The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    ;fa ' ' i ' " ' " " i ' .",- i- '"" V-
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The News of Carfeondale.
-.-. .. .... . MM. .M
Quarterly Scsnlon Held at Crystal
Inn, Crystal Lake Reserve JFund
and Branch Matters Considered.
Next Meeting at Philadelphia.
Tim trustees of the Pennsylvania.
Grand council of the Catholic Mutual
Honcvolcnt asportation met In quarterly
session In this city yesterday afternoon.
The meeting was divided between this
city and Crystal lake. M. A. Kelly, of
this city, who Is one of the trustees,
with the thought of adding to the In
terest and comfort of the trustees, ar
ranged to have the earlier meeting take
place n,.t Crystal Inlce. Accoidlngly the
trustees and grand ollleors, seven In all,
drove to the Crystal Inn, arriving there
at dinner time, with a KOleliilld dinner
awaiting them. Mutlnney Utos., the
proprietors of the Inn, piovlded gener
ously for their guests, thereby adding
materially to the hitters' comfort and
enjoyment during their stay In this sec
tion. The d(nuor over, the trustees went
Into session. All were present. They
weic F. J. nrady, M. J. Clark, Pitts
burg; J. R. Pox, Uradfordj Paul J.
Power, Philadelphia; 15. A. Kelly, Car
bondale. AV. J. Maxwell, grand presi
dent, and J. AV. Sullivan, grand hecre
tary, both from Pittsburg, sat ex
ofllclo. Between the annual conventions of
the grand council, these trustees and
' the grand president and grand sccro-
. tary, have the Identity of the grand
council, being empowered to dispose of
nny questions that arise between con-
, vcntlons 'and requiring Immediate at
tention. The disposition of the reserve fund Is
. the chief matter that calls for attention,
though issues raised among the numer
ous C. M. B. j. branches throughout
the state were considered and passed
upon at yesterday's meet lug.
In discussing or considering the re
serve fund, the trustees were 'much
gratified with its standing. The fund
was found to be $187,000. Of this amount
$101,000 was found to be Invested In
municipal bonds; JGO.OOO in mortgages,
and $20,000 was on deposit in national
banks. The branch Issues that were
considered ar of Interest only to the
separate branches and will be reported
"to each In legular order. ,
In the evening, the trustees icturned
to this city and took supper at the
Harrison house. The session was re
newed at S o'clock and the business of
the meeting was closed. The most Im
portant thing done before adjourning
was the selection of Philadelphia as the
next meeting, which will take place the
latter part of July.
This is the second time the grand
trustees of the '. M. B. A. met In this
city. The first meeting was three yeais
ago. Their coming to Paibondale this
year was in deference to H. A. Kelly, of
this city, who is Inlluentlal in the
grand council.
Man Who Established Lunch Busi
nes in Carbondale Is Bankrupt.
The financial troubles of fke Burrows,
who is known to every Carbondallau,
reached a climax on Monday when he
tiled a petition, as a voluntary bank
rupt in the Tailed States court, lie
gave his liabilities as ?'!,7fi7.2l and his
assets as $1, 007,00.
This latest tin n In Ike's career in
terests Carbondallnns for it was he
who established the lunch business in
Carbondale and paved the way for
what profits are now being derived fiom
this vuit oc the city's economy. lie
came to Rcranton, perhaps ten years
ago, from Now Haven, where he work
ed in a lamp f.ictoiy. When he leaeh
ed the Electric city he supplied himself
with a basket of biscuits and a can of
boiling fiankfurteis, making the lounds
of the theaters and other public places
each night. As the "hot dog man," as
, he was dubbed, together with his as
. , soeiates in the business, he did a
thriving trade with his so-called canine
-1 confection. Alter a while he purchas
ed a wagon, a "night owi" as it was
called, and located it In Carbundale.
Ills favorite place was at the corner of
Main street and Salem avenue. The
presence of Ike's movable "White
House tavern" was the cause of s.onie
agitation in councils because of his not
having a license.
Some months nfter the appearance
of the white wagon, Ike opened a
estauraut in the Anthracite building,
which was the llrst ambitious enter
prise of Its kind In Carbondale. Dazxl
cd somewhat by the success of tills
venture, he opened lunch rooms In
other places down the valley, hut he
met with disaster In each attempt, al
ways returning to Caibondale to try
( his luck again in getting another start.
Late laHt summer competition forced
Ike to leave Carbondale. lie located In
Wllkes-Baire, opening whert was re-
t garded as a swell place on Market
stieet. It was believed he was prosper-
' Ins when-now comes the news that he
't Is a bankrupt.
Ike was a unique character and his
v restaurant In tho Anthiaolte building
always proved a piolllle. .source of
-mlfih find amusement to the steady
tfiiH2't'tliliHfc1CQ' IH'U' 'n enjoy
SBiSgffffSliBiftirilfWVty gathered there to
gm?ft.'h'6u'i''So.Ei-twii In a social way
pvfileII:e'H best dishes were put out of
ataiBesr'WeWiwSent to Jail for a
sfSii pangeous' Pastime.
ffiSRtmep K'iPmjjii of)he "bush" section,
Sttft takenxtotlil county jail yesterday
aUSSnoon by yqnstnAilo Morau, on the
SaSSkgo of getting Coo gilyovlth a pitch
&&, according to the .story 6f Ton.
jjB&ulo Hrndloy, of Carbondale town-
SSCi'Oiutn, the constable says,, came to
3ic.ll Wi.butiuuy evening, In seaich of
You Could Look
.lfi5t.,,'tf4;WW jwr'coaau.'lf neglected,
will uriuK you, yuu wuum teen icllct lit
once and that naturally would be through
Guaranteed to cure Con
utnptton, Bronchitis,
Aatntna. and all Lunir
Troablei.; Cures Coueiaiuid Colds la a day.
aST-eoti' Writo toTs, C. Wells & Co..
caoy.K. Y., for Ixtc trial bottle.
V..IM'UU..D..IT.. ..IU.. k. DI..J
mmr f v nin ,oj1iw r"""" mwwwm m
his father. He had it pitchfork with
hlni, which he pointed and Jabbed at
Bradley In u manner calculated to make
the latteivshlvcr, even though ho has
had some exciting experiences with des
perate, prisoners. A neighbor named
Hooney heljied the constable out of his
dilemma. A warrant was jmrorn out
for Keenon's nrrest on the charge of
attempted felonious wounding, and Al
derman Atkinson committed him.
Solicitors Are Out Among the Mer
chants of the Town Offerings
Will Bo Appreciated.
The necessity for funds for Emer
gency hospital has moused the women
Intel ested in the blessed work of this
charity and an active, persistent can
vass is being made of the city.
The solicitors, who are young ladles
who have generously and earnestly lent
themselves to the movement, ale call
ing among the stores find the olllces of
the town. So far there has been a
favorable response. Tho efforts of the
earnest and zealous workers have mot
with good results, but as there is need
of a very generous response to tho ap
peal for funds, those who have not been
called upon as yet are reminded once
more of the urgency of the needs of the
hospital. If, therefore, no solicitor has
as yet called upon you, It is hoped that
this will servo as a lemlnder of the
crying needs of tho hospital.
it might be well to remind the public
that the rummage sale, under tho uus
plces of the woman's auxiliary of the
hospital. Is still in progress in tho Ar
mory building at North Main street and
Lincoln avenue. Among the urtlcles
which are for sale are two good heat
ing stoves, which cost $- and $ir., but
will be sold at the bargain price of $3.50
each. The stoves might be purchased
to advantage now and laid away for
future use.
Off for England This Week.
Cliatlcs C'obbhdlct aiid family will leave on
I'lnlay ot tills week tor I'ligland, whole tlicy
will lonulii until .lime, when they will ct fall
for X.ihl, Fouth Afilia, when- Air. Ccbblcdlet
will bo into mercantile life. Ills time in lhig
land will be spent, prior to his ill i n tr for South
Afihu, in t lettlii'- un Ice machine lor the Cai
bondale Machine company.
Itlch.inl Cohblcilht, his biothcr, will leaic
today fur N'ow oik city, whore he will be en
paired for wuik in con-luictinjc n it ice
machine for the C'.iihoiulale .Muhlne company.
In June he will le.He for Ihi-tlatid, where lie
will join liN hiuthcT. Together the will leiie
for South Afiica, where they will enter inlo
pailneNiip in .i depiitmrnt stole. JImi,
('olililrdkl's biothei-ln-liw U well situated in
Going to Militaiy Ball.
The lmliUiy lull in llone-clale, on I'rMiy
niejit net, ha-, .in intercut for a luiiiibci of
I'aiboiidaliam, and it N likely tint the
l'fc of tlii-. city will be will iepie-.uiled in
thi Miiicly eM'iit of tLe iliple t it .
'I lie bill will take place in the armoiy, mi
ller the .ui-piie-i of Company II, ThiiUenth
letjimeiit, which N an aurance that it will
puhap he the social cietU of the sra-on in
lliiui' It I-. epected tint f'olonel I,. A.
Watiis and nnmhet, of l.U t ill will be pres
ent lei she dat to tlie occasion.
"Unclaimed Letters.
List of letttis iciuiininj,' in the Caibondale,
Ii i olollice, Apiil So, no.', lor iicmmoiw un
known: Auionio Aiello, Michael ISioik, Ilow
aid, It." O. .Smith, Sic. 'S . M. ('. A., W. M.
Hub, A .1. ampbell, 'linn, t'aidcn, Win. .N., i:. K. Cooper. Collins llios., 1' Col-ni-h,
Tiank A. Dim-, Will Kiaus, I.i 1'raucc
Crar, Cue Hill, Ml-s I.Ulic UiKlol, Mi-.s I.oui-a
Cudlip, .Ml,-, .Nun U. Ilainl-ih, Mi-. Suah
(.i-e, Mi.,, lliiikjet (,ijn.ili.iii. Mis. .1. (!. (in
liik, Min Li N cue Mi. I.nich, Mi. ,1. W.
Uilliini-,. J .11. 'Uionias, p. M.
Herrick Center Man's Injuries.
Willi un I.ijwood, a li'iidint of lloiuck Center,
w.i-, found jofcidij iiioiiiliiK lit the foot of .i
steep cnibaiiki'icnt alon-; (he Krle lailroad ju-t
noitli of Tou-l cny. He w.-n in i lnlf coiiMioir,
slate and ,h u, weak tiom Ions of blood, a
Ionn' di'p Hash luiiuf been intlioted upon the
Me of lit-. In nl. 'Jline is some niiiliii' n.i
I ouiiiliiiir Hie else lis l.a.vwooil iliims be was
not shuck by a li un. lie is lin-lined to belleio
tint lie Hceheil the injuiy as u icsult of falling
down the bank.
Shields Child: en Out of Danger.
'I lie nniiy blends of the family will be le
liciiil tu Icmiii Iha( the two chlhlien of 111.
and Aliv. I, 1,. Shield-, who are alllided with
diphtheria, .lie out of dine,ei.
'I lie son,, was htiicken lli-t and wn
followed by the ilinglitpr, LoM-hce. The f. it -mer
was in a tondllioii and there weio
fe.ns for his recoieiy. Now boih nie out of
iliintiT and uiiles time Is tome accident tlicy
will iccou-r.
Walker Funeral This Afternoon.
The late 'llicmas I", Walker, who ille.l In
lliidjiepoit, Corn., on Sundiy, iciclied tills city
oer the Delawaie and llinUon at'i last i Islit.
'J he dueaicd was taken to tlie Walker hoim-stead
cm Teuaee stieet, fiom whence the will
tjke place ibis afteinoou at .1.S0 o'eloek, !-ei-lice-
will take place in Sr. Ito-e cliuuli end
builal will follow in St. Io-e iiiuelei.
Going Trout Fishing.
.Tohn'dllbest, one of the mast entliuslistlu end
suuio-ful iUliiimcn in Caibundile, will today
mike liis lliat tiy for limit this nwu. He 'lll
go to the DUiiuy, bejond I'b'J-ant Mount,
which U uptarded as the beat place hr'icabo.iU
for the Hicckled bcMUtlc-. John Van lleek will
aceoiiipiny him,
Will Attend Dentists Meeting.
Dr. C T Meakei, of this ellj, will paillilinte
in the ilUuK-lon on "Doiital rolbles" and ,
W, A. !-peiicer on "llvelslon of Infciloi Mail
lay," at the flftj-foiulh eolAintlun of the Su
qui liJim.l Dnitul .LS-oelitlou tu be held in U'ilkei
lime Miy 11, H and 10, at Hotel btrillu;,
Died in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Woiel lias In i'ii lecehrel of the death at Ids
home in llicioklui, N. V., of Patrick Toy, ,i for.
met' resident of lliu illy and a biolhci' to Mis,
'1110111,1$ (ioldin, of hand sllict. lie died .U's
tudjy uioiuiii at S o'tloik,
To Be Wedded Today,
MUliael r, (ioMi'M ami Mini .Villi. 1,. CW.-llo,
botli Moll liiiimii, will lio wulilcil llili afternoon
in M, Itiuo cIhih'Ii,
Meetings of Tonight,
(' lu.lxc Ullluhln o( I'jllilj,.
1'loiii'iT ta.tlo, KulgliU M'ttia Cluln.
(illiM I,. I'lJlU, ut bu.llitnil, UJ4 ill (lie clly
Slim 'r3le Ki'ijfiiii, ul Scuiiton, li'tlie Bet
ut C arli'iiul.ilo liU'iuU.
Jllwi lli'lui .1 . iiJi'i i of I'oiMt I'll j 4i a
Cuilwrnljlc UJtor ,iiti'ulJ,v,
f'luili'i MiCjiiii, vl Mi dim lliolliui, I on
a liiIticj till) to New Voik city.
Mm, .I.iiuim (iilflln lu-i in Inn' nui'.-t, liu
jUtir, Mr;, 'llmiiiuj llnhiy, of WilUs-IUiie.
Mm. Itulicit JIjuIi. ut pmimorc, i a nui't
at the li'niie ut In r niutlier, )lr. Jolm ISicntuii.
MI-.I M.isimII, of I'lttluiit;, li a lit".' it t lit.
lioiuu Qf Mr. uii'l Mm. II, , !c'y, vu Diitett
City Ticasutcr 11. J. mil I'nink
lUnnli, of Serantoii, were at the lluiUon lioiisu
Ut ctnilii)r.
Dr. ('. T, Mojlir, (leni','i MIIN mul Jolm
Wall Paper
We will place orvsale MANY THOUSAND ROLLS OF WALL PAPER at marvelously low prices. -Waif
Paper buyers should await for this sale. The stock is inclusive of the richest spring designs and colorings.
Wall Paper for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Bed Room, Bath Room, Library, Hail, Den and Parlor. If you"
want good paper at less than manufactures' prices, or if you want the cheaper grades come to this sale. Our
word for it Scranton will never see or never has seen such Wall Paper prices as will be found at this sale.
1 ,000 rolls Wall Paper, with 9
inch border, suitable for all the various
rooms of a house. 25 different pat
terns to select from
all together and the
room. Patterns are mostly floral designs.
All Week at These Prices
We said in yesterday's paper that the following Dress Goods and
Silk items would be priced for one day only. We withdraw that restric
tion, and have decided to leavethese splendid values, priced as you see
them today, all week. This is a" rare opportunity to purchase such high
class fabrics at the figures quoted.
Dress Goods
Etamines the popular light weight fabric which has that elegant
costume effect when made up, in the latest and much wanted shades,
The $1.75 kind, today's price SI. 25
" 1.50 " " 1.10
' 1. 00 85
All our $1.00 quality, 45-inch Armures, Poplins, Whipcords, Prunel
las and a 54-inch Venetian and Broadcloth.this season's latest shades and
considered by judges of value to be worth more than $1.00, but "TQc
today, buy them at ... '
$1 Pongee Silk, linen effects, today at 84c
Familiar names, all $1.00 and many $1.35 a yard fabrics. Peau
de Lavant, Louisine, Peau de Soie, a high class finish and values that
you can buy today only, at 89c
We Are Adding to Our Great
Crepe Egypta, an all wool summer fabric pastel shades,
From $1.00 .
A 30-Inch All Wool Challies, newest designs, also
effects, former price 59c per yard, at '.
Our tull line of Cashmeres, all wool, 50c values, go
special price, yard
For this week only.
1). Wunii'in aio al MliiKtono Jlanor, X. V.,
on .i lt.hlns dip. ,, , , ,, ,
Hev It. A. Mttier U in HoiiiwUlo, atli-iul-Insr
ii tluii' lJ' m,'1' ' lha 'a'"011 urUl
iliMiniiiy In inusie In (ir.ue ilimili.
Jljiugir Dm ll'ine. "I tln (iwiiil, bpont
Momlj neiilmr l .'craiiton, in tin- K"0t of
Jljiusir A. .1. Uiill. o' !" I.)-""'!.
T. D. MaiKfy, mlumit U'pii'M'iit.iliu for "Tlie
lloiuili- IIiIit Hilli," J I" Hm fU.' .e--"''l'l.i.i,
muiiKlntr for lliu iiiuilmtloii .it tlie. llraiul on
( iiplala (iihiii!i llnmn, Hipeiintemlint of
atriiK'iei ' Tino llliio kotlily, is .it tlm llaiii-on
lioiiM. niMin, after .1 tlioit Hip to iiiiiiit3 iluwn
lliu xalley.
Mi, .mil Mil Swiiii'l llaifoiil, of IJiiliio,
wliu luu luTil l.lllmr lelatiMw In tiiH city
foi u few ilJU. left last fh'IiIhk lor Jeimjii,
mIiiii- tliey will in iKc a slioit stay wltli lela
tin. diailes II,, of 'I'liiace htieet, li.n re.
tnuieil flu n .1 pli.Kint Ult nllh Ills boiii llor.
Ion fn'e, lni reiently iliangml fioin TaJosIa,
ami h nw piiiilet'ir of , lioti,lry in hlU
ncy, .V, V.
.lou Miuni, of New YoiU ilj, who liai a
wlilu aiqualiilaiiii' III CarLionJale, U lieio for a
few ili. ill', Mau in, v.lm U tuuellns tales
liian for a Miimiicr, nUwear lioie, U u meet?
Milecil loiall, Ii.iIiij; heeu u mloUt fop fcei
ii al eai3 In one of tho leading
limit lies. DmliiK lilx klay here liU filimU uiv
usually uilirtalmil with a few of liU teleitlun.-.
The nurrlave of William .), lljrne, of Majllelil,
and Ml-u Mjitlu IMiiimid., daughter of -Min
(ieorgo lMimindi, of Koutli beconil ttuet, Juni.Mi,
tool; place ut (I o'lloil; la.t eienlni; in the iliuuli
of the l-acii'd Heart, 'Hie lulde looked leiuail,.
ably pretty lu a drcs4 of white kill, peiudlne
out white talTeta, trlnuneil with ulilte upplliue.
111m Catharine ilcclun was the Urldcuuaid uml
wore a pretty diesi of rose laiudimne, trimiuid
i uuoa yhi. News
beginning This Morning at 9 O'Clock.
ENDS-We mean
price will surprise you.
Revelation in Va!uesSILKSHigh Class Qualities
in IVislan appllipie, .lohn Cuff, ot Niw Yoil;
illy, was Kiouinaiiuii, 'Hie ceremony, wlikli w.n
wllne'eeil hy a Urge inniiber of the jininK Vouple'a
flleniN, w.n pel formed hy the pallor of the
ilinnli, lli'V. rutin r Dunn, Al Ihe luiuliulou of
tho teieniony the hildal paity wa-i ililieu tu the
home ot the Inide'H iiiutlxr, wheir Mippir was
sened and u leeeptlou held. Ihe happy couple
left on the 11 o'eloih tialn fui New oilc mid
other points, 'they will commence houe),iiplut;
at t'aihoiulale on their letiun home, II iy K,
'llio u.,luis at the chinch wile; Slei. I', 1",
KilKer, (ieoiKP Hart, I'alilck 'I'allet and IMnuiil
Xeaiy, of .Mailleld, Mr. II.miio Is one of Cnliun.
iljle'o mo-t popular and iiiiaumliiK .inuiit; men.
Ho U J faithful employe of thu l'liiduitlal In
biiijnie loiupiuy, -Mn. lljines U one of our til.
inted Junius ladles, and her depaiture will he
deidoieil In many of lur fiiunU.
Itei i:, .1, lliodluad, lector of St. .Tunics Kpl
copal cliuuli, oicauled a Iioj' lnlgado lat
t cuius. i
Mu, II, (iieeulado was a Linlnes-. caller ut
St i anion ,ctciila,.
The Daughter u St. Oeoic, who foimeily
occupied upathnents in, the Odd IMIowV huild
in),', luio diiided to luii't licieafter lu the u
semhly hall,
.MIm Allies Qulnii, ot MjilU'ld, has letiumd.
home, after an itindtd with Puuntcii
f i lends.
A Nipper will In: held iindir 1 lit? auvpUes of
the UUkV Aid widely of tlie I'liniltlio Jlctliu.
Old ihurih in Winil.or hall tills eienluif. After
the supper a tale of ihllilien'a clothing will tatu
plan'.. 'Ihe prlie of tlie supper will ho 20 cenl,
fMluslie of Ihe pike for ice ireaui and ieheh.
IIoj;arlh'a hand liaio ouleied their new mil
forma. Tliey e,pe.,t theui IliU week.
To Cure Grip in Two Days.
Laxative Reonio-Qulnlne removes the
cause. B, Y. Groye's slsnaturo on every
2.000 rolls Wall Paper, 18 inch border.
A choice of so patterns for selection.
1,500 rolls Wall Paper, i3
included in this lot plain gilts,
A selection ot 75 patterns for choice.
by this that a number
All can be used in
All our
houses in this
Sale of Dress
at, yard 67c
at this
Ihe Conroy, and IMwauls inuipaiiv t;ac
their si'ttjiul ptifoinuiiie, "A tiiijl IMaiuoud
Al) tnj ." at the father Matheiv Upeu Ihhi-o
l.iat nlsht. Another laigo uudleueu was pie5.
cut, Tho bpeilullles weie well Klien and tlie
peifoimu'. weio iipeatnlly encored, "All fir
Uold" will he ulwii this eieniinf, 1'iiceii, 10, SO
and SO eentk.
llee. .lames lley mid 1'iedeilik llulilinon aro
in Mitnaudiiah aitiudiii tho annual mufcicmu
of thu I'rlmitlie Methudid cliuuli which is (lelm;
held ut that pi id'.
.Mles Kate and Amu flavin and Kittle llo.
laud, of South NTJiilon, who v.tie the (,'iiests
of llls Maiy (,'lancy, haio relumed home.
The Dlinipla orehetra condmled theli weekly
1 1 it i i'.iy tl.wi In lloiouyh lull, I'lliel'iuir. list
iiiislit, i:cellint music fur damlns; was fiunUlied
hy the oiihedia,
It. A. Sulllian, ot I'oity l'oit, who had ae.
eiptid a position as mine )ios at I'ddv CieeU
lollluy, was killed in the mines at Wyoming
un Mviul.i.v, Mr. lutiud.d taking iliaigo
of Ids new position iUy 1,
Jllihacl llealey, about bU jears ot a.-e, un
lihi'i'tl ul tlie Dolph iiillleiy Ji .1 xlalo pllkil,
met with an au hleut jeeleulay inuinliii; that no
doubt will piuiu fatal. Iltaliy fell tioui the
top uf tho blepa Icadlntf to the sneen loom to
thu pound, fomu tliiity fiet. The iujuied nun
was plated in the loiupauy ainhulaiice and tuke'i
to the home of 1'. S. U', with whom jlialey
liinl. A plrjtltlait waa butmuoued and (he man's
injuries dien-ed. llo lenulnetl unioindotu te.
cial liours. A larije kuJi was cut In liU liwl uud
It is feaud hUbkull Is fiaituitd.
'ilie employes nl the Dolph colliery will leicUe
tlieir pav on batuiday.
, Mia. 1'ilto has uioied Into thu Harris building
at Hell place, where the will (onduct J hotel.
Joseph U. illlleuru, the Wlbon fire com-
8oo rolls of
nan. many
inch border, suitable for papering any room. There is
embossed gilts, varnish gilt,
of lots are broken. We
three-quarters and two
Dress Patterns
A limited quantity and no two patterns alike. " A choice of either
will give you exclusiveness in dress. 6 to 7 yards long, mostly A Est
light shades, worth 89c a yard. Today at V
Plain and corded Mistral Cloth, a delightful fabric for hot weather
wear, it's open weave effect adapts it for this season of the year, Xer
worth 89c. Today at .' UOC
Ellaok Dress Goods
A complete line can be found here today we make you three
matchless offerings. All our $1.00 Satin Soliels, Prunellas, Mel- Q s,
rose, Poplins, Whipcords, Armures, Cheviots and Serges, at 07C
Choose today from lot and be happy. Save 15c on every $1.00 you
invest. "" .
50c Foulards at
All our 85c Foulards at 59c
All our Satin Finish Foulard Silk's, regular $1.00 kind, today at... 65c
An exclusive line of French Foulards from one of the best silk
country, 125 kinds at
Goods These Splendid Values
A light all wool'Melrose Dress Fabric,
This sale
Black Silk Grenadines at very attractive
beautiful line of Fancy Silk Waist patterns in
These additional bargains in Dress Goods and Silks will give J
you the widest ranges of values ever offered in this city. Remem- S
ber, this week only, at these prices. I
nun 'a I'l'ntll lllltlnl'. Ftiptlt MnlldaV 111 illC l.lec.
Hill (Ilj.
The ponlpunril niteitnlnmcnt of ilia Oriental
filio chili of the llapll.d Hmulay wliool will take
pine on Saluiiliy I'leulUo', Jlay 1", at the Moi
Ijah btoie, All thkels that aie out me good.
'Ihe .luu'nllo Sit hi dub, wlili 1 1 ha? bent
couductliij some of the most popular uidals in
town the pit few jtira, will ;rlii' one of
tueir Ciiti'iiiuti social ai nniinir. nut ue.ti
.Monday eituln, Ijiko iiuiuher ot out-of-town
piople Is eptiled to attend, and a gottl
time it. as.iucd to till, Ailnil-luu will be ?o
cents. All ate weltonie.
Alulio-e I'liahn, who 1 1 .c j been seidn," In tha
rapidly of tetoit at St. JanuV tliuuli, I .ib
leii;ui'i his pcuillou to accept ,i biluitiou as
punip-tuuner ut the SttiiiiU ('ink tollltit.
During the tliuo Ml, I'lialeu lllled the fuiuiti
portion he t,M,o tjtl.-f.iiiitui, and lias
in my fritiitN wlio with him cucie.i in hU mw
uiidt'i taking, I llt.ilt't, au a:nl man, who wa un
. lot til at Dojph's itillki.t, hail tlie uiUfoilune
to fill iloun u lav.'e lllnht of ttali'i at the
briakei, .it'nltidaj at noon, llo lei chid U'iy
beiue Iujiiiics and hopes for his leiouiy aiu
hit tllttht. He wj lemtmil to the lioma ot
John Wabli, un liridgo ttrcct, wheie he it
bde. 'Inu tloctuiM wile in atliiulauie lad
i H'lilug, but no ill Unite lemilta could be ob
JMuaul (liealrh, of Maple died, has roliiuid
home, after bpeuillng ttttul ila.m with his
daughter, Mis. 'Ilioiuai Cook, cf I'l) mouth.
Mi, and Mis. Iliowiilug, of Ol.ipliaut, wne
tlie guola of Jlr. ami .Mrs. Cooper, on Sunday,
August Sdmildt, uf Albeit died, is loulliud
(o hl.-i bed with dekneis.
'Ihe Itev, WlUou lltullcy, paslur of the l'llmi-
This Morning
the Sale
Wall Paoer. mostlv tanestries.
for library, sitting room, dining room and
cnoice numoers.
bronzes, flats and self-tones.'
have gathered them
- thirds effects in any
89c 2
regular 4c cent kind.
prices, and the most
3 yd lengths at,yd..$1.25
tlie -Melhodlst diiueli, left jedddav for his
new post, ai pador of the I'rimltiie Jlctliodht
chiurli at Shiinokln. Dining his two jcm'
pastoi.ite the iiieiuhertlilp of tho church here
has liuiejtcil fiom 58 lo l'.'S, Hy Ills earned
cllorU both the chinch and tho pironigo hate
been deaied of all debt. 1 ho players and good
wishes ol thu church people go with him. Ilei.
W, II, Holder, lite pador of ShamoUn cliuuli,
U to be our new pastoi,
Mw, Vrlion Mdiols and diughlir, Kihella, o
Clilndilll.i, wne wsllou In town on Saluiday,
The Woman's Cluldhiu Ti'inpeiance union wilt
meit in the Jlelhodld llpiscopal cluirdi cm
Thiusda) allrinoon.
The giaihiatlng ceidei of (lie High fdieol
will lie held lu thu liaptist at Clark's
(in in on Tliday eunlug,
.Mi, ami Mis. Amos llollUler, of Pittsburg,
liaie bien calling on idatlu's in this Idnlty
for tlie pist fiw iljs.
Mr, and Mis, Albeit Hall enleitalned tlulr
son, llowaul, of l'llldon, on Sunday,
Mi, llaiold l'aiker is kptmllng n'crul ehi'S
at ihn home of her pucnts at Claik's (irecn." '
Veitailon U iry hackwaid tliioujjh this ills
tilet, I'ew blti-sonib ate been jet on fiult trees
and tml.i a small number luio started to plant
their gardens.
A duct ami pillow ca-u bodal will he hehl
at tho home of Dr, and Mis. ilenill en Thurs
day culling. iJdies uiv leipitstcd In bilng
Itiiu lie uu fur two. 'Ihu Mieial is under Hi' aus
pice of the Kpworlh Iicauue, All ale welcome,
ami X delightful e enlug is a.-eiiitd.
Conslstoiy in May,
By Ilxeluslic Wire from The Associalcd Picu.
Home, Apiil 20. The pope h.o, decided to Itolt
j. consistory wilier than lie pieiiously intended.
It will now be held In the latter half of May,
No new caidiiuU will be created and only a
few bldiops will be appointed.
4, t
23i,. iiai.
-r iJh, r"4l "SligiLslb w 5- fc 3S
1. r
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