it ' vv ' rti',(vj '&)$ .. ,. K, ..W', ttif 'Vi y-t. v . te$ Afrn 1 )- at, '. i J-v J-- , , i' ly - l' V irOji in ) . ,. . . , , ijrt -. t 1 ' n i V V -jv., -r . it. 'a. n,i f . ' . THE SCRANTOtt TRIBUNE-SATfJKDAY, MAY 3, 1002. . v- ,A.,:W Esl" tf ! j -as. r wm Branch office in Jenkins' Drug Jackson street. Old 'phone, B174t ings until 10.30 o'clock. OPENING OF NEW CHURCH WILL TAKE PLACE TOMORROW WITH SPECIAL SERVICES. Pive Distinct Sessions Will Be Held During the Day Sermons by Rev. Dr. Upham and Rev. J. B. Sweet, D. D. Police and Aldermanio Cases Musical Notes South Main Avenue to Be Paved Other News Notes of Interest and Personal Paragraphs. THE substantial new Embury Metho dist Episcopal church, at South Wain avenue and Bryn Mawr street, West Sctanton, will bo dedicated tomorrow, ami at the fume time the congregation will bold their twentieth anniversary Jubilee n3 u church organ ization. Rev, Austin Qrlflin, D. D.. the presid ing elder, will bo chairman of the morn ing service, beginning at 9 o'clock, when nn Informal greeting of pastor and peo ple, committees and organizations nnd visitors will take place. The services throughout the day will begin an half hour earlier than usual. The pro gramme for thu morning service will be ns follows: Prelude Organist Hymn, TII-'-O Could I Speak" Choir ami (.'I'licrpgatioii Vnjer Hi v. II, li. Benedict Anthem "f.uok Vo hilnti" Cliolr Scripture I.ct'on, II Cliion, 0:1-21. Itiv, r. I'. Doty Announcement mid Hirelings Chaiiuuin Polo Mr. J. W. Powell f-ernwn Itev. X 1'. rpliam, I). 1)., I..I.. 1). Ailtlrrs .. I. W. PowpII DonoIorv nnd llrnrilictlon Chairman The afternoon service will begin at 3 o'clock, when a grand rally and mass meeting will be held. A song and prayer service will take place, with selections by the ehoir and orchestra, and ad dresses by tbo former pastois and J. AV. Powell. Sirs. Powell will also sing. The evening services will begin at 6 o'clock, with a devotional meeting, under the auspices of the Kpworth league. .I.imes Shepherd, of Kim Park chinch, will lead the meeting. The evening preaching service will begin at 7 o'clock, when the following pro gramme will be given. Organ Prelude Hymn, ubJ "OimaiU, Prayer Organkt ChrUthm Soldiers" Choir and CoiiKreRalirn Itov. V. II. ltajcs The Best Family Cough Remedy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. &mmhwmmmMZmmMmMmM& i nil til ii Hive vies The fact is conceded that for years past the progress of our Cloak and Suit Department has been an unbroken series of successes -with each succeeding season. Year by year 'has wit nessed improvements at every point essential to the pleasure and profit of our patrons, and during- the present season, not withstanding that the floor space of this department has been doubled, we have been taxed to our utmost to keep pace with the never-ceasing flow of appreciative buyers, the number of which puts the trade of all former seasons completely into the background. This being the fact, our original seasonjs purchases proved totally inadequate to meet the requirements of our business, and we were once more forced into the market with th result that we have ... $ 1 Parchased a Leading Manufacturers Entire Stock of Ladies' fiigb Glass Suits at 40 Per Cent. Under Former Prices a a This is a representative stock perfect as skill and fashion can mnko no sacrifice during1 a a Tbis Extraordinary Bargain Which begins on Saturday 3 A Few Indisputable Facts. f& ' Xadies' fine Tailored Suits of j3 half-fitting Jackets, trimmed with 3 Skirts have full graduated flounce, TS usually well tailored. A regular 35 r 1 Ladies Suits of .fine cheviots, Venetians, hop sackings, etc., in blue, black, castor and oxford greys; eton or blouse effect & Jackets, elegantly trimmed with silk bands, etc. Skirts cut "" in newest styles and trimmed with moire, eraduated 3 A TS flounce, etc. A splendid value $ pHce .' ,;.'.? ?....." 9 Ladies' high class Tailored Suits of broadcloth, Venetian, '& serges, etc.; colors, blue, black and oxford;, beautifully lined !Cj and, trimmed with taffeta reveres, cuffs and vest Jackets, in eton, 9 blouse or Gibson styles. Skirts have graduated flounce, rnf. ft fet'a ' bands, etc. Full value price j Ladies' Suits in fine cheviots black and castor; eton or mouse C .superlative nounce ,ana me entire suu is tauorea ana finished in fBlthe highest ppssible manner. Suits that are well fc t t & S worth 35.00, during this sale 41". )i) Z! ?U' ' . jm Ladies' Suits of broadcloth, Venetians, sergeB and fine wool l.crasn, Jacnets nave tarjeta vests, curia and reveres, while the skirts are trimmed with superlative flounce, etc. Model high jji class suits, that could not be purchased in the or- ' dj fn A dtnary way unaer 9 au.uv. uaie 9 1 Globe- Warehouse I SCRANTON store, corner of Main Avenue and New 'phone, 2-2-Z-7. Open even- WILLIAM B. HUGHES, Correspondent Sktlplurc Lesson, Itcb. x!l25, Itev. XT, It. Nclliorlon Anlliem 'Rejoice in th Lord",,, ., Cliolr Solo ,.iJlr. J. V. 1'owcll Sermon Rev. J, D. Kucet, 11. I). Address ....: '. .....ii,.J.ix.:vacn Dcdlca lory Son lcr .....'..,,..' Ir. ' Upham Hymn, V2i "Nearer, Sly (lod to Tlice" Choir nnd ConureRnllon Denedletlon ,Uy the Cliiiltman The Jubilee services will be continued throughout the following week, with public services and addresses by promi nent speakers, The following pro gramme has been arranged: Monday celilnjr, Jin)' 5th Krmorth LcaRtic NiUht-, ,1,0, Mct'onnell. Aildrei, "The Pays o( tlluntK," L. V. Bower, A. I. Tuewlay eenlniv, Slay th Kraternal Nlitht Chairman, Itev, ,Iame llcnnltiRrr. "The Fraternal ."plrlt," llev. J. I'. Moffat, D. I) Ilev. S, 1'. Mathens, llev, Thotnan do flrucliy, I). P., Itev. II. ('. MtDermott, A. M. Wednesday ocnliiu, May "th Old Folk's Nlfrht Chairman, llev, C. II. Nculiiff, A. M., II. I). Addrwii, "At Kvcn Time It Shall Be Uirlit," Hcv. . Cure, A. SI. Thuridny evenlnff, Slay 8th Veteran' XIrIiI (nialrmnn, Itev, (I. C. Ljmiii. Address, "A Boy In the Army," Be. SI. II. Fullei, 11. 11. Friday otcnltu, May Oth Patriotic Night riinliniuii, Itev. C. B. Henry. Aildrev, Pntrlotlsn," llev. John Bradhaw, Ph. 1., 1), D. The efficient pastor, Rev. James Ben nlnger, has been returned to the church by the Wyoming conference, and his many friends will be on hand to congratulate him tomorrow. Boy Arrested for Stealing. Tony Neutes, aged 12 years, residing on Tenth street, was arrested on a warrant yesterday by Constable John Davis, charged with stealing lumber belonging to Contractor Neuls. He was arraigned before Alderman John for a healing and was required to furnish $300 ball. This he was un able to do, and was locked up In the station house. His waitings could be heard a block away. Last evening Neuls withdrew the charge, and the boy was released. First Baptist Church. Owing to .1 slight mMake the following mtlo did not appear eailler in the week: "The Jjdics 111 charge of the 'Orange tocial,' held one week ago lat eening, wWi to thank all who po Klnlly assisted in the progiammc and evening's in Jojmcnt, and also to thank the following joung ladies who by tlielr untiring energy mid Imd work made the soelnl a vuccess both financially nnd Fochlly: JIcdamis Cadwgau and Moigan, and the Sliises Slary Dean, Clara Held, KKIc Iteid, Nettie Armltage, Lizzie Harris, Annie An derson." The orange sochl attracted a crowd that Idled the spiclous ns'enihly loom to the doors, and netted Class No. 4 "upwards of $73, Musical Notes. The icranton Choral sotlcty wilt meet tonior low eening in St. l)ald'.1 hall. It is lcquc-tpd all members be prcjent. The choir is excellent), and the attendance at the tchcarsils Is ciy gratifying. Part relicaiai of tenor nnd has. was held last cenlng at the .lackson Street Haptit chinch nnd was laigcly attended. Tomorrow evening a roll will be called of all the members for the first time. Slany of the ocallsts of North Scranion and Ta.Wor will be picsent. The Oxford Glee club will meet tomoriovv rf tcrnoon in Co-operative hall at S.'iO o'clock. The r: . Sf : in the highest sense of the make them, so that buyers Sale morning at 0 a, m. serge and Venetian, eton and moire silk and novelty braid, and the whole suit in unl $13.50 Buit d 3 r -v 5?: 4IU.UU g for 810,50. Sale --a &' 12.50 ft 6 for 810,50, Sale (Pr AA fc tPld.UU S: and Venetians; colors, Ws. fe etrect Jacicets. BKlrtS uava & & Si price ...,.,.,, vi 1 jj Oxfords re Ury determined In entering Itio competition at the Nitlenat eisteddfod, nnd are making cery effort of progress to win ttin prUc, The Ladle' choir, under the direction of Sirs. 1). B, Thonia, coroprre tome of Iho riy heft Vocalists of Hr rant on , and the ntirndame nt llii lehearnals nnd their plnrrlng hnw tint n great effort must lie cxpcctctl by ether lompolllotn It capture tin- prle. JACKSON STREET BAPTISTS. The Sunday school Is a great factor In our church life nnd the large attendance la an en louTaglng feature. The urthcstrrl desencu grcjt limine for tlielr uorli nnd the singing Is In. spring, The tollcclld.1 last Sunday was over f)5. Kcr,onr ought to hear the wonderful exper ience of Mlii F.lten St. Stone, who will give a lecture in the Lyceum on Slondny 'evening, Slay 10. Slisa Stone wilt Illustrate her lecture with a large stercoptlcon and relate the xartoua exper iences during those long months of captivity, when held by a hand of Bulgarian brigands, Tkkets arc now for sale In Dnxtes' drug store. POLICE COURT CASES. John Sluiphy, ringleader of a crowd of noisy young men, who wcio dispersed by the police nt nn early hour jcslerdiy morning, was fined $J In police (ourl or his part of the disturbance. Hclniorc Walters, who wai arrested for creat ing a disltibatico on a street car and refusing to pay his fare, was lined $3, which lie paid. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Kiigcnc Smith, who lias been chief clerk at Konrncj's union drug store, on Jackson street, has accepted a position In Colc'a drug ntorc, (Irecn Itldge. llohert Hughes, of Hampton street, fell In n fit at the corner of West Laikawannn avenue nnd eighth street, yesterday afternoon, and was taken to the Lackawanna lio-pllal. The Bellcvue Lojal Crusaders held a meeting last evening and rehearsed sciercl new songs. The weekly social of the Wahneta Ilanclng class was held In Slears' hall last cenlng. The boya intend to continue the chus as long as the mem bers desire. , Funeral Director 5. V. Wymbs yesterday ship ped the remains of the late John (loldcn to Galletren, Cambiia county, for Interment, Frederick Boldry, of Academy street, la able to be around again alter n week's Illness. John SlePcrmott, of the Slcan patch, Is re coNeiliig from n seiere attack of pneumonia. Sirs. J. V.. Kern and ton, of Washburn street, hae returned home from a Uilt with relatives in Uallslcul. Sir. and SIis. Ccorge Young, of Bulwer street, have a new son at their home. William G. Williams, of South II) de Park avenue, is upending a few d.i)s In Utica and Rome, H. Y. The members of the Juvenile choir held a so cial .o--siou in the Sherman Acnuc -Mltsion school last evening. 'the Itev. Slogat, of the Washbuin Stleet Prcsb.Uerlan church, will preach nn English ser mon in the Hellenic Welsh CiMnistic .Methodist church tomorrow ou-ning nt 0 o'clock. The morning ten Ice will be a serticc of prayer, nnd will be conducted ill the WeMi language. The Lo)n! Crusaderi will meet in Bed Sfen's hill Satuidiy ctenlng nt S o'clock. Important business will be transacted and a full attendance Is desired. Cora Florence Jones, the 2-montlis'-old rlilld of Mr. and Sirs. John K, Jones, of 223 Xoith Mnth stieet, died at It o'clock yesterday morn ing. The funeral will be conducted from the houao at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Inter ment will .be made in the Washburn street cemc tei). Sirs. A. SI. ShifTer, of fcoulh Hyde Park atomic, cntci turned the Woman'" Foreign Mi.vdonnry soci ety of the Simpson Methodist Fplscopal church at her home hst ccening. SIis. Luther Jones, of North Slain avenue, gave a 5 o'clock tea on Thursday, in honor of Copt i In and Sirs. Hugh James, of Wales. A large num ber were in attendance. The ciptain and his wife will lcaie for home in a few da). Itev. Fan It. Williiuis, of CooUille, 0., will occupy the pulpit of the Pl)inculh Congregation tl church tomorrow. Hcv. ):. J. SlcIIrmy and wife, of ''outli M-iln aenue, entertained a number of gueti at their home, on Wednesday evenin?. Stis William Slutter, of Xoilli Bcbecca avenue, is at Long Pond, to attend the funeral of her s lister. Sir. and Sim. II. !. Slorsc, of Xorth II)de Park atcnun, spent a few da)j this week at Lake inula. llev. W. II. Crawford, of Xcnth II)do Paik .ncnue, who graduitcs from Dicw Thcobgical m initial)' on May 13, has been appointed to .1 i barge at Xorth Sanford. ST. Y. Sirs. Kline and John Kline, of Luzerne (.licet: Mrs. Theis, of Hampton street, and SIis. Iluwen and cliildrrn, of Wcht i;im sheet, sailed this week for a ilt to Germany. Ttev. lljr. Williams, wife and child, of Cool lille, O., are biting West Stranlcm iclathcs and fi lends. ' Sliss Cl.iia Waller, of Fainiew aenue, is the gue-l of friends in Slehoop my. A huge crowd attended the cntcilalnmenl r.nd (orlal at the Fourth waid inl'slnn (.chonl last ceiling. The piogiamiiie published in this do pailnient jestcidiy was carried The door prize, a picture, Whs won by thket Ko. 351, held by Sliss Anna l),i, of Gaillcld aicuuc and Price btrcct. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Quarterly Conference at St. Paul's M. E. Church Preparing to Move to a New Location. Tin- flr.l quiiirrly (nnfcinico for 1U02 w.ig I11 Id In St. Paul's MrtlimlNt llplsiopil ilmnli, on Crdir ,irniu, last tM-niii,?. Tliriu was nearly u full nttuulancp nt Iho IiojiiI, and the (.cssinn pn".lilcil mrr by Itev. Dr. Austin Oriflin, if Wi-st PitUtnii, iin.illnK older of the tlistrlit. PI ins )ortiiinlnjr lo St. Paul's diurch wcrn ill-,-iiisicd, an I a otc taken by lie Iwaril liwtruel. luff the cliunli tiiiitrrs to mote the old M, Paul's cliunli to 11 i:ih hitp, which lus rciently lieen fccuicd nn the cpinti of Pear street and Pittston uriiiii, iln 1. Id site IihWiik been lie ijulud by the Srr.iutnii Ituttuu rompany. The paiMHUKe will ninaiii wlieio It Is at irr.s. ent, but plain for ,1 new tliuuli arc hcinR pre pared, 11111I it is intendeil to lime churih and liiiROiiier .idjoliiina; rvrnliully. The ehanires will be made as i-oon as pnniililr, o as to fiimUh ae c ciiiiml it ton for the irrowliijr needs of the con Kri'Katlon. Farewell Party. Mr. and Mrs. Kiesel ki-' a farewell pirly In honor of tlielr ton, Auiriisl, at the family 'resl. ilomr, on tllieh street, liht cvenlnpr. The jounir man, who Is about to le.uc the family looftiee, will make his home at llasliton in tho future, whne ho Ins been otreied a dcliahle losltloii. (allies uf various hinds were Indulged in ly tliv iimiir piuplej ami after Hipper, llishlliflt pleturrs weie titeu by William Miller. Tho,i pie'iit wire: Mle diiinle Hums, I.jdia Kl U'l, TIiciisj Kltsel, llellf Toleinie, Mrs. Aurvii Kelleiman, Mrs. Charles Klrsel, Mesi. Aiuii'i KfiKCl, August Killeiiiiin, John Hums, Carl (iui. stir, It, 1), Plaie, Mi. Thornsraii, I), 0en, William Miller and Harry Murphy, Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Mls Mary 'I lioinpson wll had the (!opcl meet Inn of the Young Wnmin'a LlirMlan a'soelatlon Sunday aftrinoon at il. 15. All women and glrla urn most cordially imlted to attend. The Pamy club of the Yuunir Women's Clirln. tlan a&itlatlon will luu un outlm; tn Nay Am; park Saturday atternooii. All who uUli to at tend will meet at the roomi at J.liO o'clock. NUBS OF NEWS. The Junior Maennerchor will meet for prattlic tomorrow aftiinoon, and all members arc urircd to attend. Dr. Schley's (,1111c; lleallnt; HaUam la Kiiarantced to cure all cousin. "No cure, no uy." J'or tale by all dealers. A well attindul t.elon of the KnlghU of Malta was held In llartuun's all last ctenlnir. 'John Itcjp was pltked up 011 Cedar uenue yes terday morning by the polite, in a drunken con dition, lie was eheii a healing by Maglstrutc Storr lost eunliig and fined p. The regular monthly meeting of the Cedar Ave- THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Haltam for tho Throat and !.ung, a remedy tint II guaranteed to cure and rellem all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthmi, Oronchltli tnd CoMuulntlon. filce 33c, ami SOc. DRESS And All Women Who Work, either for their Living or for Society, are Subject to the Same Organic Troubles. How Many Are Cured. A gorgeous costume flashed beneath the brilliant lights of a ball room. Tho queen of society is radiant to-night. The nervous hands of, a weak woman have tolled day and night, tho weary form and aching head havo known no rest, for tho dreds had to be finished in time. To that queen of society and' her drcssmakor wo would say a word. One through hothouse culture, luxury and social excitement,, and the othor through the toll of necessity, may some day find their ailments a common cause. Nervous prostration, excitability, fainting spells, dizziness, sleepless ness, loss of appetite and strength, all indicate Berious trouble, which has been promoted by an over-taxed system. For tho society queen and the dressmaker alike, there is nothing so reliablo as Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to restore Bwengtii, vigor, nnu nuppnicsa. Six Years' Suffering Cured. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I suffered for six years, sometimes being unaDio to get about at all. -"It seemed to me as though 1 could not live, and 1 did not care to. I had womb trouble, kidney trouble, leucorrheca, backache, was nervous and had no ambition to do anything or jo anywhere. Was obliged to give up my trade of sewing. I tried three doctors but they did mc no good. Seeing your advertisement I thought I would try your medieinc. I felt better after the first bottle, and by the time I had taken bix I was able to resume my work ajrain. I shall always praise Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound." Mbs. Mart A. Bussell, Chincoteague Island, Va. (Dec. U, 1900.) If there is anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. No man will see your letter. She can surely help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience in treating female ills as she has had. She lias helped hundreds of thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind iuvitation. Airs. Lizzie Anderson, 49 Union St., Salem, N.J. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I feel it my duty to write and tell you how grateful I am to you for what your medicine has done for me. At one time I suffered everything a woman could. I had inflammation of the ovaries, falling of the womb, and leucorrhooa. At times could not hold a needle to sew. The first dose of your Vegetable Compound helped me to much that I kept on using it. I have now taken six bottles and am well and able to do my work. I also ride a wheel and feel no bad effects from it. I am thankful to the Oiver of all good for giving you the wisdom of. curing suffering women. I recom mend your medicine to every woman troubled with any of these diseases." AAA RF.WAltD.- Wo harodeposlted with tho National City Bank of f.yon.CEOOO, 1 1 1 1 1 I which wi 11 bo paid to any porsou who can rtnd that tho above testimonial letters IDINlll are not genuine, or were pmiisuei ueioro ouiaininu m wniot Bivi-t..i iio.' WW mission. Lydla nue Methodist Uplxopil chinch Tidlcs' Aid so titty, will taKe plate nest Wednesday afternoon. The htar boeial club met In tegular sciMou ctrnint;. A jouiiff son of Mr. and Mr.s. (ieoijre llirtmau fell from a w irou near South Washington axcmic ,eitrnlay, and unfortunately w.11 caught in the wheel. lie Mi'talned a. fiatturrd Irs a a lc-ult, and will be lud up for t.01110 lime. A .loiinjr son of Mr. anifvMi.-,. Walih, of I'iIV PilUlon neuue, fell while at p!ai in Iho mItd! jatil ThuiMlay, and receied-i bioeii rnll.ii.hone. After bcina; talten home, the iniuiy was fet. f'r. tjuinn lias moed to 7Jj P1IM011 .nc nue. Dotli, fihones. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Gold Chain and Charm Presented to Kev. J. V. Moylan by Father Whitty Society. Rev. J, V. Moylan, snirlluu! director of the Father AVhltty hoelety iintl chnpluln of the C. T. A. U rcslttient, wns Riven a surprise by the members of the Father Whitty society Thurs day rvenlns; in St. Mary's hull. JJuther Moylan was invited to attend the meeting to make urranffoments for HKV. J. V. MOYLAN, the annual encampment of tho regi ment nt Lake I.oilore, this summer. Neur the close of the meeting President Mulhcrln, presented the priest with a Bold chain carrying a magnificent charm, the gift of the society. Father Moylun eloquently expressed his thanks for the gift. Since ho hits been spiritual director of the society Its membership has In creased from 135 to 550. After the presentation an Interesting piogrunime was rendered. Wind Up Season, The North Knd Slurs, will wind up their season, Friday evening, May 9, by playing the North Scrantou Qym naslinn team for tho championship of the city, at the Auditorium. The Stars have met and conquered during the past season some of the fastest teams of the state. KERS E. Pinkham Medlclno va.. , Lynn, Mass. Between the halves Dr. Younrr, In structor at the gymnasium, who is known all over the Knstern .states, fur his club jitKsling, will give an ex hibition of his ability In that line. RETURN OF STAMPED CHECKS. Circular Explaining How They Can Be Returned. The following letter, regarding tho re turn of cheeks, drafts and the like after tho Imprinted stamps havo been can celled, was yesterday received fiom tho treasury department by Internal Reve nue Collector Penman: 'Jho Joint resolution autlioriiug the lomiuli sloner of internal ieenuc In return bink 1 hicks, draft, icitlflcatt of deposit ami ciilern for the payment of money, lining imprinted Maiiipi thereon, tn the imncis thereof, .ippioied Kebiu aiy 'JU, 10CW, pun Ides: "1 the inmmlNsluiiei of internal riwcmie be( and li htriby, authored in iituni sii 1 im printed iirdiiuufliU lo the owner or nv, niM theic of where f.iid retuiu U deniandeil within one jeai lifter the pisMge of till nit, after the re demption uud taiKcllation uf hlauipi imprinted theieoii, and raid tnniellatioii and ictiirn to the ouiiti or imuers slmll be made In hkIi maiinir and iiiidtr Mith legiilationn as m i.v lie ireserihed is thu cntnmicsioiier of iutcuial rccnun mid ap pined by the M'eutary of the treaiuiy. All cueli checks, draft-., and ki fnrtli, retiialniug un ilaimed by the owner at the rxphatinu nt one jear alter the pa'sagc (if this ait Hiall be lie Miojcd in mill nianutr in may be pi csorllH-il by the cfmnilvdom r of Intirml recnuc nnd aji irocd by the (.eentaiy of the tie.iMii.i," In puhfliiute of the authoiity toufcrrcd by the ieffiiillon afoesald, II In lutein punldcd that all rueiiiij elamps Imprinted ujiou ihciU, drifis mid othei In.tiiimeutK, liill after theli' tedcinp tlon and before the rclmu of the i-.ild liuttu inputs to the imnirt thereof, be eanrelcd by pir (orating or cutting a louiid liolu about uue-fouitli it an inch in dhmetir theicin, or through the lii-truinentn on which thu raid t.un3 aie ln printed, After the ademption and cancellation of tho stamps a .1 r.iio-s.ilil. Hie iminlntid lntiu mi'iils miy, upuii the 11 quel and at the ipni-o and rink of the imnus thinor, be n turned tn slid nwmrb cilhir by freight ur r.sptcis, as moy bo dcslicd. Iteipieits for the icliiin of linpiiiited iiiillii uiciits mint be nnde in ritiug, addicted to the loiiiniiisioiitr nf Internal icMiuie, Vfiied by the owner or his duly nuthoilrcd agtnt, and thill kietlf) dUtlnttly by ilcsirlptln-t and iiumher tho liutiuininls to bo rctutned, the manner of re tin 11, whether by height or i'prois, and ghn plainly the adders to which the imdliiiiunts shall lie foinardcd. All Imprinted Instiuments remaining unclaimed by the owners on rcbniaty 2d, liw, hall bo d? t.tmyed by buinlna-, under the mpenhioii of the loinnillteo appointed by tho iectetary o( tho treasuiy to niieiluitnd tho dc.trmtlpu of ftaiinu, iioteo, bonds and other gomnuunt s.' c in it if. Ininilnted liutrumenti inov be distiojcd at onco uion receipt ot notice (10111 the owner that llie ictuin of sutli iii.tiiinitnts :s hoc FUNERAIi. llcbllld. Tho funiral i( thu lato Mr. Kllui Jlullieiln, formerly of till-, city, ho died ut tho home ot her daufhter, .Mrs. .1, O'Miilley, of l'hll.ideliilila, will ho held tvinoirnu aftcrnimn from the home ot her ilJiiithti r, Mw. Mlilucl IIIitkIih, of ,'i7 North hummr meinie, IliU iltj. 'Ilicie will le vrtliC4 at bt. I'ftei' ullmlral at -J.y) o'elmk and Inteuiicnt ulll be made In the Cathulral cemetery. Kld McCoy Had the Best of It. Hy i:lu4he Wlte from The Aoclated I'rei. I'lillidelnhla. May 2. "Kid'' McCoy and Charlie ltuuell, ot Clilcago, fouglit ix rutulti t Goldsmith's- Cj5 Bazaar. Saturday's Bulletin of Special Prices' Adapted to Men's and Women's Wear Men's Furnishings Balbriggan Shirts .nnd Drawers; short and ltong sleeves; Drawers double seated ; at i.'t and 41) cents. Solid blue and pink Shirts and Drawers, only 25 cents. Fancy striped and solid colors, Shirts and Drawers, at 40 cents. Open mesh, lisle thread Shirts and Drawers the $1.00 kind at 49 cents. Men's Silk Garters, with solid nickle clasp and buckle the 25-cent kind at 10 cents a pair, or three pairs for 25 cents. Men's and Boys' Negligee and Golf Shirts in all of the new spring patterns and colorings at 4l)c, 7c. and $1.00 the celebrated perfection brand, of which we have exclusive con trol in this city. Men's Open Work Lace Half Hose, black, white and col orsthe 50-ccnt kind at 25 cents. Lndies' Furnishings Jersey Ribbed Vests, neatly 'trimmed, pure white, 10 cents, or three for 25 cents. Jersey Ribbed Vests, trimmed with lace four inches deep, very special, at 15 cents. Jersey Ribbed Vests; pure lisle thread; long sleeves, short sleeves, no sleeves; high neck" and low neck; the celebrated Haryard brand, at 25 and 41) cents. ' Ladies'. Lisle Combination Suits, .worth $1.50, at !)8 cents. Gloves and Hosiery Lisle aid Silk Gloves, both solid and lace effects, at 25, 49 and 75 cents. Schniaschcn Kid Gloves, 2-cIasp our own importation at G!) cents. Our-cclebratcd Sovereign brand of Kid Gloves every pair guaranteed none better at $1.00. Wayne Knit Hosiery, none equal to it for women and chil dren, at 25 cents the pair. Shirt Waists, Petticoats and Washable Suits Ladies' and Misses' Colored Shirt Waists at 4!) cents and upwards. Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists at !)8 cents to $4.98. Ladies' White and Colored Silk Waists at $2.98 to $7.98. Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats, black and colors, 98 cents to $a.()8. Ladies' Washable Suits) a new and complete line, from SI .23 to $9.98. Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Tailored Suits at lower prices and better values than ever before. a AMUSEMENTS. .f Free Food Fair? National exhibition of fine and famous foods, gathered from every part of the world for your instruction and entertainment. Demonstrations' of things to eat and use. Samples and beautiful souvenirs for all. 112 i For Two Weeks For trie convenience of the public and the courtesy of the dealers we supply them with tickets. Ask your grocer to save you a ticket. There'll be no cost. Watch for list of exhibitors. NATIONAL FOOD SHOW COMPANY '. VAYn;i-fJood hojul for ilty demonstrators; irite f.unllles prelefreil. Addre.-, Hoard Su perintendent .National Food Show Co., beranton, t Lyceum Theatre Jtondiy turning. May ltllli, at S.15. Liiluio with llluitrjilom hy Miss Ellen M. Stone, sumccr, My Captivity and Release. irmW Aiisnlees .lackfcon Mieet lljplht Church. Ulidir Dllicllo'l of I'lid ( Kami. Tlikrtk 73c, lo . Diagram opens Wt ilnrsday, Way Ulh, at 0 .1 Academy of ilusic U. IIEIS, Lewee. A. J, Duffy, Mtmgtr, DA1.AXC1: or wki:k. tub taaoiiitk BonTons With Cli.irlca I.c.c hinne and Kmmu muitins. l'rin's 10, in and ."0c ; matinee., 1U ami 20c. .NI.'XT WIXK, SCHILLER STOCK COMPANY Piipnortlntr the licautlful ami aeeomnlWied nrtlte, MIns Kill IVnt.ilnliU'.iii. I..ullc',' tki.iU limited to COD ImiuiI lor Monil.iv I IkIiU STAR THEATRE AI.F, a. HKMtlXGTOS, Minaeir. Thurnday, I'llday mid Saturday, MAY I, 2 AND a. if The Blue Bloods" matiski; i:vi:nv pav. lonlitht at tho Jmliutilul Athletic dub, In 1U1I.I1 McCoy had the better of the- (ontctt. Ituj'dl wuj In ijuprrb roiiditlou, vhlle McCoy wait ai little fat. Tho latter fouslit cautloiuly, and ft wan not until the filth tound that ho tut loo.e. l-'rom that to the fluUU thv u all in McC'oj's (4vr, AMUSEMENTS, 00 n 1: 1: i II 0 t Lyceum Theatre M. Jll'IS. Lessee and Manager, A, J, PUFFY, JJusiness Manager. SATUIIRAY MATIXni! AND MOllT. Bcturit Knuacjemeiit. The hcaion's Orealcst Sue C-Ct3. J. H. Stoddard, In Klrkc LaShellc's Elaborate Production of THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH 811110 Great Cast as Before. , I'rlees-NlRht, 23e to ifl.M; matinee. 25c to $1. Carriage Nfvht, 10-H; initlnee. 4 4J. h'eat.i on sale Thursday at D , in. Christian Science Is Applied Christianity Is the subject of a lecture to be given at the Lyceum Theatre, Thurs day evening1, 8 o'clock, May 8, 1003, by CAROL NORTON, of New York, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, of the First Church of Christ's Scientists in Bos ton, Hass, All are welcome, Seats free, i BASE BALL. tl Tod ij 3.15 11. in., ' bCUANTOK. Jf tl 18. 7. WIM.lAMSt'OUT ". AdinUion, 2J ient. z$ yl H ( 7 V .'.4 V.1 ,s r A v t jg?!..i A !ul i it
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