S 1' ' " J"K? i) i' Tr y'C""f7 ,1 F,n r ; ?i ?T u I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902. 6 WEST SCRANTON Branch ofllco In Jenkins' Drug Btoro, coiner of Main avenue and Jackson street. Old 'phone, 517-4. New 'phone, 8-2-8-7. Open even ings until 10.30 o'clock. WIL1IAM B. HUGHES, Correspondent. PERFORMANCE WAS REPEATED ANOTHER LARGE AUDIENCE ENJOYED THE MINSTREIS. Popularity of the Electrlo City Wheelmen Fully Demonstrated Again Last Evening Triumph for Alfred Wooler Bible Society Con cert Euneral of Mrs. Protheroe. May-Pole Dance and Concert Al dermanlc and Police Cases Other Items of Interest. The Wheelmen's Minstrel show was repented ut Jteurs' hall last nlcht be fore another larrje audience, nnd the performance was Riven even more Hinoothly than the previous night. All of the boys displayed plenty of con fidence nnd sang fieely and without stage fright. The persistent oft'ottH put forth by Alfred Wooler In training the chorus and soloists deserves much praise, and nhovved that while he had exceptional talent to work on, It was nevertheless a great task to select sonss and cho ruses suitable to the voices. Not it little of the success of the per formance Is due to the work of C. A. Uynon, who has faithfully served as ac- Ai.ru'1!) unoi.r.it. . ompsinif-J and mnsle.il director during all the long and tiresome rehearsals of !Tli3 Bct Family Cough Remedy, uuiuui b ricuui lai, For Sal? bj GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main nve. t i ii t j i v) ti v d i i I nig till 1 native Vies Tho fact Is conceded that for years past tho progress of our Cloak and Suit Department has been nn unbroken series of successes with each succeeding season. Yenr by year has wit nessed impiovcmeulc at every point essential to tho pleasure and piofit of our patrons, and during tho present season, not withstanding that tho floor space of this department lias been doubled, wo hnvo been taxed to our utmost to keep paco with the never-ceasing flow of appreciative buyers, the number of which puts the tiade of all former seasons completely into the background. This being the fact, our original season's purchases proved totally inadequate to meet tho lequiremonts of our business, and wo wore once moio forced into the innrket with the result that we have Purchased a Loading Manufacturers Entire Stock of Ladies' High Class Suits at 40 Per Cant. Untie1 Formar Prices This is a ropressntntive stock in tho highest eeuse of the word. Tho fabrics, tho styles, the tailoring nnd the fit are as porfect no skill and fashion can make them, so that buyers mako no sacrifice during This Extraordinary Bariain Sale Which begins on Saturday morning at 9 a. ra. 13! lis - SB A Few Indisputable Facts. Ladies fine Tailored Suits of serge and Venetian, eton nnt half-fitting Jackets, trimmed with moire silk and novolty braid, Skirta have full graduated flounce, and tho whole suit Is un usually vell tailored. A regular $13.50 suit Uj i f f( ladies' Suits of fine cheviots, Venetians, hop sackings, etc, In hlue, black, castor and oxford greys; eton or blouse effect Jackets, elegantly trimmed with silk bands, etc. Skirts cut in newest styles and trimmed with moire, graduated flounce, etc. A splendid value for $10.50, Sale (J j-j g r Indies' high class Tailored Suits of broadcloth, Venetian, serges, etc. colors, blue, black and oxford; beautifully lined and trimmed with taffeta reveres, cuffs and vest jackets, in eton, blouse or Gibson styles. Skirts havo graduated flounce, taf feta bands, etc. Full value for $10,50, Sale (T g- rf 'ladles' Suits in fine cheviots nnd Venetians; colors, blue, black and castor; eton or blouse effect Jackets. Skirt3 havo superlative flounce and the entire suit is tailored and finished In the highest possible manner, Suits that are well (J? -a vw worth $25.00, during this sale , , , P 1 V. UU Xadles Suits of broadcloth, Venetians, serges and fine wool crash. JacketB have taffeta vests, cuffs nnd reveres, while the skirts are trimmed with superlative flounce, etc, Model high class suits that cquld not be purchased in the or- (C) An dlnary way under 30.00. Sale price VpZI.UU Globe Warehouse 9 5. a a a a a a a a a1 a a a a a a a a the company. Ho Is not only a plttnlnt oC recognized ability, but a composer ot some note, one of his comnosltlonn being a part of .the performance. Perhaps the most ludicrous innkc-nn of the whole show was that effected by KskC ; 'I i.vmu.occrort luci:. Introlocutor It. W. Luce, whose enor mous weight not only incites comment, but his costume certainly wus a dream, as far as minstrel goes. Ills assistance to the boys In cracking their jokes proved an Inspiration, and helped to make the show the success It was. The patrons enjoyed dancing after the show Inst night. The performance will probably bu repeated nt Dixie's theater. May-Pole Dance and Concert. Following Is the programme of an entertainment to be given this evening In St. David's church basement, under the'ausplces of the Ladles' Aid chapter: I'i.mo Sola Ml-i Itoic Smith Void Solo Mi, John Mm gnu llrcitutloii Mi-s ltos.. MnlMi Voc.il Solo Mi-. A. It. Jones liittiunicntil )iwt....Mi'M'S Nntili nnd Willi. mu X ot-.i 1 Solo Mi. Altluir Morgans limitation Ml-. M.nv l)ni.-cy Mm monk. i nnd Ifnii.n Itoblmon llrolhc.s oeal Solo Mm. lt.imlulpli Jones Mii.io!p IJiiki' -ltren lion and finis Conduct refs Mi's .1. Phillip. I'l.inl't, Mi-3 lto-c Smith. Itcfir-liiiionts will lie reived. Conceit "ill lo'n iiicikc at S p. in. Before Alderman Kellow. Mrs. Jennie need, or :.nn North Main avenue, had her father, Hugh Winkler, of t!10 Railroad avenue, arraigned be fore Alderman Kellow yesterday on the charge of assault nnd battery, and he was held In $200 ball for his appearance at court. The woman alleged that an argument arose over some flower pots, which end ed in a light, and she was worsted. Her appearance before the alderman, when she swore out the wan ant, cer tainly Indicated thn.t fact. Tolice Court Cases. A young man who resides in Kcyser v viz v 0 i i id 52". ST. e ST. ST. Si: A" 0 Si' : a er er & & Valley went Into tho wrong hoiiso on Merrlflcld street enrly yesterday morn ing nnd went to bed with his boots on. The woman of tho house discovered him, nnd sent for Constable McOlnty, who placed him under arrest. He paid it line of $S nt the hearing yesterday. Cleorgc Mnnscuvlteh, of Twenty-first street, was committed to tho county Jnll for twenty days In default of a flue or S3.R0. Surnh Ford, of .lessun, the woman who stole n child's bank from O'Con nor's hotel, was sent to tho county Jail yesterday in dcfuult of a fine of $5. Enjoyable Entertainment. The Welsh Hlblo society held n very enjoyable entertainment In the First Welsh Congregational church Inst evening, which was largely attended. Hon. H. M. Kdwnrds presided nnd mndo n few preliminary remarks nnd nn ex cellent vocal programme was furnished. The participants were: Mrs. Brun dags, Mrs. Hcckel, Miss Powell, Miss Via Jones, Iewls Lewis, Miss Sadie Jones. Thomas Abrnms, David Jenkins and lien Jn mln Grlflltlis. Judge Ed wards reviewed tho work of the society, and the good results that have attended It during Its existence. Funeral of Mrs. Protheroe. One of the largest funerals held In West Scrnnton In a long time was that yesterday afternoon In connection with the burial of the late Mrs. Ituth Pro theroe. The cortege left the house on Academy street at 2 o'clock, and moved to the First Welsh Bautist church, where services were conducted In Welsh and English. The clergymen who participated In the services were: Rev. D. D. Hop kins, pastor of the church; Rev. Thos. deGruchy, D. D., pastor of the Jack son Street Baptist church; Rev. Rob ert F. Y. Pierce, pastor of the Penn Avenue Baptist church: Rev. T. P. Morgan, of Edwardsdale: Rev. George Hague, of Olyphant; Rev. Edwards, of Taylor. Mrs. Frank Brundagc sang, and Mrs. D. B. Thomas presided at the organ. The pallbearers wern John Ij. Jenkins, James A. Evans, William D. Morris and Edward K. Thomas. Interment was made in the Forest Hill cemetery. Other Funerals Yesterday. The funeral services over the remains of the late Jennie May Thomas, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman, of 120D Jackson street, were held at the Plymouth Congregational church yes terday afternoon, and wore In charge of Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor of tho Tab ernacle Congregational church. The pullbearers were Ezra Allen, Walter Lewis. Hugh Gray, William Doyoc, Jo seph Phillips and Harry Reese. The flower girls weio Mabel Lang, Minnie Gray, Mabel Wheeler and Jessie Grnv. The attendants walked to the Wash burn street cemetery, where interment was made. Tho funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Elizabeth J. Powell, wife of John Powell, were held yestei day afternoon at the house, 739 North Bromley avenue. Interment was made In tho Washburn street cemetery. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Ovfunl Mine AeeirtenUl fund will conduot lluir annual ialuimchi on June 10 to Mountiin park. The Walineta Ilancinj; oil's liac post ouofl tlioir melius fi om tills eeninc until lonioirnv rcnirs at Jlr.us' lull, on account of the lull heins prcloiily ennged. Will Itohcriiuii, one of the atlemijiits at the HilKidc li'iine, was in town jeteidiy. ILirKc lliothon will louder their lIciU the untmal i ei option jnd Mptial jt the, Moio this ei cuius;, CVmtiiHor n. V. Denner, of Stratfoid annuo, w.H (endued J Mirpuso by hi? friends on Motiilj ivoniuir. lie contemplate-, a Kmcpc.in lilp in the rair fiiliuo. Mrs. i:an 11. Dit ic, of Xoith lljde PaiK ac line, is iritii.illv 111. .Mr. W, O. Ciiupbcll. of N'orth fiarliehl ave nue, atlemleil the fuueul of a lehtiic ill lta ?lolon je-.lird.i.v. .Mi-. tfiace i:.ins, of Xoith Hide Pari: aoiiio, hia lotiiuied home from a Kit Willi fiiouls in Carl Kind ileN The i:i(clric Cil.v Mindolln and Ouilar tlnli will liiild an enttitiininent and iucl.il in Me-ir.-,' hill thii evinlni:. The IiclleMie niK-ion fcl-nol will continue their twi.il on 'I IiiiimI i.v eionint,- rei. The UoIIomio I,ujjI Ciiisiiicia will niOLt to inorinw crning. Miss I.iI I'nie, of I.if.ijetle f-treet, enter lainod tho Speedwell club at her home on Tuci diy oieniiis, SI. TatiUk's lil-h rjlliolie liopevolont union will meet in St. fiouV halt Ihlj, orniiiB". Mr. and Mi-, .1. I). Kildwin ami dilldiin hue loliiiiiid home finm lSiilI..u-l, Vi,, vheic they al t in led .1 ftltlOMl. Mi-n l.uhi Mutu-in, of Miin aienue, luis ie turiidl homo fiom New Yoilt. Mis. 1'. W. T.igw, of Jukson street, is in-di-io-ed. The lemiiiw of an infmt child of Mr. and Mr-. 1'ird Atkliii-l, of Noilh lliomley .iienur, won- intuicd in the Wa'-hhurn itiu-t cci.i-tery ,u-(eidiy afleinooii. Mi-s .Icimie llncLc-., of Thirlecnth ftreet. til ti'itnhiiil the Ui-t Str.inton 1'ioliiliitioii Alii urae at htr liome list ivrnmi;. NORTH SCRANTON. The liirlier.n of ln-.d "Jll are ico,ucs(cd to meet at (ii IiIIiik'i hliop 'Ihuriikiy nenini? at 8 oMoik, as liuine-.s nf linporl.incv is to be truimolcd. Tho Women's L'liisliin TViupei.'tuee union will nuet till afleinooii at it o'tloik In the Vounj Womon'-j fhtUti.m uo(.iilion loonv. 1'iofi-Bsoiy .1, h. McMuuay, for fomo time oi Kinist at the Xoilli M-iln Amiiiic llaptlit (.liuioli, lias leagued and in'.enJa aolng to Kansas Citj to reside. This ciciilns tlio l'alher Uhllty fooicty will conduct a Hunker and entertainment In SI. Marj's lull. lleniy Jones of C'leieland, 0 is the truest of Ills father, Lewis down, of Wajne au-nue. 'flic Alonro llaltli Kleetro-l'lioto Musk d com p.iny will appear at the Tabernacle on Tliundiy owning-, May 2J. Tlio company consUls of a (ornetist, a harpli-t, a soloist and an c-peiiilly flue iiioIiir picture machine. Ilio rcceipln will HEADACHG CHARMED. It Is tho Experience of Scrnnton Peo ple That Proves the MRglcnl Effect of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills with Sick find Nervous Hendnche, It has never come to uny other medl cino never to till medicines tho abundance of Scrnnton testimony showing tho unentailed merit estab lished by Dr. A, W. Chaso's Nerve Pills. Thero is probably no case of nervous sick headache .they will not cute. Mrs. James Watson, of No. 315 Twelfth street, Scumton, Pu says; Dr, A. AY. Chase's Nerve J'JIls are line, I began to use them for nervous sick headaches and nervousness, and had great success In stopping them completely. Recently I tibed them to ovetcorno Iho depression unci weak nesses following grip and they were again successful, giving mo bodily strength and nerve steadiness, As un all-round nerve and generuf tonlo they are grand, and I nm very much pleased that my attention was called to them through Matthews Rros., druggists, 320' Luckawannu avenue. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at 50c. u box ut dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, V, See that portrait and signature of A. W, Chase. M, P.. are an every psuikaeo. HAVE YOU TRIED DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY ? All Druggists sell It At$1.00al)ottlo. ro towards the fund of the Scrnnton Institute of Human Declo:mitnt. Claude Clinbberly, of Paterson, lus returned home after lsltlna; the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. bilknuii, of Noith Main au-nue. IW-C'ouncllinan Wade Finn, or North Main avenue, spent yesterday at Crystal Lake. Mrs, Willi lm Kvans, of Slatington, la visiting tho home of her parent?, Mr, and Mm. V. i, lilward", of llrlek avenue. 'J he l)ltkon Kcjr fund will meet in Leonard's hall on Monday, May 12. Hereafter the meeting of tlio fund will be held on tho ccond Monday of the month, instead of the fourth. Iho two children of John Collins, residing on Wajne avenue, were nearly BUiiocatcd by escap ing coal gas. The chlldacn were unconscious when discovered. Ilr. Sullivan vva9 called anil succeeded In bringing the sufTerera out of dan ger. Tlic trap and handle piseon match between Otto Stout and 31. ,1. Kelly. Is to take nlaco at M. J. Horn's hotel, on Putnam street, Satur day afternoon for a purse of $100. The niembeia of the senior class nt the Insti tute have ananged with the btorrs to play an ex hibition game of ba'l.ct ball In the .udiloilum Tilday evening, May 0. Helen flodusky and Funds Wollsl.y, rcoldcnls of Oak street, were arraigned before Alderman Myers on the charge of stealing aitlclcs fiom the house of Thomas Sininis on Oak street. Thej were held under IjsiOO ball for their appearance before court. GREEN RIDGE. The ladles of the Chinch of tho fiood Shepherd will londuct a "Masonic"' supper Thursday even ing, May 1, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Mildred Iteplogle, of Stn Sunset avenue, en tertained many of her lilllc friends at a birth day pirty Monday afternoon. Those present were Esther Simpson, flannc-c Tobey, C'jrrie Hiwkcr, Karl Colvin, Robert Thomason, Roland Hawker, Klsic Monies, Amy Woodruff, Peter Malic, Lillle Langliiim, Edgar CraufTolil. Ruth Woodruff, Burton Pa.vnc, Jllldrcd .Smith and Howard Wilson. Mrs. W. II. Teek, of Roselawn, entertained a number of young people jesterday afternoon fiom 1 o'clock to 11, in lienor of Iter Eon, Nelson's, blrthdiy. 3frs. I'cck was assisted in entertain ing by her daughters, Sliss Ciracc Peek and Mrs. F. A. Kaiser, fiamea were plavcd on the lawn and the entire party yas photographed by Mi's Clrace Peck. The fqllouing guests were present: Anna Ives, Elizabeth Campbell, Laura Zimmer man. Margaret .lone":, Mildred Mitchell, Francis Pin click, Albert Raymond, Carl Robimon, Albert Xotbackcr, Herbert Stone, Allen Ojbourn and djy Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. George Kear and son, Charlc, of N'oith Park, leturiied yesteid.iy from Phila delphia, wnere they spent Hie w Intel. Mi-a Ktlicl liobbins, of Kentucky, is the guest of .Mrs. Robcit Mmrcll, of llicksnn .ivi-nue. Jlr. Chides Mclaughlin, of New Yoik, wlio was cilled heio by the death of his brother, Wil liam 31cl.oughliii. relumed home .vestcrday. DUNMORE. The bridge crossing the Roaiing biook at Xaj Aug wlneli was washed away at the time of the heavy rain several months ago bai bee nreplieed and was opened for travel yesteiday. Tho vve-rk was done by t'onliactnr Martin Cooney. The expense i? to be borne by the boiouuli and tho Su.intcm fias and Water conipany. 'Ihc residents of lh.it section Inve bicn gically inconvenieneed liuimg the pist winlci. it luvin? Iiecn necc-viuy to Iiavc all their coal, etr., hauled from here around by way of the boulevard nnd then down the mountain, thus inirejsing the cost of coal about ?1 per ton. St. Miry't, choir will meet for lcliearsil Thurs day evening at S o'clock. The Women's Cliri-ti.ui Temperance union will meet this afternoon at 2.S0 o'cloil; at the borne of Mrs. Santee, on Electric avenue. The Woman's guild nf St. Maik's rlmrrh will hold a social at the home of Itiih.tid Winter stein on Monday evening, Jfay 13. P. F. Mmpliy, n former risident lieie, but now of New- York city, is renew ing old friend-hips in town. tleorgo Teeter, of Man ley, visited iclatlves in town reicntly. Mrs. Robert Nash, is visiting her mother, 3trs. John llrennan, of Carbondile. John Allen and sn, tienige, nf Avoea, arc ginMs at the homo of J.-iine Allen, of Eist Drinker street. Mr, and Mis. M. M. Spencer have letiuneil home from a successful trout Bailing trip in Pike county. Dr. I'. P. Carly is able to be at bis offico again after a week's indisposition with rheumatic gout. The Durunoro Woman's ChrWIan Tempeiance union will ineit Thursday at il p. in., at the home of Jlr Santeo, on Flectrlo avenue. OBITUARY. MRS. ELEANOR N. BAYLET, widow of William Hayley, deceased, died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Shook, 2014 Eclnti avenue, last evenlns, ufter u llneerlnrj Illness. She Is sut vlved bv three sons und one daughter, Nellie K. and John W., of this city, Anson W., of Carbondale, and Judson O., of Wllkcs-I3arre. The funerul un nouncement will bo made later. MARTIN CUFF, an old cltlaen of Dunmorp, died yesterdny ut his home on SprlnK street, In that borounh. Ho Is survived by u wife and tho following children: Mrs. Thomas McCann, Mis. Qlbney, nnd Surah, of Ashley; Agnes, Kate and John, of Dunnioro. The funeral announcement will be made later. WENK MAI.ONEY, tho 2-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Muloney, dle'tl nt the family residence, 927 Maple street, yesterday. Tho funeral will take placo this tifternoou and Interment will be made in the Cathedral cemetery. FUNEBAXS. Tlio remains ot the lute John N. (lardnci- nr rind yesterday fiom Detroit, Mich, Tlio funeral will take place this afternoon at 2-30 from the home nf bis daughter, Mrs, James Molr.li,, 71S Myrtle street. Important Railroad Seal, Py Exclusive. Wire fiom The Associated Press. St, Juls, April 20. M. A. Low, cneral attor ney of the Chtiagn, Hick Uland ami Pacific- Rail-v.-oy company, stated today that his road bid purchased the bt, Louis, KansJS City and Colo lado lallroad, operating between St. 1-ouis and Union, Mo., and bail uutliorlzcd the Mcicautile Trust company to nrgottato (or the punri'uasc o the St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado rail road, the ltovlc Island secures right ot way Into St. Louts with the acquisition ol the piopcrty of the Wiggins Ferry company, ainpU trmlnal Utllillc will be had. AMU8EMZNTB. MMN4WWWtSWVW'tA's'kiiAAAAM KKKnUnJOSO:30U0JO:5CKIKKUKUK:05050KK5K Free Fair-Food Fair Immense g here and there, near and far, Paris, Holland, California, es everywhere. s An interesting and instructive show for young and old. JS No patent medicines, no liquors, just good things to eat and r Q use anything everything. Learn how to prepare them Q and how to use them. Show begins , May 12th, Scranton Bicycle Club Hall K Continuing Two Weeks. C Demonstrations daily, Samples and souvenirs for all, O Entertainment music. See displays of some of the sou- tt . venirs in the show windows about town. Q Tickets Free. As a convenience to the public and a courtesy to the retailers we give them tickets for their cus- 0 tomers. Ask your grocer to save one for you. Free to Q him so free to you. I NATIONAL SOUTHSGRANTON ANNIVEBSABY OF CAMP 430, P. O. S. OF A. Celebrated with n Banquet nnd Social in Athletic Hall Speeches Made by A. J. Colborn and Others. Those Who Attended the Very Pleasant Event Charles A. O. Stark Had His Hand Injured at Conaseraga Birthday Party at the Home of Victor Sartor. Camp 420, Patriotic Order Sons of America, Rathered In large numbers at Athletic bull on Alder street last even ing lo commemorate the' Tbitteenth annl-ersary of the organization of the society. The hall was beautifully drap ocl in the national colors, tho figures "5i !,... , fcseij a wS. ?ftft5ftt . v NJV x cicoiim: ru.Mit.i:. Tre.i-iiirr of Camp Since It Was Orsaiiled. "430" displayed In front of the stage in electrlo lights. Five tables weie set for the guests and members, to seat 130 couples-. Four ran tho length of tho hall and one aciohs the hull, near tho stage, which faced the others, at vhleh the committee, camp ofllecrs and special guests sat. The meinhprs and lady friends began lo arrive at S o'clock, and at S.l.'i p. m, all sat down tu participate of Cater er Waldner's well at ranged and tempt ing menu. The exorcises commenced immediately after and Chairman William Wlrth, of the committee of ariangements, delivered a fahorL pithy address of wel come. Then "America" was sung by tho assemblage, after which an Invoca tion was made by Chaplain August F. Kraft. At the clof-o of the banquet Jlr. Wlrth In a few Introductory remarks, dis closed the reason for the gathering, and a selection was rendered in ex cellent voice b Misses Maty With, and Martha Nordt, An address by National President A, J. Colborn, followed and was re plete with sentiment and patriotism, Fred Jones toasted tho "ladles," after which a selection was rendered by 4V -x S .6v-Wl WII.I.I.NM WIIITJI. Cluliman of Coniiultlce of Arranjcmcnts. Lawrence's orchestra. Remarks on "nachelordom" were )nmlo by Hi-other Wlrth, and Alfred duthelnn, whoso theme was "Nothing to Say," mndo a decided hit. A dance followed the af fair which was ni03t successful. Tho committee- in charge labored hard and they received tho warmest com mendation for tho happy culmination of their effort. Cleorge Fruble, who Is u charter mem her, has been tlio suclety's treasurer THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRftOTON Al vvcll as llic handsomest, and others aio invited to call on ar? drusjUt and tfet free a trill uoltlc of KcmjV Ilalsam for tlio lliroat und .unji, a remedy that i guaranteed (o euro and relievo nil thronlo ind Acute Coujlm, Attlmu, lironcliltil ud Coosumvtlou. l'rio-S3c. and -Q T !! II TjWmyWmmW s x, ' N . y . s " JsTO8&.vw,-V jdSF Rfe -'-: ;mgm 1 "t : "lP '- ' - VPf" llillimi .-'i ? it,. . : rawfV I' jMv-A-VV S V I AMUSEMENT8. S AWVAAAWA national exhibition of fine food FOOD SHOW Lyceum Theatre M. Br.IS. Lessee nnd Manajrer. A. J. DUl-TY, l!u3iiiC3i Manaser. iiirrtsii.YY Ninur. r-itiiioulliury i:iiil W'aqenliaU & Kemper I'lo-rnt And an Incomparable Company In 'The Merchant of Venice Prices Mt',, fiOc, 75c, 'jl.OO, SI..J0. So.it s now on ji! SATUBDAY MATIXin: AND MOIIT. lieturn nngagement. 'tin- Sea-iun's Oic.itc.--t Hue- ess. J. H. Stoddard, In Klrkc I.ablicllc's Ualioiatc rioduclion ot THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH Same (iic.it Cast a-. Before. Priies N'iirlit, '-3e to $1.50; niatiner, i'c to l. CarriaBC Xiifht, 10.15; matinee, 1.13. Scats on fale Thursday at 1) a. in. Academy of Husic U. BEIS. Lene. A. J. Duffy, Mdftccr. n.M.AME OF WKEK. Till: I'.WOniTK BonTons With Chailo l.o.vbuine and Knniia nuntins. riices 10, iO and :iOc; matlncc, 10 and l!0e. xi:m' avciik. SCHILLER STOCK COMPANY Suppoitlnsr tlic Hciuliliil and Acioiiip'iJi"il Aiti'te, JIIS.S U.U rONTAIXBI.i: U. for many ycais, and is a member of the sinking fund commipfcion. Mr. Wlrth, Is ii resident of tho Eleventh ward, and is employed In the court house. The following constitutc-d the com mittee of airanKeinont: William With, chairman; Peter Haas, John Lewert, Fred Outlier, (.'huiies Sny.lt.-. Grlinth D. James. John Ntielier, William E. Kirchoff, Cleorsre Frable. A. L. Uahr, Charles Uahr. Those present were: Mr. and Mis John 1'. Hlhlibraiidl, Mr. and Mrs. I'rcd (inn;tir. Mi. and Mi-. IMei . Hun, Mr. and Mrs. Adolpli llaninien, Ml. and Mi.-. John Ivvcrt, Jlr. and Mr-. (Irilfuli 1. Jam"-, Mr. and Mr. Win. ('. KluhniT; Mr. and Mi. Thaller Ham, Mr. and Mr. l'ml .lone-, Iti-iuidcr of Dccd-i and Mrs. Kmll Ilonu, Mi. and Mr-. John Ilrmv-n, Mr. and Mrs. l'l-ink Klcin-i hiodt, Mr. and Mi.-. Charlc-f Wirlli, Mr. and Mi. An Biit K. Kinlt, Mr. nnd Mr. Hi-niy Dicing. Mi. and Mi-.. I.oviis llicinv. Mr. nnd Mi-.. Ilinry Wlilli, Mr. and Mis. l'ml II.iiiiihii, Mr. .ml "i--1 .l.icoli llaetner, Ml. .inj Mis. 'lino. Ililtei. Mr. and Mrs. lleniy WeK-., .rr. and Mi.-. hirlcs .N'euls, Mr. and Mr.-. Ili-iijiiuin .Mooie. Mr. and Mi. .I.noli iliuiuk. Mi. and r. It. O. Shiefe', Mr, and .Mrs. Atigiut IteldinbKli, Mr. ami Mrv, Alino lliililunl. Mr. and Jin. I'uiik llinUh. ler, Mr. and Mr. William Man-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11, SpruUs, .Mr. and Mrs. AiiKiist 1", Ki.tn.-v,. Mr. and Mi-.. Adolpn lleu-ncr. Mr. and Mrs., l'red llemnrr, Mr, and .Mrs. lleniy Ki.nl, Mr. mill Mis. tTuilcs I.'. I'lilllll", Mr. and .Mi-. .1.U ob lllllu-, Mr. ami Ml-, lleniy I'. Zli-sler, .Mr. nnd Mr-. Iii Sclii-uer, Mr. and Mr t lias. (neper, Mr d Mn-. AuKii--t Wi-.vme.vir. Mr. mid Mrs. (I. A. Miller, Mr. ami Mrs. AiiRibt Knirr, Mr. and Mis. John l". Silu-nei, Mi. ind Ml-,. Will lam I'rilsUi, Mr. and Jii, llolicrt Dietir. Mr. and Mrs. l'red V. KircliolT, Mr. and Ml-,. Heil I.. Miller, Mr. and Mr. l'red C. Miller; Me-v-r-,. A. ,1, C'lilhnin, J, W. r-anford, Fred !)lelnir, A. i llahr, L'hirles llahr. Allied (iulliiln, I'li-d (lilhert, William I'nvvdl, Hi my Helm, (,iorj Wlrth, (ieorKe Maus, illli that. Jainei, llhd, .lainli Maar, I'reil Xaehrr, I'liillp 1'lelie, J. . r-'ilwnl;, 1'iny Z. .lone, William Wlilll, -lohii Ilil.er, (iiiiruc. IVune, lleniy (', 'r-inns, I luilei Wilier, fhrlt He. AiiK"t Woir, l'i nil. Il.'v (-liiecr, Krvviul II. Milir, Jmoli Kiit, I'u-d l.ot., William I'. Unifier. MKa'M .Mary Wlrth. Martin Xmill. lMni Kim inlner, Mamlo Cuniptnu, l.iln Kelliinian, Lent Kelleuinn, Mary Mills, Niphie r-n.vdir, l.jilU r-alh-r, Minnie ZaiiK. I'enlc Wciiiidi, I.IkzIo ('hue, I.lie l.i-vvirl. Ida I'Ium-, Theli-M l,el bed, Uwlc I'etuci, Mollle Helm. May WnNfelt, Anna, (iuntir, I.luln tlf-if. Kite V.tm, Mamie Iroiiitell, Kato llnhl, lliunia (Iralum, M.u-jio Iti-ulher. l.oul-a Mul, Ihiiuil Meillii, Kate e. tome, laicy Wlrth, Amu Weher Amu ( la, Anna Iliiulurt, Katlo MirU, (iohlle Comptvin, Kntle Klist, Pl.uu Welnlih, M.ile I'lemliM, l.llihlo l.uu. Cairie IVtwr, Aliic WIIIIihh, Miv tha IaiU. Tin l Wiiilili, Mini Neuls, lam S-'cheuer, Mumle lleldeulpaih, Mr, i'liillp l.u.j. i-nhcigcr, Slri. Jle.lii'r, Mr. Sdialfer. Shortly after 11 o'clock, a committee from acnerul Grant Couunandery KulBhts of Malta, consisting of Abe CoeUioll, Geortro Tenne and U. V, I.ewert, foimally picsenteil the camp with a beautiful old mounted ebony travel. NUBS OF NEWS. John Vider was tluiijeil hefero Aldennin Lentio jc-teiday with laueny, the piohcmtor In Ins II. MnlovvlU-u, ol south Washlngtun uvc line. The Us vvas, hcttli'd. pr. (Jiilnn has niovdl tu 72j I'illstun uvc nue. llolli 'phunei. " Ibe Hniflits ot Malta will meet toinoiiow evening, Pr. Schlej's I.iius lleallne llalfaui Ii uiurmtefd to cure all loiijtu. "So Hire, no pay." l-'or wle ly all dealeis. Cliarlej A. O. btark, had hU lunl badly hurt at llic Qonucraga lumber uillU on Mvuday. MODJESKA JUNES AMUSEMENTS, Fair Free products from COMPANY.! Lyceum Theatre' Monday Evening, May IStli, at 8.13. U-itiuu vvitli Illu-it i Jt ioni by Miss Ellen M. Stone,! -sunnx-r, My Captivily and Release. ruder An-plir. .Tail(j-oii Mipet n.ipti'-t Churtli. Lndci- Diuctio-i ut 1 lid L. Hand. 'I id. i-U T."it- lo s. Diagram opens Wcdne-day, May llth, at 0 a. ml I STAR THEATRE ALF. O. 1ICRRINQTO.S, Manaiter. Thursday, 1'ilday and Saturday, MAY 1, 2 AMI J. The Blue Bloods", Cf MATIN1X i:Vi:ilY DAV. ii If you don't mind the cost. But if you are looking for style, ser vice and wear at little expense, buy one of our Aiercerized black Skirts. Tliey look iiko silk, wear better, and cost less. Will buy a handsome, durable shirt with ruffled or plaited llounces. Choose yours be fore the prettiest are taken. 126 Wvomini Aye. A generous stock of the well known NONE SUCH snceMeat should be on the pantry shelf of all loveis of a good mince pie. It is so economical, labor-saving and deliciou3 that it commands attention, IQom a Packaga making two largu pics. It is clean, wholesome anil digest ible. Makes also Fruit l'ml dint; and Fruitcake, insist on your dealer selling None-Such. MCKRELL-SOULB CO., Sruw. MX Mr. It. (f. Norton returned home list ueiv lui; from uu extended Ult to (rlimw at Anutcr dam, N. V. Wear a Silk Skirt SI to $5 lit Ml I Hi V, H -Ij-v-i rfc-. y.