BWfWWfg?? uSKLIrliX.T: emxVdM -'".WTO Y ,irv.VJJ V H,y "p "wps'i ifrj. ' liMJ'j'ti I L iwt mm i. Yi ljl.n r '' n" ",W K'TWW?WU r ' Ti i i- m 1 omttott THFtY SCRANTON PAPER RECE1VJNG THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, JHE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. A Vt.T TWO CENTS. sckaoton, pa., Wednesday mornjnc, awiil ;jo, 1002.' TWO CENTS. dVOHfJ j"- DISCUSN OF PHILIPPINES AFFAIR It Revolves Around Order Alleged to Have Been Issued bu n General Smith. THE DEBATE TAKES A WIDE RANGE Mr. Teller Criticises tho Republicans for Not Participating in the Dis cussionGeneral MacArtliur Dis claims Any Responsibility for the Orders of General Smith Omnibus Bill Is Passed in the House. By Inclusive Wire fiom The Aiaoclatcd Pre.". Washington, April 29. The sennto committee on the Philippines today resumed examination of witnesses In connection with the Investigation of affairs in the Philippine islands. Oen. Mat-Arthur continued his examination. In reply to Senator Patterson's ques tions, Gen, MacArtliur said that Gen. Funston was not responsible In any way for any of the methods which obtained in the capture of Agulnaldo. "t am responsible in that matter in every way and particular," said Gen. MacArtliur. "It was one of the decep tions frequently practiced In war, and whatever blame attaches thereto, I take." 'When the Philippine bill waB laid be fore the senate no one was prepared to deliver ti set speech on It. Mr. Lodge (Massachusetts), In charge of the meas ure, said he felt compelled to press It for consideration. His remarks drew the flro of Mr. Teller (Colorado), who criticized the Republicans for not par ticipating in the discussion. This pre cipitated the debate, and for more than two hours it continued. Mr. Teller de clared that General Smith, If he had issued such an order as has been at tributed to him, ought to be dismissed from the service, as it was a disgrace to the American army and to the American people, Mr. Lodge said that, while he knew little of the circum stances surrounding the alleged order, lie did not approve of cruel methods In warfare, and every right minded person must regret General Smith's order. To him It was revolting. He defended the administration, saying that as' soon as knowledge had come to Washington, the president had directed that Gen eral Smith be court-martialed. Before the committee today General MacArtliur disclaimed any responsibil ity for 'the orders of General Jacob H. Smith to make Samar a howling wil derness. Replying to a question by Senator Beverldge, General Mat-Arthur said that absolute chaos would result should the Filipinos be given complete independence und the United States entirely withdraw from the islands, but lie said he would like to explain this statement at another session of the committee. Ho was thereupon excused until tomorrow. The committee went Into executive session to further con sider the advisability of summoning witnesses asked for by the minority and decided to postpone the taking of a vote on the proposition until tomorrow morning, at which time tho committee also will pass upon tho question of the advisability of sending a sub-committee to the Philippines to continue the In vestigation. Omnibus Bill Passed. Under a special order, which allowed three hours' debate but cut off all op portunity of amendment, the house to day passed an omnibus public building bill, which will distribute $17,403,430 among 174 cities. The bill provides for heventy-soven new buildings and sites, Plx buildings on sites already purchased, seventeen buildings on donated sites and fifty-eight Increases in appropria tions for buildings already authorized. It lso provides for the ptuchuse of sixteen sites. Tho majority for the bill was so overwhelming that only nine members backed a demand for the ayes ami noes on tho passago of the bill. There was romo criticism of Hie inch ed by which it was proposed to pass the hill without opportunity for amend v.'ent, which Mr. Mayer, chairman of the committee, answered by stating that If the bill had been subject to nniondment tho appropriations carried by It would have been Increased to $00,000,000. The consideration of tho agricultural appropriation 1)111 was resumed but only eight additional Items were disposed of, WASHINGTON BRIEFS. Py llxilukhe Who from The .Wclalcd Pre. Secretjiy llool, Mm. Pool uml Mini Hoot or, rived lust night from their trip lo Cuba, I'ornelliH Ithluchammcr, of Wjiuinlo, Luzerne county, Iiik bnn granted u pension of s. The noniliulloii of William II, Moody, of !, lo be (eeietury of tho navy, vai continued cstetday by tho henate. OwIiik to Ihe threatening weather yctcnliy nfleriioou, (lie guests invited lo Mrs. llooscvvlt first warden parly were received In tho cast roonf instead of (be open air and all outdoor (ea. turcs of the feto were abandoned. Plcsldcnt Hoiwvclt will attend the opening of the International nbniplan games wbkli are to U held In fhlengu during H;itcinlier Mid Oetvlwr, ')l, He made IhU promUc last iileht. Ho rntirisl rnlliiislastleally Into tho spirit of the proposed e.hllltioiis. Seiiflary Lonu lias cabled ihrctUy to CapUlii Paylnn, ot the (.Tiliugii, ut Venice, UkKlnii for liifofinatlon In lonneitloii wtl, ,e airest of wmo of Iho olMieM ol that idilp at Vinliv, fcio far there lias Ken no ofiklal repoit on the snlijcit to either Ihe ttulc or tho .y ilipjrlineiit. HunoundeU by the (train, ol Imudreilii ol ftatea Ifteii who liac made hlstmy, a n'oro of patiiuilu men rcprisentliiR the National society of lie Pons r.f hc Amerfraii Itevolutloii jenlcrday allert roon In the fonxrrMiuiul leinvlerv on the luuLi of llio eastern brauib of tho I'otonue, foinully I placed the iifUcUt mark of tho order nt the iuoik I mnciil of ( (lo.irgo Cllnluii, New York' fiinimn revolutionary uir ruin nor. It I tuiw believed Hi it no further onnjlilern linn will lie Riven by Hie ucltlent In the ub Jest (if retiring Lieutenant ( Miles so long in Hie commander of (lie nrni.v continues lib cret in! attitude ol revive nml Hut (lie ciifc will lie allowed to rtiiinln as It It iinlet (Icnernl Alllci huold do Biiinellilnir or t ike mine net Ion to rev he Ilic recent determination of Ihe president. of l'rnlnni I'.v.ins vv.h n caller nt Hie white houo jcslenlay nml while theie the president Informed lilm of Iho ileilli of Willi im MoKinlcy (Kborne, comnl general to London, rml In nn Informal manner offcicil lilm the .leant po rtion. Mr, r,,in Informed tin mcsldcnt tint lie would take the oflei under itrlvlxcmrnt, but llieic Is no doubt lie will accept It when It Is nude in a formal manner. CLINTON CONVENTION. The Delegates Ave TJninstructed. Elias Deemer Endorsed. Dy r.xclusbc Wire- from The Associated Press. Lock Haven, Pa., April 29. The Clin ton county Republican convention to day endorsed Ellas Deemer, of Lycom ing county, for congress, giving him power to choose his own conferees. A. 12. Patton, of Curwensvllle, was en dorsed for state senator. The conven tion nominated the following ticket: Afiembly O. S. Kobcv, of Klcmliigtnn. I'lolhonntar.v .1. 11. Lc-lier, of Lock Haven. Sheriff Torremc Shcnrr, of Lock ll.ixen. TrejMirer John II. Thompson, of Salon.i. Coinniisslnnern II, '. dinner, of Lack llivcn; William (iiininm, of ll.ild Lade limnMilp. Auditois-W. I). ai'd (i.'orgc .f. llli k on". i:. L. Hill win elected county chalrtn in. The ilelcsjales to Ihe stale convention are II. S. Satteilee, of Loik lljvcn, II. I. Johnson, of Hcnovo. They liTc unlintructcd. THE TRIAL OF GENERAL SMITH Action of the American Chamber of Commerce Other Manila Topics. By i:tiuslvc Wire from The Associat"d Picss. Manila, April 2'X When the trial by court martial of Gen. Jacob H. Smith, was resumed today, Pedro Bela, a boy "mascot" of company F, of the Ninth infantry, commanded by Capt. Thomas W. Connell, who was massacred by the Samar natives at Balanglga, testi fied that he saw Capt. Connell's death wound given by a boy of 13. The wit ness saw several other boys of the same age among the natives who took part In the massacre and thought he could himself, use a bolo against a soldier. Capt. Waldo P. Ayer, General Smith's adjutant general, said he had been closely In touch with all the movements and knew General Smith's plans, pur poses and feeling at every phase. He added that on the general's arrival the coast was deserted, and he saw the same towns filled with people when he left. But so far as the people of Samar was concerned, he met only one man worthy of respect who was sincere, patriotic und honorable. He must ad mit, however, that the man with this qualification was born at Marinduque, of Tagolog ancestry. First Lieut. Vandeman, of the Twenty-first Infantry, who had charge of the military Information bureau, described fiom the records, the treach ery of the natives of Samar. The Ameilcan chamber of commerce has passed a resolution endorsing the action of the United States army in the Philippines in an endeavor to counter- act what the members of the chamber I believe to be the opinion prevailing In the United States, that officers and soldiers have acted In violation of tho rules of war. The preamble says tho chamber Is composed exclusively of American busi ness men who have been thrown Into Immediate contact with the prevailing conditions every wheie In tho archipel ago and It was resolved that without the constant watchfulness und protec tion of the army In the Philippines no property or business interests would bo safe and that upon its Jnlluencc de pends the stability of the civil govern ment. The resolution eulogizes Gen. Chaffee. "Whose earnest effort has sustained and assisted the civil author ities In the dllllcult task of the estab lishment of civil government," and praises "his good judgment and human ity which havo won him the admira tion and affection of all loyal Americans In the Island," The cholera statistics to date aie as follows: Manila C03 cases and 483 deaths; provinces 1704 cubes ami 12St deaths. QUEEN WILHELMINA BETTER. Bulletin Says Her Symptoms Indi cate an Improvement, lly i:tluslte Wiro from Tho Associated Press. The Hague, Apiil 2'). A bulletin icfeirini; to (Jiiecn WllhohniiuVi (omlltlon, posted this morn ing at Custle Loo, S.1J1 her niujeoty passed a quiet niKlit uml that all her symptoms Indicate im. protcmrnt. HE IS THE BIGGEST MAN IN THE ASSOCIATION lly l-'icluihe Wire frnni Tho Arsoelatccl Press. "Wheeling, W, Va., April 2a. It Is now practically certain that President Shaf fer Is tho big man of the Amalgamated association. Toduy tho convention, with few dlssenllng voices endorsed in toto his aiinual report. Tio committee on president's and other olllcers' re ports, reported favorably on tho state ments entrusted to It and their rcconi inendutlons were rntlllcd by the con vention. Tim most important or tho reports was that of Mr, Shaffer's. In many aspects It was tba most Intcrpsiinn- document over Issued by an amalga TRAIN DERAILED. Five Persons Killed on the Atchi son and Santa Fc. By Kxeluslic Wire from Tho Associated Pi ess. Keokuk, Iowa, April 29. The Cnll fornln limited, on the Atchison, Topelta and Hantu Fc road, east-bound, was de railed on u curvn. nl Citnin, a switch live miles west of Mcdlll, Mo., today, while going at. it tremendous snred. Five persons were killed and twenty three Injured. The dead: mii. wi:ivnii:i.Ni:u, sun Dhw, r.ii. A Min of Heiiiy (,'. dale', of AtiMrull.i, ' JC'ire of !',',. C. C. 1'AIIIIIAXKS, Uilcwi. waller In dlnliiR rjr. HPFITS MI'SsiKlt, CIiIciiro, wilier In dining inr. The injured Include Conductor Charles Sargent, and a twin sister of tho Gates boy. The parents of the twins were also badly bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Gates were en route for Australia, and were with their children eating In the dining car when the wreck occurred. The train was over an hour late and passed Wyuconda, the last station west, at the rate of sixty five miles an hour. When the heavy train struck the curve at Cania tho rails spread. THREE BAIL JUMPERS HAVE SURRENDERED Salter, Meeser and Hodgers Give Themselves Up to Philadelphia Authorities. By 1 Mluslvo Wire (rmn The Associated Press. Philadelphia, April 29. Former Dep uty Coroner Samuel P. Salter, of Phila delphia, and Clarence Meeser and Jo seph Hodgers, of Washington, D. C, allleged ballot box stuffers, who jumped their bull In 1899 and have since been fugitives from justice, today surrend ered themselves to the court. Meeser, who was employed in the copyright division of the congressional library, and Itodgers, who was a lieutenant of the cupltol police, were members of an alleged gang of fourteen repeaters who came hero from "Washington to vote at the November election, when Colonel James Barnett, Republican, of the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment, headed the ticket for state treasurer. The men were taken to the Seventh ward and are alleged to have placed 200 fraudu lent votes In a ballot box In one divis ion. George Kirlland, of Washington, a member of the gang. It Iuter devel oped wus in the employ of a local news paper and gave the entire scheme away. -Five of the fourteen men were caught, and were subsequently released on $1, 800 bail each. All the men, It Is said, with the exception of Klrtland, were government employes. Salter, Meeser and Rodgers disappeared and nothing was knowh of their whereabouts until they surrendered today. Tho men were again released on ball for their appear ance at tho next term of court. BAN JOHNSON WILL APPEAL THE CASE Not Satisfied with Restraining In junctions Lajoie May Be Em ployed as Umpire. Itv Lulusite Wiie from The Associated Press, ' Baltimore, April 29, President Ban Johnson, of the American League, was in this city today. Speaking of the Injunctions restraining Lajoie, Fraser and Bernhnrd from playing with any other than the Philadelphia National League club, Mr. Johnson said: "We have ample ground for ti new appeal to the Supreme court, and, while this Is pending, the injunction, issued by tIie lowel L'ourt wln be raised. AVe will give bond and the three players concerned will be at liberty to play with the Athletics. Should the decision again be unfavorable to us we can take Lajole's case to the United States court. The cases of the other two men cannot be taken there, because the amount In olved is less than $2,000. Our attor neys ore confluent, and 1 share their confidence, that we will win out. Then the only rediess the National League v. Ill have Is In a civil suit for damages against each player, before a jury." Secretary Goldmun, of the Baltimore American League club, who will repre sent that club at the special meeting of the American League in Clevelund to morrow, will urgo the adoption of the double umpire system, and the employ ment of Lajoie, Fraser and Bernhard us umpires. He believes that they can be so employed without coming In con flict with tho Injunction made by the Pennsylvania court, and that this will offer the best solution or tho dllllculty this year. Chinese Exclusion BlUNSigncd. lly nxclusho Wire from The Associated Piesi, Wflililngtoii, April '."). President Itooi-cwit lias signed the Chinese exclusion bill. The pen ii"ul was Rbeii In ltepreentotle Kalm, of California, who has taken a deep Interest In tho bill. Governor Murphy Resigns, lly i:iluslto Wire from The Associated Piess,. U'utlilniilon, April '.'!, Tho resignation of Gov ernor Murphy, of Arizona, lo take elicit June DO, has been received licio, It Is probable that A. L. llroille will be appointed to succeed lilm. mation president, It gavu tho history of (be strike and his explanation of every ono of his many acts which nroused criticism during the moment ous struggle, Tho action of the con vention Is a vindication of his entire course, It Is not likely there will bo much opposition to Mr. Hrmffor's ro-electlorf. Tho Associated Press can state authori tatively thut Assistant Secretary M, V. Tight! will not bo a candldato for tho presidency. The friends of Thomas Williams, of KancsvUlc, Insist that ho shall bo a candidate and will prcbcnt his name to the convention, FULLER BID IS ACCEPTED First Council Has Accented the Oi ler Made for the Hold ings of the City. READY FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE THURSDAY The Intention Is to Make Baltimore the Terminus of n Great Trans Continental Line Controlled by the Wabash, Which. Will Be a Great Factor in the Soft Coal Business. Processes by Which a Complete Line Across the Continent Is to Be Secured. By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Preu. Baltimore, April 29. The first branch of the city council tonight passed the ordinance accepting the Puller syndi cate's bid of $S.751.370.45 for the city's holdings In the Western Maryland rail road. The ordinance was then sent over to the second branch, where It was In troduced as a substitute for the meas ure already under consideration in that branch, and received Its first reading. It Is expected that It will be ready for the mayor's signature Thursduy night. The members of the Puller syndicate declare that It Is their intention to con nect the Western Maryland railroad, as rapidly as tho work can bo done, with the Wheeling and Lake Erie and through It with the Wabash system nnd Its connecting lines, thus making Baltimore the terminal of a great trans continental lino controlled by the Wab ash. The Puler-Gould syndicate will get the Western Maryland railroad at its recent supplemental bid of $8,7."1,370.45. Tho fact that the road will become tho property of the Fuller syndicate was made practically certain at Mon day's session of the city council, and it will only take another session of that body and the signature of Mayor Hayes to cause the deal to be come a matter of history. LaBt Week's Demand. Last week the city council demand ed that If the Fuller syndicate did not increase Its supplemental bid of $8,751, 370.15 to $10,001,000, it could not get pos session of the road. The Fullers in dicated to the council that, If the road could not be secured on their own terms they would seek a tidewater outlet for their system clsewheie. When the coun cil met Monday night a transformation had taken place. President Sproesser, of the First branch, made a motion favoring the supplemental bid of the Fullers, and further moved that It be placed on Its second reading. Council man Ulrich, who had formerly favored the Reading bid, came out for the Full ers. The test, vote resulted In a unani mous ballot, 24 votes being cast. Action was postponed Indefinitely on the re maining ordinances of the other three bidders. The Fuller ordinance would havo likewise gone through the second branch but for the attitude of Major Vensiblc, who had Its second reading postponed by offering an amendment, making It mandatory on the part of tho West Virginia Central railroad to accept and sign a contract to buy the city's interests In the Western Mary land railroad. He explained that this was only a safeguard. After the meet ing of the council, It developed that the Fullers had a majority vote In tho second branch, and that tomorrow Major Venable would vote for the or dinance. All this change of position on the part of the councllmen can be ascribed to politics. Tersely stated, the situation Is this: President Sproesser, of the first branch, will get the Republican nomination for congress In the Third district; ex-Mayor Malster will get a Federal position, and United States Marshal IClrey will be reappointed. Such Is the climax of the famous West ern Maryland railroad deal. Beading's Fight Against Odds. AVhen the bids for tho Western Maryland wore first opened more than n half dozen so-called syndicates made offers for the property, but ono by one, when the Hultlmoro councils called for substantial proof of their Intentions, they dropped out, until but t(uee were In the Held the Fuller-Gould, tho Heading and the Vurney-Phlladelphla bidders. Puling tho last week only the Fuller-Uould and the Reading were be lieved to havo any chance of securing tho properly. In Its contest for the Western Mary land the Reading seems to have made a losing fight against stupendous odds. Practically all the Raltlmore news papers favored the Fuller-Gould pro position, because of the belief that tho great Wabash system would make Its Kastern terminal stations In that city, lly purchasing the West Virginia Cen tral and Pittsburg the Fuller-Gould people won the powerful political sup port of both states, wnicn counted a great deal against the Heading, ns both United fitntes senators from Maryland are Interested In the West Virginia road. Influential business and com mercial bodies of Haltluiore also favor ed the Fuller-Gould proposal, as against tho did Mayor ifuyen and President Hood, tho lutter being nt tho head of tho Western Maryland road. Reading has waged a lively cam paign, bringing tho question directly be, fore the people of IluUlmori', with long letteis by tho counsel of the rondt pub lished as advertisements In tho.Rultl nioro papers. If It turns nut, ns now seems likely, that tho Fuller-Gould syndicate no uulres, tho .Western Maryland, jt, means a liew and powerful trunk lino from tho Atlantic) coast as far West ns'the Missouri liver, apd possibly to the ICoiiltuucJ on I'aie 8.) NO FAULT OF THE FEDERATION. Statement of President Gompers in Reply to President Shaffer. Bj r.Tclmlvt! Wire from The Assocl(ecl l're. WnshlnKton.Aorll 20. President Gom peis, of the American Federation of Labor, todny Issued a statement regard ing the controversy between himself nnd President Shaffer, of tho AmalRii matcd Association of Iron und Steel workers, Mr, Gompers says that his statement made at the federation con vention Inst December, that tho steel strike of last year was settled on con ditions less advantageous than could hnve been obtained, was never chal lenged by Shaffer and stnndn as "the historic fact In the Inbor movement of the country." Mr. Gompers concludes: "I have not asked iinyono to defend the American Federation of Labor or myself before tho convention of the Amalgamated Association, and have no desire on my part to do so; but I stand ready now to go to Wheeling at the re quest of either Mr. Shaffer or the con vention. I am conscious that the Ameri can Federation of Labor and I, ns an officer and as a man, have done our whole duty fully and faithfully, and that If there be any reflection upon any one In the Inauguration or conduct or the outcome of the steel strike of 1901, the blame must lie at the door of others than the American Federation of Labor or myself." m GOVERNOR W. H. TAPT ' ON THE PHILIPPINES Spoke Before the Students and Pro fessors at Yale His Beference to the Water Cure. By Exclusbe Wire from The Associated Tress. New Haven. Conn., April 29. Gover nor General William H. Taft, of tho Philippine islands, was well received this evening, when he addressed about 2,000 students, professors and others In College Street hall at Yale. After brlelly reviewing the historical and geographical features of the Philippines, Judge Taft described its governmental and economic status at the lime the American army took possession. He then developed the history of the past four years. With respect as to evidence of the water cure and other cruelties, Gover nor Taft said that it must be remem bered that the army of forty to sixty thousand men, by reason of the guer rlla warfare carried on by the Insur gents, had to be divided Into five hun dred posts, many of which were com manded by first and second lieutenants or captains, and sometimes by ser geants, und that the detachments In the field far exceeded the number of posts, that this explained how It was possible, with many engagements dally, exceptional instances of such abuses might occur without typifying the con duct of the army, which on the whole wus humane and considerate toward the natives. It was not to be expected that in an army of 60,000 men there should not bo brutes or weak men'who would yield to the temptation of arbitrary power and the provocation hardly to be un derstood, of the ambush and treach ery, savagery and danger of the Filip ino guerrila warfare as It wus prac ticed. ELKIN IN ALLEGHENY. Sure of 26 Delegates and May Get the Whole Number. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Pittsburg, April 29. Chairman Andrew Robertson, of tho Allegheny county Republican committee, has call ed a meeting of the committee for Wednesday. He says that Elkln will get 2U of the delegates from the county, and that the only questionable ones are those frum the Sixth and Seventh districts, controlled by Von Bounhorst and the county ofllce-holders. The county Is entitled to 30 delegates in all. SECURITIES OF THE STEAMBOAT SYNDICATE. He Ku'lusho Wire from Tho, A8oclaleil l'rcs. eiv York, April 20,There Is llii rry licit nulhoilty for the -.tatcment the $jD,iKin,iYiu h.Miilit'ate, which Is to underwrite the lnlriiu. tloml Steamship company, will recehe in ic tin n rciuritifii of the company as follow: '.TV In new 5 per cent, hondi; ifi,rria,tm new piefeucil i-tocki W),Ufl(),(i0O new common Mock. , The (jndlcate will continue operative until January, 1I)U, unless previously dlnsohed by the luuiMirciK, Steamship Arrivals. lly llxclinhe Wire from Tlio Associated Tress. New York, Apiil 20. Auheil: Kionprln Wlllirlin, lliemcu; I'rlcslauil, Antwerp. Cleared: Oceanic, I.heiponlj Zeelaml, Antwerp; St. l.ouU, Southampton. Ilrcineti Arrived: filcdeilch iK'r (Jiomc', New Yoik via Clie.-bouic;, DEATHS OF A DAY. By l.xchuivii Wire from Ths Associated Press. Iliclininiid. Ind., April 2!.-Ilcv. Jlir.ili lllic ford, ono of the most widely known elergj men of tlio Quaker church, Is dead at Omtli.iRC, Ida home. Ills last pastorate wat at Brooklyn, N, Y, Columbia, Mo,, April lit), Colonel ,1, .1, llh'k man, formerly light worthy grand templar of the wpreiue IoiIko of the International Order of (ionil Templars died here todny, MINERS' AND OPERATORS' MEETING WITHOUT RESULTS By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Piess. rvjew York, April 2!l. Tho members of the biib committee, of coal operators and representatives of the United Mine Workers which was appointed at tho meeting held under tho auspices of Ilia National Olvlo Federation on Sat urday, met todny, Only incmbcra of tho sub committee wcic present, Ueforo going Into the meeting, President Mitchell, of the mlno workers, tald he could not tell whether iv settle EXPLOSION ON THE SUBMARINE BOAT WANT QUAY TO SPEAK OUT. The Favorite Son Dodge Not Popular Among Congressmen. By Ktchishc Wire frum The Avoel.itcd I're. Washington, April 29. When Senator Quay returns from the west a new trouble will be confronting him. Some of tho congressmen who induced him to sidetrack Elkln are very much dis satisfied with his course. They find It hard to ask their followers to fight Elkln without having someone to rally around. The plan to have favorite sons en dorsed by county conventions Is not creating nny appreciable amount of enthusiasm. In the absence of any man to tie to tho voters are Inclined to express their preference as between Elkln and Watrcs. To that fact Is at tributed the success of Elkln in Luz erne county, where the attorney gen eral litis upset the carefully laid plans of Congressman Palmer and Colonel Watres. The congressman Is ono of the original antl-Elkln men'. Long before other congressmen were taking nny part Mr. Palmer was going frequently to the Quay residence to tell the senator that It would not do to per mit Elkln to remain in tho field with the tacit endorsement of the state or ganization. It was he who started the report that there was such a strong feeling against Elkln that If ho were nominated he would be such a drag upon the ticket that hal" a dozen con gressmen would surely be defeated. Tho success of the Elkln men In Palmer's own county, where the feeling of local pride In Watres was supposed to be very strong, will be the excuse for some gibes at the congressman fiom his colleagues when he returns to his duties here. NO CONFERENCE WITH THE BEEF TRUST Suggestion Has Met with No Eavor from the President or Attor ney General Knox. lly lclnivo Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, April 29. It is the desire of the department of justice that all persons who "have knowledge of the methods of the Beef Trust shall come forward and place such'lnformatlon as they have In the hands of the several prosecuting officials. Former Judge Day, who Is assisting Mr. Beathea In the preparation of the government case, is expected In this city on Wednesday or Thursday with the evidence that has been gathered In the West. There will bo no conference between Attorney General Knox, representing the Pnlted States, and Attorney Gen eral Davles, representing the state of New York on one side, tind responsible men representing the Beef Trust on the other. This decision was reached In Wash ington yesterday afternoon after a very pointed conference at the white house and tha department of justice. Indeed, it was only necessary to hrfve the matter brought to the attention ot the president, Attorney General Knox and Attorney General Davles to have It rejected as something not to be en tertained for a minute. Mr. Havemeyer Summoned. lly i:clntbc Wlie from The .Wociatcd Pre--s. Washington, April 29. 1'iesident Ilaveme,ver and other oftlehils of tho American Sugar company will be asked to and give testimony be fore the giili'coinmlttrc of the enate committee on iclattons with Cuba, appointed to inquire into the question of Cuban sugur holdings, und they will be the flrt called. The hub committee held Us firU meeting today with nil the members of the committee present. No detl ulte riMilt beyond that ot deciding to call the tiusl otllciuls M reached. BASE BALL. National League. At New Yoik- it.H.i:. lirooklvu oo on o-o :t l New- Yoik 00 I 'JO-Oil 1 (Came called uc count of rain, tilth limine). Ilatteiies McVatMii und Aheain; Kennedy und t'lnplie Uinvvn. At Philadiiplih-Pliiliilelphia.llattou; rain. At IMlUbuiR l'llUlmrg-M. bouNj rain. Chicago-Cincinnati, not m.IiciIu1cI, American League. lljltlmoie Dartlniote-llostoii: ian. At At Wushintilim It.ll.i:. Philadelphia 11)01)1)01)111-2 7 0 Washington i an o I n n j) T II :i Plank und teelnun; I'Jtton mid Dt.lll. L'mpiro Sheridan. At Chicago- 1I.II.I:. Cievelind 00 0(1 I 0 1 On 'J 11 5 Chicago noonnon 1 - 1 1 :i Pattcries Wright and IlemU; Callahan and Sullivan, Umpires-Connolly and Johnston. At St. i.nuN- 11.11. 1!. Detroit noni tiaoos-u in ht. lioubi 1001)0300 0-3 S il llattcrlra Mercer and llurlow- mil Miftuirc; Donohuc and Donohue. Umpiie Carutliers. ment of tho differences would bo ar rived nt today or not, or whether an other session would bo necessary. Ho refused to venture any prediction ns to tho outcome of tho meeting but said he might havo something to say after II was over, Nono of the coal operators was willing to talk of tho situation. The conference adjourned at 4 o'clock without huvlng come to a settlement, 'resident Mitchell said tho committee would meet again tomorrow. Disaster Overtakes the Fulton In the Harbor o.Delaware Breakwater. HALF A DOZEN MEN ARE INJURED The Boat, Which Was Bound from Brooklyn to Norfolk, Is Partly Submerged by the Accident Tho Explosion Is Caused by an Ac cumulation of Gas, Which, Had Been Generated by a Storage Bat teryNine Men Were in the Hold nnd Three on Deck When the Acci dent Occurred. By Kxcliislve Wiro from The Associated Pros. Lowes, Del., April 29. An explosion of considerable severity, which injured half a dozen persons, occurred on the submarine bout Fulton today, us she was running into tho harbor of tho Delaware breakwater. Tho boat was bound from Brooklyn to Norfolk, nnd wtis partly submerged when the acci dent occurred. The Injured are: Lieutenant Oscar Kohen, of the Aus trian navy, severely bruised. Lieutenant Arthur MacArtliur, United States navy, cut about tho head. Harry Moore, assistant engineer, in jured about the head. C. 1!. Miner, assistant engineer, noso split. Charles Hechtal. gunner, severely hurt on head and body. All the Injured were sent to the Unit ed States murine hospital, and after their wounds were dressed nil were dis charged, with tho exception of Hechtal. He will leave the hospital tomorrow morning. The explosion was caused by an ac cumulation of gas, which had been gen erated by the storage battery. Although the explosion was a violent one, the vessel wtis only slightly injured. She will bo towed to the Holland company's station tit New Suffolk for repairs, iiis soon as the weather 'moderates. It will take several days to put the battery in serviceable condition. When the Accident Occurred. On account of the rough weather at sea it was decided by the commander of the Fulton to put In to the Delaware breakwater and it was while the boat, partly under water, was rounding the great stone breakwater that the explos ion occurred. Nine men were in tho hold nnd three men on deck at the time. Assistant Engineer Miner, who was lying beside the boiler asleep, was thrown several feet away. Lieutenant MacArtliur, who Is a son of Major Gen eral MaoArthur, and Gunner Bechtul were at breakfast. The former was hurled against the roof of the cabin. Injuring his head. Bechtal was struck by heavy debris. He was so badly hurt that he was unable to care for himself and the others helped him to the deck, making their escape as the hold was rapidly filling with gasoline fumes. Captain Frank Cable, Lieutennnt H. H. Morrell and Boatswain Charles Berg were on deck when the explosion oc curred and signalled tho tug Storm King and yacht Mlndora, which con voyed the Fulton here, for assistance, The steam launch Palacea, being near, also went alongside and took the in jured men ashore to the marine hos pital. Considerable bravery was shown by Engineer Saunders. After the explos ion, tho engines continued to work. Saunders wrapped his hend and face In n wot towel nnd went below and stopped them. After the explosion tho Fulton was towed to the government pier near tho hospltnl. The Fulton left Sandy Hoolc at 8.39 Monday morning. Shortly afterword she submerged and made fifteen miles under water, going nt the rate of flvo miles an hour off Long Branch, Sho came to the surfaco and mado six miles an hour during tho trip until the acci dent at tho breakwater occurred. Sho proved to be a good sea boat and did not once require tho assistance of her convoy. The engine ran continuously for twenty hours. Those on bou'rd were highly pleased with her performance,' Loubot Inaugurates Old Salon. By Ilscluslvo Wire from Tho Associated PrcM, P.11N, April 29. President Loubet today In. augurated the old Salon, in the firand PalaN. Time wire l.fiSO exhibits, compared with 2,002 l.i-.t jejri reMilthig in an Improved aspect and a higher level ot merit. Cliatran's portraits ol Mis. and .Ml-a Itooscrctt attracted a largo tsluri of attention and received lilgh praise from th critic. 1 i Condition of Cumminga. ny Wire from The Associated Preu. Ilaltlinnrc, April 2!). Thcro was no dpelil-il change today in Iho condition of Congrmrnan ,iihh .1. Cumiulngi', of New York, who In Buffer ing from an attack of doublo pneumonia It tin fhim h home In this city. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. l.oesl dali for April 20, 1902. Minimi limpeiatura ,,, M ricgrcrl liowcl Icinpcr.iluro ,.,,,,,,,, Oi degree! Uclatlvo Humidity; K a. m. .,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,. C'i per cent, 11. m &1 per rent. I'icviv'Utlon, St hourd ended H p. m., 0.13 inch. 4- -r 4- . WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, Arril !!'). Weather con dition and general foietast! lutein IVnnsvlv.iiite, rain followed by fair Wed- neuiji Thursday fair and wanner; bruit boiith wlucU becoming foutheast, t tt.t:r- tttt.t.:tl f A' -""- a; V i,a . e-,!u . , .Iv!.. -. ,v-,T.. l M -. . .iii ,