"?', -! , v . THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATUItDAX. MAV 3, 1902. , ' $- Ml NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA o HONESDALE. Special to Hip Scranlon Tribune. Honetululo, atuy 2. Tho Brie May tiny excursion yestertluy tool sixty-one pttH pengcr.M from the llonesdnlo Union sta tion: The nnnunl street cIpmiIhk tour Is now belnir trunk', under the supervision ot Commissioner Kntnts!. Dchiwnro antl Hudson workmen tiro enRnuetl rentovlnp; the old tow-putlt Iron bridge, which crossed the J.ucjktiwnxoii river nt tho lower end of tho ennui bn.ln, William AVcIsm und family, who spent tho winter In Now York clly, htiva re turned to their Ilonesdnlu home for tho pununcr. Dr. nnd Jlrs. V. W. Powell have re turned from their wedding tour. The Fourteenth district congressional conference- will meet nt the Allen house In Honcsdnle on Friday, May 9. to make n nomination. Wayne county Is very desirous that their favorite, Homer Greene, will receive the nomlnntlon. The Amity club will net about $160 from their "Night Off" entertainment. Amos J. Mitchell, of Damascus, has been appointed by tho court as jury commissioner, vice Christopher Hlller, deceased. Deputy Sheriff Edward J. Armbruster and Miss Kate ,! Dunegan were mar ried by Rev. Thomas ITanley on Tues day evening. The Junior Epworth league of tho Methodist Episcopal church will give an entertainment In the church, May 7. Some Idea of the work done by the National Elevator works may be learned from the announcement that during the month of April they sold twenty-five elevators. H. C. Hand, of Honesdalc, Is one or the commissioners from the 'Lacka wanna presbytery to the general as sembly, which meets In New York, May 15. The latest front yard fence removed Is that of Mrs. John Brown, on Park street. John Blake, of Union hill, is seri ously ill. A service will be given In Grace church on Sunday evening next. In which the choir will be assisted by Miss Florence "Wood and Mrs. 'Walter A. Wood. The Wayne county recorder's office shows some large deals in real estate, one deed to the Northeastern Pennsyl vania Oil company for $25,000, and an other for $200,000. Eight lvo-horse loads of the finest telegraph poles to be found, of the chestnut variety, passed up Main street tjiis morning. Thoy were from the Hollenback lumber camp, en route for the Lacknwanna valley. FACTORYV1LLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryville, May 2. P. B. Walter and son John, have returned from an exleiidecl. tour .thnyigh tile Southern states, including the Charleston ex hibition. Earl Jones has accepted .1 position as bookkeeper with the Lackawanna in Scran ton. The Keystone Lumber and Supply company has purchased two large twin gas engines for the electric light plant. The graduating exercises of the graded school was held in the M. E. church last Wednesday night. A large audience being present to listen to the excellent programme that was present ed. Tourje's orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. Following is the programme. There were only two graduates this year, Howard Clifford AVright and Wllllnm Earl Deal. The programme: March, Mrs. Foster; in vocation. Rev. J. N. Lee; limbic, orchestra; address of welcome; duet, Ethel and Iolu Watklns; oration, "The Relation of Education to Success," Howard Clifford Wright; vocal solo, r SV'.l i &&$ i&mww -:!&" for SWUP "aaHaaU.TtaaaasFV" tl 'aaV -' .--.. .".i '.'.vr.i".' jannaK.;.'. -WHMKwnfc. J1 '. Avftt Ut"fftKS. is v"' 0 ) II tmmmmmw pc S -" . ' .' '.' "HU'eJii, r ' - it''-y3Kiafc ' -Tafc., i . - W.'Vafe?'4iaHKUFl v';'WJ'"'-fidBaBAx 11 ,,''TTTiWiwfii jmmMMX jGH.VBrmkitSJ38!m?V",'! tLtr mmmm mmm "Spring's Awakening," C. U. .Htiwley, Miss Alberta Seanians; recitation, "Past, Present and Future," Mny Wright: vocal solo, "Sigh no More, Ludles," Hogers, Mr. W. N. Manches ter: recitation, "Tho Curtain of Life," Miss Bessie Spencer: music, orchestra: oration, "Opportunity," William Earl Dean; recitation, "Old Olory," Miss' Delia Coleman: vocal solo, "Who'll Buy My Lavender," C. Ballersbyj Miss Alberta Seanians: presentation of diplomas, Dr. A, H. Fitch; benediction, llcv. O. It. Smith. MONTROSE. frpcci.il tu Hie .N.MI1I011 Tribune. Montrose, May 2. P. Hums Dennis, hns returned from a visit with friends In BinghanUon. A. W. Lyons is now the proud pos sessor of a lino team of donkeys which PICTURE ws r nt "m'mvS:v'!l!ffmmTt!!TSSTmmmmm'mmimtm'mfmmm Find King Charles and Governor An drews, who were particularly interest ed when Wadsworth hid Connecticut's charter. furnish the motive power for his de livery wagon. W. D. B. Ainey, Is engaged on legal business at Aurora and Chicago, 111. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Post and Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Post, of Buffalo, are spending a fortnight in Montrose. Now it is said that one of the dis tinguished guests to visit Montrose this summer will be none other than the famed duck-hunter and fisherman of Princeton, the Hon. Grovel' Cleve land. The dtilllng for oil and gas at the new and promising oil field at Franklin Forks will commence in earnest on Monday. On Tuesday evening one of the windows in the Central Drug store of F. D. Morris & Co., will be lighted with natural gas obtained from the new field. FOREST CITY. Special to The scranton Tribune. Forest City, May 2. The Forest City public schools will close on Tuesday. Monday afternoon and evening the an nual school entertainment will be given in the opera house. On Wednesday evening the commencement exercises will bo held. The members of the graduating class are: Nellie L. Avery, Bertha A. Darrow, E. Winifred Elehen berg, Maude M. Hollenback, Evangeline A. McClOBkey, Agnes V. McCabe, Wlni- Vcts Acts - .... rtsitr-vilyas a.Laxaiiver. rup of Figs appeals to the cultured and tha informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable RjftAfWfRJJP 5AhP"pArviffli. Louisville Ky. Stic by all .druggists nce. frod C, O'ilnrn, Kvntigellno A. O'Ncll, Meta J. Peterson, Urnee h. Stiles, Phronht E. Sheldon, Charles Burns, Uaymond Davis, Hugh Johnston, Will iam II. Saunders, Charles F. Todd, Mr. Todd is valedlctorlnn, nnd Miss Darrow salutatorlan. Ira Knnpp linn moved to Poyntellc. Mrs. B. Wilton, of Plttston, was n visitor hern this week. Mrs. N. E, Brundngc lias been III the past week. Mrs. Hannah Davis has been granted a divorce from John C. Davis on the grounds of non-support. THOMPSON. Sue-rial lo the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, May 2, County Superin tendent Charles 13. Moxlcv conducted tho examinations In the graded school yesterday, nnd this evening tho closing entertainment will occur in Messenger's hall. Charles P. Toby, of Burnwood, has bought tho business of Frank Gelntt, and will run the same for a time In tho same plueo. Gaylord Barton nnd mother visited In Susquehanna yesfurdny. John Lewis, of Orson, was in town yesterdav. flow Harry Kelly's goods came on.the train from Yntesvllle, und were taken by wagons to Jackson yesterday. His PUZZLE. family will come this afternoon and will roach Jackson this evening. Rev. Kelly made a good Impression upon ills peo ple last Sabbath. Fred Tower ,of West Lenox, Is visit ing his sister, Miss Grace Tower, at Rest Cottage, and will take in the school entertainment this evening. E. E. Gelatt will finish sawing the stock of logs in his mill-yard tomorrow. The output this year is two hundred and fifty thousand feet of lumber. Liveryman James Burns has bought a span of horses from Dr. W. W. Mc Namara. Mason Bloxham, who has been sick In BinghanUon and here, since the first of February, is beginning to move about his home a little. Mis. F. M. Sager, of Susquehanna, Is visiting her brother, Rev. J. D. Skel lett, on Water street. W. W. Messenger is suffering from ewak action of his heart these days. Rev. A. D. David is shipping his goods to ills new field, Lehman, today. The family will follow later. AVOCA. Special to Hie Scranton Tribune, A'voea, May 2. Yesterday afternoon a sad accident occurred in the Erie and Wyoming yard, which iesulted In the death of William Wiggins, of the North End. Deceased had been employed as pie&.saatlyr Berxefi daily; quality or substance. In the process or manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of 'plants known to.be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the - 1 new YorkTN.Y. fifty ccrvta pen- bottl. CLEANING HOUSE MEANS MUCH HARD WORK FOR WOMAN AT THIS TIME OF YEAR, Precaution Should Be Taken That (he Un usual Uxertlon Doei Not Remit In Breaking Down of the Health. In the enervating weather ot spring, when the system Is at Its lowest state of vitality, most women clean house. This means much hard work nnd, un less proper precautions arc taken, n breaking down of the health Is Inevi table. Mips Ida M. Loree, of No, 74 Somerset street, Somervllle, N. J,, had nn experience of this nature and what she says Is of interest, to many women, "About Ave years ugo," she says, "I was In a wretched condition., I hnd overworked about tho house and ns a result I boenm6 nil run down, I lost flesh nnd appetite, was very nervous and could not sleep. I kept growing worse nnd nothing seemed to do me any good. The physician did not give mo any permanent relief nnd matters were getting serious when a friend In Rattan recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "So I tried them. I felt so much bet ter after taking only one box that I continued taking thqm until I was cured. They did great things for me nnd I would not be without them. Every spring when house-cleaning time comes I always prepare by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nnd thus ward off the danger of another attack." The best medicine to tone up and strengthen the system so that hard work will not result in sickness or de bility Is one that will act directly on the blood nnd nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People do this as no other preparation can, and what these wonderful vegetable pills have accomplished is shown in thousunds of Instances as remarkable as the one nbove. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold In boxes (never In bulk) at fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollars and fifty cents, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mall from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get tho genuine: substitutes never cured any body. machinist and was ,1ust comlne out of the shoD and was about to cross the track when an engine backed a trip of cars and lie was pinioned between the drawheads. Death was instantaneous. He came to this country from England about six years ago, and was about 29 years of age. His only relatives In this country are Mrs. Love and Mrs. Cal derwood. He was n member of the In dependent Order of Forresters. The funeral will take place on Sunday after noon. Miss Agnes Cliffoid, of the West Side, Is suffering from a severe attack of tonsilltis. The bridge men on the Rapid Transit line went on stilke yesterday. A union was recently organized. They claim they have many grievances. Henry Austin Adams will be heard in the Sarsfleld opera house next Tues day evening. Admission, 33 and 50 cents. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Reese, of the North End, and Thomas Evans, of Plymouth, took place at the home of the bride's parents on Thurs day evening. Rev. D. T. Smythe per formed the ceremony. Patrick McHnle and Robert Oliver are doing jury duty this week. ' Miss Nellie Walsh, of Dunmore, fs visiting friends in town. OLYPHANT As .1 irsiiH of .1 fall of top coal in ilie Eddy Creek mine of the Delaware nml Hudson com pany, cjrly ;ctcrdjy morning, one t'olander was killed and another scriou.iy Hurt. They weie brought to tho surface and taken to their homo on liher street, Ilj an explosion of gas in Hie l'jiiroust mine, on Thursday, Hurry Abbot, or Throop, was fer loiialy burned about thu face and hands. An thony I'lncnrty, of this place, who was working with him at the time, was also slightly burned about the hand-. The Conroy, Stack and IMwaids company will prc-ent "Undo ltube" as tl.o closing iierfornianec of a week's engagement at the opera home. A apcial matinee will b given this afternoon. Sirs. Kit Longaere, of West .Scranton, who has been the guest of relatives here, ictmnod homo j cstcrday. Itgular Kplscnpal sen ices will be held in Kd wards' hall, lllakely, tomorrow- afternoon at ".CO o'clock'. Rev. 11. .1. llaughton, of Uunmore, will hac tharse. A. V. liowcr, of Strantun, will conduct the ser A lees in the Congregational chinch tomorrow evening. f Theatrical, J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. l.YL Cl'M "tlomile filler Jltuh." Afternoon and nlfhr. ACAWC.MY Charles I.ej bourne's Bon Ton Stock company. .Matinee and night, STAR. Illuo Ulcod Uuilcsqucrs. Afteinoon and night. "The Bonnie Brier Bush." 'I he management of the f.jecum ononunce "The llonnio llrier Hush" for presentation line this afternoon and evening (return engagement). .Since tills plav and Us star, .1, II, Stoddart, Imo been chronicled 3moiig tho chief successes of tho New York sc.'i'on, Hciantou theater-goers arc to l conuTatiilatcd uhii this engagement. As tho name would indicate, "The Bonnie Drier Bush" is Ian SlacUtren's sketches of Elmllar title trans f ci 1 ml to tho stage. According lo the New York critics, Str, Stod. dirt is peculiarly lilted to the rolo ho assumes, that ot faehlan Campbell, whoso loyalty to his rhurcli takes precedence over paternal affection. The play eontuins genuine and deep pathos, but the consensus of New Yolk crltt-Lsni seems to be that "Tho llonnio lltier Uush" Is a comedy. Few plays tiro more full of fun, and ccn Sir. Stod dart's roia of Laohlan Campbell thaws the brighter tide of that character, Schiller Stock Company. Among the unusual and particularly powerful plays to ho given by tho Schiller Stock company at tho Academy of Stuslo next week, will be found a choke selection for the patrons of the theater, Kverythlniy lias been aono to giro the productions the proper mounting; all the elec trical and mechanical effects that help to mako tho productions a succe-xi have Iwen especially prepared for this organization. The company Is strong, und numbers some of Ihe very best peo, pie in the profession. Silts Kilt I'cntalnblcaii, wlu Is at the head of the organization, is said to be one of the most talented leadlni: ladles on tho fetago and Is eaid to wearsome of the most cotly dresses ever teen. She is wpporled by Campbell firatton and a very capable company. Polite vaudeville features will be Ken at cveiy performance. The .Monday nlght'd bill i "City of New York." The advance tale ot teats, which opened yester djy morning, indicates crowded houses ut every performance, and the talc for Monday night is especially large. Indies' tickets, limited to SOO, will be issued for Monday night. ' Ihe lion Ton company will close its engage ment at the Academy ot Muilc today by picscnt, lug "Tho I'rluccss of Patches" tbU afternoon, and "J'hc Counterfeiters'1 tonight THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mere Than Pour Line, 3 Cent (or Each Extra Line. Tor Bent. FOIt HUNT f:l flreen ttldire street, nine room. modern Improvements) iteant heated, very, reasonable and desirable. Inquire F. E. Nettle ton, 1M0 Washington avenue. FOIl BENT Pleasant house for summer, nice yard, garden and fruit. Pasture for cow) spring water In house nice drive lo city. Ap ply J. V. Bailey, Chinchilla, Ta. FOB BENT-S-'mall furnished house forwent. In quire nt 02.1 Vino street. BAIIN FOB nKNT-aiZ,' April 1st, three hot and three single stalls and wash rack, rear ot 324 Jlacllson avenue. Inquire at 031 Madison avc. TOI1 : nilNT-Storc bnlldlntr for rent In WeUon City, Pa. Building SO feet by 21 feet, ceW under all, and second elorv can be arranged for a family. All In good lepair stady for vise. Two coal breakers and mines close Ty employing over a thousand people. An enterprising merchant can get a large trade. Apply to nuu Blchmnnd, Itlchmond Hill, 3I2J N. MMn avenue, Scranton, Pa. Furnished Booms. FOB BBNT One furnished room, with improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. FURNISHED BOOMS for rent, modern Improve ments; private family; gentlemen prelerrcd, it 637 Adams avenue. FOB BENT Furnished room; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with beat, gas and batb, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. FOB SALE A pneumatic runabout and a family phaeton; good condition. Inquire 703 Ad ams avenue. JUST ARRIVED, two car load of horses, trood workers and drivers, weight from 1,000 to 1,600; several closely matched teams; can bo seen at 331 Bajmond court, F. Sf. Cobb. FOR SAI.K Hand silk doublcrs. New. Bamford Bros., Patcrson(N. J. Wanted To Bent. WANTED TO RENT In Scranton or suburos, family four adults, furnished house for sum mer months, high elevation and convenient to trolley cars. Address, stating rent and full par ticulars, to receive attention. Address Box" 10, care Tribune office. WANTED HOOJIS For two adults, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address 31. B., Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house or four or Ave rooms for housekeeping. Address A. d. E., Tribune office. Beal Estate. rOB SALE Elegant sites for homes in upper ,tvi-ii iiiuKi-, i-iiuicu iii-igauoruooa ; most de sirable locality for home in Lackawanna county. J. A. Sfarvlnc, 1730 Sanderson avenue. roil BENT or sale at Sunbury, Pa. A substan tial four-story brick bulldinsr, for factory or wholesale stoic. Light from three 6ldes, office, back of warehouse, carriage house and stable convenient. Rent reasonable. Address U Lyon. I'fo mouth, Pa. FOR SALE Two lots, improved, with fence, side walk and gutter, N. Blakdy St., Dunmore; veiy reatonable. Addles Albert Jenkius, South Canaan, Wayne county, Pa. FOB SALE Elegant sites for homes in upper Ciroen Ridge; choice neighborhood; inol de sirable locality for home In Lackawanna county. J. A. Slarvine, 1730 Sanderson avenue. FAR5I FOR SALE Sixty-two acres, one mile from Lake Ariel; twelve acies of timber, rest improved; excellent spring water on lot; farm situated on road. For particulars address Will iam Treslar, Ailcl, Pa. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAK Quick, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 811-315 Conncll building-. Financial Statement. COJIMONWEALTI! OF PENNSYLVANIA, Treasury Department, Haui-buig, Pa., April 30, 1WK. Statement of amount in the State Treasury at the close of business en Apiil 30, 11)02, c.eljsive u, mum-;:, upprupnaccu to cne MnKIng i-iind: Farmers' and .Mechanics' National Bank, Philadelphia i,123,181 71 Allegheny National Bank, Pittsburg.. 72S.3GU 32 Commonwealth Trust Company, liar- rlsburg 427,737 00 rieehold Bank, Pittsburg 2.11,022 12 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia- C31,230 02 Athens National Bank, Athens ::o,0OO 00 American Trust Compare), Plttsbuig.. 150,000 00 Anchor Savings Bank, FitUbmtr ;t 3,000 00 Allegheny Trust Compiny, Allegheny 50,000 00 Berks County Trust company. Beading 50,000 00 Columbia National Hank. Pittsburg.. 200,000 00 Chester National Hank, Chester 10,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Washington 23,000 00 City Savings Fund and Trust Com pany, Lancaster 20,000 00 Com Exchange National Bank, Phila delphia 73,00000 Dollar Savings Fund and Trust Com pany, Allegheny 50,000 00 Citizens' National Bank. Latrobe 25,000 00 r.nterprlFe National lltnk, Allegheny,. 307,000 00 Exchange National Bank, Plttburg... 00,090 (X) Farmers' National Bank, West Cheater 20,000 00 i anners- uepoalt national Bank PlttMiuiir 201,000 00 I ulton National Bank, 1-aneaster 2.V000 00 l-ranklln Tiust Company, Franklin... 30,000 00 First National Bank, Hariisburg 23V10 01 Firrt National Bank, Bangor 25,000 00 Flitt National Bmk, Lebanoi 11,000 00 l'irtt Nation il Bank, Someuet 25,000 00 Fiist National Bank, ITniontown 3,000 00 Flrs-t National Bank, Oakdale , 10,000 00 I-'list National Ilink, Donora, flj.OOO 00 Flist National Bank, Willl.imsport..., RO.iioo 00 Fint National Bank, Beaver 50,1100 03 Federal National Bank, Pittsburg 50,000 00 liermun :vational Ilink, Allegheny.... 11,113 0(1 Herman National Bank, Pittsburg,.., S5,000 00 llarrishmg National Bank, llarrishurg 120,000 00 llanishurg Trust Company, IlarrUiurg 450,000 00 Ke.v stone Bank, Pittsburg , ,, 50,000 00 Lwcaiter Trust Company, Lancaster,, 15,000 00 .Mercantile Trust Company, Pittsburg 70,000 00 Mechanics' Bank, llarrlsburg 20,000 00 national name ot i.erinantovvn, I'tilU ilelphla ,..., 30,000 00 national iiank ot coatesvllle, I oatcs vllle 10,00000 Nazart-th National Bank, Naz.iictli,... 15,01X100 1)11 City Trust fompany, OH Clly,,,, 21,000 00 Peoples Titct Company, uraddock.., 20.000 00 Prudential Trust Company, I'lttkliurg 23,000 00 Bulge Avenue Bank, Philadelphia,,., 20100 00 Second National Bank, Pittsburg 100,000 00 Second National Bank, Allegheny,,,, 210,000 00 Mxtii national name, riiuaueipnia.., su.utw iw Southwark National Bank. Philadel phia , 0,000 00 jitio liuaranice anu trust company, Washington ,,,, ,,,, 50,000 00 Virion TrirstiCompany, Pittsburg 83,000 00 Union National Bank, Malunoy City,, 20,000 00 Union DcKislt and Trust Coiripauj , Waynrsburc; , ,,., 50,000 00 Washington Trust Company, Wash ington ., , , ,,, 23,00000 Westmoreland Savings and Trust Com pany, Orernsburg,,, , ., 50,000 00 Warren Trust Company, Warre 23,000 00 Advances to members and employes of the Legislature , SOI 30 Advances to employes and ofilcers of the State fjoverninent ,, , 0,137 25 Cash In drawer,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 10 00 Total amount In General Fnnd...7,73J,151 11 Stale of Pennsylvania. City of Jlarrlsbutg, m,; Personally appealed, before me, K. B. Harden beigh, Auditor fieneral; James E. Barnctt, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to liu", ealtli that the foicgoing statement is true and correct to tho best ot his knowledge and be lief, JAMES E. HARNETT, State Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 30th day of April, 1002. T.. B. HAltDKNBPRfiH, Auditor Oeneral. PublUhed in pursuance nf tho provisions ot Sec tion 8, Act of Stay 0, 1571, entitled. "An Act supplementary to the (evcral Acts relating to the State Treasurer and the Commissioners ot the Sinkjnj Fund." V.. B. HARDENRERuH. Auditor Gencul. lUrrisburg, Pa., May 1, 1002. 3 More Brunt, WANT Officii. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved At Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIIULTZ. corner Mulberry street nnd Webster avenue. OUSTAV PICI1EL, 030 Adams avenue. West Side UEOROE W. JENKINS, lot South Main avenue. South Scranton l'BED L. TERPPE, 7J3 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OtO. W. DAVIS, corner North Slain avenue and Market street. Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson avenue. F. J. JOHNS, MO Green Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington avc- avenue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONE k SON. Help Wanted Mai. WANTED Wo want men of good standing and education in each town of two thousind population or over to rcpiescnt the TABARD INN LIBRARY, to enroll mcnibem and to at tend to the distribution and exchange of book"; men who make a success of working up their territory will be advanced to good salaried posi tions' In larger towns and cities. The TABARD INN is a new department of the BOOKLOVERS the largest circulating library in the world. Give references and address; W. F. Smith, Slgr. Sub. Dept,, The Booklovers Library, Philadelphia. WANTED A boj-, about 17 years old, to learn drug business. Inquire of Lorcnz & Kocmpcl, corner of Washington avenue and Linden Btrect. YOUNG 51EN WANTED any distance, copy letters home evenings, and return to us. We pay $10 per thousand. Send addressed envelope, particu lars and copy. F. SI. C, Dept. 135, Box 1111, Philadelphia. CIVIL SERVICE government positions. 9,889 appointments made last year. Probably 10, 000 thb year. Only common school education re quired for examination. Catalogue of informa tion free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D, U. WANTED Practical carpenter foreman; one who can make drawings for houses; a good opening for the right party. Address, Builder, P. O. Box 38, City. WANTED Machinist and blacksmith; a man fa miliar with and capable of running un en gine and repairing machinery. Also competent of making and aharpening tools for stone work. None but steady reliable men need apply. Steady work. State experience and wages wanted. Ap ply at one. Ingalls Stone Co., BinghanUon, WANTED By one of the largest old line life insurance companies, ten agents for North eastern Pennsylvania. Liberal contract, salary or commission. Address Slanagcr, care Tribune. WANTED A j-oung man who has had one ycai's experience in tin bhop. Footo & Fuller, Sfcars building. WANTED First class shoemaker, for repair work. D. A. Davis, Luzerne avenue. West Pittston. WANTED Palntcis; only good men need apply. Call at Charles Wagner, 331 Adams avenue. Help Wanted Female. YOUNG LADIES wanted any distance, copy letters homo evenings, and return to us. We pay $10 per thousand. Send addressed envelope, particu lars and copy. F. Sf. C, Dept. 133, Box 1111, Philadelphia. WANTED Siiddlc aged lady as cook and general housework, private family; good home. Ap ply at once, HardwicR's Auction Rooms, 135 Penn avenue, Scranton. YOUNG LADY WANTED for office work: not a bookkeeper, but a good penman. Lackawanna Laundry, SOS Penn avenue. WANTED A good steady girl for general house work. 010 Sfadison avenue. WANTED A competent girl for general house work; no other need apply. Apply at once, 10G0 Sfadison avenue, corner Delaware. WANTED Experienced saleslady for notion and small ware deportment. Apply at Jonas Long's Sons. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY HELP WANTF.D Ap ply at Keystone, Laundry, 111 South Slain avenue, between 7.30 and 8.30 p. m. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for firat-clua worker. Apply personally at Business Uanagcr'a office, Scranton Tribute. Becruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U. S. AR51Y Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and S3; cltl 7ens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Englibh. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, No, 123 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. POSITION WANTED by experienced lady stenog rapher und office assistant ; wages, .30 .1 month. Address S. G.. Tilhune office. Board and Booms. FOR RENT Pleasant room suitable for one or two persons with board. 513 Adams avenue. VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with flrtt class table board, can be obtained at 311 Jefferson avenue. Boarders Wanted, PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men , to board, German or English. Call any time after Thursday, All conveniences, S07 Harrison avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Twa remmunlcatlng rooms with board, private family preferred. Two ladies and a gentleman. State full particulars. Address a 11. D Tribune office. Wanted To Buy. WANTED-Sccond-liand rcfilgerator in eood con dition, A. B, C Tribuna office. lost. LOST Slasonln emblem, gold eagle, tlilrty-seciud degree, Finder rewarded. 0UJ Conncll bldg. LOST Pockctbook containing a sum ol money and Miluablo papers. Libera) reward given on return ot tame to Tribune offlre. LOST A gold and enamel class pin, "S. II. S., 1000." Finder will please notify or rail at 15.13 Penn avenue, LOST A ladies' gold watch; u liberal reward will bo given If leturncd to Ifotcl Terrace, LOST A gold watrli and fob cither on Carbon street or from Carbon street to Mulberry on Penn, Finder icturo to George J, Ash, Times office. Reward. LOST Steel beaded puree containing; small simi of money, on Lackawanna avenue, near Wy oming. Finder please return purse to Tribune office and keep contents. LOST 23, between Peck Lumber Co., Eaat Mar. kct itreet and Presbyterian church. Ilcvvwd if returned to office of Peck Lumber Co. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. irrr ar ar i. .BS& DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents' Than Pour Unci, A Cents for noch Ultra lm i 1 r , I t LEGAL. KOTfCFi Is hereby given thai A. R. Gould fc oons, persons having a Hen, under the lwa of .Pennsjlvanla, upon goods, wan and mer chandise of the Deer Park Brewing Company, ronslstlna of one two-horse delivery wagon, .on1 account of storage nnd labor bestowed on aueh Roods, the owners having failed, neglected and re fused to pay the amount ot such charges upon fald property within, sixty day after .clemsnil, thereof nmdo personally, will expose the Mid two-horsa delivery wagon to sale, at public .iw. tlon, at Gould's Carriage Works, No. 415-421 Linden street, clly of Scranton, lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, nn the 14th day of May, A. 1). 1P02, nt 10 o'clock n. tn.i and sell tha sameor so much thereof na shall be sufficient to discharge raid lien together with costs of aalr and advertising. . ' -: A. R. GOULn.fepfiONB. WILLAIID, WARREN & KNAPP. Solicitors. 'I Business Opportunity. PARTY who has had experience in several lines desires to engage in legitimate buuncss; . ran Invest cash up to ,"5,000.00. Address Index, Trib une office. '. AN EXCEPTIONAL business opportunity Is open to ii reliable man of character to Invest $l,S0O In a. Strictly legitimate and exceedingly profit able, business Personal interview only. Address "Character," Tribuna, office. -- STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Wrlto for our special market letter. Free on application. S. Sf. Ilibbard & Co., members N. Y. Consolidated and Stock Sxchange, 41 and IS Broadway, New York. Established 1801. Loaf Distance' Phone 2383 Broad. Bheumatiam. RUEUSfATISSt-AU parties that wish can bs speedily and permanently cured of alt va rieties of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cures guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E, Tay lor, Scranton. PROFESStONA L. Certified Publio Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANS Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD a. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. CONNELU Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B., REAU Estate Exchange Bldg.. 128 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIARDINO, 815, CONNELL BUILD1NO. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELL BLDO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER. PAULI BUILDING. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUBACH, 115 WYOSIINQ AVENU&, Lawyers. WILLABD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellois-at-Law. bOJ to 012 Conncll Bulldirg. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, II, 16 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLH. ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOO. tiated on real estate security. SIcars Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-sellors-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Booms It), 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. RO0M3 003-001, 0th floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building - C. COMEQYS, 013 RFPUBL1CAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTIIOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. til Wyoming avenue. . Physicians find Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 513 NORTH WASHINOTOM avenue. DR. B. W. L'ASIOREAUX, OFFICE 330 WASH- ington avenue. Residence, 1313 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genito-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, t to 1 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. D. G. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 126-8 WASI1 ington avenue. Chronic and nervous disease a specialty. Consultation free. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE sue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. ft W. PA3- 'eenger depot. Conducted on the Europeaa plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no ador; only improved pumps used. A. B. Briggs, proprietor. Lcavo orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. O. B. CLARKE & CO., BEEDSSIEN AND NURS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; gretn bouses, 1950 North Main avenue; atora tele phone, 782 Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA. AVE Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ot Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOIl CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 21 Adams avenue. . MEGAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, BN velopes, paper bags,-, twine. Warehouse, 139 Washington avenue,' Scranton, Pa. !-- THE W1LKES-BARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the 'news stands ot RoUrrita Bros., iOa t'prucc and 03 Linden: M, 1 Norton, 323 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schuier, 11 Boruce street. 4 " S s STORAGE. & he "Scranton Storage ($& offers perfect facilities for tj,e Storage of household g'oos etc. Z Upwards of 30 dry-clean and thoroughly ventilated "SB rooms, vrith individual -keys are at the disposal of the public. f M&FinkHnAy u ,', t, .- A tU "St.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers