The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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A plain cake, made with Cleveland's
Baking Powder, is superior to a pound
cake costing twice as much made with
an alum powder.
Cleveland's Baking Powder is pure,
clean and wholesome, and with less
trouble and concern makes the cake
lighter, sweeter, purer, more appetizing
and beautiful.
Bids for Bond Issue of $285,000 Re
ceived Yesterday Were Highest in
History of the City Successful
Bidders Offer a Premium of $7,069
on the $285,000 Worth of 3 1-2
Per Cent. Bonds and Agree to Pay
the State Tax, Amounting- to
Over 819,000.
People who have been inclined to the
belief that ever since the "ripper" bill
wont into effect this city has gone to
the "demnltion bow-wows" will bo now
forced to admit that in one most, im
portant particular she ho!rt3 her own
with the larges-t municipalities of the
country she has an unimpaired credit
that commands the rnsoect of the big
gest financial houses lit the land.
This was demonstrated yesterday af
ternoon, when the second batch of bids
for the bond issue of $285,000 was opened
by Recorder W. Jj. Connell. These bids
were not only higher than those opened
and rejected a week before, but they
w ere double those received last year for
the sewer bond issue, and it it! believed
that the, successful bid is the highest
ever received in the history of the city.
The hueuessful bidders were W. J.
Hayes & Son, who offered a premium of
$7,069 for the $2S5,000 issue of 3' per
cent, bonds, agreeing also to pay the
state tux. which will amount to over
$19,000. There were several other bid
ders who were close to this bid, as will
bo seen by the following list of premi
ums offered:
Itudnlpli. Klc.vbolte 00111113117 f(!,3T" B0
l'lttvburi; Trust company ,SJ0 00
W. .T. Ilajcs & Son 7,069 00
M. A. Stein 6,014 fO
Dick Brothers A: Company C.473 00
heasorgood, Majcr k Company f,71"i CO
Dcnnlson, Pryor k Company 0,808 DO
Mason, Lewis & Company fi.SS!) CO
W. Harris & Company 3,7ro 50
Hitlo Guaranty and Trut company 2,701 50
A number of representatives from
several of the houses bidding: were pres
ent In the recorder's office when the
bids were .opened, but the successful
bidders had no agent present. The
bondsmen who were on hand, however,
made the emphatic statement that the
successful bid wus one of the highest
they had ever seen, and congratulated
the recorder on his being able to dis
pose of the bonds at such a great ad
vantage to the city.
It seemed to be the unanimous senti
ment that the almost absurdly small
not Indebtedness of $322,039,90, as com
pared with the assessed property valu
ation of $65,680,703, was what led the
bidders to deem Scranton's credit to be
Al. The bondmen were a unit in say
ing that no city of any size in this
country litis such a small Indebtedness
Jn proportion to its population and as
sessed valuation.
List of Changes in Internal Bevenue
Special Taxes.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue T.
P. Penman yesterday received a circu
lar from the treasury department giv
ing a list of the taxes appealed or re
duced by tho recent act of congress,
effective July 1.
The special taxes repealed are as fol
lows: Bankers, $2 per $1,000 of cupltal
and surplus; brokers, $50; pawnbrokers,
$20; custom house brokers, $20; the
atres, $100; circuses, $100; other shows,
$10; bowling alleys and billiard rooms,
$5 nn alley or table; dealers in leaf
tobacco, $0, $12 and $24, according to
amount of business; dealers in tobacco,
$12; manufacturers of tobacco und
cigars, $, $12 and $21.
Htnmp taxes are repealed on Instru
ments, papers, or documents; Issues,
deliveries or transfers of stock, and
sales and agreements of sale or agree
juents to sell stocks, products, or 1 mer
chandise, (Schedule A); wines, (Sched-
The Town Clerk Cured of Bilious
Mr, James McMuhon, town clerk of
Columblu, ,N. V., was tho Ylctlm of a
severe attack of bilious collo recently,
Three doses of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and DlurrhoVa"'Kerpedy effect
ed a .PHrp-.H? was so rnuch'leased
with the q.uh?!S. rglje(whjcj;'iia( rem
cdy afforded (hat -he nowrecommends
jt to mils friends. For sale by all drug'
Take every precaution to avoid
alum baking powders, as alum
in food is deleterious. They may
be known by their lower price,
ule H); seats in parlor or palace cars,
and berths In sleeping cars.
Kxclse taxes are repealed on persons,
firms, companies, and corporations en
gaged In refining petroleum and sugar;
taxes on legacies and distributive shares
of personal property.
The estates of all persons dying prior
to July 1, 1902, will be subject to the
legacy tax, even if the distribution Is
not made until after that date.
Taxes are reduced as follows:
Fermented Liquor The tav: on fcrmeuted li
quor Is reduced to ?1 per barrel.
SnnflF and Tobacco The tux on smifT and to
bacco is reduced to n cents per pound.
Cigarettes The lax on clgaiottos welshing
more than three pounds per thousand is reduced
to sJ pir thousand.
A drawback, or rebate, is allowed on all ori
ginal and unbroken factory packages of omoking
and manufactured tobacco and snuff held by
irunufactuieri or dealers on July 1, 1502. to the
amount of the difference between the higher rate
paid and the lax Imposed by this ait.
No discount is ulloued on bale of stamps for
fermented liquors, or for tobacco or snuff. Tlic
discount on the mle of stamp. for fermontrd
liquor. which was allowed by the war revenue
aft, was repealed by the act of March 2, 1001.
The provisions of the present law, relative to
mlM'd floui, remain nticlniigerl, rxept a slight
cluing is made in the demiitlcn cf mixed flour.
ltights acoiued or liabilities incurred piior to
the lepcal aru not affected.
Make-Up of the Board for Today.
New Stations on Lackawanna
Eailroad Other Notes.
The following Is the make-up of the
D., L and YV. board for today:
lAtras Kat S p. in., Gilllgjii; 10 p. m., Ho
bokcn, W. .1. Movirr; 11 p. m., William Hoar
with L". MeAlllstei's crew.
i:tras fast 1.30 a. m., Hobokcn, If. J.
Mn; 4 a. in., O. W. Kitzgeialdj 5 a. m., Hobo
ken, J. T llurkhart; 0 a, m., Hoboken, Ruegg;
7 a. in., work train, II. Duherty; 10 a, in., II.
RUbiug; 11 a. in., Hohoken, II. J. Hennlgan; 1
p. m., M. Laughneyj 2 p. m., Hobokcn, D. Wal
lace; 3.S0 p. in., C. Y. Dunn; 5 p. m., Hobokcn,
John Ulixler; 0 p. m., C. T. Staples.
Summits Wist 9 a. in., frounfelkcr; 10 a, jn.,
Nichols; 11 a. in., J. Hennlgan; 2 p. in., J,
Pushers 1.30 a. ni,r J. ,1. Murray: 5 a. m., f.
Case; 0 a. m., Widncr; 7 a, in., I'limerty; 8 a.
in., llouacr; 11.45 a. in., Moran; 1 p. in., Nau
man; 1 p. ill., .1. II. Masters; 2 p. in., William
Klrbyj .".30 p. m., F. McDonnell; 0 p. in., ft
llirtholomew; 7.30 p. in., Muvphy; 0 p, m., Sin
ger; 11 p, m.. Lamping.
Helpers 1.S0 a. in., ft McCovern: 7 a. in.,
Gaffncy; 10 a. ni., Swor; 3.u0 p. m., Stanton.
Kitias West 8 a in., 11. Castner; 11 a. m.,
John flahagan; 1 p. in., A, K. Kctcliuni; 2 p. m.,
O, Randolph; 1 p, m,, M, Carmody; 11 p. m,, T,
Conductor If. Doherty and Urakemen Frank
Ntwhain and T. Y. tllynn will tun work train
7 a. m., April 20.
Conductor M. Laughncy will report at train
master's otilce, 8 a. in., April 20.
T, McCaitby and crew will report at trainmas
ter's office, 10 a. m., April 23.
M. (lolden and ciew will go on No. 2 April 29,
to learn M. und K. division.
New Station Signs.
All tho passenger stations along the
line of the Lackawanna rnllroacl tiro
being equipped with new sign boards,
which are being placed at either end
of tho stations. The letters are In gilt,
with a black background.
The stations on the Buffalo division
have already been equipped, and those
on the Bcranton division are now being
Attractive New Stations.
Tho new stutlon at Cortland, N. Y
! on the Lackawanna railroad Is about
' ready for occupancy, and It Is regarded
as the pride of the Syracuse division.
The new station at Norwich, N, Y Is
fast nearlng completion, nnd will soon
be ready for use,
I As soon as possible, work will be
commenced on new stations at Clark's
Summit and Moscow,
This and. That.
The foundations for the addition to
I tho Scranton round-house is being laid,
aim worn will ue L-uinmuiii'uu on ins
brick work about May C
General Passenger Agent T, "V. Lee,
of tho Luckawanna railroad, accom
panied by his wife, spent Sunday u this
city, and returned to New York yester
day morning,
Bpeclal Olttcer V. P. Spellman, of the
Delaware and Hudson passenger sta
tion, was missed from bis accustomed
, place yesterday by the traveling public.
He was confined to his home by Illness.
John P, Brown, secretary of the In
ternational Society of Arboriculture,
has completed the planting of 250.0C0
catalpa, trees for the Illinois Central
railroad on Its reservation at Hurahun,
above New OrleaiiB. The plantation
I covers 260 acres. The Illinois Central
railroad tins lately had ureal difficulty
In securing railroad tics and proposes
to raise them.
President Truesdnle, of the Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western, says that his
road Is not contemplating the acquisi
tion of Green Bay nnd Western or the
extension of n line Into the Northwest,
and that Lackawanna Is not concerned
In the plan of Pero Murquettc to rcuch
Officials of the Heading Hallway com
pany have been considering the advisa
bility of reviving the old Allentown
route between Hnrrtsburg nnd Jersey
City via Reading, Allentown and
Boston. It Is twenty-two miles shorter
than via Philadelphia, nnd It Is con
tended that with modern equipment the
trip can bo made between the capital
city and Jersey City In much less time.
Kew York Security and Trust company is fa-'
Ing 32 per cent, annually on Its slock,
I'lg Iron production for 1001 will lie 18,500,000
tons, or 3,000,000 tons inure than In lpul.
One hundred and eleven million dollars rtf war
taxes liac been repealed In the last two years.
Hock Island nnd Pacific railroad reports in In
crease of $020,000 In surplus reserve for the month
of February.
Dividends- and Interest paid In New York lty
on tills April were $07,000,000 against $02,000,000
on A'irll 1, 1M1.
Hcccnt statistics show that the average yearly
earnings of operatives In the textile industry in
Ooimany is $2:0 per capita, as against pu per
capita in the United Slates.
Savings bank deposits have incicased $700,000,003
In the past five ltcpuhllcan years. The total de
posits are now about three times us much as
the entire interest bearing debt of the United
The American Locomotive company has under
contract for construction twenty-five consolidated
freight engines for the Chicago, Ilurllngfbii and
Oulncy railroad. The company has sold a com
pound engine" to the Capo Government Railway
company of South Africa,
The total money In circulation on April 1, ac
cording to the treasury figures, was $2,232,047,357,
or $2S.59 for each person in the United States.
nils has been doing pretty well, when it is re
membered that July 1, 1V,, before the Republi
cans came into power, the money in circulation
was only $1,500,434,000, or $21.18 per capita.
Southern Hallway earnings for the first week cf
this April show 133,000 increase over the tame
week of last year. Norfolk and Western shows
f.W.OOO, Louisville and Nashville $.14,750, Colorado
Southern $l2,f00, I'ere Murquettc 5(1,843, North .-m
Pacific $11,240, San Luis and San Kranciaco
The Chirngo, Burlington and Qulncy manage
ment has ordered 500 stock cars from The Ameri
can Car and foundry company. Other hurry or
ders placed with tills same company are: South
ern Pacific, 250 stock cars; St. LnuK Knnas
City and Colorado, 175 coal cais and eighty-five
Wall Street Review.
New York, April 2i. Speculative Interest in
ttocks showed a considerable falling off todvy,
and the full day's transactions scarcely reached
a million harcs fur the first time in two weeks.
Tho (cvcrih Jctlsity v. huh has characterized the
recent leadership of the market was decidedly
lacking, if the rather large dealings in Heading
c.-iu be expected. The tone of the market was
halting und uncntain and the mosement of
prices was not uniform. The predomln-int tnnso
input, while it failed to embrace! the whole list,
1 1 self changed ;i number of times during the
day. 'Ihe failme of tho confeivm.p omimittecs
of the anthracite miners and operators to agree
upon terms on Saturday was a disippointment,
and the tone of the comment of the parties to
the conference created n disagreeable impression,
Tho result was free felling of Heading in the
opening dealings, which alfected IIir whole mar
let. This weakness was ocrc(nio by ttiong ad
vances in some of the high priced coders. The
part played in the market by the high priced
fctock of which tho floating iupply is very small
wa notable and their wide movements lesultcd
from a light volume of transactions. As the up
ward flight of Delaware and Hudson and of New
Jersey Central l.illled the Headings, so did the
spurt in the Chicago and Northwestern blocks
give some strength to the Crnngers and Pacifies-.
fct. Paul was lilted 2 points over last night and
there were gaim of 1 to 2 points amongst 'ho
h'outhwesteriis. 'Ihe gains were not well held,
however, and there were i, relapses when
the market was allow oil to heroine (juiet. New
Yoik, New Haven and Haitforil was another of
the high grade Mock' t' move, but saved only
a point of its 7 point advance. The market
closed dull and easy. Total Kites, ,02I,.'j00.
The bend market was moderately aitlve and
strong. Totl file', pir value, $41,015,000. Uni
ted States bonds vvcie all unchanged on the last
Tlie following auotations arc furnished The
Tribune by Halght It I'reese Co., 314-315 Mean
ouildlng. W. D, Hunyon, manager.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Aniilgamated Copper ... Chvs 07s G-Vfs 00
Am. dr it Foundry i'O'i, S091 K0i S0i
American Ice zay, s 10 20'i
Amcilc.ui lee, l'r 114 d4ai M94 (i
Am. Locomotive 35 :j(l . ::.', id)
Am. Locomotive, Pr. ... OSa; 100 9iy fiOVJ
Am. Smelt. & Rc'g. Co.. W& 44?A 43',-j II
American Sugir 125 125VJ 121 12l',4
Anaconda Copper Ill 111 114 lit
AtchUon hITi tV'li 816 r.'lf.
Atchison, l'r, OS0 09 PSK 0SH
Halt, k Ohio 10si lOHJ 10iJ 10STS
llrnok. Hap. Transit,... 707i 72's 0OTd 71
Canadian I'aciflo 12i 12'J'4 V1V 125
Clies. k Ohio 4S',i 4S---i 481 43
Chic, k Alton 37Ti 37TA 3"'.i 57'4
Chic, k fit. West fWU 20',i 21U& 20"s
Chic, Mil. k st. i'jul..iwi 171)6 mm 17094
Chlc. It. I. k I'M 174 175 I7t 171'i
Col. Fuel & Iron 10!H4 1I0? 10S 10S
Col. k Southern 31?i ai'i 312 3H4
Col. k South,, 2d l'r.... 45 tVt 45 451A
Del. k Iludsuii 177 ISO 177 I7S'A
Erie It. II .W5 M fi'i'i .WH!
Trie, 1st. l'r. 70i 70Vj 70U 70V4
Trie. 2d. Pr. W'i V 55H 55
lfoeklng Vallev Hli 85 SV, M
Illinois Central HSU 14!H; 148?i 149
Ixiuls. ,V- Nasi V."i-5(, lSflli 127U 127'i
Manhattan H. H lftilM Wn's V.W, W
Met. Street n.v LVjiJ JMW lal'i 13414
Mexican Central aula "Wi 23 2'
Misso., Kan. & Tcaa... SilVs "'M -Js4 21V1
Mlsso., l. k Tex., Ir,,. .Ml 57'J M 57
MK'o. l'acllie lot mm HX154 lot
N. V. Central W 1M14 lfl Mi
Norfolk k West ft' fi'Mi MH 5'
Ontario ti West K5 :(5?i ;ut, 35
l'cnna. 11, Hrt 1M 1W-, 15')4 ivi
People's fias 101U mm 101I& 1011,4
Pressed Steel Car It 4V4 44 40
Heading II. 11 m ',, 63U 074
Heading, lt. Pr. M',i S7 SH4 si4
Heading, 2d. l'r, 72 73ti 72 72H
Hepublle Steel lfiy, 11) 10 ID'4
Kepuhllo Stcl, l'r 75 75H 76',J 7.1'.s
St, Louis .V. Sin Fran. ,, On t'i4 hu 0014
Soulheril Paeltlu 07H 07's 07 (7
Southern 11. H ,VA 3714 37 37s
South. II. H.. Pr, OfiV, W5 fU4 IHH
Tenn. Coal k Iron .,., IWi 7S 72'i 72'
Texas k I'aeillo 414 44 4T1 41V-i
Union 1'aeltle 10XV4, 10'i, 1014 10IK
Union l'ailfie. Pr. M RS SS m"
IT. S, leather 14H 14"4 nn l.'lM
V. H. Leather, Pr. f5 f-Va MV, .NS4
IT, S. Steel 41 41 4214 2ta
It. S. Ste.-I, Pr, flisis 111?, ftl4 mVi
Wabash ,., 20Vt 27 2Hh 24
Wabash, Pr, ,,, 4Wi 4V4 45?i 4i
Western Union Tel. .,, frt'4 fH 02ti ft!J
Wisconsin Central 2fl4 27)4 20 20H
WIIKA1 Onen. Ush. Low Cln.
May .,,,, 74'.J 75 7, 7:
Jnlv 76H 70',4 75U 7a',
Mav , njn Mil C2U fl'U
July , uk i;i',j oti osvi
Juiy 35' n:,; r,5i; bh
September , S0J 30JJ K0si W
May .,.,,,,., ,.,,,. WS7 10.05 ld.W H1.S0
July , 17.05 71.13 17,02 17.W
May , ., 0.03 1007 0.02 1001
July ,, 10.07 10.17 10.07 10,10
Miv .,.,., ,, ,, 0.37 0.:i7 0.S7 0.37
July ...,.,.., 9.50 U.52 0.(7 0.17
vWtfiUf.tksnmixjm aw UJs mm.Ia
H CubanoU elgara 'r I
H made from old, A H I
H mild Bntsin
M leaf, which U HI
H all curod yOafll Ww
II Jor true of any H
Er other S cent cigar M
Imperial Cigar Company,
109 Lackawanna Avenue.
And Distributors of
Cubanoia Cigars.
flat cars, and Mexican Central, fifty flat cars.
The llurllngton company la ulro having u90 stock
cars built In Its own shops, while the Illinois
Central is in the market tor 100 fifty-foot and
100 forty-foot furniture card.
Tho Prcfscd Steel Car company lias completed
00,000 steel cars since It was organized. This
would make a solid train .ICO miles long. The
works arc now pushed to their fullcit extent,
delivering 100 finished cars per day, In addition
to other pressed steel specialties.
The Denver chamber of commerce has Issued a
statement calling attention to the fact that nt
the present time Colorado has under way or in
preparation raiboad und semi-public projects
'amounting to more than $151,000,000. This docs
not include private enterprises or corporation ex
tensions like mining development.
Ten years of American activity makca the fol
lowing showing!
1S0O. 1000.
Population til 022,250 84,233,000
Wealth $05,000,000,000 $94,000,000,000
Money circulation . $1,120,000,000 $2,035,000,000
Savings bank depos
its $1,521,000,000 $2,150,000,000
National bank de
posits $1,485,000,000 $2,50S,000,001
F.xports, total '.SJ7,000,000 $l,3'J4,O.M,(X
Imports, total $7SO,000,000 $SW,000,00)
f.vports of manufac
tures $151,000,000 $134,000,003
Exports, agricultural $6.15,000,000 $l5,O0n,O'
JToductlon of gold. $32,000,000 $70,000,003
Freight carried one
mile, tons 70,000,000 141,000.003
rostnffioc receipts . . $CO,000,000 $102,000,000
Public school sala
$-01,000,000 $130,010,033
Open. High. Low. Close.
Mar D.C0 9.OT 9.09 0.69
July 9.53 9.04 9.57 9.01
August O.ill 9.40 S.3J 9.40
Scranton Soard of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna' Dairy Co., Pr.
Countv Savings Bank k Trust Co..
First National Dank (Carbondale)...
Third National Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank...
Kconomy Light, II. &.P. Co
First National Hank
Lacka. Trust i'Safe Deposit Co....
Clark k SnovcrCo., Pr
Scranton Savings Dank
Traders' National Hank
Scranton Dolt k Nut Co
People's Dank
Scranton Parking Co
Sciauton Passenger Hallway, first
Moitgage, due 1020
People's Street Hallway, first mort
gage, due l'JIS
People's Street Railway, Gencial
moitgage, due 1021
Scranton Traction 6 per tent
Kconomy Light, limit k Power Co..
North Jersey k l'ocono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co
Bid. Asked.
... S3
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by If. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Flour $1.40.
Butter Fresh creamery, 21c.; fiesli daily, 23c.
Cheese lSal3'.ic
L'ggs Nearby, ISc.j western, 17!aC
Peas Per bushel, $1.75.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, 82.33a2.ia
Green Peas Per bushels, $1.75.
Potatoes Per bushel, $1.00.
Onions Per bushel, $1.80,
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, April 23. Hour Dull and barely
steady. Wheat Spot easier; No. 2 red, 87He.
elevator and fSSftc. f. 0. b. afloat. Options
opened easy. A jallj" on the big visible supply
decrease at noon was succeeded by extreme late
v.cakiicsjt. Closed weak at 'Sale-, net decline.
May closed 80Tsc; July, S0e; Sept.. 794c.;
l)ee, 81Vc. Corn Spot steady; No. 2, lil'o.
elevator, and "0t;, ,t. o, b. afloat. Options
opened easy, but rallied and became firm after
wheat broke, closing $$c. net lower. May
closed 09c. ; July, 0S?ic; Sept.. 07s4c O its
Spot steady; No. 2, 18c.: No. 3, 47Vae. : No. 2
white, 52Vic: No. 3 white. 32c; track mixed
western, 4Sat9e'. Options quiet and easier with
other markets. Butter Finn; creameiy, 20a
23c.; do, factory, 17a20e.; renovated, 18a2le.j
Imitation croumcry. 16a21c, ; state daily. l'Ja22o,
Cheese Firm; state full cream, small, early
make, fancy colored and white, 13al34c. ; full
cream large, fall make, fancy colored and white,
12al2Uc Kggs Steady; state and Penna,, 17
al7',4c; western, 104al7?Jc.j southern, 134a
Chicago Grain Market.
Cliiejgo, April 23. It was bad wealher for the
bull traders In giains today. Kven though re
ports indicated diminishing supplies of old wheat
and offerings in corn were still light, the crops
were receiving too ninth benefit fiom tln sea
sonable weather to allow prices to hold advances.
These variant factors, however, caused several
rapid ihanges of sentiment. Ill the end, July
wheat lost lalU; Julv corn, U. mid July outs,
Sialic, Piovlsions closed 2',sc, lower to 2!sc,
higher. The tush uunlutioiu, were as follows:
Flour-Steady. Wheat No, 3, 72i75!ic.: No.
2 red, IWtSaSlWo-; No- 2 yellow torn, 44r,j
No, 2 oats, 43,4c. ; No. 2 while, llaiMivv, No.
a white, t4',ia45Vsc; No. 2 rye, 58',jc: barb-y.
fair to rliolie malting, OriafiOr.; No. 1 llax seed,
$1,IS; No. 1 northwestern, $1.70; pilme timo
thy seed, $7.25; pork, $10.8010 85; lard. SlOa
10 071,$; ribs, $0.35a0,45; thouldeu, 7?ia7f.;
sides, 9.03al0,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
l'Jst Buffalo, April 23. Cattle Receipts, 4,750;
female butchers' stink and bulls, strong: handy
finMied steers, steady; nil other butchers grades,
15a25i lower; prime steeis, $sl.60a7i rholce,
1200aH0O pounds, $u.25atiS5; choice' 100Oal200
liounds, $5 40a0.25; cholcn heifers, $5,758(1,25;
fair to good, $4a5.CO; eominon and light, $3a
3.73; best fat cows, $5a5 5Q fair to good, $:!..'')
al.'iO; tanners and common, $2.50a3,23; cxiwrt
bulls, $5a5.25; butchers, $4.25a5; sausage, $1.50
n4.25; fresh cows and springers, slow at steady
prices; choice, $50afi5; common to good, $25a43;
choice feeders, lOalSo, higher; others, steady;
feeders, 850 to 050 ouuds, 9l.73i5.S3; others,
$3.50u4.6()i stoekers, $4a3; stock heifers, $3a1.75.
Veals Receipts, SOU head; tops. 5fl.25.iOM;
fair to good, $5.50a0; conimoii to iight, $4.50a
Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; fairly actlvet
heavy, Jf7.45iT.05: mlxfil. $7.25a7.40; pigs, $0.63
utUlj; roughs, J0.753B.U); stags, $3a5 50.
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 21.K0O head; sheep
steady; top lambs, slow, 10,1 1 V. lower; others
steady; tops, lambs, $7,25a7.40: fair to good,
$7a7,25; cullx and common, $5.76an.75; M'ar
lings, $(.&Oaft,lX: sheep, top mixed, fIaO.50: fair
tn good, $3.50j5.75; culls ami common, $.1.50
a l."5; top clipped lambs. $0.00a0.70: filr to
guod. $0.23a6 5'J; cull-, und eoininon, $.50a5.75
jrsrlings, $5 75a0.23; top cllpjieil sheep, mixed,
ThU itautu U on vtrr bos el ft i
Laxative BromoOuiabieTbuu
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
1 23, 1 25, 127 and 129 Washington Ave.
An Event of Importance to the Ladies
We have iuaugurated a scriei of helpful instructive demonstratioas and Fret
Fitting of
Her Majesty's Corsets
and other products of the Princess of Wales Company. Giant strides have been made
the past year by .the makers of tlic world-famed, Her Majesty's Corsets. While the old
familiar styles have retaiued their well earned popularity, newer and very useful models
have been brought out, and now many who formerly thought Her Majesty's Corset uu
suited to them, tike it better than any other make.
Sustaining and comfortable, symmetrical and serviceable, healthful and economi
cal. Xhe new and old style of Her Mnjssty's will find new friends wherever and
whenever it is brought to notice.
The Free Fitting which we have provided for by the engagement of Madame
Mueskc, tor all this week, will help make a visit to our Corset section profitable and
Come, You Are Welcome
Don't fail to ask for the latest production of The Princess of Wales Corset. The
best value, ever offered.
No. 87, Empire Shape 1 d f pzf DnSn
No. 341, Low Gored P I .UU JTCr rcUr.
, Eolh of thes-e goods are des gned by an expert, and are perfect as to their line,
and will give bstter satisfaction than any other corset of the kind offered for sale,
Connolly & Wallace
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
Trans-Continental Maps
mailed upon request to Institutions,
Executors, Investors and Trustees.
Spencer Trask & Co
27 & 29 Pine St., New York
No 57 Broadway, Sew York City.
Six Eagles Minis
An investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the best
known raining property in the state
of Washington.
A Developed Working nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and gener
al development of the property.
Awarded Bronze Tledal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ .50 a share.
The price will soon bo advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor,
Write for full particulars,
1202 Crozler Bldg,, Philadelphia, Pa.
$5..V43.75; lair to tfood, f4.T5j3.3S; culU ml
common, $3ai.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, April HS.-Cattlc-Hmlpls. 18,000, in.
eluding 100 Tcxaiis. 400 wHtcnw; slow, vvuk to
lower i food ti prima fcU'eiK, (J.bOa7,40i 'r lu
medium, f4.7SJO.6U; ttoi-kcw Jill fccdi'ii, iM.SOj
S.'iS; imvs, $1,40jU; cannem, fl.40j-J.40; bIR
f'i.SOjSIJO; calves, ?Jj5.!!0j Tcxiii fed btecrs, fj SO
a6.M; western Mur, hay led. fJ.SOj'l.'AV
llugi McivlpU. lodj), W),on0; tuinonovv, ),.
O0O; lclt over, 2,50iJ; mrnnic to Se. Iilslicr;
inUed and biilelieii, f).fcOj".271si Kl '
rhoiie liejvy. f7.25j7.40: ioiikIi liejvy, fo.00j
7.1S; bulk of iuIa, WMj7,U.
hheep llecelpH, lb,000; hiTi and Limit,
lovv; itood to elioleo wclhrm, S.40j0; w,tem
eheeji, f4 75jfl; nJlive Ijinlm, rllppcd, fl.75J0.0o;
vveJtcni lambs, f3.25a0,03.
Oil Market.
Oil Citj, April 28. Ciedlt lulaneti, 113; tcr
tlAeattt, no bid. Shipment, lttl.201; avcuee,
100,187. Buns, 100,479; avcrjge, M.J01
Vcmbcrs of IIiiiiHtrtn (Toxus) Oil Stock Ex
change Kollelt oriiui's,
Is your income fiiifllelent? Knot, nivilyou
aro anxious to lnrruusp It, vvrlte me, st itlna
vvhatamou ityou cu-i Invest, l( o .ly Sio, nnil
1 w II vvrlloyou u letter of iwIvI-p fr l-'or
y nr-il hnvedonenothlnBeiscei tsti clyluvo't
mnti. I know 1 c:i liio.feiiueyoiu-uiuiniuby
poinllnii out :fe Invcatmcutf, bltberto nu
unovvu. ANDREW I. BUSH, InvMtmeit Broker,
BsiK Kele ences sprlngLelJ, Mass
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Meet Nov. 3. 1001.
Traltn r" KcMiiton lor N'cw 'SorK A 1.40,
3 15, U.03. 7.60 and 10.03 a. in.: 12.43. .1.10, 3.JJ
p. in. Tor Xivv Vor'i and Plilladelphla 7.J0,
10.03 a. in., aud 12.43 and a.f:! p. m. For Tob.
lianna-At U.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.13, 0.22 aud
H.00 a. in.: 1.33, 0 50 . ud 11.8.1 p. m. Tor lllns
hamton and way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1.10
p. m. For Os.vego, fcjiaiuse and Utiea 1.13 and
0.22 a. ni.i 1.53 p. in. UAvego, SjTacu'e nnd
Utica train at 0.22 J. in. dail, except Sunifcy.
For Montrose D.OO a. r.i. j J. 10 and 0.30 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 6.15 p. ni.
BloomsburR Division For Northumberland, at
C.33 and 10.03 n. m.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For
Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; S.40 and 0.UO p. m
Sunday Train' For New York, 1.40, 3.15. 6.0S
and 10.03 a. in.; H.40, 3.13 p. m. For Ilufialo
1.15 and A.22 a. ni. ; 1.33, t.50 and 11.35 p. m.
Fur lllngliamton and way stations 10.20 a. m.
lllcomsburpr Divieion Leave Scranton, 10.05 a.
m. and 0.10 p. m.
Delaware and Hudson.
In KlTcct Xovimher 21. 1&01.
Trains for C'Jtbondale leave Scranton at 0.20,
8 00, S.53, 10.10 a. m.t 12.00, 1.2'J. :i, a.32,
5 21), 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. m,; 1.31 a. m.
For Uoncsdjlc 0.20, lO.lij. m.; 2.J4 and 5.2
P'For Wilkes-Barre S.S8, 7.43. 8.41, 9.33, 10.43
a. m.; 12.03, 1.42, 2. IS, 3.2S, 4.27. CIO, 7.4?,
10.41, 11.S0 p. m.
For h. V. It. II. Points 0.3S, 0..1S a. m,; 2.18,
4.27 and 11.S0 p. m.
For l'ciin-j'lvunla II. n. Point 8.39, 8.33 a.
in. ; 1.42, 3.2J and 1.27 p. m.
, For Albany aud Jll points north 8.20 a. m.
and 3.52 p. ni.
For Carbondale S.60, 11.H3 a. ni.; 2.34, 3.12,
5.52 and 11.17 p. m.
For WIlUes-BJire 0.S3 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.23,
0.32 and 0.17 p. m.
For Albany und points norlh 3.63 p. ni.
For Iloncsdale S.60 a. in. and 3.52 p. m.
W. L. IT.YOU, D. l. A.. Scranton. Pa.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton: 0.33 a. ni., Meek days,
through vestibule tuin Irom Wllkea-Barre. Pull
man buffet pjrlor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, via PotUville; stops at principal inteime
dlate stations. AUo connects tor Sunbuo. liar
riaburg, Philadelphia, Bulllniore, Washington and
lor Pittsburg and the
9.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts-
iVp? m.! ueek da, fSumhvj, 1.53 p. m.,.
for Sunbury, JIarrlAurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and tho vye,t.
3 "S p. m.. week davn, through vestibule train
from Wllkes-Itarre. Pullman buflct parlor car
and loarhi's to Phlladeliihla via Pottsville. Stops
at principal intermediate stations
4 27 p. in., week days, for Kaileton, Sunbury,
Harrlsb'irs. Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
1 "' J. U. HUTCHINSON. (Icn. Mgr.
J, U. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
New Jersey Central.
In Kttcct Nov. 17, 1001.
Slalions in New York, foot of Liberty street
and South I'ciry, N. II.
Trains leave beranton lor New York, Philadel
phia Kjstrn, Bethlehem, Allentown, JJaueh
(hunk, Wh!t Haven. AU!ey and Wllkes-Ilarro at
7.S0a. m 1 p. m. and 4 i, m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Oujlier Cily Kxpress leaves bcranton at 7.30
a in., through solid vestibule train with Pullman
Buffet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only
one clunBC of cjrs for Baltimore, Washington,
D 0 and all principal points south and wct.
Vo- Avoca, Pittalon and Wllkes-Ujire, 1 p. in.
and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p, to.
For Long Branch, Ocean Uiove, etc., 7.30 a.
m. and 1 p. in.
For Reading, Lcbanw and Ilanlsburg, vt Al
lentown, at 7.30 a. ni. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10
For Pott.vlllo at T.CO a. in. and 1 p Im.
For ratt-i und tlckeu apply to agent at station.
W, (i. Ili:sl.i:il, Oenfral .Manager.
Lehigh Vulley Bailroad,
In I'.iTect, Nov. 3, 1901,
Trains le.ivu Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D. & II.
It II,, at U.35 and 9.33 a, in., and 2.18, 4.27
(Black Diamond Express), and 11,33 p. m. Sun
davi, R k II. II. II., 1.68, 8.27 p. re.
For Miltc Haven, llailclun and pilnclpal points
in the coal legions, via 1). k II. It. It,, 0 3 i, -j,n
and 4.27 p. m. 1'or I'ottsvllle, 0.33 a. m., 2 18
P. m.
For Bethlehem, F.aston, Heading, HarrUburg,
and mlncipul intermediate stations, via 1). k II,
II. It., "-38, "' ! -'s' "? (Ui'ck Dia
mond Kxprtts), U.30 p. m. bundayj, I), k 11.
It. R.i 9.33 a. in.; l.Sx, 8.27 p. m.
For Tunklunnoek, 'lowandj, Klmlra, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal liileimedlatc stations, vis
V.. 1. and v. H. II., 8.10 a., m. and 3.50 p. m.
For Geneva, llochcater, Buflalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points west, vU D, k II, 11. It.,
7,13, 12.03 a. m.; 1.43, 3.23 (Black Diamond l.'x
prcs.), 7.43, 10.41, U.30 p. ni. bundays, V, k 11,
It. It.. 12.03, 8.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and .looping or Lehigh Valley
Parlor cars on all trains between Yt'llkes-Bari
sud New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion Bridge.
ItOLLIX II. WlLBUlt, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland
strict, Ntw York.
CilAltl.KS S. LKI.'. Uon. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland
street, Nivi York.
A. W. NONKUACHBR, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South
llelhlciiein, Pa.
For tickets and Iullmau rescrvstloiu apply to
city ticket offlc, fe'O Publio b)uare, tVilkiS'Utirf,
Elegantly Rich
The new patterns we are
now showing are beautiful
specimens of the metal
worker's and designer's
skill they possess charac
ter and finish that appeals
to the exacting purchaser.
The prices, too, are as at
tractive as the designs.
We invite inspection and
Have you seen the new
patterns in the twin beds
we've something worth
seeing, whether you wish
to buy or not.
Many new and beautiful
patterns in odd Dressers
and pieces for the bed
room. Hill&Gonnell
121 Washington Avenue.
Mauufiicturtirs of
Old Stock
N. icventii b.,
Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phonr, a33i.
New 'Phone, 2935.
Allis-Chalmers Co
BuccesBora to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary EnelneB, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
New York, Ontario aud Western.
In Effect Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1901.
Leave h'y?. Ar'lT
'." ! 10.30 u. m. U.1U a. in. 1.00 p. m.
Jo 7 ,, O-IUP- '" Ar. L'jibondalo 8.40 p.m.
su ' SOlll'll BOUND.
ntraniun. can'uniiaic, uauosls.
Leave Leava Arrlva
Trains. Cadosla, Carbondale. Scranton.
ST 7.00 u.m. 7.40 a. in.
" ........ 2-15 P- m. ' I'- "' .40 ii. n.
Leavo '-"vo, Arrlvt
Trains. Bcraulun. Cjrbondlle, Cadosla.
No. 0 .30a.m. U.10I1. in 10.4Sa.rn.
Ko 6 ., ...... 7.00 P. m. Ar. Carbondala 7.40 ii. m,
Lave lavo Arrivs
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton,
Nn. 0 ..,.,,.. 7.00 a. in. 7.40 .nj.
No. 10 4.30p.m. OOtfp.m. 0.45p.m.
Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and U on Sundays,
niako main line connections for New York cily,
Ulddlctonu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, ibwcro
aud all lwlnts vtest.
For further iufoniiatloii ccusult ticket agents.
J. V. ANDIJllbON, O. P A., New York.
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
in s m
rd . ' v.
- f- i v v
t ' ' .
Jjk,. .A. , loaav-: -:?imJii
WfoHj;, -.-y.. .Iw.
l.l i. 'i: ' . at