAIU) In toady Mlxcel I'ulnts. Atlantic White Lead and Pars Linseed Oil ... . tint.e nn "r.VIIIiljASTIXd" tulnl ami ttlirii nppllnl ullli wnmsii's IIIUIHIICS a lii.nillliil miel ticiinniunt llnlsli Is al Miija nssurnl. WIIOU:SAM! iiml Itctull ARdits. MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lackawanna Ave. KBm Lft VQI Two Attractive Features Of our plock Is Hip low ernl nml rti't Unit quality truly good inc.-.; ilon't Jim think? Our line I-t WALL PAPER, PAINTS MOULDINGS, SHADES PICTURES, FRAMES, ETC. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 Washington Avenue. ttJUV CITDDDD From Rheumatism II 111 OUl 1 'Llll v lien you can be so nulckly'cureii by our system of treatment without the use of elruns write for booklet. Consultation Free. Lady Assistant. Both 'P.iones. nr.Herb'tl.Furmin KX X oooooooooooo 0 li. Aie-l .iluc for T cents, Q Morris Magnet Cigar Tiy otic ami jou will sinoko no other. All the lcidlncr l''ls of Se: clfJis at $1.7." iwr Imv, or n for 2ji ,.usol jiioty of fines In Scranton. E. C. MORRIS, a aao Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO City Notes, j I'HOPKIITV TItAXM'KIi.- . A. I'neldttooil has purchased Jmlsre Xi'annu'.i pioperly, on Jclfci.-on utenuc, and will oempy it. II.. I.. AND W. PAY DAYS. The cinploji-s of the (.hops wrio p.iid yesterday, and the eiu plojes of (In- m.ichinu shops will be paid today. Al'lJITINT! Ci)MMlln:i:. A number of lillls wiie ,ippioed 1 thu joint .uielltinir loiiiniitiio of loiiiiclH at a icgular iiicptliur, lield l.isl night. AM.-DAY Mi:irriXC Aii all-day merlin will he held in (he Co; pel Tabernacle church, Jetler on aiinup, Dimmoie, todai. -Mi. Aitliur Iluw den, of South China, will speak. bl'XDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION', 1 lie Laika. wanna County Suudiy School association will hold its annual conwntioii in the 1'ioWileiue SIcthjdis-t Kpbcopal thuich toda.i. COMPANY O 'IO JIHKT. W.,al meetlnz of rompiny C, Tliliteentli leiilmcut, will he held J (oiiiriu in me aimory ai .s ociou., (lie eiders for the kliaki uniform.-, will he HAND WAIiOX SKU.I'.N. A tin ill band w.ikui and two li.l uM.i were slolen last nlj,-lil Mom Mi'Mullen' Ihiiy stnlile in (,'reen llldije, by u. lies unknown. The police weie notllWd, (JIM IL HIIODKS llev. .lames lliwhes will KUe a lecdue on Ml. Hhodes ill Hie AcIjiiis Awmie chapel, .New York tlieet, on May :j, Mi, HiiKhe.s was peifonally ac-iiialntrd with Mi, Ithodci. AN.NTAI. l'i:W..I.nT.N(;.-'llie po. Utlins at the Klin I '.ilk chuictt attraeled a l.irxe number nf members of the cousiPKatlon jt nleht. All Hi'! pew weie amtloiiod olT and eiy IiIkIi lilds weie receind for tlie first n'lectlons. About $.ia wjt the aeiage prleu bocuied for each pew , SCHOOL- DIIIIX'IOIIs' Mi:i;TINa.-The .c-hool diirctora of the emiiity will meet this afternoon In the (unit lioiiic' to elect a county superintend ent of MhooK I'rof. .1. C. Tajlor, who has hem superintendent for tin- lat iv )tna, will ho elected to succeed hluiself, NKWMAN CMJII. At tonight's meeting of the Newman Magazine club, Attorney I'. I', Iugh ran will ilelUer an uildids on "IVudalUm," and Mi4 Mary Dojle will lead a paper on "Cauliiul Life and Work." I'tof, William Kelly will contribute two baritone tolos. nifl Tlllli: rillt PAIIK. A bis maplo tiee, which stood at 'the coiner ot Arthur au'iute anil Mulberry ktieet, waj pifecnted lo tho city ye. terday by 1'ldllp Itoblnson, uhn owns the land, and wai, icmoud acioss Hie lieet to yjy Auj; park, wheru It will ornament (lie entrance, lYOUNH 110 V IN.Il'li:il.-Arlhur Heck, (he ,oun nun of i'ranU Ileck, of Siumicr iitenue, nus run down by one of Jonas Lons's Sons." lutnm, while rhlliiK along tVjoinlnu; aienue last jcslcr day alltrnuon. One.ol (he wheeU of (he wagon passed ocr Ids right leg, It ijultc ter. HIOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS 'Vr f.'!!l,,,'l.rcn'. Mtlier dray, for jears a nurc in (he Chlklren'a Home, in .New Yolk, Heated ihll clien MKCewfully Willi a icinrdy, now prepared and placed in the drug Unres, railed Mother (litVii Sttect 'owdcru ror Clilldren. They aro harmleaH us milk, idea;aut to lake and never (all. A certain -euro for feicrWiiic&s, con.tlpa. Hon, head ache, teething ami bU.iu.uh dUoi. clcr and iciuove worina. At all diuggUU, 2.k. Don't utii'pt, any uli,lltutc. ainple ellt Kllt'U. AUdrus Allen S. Oliiiitcd, Lc Uoy, N, y, L lousl.v. He uns taken Inln Dr. W. M. Itcjilj'n olllir, ulicrc Ills Injurlr were elrcmcJ and lio was later ronoicel to hi home, W. C. T. II. Ml:l:TI.N(1.-Thc crntriil clly lirandi nl Hie Wouim's ClitMlan Trinpimmi! iinlnii will inccl this aflrrnonn In Oueni'r.v The unlijiit tu lie illsriivnl will lii "Why l t'ltf.iretlo Smoklint Hie .Mot I'milelum I'unii ti( Hie Tnkmei HaliK, ami li.ll Is Hip Attitude of Hip t.lfiior DoJlcr T' Hip MiMrclIci" minisit.iis orneMis.-Tiif .tciiuiiiit Mlnl'lcrs ul Serantiin inel In Mini I'atk tliunli at ID nn n'l'luik jrslprdiiy. The nlllicM elected were! I!ev. .1. X. Il.illey, pie'liknll llev. ('. II. Xrulnif. ke irrldcnt, mil I.'. II. Injier, iif tarj.tpauri'r. llev. taillur IIcm Wiirlnsr cac an enthusiastic adilipts on "I'liot Prints of .Mm Wclc Alirnad." IlilAtrrilVl. I'll'i: Dlti:A.M, I'alrnlinan Thom as llians has not lieen appointed assistant d'etre tlw, nn enoiicoui'ty rppoitnl In n mninlliR paper jesteiil.iy. Nolllirr lias It t'coii derided tu rlunce the fhlfis nf the de-k srinritnli and make enrh sergeant woik twehe houis, as rrrutipnusly IP' pulled In Hip shiic paper. It mlchl alcu lie wpic ttoued tint neither of these "police channel" Is et n in ioiitcinilatloii. COXSTAHMIS JIIX A nunilier of the inrmlien nf the ('uiital'le' .invlallnn, who were In Hie illy .xi'lcrdar pirM'iitlnir their (epulis In rouit, met In lliirr'o hall In the afteinoim anil dlmiissed at Iriiulli their ptrlevam c, which wcie piidiudlcd In a petition presented to null Milne few weeks api. It was ilei hied In loutliiile (he llffht for Hie rrioKiiitiou of (lielr daluis. WII.MIV CI XI'.IIAI,. The rutin at of Hie laic lliny Uilsnn, fun of Harry T. Wllwm, took plan- jeslrrd.iy iiflrrimnn tioni J'iS tl.iliforil rourt. Seniles wne conduetid at the home by llev. I!. .1. llaiiL'litun, curate o( SI. I.uke'a llplsiopal i-lmtili. The pall liearern werp former pomi-ades nf the deic.i'id. Scwant rrendlp, (orpnial Jlmisc, Corporal O'llara and Corporal Whitney, Spanish war eleians. The tloicrs hearen were D-uld llinnias. .Ie-e Coiirlilixhl, Alhert .Ionian, .lames Hied and Wink Kencttl. Interment was in iilu In the Cainlirlan lemelery. Washburn flreel. The remains nrrled here jiwtridiy alternooii at 1."0 from l.e,wl?ton, wlieie death IPultPd I'rlday from a fall fiom n liiillilini;. ONLY ONE BID. Painters Ave Not Anxious to Do Work for the City. Yesterday wttH tho day flxi'd for llto oppnlnR of blclH for the painting of the LaickitwHtiiiii mid Cedar avenue bridges. Only one bid was received. That one was sent In by Frank J. Johnson, who recently painted both tho Interior and exterior of tho municipal building. Mr. Johnson offci-H to paint the Lack awanna, nvonup brldsr for $515 und to Rive It an extra coat for $190. Ho offers tu paint the Cedar avenue bridge for $274 and give it an extra coat for $D5. It has not been decided whether or not to award him tho contract. i SUPREME COURT AGREES. Decision for the Plaintiff in the Case of Gilmore Against Duffy. In the Supreme court, at Philadelphia, yesterday, an opinion was handed down allirming the finding ot the loeal court In the long-drawn-out case of A. G. Gllnioro against A. F. Duffy. The parties were partners in the wholesale grocery business. .When they dissolved partnership e.ich alleged that the other was Indebted to him. The local court made an accounting and awarded Mr. Gilmore $3,700. The Su preme court concurs in this (hiding. KNEISEL QUARTETTE. Will Be at the Bicycle Club Thurs day Night. The Kneisel Quurtelte will be at the Hlcycle cdub on Thursday night, for the first visit to Scranton by this famous organization. The programme has been selected with the utmost care and rep resents some of the best selections in their repertoire. The Free Kindergarten association is greatly in need of money, and in fur nishing this splendid entertainment for Scranton deserves the heartiest support. Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Rates to St. Paul or Minneapolis, Account National Baptist Anni versaries. On account of the National Baptist anniversaries, at St. Paul, Minn,, May 20 to 2S, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets from all stations on its lines to St. Paul or Minneapolis, May 17 to 19, good to leturn not earlier than May 21, and not later than May 29, at greatly reduced' rates. These tickets will be good for leturn passage only when executed by Joint Agent at St. Paul or Minneapolis and payment of 25 cents made for this service. By depositing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than May 21 nor later than May 29, and payment of 50 cents at lime of deposit, un extension of return limit may be obtained to leave St. Paul or Minneapolis not later than June HO, As Beautiful as a Flower. The North river is beginning to put on Its holiday attire so far as the river craft is concerned, and the Steamer Monmouth of the Sandy Hook route, which goes In service May nth, Is among the first to appear in new dress. The Sandy Hook route has without ex ception the finest cluss of patronage of any line in the world. Tills Heet Includes the stenmers Monmouth, Sandy Hook and St. Johns, unci- leaves from pier S, North river, foot of Hector street, running to Atlantic Highlands, wlieie trains are met for coast resorts, Including Seabriglit, Long Brunch, Deal Klueron, Asbury Park, Avon and H. Pleasant. The boats are staunch in build, superb in equipment ami greyhounds in speed. The staterooms ate rented for the season by men piom Ineiu In Wall street and In political and social life, and their quurteiB as well as the main salons are elaborate ly fitted and furnished. Each boat bus a llnely equipped dining room under the direction of a prominent caterer, and the entire craft Is so .bundled as to make them lloatlng palaces, The trips tire so timed as to bo convenient for the banker, broker and business man who desires a liomp at Jersey seaside resorts. The management of the New Jersey Central has Inaugurat ed a fire brigudo oil Its North River property In West Btreet, and cotnpleto lire uppurutus bus been installed. An other feature this company bus recent ly adopted Is the carpeting of the ulsles In Its Atlumlc city, Lakewood, Shore, und main line trains. The new double ended locomotives for suburban work which am new to this section of thu country have begun to arrive, und aro models of strength, assuring speed and schedule time, Vacation Pointers, Ceutial railroad has placed on sale at many of Its stations summer excursion tickets good going ay 1st to Septem ber 30th, Inclusive, and good for re turn until October 31st. These excur sion tickets covers points Kast and North Including Montreal, and us fur West as tho Paclllo coast. If you aro Interested sqnd to the Central Passen ger Department of tho New Jersey iVntrul, Now York city, for "Summer Excursions." SORRY STORY OP THE KRUGS EACH ACCUSED OTHER OF LACK OF AFFECTION. Wife Alleged That Her Husband Trcnted Her Coldly and Abusively. Husband Averred That He Lav ished Affection m Her, but She Never Responded to His Tender noss Equity Case in Which Many Thousands of Dollars Are Con cerned Lennon Illegally Elected. Judge ICtlwnrds yesterday granted a divorce in the case of Delia K. Krug against Willis J. Krug. They were mar ried June 12, 1MI5, In t'eekvllle, by lie v. S. C. Hlnipklus, and lived together there until February, 1890, when she left him because bo made her life unbearable, Ho was a foreman In her father's plan ing mill at the time of the marriage. in her testimony at the hearing she stated that he treated lice coolly from the very day of their marriage. On their wedding trip, which Included a trip up tho Hudson, ho avoided her, and upon their arrival at Albany he sent her on to Boston, while he remained over night in Albany. When he came to Boston the next day he nllowod her to remain nt the house of a friend, while hr took a room at the hotel. She also told that on ono occasion, when on ac count of illness she avoided his com panionship, ho assaulted her, threw her to the floor und choked her till she fainted. The husband was represented at (lie hearing by Hon. Grant Herring and Hon. M. K. McDonald. They endeav ored to show on cross-pxamination thnt Mrs. Krug told her husband on their wedding trip that slip did not marry him because she loved him, and. In fact, hated htm. An attempt was made to show that at Boston she insisted on his securing two rooms at tlte hotel, that she und her girl friend might stay to gether and have a visit. When he re fused, she went -to the girl friend's house and left him at the hotel. The husband swore at the hearing that the reason he remained over in Albany was that his baggage was de layed and she was so anxious to get to Boston she would riot wait over with him till the baggage came. He denied ever having laid violent hands on her and maintained that at nil times he treated her with the greatest tender ness and affection. The respondent further testified that he is still working for the libelant's father. In the case of C W. Bobbins against Frances H. Bobbins, the libellant was directed by court lo pay the respondent u counsel fee of $30 and $18 a month ali mony pending the divorce proceedings. In the ense of Minnie A. Clearwater against Walter K. Clearwater, court directed the respondent to pay the libellant $25 a month alimony, until further order of the court. In Equity Court. Judge Kdwards yesterday convened a week's session of equity court. The cases marked for trial were: A. D. Deaii et ul. against B. M. Winton et al., B. S. Itobinson et nl. against M. Kemmerer et al., A. D. Spencer et al. against Nay Aug Coal company et al J. F. Gllroy against Freeman Lamed et al., Mary Lydon against Anthony Lydon, Knima Plummer against Hill side Coal and Iron company et al New Schiller Building and Loan asso ciation against John It. Okell et al., and Jennie Dean against Franklin Howell. The case of Dean and others against Winton and others was called, yester day afternoon, and will In all likeli hood he the only case tried as It prom ises to continue for several days, pos sibly a week. It Is a suit to secure an accounting for coal royalties on one half of the one-fourth Interest held by Joseph Church in the Griffin coal tract. The sum covers a period of twenty-two years. For sixteeen years the royal ties amounted to $1,011 a month. Since then they average $025 a month. The tract In question has been in litigation for fifteen years. S. B. Trice and H. M. Hannah repre sent the plaintiffs. The defendants' attorneys; are Major Everett Warren, M. J. Martin and I. H. Burns. Lennon Was Legally Elected. The contest for the office of council man In the borough of Olyphant, which grew out of the election In February, 1S99. was disposed of by Judge 11. M. Edwards yesterday. Tho order sets forth that elghty-SPven legal voles were cast for John A. Len non, the contestant, for the office of member of the borough council of Hip borough of Olyphant, and tbut eighty legal votHf were cast for A, F. Gillespie, the respondent, for said olllce, by which the said John A. Lennon was duly elect ed lo the said oflice of member of bor ousli council of the borough of Oly phant. The contest Is therefore sus tained, and the said John A. Lennon having received the qualified number of legal votes cast at said election for Hie said olllce of member of borough coun cil for the borough of Olyphant Is ad judged to have been duly elected there to It is further ordered und decieed that the costs be paid by the borough of Olyphant. For a County Morgue, Attorney John F, Murphy repre.sent- HAVE TO GIVE UP. It's All Over When Nervous Sick Headache Comes to Young or Old, Everything Stops and Nothing Goes On but the Nervous Sick Headaches. If anything will engender a dlsro gard for oven llfo Itself It Is continued or oft-repeated attacks of sick head ache. You may bo nble to purtlally describe It, but tho English languugo falls to do It fully Justice. It's misery so concentrated, so condensed, so pros trating that all else is enveloped in itB nieehes. Mr. Thomas Summers, of No. jgio Juekson street, Scranton, Pa,: says: "Dr. A. W, Chabo's Nervo Ps uro a splendid cure for nervous sick head aches. Mlno were terrlblo at times, i wus nervous at tho samo time, Tim norve pills wero recommended ,0 11Q and I got a box at Mathews Bros.' drug store, No. 3:0 Laekuwunna ave nue, mid they completely cured tho headuches und nervousness. This, I think, Is recommendation enough." Dr, A, W, Chase's Nervo Pills aro sold at 50c. a box at dealers, or Dr, A. W. Olmso Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, Y, See that portrait und slgnuturu of A. W. Chusc, M. D., aro on every puclsage, Ing, Coroner Snltry and a. number of other physicians took steps, yesterday, for the establishment of a county morgue, . The county commissioners will lay llio matter before the grand Jury. If tvvti successive grand Jurlpn approve of the Idea, Hip court Is nlilltorlzcd to direct that the commissioners (shall construct and maintain such un Institution. Grand Jury in Session. Judge Edwards charged the grand Jury, yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock and sent it out with J. W. Howurth as foreman. Thprc nro no big cases of general In terest to come before tho Jury. Tho most Important bo fur sent to tho of fice of tho district attorney are the half dozen prosecutions for selling olenmtirgcrlno brought by Deputy Stuto Food Inspector Stephens Returned by Constable Thomas, The only return to court yesterday was made by Constnblo W. II. Thomas, of the Eighth ward of this city, who charged the following to thu court with keeping tippling and bawdy houses: Nellie Bly, alias Nellie Freeman, Jen nie Durfy. Lilly Snnford, villus Lilly Henry, and Daisy Miller. Marriage Licenses. FranteMo llonfjiill Aiurillna .. .Mm llageii Annie Ihuchem .... Scranton Scranton SVratitnn Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Joseph Woelktra withdrew his application for a detcitlvp licence jcslerday. Joseph (licenhcrrjer was appointed deputy eon stable for (he Klghtli ward of the city of Scran ton jcstirday. (.'corse I". Donhn was yoMenlay appointed con stable of Hip rirl waul of Dunmore, lcc John Naugliton, leagued. An application tor a license for the Speedway hold was yenlerd.iy filed by X. (). Major. There will be u hcJlImr, .May 1'.'. In Hie case of the commonwealth against Tlionns W. Stark, the rule lo mmcmlcr defend ant was iIIm lunged JCslcrd.iy. In the niittcr of the roads ill Spring ltinok township, it -was oulered yesterday that tho bills of the viewers he pild by the county. With lefcnnce lo the road In Spiing Ilrook and Cllfloti townships, Judare Kelly handed down an opinion jestcrday, dlaiiUsIng the objections, to the exceptions', mistalidng the exceptions and set ting aside the icport. Couit joleid.iy icMiked the appointment of Charles Jacobs as deputy constable of the Twen tieth waul, it having been shown that ho was comlcled of selling liquor without a license at tho last term of court. Judge lalnards handed down an opinion cs terday, scttlmr aside the rcpoit of the commit--sloners who were appointed to consider the ad visability of dividing the borough of Old Forgo into uuidj. The commissioners were directed to proceed further, in accordance with the act of as bcmbly and the rules of court. In the init(er of (he petition to make the Hioun Hollow turnpike a public road, Judge V.. C. Xewcomb handed down an opinion jestei day, which paid: "There is an appeal pending, tinder which (lie question of ilamages will hao lo be (ricd by a jury, so (hat the lepoit of ciowera cannot be dually continued now. At (his (line, we only dispo-e of (he exceptions, the final continuation of the rcpoit being held to await the disposition of the appeal. The excep (ions aic disinised." Joseph Alieiin. who xas convicted jomc time ago of selling liquor without a license, was to hae been sentenced jestcrday. His attorney, Joseph O'Hricu, made a motion to liac the scn tcue defetred until nit .Monday, to ghc liini time to arrange some of his business ufT.llis and to sell sonic of his piopcrty, that he might bo able to jiay the tine that must be imposed upon him. The district attorney did not make any ob jection to Hip motion, and Judge Kelly defened Mntence until newt .Monday. F. W. Horubnlcer, xvlshes to announce to the public and his patrons, that he litis dissolved business relations with Flory & Brooks and that he is now located at the old location 211 Wash ington avenue, where he will receive all orders for developing and finishing and deliver all finished work uncalled for. Also carry a complete line of kodaks, cameras and photographic supplies. Drunkeness and Morphine Habit Cured Permanently. A physician who htis made these frightful evils a life study will take a limited number of patients into his own house for treatment. Best of reference. Hundreds of testimonials on application. Write or enquire at Box 500, Tribune olllce. This trade mark indicates purity and per fection in brewing, and has been used on more bottles than any other label in the world. Found only on the famous bottling of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n St. Louis, U. S. A. "Breiccn of the famous Budwolser, Mlchelob, Black Ct Tan. Fault, Pale-Lager, Anhcusor5tandard, Export Pale and CxqulsltOi CASEY BROS. Which? Wet" Mince Meat is sold from open pails or mussy tubs, ex posed to dirt and dust or wore. mm such Mince Meat r38SgSS is contfreistd 'and sold in dainty, air-tight, water-proof cardboard cartons, Each ioc, package is juicy, meaty, fruity and wholesome and it will make two LARGE pies or three n pies, also Fruit Cake or Pudding, CleanHonest Economical Beware of "other" package goods insist on getting None-Such. If your grocer should not keep it, wo will tell you one that does. HERRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N.Y. THE CONTEST STARTS WELL FOUR CONTESTANTS MADE HE TURNS YESTERDAY. Tho First to Enter the Contest Wnn the First to Bring In Points An Unusually Early Start Those Who Brought In Points Wero All Young Men Tho Young Ladies Will Probably Report Soon Throe More Entries Those Who Wish to Enter Should Start at Boglnning. Standing of Contestants Points 1. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 18 2. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton 11 3. Wm, Cooper. Prlceburg. . . 7 4. J. A. Havenstrltc, Scran ton 4 The Tribune's third Educational Contest started off yesterday with a vim. In the two previous contests It has taken until the third day before a single contestant returned points, and It was hardly to be expected that so much would be accomplished so early in the struggle as the returns printed this morning would indicate. It shows that the young men, at least, have made up their minds to make a showing very early in the contest. The above table shows that four of those who have entered the contest have made a. good start toward a successful ending. The first contes tant to bring in points yesterday was J. A. Hnvenstritc, of 414 Vine street, Scrunton, xvho, by an odd' coincidence, was the first one to hnve his name en rolled, he having sent In his applica tion on March 31 and receiving the premier place of the entry list. William Cooper, of Prlceburg, also came in early in tho day, with the points he has succeeded in getting since he received his book on Satur day. Homer Kresge, of Hyde Park, was the third to show progress, and he wus soon followed by Mr. Kellerman. This completed the returns for the first day. It will be Interesting to watch this list of contestants from day to day, to see It expand and note how the leaders may vai-y. Perhaps some of the young lady contestants, of whom there are quite a number, may be in the van be fore the end of the week. There were three more entries yester day, as follows: Emanuel Buccl, 1023 Linden street. Harry Bradley, 625 Washington ave nue. Lewis McCusker, 71S Court street. The entry list will remain open for some time yet, so as to give all those who desire to participate in the con test nn opportunity to do so". The plan and rules of the contest are print ed daily on the fourth page, and those xvho have not yet been made aware of the xvonderful opportunities offered to the ambitious should' peruse It. They may find the chance of their life time spread before them. A booklet containing tho plan and rules of the contest will bo sent to any one who will forward their address to this of fice. All inquiries should be addressed "Contest Editor, Scranton Tribune, Scrunton, Pa." in order to Insure a prompt reply. Lackawanna Railroad Popular Ex cursion to Niagara Falls. On May 29th the ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad xvill sell special round trip tickets to Niagara Falls good going on any train on the above date and for return up to and including June 1 at the extremely low rate of one way fare plus one dollar ($1.00) for the round trip which xvill be $7.70 from Scranton. Children between the ages of five und twelve years one half of the adult rate. "A" She and the Eagle are known sym bols wherever the sunof civiliz ation has risen. Wholesale Dealers, SCRAN I ON FA. mmmmm "V .' A V "' r -. -. .'.1 & '!&WZ oiiilflHr Upholstering and Cushion Work Is done by us cheaper and better than anywhere else in towu. We rcfinish furniture also. Our cabinet maker will call on request to give estimates. Scranton Bedding Co., F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Some of These Days I 1 You'll Need Such Things I V Warm weather will soon be here; why not pick out the ej 9 summer needs when the stocks arc full? : If Women's Washable Suits A choice lot of these Wash Suits are ready for selling to- day and no matter how small the price, you have our guar- C; antee as to the rightness of the garments and the permanence J of the colorings. Pretty and Popular, White and Figured 5j Lawns, Polka-Dot Ducks, and so on through the line. J 9 Tucks and embroidery trimming, prices from $2.50 up. wr. 9 Pique Skirts $1.75 up. Duck Skirts 75c up. ' : 5 See the Shirt Waists Almost as refreshing as the pretty cool garments them selves is the pleasure of picking from such lots as we offer you. All the new styles and fabrics; Cashtrinc, French Madras, Lawns and the like. Colored Waists, 50c up. White Waists, 89c up. The ''Geisha" is very popular on account of the fit and gen eral get-up. In any case take a look through the .stock; You'll see something to please you. By the way, there's Misses' Shirt Waists and Wash Suits in white and colors. And a New lot of Children's Wash Dresses. 3 '00 f Pretty Parasols 2 Parasols usually go with the summer costume and we ; have a fairly good assortment. 5oc to $10.00 Each 2 And prices in between, tells of the supply here for your 15 choosing. iMcConnell & Co. 3 The Satisfactory Store. 1 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. &wmmyMmmmKmv.mmmwwmmmt (RANE'S Today--Also Wednesday Important Clearing Sale of Spring Tailor-Made Suits. In newest fabrics, all colors, sold heretofore at $18.50, $20.00, $22.50 and tf C Cfi $25.00. All at the uniform price of pU Jv A great offer in good grade Suits, in all colors, 'all cloths, all sizes, formerly $25.00, $26.00, $27.50 and $29.00, at Vy C( the uniform price of. A collection of High-Grade Ladies' Suits, in all the newest spring models and materials, formerly $30.00, $3250. $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50, at the uni form price of 324 Lackawanna Ave. Take Elevator. 4 This Elegant ONLY Made of clear white maple, varnished, and is large, heavy, strong and durable, We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come early to get one. They sell regularly from Sa.So to $3.oo. Scranton Carpet Registered, 400 Manager. Both 'Phone T e e Si Si t 6 & , piiJJ $2f.50 Porch Chair $1.30 & Furniture Co., Lackawanna Avenue. 4 ,,i i :. 'I i -& I m . A 1 A M H 1 -I n