v '.,?" ;r" nvrr sw K i ' rt- srj . I"1 . . . " ,. , ", : i" .4 " A' K' v V . A f r 9, Jt av THE SOtlANTON TRIBUXE-THUBSDAY, MAY 1. 1902. , '' ;' riihtlnlied thill?, l'.rrfpt Siimljy, ly The Trllx tine Publishing Company, at l'lfty Cnt n Month. MVY S. ItintAlID, IMIlnr. O. V, UVXIIKi:, limine Munijtor. New Yoik Olltcct 150 Kawau Pt. H. H. Vltl'.ntANII, Sole Aircrit for l'oielmi Ailxct Hslrii! ftitorcil at the l'itonlci af. Senniton, l'a., as Soiond da Hilt Matter. When spnee will permit, The Tribune is nlways glncl, to print short letteis from Us friends bearing- on current topics, but Its rule la that these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; . and tho condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. 'tin: !t.at rati: roit AnVMiiiMMi. l lie following tahle iJinw tho juice per Inch emh liuoitloii, i pace to In- lueil within one jcir. full 'mil 1ml, r,rt .IS .:!! ,!!il .21 .VI .is:. .IS Tor nnl of thntild. rcututlotii i.f t iinilni-iid mid "Ihiilnr loiitilhnlh.tn In Ilic iialuir f ml Mrtl'lng 'J ha Tilhutio 111.1I.M a iIijirp of cnt a line, Tl.ilc nf (.'IJMlllcd Adicillilnj; fiiriiih(d application. JJlSPt.AV. L"nf tlmn fiO imliM, BO Inches Ml) " SV1 " nno " 'ItHiO " ItnOO, " fiOflfl " Itini ill Millnir on Paper. I Itc.uHnir. .r,0 .St ID .11 .".0 .'It j- .-jr.-. .'JO ,'ii .1(1 ,17." ,1."i .17 .1."i .1ii-" room. Great Ih the law of urban rmvI tatlott, II Is oitlil by the l'lttsbufK Times that an urt'nuKPinput luist been made by Hi'iuilnr Quay, v, II. Andrews and n Tew ullici'H ju-nvlrilug Unit Mr. Tort-unco Hhmild innlto 1111 tffoil to fjet the AllcKhuny city tli'lcftiitre, and U a. Vittren, nf tici union, Is tn bo helped In a light rot- the detrimtoH In IMUsIiih-k unit other tllslt-lnts In AiIckIk-'UV county oulHldf of Alh'Rlieny I'lly. Mr, Quay, It Is nalil, iinuntmi'cd that such uu tir rmiKcinent would not bind lilm to tin; support In llio t'om'cnllon of Mr. Watt ch, but II wuh the way chosen to keep Die dcleffiites from Mr. Klkln It In a nice little trick, If It will work. We pre dict that It won't work. flticnco In army circles, It Is a Rood thliiB to have Beimtorlal friends, KCI1 ANTON, MAY 1. liiOL'. Vw governor of Pennsylvania, on the Issue of an o))cn Hold anil fair play, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, subpel to the will of the Tlepubllcan iuus.c. An Error ami Some Critics. Ol'l! TIKADKItS may have ol fprvert that The Tillume has not yet become wildly excited' over (he allrKed mbidreds of Clenoial Hnillli and other Ami'i'lniii Folillors of qooil iMputiitlon In thn pat who have boon iIoIiik a dimcult work In the Philippines with scant i'neounij?e inent fioin homo anil htlll with p.ncp tlonal Miri-erP. It may ho tiup that ficncral fjinith Is a murderer. il.iPtaid, double-dypil lllaln and nuniLMotia other thiriss that aie odiomt and lit, aa nw-t of the Democrat. at 'Washington and Vomp of tho .pcctaciilar and sallery ptaylner Itepubllcans have been passion ately proplalmins: durlns the past few days, hill In view of the fact thai he is undersoil!;; rourt-nuutlal before u dls- tinjruls-hed tilhiiiial whoie prooeeilings are to be reviewed by the president of the United States we think il would do no harm and possibly be fully as fair and just to await the completed testl- , niony and the expert judgment before Klviiiff way to furious ilenuni'Iailons of the army, the administration, the Phil ippines, expansion and everything else in sight. It seems from his own admission that General Smith made a mistake which, If It had been unprovoked by in dcseilbable native atrocities and per fidy almost, it Is believed, without parallel in the annals of warfare, would have been unpardonable. He aimed to make war so hellish to those who weie mut'de'rlng his countrymen under the BUise of friendship and subjecting- their dead bodies to unmentionable despera tion that they would be deterred from their villainous ways In response to the only kind of treatment which, aciordinjT to many experienced observers of this type or the Oriental chai.ietcr, is ef fective and lastins; and if the cabled lcporls which tell of the clearing of Kaumr and tho surrender of the la-t armed "paclflco" be correi.t, It would seem that ther- was a good deal of practical merit In General Smith's plan, tuning the ugly look, which It has to e.seil.ible critics viewing It fioni the soft and dieamy boueis of peace. If It was jrrwere It was because hr the judg ment of this expei lenced and unflinch ing ot'iccr severe measures were called for. They seem to have won at about (lie same (line that the man who put tin m In operation Is subjected to a furious fusillade of attack and vllllllea tlon from home, participated In by os tensible it lend as well as open foe, Wu do not defend the order to kill nnd slay all liaiYe Inhabitants above the age of ten yeais, women excepted, It typllles a sternness alien to the Aiueilcan character and not to be ac cepted In llils country, no matter what tho provocation. It Is the Judgment of an overwhelming majoilty of the American people that ihey would rather abandon s-'aniat and all the rest of the Philippines than to lie credited with such ferocity. Hence It Is certain that the policy ioiil'es-ed to by (ienoral Smith will not be sanctioned nor con .tlnued. It was a iiiHako In judgment natural to a man wiio.e almoaphnie Is wholly military and not civil, and who has been In the thick of the most try ing times In our military history. Hut let those who liae never m.ul niis-w-Jti!Se?' ''as' ",0 l,',st s'"ne. Let the per SEtfWUnaii and tho perrei t soldier among -jgBfc'YOcli'oratliiB ciltlcs In congress and SwcJSewlimV leave the luxuries of peace, j5Jile tltcjn to the far-off aichlpehiKo, and SSlrtJSjsumlnB homo of the heat and bin dun N !. oMho day, .show tleneiuls Smith, Chuf iw!i.an.1 t,lc l,tl,er bronzed veterans how ;MbiUl2. for the Mag allantly and ef iV.ifiiEtually In a manner to please all con- cerped, Including the enemy. -' -Vl'lic ," again shallows at 'Washington aio murium lug that Cuban recip- ,.- rpclty will fall in the seniiU. and con tS'Bvena adjourn with Cuba left hopeless jtujiuf lllQ Il00sevelt tulmlnlutratlon dls S'VrJfl'M'd ',l ' house of Its alleged SiSttJcillJSt Hut In the ineaniliiiu tho deeps Jri-!HX-.'J)othlnR and, If the metaphor ,s al- low'able, 'taw wood," According In the New Vork Tlmeti, .ilUe,,. construction of odlce buildings, X "Pky-scrapers," no i ailed, was never j nayo active than It s today, Gangs 'Dfjnien work nil day and then other i.i;anfis go to work at night by electric light, and ntlll tho work cannot bo done fast enough IP satisfy the demand. " They think nothing of running up the itccl frame work of a modern sky- icraper In it month uud of turning the keys over to the owner In hlx months .j from date, of breaking ground, yet laa ' fast at; theise buildings are completed their myilads of ofllre rooms ar? ten jntcu unu eager applicants clamor ftir The Safer Plnn. O ONI1, less desires a contro versy with the accomplished editor of the Philadelphia Prsss than docs the writer of these lines, and no one realizes more fully how futile u controveisy would be In changing the opinions of either party to It. Hut our friends of the Press have said that they desire a 'True, uulrammeled and vital" expression of preferences by the Republican people of Pennsylvania and we again point out to them and to all others that In assisting to throttle such an expiesslon as they seem to be doing In the present Instnnco they Invite the Issue of consistency as well as raise the question of expediency. .lust two candidates for the nomina tion for governor out of the dozens mentioned have had the manliness to submit their claims to open vote at popular pilmarles John I. Klkln nnd I.ouls A, 'Watres. So far as disclosed, no others purpose to ask for a popular judgment In advance of the convention. Thus far Klkln has defeated IVatres wherever the Issue has been directly raised between them. AVe think that this fact justifies us in dissenting fiom the statement of the Press that Klkln cannot be elected. If the candidate favored by the people cannot be elected by the people but must be stood aside for an aibltrary selection made In so il el by controlleis of federal patron age, then It would appear that an end nas come to representative govern ment In a foremost Ameilcan common wealth. AVe do not accept this conclu sion in advance of the fact. AVe do not find justification for the course of the Philadelphia. Press In accepting and abetting It. Our contemporary says: "The Press does not dispute that leaders bave un dertaken and may undertake, to name governois without reference to the peo ple, but the power of (he people re mains as a corrective." The pioposl tlon of the Press in the present situa tion, as wo understand it, Is that this corrective Is not to be made use of until after the damage has been done. Tn other words, It favors the sandbagging of the people's choice by the leaders in convention with the inevitable i isle or popular lesentinent at the polls. AVheie- as we, on the other hand, favor the use of the coriectivo before the conven tion assembles, so that the choice of tin convention may be the choice of (he people, af(erw.ud as well as befoie. We i oiieat: "All that tho friends of John P. i:ikin want, and this lliey have a light to demand, Is a free field and no fa voi s: a fair chance to let the ma jority will of the ltepubllcan 'people of Pennsylvania bring itself Into play by the open voting of Instructions to the selected state delegates. If then their man Is outvoted, and It Is shown that he Is not the people's choice, their aciiulescenie will be Immediate and cheer! til, and the effect upon the parly will be without a trace of Injuiious ness," AVe submit that this Is a fair and manly attitude. AVe contend that It spells safety and victory In November. AVe assert and challenge denial that it is infinitely less burdened with ilsk than would be Hie contrary programme of throttling free expression of parly piefeieneo In will-o'-the-wisp pursuit of Insurgent phantasies conditioned upon the turning down with scorn of those who have borne the stress of ltepubll can battlo In Pennsylvania and won victory after victory in the face of mil lionaire combines, coiporate conspira cies and fusion. Those who said tho Republican party would nut re-puact Chinese .exclusion may now apologize nnd ho forgiven. The deed Is did. The resuirccllon of Theodore 3, Hluif fer Is one of the labor miracles of tho Benson. After this, nothing need occa sion surmise. Vi have no doubt that General Smith will bo willing to trade Jobs with any of his crlllcs, Homo of the trusts lire pretty bis but none Is yet as big as the U. S, A. Uf course the Fuller bid won. Fuller was behind It. K. U MACHINE AND THE PEOPLE. I'rolii the l'lill.iilflplila n. 'Ilicie N tin lu'cil til puiMiliiir n rontrotrrty with our frlrml of (lie Snmilnti Trilntnr, The uliole iiirtlii ,u to the cuvciiioijlilp IIm In a mil "hell, Wo ul'li the pjily nomlii iliun fur Romimr mill nthrr Inipoll.iut ofllcfK in l'n!Hjl.itil were nuili by the flee, iiiiti.nnniclloil, Wlnl ac tion of Hi,! Ilpptililli'iiii mawt, m It I. In Mai. Mehii"Plli, Vi'iiiiinil, tou.i ami iimt (if tin' Hi" publican -.late'. sv,iii limes It l: Rttictnlly il Is not, Anil lwi ,i inlo II It not, jlmo tho ma (hlni'iyiiml tint a free iitul at tle popular Mile Ki'iin.illy ilolcriiilnci llir rumination, vp cm only fall h.ul. un the Imps that the mnclilnciy will Riln.l nut n iiomluitlun th.it toiiii" up tu (he popular triiiiimtirnl. Xoxt to a led iliolic liy Hip people Is u thoho tliinuuh Hip machinery thai icpomls tu Hip ppoplp'n will. yaw, It looked for ii limp ni lliotivrli tho party Mi.u lihiciy would Kite in John V. I'.ll.ln a ft tMtidliljtp, 'that would li.nc hern tllijstrous for Iwn ic.ijoiis: I'ii.l, 1ipcuup Mi. Illkln U a part f tho picpnl ((ate udmlnlMriitlou, with nil It lmilllr, nnd iiulit not lo he clrctril, pven If lie loitht he: fpcnnil, becau-c lip couldn't ho plrctpd cuept through colossal fraud. Thcc lcasoiu ceitahily hip cnousli. Thoe who control the machinery mo'tnl7cd Hip foiee of tlio second. If not of the Hist, and they Indicated that Mr. Kl kin oiiRht not to he nominated. Thcicupon his boom lolla-pril. So far wp applaud their penr liiillon and wisdom. .Now it lemalns to ho Been whether, bavin;,' been wNe niousli to reject a caudiihilp who doen't fulllll Hip people's ie. nulreiu'iit. (hoy will be wip enongli to lioini nilp a man who doe. The difference between our fileniN of the Siranton Tribune :iuil the l'le-M is siioply till: "I In v ire bound up with a. candid lie Ideiitlltid wilh the Male admiuMratlon whicli wp bollovp the jcoplo "hotild and would icpudlale and con- ilrun: and they wiy satl-fled with the niacbin eiy s le.iijr as it looked llkp gi inclintr out thpir man, white we held and still hold It on proba tion (nl it Rhea usi not any patllpuhir Itppubll tan but n ltepubllcan who nuiilfntly and un-ue-lion.ibly niea-iee up to the people'rt stand aid. If the1 (icople will not or can not take pos-iMk-ion of Hip inaclilnery, the next best safeguard N the pjwpr of rewpwing and touptting tho nu ihlni'i) by the people. -- A CORRECTION. CEYLON TEA GREENorBLACK Sets a new standard never before attained by any other tea. It goes twice as far as ordinary tea, and is absolutely pure. Use it. There Is no other Hoofing That la Just ns good its Warren, lihrct Co'.s SLAG ROOFING The Book tolls you why send for It. Wnrren Ehvot Co., 321 Washington Avenue. i ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Bold only la toad raekota. SOc, 60c and 70c Per Pound, ALWAYS BUSY. S. J, Fuhrman & Bro Manufacturers of Store and Window Awnings Our eclcbrnted Strap Roller for Awnings n Specialty 328 Lackawanna Ave. , Scranton, Pa. jinji II m I Si ! IB M M MB, ' ! liJfJIMm ' & 4: yr Kdllur of The Tilbiiup. Sit: 'Ihere ii no need of pioloiiKin; Hie dl-cu-ion. as wp .110 In nuh-t.111ti.1l accord, .mil .ij none of my .'I.iItohmiU about. tuMs aie denied. I om iio dpiii.igojup, f.inniu? the unicuoning Mmoii. of Hip niultitmle, but lpgltlmate tnit3 Imo rclhln? to fear fiom intrlligpnt inestii;a I 'on, vliilc It i tprtulii IIIcrIIIiiuIi' tmsU de-.-iie tirtliliiir belter Hun to lua tlie people Keep ;uiel. Hut iit object in this nolp is lo m.tkp a cor intion. I .t.itcd in my letter tlut Hie opei.iton Ind advanced the pi it 0 of common 10.il 7j per icnt ,1 ton, hut, as piintcd, it id 7.1 cent? .1 ton. Mills is tiup, a In tliif c.io 7." centii per Ion is an aihaice of 7" per ipiil., and I i-o wiolp it in my fli.t Ictlci, Imt ,n iitciea-c of 75 pel cculj is j lioic linpiCBiIvp olijeel leon. 'liun'iiniv .miu for f.ilr tieatiuent and for the ii'P of jour column, I am oiius sincerely. Si. II. -Moon. rc.hWIle, Apill SO. THE SAME OLD YAWP. Spring and Summer Oxfords and Boots that con tent the mind and comfoit the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 Ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, S2.50. Lewis 8c Reilly, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. A LDINE UOTEL " n 1T1I AV.,BETWKEN 'JTH AS D ttorit ST.. NEW VORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. ' NEW. PI RPROOP EDUCATIONAL. Announcement During tho summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles E. Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit of five classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to malie up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and savo time in tho preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have attmisston conditions which must De removed before the beginning of the next Scholastic Year. The Greatest of AH Educational Contests OVER $9500 m SPECIAL REWARDS The Scranton Tribune will open on May 5 Its third great Educational Contest. Like the others, which proved so profit able to the contestants during th6 past two years, this will be open to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There are olTered as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest number of points, ThSrtythree Scholarships in some of the leading educational institutions in the country. The list is as follows : $1708 For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. 1'iom the Wllhcs 1'jire lineal. 'Ilm-i' lii'inihlic.nis of AVill.os-H.il iq who di'sire tu wp lhi lirpuhlic.m puty cany Luzerne count) int NowmhiT .iini I'h'it ill c .mil i dales for tho ininlr iiMlci".. will nU- for linn. .Iul:ili II, Willi.inn .mil lion. ( lurlr A. Miner for ilele eiilei to the hlnte i o I'lilioi'. .le-u. Minor anil V'iIIijiim will .ivii-t in pl.icliiK at the. head uf the il.itu tl.ket n? candidate for Roer'ior a lte. I'lihlluii who wilt not dia:; down our tandhiile fu ciiixin4 and our candidate? for the li'j?i"la tine and for couuly olliu-. to li--astioii3 defeat. HOW TIMES CHANGE. I 'mm the rhi!adelihla Itecord. i does term .1 little out of the oulinaij- eom-e ot ecnU that wo miit lotiult Charles Kmory Smith's new -paper at ihe hre.ikfa!t table in ordir 10 (tit ntliwi.il ihliveiy of l(uay outfit Ings for the il.i" cum tit con-uinptloii. Convenient to Theatres nnd Shopping Districts. Take 2jrd st. cross.town cars an J transfer at 4th ave. direct to hotel. Hooms with Hath ) JHitlts with Bnth ?1.30 upward. ) I $'J.0O. W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir tag I'lace, NEW YOBK; American Han, ISI.JO Per Day and Upward. European Man, $1.00 Tcr Day and Upwards, fc'pcclal Hates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. LILIES. 'thru' .lie lllle- fail ami of heauly lars 'I hat tear theli stalely h.aiN, As it In liy wilh othein to xio 'lh.it stow in the gaiilcii hed. 'Jheic .lie punvt white, and of colois hrlght, That 1H..1 eaih othei in line, And .miii'iI thlnl; that then was a pencil Ihcie To s-tie.il: the eniteia ro Hue. In a fchauy nook, where we i-oldom look, Tiie lilies nf Ihe alloy .'low, Away fuiii the tun, they weiii to thim 'J he e, in the heil u tow. .Mis. A. (,'. fiiecn. IVckAilli'. April ::a. t f4 f-f -r For Business Men In tho heart ot tho wholrsaU district. For Slioi)Cis S tnlnutec' walk to Wanamafcers: S minutes to Slegel Cooper's Ulg Store, rasy ot access to the great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Can. giv ing; easy transportation to all points of Interest. Kt'crotttry Slmw Is uelntr urllli'lzuij In KiiRlinnl fur w'tMllftliiK In a rei-piit fppefli thut the United Statps not loiifj liptictt -will not only polico tltu western liemlKiilifie litit alfo bo chillnutloii's piiui'lpal pence tiKont iiniunir all the I'onnirles and IMiimlt whosu Hhures aco waslu'd by thu I'iK'lllc: oi'pan. They need not worry ubtmt It. It Is true. AVo nollro that wherovrr Ulkln Kets dflestites tho public kcIk ttoin IiIb up. pnnentK a lame and Ingenious but neii eially Ili'tlnnal einp "f exiilantitloiiH. And yet the explanation Is not dlfll- enlt. It merely Is that the penplo want Kll.in nominated, liihtiranie Coinmlhfioner niuliani'K depurtnient paid it proilt ti the .statu of 200 per i cut. lust ypar. As n nianaser of men and nft'aiis It will liuvti to be adinitU'd that Uurhuni is pometlilne of (i mifcesg, Now tho liifiiirgentB are trylntf fo Ret President Hoo.suvelt to burn his llngeis by trying- to meddle with I'ennsylvanla politics. N In yuln Is the net spread In thu blid's sIbIU. The announcement from AVabhltiRton that tho president has decided not to ret lie ficneiul Allies Indicates that, nf. tcr ull the talk ugulnst "pull'' and la. t tsrsss Beds Elegantly Rich Designs The new patterns we are now showing are benutlful specimens of the metal worker's nnd designer's skill they possess charac ter and finish that appeals to tho exacting purchaser, The prices, too, are as at tractive a3 the doslgns. We Invite inspection nnd comparison. Have you seen the new patterns in the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish to buy or not, Many now and boautiful patterns In odd Dressers and pieces for the bed-loom, I HOTEL ALOERTi NEW YOltK. 1)0 You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an cay course, nor a cheap course, but the best education to bo had. No other education it woith Bpcnding time and money on. if you do, wiltc lor i catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which olTen thorough prepaiation In the Engineering and Chemical Professions as will as the regular College courses. C026 2 Scholarships in Syracuse Univoroity, at $432 oach $ 864 1 Scholarship In Bucknoll University 520 1 Scholarship in Tho University of Rochester 324 i 1 Scholarshin in Washincton School for Ilovs 1700 1 Scholarship in Williamsport Dickinson Snminary 750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 750 1 Scholarship in Nowton Collegiato Institute 720 1 Scholarship in Keystone Academy 600 1 Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School .... 600 1 Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholarshin in Wilkes-Barre Institute 270 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) 230 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at $125 each 500 4 Scholarships in Hardenborgh School of Music and Art 460 3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, at $100 each 300 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average value $57 each 285 2 Scholarships in. Lackawanna Business College, at $85 oach 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler'o Vocal Studio 125 33 $0574 Each contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. Special Honor Prizes. A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points each month. Just what the prizes will be -are to be announced later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as watches, books, etc. The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune's Educational Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given: 1840 RULES OF THE CONTEST. I The rpccial rewards will bo given to tho person hccuring- the largest number of point?. Point? will ho credited to contestant to curinir new sub'cnlicis to The Sciauton Tribune at follows: Points. One month'-? suhsirlption ? ..10 1 Three months' Mih..cnptlon... l.'Jj :i Sic months' subscription 2..M1 One jcar's subscription 5.00 1 Tho contestant with the highest number of points will be ghen .i choice fiom tho list of special reminds; the conlcetant with the second highest iiutuhcr ot points will bo giien a choice of tho leinaiiiin lc wanN, and so on through the ii.st. The contestant who secures the highest muuhcr of points durlm; any calendar month of the contest will receive a special honor reward, this reward hclne entirely independent ot the ultimate deposition 6 the scholarships. L'ach contestant falllns to secure a spe cial reward will he Rien 10 per cent, ot all money he or (die tuuis in. .Ml siib-ciipliom must be pild in advance. Only new suu-nbeis will be counted. ltmcuMl-i ly persons whoe nainei are al ready on our Mihi-cilplioii 1M will not be credited. 'Ihe Tiihune will imesthjato each mbacription nnd if fourd Irregular in any way lesenes the right to reject it. Ko UanefcH can be nude alter credit has onco been ghen. All fubiciiptions nnd the cii-h to pay tor them must be hinded in at The lillmno ot llee within the week in wlilih they are fc (Hied, fo that papers can be sent to the subscribers at once. Suhscuptions must ho wiitltn on blanks, which can bo seemed at The Tribune office, or will bo tent by mall. t X iNU" itUllii. Trr. Hth ST. & UNIVERSITY PI "f 4. Only one Bloc-It from Broadway. t Rooms, $1 Up. pSS,, : Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 2lh year. Tncnty-llio jcu.s under the minige Iiient of JI1&S IIOW.Uil). College piepaiatuiy and neadenilo eouisrs. flesident pupil-, limited to 'JO. 1.0 suli non-icihhnt, lle.iutilul gioumk Tennis cnuits. Iituietion in .uimdanrc with hlghc.it icqulierneiitu of bc-t ioIIcbc.-.. 1'or pal tlculais and catalogue addict John JUtDiitlle, Ph. II., Spilnglleld, Mass. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. STATK NORMAL SCHOOL, i:.i,t StiouiWnng, I'j, The eN-imlnatlous for admission to the Middle Year and Senior Year elates wilt he he hi ,lune 111, High school graduate will hu permitted lo take bolli csamlnatloiis and cuter the tenlor l,i.w wlieie their "oik has toeied the Junior ami mid. die jean coiime of tin" normal, 'this jc.u- wilt l.n the bt,t onnoitiinilv c-Ufll to do so. ns tlu thicc e.us' i-ouuo Is In full foico and all will ionic under the stale ugulatioiis of evuulnatlom, Tor full paithuliiK aihlie-.s at ouie, 0. I', llllll.i:, A. M Pilnclp.il. V, Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their names at once, and they will be the first to receive the book of instructions and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens on May 5. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. 1 r Old 'Phone 79.2. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE S0H00L3 SCRANIOV, HA. T, J. Foster, President, rimer II. Lawill, Treat. R. J. loiter, B'.inley P. Allen, Vice Piesldent. Sicretiry, Hill&Connell 121 Washington Avenue, SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS, Atlantic City. HOTEL RALEIGH ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. WILL ,MAKl: A SPECIAL RATI: FROM APRIL TO JUNIi OF $2 and $2.50 PER DAYgio, $12.50 aud $15 PER WEEK 200 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS - NEW AND AODERN. WITH EVERY APPOINTMENT AND CONVENIENCE TO ME FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS .SEASIDE RESORT. 1 lie superior service and cuUne as of tho past two seasons will boinaint.tliieJ through out the entire year. JOHN H. scon'. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. I THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. i CynsMForsyi i I 253-327 Pcnii Avenue. SEP 'Phone 2007 Don ! Strike ! I Buy the ;j c3vv$wSfeT''"' g - nc T J 8 "Rmnnt ,, W-w,V. Hotel Sothern On Viiginij jenue, tlie hW,i anil luo.t fj,li. loiuhle in Alluillo tily. Within .1 few yanN ol Ilia Funiculi iieel PUi ami llojulnulk uud in dont uf Ihe nuwt ileiluhlo liithliig yiounU. 11 louu'iilcnccs, Iniludme tti-jiii hiat, bini njrlor, clciatur to duct 1ml, hot unj tohl lullii. Table CMcllcnt. AcioininoJatioiH or time hunJtgU. Venus nicJiralc. Wiitc fur hooLlct. N. R. Bothwell. The Westminister Krntuiky ac, nfJr llcuih. Atlantic City, Oppn 'all tho K-ii'i l'J i lor, r.loator and all modern liiipiou'iiicnU. tp'.-il.il w-inli'i; llatci. CIIAS. ItUIIRn, Prop. ill s so Lager HOTEL RICHMOND, Koiitiuhr Aicmic, I'litt Hotel fiom llcaih, At laullu t'ity, X. J.j M Dican iw ro.miii ia. iacity hW; ritu tor li'ilj rales. J. II. JcnK liw, I'lop, TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS Manufacturers of .1 I t x J j fr J 3 i v J I4 ? 'Z I J i nimm i J J J J -J J J S l l h i N.i,?2,., Scranton, ra. OIU M'hone, a33, New "Phone, '235 the Typewriter Mao, take3 pleasure m ex hibitiug its merits from morn till uiglit. ist floor Guernsey Buildiug, Scrauton, Pa. The Dr. DiemeS LinenMesh Underwear Is tho most healthful, comfortable, cleanly undevclothlno: of nny hither to known, This Is a largo claim, but those who have used the goods bear testimony to the accuracy of It, send tor descriptive pamphlet and samples of material, or call and ex- amino tho Raiments for men. women and children, ALSO SOLE AGENTS FOR Dr, Jaegais' Sanitary Underwear muiuSiimek aaCLi" t 413 Spru?e Sjireet 300 Lncliawaunti Avenue. . S- iT'l- .1-. .. , ,. . . , MHLi- hf-lk ., ' "