at t -M THE SOKAJSTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1902. '1 I). V NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. f-'pcelal to llio Sttanton Ttlbune. Mniitrosn. Anvil !!), The 1'iolilbltlon ini-lv nf KitRmlnliiilllllt cullllty Illot ill convention ut the cmirt house In tills folnco tills nfturnoon. A total of iibout tw.ciity-llVQ ilelesiitus turn visitor were arPRcnt. Hcv. P. H. Tower, of Thompson, was I'loctcd oliiilnimn of the county coin- knitter-: .'. H, Hrynnl, of Jackson, was elected seeietnvy, tmd Dr. A. is. biiyuer, lot Now Mllfoiil, unit tniosen trrusuier for the pounty fonunlttec. Itev. v. C. FoRIpii, ol iJiieiitiniviiie, was elected chairman of thoi'on voli tion, and !'. W. Lewis, of Thompson, secretary. The following nominations were made ly iiccliiimttlon: For coiiRi-esM, P, II, DlcUerson, of North Towanda, nradford county; for state senator, Salmon P. Jones, of Wayne county; ror sheriff, llcnj.'itiilii Taylor, of South Aubuin: for county treasuier, KdRiir NV. Holies, of Kulrdiilo; for 1 agister and recorder, C. V. Ilathnwny, of Ararat; for county cotnmlssloiiorti, AV. N, Judson, of South Auburn; Harvey Jlrown, or Juclsson. County Chairman Tower presented ringing resolutions rondeinnlng the lhiuor traflie and commending the pio hlbltlon inoveinont and the Women's Chrlsllnn Tomperanco union, of whkh organization novel al representatives ivoie on the floor of the convention. Alfred Howell, of Henlck, and K. I J. Smith, of New Jlllfoid, were nominated for representatives In the stale legis lature At a meeting to be held tonight In the court house, ex-Mayor U. 3D. Nich ols, of WilkPS-Barre, -will deliver a lec tuie, his subject being "Temperance in a Now L,lsht." Chairman Tlldcn and Rev. James AV. Itiiynor made spirited and eloquent speeches upon the great temperance issuer and their remarks were loudly applauded, FOREST CITY. to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, April 29. Itev. AV. IIol llnshcd will make the address at the installation of itev. T. AV. Bow en, In the Nicholson Presbyteiian clum-h, to morrow. A number of our residents attended the conceit of the Choral society in the Methodist church, at Dundaff, this owning. Jt was under the direction of Prof. A. P. Thomas, and the Oipheus quartette and Pi of. Tliielo, of Scranton, assisted. The commencement exercises of the Foieht City High behool will lie held in the opera house on Tuesday evening next. There Mill bo sixteen graduates, and County Superintendent Jloxley complimented them very highly on the excellent average made in examination. Miss Amnnd.i Tamblyn, of Scranton, was the guest of her cousin, Jliss Maine J3udd, the past week. As yet no one-lias come to the rescue and volunteered to accept the Forest City tax collectorshlp. .1. Freednuin, fvlio lias been collector the past year, inder appointment, lias failed to iullty, md the office, -which is supposed to be the most Jncrative In the borough, is now going begging. The county dupli cate, lit now ready, but as court lias ad journed no collector can now qualify until August, and the same condition of affairs will exist that confronted the borough last year. Mrs. AV. A. and daughter arc homo from a visit with the former's puienls, Mr. and Mrs. AV. X. Hcese, at Gibson. The funeral of Dr. Stanford Xiles, of Pleasant Mount, -who died very sud denly in Maylleld, jcsteidny, will bo hold from his late home at 2 o'clock to morrow. The doctor was a Ma&on and an Qdd Fellow. He was one of the best known men in AVayne county. DUNDAFF. Spec ill ti tlic Stranlon Tiibune. Dundaff, Apiil 29. C, Glvens is eontlned to his home with swollen feqt and Hinbs-. Ho is being attended by Dr. J. V. IMwards, oC CIIITord. Ebeu Ihownoll has recently moved into our borough lioin Scianton. He occupies one side of the Joseph Slorum homestead, Mr. iliowncll is n brother of Daniel Brownell. Mr. and Mis. Hairy Hocl.-ad.iy ate visiting friends and lel.ithcs at Scran ton. Itev, AV. H. Tinker Is expected to take the pastorate of the First Haptlst chinch of this place on or about the Jlrst Sunday In May. Thursday evening, Apill 21, was the feeue ol" a very pleasant gatheiing nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs, Albeit Cobb, It being the twenly-llrst birthday of their oldest son, Aimer, Quito a largo company of friends and neighbor, mostly young people, were piesent, nd nil seemed well pleaiied with the Tun ing's enioviuent. A Ruiiintuons mmi... was served at about 10 o'clock. Music, I games, eic,, worn also enjoyed. Those piesont were; Misses Delia Snyder, JMlunlo Snyder, Nellie Hvarts, i;ie Cobb, A'crna I,ee, Tre.ssle Kunyon, Ora Hull, Flora Hui-dlck, Florence Milliard, Oeitle Spencer, Jessie Wells, Maggie AA'ellH, Suslo Wells, Susie Illgland, May AVInters, Kinma AVIuters, Maggie Win'. toiH, Kinma Hounds, Miss liiown, Miss Oliver, Miss I'tley, Miirtha Hawkey, Sarah Atkinson, Mrs. liert L,ott, Mrs, Hello Williams, Mrs. Kinma I.ce, draco Cobb, Olla Cuddnl,Mek, Huttle Tinklt paugh; Messrs. Claienco F.vnrts, John IMIllcr, Myioit Mulllneux, Willie Hou nctt, Kdwaid Greene, AVIlllo Ayies, Oiln l.ce, Curtis, Lewis Lee, Hoy Horn, AValter AVhlte, C.iuver illveuburg, John AYiiymiiii, Allen Finn, Walter AVliltinan, Hurry Slieiidau, Hugh AVI11 iains, Sidney Fiedercle, Mr. Jones, Chillies Winters, Hert, Jo&eph, AValter, Henry Snyder, Poles mo being disti United along the roadway from this plueo to ClilTord, preparatory to puttliifc- In u local tele phone line, which Ih a very good thing ns far as it goes. The loug-dlslnuce comes us near us on onu wldu us Fefu Her Son'3 Life Saved by Chamber- latu'o Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Beraedy, "A neighbor i,m in with u. hot Ho or Clminbciliiln'a Colic, Cholera and Dlar llioeu iteuiedy when my son was suf fering with Hcvero cianips mid was given up us beyond hope by my regu lar physician, who stands high in Ills profession. After administering three doses of It my son regained conscious ness and iccovered entirely within twenty-four hours," says Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt. Cr.iwfoid, Vn. This Itemedy Is for sale by all druggists. hall and South Gibson on the oilier, only a distance or seven miles, and the new line should bo connected and then we could say wo had something. This matter has been ngltntcd and talked of, and, in fact, some $700 raised to put the lino through, but there is not quite enough money raised yet to llnlsh the work. In the deatli of John CI, AVnymnn, which oceiti red on Satin day, the Sfltlt Inst,, at 1 o'clock p. in., wo loso nn other friend and neighbor, Mr, AVuy maii had been n long sufferer "and dur ing the last few days of his lite he be came unconscious, Mr. AVnyman was CO yeaiH of u ge and a widower. IIOPBOTTOJH. Fprdil to the Sciiititon Tribune. ilopbottom, April 2'.i. Mrs. I'm Icy AViight, or I.a Orange, Ohio, is visiting PICTURE A 'I V9 III V$&p"''fr fMzshKAiJ If Coffee had not worsted the fencing mas ter lie had two friends v)ho would have taken up the gauntlet. Can you find them? her pa 1 cuts, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Bailey, of this place. Mis. John Davis; of Philadelphia, spent a few days with his son, Guy or this place, last week. Seveial people fiom this place at tended the commencement exercises of the Biooklyu high s-chool on Friday last. Mrs. S. AV. AVilmarth spent a rew d.ijs In lilnghnnilon last week. Miss Ida Smith, of AVaveily, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. O. D. Roberts returned home yesterday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. K. D. Bell, of Nicholson. THOMPSON. Special to tlic Sciantun Tribune. Thompson. April 29. The AV. C. T. U. and friends held a faiewell reception for Rev. A. D. David at G. A. IX. hall, Monday evening. C. M. Lewis and K. C. Layton made a business trip to Monliose, Monday. George UnHletlcr, of Susquehanna, called 011 friends here, Sunday. Mabel and Elliot Bloxliam spent Sun day with Aiaiat fi lends. John Jloaley, of Susquehanna, is in town today. Rev. P. R. Tower Is in Montrose this week attending the Prohibition conven tion. Miss Cora I-ayman spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Jerniyn. Rev. P. It. Tower occupied the pul pit at the M, K. chinch, Sunday morn ing. Floyd Axtell, or Susquehanna, gave a a line temperance address at the Bap tist church, Sunday evening. Mr. Ax tell Is one or the most piomislng young men of our county. The graded school entertainment will be hold at Messenger's hull, Filday evening, May I. Admission ten cents. MISS HARRIET M. JENKINS. K'sr;.? i AJVi',. 'lie pnoloiiai, i a. .i,ve 1 u . vi . . , i, t Maijuile .liukliw, tlic jmiii't diuiilitu if llev , P. .lulling I), 11., of t'ntoiiilaU'. Hie was one nf tliii jiaiV Kiadiutes In tho failed fehool of the above plan. Ilavln," oblalnid llw liiulie.t niaikj in lit t" eumliutioiu, lie w.d Hie xalidli. Id Ian of hi 1 (Us, v.Uli the uilijitt "iJku and J.irc," .md ileiciviit mom tlilit .1 pi-olwr nolUc. lhjically the I no 1 Ijikc, und a tu cum. plw.loil 1 a IiKiiJp, ,u,il U poC'oul of K'VCial liili'icitlna; diarjdeii.lUs. slip U ntt luvitcialc nadir, bavlmt tuiiiliniiy vvhh .1 number of our ttJiu'aiil .lulliois. "il(u Hut" and the "Pilnce of India" kbe hn tvvlic, unit U at jm Hit leading liie lllblc throiiglt .vMiinatli.illy fi,i llin llilld lime. Shu Is a vvry tlioiouuli ttuiUiil, liavlnif .1 villtablo pas.ioii fot .udy, btt-in lua imuliul all lur work, ImUiiji hud rettular liottid for homo duties and tlioso of the nliool 100111, i.evir luoHtullnif htr bludlei bejuud tho hour of U u'llotU in the ivenlna', Shu lias iiianlfe.ted toiuldeiabiu taito for Vug lldi lltiiature, alcibra, tlvlts und plillo.ophj, hailns' obtalntd liladi nudes in all. lit Hie f.uo of 1ur t;IItii and atipiUllloiu thu Is (xtidnily inodcat, niaKlnn nu etlort at dUplay, U blow to attrpt uny position er honor ullervd to livr, al vvj.vs liellevlui; that tlisio U wincoua near who U belter iju ilitio.l and niuih more vvolllo, i-lie Is pcrnevirlni;. 'lids H cvldtnt In her he-' Ini; able to lumplt'tu her in tplle of puny Kicat dl..HhantJi4(t(. As a muvltlaii, having re dived her training from mother und I'rof A, 1". Tlionui, of Cuboudale, tho 11 pruiuUtns iutmv. fche U ttioiii'ly liKllni'd to a tcitaln Mud of 'SmLXL : M2saQa Ohrlstlan worli. Vlolltng nflllctcd liomM, wlicro klii1 cun caity good cheer by her inriramrntiil iind vocal clTotts In iiicrcii donft, ultotiU her tliu mot plcmnrc. She iniicti prefers llils to Any )tcniro ilcrlied from the nsinl nodal pdlier Iiibj of lier JounR nvocliilr... Iter tuntmlim li to nnli fiinunl to .1 point of liljthcr nluoJllor. &ho U lieM In IiIrIi iind toilnir esteem by all licl te.ii.lRT5, MioolmalM nnil t lie ml I re community. , TAYLOR. Tim pei formance oi tlic ticatillfiit oralodo, "Jmlas .Maccabees," Riven on Momlav cienlnit nt the t'aliuiy ll.iplM ihurcli, liy tlic Taylor Oratorio society, Under the ellielent direction ol i'rof. I). 1!. .lone.. The larRe ilnucli auditorium iai taxed to lt ulino't seutln capacity. Tlic thorn, wai awltcil liy lUucr'i full orelicilra; Mls I.lih Homer, ilollnlsl; Mlm I41IU Ilol.ln, oiuanltt, and Jllsi liorence lllthtnond, planlft. The Kolotatt were Mki Alberta O'Xelll, soprano, MlHies-llairei Mr.. I.cnore Tlionipmn, contralto, .Scianlon; Mrs, l). T. Davis, tenor, Wilkes-llirre, anil Jlcsi, ,I, T. WatKIm and Jotin W. ,Ione, liaio. Tlic cliorm sltiRlnff vva. exceptionally Una nnd was worlby of ronuncnitjtlnn, which hoiud 1'iof, .Ione' klll at ft tmilcnl director. The pto ductlon wa? one ot the flnct cur rIiciv lieie, nnd certainly iprnki well for our Vngeis. TI10 perlorinanic lasted nearly three hours and was delightful to hear. The funeral of Sophia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walking, ol lteiidliain, took plate jC'tcrday nftirnoon fmin t lie family reldencc, ami was laiRcly nltended. Services were conduct ed In the hoUM! nt 2 o'clock. Itev. .1. .1. .Icnklm, p utor of the Nebo CoiurrrgAl tonal tlmicli, oflltb ntcd. Tiieie were many floral trlbutci presented by blends and rel.itlvci and wcio mot beautiful. PUZZLE. Jnteiuient tt.13 mule in (lie Puiiat Home rtinc tci;. AmioiinceuunL has been made of the .ipptoath inn; mjiiiagc of Willi. tin 11. Thom.i', .1 popular .vountf 111.111 of thw ton 11, iiiui liii Mollis, an estimable .ionii,c hub of Vct be union. v .Mr. .IcnKiits .md mjii, Sinnu I JciiMtB, of W'animie, I.uitne county, hive been the Miosis of Mr. and Mis. Tliunu-. .1. lVvill, o Main htieel, for the pat fev dai. Mls Kvil.Mi wlf, of 1'eikville, w.n the !;uot of li-! (Icitiude U'atldns, of (Jiove tlurt, on .Monil.iv. Mis. if. J. .Tones, Mrs. ,T, M. 'I honm ami Mrir Kuet, Mi-s Hannah Moi.uis, of OUpinut, ele Kiicsls of the foimci's ulalivcs in l'l iiutvilie cu Hie b'abbilli. 'liie tociil and cnlett.ilumcnt held under the au-plcrs of tl.iss No. 11, aL the Wel-b lliptl-t (liuitli lx-t I'.niliij wji a sutee'-', l,oth &u'.i.illy mid I111.111ti.1lly. Ml-,") I'.lljliplh and John On en? of Oil. strrol, visited lclalives in Cirboudilo tin Sund.i.v. roiemaii aid Mis. John It. John and diihhcn, 011111 and Halm, of blieel, t-pcnl the iiihbilli in Jlo-eov. MUses t.liibcth JJ.iv 15 and Mabel Smilli and lisfis. .I0I111 and WiMhni lin and S.nmul Ktith, ot Avoea, were fruests ot fticndi in town on Monday. DALTON. Mr-i. 1:, I'alnur bniitli Ins liecn quite ill tlic pa-t few- dt. Attorney and M11. 1'itd St oil, of Snantoii, wtie Kiitots, of tlieir aunt, Mia. Iliuvvn. on PUNll l.l, .Ntl-on IJeibhimer and MI-3 S11.1I1 Ilu Hois spinl '.mid iy with the latl"t'-i sistei, Mid. Miuton Mi1kIc-.v, f Diiidar Hill. 'J he Dillon tiieie held lis tegular niTtitut Monday eveiiim? at tho home of .Mr. and Mi-, w. h?. Iliislaniler. Albeit Ball, of I'lail.'s Sunilliit. will move his household Roods to his ntn liome in this plait this Weill. House lie. minor nod t-'aldfli 111.1K i Ji-r ale the piiniipat doln:;s in till- 1 1 0 1 1 , 1 : -i 1 1 at pii-cnl. Mi. and -ln. William J'.ans and family, of Suanton, spint Siindiy vvltli their pairuts, Mi, and Mrs. J, T, hutiieis, and tlieii ister, Mis. ha Kii'.-ac m TUNKHANNOCK. Spddal to Hie Scinnloii Ttibunc. Tiinhhannodi, Apill JO. Mr. nnd Mi-. William Mosiei, of Palien, wcio Aisltim; fiicnds and lela lives at tills, plite on MolidiJ. II.111.1 Mddt ind fuull.v, or Ki.vre, am vi-l'lng his fathei, .lo-epli Well h, on Ilaiiisou slieet. Tin -day of lieu wed. is the datn lived by law foi Hie iletllon of a county bupeilulenihit of .si hools, 'I lie only tamlidiUs iuonlioii(d ale the piisint Eiipeilntendent. I'lanh II. Jarvi, and I'lofci-or 1'ianli .1, Heniian, of t lie Mehoopiny nliool., Supcrlnti intent Jarvls was fu-t cleticd in the spiin? of IStni, and ln.v tilled two terms fcU(t(.sfullV. 5-pultl (Itllecr J0I111 t'ud.ey, of Savie, and Pe. Iitlivc liny (', llallon, of Tovvandi, wete (.tilers In town 011 'lucsdav, ,luil,e I!. M. Iliiiihaiu haudeiU.iovvn an order on Tll(da.v in wltiili James CJaliup, ronllned for de-irllun, was dlicded 10 be allowed lo (iiUr bill lit Hie turn nf l.orja pcudlui: the di-po.l;i,iii of ids (j.e, 'I be hcarlus Is fet down for May Vi. Ml-;i llulli I'iatt leluined on Moudiy from S 1.11 u -i', vvliein the lias been In allcudau:e lit Hie uiiiverblly as 11 Undent, W, I!. I.ilile, ei., was dolms biulneas at Xitii. idson on Tue-daj. 'Hie filote in Ihe llinlvvell block recently . (.ited by I!. M", I'uiun, is beltitf painted and leiiovaled by II, 1 Ivelhvi?, An application ins liieii nude to tiaiisfcr the RICKETY "CHILDREN. Loose joints, bow legs, big head, and soft bones mean rickets. It is a typical disease or the best workings of Scott's Emulsion, For the weak bones Scott's E m u 1 s i o n supplies those powerful tonics the hypophos phites. For the loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion provides the nourishing cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion corrects the effects of imperfect nour ishment and brings rapid im provement in every way to rickety children, hend Tor Free Simple. ICOIT & liOW.N'K. Uien&U, 4g Furl Sw N. Y, taicrn llcene ol Hit Ntver Itoujc fll Nlcliolion from the lltcnsre, Charles I'rcdcnburff, lo Klrko Stephen?, who li.ti lately puichaed Hie properly. Charles M. Leo 111 enter upon hi dutiei m justice ot the pence on Monday next, tucceedln Jniuet T. KetelileilRC. Jtl l'lorcnte IvUhpaimli, ot Ilarrlduirir, was the nuent of frleinU at II1I1 place on .Monday. Albert Mack, who la engaged In the lnur.ince biulnrM nt Roranlon, is (pending a tew days with ItU family here. f Theatrical J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. CATM.'MY flnrles l.cj bourne's Uon Ton Stotk company. Mallncc nnd nliflit. Sandow. One Is the better prcpirrd to nccept the Samp son and the plllan slory tine i.tto, alter tcelni? Himlow iierform us he did last night at the t.jccinn. A lllllp lltlnir lllp puhlii!r down a stone houc would scm 111.0 llsht eeiclso for this modem man of muscle, liven tome of the famed strong men that "used to live in Car bondalc" and oilier kiic.Ii plates would scarcely attempt some of the things Sandow did with tomparallvc case. The feat to the nudienco seemed the mot man clous was the illnuv act of his exhibition of linger stienglh, tlic tearing squarely In two of time full decks nf piajlng cards. 'Ihe 111 "t time lie did It tlic cards did not tear sqiiaielj. He called lor moic cards and icptatcd the ntt to his own satisfaction, forming a bridge a platform was placed on his thcsl ami atop this 710 pounds of dumb boils and sK men v.etc plated. A ninety-pound ball, attached to .1 tlialn a jard in length, was al lowed to loll from Sainton's hand width held it at arm's length, the end of the chain being giapcd In the hand. The "Jetk" did not pull his hand down halfa-foot, A (ull-siiil man l.iing prostrate on the stage was piilicd up by Hie belt, with one Innd, nnd placed usiride 11 lioi.-e. An entertaining featutc of Sandow's c.lilbitlon was his posing on a pedestal under 11 sltung caltiiim light. Ills wonderful muscular .develop ment as diidaved In the arIous poes brouglit fiom the spettuloH that eliemo tvidcnclng of cmprlsp and wonder "Whew!" Samlovv, Ixiwcvd, Is not the whole show. His vaudeville eonipmy is one ot uuusuil cxtellentc. The Ikiinin llrothers, tomedy ueiobats, ale the liest p.ilr in their line of wotk who have ccmc tins way. A sketch, "Hooked by a Ctook," by the .Ma-on-Keehr company, Is an exceptionally clever ad, and thne Is .1 good miisldil tutu by tlie Leslie Iliothcis Cross nod Hildcu, in songs and dances; Julie Iting, in songri, and two juvenile artists, liie Little I'tick", do vety credit able woik. The poitonnance tloaes with a living pidure exhibition. Sandow is pla.vipg nn end o-tho-eason engage ment with I). Marner, tlic Amniiean iepreenla live of Ihe famous London booking llrm of Warner k Co. U the dose, of this engagement it Is his intention to open pli.v tiilttnc .sdiuols in several of the higer K.istein cities, devoting a diy a wcik to eatli city. "Heaping the Whirlwind." A slrong fom-act drama, "Reaping Ihe lMdil. wind," rcteived .1 line piesditation last night, at the At jili in, at the hands ot the Hon Ton Stntk coiupinv. In the aflcinoon "All for (Sold or Money .Mad" was the attraction. Tills alttrnoon the (ompjtiy will ine-jiil "1'lie Little Mvcndfcr." "The Merchant of Venice." The advame sile of pells for the lelurn en gagement of Aiodje-ka 111 d .Tame, at the Lwcum ll.tatie, on Ihmsdiy evening, opened at the box olllte .vesUidn.v uiotnipg. 'Ihe pliy this time will be "The Metdiiht of Vdtite," 111 wiuJi line, lodje.s'.a will be seen In be. fmio'is pnr Ira.val of I'ottla, wludi Is ilaiuitd by Willi nn Winter In be Mia ki -pe tic's must fciiilninc wo nt in, and Modjeska's gieale-t aillstic achieve ment. ' .Mi. .IniKs, of ((iin.-e, will lie -cen in Ihe ude of Sh.vlotk, a stiikii.j; (onttiit to the ehaiaiter of lb" wilv Cirdmal Wol-ey, whkh lie cssavid heie at the beginning of tlic season. The pn"nt ltliini cnigci'itnl uf Hit-o ills linguished adois pos-c-s k .1 petuliai intei-st m Ihe fid that It vvil! 111 all piobdulity milk Hi fanvvell nppeaniiite on Ihe si ige of aline. Modje-ki, is sin litmus lo lur native I'ulind at the of tlic cetson and ill inue her futiiio borne in her iiitiva 1 itv of liaco.v, wh'ie, at Mi.ish.i'al iubivals, he will app-ar In tlj-sle tides in Ihe endow id thealiis of t'ta- cow-, Moscow- and Piuue. rl lie piodudiou of "Ihe "Meidiant of Vcniie" will bo one of MCtile .splendid, and tjie suppos ing toiiipinv is iiuc of p irticiil.ii sturigtli and ginetal 1 xccllcuqc. large aiidleme will iloulit less a-senibl,. at t lie Lvecum on 'lli'iisday to wit ness Mi tkespo ire's gi palest inniedj-diai.ia, ,.i picsenlcd by these famous atti-ts. "Bonnie Uricr Eush." line of Ihe t Lit f .lttiadlons of ihe drtnutie season will be Ihe ippcarame of -Mi. -i. II. Mod. d.ut in "1'ho liuiinle Hi it i- Ilu-ii." 'J lit" date of this engagement is Situidii.v luitinee and night at tlie L.veeum. Ml of those familial with tba (lijuuin,: .slinv of Ian Maelauii, as well as Iho-e who kno.v .Mi, .Sloddart thioiigli his prcvlom InipeiMitialiona, tan easilv see wliy the pieie made Midi a pionmitKcd suticss in Vew Vml; 11IJ. The tiitits tltric weie all of the opinion Hill lltmiatlst .lames MieAilhm- has c.'ielnll.v pii'M-ivid He .ltinnsplii're whldi fciinis Hie lngir pait of Ihe biiuly in the Iv'ale.v.u 1 toiles. Him. ever, it is in the iliumlir of l.iehlin ('.riiili(1l, poitiiveil In .Mi, Moddiil, thai Hie dilef lutii et of the pli.v einleis. Canipbell, II will lie ie. uieuibi'ied, is a tjpiral heolelt rhlct, w'011 allows his iniirow interpr.'talioii of his tieed lo lake pieeedtiite ovir his love fur ids diughltr. Ihe comedy clement ill the piece, too, Is sliong and pTsii-linl. lis ililcf exponent Is "I'osty," wboi-c dtnll phlhi'opliy and wiltielsmi lortu ,111 excellent foil foi tho mere serious pnr. lions of the play, The pieie is staked and aded witii that flatness which ehiiatleries Kltko La SheTle'.s attratlio'is. "Tlie lloimip Drier lludi" in id" sudi a pro nounied lilt v.lieii fccii bete a dioit time ago Hut Ihe l.jteiim tlieatir will hold Iwo lirge nudlentes next Mttirdi.v, Suits gu on tale to morrow morning at I) o'dotk. Blue Blood Bui'lesqueis. 'Hie llliie Woods Umloniip and Vaudeville ioiii. piny and coinedlins und que pus id beauty will In gin 11 three ilji&' cngagenunt at the Slar to morrow nftiinonii, 'lho living plttinps ate leal works of ait, itch In tnloiing, toinplcle In ev ery detail, and of hicIi lnimniotli ptopuilioni us to (.iiisij astouUlimeut, 'lho piegianiuie begins by showing the Hl'ie Itloods on a (lip to Puis, 'ihe mude is 01 L'l ill and vi ty b) I, vei (litTeieiit fiom the general inn und by uiiuigeis of burltwpio imiipanlts, home familial- and well known ailMx make up 1111 olio 1 t muni be excelled, und is tchloai tquilled by any iiavtllng oigaulrallon. 'Ilu) peifortnaiKp iomliids.1 with Hip C'hlueo operetti, "Wit Ting," .1 satiic ut "sail To.v." llva .Mitchell as Mi .Melinite, the lloweiy liitl, late of the New Yoik tlieatet, STAGE NOTES. i:ts lit" Dirllug is the new piinii douni -cf "The hultaii of Milu." M10 Is diluted to be ,1 elbcoHiy of lltmy W, Sivage', Her predeecswr, .Miss Mi Kinney, has been tiansfcited to "The l'rlitic of I'llstn," now in icheatnal. Mheti Viola .Mien stalls licit ectsun .Willi "lho ricinal I'll" IMvvaul .1, Jlorgun will bo liar lending nun, Tho new pliv nideied for Mr. Moigan will not be icady until about the Hist of the ,vpjr, and Ids Marring tour will Mart then, .lust pli llulkley has obtained Hm dramatic rights of t'athennu ralheivvouil'd novel, "La jiii'," Oils Mlnuer und Aubrey lloudejult will rndilUke Hip ihanutUatlon of tho book, wjlh 4 view lu produtlng a play for Mr, hkliiiur next tcsun, Maudp IValy Ins withdrawn ppiniancutly fioin William (lllleltc's llieatileal ronipany, ,MIs Kealy sjIUiI Immediately for tliU loiintry upon the Iriiiiliutiun of her toutraet Willi UilU'ttc und will play (or eight wicks In a stock tout. pany ill Shi KiancUi'o. "The l.ltilp Ktiiicli Milliner" reecntly ptodueeil In London, Is an adaptation of "I'oralU.' & I'o." Hie khoeklngly ('utro couieily that was onto pin elitccd in New Yolk by Clurles Fiolmun. The piece baa caught rxji in Loi'dou and is a big SUICCS.S, fluilfi Frobnuu will kt ir Ilertha Calland li'vt geason In t'aul Toiler's ".Voire llauie." 'Ihe pliee wus origlmlly vvrlttitt for Ml Hallaud, but had to be ulllUnl by the fctiitk comiuiiy, William r Owen, I'rank im und 1'iank l.o5ee will be In Mlis lUIUnd'.- iupiwrt. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Each Extra Lin !. For Bent. foil ItnST A fl-room collage, with lieivy fur tilture, in Unlomlale, Susfptclianna Co.. I'.i., trn miles west of f'atbondalp on .lellerwn llrandi railroad; good water and mountain air; chuiih, 1,1 1 1 rend, mall, telephone, telegraph and like no tommodallous. Imiulrc early. .Mrs. IMward Motgin, Uiilondilc, I'll. I'OH lU-IXT 10-iI Olive ftieet, Btngte linttse of roe? idnit. call morning. between in ana u. I'OII IHlST-SlxToom tlat with bath, fte-im heat, gas lange, and all model n Impiove mcnlsj rent reanoualile. Call early, fred O. Hand, TO.) .Mulberry elrcet. fOIt lll.NT-Pmall furnished house for rent. In quire nt lJ Vine street. IJAHN foil ITi:NT-12, April 1st, three bo nd three firglc (tails and w.isii rack, rear ol 324 Madison avenu. Inquire fll 031 Madison avc. fOP ItKMT Store building for rent In Dickson City. Pa. nulldlng FO feet by 21 feet, cellar under nil, and second Ktorv can lie arranged for ft family. All In good lepiir ready for ue. Two coal breakers nnd mines tlosc by employing over n thousand people. An enterprising merchiiu can get a laree trade. Apply to William H, Illclimond, rtltlimond Hill, Sir N. Md" a"-"uc Pcranton, Pa. Furnished Eooms. FOIt TinXT One furnished room, with improve ments; nlsj one on third door, cheap. C'JT Adints avenue. FUnNlEIinD ROOMS for rent, inodetn improve ments; private family; gentlemen ptcferred, at G37 Adams avenue. FOll MOT furnished room; heat and bath. G-3 Linden sttect. FUrtNISTint) ROOMS FOR nnNT, vvltli heat, gas and bath, gentlemen ptcferred, at O.VJ Adams venue. For Sale. fI.OOIII.NU Matched Hardwood and nil other kind-. Our lumber Is well Msi.otiiil. Ilet glades, lowest piites possible, Hzt t 1'lnn & Sons, Corner Ash sttect and I'emi avenue. Iloth 'phones. I-OIt SAI.i: A put it runabout und u finiflv ton; good condition, linptltc 7(W Ail mi's avenue. 1'Olt SAI.i: Heavy coal wagon, double bnx-, or will exchange for light wagon. J. C. Diiley, Chinchilla. FOIt SAI.i: &ov en-year lease nnd furnituic of a flO room hotel in cood ippnlr, near Centtal depot. Itca-on for soiling, mv time all taken lip in other business Right man who knows tile steel plant people tan do a big Hade M they all hive lo pjs the hold. Iteut l,tl.)) a veat; nil thor oughly lenovaled. Xcw bat and kitchen list spiing. Hold Hollar hold can ulso be bought on cay terms. Addtess' .1. W. Ashley, Hold Hollar Hotel, lluftalo, X. Y. FOIt SiM.i: Will fat.iifiee a 100 piano of an old reliable make; walnut ca-o; only been used two ve.iis und is in perfect condition. For par ticuhits aeldibs "Cliance," Tribune oflke. FOR SM.i: Cheap for cash, phaeton, good (on dltioii; bargain to one who wisliis tu buy. Inquiie III, (ircen Ithlge slieet, Uiinmoie. FOR SAI.i: Shade dees and iiiiiseiv slod., exlta M7e. (Jlles L. Clatk, WW Wood dieet. New 'plione 1021 15. JFSr AliniVi:i). two car loul of hoises. good workeirt ami dnvers, weight f ntn 7,ouu to 1.6111 ; seveial eicfdy matt bed teams: can be ,ecit at ;:.ii Haji.ioud couit. F. M. Cobb. C'MtPH'iti- JO.OfiO vaids Htuls, Ingrain.-, Vel vets, ais Mnttin-'s. 0 1 ( luth: 1U.0U1 pieces linen (duet., t ili'e i laths, bl inkcts, ennnier innes, napkins, rtt,, lion beds, spijn's, mitlt.'s-cs, (hair-. about six tuloids nt public audion. '-tic begins Tuedn al 10 a. in. and 2 and 7 p. in., nt 2.10 Lack tvv i-tna avenue, next Set niton' Mipst Hiiluiid walling mum, oiipo-ilo l'eim avenue. Ciinnnitigs ,t tiro., Auc tioneers. FOll SI.i:-A beautiful dhmonil iimr, one carat. Mill sell for "'i. Addiiss 1". O. Ilo OJ. Cltj. FOR Sl.i:-lLnd Ml douhleri. Ilros., Pater-on, X. .1. Xew. Ilamford Wanted To Eant. AN'I III) I'uini-hed mom, by a lidv cmplo.v.-d; Adhcsi II., Tribune. In a pihate fiuiilv, jmiit be te.isonablc. WAXl'FH ROOMS For two adull.s, three or foul' looms, fuml-hcd or nished for very light hoii'i keeping, tlrt lloor picleired. Addrbi M. 11., Tiibune cfllte. WANTi:D Furnished house or four or five looms ftr housekeeping. Address A. U. i: Ttilnme cince. Eoal Estate. UOOHLUW PA UK 1.0'IS lively oilier invest, ment speculative. Values Mint luti'i-e. Small aiiniml invested ollcu brings f.tnpu-ing li turns. A Land-lbink is the only uic one, hep us at onie. IVta Finn .x; Sins, Cornel Ash street and Penn avenue. Iloth 'phones. FOR SALI1 lllegint sites for linntes in upper (item Ridge; choice ueighbnihood; nio-l dp. firablc loeallty tor home In l.iekav.aniii eemnly. t, A. laivine, 17.IO bindciMin avdiuc. FOR HUNT oi f.ile at (-unbtiry, Pa, A substan tial fcui-.story hi 1(1, building, foi fadoiv nr wholesale sloir. Light Horn lliicc hlihs, o'tflec, hick of warehouse, catiiigo liou.e and stable convenient. Rent leasonalde. Addtess L. Lvon, Pljmoulli, Fa. FOIt SAI.K Two lots, iinproved, with feme, .side walk and gultci, X, llltkely st.. Ilmimore; vety reasonable, Addicis Albeit Jenkins, Hottlh Canaan, M.tyne county, Pa. FOll SM.ll A desliable and well improved fiitm, situated Iwo miles from Honerdale inntaliiing f-ll or mote aires. Hood buildings, well vvaiercd, a nevrr falling spring, nitharil and wood lot, Mtgar bush und mil glove. Mis. dticuilali (!u rett, Ilone.sdaIe, Pa. FOIt SI.i: Llegant sites for homes in upper Ctteen Ithlge; tliolee neighborhood; most de Firablc locality for homo In l.aekiwantu county, ,1, A, Matvine, 17M Rindcivin avenue. FARM FOR SALi: Sixly-twn acres, one mllo from Lake Atlel; twelve acred of limber, lest improved; excellent epilog water on lot; firm tltuited on mul. Foi pattituiars uddtcss Will iam Treslai, Ariel, Pa. Auction, rUtl'nS-Hl.f'On j ltd) lltit.seli, Ingi ilm, Vel vets, nlo Minings Oil Cloth; 10,000 plcd-s linen bhcets, talilo tlatlu. blankets, lountei'. panes, napkins, etc., lion beds, springs, luattirsscs, chillis, about six' lailonds t publlei auction, Pile begins 'lucsdav al 10 a. m. and 2 and 7 p. in,, nt 2!0 Lidavvaiun line, next S-'tranton Sttect Itnlioul wailing toom, opposite Ptiiu avenue, Citinmlngs & llro,, Auc tioiK'ira. Wfiutecl. VAyri:il-$J,30i) wanted at ,1 psr leul, mi i liy pioptitj worth over lfl,0ti, Call ut loom 10 Piiee building befoie noon todav, Wnnted .Rooms nnd Bonvd, WANTKll Tvvj rcinmuiilcatiug looms with boirl, pillule, family pi del led. Two. Udles and a gentleman. Suto full paitliulurs. Address C, II. D,, Trlluno otflcc. IiOt. I.OsI V gold und enamel pin, "S. l. S,, 1'JW." Finder will please nulilv or pall at J.Vlj 'i tin uviutie. LO.sT A datk jellow pd eat, atuvvers tp ha lulite of TcddU', A suitable rev. aid If ie tinned to Rita Capouse avim.e, I.OiT A 1 idles' gold waldi; u liberal lew ml vvl be given if letuined lu Hotel Tetrjip, LOST A gold watch and fob cither on Caiboii ttliTt or (tout Caiboii iiiivt In Miillietry en Penn, Finder ittiutt lo Htoigu ,1, Aili. 'iutit'i oltlte. Reward, LOST Slid beaded puic (Otitaluliig .null kmio, of iitone, on Laekavvanni avenue, Heir Uy. oming. Finder ple-4 e jclurn pur.e le) Tilb.-.n? olllce and keep content., I.OM' ?2"i, between Peek Lninlur Cn.. Fast SHr ket tticet and Preibvtirliu clititeb Ite.vatd if returned to office of Peek Lumber Co. u SITUATION 3 WANTED FREB. Branch WANT Offices, Wnnt Advertisements Will Bo Hecclved nt Any of the follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.IH'.IIT fsCllt't.TZ. corner Mulbeiry strict and Wcbter nveiiiie, GUSTAV PICIIFL, 6J0 Adams uvenue. West Side UCOIIHK W. JF.SKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton f Hill) L. TLHPPi:, 720 Cielar avenue. North Sernnton (MM. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Muikct street. Green Hidge ' l CIIAIH.I'.S P. .lONLS, 15W Hlcksoll avenue. F, J. JOHN. 020 Crcett ltldhc street. C LORKNZ, comer Washington avc- avenue and M.nion .sttect. Petersburg W. H. K.NLTFIX, 1017 Irving avenue. Diinmoi'G J. o. noxi: & sox. Help Wnnted Male. WA.N'IKI! Operators to tlo copying (v(niiig, 7 In 10. Apply Remington 'Jvpewillei ofllce, 422 t-piuee attcct. WA.N"Ii:i) Iliaitihlsnian to make patent draw ingx. 211 .Meats building. VOHXf! Mi:x wanted any dlslauee, copy letters, home cvcnlnvs and rcltirn to us. Me n.v "jltl per tlioiisaiid tend adetiessed cuvelnpc. paitiftl lais und copy. F. M. C. llept. llo, llox- 1111, Philadelphia. CIVIL SFltVICi: governinent positions. P.SS'l appointments miiile last jeai. Piobtlily 10, 000 this leu. Only loinmon sdiool cdiitatlon ic qtilicd lor cximlnatinn. Catalogue of informa tion free. Columbian Coire-pondence College, Washington, D. C. WA.NTKI) Experienced boy at Ulistol hou-c bar be r sliop, WANTFD Clothing salesm in of oxpetimee nod good hablls. Apply to John 11. Uo.vle, -llfl Lackawanna avenue. WAXTF.l) n.v one ot the ingest old line life iiisttianto tnuipanles, leu agents for Xoith- cislctii Pennsjivanla. Ldipial toiitracl. salary or commission. Addiess jhnagcr, taie Tribune. WA.NTF.D A young man who has hail one veil's CApetiencc In tin shop. Foote & Fiillct, Mens building. WANTi:i) Fitst class shoemaker, for repair woik. 11. A. llavis, I.uicme avenue, West Pitlston.. WAXTIID Piiiileis; onlv good men need apply. Call at Charles Wagner's, ii'll Adams avenue. Eelp Wanted Female. WANTFI) Xuic gill ol wnmiii lo belli take c-are of ththiieu untlei llnee jeats of uge. I'leisp -lit- wages expected and .voui age. Call or address Wis H, J. tkiiison, llivvle.v. Pa. l A N'I'l.'IlM onicn to canvass for and lcnrcse-it Ihe TA1I.MH) IXV LIIIIISUV; in some eli tricis sith-eriptions lnve been seeuied at ptac tieally every house; cxpeiieneed (omissus can make .r' a week. Hive lefcientes und addrtss. IV. F. Smith. Mgr. hub. llept., 'I lie lloohloveis Libiai.v, Plillidclphia. VOl'Nfl LMIIKS wanlid any distame, copy let lers.lhome evenings and teliiin lo its. We pay l'l per tIiouanil tend addtcsed envdope, pii-titnl.n- and copy. F, M. C. Dipt. 415, llox 1411, Philadelphia. i:pi:iiii:nci:i) laundry hi:lp waxti:d Ap ply at Ke.vstone Laundrr, 114 Soulh Main avenue, hdween 7.:j0 and S LO p. in. AN'Ti:il fiiil for genci li lioiiscnoik. 717 Mont ce anue. Apply LADV CAXVASSr.Tt wanted to solicit subscrip tions for Tlie Tribune; good commission of feied with a fair guarantee for flrst-tlass vvotker. Apply pcr.oniliy ut Dusincsa Manager's office, Ecianton 'lribu:.e. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED LIFE OP T. DEWITT TALMAOE, hy Ids Son, lli:v. FltAXK DI'.WIIT TALMAOi: nnd as-oclite cditois nf Cluisllau Ileiald. Only book cndnised by Talmagc family. L'tiorntom proflt fur iigents whn act quickly. Outfit ten cents, Wtllc Immediately CLAK si Cj xn t, 4tn s , Pullu., I'u. Mention tills Paper. Situations Wanted. WIDOW wllh one child wants u situation as housekeeper In a wldovvei's family. Address It, li., 09 Rod; sttect, Pittslon, Pa. blTlUTIOX WAXTKD-Of any kind, by .xoung man who is willing to wotk; Kiher, indits ti Ions, fail cducaticn, Call or addrcsi 127 Oak fotel cum t. A WOMAN' want! place lu lountiy hotel or farm vvliete (-lie (an have her boy to woik for his board and wninin to mok and do general housework. M. I) Motovv, Pa, hl'l C.VI ION WAXTKD-Lid.v tenngrapher and tjpevvritcr deciles position; cxperltnecd. laOO, Trlinme, fcl'l CATION" WANTFD-lly a lellalde colored man as poiiet, oliice or tlaj'.s work, Ad dtess II. A., :ilii Penn avctuie, POMTIOV wanted by a fust ela-s (arrlage paint, er, Adijiess 1I2S Piospett aviniic. fci'll'A'IION MAX'li:n-Ily on cxpeiieneed man, wllh good icputiitlon, as tcam.lcr or st.ililo woik. Can furnish rcfeiences, Addtess 127 Oalv foul plate, clly, hl'lHATION VANTi:i)-Ily u widow, woitlel llko washing and houso t leaning by, Mrs. Mlllei, 712 Sehnell court, For Salo or Bent. FOR H.,I J OR HUNT The Forest House Hotel, Splmdld location and sillsfactoiy ieaon.s for (baiige, Tciuis on appllealion to A. .1. Uavlu, 1'oicst liou,e, .leiuijn. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATK FAMILY wUhcs to have two nhe men to board, Gtrman or Fngltsh. Call any timj alter 'lliursdjy. All com ententes, to llarriaon avenue. Business Opportunity, A.N i:( I'.P'lltlN'AL business opMiituulty is open tu a tellable mm of diaiai-tn n Invut 1 l.f-o ) in a fclilttl) leglllnialo and exirdlhigl.v piullt ubp biisine.s. Piison'il inleivlcvv- onlv, AddtccS "Chnaelei," TiHmnu itllte', CARPI'.'ls .'O.oiio vardi ltiurls, Ingiahu, Vel vets, also .Mattings, Oil ( Ittb: 10.UOI ."ee lli'di heet, table tlotltn. blankets, ioiii! er lams, iiapklm, eli Iron b-ils. Hiring-, ii.all.isn-, tliaiu, iibout l taibltdi at publii- auetlon. s-tflc begiiu Tite.iUy lit 10 a. in. tnd 2 and 7 P in.. t 2'0 l.ukawinni an'iue, next Sei.iul.1. Mllft llsUiom willing num. (it polte Pei.ii avinue. Ci.uimliu lliu,, Auc. lion crs. Srot'tx AND WIIBAT J'Klli:t!S without delay. Write for our petial market letter. Irie on ipllratiou. S.' M. Milliards': Co.. irembir .N. CLiisolldated anJ ttw.1. bulimic, 41 anl W llreadwaj, .New York. F.laWUiisd lil. Ls..i; Dulimc' Phono 2:Ji3 D.'eiJ. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tim Pour Llnei, 6 Cent tor llach Bttn Llrl j, LEGAL. rill, ANNUAL Hireling of the lot owncru of tin Cemetery Asjotlatlon of Dunniori' will h( held ut the nfflie on the ground Friday, Jbiv 2, 1IKH, ill .1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect" tig two trustees to scrip for three ycats and trancnet such other bulnes.s that may come he fore the meeting, HI'.N'ltV ni'.YIlA, (tecreiary. XOTICIl Is hereby given that A. it. no!iidA Sons, prisons having n Hen, under Hie laws of Pennsylvania, upon goods, wares and mer chandise of tlie Doer Park thcnlng Company, consisting of one two-horse delivery wagon, in at count of Moiiirp and labor bestowed on such goods, (lie owners having failed, neglected and re. fuwd to pay the amount of such charges upon wld ptopcrty within sixty dnja alter demand thereof made petsonilly, will expose the said two-horse delivery wagon to sale, at public mo tion, at fl'iuld'a Catrlage Works, Xo. 415-121 Linden street, clly of Reranlon, Lukiiwiinin county, Penusvlvnnla, on the 14th day of May, A. D. 1WK, nt 10 o'tlock a, in., and sell Hie fame or hi much I hereof us shall be sufficient Ie discharge slid Hen togelher with costs of sill and ndvcrllslng. A. It. nOIJLT) k SON'S. WILLAItl), WAltni'.X & KN'APP, Solicitors. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MON'F.Y TO LOAN-Qulck, straight loans or Ilulldlng and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on M. V, Walker, 814-315 Council building. Rheumatism. nili:UMATISM All parties that wish ran h speedily and permanently cured of all va rieties of Rheumatism liy a xcgctahlo compound. Cures guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E. Tay lor. Scranton. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. iTnWADD C. SPAULTIIXa. 23 TUAPniTS HANK Duilding, and St. Paul nulldlng, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAV13. ARCHITECT, CONNER Duilding. FREDERICK h. BROWN. ARCH. B.. HEAIi Estate E-sehange Bldg.. 12 Washington ve. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I.. IIARDIXO, 815, CONSULT, DTJILDINO. STEVENSON & KNIOHT, 720 COXN'ELL BLDQ. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENDERQER, PAULI DU1LDI.NO. Spruce Btreet, Scrantoo. DR. C. O. I.AUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. WILLARD. WARREN i: KNAPP, ATTORNEYS anil CounscUois-at-Law. COS to 012 Council UuTldirg. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and 13 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEQO tlated on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN-fcellors-nt-lavv. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. EDWAnD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. R00M3 903-004, Sth floor, Mears building. L, A WATTIES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Stranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BU1LDINO. A. W. IIGRTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. W. E. ALLEN. SU NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 330 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. D. 0. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 126 8 WASH ington avenue. Chronic and ncrvou3 diseases a specially. Corsultatton free. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D h. It W. PAS- eenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A B. BRIOOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cesa pools; ni sdor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 1100 North Main avenue, or F.leko's drug store, cor ner Adams nnd Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. 0 R. CLARKE fc CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS en men, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1030 North Main avenue; itora tele phone, 782 Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ot Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DHESSMAKINO FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 2U Adams avenue. MEOAROEE DH09., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 139 Washington avenue, Scranton, Ta. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at tho news stands ot Rcismai Bros., 400 Spruce and 003 Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Sthutzcr, 211 Boruce street. STORAGE. The Scranton Storage Co. offers perfect facilities for the Storage of household goods etc, Upwards of. 30 dry, clean aud thoroughly ventilated room3, with individual keye are at the disposal of the public, 113 FrankHn Ave. x s - 1 y !t ." - i fti-r