The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special tp The Seriititon Tribune.
rillMiIii, Muy 1. A iM'Bc whul'-inlU
hits boon LTuclcd 011 n huiihuII 'jf tbo
mountain to the West of Slocuni lmluli,
Idxctor borough, ami will bo used to
mipuly Wutor to tbo property o Joaso
Cnrpentcr, the truck, fiirmcr, unci tlio
boiipcH or CIcoi-bo SyniltiKtoii. A 500
foot bore ImH been illvell nl tbo locu
tion ot thu wheel iiml a good supply
of water found.
Civil KiiKlnei'i- .Tinnes Lnngiiu yes
terday staked off tlio ground for the
new theater, on Charles and J'roiul
'ItcV. 1). V. Jones, of 'West Serunton,
will occupy tho pulpit ot the "Welsh
Congregational church next Sunday
morning and evening.
A pugilistic bout between ".Tack"
Rinnan, of l'utcrson, N. J., and Tom
Qulgley, of littiscrnc, will take place
In Dunn's hull at lSxclcr borough next
Monday evening.
There Is no doitbe but that the hos
pital benefit entertainment will bo a
routing success from a llnaiirlal
standpoint, for already every reserve
seat for sKrltluy and Saturday even
ings have been iimrked off, but few
choice seals frcmaiu for tho matinee
Saturday afternoon. Tlio board of (11
rcclqrs has" decided to continue the
oven? on Monday evening.
Harry YuaeGn, a well-known jeweler
of this city,, was yesterday acquitted
by tlio court on the charge of receiving
stolen property. Several moirths ago,
Yasceiv bought a diamond of May
Tompkins?, and u short time later .leii
nlo Trvvln, of Canal street, "Wllkcs
rtari'iiC appeared nt tlic jewelry store
and demanded tlio stone, claiming it
had beeit rtolen. Mr. Yascon bad sold
It Jn the "meantime, and Mrs. Irwin
brought suit, to recover her loss. After
hearing the evidence yesterday, Judge
Lynch directed the Jury to return a
verdict of not guilty.
ItoW Jfather. McCorry, the 1'aullst
father, tlelivered his famous lecture,
"The Story Beautiful," lu St. John's
Knmun Catholic church tills afternoon
and evening.
Fiank Ilannes, of Sci anion, has en
gaged stables at the "West Pittston
race track and will place his string of
speeders there this week.
Two Dufionl X'olandcrs were arrested
yesterday afternoon, on a warrant
sworn out by P. T. McGovern, the cou
tr.iclor In charac of the Cannon ball
trolley road at Avoca, who charged
the men' with stealing plunks, lies,
spikes, etc. They were held under bail.
Spec! il to tlic Saiinloii 'Jiibunc.
TnnkhannoeU, May 1. Tho ladies of
J. W., Jteynolds ItelleC corps gave a
pleasant surprise party to Mrs. John J.
DcPuc. at her home on Slocuin street,
Tuesday evening.
Prof. F. II. Jarvis and Prof. V. J. Her
man, the two candidates for county
supeilnteiulcnt, arc very busy inter
viewing the school directors these days.
.The Daughters of the American Revo
lution will go to Mcshonpcn on Satur
day, whole thnv will ho entertained at
the home of Mrs. W. W. "Woodward.
The ladies of the Monday club drove
to Lake Carey on Wednesday, and weic
entertained by Mis. James W. Piatt, at
her summer lesldence there.
Mrs. Bradley Wakeman is very ill
with rmeumonia at her home on North
Warren street.
A new six and ,i half ton fire and
burglar-proof safe is about to be placed
In tho vaults of tho Wyoming National
bank. -
Mrs. George Kllsworth, of .West Tioga
street, is suffering from "a severe at
tack of inllnmmntory rheumatism.
Tunkhannoclc, May 1. County Au
ditor Fred J. Kiutner, of Mehoopany,
w'as In town Thursday.
Tlio Carl Crance trio will give an
entertalnmen at the PiesbyteHan
church, Thursday evening. May 8. The
trio consists of Mr. Crance, basso;
Miss Martin, harpist and Miss Water
land, recitatlonlsts.
The annual Sunday school conven
tion of Wyoming county is holding a
two day's session nt the court house
having convened on Thursday after
noon. Dr, T. J. Bnnlwoll who was severely
lnjmod by a runaway accident several
weeks ago Is still confined- to the
house, but Is considerably Improved.
Mrs. Harry D. Billings, who has been
In1 poor health for a long time, went
to WIlkes-Barro on Thursday to con
sult a specialist.
Miss Fanny Borden who has been III
for the past week, is able to bo about
Miss Cirmlcita. Cadalso, of West
Nicholson, is In attendance at the
Sunday school convention nt this place.
The term of Postmaster H. W.
Bnnnatyne expires July 1, Mr. Biuinu
tyne, It Is said Is willing to accept a
reappointment to tlio position, R.
reglster and recorder, Henry C, Provost
and Rditor Oeorgo S, Baldwin, of thu
Tunkhannock Republican nro also re
ported to be aspirants for tho place.
A subpoena in divorce was issued on
Thursdiiy by Clnrinda Bought, of
Nicholson township, against her hus
band Kdgar Bought, on tlio grounds
of cruel treatment and indignities to
her person, and n wilt of replevin was
taken nt tho same tiiho for a large
amount of personal property In the
possession of tho husband, which the
wife claims us her separate estate. The
parties figured In court at the Ins,t
session ns prosecutor and defendant In
a surety of tho peace case,
A meeting will bo held at the law
ofllce of It. ,S. Harding on Friday even
lug for tho purpose of organizing a
board of tiade,
Bufus B, Nortluopo, who has been
lu tho employ of thq Union Tanning
company us superintendent, for many
years past, has severed his connection
With tlio company,
Special to the Si union Tilbune,
Welsh Hill, May 1.-1 lev, R. N.
Harris preached In thu Plymouth
church at Sci'.mton, Sunday, lu his
nbsepee tho pulpit of tho Con,?isga
tlonal Tubcrnnclo In tills placa was
lllled by tho Row Mr, May, of Catbon
dule, J, H. Owens nnd Oscar Belcher arc
limiting furowell calls before starling
westward. Mr. Owens on his health
necking trip to California, Mr. Belcher
on his return trip to tho Klondike,
They, leave Scrnnon, May 8, nnd will
travel southward, stopping at Wash
Jncton, I), c, Memphis, New Orleans
'yWZ :.
-si"? . . t-
t , .4, -- jfflB
thence through Texas, slopping at
many other points of Interest. Mr.
Hotelier has spent eleven years In tho
west, many of them In the Klondike.
Special la (lie Kcr.mtoli Trllnmc.
Townnda, May 1. It Is now reported
that negotiations have been' going, on
between the oflleers or tho Pittsburg,
niiiglinmton and ISaslorn Italtroad com
pany and one of the wealthiest and
most conservative banking concerns ot
New York, as well iis.wltb other rail
road Interests, which Indicate that tho
affairs of tho trunk line which pioposes
to cross Uradford und Tioga counties
are In a much better state than tho
public believed.
Judge Fnnnlng's decision has been
sustained by the Supremo court, In his
ruling In the case of Harris against tho
Mercur estate, which has been In the
Bichnrd I. and
brook which Friar
Hood are ciossing.
Miss Margin ct Fox, a Townmln young
lady, a member of the senior class at
the Syracuse university, has been
chosen class piophetess at the class day
Bradford county courts for several
years. The verdict was for $3,800, In
favor of the plaintiff.
Tho soldiers' monument, presented to
Athens borough by Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Stickler, of New Jersey, will bo unveiled
on June 14.
A spit has been brought by the
Wuverly, Sayre and Athens Traction
company for the recovery oftho money
assessed against the concern for. taxes.
Tho trial will come off at May court.
The taxes aie for county, borough and
school purposes and they were paid by
the company some time ago under pro
test. Paul Hnzen, of Athens, Is suffering
from blood poisoning. When assisting
in an arrest ho was bitten on the buck
of his hand by a prisoner, since which
he has suffered more or less pain until
blood poisoning set in, and he was
taken to the Packer hospital.
Clerk Ilollenbaek, a well-known busi
ness man of Wyalusing township, died
on Saturday, aged 81 years. Two daugh
ters and ono son survive lilm. Mrs.
Km My Miller, of Wilkes-Barre, was an
only sister.
HAWLEY. to the Si union Tribune.
Hawloy, May J.The Hawley Im
provement association was oiganlzed
at the Town hall Monday night. Tein
poraiy President C. H. Woodward, in
a few well chosen remark's, stated the
object of the meeting, after which the
following officers were chosen: Presi
dent, Mrs. I.. Hensol; nrst vice piesi
dent, Mrs. Alfred Decker; second vice
president, Mrs. II, Wnrg; third vice
president, Mrs. D. Bingham; secietary,
Miss Williams; assistant secretary,
Miss Snyder; executive committee, Mrs.
Oeorgo Blossom, Mrs. J. S, Welsh,
Mrs. Plum, Mrs. A. Finch, Mrs. Mur
phy; Mrs. Plerson, Mrs. Woodward,
Mrs. J. D. Ames, Mrs. Vicker, Mrs,
Mr. A. M. Brlncklo is expected today,
and a meeting is called at tho Baptist
parsonage for Friday evening, to ren
der an account ot each one's talent,
given by Mr. Brinclcle about three
months ago, to bo Increased ns much
us possible and given for tho Benefit
of the new church fund.
WYOMING SEMINARY. to the Scranton Tiiliunp,
Kingston, May 1. Messrs. Simons,
Townsend, Grant ant Blssinau, mem
bers of the relay team, went to Phila
delphia on Friday and won (Irst place
In the relay games on Franklin Hold,
Saturday afternoon.
Messrs, Doughlon and Wiley, of tho
independent Debating club, were de
feated in tho second of tho seiles ot de
bates with Cnzenovla ceinlunry lust
Friduy evening, The club Is preparing
for tho third debate with tlio Cionossoo
seminary at Minn, to bo held at that
place some time in May.
Spui.d to the Sciantcm Tilmine,
New Milford, May 1. Mrs. John
Clolden, of Cohoclon, N, Y Is visiting
her mother, "Airs. Myron Reynolds.
Mss l.ufln Butterlleld left today for
Merlden, ConnT, where she will sueud
somo ttmfe with her sister, Mrs. Kiuest
Moss, '
Mss Henrietta Hayileu depnited to
day for Washington, D. C for an ex
tended visit with relatives.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, May 1. Shortly after 0
o'clock Tuesday morning Mrs. AVIIIInni
Tiowbildgo died, "lie had been n great
sufferer for thu past four months. The
funeral services, occurred In tlio Pres
byterian church today nt 2 p. m, Rev,,
it, N, Ives, of New Milford, preached
the funeral sermon.
The friends of lid wind FJynn guye
. ,
him a pleasant surprise Monday even
ing, Jlcfreshhtontn w'era Served, niUl a
Jolly llmo enjoyed by all who attended,
Horn To Mr. and Mrs, John. Oration,
on Sunday, a1 son,
A drama) entitled "A Perplexing Situ
ation," will bo given In tho Young Men's
Christian association hall on Tuesday
evening, May (1, under tlio ntlspiccs of
tho Pocoliontns lodge.
William Ward and son, Howard, have
returned from u visit with friends In
Special In the Scranton Tribune.
Harford, May 1. Tile following of
ficers were elected by the .Congrega
tional .Sunday school: Supcilntcnd
ent, R. H. Jones: assistant superin
tendent, Hugh McConuell; secretary,
Fred Wlllniartli: assistant secretary,
Will Sherwood: treasurer, Ijcnu
Stearns: superintendent of Home de
partment, Mrs. B. Hammond,
The commencement exercises of the
'Harford graded schools will be held
In the Congregational church Friday
evening, May 2.
Tlio young women's class will hold
a box social In tho lecture loom of
tho church, Wednesday evening, May
Tho I. O. O. F. of Harford, attended
services at tlio Congregational church,
a dog are near the
Tuck and Itobln
Can you find them?
Sunday. Tho event being tlio eighty
third anniversary of the founding of
the order. Rev. Hawkins preached a
sermon bearing upon the occasion. The
lodge attended in a body.
Special to the fen .niton Tribune.
Nicholson, May 1. Mrs. Scely Cobb,
of Serunton, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Henry Rought.
Misses Kthel Stark and Cora Kling
are attending the Sunday school con
vention, which is being held at Tunk
hannock. Miss May Funer was a caller in
Tunkhanonck Thursday.
Miss May Hinklie spent Thursday at
Mr. and Mrs. Fredinburg and daugh
ter leave for their new home in New
ton, New Jersey, Friday. They will bo
greatly missed by their wide circle of
Rev. T. AV. Bowen was installed as
pastor of the Presbyterian church
Wednesday afternoon. The following
ministers from out of town were pres
ent: Rev. R. N. Ives, New Milford;
Rev. Roberts, Biooklyn; Rev. Mr.
Hlggins, Bald Mount.
Special to the Scvanton 'tribune.
Hamilton, N. T May 1. Track Coach
Potter, of Williams college, and Base
Ball Coach Robertson, of Cornell uni
versity, are hard at work with their re
spective teams, and the prospects of a
succehsful season are most encourag
ing. The pennant won at lust season's
New York State Intercollegiate Athletic
union meet has been received and add
ed to the trophies of the university.
The Lewis prize oration contest, for
s-nnlors, will be participated In by tho
following announced men: F. AV.,
"The Necessity of the Constitution;" J.
II. Benedict, "Tho City of Night:" I,.
E, French, "Washington's Farewell
Address, the Test of Our American
Policy;" S, M. Craves, '.'Education, the
Conservator of Americnn Ideals;" A, B.
Hall, "Horace Mann, the Educational
Reformer;" a. B, Marston, "Tho Cen
tenary of A'lctor Hugo."
Tho college annual. The Salmagundi,
has made Its appearance from the
hands of tho junior class. It is a fin
ished book In every respect; vich in
illustrations nnd highly commendable
for the excellent literary productions
contained therein.
The following newly-elected officers of
the Younw Men's Cluibtlnn association
for the yenr 1002-3 have been Installed:
President, AV. H. Dlmorier, '03; vice
president, Irving tiiilusha, '03; treas
urer, F, W. Harding, Oi; secretary,
Jnmes O, Bailey, '05.
Hlnce tlio organisation of the Scran
ton club, other similar clubs have been
formed, among nhlch may be men
tioned; Colgate Heriuon club, Colgate
A whirl of excitement was
recently caused among scien
tists by the discovery of "how
nerves act". f
Healthy nerves are fat
nerves. It is fat in the core of
a nerve that by hardening and
softening creates nerve action.
Maybe this explains why
Scott's Emulsion has always
been such a remarkable
remedy for nervousness,
Scott's Emulsion makes fat
nerves. It feeds them with fat.
Good for all forms of nervous
ness and for neuralgia.
Send for Kre8 Sample
SCOTT "i IIOV.'N J", Chemists, w I'eirl St., N. V,
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Foot Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra Litis.
For Bent.
1'Olt Itl'vr Plraaiit homo for rummer, nice
jard, Harden and dull, Pasture for cow;
spring water In house; lilt u drive to city. Ap
ply .1. 0. llalloy, Chinchilla, 1M.
Foil tll.NT Small lurnltliFil house for rent,
quire nt 02.1 Vine ftroet,
HAILS FOR nr.NT-12, Apilt 1st, three bo anil
three single stalls and vah melt, renr ot
.124 Madison aveniu, Inqulic ot (Ul Madison ave.
Toil RENT-Store building lor rent In Illckson
City, I'n, Building 80 feet liv 24 (ret, cellar
under all, and second story enn lie arranged 'or
a family. All In Rood repair ready for ue. Two
coal breakers and mines cluso by employing nver
a thousand people. An enterprising merchant
can get a law trade. Apply to William 11.
Richmond, nichmoncflllll, 3123 N. Main avenue,
("cranlon. Pa. (
Furnished Booms.
1011 IIKNT Ono furnished loom, with Improve
ments; also ono on third Door, cheap. 027
Adams avenue. f
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modem Improve
ments; private family; gentlemen picferred,
at 637 Adams avenue.
FOIt RENT Furnished room;
tl23 Linden direct,
heat and bath.
and. bath, gentlemen prcterrcd, at 639 Adami
For Sale.
roil SALII A pni i nut iu runabout mid a family
piucioii; guoel tondltioii, Iwniiro 702 Ad
mils nvcuue.
JUST AnrtlVKI), two car lend of hnre, sood
noikcis and drivels, weight fiom 1,000 to 1,000;
f-cveinl clcsely matched teams; can bo teen at 'Ml
ltj.vniond court. V. M. Cobb,
FOR SAI.i: Hand hill: iloublcw.
tlio'., Paterson, J. J.
New. Pamford
Wanted To Kent.
WAYini) TO lir.NT-In Scinnlon or suburbs,
family foiiiNndults furnished home for sum
mer month-., hish elevation and convenient to
tiollcy Addles, Matins lent and full nnr
tliulaih, to leiiivc attention. Addles lto"0,
1.11U Tilbune olfltp.
VAXTi:n ROOMS For two adults, tluce or foul
looms, furnished or unfurnished for ""very
light liou'ckcepIns,,flibt floor preferred. Addreii
II. I!., Tiiliunc office.
WANTED Furnished hou-o or four or five loomi
for housekeeping. Addict A. 0. Ii Tribune
Wanted To Buy.
WAX'tni) Setond-hiud lefiiseiator in good con
dition. A. II. U.. Tilhuno of Ike.
Keal Estate.
I'OI! SVLI' I' sites for homes in upper
f.'ieui liidjro; choke neistlihurliond; mot-t do
fImIiIc loi.ilitj for homo in J.ukananiM county.
J. A. Mai vine, lT.'IO Sindeiton avenue.
l'Oll IIKNT or mIo at Kiinhury, Pi. .V substan
tial four-.toiy brick buildimr, for faetotv or
vvhole.-alo stoic, bight fiom three bides, o'fHee,
back. oN wai chouse, c.uiiugc lioue nnd Flubio
convenient. Kent lcasonabic, Address L. I.von,
Pl.v mouth, Pa.
''OH SAM; Two lots, improved, with fence, tide
walk and gutter. X. Illahcly M., Punniore;
veiy leasnnable. Addicss Albeit Jenkins, t'outh
Canaan, Wnjnc county, Pa.
POIl KA1.1'. Elcpant sites for homes in upper
C'rcen liiilgc; choice ncigliboihood; most de
sirable locality for home in Lackawanna county.
J. A. Marvinc, 173(1 Sandcison avenue.
PAItJI rOU PAI.K Sity-tvvo acres, one mile
from Lake 'Ariel; twelve acres of timber, rest
impiovcd; excellent (-pring water on lot; farm
tituated on road. Kor particulate addrc3 Will
iam Tieslar, Ariel, Pa.
club of the Mohawk and Hudson val
leys, and tho Greater New York club.
Each of tho four clubs was honored
with a page In the college annual and
the Bernnton club was fittingly desig
nated by a cut of a. coal mine. The offi
cer's of the Scranton club for this spring
term are; President, James G. Bailey;
vice-president, David AA". Thomas; sec
retary find treasurer, Randolph Froth
inxhum. The exercises of commencement will
occur Juno 15-19, Inclusive. The seniors
have already made their appearance iu
cap and gown, and look staid and grave
Our Farms Are Subdividing, Our
Great Industries Concentrating.
fiom Andievv t'aincvlc's "'iho Kmplic of Ilu-a.
IICS.S." ,
Labor is divided into two great ar
miesthe agricultural and tho ludus-
ti Jul. In these diverse forces are in
operation, in tlio lormer everything
tends to n further distribution of land
among the many; in the latter every
thing tends to a concentration of busi
ness In the hands of the few. One
of the two gieat fallacies upon which
"Progress and Poverty" Mr. George's
book Is founded, Is that the land Is
getting moie and more Into the hands
of the few. Now the only source from
which Mr. George could obtain correct
Information upon this point Is the cen
sus, and thuutellB us that in 1830 tho
average extent of farms In he United
Stutes was 20.1 acres; in 1860, 199 ucres;
in 1S70, 133 acres, and that In 1880 It
was still further reduced to 134 acres.
The icasou Is obvious for 'tills rapid
distribution of tho land. Tho farmer
who cultivates a. small farm by his own
labor Is able to drive out of the field
tho ambitious capitalist who attempts
to farm upon a large scale with tho
labor of others, in Great Iirltain noth
ing bus been more significant than that
tho tillers of small farms have passed
through tho agricultural depression
thero far better than those who culti
vated large farms. So In both coun
tries wo have proof Unit under the
free play of equal laws land Is becom
ing nioro and more divided among tho
mas-ses of tho people. In tho whoio
lunge of social questions no fact la mora
important than this, and nothing gives
the thoughtful student greater sntU
fuLtlou. Tho triumph of tlio small pro
pi iotor over tho largo proprietor insures
tho growth and malntennnco of that
element in society upon which civiliza
tion can securely depend, for there is
no force iu u nation so conservative of
what is good, so fair, so vlftvs, a
ruco of men who till tho soil they own.
Happily for mankind experience proves
that man cannot wock nioro soil pro
fitably than ho can till himself with the
aid of his own family,
AVlien we turn to the other army of
labor tho industrial wo nro obliged
to eonfes-s Hint it Is swayed by the
opposlto law, which tends to concen
trate nianufaetuilng ami business af
fairs generally lu a few vast establish
ments, Tlio fall iu prices of m.mufne
tuieil articles has been startling. Never
were tho principal nrtlcles of consump
tion so low as 'they are today. Tills
cheapening process Is madu possible
only by concentration, AVo Hud 1,700
watches per day turned out by one
company, and wntehe s are sold for a
few dollars uplccc. We have mills muk-
,rf &,'&&&&&& 'm,0m6
Branch WANT Cfflces,
Wnnt Advertisements Will Be
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
AUIIIIIT SfJIim.TZ. corner Mulberry
"licet nnd Wcbitor avenue.
aUSI'AV l'lcniX, 0.V) Adam? avenue.
West Side
M'ORni: W. JTNKIXS, lOt .South JUIn
South Scrnnton
I'nilD I,. inn:, 720 CnUr avenue.
North Scranton
OKO. W. DAVIS, corner North
avenue nnd Miukcl street.
n Ridge
iaiim:sy p.
CHAllM'H' P. .lO.NKP, 1M7 Plcaon
I'. .1. JOHNS, 020 Circen nidije .ticet.
C. I.OIIIIXZ, corner 'Washington ave-
avenue nnd Marion Micot.
W. II. KNTI'n:r,, IOI- Irlns
J. 0. noxi; ,t so.v.
Help Wanted Male.
w..II.U Practical carpenter foicin.tu; one
VV 10 can lll.lbr- draw tit-., fni l.m.r..,. , ... i
opcniuir for the light patty. Acidic.-,. Iiullder.
1'. O. Jlot 1
8, City.
WAN"U:i Machinist ami blacksmith; a man fa
miliar Willi nnd cupablo of iimnliiR an en
gine and repaliing machinciy. Abo competent of
making and hhaipnilng tools for Mono ivoik.
None but tleady reliable men need npplv. Steady
vvoik. Mate ovpciiruvc and uac wanted. Ap
ply at one. Ingalls Stone Co., ilingliamton,
S. Y.
WAXTKD to make pitent diavv
ings. 214 Mears bitildimr.
W'AXTKI) Clotlilnj s.ilc.Miuu of expriiencc and
good habits. Apply to John I). Hojlc, 110
l.acknvvauna avenue.
VAXTi:i lly one of tho largest old lino life
InMiiance companies), ten agcnti for North
eastern IViiivvjiiii. IjiIici.i1 contract, salary
or coinmivdon. Addiras .Manager, taio Tribune.
VAX'n;il A young man who ins bail one ycn'j
e.peiicnco in till shop, i'oote & roller,
Meals building.
jM'i:il I'iist d.m shoemaker, for lepilr
vvnilc, ). A. Davis, l.mciuc avenue, West
WAXTKD Painter"; only good men n"od apply.
Call at Cliailcs Wagners, .'Ul Ailami avenue.
Help Wanted Female.
VAXTi:r A good tcady ghl for geneial house
work. 01!) .Madison avenue.
NjVXTI'D A competent girl for general hon-so-wmk;
no other need .-pply. jpply at once,
inoo Madison avenue, coiner Delavvaie.
WANTKD Women to canvass for and renrcnt
the TADAIil) INN MnRAKY; in some dii
tricts tubsciipUons hive been secured at prac-tlc-all-
every house; expciicnccd canvassers can
malip 30 a week. Give lefeiences and adchess.
W. P. Smith, Mgr. Kub. Dept., The llooklovers
Library, Philadelphia.
WANTCD Kpeiienced saleslady for notion nnd
small ware deportment. Apply ,at Jonas
Long's Sons.
WANTi:D Xinso girl or nnuiin to belli take
cue of childien under three .veais of ate.
Please state wages expected nnd your age. Call
or addicss Mis. II. J. Atkinson, Hawley, l'a.
KXiT.riir.xcKi) LAUxnuv nrxp wantiid-ap-
ply at Ke.vstone Laundry, 114 Soutli Main
avenue, between 7.30 and S30 p. m.
LADV CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip
tions for The Tilbune; good commission of
fered with a fair guarantee for first-class worker.
Apply pcisonally at Business Manager's office,
Sciantou Tribur.o.
Situations Wanted.
POSITION WANTi:i) by experienced lidy steii'jg-
raplier and ofllce aUtant; wages, ju0 a
month. Addles b. O., Tribune ofllce.
WAXTl'D Position by a young man as book
keeper or assistant cud tjpewiitcr, whcie
good bird work calls for advancement; can give
ufeicneo as to diameter and nbllitv; good pen
man; conespondeuce solicited. Adchess 'Pei
mancut Position," cue of Tilbune ofllce.
felTIJATIOX WA,XTi;i) taking eaie of lawn?, cr
gatden, or giadlng. 1111 I.lovd s)iccl, top
WIDOW with one child wants a situation as
Iioiiiekccpei- iu a widowei'a family. AUdrehS
It, 11., til) lloclt sticct, Pittston, l'a.
SITUATION WA.NTKD Lady slcnngrapher and
t.vpcwritcr deolics position; experienced. lS'Ji),
SilTUATfON WAXTHD Uy a lellablo colored
in.m as poller, office or day'h voil Ad
dicss 11. A., ulli l'enn avenue.
Boarders Wanted,
PRIVATE FAMILY wblici to have two nice men
to board, Gcunan or Kugli&h. Call any time
after Thursday. All conveniences, EOT Uarruon
Wanted Rooms and Board.
WANTI'D Tvvj ecir.munlcatlntf rooms with board,
private family preferiecl. Two ladles and a
gentleman. Stito full particulars. Addresi O,
II, D., Tribune otfice.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
fiom i 10 0 per cent, Call on N. V. Walker,
SU-tllS Couuell building.
ItlIi:tJMjTISM-All partly that wlh ran
speedily and pcimincntly cured of all va
rlttles of IllicumatUm by a vegetable conipoiind,
Cures Kuaiantccd. Inquire or address J. L. Tay
lor, Scianton.
Inu many thousand yards of calico per
day, and this necessary article Is to bo
hud for a few cents per yard, Manufac
turers of steel inako ".',500 tons per day,
mid four pounds of finished steel are
sold for fi cents. And so on 'through the
cntlro laiiKe of Industries. Divide tlio
liugo factories Into smaller establish
ments, and it will be found Impossible
to manufacture some of tho articles at
nil, tlio success of tho process beinK of
ten dependent on its belnp; operated
upon a largo scale, while the cost ot
such articles us could be produced In
small establishments would be two or
tlnee times their piesent prices. There
does not appear to bo any counteractlntr
forcu to this law of concentration in tho
industilal world. On tho contrary, tho
active forces at work seem to demand
gieater and greater output or turn-over
from each establishment In order that
the minimum ot cost should be reached,
Hence conies thu rapid and continuous
Increase of tlio capital of manufactur
ing nnd conimerclul concerns, live, ten,
fifteen und even twenty millions being
massed In ono corporation,
-i-JlmmMc - ,h,.b , A-iiiAjaaiaA.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
AIomTIui Pour Lines, 6 Cents (or Hack U tr I.I it,
LOST Mrtfonlc emblem, gold eagle, tlilrly-nrinml
degree. Finder revvatded. UHConncll bldg.
LOST Pocketbook rontnlnlnir n mini of money
' and valuable papers. Liberal reward given
on return of came to Tribune office,
LOST A gold nnd enamel chis pin, "S. If, fl
HKd)." Finder will ple.ue notify or call at
IK!.", Pcnn avenue.
LOST A ladles' gold watch; n llheuil levvatd will
he given If returned to Hotel Tciraic.
LOST A itold vvntcli and fob cither on Carbon
street or fiom Catbon sticct to Mulberry en
Pcnn. Finder letimi to. Ceorge J, Ali, Timet
office. Reward.
LOST Steel beaded purse containing imall mini
of money, on Lackawanna nvenue, near Wy
oming. Finder please ictiirn purse to Tilbune
olllcc nnd keep content.
LOST $23, between Peck Lumber Co., L'.ut MaT
kct street and Presbyterian church. Reward
II returned to office of I'cck Lumber t.'o.
Board and Rooms.
FOR RKXT Pleasant room suitable for ono or
iwo poisons Willi lioaid. 6T1 jdams avenue.
VKIIY DKSIIIAHLK suite of rooms 'with llrt class
(able boaid, can be obtained at 33-1 Jefferson
umended lu bclect Council, Maicli 20, 1002.
Providing for tlio issue of two hundred and
eight). live thousand t2S5,O0O) clolhiu of city
bonds for tho puiposo of paying judgments
ng-ain-a the city, thu Improvement of the public
p.uks, the erection of general flro headquarters,
and the buying lots and building buildings for
tho the department; to make certain rcpiiu and
iiiipiovcnicuts to the city ball; for the purchw
of lot and electing buildings for the department
of public works, for tho opening and grading
teilaiii Mreols and avcnuis, for the piiuhuse of
a lot on .Main revenue, end for the building ie
taming walls for the protection of embankment,
and piovlclii.g for the ucatloii of a sinking fund
for the lcdcinptiou thcicof.
Soctlon 1. lie it ordained by the Common
and Select Council of the city of Scrantoii, and
it is hricbj ordained by the authotlty of the
same, that for the purposes hereinafter Mt forth
in this oidin.tncc tho city lccorder is niithoiled
to Issue, city cnupiii bends to the amount of two
hunched and elglity-llvo thousand (t2&,00Tl dol
lars, and make provisions to bell the s.mic. Slid
bonds shall ho of the denomination of one thous
and (sl,UKh dollars, with interest coupons at
tached, and thall bo numbered from one tu two
bundled and eigh()--llvo (1 to "S3) inclusive, and
shall bo signed by the city lccorder, anil the
seal of the city shall be ufTied and dulv attested
by the city clcik. The date of the bonds shall
1)0 Jtay 1, 1DD2, and thev shall lie redeemable as
Hereinafter specified, and shall bear interest at
the rate of three and one-half per lent, per an
num. Tlio interest coupons shall be executed by
the lithograph signatuio of the city leconlci,
nnd shall bo pa.vablo semi-annually on tlic Hist
ilavs of May and November, at the olfice of the
city lioa-mrcr of the city of Scranton.
Sec. 2. Said bonds shall bo redeemable and
paid by the city tieasurcr ill the order of their
minibus, as follows:
Ilonds Nns. 1 to .V) inclusive. May 1, 1007.
Ponds Nos. 31 to 100 Include, .May 1, 1')12.
Honda Nos. 101 to 1G0 inclusive, May 1, 1017.
Ilonds Nos. lfil to 200 Inclusive, May 1, l't-.
Ilonds Nos. 201 to 230 inclusive, MaV 1, ltr'7.
Bonds Nra. 231 to 2S" inclusive, May 1, 10 il.
See. 3. Slid bore's shall be issued iu acroid
mice with the ptovisions of the Act of (Icneral
Assembly, entitled, "'An Act legiilatlng the
manner of Inci easing the indebtedness of munici
palities and providing or the redemption of the
same, and imposing penalties for the illegal in
crease thcicof." Approved twentieth day of April,
1971, and nl-o under the provisions of an Act
entitled, "An jct for the government of cities
of the second class," approved the 7th hy of
Maich, 1001.
See. t. Said bonds shall be denominated "Judg
ment Funding and Municipil Permanent Im
pinvcuicnt Ioan," and shall be prepared for issu
by tlio city ilerk and city solicitor, and thill
bo duly signed and .sealed a pi o hied in Sec
tion 1 of this ordinance.
Sec, 5. Upon tlio issue and before the delivery
of said bonds the city cleik slull provide a
book in which a icgistry of said bonds shall be
kept, and said bonds shall be marked by the cily
clerk as rcgistcied, showing the book and page
wneie such reglstiy la kept, anil the city
vircr ill pay (he principal and inteiesl to lhu
peisous named as the holder of said bonds iu the
(cgistcr ro kept by the city clerk.
bee. 0. The city lccorder is heieby authorized
to sell and dispose of said bonds. The i-atil
bonds shall be advcitised in one daily newspaper
in the city of New Voik and one iu the cily of
Philadelphia, and the pioposals shall be made
ictuinablo on third Monday of April, 1TMJ2 at 11
o'clock noon. At which time the bids khill
be opened in tlic pre-enco of all tho bidders on
their lepresontatlvcs and the bonds bliill be
aw.uded to the highest bidder. l'.ih proposal
shall lie accompanied by a rei tilled check in the
sum of thico thousand dollais to bi foi feitcd lo
tlio cily of Scranton in case of omission to take
the bonds, if legal, avvaided the same. The
pioceeds of said sale and disposal, together witn
any piemiums that may bo icccived in connec
tion with said sale, shall be paid to the city
tieasuiei' as provided by law, and the city lc
colder is lieieby authoilzcd to dls-po-e of said
bonds iu bulk or in such quantities as funds mav
be required for tlio purposes for which raid
bonds are iiuthoiizcd lo be Lssued. '('he money
that may be realized from the sile of said bonds
shall bo used and is lieieby appinpriited for the
tollowlng pui poses: For the jiajment of judg
ments against the city of hciauton the sum of
one hundred thousand (SJICO.O'JOJ dollais.
For the improvement of city parks the Mini
o 425,000.
For tlic purchase of additional land for Nay
Aug Paik the sum of 40,100.
For tho erection of geneial Hie bcidquaitcrs,
at tho corner of Dk alley and llulbciry ttieet
the sum of S40.000,
Fur the purchase of a lot and tlic election of
a building for the Piiocni-c Chemical company
the sum of &20.000.
For the puuhase of a lot and the erection of
a building for Century Hose company and South
fcido station iiousq tho turn of 1:1.000.
For the llnislilng of tho fourth floor of the
city hall and the installation of an elevator the
bum of $13,000,
For the pmchasc ot a lot for yard and the
erection of necessary buildings on the tamo for
the Uepaitment of Public U'oiks the sum of
For the opening of Irvine avenue. Vine street.
and giacjjug tho tame, JO,40O.
For the opening of Money avenue, $l,(!00.
For the opening of Waviie avenue the sum of
For the piirc-liate of a lot at the corner of
Noith Main avenue and Marvin street the sum
of $2,000,
For the building ot a letalnlng wall on Thiiil
avenue the sum of $11,000.
For the building of a retaining wall on Yard
sheet tbo sum of $1,200,
For the building of a retaining wall on 1'ast
Market sheet bililgc uppio'ich the sum of $1,000.
For building pipe chain on Ash street tho sum
of !f2,30U.
Total, two bundled and eighty-five tliauiind
Piovlded, however, that if anr one of tlio
above specified appropriations should exceed the
amount of money neccsary to cany out thu
purpose or puiposes for which it has been op.
propiiatcd, that any cces ot tho pioecedt of
Mild bonds or thu prcmlunwi which may be hid
and paid thereon, which shall remain jn the
hand of the trcisiuer for tho puiposo or pur
puses for which tlio said funds or moneys have
been appioprialed are fully can led out or com
pleted, unci the ipemes of selling said boniU
have been deducted from tho ald fundi, then
such amount or niiicunt.s so rrmilnlug, cither
as uuov,pcndcd balances or pieinliuns iralizcil
upon the sale of taid bond;, shall be paid to th:
city ticusiirrr, ami by him plated lulo the sink.
Ing fund pmrldcd for the redemption of this
issue of hondi.
For the purpose of pacing tlio piinclpal nnd
interest on said bendi as the same shall become
duo and pajablo theio is lieieby levied for His
jcar IMU mi nil piupcrtv taxable for city pur
pews u tax of of cue mill on Iho
dollar of valmtlon, and cveiy ear theieallcr
theie shall be levied lor city uiiwes a tax
Firillch'iit in equal right per rent of the June
hereby authorized.
The fundi- icallzcd from the saler of the laid
Isuuls shall be paid Into thu rlty treasury, and
the city tio.iiiuer and tlio cjly rtcoidcr 'hill
cause the said funds to be Immediately placed
ul intrrcot iu null bank in the i itv of Scran
ton as in iv b designated bv them until hiiIi
time an slid fluids may be used In accordiuio
with th provision of this ordinance.
W-c. 7. Th fimiU realized from the talc ot
slid bond shall be iipcndcd jn pursuance of city
ciillikiiitf lierrJfter to he p,".sd by Otv Conn,
ills except the poitlmi of said fund for tho pay
ment of judgments against the illy rf Serintim
which may lie cxpindeil at us the fundi
aro available. Spiuovtd April 2, l'"i.
W. L. niNXKLL. Cily Recorder.
AlUiti M. T. laVlXLK. City Clerk
mnwiiiniUii fnrrr-r"'!
A WWi T W ff
V' . ' 1
I.IPI3 OP T. DBWlh" TALA1A0H, by
ills Son. 1II.V, FRANK tinWITr TALMAfirl and
nesoclsto cdltorn of Chrbitfan Heiald, Only liook
rndor.'cd by Talnmgd family. Ltiotmolw profit
for agents who act nulckly. Outfit ten cents.
Write jminedlatcly CUAKK & C ., lit b,
4tll HI, Pnlln., I'm. Mention this Paper.
Business Opportunity,
I'.MITV who has liad experience In several Unci
desires to engage In legitimate InnlnrM) tan
invest cash up to ?0,000.00. Addies3'lnd!, Trlb
line olOcc.
AN i:.Ci:iTIONAli Imslnem opporlunlty Is oprn
to a lellablo limn of character to Invrst $l,fsK)
In a strictly legltlmato and exceedingly profit,
nble bulue.s. Penonal Interview only. Address
"Character," Tribune office.
STOCK AND WHKAT TRADF.R3 without del.'
Write for our special market letter. Frco on
application, S. M. Illbbard & Co., members X.
V. Ccnsollclatrd and Block Exchange, 44 and 18
hroadway, New York. F-slabllshed ISA. Lon
DLstance' Phono 2.18S tlroad.
Tim ANNUAL- meeting of the lot owners of Hi
Cemetery Association of Dunmore will ha
held nt the office on the ftrotind Friday, Slay 2,
1002, at 3 o'clock p. m.i for the purpose of-cfeel'
Ing two trustees to servo for three yeata ntul
transact such other buslnesa that may come be
fore Iho meeting.
HENRY BI'YEA, Secretary.
NOTIC1! Is hereby given that A. R. Oould lc
Sons, persons having a lien, under tlio laws
of Pennsylvania, upon goods, wares and mer
chandise of tlic Deer Park Brcvvlnjr Company,
consisting of one two-horse delivery wagon, on
account of storage and labor bestowed on sueli
goods, the owners having failed, neglected ad re
fused tn pay the amount of such charges upon
said property within sixty dajs after demand
(hereof niacin personally, will expose tlio said
two-horse delivery wagon to sale, at public Mic
tion, at flould'a Carriage Works, No, 413.421
Linden street, city of Scranton, Lnckawaniu
county, Pennsylvania, on tho 14th day of May,
A. I). 1002, at 10 o'clock n. in., and sell thn
same or so' much thereof as shall be sufflclcnt'to
discharge said lien together with costs of sala
and advertising.
Certified "Publlo Accountant.
Building, and St. Paul Bulldine, New York.
Estate Exchange Rldg.. 120 Washington ve.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
and Counsellois-al-Law. UM to 012 Conncll
Booms 12, 14, 10 and 13 Burr Building.
tlatcd on real estate security. Mears Building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
Commonwealth Building, Roomi
10, 20 and 21.
00.1-001, 0th floor, Mears building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
dr. w. E.
ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genito-urtnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. ra.
ington avenue. Chronic and nervous disease!
a specialty. Consultation free.
Hotels and Restaurants.
sue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCII, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. B. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 110
North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erymen, storo 201 Washington avenue; green
houses. 1030 North Mala avenue; storo
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Who Screens.
also ladles waUts. Louise Miocraaker, 21i
Adams avenue.
velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 131
Washington avenue, Scranton, Ta.
in Scranton at the news stands of Relsmaa
Bros., 400 fpruce and 603 Linden; 11. Norton,
322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Soruco street. - fJT
The Scrautoa Storage Col
offers perfect facilities for tHe
Storage of household gqodj"
Upwards of 30 dry, cleatf
and 'thoroughly veutilated
rooms, with individual keys-
the disposal of the"
113 Franklin Ave.