rsimimmam fkm-hrtMma"lm-iftm sfetyl i ifi i Ai i, mwijjfen hW 5U , r A I I It 1 v re I 1!. " -JIL -' i -. ft: ' Pnlitrthni blllyf lct Pnmlljrl liy.-ThWrlji-utie I'uMlihtnir liomiuny, at l'lfly Cl.,?lllLl LIVV f. HICHAM), hlltor. O. F. .IIYXIMK, lhnliie Manager. -V New Vork Office! IMNjmmi St. ..... s. s. vm:i:t.AN. Bole Aent tor I'ntclRn AilvettUln. filtered t the l'olofllci- at S-'iranlon, IM i i Second Clav Mai! 3tjtlpr. When space will permit, The Tribune is always glad to print short- letters from Its friends bear ing on current topics, but Its rule is tfcftt these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's veal name; 'And the condition precedent to ac ceptance is that all contributions hall be subject to editorial revision. win riA'i iiati: roti adviiutipino. T1it .following tabtr show the Mice per Ineli each in-ei'tlon, upacc lo lie Htetl witliln nc jeir. "Htm utl)lillhi;'.viir I'"'! rapci. I ItMillnR. oltlon. .WI .IS. .no .J 4 .in .is .ao .W .It .:o '.si .in .in .1A- .in .175 .17 .IB Kor rnl of IIimiIm, reoliitlnin n( rotiilolTP''. and nlmllar cotilrlliiitlotn In the tulure nf ml AertMng 'Hid Tilbmie in.ilos a (.lure nf ft renla tine. flutes of CIjmMciI Adiertlsinc fiimMifil on application. TEN PAGES. SCHANTOX. MAY L', 10J. For governor of Pennsylvania, on the Issue of an open Held and fulr play, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, subject to the will of the Republican masses. A Hopeful Augury. JUST WHAT was done at the anthracite conference In New York has not been divulg ed officially, and until It s there Is little use In guessing. Pre sumably enough was done to warrant the delay In letting the public Into the secret; and as the old saw says Hint no news Is good news we are disposed to take heart of hope and await de velopments tranquilly. One thing we know was done which calls for appreciative comment. That was the meeting of the Intel ests in conflict. They met face to face and, according to repot t sat face lo face for several hours without the heavens falling, earthquakes happening or any other dire calamity occuiring to' be token high heaven's displeasure. Jn other woids, a good precedent was es tablished. In olden times It was the em ploying Interests which met and l.ieir meetings settled 'the business. Now adays labor Is demanding to be he.ud; and while in many Instances Us de mands are not preferred judiciously the fact In this case was that not tu have met the oflleeis of the mine woik :ers would have been to commit a tac tical blunder for which no justification or apology could have been offered. These are the days of big combina tions and labor has merely followed the fashion. The men who set the fashion have no reason to refuse to confer with the other side on matters ot mutual interest. The fact that a conference has been secured Is a vic tory in Itself for the Interests repre sented by John Mitchell. It is the first step toward the eventual settlement of differences by the civilized process of conference, concession and, as a last resort, arbitration. We hail it as a hopeful sign of the times and look for ward with contldence to the day when no other plan will be countenanced by either capital or labor. Why should not The Tilbune ad vertise city ordinances as well as the Times? Is It a crime for the recorder to be fair to his friends? Keep Cool. I T WAS to be expected, of course. that hysterical papers like the Scranton Times, having in view the manufacture of Democratic campaign thunder, would rave and froth at the mouth over the develop ments .as to General Snilth'rt campaign in Samar. It would, therefore, be use less to try to remind them that this campaign is under review, first, by a court martial of distinguished and respected officers of the American nrmy and, secondly, when they lutve passed upon It, by tho president of the Vnlted States, a man whose honesty of purpose and devotion to country even Democratic partisans concede In intervals of candor. Until these two regular tribunals have expressed their Judgment after u complete understanding of all the fuots and up to this time, be it lemoniber rd tlu-Anierleun people have had only Aldireiuteil and patch-work liiforin.t tloli by'cable it would seem to be In acjeord rtVlth Anglo-Saxon principles to retrain" ''froth prejudging the case, We cafinot'expoot Democrats lo act on this doJ? trine; ,Jihat )h, Democrats of the hijir iJiggr type of our local evening coutenipofary, which is not normal mi lei's throwing at least ono tu u day. . Put We" 'do feel that It would be pioper fojj pepubllcans to hold buck prema tuje criticisms and reproaches, and for this reason: )f (ienernl Smith should be found to bfe thevletlm of mlnundertandlng or sojSsalionnl reporting, io condemn him liadvanuo would bo a gross Injustice, On the-othor hand, If lie be convicted, ufttll hla supeilors shall have failed in trfe duty of illsayowljig,. rebuking and piVnishlng, it would .''bo'grossly unjust i them to assume that they will Irtie administration nf army affairs Is In good, safe and Just bunds. Those htvids huvo shaped excellent results In Pfcrto Uico, Cuba and in nn .over whelming proportion of tho mllUury districts Into which the Philippines are ub-djvjded, 4 ,l'hls is conceded, No 36,ubf 'mistakes gav hejn1 mode, and possibty somfe! Ifcadr'SmeB. History 'fyov' thajj thesV alteH? inoi'ltablo Jn iaiffenWaWnBV"BufTSt the com- ajon sense of the people put a curb on a!igaWjtH Xhe.facts In t.h5.pxesent ;oe ate tut in miu umii me reviewing uwwiiies nave nuu a. cnant'e to con- i nisM.A.v., IrfM thatfiiiO Ineficn. Ml Inches ....... 1 '". fiflrt '" ','.'.'.'.'. inoo nnoo " now " t' Ti 'r ifrMMiiiililrf t-lAflJIft'i to Most of tha att'lkcR now' ocetlirltiK nre lor IiIkIioi- wages and represent tabor's effort to fjet wlml It conceives l lie a mole L'dullubte hIihit 111 tho general iri)sierlly, Vi synumtlilze In this lilifpiHo and lione will Hlieceert. With pi-Ices rlnlns ti tltoy nn labor ought lo have liii'i-eiipeil pay: In fart, In ninny trades liierence elMier liy vol untary action of employers or through compulsion Is necessary If labor Is. to sustain -Itteir In a 'stale of eltleleiiuy. .Strikes to enforce the dictation of self appointed lenders or to gratify their vnnlty are one tiling; nnd strikes lo effect (i fulrei: shatiiiK between capital and labor nie quite anolher. Oenerally speaking', yon, can put it down l)uil Hie orklngniaii Is worth all he guts nnd ought lo have more. Trinyitiiii'h ns he has lo suffer when times are hard, u trust tlut lie will more than make up when tliey ure good, as they are In 'most Indusliles today, The New Naval Secretary. T IK ItKTUtKMKNTof John V. Loiik. tiom tin: cabinet af fords nn occasion for calling attention to the uniformly patriotic and successful service which he bus given to the nation In a post which the clrcumsliincis of war made one of except lonal dillliulty and ic sponslblllty. An unfortunate scandal In the naval service which history will ad judge obsetlled townid the hist the popular recognition which Mr. Longs good work on thoroughly deserved. Hut It cannot lake iiwui- the ract thai his Icmue of the naval portfolio dining the one opportunity that our new navy has had since Its cieatlon to render an ac count of Itself was characterized bv sane and accurate Judgment, patience, tuct and splendid vindication In results. Mr. Long tellies with the personal re spect of eveiy subordinate, with the highest praise ever given to a secretary or the navy by a president or the T'lilled Stales nnd with an assured place m hlstnrv. Of the Incoming secrftary the public knows little as yet. but that little Is all lo IiIm advantage. lie has been one of the woiklng members of congress one ol' Hie men who do things while the inoie loquacious spell-binders expend their energy and the people's money in gelieiallj- futile talking. He has not sought prominence In the tiewsoaners, but he has established in the house an enviable reputation for being always to be depended upon when emergencies call. Ho enters the office free from piejndices or entangling alliances: and there will never be a day while he Is In it that he will not be the master of the whole naval situation so far as it is within the graso of civilian Inlluences. In many ways Air. Moody resembles Kllliu P.oot. He Is not swayed by clamor. He us his case until he knows every detail and then lie sticks. Indifferent to the social side of olllclal life, so far as It indicates merelv per runctory disnlny and traditional red tape, he Is the kind of man who will put his undivided energy Into the per l'ormamu of his olllclal duties and show himself chiefly through results. It is to be regretted that Mr. Long fell Impelled by personal reasons 'to ic tlre; but there is satisfaction In the facl that the succession Is w'hat It is. The latest Quay candidate for gover nor is F. J. Torrance, of Allegheny. Object: To withhold delegates from Klkln. A (lood Habit to Check. COXfSItKSSMAX SIBLKY ex plains that his recent speech denouncing tienernl Smith wus not premeditated but that he just boiled over. The next time he feels an inclination to boll over we ad vise him to seek a place of more seclu sion than Hie congress of the Vnlted States, which Is a place dedicated to upholding and not pulling down- the arms of the government, Such boiling over us Sibley Indulged in means the shooting of some American soldier bA an encouraged Filipino bandit, who will look upon it as a promise of im munity and a token that treucheiy and atrocity against the Ameiicano has carte blanch. It is time to draw a line on the ef fervescence of Ignorant sympathy in behalf of skulking cut-lhronts in Sa mar, who doubtless earned all they got, and to show a little more sym pathy for and confidence In the Ameri can soldier. At all events we trust that the Republican membership of congress will leave It to the Democracy to cast reproach and odium on the men on the llrlng line who have been doing with signal effectiveness far away fioni home and friends some of the most dif ficult und disagreeable duties ever fall ing to the lot of any soldiery. Tho Democratic party comes naturally by this hublt: but It Is a new and by no means a welcome sight to see alleged Itepnblleans e .Sibley Joining it in the ghoulish perl'oimunee. Quay's caucus of friends may be ex pected to give Quay about the kind of counsel tlyit Quay wants, It will also bo for Quay's candidate when Quay unmasks htm. In the meantime it Is nollee.ibla that In spite nf federal gngs the people tuo for Ulkln, Soak the Traitors, T IIR BTATRMKNT is made In an uutliorlued dispatch that the question of amnesty for Capo icbels Is the chief ob stacle to peace in South Africa, This certulnly Is u, lough nut to crack, AVo doubt that-Aineilcniis jeallze Its giav Ity. , In Capo Colony the Afrikander ele ineut hud absolutely no Just grievance against (Sreat Mil lain. They possessed tho amplest liberty, enjoying fun par ticipation In the government and a generous proportion of tho plllces, They had professed loyalty und In tho eprly stuges of the Transvaal dllllculty hud, bi ought pressure to bear on the Kiuger regime to grunt sufficiently lib eral concessions' to-' the Ultlnnders to avert open hostilities. liut when the appeal to the sword came It soon tie veloped that u considerable number of inese nrinsn subjects or uuicli descent sympathized bo strongly wllh Ult'lr I Vrffi''1' ' -,'r---,- m .,, nldor them. Tlicn If It Is necessary kick, kick hard, Afrikander kinsmen to the ttorlh that n'bf content with extending Ihoral rind secret i Ilnnnelnl support they took tip arms and openly espouseM the IJoer cause. Various cxnluimtlons of this conduct 'have been uffeied, One, which Is evi dently cicdlteil by the 1'higllsb, Is that this uprising was in rullllineiit ut u carefully planned conspiracy of nil the Afrlkuntler elements In South Aft leu to make a concerted cITort lo substitute n Dutch federation for llrltlsh sover eignly. Whatever I he truth ns to mo .tlves, the titith us to what the uprising In Cape colony amounted to' Is Hint It coM I tut ed treason tignlnst ftrent Itrll nln, and treason of the most obnoxious kind, since having no provocation or Jtlstlllcatlon. The position of the Rrlt Ish oftlclnls In South Africa heretofore has, been Hint, whatever terms shall be held miii to the laughers In arms, who have proved valiant foes In the open, n lesson must lie taught lo rebels mid trultois Vio took advantage of the em pire's extremity to deliver a treacher ous ;blow fioni the, rear. We must say thai we feel 111 sym pathy with the Ungllsh attitude on this subject, We have a lew of the same breed of skulkers in this cuiintry not half so brave in their encouragement or their country's enemies as the Cape rebels ale: for they do not take up arms against their country's ling, they merely egg the enemy on and fire seditious lit erature on our soldiers Nfrom the rear. To overlook such treachery when organ ized on u large scale us it wus In the Cape would be lo invite trouble In the fut tiro. England had better settle all her dlflleultles at once while she' lighting trim than to adopt the much more expensive plan of settling them by Instalments. For the burgheis, who are brave ami devoted men, let terms of peace be easy; but soak tile traitors. lie easy; s, Accoidlng to Washington dispatches, Congressman Sibley wanted to he ap pointed ninbassudor to Italy, a place ulready promised. Soon afterward he "boiled over" reguidlng ( Smith. We decline to believe that Ibis, if true, lepresents cause and effect. Senator Pentose's proposition to give back pav for overtime work lo thou sands of federal employes should be amended to allow every I'ennsylvauian an annuity for life. I'nderewskl said at the pier that he was sorry to leave America; and when we consider that It was paying him at the rale of dollars a minute we don't wonder. So long as he auiids parceling the patronage Senor Palma is the most popular man in Cuba. Would that this could lust. CAPITAL AND LABOR. IMhm t'f 'I he Titlmne. Sii : Ciplul .nut l.iln)i mme Ilia not hi. When upil.ll le.uln, nut, iie.iliiij; mil Iniln-ti U-, iihhli rinplii) the hlioiin? rlei'. It is .1 1tl in j: In I lie licit .tiil Hie pout ,tll.e, .1 Iit.iI .mil ,1 n.e ll0"iiu.'. Hut iihi'ti iculie-. t.i.l Willi Iter ui t'tl.i, Kohltu ilusi'i, KJllieiiiu; up the proiliu ts mi lite, it k Hun .1 ituM. the 1M1 jti'J the pnui, .1 jn- ., citr-i. When m think of :i fen tuti-piiing, aliemini; deiiK ruimiiiii; tip the ninkei, 1,1 .1 luel liu-t loiittolllns tlie in.ii!,el .iml ileiii.tinlit", cotliiljiil iniiiw. nhiih the LibiuliiK t l.i.- i.innot p.1,1, (heme Ihe.v niiit ilo Mltliutii), uho would il.ue tu (ondi'iiin the l.ilxbiintr el.i- if lltf) wwilil 1 No tip in .1 PoJ.i .ind eni-li nut of twMouce all siuli. .-eliomhm- ileilU uho due 1,1 I'm up our umiIiiN, .h hj-. Iii'i'ti ihuii' nf Lite? .Iul to think of .1 teiueiii in'ililinr our m.iiheU of I..V-'1U,0(K) ejs- .iml plniin: iliim In inhl (lu.'.tirt until the;.' .ne h.ilt inllen (.mil then put Unlit nn I'.ie m.iil.el, iliiii.iiiiliii' hlult irhn fm tin in), jtnl .it ihc same I 111,- .uli.tiieii'ir the pthe of tuyoinl tin- le.'uh ol ihe inijntity nl the l.ihoilnir . lj4-o, thu-, uiuipi-llln tin in in pel tniui haul l.iln.r nilh'.iu't the uei i'smi ie- nl life, t)i the -ehenie lo h.ue Ijiw p.i--eil t.isliur the uf liillldlne (itiipl) hn.lll-e it 1.111 he flllliK'ii.l in the inliMUlKI .It .ilinut lull pike), mIii 11 ll id nl I en Miper'ui' lo Ihe liutUr In nur miiLeU iitol ..I I lie -.11111' time .ulueeiiiL' the pike of liullit u it i- impiw-..lil( fur nian.v of Hie I.ili.'lini; iLfMi-. In sel it. Ihitetoi'e tin y niut ko In thile Mini uhli ilt.i I'lvil. I .1111 iiit-otnll)' niqu.iluleil nltli l.ihntitit; 111(11 iilii, let'-he nne ami tifiem u-iiti ("l.l"i) pu- il.ii, .mil Jle lolllpllleil In p.l.i' s(l nr iiiulitll tin lent, ,ind VI pit tun I'ui (0.1I. Nn, the iiu lion is him 1-. .1 pel-011 liuitlll? Ihe .ihnli' wages guiiiir In hnne-tl.r Mippmt hi- family? Why rhoulj lilOJt .(In I lillltel he iiill.llUtvl .mil inllliuiis ut fif-li i?,g he il. mil in inhl i-loi.ue .ind then pljuil on the inntKet-. h.ilf intliu. nml vhole-fllne pniducN t.inl, siui)iy hii.iii-e they .ne eliejp? I think llie-e .lie iue-lhius lor thy ljhniim,' mulllliulc- In .iii-wei- nml In ,n th.11 on, I I.iium Of no tunr limed) tluii the Imiinll .-1111I mull l.ins piomptli' ilelltoieit lo .ill low, lui-i'l.ililc, iiliemiii'j LtplUIUts who il.ue lii liny up out- nuikel.-. II I lie lit) rf Nt.intuii ind laiiitiill-fK iue.111 iiiii'.ikIi In liny up the cist; 111.11 Ket .nut .1 told me.111 tnouh lo innleic 1 lit tn in ih'.'ii ih'lili.-li .--' Iicmi', I v.iiiihl feel lion 01 oil to haie the piiillee of lejilluif .1 1110I1, nml with my own luiuM pljiliur enough il.iiu Utile Ullih'l Mill 1 "Id lor.ix,' pljnl In IiIom- II mil IU liilf-totten lOiiltnl- In jilrtes mid (hen .idtiilnMiT to .ill pjille-i eitiiiKeil in Mteli iitl-er-jble. Ion- hii-Iut--., ,1 tlitlit iii"l lliljhlti,r, 1 le peal it, 1 would fell hotiMieil to lie.iil uh .1 uinuiiiinl, nut If out I. iv. wniild Miileuie ire to 11 tiiin of fm tu ihilui,', -M. II, 1'ine. NUIlti pill -. GENERAL ELKIN'S STRENGTH. UiiiMmri.' in Phil Jilt lphli'Inittii. r, I'p to iljte, .Inliii I', t :IU ill tu-, tl'i totin p'eilsi'il In him ti 11:11 ihe Inlioiiltii; iiiunlle.; Iletlr, ; lll.iif, ."1; lluilloiil, I: C.iihnii, 2; flmilcr, 7; (', :l; lejilU'ld, 4; I'l.iiil.lln, :i; lit. dlali.i, '.'; .li'tfiiNilt, U; I..1111 .l-iei', li; l.thjimii, I; l.iii'inv, I! MiKe.iu, ii: Menu-, ;i; In'nu, Jj W)'iiuliK, 1;, 111. Tln-ie ileli'iMU IiicIikIo IIiuh- i.hlili weto fniiiiill)' liiiiiiilul by popul.ii ote of re.-oliioii nf iimiciuoii, lliu-e wliiih ute elei.leil wlllt the iniiienlltm jiloplinj! nn liltluus inil(il'l' Ml. Clkiii, und tlto-.e Mhcnt the dileyjlrs tile pnlillily euiiiiiiltleil in' petMiiull) pliilUiil In Ml, Dlklii, 'Ihe only olhei i.iiuli-il.ili-. Willi puhllili pliiln'ul delii.ite.s .lie; I,. . Watic-, I.jikJW.iuiu, 8, .1 ml W.i) tie, 2j 1uj1, 1(i. W. V. Sptoiil, pelJWJte, 7, 'I'weiity-fotil ntliei- ilelei.iieH lui.t liien eleelnl wlili ll lute In en tlju-rtl as i.ulii-liueiid, lint of llu'-r .Mr, Clkln lu iptlle js tuoil a eluiite of Ui.tklu .tueatloiis ,i.s lun nuy other uimllil.tle, In a iiitmlier of Ihe-e ininitli'.-,, .Mr lllkln'.s tllmU did uuf nltempt to foreo U'-nlulKnw of Insli ne llotw, .ti, lo do mi would he In ion of tho liie or uilint piricdeiit of iii.nir )e.ns 'lliey me, lioiu'iil, In pokjf.-nloit of pledge which lie Mill) lllflll .1 Koodly piopnltlnn ol I ho Illllli-lflK I. I'd delepites Theie will he nther omit lest width wilt not inMiiict their ileh'njti, lint whlili will he is mt.llli ii laud In the lllhlil eoliitiiu u will the deletf.ttloii flout Ills home munly of ludhiuj. AN INSURGENT VIEW, I'ioiii tlic I'lilljilcljiliU .Voitli Ann 1 Umii, 'I ho iiirm fait AUc;!iiiiy !.:miioilol lo Lc ili'lul.ilili' Riniunl U 11 ilUtlliU (,'uin loi DIKin, fu ut tlir- I linu l(iuy .mil Duilum uiiiiniiiiicil ai;.ilnit lllMii'i I'umlliUiy it na t'fni'ullv ioniil,it'i (;u,iy'd 1I1.1I wiili I ho olhei iiiri.'e4 luil In miitsl tu him io tjillro llilty-t' Uvlt'.r.iun from Allfglii'iiy.. TIip lojinlar awuiniuldii tli.'t i:iklii' rat) wus hoici-i4 "Itli (nay unJ Ihujuiiv ugali&t I1I111 wui lu-i'J on the belief, dm ANetbrrj woiilil join I'lilluilplliliU'iii jiiodiicin' 1'-'.! of thu ISO otps HCIG4JI)' to inriiliutu some oilier can. UlJales. ft i:iUn tout J uil'l Allcgliiij'iuU oiMto llm dl Uilojratt'-j ulrisiiU liulnicU'U fo) lilm, at 1011II11'.' In ihc IllUn ilaluii). i;;. l mini Iiilt t lit, l- uji - ' - uh.iII ijoii.mlttcii be ucnlj invent .1 foi l -, -f Jfif$it? inMjblt front nl IhrrMniru, cn If lid were lo Krtln mi tretigtli rutin tlic Ililrly.tU cotinilt jtr Id rlcil dftipalM, A cnmllil.ilc Willi n following r.f )7 lln'i) tldrgllra Hot! In litm Willi ItKtrin. llolH limn Uieli Iminc cintnilca would tlrtiiiinl lomliliiiillnii in rt uiMtiitloii of JIM inritilici 'flip rildn hcimV, of imirn' Itv'ut Hint nnliy ol tlic tinliulim li'il diUiriti'i will mppoit the A lotnoy (Unci lib ' STRONGER THAN EVER. I'roin lite Ol) pliant tli'ioii'. Attorney tlninnl KlUn will not lie put iIokii N plain, anil It It Ktfo lo fay Hint lie li BlrniiKcr ultli tlic people tuditr tliim eer, ALWAYS BUSY. Spring nnd Rummer Oxfonlq .itnl Bool? tint con tent the mind and tomfort Hie feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 Ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, $2.50. Lewis Se Reilly, 114-1 10 Wyoming Avenue. The ( Finest Line of Porch Rockers Ever shown in Scranton A strong but true state ment. We have nearly every thing in summer furniture including the Prairie Grass Goods Artistic in design, licit' in appearance and very prhc- "tical. 1 , t , We want eVory. house- " fl 1 t keeper, in Scrantonta visit our store nnd 'inspect our stock you'll find prices' right and goods the, best to be had. ' ' m 121 Washington Avenue. SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. "otel RALEIGH (,'upaelly culiirgeilto loo. Ni-u miil.Moilsin son IIUAlJTIl'UL UOO.MS Will iiutlu' ti Special Spring Kntr nl'S; ami S?.si per ilay: Mo, $13 nml $ij; per wei-k. Tho wmerloi'MTXiw ami riiisinnol llm mist tWO MMMH1H Will lf IlltlllllllllU'll lliiuiiulinut I Hie'iir. JUM . v.. sCuiT. On Vlmlnl.1 ,ii-mii, llii- nlili'sl .mil inot f.iih lon.ilile in Atl.inlii. ( il.i. Williln 11 few ,vmls u! Hie I'aiiiim lii'l I'ici nml llo.iuhvjlk .mil In front nf Hie limi-l tlc-sii lulliliiK -iviuiiil.. V (iiininloiii'P-'. imliitliui; stwin belt, miii ,.irlnr, ili itiu to Mint li'M'l, but ami 1 obi I1.1II1., Table Mtlliiit. AiiiiiniiioilatloiH mi lime liunjii'd, IV1111M iiioiliiati'. Willi- lr boiiKK't, N. R. Bothwell. The Westminister Kent ik by ue.. Heir lleaib, Allantli' f'ily, Open nil Hie j e.u , him I'.ulor, Dlev.Uin' anil ull inodtrii iii)iiociiiuils ."-iniial hjnlir,' It.ili-'. CHAS. BUM KU, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND. KiiiluiKy Aunnc. I'hi-l Hotel Ironi lleaili, Al Initio lltj, N. .I,s IW Dioan lnv luoiini 1. luelty tOi); nilte for jpciial utei. J, II. leiil. lib, 1'iop, ftgJnfiXJlrJtJgx0KtntxiM mj" tMfMMMXimiM0Mjt0M. HBig&Oon Hotel Sotlm Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. . Under Management of Friends Offers a wide range of elective studies within the four courses that lead to degrees In ARTS, SCIENCE, LETTERS AND ENGINEERING. Swarthmore College has extensive campus; beautiful situation and surroundings; superior sanitary conditions; adequate libraries, laboratories, shops, etc. It provides for sound and liberal scholarship and intelligent physical culture while It at tends to the needs of Individual students. Catalogues on applica tion to the President. BifW!rWleVV'VrtjnuiuT uiiu m m p kfiimjlpjjp jv Li'L&.'U hiM rjff- r,T- . SCRANTON'S ' BUSINESS HOUSES. TMSSS ENTERPRISING! DCALBNS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHMRAOTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE MJfltJIi:1 and WAIIONS of oil !i(mb nlia .ItotKeii and Ilulldliiir t,ni nl Ijjrtnliu. HOUSES n.lPl'HO ami flltOOMl'J) at M. T. KELLER t.ickaw.tnna Carriage Works. J. B.W OO L3EY flCo CONTRACTORS i , AND BUILDERS. Poalcrj In Plate Glass and Lumbsr op all hinds. SECURITY BUILDIN3 43AVIN33 UNION Home Office, 20S-20D Hran Bulldlnj. We are mattirlnc shatfji eaeli tnoiitlt which Hiow- a net cnln tu the Inve.itor of about 12 per tent. We lmn money. We nlo ltte J 111.1. PAID STOCK $1110.00 per idihre, Inter eft pa.ublc teinl-aiiniully. Al.lllIRT nAI.f,, Secrelaiy. . JOSEPH KUETTEL. rrnr ull t..itk,iw-.inn.i aientte, nunufjitttrrr nt Ulte Soucm nf nil ItlndR; fully ptepared for the ptltnr Fcavon. We make ull kinds of poult stieens cte. PETER STIPP. (leiK-rd rvnliactoi, Iluililer and tlcalcr In Ilitililiu;: Mono, Cetnentlni; of eellaw a p." eljlly, Teleplinnc 2V)J. Oillie, t'27 Wj'tiliiston ai-enne. the scranton vltrifizd brick andTileMahufaoturinqCo'apany .Makeri of I'.ivinK llrkk, etc. M. II, Pile, ffencral Sales Ase lit, O'liie "&) Wjlil:i;ton ne. Woiks at X.iy Alts, 1M II. U W,. V. EDUCATIONAL. Announcement During the summer of 1902, in stiuction in all the subjects required lor admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cottiit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary lnstiuction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles- K, Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit of five classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed j examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save tinje in the preparation for college. r 5. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be .lemoved before the beginning of the ,next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. Do You Want a Good Education? .Vot .1 flioit miM nor an eay (oiusc, nor a cIhmp loni-f, Iml tlis ln-i nliitallon lo b! I1.11I. Nn iitiiei odiu.iliun i Huitb spendim; lime nml money on. If 5011 Jo, ttlite fur J v.ildlosii'j ut College Easton, Pa. ttliMi oflVN tliuioii,-h piepjiallon In the niigliicerlns anil t'lwniiial l'rnfr.oiu ai well a ilie regulai t'ollesu loutsiM, SIATI: NORMAL SCHOOL l'a-t Mioml-biiri;, Vj, 'llio isjlilln.lIliMi- for ailiniioir to tlic- .Mliblle ''Jlul 'enliir p.ii-1 1 i.i"i w 111 be bebl . 1 11110 111. Illyb mIhkiI ni.nli..lU"i will be peiinitU'il In I.1K0 Imtli iMinilnillmi-, ami entir tlie feiilm 1I1.4-. v, lieie tlieli iM'iK li.w uiM'ii'il the junior ami inbl. 1II0 mmii rouiM' nl tli" 111n1n.1l. Tlii-. ji'.ir will lio tlie but opponunll) trhell lo tin .-", us tlie tluii' .M'ni' uiiii'i' U III mil fono nml all will mine umler tilt' Mute liunbitlnii', ol i'..iiiiliutlnn, 1'or full 11.1t tit til tin aililies at ome, ll, I1, llllll.i;. A. M I'llmlpil. SOBANTON CORRESPONDENCE S0H09M SCIJANTOV, PA. T, 3, roster, President, rimer II. Lawall, Steal. ll. J, I'oster, Stanley 1. Allen, Vice President. Secictarj, Lafayette SK.tK!:j3:!n:5:0JS! KitMfjnjrMiMM V !4ftVaJf;i r The Greatest Educational Contests OVER $9500 m SPECIAL REWARDS I j I I ' 1 The Scranton Tribune will open on May 5 Ks third, great Educational Contest. Like tho others, which proved sc profit able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be opc'tv to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout liLacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There are offered as Special Rewards to those who secure the .largest number of points, 1 Thirty-three Scholarships in some of the leading educational institutions in the country. The list is .as follows: 2 Scholarships in Syracuse Univorsity,ftt $432 each.... 864 1 Scholarship in Bucknell University - 20 1 Scholarship in Tho TJnivorslty of Rochester - 3.34 1 Scholarship in Washington School for Boys 1700 1 Scholarship in Wllliamsport Dickinson Seminary. 700 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School " 750 1 Ptnlinlni-nliin In Wnwtnii PnllorMato Institute 70 1 Scholarship in Keystone Acadoiriy 600 1 SnnnlftrmViin in Ttrnwn finllocrn PrntmvfttorV School . . . . 600 1 Scholarship in tho School of the Lackawanna 1 Scholarship in Wilkos-Barro Institute 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at $125 each 4 Scholarships in Hardonbergh School of Music and Art 3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, at $100 5 Scholarship's in International Correspondence Schools, average valuo $57 each '" 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business Collegefat $85 each 2 ScholaraliVps'in'AYfreTwVoTorVVocal Studio 125 33 Each contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. Special Honor Prizes. A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points each month. Just what the prizes will be are to 'be announced later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as watches, books, etc. . The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune s Educational Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given: RULES OF THE CONTEST. The rpcclal icwaids will be given to tlie pemun bccurms tlie laisest iiuiiibtr of point'. t l'ointi will be cteilitul to inntp,lai:lj se cueing new fiili-onbcrs to The bcraiiton Tribune n. follous: Volnts. One niontliN siib-dip'lon ? -SI) 1 "fliice inontln''bltlneiiplion.'.. 1.2j 3 Six' months' siilxiiption 2.,') 1 One joar'i snivel iptioi 0 00 12 'the contestant wlth tlie hl?bet nuniber of 'points' Will lie s'iven a cbolde fioni the lir ol peci.ll tew.iids the eonle-tunt with Ihe teeonil liisliet niiiiiber of points will bi' shell a choke of the uniainin; toward-, end fo on through tho iit. The contestant who (,oeute tho hisheit nuniber of points during nny calendar luonlli or tlie eontrU will iceeiie 11 special honor nwaiil. this lewanl Ininit entirely Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their names at once, and they will be, the first to receive the book of instructions and canvass'er's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. r""""'" ''"as ne 207- Headquarters for Incandescnl Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Guns! !."3"327 Pcun AvcntlB. m liMHaijtAjfcflriaf;TrrflnTliariTr7li!Tli Oil's M Lager Beer.. Mnnitiiictururs ol' Old Stock ! "J1 '' '5 ?' N.S, Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, a33i. . New Phone, 293S, 4, mm ..T. . 1 if, of All $1708 400 276 S30 6026 500 460 300 285 170 .J" 1840 $0574 Indeiieiidcnt of tlie ultimate diepoaitlon. ol the kcliolar-litp-. l.'arli contestant failinc to Gfcure a (pe dal lewanl will be given 10 per cent, oli all money he or (die tunu,in. All subscription-; mu-it be paid in advance. Only new subscribers will be counted. Renewals by persons whose names are al ready on our bubsciiption list will not bo credited. Tlie Tribune will investigate ench Miliscrlpilon and If fourd Irregular in any way rcsenes the richt to reject It. No tiansfcii can bo niado after CIScdit lias once bech given. ( All fubscriptions and the cash to pay lor them niUbt be banded in at The TriBune of lice witliln tlie wcel: In whicli they aro ne nurd, to' that papets can be sent to tho bubcriber-i at onie. Suii-ciiptions mint be written on blank?, whkh can be secured at The Tribuno office, or will be suit by mail,, Old 'Phono 79.2. Hike ! uon Buy the "Smoot," the Typewriter Man, takes pleasure in ex hibiting its iuerit3 from mora till uight. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Scranton, Pa. The Dr. Diemel LinesiMesh Underwear is the most healthful, comfortable, cleanly underclothing1 of nny hither to known. This is a largo claim, hut thoGO who have used the goods bear testimony to the accuracy of it. Send for descriptive pnmphlot nnd samples of material, or call and ox nmlna the garments for men, women nnd children. ALSO SOLE AGENTS FQR Dr. Jaegars Sanitary Underwear ''Mfi!ty 413 Spruce Street U00 Lackawnnun Avenue. pi ".' l tun tn m m Wl BI & u:a id ) jws.; satMsafrfe,,.. 1 N j, .ft , VJ...AM jLAu J . ia'M 1 ii J.J J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers