The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    y-v:- " ' ' .. ' ' (' " '. i
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. 4
JONA& lonq's moNa.
Two Interesting and profitable retailing events are now on at the Big Store this w,ee; Vu
i,. 1 ti C iM hi.,
i it v'l it.j
W51II Pfinf Crilr. at astonishingly
-J r
i '
I SHlP is I v
low prices and
a strong combination
hnpec ' fitri anH ilL-c Your attention to either will save, you 5
'LJreSS UOOU anU IIKS nioneyand to this list -of splendid j .
. r"
The "Sorosis" Shoe
for women; noted the
world over for its
beauty of design and
finish. There's com
fort in them the first
day you put them on,
Always the
The "Hanan" Shoe
for men also has an
envied reputation in
all the large cities of
the world. If you
want the best shoes
you can't do better
I Complete Outfitters
AC'ADIIMY Cluilcs J.e.iliou-ne's Hon Ton Stock
:utiiiiii.i. Mjtinro und iilglil,
SVAII. -Illue ltlouil uiiili'squcrs. Afternoon
vmi night.
Modjeska and Jnmes.
Willi two mkIi t inim lit .utl-ts .is MjiImiic
iloiljcsKa .mil 1 mm .Linus a uiy commend llilu
picscntatioii of tire "Mcit haul of eiike" mUit
Li" ppoitcil, .mi! in u l.uu'o .mil fj'hlonalile im
illpnco at the I.jciunt, IjcI night, this iiiit.i
tion was fullj iealli'i,
rniuiikiiiiK tint Mwlji-skj is iiioii nihil illy
llltril for loliw aliuo-l iliy ilUmctilc opposite of
a ,10111117, lllltllCsPllll', lllll lilt Wills mill, ulio lulllll
not bo bciiou-. crii in tin iMiiU'iniilatUm uf the
luo.t Hcriom Iiulilciit of lici llfi,- llio onttuino uf
tlu lottery by ttliiili t-lii' wa- In ! niilut -ami
lio in a tvinkllii" pl.mmnl to mu her bun
band's flit nil bj, ttlii'ii .iinljiil, is it UiK,
it is no small tilbulf In bor ait 10 iwirly s.iy
(Li- was mi .uiqiUlili- Pmlii. Ilul it uii lit
uilil that fho ws iinmi linn Hits, I In ait liiilos
tho liandiiaps that wmilil In1 .ilnm-t iiihiiuiiJUlll
nlilo ulwtncks (u unii'-. ill oni1 lev, ailMIr, and
tin' onloolat, toi the nonic, U iii.nU' in fiU tint
lha liandli.ipi bo Miond an tin 10 aic, niter nil,
ililiiieiiial, Tlicic "is no K'ilni-.iliivt tint n a
traslo bliahi'i-ivaiian mlo MiuIJoh.i wimhl b
1'ittci, but It U a ik' imiuIiIo tiling to uihu.
this new i'donie nf the alt o tliU liuu !i-ulinti.'il
A3 Slijloik liii moat pietinlloib cffnit .laiii.'s
pioo liliuself what it was oft. piuphoclcd ho
would be, one of thoa who will be union,
bercd as hulns u plan' in the foufioiic of
Amerlian aitoi, A sliiKluj; nldenie ot the tiiu
genius he posenes S founuV In the fait tint he
csajis a Slijloik of bin uuiOnot an urlk'liul Sliv
Jock altOKelher, wlun thu aeecptnl Miake-pe ircan
H Cufaanola cigars andr I
H common cigars f HI
HH cost you about HI
HH tho o a m XmW I Ww
wwtvrs Why I
nll f should
Iff Wks yu no H
II JWf have tho boat H
myf for your 5 ccnta ? BH
Imperial Cigar Company,
100 Lackawanna Avenue.
And DittributoM of
Jubanola Cigars.
commentaries are had m mind, but oricmil as
compared with what otliei actors' conceptions of
Mi.i lock ale mid line been. James makes him .1
ratlur robust charaetei in his cerj feature,
l'hjsiially he is depicted as helns 5ct far le
moed from the ileireptilude to which Keeno
makes him so closely appioich, the Hooped body
being wholly wanting and bis hiir and bcaid
IjeliiK still black, with only a tingcin; and
streaking of gm, .lames aH,o gives him moie
flro in the strenuous passages, and in the tcene
witli Tubal, in which he hears the alleruitlns
good and news, the etiemc emotions are
not giwn the wide lingo so common in tbeli
porl 1 aval. This conceit of making Mi) lull, n
compaiathely lobust iliuaclei and maintaining
him as such, benrs to gtic oppoitunity foi
sulking conliast ut Ills eit lioni the s'or) when
lie is icduced to Hie most abjoit condition that
1111 be lomciud foi one of his nature. .Mr.
James' depiction of the iclicat fiom the rouit
loom was thu most geneioiial) applauded bit of
his voik.
'Iho suppoitiug company was cm opt Inn illy
good. It Incluued Alexandir Cailetou, js An
tonio; Wadswortli Hauls, as llissiuio; Xoi'inn
Hackett, as I1.1tl.1w1; flhaul Cameiou, a l.oi -mzn;
'Ihomas Coffin C'ooki, as (,obbo; Ml-s
Aphie .lamis, as Jessiia, and Mis. KiaiiTUcllo-,
as Xtiissa.
W'agcnhils & Kemper giie the pliy .111 unstint
ed silling, II"' luinlture ami scciui) beiuvr 1 lib
mate and the icluiues llch,
The Blue Bloods.
The Illue Bloods Kstiaiagamta company opened
.1 lime di)s' eiigagi'iiiint at the Mir theatei
iistcida) altcinoou and piesinled . show Hhlcli
is loiisideiably uboo the auage of the pu
forinanit's whlih liaw been gheii in this houso
ihuliig the past season. What U desUuitid on
Hit- piogiuinne as "Wii-Ting, .1 ( lilnt-e open
in two acts anil four sums," Is ue-tnttil.
It niciel) liunlshis .111 i-muso toi the luliod'ic
tlou nt a nuinbu' of specialties '01110 my good,
suuie not so good and numo ntheis, J).IM N'oultii
(Is lilt icil 1 aiuc .Nolan!) gaie some fmiviIIiijI)'
ik'wr impiiroiiatloii., and .lapauesu and (jiimaii
ballets wllli appiupiiaiu sons pleased till' null
due Iniini 11-1 1,,
.l.inus I', Sullhaii uiid Mule lliie.-lid tJH1 a
lio) and lather MlUai sketih, and the lucpics
slble illiisliatnl song ultl-t was 011 hind In the
pilson of ('ail Audiuou. (lulled K, Hauls' 111
(ct. "I'lie 'I Jo 'I hat Hinds," u.u sung by him,
and thU lumpuset In this son.; his ipiite. mil
pastil all lii pi ei lulls t'lloits In iiiiudllu fciutl
liienlalil). It was ei, beautifully llliistiated in
all the colois of the laiubim, J unci 1!, Cuopei
and Mic Iti.Miohls lould be eiued It not
ful (WO 01 thill) Juki a Hut till) splllllV,,
"Tlie Bonnie Brier Bush,"
Sir, J, K, Stodilail in "Ihu Jlounle lliler lliuh"
Is the uttiuuloii at (he Kucinii halmday mat.
line and night. All of thoso who lue heaul of
the fatotlte old actui'.s suices in .Niw York In
tl., liU new piece, us well a. Ilmc who rcini'iii'
ber him in pu.loiii pla) will uol, fuiward Willi
gieat anticipation in his appearand) bin,
'(ho udiauie alu it seals and boxes bigm
)fhteidjy mullilir;, and the Uiliiaud judliJlis
that gieat auilieiuej will be present at both Jul-foiiuauies,
Hie lion Ton company jiresenKil "A Man o(
Jl)tcr)" at the Aiadcmy of Mu,lo last night.
The bill for today follow; fieinoon, "An
American llclnW; night, "Chatlanooga, '01,"
Ilia London bkclcli H)s; "Mr Henry living,
who has uturned to llnglaml In tho but hcilth
be has cur known, has not, I am ofitclally In
foiiiicd, in i' had any notion of prodiulng .1
')aiitc' play by fcirdou or uny one else at least
not for nuiy )eau past, Mr Henry is muili
amused at I he pcuitti'iit rumera which luve been
pilnlid loliiciulng hls 'Danlc' ihaiiu. E.v
Henry will, I am assured, produce no now play
whateiei this season, but will lonfino hinioelf to
'Faust,' to 'Ileiket,' and to one 01 two other
inteiestlng nih iK"
Aicordlug to the lecords of Co'.onil T. Alston
Brown, the stage historian, the first piesentatlo-i
of a diainitizition of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" oc
euired at l'uid.i'.s National theater, New Hit, on
Aug. 2.1, 1SJJ. 'Ihe icision was bj Charles Vest
em TjjIoi, mil was not .1 umifi-. The fu-t suc
cessful Mrsion was pimliked at the .Museum,
Tioy, N. Y., on Sept. 27, ISaJ. This was the
Aiken crslon. At the same lime a ei.ion made
b) Mis. Anna .Maible was pioduied in Chicigi.
Ulchaul Mansflild annoimced in l'ltlsburg tint
be intended to gie next season the giandist le
ial of the M1.1kespea1e.111 drama Americans
seen since Booth and Ilaiult. Bcginiilng In Chi
cago about October .Ml. Manstleld sals iliat he
will pioduie nothing but the works of the Jin
inoilal bald. Among tin -r- will be a stupen
dous iciiial of "Julius Cae-ir." with 100 people
on tlie stage. Ills upirtolie will hiilude, K'-iilis
".luliiLS fiesiii," "Othello." "Ihe Meiihmt of
Vinlie," "llhhaiil III" and "Ituii) V."
.Mm ate bom and men ate d.ilua;,
'Ihoii-ands come not one can st.1,1 ;
Time Is sum, his winds ,11 1 ll)ln',
.Niur leasing, night 01 day.
Here we me again lit the nieiry
month of May, Thu planetary coiull
tlmis aie not wty luvoialile for a
fjiilet and peai'eful month. Old JUhI
warrlor Mais is sidetracked in .sign
T.tinus, tho bull. He will ntlr up utilfe
and keep the whole woild in a con
stant htnte of excitement. Old Mother
llarth Is passins- tliiout,rh the house of
friends; thprefoie, If thine In any tend
ency to lnlliB about a peaceful feel
Ins uiuontr the laboilns cIiihs now Is
tho time to adjust their claims and be
at peace, Kaith will ho opposed by tho
house of chlldicn, therefore It will be
well for patents to miaul their chil
dren, as everyone should pay stilct
attention to their health durltiK the
low ebb days of this month, as found
In ritorms and Signs for May, Many
sudden deaths will occur this month,
A'egttables will also lecelve allllelion
fiom the mlciobes, locust, etc., that
ate coming.
A partial eclipse of the sun will take
place on Wednesduy, the 7th. Thu
ilmk shadows of the eclipse -will fall
upon the southern purt of the I'afillo
ocean and New Zealand, This will
bilug soiiow uiul ilestructlou to nil
places within the pathway of the ilnilc
Spain will be partlculaily iinfortun-
ate, ns IM anus is still stationed in
the Hlgn that rules Hpaiu, and It por
tends a revolution for some sections of
that country, "
Watch out or an epidemic of
trouble this month, It will provo most
fatal to those born In sign Taurus,
unless tho system Is at once thoroughly
Tito stock market will prove tin
steady. Taking all things into con
sideration, we should watch out for
all storm clouds that show any signs
of violence. The greatest danger will
be on or about the 7th, also about tho
liQth. Frosts In many sections may ho
anticipated, From new moon to tho
latter part of thu month the indica
tions urn tlittt, thine will bo many
great, storms of rain, also hull. Mer
cury ami Vulcan hayo the Inside tiack,
therefore watch out for high gales,
tornadoes, heavy thunder storms, and
some sections will be visited by floods,
etc. The dates on which the storms
are liable to occur will be found on our
Storms and Signs calendar. The cold
waves and the heat waves will follow
one another. The north and northwest
need not be surpilsed if heavy snow
squalls occur.
Large Audience Gathered in
Luke's Palish House.
A very large audience gatheied in St.
Luke's parish house last night, the oc
casion being the third nnnunl enter
tainment of the Boys' Industrial asso
ciation. The gymnasium class of the school,
under the diiectlon of Hnrrv F. Clark,
gae dumbbell drill and a clever exhi
bition of tumbling, A number of the
boys, diessed 11s clowns, indulged in a
wild fiollc, at the end of the pio
granime. The boys comprising the class
who appeared last night ate as follows:
Michael Durlcin, John Haldemau, Peter
Itoche, Vincent Dunleavy, Willie Scull,
Willie litinne, Clarence Corby, John
Thomas, John Tleiney, John Dunleavy,
James McGann and Alfred Saunders.
Miss Menu lie Mori is gave several
lecllatlons , ill that ease of manner
and nbsence of affectation which huo
placed her In n class by herself, and
Clifton 11, Phelps sting a song in a
capable manner, An amusing comedy
sketch was tontilbuted by the DeVere
brothel s,
Splendid entertainment.
An CNcellent entertainment under the
uii.splces of the Kpworth league of the
Kim J'aik Methodist Kplscopal chinch,
was tontl tided in the pailors last night
and an audience largo In numbers was
npp.tiently well pleased.
A number of pietty tableaux were
effectively presented. The , subjects
were varied and included a stwut scene
entitled "The Jjootblaek"; u uualntly
pretty plctuie, "The Old-Fashlonert
Uli I," and the (teveiles of u Twentieth
(Jenltirv Tinehelor." Philip Wurren'H
splendid baritone was heard in two se
lections, mid Mrs. Kzra 11. (,'ouuell
sang delightfully. ItecltatlouH te
clevtrly given u,y -Miss Osenbach, and
Miss Long rendered a violin solo.
n.tvld Jones has moved his house
hold goods Into his new home, formerly
owned by O, B, Poud.
Tho (ireonwood Hose company Is
creeling a now hose house In Green
wood, '
Miss Pet TlAmlin, of West Plttston, Is
spending u few days with jelatlyes in
Mr, and Mis. Thomas Sutiiiffe enter
tained a number of young people at
their homo on Tuesday evening.
Miss Kdith Morton, of Scruutou, spent
Wednesday with relatives In Green
w nod,
Sale No. 1
Will be added, containing timely every day wants. Good goods at little prices.
In Basement.
Sale of Window .Screens It will soon be time to protect your
rooms from the troublesome fly. This screen will fit a window'
from 25 to 131! inches wide. Value lflc. This Friday buy
them at lUC
Sale of Cups and Saucers Made of While Semi-Porcelain,
good value and both sold regularly at !)c. This sixty min- c
ute sale buy cup and saucer at 5C
Sale of riates Size suitable for tea, breakfast, or diliner
Made of good value White Scmi-Porcclain, and every day
sold for Sc. each. This sixty minutes buy them for ' 5C
Sale of Tacks for Carpet, also Matting Tacks All sizes.
Sold this Friday, 4 packages for 5C
Sale of Table Tumblers A very heavy glass tumbler, good .,
clear glass. An opportunity to buy this regular uc. kind i
todav for JLQ
Sale of Kitchen Knives This lot is slightly soiled from handling, but none the worse
for usefulness. Sold this sixty minutes for 1 C
Sale of Toilet Sets This is a special lot; perfect goods; 10 pieces, consisting of large water
basin and pitcher, small pitcher, chamber with cover, covered soap dish, brush, vase and
mug. Come in 4 striking colors. Value $.'5.00. Today buy set at..... P 1 V
Sale of Sad Irons This is a new departure on our part and we think it will meet
with your approval. We will sell any of the three sizes of Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, with
handles, today, for ) 2i VC
(A chance to complete your set or get one extra iron without buying the three.)
Sale of Jardinieres Fine Glazed. A Mazarcnc blue ; 8 inches high ; will hold a 7-inch
flower pot. Value 50c. each. Today buy them at 2tjQ.
Sale of Fibre Pails Full size, the kind that are unbreakable and value that brings !j5c -
This Friday buy them at 1 VC
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Sale No. 2
Sale of Towels Another lot of honeycomb towels, very ab
sorbent ; size 22x.'5(i. There arc unbleached and bleached .
towels, and will be sold this Friday at the low price of 4C
Sale of Photograph Frames Size (i by 8A inches; gray mat;
oval opening; wood imitation of ebony. Sofd this Friday on
the third floor. The regular price is L'Oc. each ; buy for sixty
minutes at 1 UC
Sale of Embroideries The kind you see in the window. Fine
lawn and nainsook edges; from 3 to 12 inches wide. In many in
stances you will find values up to 5!)c. yard, and tliis Friday
you can buy them at 1 C
We expect a rush. for these goods; be on time.
A Combination Sale of Seersucker and Ginghams This lot in
cludes one of the best values you have seen for some time. Seer
suckers are mostly dark grounds ; Ginghams have pink ground and
white stripe. The seersucker is sold for 8c. regularly; the i
ginghams at 9c. Buv them this Friday at 5aC
Sale of Women's Vests A timely event ; warm days will soon be here in all their oldtimc
friendship, and summer underwear will be in demand. This is your opportunity to stock up ready
for such a time. A splendid bleached cotton vest, high neck and long sleeves ; low neck and .
sleeveless ; all shaped ; all white ; all sizes, and a l!tc. garment ; buy it Friday for 1 4C
Sale of Boys' and Men's Negligee Shirts Made from Bedford cord materials ; all new patterns
and only here but a week ; full length ; all sizes from 121 to 17; white linen collar band, pearl
buttons ; value ."Oc. Buy them today, near Wyoming avenue entrance, at 5C
Sale of High Grade Rockers Before we begin our description let us say come early to the
fourth floor this Friday. You will find a rocker built of seasoned quartered oak stock and hand pol
ished throughout. Three-panel back design ; elaborately etched and carved ; sweep shaped . -.
arms, having three spindles and post support ; regularly retailed at ipl.00 Today, one hour ,rj
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Sale No. 3
IK 4y
Sale of Ribbons All silk, four-inch Taffeta metallic finish Rib
bon ; all colors; black and white. This is the ribbon event of the
season at the ribbon department and is not an every day occur
rence to buy this class of goods at today's prices. Often , i
quoted at 20c. a yard, but for sixty minutes buy it at 1 -ZC
Sale of India Linen Just received yesterday. Fifty pieces of
this splendid item for the white goods department, and have de
cided to place it on sale today; regular value is 12,1c. This
hour buy it at "C
Sale of Pillow Cases Size :Wx4." ; three-inch hem ; torn'" and
honed, ready for immediate use; value 12 (c. each. Today i
bti v them at "C
c i.. . cm...... c- . .. o, ...,. f..n . ; , i. .i ..i .J,.,.ii.'.r?'fj
auiu ut ,T)iieets aize oixiin, inn size j tuni, uuiiuiiuu .u u iiuucu;
t . ,i.. i . ..!... i i ,...i. -.ii '....:, i-.. ' '
iiuiu mic ut tin-, uesi iiiuftiiiih in. mi:; .uw.ivs. wlli in .in I'l'tun. , .j a . j
Uuv them this Fridav at .' 4'-C,' t
Sale of Women's Summer Corsets on the Second Floor It will soon be time lo discardthe-'
heavyweight corset, This kind on sale today is made of good net and is well boned; all
sizesl and shaped in the latest effects; value :i!)e. Todav, buv them at JL&Q
Sale of Boys' Sailor Blouse Suits Come in all-wool ; navy blue flannel ; lightweight ; Jarge "sai-''J
lor collar; beautifully trimmed with soutache braid, in red or while; size to Jl years. Every gar- ,
nieut worth Spl.i.i. Jivery mother who has a hoy and wants a special bargain come Here gvcv--
this Friday, on the Second Floor, and buy this suit for only ' VOC
Sale of Umbrella Sizes 2(5 and 28-inch, This umbrella on sale today has a splendid covering,
is fast black, good frame, and the assortment of handle is large, including the straight apt! . '
Congo twist, with silver trimming, and value is (Hie. each. Today buy them for (10 minutes 45C
'J '(.!
'I " ''HI
" '!
Begins Promptly ut
4 O'clock.
Watch Papers for Saturday's Shoe Sale.
Advertisers of Facts Only
Jonas Long's Sons
t .. i
" i - sT -i & , ' S -?.
i -, rinjti 'Vy.
, a-Vj-Aj
.. vj t a - -v. i t h? i li
f t.Jti$ii-Jt'