i- Fti&Xi, tV,f. ,.vOil - sy.jr- -j 1 M r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDiNESJDAV, APRIL 30, 1902 V '3 fl Points AboutPAINT 1. Brilliancy. 2. Durability. . 3. Covering Capacity. lilt: COST Is NOMINAL nml bears no tninpirlaan with lb" SATISFACTION experienced nml IIFMJLT iilltulned In mlrlg an article width cotitnlm these Tlllllli: FSSMsNTIAt. tillALHIF.S LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT Is (lie Ili:(OONIZi:i) feTASDAIII) In iciy Mlwil Paint. Atlantic White L9id and Pun Linseed Oil ... . mike im i.VKiH.VjriNfi" pilnt ami when applied with WIHTINC'S nilUHIIKS, i liiaiilifnl niul perminenl Mulsh la nl wojs as-uled, WIIOLFSALi: nml Itctiill AgrnN. MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lackawanna Ave. a, i ' 1 Our New Store at ths Old Stand Xa the most attractive and artistic in the city. The same can be said of our stock of Pictnres, Frames, Wall Paper, etc, You are most cordially invited to call and see the beautiful things we have for sale. Jacobs & Fasold 209 Washington Avenue. City Notes. J SLK'.IIT IMI'1.0Vl.MI.Vr.--ir. Conn-ll yrsler ilny rtpnrtcil a, t-Tipcht iniiioveiucnt in flu ion tilt ion of John Jcuujn. It is not, huwever, uh.it would be (.illul a dci ided ihaiigc. MIXTIAMrU, 1II!A1T.SMAX.-0ii June il, t nml 5 tlif1 United Males civil strike luinmissinn will lioM nil csauiinatinn for mcchanltal ill. ilia man In the onlnaiuu department at large. (.T.VFItAL MFKITNO. A general mccling u tin- ladifs of tlic Limb n tlrccc temple- ami Aiil Foticly will lie held 'I luir.sJ.ny evening .it the rcsidente of Mis. L. Mark, on Vino street. NO NI'AV CASKS. There n not een u tus pit ion-, tase repoitet to Dr. J. W. HaUM'r, the tiuall-po plijclfimi, je.tertlay. The patients In the imcrgeiuy hospital ar all reported tu lie doing nicely. PIUMDKNT MAIIAX TO SIMIAK. Nation il President, M1I1.111, of the Amalgamated Asso ciation of Stieet Hallway 1'anploj e.-., ttill arrite In tills tily totliy and ulll ailtlnss a ineeling of Didslon So. Ids, to he held tonight. KXCL'IISIOX COMMI'lTKi:. The general torn inittee luting in thaige the "arraiigtmenls,or the Odd 1'ellous' cMiuMon to lie toruliicttd tin .Inly 1 tu Moiiiitaiu Park Mill nictt tonight in Odd Fellows 'hall at 20!) Wyoming atenue. POMCi: WKIli: DUll.LKD.-Korty. of tie numbers of the police foue, intituling nearly nil the new men, were matched up lo the new iiliuuir jeslerday afteriioun and put thiough u ill 111 by Miperintvndciit Day, This ttill be con tinued Htekly. I.KCTl'Hi: P()STPOXi:i) The lettuie on'Teutl nllsm" nhlth as to lute been given last night befoie the Catholic llMoriul society by .tloi ney 1'. K. Loiigliran, h.n been po-tponed until the net nieitlng betaue of the Inclement weath ir which inctailcd. III'.XITIT roil KI.AUS.-A munber of ladies will conduct a benefit foi lleiunii Klaus In the "Wigwam" on Pustott atenue tomouow night, Klniu is the man who hid his cfb blown out while at work on Colontl L. ., Waliei' new house ii few months njo. He Ins a wife and ffaur children who uie In great need. MICIIAKL M'til'IRVN IXJl'ltllD.-Mitliael Mi-J liiuxan was unowii oui 01 ins wagon oil .Wlltll fctreet jesteiday iiiornlng nfter Wi hori-e hid taken flight anil had bolted down the stieet. He escaped mlom Injury, but leiclud a iiuni Lit ot (.eu'ic buiUes about the held ami bod.t, wlikli were aUiided to at (lie l.aikawamia lio's J.lt.il. TO tiO TO I1II.I.SIDI: llOMt:.-i:il2ilitlh Knob, cf Mllfoul, Pa,, a domestic1 who has been tin p Hn ed on Ptnn nteuue, will piohahlv be laktu tu the Hillside Home today, Mie Is confined In the emrigrmy hospital In Hie municipal build ing and was pionouuteil to be sunning fumi unite tiiclantliolla jctleulay by l)u, Ui-mw onl (iuiistir, IIKLl) IOIt A&sAULT.-Mi.. Maigaiet Ito, nf Kicsslci com t. wan arretted rtculj,t.hargid with assault and tiatteiy by t lie mother of a 'miall boy, turned Joseph Thlel, a neighbor, Mrs. Thiol allegen that Mis, Itoos look occa sion recently to inlllct Miniuury piuiUlmiciit en her boy, and gave him n iolent shaking, Ml., llos was held under flOO lull by Magistrate Millar. laXI'UKIM-OCIAI.. A Iccturo-sotlal will be held tomorrow evening at Grace Kugllsli I.ulli. run iliurch, corner of Mulbcny street and Pit'tcott utcniic. The pastor, Itcv, Luther lle-s Wliiti', will giro an Informal address on "llollind, the Country of D.uns mid D.tkcs," and this will bci followed by several interesting looul fcntuici. A coidlal liivitallou In in tended to the general public. AIHISKU HOItSi: AND UUfillV. John llvars and James Cunncrs, two joting men fioni Weft Seranton, hired a houe and buggy from Jacobs' livery stable on Itajinond court, Monday iiftci noon. When they returned early jciterday morning the horse wai to ehaiuUid us lo be barely ublo to move and the buggy was badly wrecked. Ilvans and Count rs weie auested und commuted to the county Jail jesteiday morning in default of MO bai( each. s USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A ponder to .o tliakcn Info (hu shoes. Your lt ' 'wullrii. ncivous and hot, and get tin.i rally. If you have smarllng feet oi tight shxs try Alleir Kool-Kast. U tooU the reJt. au liiukes walking ca.y. Cures huollm. vv jtli"' feet. Incrovv lie 11.1 U. b sier m..i . ,n...T. .....? Kellcves louii und Imnloiu of all pah, U11I ii..: ret and comfoit. Try it today, Sjf.l , jii ,1,.,.,, Vista ami Jlioe stoics tor Me. Don't uuept any suUstllutis. Trial paikagu lilKK. Addict Allen a, imimvw, uv ltv, .s. ), FORTY-FIFTH RECITAL. By the Conservatory Tomorrow Evening in .Guernsey Hall. The forty-fifth recital nt Hie Con servatory of Music will be Riven to inorow evening under the direction of T, Alfred Pennington, In Guernsey hull. the following Is the programme: llu-nuMe CIim d'niir I'liinn) Willi x In I) Major Kim licncllcvc ltciKhiiicr, Mngiiit ('lilppi-ll, llnlli tlanlnn. , .Vrllle llirl, Itulli Hull, I lojil Hunter, 'tiara Aim Miklc, Arna Davis. Ilnlllini .l.i iiui, 11 itc Paik-- 'llii- Hi- mil the Clover Hcllicl Aila Conner, Sirantoti Messenger of Spring. Optic lil Splntllcr Olive Jadwin, Siiiinlon- Jovous .Moinriit, I' .Major. Anna ilnml, Ann t r-prli-lici, l!va Maroli, "tclU Cilipj "U.ippj'-Uii-t.ml,.r,"(l Mijor Hiown Itulli Wolfe, Scrililuii Sonatina, O Major, Opus .'i'i, No. l.,.,Kithlan Allegro. Vlx.icc Sclrillmi flout I'nrlton t'tuitl init'iitjl lleniler. (Will lie Plijcd In anv nf the Fifteen Ma jor Kc.tit AKcil for hy tlie Audlcntc) M.nnl Mor.se, 1'rlcil.i llanne, Maltha lHtlunond, Variant Zcibc. Mllltent Mimic, .Stiaiiton! l.ellta Parry, ll.ile I'.irkj IIIIaiIioIIi We.ilnirn, Siunton Polonii;c In D Major I.lihnor Helm llopeuelt, Siiniilnn; Maiy Slibcik"r, Siranton: Lena lliurikley, Stranton; Mjry Dooley, lliimnurr K'.iullnn In I) Major llamlrork Allegro Motlcr.iti., Amlante. Ilomln (Alleuielt.0, Miss .lennle Okell, Crei-n lililgc The (!iwy C.iini Ildir In the Tulllu-lil (hiciiKlnli Mis I'lori Kaiifliolil, Siranton r.tnlld I'lljnti's Opm Ml Kchjltc Miss Marsaict Law, Strniiloii-- Wenn Krl sit h ftefiinilin (The Meeting), Opus. 40.1 .Liiigo MIm Hazel llesiler, (Ireen Illtlffe lal7er in 1) Mijor, 0ini HI, No. I ...Merkcl Mr. Harry Wllklni, South Sirmlon C'aprlttio In 1' Simp Minor, Opus fi.1, Mcmlelssoiin i;rieinl)le Class (Pour Pianrw) Oorturc lo "Die It.ill iniriii in Aider," Itoiu! Mls ltrownlng. Miss Doner, Mis (leilotk, Miss Herman, MIm Stone, JlKs Voil, Miss Waxen- lllllst. NEW SHORTSTOP. He Is George Stroh, of Syra- cuse, N. Y. The Intost iidtlitlon l thu Scranton hasp bull tdub Is Cieui'Re Stroh, u short Htnp, from Syracuse, N. Y. Stroh Is a yotinpr athlete, l!3 ye.us old, stiinds 5 fnt't S',J ini-hcs, and wolphs 160 pounds. He Ijpr.iu his ntofessional cni-cci' with the Syrauusc Stars in JSflS. The follow InR season ho pl.iyed with the Ulon club or this New Ymk State lettRue. DurlnR the season of 1900 ho was it member of tho Wul sou flub, of Wecdspm-l, N. Y. Last season he played with the Ofjdcns burR flub of tho Northein New Yoik leu cue. StelnberR reeoinineatls Stroh as beiiiR a lively inllelder, fast on his feet, cover ing a Rieat amount of territory, a splen did thrower, an excellent base-runner and pood batsman. Tic will arrive In time to participate in this afternoon's practice. Next Saturday will be the day of tho opening of the Pennsylvania, league championship race, and Willinmsport will be the first opponents to face the strong Seranton team. It is expected that a great throng of spectators will bo present at the opening game. Manager J,awson has decided to give a street parade prior to the game. The two teams in carriages, headed by the Lawrence band, will parade the princi pal streets and thence to tho ball park. Between tho innings the band will give selections of its choicest music, and an enjoyable time may be expected. TWO SlLLED, ONE INJURED. While at work robbing pillars yester day morning in No. 10 colliery of the Erie company at Hughestown, near Plttxton, Daniel Collins, a miner, and Charles Kuane, his laborer, were In stantly killed, and William Boland, an other laborer, was probably fatally in ured. The men have been working for the past few weeks In the Marcy vein of the old Paradise workings and were cutting uway a pillar when a large fall of soap stone fell on them. It Is thought Boland is fatally Injured. Collins resided on Parsonage street and was a married man with a family. Kuane was a single man, whoso home was at Cork Lane. Boland Is married and lives with his family on North Main street. ,. P1TTST0N. Special to the Sciantou Tilbuie, f'ittston, April JU.-MUs Made 0, Dempvv otilj ilaughtci or Mr, and .Mis. John Diinpaej, ' f High stieet, wcie united in mintage at an eaile hour this nioiniiig to John 1'oid, of Pine street. The nianiage was a quilt one In all lespect.,, r-nd was pcifoiinid at (i o'clock in &t, John's Hoinaii t.itholiu chinch by Iiev. K.ithei O'Mallev. Tlia biide was iittendid by Miss (irate (iilla'glier a biidisiiuld, and Hie groom' best nun was Da vid I'ahej of Inkeruiaii. Immcdlatcl nflei ths teieniony the Initial paily wus driven to Wilkes. Il.il re, where they took Inrnkratt at Hotel Meil lug. Mi. und Mi,. IViid lelt on the It o'i l.ii-fc l.thlgli UlUy ll.lln toi a lili that will ImluJu a visit tu Washington, I'hilatlelihiu and Allanlio City, I'pon then leturn two weeks heme thn will link.' their home with ih bride's iainits. Last night Chief l.oftus unci Patioliuan Soni niervlllo teivetl uu Injunction on the incinbeia of tho board of tevUlon of ues und iiipeals le straining the m fiom ti.nisactliig lnidnes., Tho Injunction was seemed by Majoi Coitoian who clalni, tlK' right to act as a member of tlm boaid. An Inteiesllng point Is at J.sue. At a lecent iiuctlng of tho loumlh in Joint scion, Jlaor Lorioi.ui iccelud cnoujli voles to elect dm a ineinljir of the huaul. CouikIIiiuii Itiiss, however, lalsed the point that us the maioi ws already a salaried olll.cr of the tr be lould not serve us a member of the u board, another alailid irasltlon. Clnliuuii Langan sustained Mr. Iltiss point, and nfu-ed to ircognice tho votes easl foi the major, 'r,c major will con. test the case, and Hie meiubtis of the board have engaged Attorney Stiams, of Wilke. Ilane, to look aflei their Intnesl, TO THE CONTEST EDITOR SCRANTON TRIBUNE. Sirs Please enroll my name as one of tho contestants In The Ttib une's Educational Contest, and send me equipment and more detailed Information concerning tho work as soon as Issued, NAME .... -i ., ,,,..,,,,, ,, ,,, ADDRESS ft'ut HlU CUl dllll Hull III "Contest IMIInr ,, - a, . . .-..s.., . ,n ordir that Juu may be anion:: tho Hi-, i,. .... ht. bec advertisement on fou.tl, page of uiu RETURN JUDGES COMPUTEVOTES OAST FOR CANDIDATES IN FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. Joseph Oliver Received 1,360; Wal ter Simpson, 642, and William J. Thomas, 1,000 Charles E. Olver Made Permanent Chairman of the Convention, and W. A. Stanton and W. C. Cowles, Secretaries. Resolutions Adopted and Speeches Made Before tho Judges. The convention of icturit Judges of the First Legislative district, called for the purpose of computing the votes cast last Saturday at the primaries for tho three candidates for the legislative nomination, delegates to tho stale Re publican convention, and the vigilant i'oinmlttee,s of the vatlous election dis tricts, met In (.'o-operatlvc hall, North Main avenue. West Seranton, shortly after 10 o'clock yesterday morning. It was one of tho most harmonious gath erings ever held In the district. Chairman Cleorco W. Jenkins called the assemblage to order, and Secretary Walter W. Simpson received tho scaled returns from the various return Judges. All were handed In with tho exception of the Second district of the fourth ward, and on motion, the published re turns were counted In the coniDtited list made by tho secretaries and tellers. David J. Davis nominated Charles V. Olver for temporary chalrmnn, and his name was seconded by Thomas Owynn. The selection was made unanimous. V. A. Stanton and W. U. Cowles were chosen temporary secretaries. In ac cepting the office, Mr. Olver returned his thanks to the delegates, and then appointed the following comtnlteo on resolutions: David J. Davis, chairman; Daniel H. Kvans, A. n. Briggs, John n. Llttlejohn and Francis H. Bevan. The committee retired to an ante-room and prepared their offering. On motion, tho tempomry officers were made perma nent, and the chairman appointed John H. Davles and A. C. Schrlefer as tellers to assist the secretaries In computing the vote. TO BIO PUBLISHED. A motion was then made and put that tho various vigilant committees be cer tified, but in order to save time, the motion was voted down. Another mo tion was passed that the permanent officers compute the vigilant returns from tho sealed returns, certify them and have them published later In the newspapers. Tho vote by di-Utlcts for uiu legislative canuuiaics was then re ported, as folloows: Olivtr. Simpson. 'llionn 1'ust w.i:d Dist distiiit 77 07 21 Seiond dklritt til Mi 7 'I bird district 2.', 17 s I'mirtli dilritt ..'..., li tu tu I'lfth distritt 15 pi 1 j Set ond w ltd l'lrst 1IN1I1 1 t'l ,S7 7 Siennd distritt 117 n ( Thin distiiet 11 1,7 Komtli ilistrict 27 2ii li I'lfth distiiet 41 !) 1 Third w.irtl I'ir-I tlislrlil 21 I S Second district 27 romtli vtartl Drst distritt 117 t V) Set ond district 110 ., (?) Thin! distritt 71 1 71 l'oiirth district S7 4 77 Dflli wurd- Klrt di-lritl !i s IS Seeond district 7.2 ID i'O Third district :. M) (i lit I'ourlh d'stritt '.. 1.1 0 h7 fjith ward Klrrt district ::; 2 4 Second dtstrlel 27 1 1 Fourteenth wind Fir-t distill t 2t 21 ii Set ond distiit t lh 1 It Fifteenth waul First disliitt SJ .- 7 Setoml distritt Ml !i tu Klgliteeiith wanl 7)7 1 1 Twcntj first w aid First distritt iif, r. 45 S.'iond distiiet 1H .. :it Totals .l.llu 542 ICO) THE RESOLUTIONS. Chairman Davis, of the resolutions committee, then read the following, which were unonimously udopted: First, The llcpuliliian ronvention of tlie Fir-t Lejislatlve district unqiialitletlly endoises He policy ot 0111 nation il government vvhicli has gainetl our nation the admiration, iiinlltkme and respect or the civilized world and glun lis an era of domestic prosperity of whiih our bus- Industries ami opportunities for tlie steady employment of labor nt Increased aid increasing wugc speak inoie iluqueiiil.i ami coiivineiiuly than wouU. We legiet that i.r tain Inilividiials and lorpuiatlous uie not s.it's fied wltli reaping the legitiinite beneills of this giniral piospeiily but ate seeking, by unlawful tliists and .monopolies, to iilbittarily Incicase their piolils to the Injiuj of tlie gineiul weif.ue, and we heaitily coiiiiutud tli:- .seauhlng In. vcstigallons now being mule by our nation il goviiniiieut with a view to 101 ret ling llute evils by the stioug arm of tlie law. Second, We he.ntlly ciiinmeiid the faithful ant I'ttleltnt seniles of our repic-cntallve in ton- gie-s, Hon William Council. T'lilid, In our own Key.tone state we 1.111 point wltli Ju-t piide ami toiiimcuilatluu to lon-rrvatlvo and cioiioiiiic aduiinMiatlon of t-l.llo all. 1 1 is. Theio is, im doubt, honest ilif fi'ltnccs of opinion as In the wImIciii nf Mime of the legislation nuctril by the last legi-la-tine. We a-seit that there has also been 11 pnsUtcnt tllorl made lij those opposed to te publlean supremaij to prejutliie and mislead the publlci by divotlng all their attention to one or two bills which they euncelte 10 lie bat and enllieh Ignoring the other five buirJiTil nml llfty bills passed lij the last leghlatme. We lecognUe that the la.t liglslature placed 011 our ttalulc books nil iimmiully laige number of laws that weio mgently leqiiiitd and Hie wlf iloin of whlcli will lie ctm moie apiuiiut In tlie futuie. Fourth, III the peison nf Hon, L, A. Watr,', Lackawanna coumj iiimihs a candidate (or governor whose public rccoul and piivate thn niter and standing Is an aouraine to all tliat If nominated und ileetu he will fill the unite with honor tu luiiiself and to the Mate, aid we heaitily endoisc his landidaij, ITllh, In a stale like 0111s, while 11 nomina tion by tho Hepublltan patty Is equivalent to an election, earnest etlorts, mui 113 uie now being made by the vailous candidates to setuic the gubernatorial nmiiliutiou uie to be expell ed. We believe tliat siuh contests within paity llnes b. which the will of the majority can le aseeitalniil and catilrd out, In u tonteiitlon ,,, .it..., . K.r,.,l t.h 1 ..... ... .. ... .. - v,ut.tv. .tu,i.-, ,-i.mituii, ii., ui inco i... .i, 1 ' . ... issue.) ' iinfcltcrccl liy lio?lm and untrammelled by dlclalloii will unite the entire Republican parly In solid front ajtaln-l llic licmoentcy and roll up a loir for (lie Mlo llcliet this fall which will exceed llic J.W.iKX) pluralltv given for our marl.vrril leader, William MiKlnlry, In low). SMIi, Wc have Just taite for pride llmt In our elly and comity govcrrmenls llepnblltnn iitllektls me honoiably and ably fulfilling llic rentilicmctiU of llic various positions lo which lliclr parly has a-slgncd them. Seicnlli, r apprcclale and comment! the hon orable, m.mlj, dlonltlcd, jet iiggreiwlvc cam pilgn for notulinllon lo the legislature from this ilMrlcli waged by Mevrs. Oliver, Thomas nnd v-lnipMiii, and lliclr supporters, tlccugnlidng Hie nieiednc-s ot Uie exiies.setl wdll of llic ma jority we pledge the .iinc support ut llic polls lo the nominee, Joseph Oliver, cij. V Mil. OLIVKU'S iu:mahks. A cotiinilttco wiih appointed lo escort Mr. Oliver before the convention. Ho was received wltli hearty cheers, 'nnd made a brief address, In which lie said he could not at that time find words to expres his feelings of appre ciation and gratitude for the nomina tion which has Just been given him. The battle was hard fought, he said, and he hopes that any animosity which may have arisen ns a lesult would bo effectively wiped out, and those who fought for supremacy will rally to the support of the party candidate. In his canvass, Mr. Oliver said he had made but one pledge, and If elected, to act at Hamburg as a Republican with in the lines ot tho Republican party. With respect to all other matters, ho said, ho would not bo presumptous enough to anticipate anything else. His purpose In wanting to be in line with the party was tliat ho realized that nothing could be accomplished otherwise, as the Democratic party Is a hopeless minority as far as the legis lature Is concerned, and to be of any si-rvlcc to his constituents and the dis trict at large, ho must be with the majority, D. Phillip Williams, who was named as one of the state delegates, was called on for a speech. He said those who had placed confidence in him, can depend upon his reliability to properly represent them at Harrlsburg. A motion, made by Thomas Ovvynn, was unanimously carried to the effect that all the representatives present take off their coats, roll up their sleeves and work for Joseph Oliver for repre sentative. MR. REYNOLDS CALLED UPON. Hon. T. Jeffereson Reynolds, the present representative, was present, and was called on for a speech. He was seated in tho middle of the hall, and when asked to come forward and ad dress tho convention, remarked that he felt tint it was his pleasure to "Go 'way back, and sit down." "I sincerely trust, however," he said, "that you have asembled here today as loyal Republicans, and that the majoilty vote shall rule, and that every Republican in the First legislative dis trict will rally to the support of the party nominee and give him a rousing majority next fall." The secretaries and tellers then mnde ii icpmt on the iitmber of votes cast for the delegates and alternates to tho Re publican slate convention. It whs as follows: For delegate D. Philip Williams, 1M10.. votes; Thomas K. Mills, 2131 I votes. Allot nates John II. Williams, 1717 votes; A. C. Terwillger, 1815 votes. Candidate Oliver passed the cigars around, and- the convention adjourned. SABBATH WORKERS. Annual Convention in Providence in M. E. Church on Tues day, May 6. Tlie annual convention ot the Lacka wanna County Sunday School associa tion will bo held In the Providence M. E. church on Tuesday, May 6. The county officers are: President, C. D. Winters, Jermyn: vice-president, J. Nelson Garrett, Green Ridge; corres ponding secretary, Fred C. Hanyen, Seranton; recording secretary, J. B. Shannon, Carbondale; treasuier, M. D. Lathrop, Carbondale; superintendent of primarj- work, Miss Mabel Hutchlns; superintendent of normal department, W. XV. Fletcher; superintendent of home department, Miss Alice Butler, Carbondale; executive committees, L. F. Bower, Seranton James G. Shep herd, Seranton; W. T. Bunnell, West Seranton; W. A. Sanford, Waverly; Rev. S. W. Young, Mooslo; J, E. Love land, Moscow; Rev. Maynard Thomp son, Jermyn. Following Is the pro gramme for the convention. MOIl.NIXa MISSION.. Sung Service, illble i:poitionStuily in Aits, llcv. II. C, McDcimolt Theme "The Holy Spiiit at Pentecost." liiettlng llev. (i. A. One Fn sklent's Atldres". Appointment of Committees (n, Nomli iillonj. 00 llesolutloiis. Smetaij's Itepoit. Treauiei's llepoit, Addiess and Conference 'iivgalheilng," llllgll Coll. Vocal Solo. Addre-ss "Teaching Clilldien to 1'iay," Mis, Haines AFTLilNOOX SUASION. Song Ken it o. Illble i:posltion, study In Aeli, Senetary W, W. Ada'r Theini "Ihe Holy Spirit in llelatlon to the Lives ol the Apostles." business Session. (n) lleporr of Nominating Committee . (li) Flection of O.'llcers. llepoit of Distiiet Presidents. Iteport fiom Schools of the County. , 'Hie I'risldeiit will tall roll of schools, and dtlegatcs mo requested to icport four tlilngx, v iz. ; f.O Number of Delegates Present, (b) Number of Convcislons in school during past j.'iir, (c) Amount uf Contribution to County Work, (d) Condition of School. Iteport of Delig.ile to State Convention, Addrcs.."'! lie Teitlur Keeping In Touch with the Homo" .Mis, Panics Vncil Solo. Addrenn und ('onferinie "I'hn Necessity und Method of Preparing the I.cson" Plot. Cluilos II, Albert llVIISIXO .MISSION, Song Sen Ice i:pultoiy Adtlicse Studj tu Atls, llcv. Ju.cpli II, Oil II 'lluinc "Tlie llolj Spirit In Itelatlou lo Hie rounding of Chiirehe.s." Ailtlii'n "lliggir ami ll.ttei" Uugli' Coik Music. Addles- "I'he Raving liilluinie in Our Aiueilran Life" I'lof, Allifit Tho Noitli Hud (live club will be In atlciidanee, OBITUARY. UKHBCCA M, BALL died at her late Inline, 806 Rltchor street, Sunday, The funeral will bo held this afternoon. Ser vices at 1 o'clock p. in, In the Adams avenue chapel, Interment in the Klin. burst cemotety. FUNERAL. The funeral of tho lato Mrs. Elizabeth I'oweil will bo Held this afternoon at s.du u'i'Iuck mini tne ruiituy residence, 757 Noith Uromluy uvciiuf AUDIT IN THE SIlMONESTATE CLAIM OF THOMAS FLETCHER IS OPPOSED. There Will Be Another Hearing Sat urday Morning at 10 O'clock Dis trict Attornoy W. R. Lewis Is Ar ranging for the Meeting of the Grand Jury Next Week Charles Metchler, Andrew Agllnskl and Jacob Ellman Released from tho Penitentiary Other Court Notes. In tho Orphans' court yesterday be fore Hon. A. A. Vosburg the taking of testimony In the audit in the estate of Jeremiah Simon, i deceased, was con- iinuca, ino evidence ot tno neirs uchik received opposed to the claim of Thomas Fletcher for board and money loaned. The brother and slater of the decedent testified to declarations alleg ed to have been made by Fletcher to the effect that the decedent was not In debted to him. Tho testimony on the part of the estate was concluded, and rebuttal testimony will be heard on Satuiday morning nt ten o'clock, at which time the argument of counsel will bo heard. Attorney C, W. Dawson, John F. Murphy and David J. Davis represented the various parties in In terest. It was agreed' that the claim of Morgan Thomas for merchandise amounting to $39.91 was a valid claim against the estate. In the estate ot Ellen E. Leo et al. minors. Michael K. Burke as guardian asked leave to Join In a sale of real estate at Carbondalo arid an order was made accordingly. John F. Reynolds esq., represented the petitioner. On motion of Attorney F. M. Mon nghan an order for sale of real estate for payment of debts was made In the estate of Catherine S. Brown, deceas" ed. There will be a'scsslon of the Orphans' court today and another on Saturday morning. Grand Jury Session. District Attorney W. R. Lewis re turned yesterday from the seashore nnd entered upon the work of preparing for next week's session ot the grand jury. The following system of calling the cases has been arranged: Ihe cases wherein the surname of tho prosecutor begins with the letters A. B, C. D or K, will bo called Monday, May r.; F, G, H. I, J or K, Tuesday, May fi; L, M, N, O, P or Q, Wednesday. May 7; R. S or chief of police of Seranton, Thursday, May S; T, U, V, W, X, Y or X, Friday, 'May fl. The indications arc that there will be a large number ot transcripts to be passed upon. Released from Penitentiary. Charles Metchler, alins Custard, An drew Agllnskl and Jacob Kllniiin were yesterday released from tho peniten tial. v, after serving terms of a year and a half, minus three months commuted for good behavior. Metchler stole brass from tho Lacka wanna Iron and Steel company. Aglln skl stabbed John Magllnski during a fight on Court street. Ellman was con victed of n charge of subornation of perjury, preferred by Max Herring, who Is now in the county jail awaiting trial for stealing a horse, for which theft Byron Sinirell served a year in the county jail. Marriage Licenses. Htnr.v L'urtls Pcekvlllo Maggie Mullen Te.'sup Sciantou Seranton Siranton Seranton Olj pliant Seranton Seranton Syranton Thomas N. Thornton Marj- Judge Diehard Claughan .., Nellie Clancy James CVggins Maiy Mullen Loien A. Clark Violetta Lvans COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The legistr.v books for tlie Ma- registration me now ready at the county eominissloneib' ofticp. Suit for $.1,000 damages was Instituted nciln-t the City of Seranton yesterday by Laura (ireene. A. J. Colborn is her attoinej'. Olive Pledge-man, by Attoinej' Funis II. llo.vlc, brought suit jesterday to secure a divorte from her alleged abusive husband, Ficdnlck Pledgcman. They were mairied April 27, LWO, and Hied together till Aug. 20, 1UU1. A NOON WEDDING. Miss Elizabeth Bortrce Wedded to John Mn.rtin. John Martin, of Lynwood, Long Isl and, and Miss , Elizabeth Bortree, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bor tree. of 1212 Price street, were united In marriage at high noon yesterday, by Rev. Thomas do Gruehy, D. D., pastor of the Jackson Street Baptist church. Tho ceremony occurred at the home of tho bride's parents, where only the rela tives had assembled. The couple were unattended, and after being congratu lated a wedding dinner was served. Tlie bride was very beeominglv at tired in a tailor-made traveling gown, with hat to match. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mar tin left on tho 1 o'clock Lackawanna train for New York, nnd will be at homo to their friends, at Long Island, alter May H. The bride Is a prepos sessing young lady, with many friends, who wish her abundant success In her new home. BODY FOUND IN SWAMP. Supposed to Be That of Wolfgang Banner, Formerly of This City. The badly decomposed body of a man believed to bo Wolfgang Banner, who is said to have formerly lived In this city, was found yesterday morn ing In a swamp alongside the Laeka wunna railroad about halt a mile be yond tho Gouldsboro stntlon. An examination of the body revealed the presence of u deep wound on the head. The general opinion seemed to bo mm him man iiuti oeen struck uy a train and thrown Into the swamp. Tho remains were Identified by several per sons who viewed them as those of Wol fgang Banner, who had worked there for several seasons and who was last seen ullvo on Apt II 1. The police of this city have been notliled but they have been unablo to locale any of Banner's relatives, Tho body was found In that part of Gouldsboro lying In Wayne county. STOLE A CHILD'S BANK. Woman Arrested in Hotel of Daniel Connors. A woman who refused to give her name, but who Is known tu bo n rest dent of Jessup, wan locked up In tho Jackson fctreet police station last even ing on the charge of theft. About G o'clock sho entered Daniel Connor's hotel, on Robinson street, and going J OUR DINNER SETS This ceafson have tho stylo to them to suit the most exacting pur chaser. ThoNarge variety of patterns wo are showing In both foreign and domestic waro will enable all to a choice. All of us can't afford French China but wo want a graceful shape, a neat decoration and a good ware, If wc can afford but $7.50, If we can pay $10,00 wo expect a fine decoration, for $12.00 wo expect the fine decoration with gold treatment. That Is what you can get at this store In ware that has our personal guarantee. Can you get U elsewhere ? CUxxvVfeaW. GEO. V, MILLAR fit CO. Upholstering and Is done by us cheaper and better than, anywhere else in town. We refinish furniture also. Our cabinet makei will call on request to give estimates. Seranton Bedding Co., F. A- KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. US THE SATISFACTORY STORE. m fA Practical Demonstration lofOur Desire to Please You. ; To set you talking we cut the prices to the quick to quicken 5. 9 your interests in ihe cut. We want you to talk about us, our fp; v3 goods and our prices. Consequently we choose to give you some- C. C thing good to say, something you can't say about others. E' ! 2 Sale of Silk Etons j !tg We have sold so many during the past few weeks that the 5.' Mt lines are somewhat broken. All tho sizes are in the lots, but Ip: j5 some of them are missing in some styles. If your sizo. isn't Sti -a ln one style, it is in another. The difference In the prices will '. mane up in tne cnoosing. SILK 3 5 $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 & us & .X The prices arc marked in plain figures on each ticket; not S! only the former price, but the now selling price. Moire,- with t: US white satin and green taffeta linings; some corded and tucked, & g featherstitched, braided and velvet trimming; French knots, Gib- '. ' son effects, and chiffon appliquo collars. A choice vnriety of t1 H styles, made and finished as only the highest class garments j are; first class in every particular. But the best way to know . zL tnem s to see them; and they are here for your looking as well J HS as buying. W te ll Silk Long Coats si 3 These, too, are in the bargain line; prices much less than US the usual. Comfort suggests a long coat. Fashion says ditto. JJ; Jtf So Silk Long Coats are the correct thing, according to both com- Jj ?5 fort and fashion. We have a satisfying variety of them that : US will help you settle the question what to buy. Our satisfactory fc ; prices will settle tho problem where to buy. 5l 9 B". McConneli &Co. i 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. tt.Ktr.KKK.KKKXKKK.K.,'.,lKK Shoes for the millionaire and 6" maid ; Shoes for youth and age ; St In fact, all foot-wants are here, and at prices that allow your purse ft" to go away a third heavier than It would from most houses hereabouts. ', Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, ; 330 Lackawanna Avenue. 1A la) 'A U 'A 'A 'A A A 'A A A 'A A A A A A AA Into the kitchen, carried off a savings bank belonging to one of the children. As soon as the theft was discovered, Mr, Connors started after the woman, and caught up to her 011 Jackson street, and then escorted her to the police sta tion. When searched by Patrolman Lowry the bunk wns found concealed In her dress. She will bo given a hear ing this morning. During the evening tho prisoner seemed but little concerned about her art est, and amused the occupants of the station house with a number of welnl songs. A BIG SEASON ASSURED. Lodoro Will Be the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming Season. All indications point to Lake Lodoro as the most popular of all excursion re sorts for the fast-approaching senbon, and to even surpass its Inimeiifce bus! ness of Inst year, Tire Individual ex curslonlsl prefers a lake resort, and the scenic beauties of Lodoro Itself, Its far spreading grove, Incomparable daiyo pavilion, Its merry-go-round, the uc llght of tho children, Its well-equipped kitchens, einin oven, refreshment booths, Kpaltllng ball gioiiuds, naphtha launches, steamer, largo eifurslou boat and varied other amusements rentier it a summer paradise, anil at tho same time the most prollt-maklng rei-ort for churches und societies. There aie some splendid dates left, for tno ptlvllcge of which pleu&u appiily to W. L. Poor, 134 Wyoming Ave. Walk In and look around. Cushion Work Both 'Phones ETONS AT SHOES X X X X X We are speaking of New Spring Shoes now. The newest that fashion has X X X dictated, and the newest J and the best that makers have made. x X X X X X X X X X X X mechanic ; Shoes for mistress and Shoes for Indoor and out. x X X A A A A 'A "A A 'A 'A 'A AAA AAA A 'AX Cubanola cigars have no drugs nor flavorings which inter- fore with. health . .Why s m o h o Five Cent cigar that does? Imperial Cigar Company, 109 Lackawanna Avenue. wiioi,i:si.i: Toii.ui'osisis And liittilliulura pf , Cubanola Cigars. district patsengcr agent, Dela'w'aro and Iludbou Railroad, bcruuton, Pa, ? ' : f ,t ., h"-' y f i i agj.t;tJ..'... . sM -iM fUnt? ,i-jiiyiaajtti,ustiisfci'fv,i-s-iifcfr, mM w-v. im mtvmJmn. MsSt'1 '- kji .. , afe.B ii Tftfi