tf'sffir ". r ' ' "--' "yj- ijgf yf-F 'orf m.i V 5 ptf'r w TKTyi&TfrSTi WSriUri' , Puff :$if , V m . ? & . , t v - W x t ,1 TJtlJiJ SUKAiNTOiV TIUBUJNJS THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1D02. L u V. u " Atterbury " Tailoring 'Tins The strongest points of the "Atterbury" System of Ready-to-Wear Clothes are in their workmanship their hidden parts, It has come to our no tice that some imitators are try- ing to palm off suits that they say are "just as good," or "just the same" as the "Atterbury" System, and in their frantic effort to make a sale know no limit to the use of fabrications. Original Can't Be Copied This fact is being demonstrated every day, and those who are wearing and have had the "Atter bury" System explained to them realize that it's almost impossible for other tailors to reproduce clothes made by this system. The Proving Evidence To those who have not yet visited our "Atter bury" show rooms, we ask the privilege of giving this proving evidence. It can't be explained here, neither can it be explained in our show windows. If you're interested in this much-talked-about system of clothes making, we are ready and very willing to prove to you that no imitation can take the place of this original and proved system. - Samter Bro None Genuine Without This Label 1 I Complete Outfitters TRpPflf f' r tin i ; : ' i ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. to the feuanloti Tiibune. ' Hoiu-scl.ile, - pi 11 30. J. Oscar Ten-Ill Is soilotiHly 111. County SuiitMliUonclent Ilovver Is ut the home or Ills uiolliei- who Is seilotib- i- I". Hew Dr. U I- SiHURiie, of the Wyom li!,' henilmiry w ill preach In the llones Inlo Methodist ehuiili m-xt Sunday monilni? uiul ovenlny:. 'A -NlBht Off" Riven hy home tulent, under the aubiiloes of the Amity club, packet! the Opera hou-c lust night to 1 do doors and was paid to have been tjieutly enjoyed. A most enjoyable lime was had at Hie Odd Fellow's annlveisary In Fiee ilom hall la&t evening. The ladies fur pished ii delicious supper, this was fol lowed by u pleasing piojjraumie, which included reiitatluns, piano solo and trio vocal kIi'ck Several speeches anil pi-esentatlon of jewels to six veteran Oi'ld Fellow. As usual with Freedom lodge, their guests are made happy. Messrs-. -., II. mid W. M. Fowler are at St. Louis, puiehasing Vestein hoies. Mr, iinil Mi.. Frank Ueichenbacker huvo rotuined from Scrauton and will Jlvo on West street. Ilouebdale society in all agog over tlio grand military ball ut Company U In the Armory on Frlduy evening. Kluborato preparations mu being made. A circus Is surely coming to llonos dnle, the advance cur of the Sis. Sail tello big r.illroad circus Is In town to dny. They will pitch their tent In Honcsdale, May 10 anil In llawley, May 11. The letting of puws In tho Presby toilau chtiich last night was adjourned one week on account of the storm, Mr. J. 11. Sutton, agcil S.". vents ilteil nt his honiu corner of Third iinil i:ioveuth streelH, Wednesday nt CSO n, m, On account of the serious Illuets of his daughter Miss Clara, the funeral services will bo conducted by new Wil liam Miimfoiil on Thursday at 3 p, m. and will bo private. Intel meut will bo Hindu In Uleu Dyberry cemeteiy, De- Her Son's Life Saved by Ghamuer lain's Colic, Cholera and Dlnvihoea Remedy, "A neighbor uiu Ih with u bottle of Cliainbei Iain's Colic, Uholem anil Diar rhoea, Hemedy when niy son was suf fering with seyeio cramps uiul was Blven up ns beyond hope by my regu lar physician, who stands high in his profession. After udmlnlstering tluee doses of It my fcou regained conscious ness and iccoveieil entirely within twenty-four hums," says Mis. Mary Haller, of Mt, Crawford, Ya. This llemeily is for sale by all drugKlsts. censed is survived by four ilaughtois and one son, Hattlo P. and Claia T. at home, Mrs. E. C. Mumford of Ilones dale, Mrs. Daniel A, Noble, of Duluth, Wis. Deceased was on old and much respected resident of llonesdale having led an active business life, until laid aside by feeble health, for a number of years, the life ended peaceful, without sulferlng. AVOCA. The home of Mr. and Mis. Solomon Deeble, of South Main street, was the, scene of u pleasant gatheilng, Tuesday evening, when a large number of fi lends tendered her a miidi-Up, In honor of her forty-seventh blrthilav, anil the tu only-sex entli anniversary of her mar riage. She was presented with a half dozen cut glass tumblers and a set of silver knives and forks. Her husband then presented her with a set of dia mond em rings. At midnight a dainty luncheon was served, Music was len-doH-a bv Pi of. Harry llarils mid Mr. Carr, of Pittston. Mlhses Alicia Dixon and Nellie Sca hlll left yesterday tor Daltlniore, Mil., where they will enter a tralnin'g school for nurses. Martin Curloy, of Main street, Is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Michael, the 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gilroy, or Main street, is critically ill of typhoid fever. Hew and Mrs. It. M. Pascoc will re move to Thompson, Susquehanna coun ty, today. Mrs. Frank Sanders and daughter are visiting friends in Binghamton. The funeral of James Healev took place yesterday afternoon, and was in charge of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians. Interment was made In St. Mary's cemetery. SPBINGVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tiibune. Sprlngvllle, Apill 30. Joseph Kelly has taken possession of the hotel which he lately pin chased of A. V.. Rodney. The latter has purchased tho IS. B. Scott farm, nnd for tho piesent will live with his father-in-law, Mr. Eckart. n. P. Stang fractured a bone In one of his llngeis lecently, and will be lulil up for a time. Mis, P. W. Terry is In the hospital at Wilkes-Barro for treatment. She had an operation performed a week ago, and Is Iinpiovlng nicely. NICHOLSON. Spcilal to the Scianton Tilbunc. Nicholson, April 30, Mrs. J. C. Kane, of Susriuehunna, and Miss Mae Boyle, of New Milford, spent Sunday with tho formers brother, F. NT. Boyle, PICTURE PUZZLE. "T-1T r i- f ., iilwnm The companion of theso boys anil their two dogs me In hiding. Find iliem. II, D. Tiffany, Mose Shletds, jr., nmt T, N, Moylo vcre callers In Tiinklmn nock, Monday. Sirs. Vi C. Decker, who lias been vis iting her parents nt Falls, returned to her home hero Mondnv. Arthur llobllng.of Scrauton, Is spend ing a few days with his cousin, Earl Walker. Sam Merrll mid wife, of Scrauton, nro visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Fioud. MOSCOW. Mr. uiul Mm. Arthur IK' 1'cil, ol Mt, t'ocono, Willed itlitllM licrc Siuiilay, t:!mrlpi lVny nnd family moinl into Gooikp Vnn lluint'i homo. Mi. hi. (I Mr. .y W'nmlncKcr, of Pmimorr, pfiil Siturdiy mill Hmnl.iy licie. t'rmil: AH It mo Intr with M finilly Into tho nir'orl.or ilwclllinr, on Mill direct. Hip Ilpworlli tx?HKiie will hold U losnlnr montlity lllcrnry ciilritilinmnt 1'ild.i.v iiiiiiijr. Mii. l)ili ond ilillilrrn me Wlln's tho for liifi'a tnunl', .Mr, ami Mi. Cliarlct Xoiik. f Theatrical J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACADKMV Cliarlw I.cjlionrno'n lion Tun Slock cnnipimy, M.itlnrp and night, M'Alt. Illuo lllooil lliiitcniucrs. Aftoinomi and night. "Merchant o Venice." W.iRciilmls k KiinpriN pindiicllon ot "'Hip Mcnli mt of Vcnlio," niiiioimicil for 'I hurmUy ciciilni; at tho I.Mcnm theater, In ulilcli Ma d.iui.' Modjesku mid Mr. Lotila .lames will ho icon as joint stiM, li anions tho few really linpoit ant offcrliiird ot the pre'cnt Ecavon. "Tho Mcr cliant of Vcnlic" has i.ot been pio-f tiled lilely, so tho ekment of roielty Is not entirely Licking. No ait lt more delicate and Mibtlo than Mad line Modjishj has appealed anions tho wo men of (lie Mro of this or any oilier time, and cfarnt Lilly patilclan and womanly qmlltles of Portia, the pirt she Is to pljy. She playul l'crtla to the Slijlock ot IMiiln llooth, when she pioretl an aillntic tiiuniph, still tiesli in tie memory of the eteran pl.iy.gocr. An equal in terest will tlo'iblWs be shown In the assump tion of Slijlnck by Lonl1" .lames. In thu more fiibtle and ab-oiblns charailcn of ihakcpcare, Mr. .f.iiii"3 has eciricly had a lhl. "Bonnie Brier Bush." John II. Stoddiiit will reappear .it tho I.iccum S-ilunlay afteinoou and night in tho "Ronnie Brier llii'li," in wiiiili hr- stored surh a diflliu t Hifcesi li"ie culler in tl.e season. In this play, Mr. btodd.irt ha done the gicalest work of Ida Croat career. The lomi'dy el-nunt in the piece, too, in sliong and pcral-,lcnt. Its chief exponent in l'oly, wlio-.- dioll piiiloHipliy and witticUina foim an extellcnt foil for the moic seiioua por tions of the pl.iv. The piece is biased nnd ailed with that tincne-. which chaiaclcrlzc.s Klil.e I.i hhelle's attratticas. Seals go on Kile thij mcinins at 0 o'clock. Schiller Stock Company. the mm.? of V. A. Hihillor 13 s. nonunion-. Willi iMcllenie in tlieatiiul prodniHoiii an aieeptid f.ut in cieiy town or city Uiled by ids siicnful attiaction, Tlic f-ihillcr bloik coiiipi'iy, -o inmli so that many tickets me old before tiie loptitoire of plajs is announced. Tins company will lie ien at the Academy next w ei k. This sra-on, the 1M of plajs is Hie slionneit he his ter .illeiiipted "1 he City of Xcw 101k," "Sipplio," "Wwiun's laicmy," "Monte t'lislii," "lun.i I'lioinv," "Jisne Janice," Ileut of l'lio," "Pimjliteis ot the Pool," etc., K 11 litt tint ceitalnly is well woitli Hie seiious con iidcijtion of eeiy thc.itci-goor. The opening pliy i- the "City of Xcw Yolk." PlmIs on sale tLinouon. I.idiiV tickets for Mnndiy. The Blue Bloods. j on seen Hie Pine Illoods, wiio haie been showing in all the piineipal cities this season? They aie at the Star today, and will remain for tho bilance of the week. Tim Blue Illoodj aio the fiinniiit builoqiicH that have cier peiformed in thi? city. u cs-cntlal feature i the person nel oi the company and the Americanism, of the tjpe and stjle of beauty of its ghls. A im-s of loelines and beauty noicr liefoie equalled on any Etage. Vcnly, they bet the heads of oidmaiy moitals in a wiiiil. Lilly IJisMiom, foimeily of tho Lngstiom SNtcis, is one of the piintipils and is nightly deluged with lloweis !.i Mitchell, Hie 01igin.1l "Miff Mr Ciuiio the Iloweiy Girl," late uf the Xew Yoilc tlitaler, i al-o .1 member ot the cempiny. .Matinee this afternoon. STAGE NOTES. Mabolle Oilman will bo one ot the nc.t 'Ol son's tin-, Baldwin Slomo and (leoigc Hob 11 1 haling bcin conli.icted witii to (uuiisli a lnu-i-tal comedy for her. A piominent comedian, piobably Tliomas l(. Peabiocke, is being nego tiated with for her chief mppoit. The 1 tin of "D11 Ilatij" in Xcw Yoik v ill demo May 31, alllKush fiom piesent indications the pirio noiilil continue fir into the summer with until nhii-liul patioiiage. Mr. HelT-co, however, does not wish lo endaigcr the health of Mis. Cai-tu- and will doe liefcic the intense licit sets in. William Collitr will be a member of the Welie,- fields' folic net teason, suincwliat filling Hie oiil cie.ittd by the deciliou of Lil lian ltu,sclt and l)o Wolf lloppn. Mi. CollitTs la Mild to lie In the neigliboiliood of $.,.W) .1 wcc;. WeliiM- & 1 liUU bad to buy hi-, it lease 10111 Jacob Litt. Again it l-i announced that "Ms Ilopkln-." is to be lelcgdled to the icai and made lo stay In a bin. Aicoidlng lo upoit, Jtnsc Mehille will leallv api'eir net season in "A lloofier Cm iltufli." Klike Li Wi"Ile'i four new for nct sea son's pioluclloii me I'lnjn llairou's "Tor l.oie of a Lull," AmsiiiliH 'il-oinas' "Ilie Loie of Hie Milkr," A. It. ou,' "O Klku Ss in." ( a mod ein cirnedy 01 diplomatic chiles In Washington), and Kug'ue Walli-is" "romiades in A11113." Mi. II.111011 wiutu Hie "liouiol.i" tlramallAitlou (m Julia Mailowe and Hi.beit Tuber. Ml, llotiy i.iote "Joiepliiue" Uu llliea. BASE BALL. American league. l!v i:iln-do Who fioin 'i ho Ascodatid Press. At'. ltoelou 02 0 10 10 00-4 1!! ; lliltimoio 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 12310 II llatteiies Mnteis and Cilscrj Hughe-, and lloliiiisou, Umplic blieildaii. At iWHilngton- Tt.ll.i:. rhll.idelild.i 0 11 0 2 0 1 fi Q0-11 1.1 2 Wa.liingltm 3 00OUU1OU-7U :i Uatteilt'n Wiltse ami 1'owiio; Toniiaend and Hi ill. Umpire O'Louslillii. At Chliago- It.ll.i:. Cleiclantl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-(I II 1 CbliJRO , 0U1OU11'- 1 II I) U.iiltilc-Juvi and lluul.-ii liilflUli and Sulll- un. lliuplrfs roiuudly mui Joliiijlou, At bt. Louis- It.ll.K, Pclioit ,,,,,.., OilOOOOOOO-O 2 I fat. I.oul.s 00000 1 0 0 1 0 (1 Jlatleiles Sittis and Mitiiilic; llaiper ami Bugtlen. ruipiiq-C'aiulbeii,. National League. At rhllulclplila (U innings) It.ll.i:. Xiw V01I; 0 0 I 1 0 u 0 0 0 0 11 J- 11 10 2 Philadelphia ...,:t 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 O 0- 5 II 2 llJIIerlej Thii'luun, i-pnks and llaweinuiij Wlillu and Dooln, and JaiLlltih. t'luplrc O'lUy. At Pittsburg- It.ll.i:. St. Louis , 0 10010002-1 0 :t I'itt.burg I 2 1 01 200-7I2 :i llitteilts Vnrkis uiul NlchoUj Cheio ind O'Connor. Umplte Ihiudlc. Chliago-Clniiiinall, not sihediiled. At Boston lliutoii-UiooMyiii rain. College Oames At I'llnceton-I'iincoton, 5; Coiucll, I. At Xcw Hjuii Vale, fi; Drown, 2, At Washington Oiorgclou 11, Sj lliihcrfity' of Wet Vliuli'lj, p. At "it 1'oii.t West l'olnt, 0; V"--- -ul- iuity THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECfORY. 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents (or Hncli tUtrn (.In. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mors Tltsi Pour l.lnet, 6 Cents lor l.'cli Bxtra Ut'i, For Rent. foil HUNT mi (been Illdue street, nine rooim. Iinjilein Impioteinenlsj steam lie.ited, rry reisonible nnd desliable. Inqullo 'I'. 11, Xettlc. ton, lfiid Wiifhlngton avenue, 1'Olt HliXT I'lcasml house for suninier, nice )anl, garden mid fruit, I'asluie for tow! spring walei In hoiisel lilco tlilie to city. Ap ply .1. C. Halle), Clilticlilll.1, l'a. l'OU HUNT A fi.iooin tottage, with heavy fur iilluie, In L'nlouilite, Smqiioluiuu Co., Pa,, ten miles west of C.irbondale on JilIenoipllianih inllio.iil; good waltr and tiioiiuliln all : chuicli,, mail, telephone, tehgraph and lake ac Ions. Inquliq eaiiy, Mis. i:dv..inl Moig.m, Uniond.ile, I'.i l'OU llll.Vf-Slx-rooin flit with bith. stcim heat, gas rane. and nil inoilin luuiiose- inents; rent le.isoinble. Call early. Tied 0. Hand, 00.) Mulbctry slicet. l'OU THA'T-Sinali fuinlshed lioii'c tor lent. In quire at re.) Vine street. DAI1.V POR l!i:XT-12, Apill 1st, tluee box and three single stalls and wash l.itk, rear ot Ml Madison aicima. Inquire at 0.11 Madl"0n nve. l'OU Iti:sr-.StM." building lor rent In Wckson City. Ph. Itiilldlng fO feet bv 21 ttet. ti-llnf under all, nnd econd stotv can be arrangtd tor finilly. All In good itpiir leidy for ue. Two coal bicakew and mines cliibe by rtnplojln? over a thousand people. An rntciprl'lng men hint ran get a hrgc tiade. Apply lo William H. lllihmond. ltlthniond Hill, Slli X. Main ascnuc, f-ciantnn, P.i. Furnished Booms. l'OU ItllXT One furnished room, with Improie ments ; also one on third lluor, cheap. 027 Adams .Hemic. FUnXlSlinD IIOOMS for rent, modem improve ments; private family; gentlemen picfcircd, t C!7 Adams avenue. TOP. m:XT Furnished loom; heat and bath. 6Cfi Linden street. FunNism:n rtooMs Fort hi:nt. with boat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at &30 Adarai venue. For Sale. I'Oll SAL1I A pneumatic runabout and a family pii.ieion; goon coiitiiuou. in.u;io ,ii- AU ams uvcniie. JUST AIlllIVi:!). two car load of hoises. good voikers and dilicr.s, weight fiom 1,000 to 1,1.00; wveial closely matched tonus; cm be seen at Kit lta.vmond court. I'. M. Cobb. rOlt .SALK A beautiful riinnond ling, one carat. Will sell for $K. Atldicss 1". 0. Uo 0", City. l'OU Sf,i:-irand silk doublers. Xcw. Bamfonl Bios., Paterson, X. J. y Wanted To Eent. W'AX'Ji;!) I'm nislicd room, in a piivale family, ii a ntiy eiiipiojcu; inuc no le.isoiublc. Addies II., 'J'libtiue. WAX'UID ItOOMS-I'oi two adults, tluee or four rooms, luinUlieil oi for ery liglit liou-okeopitig. 111 st floor picfened. Address M. B., Tribune oflice. W'AXTLD 1'uinMicd house or four or five looms for housekeeping. Addrcs A. 0. ,, Tiibune office. Henl Estate. I'Ort SVLI! Elegant sites for homes in upper (been Ititlge; choite ncighboilioud; mo.t de sirable locality for lionip in Lickavvanna count v. .1, A, Mariinc, 1".!0 bnulci'on avenue. I'Olt Itl'AT or sale at Sunbury, Pa. A Biib-.tan-Hal four-story Inkle building, for factoiy or whole-ale sloie. Light fiom three sides, oflice, back of warehouse, caniage houe and stable convenient. Kent icasoiiable. Addicts L. Ljun, l'l) mouth, Pa. l'OIl SALL' 1o lots, imprnved, with fence, side walk and gutter, X. Itlakcly st., Duninnre; cy ic.isonible. Addicts Albeit Jenkins, south Canaan, W'avne county, l'.i. l'OIt MALI! A desiiable and well impiovtd faun, situated two miles fioin lloneidilo tontaining 80 or morq acres, Oood buildings, well w.ileied, n never failing spiing, oichaul and wood lot, sugar bush and nut Suve. Mis. Jeicmiali Cai rett, IloncfcdalOi l'.i. l'OU SALK l'.legint sites for homes in upper flrccn Itidgc; choice neigliboiliood; most de sirable locality for limn" in Latkiwanni count), J, A. Maivinc, 17.;d Saudeivin avenue. I'AHM l'OU SAI.K Pixly-tuo nere, one mile from Lake Ariel; twelve ncic.- of timber, lest impiovcd; cscellcnt spring water on lot; farm situated on road. Tor particulate ltddicss Will iam Ticslur, Arid, Pa. Board and Booms. I'Oll Ili:XT Pleasant loom suitable for one or . two poisons with bo. ml. .'!! Adams uvciiue. VLHV I)i:sinABI.i: suite of looms with llrt class table boaid, cm be obtained at S.U Jcircrson avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. W'AXTCD Two rcii.inmiieating rooms with board, piivatc family picfericd. Two ladies and A gciitltman. State full paitlculau. Addiess C. II. D Tiiliinc office. Wanted To Buy. W AXTTIU SetoniMnnd iefrl,cutir In good con dition. A. It, C Tiibune oflice. Lost. LO"r I'otkctbook containing a stun o" money and valuable piptis. LIIki.iI icvvaid glvci r,n letuili of Mine In T'libuno ollli'f, I.lliT A gold and einmel tkisi pin, ". II. ,, Vm." I'indei will please notify or eill at r,l" renu aviiiue. LOil lidies' gold wattb; .1 levvaul will be given if ittiuiied to Ilottl IVuate, LOST -A gold watch and fob eithei on Caibon hlieel oi lioni Caibon stifet to Mullieiir on lVnn. riiuler letuili lo Liorge .1. Asli, Timei oflice. lltw.ud, LO-sl' Meet be uiul piuo containing small sum of money, on I.ukawuuni avenue, near My. nmlng, 1'inder please ictiim puro tu Tiibune olllee and keep content, LOST i"'. bi-twten I'ecls Lumber Co.. La.t Mar ket stictt and Premium iau iliuitli. Itcvvard If returned tn oflbo of 1'eil; Lumber Co, STORAGE. The Scraiuu catorage Co, offers perfect facilities for the Storage of household goods etc. Upwards of 30 dry, dean aud thoroughly veutilated rooms, with individual keys are at the disposal of the public. 113 Franklin Ave. Branch WANT Offices, Want Advertisements Will Be Beccived nt Any of the Following- Drug: Stoi-03 Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.I1I-.I1T hCIHtl.TK, corner Mulberry heel and Wilwter avenue. (ll'STAV l'ICIIIX, (150 Adams avenue. West Side (lliomii: W. .inXKIXS, IOI fcouth Main avenues South Scranton l'lti:i) L, TLItl'Pi:, 7:0 Cedar avenue. Worth Scrnntou (UK). W. DAVIS, comer Xoith Main avenue aud Maikel slicet. Green Ridge- CIIAItl.lIS P. JONi:s, 1.V.7 Dlelison incline. I'. .1. .tOII.NN, fiio flrren llldne stieet. C, I.Ollll.NZ, corner Winhlngtoii avc- in time, and Marlon sticct. Petersburg W. II. KMUTLL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. ei. boxi: s-ox. Help Wanted Hale. W'AXTi:!) We want men of good standing end iducatloii in each town of two thousmd population or over to lepiescnt the TADAltD IN'X I.tBKAKV, lo cmoll members, ami to at tend to the ill'trlliuliou and ccliange of books; men who make a sutciss of vvoildng up their leiiitor)- will be advaiitrd to good salaried posi tions in laiger towns and cities. The TAD MID 1NX is a new department of Hie BOOlvl.OVLItS the Ingest circulating lilu.iiy in the vvoiltl. Hive lefeunces and atldicss: W. 1'. hiiiilb, .Mgr. Smb. llept., The Puoklovers Llbiaty, Philadelphia. WAXTCD MachliiM uiul blacksnillli; n man fa nillliir with and capible of liiniiiug an in glue nnd repaiilng liiacbinery. Also competent of unking and sliaipenlng tools for stone work. Xone but steady tellable men need apply, fcte.uly iv 01 It. blale cpcilcnee nnd wages wanted. Ap ply at one. ingalls Stone Co., Bingliainton, W'ANTRD to make patent draw ings, ill Meais building. W'AXTLD Kxpcrit need boy at Bilstol house bar ber shop, Piovidencc. W AXTIID Ciotlilng salesman of experience ond good habits. Apply to John D. Bo.vle, 410 Lackawanna avenue. W'AXTLD By one of Hie laigr,t old line life insuiance coinpinies, Ion agents tor Xoith- cT-lein IViunjlvanin. Liberal contract, silary or commission. Addicts Managei, caie Tiibune. WAXrni) A )oung man who bis Ind one jeu'a cxiieilente in tin sliop. t'oote & l'lillei. Mens building. VAXI'I:D I'ust class shoemaker, for lrpiir work. 1). A. Davis, I.tizcine avenue, West Pittston. WAXTIID Painters; nnlv good nini neetl apply. Call at Charlc-. Wagnei'i, :t.Il Adams avenue. Help Wanted ITemnle. WAVI'KD Kxperienced sileslacly for notion and small waie deportment. Apply at Jonas'.s Sons. WAXTi: Millinery salesladies at Aikeiiuan's, JOS Lackawanna avenue. WAXTLD Xuise glil or wont in to heln take cate of childicn under tluee .veats of age. I'lense state wages expected and jour age. Call or address Mis. II. J. Atkinson, llavvlej, P.i. i:xpi:itii:xci'.i) l.u'xdhy iicli waxtkd-ap- plj- at Ke.vstone Laundrv, 114 South Main avenue, between 7.."0 and 8.:,(l p. in. I LADY CAXVASSLIl wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commiaslon of feted wltli a fair guarantee for first-class vvoikcr. Apply pci-ionall)' at Dullness Manager's office, bcianton Tiibune. Becruits Wanted. WAXTllf) rOll U. S. ATiMV Able-bodied un inaitieil men between ages of 21 and .".I; citi yens of United Mates, of good clnracter and lunpeiato habits, who can speak, icul and write Lnglish. 1'or information apply to ltccrtiltiiig Olflcei, Xo. 123 Wyoming avenue, Scrauton, Pa. Situations Wanted. WIDOW with one child wants; a situation as housekeeper in a widower's family. Address 11 II., m Itock street, lilt-ton, Ia. A WOMAN' wants plaio In couutiy hotel or faun vvliete she can have lur boy to woik for bis boaid and wniiuii to cool: and do genual hotewoik. M. D., Moscow, l'a. hlTHATlOX WANTIU) I.nly stenographer and tjpewriter desiiea position; expeileiued. ltW, Tribune, hll'I'ATIOX WAXTT'.D By a icliablo colored man as potter, otllce or daj's woik. Ad dicts II. A., . I'enn avenue. MTT'xTTOX WANTLD By nn expeilenccd man, with good leputatlon, us tc mister or stablo work, i'.m furnish icfciemes. Addiess 427 Oak fold place, city, Boaidevs Wanted. PllIVATi: I'AMILV wishes to have two nice men to boaid, (leiman oi LnglUli. Call any tima fter Thuisday. All conveniences, W7 Harrtsoa avenue. Business Opportunity. AX r.ACr.l'lIOXAI. bmlneM oppoitunity Is open o a icliablo mill of ch.uacier to inn-it l,suj in a stiklly legitimate and exieedlngly piuilt. ,ibIo luulues-., Personal interview only, Addie "t'luiaitei," Tiibune oflice, brOClv AXD WIIUAT 'UtADl'.IlS without delay. Write for our special uiaikit letter. Tree on application. &. M, Illbbaid & Co., memben X. V. Ctlisoltdated and Stock S.change, 4t und 16 llioadvvay, cw York. Ustabllahed I'M!. Long Di.Unco' l'liono 2.ISS Broad. Money to -Loan. ANV AMOUXT OP MON1IY TO LON-t,uIcl;. straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X. V. Walker, at.JlS Council building. Rheumatism. sowvyv-v -"-vwv vvvy -vw-nv a. -V ItlllUrMATTSM-AU paities that whh ran be speedily and pciiiuueiitly Lined of all va. rieties of ItlieuinatUiii by a vegetible louipouud. Cuipt guaranteed, lu.)uire cir addius J, L, Tay lor, Scianton, LEGAL. IX Hi:,- I'flltloii ot MJigaret Pilio lo have tiaiisfeiied tu ber the Indel Ilium' ct lieoigo A, 1'iiie fiom the I'iitt tu Ihu Thlul waul In BlaUely boiough, In tin- Couit or t)iuitn his blons uf Luckuvvjuiu County. Xo. !', Ma nil Ses sion.. 1002. Xolite U vivci Hut the Point gianled I lulu on Apiil 21, 10t2, in show iause wi) the iluve llteiiso should not be tlJli.fillld tu Mrt.'Jlft IMIio as l'luji'l tor. Iteiunulile liv fi. 1Iki2, at Ua, in, itllllintP J, Mimil.U, Attorney for retltioner, LEGAL; LSTATI! of Samuel Koerner. late of the Cltv nl Sctanlon, County of Lackawanna and btalo of I'limsjlvanla, deceased. Letters of nilmluWratlon upon the above es tate having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons having tlilins or demands agalnt tin said estate nip hereby notified lo piesent them lor p.iviucnl and llin-e Indebted tu slid estate will nuke Immediate pa.uiinit to rtlL'l) s. CUAWIIID, Administrate, o.'l X. Lincoln Avenue, 1'. 1 aillllS Attorney for VaJT'0"'' Ikoni 021 Council Bldg, Scranlon, 1. XOTICi: 01' AIIDI'IS-lWiiles to be audited In .. ,,""' .OiiitiniiH Court ot Lackavvamn Count v. Xotlce Is heicby given tint nccounts have been tiled and lunilimed absolutely by the Court In tho following estates, nnd audit of suite will be hrnrtl on Hip iepecllve dates named below, vl?.; On Monday, May 12lli, 1002, beginning nt 10 a. in. 7 1. Kslate of Andrew Vvitt, defeased; Mirgareb Watts, administratrix r. t. n, (Distribution.) '2. 1,'stale of Bridget, deceased; I', ,T. lloinn, tuislee, (llxiepllons), On Tuesday, May istli, 1002, beginning at 1C a. in. .'!. I'jtale of Oeorge Pldllp Klrst. dereasedl Caroline Klrst, ndminisli.tlrix'. (DitilhiitIon). I. IMnte ot Ambrose Mullcy, deceased; Oeoig' M. JIulli)-, executor. (Ilxccptlons), On Wcdncsdiy, May 11th, 1002, beginning a 10 a. in. fi. llnte of P. P. Stevens, deceased; II. T Kochler, ndmlnUtrator. (Distribution). 0. 1'jvtnto of John B. Smith, deceasctl; Olrard Trust Co., trustee, (Distribution). On Thuisd.ty, May lDth, 1002, beginning at 10 a. m. 7. Ilstate of James M. L'vcihart. deceased; I. I'. Lverbait, ndmltiislrator. i Distribution). , S. Lstato of IVia Stevens, deceased; l'rank II. Stevens, executor. (Distribution). ltl. I'slnte of Mark V. Hart, ileceascd; Thomai M. Hirt, administrator. (Dlslribiitlon). On I'riday, May 16th, 1002, beginning at 10 a. in. 0. Kstalo of Julia nilletle, deceased; John Biid, adminlstr.itnr. (Distribution). 10. tatc of Maitba Moore, minor; Herman, ginrdlan. (Distribution). On Saturday, May 17th, 1002, beginning at 10 a. in. II. Kstalo of Bridget Ca-ddv, deceased; 1. W. Stokes, administrator. (Distribution). 12. lUtato of James I. Qulnn, deceased; Ann r. Qiilnn, ndininistiatrix. (DisIiiliutionL The above account enumerated and designated In the abovo list will bo audited by the Honor able A. A. Vosburg, P. .1., of the Oinhans' f'niut, in Hie OiphnnV Court Room, Court House, Scull ion, Ta., dining the sessions of Court on thn d.i)s sit for each estate, at which time all per sons Interested shall attend, if they see fit, nnd present their claims ngninst slid estates, or for ever thereafter be debaned from coming in upon said fund. WM. KOCH. Jit., Clerk of Orffhans' Court. Till: ANNUAL meeting of tho lot owners of tho Cemetery Association of Dunniore will be held lit the oflice on the ground 1'rlday, Mav '2, 11102, at It o'clock p. in., for the purpo-.o of elect ing two iiustees to serve for three jeais and tianact other business that may come bc foic the meeting. IIIIXBY Di:Yi:, Seercliiy. NOTICi: is hereby given that A. H. Oould Is Sons, persons hiving a lien, under tli laws of Pcnnsjlvanin, upon goods, wares antl mer- chaudl-e of Hie Deer Patk. Biewins Compan), ' consoling of one two-horse dellveij' wagon, on account of storage and labor bestowed on such goods, Hie owners having failed, neglected nnd re-fu-4-d to pay the amount of such charges upon said propei ty wiliiin sixty dijs after demand Hieieof made person illy, will expose Hie said two-horse delivery wagon to sale, at public dic tion, at Gould's Carnage Works, No. 413-421 Linden stieet, cily of Seranton, L.iclviivv mini county, Pcnn.sjlvaui.1, on thi lllh day of May, A, D. 1P02, at 10 o'cloelt a. in., and sell the same or --o much theteof ns shall bo sufficient to tlNdiaige ssld lien togctliet- witli costs of sals am! advertising. A. Tt. fiOtILD SOXS. WILLMID. WAnHKX & KXAIT, Solicitors. PROFSOMAL. Certified Public Accountant. KDWABD C. SPAULDIXC. 21 TRADKRS HANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. IX HI',: TltiiiTHT of leol.iuiant lcrn) nl .Mm T. rinneiiv of Hie l'list wJid of the Inn null of Aubb.ilil tu IbouuJ I', Munle), In Ihu Cmirt of tjiuiler htstlou uf Lackawjuiu louul), Xo, 22, Mai ill t-csiions, 1W)2. Xotiio l heieby glvrn that tlm Court lui Ihed Monday, iUy W, liu, ut u J. in., iij npui couit tt tho tluio and plan- for bearing InW Hie auovn iHllllun. Iticii.Mti) .i. iioriii;i:, Attorncj ht IMUIvncr, Architects. CDWABD II. DAVIS, AltClIiriXT, CONNELIa Building. rnnDEBicK l. nnowN. arch, b., itnAii Estate Exchange Bldg.. 120 Washington avc. Civil and Mining- Engineers. II. L. HABDIXO, 815, CONXIXL BUILD1X0. SrHvLXSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONXIILL BLDC1. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEnaEIl, PAULI BUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. O. LAUBACII, 115 WYOMING AVENU& Lawyers. W1LLAUD, WARREN ! KNAPP, ATTORXEY-i und Counselloiis-at-Law. 10J to u!2 Conncll Buildtrg. FRANK V. BOYLE, AT'lORNEY-AT-LAW. Booms 12, 14, 10 and IS Burr Building. D. B. RUI'LOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEGO tinted on real estate security. Wears Buildlnj, corner Washington avenus and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- Eellors-at-law. Commonvvcaltb Building, Roomt 19, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS OOJ-001, Otli floor, Meats building. L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building O. COMEQYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BHUTIIOLr, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming, avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 613 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. B. W. L'AM0REUX, OITIOE 339 WASH- Ington avenue. Residence, 1U18 Mulberry. Chronic aiseajes, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnary organs it specialty, Hours, 1 to 4 p. rt Osteopathy. Dlt. D, G. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 12G8 WASH Ington avenue, Chronic and Icoou3 dlicoaes a specially. Consultation fiee. . Hotels and Hestaurants, THE ELK OArE, 125 AND 127 ntANULIN AVE. cue. Hates leasouablc. P, ZIEGLEU, Proprietor... ECRANTOX HOUSE, NEAR D., L. U W, PAS-sen-cr depot, Conducted on the Kuropcio plaS. x VIOTOR KOCH. Proprietor, Scavenger. ' ArBTBRlOGs'cLEANal'RlVY vTlil.ia AN!) cess pooh; in idor; only Improved pumps used. A. U. Brlggi, propiletor. Lcavo oidet3 1109 North Main avenue, or Elcke'a drug store, cor iter Adan- and Mulbeny, Both telephone!. . Seeds. - 0, R. CLARKE CO , SEEDSMEN AND NUR erj men, store KOI Washington avenue; git lioujis, 1030 North Main avenue; phone, 762. etoto tele- Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, HEAR 811 LACKA. AVE., bcranton, Pa., tnanufaclurcr ol Wlie Sircn.; Hiscellaueous. DRES-iMAKINa TOR CHILDREN TO OUDK1L also ladles waists. LouUu Mtoiuiaker, 214 Adams avenue. MEGAltOEE BIIOS., PIIINTI'.R!)1 SUPPLIES. EN. velones, paper bags, iwlnc. Wjreuotue, A Wajhlugtcn avtrue, bcranton, l'j. 11K WH.IvESBAHHB RECORD CAN BE II Ul in bcianton nt tha ueNv'4 stands ol Rchmaa Dust., 400 rpmcc and SOJ Linden: M. Norton, S22 Lackawanna' vc"i; I, a Schutier, ill Eptute itreet. i . -t- ; ) - r