?fj hikS rih? 12.- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNESATllttDAY MAY 3, 1002, It m i . v L . 'c I '. lr CLEVELANDS Baking Pbwder CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR AN ORDER. FOB. F1TTY MORE LOCOMOTIVES. They Are to Be Used by the D., L. & W. in Its Fast Freight Service. Ground Has Been Broken for the New Shops of the McClave & Brooks Company on the Diamond Xand Company's Tract The D., I. & W. Board for Today Notes of Many Kinds. The P., Tj. & AV. company has placed nu order for fifty locomotives to lie used in its fast frelRht service. They In a general way will bo duplicates of thp fine engines the company lias re cently been putting into Its passenger service- with the exception that the driving wheels will be somewhat smaller. " The freight business of the company lias Kiown with such strides that in creased motive power is necessary. As rapidly as possible the old type of en gine in use prior to the advent of the new management are being retired from service as not lilted to the re quirements of modern railroading. When the fifty additional locomotives Just ordered are added to the largo number received during the last three years the company will have an array of engines exceeded by few railroads. To Erect Shops. Ground has been broken on the 'Dia mond Land company's tract for the erection of the new shops and foundries for McClave & Brooks. The general contract has been let to Frank Moyer, and the stone work to Edward S. Will iams. The plant Is to be ready for occu pancy Inyflve months, and when finished will have five times tho capacity of the firm's present plant on Seventh street nnd Dockash place. The ground plan, Including fire spaces, etc., Is about 76:2 feet long and 300 feet wide. The buildings to be erected will bo a large, foundry, stock room, two machine Minns, pattern shop, tire-proof pattern storage bouse, engine house and boiler lioube, olfico building, blacksmith shop, oil house, barn, etc. The office building and pattern stor age house will bo of brick, and the foundry, machine shops and stock room of wood, with steel roof trusses. The plant will be well equipped and thor oughly up to date, and furnish employ ment to many additional hands. D., L. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of the V., L and W. board for today: FRIDAY. MAY 2. T.Ntras East 8 p. in., John Hauler; 10 p. m., lluhnkrn, K. Muipliy; It p. m., V. Case with G. V, Maples' crew. SATURDAY, MAY 3. IMras r..Tsl 3,13 a, m., lloboken, Dalian; 4 a. in,, JI. Finncrty; I) a, in., lloboken, M, Smith j in a. m MiCartby; 11 . in, ll.oboken, K, M. ll.illctt; 3 p. in., .1. llc.ilcy; S p. in., C. Dai tliolomcw; 7,30 p. in., Muipliy; 0 p. in., W. It. Bartholomew; 11 p m., Lamping, Nunnilte, Etc. 8. a, iu,, Frounfclkcr; 0 a. m., Helpers 1.30 a. m., McGovcrn; 7. n. in., Caflney; 10 a. m Scior; 3.30 p. in., Stanton.' l'Atrau West 5 a. in,, John Gahagau; 8 a, m., ' A. E. lvetchum; 11 a. m., O, Randolph; 2 p, in., SI. Carmody; i p. in,, T. Doudican; U p. m., C, Klngley. NOTICE. John Warden will go out with E. Murphy until further notice. This and That, Master Car Builder L. T, Canlleia left for New York yesterday afternoon. Industrial Agent G. W. Ten Broeck, of the Lackawanna railroad, was In the city yesterday. J. M. Slayton, of Tulley, N. V and W. P. Wolf, of Homer, N. Y were call ers at the Lackawanna railroad ofilces in this city yesterday. Tho strike at tho Wyoming Shovel works has been adjusted, and tho non union workmen have joined the union. Work will not be resumed, however, for n week or two, as some improvements uve being made. TJiq Delaware and Hudson company Thursday morning took control of the Pine Ridge and Laurel Run collieries at Mill Creek, which it bought from the AlffoiKiuIn Coal company, The company placed Delaware and Hudson cars at the mines over the Central Railroad of Now Jersey tracks and surveyors laid out a grade for new tracks to bo laid from thn mines to tho Delaware and Hudson tracks. Previously tho coal was taken by the Nov York, Susquehanna , nnd WeBtern railroad. bUJJHORE. licv, 11. Apgar Nye, ol this place, wlli preach in the Elmhurst Presbjteitan church tomorrow morning. Iter, CharlcJ II. Ncwlng was very agreeably lurpilwil Thursday evening, on the occasion of Ms thirty-ninth birthday, The member of. his fcuia,y school class, the choir of the church, fcuiuby icbool teacher and members of (he offl. adds to the healthfulness of all risen flourfoods, while it makes the food lighter sweeter, finer-flavored, more delicious. Exercise care in purchasing baking powder to see that you get the kind that makes the food more wholesome and at the same time more palatable. Care must be taken to avoid baking powdc made from alum. Such powders nrc sold cheap, because they cost but a few cents per pound. But alum is a mineral, which taken in food is deleterious to health, cl.il board were present. During the course ot the evening, Mr. Netting was presented with a handsome roll-top desk. The annual meeting of the Duninoro Cemetery association was held on the grounds yesterday afternoon. Alex. Dickson ana llcniy Heyca were chosen an temporary chairman and sccietary, icspeclholy. The report of the directors for the past j ear was read and showed ev erj thing to bo in an exceedingly flourishing condition, the ca'h on hand being something over $15,000. Mc-.ii a. Schnrcr and Stowcrs weie re-elected dlrccton for a term of three jcars, nnd D, D. Athcrton for one jcar, to fill the unexpired term of tho late Judge Louis. The remaining directum nrc Gcoigc O, Smith, W. V. Hallstead, Henry Beven. Dunmore Presbyterian church Rev. W. 1 Gib bons, pastor, will preach at both morning nnd evening bervlfe. Morning subject, "The Chris tian lleritage," an anlvcrsary seimon, ghing re ports of the work of the chinch for the p.ict 3 ear. Kvening subject, "How to Enjoy Our Re ligion." Sunday school at l; o'clock. Midweek prayer seivicc Wednesday evening. Tiipp Avenue Christian church llev. ,T, II, Dabney, pastor, will pleach both moining and evening. Jlorning subject, "The Disciple of An tioch"; evening topic, 'Evolution of Ciiristian ity," Sunday school at 10 o'clock. The breaker of the tireen Itldgo Coal company, which was dctrojed by file tireial months ago, has been icbuilt and work will be lesmncd thtic on Slonda;. This will mean the employment cf about. SOO men and Iio.i.s that hac been idle dur ing the past four months. First Methodist Kpiscopal church Hev. Cliarles Henry Mowing, pastor. The pastor will ptcach, lwtli morning 'ami eienlng. Sen ices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.; morning subject-, "The Great est Fact of the Age"; evening subject, "Know ing Christ is Seeing God." Class meeting at IMS a. m.; Sunday school at 2.30 p. m Daniel rowcll. superintendent; evening piajer servite 3t C.30 o'clock. Epworth League, Tuesday eening at 7.45 o'clock. Mid-wreck rnurch prajer meeting, Wednesday ecnlng at 7.30 o'clock. The raffle for ten quilts and one embroidered cushion for tho benefit of Mr. Herman Claux, took place last night. Ticket No. 53, second serlea, held by Mr. Itosar, 333 Birch Ftrcet, and ticket No. 450, first tcrics, held by Mr. A. Miibrant, 101 Ilidge street, won a quilt each. Mr?. A. Jones, Dickson City, won the cushion with No. SOS. The above named p-irtles are re quested to call on Mrs. J. Kl.vdcr, 1037 CioJ street, to lecche the articles in exchange of their tickets. GREEN RIDGE. Tie road machine lias been doing good fenice here the past few days and, ns a consequence, many of the streets arc greatly improxHl. Horace Seward, of Kejstone academy, came home last ecning, to spend Saturday and Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sew ard, of Dickson avenue. Joseph llangi, who has conducted a grocery business on Dickson aenuc for the past twenty live jeais, is closing out his stock ami will con vert his store building into a dwelling house. Itev. Charles llenjamin, the new pastor of As bury Methodist Episcopal churcn, with bis fam ily, luok possession of the parsonage yesterday. Steamship Arrivals. By Exclusive Wire from 'Hie Associated Prcs. New York, May 2. Ariived: Iihein, Dicinen; Columbia, Hamburg; Lueania, Liverpool end Queenstown; Phoenicia, Genoa and Naples; Phil adelphia, Southampton and Cherbourg. C'leaicd: Uinbiia, I.iierpool; Kaiscrln Maria Theresia, Genoa and Naples; Itjndam, liolUrdatu, ia Houlognc. Brow Head Pawed: C'anipinla, New York fcr Queenstown and Livergiool. Liverpool Pased; Kensington, New York for Antwerp. Urawlc Point Passed : Noordam, ltotterdam lor New York. STUDY OP OUK IMPORTS. Special Correspondence of The Tiibune. Washington, May 2. PBAOTICALIiY one-half of the imp-irtntions of the United States arc now manufactur ers' materials. Of the impoitations of March, whoso details hate just been an nounced by the Treasury Bureau of Statistic, 40,13 per cent, consisted of manufacturer' ma terials, and amounted to 841,331,735, out of a total Importation of SS4,230,553 duilng the month. For the nine months of the fiscal car ending with March, manufacturers' mateilaU formed about 48 per cent, of the grand total, be ing $310,702,420 out of a total of $fa7o,fl03,Oin. Importations of manufacturers' materials will in the fiscal year, which ends with next month, by far exceed those of any preceding year in the history of our Industries; the highest figure cur reached in any preceding jear was that of the fUea! year 1000, when the grand total was, in round terms, 300 millions. In the present jear it seems likely to attain the enormous sum of 425 millions. In 1S00 manufacturers' mateilals formed but 34 per cent,, or practically one-third of the importations; in 1SD3, they formed 37 per cent., and In March of this year, as alieady indicated, they formed 40,13 per cent., or prac, ticaily one-half of the grand total of importations. Ten great 'articles form tho bulk of the manu facturers' materials 'linpoitcd. These arc fibeis, hides and skins, India rubber, law silk, tin, wi manufactured wood, wool, copper, law cotton (chiefly L'gjptlan), und u ar,?e proportion of the mtictes classed under tho general head of "them. ieab." The tablo which follows shows the total imiKiriatlons, in value, of these ten great classes, forming tho bulk of tho manufaotuicrs' mater ials imported. It will bo observed that in all cases except Irdla lubber and tin theie is a mailed inciease in, the nine months of the pies cnt fiscal year, compared with tho coriespon.ilng months of last year. In the case of tin, in which a slight decrease in value Is shown, the figures of quantity exceed those of tho lorrespondlng months of tho preceding year, while in iudii rubber the slight uductlon hi total value is also due, In part, to a uductlon iu price. Importations of manufacturers' mateihls, nine months cndii.g Match 31; , 1001. 190.'. Total manufacturers' nu- iala , ,,$247,7SJ,102 $310,702,420 Principal articles Hides and tklns ,,, 33,103,417 41.1S7.77I Chemicals, etc ,, S0,2Sl,73fl 43,3.10,50!) Raw silk ,,,.....,.V,,, 10,531,319 33,13.3,5.1 Fibers ,,.,,, ,,,, 10,128,152 22,055,101 Copper ...... ......... 14,010,000 10,702,S70 India rubber ,,.,..,,,,, 20,033,024 18,853,769 Wood, unmanufactured. 11,182,727 13,059,733 Tin in pigs, etc. ...... 14,480,223 13,414,046 Wool, raw ,,,,,.,..,,,. 8,743,610 12,615,874 Cotton, raw ,,.,,,,,,,, 5,163,487 9,143,333 &CfcaiwL Vw wiufr THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, May 1. The stock market received a shaking up tills alteiuoon which has be.n considered oeiduc for some lime by competent observers of condition. As usual, the constiua lion of the money supply is the immediate cause of the fall in prke. Needless to say, the ground has been prepaicd bv the manipulation of specu lative pools and cliques, with a lcsulting infla tion in prices which gave purely fictitious values in. the inott flagrant ca-cs and a highly specula lie range of values In tho whole list. The lesson of the International Power episode was ic inforccd todav bv the example of another group, which has been lifted lecently by highly manipu lative tactics with practhally no general demand for the securities. The iibnipt break to pal of Itutland prefencd compared with 120 jestciday was the sumciont intlicition on me smcic '--change of the Mate of distrust which aiose. The weakness of the niaikct was c.onteted for a time, appaiently by Ihe clcmen which has led the spallation for fome lime. Tlmy had to con tend with laigc western .Udell In s.'U. The no table strength of LouKvllle, which touched 1-i'Oi. was attributed to the in.inenimes of th's clem 'lit and said to bo facilitated by the existence of u Ehnit interest. Karl.v stiength in Pennylvnnli wai alsj a help. In the late dealings all attempt to support the marl ft w is abandoned and stocks were unloaded indiscriminately, cmising a break in price-, which reached as high as : per cent., and under, in the majority of actho slocks. St, Paul siificicd to the extent of-Ha, Canadian Vac ifV, 3r)i and other less innspicuous storks 'rntn 3 to 7. Intcinationnl Power continued it ec centric grali"ns xhich extended from 102 to 5, xiith a net loss of 13 points. Hasty piofit taking by the loom shorls caused some spasmodic ral lies, but the closing was weak and senii-demoial-i?ed. Minor rniw'dcratinnn xvcie obliterated by tho importance attached to the money outlook. Total sales todav, l,0ii,K) shares. The bond niaikct siiared the weakness of the stock market, but in a much less degiee. Total sales, par xalue, M,'.'20 (ion. rnitcd States bunds werc'all unchanged on the last call. The following ouotalions ire furnished The Tribune by Haight & Freese Co.. 314-315 Mears ouilding. W. D. Bunjon, manager. Open. High. Low. Close. Amalgamated Copppr ... tSS'i MISi '"" i5?s Am. Car & Foundry .... l'i 31U M"' SOTi American Ice 18 1M4 lS)i 1S Amciican let, IT. Mtt ! C2 62 , American Locomolie ... 331 3.112 3liy 312 Am. Loconiotie, IT. ... 1)1 0494 Pi Ci Am. Smelt. & Ite'g. Co. Vi 4.1V 41 4 4 American Sugar 12"!i 12ST4 12 ji 125?i Anaconda Copper 112 112 112 112 Atchison MVfc ) 7S 7S5J Atchison, IT 8?4 CS?i 07'i MYi Bait. & Ohio lOSVi lOSi.i 107i,i 107Vs Brook. Bap. Tran.it .... (Mb (i ' "7Vi Canadian Pacific 12',2 12rt'j 122f- 121 ('lies. & Ohio 17 479s 40?i lil Chic. & Alton 3,ii 7Vi 37 37 Chic. & (it. West 2814 2814 2ti 27 Uiic, Mil. & St. P 171 17lMi l'U'i 1l Chic. B. I .& l'ac 170 170 175 175 Col, Fuel & lion 10ff inn 10J?4 lOfJi Col. & Southern 3(1 3l'B 30 30 Col. k South, IT. 4.!5a 43',s 1' Del. & Hudson 177 177 175 175 Krle R. It 31H SOU 37 37 Krie It. It.. 1st IT 1?4 C-li 0 00 Hocking Yallev SiV, St 82,S 8-2 V4 Illinois Cential IWTs l.ViVi 152 1MT4 International Power ....100 1( S5 102 Louis, k Nasi IS.! ltn 132H 131 Manhattan 135 lt.-iV4 1I2V4 132V4 Met. Street Ity nii 151 l.VI'4 15V4 Mexican Central 2Si 28?4 2814 2S MisMO.. Kan. k Texts.... 2.H JiiVs 2.1'i 21 Mo., Kan. k Tex., IT... 5754 57:H 5ill3 Wi'l Missouri IMelflc 101 10H4 "4 08 N. Y. Cential lWfH MH4 15f'4 MS'i Norfolk & Western 58 5394 Si'.i " Nortli Amcilian l.tO 110 12(1 120 Onlario & West 34U 3414 33',, 3tai Pacific Mall 42 12 41U 41V4 Penna. It. B I.ll'i 151 1"2,i I'.2i4 People's Gas lO'.U 10.5Vi 101 1018 Prevcd Steel Car 4T.3 4" It! 45 Iteiding H. It 07',! 07'4 (.194 05 Beading, 1st IT M's HUi F.'i S5 Beading, 2d. IT 72 Ii2 70 70 Bcpublic f-teel 10 10 1S 1S llcpiiblie Steel, Pr, 71 74', 74 71 St. Louis k San Fian.... (8 M 03 03 Southern Pacific 07 07 Wv;i M SouthernB.lt.- 37 37 3d 30 Smth. It. B IT (10 M 0i trt Tenn. Coal k lion 7 70V. n (17 Texas & Paellle 42 12 11 41 Union Pacific 104 104 102 10. Union PaelHe, IT 874 87 S7 87 IT. S. Leather 13 13 13 13 It. S. leather, IT 85 85 84 84 I'. S. Steel . 42 11 41 17. S. Steel, Pr 02 02 01 01 Wabash 20 20 25 25 Wabash, IT " 45 i 4'l 43 Wctmii Union Tel 01 01 01 0194 Wheeling: Like lai.. 2i 22 21 ?2 Wheel, k L. K.. 1st Pr.. 03 03 03 03 Wkconsln Central 20V4 '-CSs 23 2394 Total sales !iO7,2O0. t CIHCAOO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKI7T. WIIKAT Open, llleh, Low Close. July 7T 7791 70 7 September 70 "0 "0 7094 Jul?l!f" Wi M'a i, C! September 02 29s 02 09i (1ATS Julv .W 35 34 85 September tOVi 30 2'iTs 29 .lilly"1. ,7. 17.17 17.20 17.10 17.10 September 17.WI 17,30 17,23 17.25 Ju'l'v"..?. W.S0 l0''-n I"20 J0-TO September 10.23 10 30 10.21 10.10 .Tu'lv"1,' 0.55 0 51 0.50 0.50 S'p'tcniber '. CJ 0.0' f-53 -55 NIIW YOHK COTTOX MAHKIX Open, High. Low. Clos. jn. 0.34 O.S'l 0.32 0.34 VuKiist ,, I.1S 0.20 H.13 IM7 September 8.31 8l R.'i! 8.51 Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co,, Pr. ,, (JO ,,, County Savings Bank k Trust Co., 300 i.'ln Vitlnnnl Hank (Caibondalcl COO Jhlrd National Bank .,,, 5V) ... Dime Deposit uuu inseount lunu,,, uuu ... Economy Light. II. k P, Co.., 4i Tlrst National lliuk 1300 ,,, I.acka. Tiu.t & Sife Deposit Co,,., 105 ,,, Claik 4; SnoverCo., Pr.,,,,.,.,.,,., 123 ,., Sera nt on Saiings Haul; ,,,,,,,,,,,,. 500 ,,, Tradcu National Dank ,,.,,,,,,,,, 225 ,,, Scranlnn Bolt k Nut Co ,,,,,,,,,,,, 125 ,,, People'. Bank ,.,,.,.,...,.,,,,.,,,, 135 ,,, BONDS. Scranton Packing Co ,., 35 Scranton Passenger Railway, fhst Mortgage, due 1020 .,.,..,., 115 ... People's Street Railway, first inoit- gage, due 1918 ,,,,,, , 113 ... Thla tiimatore- le oa iim box ot tS Laxative Bromo'QuinineTt.iet3 1'iat ynrTM t im ! People' Street Rsllway, Central mortgage, due 1021 XU , Scranton Traction fl per rent 115 ... Lconomy Light, Heat k Power Co.. ... 07 Norlh Jersey k Pocono lee Con 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co, i i,.i ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ae.) Flour 94,40. Butter Fresh creamery, 21c. i fic.h dairy, 23c. Clicrac UtaiaUc Cggs Nearby, lPc.j western, 17e. Marrow Beans Per hiishel, (M.3')i2.40. Orecn ITas-IVr binhels, l.".i. Potatoes-1'er bushel. M.OO. Onions Uermudns, .?J.25 tier cralc, New York Grain and Produce Market New York, May 2. Flour-Oulet and a fhadc ealer Bt the close, lieal Spot easy! No. 2 ted, nouilinl elcmtor, niul nominal f, o. b. ntloat ; No. t northern Duluth, Elc. f, o. b. alloal, A bilef decline In wheat at the slnrt quickly gac way to strength and advancing price". At noon tho maikrt wai uivcttled. followed by a rapid ndv.sme. then a hie Mellon, the rinse b'.inr, weak at 98ae. net decline. May closed SHJi'.i July, fcMj hcptcmbei, 81 c.! December, h2c t.'nni Spot wcikj No, 2. tio'.jr. elevator, und OO'Jc. f. o. b. afloat. 'Ihe corn market was genctallv weal; todav. It eloscd henw at lc. net decline. Stnv closed 07c.: July, 0"e, ; Sept., COe, Oats Spot steadvi No. 2, 47c! No. 3. 4(l',fce.i No, 3 white, 5tr.; Hack while, fiOiSoc! No, 2 white, 52c, i track mixed wet cm, 47a4Sc. Options enlcr at first, but In the afternoon followed the wheat advance. Butler Funis cicamery, 20a2.!c.i do. factory, 17a20e.j lcnovaled, 8a21c.i Imitation creamery, 18.i21e. : state dairy, 10a22e Cheese Steady! state full errant, small, earlv make, fancy colored und white, 13al3c: full cream, large, fall make fncy coloied nnd while, 12al2c. Ilggi Steady to firm: stale and Penna,, 17nl7c. i weslcrn, 10-74al7i4c.i southern, 1594nl0c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago.' May, 2. Wheat pursued an erratic cnurs,' toelav, intlueucrd by news of n dleisl(led ilnracttr. I'eais of r litis in Kansas and a bid slump In corn fumed the market weak, nnd July wheat closeel . lower; July corn, 19s. depressed, and July oats, c. lower. Provisions rloed unchanged to 5c. higher. CaJi quota tions were as follows: l'loui No. 2 spring wheat. : No. 3, 73a 70Vic; No. 2 led. 82c: No. 2 yellow, ()2c: No. 2 oal, 42a43e.: No. 2 white, 44al5Kc; No. 2 rjc, 31e. : fair to choice malting barlev, CSa"lc'.: No. 1 flaxseed, $1.07: No. I north westernj 91.70 ! prime tltnnlhv seed, $7.10a7.20: mess pork. Slo.SOalllKij lard, 10.10il0.l2: short libs, Sj-O. ir.ir).r.'; ihv salted shoulders. 79inBc; short clear sides, SIO.10i10.20; whiskey, 81.30. Buffalo Xlve Stock Market. Fast BufTalo, May 2. f'attlc-Ofleilnas 220 head, no demand; outlook unfavot ible, xeals, receipls. 700: tops. I.f'ai(1.7."i: fair to good, 85.50aflJ common and light, ?4 50.15.25. Hogs Receipt. 7,100 bead; aetie; jorkers and lightweight, Baltic, higher: olheis steady; heaiv, il7.23a7.35: mixed, If7.10i7.20; pigs, ljsl.10 n0.50; louglis, 50. 10.i0.70; stags, Sl.75a5.30. Oil Market. Oil Cilv, Mav 2. Cicdit balanres, 120; eeitlfi cites, no bid. Shipments, I0'),201; luns, S2,tS5. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. twtwiuuwimsmwKxn We offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issus, $i,oco,ooo) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte. Mont.. 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sinls- ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination !?1000. Mulutincr 1 to 30 years. Rudolph Kleybotte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. SJBEEEEHBE3 THE Six Eagles Min s An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze fledal At the PanAraerican Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling' at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Got in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, I 1S02 Crozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa, CHEAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM a K IN(J & CO. MeuibeiH or Houston (Toxun) Oil Stock 12x. cluugo sollplt oiilein, AUKE toOHR HONEV. luyour lucouuiNiilllcddiit'.' If not, nnd you ui'o unxlauHto liiiTeuse It, write lias MiUlni: wlmtnmuuiityoiiciiii Invent, II only $io, und I v 11 write yon n iKlterorudvli'O Fr'-o Kor y:un l uayeilntie uotlilne excoi (study lureit. liiant'. lltuowl can liicrtiihoyuurliicainotiy tiolntliiKout Sulelnvestraout, liltlivrto nu. KUOWIl. ANDRHW U BUSH, Investment Broker, Bank Kclcrcncca birioKlicld, Miss I Stylish l I Skirts of 1 I Silken li I Sheen Thnt will outwear I X H any high-priced silk I I skirt. Our new Mer- I j I cerized black skirts I d with milled or plnitcd I H flounces can be had I V I $1 to $5 IS H An exceptional com- H HI binntion of style, wear H V and economy that H J ffl must appeal to your H V good judgment. D r H The b:st always go H J H first. Get yours to- 3 1 lit I u I it, B s m 126 Wyominj Ayg. m V iBBsaBagggrenaaagKa Warmi-Khret Co. 321 Washington Avenue. Contractors for Slag Roofing Guaranteed for 10 years. Manufacturers Hoofing and Paving Materials. 3HMMMMlllimMimfilJ.iVliWJMR FINANCIAL A GOOD INVESTMENT FINANCE, SECURITY & TRUST CO. ORGANIZED FEBRUARY 24th, 1902. CAPITAL, . . $500,000 Offers for sale to tho public a limited number of shares of its capi tal stock. Par Value p.00, at $5.00 Per Share The general public rarely has an opportunity to Invest in a security similar to this, at least not until those on the "INSIDE" are ready to sell at a profit, therefore conservative investors will appreciate this as an unusual opportunity to secure a good, safe, paying investment at first cost. No Preferrei Stock or Ban is The company starts business on a permanent dividend-paying basis President, (!. II. S. LITTLKTUN QnnMircr, SAUUKL BKOWNK Secr'y ami Kcn'l Mnsr- UHA8. U. BAGHUAN SAMUEL BROWNE, 311-13 Ar cade Bldg. I'liimcrly (inici.il .Maiiiitei Hr.il IMjlo Tltli' lii-maiac and Tiust (iiiuni, 1'lilladflLihia, WM.F.THACHER, Florence, N. J. Owiut rimcme Tim. id Company, Minx II. I). Wood k C'n. C. H. S. LITTLETON, 311-13 Ar cade Bldg. Ilcul rotate Opnalor nnd ll'illilrr, J. E. HENDRIOKSON, 30th and Market Sts., Philada. J. II. llcmlrlcUon fc Co,. Mnur. I'iiila. dHplila -Mi.rl.it lloifu mid Cild htoiasc I'lanl, 30th and Jlaiket fuct'ta. JOHN WELSH CBOSKEY, H. D., Professional Building. IStl-W Clif.stnut hticel, I'litlaUclplila, Checks, drafts or money orders Finance, Sscurity and Trust Co., Arcade Building, City Hall Square, Philadelphia. For further particulars write for prospectus. S. S. DERM AN, 714 Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. Trans-Continental Maps mailed upon request to Institutions, Executors, Investors and Trustees. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS, 27 & 29 Pine St New York B00DY,3IcLELLAjS &C0. BANKERS, No p7 Uroudway, New Vorl; City. jn:sinuits xi:v vouk mock uxciianui:. S OCKS.UUfNPS pud IN VEa I'M UN I'S OKDE11B EXECUTED FOR 1NVEST1VIENT0R ON MARGIN Allis-Chalmers Co Euccessora to Machine nuslnesa ot Dlclison Manufacturlns Co., Scranton and WIIKes-Barre. Pa. Btatlonary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumpa. Held Up ! The man or boy passing .by our store is unconciousjy held Up by the display of new things in our windows and show cases. Our line of Men's Fine Suits in imported worsted and cashmeres, is being commented on all over town for neatness of pattern, and perfectness ol fit. You can look as well as the man who wears one of them, by getting one. In this line we really have no competitors. If you want to look right Gpme in and get a suit. Our Rain Coat, the "Genu ine Cravenette-' is the finest in the land. To the Scranton Ladies: When tired searching for something new in Boys' Fine Clothing, stop at Griffin's, you will find what you want. IS M. H. Griffin, Clothier, 318 Lackawanna Avenue. ) ) FINANCIAL. A. L. WANAMAKER, Attorney at Lav. Land Title BuIUIiiiij, I'litladelplili. CHAS. U. BACHMAN, 311-12 Arcade Building, Philada. rorincrly Oncral . Axciit and Adjuster tor tin) Llojds, BOABDMAN REED, M. D., Pro fessional Building. 1&I1-3.1 Chestnut Street, I'liiladelpliia. JOHN I. SC0TT.4402 Pine Street, Philadelphia. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, Wil mington, Delaware. herr'.v nnd Treas. Delaware Trust Co., IVHIIIIIIKIOU. should be made payable to the mBmvwm RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In i:ilect, Nov., 3, 1001. 'iroliu K'.uo Stuntou. For riillailelpliu ami Sew York via D. & II. It It., at 0.3a and U.SS a. m aiij 2,18, LS7 (lllacU Dliiinvilil ;iruK), ami 11, UJ p. in. Sun. for White llairu, lUiletuu and principal points in the coal region, vU H. k 11. It. It., U.CS, 2.18 auU ,27 p. hi. I'oi I'ottsvllle, tf.US a. m,, 2.13 I'oi' llethlelunii llaston, Heading', IlarrUhurg, and mlnclpjl lutcnr.cdUio stations, via 1). k II, II. 11., . Si, IWa' a. in. 2.1S. 1.27 (Mack Ilia, mend l-Apuw), 11. oO p. in. Sundays, 1). k II, 11. it,, O.bS a. in.; l.SS, S.27 p. in. For TuiiMiannocl, Towanda, Ulinlra, Ithaca, (Icnciu and principal intcrind!atc stations, ill U., L. and IV. It. It., S.ll) a. m. and 3.50 p For licnevj. Koclicittr, UuAalo, N'lasara Fall), Chlcuttn and all w!nta v.tkt, via I), k II. It. II, 7,4s, 12.0) a. in.; 1.12, 3,2il (Ulack Diamond tlx. pre), ".IS, 10.41, 11.30 p. ni. Sundays, 11, k II. It. It., 12.0.1, 8.27 . in. I'ullnun pailoi and clccpln? or Lettish Valley Parlor cam on all tralnj bctueci Vi'ilKci-llJrro und New York, I'hlladclphia, Dullalo and Sujpen. blou in Use ItOUI.N II. Wll.DUlt, Gen. Supt., M Cortland ttitct, .Ntu York, CHAltLKS K. U.E. Ocn. Fan. Agt., 20 Coitiand blicct, Xcw Yolk. A. W. XOXUMAClliat, PI it. I'a3j. Aft., South Ilethlciuin, Fa. For tickets and Pullman rcicratloiu apply ta rlty tlikct vtUci'. CU Public Square, Wllku-Uane, t'a. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton tor New York At 1.40, 8.15, 0.05, 7.00 and 10.00 a. in.; 12.43, 3.40, S.SJ p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a, m., and 12.15 and S.S3 p. m. For Toby hanna At 6.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m. ; 1.55, 15.50 nnd 11.35 p. m. For Blng hamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. m. For Oswego, Sjracuse and Utlca 1.15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.65 p, m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca train at 6.22 a. ni. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. m.; 1.10 and 6.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 6.15 p. m. Blooimburg Division For Northumberland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 n. m.; 3.40 and 9.00 p. m Sunday Train For New York, 1.40, 3.15, 6.05 and 10.05 a. m.; 3.10, 3.33 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15 and fi.22 a. m.; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.35 p. nu For Binlianilon and way stations 10.20 a. m. lilcomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. ni. and 0.10 p. m. Pennsylvania Eailroad. Sclicdulo in Effect June 2, 1801, Trains leave Scranton: C.3S a. m week days, through estihule traiu from Wllkea-Barre. Pull man bullet parlor car and coathea to Philadel phia, Ua Poiuville; !(ops at principal intemic. diate 6tationa. Also connccta lor Suubury, liar riaburir, I'liiladelpliia, Baltimore, Washington and tor Pittsburg and iho west. 9 38 a m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadolphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho nest. . 1.4-' p. m., "cclc da-s (Sundays, 1.53 p. m.), for Sunbury, Ilarri"burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho west. 3.28 p. in., week dav., through vestibulo train from Wilkes-Barrc. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia la I'ottsvllle. Stopf at piincipal Intermediate stations 4.27 p. m week days, for Kazlcton, Sunbury, llarrisburg, Philadelphia and Plttsburc J. B, HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. New Jersey Central. In Effect Nov. 17, 1001. Staticiw in New York, foot of Liberty street and South Ferry, N. 11. Trains lcaio Scranton for New York, Philadel phia, Hasten, Bethiehim, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, While Haien. Ashley and Wilkes-Barre at 7,30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. Quaker City E.prcs leaves Scianton at 7.30 a. iu., through solid voatihulo train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only one change of cars for Baltimore, Washington, P. C, and all principal points outh and west. For Aoiu, Plttoton and Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 P. m. Sunday, 2.10 p.m. For Long Branch, Oucan drove, etc., 7.30 a, m. and 1 p, in. For Reading. Lebanon and llarrisburg, via Al lentown, at 7.30 a. ni. and 1 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 For Pottsvlllo at 7.30 a. m. and I p. m. For rates mid tickets apply to agent at station. W. O, BKSLKR, General Manager, Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November 21, 1001, Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 6.20, 8.00, S.61, 10.13 a. ni.i 12.00, 1.20, 2,34. 3.62, 21) 0.25, 7.57, 0,16, 11.20 p. 111.; 1.31 a. m. For Iloiiesdile-0.20, lO.lSa. in.; 2.31 and 5.29 P'For Wllkes-Barre-6.88. 7.48, 8.41. 0.38, 10.43 a. m.; 12.0J. 1.42, 2.1S, 3.2S, 4.27, CIO, US, 10l"r "'V.'it.'li. Points-0,03, 0.33 a. in.; 2.13, 4.27 ami 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania II. II. Points-6.33, 0.33 a. ni.i 1.42. 3.2S and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. '-sumu. TRA,NSi For Carbondalc-&.50, 11.3,5 a. m.jv2.34, 3.52, 6.62 and 11.17 p. m. For "wilUe.-Birrc-0.33 a. m.; 12.03, 1.68, 3.2S. 0.S2 and 0.17 m. For Albanv and points north 3.52 p. nt. For llonesdale 8.50 a. in. and 3.61 p. m. W, L. PHYOIt, D, P, A.. Scranton. Pa. New York, Ontario and Western. In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. x NUllTll ItOU'Nl). , Leave Leave Arrive ivilm Scianton, raibondale, Cadosia. i" 1 10.30 a. m. 11.10 a, in. 1.00 p. in. Ko 7 ........ )' '" Ar- Carbondale 0.10 p, m. h0- ' -sOUTH BOUNU. Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. S-S " ........ 2-15 ! " l0 P- ' .Wp. m. ' SUNDAYS OM.V. NOIHII BOUND. ' Leave Leave Arrlvi Trains Siranton. Caibondale, C'adosla. No! 0 ? ' . ;WP- m. ,10.15a. ml No 6 ........ T.OOp. in. Ar. Caibondale 7.10 p. m. .vo. o ..... jjoyxil BOUND. v Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Cadoola. Caibondale. Scranton. So, 0 , 7.00 a. m. 7.40 a.m. v0. 10 ,. 4.30 p. in. 6.00 p. in. (1.45 p. in. Trains Nos. 1 on week day, and U on Sundays, make main Hue connictlom for New Y'ork city, MiddtetovMi, Walton, Norvvivli, Oneida, Owtga and all point west. For further infoiinatlon ccnsult ticket agents. J. U. ANDl'.K&ON, G. P, A New York. h E. WELSH, T, P. A., Scranton, Pa. Br W te t '- J, ,.'. - ) ' 4 4 j. -- V"ifr t !
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