14 ww? T'TOv.ii.'1' ''iinrf;"-' v M?' a.' -"voiipwrcTi y,, - A " -; ' ' . . .. v "t "i 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, 1902. 1? "rT.-TT i -r: lm PwJ?f'W v - t. N FULLER BID IS ACCEPTED Ittimludctl from P.ice LI Pacific. It moans, too, tlmt when this is nccomnllslicil tho Pennsylvania-atorgnn-Vninterbllt IntornnlM, wlio bo harmoniously divided niiiuni; them the railway nyntenis and territory of the UustPrn nlalcs In 1S0S, will have to reckon wllh a Dower they little pon Flderrd at that time. The Clould In terests linvo plainly stated that the soft coal tiade Is one of their objects in coming through to the coast, and to Kaln this trade they will unpcttle not u little the lilans by which the Pennsyl vania, with the Paltlmore and Ohio, Chesapeake and Ohio nnd Norfolk and Western systems, was loft In undlsluib rd possession of this enormously llch tramc. Wabash to Enter Pittsburg. Within a short time the Wabash sys tem will have gained entrance to Pitts burg through Its Pittsburg, Carnegie and Western road, which Is now build ing from .Tewctt, O., a connecting point of the Wheeling and Lake Krle, a Wabash controlled road. Onco entrance !s gained to that rlty, said by many to be the greatest freight producing centre In the world. It Is believed the Goulds will work for a short route ncross Penn pylvnnln. to n connection with the Western Maryland, near Shlppensburg. With the exception of reports that re cent suiveylng parties, said to be In the employ of the Wabash, have been going over such a loute, there have been no other overt acts to Indicate that such plans are being carried out. "Connection with the Western Jlnry land, according to statements by the Puller-Gould representatives, will be made with the Wabash system, as fol lows: From Cherry's nun, the west ern terminus of the Western Maryland, a road Is to ho built to connect with the West Virginia Central and Pittsburg at Cumberland, Mil. This latter extends to Bellngton, near the centre of West Virginia, fiom which point a line Is now being constructed to reach Pales tine, thlrty-nvo miles from Parkers burg. These two points are nlready connected by the Little Kanawha rail road, which Is owned by parties repre senting thf Wabash Interests. From r.iikcrshurg, W. Vn., to Z.inesvllle, O., n road is to bo built by an Ohio com pany, chattered by Wabash represen tatives. .All tliefcc lines, built and pio po.sed, extend from Ualtlmoie, on the Atlantic ro.ibt, to Zanesvllle, O. At the latter point begins the Wheeling and Luke Kiio, under Wabash control, and runs as far northwest as Toledo, whetc the Wabash f-jstem proper begins, and extends tvest clear to the MKsouil river. When these connections are made the Wabash will be the only through line under one control that extends from the KaMern coast across 'that river, as all the big trunk lines now stop at the Mississippi a Ilubicon, so to speak, which they dure not, or at least do not rios. From the Missouri West. As to the westward extension of this system fioin the Missouri, u dispatch from Chicago says: II. C. Kerens, of St. Louis, spent yes terday In Chicago in company with Senator Kearns, of Utah, and Perry Heath, also now of Utah. They con fen ed concerning the affairs of the Los Angeles-Salt Lake lallwny, which they are building, with Senator Clark, of Montana. "Senator Kearns, In an interview, confirmed the recent reports that the Cioulds have become interested with Senator Clark in this enterprise, and that the outcome of the alliance would be a new transcontinental line. The new system will be composed of Sen ator Clark's Los Angeles road, of the Goulds' Missouri nnd Wabash, and of the lines built and to be built from Zanesvllle to Baltimore." INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. To Spend $3,000,000. The work of lcmovliiff the blocks of old buildings that stand in the new rlsht of way of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western in New.nk, N. j lias begun and within a lew weeks the construction of the elevated loadbed will be under way. The I.ackawann company will spend about 5J.000.000 In tlevatinpr its tracks through Newark, And it is expected that three yeais will Toe required to complete the work. Within the next few months the Penn sylvania and the Jersey Central loads will luivo finished the elevation of their tracks, and when the Lackawanna ini ptovement Is accomplished there will bo no Riade ciosslngs to speak of in Newark. The leiiKth of the Lackawanna road within Newark Is one mile, hut tho elevation of the Hacks will begin some distance outside of the city limits. A shaip curve in the load nt tills point 111 bo removed and Important changes will be made In the Newark stations. At present the principal Newark btu tlon of tho Lackawanna load Is at Jiroad street. Here tho rallioad com pany owns an rntiio block, all of which Is to be Inclosed for new freight and express sheds and six new side tracks. A handsome new passenger station will 1)0 hullt on both sides of tho tracks, the rastbound and westbound waiting rooms being connected by a tunnel, Tho main tracks of tho load will just touch the northeast corner of the new jnrtl, while now they pass through its southwest. New Yoik Sun, D,, L. & W. Board for Today. The following is the make-up of the D L and W. board for today: TUKM),V, Al'ltlL ti). Extras Kast S p, m,, lloboken, u, Sfurnli;; 10 p, m , JIcLanej 11 p, 111,, Holiokrn, Ualian.' W KDNESDAY, At'llII. .10. Kxtrm Katt 1,30 p, m SI. Kinnerlyj 4 a. m., Ilaliokrn, llrady; S a, in,, SlcCarthj; 7 a, 111,, lloliokcii, M. Smith; 10 a. m., I I,. Itogcra; u . 111., Iloiioken, i:, It, Hallctti 1 p. m., Van Wormer; 2 p, 111., lloboken, Slulllnj 3.30 u. m,, flcorite Thomas; 6 p. in., llohoken, J, lilnley; e p. in., I.alur. Suimmtti West 0 a. n;., KrotiuTclkcr; 10 a. m Meliolbj Jl a. in., J, llcuntgan; 3 p. 111,, J, Carris,', I'lbhcn-A a. in., J, J, Hurray; C a. ni., WW. nci; 7 a. 111., rinncrtv; 7 a, in,, 1". Cacj H a. in,, lloioeij ll.tJ u. in,, Sloran; 2 p. in., Nau. man; a.W) p. m .1. II. Jlastcra; 5 p. rn., Kltby; 6 p. in., O. lljrtholoiiiewj 7.S0 p, in., Slurphy; U p. 111., .Mngut It p. in., Lauiplnar. IMpiM-J.ro a. 111,, Siaiomn; 7, a. in,, Cailim; 1U ij in., Weior; 3.80 p. m , Stanton, The Town Cleyk Cured of Bilious Colie. IJr, James MuSJuhon, town clerk of Columbia, N, Y was tho victim of a Bevere attack of bilious colic recently. Three doses of Ohamberlaln's Colic, Cholera nil J Dlatrhoea ilemedy effect ed a cure, IIo '-was so much pleased tli., tho quick relief Which that rem cdy afforded thnl he liow'rccominends it to tih'ls frjeiids",' ToFeale by all drug-gists. FINANCIAL. An Unusual Investment Dividends and Safety Sale of Common Stock of Finance, Security and Trust Company Capital Stock. $500,000,00 Par Value, $10.00 AT $6.00 PER SHARE Full Paid, Non-assessable 1)HnfnnHA1 Qtjtifr am flmila 11V lllsllUCU OlUtrt Op-ens to investors with limited President, C. H. S. LITTLETON. SAMUEL BBOWNE, 311-12 Arcade Buildint;, for merly General Ainitager, Real Estate lide Insurance and Trust Company, No 523 Chestnut Street Phlla. WM, F. THATCHER, Florence, N. J., owner Flor ence Thread Company, Mngr. R. D. Wood & Co. O. H. S. LITTLETON. 311-12 Arcade Building, lldsr. neat Estate upcrator anu uu JOHN WELSH OROSKEY, al Building, 1831-33 Chestnut Street, The Company underwrites securities for corpora tions, individuals and municipalities; acts as agent in financing realty operations, Sic. (For profits of this part of the business, see prospectus.) The Company will not engage in banking business, having assur ance of larger profits and less risk In the other branches of the business. Office buildings and apartment houses pay investors the largest interest that can be earned in ABSOLUTELY SAFE real estate investments. The Finance, Security & Trust Company has purchas ed, as an asset, nearly all of the stock of the Apart ment House Development Company, which owns the Tracy Apartment House, at 30th & Chestnut Streets, SAFEGUARDS Positively only a limited number of shares will be sold at S6.00", when theprice will be raised to par. There has not been, nor will there be, any stock gi en away to anyone. The Company reserves the right to raise the price of the stock to par and reject any subscription without notice. Ptospective investors are invited to examine the prospectus of the Company, which will be sent on request, and to investigate its standing. the securities are amply protected by the capital already invested in the Tracy Apartment House, fully described in prospectus. Stock can be paid in full on subscribing or by monthly or quarterly payments covering a period of ten months Checks, drafts or money orders should be made payable to the FINANCE, SECURITY AND TRUST CO. Arcade Building, City Hall Square, Philadelphia. For further particulars write a LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letter-) remaining uncillcd for nt the Scranton po-toUlcc, Iukawanna count, Pa., April SO, IV02. I'lr-ons calling for these lcttcis will pleaso tay advertised nnd give date of list. Kzr.i II. Hippie, postmaster. Anthony, Clareneu Aiiilcison. 1". Y. AsMn, John llurlmnk, Mlll3 (2) Hates, Charley Hacon, Louis llennett, Gertrude Xlohr, Anna Stoi.ui, l.Mw. P. Slullck. frank Jlonaan, SIiv, Xellla Sluftufaka, Kate Sr.iell, Sliss Annie Sllnnich, Stattlt. Sladdcn, SIki Winnie JJropliy. Udunid Ueale, Dr. l S. Minamio, .lame? Uradfoid, Capt. Miles SI. Mitchell, Mr. Ann Brjmnir, Peu.v f,. Xcllj. Louis Conkllu, Benjamin Cl.uk, Jay A. (2) Case, Linu Custer, Sli.s IMllh Chapman, Mi's Hello Claik, James f'orrj, Mls Klorcnee Cock. II. Cassldj', Slicluel Clark, Kugcne Crawford, Jolin Clark, Mattie J. Coulter, Sli. Miry Diidmi, Sits. II. lloutrlicrtj', Willhm DouhcrtJ-. Misa badio Dclieio, Slarv Do firaw. Miss Nellie Djvton, Sirs. Ida Delean, Jape: Douchert), Sarah Dclhj', Marv Jjne i:ans, Liilh Pinhlen, T. W. Kukcr. Sliss Annie O'U.irne, Slny O'Donnell, ,Tamo3 Oakley, l'.n V.. O'Connell, II. .1. O'Uoi'iioll, orl Powell, Geo. V., Atl'y. l'erry, Sil's liessio (')) Pope. Mrs. Paitor, Stephen Peaurieh, btanMaw Itoat. .Miss .lulia Phillips, Meola.s Preston, Cleorpe II. Pcniak, Ccorgc Prrston, Henry G Jr. Pa1, Kdir. Pajnc, Slivi Carrie I'attrson, Ctnrles J. Pliinney, Sirs. Iliuh Pritclurd, .hinici, 01 Pritcliard Piitchaul. (hiarer, .lohu Itejnolds, Vincent llolililn-s Claience V.. Itnbinson, If. U. ltosar, Slarcaret IteiiHlek, lloliert Itoliln.son. William J, Ttoblii'.oii, W illiaui Itejnolds, William Itun.inn, Wllhnr llolilmon, William K. HoliNon. We-ley T. Sterner, I'inil Shell. .lolin. ,lr. Stirn, Sliliel Sii4er, I'lmlts Hllptnn, CllJlU'1 V. Sli'hiel SclnailiT .Slimier, .fnhu Stiiiaon, John seninaiM, fi. A, Slulirl.y, Anthony Shot Ion. Kiucna Sinltli. It. M. Sttoet. !. II. O) hpecht k Cn., A. 11. Sci.mton I'llc Co, Stlne, Matlli. Tool,', lliriou Taj lor, J. A. T.ijlcr, CUrcme Vail, llert Vin I'.tten, Aha Vonlan, Stejilicii White, Sirs. .Icnnie Wlllli'im. Jolm (.') Wellrr, Ml I.Uila Willi ims, John .T. Williams. John It. White, C'lnrles Wn.l & Co., C, A. Wren, Miles Wnltir. Willi 1111 1), Wlrlli-11, i:i,int WWel, lihv. (2) Wilcox, lVank Wlrlh. Joseph Wledncr, Jolm Wolanskl. Paul Watson, William Williams, Jolm I'ckniin, SIUs Nolo) I'o-tei, John P. l'.i','an, Slirtin rinnerlj', 'llionus P. I itch, Mh. A. 1.'. 1'j.tnik, Hlephcn Vaulkner, Sirs. Miry I'.ither, Mathew II. rrWile, Mr-. M. Callachtr 4: Fdrsjtli. Oilpcn. SIL-1 lillle (Jill. Ileinard CilL-alloii. Mire (iilhoy, SIlilui'l (irus.cll, Hairy riilhiide. Uluiel Horn, llemv II. lleriinii, Sllldml Hirnuii. Mary Hois. Mh" Until llerotz, Willi mi 1 1 1 Icy. Alonzo lleilicrt, FiaiiU Heir. Louis C, Itrnch, Kelly Ilav, Slertnu L, Hall, Flank V. Ilirman, Albert llalllunii, John Horn. Frank lh-kln. II. .lohii'.on. S.umicl Ioiks, Mm v I.rael, lMnanl Ktllj-, Sirs. Jn-cp!i Kerns, John F, I.eo'iird, .1. .1. Lamb in. Sirs. Lonir, Kellv Liueliau, SI.uk Lev, Kunuel McDermott, Willhm Sh ndrew, Sirs. 1, J. SloCall, DaIs MeKenna, Mrs. James MiWado. Fuceno J. Slorrls, O.land 1TAI.I M. Traiicffro Pasehalla, Mecca Vlnecrao, Rucrla C077O, (lirnfoll Carlo, Oloef Francliclirrry, rrrmh Viilloiie, Anstelo I.ourIiI, Vinrcno CanJ. ano, Delia, Tomosoly, KcllcU Vlrelll. POLISH, Polcr Ardlnowlir, Alckjur Tininnlrz, Alek cinder Kaininvl.j'. Keliksnui l.ouiatoulc.'nil, .Incf hlomlriiAi, Jnn Szotinltkt, AleUmuIci Kui. ileleckl, Pllir Zulrhlls. Jof Zllenskl, Jncf Piotrontki, Jan llarclkowekl, A. An.i'l.a, John Clilordcrakky, Jeras btahacMi.kI. llopcne Ane pika, Slaclej .inuromk. Adam flauuu.ki. SIIni Annlh llanreeclfi, Antonl Kostonbouslez, Jairpli rldilch, hcomtanty Smlckl. Kruik Tonklowlts, Wlncenty Auiije, Jccpli Natroskl, htanlslaui Wcitaiuk', IlllXO.Mtl.SN. S'alaman Janos, JuuU' Jur7a. Andio N'.tcv. Mlchaw (iiifrcj. l'clro Kosak, Karolina Itloeh, Alex Itorejka, Sllchal Slimko. Wactaw Z.ilU'.ska, Wasjl Dalik, Jotcpli Wlsotkas, (.'zop Vally, huiiczoibzkat Janos, Iojxild Urocli, Paratenlza Krafhoska, btcfan IHacli, John Kalnt anszkv. Jan Danlf, Ojurex Yanka, Jan Cioban, I'etro OklpnyJ. lluljo reter, StanUtaw Walerdziir, Panel Ourcon, Pitt llendsa. Jaan Petre, l:k Norelka, Anton Ootayt, Mike Szolger, Jwan Cycjb, Jfra Tlirohiiii Janosne, Kullk Andnis. West Serauton Statiou. Ulss Nellie Allen, Harry Blackwood, SIUs Kate Conroye, Mru. Oertrude SI. Kmerlck, Slis.i Mary Henry, William U. Hailstone. Hufas Hcnniu, Margaret Herbert, Kate It. Hoffman, Thomas W. Jones, Mrs, T. P. Jonea, William M. Koon, Will, lam Ltwii, Summers Morgan, Mary Sim, .imi. mi A. Phillips (2), David Pusth, Ihonus Klloy, Ulna Stella, John Wagner, Ilolotaw YausuutM. FINANCIAL WE UUUU3 1 tjACV APAOTMPNT HfiltQU as well as lae capital the most Treasurer, SAMUEL BROWNE. DIRECTORS: M. D., Profession Philadelphia. for prospectus. Represented by , DERMAN, 714 Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. S. S. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, April 29. The movement of prices nas confused and incgular all of today and there was 'evidence of a diminishing- speculative interest. The wide movements in high priced stocks continued .1 feature but the influence of the advances was impaiied bj- some equally notable iclipsc 111 stocks where attempts were mule to take pioflts. A com; in point was that of New- York, New Haven and Ihitford, which fell violentlj- 9 points on an attempt to market a small amount of stock because of the emphatic diiclilmcrs fiom both l'eniisjlvania and New York Cential authoiities of the luniors of pur-clui-e of contiol. There was a late lally of 7 points in the stock. New- Yoik Central and Pcnnsjlvanii also quieted down fiom their recent activity and wtrength. In fact there was cry little show of strength throughout the ca-tcrn railroad Held. The sc.ion of the joint committee of operatois and mineis to discuss disputed points in the uuthrjctto held was a lepresstve influence on all coalers. The western lailroads on the other hand were benefited bj- the eiop news. The Ki.iiu currjing inilrnads were nlro helped b.v the special strength of the northwestern ttocl.s, whlcli roe I0J4 and 5?i respect iv elj-. llock Isl and gained an ritrame 55s but loot over 2 of it, '1 lie ctungtli of the W'ahash stocks and of the Wheeling and Lake Lite stocks was evidently due to the apparent certainty that the bid of the swidieato lepiescnting tho Could iutcict for the Wet ci 11 Slarjlind will be accepted. The in dustrials wre marked bj- quite as great lnegu 1 iritj- 11s the Tiilroids ami changes there were constant and variable. Total silcs, 890,500 shaies. The bond inaikct maintained a firm tone to-ihj-. Totil sales, pir value, $:,"70,000. United States bonds, weic all muliangcd on the last rail, The following Quotations are furnished The Tribune by Halght & Freese Co., 311.315 SIcarj cuildlng. W. D. ltuiiyon, manager. upen. nipn. low. uiose. Amal. Copper Am. Cat u Foundry.. Ameiicin Uc Aiuciican he, Pr .... Ainer. Locomotive ,, Am. Locomotive, Pr.. Am. Smelt, k Kef. Co AmriUaii Sugar Atchison Atchison. Pr . Hi, f(,3! tij'4 C55J 3Hi J.Oia 31 20', 20 20' A 4C- 'l'i lll!i : r,Ta vn ;,n kk) m'j ti3 41 AiK 41 123'i 12IU 121! S.IV, ,S2 f!?; W)i lis", no't 101 lUsH JOlli 7is 70j :o U'l 127',il2;?i 4s'i 47! IS :.ii 20i :ii 90H ....121 .... SJ .... is! ....U15" .... 7IVi U'l .... I'! .... 37'i .... 2d ....170i,i ..,.17.1'i ....109'i Halt, k Ohio .. llrook. II. T. ... Canadian Pacific (his. & Ohio ... ( hit ago k Alton Chic, k C W ., Chic, Mil. & Si. 01 i 27 'j 174 l''!i 111) 32 IV! ISOi .t'H, 70 6 M 1MT5 lWs W,i IVI 2'fi 2f.Ti M4i 101 !s lOiVj flUi 131'i :i-V,i 1.1) in.-. t'Hl li7Ti St.8! 7.1H ion 7.1"3i 09"! H74 no 7:1 W 11 SUi oit; 273i .17 2d 170',! 17(l'i HH'i til'j 45 179'i 5", ft5! 110 12s',$ l.j liJ'i 2Si 2i'5i 57 loon KdH .IS1)! 127 3Hl HJ'j 10C! 11','a (i7 Ffl 72?s 1914 75 fiOU H7'5 sn'4 rrn 72 4iU ss lJ3i 4J-1; MM 27 45'i 97 27' 171, 17"'! 109 Sl?4 15 170'i 39, 703i 05 S5 1 19?i l." 1.15V. l.V!'a 23'i 2HTi 5s',a loon HU?4 Mt 131H 3 in 112)4 105 M 7n win P t Inc., It. I, K p Col. Fuel k 1 1 0 1 1 Col, k Suiithciii Cul k Southern, Dehwaic k Hud Krle IT.... IVi 17IHJ rot; BY Frlc, M IT File, 2d Pr Hoiking Valley llllnolu Ceutril Louis, k Nash .Manhattan ,.,, Metiopolltau St. lly . Slrxli.in Central .... Slo. Kan. k Toy Slo. Kan. k Te,, Pr Slo. Pacific X, Y. Cmtial Norfolk J: Western .. North American Out. k West Penui. It. It People's flai Pressed Steel Car .... Heading , Heading, 1st IT ,.,... heading, 2d Pr Hi public Steel hepuhllc Steel, Pr ,,. SI, Louis k Sm Fran, Southern Paiifle Southern h. It .,,,,, nSiithern It, II.. IT ... Tinii. Coal k Iron ,,, Texas k I'ariflc Union Pat'llie ,. Union Piclllc, IT ,,,. II. H. Lrnlher , U. S. Leather, Pr ,,, H. S, Sliel ,,,, tr. K. Steel, IT Wahali ,,,,,. Waluth. IT ll'l .Uh'i ,nn .iii . -U . Si.74 . .17 .liTa .l(.l . (w; .127's . :us .l.Wi .1019! . 4.',j . f.7't . Mi's , 72 , VK , 7.s , ravi . a:?a , M , 7.1 . 4i ,im , SMI , ll-'i . M'i , li3i , M'U , 2711 . 4H MM 75 fl9U r,7M 3u"!4 m 72 41 101'i NUi U 8I4 4)'s M 27'4 40?i 27'4 1 : Iscouviii Central 27 ini CHICAOO CillAlK AND PROVISION JIAIIKKT. V HKA1- Open. IIL-Ii. I.o w, Clo.e. C2'l4 Wt M'i. 2914 m.77 17.00 10.05 10.12 0.12 U.OO May ,,, July ............... COIIN Slay .,,,.,,,..,,,,. July .,,,,,,,,,,,. OATS July .,,,,,,.,.,,,. September ,,...,.,, POBK- siiy ..,,. July , LAIU- siay ,..,.... Juh- .,,,,,,, Kins. May ,., 5 jy MMMMIM'MM 71 7 Hi 71 7514 rat! can Sl'i T3',4 0" Rl'4 C4',i 35'i OJTi Xi S0)i 10.73 17.05 in no 10.10 9 37 v.:o SUli 29T 1d.f-i 1001 nt 73 17.00 10 no 10.10 l.7 in m 10.15 0 43 9.W FINANCIAL lii !i illilii, profitable investments of the day. Seer'y and Gen'l Mngr, CHAS. U. BAOHMAN. J. E. HENDRIOKSON, 30th and & Market treats Phlla., J. E. Hendrlckson & Co., Ani;r. Phlla. Market House & Cold Storage Plant, 30th and A.arkct Streets. A. L. WANAMAKER, Attorney nt Law, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. OHAS. U. BAOHMAN, 311-12 Arcade Building, Phiia. , formerly General Agent and Adjuster for the Lloyds. JOHN I. SCOTT, 4402 Pine Street, Philadelphia. GARDNER W. KIMBALL, Wilmington, Del., Sec'y & freas. Delaware Trust Co., Wilii.lngton. Philadelphia. This is a very valuable property, con servatively valued at 8250,000.00. The rnuse was not completely finished until December, 1901, and yet in that month every apartment in the building was rent ed, and the net earnings for the month, as per state ment of sworn accountants, John Hems & Co., Drexcl Building, Philadelphia, were, after deducting expenses of every kind, St.749.29. This Investment paid for the first quarter, ending April tst,a2 per cent, dividend, and the earnings during that time were in excess of the dividend Si ,267.66. This investment, together with the otiier profits, should enable the Company to earn for its stockholders a dividend of about 10 per cent, the first year. B KUW YORK COTTON SIAllKLT. Open. Illgii. Low-. Stay 9.W OK! 0.5J July 9.3., 9.59 0A7 August 9.3J 9.35 9.27 Close.' "52 9.48 9.27 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lnckawanna Dairy Co., Pr. co ... County Savings Bank k Trust Co.. 300 First National Bank (Carbondale) too third National Bank b:,n llimc Deposit and Discount Bank... SOI) Kconomy Light, II. k P. Co 10 First National Bank 1300 Lacka. Trust k Safe Deposit Co.... 195 Clark k Snover Co., Pr 125 Scranton Savings Hank COO Traders,' National Bank 225 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 125 People's Bank 135 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 35 Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Slortgage, due 1920 115 People's Street Railvvaj, Bist mort gage, due 1918 115 People's fatieet Itallwaj-, Geneial mortgage, due 1921 II Scranton Traction (i per cent 115 Kconomy Light, Heat k Power Co 97 Noitli Jersej- k Pocono Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by H. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Flour ?4.40. Butlei Fresh cieamerj-, 21c. j ficah dairv, 2Jc. Clieese 13al.1Vsc Fggs Ncarbj', 18c; western, l"',c. Peas Per bushel, $1,75. Slanovv Beans Per bushel, 42.35a.M0. Green Peas Per bushels, .'1,75. Potatoes Per bushel, ifl.OO. Onions Per bushel, $1.30. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, April 29. Wheat Sic idv ; con tract gride, pril, $5',2nfct!c. Corn Steady: No. 2 mixed April, G5',laMJc. Oats Quiet; No. 2 white cllppul, 51c. Wool Fiiclianged. Piovls ions Finn with 11 fair jobbing trade. Butter Firm: Ualc. hlgliei ; ctra western creamuj, 2J',2i21c. ; do. marby prims, 25e Fggs Stead.v j fresh neaih.v, lfle.j 1I0, western, ItiUe, do. south, wc-tcrn, loc; do. southern, 15c. L'hciNis-tjulot: New- York full 1 reams, fancy small, uViMc.; do, do. do., fur to choice, llal2lic Helmed Su-ais riichanged. Cotton Moc. lower: nil'l dling uplands, 9 l'S-lile. Tallow Finn; elty prime in llciecs, C',:icl4c: country do, do,, lui nl", O'JaO'.ic.i do. il.uk, 53!iik,'.i cakes, 7c. Live Pouitrv Quilt but steadj J fowls, lieivj' fit liens, Kir. ; do, medium and tmall, do., 12al2c; ulil roastcH, SiUc: vvlntti chickens, iSi.'Ov,; sprlnj ililckens, 30i35c; ducks, llaI2e-,j greie, Pali'c. Dnssed Poultrj- Finn, fair demind: fowls, cholie, 12',ial3c: do. fair to good, Uaal2e,i old roosteis, Ris',e.; wc-tcrn fieven roasting ililckens, Sil3c. ; do. froen brollcis, UlaSOc-. llecclpts Flour, l.ooO barrels and 1,715,000 pouncU In sacks; wheat, CO.Ofli) bushels; corn. 7,.'0J hiislicls; corn, 0,100 bushels; oats, 18,000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, April 29. Flour Quirt. Wheat Spot market steady: .No, 2 led, S7',i'. elevator: No. 2 rid, &9o. f, 0, 1. afloat 1 No, 1 northern Duliith, Me. atto.it : optioas opened steady and closed stead)' at Mc net Advance; Slay Yloscd MT4c; July, SOTsc; September, Sue.; December, 81 H'1. v Corn Spot casv; No. 2 .u'PJc. elevator and 70?ic f. 0, b. ntloat; lorn was firm today but quiet; lite in Ihc day prices eased off and closed only ,4c. net higher; Slay closed OD'tc; Julj 'MSic; Septfiuher. me. OatsSpot wcaii), .-vo. ;, isc; no. J, I7!ie,; No. 2 white, 52Uc; No. 2 white, 51'Kc: Hack niUeil westein, 4Sa49c,j track white, MaSflc,; options quiet but tead Butter Steady; ireaiuerv, 20a2.tc; do. factorj-, 17a'20e.j renovated, ISa'lc. ; imitation rhcamcrj-, ISa.'lc; slate dairy, 19a22c, C'hccse Flrm; foil cream, mull early make, fancy ml. end ami white, FialJlic; do, do. large fall make', fancy colored mid white, 12al2',ic. Fggs Hircly steady; state and Pcnnsjlvanla. 17a 1TU.; western, 10ial7',!c.j eouthcrn, IJaialOV4. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, April 20,-Caltle llecclpts, 3000; steady; good 10 prime teers, W 6Ua7,40; ioor to medium, $.75i".M)i storkers and feedeis, fl.Mi 0.21; cows, $l.bUHI; helfe-rs, 2.;0a0: raimen, Sl.4Oi2.40; bulls, J50a120; calves. $2ai; Texa fed jtecrs, 5.GaiO ), Ilcvs-ltecolpts toilav, S,. 000; tomorrow, 27,(W; left ovir, 3,mi0i steady to stlong; mixed and butcliers, 5U.80a7.30: good In choke heavy. 87.2"u7.t(i; loujli heavj, $iluuaT,11; light, $i!.75a0.95: bulk of sales, fJ WaT.'iO. Shetp '-Iteceipls, 8,000; slu-ep, ftrDiig to 10, higher; Iambs, bteaily; good to choice wethers, $3,5040.20; wr."lcrn sheep, sr5.2"40; native lambs dipped, $.75afl CO; western lambs, J5.23aU.70; Ooloiado woulcd lambs, ?7,(. 1 Buffalo Live Stock Market. Fast Buffalo, April 29. Callle-Offcrlngs. 250 bead; nothing doing; vials receipts. 150 head: (ops , SajJiilSO; fair to goo,!, 3aV75; icpiinon and light. la4.75. Hogs-Hcielpt., 4,2.10 head; heavj weights, Keadj; light Yorker and pigs slow, 5al0e. Ivvvu; heavy $7.a7.03i inUtJ and Connolly & Wallao 123, 125, 127 and 129 Washington Ave. An Event of Importance to the Ladies , We have iaaugurated Fitting of Her flajesty's Corsets and other products of the Princess of Wales Comnanv. Giant strides have been marln the past year by the makers laiuiuui styica unv reiainea nave oeen orougnt out, and now many who formerly thought Her Majesty's Corset un suited to them, like it better than anv other make. Sustaining and comfortable, symmetrical and serviceable, healthful and economi cal. 1 lie new and old style of Her Majesty's will find whenever it is brought to notice. The Free Fitting Mueske, tor all this week, will pleasurable, Come, Don't fail to ask for the latest production of The Princess of Wales Corset. The best value ever offered. Soo:834..EropvJreaoSr1r$1.00 Per Pair. Both of these goods ana win give oecter satisiaciion man any otner corset ot the Connolly & Wallace. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8. 30. We offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue, $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination $1000. Maturing- 1 to 30 yclis. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. THE Six An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the stato of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now boing offered to raise money for im provement in equipment atfd gener al development of the pioperty. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-Americnn Exposition at aiuuiuo last season. Stock now sellintr at ft !i(" n nlinvo The mice will ROOn Vin nrlvntirnrl. Onf In now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES IIG CO 1203 Orozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS l WILLIAM 0. KINO&CO. MomtierH of Houston (Texus) nil Hlock Kx. clmnpo fcoliclt oulera, inciJIume, fr.JMT.W: plirs, fO.ruflM; roiniln, fl U.IJU.U); tl.i', $1.15 30. MiVii jml Laiulu -t)t7irlin,' , Iip.hI; theep htinUj; ciioil Junta lurcly ktcjdjj common, 23jl.V, luuiri wml tlHfi anil IjihIin nomliul; tolls ami toniiuoii fJ.JJ0u$.&Uj jwrlniK", ijJ.'.'lin.K'i, East Liberty Llvo Stock Market. Kist Mlirrly, Apill 8'). ('.illle-Slrmlt I i li.lc r, W.iTi prime, ?i)50.i0 7s Buoil, O t.jo.:H. Ilvi -Slon; Mime IiojU, 7.3.')i7.IO; lii'.t iiiihIIiiiiu. Ens Mines v.-....,. iv-jr liiutin, 9i.lOiM.II, llMfc 111.., CLdOjT.O; iij, fij.Uia.U); lonslu. 3ait.ii). Sheen Lovvtr; inline willifK, H"5a5.1; inlU ami commog, .'.M.i').K)j ilioi,c Unilx, fO.WjO.'Oj IVai VdllUl. U.VU Scranton's Shopping: a seriei of helpful instructive demonstrations, aud Fred of the world-famed, Her Majesty's Corsets. While the oldl meir wen earnea popularity, which we have provided for help make a visit to our You Are Welcome are des'gned by an expert, aud are perfect as to their line. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District lor Dupont's Powder Ulnlng, Bltftiiij, Sporting, FmoVeless and the Itepauno Clicmlcal Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 101 Con neli Building .Scranton. AOUKCIES. JOHN n. SMITH k SON , Plymouth E W. MULLIGAN Wllko-narre VJ. 1QXrniVK3ttent.fii LA3TI OALANUtibrlUrilLmiU HALL aiMiOnua. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton tor New orK At 1.40, 3.15, (J.U5, 7.50 and 10.05 a. in. ; 12.45. 3.40, 3 33 p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.60, 10.05 a. m., and 12.45 and 3.33 p. m. For Tobj lianna At lUO p. in. For Buffalo 1.13, 0.22 and 0.00 I.. 111.; 1.55, 0.50 nnd 11.35 p. m. For Iiing hamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. m. For Oswego, Sjracuso and Utlca 1.15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca train at C.22 a. m. daily, except Sunday. For llontrosc 0 00 a. r.i.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson aicommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m. Uloomsburg Division ror Northumberland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m. ; 1.55 and 0 10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3 15, 6 08 and 10 03 a. m. ; 3.40, 3.33 p. in. For Buffalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m. ; 1.55, 6.50 and 11,35 p. in. For Uinghamton and way stations 10.20 a. in. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November 21, 1001. Trains tor Carbondale leave Scranton at 0.20, 8 00, S.53, 10.13 a. ill.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.34, 3.52, 0.20, 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. m.; 1.31 a. m. For Ilonesdale 0.20, 10.10a. m.; 2.34 and 5.29 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 0.38, 7.4S, 8.41, 0 3S, 10.43 a. m.J 12.03, 1.42, 2.13, -3.28, 4.27, e.:0, 7.1S, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. It. It. Points 0.33, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13, 4.27 and 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania II. R. Points 0.33, 0.33 a. m.; 1,42. 3.23 and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points noith 0.20 a. ra. and 3.52 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondalc 8.50, 11.3J a. m.; 2.31, 3.J2, 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For WllUi Ilaire 0.33 a. m.; 12 OJ, 1.53, 3.23, G.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.52 p. m. For Honc'dalc S.50 a. in. and 3 52 p. m. v. i, 1'itiuii. u. i: a., siranton. t'a. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001. Tralm leave scranton: U.3 a. in., week day, through vestibule train from Wilkes Barre. Pull man bufftt pailor tar and coaches to Philadel phia, via PoiUville; slops at piimipil Intciine dlate btatlois. AUo lonnects tor aunbuo, Har. risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Haaliiii.'ton and loi PltUburg .and the vvi.t. 0.38 a in,, week Uajs, lor Funhiirj, llurMiurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts Luri; and tho wctt. 1.42 p. ni., week da)J (S'lmlays, 1,53 p. in j, for i-iinbury, llanl-buu, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington and I'itt-buij; and the west. 3,23 . in., week dais, through vestibule train from WllUcvIlauc. Pullman buffet parlor car aud toadies to Philadelphia vli Poltsville. Stops at prliitiiial Intcrnicillatu station 4.27 p in., wiel. da, (or lia-iloton, faunbury, Harriobirg, Piilladilphli and Pittsburg. J, 11. llll'lCIU.NfeU.V. Cit.il. Mgr. J, I). WOOD, Ucn. Pass. Agt. Now Jersey Centtal. In Elicct .o, 17, 1001, Statloiv) In Nt .orl:, foot of Liberty street ami ffomii imj, Trains leave brrunto-i lor New orl, phlladel. phla, J'-aatcn, Bethleluiu, Allcntown, .Mauih Chunk, Wli'.U" llavtn. Ashley and Wllkis-Bano at 7,30 a. 3i.. 1 p. m. ' 4 P. ' bundj, 2,10 j,. m. OujLer City livprtsi leaves Scianton at 7..J0 a. in,, tluoujli solid watlhule Iralr. with Pullman Buffet Parloi Cars, for Philadelphia, wltii only one change of cars (or Baltimore, Washington, D. 0., and all principal points south und ui-tt. For Avoea, Pititou nnd Wllkcs-Baire, I p. in. and 4 p. in, bunday, 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean (iiove, etc., 7,30 a. m. and 1 li. m. For Reading, I.cbamn and llarrlshurg, via Al. icntovvn, at 7.10 a. m. and 1 p. in, Sunday, 2,10 V-. For Pottsvllle at 7.30 a. m, and I p m. For latea nnd tickets apply to agent at I station. IV, U, llr.al.l.il ViClUMI .uaiiagi'l'. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect, Nor. 3, 1001. 'lraln leivu Scranton. Fc Philadelphia and New ork via D. & II. It. It., at O.JS and 'J.Si a. m., and 2.JS, 4 27 (Black Diamond Kkprcss), and U.3J p. in. Sun. dais. Di k II. It. "., l.S. 8.27 p. in. For Uhlte Haven, llazletun and principal poind In the coal regions, via I), k II. It. 8JS1, 2.18 "id 4.27 p. Mi. 'ov Pottsvllle, 0 3b a. m., 2.18 PFor Bethlehem, Kiiton, Reading, Ilarrlsburg, (,'eueva and principal Intermediate stations, via D , I,, and W, It. H., 8.10 a. m. and 3.60 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west, via D. k II, It. 11., 7,4b, 12 Ua a. in.; -. .- lvn uiainuj u r.x prees), 7.43, 10.41. 11.3') i. in. bundajs, Di Si 11. It. It. 12.03, B.27 p. in. ,,,,,- Pullman parlor ind sleeping or Lehigh Galley Parlor cars on all trains betwcc.i Wilkes Barr and New lork, Phlladolphla, llulUlo and Suspcn .ion Bridge. . . . RULI.IN 11. WILBUR, Ccn. Bupt., 20 Cortland licit. New tork. CIIAlll.i:S S. I i:t:. Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland street, Sew ork. A. W. NOMlMACllKlt, DIv. Pass. Agt., South Bcthleium, Pa. For tickets aud Pullman reservations apply to city ticket otllcv, O'J Public bijuare, Wilk'-s Barre, I'a. nu principal uutiivu,aiw a,a,,w.i., ,, ... a , 11 It.. .33, U.SS a. in.; 2.1b. 4.27 (Black Ula inomlEvprtss), 11.30 p. ni. buudajs, D. k II. It. II., O.JS a. in.) I.5!, 8 27 p. in. i.'..- Tnnl.h inii.H k. 'louanda. 1. m Ira. Ithara. Center newer ana very usetul models new friends wherever and by the engagement of Madame Corset section profitable and Kind ottered for sale. Brass Beds Elegantly Rich Designs Tho new patterns we are j.ow showing are beautiful specimens of the metal worker's and designer's skill they possess charac ter andxflnish that appeals to the exacting purchaser. The prices, too, are as at tractive as the designs. We invite inspection and comparison. Have you seen the new' patterns in the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish to buy or not. Many new and beautiful patterns in odd Dressers and pieces for the bed room. Hill&Gonnell 121 Washington Avenue. E. lifll'S ft Lager Mtiniifdcturcrs of 4 fy a . l . , . ifr t, 4 .T 'S1 l ! 'h 'S '5 'I1 : ) i Ilrevv ry, 43S 4SS ..Scranton, Pa, N. ireventti it Old M'lioue, 2331. New 'Phone, '2935, Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and WUUes-Carre, Pa, Stationary Engines, Hollers, Mining Machinery, Pumpa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New York, Ontario and Western, In Wect Tuesday, bept. 17, 1001. NUItlll IIUU.M). Irfave Ixuvo Arrlvsj Trains. Nranton, C'ailionilalc. Cadosla. Ko. 1 1--U "' . U.10 a. m. 1.01,,, m, k- ' l,Vu Boumu"dale MOl-ra- IxavQ Lcavo Arrlta Trains. Cadosla. Caibondalc. Sirantoiu No. 0 ,, Vli0, '" 7J0'a- m. S-u. 2.15 p. in. 4 00 p. m. j,ji) , ,' bUNDAVb O.M,V, NOIIUI BOUND, ' ' Leava Lcavo Arrlva 1 ruins. oiamuii. (.aiuunuaie, I'adosla. No, J .,.. No. 5 , . o.l.0a. ni. 0.10 n. m. injvn . 7,00 p. in. Ar. C.tronda!ii7.40p. m! fcOUril I10U.M1. ' Uavs lcavo Arrln Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Sranton. No 0 ........ 7.1)n. in. 7.40a. in. No. 10 , 1 SO p. m. 0 00 p. in. 0 45 p. in. 'lialiu Nu. 1 on week daj, aud u on bundays. make main lino connections lor New York city. Middle town, Walton, NorwUh, Oucldi, Oswcgg aud all point west. For lurther inloniutlnn rcnvult ticket agents. J. U. AMIKllbO.V, O. P A , New. York. i, V. ttlXbll, 1', P. A., ixranlou. Pa. ;1' i rfi LH. & '