The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 03, 1902, Image 1

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Lfc. BflH& 4Htoa- dtz
.wa.-U cas -i wiaresr. - iaggiT
oonferencc at Wastiinoton Gon
cernlna the Anthracite Goal -Mining
Were the Men Present at the Meet
ing' They Said the Matters Dis
cussed Must Be a Secret for the
Present More Textile Workers
Quit in Philadelphia Structural
Iron Workers Get Their Demand,
Building Trades Tied Up in Read
ingSituation in Other Cities.
fly Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prcs?.
Washington, May 2. There was a
conference here today regarding Hie
anthracite coal mine labor situation,
participated In by Senator Hanrin, the
chairman of the conciliation commit
tee ot the National Civic Federation;
President John Mitchell, of the United
Wine AVorkers, and Prank P. Saigcnt,
of the Locomotive Firemen.
Senator Hanna said the matters
under consideration were regarded as
secret fur the present, and declined to
talk for publication on the subject. No
meeting of the conciliation committee
of the federation to consider the icport
of the representatives of the mine
vtorkeis and the operators, held In New
York early this week, ban yet been
called, as Senator i lamia is still await
ing the report.
More Textile Workers Quit.
Philadelphia, May 2. The gencial
movement among weavers and others
In the textile trades In this city for
higher wages resulted today in one
more strike and one lockout, affecting
altogether 2,200 people. The weavers of
John and James Dobson, carpet manu
facturers, to the number or 250, were
locked out because they asked for an
advance of fifteen cents.
The mill was shut down, .throwing
out of employment 1,550 other workers.3
At the carpet mill of Stlnsdh Bros., jr0
men struck to have the 25 per cent, cut
made In 1894 restored. Two hundred
other employes are affected. The dyers
In five shops, representing 140 men, aio
still on strike for an Increase in wages
of from $1 to $2 a wrek.
Oho hundred and fifty structural Iron
workers employed by Marshal & Mc
Ollntlc, contractors, weio granted the
increase nsked for, and returned to
work today. They struck yesterday.
The six hundred men employed in the
various building trades v. ho struck yes
terday are still out.
Will Hire Non-Union Men.
Heading, Pa., May 2. Several of the
city's largest contractors whose build
ing operations are completely tied up
by the strike, announced thls-afternoon
that they would attempt to resume
with non-union hands next Monday.
The carpenters union at its meeting
this aftenoon decided that the mem
bers would refuse to handle any of
the mill work turned out by the mills
since the strike.
More men aie out today than yester
day, and not a brick was laid In the
city today. A number of builders tried
to resume bricklaying by having labor
ers handle the hod, but the bricklayers
would not allow this and refused to
use the mateiials handled by non
union men.
Several propiletois of planing mills
said that they were united in the
stand they were taking against the
signing of the scale of their employes
and no one could blgn It without the
consent of all.
At least 1,600 men aio Idle today.
.These Include strlkets and those thrown
out of work by the present trouble.
Trouble in Other Cities.
Rochester, N. Y May 2. The ef
fect of the coal wagon drivers strike
begun yesterduy; is already being felt.
One of the coal dealers said today
that unless relief came within a few
hours there would be a generul closing
down of manufacturing plants of ull
Springfield, III.. May 2. About 4,000
Winers in the Springfield and the
Chicago and Alton sub-districts je
turned to work today and will con
tinue to work pending the result of the
conferences to be held by the miners
operators and state officers of the"
miners union. The conference of the
sub-districts will be held tomorrow
in this city and that of the Chicago
and Alton eub-distrlcts will be held
next week,
Holyoke, Mass., May 2. The Lyman
Cotton mills, employing H00 hands
will close tpmorrow for an Indefinite
period. The spinners recently demand
ed 10 per cent advance in wages. This
Is believed to bo the reason for the
shut down.
m ...
Deemer Wins in Potter,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tins.
Wllllamsport, Mjy 2.-.U the Poller county Re.
publican primaries today Congressman Deemer
received a unanimous endowment for a second
term. G. O, Morilsou and h. H. Loguc weio
chosen delegate to tho state tonentlon without
The Taylor Jury Disagreed.
Dy Exclusive wire from The Associated I'reM,
Ttenton, N.M., May 2.-Tho Jury In lliu case of
Edward Taylor, the lO-vcar-o-ld boy accused of
tho murder of Charles Hyde, came into couit
today th a dUagrmnent and were dhehargej.
3, Sterling Morton's Will.
Uy FxcUiJho Wire from The Associated rtesa.
Nebraska City, 'Neb., May 2. The will of the
' late J, Sterling Morion divide a IJIOO.OOO estate
among four tout, with an anuullj to Mi, Mur
ton's .uniting lUr,
Wind, Rain and Hail Did Consider
able Damage.
By Exituslve Wire horn The Associated I'icsJ,
Pittsburg, May 2. A terrific wind,
rain and hail storm struck this city this
evening, doing much damage. The
rain came down In torrents and the
hall, which followed, was of sufficient
slue to completely strip many trees ot
their foliage and ruin many flower
beds. The wind blew dow'n n house In
Allegheny, burying Joseph Stephen In
tho ruins. He was rescued after hard
work and taken to the hospital in a
badly battered condition.
The steel hull tow boat Vesta, valued
at $50,000 and owned by the Vesta Coal
company, wan blown over and badly
wi coked In the Monongahela river. Her
crew were all saved. The storm trav
eled eastward and when it reached Ir
win did considerable damage. One of
the workmen on the Taylor farm was
blown from the barn roof and probably
fatally Injured.
m '
They Deny Being Intoxicated in
Venice and Say That They Act
ed in Self Defense.
U. Exclusive W'ni' fioni The Associated Prcs'.
Washington, May 2. Tho sect clary
of the navy today received the follow
ing cable message from Capt. Dayton
of the Chicago, dated Venice, today:
"Party released on ptudoii from King
and are on board."
Venice, May 2. Jii nn interview to
day the officers of the United States
cruiser t'liic.igo warmly repudlat'd tho
reports from Home that they were
under the Influence of wine at the time
nt the tiouble, and said that on the
contrary, they weic absolutely sober.
Lieut. John S. Doddridge said:
"After the accidental upsetting of a
table In a cafe by myself and a com
panion, at It o'clock at night, we woie
followed and attacked by a mob, and
two municipal policemen appeared on
the scene. I, with my open hand,
motioned to the crowd to keep off.
The police then seized us. but the mob
continued to be so threatening that
our brother officers and a marine, who
happened to be on the plaza, ran to out1
rescue. We actd only In self-defense,
and against a large, hostile crowd. We
did not stilke the police. Dnubtlens
misunderstanding of the two lnnguiigeti
had something to do with the trouble.
We have been allowed to unrniln to
gether In prison, but the room In
which we have been confined swarmed
with insects."
The pardon granted by King Kin
lii.i mini arrived this morning. The
prisoner were released immediately.
By i:eliMc Whe fiom Iho As'-otiated I'icm.
WushiiiKtoii, Mjy 2. At liU mn lequest, Am
bi'Aador hus hein .guntcd u leue of .ih.
.suite of shiy clava fiom 111.) post at Home. Mr.
Me.vcr is coining home, aitormns to the nndri.
Rtundingr line, tu lontost for the Itepuhllcan
nomination for ths jcnno.v In the Mae&ichusctls y
runBii'ion u ueicK.Hion, i.imea n.v Ml. .Mtioti.v d
appointment ns scirclary of the niy. It U w
dei&tod that Mr. (i.mlnei, the hon-in-l.iw of Sena
tor Lodge, Is .ilwi a uindhl.itc for the nomina
tion. If .Mr. Jleer succeeds in his, if
course, ho will not return to Home and the presi
dent tll lie frtc to tony out certain plans he
has projected as to diplomatic changes In !!
rope, one of tin- first of which contemplates the
piomotlon of Mr. White, nt prerint first hecrc
jury at London, to the cinluvy at Hume.
Solidary Hay today cent to the ccnate a lettir
explaining the niu"lty for postponing the
LoiiUijiu I'liich.i-e exposition from KHU to HHJI,
Senator foikiell hud the letter read in the ben
lite und then olfeicd un anuiKlnient to the sun
dry c h II appiopiiation Mil, pndlni; in the sen
ate, irmldinff for tho postponement of the expo
sition, in niiordaiicc with the requeat.
Tensions were granted cntiiilay to Ann Sain
mull, widow, of Hciuntoii, 3; Kniniu V. Chand
ler, widow, of Sirunlou, $8. .
Ucprfticntathc Naphcu, of Massachusetts, cs
lerday Introduced a icsoliitlon rciiting that it Is
publicly alleged that public innds nro leased to
members of the meat trust, und directing the eeo
tetary of the interior to (mulsh Information rcla
tho to tin- lauds m cnted.
Itcproenlathc Poster, of Illinois, today Intro
duied a bill to pl.i'c ail ltc Mod; on the fire
Tho senate today confirmed the following
nominations of Pennsjhan'a pestmasteis: (I. W,
Sh.U'fT, Susquehanna; (I, L. llollidy, I'ltWnirg;
J. II. Mailin, rsreenville; A. Mognln, Darby; L
(!. MefJiegor, Ihirscttstown.
Kx-Suiclaiy John I), bong anil Mis. Long left
Waihingtou today for their old borne at Illng
ham, Ma"s. Secietary Moody and a number cf
other friends weic at the railroad station to bid
them gonil-hve.
Mi 3, Roo'ctclt and her son, Theodore, r left
jestcrday foienoon for Oakland, Mil,, to ghe
.uning Theodoic the benefit of change ot air.
They will return Monday.
Hcpiiscnluthc Hay, of Vliglula, today Intro
iliiicil a ittolnlion directing the suietury of war
la Intuitu the house as to the cost of the anny In
the I'hlllpplnes hlme May 1, I SOS; ulso the toit
of uulntuliiliig the ihll mid military gosernmeut
in the Muuli, the co-it Incidental to the imulur
seivkn of the w.ii department and other iten.s
or tost loniifcted with Hie occupation jiwI pes
blou ot tho Philippines by tho United States.
Siicrilaiy Wilson icielu'd u lelegiuin jestenljy
auiiuuniiiig that the (lop of Sumtia wrapper
tobjuo mown In tliu Connecticut lalley, undar
the supenixloii of ispciU of the department of
ugiliulluie, his been sold at prices ai erasing
sl.ttf a pound, ullli an Indicated profit to the
glowers of ) a pound nt tl.tU) an acie. While
the land and Hops belong to pilutu pJitle,
go eminent silentlsu wnu tint o show tho eo
pie how tu giow It, .
Funk l bargent, w(io will succeed T, V. Tow.
derly us commlssloiiei genual of immigration,
was at Ijie ticasuiy dipurenunt jestcrday, in
roufirenco with the ats'stant utietailes, societal-
Shaw being absent In Xiw York. Mr. Sar
gent said lie would lake lhaige of his ottlce on
June 1,
Jesuit Priest Murdered in Chlua.
Dy Dulushc Wire from The Aseoilatcd Trets,
Paris, May 3. The foreign ottlco hsio lu re
ceded a dispatih from Tekln conHrmliig Hie
report (hit a I'linch Jesuit, priest, named lc
mauler, lias been murdered in tho prolncc of
Chl-I.l. Ills head was taken to Yuen Chen and
hung uu u tico. ,
Famous New York. Congressman
Passed Away in Baltimore.
By Etchulve Wire from The Associated how.
naltlmore, May 2. Congressman Amos
J. Cummlngs, of New York, tiled at 10.15
o'clock tonight at the Church home and
Infirmary In this city. The cause ot
death was pneumonia, Incident to nn
operation. The congressman's wife and
cousin, Charles H. Cummlngs, were at
his bedside when death came.
Congressman Cummlngs came to Bal
timore on April 11 to undergo treat
ment for kidney tiouble. Four days
later an operation was performed by
Dr. Hugh II. Young, und Mr. Cum
mlngs seemed to be on a fair way to
recovery. A week later, however, pleur
isy developed, and on April 25 It was
announced that Mr. Cummlngs was suf
fering from pneumonia In one lung.
Last Tuesday It was announced that
the malady had extended to both lung?,
since which time Mr, Cummlngs had
been hovering between life and death.
Officers Were Elected at Yesterday's
Uy Exclusive Wire from The AvoclatccI 1'icsa.
Washington, May 2. Tho feature of
the day's session of the National So
ciety of the Sons of the American Re
volution was the election of officers,
which resulted as follows: President
general. Edwin Warfleld, Maryland;
vice presidents general, Cornelius A.
Pugley, New York; Samuel 13. Gross,
Illinois; Noble D. Lanier, of this city;
Howard D. Haven Ross, Delaware, and
Albert J. Logan, Pennsylvania; secre
tary generel, Charles W. Haskins, New
York; treasurer general, Nathan War
ren, Massachusetts; registrar general,
A. Howard Clarke, of this city; histor
ian general, George W. Bates, Michi
gan; ..chaplain general, Rev. Rufus W.
Claik, Michigan.
Resolutions wero adopted urging that
immigrants ni riving In this country bo
educated in our method of government; the senate aid the people of New
Jersey in the erection of a monument
to Khe revolutionary heroes who met
death on the battlefield ot Princeton,
and that the proposed memorial bridge
between this city and the nationul
cemetery at Arlington be eoustiueted.
Deplorable Condition of Affairs in
San Juan de Cabo.
Bj Exclusive Wire from The Associated TreM.
San Francisco, May 2. The steamer
Curacna, from Mexican ports, brings a
tale of want and famine in the town of
San Juan de Cabo, situated near Cape
San Ldiueiu3.For Jbree,,a,rjd,,a half years.
no rain has fallen near the city, and for
as many years the crops have utterly
failed. The cattle Industry, at one time
the mainstay or the region, has fallen
Into decay.
The animals, for want of food, have
died by hundreds. Tho condition of the
people has become desperate. Scores of
cuses of deatlm from starvation and
neglect have been reported. The peo
ple are now rapidly moving' nway from
the impoverished district. The Cur
Hcon on her northward trip brought
forty people from San Juan dp C'nbo to
Knseiidda. It Is believed that other
steamers are performing the same mis
Won't Grant LicenBe for a Prize
Fight in Hartford.
Uy Km1iisc Wire from Tl.c Associated Trc-s
Harford, Conn., May 2. William
Crowley, manager of the Nutmeg- Ath
letic club, was today refused a license
by Mayor Sullivan for a boxing con
test between "Yountr Corbett" and
Terry McGovem, which he Intended to
pull off In this city next October.
The mayor announced that there will
be no license Issued for boxing In the
city of Hurford during his administra
tion. Mayor Sullivan was recently
elected by the labor vote of Harford.
Growers Controlling 88 Per Cent, of
Product Organize.
Dy ExcluAhc Wire from The Associated Piess.
San Francisco, May 2, The fruit
growers of this state have organized
under the name of the California Dis
tributors, with Frank H. Buck as presi
dent and Alden Anderson secretary und
general manager.
Those already In the association rep
resent 8S per cent, of the business done
last year and an effort Is being made to
Induce the other li! per cent, to Join,
with a view of absolutely controlling
eastern shipments,
Indicted Men Surrender.
lly lltiluslve Wlru from Tho Afeoi'luteil Tress.
Philadelphia, May 2. James bheelun and Hairy
Clark, alias Mi Cube, who were indlited in HID,
with Samuel baiter, Joseph Itodcis und (Taieme
Meiscr for election frauds, and who hue since
been fugltiies from justice, today surrendered
thcmsclus to Judge McMlchael in the court of
quarter kcsslous. They wic each admitted to
bail in the sum of $2,500, Salter, Itodgeis and
Meeser suiiemlcuil on '(today la,t. I 'hi cine
Cook, anothei of iho aicued ballot box stutters,
Is still at laige,
Al Weinig Knocked Out,
11 JJxilusUo Wire fiom lire Auoilatid Tress,
Loutiillle, Hy Miy 2.A1 Weinig. of llullilo,
wus knutked out touhilit by Joe Choiiskl, cf
Uilcugu, before the Kmpire Athletic club, (n
til) sixth round ot uno of (he lieu est bouts
etui' fought In this city. liotli men were foicd
to take set ere drubbings slid Wtinlg'a defeat
cume utter a display of ganienws i.uely r pulled
In the pilte ling.
Famous Author 111.
Uy Uxcliiihe Wire from The Atioclatul Tics.
ClirlitlsnlJ, Noiwuy, May -J. Iljouistjoino
IIJoiiiscii, the Norwegian poel, diainatisl and ro.
elist, is seilously ill.
Uy Exiiusho Wlru from The As.4ocljed Tres.
baucastir, lluy 2. Dr. Henry 11, eagley,
president of the slate eclettiu examining boatd,
died today from pneumonia, lie was the eldest
practicing phjslelan in thl rily, He was 75
years old.
Itebldere, X. J,, May 2. Henry b. Harris, for.
mer longii'ssujii from the fourth dlstriit und
former proseiutinj ultoiuc of Wsrrcn county ,dle I
at liU home today of apoplexy, He was H years
of age.
President Roosevelt's Stirrino Ad
dress to the Graduatlno Gadets
at the Naval AGademu.
Without Such a Navy All Our Ma
terial Advancement and High
Average of Citizenship Would Not
Avail in Cose of War with a For
eign Foe Necessity of Preparation
in Men and Ships High Trust
Placed by the Nation in Her Sea
Py Kxcluslte Wire from The Associated Trcs.
Annapolis. 'May 2. The special train
conveying President Roosevelt and his
party to Annapolis to attend thp gradu
ating exercises at he Naval academy
arrived here at 9.45 o'clock this morn
ing. The president was received by
Superintendent Walnwrlght and his
aide, Iileutenant H. J. Zlegemier. A
battalion of marines was drawn up atx
the station. The party proceeded In
cai i lages to the academy grounds, the
president going direct to the superin
tendent's house, where there was a
shoit wait to permit tho assembling of
the cadet battalion at the chapel. The
day was most propitious and the cadets
In their uniforms presented a fine, ap
pearance. A great crowd gatheied around the
grandstand, where the cadets were to
receive their diplomat from the presi
dent. Tho graduating class advanced
clo'p to the pint form. The president, in
his address, said:
In retelling tliofr- diplomas jwi becom' mm
nliu. ahnic nlmnst any others of the entire
t'nlon, are to cairy henceforth the ptrr-nrcerat
sense of responsibility which must com- with the
knowledge that on ome tremendous day it nny
depend upon .inur murage, jour preparedness,
jour lrrn intelligence ami knowledge of your
profession whether or not the nation is again to
write her name on the world's roll ot linnor or
to know the shame of defeat. We all of u
ramesllj' hope that the occasion for war miy
netcr come, but if it has to ome then this
raiton imit win; and the prime factor In secur
ing sictory ntprsSri.v foreign Toe must of lie
im-ity be the nlted States na.r. If the nasy
falls uf, then we are doomed lo defeat, no matter
whit uny be our mail-rial wealth oi the high
Htcrago of our rlltnrwhlp. Ijt should, therefore,
be an ohjeil f pilnie fmpoitance for every
patrlotie American to hoc that the nay is con
stantly built up, and. iilmie all, that It is kept
to the highest point of efficiency both in material
and in personnel.
It cannot be too often lepented in modern
war, and rspeehlly In inndern nasal win, the
chief factor in in hieiitig triuinpn l what Ins been
done- in the way of thorough preparation and
training befoic the beginning of the war. It Is
what his been done before the outbreak of the
nar that is all Important. After the,iutbrtak,
all that can be done is to uc to best advantage
the pwat war engine, nnd the seamar.slilp,
marksmanship and general practical eftlclencj-,
which bac already been provided by tho fore
thought of the nation il legislature and by the
administrative ability, through a course of enrs,
of the liny depirtment.
A battleship cannot be Improvised. It takes
years to build, nnd the skill of the officers unci
crew in handling it aright can likewise never be
inipro-. ised. but must spring from uso and nc
tuul to i service, and fiom the most careful, jeal
ous and fjhtPiiiatlu (Mining. You, to whom I
give these diplomas, now join the ranks of Hie
olliiers of (ho United States tmvy. You enter a
glorious -.erviee, proud cf its inemoiies of re
nown. You mus-t keep ever in jour minds the
thought of lliu supreme hour which may come
when what jou do will foreser add to or detract
fiom this renown. Some of jou will have to do
your part In helping construct die ships and the
gmw which jou use. You need to bend cver.v
eueigy tovvaul making these ships und guns in ail
their details Ihe'inost perfect of thuli kind
throughout the world. The ship must be sea
woith.v, tho armament fitted tor the best pro.
tection to guns und men, the guns fit to do the
greatest possible execution in the shortest irasci
ble time. Kvery detail, whether of protection to
the gun irews, of rapidity ana in hand
ling the ammunition and working the elevating
hihI revolving gear, or of rnikkncss and accui
acy in sighting, must he thought out far in ad
vance, and the thought circfully executed in tho
nc tuul woik. '1 lie bc-t shliw und guns and the
mont costly mechaiiUms aic utterly valueless if
the men arc not trained to ue them to the ut
most possible advantage.
From now one throughout jojr lives llieio can
bo no slackness on your part. Youi duty meat
bo present with you, wuklng and sleeping. You
have got (o train yourselves and jou have got to
(tain those under jou in the actual rork of sea
maiiship, in tho actual work o; gunnery. If the
day for battle comes, on will need nil that jou
possess of huldnirjc, fldll, determination, ability
to bear punishment and Instant readiness In an
emergency. Hut though without these qualities
you can do iinthliiir, jet even with Hum jou
tan do .but little If jou liave not had the foie
thought and set purpose to tiatn joursclvcs and
the men under ou aright. Officers nnd men alike
must have the sea habit; olllceis and men able
most Realize that in battle the only shut that
count arc the shots that bit, and that normally
tlie victory will lie with the sldo whose shots bit
nftencnt, Scaiiiunshlp and maihsnianshlp these
mut be the two prime objects ofjour training,
both for joursclvcs and for the tniii under jou.
Saw the Holland Dive,
After luncheon the president nnd
party went aboard the torpedo boats
Talbor and Gwln, and were taken for
a short trip to Chesapeake bay. The
submarine bout Holland was lying out
lu the stream and after saluting the
president the officers und ' men of the
Holland went below and Instantly she
was seen to disappear slowly under
the water and proceed under her full
speed of eight knots. Wllle submerg
ed she flied u torpedo which could be
plainly seen rapidly moving thtough
the water. The peiformance of the
boat so Interested' the president that
he was led to Inquire "How do they
bieathe, or do they breathe at nil?"
The presidential party leturned to
Annapolis shortly ufter four o'clock,
A brief stop was made at the residence
of Commander Walmlght, after
which the special ti.iln was boaided
for Washington, Miss Alice Roosevelt,
who has been nn interested spectator
of tho day's proceedings usd who was
the recipient of much attention, te
malned over for the ball tonight, with
which the graduation exercises closed.
Tho ball tonight wus, a brilliant tunc-
tlon, nearly every state In the union
was represented by Invited Guests, The
receiving party consisted of Mrs. Illch
ard Walnwrlght and Naval Cadet
Henry V. Cook, of New York, president
of the class of 1003, which gave the
ball to the graduating class of 1902.
Over a thousand persons Wero In at
tendance. All the officers and many
of the cadets of the naval academy
were present In uniform, The costumes)
and Jewels of tho ladles were rich and
dazzling. Miss Alice Hoosevelt wore a
blue silk embroidered gown, cut low.
Officials of Venezuelan Government
Are Surprised.
Ilj Kxcltislve V Ire from The Avochtcd Press.
Wlllemstad, Island of Curacoa, May
2. The Venezuelan government is un
ablo to explain the disastrous defeat of
its forces near San Antonio, April 23,
when General Castllllo was mortally
wounded. The officials seem astonished.
A force of 1,200 government troops,
commanded by General Vicente Gomez,
the vice-president of tho republic und
the new commander-in-chief of the
Venezuelan forces, left Coro today to
join forces with General Velutlnl, tho
minister of the Interior, and General
Velasciuez, at Barcelona, and enter
upon n pew campaign against tlje revo
lutionists, with about 3,400 men.
The government Is afraid of the situ
ation in--the center of the Venezuela
and Is fortifying Tocuylto, near Val
encia. New uprisings arc reported
everywhere. The Tlempo, a leading
newspaper of Caracas, has been sup
pressed. The rigid censorship and the
reign of terror prevailing have pre
vented tho newspapers at the Venezue
lan capital from referring to tho great
victory of the revolutionists.
Dun's Review Finds the .General
Business Situation Exception-
tionally Favorable.
By nxrluilve B ire from The Associated I'rcs.
New York, ,May 2. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow
will say:
Two large strikes scheduled to com
mence on May 1 were averted at least
tet'nporaiil', and a. number of smaller
ones were settled, but manj' new con
troversies have begun. This factor Is
the only seriously unfavorable one In
the Industrial situation, exerting con
slderable Influence over the volume of
transactions, and also tending to un
settle confidence. In seasonable mer
chandise, 'es'pe"evralIS-''dry goods and
clothing, warmer weather lias stimu
lated dealings while outdoor work is
prosecuted- vlgorouslj
Consumers of finished steM products
are compelled to place orders subject
to the convenience of manufacturers,
and It Is the exception when nn' near
by deliveries arc promised. An unpre
cedented amount of railway work Is
being done while the erection of new
buildings would be much more exten
sive If mateilal were available. This
structural work Is on a record break
ing scale and promises relief to the
situation hereafter, since many of the
plants under construction will add to
the productive capacity when complet
ed. Pig iron has worked up to a
higher point, Bessemer commanding
$20 at Pittsburg on deliveries within
six months, owing to the full contracts
held by the furnaces. Foreign deal
ers have shown much wisdom by mak
ing concessions In this market.
Cereal prices have been less Inflated
by speculation than they were last
week, yet a high level was maintained
and only slight reactions occurred.
Good foreign crop conditions were cal
culated to weaken the tone, yet ex
ports of wheat from the United States,
Hour Included, amounted to 5,579,037
bushel against 4,132,357 a year ago.
Recent attractive prices have brought
corn to market more freely than in
preceding weeks, but receipts of 1,686,
050 bushels for the week fall far short
of the 2,378,564 In the same week last
year. The comparison as to Atlantic
exports Is still more striking, pnly
154,704 bitbhels going out during the
week ngalnst 2,560,211 a year ago. Cot
ton was strong and higher.
Failures In the United States this
week were 227 "against 212 last week
and 226 the corresponding week last
year and In Canada 17 against 18 last
week and 24 last year.
Accused of Defrauding London
Creditors Must Answer in Court.
Uy Kolusle Wire from The Associated Press.
London, May 2. Charles Bright, tho
American engineer, charged with con
cealing $500,000 of his ussets In connec
tion with bankruptcy proceeding, was
today committed for trial at the next
session of the Old Bailey court,
J, P, Mereno, formerly attached to
tho United States legations at Paris
and Madrid, and R, S, Fudge, tho sec
ietary of Brlght's companies, who are
charged with being accessories to a
conspiracy to defraud Brlght's credit
ors, were Jointly committed with him.
Auotuer Base Ball Injunction.
Ily i:iluihe Wire fiom The Associated I'rcsj,
Iloihester, K. V -May , Judge Sulhciland,
In count) court today, on application of the
Itoihester ilase Dill association (Kastern League),
granted a tcmpoiary injunctlcn order restraining
"Joe" llran from plajinj on the Kw York has,-,
ball team. Ilean joined th" New York's, after
signing a contract with the loiul club.
To Rebuild Fortifications.
Ily Inclusive Wile from 'flis Atsoiiattd I'icu.
Vienna, May 2. A telegram from Vsi,aiv an
nounces tliut the Haitian government liu de
cided to rebuild the foitllliatloni on (he (
and Austrian frontiers, at a cost of
loublcv. This action It neccssaiy as the lesull
of Colonel (irimm's betrayal of the plans of the
iwUffna; ltusslan fvitirssec.
Alleged Murderer Anested,
Ily Kwluslvc Wire from 'flu AvsucUtuI I'icss,
Mt. Hilly, N. J., May 2. (icorge Johnson, col.
oi cd, wl.u is alleged to have shot und killed John
llensou, at West (hi'sti-r, l'a.,- April 13, lu, lin
a t rest til here. Johnson fed in the ulght of the
Engineer nnd Fireman Killed in a
By Ilxrluslve Wire from The Associated PrcM.
Clyde; N. Y.. May.2. New York Cen
tral fast mall ,No. 3, west-bound, col
lided with a fast freight going lu the
opposite direction a quarter of a mile
west of the station here at 5 p. in., kill
ing the engineer and fireman of tho
mall and seriously Injuring thirteen
mail clerks.
The dead are: John Grant, engineer,
Syracuse, jumped, head crushed, killed
Instantly; William K. Noxson, fireman,
.Syracuse, jumped, skull fractured and
ami torn off, died a half hour after
wards. The fast mall was going at the rate
of seventy-flve miles an hour when tho
collision occurred.
Senate Committee Agrees to Sum
mon Eye-Witnesses, but Will Not
Call Major Gardener Yet.
By r.Tcliaire Wire from The Associated PresJi
Washington, May 2. The senate Phil
ippine committee in executive session
today iigrecd, at the request of Mr.
Rawlins,! to summon Corporal William
J. Oibbs, now at Springfield, Mass., he
having been an eye-witness of the mas
(.acre of Balanglga, the senator said;
also Dr. A. L. Tarker, of New Hamp
shire, who Is said lo have been a wit
ness of much "water cm lug."
The committee also reconsidered lis
action of yesterday In deciding to ask
the var department to have Major Cor
nelius Gardener brought from the Phil
ippines to Washington In advance ot
his regiment In order to testify before
the committee. It was stated that at
last accounts Mnjor Gardener had not
filed the specifications to sustain the
charges made by him as governor of
Tayabns province, as directed by the
secretary of war, and that It was not
considered desirable to bring him from
the islands before that order had been
compiled with. It was further stated
that inquiry as to the status of tills
matter had been made by cable nnd It
was decided to suspend action until a
response could bo secured.
Towns Where Uprisings Occurred to
Bo Destroyed.
Uy Ksrluslvi- Wire from The .W.ocialod Pre-s.
Pekin, May 2. A detachment of
soldiers belonging to the troops of
Gen. Yuan Shi Kal, the governor of
Chi-li province, recently lost sixty
men killed while attempting to quell
antl-lndemnlty uprising near the
border of Honan province.
Gen. Yuan Shi Kal Is sending three
regiments to destry the towns In the
neighborhood of tho scene of the fight
ing. '
Republic of Santo Domingo Is Again
By Exclusive Wile from 'flic Acocia!cd 1'iess,
San Domingo, Republic of Santo
Domingo, Tuesday, April 29. A revolu
tion, headed by the vice-president,
Horaelo Vasquez, has broken out. The
revolutionists, In strong force, are
marching on this city, the capital. The
government Is taking serious steps to
defend the city.
Telegraphic communication with tho
Interior has been cut. No further news
Is obtainable. The capital Is quiet while
awaiting events.
American League.
'.U Philadelphia- It. 11. E.
Washington 5 00000020 7 U 1
Philadelphia 0 0 3 0 2 11)00010 1
Kit telle Patten and Drill; Plank and Powers.
Umpire Oi.oughlin.
At Detroit r. jf. jj,
Cleveland S 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-7 12 1
Hetiolt t 00 000 6 1 7 10 2.
!!a((erics Taylor and Ucmh; Veager and Me
Ouirc. Umpiieit Connolly and Johnston.
Al Boston- It. II. r.
Daltiuioic 020204 0 0 0-11 It U
Boston 0 1 0 110 0 (I 1 1 0 10 3
Hattcilis Midlniilly and llresnalmn and Hob
iiuon: I'rentlss, Vouni; and Crijer, I'mpltc
At M. I.ouls
St, I.ouls
U. II. K.
...0 0 00 00 (I 00-0 i'i 2
...1 1 0 03 0 3 On 7 ID 2
ami Sulllvuiij rovvcll and
Ilatterie. tlaivln
Sunden. llmplii. tiiriitheis.
National League.
At Ne- VoiK it. il, i:.
Philadelphia 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 I 0- I ( 0
Xev.' Yoil; ,.0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 ' 11 1
Battel lew IVIIx ami .lai'Hltfih; Kvaus tin!
llovvetman. l.'iirplu I'nvveis olid 111 own.
Al lliookljn- If, II. K.
Itoston I otio oooon-i a 2
llrooMvn ,.,,, ,.,1000 10 1100-2 0 J
Uatteilrs I'lttliifrei' and Moran; Donovan ill J
Allium. I'niplre O'Day,
At Chicago- II, II. E.
Cincinnati ,,, ,0 0 0 :l I I 0 u 0- .1 10 I
Clikiui , 10 0000010-2 S 3
llatteiics-t'liiliii uwl I'eitiJ hi. Vralu and
Kuboe. Itniplie t'Jiitllllon,
At I'ltt.buiB- II. II. K.
St. Louis 0 I 0 n (I 0 0 11 0- I 8 J
I'lllsbuii; ,,...,1 0 0. 1 0 0 0 Ox I " I
Itjttv-iici Wicker and llvani .cevcr and
O'Connor, llinplie lliiisile.
Eastern League,
I'rovldcuce, Us Jcisey City, 0,
Toronto, I; ItuDaio, 3.
Newark. 0) Wcrccjter. II. ,
Iloihester, 3; Montreal, 8.
Other Games.
t llethlchem, Pa. Cornell, 3j Iclilgli, 1,
At l.evvlshuri,', l'a. Uucknell, 4; Gettysburg, 2.
At Audovrr, Mau. rrlaceteu,.S; Audovcr, I,
Wanted to Flfjlit flnti-GonspIraci?
Bill but Failed to Appear
Ere Vote Was Taken.
It Is Intended to Limit the Issue of
Injunctions in Labor Troubles.
Spirited Tilt in the Senate Over th
Methods of Southern Democrats in
Suppressing Republican Votes.
Other Proceedings in Congress.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pret.
Washington, May 2. The house to
day passed the anti-conspiracy bill re
ported from tho judiciary committee,
without a word of debate. It came up
rather unexpectedly, and Mr. Littlefleld
(Maine), who had filed a minority re
port on the bill and had intended to
offer some amendments, came in Just
as it was put upon Its passage and the
vote was taken before he understood
what wus going on. The bill is as fol
lows: That no agreement, combination or 'contract by
or between two or moro persons to do or pro.
cure to be done or not to do, or procure not fo bo
done, nnv net in contemplation or furtherance of
any trade dispute between employers and em
ploy ei in the nistilet of Columbia, or in any ter.
liloiy of the United Matcn, or between em
ploy er-? and employes who may be engaged In
trade or commerce between the never! atabt. or
between any tenilory and another-or between any
lemtory or terrucirles and ony Mate or ntatea or
the Dutrlcr of Cofunibla, or with foreign nations',
or betvvren the District of Columbia and any
slate or stales or foreign nations, shall bo deemed
criminal, nor shall those engaged therein bn
indictable or otherwise punishable for the rrlme
of conspiracy, if hiu-h act committed by one prr
pnn would not be punishable as a crime, nor shall
such iiKTeemeiit, combination or contract be con
sld'red'ns in lestraint of tiade or commerce, nor""
shall nny restraining order or injunction be issued
with lelitlou thereto. Nothing- In thW art shall
y,ompt from punishment, otherwise tlinn as here
in excepted, any personi guilty of conspiracy for
which punishment li now- provided by any act of
roncics, but hikIi act of congress shall an lo (he
Agreements, ciunhiiiHtion-H .md.contrJi;!s herein
before leferred to. be construed ai if this act
wire- theicln contained. r
The amendment providing the ma
chinery for tho enforcement of the per
sonal tax law of the District of Colom
bia, passed in 1S78, was placed on the
District appropriation bill as a rider
and the bill was passed. The. bill to
provide diplomatic, and consular offi
cers for the republic of Cuba also as
v In the Senate.
A lively debate was precipitated in
the senate today by Mr! jrltchard
(North Carolina) by some remarks he
made on political methods In North
Carolina, In the course of a discussion
of the Philippine bill. He suggested
that some of the methods employed by
the opponents of the bill in this coun
try ought to be reformed and told of
xvhat is called the "sand cure", in North
Carolina, the victim having his face
crushed Into the sand to stifle his cries,
while he was being beaten to Intimi
date him politically.
Mr. Simmons (North Carolina) de
clared that he never heard of such a
practice, and the debate concerning
North Carolina politics was fully
launched. Mr. Prltchard charged that
the "red shirts" rode over the state to
terrorize Republican voters. Mr. Sim
mons denied that statement, and in
sisted that the "red shirts" never had
committed an unlawful act, and, as a
matter of fact, intended only to organ
ize the voters of the state. The debats
waxed warm, Mr. Prltchard declaring
vthat he had been approached by am
emissary of the Democratic party with
a proposition to drop the Impeachment
proceedings against Republican judges
In North Carolina If he would nollo
prosequi cases pending in the courts
against certain Democrats for election
frauds. Mr. Simmons unqualifiedly de
nied that such a proposition had been
made by authority of the Democratic
The Rosebud Indian reservation bill
and the sundry civil bill were again
considered, but not completed.
Admiral Schley Cordially Greeted.
lly Inclusive Wire from Tho Asdoclattd Preu.
Meredian, Jll'-s,, Xfay 2. Admiral fjchiey' and
party arrived here this morning and 'were given
uu enthusiastic greeting, Nearly 4,000 school
children escorted him to city pall, Admiral ami
Mrs. Schley xvere given a drivo through the; cjty,
attended the formal opening of the board of
tiade and weio guests at a reception and
A Six Round Draw.
lly Inclusive Wire from The Associated Preu.
Milwaukee, May 2. "Philadelphia Tammy"
It an and Buck Montgomery, ot Chicago,' fought
u fait six round draw before the Milwaukee Box
LiU dub hero tonight.
Death of a Prince,
lly Exclusive Wire from the Associated Prw.
Heilln. May 2. Prince Frederick ' Wjllifim
fic-orge Krnest of Prussia died here this- evening.
lie was born at Duaseldort in 1826,
Local data for May 2, 10031
Highest teuiperaturu 69 degree
Lowest temperatuiu ,,,....,.....,.,, DO (Jreea
Illative Humidity:
S u. in , .., S3 per cent,
S p. in. ..,,, ,,, ., CD per cent,
l'rulpltatlon,.S4 bourn ended S p. m.trace.
4- Washlnglon, May 2. Forecast for Satnr 4-
f day and Sunday: Eastern 4-
f 8bovyrjrs Saturday, followed by clearing; -4
4- xvarmer in southern portion, bunday, fair; --
fiegh eoiith' windsx 4
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