The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    ruW",f i '4t,HmiM'iiin"'3vjvs'SjTsiBi2f , i r- -',.. mMMt a A' .uvmniBn; ".'T.awMT.rit viVMWaKBJMJcnsaniMamiawraiitr!iCk'' rti . w - i ,?, ,u iltii4jcsaaiji jn.i. n.!.jf.j .v.- ...,:- ..--.-' ....Uti - vjww !vilcj mi
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The News of
dpoiUiiu Editor of the Tribune Has
Tilings to Sc.y About the Maple
' City Baso Ball Writer's Claims.
' Amateurs Are Stirring Them
selves. ! Tliu Tribune's sporting editor spenlt
flii tlitls to Hoitcmlutet
. A number ot years hro, the village
sixteen miles across the muttntuln and
known as HoheEtlnlo, on the 12rlc rall
roeil nuip, was the scene ot a marblu
tournniiiont rroin which spectators
turned In disgust, remarking that such
ntnusement wits for children only and
not for .dlgnllled Maple City residents.
They had been reading of Cnrhondnle'fl
jrreut base ball team and the record It
was making and deep down In the re
cess of their fluttering hearts they
hoped arid prayed that some day the
golden nun as It went to its rest for
the night would see Uonosd.ilo happy
over n winning base ball team. All
those years they have nursed the phan
tom "victory" and so enthused did they
become with base ball and jealous of
Gnrbondnlo's success' on the dlnmond
that their one ambition In life was to
sne a base ball team representing
'Unncsdale trounce a similar aggrega
tion from Corbondale. Tbe sun Is mill
putting In its long hours dully, still
setting back to rest on a summer even
ing but it has yet to see HoncsflallnnS
happy over the success of their team.
Tear after year sluco the ambition
took root. Ifonesdale has plucked up
enougn courage on several occasions
to have a team try conclusions with
our leading nines, but always with the
ramo results.
Naturally they deny that such Is the
care and one of the salaried writers on
a paper published in that hamlet prints
a' record of sanies between Jloncsdale
and Carbondale and very generously
allows us the wreath of victory for
two or four games and lie gives llones
dalo the remainder. "We advise him
to change his drops which is causing
hi in ti read upside down.
And, now to the facts of several
games la that burgh between Carbon
dale and Jloncsdale teams. Nines In
this vicinity wanted to play In Uones
dale so the pretty girls of that town
would admire them In their variety of
uniforms. They realized that no at
tention would bo paid to thplr chal
lenges If they seal them under their
own title, but appiociated the fact that
Ilonesdale's one ambition was to de
feat Carbondale. "flay as a team
from Carbondale," said one manager
of a team In a town a few miles south
of here and other towns have been
sending teams over the mountain ever
No, Honestlule you have never bad
the distinguished honor of defeating a
Carbondale team except on paper and
then you had to have the games too
one-sided to have anyone place reliance
on your writings or your claims.
We want to have our team light it
out this year with a team from .Maple
City either in one game or a series and
we guarantee a defeat such, as Scran
ton gave to us on Saturday last.
With the Amateurs.
Willie having base ball news on the
end of our pen we may mention that
this Is going to be a great season for
Carbondale, judging from the number
of teams in the Held.
The Centennial club will have a
strong team in the Held this season.
Last evening randldates reported on
Tandy's Held for practice, piel'erlng to
play than to eat. An unusually large
number turned out and a good natured
rivalry for positions is now on In earn
est. The following are trying for the
team: Catcher, Harry Itobluson, A.
Sampson, AVillls Wilson; pitcher. Will
Drum, Harry Wilson, YV. Wilson, C. J.
Mtiliouey: short stop, Boyd Oliver,
David Maxwell; first base, K. Alexan
der, Robert Schoonover, C. J. Mahoney;
second base, Alexander MiCabc. John
Wedenian, Charles Alexander, Herbert
'llisted, ,lohn William: third base. Wil
liam Phltpol: loft Held, .lohu O'l.eniy,
Cllles Presley: etliter Held, Louis Lee,
David Maxwell; right Held, (Hies .Mur
Wiii, Boyd Oliver.
llonesdale take i aie!
Archbald -beware: I
The rai pernors have n.-o made
preparations lor a team and It is ex
pected the Ontario it Western and the
Dtlawaro & Hudson hands will also
have leprehentatlve nines on the dia
mond, Visitors from Susquehanna,
.Mm .1, V duty. . I' W.dlm, .1, K.-ndrl.-k,
I. .1. t'i' i'kjii j nd .1 .1, iiriiiii -. Mere a i.nty
Tfini Gold spoon.
There are some .men who seem to be
fnvorites of fortune. They are indus
trious, cheerful workers, full to over
flowing of the energy of splendid health,
ami success seems "fairly to drop into
their hands. It is of such ns these that
the less hardy
and less success
ful titan says
e ii, v i o u s 1 y ,
"That fellow
was born with u
gold spoon in
his mouth."
A u il yet on
analysis it will
be found that
this success is
larcelv due to
pleudid health, the endowment of a
neauiiv inotuer.
"" Dr, Pierce's I'avorlte. Prescription gives
thc mother' health to give her child. , It
" cures nervousness, nausea und sleepless-
ness. It makes the body comfortable and
"the mind content. It jjives physical
' vigor, mid muscular elasticity so that the
t- baby's advent is practically painless,
"I will endeavor to tell yoii'of the many
,. htncfitii I have derived from takiui? Dr. Pleicc'n
fi; virile rrcscriptlou," writes Mni. U. K. Robert.
ton, of Medicine l.oclgc, Harbcr Co., Kutls. "Ill
Jlie fall pf iSw I wan cxpccthiir to become a
-mother ntid suffered terribly with p.iius in ilia
back of head j iu fact 1 ached all over, Suffered
'with awful bctuiuK-dowu pains j I wit thrwt.
cued for week with niUhap. A lady friend
told me to use Dr. Fierce':) medicines. She liqil
UVeatlieiU and felt likemiciv woman. 1 licgau
using the 'Favorite Prescription' and took lour
botUcs before my baby catno and two alter.
,.wwit. I jufl'erea almost death with my other
JflWtbUdreti, but hardly ieall;ed Hut I was
Ick when this baby was boru am) she weighedv
twelve and one-quarter pouudj. She is novr
u eleven mouths old ocl has uever known au
hour's sickuen: at present iho. weigh thirty-
even pounds. I owe it til to Vt, P'-rce'i
Fsvorite, Prescription."
' "Favorlto Prescription" makes weak
VQUien strong, and sick women well,
Accent no substitute for tbe medicine
which works wonders for weak women.
Dr, Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets are tho
most desirable laxative for delicatt
from Siniiuolmiiiiii v.lia li.iil ttlimcr nt tlie
ilahii Hoii-,0 .xesleidiy. 1 hey wfio dh tlie w.iy
tn I'IIUIuii to tittelul Rilllirrln? WliUli toolt
plscd lint urnlnff. 'J'liclr ft.iv licri wnl a plcu
ant duo im they have tiumrrcin hlctnU In t.'iir
Clnrke Bros. Have Not Kented the
Altkon Building ns Yet.
As stated lit The Tribune, several
day ano, tho Altlien bulhllnir has not
been leased by Clarke Uros., of h'cran
ton, together with the Klbrecht btilld
Injj, next to the corner of Stain strfet
and Balem avenue. The reports to the
contrary which have appeared, arc not
correct. Tliu negotiations which tire In
progress1, are not satisfactory to Clarlfe
Hros. and will not be closed by them
until the terms laid down by thein
tire agreed to by the owner of the Alt
ken building. Neither has the Iloole
building been leased by Nicholas Hog
ers, tho fruit man.
Contractor Tiffany Is now at work
placing the shelving In the Klbrecht
building, which Clarke Bros, have
leased und will occupy so soon ns the
store room can be fitted up.
The manager of the grocery depart
ment of the Carbondale branch will be
Kmll Khrhardt, an experienced man,
who was In charge of Clurke Bros.
Peekvllle store before it was destroyed
Mr. .Ir.nirs Iiih scmrly liad a,
Oostello-Golden and Larrison-Fen-wick
Nuptials Celebrated Yester
dayThe Former n Church Wed
ding nt St. Rose.
Smiling spring shone on two brides
yesterday. In the afternoon Jliss Nel
lie Costello and Michael Oplden wore
wedded In St. Hose church, and last
evening a simple, but pretty home wed
ding marked the union of Miss Eliza
beth .l.arrlson and Henry Fenwlck.
The Church Nuptials.
One of the greatest out pourings at an
afternoon wedding at St. Jtose church
this season was yesterday afternoon at
t.:!il o'clock, when .Miss Nellie Costello,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cos
tello, of Farvlew street, was united to
Michael Golden. The nuptials were cel
ebrated by How W. A. Uormnn.
The ceremony was beautifully impres
sive, the bridal party forming a pretty
tableaux as It was srouned before the
inagnillceiitly appointed sanctuary of
St. Hose church.
The bridesmaid was Miss Nellie Mun
ley, of Fallbrook street, and the best
man was Michael Toolan, of Archbald.
The bride was radiant in a gown that
was a symbol of tbe smiles of spring,
with which she was greeted on this
eventful day of her life. She wore whit
organdie, with satin trimmings, with
a dashing hat happily matched. She
carried white roses, which completed
tile picture of color.
The maid was gowned in doited niullo
of cream, with trimmings of light blue
silk and a bat to match. She carried
pink roses.
There was a reception, attended bv
the intimate friends of the parties, at
the bride's parents' home on Purview
street. I.ate in the evening. .Mr. and
Mrs. Colden left via tho Delaware and
Hudson for New York city, un their
return they will reside on Farview
Tlie wedding of Mrs. KHzabolh
rlson and Henry Cenwick took place at
S o'clock In the parlor of the residence,
of Dr. Andrew Niles, on North Main
street. The bride made her home witn
the Niles family for several years, and
wished to be married from there.
Tlie ceremony was sot.emni.ed by Hev.
Dr. If. J. AVhalen, pastor of the lierean
Itaptist church, in Hie presence of u
small circle of close friends who warm
hearted accompanied the plighting of
the vows. The nuptials were simple,
but deeply impressive In their very
simplicity. There were no attendanls.
After the ceremony, and the congrat
ulations and well wishes had been of
fered, the guests sat with the bride
and groom at tlie jrenerous wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Fenwlck will go to
housekeeping north of the ell v. Mr.
Fen wick is employed ns pump-runner
In the Wilson Creek niine, Jle has nu
merous friends In Carbondale, who sire
Ills well-wiMhcrs, .Mrs. Fenwlck ban
llkewlj-e inaiiv friends.
An Old Fashioned Concert Given
with nn Up-to-Date Finish in
Wntt's Hall.
The songs of our country In the days
of tlie candle and tho dip and "ye
nieetln' houses" were sung last night
with up-to-date finish in Watt's ball,
before an audience that crowded the
seating space,
The old-fashioned ballads and the
more recent selections iliat were sung
were rendered by the Methodist church
choir, assisted by a number of vocal
ists from tliu city, in appropriate at
tire, and a few from out of the city.
AV. D, Kvuns wus the director of the
evening's music,
The programme, which was minted
In The Tribune Kattiidav was e;iired
out most satlsfaetorlly, and iho num
bers were so well received that the
hlshly-pleased listeners demanded even
more than the idxteuu numbers. Tho
concert was a rare treat, and the pat
rons wore loathe to leave when tho
last number was sung,
The concert was for the benefit of the
Methodist church, and will net an an
preelablo sum for the building fund.
Cnrbondule Telephone Company
Adds Two Lilies to Scrnnton.
Bcslnnliiff with today the Carbondale
telephone will greatly increase the ef
ficiency of the long distance seivleo
between Curhoudalo and Scrunttin,
Slnco the servleo was established be
tween these two points three linen have
been In operation, Commencing with
today service, will be given over two
additional lines, malting five In all.
This will greatly facilitate tho send
ing of messages to and from Boranton
and an unexcelled service will be ut
tho command of tho Cut'homlulc com.
pany's subscribers. The walls which
of necessity were imposed upon users
or the 'phone during the rush hours will
now bo removed with the five trunk
lines to call upon,
Another change that will be u benelU
is the use of u direct lino for the
Wall Paper
cranton's Greatest Wall Paper Sale
should come to this
the Kitchen, Dining Room, Bed Room, Bath Room, Library, Hall, Den and Parlor. If you want good paper
at less than manufactures' prices, or if you want the cheaper grades come to this sale. Our word for it
Scranton will never see or never has seen sjuch Wall Paper prices as will be found here.
1,000 rolls Wall Paper, with 9
inch border, suitable for all the various
rooms of a house. 25 different pat
terns to select from, 12c kind to 5c;
15c kind to 8c; 18c kind to 10c.
all together and the
room. Patterns are
.Turniyn exchange. Heretofore all mes
sases from Jermyn to Scranton were
transmitted through tho Carbondale ex
t'hanfp. This was Intended for use for
carbondale subscribers. Commencing
with today, the messages will be sent
direct from Jermyu.
Obsequies of Former Cavbondalian
Largely Attended. .
The late Thomas F. "Walker was laid
at rest yesterday afternoon In St. Rose
cemetery, beside the sleeplus friends
and companions of his early years In
The funeral, which was marked bv
an exceptionally long procession, took
place from the "Walker homestead on
Terrace street. Services were conduct
ed by Very Itev. T. P. Coffey, A'. O.
The pallbearers were: J. 13. Gilhool,
T. It. Walker, Joseph Walker, Thomas
Walker, Chris. Powderly, and the flower
hearers were J. .J. Powderly and W. It.
Mr. and Mi--, i:, .1. .Mi-Ilale. of Xmth Main
sttcel, enteitained the luemheis of Hie Proipi-
Ho laichip coteu'e, oil Tue-day crnhiur. Tlii'ie
weii- pie-cut as guests of ln,uoi the srand ofti trj
of the Citlmlle Mutual lleneiiilenl a-oid.itiou
who met iu thi.s city Tue-ria.v. II. A. Kelly,
liianil iiu-tcc, in a member nf the loteiie. lie
idos him then' weie piiwut: (iiaml Pre-ideut
W. J, .Mavui'll; ilranil S-cielary .1, W. Sulll.-an,
(Hand Tiuslees P. J. Iludy and .M. .1., ol
I'lllsbuin; .1. II. i-Vv, of llradloid, and I'a-al J.
Pmii-r, of l'liiladelihia. Kuchic jraiues were en-jn.u-d
iliuhii; the eaily t'lrnliisr, .i?M.' iplilled
I'oiili-t.s le-ultii.-jr. Tlio ladles' piic was luki-n
by Mi-. II. A. Kelly anil tho gentlemen's pi tee
by (iiaml Tra-leo M. J., of l'ittbnm'. A
number of hiii-UjI belei-tions were lendeied dur
ing tlio eieuiii!,'. I.iukIii-oii was senod. Tlie ot-ia-ioii
was one of iluliglillui enviionmeiit.
A few lnrinbi-H of the "WliaUoeier" i-l.ii
spud Tni'.il.iy nt the boini' nf Mis U. Piacnell,
iiuiier of lli-lmnnt Mu-i-t and .Maple avenue, in
i elcbiat Ins her liiitluljy. A bountiful ilinnei
was piovidcil and the ladies iuipnned tin; time
by iiiiltiiii: a very picity iiullt, wliich they
hop" tu M'll uon and u-p tin- iiioury tor a good
i.iu-e, 'th'i-e piP.-,-nt weie .Me-dames I'.staliruok,
Ikneinan. Tail, .Ni-wion, Waj-iu-r, lio-e, J,
eie.lin, C, Caihon, I'laauell, l.. Ilaii-.
'I'hi' ladiiN of the l'irt l' ihmvli
enjoyed a ".Mi-floiiaiy Clioeolatuli,." in tlio lei-inn-
loom ot the'ediltic ,e. teniae afteluoon.
The I'mtiilglitly club met TiK-Mlay eeenlng at
the hniiH' nf Mi-s Jo-ephlue lluir. In the hih-.
In:." c-onle't. whli-li was one of the fiutmi'n of the
pii'iilnjf MIs Maiiiaret Clailon i,ciiiu-d the lnt
and .MI-s (Jiaie Hathaway tho h'voiiiI m.
The Viiiihb l.aille.s' Ooiiklng club will lip en
teitained at tliu Immc of .Miss J.!p Smiry cu
I'llday aftemron.
Meetings of Tonight.
(ii'ors-c I!, llaiiilolpb, Sons of'Veteiaiu.
Dili, Inn Xo. fi, A, O. II,
fliiled .Mine Woikeis, No. S77,
Hianih Xo. 77 I,. C, II, A,
Ladles' AuvlllaiV, llallway 'JValninen (after.
liolall fleiU' as.oflitlun,
I'aihondale i-uuniil, Airaninn.
At a Danco In Jermyn.
Xcwell Studdiid, l, (dies Moisan, Holly Hob
hiion, John Williams CIi.-iiIm Alexjiider, Willi
Wll-on, William Walker, John (ainey and liovd
Oilier, -of lids city, attended a ilaiicii In the
Assembly lull In, Tur.-ilay ctenlng.
A hi,- cruiul of Cnboii'lald ipoils went to
I'lll.ton Lift nlsht tu attend a ti-,'ht between
l'Ite:i m i.ipfi.-r ami a linhthii; doi; fioiii Cm
bondale. In the iiowd that went from this elty
weio a doen ipetts honi .Sit!fueliaiuia und Hoi.
Iir vlllo, Jones la.t nlsht coinmltted llliani
Hace, of Vew luf,du, Iu the county Jail for an
alleged tilmhul aasault on Mu, OrorfO Com t
jr. in.
The body pf hu late I'alilil; foy, who died In
llrovkl.wi, X, V., aiihi'd hero ,eatciilay uftci-iioi-ii
ami will taken tu fct, lto.,e iinieleiy, wheie
inteiment was made, .lie Is Miiihed by the (ol.
low I ii-; iU-u: Mi. Tliouia tioldeu, Mis. ,1, I'.
The Town Clerk Cured of Bilious
a If, James Me.Mahon, town clerk of
Columbia, N', (Y wus the victim of a
Bcvera uttttcl; of bilious colic recently,
Three doses of Chamberlain's colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea itemedy effect
ed n cure. He was so much pleased
with tho nujplc relief -which that rem
edy afforded that he now recommends
It to altls friends. For sale by all drutj.
gists. .
Is Now
sale. The stock is inclusive of the richest spring designs and colorings. Wall Paper for
ENDSWe mean by this that a number
price will surprise you. All can be used in
mostly floral designs. 10 rolls for 5c.
Oiiimi, ol tl.U cPy; .MM M.ny 1'oy, nt S.oi Tian
cisro, clsco, n nil SWcis M.ny ami Anna
I'YjiicK ol tho Oiilcr of hMcn ot Cluiilv nt -Mt.
Hope, .Mil.
Ml IIHaiI'pUi McDomdil In? hmiioiciI her
liou9 ltolil t'lhX't- to CVuboiulale, whole Mip will
toMil? on Chiiuh s-liccr. Jlr-' Jjlwaul iinil
Wllli.un .McDonald now tmpln.icd in
illy. Tlia nuiiy frfowN of llin family wHi tlu-iii
(onliliMCd -iieie.-i in tin; rionrcr City. IIoiU's Coiicpimiioiit.
flip lti'pnliliciii V'onilli .Ciil"ljtbc di-liict ton
wntioii hold lis mc.'tinic in AMniu.m Jones' of
llt'P Tucil.iy. lion. P. A. I'lilllilu ;io ilucl.iinl
tlie nomltipp for icpiOM-ntaliip; tli'li-gatpi, Wil
liam I.. Allen, I'l'ikiillo,'c Skinner, l)tm
inoie: alliTiule", I'. ,T, Powilerly, C.ulionil.ilp,
anil Vi'il-im (!. Decker, Diuiniotc. Xi resolutions
wpre adopted.
I'liink Pi'teifOii, of Kington, spent yesteiday in
Mr. Henry K.iin. of New Voik, is the of flieniN.
Hon. John A. Ilunnan, of I'lea-ant Mount, was
In 1 lie tily yeteiiiav.
Kd fodiliiigton, Daid .Moijran and N'encU
Stoddard spent ye.-terd.iy afleinoon in Jerniju.
Hon. T. V. 1'owdeily, of W.i.!iini;ton, 1). C
wa-. in the city e.-.H-iday, atlendinjv tile funeral
of the late ' Walker.
The menibeis of the Hapti-t l.aille.s' Aid to
eiely, olhir ladii-A of the ilmu-h and ruugi-rsi-tion
and all ladies who haie sons iu the Ji-:iuiii
llo.-.' Ininiule, an- imdially iuiltpil to meet to
Retlier ill the home of .Mrs. l'pti-r Allen, on Main
slicet, at 2.S0 o'clock this afteluoon to conter
with one another.
Ilany (iiidiths has acieptrd a position as
Mcnogiaplipr with lhe Seianton Supply and
Maclilnery company, and will enter upon his du
ties this inoiniug.
Kllciy lloycr leeched a eere contusion of the
elbow ,H-lilday whlio peifoimiiur Ids duties as
dilier hoy iu the mines-.
The Ladles' MasaJna dub will meet lomouow
evening at the home of -Mis. John Mellon, in
Cemeleiy sheet.
William l.auainan, ot I'ouilh -lied, has ie
turned home alter sewial innnths' abenco in
the bituminous legions near Johnstown, 1'a.
Samuel Xetherton, of II sdioct, is making prep
illations to mine his family to W.iomlng,
The condition of Thomas Meeiian, of Second
sheet, who has been i-iltieally ill for several
i!.i,.s lemain.s unchanged,
Slanley l.ayiuan, who has been paying a biief to his patent-, leluiurd jeslenlay to Port
Allegheny, X. V., and was accompanied by l.'d
waul ilii'iu,
A pvelly wed'limr occurred la-t evening at S
o'lliielc at the ir-liknce of .Mr, and Mis. t li.ules
llut-oii, In llkikely, wlitii their oldest daugliKr,
MI-s .Maty llut-ou, was mauled to Councilman
John I'ettlgrew, of Scutih atieet. The i-etemony
was peifniiued by l!ev. It. I', Hammond, pa, tor
of the I'lpab-itrrlan ihureli, Tlio .Miung couple
vi ie im.itlended. The In Ida looked vciy pietiy
iu a nuwn of pale blue lnoiis-eliue tie ole and
i.irileil a bouqict nf bridal io,e. After ilia
ceieuiouy had coniluded, cougiatulatlous weio
ofi'ired, a tier whlih a Mimpliinu-. wedding i-upper
was -eiU'il. Duly ll'e Inuui-dialo lelaliies of thu
contraituig put Irs were pie.-ent. Mr. and Miv.
IVtllgiev. ve.lde at this place,
Tl'ii luenibcis of tlio i-huir ot Si, PatilikS
iluuili, tluoiiuli the kludiie-s nf Itev, P, .1, Mm-p.-.y,
ti pastor, i'n)o,ied a banquet .it tho Ma
lum houso lat euning.
All luioei-upiul liou-e in the rear of the Ar
lington hotel, on II iid-on licet, taught Hh- In
.1 in.wleiloiii manner at .i..M) ,ieiteiday aileimion.
tjillrk niulv by the HsieNlor Iop loinpany pre.
lei.ted the llamcs lioui gaining headway.
The ilaniago wu.s flight,
.Miss Kilo JimUon, a teacher In lhe Cohnubus
Kihonl, Ulakel.i, and James McKcagc, f Wll
llr.niapoit, wrie united hi inuiilagti at the home
of the bride's uncle, I', b. Maitlu, in I'l.i mouth,
,Mtciday. The nuptials weio attended by a
launber fiom here.
The L'ouioy, Mack and IMivanU rompany
played "The Dingeis of New York" In-lorn an
other big lioiin last rvriihiir, The apeciallles mi'
features of tho peifounanci', Tonight they will
piodueo "I'hc lliamond King,"
The Oly'iliant band has looiganUi'd with Lewis
liians ns conductor. It will be known a thu
Cilkiiis' baud.
Mix Carlo I'liie, of Caibondale, was the gue.t
of Ml, J. J, O'Mallcy, bt Delaware btreet, e.
William Ucyd, who has been vMtlng his
inollicr, Mr, rrederlik IJojil, of lllakely, has
retuined to hl liuma In Chicago,
Wllllim Jones, of IMwaiiUillle, rejuimd
home alter a week's lslt with lelathes at this
Jlr. and Mrs. I'ijik.-Is l.edjaul luie leluiurd
fiom a few Uay apent Willi u-latlu'd at Clin,
Cla.s Xo. 1 of the HantUt ihmeli wIIIk-II
lioiec-niade vake.s ut (leiinan'i. etore.i on South
Main sheet, Saturday ufmuoon.
The Ifiiloii Sunday school r.iurIon lo Late
I.od-iro will take place on Friday, June a).
Mr. 1,'. X, Jones ami ihlldmt hit Tuc.,day
for l-'oloiado, ulic-re Mr. Jcnca U now located.
Tlie dcbrl froi-t flie cellir ol the buiiu-d Odd
2. ooo rolls Wall Paper. 1 8 inch border.
A choice of 50 patterns for selection, isc
kind 8c; 20c kind 10c.
1, $oo rolls Wall Paper, 18
included in this lot plain gilts,
a selection or 75 patterns ror cnoice., irom 2?c 10 ic; 30c to
Fellows' lniililius is beins ieinopd, nrcpuralury
to the. iMiililinjr of a new striicluie.
The cuchi on Sontli Jlaln sheet, near Car
vault's stole, lias been filled in. This was by far
the lugi-ft cue that t'ctkiillc has experienced.
Another eiroit will be made on 1'iiday evening
to leorgani.e tlie Taylor Iteds ba-e ball team.
Tlie following pl.i.ieis are rrqiipstcil to meet at
Union and Main streets this evening: James M"r-
vi, M. .1. tfl.inn, T. A. i:aus, (joiner Divis,
liichaiil Walking Daniel Hayes, W. J. Stone,
John Sehllds and C'eoige Mori is,
John if. Francis ot Taylor atlvet, has pur
cliascil tho large double dwelling on Main slre't
and is having it l op died.
John Ilarr, of Old i'mge, has uuicha-cd thn
Atheiton l'liildiug- on South Main Mieet. He
moved his family into Iho house Tueulay.
The condition of (ieoige Town-end, of the
Pyne, who is iccpivlng tieatnient at the Mo-
Taj lor lio-pital, is eiy c-iitical and pour bope.s
me enteitained for his reeoer.
'lhe Anllu.lcite (ilea club will meet, this
piening for rehe.u.-al. Tlie lllee dub is lelie.u--ing
fur the Deioiation Day day coinpetition at
the new aiineiy.
A handicap quoit match will be luld in tho
rear of Daniel O'Brien'.-, bolol on Main stieet on
Sa tm day. May 10.
.Mr. and .Mia. John PaWes am! Mrs. Miller, of
l'ai-ons, weie guc.-U of lelalhes and friends hero
on Tuesday.
Mra. Daniel Jenkins of Pill-ton, was the gue.-t
of iclallves on Xonh Main stu-ct ye-terday.
ML-.T I.lzio Dalies, of Xoith Main atieet, vis
ited Mis. l).vtli ilaui-, of Seianton, yesteiday., the little daughter of Foreman and
Iis. II. 11. Hani-, is conialesilng honi her
lceent seu'ous Illness.
Mi. John 1". Thomas, of Xanticoke, U-ited
relaliies heie Tue.-day.
Mr. and .Mi. Willa'rd Alheilon and Mis. C. II.
Van Hum, of .Mam .stieet, attended a inaniago
iu Wilke.-II.iue last evening.
MI-s .Maltha llogeis, ot PitUton, was the guct
of Mi-s Minnie llaker, of Main slree-, jpsli'nlay.
II. Ap;T.ii' Xye, of Dunniore, will ueach in tip
Pio.bytriiau ihurch euiy Sunday moiuing until
further r.uilte.
J II, Snider atlended the funeial of his
binther at Atlantic lllglihinils la-t week.
Mi.s Uca.sle ll'ickiugliaiu has resumed b-r
studies at the Seianton ISiKiue-s inllege, after
"wral days' conlinnncnt at her home with tit.i.hle.
Mr, and .Mis. J, II. WIIco aie hoon to begin
liiiu--keeping in J. M. Illmilen' hou-e, near the
(!. I'. Ille-lug, of SiMlituii, was a gueat at
the home of A. II. Williams en Sunday,
MI-s Xetlie Klpp, of Stioiirl-biu., aprnt Sun
day Willi h-r paients heie,
W. It. Ddwaids Is pulling a new porch on h's
hoi-e and making other Impiou-ini'iiK
Tlie liouap belonging to tlio (.'as and Water
mmpaiiy and neiupled by Mr, Kearney mid C, C,
Clay Is bilug lejlilugled and nlherwh-e icpalicd.
The llardenbeiBb 1-iiine-le.ul, puiiha-ed ie
cenlly by Lee Wagner Is being thutougbly u-no.
aled and iiupuned.
A ben, lit fur the s-lci of the late
Mullaney will take plaie at llitlinc-s hall hl
cunlng. fins )s a. ii-y woithy i.m.e and ahould
be lauely allerided. Mu-li- will bo fuiuUhed by
Mls Katie Iteaiduu, ol Seianton, Admls-ion,
inly il tci.t.
Ildw.inl, lb.' beautiful flve-ii'onth.s-ohl child of
Mr. and Mrs, P. J. Dillon, tame to Its death
,ieteiday morning, after MilTeiliig1 tl.o pist week
with what the doctor called spine Double. Fu
neral .iiiiioimuineiit later.
Michael llrahy, who was t.o'ijnfiilly lujuieil
ut the D-ilpli colllciy Tue-day, meiitloii of which
was tuailo In tills doiartnnht of The Tribune
jciter.lay, cauii' to Ids death eaily yettuday
inoiuliu, Mr. Ilealey was an old li-ildent of this
plait' .i.ul Idles a l.irce uiimher nf fill nils ami
icl.illics tu mourn his os. Tlio will
lake pine with a solemn high ma-s at bt,
James' chinch this moiuing at l o'clock,
ll.'it Lewis left .icnleiday for lleatilie, Xeb.,
wheie ho will ildt II. I.. Warner for a few da-,
aller whli-li ho will gn to Colorado, "
Wall Itlchmoiul lelt yeileiday ti'i (he Klon
dike. MI-s Liicielia Aston, who lull Ineii ti?iiding
somu lime iu Xew Voik illy, has ieliiineil home.
r.uunel llioailliead has puuliacd the lleashr
piopeitj-, on Xoitli Main atifi-l.
Clldo atennaii has aiteiteil a pojltlon Willi
.Io.pi.iIi Wh'thcad,
" . r
Spetlal to tic Ni iui.toii Tlibiine.
Diiiyi-a, April SO. Mm.ilay alleinuou at about
H o'llo,!; the team of l.'dsall k lla-i-.m ran
away iu Old I'uigc, Tlio beaiklns of the whltt.)
Inn c.-ni-ed lhe accident, John Wh,ite, tlio
team-ter, was (Iiiohii fiuin (ho wugoii ami alight,
ly lujuied about the but;. At about the same
7'?"fTLrf"tLW remedy that t-jirt-s a colli u ouo iloi-.
marvelously low prices.
800 rolls Wall Paper, mostly tapestries.for
library, sitting room, dining room and hall.
Many choice numbers. 50c kind now 20c
inch border, suitable for papering any room. There is
embossed gilts, varnish gilt,
of lots are broken. We
three-quarters and two -
New Jersey Central,
in r.frcct Xov. i", iooi.
Stations in New York, fool of Liberty street
and South Fciry, X. K.
Trains leave Seianton for Xew Vork, riiiladel
pliia, Kastrn, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Mauch
I'hiinl;, White Haven, Ashley and Wilke3-I)arre at
7.80 a. m., 1 i. in. and i p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
IJuaker City I-picss leaves Seianton at 7.30
a. m., through folid sestili-.ilo train with Pullman
Buffet I'ailor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only
one change of ears for Baltlmoic, Washington,
D. 0., aud all principal points soutli and wet.
For Aioea, l'ittton and Willccs-Barre, 1 p. m.
and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Oiove, etc., 7.30 a.
m. and 1 p. m.
For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Ah
lentown, at 7JI0 a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunilay, 2.10
p. "
For Poltsville at 7,S0 a. m. mid 1 p, m.
For tales and tickets apply to agenl at station.
W. 0. IIILi:it, Cii-neial Manager.
Lehigh Valley Eailroad.
In ICfloct, Nov. 3, 1001.
Tialus leave Seianton.
For Philadelphia and Xew Yoik via D. & II.
P. 1!., at 0.3S and 0.33 a. m and 2.13, 4.S7
(Blac-1; Diamond Ksprces), and lt.30 p. in. Sun-
davs, D. & H. II- 1!-. 1-S, S.27 p. in.
For White Haven, llazloton and pilnclpal pointa
in the coal regions, cia D. 4: II. It. II., 0.3S, 2.18
and 4.27 p. in. For Poltsville, 0.3S a. in., 2.13
For Bethlehem, Kastcn, Reading, HarrUburg,
and principal Intermediate stations, via D. A; II.
It R., fi.ys, U.oS a. in.; 2.1S. i.l (Black Dia
mond Eprc), 11.30 p. i- Sumljjs, D. Si II.
It. R., II.S8 a. m.; 1.5S, S.27 p. in.
For Tuiikliaiinoek-, Towanda, Ulnitrn, Ithaca,
Ocncva and pilncipal iuiermediate stations, vis
D., L. anil W. It. it., 8.10 a. m. and 3.30 p. in.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Xiagaia Falls,
Chitago and all points west, il.i D. A: II. R. It.,
7 4S 12.0J a. iu.; 1.12. 3.SS (Black Diamond Kx
press), 7.13, 10.11, 11.30 p. ni. Sundays, D. & It
It. It., 12.0.1, S.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
Parior cars on all trains beiwet-a Viilkes-Barre
and Xew Voik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion Bridge.
ROLI.IX II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland
street. Xew Voik.
LTiAIIIX'S . hl'.K. Gen. 1'ass. Agt., 20 fJoitland
stieet, Xew York.
A. W. XONIl.MAi-'illiR, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South
Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets und Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket ollice, li'J Public Square, Wilkes-Barre,
Delaware and Hudson.
In llffi'Lt Xoi ember 21, 1001.
Trains for Caibondale leaie Seianton at 0.20,
BOO 8.K. 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, 3.52,
& "'1 0.20, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. in. J i.-'ll a, in.
'For Ilonesdalc U.20, 10.1U. m.; 2.31 and 3.29
P,r"r Wllke-narre-0.33. 7.4?. S.-ll. 0.33. 10.43
a. in.; 12.0.;, l.l.', 2.JS, 3.2s, 4.27, CIO, 7. IS,
111. II, 11.30 p. 111.
For L. V. It. R. l'ohiis-CSS, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13,
1.27 and 11. CO p. in.
For Penn-vhania It. R. J'oluU 0.33, 9.33 a.
in.; 1.12. 3.2S and 4.27 p. in.
For Albany and all points noitli-(J.20 a. m.
and 3.&2 p. in.
For Caibondale s..',u, lt.33 a. in. J 2.34, 3.J2,
C.52 and 11.17 p. ni.
For Wilkesll.iue--0.33 a. ni.; 12.03, 1,53, 3.23,
0.32 and U.17 l'. m.
For Alhanv and points north 3.52 p. in.
For Hone-dale S.S0 a. in. aud 3.61 p, in.
W, I j. 1'llYOli. D. P. A.. Seianton, Pa.
Pennsylvania Hailroad.
Schedule iu Kffeot Juno 2, 1001.
TraliH Ifaie Seianton; 0.3a a. in., week days,
through vcii'luilo luhi h"i Wllkes-Uairt'. Pull.
man buffei pallor car and coaches to Philadel.
UlilJ, i.l I'o.tsuliej tlops at pih.uipjl luleiiiif
cliate lUllons. Mo connects tor .simbury, liar.
risburg, Philadelphia, ISidlliuoic, anhliigton and
lor Phubuig -nil tho wist.
0.3S a ni., week day., lor Sunbury, ILitrl.biug,
Phlladelpblt, llaltlmure, Washlnstoii und PHls.
buig and iho west.
1,12 p. in., week days (Sundays, 1.53 p. in.),
for Sunlniry. llarihbuig, Plilladelplilj, Baltimore,
Wa.hiiutuii and Pittsburg and tho west.
3.2S p. in., week dav, through vestlbulo (rain
from Wllkea-Baire. Pullman buffet pallor car
and coachi'-. to I'hlladclphl.i U Pottsvllle. Stopa
at principal Interiuediatti stations
1.27 p. in., week days, for liaaleton, Suiihiiiy,
liarrlsb.irg, Philadelphia and PltUbiug.
J, 11, IlllTCIIIXSOX. lien. Jlgr.
J, II,. WOOD, lieu, Pass. Agt.
time, another team of Hd-all .V Clausoii bicama
f-ghteneil, near the atorc, ou'ilurnlnt; tliu
wagvu ami throning the u-aiuMcr, I.i'y.liou li
Hair uu'h-ine.iili II, Duo of the lioises statlcil
tu klt-k and kicked Mr. La Uarr ill the hunl,
l)r. Iliiihiigtmi was .uuiinoucd and iIicm-iI Hie
wounds of tho lujuieil nun, lie was later e.
moved tu his home, as 111. Injuries weio of a
u lions paluip,
Rev, II, A. GiTtiiP, feuucily pastor of Ho
llrlik Methodltt I'plscopal chuicli, itniuM-d his
household fuinltme lt Courtdalu and hiikivllh-,
Wheie h has Ineii tiaiiafeileil. llev. (Irei-uo will
be mlsstil by his fongiegation, ns lie was an ai
dent th'iH-li worktr, heloud by ull hi. many
fl lends, A rcpoit for the i-ar of the iliuu-ii was
ilUlilbiiti-il aiiiong Iho congicgation Sunday and
aliows a good condition of all of the tovlrfi
ot tlio ilnlicli, both iphltually and Imanciall.i.
The cliuicli ll.elf h.n been cleared of il debt u
HiiVO by the effous of iw founer pailor, ltd,
, J, Jac-'jbj, (he new pastor, wll ivinaie Ini
family Irom the former vnirse. tu this place.
They will leeebe a lo.ial wclioiui'.
This signaturo is on every box of tho Bonuhiji
Laxative Broino-Ouinine Tablets
Sale Is Now
Wall Paper buyers
bronzes, flats and self-tones, a
10c; 40c 10 zuc; 50c 10 ac.
have gathered them
thirds effects in any
Men's and
Men's Blucher Enamel, y R
Sole, Hand-sewed Oxfords; w
worth $4.00, at
Men's Patent Leather, Box
Calf and Vici Kid Oxfords;,
worth $2.50, at
Ladies' Patent Kid Blucher
Oxfords, extension sole; worth
$4.00, at
Ladies' Vici Kid and Patent
Leather Oxfords ; worth $2. 50,
Ladies' Southern Ties and
Oxfords; $2.00 kind,
Ladies' Fancy Slippers, all
stylish, at
75c, 1.00, 1.25,
$1.50 and $2.00
It will pay you to see them.
Ier Davidow,
The Cheapest Distributor of
Shoes at Wholesaler ruid.
307 Lackawanna Ave.
Delnwnre, Xnckawanna and Western.
In Kucct Nov. 3, 1001.
Tralm leaio Seianton for New lorn At 1.10.
S.15, U.U3. 7.M and 10.03 a. 111.: 12.13. 8. Ill, S.'M
i. in. l-'or New Voik and I'hlladclpliU 7.30,
10,0.1 a. 111,, and 11.15 and B.CJ P. in. I' or Toby
hauii.i At 0.10 p. m, I'o,- Ilulhilo 1,13, U.ti anil
11,00 a. in,! 1.51, O.ilO mid 1I..'I3 p. in, lor IliiiK
haniton and way ttaltom 1U.S0 a. in. and 1,10
ii. in, Tor Os.ieuo, byraiuso and Utien 1. 10 an-1
ii.2:2 a. ni,; 1,55 p. in. Oiwej;o, Syiac-usa aud
Utlca train at G.2S a. in. daily, cc-c-it Sunday,
l'or ilontiwe O.OO a. iu,; 1.10 and (1.50 p, m.
Nielioison accouiiiiodation 1.00 ami 0,15 p. in.
Uloonubuiir Diviolon l'or Noitlnuiibcilaiid, alt
C.SZ and 10.03 a. m.i 1.53 and U.10 p. m. Tor
l'h-inouth, at 6,10 ,i, m.i 0.10 and 0.00 p. m
Suudav Train-. l'or New Yoik, 1.10, 3.13, ti.03
and 10.03 a. in.! D.0, '.' ). in. l'or Itutlalo
1.13 and .-- a. in,; 1,33, 0.50 and 11.113 p. in,
l'or Jlhislumtoii i"' naJ' nations ma) a. ni.
Illcoiiikbtiii; lllihloii I.caio SScraiitou, ,10.03 a.
in. and 0.10 p. m.
New York, Ontario anil Western,
In Meet Tui-Mlay, Sept. 17, 1001.
I.ravo Leave Arrho
birantun, r.iiliondali'. Cadada.
to 1 10.ROJ. in. U.lOa urn p. ,i.
Leno Arrha
Trains. Cadola. Caibondale. Scranton.
o (' .,...!. tMa. in. 7,40 a, in.
Ko " .....' " I'- '. i0 !' I". II n m.
Leave Irfavu Arr'v
Trains. 'J'''110"' t'ai boi'dalp. Cadoalj,
No. 0 jWOJ. '. k "-10 P. iu. 10.15 a. m
k " Wi 5,ouNir",ij,o7,iup- '"
teayo ).e.ivo Arrlvi
Tialus. t'adojla, Caibondale. Fcunton,
No, 0 ,,,,,... 7.0) a. in. 7,10a, m!
No. IU 1.30 p.m. O.Mp. in. 0.13 p. m,
'Jiahu Noj. 1 on week c!. und i on Sundaes
malic main lh conned lon-i for New Vork i-lty.
Hlddlcloiui, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Wjive-ci
end all points west.
l'or fuithcr Information rcnsult ticket acenti
J. V. ASllKKSON, O. 1'. A., New York.
J. L iVtLSii, T. I". &., Scwutou. P. f
!", it,- ,
fejfeagqifc, ... -..Hiejg W'fai7aa..4fVI.'ttj-Jrfit-8..t-CW'.-- --