The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 05, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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THE sen
Thirty-three Scholarships
Valued at
(RHHimVU f7V W',1
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.. TTTT . i i I I M M" .yr-rfT -
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The opportunity of a
lifetime for all ambitions
yoizzkg persons
1. Eucknell University, Lcwisbiirg $ r20
l'our .miis' touiM-, comhiK tuition, fufnislied room, heat, light nml
cue of loDin. lor ;i jouuir man.
L Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y i;$2
Tour jchm' cMirsp, cuirrin? tuition :iml Inel.lontnl rpriiso, in the
(oIIpkc of Liberal Arts or the College of Applied Science. For a '
jounc; nun.
I!. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y , j;(2
S.unc us S.liobrililp .No. 2.
4. University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y ,,L'4
I'onr jr.iu' coinsc, cociinj; tuition anil incidental expenses lor
jouiy nun.
Preparatory Schools
5. Washington School for Boys, Washington, D. C 1,700
j'ic j !. mime (or lrs If (ln indent sliniiM complete the roins.o
in a khoitsr time), coming tuition and mid-day luncheon. Tor a
joung man.
(J. Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport. . . 7.10
Three jcirV iimc-c, tuition, bond, furnished room, heat,
light and ns-Jiing. l'ui a .Nouns 1111.11 or woman.
7. Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School, Carlisle. . 750
Tin re j mm' inui-c, iwerins tuition, board, luinished room, heat,
lUht and uMMuntr. Tor a jouu;; nun or woman.
8. Newton Military Academy. Newton, X. T 720
Two j mm' rniiMo, inerhiK I'ultloii. hoard, furnished room, heat,
light and washing. l"or a jouns man.
9. Keystone Academy, Factoryville 000
'Hiiro jean' com.-e, oierinr tuition, boaid. furnished room,,
light and washing-. 1'or a juuinr man or woman.
10. Brown College-Preparatory School, Philadelphia... GOO
Tluce jcaia" cour-n-, cohering tuition, for a joung nnn.
11. School of the Lackawanna, Scranlon -l()0
l'cur jiais' cour-c, covering tuition, for a .oung man 01 woman.
12. Wilkes-Barrc Institute, Wilkes-Barre 27(i
'iliri-o' coui.-e, lou-iins tuition. 1'or a joung woman.
l.'l. Cotjiit Cottages (Summer School), Cotuit, Mass... 2:'.0
One vawu'i (oui-e. coerlng individuil iii-,tiuUioii, ten lemons a
week, for tight u-i-U, iniludlng board and fuuiNhcd loom. 1'or a
joung man or woman.
Music, Business and Art
14. Ilardcnhcrgh School of Music and Art, Scranlon. . . 200
One j en's iour-e of foit.i weeU, one hour o.uli week, private inlruc
lion in puno, uiuKr Mr. Miinner filter. Tor a young man or woman.
I;". Scranlon Conservatory of Music, Scranton 123
I'iano iiMtiiiction, in npy'couue or couiios, to the aluo of Sl"j
lor a joung nun or woman. .
111. Scranton Conservatory of Music, Scranton '120
Kimc ai Scholarship Xo. 13. "
17. Scranton Conservatory of Music, Scranton 12,"
fcame as Stholaiship Xo. 15.
15. Scranton Conservatory of Music, Scranton i21
fc.'ine as KlIioIjibIiIp Xo. 3.").
JO. Ilardcnhcrgh School of Music and Art, Scranton. . . 120
One j ear' 00111-0 of foilv weeks two one-Inlf hour leMni each week,
piiati iiMiuctlou in ilano, under Jlly Ilardcnbergh. I'or a youns
111.111 Ut' UUIIiiill.
20. Scranlon Business College, Scranton 100
( o'nplrlp i(iur.-e In rltlicr ehorthand or business dipartmenls. Tor a
joung man or woman.
21. Scranlon Business College, Scranton 100
Samo as Seholanhip Xo, 20.
22. Scranlon Business College, Scranton mo
Kline us Siholaishlp Xo. 20.
2!!. Lackawanna Business College, "Scranlon. S5
One jiaiN instiuilion In eltlicr shorthand or business departments
lor .1 juiiiij; man or woman.
21. Lackawanna Business College, Scranton S3
Sime at Siholaiihlp Xo. 2J.
25. Ilardcnhcrgh School of Music and Art, Scranton. . . SO
One jeai'-J imie nf forty weeks, two Iioiim rarh week, institution in
plum In the lobular ilasses, 1111 ler Miss llardeiibergh. I'or a young
nun ur wo n. ' "
2(5. Alfred Woolcr's Vocal Studio, Scranlon SO
Ore jt.ii'n (011M0 if forte weeks two private lessons each week, vocal
iiuttuUlon. 1 or a .Nouiig nun or woman.
27. Ilardcnhcrgh School of Music and Art, Scranlon. . . GO
fine uii muse of forly weeks two hours each week, in anv rrxii.
lar art coiire, tmdir Mi-3 Hester A. Worthlngton. 1'or a young man
or woman.
2S. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton... 57
0'ip lomiiHo (ourso in anv Mibjeet taught, fnrludlng books and instru
imnt, tumrs range in aluo fioni 13 to 100, I'or a loung man
or woman. v. '
2i). International Correspondence Schools, Scranton... 57
Same as SiliolarshiA Xo. 28.
!10. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton... 57
Same 11.1 Xo. 23,
:M, International Correspondence Schools. Scranton... 57
Same as .Siholarthlp Xo. 28,
!12. International Correspondence Schools. Scranton,,. 57
Kline as &holaiMp Xo. 28.
U'A, Alfred Woolcr's Vocal Studio, Scranton 45
Oiu H'M'i couro of forly week, one pilvate lewon each week, ocal
liulruction. ,l'or a jouiiif man or woman, "
tional Contest
ODY THE TRIBUNE'S Great Educational Contest opens. Books of subscription
blanks and full instructions were sent on Saturday tn nil rnntpstanfc whn hwa antaraA u . a..; u
past three weeks, and it is presumed that they will start their canvass for subscribers to The Tribune in earnest
tnn$T With Cll(-h 1 Inma nnmhor nt cliln t-.tnr. 4-1,,,-.- : . .... r ... .
cV.. ,,1W. "- ''o iiuinuci vi ocuuiaisiiipa uicic ia an opporiunny xor any acuve young man or woman
to secure one. Nearly three times as many scholarships are offered as Special Rewards in this contest
than were offered in the two preceding contests combined. Thirty-three Scholarships, ranging in value from c7 to
1,700, worth altogether Nearly Ten Thousand Dollars, are offered to the young people of Northeastern Pennsylvania for
one brief summers work. ' J
The accompanying panel shows what these scholarships are in detail, and the following brief summary will give some
little jdea of what is in store for those who really make an effort to be among the leaders :
Summary of Scholarships
by cor-board,
52 Scholarships are open to Young Men.
26 Scholarships are open to Young
There are
4 Scholarships in Universities.
9 Scholarships in Preparatory Schools.
5 Scholarships in Shorthand and Business
7 Scholarships in Piano Instruction.
2 Scholarships in Vocal Instruction.
1 Scholarship in Art.
With such a long list of Special Rewards, in institutions so varied in their instruction, there are great opportunities
within the reach of all. The contestant who was in ninth place last year, and who failed to secure a scholarship because
the list was exhausted, would be entitled this year to a scholarship valued at at least 600.
The institutions in which these scholarships are offered are too well known to need any commendation. It will be
recognized that there are no better in the country and a scholarship of three or four years in any one of them will be a
prize of which any young man or woman may be justly proud.
5 Scholarships in anu course
5 Scholarships cover tuition,
room, heat and light.
1 Scholarship covers tuition, room, heat
and light.
5 Scholarships cover tuition and inci
6 Scholarships cover various expenses
in addition to tuition.
Special Honor Prices
Something entirely new has been added this year in the way of honor prizes. Each month the contestant securing
the largest number of points will receive a "Special Honor Prize." The first of these will be awarded on the evening of
Saturday, May 3 1. The contestant who secures the largest number of points from now until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of
that day will receive a handsome gold watch. The case is warranted for 20 years. This watch is now on exhibition in
the window of Berry, the jeweler, 423 Lackawanna avenue.
This Special Honor Prize is entirely additional to the scholarship to which the successful contestant will be entitled at
the close of the contest.
Now Is the Time to Enter
AlthoUSh Several Of the Successful contestant did not fntpr Inr vpnr until the rrmtoct umc ti.ll owor.. ... i
had to work all the harder to win. The best time to begin is right at the start, when you will have an equal opportunity
with the others. . rr j
Get your name near the top at the beginning and your friends will be more interested in helping you, as they will see
that all you need is a little assistance to keep your position and secure a scholarship.
If you are familiar with the rules and conditions of the contest, cut out the coupon below and send it to the Contest
Editor and you will receive a canvasser's equipment by return mail.
If you are not familiar with the plan, and would like to get further particulars, just drop a postal or a short letter to
the Contest Editor and your request will receive prompt attention. Address all communications to
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Tn ParPnfc You are undoubtedy interested In
1U 1 dlOlllD . the educational advancement of your
children. The Tribune's Educational Contest not only
offers them an opportunity to secure suitable education in
the foremost institutions of the country at little or no cost,
but by entering the contest they will receive training that
will be invaluable to them in after life. They will be
taught how to meet people and to talk intelligently to them
on business matters, and the experience gained will broaden
them wonderfully.
Sir : Please enroll my name as one of the contestants In The
Tribune's Educational Contest, and send me equipment as soon as
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