The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1902, Image 1
.'vr . Ml fit 'H ?i .j '2P A I . ..,(.5' 4)Wr -.m? M;I-IE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. . TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1902. TWO CENTS. rmiitnir AflKfiHBnB9 Siimtne. 9ii''pB8R6sBdSR i I.'. AGAIN REFERRED TO FEDERATION Result of the GonfereiiGe Between Presidents and Miners Is Shrouded in Musteru. THOSE AT MEETING REFUSE TO TALK They Say with the Thnt the Arrangement National Civic Federa tion, Which Appointed Thorn as a Conference Committee, Makes It Necessary to Withhold All Infor mation Until a Report Is Made to the Federation at a Meeting to Be Called at Once Indications Are That Something plished. Was Accom- B.v Kxcluslee Wire from The Avucialcd Pr. Now York. April SO. After spending two entire days In endeavoring to sir rlve at u s-otlleiuont of tliolr differ ences, the operators and representa tives of tlic T hi It oil Mine Workers of America, who wen- brought together by the pood offices of tlic National Civic Federation, have. sigsiiu referred their troubles to the committee on conciliation of that bad. v. When the committee will, meet for the purpose of taking the matter up lias not, up to a late hour tonight, been delinitely settled, but tin; probability is that the meeting will take place cither Friday or Saturday of the pres ent, week. When the committee of operators and representatives of the union ad journed slue die. shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon, a. statement was given out which left the general public as much at sea. on the situation as before negotiations begun. Not a scrap of official or authentic Informa tion' was obtainable In show what pro gross, if any, bad been made towards a settlement. Nothing for the Public. "Our"conferbnce with the operators." raid President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, "has been brought to a close. According to im arrangement with the National Civic Federation, by which the confer ence committee was appointed, we are to report to that body at a. meeting, the date of which has yet to be deter mined. Outside of this. I cannot say a word for publication. A little later, a "general" statement was given out by the representatives of tbo big coal concerns at the con ference. President Goerge F. liner, of the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron company, acted as spokesman for the coal companies. "Under the arrangement with the National Civic Federation," said he, "It was understood that the report of this committee should be made to that body. The committee on conciliation of that organization will meet Friday or Saturday. Until that body meets, wo cannot make a report to anybody," All Information Guarded, In answer to a uuestion. President Baer said that tills was the arrange ment, whether the negotiations result ed in an agreement or disagreement. Every effort to obtain additional Infor mation, either from the operators or the miners who have taken part in the con ference proved futile. The operators, however, seemed in a bunny frame of mind. Nor did the miners seem In any degree downcast, and the concensus of opinion among outsiders was that some progress had been made towards an amicable settlement. The conference today began In the forenoon and continued, with a slight Interruption for .luncheon until late in the afternoon, Luncheon was served In the private offices of President Uaer, where the conference had been in pro gress since Tuesday forenoon.- Tbo full committee was In attend ance. This was composed of President George F, Uaer, of the Philadelphia and Heading: 13. H. Thomas, chairman of the Erie exccutlvo board, and Presi dent W. H. Truesdale, of the Lacka wanna Coal company, for the operators, and President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers; Thomas Duffy, Thomas Fahy and T, D, Nlcholls, for the miners. Lived Up to Agreement. As on the previous day, tbo largo delegation of workers from the affected districts, composed' mainly of the exe cutive boards of tie district organiza tions, who accoitipained President Mitchell to this city, hovered about the Jersey Central building, where the con ference was being held. One of them, who asked that his name be not used, took occasion to deny the reports that the Philadelphia nnd Heading and other large companies were putting In stores of coal and loading coal on cars ready to be moved In preparation for trouble. He said that the companies had lived up to the letter of the agreement mado when the truce was made, Ho con sidered this a sign In favor of an amicable udjustment. The delegation of miners will remain here for the pres ent. Secretary Kasley of the clvlo federa tion when seen tonight said he had not yet learned what the result of the conference had been. Ho said he would communleute at once with the members of the committee on conciliation, for the purpose of arranging for the meet ing. Granted Pensions. By Exdutirc Wire from The Associated Picji. Washington. April SO. I'cnslom were t-nmtnl today to Kilaa Wlmans, Kvrantou, $17: Otllfg vii. WhUs-Uarre, . , I 0- A MAY DAY STRIKE. Large Number of Men Will Beftise to Work in Pittsburg, By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Pittsburg, April BO. The May day strike fever Is on In this city and In the morning nearly twelve thousand workmen will fall to report for duty because their employers have refused to comply with their demands for ad vances In wages and shortening of hours, the principal demand of all the unions being for an 8-hour day, Those who will strike tomorrow arc the structural Iron workers, numbering 2.1500: carpenters, 5,000; house wlremen, 230; tile setters, 200; slate nnd tile roofers, 300; sheet metal workers, 300; plumbers (probably) G30: bricklayers, 2,000; lathers, f!00. The striking of these men will stop much of the building operations now under progress. The scales of the painters, plasters, ornamental Iron workers and elevator constructors and .icemen have been signed. It was hoped today that tbo structural Iron workers strike would be averted by a compromise offered, by the American Bridge company. In this offer the company agreed to pay 4V, ccnta nn hour for an eight hour day for Pittsburg workers and Includ ing all within a radius of 7.", miles. A special meeting of the union was held tonight and the offer was rejected. TO CREATE A BIG FUND FOR DEFENCE Amalgamated Association to In crease Amount from $25,000 to $ 100,000 The Headquarters. P.v IaUu.-Ivc Wire from The AK'icintnl Pro's. Wheeling. W. V11.. April :i0. Thurs day will be I he last day of the Amal gamated association convention. To day the report of the committee on constitution nnd general laws 'was dis posed of and the report of the commit tee on good of the order, claims, griev ances and appeals was taken up. The convention spent all morning on the report of the committee on constitu tion anil general law. Considerable discussion was had over the proposed Increase In the de fense fund. It is now $25,000 and the proposition was to increase it to $100. 000. The most prominent members of the association favored the change, ar guing that the last strike was lost be cause the association did not have suf liclenl funds to carry on the battle. Kvery effort was made by the associa tion to keep its action on this matter secret, nnd the press committee re fused to divulge anything concerning it. The Associated Press learned, however, on good authority, that the resolution carried, and that steps will be taken at once to put the associa tion in a position to carry on a strike for a year, should one ever occur again. From a public point of view, the proceedings Thursday will be of great Interest. The principal discussion will come out of the report of the good of the order committee regarding pro posed removal of headquarters from Pittsburg to Wheeling, Youngstown, Columbus or Newcastle. On account of the way the opposition to Pittsburg Is split there is little doubt that the headquarters will remain where they are. Another Important matter Is the proposition to add an Insurance feaW ure of the association. The election of officers will be held In the afternoon. There Is no reason to alter the prediction that President Shaffer and the other principal officers will bo re-elected. The hottest contest will be over M. F. Tighe's position of assistant secretary. Harry Griffiths, of Kllwood City, Pa., and John Jones, of McKoss Hocks, Pa ui'o avowed candidates. It Is probable that no can didates will bo nominated against Mr. Shaffer. PADEREWSKI'S DENIAL. Says He Never Spoke Unkindly of Kubellk Sails for Home. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preu, Xew York, April .10. Ignaee PadciewsU palled for i;nroip mi the steamship Oceanic today, W. Adllngtoii, hi manager, mM the pianist had mail.) 125,000 during liU three month, here. Slid Mr. l'.idcreuv,ki before the cvcl sailed! "It Is not tliie, as has- been leportcd, that I ever made any comment derogatory to M. Kit-hi-lllv Ihe violinist',) oil;. I admire hU idav, iiitf very nmili and the report was a iiucl one.'" LABOR TROUBLES. By i:cltnlv Who from The Associated Press". Chlcotfo, HI,, Apill M. Seven hundred nil plojii of Morsan and Wilsht, manufacturers of bii)clu tiles, went on t-tillsu today to compel tl'O lelnftatt-iiieiit of fellow workmen, v.ho, It hi claimed, vere ilktiaiitcil for Joining 11 lahor union. One bundled of the strlKcm am slrK I'atcrton, N, .! April SlU.-.U a meetlnsr this afternoon of the tiikln:,- dieih' helper, it was decided to strike, out the fiu- car claiuu ill the aweiuciil sulnuitttil by the men to the mi ployers', Toledo, 0 Apill WWl'vo handled iiou 111011I. lera went on ttilko today and the laid, of the striken ull he im-ieaeed tmuoriuiv bv about fifty more men, who hau (.tared that they would go out in the moinlne, The moulder demand au advance In their wage of 10 per cent., muk Inn the minimum wnip-i $.'.30 per day. Hamuli, Apill to. The loo members of the Hi Mini and Mructural Iron Winker union of Uostou and vicinity, after several conference with llieir eniployiiK hate tecum an advance from srtb to to cents per hour to go into effect temorioiv. Sprli.ip'.cld, 111., Apill KO. nen and opera tors of the (lilcafo and Alton suh-dltrlct met today at Auburn in an endeavor to Kittle tbo questions left open by the state conference of miners and operator. They were unsuccessful and all the mines In the dlslilet. Including Au burn, Pevcrnon, Green Itldse, fjrilntllle uod (iiraid will be idle unlil au agreement shall he reached, from J.500 to ".',000 miners aie in 0!ud. TO TEST BROOKS LAW. Action Begun In Allegheny by t Disappointed Saloon Keeper. By K.tclulvc Wire from The Avoelaled I'icw. Pittsburg, Pa April 30. Theodore Weiss, of No. T3 Friinkstown avenue, Nineteenth ward, who was last week refused a license to continue the. sale of liquors, by Attorney L. C. ISartoti, today filed a petition for u mandamus on County Treasurer Thomas CI. Mc Clure, In common pleas court No. 2, to show cause why the respondent should not Issue to him a license to conduct 11 tavern at his present place of busi ness In the Nineteenth ward. Weiss has ban 11 license for some time and was nn applicant again at the present session of the license court. The petition, which is to test the con stitutionality of the Brooks law, sets for that the sum of $300 was tendered Treasurer McClure. that being the ex act amount required under the pro visions of the act of assembly of Penn sylvania, approved April 3, 1872, and that notice was served that the peti tioner prays that 41 mandamus be Is sued requiring said treasurer to issue the license as applied for. NEGRO HANGED, BODY RIDDLED Hod Shot and Wounded a White Man and a Furious Mob ' Quickly Did the Rest. Py Inclusive Wire from The Aa-oclatcil I'rri. Rrndenburg, Ky.. April 30. Ernest Dewley, n negro, who shot and serious ly wounded Harry Dowelt, n young white man at Guston, about seven miles from this place, was hanged by n mob at 2.30 o'clock this morning, and his body riddled with bullets. The mob arrived here early from the (iustnn neighborhood and demanded admission to the jail, where Dewley was confined. The jailer refused to give up the keys, and the mob battered the doors down and secured the negro, whom they carried about a mile and a half from town, where they hanged bint to a tree. After be bad strangled lo death the mob riddled his body with bullets and then quietly dispersed. The shooting which caused t lie lynch ing took place yesterday afternoon. Dewley bad been ejected from Picker all's saloon at Huston and later, meet ing Pickerall at the railroad station, opened Urn on him. The shots flew wild, however, and struck Harry Dow ell, a by-stander, seriously wounding him. The; negro was arrested and brought here as a safeguard against lynching. County Judge IIaan today held an inquest on the body, returning a ver dict that death had resulted at the hands of a mob of persons unknown. Circuit court is In session and the grand jury will investigate the lynch ing immediately. BIG WELCOME FOR PALMA. Cuban President-elect to Have a Gay Time in Santiago. By Kxolussee Wire from The Associated l'ie-1. Santiago do Cuba. April 30. President-elect Palmn. will arrive here to morow morning. The mayor of tills city has proclaimed that the remaining days of this week are to be regarded as holidays here, and no work will then be permitted. The city has been elaborately decor ated In honor of Senor Kslrada Palma's arrival. Kvery business house and residence in Santiago displays bunting nnd palm leaves and thousands of Cuban and American Hags are Hying. Twenty triumphal arches have been erected In the city. The president-elect will ho met and escorted through the city by a detuteh ment of American troops. MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE. Verdict Returned Against Victor Zorambo Who Killed Sennlck, By Kxvludvc Wire from The A'ociatcd Press AVllkes-Carre, April 30. Victor JCor- ombo, charged with the murder of An- ! thony Sennlck, was convicted of mur der in the first degree this afternoon. Sennlck was nn employe of the Exeter mine nt Plttston. He carried bis sav ings In a bag on his person, Ills life was taken to secure this money. The victim's body was discovered In tin Isolated part of the mine. His head had been crushed with an axe. Ho was removed to the hospital, where ho died a short time afterwards. A month later, Zorambo and a man named Peter Lenousky were arrested for complicity in the murder. Doth men made confessions, In which they accused each other of the crime. Lenousky will now bnvo to stand trial. Mishap at Sea. By HxcliMvc Wln front The Associated re?. .New York, April no, The (iir boat Volunteer has leached thin port after having lost the barges Henry IIurIkh and Baxter off I'enfleld leef, I.oinr Ulund buunil. Only one man, William Klmons, was on the Paster mid there is hope that lui may hae escaped tliowiilng by illniriiiK to wrecUaue, Jo-epli Mitchell, son of the captain of the Hughes, H.n drowned, Sons of the Revolution, By Kxehulve Wlic from The Associated I'rens. Washington, April ::o. The uumial coiikiisS ol the National .Society of the pons of iho Amerb can lb-volution convened in thin city today, with abutit "60 ilelcBJttk piwcnt, The ladies accom pairing the national officers and Ihe iklcifilci and alteram of Ihe state societies weie ie celved at the y.'hltu home, by Jits. ltoaevelt, STATE NOTES. By Kxrludic Wire bom 'Jtie Associated l'rej. Heading, April SO. The third annual ttito convention of the Straw 'I'IuuIkiV awodatton met here today. Delegates from all part of the stale wetc in attendance. Tlic association U of u fecial dimeters' and composed of locmben of the Hops of America. , Philadelphia, April SO. The Puian battle ship ftetvlzan, built by the CVaiupi, left the chip-yard today for Russia, Philadelphia, April SO. Three men niet death in a shaft of the filtration woiks hi the north eastern part of the city today by the omturn lnt of an iron bucket In which they were being; lou-cicd to the bottom of the j:0foot shaft. The uufortunate victims fell 1U, feel, baling de scended only )J feet when tho bucket overturned. CRY OF FIRE CAUSES PANIC And It Results In the Grushlno to Death of ElQtit Fcic- toru Girls. IS ALL DUE TO AN ELEVATOR MISHAP The Janitor Had Looked Down, the Shaft and Been Struck on the Head by the Descending Cage When the Foremen Turned in an Am biance Call One of the Excited Girls Yelled "Eire!" There Was a Wild Stampede to the Narrow Stairway nnd in the Crush the Damage Was Done. lly Kxeltt'lte Wire fiom The Awochiled Pie.. I'hlladclphia, ' Anrll 30. An unfortu nate accident to a deaf and dumb boy, rsndor Hacctis, was today directly re sponsible for the death of eight girls and young women, the fatal in.fury of three others and the serious injury of more than two score of girls employed In the cigar factory of Harburgcr, Ho man & Co., 11 branch of the American Tobacco company, located at Tenth street and Washington avenue. The dead are: MAltV (JI'Ar.V. i'ced 1.1 j cars. lli:i.i:.V TOI.INI, need it. IXIZAHirill TAUTIM!, used Vi. asnii: iiii-'m. n.M:iii:n, ngai b. l.lll'JSA Hi: M-.PI. need III. Ill. ISIIIXN, used I-. AN NIK FORM, .igcil 13, I'lii'lentilied vfinati. about 'JS yens 0! ace, h body i. at the liic-rqrn". Fatally Injured. M.'.ry ,Me-,!iMi, injured internally, ' chilli frac tured.' .In-epli D'ltoiieii, liilmed internally. I'liMentifleil v nm 111, fractured Akiill, Incon Mii'Hi?. The injuries of the others consist mclnly ol bruises about the boclv and fractured limbs. Tho building in which tli'J disaster occurred is 11 five-story brick structure anil rcuuhos an entire block. Twelve hundred persons were at work at the Hint! of tho accident, ninety per cent of whom were girls whose ages rang;; from 12 to 23 yea rti. How tho Trouble Began. The trouble began on the fourth floor of the structure. Haceus, who was janitor of this building, started for the tlfth lloor for a ball of twine. The elevator was at the ton of the shaft and Haceus pulled the rope to brine it down. He opened the door leading to the shaft and leaned forward to see wheie the carrinno was. As he did so the elevator, which was descending slowly, struck him across the back of tho neck, pinioning his head between the elevator and the floor. A stock boy released Baccus and cried for help. Tho foreman rushed from the building to call an ambulance, and Immediately there was a panic among the employes. Some of the younger girls fainted.while others, not being able to control their feelings, cried Are. Instantly there was a mad rush for tho stairway leading Into Tenth street. The girls rushed down the narrow staircase until they reached a bend In the exit, between the second and third floors. In their eagerness to escape the frightened leaders fell. Others imme diately following tripped over the struggling mass of humanity and in less than a minute there were hundreds of children and young women strug gling In the passageway. The shrieks and screams of the terror-stricken girls could lie heard for a block or more. During the excitement an alarm of fire was turned In. but before the engines could reach tho scene, several of the occupants of the building had rushed to thu windows and jumped to the street, a distance of over flftv feet. Helen Tolinl, one of those to Jump, wua almost instantly killed, Firemen to the Rescue. When the dromon and policemen nr rlved every effort was made to cutlet tho terrorized girls. The firemen rushed up the stairway and begged tho girls to be calm, telling them that there was absolutely no danger, but the sight of tho firemen seemed only to add fuel to the flame. "While the policemen and firemen were endeavoring to unlet tho girls on tho stulrway. ladders were be ing run up on the outsido of the build ing and the employes who had climbed out on tho tiro escapes and window ledges wero quickly taken to tho street. After a few minutes tho men wero enabled to check the awful crush on the stulrway and then began tho work of rescuing those who had been tramp led and crushed between the second and third floors. A call for ambulances bud been turned In and as quickly us the dead and-injured were curried from the building they were hurried to hos pitals, TI10 number of ambulances wero entirely Inadequate and patrol wagons were brought Into use lo carry the victims away for treatment, Heartrending Scenes. Whllo this was being done the scene about the structure was heartrending, Thu building Is located in a section largely Inhabited by Hebrews, many of whom were caught In the terrible crush. Parents and relatives of tho un fortunate girls were screaming nnd rushing about the streets llko mud and it was almost Impossible for tho police oftlclals to restrain the mothers and relatives of supposed victims from en tering the building, The' work of rescuing the girls from the windows was necessarily tedlouH. They wero so excited that, they did not seem to understand tho pleadings of tho llrcmen. At nearly every window of the liugo structure were girls screaming and crying for help. Jinny wero so excited that It was with the greatest dlfllculty that they were pre-, vented from Jumping from the build ing, notwithstanding thnt there wos not 11 sign of fire and their rescue. seemed only the work of n few minutes. Tho panlo wiib over In less than a half au hour, but In this brief space thousands of persons hnd been attract ed to the scene by the wild screams of the relatives of the victims nnd thu shrieks of tho girls nt the windows, Because of the great excitement It was almost Impossible to get nn Intelligent Idea of the disaster and It was three hours ntter the accident occurred be fore a single victim was identified. Tho body at the morgue was Identifi ed tonight as Joanna Ollly, aged 22 years. LONG LEAVES THE CABINET. His Successor to Be Installed This Morning Few Changes Expected. lly Exclusive Wire from Tho Assoclaled Prcm. Washlngton.Aprll 30. Secretary Long closed his official career as the head of the naval establishment today. It has been arranged that Secretary Moody shall assume the duties of sec retary of the navy tomorrow morning. Very few changes will follow the change In tho head of tho department. The only one which will take effect at once will bo tho Installation of Fred L. Fishback as confidential clerk in place of Mr. Greer, who has been appointed nn assistant paymaster In the navy. Mr. Fishback Is clerk of the house com mittee on banking and currency and is a personal friend of the new secre tary. Secretary Long was given a compli mentary dinner nt the new Willard hotel tonight by the chiefs of the vari ous bureaus of the department, with whom he has been associated during his official career, -which came to a close today. Covers were laid for llf teon. CASTRO TYRANNY BEGINS TO TREMBLE Venezuelan Rebels Win a Complete Victory and Are Marching On Caracas the .Capital. Py i:ilusive Wire from The Associated Pre.". Caracas, Venezuela, April KO. Gen. nonaalrs, president of the district of Cuniana, was mado a prisoner during tho fighting on April L':t, near San An tonio, -when the government troops sustained a serious defeat and General Castillo was mortally wounded. The revolutionists arc marching on the city of Cumanu. A panic prevails at C'uru pano and Barcelona. Trindod, K. W. I.. April 30. The news of the defeat of the government troops near San Antonio last Tuesday, which has already been cabled, is confirmed. The death of the govern ment general, Castillo, Is also confirm ed. General Kscalante, the second in command of the Venezuelan army, who was reported missing after Tuesday's light, has been mado prisoner by the in surgents. Ho was one of President Castro's most faithful officers, and ' formerly was governor of Caracas. He ' came from Castro's native state, Los j Andes. General Landaeto and his en ; tiro staff were taken prisoners by the i insurgents, and the Venezuelan forces also lost their ammunition and artillery to tho enemy. Barcelona, In the state of Bermudez, where General Vclutinl. the minister of the interior, is stationed, was menaced by Insurgents yesterday. The Venezuelan government is said to. be in ignorance of the whereabouts of General Monagas of tho Insurgent forces, who, with a force of 1.S00 men, has not been heard from In six days. It Is generally believed that he has taken advantage of the battle of last Tuesday to push his command forward in the direction of Caracas. STRIKE-RIDDEN FATERSON. Carpenters Go Out and Other Trades Expected to Follow. lly Pxclu-.lvo Who from The Associated Piess. Pnterson, N. J.. Aurll 30. Between r,00 nnd fiOO carpenters went on strike hero today. Tomorrow tho electrical workers and hod carriers are expected to strike, Tho striking carpenters de mand 37',i cents an hour for an eight hour day, excepting on Saturday, when the day will be one of four hours. They ask double pay for all overtime. The only change In the dyer's helpers strike today was that the dyeing house of Simpson signed the agreement sub mitted by tho men for five years. The supply of dyed silk Is becoming very scarce and' many looms are Idle. ENOUGH TO SICKEN ONE. Mawkish Women Write Gushing Letters to Sentenced Boy Murder ers. Ilv Pxcluaiie Wire from The Associated Press. Hamburg, N. V April 80. Many letter are iccelved at Clinton prison, Dannemor.i, .V V,, each day addressed to the three Van Wonuor bojs, who aie confined in the death house there under sentence for the minder of their uncle, Peter llallenbccl;, near Ilmbon, N, V, Nine, tenths of them are penned by would, and most of the mlsslvci espies.-, sympathy fr Ihfiii lit their inlsfoiliine, A few have contained piopoah of marriage, othcM are request lo exchange photography and Ihey come from all parts of Ihe country. Not una of them U delivered to the young men. His Recovery Seems Assured. lly Fxeluslti! Wire from Tin Associated 1'r.esj. New Yoik, April SO. No bulletin legardlii',' Archbishop t'oirigaii's condition va itl'in out tonight. Dr. Kcycn upon Icuilng tho sick loom at 10 o'clock said ih patiint ivas lecovciiug nicely fiom a slight lelapic of today. Ilia tem perature wj noimal ami he wan taking un in tenet In atl'alis. For the Hut time, slncn Ihe beginning of his sickness ho was: able to partake of solid food three times today. All traces- nt the pneumonia hair now disappeared and lu ev ery U looKecl for Willi assurance. Back Fay for Government Employes, lly Exclusive V.'lra from Tho Associated Prca-i. Washington, Apill .V. Senator Penrosj today Intioduccd 11 bill piotidlmr for the icadjustment, under thu tciing of the eight-hour law, rf the account of letter earrleit, laborers, mechanic! and all otlurti wiics have been employ,,! by the goierninent since -latkS, except In a ca pacity, with the view of pjjlng them for all the time they haie been employed n ecess of eight hours. GENERAL SMITH'S DEFENSE CLOSED HUSBAND EXONERATED. Had Shot His Wife Upon Discov ery of Her Unfaithfulness. lly Inclusive Whe from 'lite. Aworlatril 1'rrM. St. Louis, Anrll 30. The coroner's Jury today rendered a verdict to the effect that Mrs. Nettle Fnrgo came to her death Tuesday morning through an accident, being shot by her husband, Harry B. Fargo, while he was under the influence of violent excitement caused by her conduct. Jlr. Fargo, who had unexpectedly re turned to the city Monday night, from Illinois, found his wife away from home. On her return shortly after mid night with another man, Fargo mado an attempt to shoot her escort. In his excitement, tho husband shot bis wife. PEACE PROGRESS IN SOUTH AFRICA Question of Amnesty to Cape Rebels Is the Obstacle at Present, but Kitchener Is Hopeful. Py Kxclmhc Wire from The Associated Pre.". London, April 30. The war ofllco re ceived dispatches' from Lord Kitchener today, but ho made no mciitloa of the reported surrender of J)c La Kay's commandoes. As a matter of fact. Do La Kay arrived at Klerksdorp April St, and his commandoes, under Gen eral Kemp were arranging to hold a meeting westward of that place dur ing tho present week. A dispatch from Pretoria, dated to day, announces tltat. Stato Secretary Kcitz. of the Transvaal, has had a meeting with Commandant Beyers, in the l'ictcrsburg district, but the result, if any. Is not known. The otllcials of tho foreign ofllco say Ihey do not expect definite: news re garding peace much earlier than 11 fortnight from date. Meanwhile, they consider the prospects favorable. Tho question of amnesty to the Capo rebels li understood to constitute thu obsta cle at present. ALLIES OP QUAY TO TALK IT OVER They Hire the Harrisburg Board of Trade for Caucus on the Day Before the Convention. Py Kxclu-iie Whe from The Avncl.itcd Pr.-.-s. Hanisburg. April 30. The board of trade auditorium has been engaged by adherents of Senator Quay for all day on June 10, tho date before the Kepub llcan stato convention for the nomina tion of candidates for governor, lieu tenant governor and secretary of Inter nal affairs. It Is expected that a cau cus of Quay's friends will be held dur ing the day to ascertain their strength in tho convention and map out a plan of enmnaizn. The senator will bo one of the dele gates from Beaver county. Tho last time ho was a state delegate was In 1895, when he was elected state chair man, after a bitter fight with Colonel B. Frank Gllkeson, of Bucks county, who was backed by tho Hastings ad ministration and the city administra tions in Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. RECIPROCITY WINS. Senate Committee Reports Favorably on All Treaties but Two. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated I'lcs-". Washington, April 30. Tho senate committee on foreign relations today agreed to report favorably all tho reciprocity treaties beforo the com mittee except tho treaty with Argentina and the treaty with Great Britain per mitting to Jamaica which the commit tee decided to report adversely. The treaties on which favorable re ports were recommended nre those be tween the United States and France, Nicaragua, Ecuador and the Dominican republics and four with Great Britain covering Bermuda, Barbadoes, British Guiana and Turks and Colds islands. YOUNG COGLIZER HELD. Pleaded Guilty to the Charge of Larceny. Floyd C'ogllzer. tho 111 year old boy arrested for wholesale) thievery from MeConnel and company's store as ex clusively noted In yesterday's Ttibuue was arraigned beforo Magistrate Millar yesterday morning and entered a formal plea of guilty. The specific charge against him Is larceny, Mnglstrate Millar held him under $300 b"ll for hi iiii'iriininee at court. This will be furnished today, DEATHS OF A DAY. Uy !eluho Who fiom The Associated 1'icm. Ilarilshmg, Apill KO, lame-i A, AIIIhiii, of Co lumbia, ax'stunt. loiporatlon tier!; cf the audi tor Ki'i''i ilepaHnunl, died ciuhU-nly of la-ait fallme IliU eiculug, while coiilcisllig with friend. Philadelphia, Apill :;. -Chief llnsineer Cadwaiadcr Hade, C. S. X lctlied, died luie today of heait disease. o cntcicd the naiy In 1SPJ, at the aye d 21 yeaw, a an as.sltant engi neer, uud Mas rctltcd in JfcS!'. Un was .1 ton of ( l,aiience ', Hade, who famjht In the wai of Mi. SlrouiUborar, Apill ". A few mo'iientj after hU llnal tool, upon the face of his dear friend and neighbor, the lion. J. II. Weslbrook, whose fimrral lie wai attending at Dingnuju, Pr, I'hillp I'uluier dioppcd dead 0 heait trouble at tho ago of Vi years. Mr. l-'ulmcr was a ury ablo physi cian and public-spirited citizen nnd was pro prietor of tho High rails Hotel, a popular hos telry near Plnjrman's Ferry, Sir. l-'ulmcr tcried an superintendent e'. tho Pike county nchoola for nine year, as postito-stcr and was a del" -He to cural state tomcntloni Natives Had Been Ordered bu Luc ban. the Insuroent. to Poi son Their Spears. HE ALSO FED THEM ON YELLOW NEWS Spread Reports That German War ships Were Bombarding Vigan and That the Filipino Navy Wa Blockading Manila Bear Admiral Bob Evans Hoists His Flag Last Organized Band in Saraar Has Surrendered, Leaving the Island Pacified. By I.'m-IimIvc Wire from The Associated I'rcs. Manila, April 30. Lieutenant Georgi II. Schleld's, jr., aide do camp of Gen. Jacob -II. Smith, testified at today's session of the court martial which Is trying the general. Tho lieutenant said ho knew well tho signature of Lucban, the Insurgent leader who was captured, February 21!, by Lieut. Strebler's Flllp pino scouts. In the Island of Sainar. Tljo older issued to poison the natives' spears was undoubtedly signed by Luc ban. The witness 'also said Lucban confessed to him that he was the author of the proclamation setting forth that German warships were bombarding Vigan and that tho Filipino navy wai blockading Manila, which whs issued to encourage tho Filipinos. The defense then rested lis easn and the court adjourned until Saturday. Washington, April "0. A cablegram received at the navy department today from Hear Admiral Jtorlgers. the commander-in-chief of the- United States naval forces on the Asiatic station say's, under date of Yokohama, April SO. Wllile rcn:l 709 insurgent.", with 7.s rifle.", MiticiidciTil at Cathalnjranou the 27lh. No mom iirsiinlzcd lianilllrt In iiriui In Simnr. Kvani i.e potted on the JTIh and hoisted hlA flap: nn tin Kentucky on the 2$th. II.111U has been ordered to duty at tcmpoiary goicmor of Oloncapo." Ural Admiral Kvans relieved" near Admiral Kempft In command of tho second division of tho Asiatic licet. QUIET DAY IN CONGRESS. Some Animated Talk on Philippines but Little Action. lly i;.(Iuiic Wiie fiom Tho Associated Pre... Washington, April 30. A resolution offered In tho senate today by Mr. Pat terson (Colorado) directing the sec tary of war to order by cable Major Gardener, now In the Philippines, to come immediately to Washington to appear as a witness before tho Philip pine committee precipitated a warm discussion. The debate continued for about two hours. The charge was mado by the minority that the major ity of the committee wns endeavoring to suppress facts and Information. This was denied by the chairman of the committee, Mr. Dodge, who said that any such action would be incon ceivably stupid. All parties, he insist ed, were anxious for the fullest Infor mation, but he and others contended that it would not lie ndvisable to cable to the Philippines for Major Gardener as lie was about to come home and would be here lu time to appear be fore the committee. Mr. Patterson and Mr. Carmack (Tennessee) urged that Gardener's testimony was particularly important, and that It ought to be 'had" before action wns taken on the pending bill. The resolution Hastily' went over until tomorrow. The bill for the purchase of the nose bud reservation in South Dakota and the sundry civil appropriation bill were considered, but no action was taken on them. The house today passed the agricul tural bill and began discussion on tho District of Columbia appropriation bill, the last but two of tho regular supply measures. By the terms of a special rulo adopted before the district bill was taken up, It will be in order to nttach 11 rider to It to mako operative the existing personal tax law of the district, which has been a dead letter for SO yeuis. Chairman Cannon esti mated that there was $100,000,000 of un taxed personal property In Washington. The Goldfoglo resolution calling on tho secretary of state for Information as to whether American citizens ot Jewish faith wero excluded from Ilussla was adopted, Steamship Arrivals, fly llsclusliu Wire from The Associated Fieu. New Yoik, April SO. Majestic, Liverpool and Qncen.towns (ieorsle, Liverpool. Cleared! I.i !aoe, llaw'ci t'uerst Bbmurck, liambuiz via 1'lwuoutli and Cherbourg! Orosser Kurfurit, Pie men via Southampton. Sailed; St. LouU, South, amploii; Oceanic, Liverpool; Zetland, Antwerp. Iliemcn Aniiedi lialier Wllhelm der Orov, Xi-w Vmlv. Itottcrdain Arrived: Statendain, New Yi'iL. (Jiitcnjtown Arrived: Teutonic, .New Yea I 1 or Liverpool (and proceeded). eipnol Kjlli'tll (leimanic, New York 1 Vueeiu-iuwn. Southampton Arrived; St. .Paul, Xeiv Yoik, YESTEEDAY'S WEATHEB. Local data for April SO, 1902; Highest tcmpiiatuto ,,..,,,,,,, 75 deifrfrt. lamest temperature; ,,,, .,..,,.,, 53 dsr I'.claihe Humidity: S a. nt ., ,.,,,,,., nm 10 per cent, is p. in. ,,...,...,,,,,.....,,,,,, 09 per cent. Precipitation, 'Jl hours ended 8 p. m., 0.20 inch. -r t WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, April 30,r'orecast fur Thursday and Friday: pattern Penneyl vanla, fair Thuisday; 1'rlday Increaslin cloudiness; light variable nln-Jj, moitly - vecsl, TTTtfTTTttfTtT VI s I 1 fc: 1 -fc'- '. '. !' ,''' f it iii.4 ',' -itWi . t J- , . . ..I (ilit,.JfiH-.;7- .in i :