KTi '.'SI "5' ' '1 .x n j V"-'! 2J I THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY 31 AY 2, 1002. ' , ,A !.4 r pooooooooooc; tiii; uoDnns HAnoirAnit troni. Keeping Water Cool Durliiff Uio hot numnior months Im n problem which the Favorite Water Cooler ninkcH Hlmpte. Tlip favorite cooler Is rondo of hard wood, hl(?h ly poll.slicil, with heavy jiorcelnlii lining!, and nro oapeclnlly adapted for use In homes, .Prices $0.50 to Jl.-i.00. 8E13 WINDOW DISPLAY. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :ooooooooooa This Is a New York city office Imllcl liiK, and tho cut Is used to sot your ut . tentlon. AVhilc you are waiting for Scrnnlon (o become sreat and wicked like New York, don't forget the pa-cat bargain wo have at C17 and C10 North "Washington avenue. Double house and full lot for only jri.SKO. This property Is ivoi'.h $0,000 1C it is worth any thins-. Suitable for two stores and a six family building on front end of lot. Near post office, court house, city hall, library, High school. Y. Jf. C. A. Washington avenue is tho coining business street. 'Phone 109. Comegys' Ileal testate Olllres, Council Hullding. International Text-Book Co., Stock for pale; 10 shares at $140 and In terest; 1 share at $142 and Interest. Are you watching the business to see how it grows? n. E. COMEGYS & CO., Council Building. The Course of Study In all departments of the Hardenbergh School of Music and Art is arranged on hroad lines and according to modern progressive ideas. Send for circular. Carter 604 Linden Street. SESEXSS Girl's Wash Dresses for Siimmer Wear in slcs frnm fclv In tuclip years. J..ilv( models in LINUX, l'JQUIl, imil UIASII. Coali for early Pprlnpr and Summer uc.ir, lioj-,' Wash l)iec, Boys' Bloomer hulls. Till BABY BAZAAR IIS Washington Avenue. wimwmnrw&iiaa&mnvjxijmMnKi PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming find General Draying. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. istssssoBns Safe Banking. We adhere strictly to the established rules 1 of safe banking. . . . THE PEOPLE'S BANK SSKKSKKffiJaiEEUiCrCESaErja iftS? 7:v HUMi A SMALL FIRE. Dlnzo in an Out-Houso Started by Children, Children playing yesterday afternoon around an nut-liouse In tho rear of n. B, Coleman's house, at 823 Mulberry utrcet, loat a ball and one of thpiu llchtcd a match Inside the slieil, while In search of It, Homo paper, saturated with oil, blazed up and in an instant tho whole- plucu was nblnae, An alarm turned In from Box' 27. at tho corner of Mulberry btreet and Jliull on avenue, brought Uio central city flro eomnanles to the scene and the blaze was uuleklv exthmulBhed, The damage done was slight. "Persistently (Jhooso (lie Best a n d persistently in.il.i' u u ul It," U a t;oo(l duliiitlon o( wUUoiii, Vou may ceriUo (hut nun Ul iiiullly l- enkr ins Uio COSSKH. AIOHV SlIIHIIHT bllKiul Ul f tif I t ucU, opfiilnv June 111. Wrlto for In fuiiiialioii, or, bet tci, i j II. Uoth (lie- ill ii III farf-S? JmS el,! ! " -r-SZV iTlli J, Und I'l'iiniiiuluii, DlrctUir. DID A GREAT NIGHT'S WORK RECORD BREAKING NIGHT FOB THE SELECT COUNCIL. Ordinances Introduced Providing for the Expenditure of tho Monoy Made Avnilnblo In tho Recent Bond Issue D. W. Vdughnn Wants tho Plot of Ground at Plntt Place Pur chased for a City Park Ordinance Fixing Cab Hire in tho City Oth er Measures Introduced. At no previous meetlnjr In the history of the select council of tho city of Scranton was legislation for so many important publlu Improvements in troduced as at the short threo-qunrter hour session held last night by tho senators, The recent bond Issue of $2Su,000 provided money for many Improve; ments and tho work of securing these to tho people wns begun through the medium of tho measures Introduced Inst night. They were as follows: For the purchase of land from Orlan do C. Jones, Mrs. Palrlclc Lovans and W. J. Thomas, total $0,075, for open ing Wayne avenue from Putnam to Ferdinand streets. For purchase of land on New street ndjolnlng Deleware & Hudson railroad fiotn the Lackawanna Iron & Coal company for $4,D00 for a city yard and storehouse. For the purchnso of 6.44 acres of land from Reynold's Brothers for $0,400. This land adjoins Nny Aug park on the north and It Is necessary to ac quire It to properly develop tho park. For purchase from Lackawanna Iron & Coal company of a plot of land 50x 1C0 feet on Lackawanna avenue be tween Adams and Jefferson avenues for a site for a building for tho Phoenix Chemical Engine company, considera tion $10,000. For purchase of land from Charles C. Conrad for opening Mousey avenue between Mousey avenue and Cherry Lane.; consideration ?4,500 For purchase of lot at 629 Prospect avenue from Mrs. Mlna Robinson for u site for a combined police station for Houth Scranton and house for Century Hose company; consideration. $6,000. Appropi luting $100,000 for the pay ment of judgments. All of these ordinances were referred to their appropriate committees for consideration. FOR BUILDINGS. Resolutions were introduced and passed directing the department of building to prepare plans for a police and flro building on Mulberry street In the rear of City Hall; plans for a house for the Phoenix Chemical com pany on Lackawanna avenue; plans for a combination police station and lire house In South Scranton; plans for lltting tip the fourth floor of the City Hall for ofllces and installing an elevator. All of the above measures were presented by Councilman Chit tenden. A resolution IntioduoeJ by D. "W. Vaughan requested the recorder to get the price at which the city can secure the triangular strip of land bounded by the entrance to the Roaring Brook bridge, Ridge Row and Jefferson ave nue with a view to securing It for park purposes. The resolution was adopt ed. An ordinance introduced by T. C. Mclvin directs that all cabs and car ilages In tho city shall be licensed and also fixes the pilces that shall be charged. The rule of tariff follows: One passenger, not exceeding one mile r,0 cents; each additional passenger 23 cents. Over a mile not exceeding two miles 73 cents: each additional passenger halt the regular rate. Over two miles ?t and CO cents Tor each ad ditional mile; each additional passen ger half the regular rate. Use of cab or carriage for day for one or more passengers $8. By tho hour: $1.50 for first hour: $1 for each additional hour. The annual license shall bo $3 for each cab or earring? tho license to bo issued by tho director of public safety who shall give each holder of a license iL number to be displayed on his car llnge. Violations, of tho ordinance are to bo punished by fines ranging from $3 to $30. MORE NEW BUSINESS. Other new measures Introduced wore as follows: Grunting permission to Mrs, Josephine Tripp to connect her propety with' the Providence Road hewer; directing the engineering de partment to prepare plans for grading guttering Klrtland nnd Reeso streets; for flagstone sidewalks on both sides of Jackson street from Main avenue to Kaiser creek; for flagstone sidewalks on both sides of Twelfth street from Luzerno to Division street; directing that lire alarm boxes and Are hydrants be erected at Bromley avenue and Bellinger boulevard and Sumner avenue and Cemetery street. All were acted upon favorably. An ordinance providing for a retain ing wall on Third street was reported favorably from committee, A com munication fiom tho city controller called attention to tho fact that there aid bills to the amount or $1,334.71 on llle in his oflico and that no provisions for their payment has been made. On motion of D. W. Vaughan the matter was referred to a special committee which was appointed latter by the chairman, The committee consists of D. B. Evans, Flnley Ross and D. W. Vnughnn, Peter Ciunnflngs of 42S Phelps street presented n claim for damages douo by tho ovcrllowlng of tho Phelps street lateral sower, Tho matter was referr ed to tho proper coinmltteo In conjunc tion with tho director of public, works and city solicitor, LOWKlt BRANCH MEASURES. Tho common council resolution wns concurred lu which directs tho recorder not to execute a contract for tho con struction of the Eighteenth district main sewer for the present as an ef fort Is to bB niado to have tho m--dluance for the construction of the sewer repealed, Another lower branch measure concurred In was for the ap pointment of a Hpeelal committee con sisting of threo members of uch branch to consult with the city solici tor und endeavor to formulate a plan by which city contracts may bo guaranteed by the city pending tho collection of assessments. C. E. Chit tenden, John Von Bergen and J. J. Costello were appointed on tho coiik mtttec. Other common council reso lutions concurred In permit the director of public works to award a contract to private parties for repairing the West Mountain road, provided the work work does not cost more- than the amount appropriated; directing tho as sessors to muko report to common E. ROBINSONS SONS' UNEXCELLED BOCK BEER AT ALL SATURDAY, MAY 3 council of tho exnet number of tax ables In each ward In the city. MARTIN ALLEN AGAIN. Moosic Man Once More Charged with Wife-Beating. Martin Allen, ofMoosIc, who for sev eral years past bus made the life of his wife unbearable nnd who him been ar rested countless times for beating her, was convicted at a recent term of court, but tho judge seemed Impressed with the prisoner's desire to do better, and susnended sentence. Martin got along very well for a fewi weeks, but a few days ago ho came homo Intoxicated and beat lior brutally again "beat her almost to a jelly," Is how Magistrate Millar expressed It. Mrs. Allen cinno before tho magistrate and swore out n warrant for her hiif, band's arrest. He was taken Into cus tody and held under $300 ball. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The Lyceum ushers conducted their second annual souvenir dance last night at the Scranton Bicycle club, and a large and select gathering attended. The ball room had been tastefully de corated and music for dancing was furnished by Bauer's orchestra. Each of the twenty dances was dedl-" cated to either a popular actor or else "to Manager Duffy," "to our dead heads," or to somebody. A handsome souvenir programme, containing half tone portraits of a number of leading players, was presented to each one at tending. The following officers of the society were most active in arranging for tho dance: President, Earl Parker; secretary, Eugene Tropp; treusurer, G. B. Swart;:. Albert Benjamin, of North Scranton, und Miss Bertha Wljliams, a charm ing young lady of North Bromley ave nue, West Scranton, were married In Now York Wednesday. Tho young bride was atttred In a gown of light blue silk with white pearl trimmings. After taking a wed ding tour through Now York slate, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin will take up their residence lu a newly furnished home in North Scranton. Mrs. John B. Knight, of South Sum ner avenue, entertained the Railroad auxiliary of tho Slmnson Methodist Episcopal church last evening. Henry Phreel; nnd Miss Anna Oliver were united in marriage by Itev. P. E. Lavello, at St. Patrick's church, Wed nesday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Miss Nellie Davis, of North Rebecca avenue, entertained a largo party of friends at her homo Thursday evening. Miss Emma F. Parker, of Fiink street, entertained her Sunday school class at her home recently. Miss Margaret Glbbs, of West Scran ton, entertained the Dollar club Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. Roberts, of South Main ave nue, entertained the Tuesday Afternoon club Tuesday. Mr. i;v.ilinp Pcii.iy, of Pill.nlclpia, is tlic Rucst ol Mis. &.iuiuloi, of Piatt I'ldcc. Joseph Cuicy, o( Xoitli M.iln nvcinir, lias re sumed Ills itmllc3 ul KliomKbiirc State Normal btliool, Mi 3. 1'. W. (JumlcT 1i.ii! iiimotimril (ho encamp ment of her daughter, LuuUe, and Mr, Trunk C. l'cck. Thomas Graf, rrprcsenlalhp of the Inleina. t Ion 1 1 Tet Hook iGinpany at Antweip, Ildxiuiu, ii at the Jcnu.Mi, Mr. and Mm. Hols I'owler, of Swellaml street, aio rnteitalnlni; Mr. and Mis. William Cult, of Clou'l.uul, Ohio. Mrs. William I 1'ijor ami f.on, of Kmlh Sum ner aieuue, Jcft )e.tciday fur u few dajs islt Willi fricnd-i at Mauch Chunk. Mr. and Mrs. M, 1). Patterson, of Orangcvllle, Pa., letiiined home after a Ult with their daughter, Mrs. II. 1.'. l'ister, of Oicen Itldge fctuct. Thomas b. Jonui, of Wot Siranlon, a inemlicr of tho eUv, of 1WH, University of Iluflalo, 1'Ikii inacy department. lll graduate today. The e. enlscs will 1 held lu tho Ted: theater, lluiralo. Atthur Canllelil, ton of Master Car builder L. T. Cunlleld, of tho llelawarc, lanhattamu and West ern company, lett ycileid.iy for Xcw Yoik elty tu Ul.o the entrance examination for West Point mllllury academy, SKU$aMKX00S$ttK$0XSO0QS i 500 Best K Given fluUay Friday and Safdrday, Sure to bloom the first year. t With $1.00 purchase 1 Rose Bush 3, With 3.00 purchase 2 Rose Bushes JJ With 5.00 purchase 3 Rose Bushes v ' OR A : J! Crimson Rambler with S3.00 purchase V 2 Crimson Ramblers with $5.00 purchase 3$ As loug as they last. ' MEARS & HAGEN.n 415.417 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. S3 :b::::a::aas::aao:n:a::n::a: 0 HOTELS TOWNS UNREPRESENTED. Can It Be There Are No Ambitious ' Young People in Them One Entry Yesterday. There was one entry yesterday for The Tribune's Educational Contest, which begins Monday next. This was: Arthur Reese, Blakcly. The entries so far have been- fairly numerous, but there Is still lots of room for ambitious young men and women. Wide stretches of territory yet remain unrepresented, nnd In some of tho largest towns outside of Scran ton, whercM.'ho Tribune has a good circulation, the young people do not seem to leallzc the great chances of fered them for a higher education by means of a little pleasant work. Among the towns which should have plenty of ambitious young people, anxious to avail themselves of any honorable means to advance them selves, but which have thus far failed to have a representative on tho list, are Chinchilla, Clarks Summit, Dalton, La Plume, Factoryvllle, Nicholson, Hopbottom, New Mllford, Hallstead and Montrose on the west; Dickson City, Olyphant, Peckvllle, Jessup, Winton, Jcrmyn, Mnyfleld, DundafT, Unlondale, and Starrucca on the, north; Elmhurst, Moscow, Gouldsboro, Toby hanna, and Stroudsburg on the east; Moosic, Avoca, Mlnooka, Taylor, Duryea, Pittston, and Wllkes-Barro on the south. Each of these places should bo able to furnish a live representative, who would be able to stimulate local pride In his or her ambition and pro gress. Tomorrow the books of subscription blanks will bo mailed to those who have enrolled as contestants so far. Every one of them should receive their equipment in time to start work on Monday. As some may receive their blanks sooner than others, however, It should bo understood that no sub scriptions will be received until Mon day. Those who wish to enter the contest should send in their names nnd ad dress, "Contest Editor, Scranton Tri bune, Scranton, Pa." The rules and list of scholarships is pilnted daily on the fourth page of The Tribune. Canvass er's outfit will be sent out to all who have entered before the contest opens, so that they may begin on the very first morning and return some points In time to bo printed on the following day. A BIG SEASON ASSURED. Lodoro Will Bo the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming Season. All Indications point to Lake I.odoro as 'the most popular of all excursion re sorts for the fast-approaching season, and to even surpass lis Immense busi ness of last year. The Individual ex cursionist prefers a lake resort, and the scenic beauties of Lodoro Itself, its far spreading grove, incomparable dame pavilion, its merry-go-round, tho de light of the children, its well-equipped kitchens, clam .oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha launches, steamer, largo excursion boat and varied other amusements render it a summer paradise, and at the same time tho most profit-making resort for churches and societies. There nro some splendid dates left, for tho privilege of which please nppply to W. L. Pryor, district passenger agent, Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa. Special Low Rates to St. Paul, Minn. On account of tho National Baptists anniversaries nt St. Paul, Minn., May 20th to l!Stb tho Lackawanna railroad will sell round trip tickets to St, Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, at $33.70. Tickets will be sold good going May 17th, 18th and 19th and for return until Juno 30th Inclusive, upon payment of CO cents additional. For sale cheap: Barrels "of household goods, including 1000 washer, bookcase, parlor heater, kitchen table, lawn mow er, harness, chairs, portiere, etc. Mrs. L. Smith, 1422 Wyoming avenue. Dr, II. B. Ware, Speclnllst, eye, ear, nose and throat, has removed to Board of Trade building, second floor front. Rose Busks A GREAT MANY NEW BUILDINGS BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED IN MONTH OF APRIL. Ninety-two Were Given Out from the Office of tho Bureau of Build ing' Inspection nnd the Total Face Value of Proposed Improvements Seems to Bo $102,104 Over $90, 000 of this Amount, Howevor, Is s tho Vnluo of the Buildings Which Are Being Torn Down. The total number of building per mits Issued by. the bureau of building Inspection during tho month of April was ninety-two nnd the total valuation of tho buildings for which they were Issued was $192,101. This Is about double tho amount received from build ing permits during tho month of April 1001. Permits were Issued for no buildings of any very largo size or importance, and the increase In tho total amount over tho amount for the same month last year lies In the Issuance of a per mit for tearing down over $1)0,000 worth of buildings belonging to the Lacka wanna Iron nnd Steel company. The permits for buildings costing $1,000 or over Issued during tho month of April were as follows: .Tolm McUlinU'Cr, South Inlng ncmie, tingle dwelling. IMmund 0'3l.illry, Weft Mulct .street, r.lnsle ilrtclllnir. t.acK.iwai'x.1 Iron ami Steel company, tculng iloun building. Henry Kclirli, Washington auntie, stores and ilttelllnst. Valentino Uli.-s, Sanderson avenue, alteration and rctnirs. II. ;. Dolph, Wch-ler acnt:e, single dwelling, to ost S20.00O. rharles .Miller, O'll.ira .lreet, .sIhrIc dwelling. Chillies in.lil.igcr, Clay avrnue, lnm. John WcHli, Jit. Vernon I'lace, single dwelling. Ceo. 1". SihiKinmaKer, Summit incline, kitilicn. William Karrcll, Washburn street, tloic and ihu'lllngv CI. ul. c 111 03., Korlli Main au'iiue, new stoie fiont. N'ay Aug Lumber company, lliiee dwelling1! on nundell iuciiuo and llidgo l!ow. Mr. Maty Malum, 1'iospcct avenue, single dwell lug. L. II. Zininier, jr., Cedar .uenue, tingle dwell lug. Krncst Schuster, Linden slicet, single dwelling. lleiheit Jones Norlh Sumner aicnuc, ingle dwelling, Klcr Mill and Klevalor eompiny, I'loUdemc road. mill. Phillip Ujcr, Ilii eh street, single dwelling. Jacob K. Koch, l'ic-iolt acime, single dwell ing. 1). L. rides, Mulbeny sticct, two hingle dwellings. S. .M. Smoot, Vine street, double dwelling. 11. (!. Trnnont, Wnodlaun Pari, single dwelling. J. II. William?, Linden sheet, stoics. Xay Aug Lumber company, Picseott avenue, fllOil. Albeit Ilartnian, Pre.-cott aicnue, new stoie fruit nr.d uHcr.ittuu. J. (,. Cohin, Doiothy aieuue, single dwelling. A NOON WEDDING. Jcsso H. Vademan and Miss Eeta J. NHowrie United. At noon yesterday, at the par.uonngo of the Ponn Avenue Baptist church, on MlfUIn avenue, Jesse If. Wademan, of Fleetville, Pa., was united in marriage to Miss Iteta J. Lowrie, ot AVaverly, Pa., Itev. Dr. Pierce officiating. Tbe young couple are well known and have many friends throughout the county. Mr. "Wademan is a prosperous young business man of Fleotvillc. The bride wore a handsome tailor-made traveling suit. Tho newly-wedded couple will re side in Fleetvllle, after a brief wedding tour. METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. Station, He union, 1'a.j month, April, 0J. Timperatuie. Char- Precipl- alter Pate. Jill. Mln. Mean, tatiun of d.iv t It r.i .III ,i: Cloudy 2 au ::i :iii ,ui iiuudy :: su :.fi :.s T. Cloudy i u ::i ::s ,o cloudy fl J!) .".(I J.! ,00 Cloudy (1 ."! 2S U) .17 Chiidy 7 41 !M 10 .III Cloudy S II !I7 11 M Cloudy II b", K9 42 .."'l Cloudy ID I!) US II .20 Cloudy 11 Hi SO Sri .10 V, Cluudy Vi .V, 40 43 .01 V. ( hiudy 13 13 r.'J 44 .01 , Cloudy ii n :i7 40 .oo chiuiy n ft I ::o 41 .O.l Clear Hi S7 81 41 ,00 Cloudy 17 5i 10 4S T. P. Cloudy IS M M 50 .00 P. Cloudy 1! lit t'l Li .(ID 1'. Clouly 20 (rf 41 52 .00 Cloudy 21 71 47 (10 .00 I'. Clouly 21 S7 50 7.1 .00 Clear 2) Si 49 CO .00 Clear 21 01 42 02 .00 I'. Cloudy 2:, M) 85 48 .00 P. Cloudy 20 77 01 il T. Clouly 27 58 47 .00 P. Cloudy 21 72 87 fil .00 1 Cloudy 211 5S " 52 53 ,l"i Cloudy 80 70 02 CI ,2a Clear Mean. ...57 40 49 SL'MMAItY. Mean alinosphciic prcwun', 29.03; highest prev fine, S0.:ll, date 20th; lowest pressure, 29.y, date lit. Mean tcnipciatiiie, IS ihgrics; highest Icinpcnturc, F7 degieiw, date 22; lowent temper atiue, 2S dcgiccs, clatn bill; gicatcit dally ranga of tcmpeiuliiii', 35 degiees, dato 2S; least dilly lango of tciupirattuc, 8 deguejilato 8dv nielli timperatuie for this month' In 1001, 47 degiec; inejii Icinpcuture for IhU month for two jean, 4S degrees; aieiago excess of dally mean tern peiature during month, 0.5 digrcca; aceuniulited ccoM of dally mean temperature since Jin. 1, 1X1 degiees; average daily excess slnco Jan, 1, 1 degree; prcalllrg dlicdlon of wind, touth- Buys Coursen's Fancy Creamery Butter. Start the month right by ordering your groceries of 429 Lackawanna Ave. 28c I L . 1 west, 21 tief tcnt.i iolal movement ot ffln-1, 0,6(0 miles) tmudmum velocity of wind (to lie lalcen from any flvc-mlnutc record), direction nlul (late, 42 miles (torn west, en 27th. Tolal precipl lutlon, 2.27 inchest number of days with ,01 inch nr more of prcfplUlloii, lit total lueclpll.itlon (In Inches) for lids month In lool, 8.44; average precipitation tor (his month for two )c,ir, Z.bd Inches; loUl deficiency In precipitation during month, .69 luetics; accumulated excess in p'e ilpltalloult.cc Jan.. 1, l.Ol Indies. Number o( dear day, 4; partly cloudy day, 10; cloudy day.', 111. Dates of fror, light, 21th; hilling, 15th and IGlh, Mean rclalbc humidity, 01 per cent. Total monfall, 0.7 Inch. P. 11. Cliukc, Local Forecast Official. White Beauty Flour Tbe Finest Floor Milled White Beauty makes light, sweet, flaky, de licious" bread. We are the sole agents in Penn sylvania and guarantee every barrel. Barrel. IV s a Fact Conrad Can show you one of the largest Hues of Plain White.Plaited Fronts, Solid Colors, Tan or Grey, Black and White and all other new ideas in Patterns. 305 Lacks- Aye. Tralini Stamps, fia(iiftf(iiJttit(tiifititttiS I When in Need Of anything in the lino of 4, optical goods we can supply it. 4, Spectacles I and Eye Glasses J Properly fitted by nn expert J ! optician, .J. From $1.00 Up J Also all kinds of prescript ? tion work and repairing. 't .j. J Alercereau & Connell, 133 "Wyoming Avenue. C' 4' 4' ,J, 4,,l,4,'I',H You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our lbio of Umbrellas nnd Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all our goods, Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 313 Sprues Street. $4.49 t kllEBlI legiigee Shirts Lubricating OILS Maloney Oil & Manlifactiinng Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. OLD 'PHONE QS'S, , NEW 'PHON 233 Wo nro solo agents for v Masury's Liquid Colors, House Paints ind Carriage Paints: Unexcelled for durability. BittenbenderSC 126-128 Franklin Ave. .(. Birthday Pillows Tlie lalc-t rillott- Tnil h flic "Dlrllicla Til low." Tlieio are IwcInc beautiful design In thii line one for cacli monlli a most acceptable birthday cift. Cramer-Wells Co. 130 Wyoming Ave. Every Young Man with ambition is critical about his dress. We are prepared to give special attention to the critics. No person tries harder to have the correct thing, and we are positive we can please you. John D. Boyle, Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. PURE Corn and Oats Feed. Try our old fashioued "Best Feed" We also sell "Clean Oats" And good hay. Give us ycur orders. Dickson ill & Grain Co,, Branch at Olyphant, Pa. The Moosic Powde Co Booms 1 nnd 2 nnTMinnnwfinlfll TOldr. 3f!TJ AUTO! TA w. -..., --.. mining: and blasting POWDER Made at Moosic aii'l ISuhcUlc Work?. Laflin & Hand Powder Co.'i ORANGE GUN POWDER Cl;ctric llatterlc, Dlcctiio llkplodcn, Im ploding IHjsU, .Safely l'iui EEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. and Burning ! . . "V J I i & rMH 'Tffe ' v&f.qt - jrt Ji'.''. ... y ,s n lW "ft v &&'. ' .a .'1 . . -' ' !' "J. 'n&k.:e -f;isifebJ.i mmmmm,i-jM' AJBA1 tBsatii-we.XfiuatKA j
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