The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 03, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Church and Sunday-School
At the Pcnn avenue church next week
oicuib the annual ntate meeting of the
Baptlnt Women's Foreign Mlaslonury
oclety. The reports and nddrcsses will
bo Interesting, not only to the churches
,of the Ablngton association, which In
vites the session here, and the Baptist
churches of the city, which enlcrttiln
the delegates, but to all friends Inter
ested In mlcslonary work.
Miss Dr. Breed, of Nalgondu, India,
tvIH he one of the speakers. Miss Gotl
dardi from Mingpo, China, and Miss
Morgan, from Assam, just returned
from their work In these fields, will also
speak. Miss Morgan had a, remarkable
PNperlcncc In the recent great earth
quake. Religious Notes.
A financial rally will lip conducted
.In the Howard Place A. M. K. chuich
Rev. A. V. JRamor has been called
away to attend the funeral service
of a niece,1 at Hairlsburpr. Pa.
""Dr. D. S. Bcntley has returner! from
Danville, Virginia, whore lit: spent a
part of last wek on business.
On next Monday - the Hcranton-Wllkes-Burre
Lutheran I'astnral asso
ciation will meet nt the parsonage of
St. Mark's Lutheran church. Rev. A.
I,. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor.
Rev. Benjnmin Wheeler, presiding
elder of the Pittsburg district A. M. K.
church. Is spending a few days In this
vicinity. 'He will conduct a meeting
at Howard Place church Sunday.
"The Luther League of St. Mark's
church Is actively engaged In making
preparations for the reproduction of
the moving pictures of the famous
Ober-Ammergau Passion pluy, next
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
" The Methodist Ministers' association
of Scranton and vicinity will meet In
Elm Park church at 10.SO, May 5th.
Qftlceia are to be elected. Rev. L. H.
.Waring of Grace ' Lutheran church,
will address the meeting on "Foot
Prints of John Wesley Abroad."
', Rev. Jones, who was to cqme here
in February, but was prevented owing
to. the storm will leave Philadelphia
on the 10.30 a. m. tiatn, today and will
arrive hpre at C.47. He Is better known
ns Phophet Jones. He predicted the
Charleston, S. C, earthquake, Johns
town flood, etc.
"Rev. F. S. Ballentlne has just return
ed from Philadelphia where he attended
the twentieth reunion of the class of
'S2 of the University of Pennsylvania.
He also attended the consecration of
Bishop Mackay Smith. tit Holy Trinity
church where he was at one time
rector's associate with Dr. McVickar,
now bishop of Rhode Island.
"Christianity as exemplified in the
catacombs of Rome" will be the sub
ject of Dr. McLeod's evening lecture
In the First Presbyterian church to
morrow. It Is a theme of great in
terest, as it brings Into the age im
mediately succeeding the apostles. The
catacombs were the hiding places and
cemetries of the persecuted Christians.
Methodist Episcopal.
Elm Park Methodist Kpiicopil church Pia.ver
nd praise ut O.iit) .1. 111.; reception of member
ant Lord's suppc- iu 10J0 a. in. At clo-c of
morning meeting, chits meeting in Sunday m liool
room. Sundaj school at - p. in.; .lunioi League
at 600 p. m. At p. in.. Dr. C. M. Gitim.
the pastor, will (the the lli-l ot the announced
four "Ons" which is "On Time." Stiangeis are
Simpson Methodit Episcopal chuieli lte. II.
C. MeDcrmott, pastor Pi caching at 10.80 a. in.
ind ".SO p. in. Morning topic, "Tlie Picachcr's
Cireat Theme"; evening topk', "Ihe Way to
Faith." Sunday school at 12 m. ; .lunior League
at 3 p. m. ; Epwoith League at 6.30 p. in. All
aro welcome.
Embury Sleihodist Episcopal church Rev.
Junes Bcnningcr, pistor. Services on Sunday ns
follows: At 0 a. in., informal greeting all com
mittees to be present to welcome the guests;
10 a. in,, seiinon by Jle. . r. 1,'pham, D. I).,
L.L. D,; platfoim meeting at 3 p. ni speakers,
former pators; Kpworth League at 0 p. in,,
leader, James Shepherd, of him 1'aiK League;
1 p. m., sermon by Rev. .1. 11. Sweet, 1). 1). Re.
member that all vertices commence n halt hour
earlier than usual. The Ushers, public iccepiion
anil public comfoit committees will meet at 9
I. m.
Court Street Mcthodit KpUcopal cliurch, llev.
O. C. Lyman, pastoi Clas No. 1, 0.43, O. P. De
Witt, leader. Preaching 10.30. Sunday school
yA G. R. Claik, superintendent. Junior
League, 2.10. Epvvoilh League, 6.30. Pleaching,
7,."0. Official lioaiil nieeting Monday, 7.30.
da's No. 2, Tucsdiy 7,30, Joseph Aichcr, leader.
Piajer meeting Wednesday 7,."0. Seats free.
Strangers welcome.
Providence Methodist Fplscopal church, llev. G,
A. Cure, pastor. The Motherhood of St. Paul
When the doctor leaves and says the
case is hopeless, what remains to be
done? Nothing, if the doctor's word is
final. Much, it you will listen to the
statements of men and women who were
once "Hopeless
cases " given up by
doctors, and who
were perfectly and
permanently cured
by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery,
.Nothing is more
sure than that
thousands of men
and women with
diseased luugs,
obstinate coughs,
hemorrhage, ema
ciation and night
meats, have been
restored to perfect
health by the use
of the " Discov
ery," Will it cure
It has cured in
ninety-eight cases
out' of everv hun-
ired where it was given a fair and faith
ful triaj. By that record you have only
two chances in a hundred of failure and
liaety-eight chances of being restored
to perfect health. It is worth trying.
Abrsm Freer. Baq ,of Rockbridge, Oreene Co..
111., writes; "My wife had u severe attack of
pleurisy and lung trouble ; the doctors gave her
op to (He. She commenced takiug Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and she began to
'jnprove from the first dose. By the time she
asq' taken eight or tea bottles the was cured,
lod it was the cause of n large amount being
io!d here. I think the ttolden Medical Dit
vry' la the best medicine in the world for
bug trouble."
.VkitB. Dr. Perces Common Sense
Hectical Adviser containing over a thou
k)'aid large pages is sent free on receipt
if. tamps to pay expense of mailing only,
3end 31 one-cent stamps for the hook iu
lapcr covers, or 31 stamps fpr the cloth
bound volume. Addresser, R. V. Pierce,
lutfilo, N, Y, ,
meet for prajer at 10 a. m. Preaching at 10. "0.
Subject, "Comfort for the Aged." Sunday school
at 2 p. m. Kpnoilh League at fl.4.. Toplr,
"Prajer Ncccilly;" Sirs. U. A. Cure, leader.
Preaching at 7,30. Subject, "Theatres and The
atre Goers."
St. Paul's Melhodlil church, 1". P.
Dofy, pastor Services May i, 1902: 10.00 a. m.,
meeting ol llrolherhoodj 10.30, Vtimon by Itcv, S.
J. Horsey! 11.45. Sundy school; 3.80 p. HI., Jun
ior Epvvorth League; 0.30, Epvvorlh League. De
votional service, Mr. Peicr Jones leaden 7.30,
sernmn by the patter. All coullalty welcome.
Alii Street Methodist Kpleopal rliurch llev. .1.
R. Austin, pistor. Morning preaching seivice nt
10.K0. subject. "The Christian' Armor"! class
meeting at 11.30 a. m Charles Croop, leader;
Sunday school, nt 2 p. in., Peter llartman, super
intendent; Kpworth Tieaguc nt 0.1 p. in., (.'.
If. Luther, leader; evening pleaching ncrUcc at
7.30, subjelt. "The 1'oxes In the Vlnejaid."
.Nay Aug Afcthodlt Episcopal chmch Itcv. .1,
It. Austin, pastnr; bunday school nt 2.30 p. ni. ;
W, M, Xlion, supeilnlcndent. Preaching service
at .'1.30 p. in. A rordtal wi Iconic.
I Irot (iciiuati Methodist Kplsiopal rliuiel, d
aius nvenuc and Vine slrect O. llobllin, iatir.
Preaching services at 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m.
Sundiy Fcliool at neon and at 'J o'clock p. in. at
the Tujlor Avenue chapel. Prajer meeting on
Wednesday evening.
African Methodist KpUcopal cliurch. How ird
Place Dr. I). S. Ilentley, pastor. Annuil nlly
and tpiartirlv meeting smites'; preaching, 10,30
a. m. by Itcv. llcnjamin Mieelei, presiding elder.
Saeiamcut. at 3 p. ni.; Chrlliin Kmlc.iv or prajct
meeting, 7.11 p. ni., C. II. tlalnes. pieildent.
Pleaching, 7.4"i p. in,; subjecl, "Winking in
God's Vlnejard." A roidlnl welcome to all.
Pcnn Aveniis Iiaptiat church, Piiin avenue be.
tween Spiuce and Linden ttect". Miangers coi-
illally welcomed. Pleaching, morning at 10.30
and evening at 7.30, by the pastoi, Itcv. Ilobeit
'. V. Pictce, I). P. .Morning pra.uis in the
lower temple. Theme of Hie tiioinlng seiinon,
"Vthcie Is (!od!" Reieption of new meiiibeis
and communion. Simdaj hcliool at the home
church ut 2 o'clock and at the Amcrmati ifemoi
ial tnifdon nt 3.30 p. in. Young People's society
meeting at 0.30. llinn" of the evening sciuion,
"Where Is Heaven" At the aftei meeting, the
pastor will use crajon sketches to picwent the
Gospel tory.
First Baptist cliurch. South Main avenue, 'lev.
S. V. Mat hew , pastor The usual services will be
held ou Sabhith at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
The Sunday school meets at 2 p. in., Dr. n, G.
Bcddoe, superintendent. B. V, P. U. ut 0.30 p.
ni. in the asicmbl.v mom. Piaver ineetliig on
Wednesday evening at 7.30 p. m. Seats fiee. All
Jackson Street Baptist Church, Itcv. Thomas
do (iiuchy, D. D pantoi Morning men'o piajci
meeting at 0.45, Deacon Richard NIoholK lead
ci. Seiinon at 1030. Topic, "Reaping and
Sowing," Sunday school at 2 p. m. John Llovd,
superintendent. livening service at 7 slurp.
PrJise and song service with full orclicstia. Duct
by John and Geoige King, cornctits, followed by
a short addtess by the pastor. This i-.tvicc
is tor the people and all will leceivc a roidhl
w elroiuc.
Gieen Uidge Baptist church Rev. George W.
Strult, of Salamanca, '. Y., will preach at 10.30
a. m. and 7.J0 p. m. Communion nfter morning
service. Olher services of'the week as usual.
First Welsh Biptist church, West Maiket
stiect Rev. J. V, Davies, pastor. The pastor
will preach, both morning anrr evening, at the
until hours, 10 a. in. and 6 p. ni. Sunday school
at 2 p. m. The evening seivice will be con
ducted in EnglNIi. Seats are free and all fiiends
are cordially invited to attend.
Shiloh BaptNt church, cornet Mulbcriy street
and Adams avenue Preaching both morning and
evening by Rev. Andicw Jones, oi Philadelphia
Sunday school, 2.30 p. in,; services all net week,
conducted by Rev, Joio. Xo baptismal mites
Mlndav ,
l'n-t Pretbytci ian chmch Dr. MiLeod will
preach morning and evening. "L'arly Cluistian
ity a Esemplilied In the Catacombs of Rome"
will be his evening topic. Seivices nt 10.30 a.
111. anil 7.30 p. ni. Miangm welcome.
Second Presbvtvmn church, Jefterson avenae
(between Vine and Miilbcnv- stiects) 10.30,
morning vvoiship; 12 in , Sunday whool; 8.30,
Young People's Sncietj of Chu-.tian Endeavor;
7.30, evening worship. At the evening seivjre the,
Rev. ,f. II. Odell vvil preich. Subject, ""What
the Xct World Has to Say About 1 f."
Green llidgo Picsbvterirn chuich Rev. J. J,
Laming, pastor; Rev. L. It. Foster, assistant.
10.30 a. in., serviies of woishop with sermon by
the pistor; subjcr, "A New Ileait for a evv
Work." 32 m Bible school; 0.30 p. m., Chris
tian Kndeavor. At 7.30, evening worship, with
sermon by the pastor; new series on "The
House of Life" "Its Shelter." All are welcome.
Piovidemc Presbyteiian church Rev. Dr.
Guild, the pastor, will pieach at 10.30 a. in.
Sunday school ut noon; Junior Eudeavrr at 3.30
o'clock; Senior Kndcavor hervice at 6.3 J o'clock.
Evening services, with eeunon by Dr. Guild, at
7.30 o'c'jek. beats of the church are always
Washbuin Street Presbyleiian i liurcli Rev,
John P. Moffat, D. D pastor. Services at 10.50
a. in. and 7.10 p. in.; Bible school at 12 m.;
Junior Christian Endeavor, 3.30 p. ni.; Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor, U.20 p.
ni. Prajer meeting Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. The
pastor will preach morning and evening, All wel
come, Sumner Avcnuo Pics,bjteriau chuich, corner of
Sumner avenue and Price street Serv ices tomor
ovv as follows: Sabbath school in the afteuoon
at '2 o'clock. Tliu evening sprvlec at 0 o'clock,
Rev, Dr. McLeod, of the First Presbj terian
cliurch, will occupy the pulpit. The sacrament
of the Loid's supper will be administered. All
vv elconie,
Capouse chapel f Green Ridge Presbj terian
cliurch) Preaching. 10,30 a, m. and 7,30 p. ni.,
by tho pastor, Rev. It. R. Foster. Sunday
school, 3 p. ni.; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.j Sen
ior Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. Prayer meeting, 7,30
Thursday evening. Welcome to all,
Adams Avenue Chapel, New Yoik sticet Sei
vices as ibiial. The Rev. James tlughrs will
preach at 10 30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
St. Luke's Pailsh llev. Hogeij, Israel. I, O,,
rector; Rev. Edward J, Ilaugliton, ruralc Fifth
(Rogation) Sunday after Easter,
St, Luke's cliurch, Wv owing avenue-7,10 a, m
holy communion; 0,15 a, in., Sunday sclioot; 10,30
a, in,, holy communion and sermon; y,45 a. in.,
morning piajci; 7,30 p. m evening piajci.
St, .Mark's clnpel, Diimnoi e 7,30 a, in., holy
communion 0.10 a, ni Sunday school; 10.30 a',
in,, inoinliig prayci and seimrii; 7.3d p. in,, even
Ing prajer and teimon,
St. Geoige'ii, Olyphaut 2.30, Sunday 6ehool
3.30 p. m evening service.
East End .Sunday bcliool, 2.30 p, m.
South Side Sunday school, 2,30 p, in.
Church of the Good Shepherd, corner Mo-i?ej
avenue and Gieeu llidgo atieot Itev,' Fianels H,
Hatcman, icctor, riftli Sunday after Eaiter,
Morning prajer and holy communion, 10.30 a, m. j
Sunday sciioo) nnd rector's class, 2,30 p, m.j
evening prajrr, 7,30 p. in,
St, John's Misiou, (Mtrhaut llall, Providence
Square Holy communion, 7.20 a. in. hundj)
tihool, 2 p, m.j evening piajer, 4 p. in,
Clulst's church, corner Washington avenue and
Park &trcct-llev. F, S. llalleiitine, rector. Sei.
vlcta nt 10.30 ii, in,, 2.30 p. in. and 7.30 p. in.
All seat free. All welcome,
Reformed Episcopal,
Giace Ilifoimcil Episcopal chuiih, Wjomliig
avenue, below Mulberry street Gcorgo L. ,i.
rich, pastor, Pra.ver ami praise ten ice at 0.30
a, m.j deviue worship at 10.30 a, in, and 7,30 p,
in, Preaching; by the pastor. Sabbath school,
12 m.j young People's Society of Clirlstlaij En
deavor, 0.30 p. III. Lesson study, Wednesday at
7,30 p. m.; prajer meeting at 8. Scats free,' All
are welcome, .
Evangelical Lutheran.
Holy Trinity English Luthciaii chuich Hev, E.
1'. Hitter, pastor. Fifth Sunday after Eaiter,
Gospel lesson, John xvl:2J-30. Epl.tle, James
1:22-27. At 10.30 a. in,, regular pleaching ser
vice; 12i., Suuday school; 0.43 p. ni., Luther
League; 7.30 p. ni., vesper service.
St, Mark's Lutheran chuich, H'jkhliuin sticet
Rev, A. L, Itatuer, Ph. I)., pa lor. bcrvlccs at
1030 n, til, and 7.30 p. m. Sunday Bcliool, 12 in. (
l.uther league, 0.30 p. in. Morning mbjrct, "The
Ascension!" evening subject, "Sanetlflcatlon."
(tiaco Evangelical Lutheran chuich (general
sjnod), comer of .Mulberry street anil Prescott
avenue Hev. Luther I lew Waring, pastor. At
0.30 a. in., Sunday school; 10.30 a. in., Divine
vvoixhlp, with sennoiil 7, i. in., Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor; 7,30 p. m., even
ing service, with sermon. Evcijbody welcome.
All Souls' Unlvcrwllst cliurch, Pine street be
tween Adams and Je.'fcrson avenues Itcv. Thoims
It. Pajne, pi(or. Divine seivice, with sermon,
at 10 30 n, iu. and 7.30 p. in.; morning subject,
"Walking by Faith"; evening subject, "What Unl
vcrsallsts Te it h. Concerning Punishment." Sun
day school at 12 jn. Seits fiec. Strangers coi
dially welcomed.
Calvaiy Reformed church, Mnmoe avenue and
Olb-on slrect llev. Marlon L. Flror, pastor.
Services at 10.30 a. in, and 7.30 p. in.; Snndav-
school, 11,45 n. in.; Christian Endeavoi, 7 p. in.
Zlon United Evangelical church, 1120 Oipour
avenue IteV. J. W, Mcstiigcr, pastor. Preach
ing, 10,30 a. in, nnd "..111 p. in. I "ithjccts,
"Debtors to God" and "Christ, "Ihc litter being
the fifth senium mi "Tropin ty or lcinilnencs
and Authenticity cf the Ull.lo b.v Pilphccj Ful
filled." Sunday tchovd, n..Q a, in.; Junior En
deavor, 4 p. iu.: Senior Endeavor, 0,-!0 p. in. All
seats, fne. Evei.vbody welcome to nil services.
Plymouth Congngatlonal chuiih llev. E. R.
Williams, of Coolvllle, O., will pieneh morning
anil evening. Morning topic, "The Bisls cf Our
I'nlty with God"; evening topic, "Individual De
cisions In the Chi Mian Life."
Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue, llunmnre
James Lel.shri.iii, pastor. Pleaching at 10.30 a. m,
and 7.30 p. in. Sundaj- school, 12 in.; Young
People's meeting, (I. TO p. in. An all day meeting
of the Clnistiau and Mi'slonaiy Alliance on Tips
day, 10!:,0 a. m., 2 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Aithtir
Hiivvden, missionary fiom South China, will be
the speakei.
First Primitive Methodist church, Cri-cn Ridge
Itcv. O, Lees, pistor. Regular pleaching 'ervi:es
at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. The morning ser
vices will be conducted bv J. I'idlam, and in the
evening John (cates will piiach. Class meeting
after morning sermon. All welcome.
Acts, xi: 19-30.
Secretary of
American Society of Religious
JM'ltODLCriOV. lhus far the book of Ac,ts
has been (unfilled to n sketch of religious livn c
ments in great cenlies. Seven chapters showed
what was done in Jciiualem until the death of
Stephen l'lillllp'.i work In Samaiia and vvitli
the eunuch who rctu.ned to Ethiopia followed.
Then the account of Paul' conversion on the
waj- to Damascus) vv is presented, and afteiv.-aid
Petci's maivclou-j vision at Joppa and bis ser
vice for Ctrnclius at C'aesarea. Thu-i, Willi
Jerusalem as the point of beginning, Sim mi,
Ethiopia, Dannscus, Joppa anil Caenuea, are
brought Into the field of Christian cffoit. With
this gcogiaplucal expansion there had come jit
ter views of the gopel'n mission to leach Gentiles
as well as Jews, to become .1 world-wide bj Ucm
of lellgion. The church had broken the bonds
of tace ili-tiucticn ami was. icady for its outwawl
lnovcmcnts to the legioiu bejond. Today wei
xtiall ce how- in the Providence of God nuolh.-r
ccntie was cstablislied front which misio:i i,ie
would be Miortlj sent out.
Dlt'PERMON. (Verse 10). Attention is (list
calleil to the joumejs of ("lnistians fumi Jer
usalem (Dan. Mill). Thev might have been
content to lemaiii in the national inctiopolL-.,
where vveie the temple, sjnagogues, sacred
books and places, learned men, and schools, bj
which intellectual and social life received its
highi st ftimulu. But the persecution that arose
about Stephen (Acts vii:3S), directed against
hity in tlie main (Acts viil:14), cnnipelloel them
to flee in every iliiection for safety. We le.un
here that thev- traveled to the north, until t lip.v
leached Plienlce, or Phenicii, a Miiall couutiy
lving on tin- Mrditcitancau sea, peopled by the
descendants of Ham. 'lhence some uowul ovei
into the island of C)pius-, while others jour
neyed eastward and came to Antioch, then a cele
brated Sjriau city, thus settlements of Chris
tians vveie I'ftfctecl in three impoilant regions,
extending east and west in a right line prohibly
a hundred miles, all bejond the jurisdiction of
the Jewish lileiaichj
PREACHERS. (Veises 10 and 20.) The men
who thus went out preached not because thpj
had been trained and ordained to the sacred
office they were lsjmcn but because they vvoio
consecrated to the cause of Christ, The infant
church had not jet made clcilcal distinctions
prominent but regaided all believers as minis
tore, (Matt. svlii:18.) These lay pieacheis,
finding asjlum in the noitli, were of two kiuJs.
Some were fonner dwellers in Jerusalem, Jevv-'sh
iu their sjmpathies, and they naturnlly souajht
their fellow countrjincn, endeavoring to win
them to Christ. Others had been if sklents in
those parti, sojourning foi a time at Jerusalem,
now- returning; home because of the psraccullin.
These preached Jesus to (he Giechuis, that is to
the Gentiles, the luiciicuniclscd. Whether this;
took place piior or subsequent to Petci's visit to
Cornelius, as relited in our last lesion, we have
no means of determining. It is probable tint
Hie two events vveie contemporaneous or neatly
CONVERTS. (Veuc 21,) Tlie pleaching to
Gentiles in Autiocii by uiioidaiued lefugees was
on a largei scale than the preaching of Peter
at Caesarca, In the latter case, a single man,
an officer iu the Roman army and his household
weie In ought into tho church, while in tho for
mer instance u. largei- number accepted Cluist,
Fiom this it is not to be argued that tlie words
of Peter were lets eltective, and that therefore
lay talent is to be piefcrred. But the greater
gatheilug wit due to the fact that tho pi earn
ers ot thought and speech vveie thcrefoie vell
known, and to the iiirlher fact that they le
in.iinccl and continued their labois for a longer
time, tines pic.sslng every e irc.niiist.iin i- to ad
vantage. And so it tame- to ium that ,i great
number believed, nnd a chinch, a inngitgatlon,
was foiiued, rboving one met line bj- which in
those dajs Chilstlanily was piopagatcd. It ei
hlbiled the vitality and aggtcsslvcncss of the
Uiuich. '
n.vll.AUAS,-(Vcisfs 22, 21, 2I.)-Tlm congie
Ration at Jcliisalcin, being the lint body of c,r.
ganlud ('III UtiJin, rxcicUcil u kind of oversight
for all new societies famed, peilmps holding
this as a right or dutj, pcihaps Iu maintain unity
and pioinotc cfTlelcncy, Hence Peter was sent to
t-ainatla to supervise Phillip's wnik, (Asts
vlllsll.) So now it was denned piopcr to icnd
one noilhwaid, stopplrg ulung the vraj, and
coming ut length to Antioch, Dirnabas was
eliotcu fur this impoitant mission, 'the selection
is lilghly pigniflcaut inasmuch ns he was not an
apostle Indicating ft tendency to call others
into service. He Is incut I mod but twice be
fore iu Scriptnic fnee iiwielatlou to ho t.Mng
of his piopeity to the chinch (Acts iv;.l0ST),
and once in his kiiiJucss to Saul (Aels l:27),
What Is uiost In.poitant, he f here, declaicd
to be a good nun full of the Holy Ghost, Just
the- one needed by the cliurch in its earlier his
tory. His ministry is ulso desciibcd In fuw
vvorils, both as tu its chaiacter and effect lie
e.xhoitcd to fldclllj' and many vveie saved.
SAUL. (Ycites 25 tivl 20.) 'Iheie is alwajs a
favorable llnce and modo for the Instiiiction of u
great man to his life work, Anlloh was )ion.
ored as tlie first Held of the apostle to the Gen
tiles. After Ids brief tojourn with the apostles
In Jerusalem lie fled fiom the ciimltv of the
Jews to C'aesarea unci thence to Tarsus (Acts
W:30), Iheie, in I1L1 native city (Acts jrl:J'i),
he mnaincd in obscurity, with oppoitunlty To
study tlio philosophy of the heathen, the litera
ture of the Jens and the doctrine? of his new
fiillh. On reaching Antioch, Hamulus thought
of his old friend whom ho constdcicd tho proper
one, both by natural gifts nnd acquirements ti
Welt ns by grace, to be an assistant or co-worker
In the new church, lie therefore made the
journey, In those dajs n vny tedious one, to
'iarsus, perhaps three hunched miles distant,
and brought back this gieat man. One wholo
jear the two lauglit Die truths of the gospel,
and dining that time the disciples acqulicd the
title of Christians.
1'AMINi:. (Verses 27 to 23.) At the end cf it
jear the teaching of these men, so greitly prolU
able lt the church, was Interrupted by tho intio
diictlnn uf fceiihr millers. Among the prophets
(pieachers) who came to Antioch from Jerusalem,
one named Agnbus (Acts xl:10) had the ability
tn foietell events, as did the prophets and seers
of the olden times. ( Under the Illumination ot
the Splilt be predicted, a world-wide famine.
That eloes not necessarily mean that there would
be n dearth of food In all countries at once,
but that all countries; would suffer, some per
haps moie thin others, the visitation being Iu u
succession of je.ns, tlr-t In one land, then In the
olher. 'the lesson informs us nnd Jemcphtis, Dlo
Casslus and Tucltus confirm the isti.tenicnt, that
this prediction wn actually fnllllled In the dajs
of Claudius, who was then the Hoimn cmpeior.
In those dajs a famine was antlolpaled with
much dread, both because of thn discomfort and
because It was supposed to Indicate the Divine
ili-plciisurc. (Gen. Ml:2.j.)
I!KSi:OI,EXCi:.-(Vcre 20 and 30.) Adver
sity Is favorable to (be ill-play of cliaractei.
Any tcmpoial mkfoitunc is, therefoie, a ble-s-ing, by It the leal condition of the
lieait Is manifest. (I'ulm l:7.) The pioi
peel It c famine gave occasion for the chuieli nt
Antioch to c-xeuiv the griee of beuevoleiue,
one of the most beautiful of the vlitties. (Mill.
.:8.) Having received the -piiitinl things 'loin
Jeiusalem they icsolved to leturn material bene
fits. (1 Cor. Kill.) It may have been that
tic famine hid already inched Jciualcin, or
tint the mother church was poor, or that then
was ft pi in of distilbution already ogieed on by
which the destitute""!!! nil turts should lecel.u
aid as it was needed, out of a common stoic.
However that may have been, the disciples at
Antioch made up n fund, each oonti Uniting free
ly according to abllilj, and -cut this by the
hands of Iluuabas and Sml to the Jerusalem
elders. The- give of their substance and giant
ed a vacation to their beloved mlui-teis,
REFLECTIONS. 1. Hue is a i onimcndiblo
method of mis-iouar.v vvoik. Let all ClnUtians
wherever thej' go, cair.v the gospel witli them
and -eelc to bilng oilier men tu Jesus Christ.
2. Tlie faithful present ition of the tiuth, however
made, will bring forth fruit, l.ajmen and eler
gjiuen are alike iu this they aie heaieis of mes
sages which I eaiel will do good. 3. When a new
chinch Is cstablislied it ought to be for a time
under the vvatch-ciro of an old church, and
sonic good and wise man should be sent to ar
range all things and instinct. 4. It is dcsh.iblc
lint men of congenial spirit should be asso
ciated. and Saul, both natives ot lint
legion, were pupaied for ovnipilhetlc and con
certed action, h. A chutcli is edified b.v the
tiuth and teachcisi are theicfore greatly needed
who can unfold ind explain the doctrine ot
Cluist. 0. It often occurs lint one man piccedes
to mike vviv for nnothcr, as Baniaba- for Siul.
7. The tuiltj- of Christ's followers pioinpts gifts
in time of need.
V. PIlinOE, D. D.
Fiom Author's N'otes In "The Snndav School
Leon Illustrator," Published by F. II,
Revel & Co., Chicago, 111.
Golden Text "flic hand of' the Lord was with
tliein, and a gieit. nin ibei bilieved and tinned
iiiiln the I.oicl." Ac,:vi:21.
Xotlce t In c o vvnnilertul things in the eailj pait
of tint lev,on: 1. "Aildiui to the Lend." What
.1 bl.ssed privilege to be joined to God in life
and seivice, 2. "Much people wen- added into
the Lend." .'I. "JLinj weic added unto the
Loid," thiough the minl-ti.v of the di-rip'ei-. So
min.v might be icldoel unto the Lord Indav If all
of thn-e whom God Ind i ailed to be His followeis
would be full of faith and fruitful in service.
Scattered alnoiil aftn I tic death ot Stephen,
the disciples piuclilmed everjwherc the name oi
Jesus of Nazareth, and "Tlie baud of tho Lord
was witli them," and a, gieat number believed
and turned to the Lord,
Faithful, loving, who Barnabas was sent b.v
the home church of Jeiusalem to, strengthen tl-o
worjteis at Antioch, For missldnarj- labors the
church must ulvvajs send its best representatives
in Chil.stl.m service. When God wanted to send
a nilsslonarj' to this c.uth to bring the Gospel,
He sent the best in the heavenly liome, even
Jesus, His well beloved Son,
"Added unto the Loid"; tills Is the Scripture
method of building up the church. Jesus Cluist
must be the tiue foundation of the CluUtlaii
church, for "Other foundation can no man lay,"
E2f I
Suggestions First diaw an outline of the cn.js
to Indicate the touudatloii on which the clinic le
liimt bo bulldcd, On this cioss diaw the rtpie
eriitutluus of blocks heaiiug tho names at Jews,
GrcekJ, etc, tu Indicate-ihc elifleient classes of
people, which were "Added to the Loid,"
Color Hints Make Hie cio-s while, with u
scailct outline ; make tlie blocks to be added light
blue with oiaugc outline; make tlie hand light
plulc with white outline,
Scranton, Pa.
By a Persistent Cough, but Peima
ently Cured by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy,
Mr, H, P, Uui'bdge, u student nt law.
Iu Qieonvllle, S. C, bad been troubled'
for four or Jive yents with n continuous
rough -which he suys "gioatly ulurined
ino euuslnii- nie to fear thut I was (n
the first stage of consumption." Mr,
DurbaBo havlnu seen Chuinberlaln's
Cough Remedy advertised concluded
to try It: "I soon felt a reniaikiible
change and utter using two bottles of
tho twenty-live cent size was per
manently timed." Sold by all druggists.
The Year of I902.
The vendors of foreign and domestic merchan
dise and broker, etc., In the county of Lacka
wanna, Pa., will take notice that in pursuance
of the several Acta of Assembly of the Com
tnonvvcalth to provide revenue to meet the de
mands of the treasury and for other purposes, the
iitideilgned, Appraiser of mercantile and other
license taxes for said rount-, has prepared a list
of dealers iu goods, wares, merchandise, patent
medielnea, brokcifl, etc., wholesale and retail,
In said county, and plated each in that claw
which appealed to him Just and light.
Ilourkc, John M., retail.
Burke, John M.. ictail.
Ilalakvvle, Wallnn, retail.
Ball, Win. II., retail.
Illaliop, W. F retail.
Batlus, Michael, rclall.
Brill, Anthony, retail.
Chester, Mllce, ictail.
Caw ley, .Martin, retail,
Connois, John, ictail.
Curren, Anthonv-, retail.
Cuicli, Andievv, lclall.
Divls, Thomas l) lolall.
Dickon Store Co., telall,
I), tc II. Co. (White Oak), iclatl
Flnnerly, John l' ictail.
Friedman, II., retail.
Foote. M, A., ictail,
Geibig. . V retail.
Gilroy, Win. J ictail.
Grurcvskl, Bainev, iclall.
Howella, Abe, retail.
Kecgan, Pali Irk, retail.
Kennj-, Thomas M., ictill. .
Klnliack, A. B., lelall.
l.oflus, John (Pool), ictail.
Llnde, Cluist, ictail.
Llndcimiin, l, (' iclall.
Livln. X., retail.
Lavelle, P. J ictail. '
I.oitus. John, retail.
Loflns. Jlaiy W ictail.
Mr vndrcvv, Mlehae, ictnil.
McLaughlin, J. K ictail.
McDonald. Patiick, letill.
McDonnell. Thoinis, telall.
Mlglln, John, retail.
Mlglln, Martin, retail.
Muiirl.y, Patrlek, i-tall.
Movies, Ro-o A,, retitj,
Naugliton, Win., retail.
Xledlnski, Victor, retail.
O'ltoiirkc, M. II., retail.
O'llojle. K. .1.. retail.
Pnppeiello, Josiph, iclall
l'u-h, M retail.
Pinh-t, Mrs. T'elei, letall.
Place and Lewis, retail.
Paddn, James, ictail.
Pi lie, Maik, letall.
Piobst Bios., retail.
Rlngsdorf. S.. retail.
Riidoievvic?, Joseph, letrtil,
Rinnc, l:. J., ictail. Chailes, iclail
Riverside Coil Co., retail.
Riverside Store Co.. retail.
Sziwok, John, retail.
Meckewier, Ed,, retail.
Sovanles, nd , let ill.
Seanlon, John J., retail.
Swift. M. J., ictail.
Scrantcn Coal Co. (Ravinond), retail.
Timlin, John, letall.
Turko, Win., retail.
VMlko, Paul, retail.
Walsh, J. J iclall.
BKNTOV 'row.SAlllP.
Cipwell, A. .1., retail.
Fainh.-in, R. E ictill.
Freeman, Geoige, letall.
Gunner, V. E., retail.
Sweet, K.. retail.
VanBect. W. D., letall.
Ainold. S. W.. retail.
Riidd, .Mis. Sii.-.iu, letall,
Burett, Jaj, retail.
B"tt, V. II. ictail.
B.igniek. Anthonv, iclall.
Biundage, A. W., ictail.
Basalyga, Pctei, ntail,
llloes, W. S,, letill.
Clark Bros., ictail
Callcntlrr, John, le'nil.
Carwaitb, Rich, retail,
t'reai, Wni ntail.
Giuenskl. B.. ictail
Gemini, W, 11 , r'lail.
ftivne, Win,, icrail.
Giuin, Win., retail.
Grciner i Sin, II., lelall,
Klnbark, J. II.. ntnl.
Ketchem, M. F.. retail.
Kejstonc --toie Co. retail.
Locklm, G. D., ictail.
Maines, II. i:., retail.
Nvhart. J. T retail.
O'Haia, Stephen, lot ail.
Puce, G. A.,
Peik, F. A., ret ill.
Peel Lumber and Mamifacluimg Co., retail,
Roberts Bros , retail,
Sciaiilou Coal Co., retail.
St ulik Cice'c Coal Co., ictail,
Squires, n. W., retail.
Siep. John IL, retail,
Shaffer, William, ictail.
)atklns, W. W ictail.
Belz and Neldaud, letall. C3 Sale m avenue,
Boston Tea Co., ictail, Pittslon avenue.
Bianmer, Mrs. Lewis, ictail, 73 N. Church street,
Butler, Alice, retail, 05 Salem avenue.
Horry, G. W., retail, 22 X, Main uveuue.
Beck, John P., ictail. .1(1 Salem avenue,
Row era, W. G., iclall, 20 X. Main avenue.
Bauctt, Thomas F ictail, Fullbtook street.
Biidget, P. IM., ictail. 82 Dundafl street.
Cavanaugh, Charles, retail, Dundafl street,
Clarke, II. 1, retail. i4 X. Church slrect.
Camcion, .1. I.., retail, 52 Salem avenue,
('leveling & Bughr. ictail.
Duffy, P, A retail.
Dimmlck, .1. W,, retail, HVi Salem avenue,
Kdwards & Rcece, ict.ul, 34 Lincoln avenue.
Famous Dry Goods Store, retail, 29 X, Church
Tinncgan, 1)., ictail, 'l.I'all Biook street.
Fowler Steam Mill, retail.
Fellows, Thomas, ictail, 43 Salem street.
Fincren, P., retail, Dundatl sticet.
Genu, Angel, retail.
Gchert, John, 67 Silem stiect,
Howard, W, D rclall,
Humphrey, 1). W, 53 Salem street.
Hollistcr. C. II., retail, 2J Salem ttrcct.
Hcalej-, K. J., fpool tables), letall.
Kenny & Co., G, IL, retail.
Kliliy, W. F. retail, 3tt X. Chinch street.
Kellej, B. A.-, retail, 41 Salem street.
Kliputiick, Annie, retail, Dundaff street.
Letts, A. IL, retail, 5J .Salem sticet.
Luglans, Gabriel, retail," 1X Dundaff street.
Lewslej', A, S., ictail, oil Salem street,
Lee, .opher, O., ictail. Main street,
Langan, Patrick, retail, Dundaff street,
Lunnj-, John A,, retail, 12 X. Main sticet.
Manners. II. C retail,
Myers, A, K., retail, 6.1 Salem avenue.
Mollis, Xicoias, retail,
Mrlus, John, retail. 41 Lincoln street,
Mawo, Angles, retail, Dundaff sticet.
May, II, K., retail, 40 Lincoln street,
Mauiilou, P, J retail,
.Norton, Thomas, retail, Dundafl street,
Xorris. Clias. W.. retail. SO Belmont street.
Olvci, J, M retail, ,'t Darte avenue,
Piigllauo, Samuel, rrtiil, Dundatl sticet.
Pinehert, Henry, ictail, ii Hotpltal street.
Rutherford, James, retail.
Ilogeis, Xlchnlas, iclall,
Rej wild & Sons, lelall, SO Lincoln stiect.
Reese, John G.. retail,
Staiisberv, W. B., retail, til Halcm avenue,
Shepliard, John R,, retail, 0,1 Salem avenue,
Shannon, Win,, ictail, 4.1 Salem avenue,
Seaman Bios., irtall. 37 Church street,
Scuiry. W. 0., retail. 57 Main stiect.
Seomin, A. V., retail. 47 Main street,
Swingle. T. K if tail, Park street.
Smith, Louisa, ietal, Pike street.
Hie lsiael Crano Co., retail.
Van Ilei-gen & Co., lelall, SI UundafT slice t,
Vail, L. ictail.
While, A,, retail,
Williams, S. IL, iclall. Main street,
Walker, Geo. retail, DunelalT strcft,
Woiklugmaii'a store, ictail. 7.1 X, Main stiect.
Walt, M. G retail. Church street.
Walker, Geo, retail.
Brjfon, It. A . letall.
Burke. L'dwaul, letaii, S. Main street.
Hi nulling, Augusta, retail. 29 Main street.
Horry, II. P., ictail, 55 llehiiont street.
Brciuiau el: Ilujlun, letall, 14 N, Main street,
lliovvn, Flank, lelall, 2U X. Main .ticel.
lluike, i:. P., ictail. 11 X, Main street,
lluiiiaid, s, i. retail, 7 Laslern.
Hun- & Sons, W ictail, X. Main sliret.
Bell i. Blown, ictail, Si X. Main .licet,
llin.-liani. William T,, retail, Dundaff Hicct.
ltlaeliw Bios , ictail.
llatiett, J. W ictail.
Cudclliigton V Thompson, let ill, 52 X, Miu slicet.
Coughlln, Janus, retail, M S, Main sheet.
Campbell, Thomas O., ictail, 28 Salem street,
Claike. B, S., retail. 24 Salem avenue.
Carroll, P. A., ictail, :W b. Main avenue,
(lemon, William. letall. 51 s. Main ttieet.
Collins, Martin, J., ictail.
Coigau Bioa., retail.
Collin,, J. P., ictail.
Casey. P, J lelall.
Dltchburn, U, ictail, 23 Salem ticct,
Dennis, F.S:., retail, 41 N. Main itrett,
Dougherty & Mattln, retail,
Edwards, R retail, 27 Salem street.
r.lcj-, K retail, Second ward.
Elmer, K., retail.
Foitcr, W, B,, 87 N. Main alieet,
Fnlkeron. O. V retail.
Grahitn, W. W retail, 21 N, Main street.
Gradlllo, Lewis, retail. 3.1 X, Main street.
Gorman, Edward, retail, Main street.
Grand Union Tea Co.. retail, 00 Salem slice!.
Gerhard!, A., retail, 75 Salem avenue,
Gllhool, J. It,, retail, 2.1 Main street.
Hicks, Wm., tetail.
Healy, E. J,, retail, O avenue.
Ilurbert, J. 11., retail, 23 X. Main street.
Iloole, .1. A., retail, 64 Balein avenue.
Klnback, Robctt, retail, Sixth avenue and Main.
Kelly, J. It., retail.
Kllhullen, R. J retail, Main and Seventh streets.
Kilpatrlck, J. W retail, 40 S. Main street.
Lewis, David, retail. Pike street.
Mills k Co., S. W retail.
Mills Bros,, telall, Main street.
Minine. T. O., ictail, 03 Salem avenue.
Monaghan. J. J,, ictail.
Morgan, J. E ictnil.
Maddagc, Nicholas, retail.
Moon et Slebald. retail, 87 R. Main street.
Maxwell, Jr., II, T retail, 2.) S. Main street.
McXiiltj-, John, retail. Main street.
McDonald, J. II, retail.
McCann Bros., ictail.
Ming, Peter, retail.
Nleson, August, retail, Main street.
Nealon, T. M retail.
Seaman, II. V retail.
Singer, S retail, 10 X. Main street.
Siriami, Alfonso, retail, V,i R Main stieet.
Stephens, W, F., retail, 64 Salem avenue.
Simpson, J. J retail.
Sahm, A. L retail, fl s. Main street.
dinger, S retail, 14 N. Main street.
Pethrlck, R, W., retail, Sixth avenue.
Reese Bros, retail.
Remolds, A. W., retail.
Rchkop, L. IL, retail, Main sheet.
Roberts & Rejnold", retail, 23 X. Main stiect.
Ralerebutb. .1. .1.. istjll t q,.Ana m.-
I ommelmeger, A., retail, 21 S. Main street.
II senberg. P. A., retail.
Tinglcy, J. P. A., retail. 34 X. Main aticct.
Tiallej., R, t retail, 20 X. Main street.
T ffauj. A. C, letall. M S. Main,
Ver. T. A., retail. 52 S. Main street.
I Hams, B. S retail. Salem street,
Wllllatrj, Samuel, iclall, 27 S. Main sticet.
Alfred & Male, ictail, 88 X". Main street.
Courtwing, II. P., retail, 07 Wajnc avenue.
Cramer, h W., letall, ,12!4 Lincoln.
Cohen, J. M retail, Third vvaid.
Devinc, .1. A., retail, Dcvlnc avenue.
Hagen, Charles, retail, 53 S. Main street.
Judge, Joseph, retail, Main street.
mini--, jjiiuu, retail.
Loflus, M,, ictail.
McTighe, James B retail. Main sheet.
Xeary, P. h, retail. 71 S. Main street
ltccse. Jane T retail. Xinth avenue.
Van Beck Bro., ictail, S. Main street.
Burke, James F., letall, .134 Cottage sticet.
Bojln. J. ., retail, 172 Pike street.
D. & II. Co.. mines, ictail, "cranton.
Gllhool, T. J retail, Brookljn street.
McDonoiigh Bros., retail, Pike street.
McKcnna, P. F., ictail.
Bcckei, I'.. IL, retail, Chuich street.
Bennclt, Michael, retail Main sheet.
Burns, K. J., retail.
Burns, K, J., retail.
Cluine, J. F., tetail.
Calc, Jolin. retail.
Bruunei, Lewis, ictail, X. Belmont sticet.
D. cV II. Biook mines, retail, Scranton.
Di-v, B. W.. retail.
Fvans, J. O., retail, 149 Belmont sticet.
Healy, T. E retail. KM Fan lew street.
Judge, Thos. P., rcUii, 76 S. Main street.
MeGee, II. 1'.. ictail.
Malnvvarlng, Wm., ictail. ill Belmont sheet.
Moon, lbert J., retail. 8J Belmont sticet.
Mangan, 'llios. J., tetail, Dundaff aticet.
People's Shoe Stoic, ictail, in X. Main sticet.
Pethrlck. John P., retail. Belmont street.
Roberts, Wm.', retail, 128 Belmont stre;t.
Rega, Joseph, retail, 179 Belmont street,
Scott, J. J re.ail, Ebl Dundaff street.
Whvle, II. D., retail, 31 Belmont street.
Walker, Annie, retail.
Caff cry, John J. Childs, retail.
Cavanaugh. M. II., Carbondale. retail.
D. &. H. Co. (Powdeilv), retail.
Iltggins, Mrs. I)., ictail.
Kelly, Michael, retail.
MeKenni, M. P.. retail.
White and Murpnv, retail.
Cobley and Son, i el ail.
Bogart, Fiank IL, Butler sticet, retail.
BmHiou e, Tdwaid If.. 113 Blakcly sheet, Telall
Brown, John. 711 Blakcly street, re.nil,
Bi.nk, John W,, retail.
Bedmil, M. 1'., letall.
Beatt-e, .lame-, ictail.
Brady k ins, William, rela'l.
Becbc, M. S., letail,
Baci, Fredrick, Thiid ctieel, retail.
Bone V S.n, J, G., ictail.
Roland. Charles, letail.
Biouson, O. W., relail,
Buikc, Michael, tetail.
Bionuer. John, retail.
Block. John, retail.
Brogan, J. J retail.
Cavanaugh Si Walsh, retail.
Cullcii, Frank, retail.
Coleman, J. .1. (pool tabic), ictail.
Coleman, J .J letail.
Colbora, Andrew, ictail,
Caflre.v. P., retail.
Claik, Thomas, retail.
Conwaj-, L'. M., retail.
Costella, W. J,, retail.
Carney & Brown, retail.
Duffy. Kate, retail.
Dougherty, F. J,, retail.
Dandica, I, retail,
Dominick, Paul, retail,
Dunmore Lumber Co., letail,
Doudican, P. J., retail.
Davis, Brunson, ictail.
hvans, Jolin, retail.
Frcdi, Tony, retail.
Ferris, Antlionj-, letail.
Fljiin, Thomas, lelall.
Gerritj-, Thomas, ictail.
Greav.v, William, retail.
Green Ridge Coal ( o., retail.
Gibbons, J. V., retail.
Gaughcii, Thomas, relail;
Golden, Thomas J,, retail.
Gcrordi. V retail.
Glynn, M. F.. retail.
Glcicliinan, William, ictail,
Gregorj-, James, letall.
Kenwood, Thomas, ictail,
Hoffman, Jacob, retail.
House Ii Sanson, retail. '
Hoff, Curtis, rclall.
lllzen, John, retail.
Harrington, Catherine, iclail,
Hughes, F. J., retail.
Harper's Market, lelall.
Henopp, Oscar, retail.
Jackson, Joseph, retail,
Jolem, John, retail,
Kuns, George J., relail.
Klassncr. Henry, letail.
Laurel Hill Store Co., ictail,
Lattl, Rinaldo, retail.
bisk, J, D retail.
Laubsiher, Henry, retail,
Mcllitt, Tliomas, ret ill.
Malley, M. 0.. relail.
Moffitt Williamson, iclail.
Mullen, M. M retail,
Mufliiccl, Canio, retail.
Mauley, John M ictail,
Mnrella, Vcgcnzo. retail.
Mangan, Frank T. ictnil,
Murrey A- Co., P, J., retail.
Mason, Edwin, letall.
Metser, Aiunonj, retail.
MeCarty, W. J., irtall.
McDonald. M. J., letail,
Mclfale, V. P.. letall.
McDonald. M. J , retail,
Xaegeli, A retail,
Olltskl, George, retail.
O'Mallej-, llimnai, relail,
O'Bojle, P. F., retail.
O'UojIe, M. J retail.
O'llara. Edward, ictail,
Prion, Herman, retail,
Pennajlvanla Coal Co,, Xo. t lelail.
Prnnsjlvanla Coal Co,, Gipsj, ictail.
Pennajlvanla Coal Co,, Xo, I,, retail,
Prclhcrlck, Edwaid, iclail,
Palmer, John, iclall,
Prllens, Charles 1',, ictail,
Potter, G, W retail,
Powell, John, letall,
Quliin, Thomas, retail,
Quinn, Thomas, letall,
Rankin, R. W letall,
Reagan, P. J retail.
Itvan, P. J letall.
Rirllo, l.lberato, letall,
Ruane, John, relail.
Ruddy, M. J retail.
Hostel, William, tetail.
Ruane, Dennis, ictail,
Robinson, Geoige, ictnil.
Swam & Brown, retail,
Slallfo, M., letall.
spencer, A. I), h F. M., ictail.
Stevans, E. A,, retail, ,
Shuller, J. P.., ictail
SwarU, )', I:,, leias.
sciavtllla. ItarTacl. irtall.
Sueneer. II. II. & Frank, letail.
Shirei, 1. J., retail.
Teevun, P. I,, letail,
Union Cash Store, letall.
Union Cash Stoie, iclall.
Yccliio Veto, retail.
Voojclbacher, E. A., rclal'
Valeiuano, S,, letall,
White, James, tetail.
Wahtcrs, K. F., retail.
Wall & Co.. F. H.. lelall.
Wball, . fc'., retail.
"""""" "iivarVvvwf.jVWijfJjiii
Woetkert, John, retail.
Yost, Oscar, ntail.
Youhsit, J, M., tetail, ( ,
dAlto.v BOROUOH. " ' '
Canwell. U. P.. retail. - " t
DaUon Supply Co., retail,
Francis le Dean, retail. .
Jenkins, W. P., retail, '
Krllog, Moster ft Co.. retail, t . .
Shoemaker, S. Q., retail, "
Stanton, Ellas, retail,
Snyder Bros., retail.
Smith, W. E,, retail.
Tiffany, F. M retail.
Itardcnberg, E. P., retail,
Kipp, II, B retail.
RnfT, Joe, retail.
Shleblc, j. W retail.
Barron, J. A., retail. ,
Brerdeveakl, Frank, relail.
Benthan, John, retail.
Broazondakl, Frank, retaaV
Babusco, John, retail. ,
Boleck, Stephen, retail.
Chappell etc Co., retail.
Calahan, Florida, tetail.
Columbia Bottlina; Works, rata It
Dickson Store Co., ratal),
.Degutas, Andrew, retail. ,
Dlnglebcrry, George, retail.
D I, ft iff. Co., ntail.
cvans, invia A mail. .
Fallen, Bryan, retail.
Foley, Tliomas J., retail. I
Fcrla, George, retail.
Grovenikl, Mary, retail.
Gallagher, P.' H., retail.
Groon, Mike, retail.
Gorcsensky, Mary, retail.
Goodman ft Weiss, retail.
Goodman ft Welta, retail. .
Goodman ft Weiss, retail.
Groe7cnskl, Stanislaus, utill.
Hcnne, Albert, retail.
Hares, Frank, retail. ; )
iiiii, u. i'., reran.
Hall, Mrs. John, retail.
Hllwlg, John, retail.
llilwlg ft Son, George, retail.
Jacob.v, H. J,, retail. '
Kaslosky, John, retail.
Kochlcr, S. B., retail.
Kennedy, V. P.. setalL
Keifer, Tied, retail.
Krjgier. William V.. retail.
Kelly, Bridget, retail. r
Kalozlnskl. Walter, retail.
McLaughlin. William, letail,
Matthews, William, retail.
Manarkv. John, retail.
Moskovitr, Samuel, retail
Mencel, Katmere, retail.
Motts. John, retail.
Munferd, Ralph, retail.
Moskovltz, Israel, retail.
Murk, Joseph, retail.
Xcrby, Martin, retail.
Oliver, W. J., retail.
Phillips, Joseph, retail. ,
Pressman, John, retail.
Peterson, Anthony, retail,
Runovltr, S. S., retail.
Rambeki, John, retail.
Scranton Coal Co. (Johnson's rain), retail.
Htirnoskic, Jacob, retail.
Shapiro, Abe, retail.
Schlnake, Andrew, retail.
Surdjkoski, Joseph, retail
Singer, 8. S retail.
Shivinskl. John, retail.
Thomas, W. D., retail,
Turko, Michael, Tetail.
Tryuskivv kay, John, retail.
Tradesco, Andrew, retail.
Williams, W. J., retail. .
Whitall, Harry, retail. '
Welland, Qeorgc W.t retail.
Weisberger, Charles, retail.
Wontrofsky, Frank, retail.
Zadwski, Andrew, retail.
Brown, W. B., Vandling, retail.
Berg, It E., Simpson, retail.
Bonham, W. S., Simpson, retail.
Bouch, John, Rlchmondale, retail,
Butler, P. A., Vandling, retail.
Bonna, W. S., Simpson, retail.
Cidwak. Dentro, Simpson, retail.
Davis. Christmas. Simpson, retail.
Dulaky, Peter, Simpson, retail.
D. ft II. Co., Scranton. retail.
Farrcll, Mary, Forest City, retail.
Galavltz, A., Simpson, retail.
Hoskle, Mike, Simpson, retail.
Hawian, Akyan, Simpson, retail,
llullah, James, Vandling, retail.
Jones, John T.. Simpson, retail.
Kej stone Store Go., Rlchmondale, retail.
Kennj-. Christina, Simpson, retail.
Kennedy, J. D., Vandling, retail.
Kennedy, J. D., Vandling, retail. '
Kartncy, A., Simpson, retail.
Kearney, P. II., Vandling, retail.
Lowrey, E. H., Simpson, retail.
Lavin, James J Vandliiuj, retail.
Lavin, James J,, Simpson, retail.
Makoski, Mike, Simpson, retail.
Meconchke, Anthony, Simpson, retail.
Mahoskle, Mieluel. Rimpion, retail.
Madidan, Edwin, Vandling, retail.
Malkowsklc. J. Simpn. retail,
McCloskj-, George, Vandling, retail.
North West Coal Co., retail.
O'Holinckj', John, Simpson, retail,
Ross, George A., Simpson, retail.
Sullivan, Cornelius, Vandling, retail.
Sw-anston, Andrew, Vandling, retail,
Scranton Coal Co., retail.
Thomas Azariah, Vandling, retail.
Tysko, Alex, Simpson, retail.
Updike, Samuel, Simpson, retail.
Valiant, Albert, Simpson, retail.
Walker, Robert, Simpson, retail.
Weilant, Albert, Simpson, ictail,
Drum ft Bro., R. C, retail.
Emory W. J.. Wimmcis, retail.
McPeck, Frank, Elmdale, retail.
Swingle, X. A., Mt. Cobb, retail
Allen, David, retail.
Butterworth, A. F., retail.
Battenberg, A. F retail.
Collins. M. S.. retail.
Cook ft Co., S. W.. ictail.
Cain ft Son, P., retail.
II. ft H. Co., retail.
Dunn, William, retail.
Davis, S. D., retail.
Davis, John I., retail.
Dunn, Gcorgo S., retail.
Dunn. David, retail.
Fagan, M. J., retail.
Freas ft Son, II. I,,, retail.
Forchner, T. M retail. '
Graves, G. M. ft F. M retail,
Glatlor, Thomas, retail,
Griffith, T. E., retail,
Gavin, A. J., retail.
Green, It A., retail,
Hcndrick, T. A retail,
BUI. W. O.. retail.
Iloekings, R., Tetail.
John James, retail.
Jones, Isaac, retail.
Kutch, Joe, retail,
Lajnor, B. X., retail. '
Murphy, Martin, retail.
Mesiitt, Auther, retail
Mason, John, retail.
McGoff, John, retail,
McDermott, John, retail,
Prior, Walter, retail.
Pash, John, retail,
Rusintak, John, retail.
Rushbrook Drug Store, retail,
Rich, E. A., retail.
Roberts, W. T retail,
Rennle,- Reglna, retail.
Rennie, Thomas, retail,
Solomon, M., retail.
Snyder, A. L., retail,
Snj-der ft Edmonds, retail,
Stocker. J. D retail,
Tromflne. M. B., retail
Timlin. J, IL. retail.
Wlieclcr, J. H., retail.
Winters ft Co., retail.
Dickinson, V. T retail.
Ownstorne, Wallace, retail.
Pennsylvania Coal Co., retail.
Pilose, Mike, retail.
Pennsjlvanla Coal Co., retail
Rosato, Frank, atore, retail. '
Rostato, Frank, hotel, retail,
Rosenbluth, M.. store, ictail.
RoMBbluth, M., butcher, retail
Rostnbluth, M hotel, retail.
Hwartr, Philip, retail.
htJlkowsky, Agnes, retail,
smith, Mtas Miry, retail, -
Sirens, Louis, retail.
Sonimors, J retail.
Surbir, John, retail.
Stephens, lliomas. letill
Sharak. John, retail.
Sommers. Joicph, retail.
SwarU. Philip, letall.
Staff. Robert, recall.
Timlin, George, retail
Tonettl, Peter, retail.
Taylor, P.. ictail.
Troffer, llenrj', letail
Aniulna. M., retail,
Buike, Catherine, retail.
C inline, Anthonj-, retail.
Cojne, F, It., retail,
Cieco, Frank, retail.
Ccjne. P, H letall.
CoiimUj'. Edvv, II.. retail,
Cloiko, M. F retail.
Cohen, L., retail.
Chapman, J, II., retail.
Capeland, Aaron, ictail.
Connell Coal Co., William A
Carter, Thomas, retail.
D., h. ft W Taylor Mine, retail.
Dedesco, Lewis, retail,
Drake ft Stewart, retail.
noiifhntY. D. A ictill
Evens, William, retail,
Fallon, J. It., retail
Fallon; E. J., lutall. '
Firsir, Anglo, retail
l-ai... ,f ,. i ,,. .
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