i,r5,ni'rps,,i WW' "rn!BVVi " "IJ - f .1 ' f4 I- 7T7- liW.v-fiWA-aSift! J' '- t IK THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1902. vJJVffft' spr'xi- PuMUhcil t)jy, Twtpl Blindly, tiT The Trill une Publishing Company, at Tilly Cent Mwtti. MVY 8 ntCltAltl). rdlt.ir. O. P, DY.XIIKK, limine Jlhrr. New Vctic OITIcej ISO Xavnu St, M. S. MtKr.tiVNt), Solo .Af-cnl (or 1'oroljtn Atliertlilnir. Entered it tlte l'olomee at Pormton, IM , ai Second Cla .Mall Milter. When space will peimlt, The Tribune Is always glad to pilnt shoit letters from Its ft lends heal ing on current topics, but Its lulo Is that these must be signed, for pub lication, by tho wii tor's ical name; and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that nil contributions shall be subject to editorial levislon. this it.at inn: roit Anvi:imiMi. llir follow III j lililc tvmt tin' inter pri Inili enh lnertloii, pace to. Ik uul ,ltliln one jeir. Itun ot l-Iliiicr cm Pi n l,"e ' 'llUS' ...ii .III .'n ,J" .Jil .Hi .I'm .1". .11 .'-I Full I'n.ill n 7ro .ii .'ii .".ii .J i m IS lor rircti of Until,., rC'Olulloiii nf i nnilo'ene". mid siwllii rimlrlliiitloiH In tlm tntun' f '" MrlMns; 'J lie Trlliiuip itrkoi i chitst! of 3 cenK a line. rtitu of (ijTtliWd dveillliiT fiuiiMinl on application SCRANTON, APKIIi 20, 1902. 1I.PT.AV. IfM tlian M incite, BO Indies JOO " an ton " WO " .'ooi) " rmifl .1" .1" .litt wheeled Uio uniietltei of Hie human hyenas who jicy on hornet cnlertnlse and on homely labor, unit It lias do elopeil a )iue illltlrtilt to maintain, Yet with all Its faults, It It Htlll mighty popular; and p sttiprot that when tho wheal lias been Ripuiatrd fioin the rlmfC It will be fminil thai thcte him been tnttih less toblilntc of the manses bv Hie elnsscH than 1st generally sun posed, and that labor's shaio of tho tlao In prices far exceciln fapllal's, as It .ihinild. It wuk, of com so, a iiieie oo-lnrlilenee that John P. J'lUIn nttctidcd the Aiuetl ens club's colebiatlon of Utnnt'n bhth- ilny In Plttsburp Hatuulay night while Senator Quay did not. The honutor had been Invited and had come up fiom Homer caiylnr? a tit cm mitt tunc, but at 5 o'clock In tho iiflcnmoii ho re tuiiicd to the ".Saints' test," eanylnfr bin dies suit back with him. Jt was pnhaps alo a co-tucldenec that Mr. Hlkln ictelved at the hands of the membership of the club and theli quests a veiltiiblc owttion. Yet to tho tin lnltated such to-lnclilciRes look significant. ABOUT TRUSTS AGAIN, s For governor of Pennslvanla, on the l"suo oi an open field and fair piny, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, ' RiibJpiL to tho will of the llcpubllran ni.ises Scranton's Credit. P I ""!' HAM: of the n..w bond 0 lsuo supplies a sti Iklnff tleni- -SL onstiatlon of tlm soundness of the ( Itj's eiedlt. Tho high est bidder, HajeH & Son. takes. Iho $JS" -OIK) tlnee and one-hall net tpnls, pay hif ST.OGO piemluin and .iNo agieelng to take caie or tho state tax .unouutliifj to more than $11,000 This is litttally Miuhalcnt to a s.iie .it 101 plus, tats llguiPd In. AVo doubt that theic Is a tltv hi thp countiy whli h can pipseut a licttrr showing. Ihit when the tlieuinst.mccs .no 1011 sldcied, this showing is not sin raising. On an assessed nlUltlon of $G"i,CS0,701, Spi anion's net li.dpblPdncs is only J'i2.',039.S0, oi Ipss than i pei cent. AVo """ "i " uiaer wviiieiiean cllv coni-p.u-iblo in sl7e which can loniuue In tho siniillnoss or its lieupnt.ige of in iloblPdness The new bond Issue, it is Hue, lepiescnts in init a wiping out of past blundeis liit once wiped out, llipy need not leanpeai. t'mlei the DtP'-ent administration wo know that the will not. It lets with the tapay pis to sij wh.u shall lake place when the "llpppi" legline shall hae ecifced to be. The Electric Age. AYS the Tiov Times: "This Is the olec'tilc age, and Atactica loads the piocesslon, This Is no empty boast. The facts to pi me tho asset Hon mo abundant. Tho development In the uso of eleetilc power lias been so lapld and has l cached mtch an etent at homo Unit it Is nppaicnt to uveiy beholder. Hut not only mo we omplo.lng elpcliiclty in uses never he roic dic.imed of. AVe ate suppljlng Hie .ime .soil ol facilities to tho woild at huge. This amusing giowth has been the matter of compaiatlvely few jeais. It is not -iii eiv long ago that entuies Into the eleetilc Held weie attended with lunch ilsk and not Infiequently 10- tiUlted In iinanclal disaster. Now the demand for electticlty for vailous pui- pohis seems lo exceed tho supply. Millions ofdollais aie Invested in gieat clectilo geneiatlng plants like that at Niagaia Tails and that now being con stiucted at the St. I.awicnce niplds in noithein New Yoik, to say nothing of the utilising of many watei falls and the election of power houses urn by steam In hundieds of other places. The use of clpctililty for industiial, tianspottation and lighting pin poses has made gieat piogiess abioad, of comse. 13ut no- wlicie else bus It been developed as in tlio United States Qui lieople have Mil oplniuli i-, iibinipil In ( Nijlml,,,,! x. rinincr tint Senilni ()m Is mil Idulliiu and pip Irmliiirf oppnMlfoii ti I IKil), Intending tint I IKin t-Inll lie iiomiii a oil it li.t This niBRcllmi Ins 1'ieii adiimtil l. nthci, 1ml it K litilli uiu ,sintnr (un dm? nol intend tlnl 1 lkln (lull lie nonihiitul Plilliililpliu J'n This is about the fianKest statement of Qua: 's inupobe lo defy the Re publican sentiment of Pennsjhania tli.it wo have seen. It leninins lo bp shown thai the people will suboidlu ato thelt diolce to Qua.v's. T About Trusts Once Alore. ,lIi:HU IS veiy little if anv ical diflei elite between the position of oui coiiespoadent in Peckvllle, whose setond letter on ttiibts and lombliiallon evils wp pilnt today, and that of The Til bune. i:toitlou lannot be di'lended, no mattei who piactices It. fiieed is gieed. w nelliei in home spun oi bio id cloth. Tint It is Aell to set a check biake on the public lndign ition mous ed by such disdosmes as aie coming to light in connection with the meat "tiust," not with any view to shielding the guilty, but to pi event exce'se.s tending to injuie the iniioient. The numbei ot speakeis and willeis willing to tan the Hie is mote than sulllclent to keep it burning biightly; and The TH bune, tluiefoip, loimsels modeiatlon, caution. iai etui and full inquliy as wite and piudent piellmlnatles to col lective action, Hveiy .seiihon ot piospeiity bilngs foith the it j that the well-to-do get all the benefits while tin poor in.in is lost in tho shuflle AVe do not believe this. It would, ot coiu-e, be a pleasant speiancie lo lonleniplnte if l!u n equalllies of llio, whlih have chaiactet ieil all hiatotj, lould be blotted out. Hut we contend that the eniploved woi Kingman mno ot sl. ihiyu' woik a week mid cash pay on Satuiday night leally gets a laiget peicenlage of bene fit out of, hood times than the mlllkm nlio, whose million becomes two or tluee millions, or even ten. Tin latter luimot eat any mom food m wcai any uioie ilothcs or gut better sleep u't luain uii u u.ipis in i,uuu,vuu inaii on a basd.1 of $1,000,000, Tile ctia money is mcielj-s0 ninth e.tta cuie. It cannot le Idle, In the natuie of thlutrs it has to bo doing bomethlng, and evciy thing that It does paj.s a toll to labot, puts ojipoitunlty In ftont of enlotpilso nnrt Incioases. the nggtogato vvelfme. Tho mun on u .statlbnaiy ealiuy of couiho feels kienly the plnclP of high pi Ices. AVe know of no way bv which this can be aoldetf, ho long as ho chooses a salary In piefeieuco to tho ilsks of Investment or speculation. Hut uiso is true that he benefits when pi lees fall and Is coiiespondlngly better off whe.ij those with fluctuating Incomes, aio In tho tiough of the wave. In this, as In ofhei eaithly mattcis, we huveilo depend on the law of aveiages. A aie convinced tioni htudy of stutls tips as well as fiom common obheiva- '22 -V11!' Jn bllt0 of ll,e Kleei' which prwails in the business woild mid helps toyjhudow life's sunshine, tho eionoinlo ccjulition of tlie average Ameilcan is fa better today than It has been In many years, If not at the top notch, ny cultivating a sphlt of uniest It H al ways easy to make tho average Ameii cau discontented, however well olf ho may be; t-i-t wo, l lye,' yc . Jo, jlud tho man who would willingly go back to the conditions picvallids"Jif.'thls5clty am valley hl89i-6.. .Pospoilty hus oeen attended vvllh y taken tho Initiative, olten, as is sliown bv the above leleicacp to past expeil- ence, at seiious los, but with the pluck, persistence and intelligent adaptation ol means to ends that ultimately bi ought success and s-plendid pioflt. The stipiemacy thus seemed is likely to be letained, ami the field for the em plovment of capital and labor in eiec tiical development is pretty ceitain to expand latliei than eoniiact." X'eius.il of tho foiegoing suggests thai It is time foi the business inteiests of the Klccliic city lo see if Sci anion can not moie hugely shaie in elcctiical de velopments Ae pointed out on Su Hu rt i how tho Geuci.il Eleetilc company, located at Schenectady, N Y , last jear pild all its bills and fixed chaises, de dal ed the usual dividends and then put Into its sm plus fund out of tho jem's net pioflts an amount equal to a 31 per cent, dividend on Its total capitalization. The benefits of this development to f-cheucctndy aie equal la degiee to uiosp iccplved by Genoial Eleetilc stoekholdeis Twenty jeais ago Schen ectady was a quint little hamlet with pi.icllcullv no business lllo and only a few thousand inhabitants. Today it is one of Hip busiest cities In the countiy, h is a jiopuli'tlon dose to GO.OOO and is glowing so l.tpldlv and Mibstantlally that it seenih almost impossible for the building Hades to supply the demand for now homes. Houses aie lentcd be loie the giouncl is bioken, landloids mo wealing diamouds and met chants .up viu on cue juniji to meet tin- needs of their expanding Hade. AVe know of no le.ihoa why fceianlon should not bo as desliable a home lor elcctiical industilcs as any other city in till -. pint of the eountiv. Tin. fnr.V that the AVestlnghouso people have had tlieli eje on Sti anion and mo aheady investing laigely In its vicinity s m c oui iglng and hlgniflcant. Uut thus lar little local encoui.igement bus been manifested. AVe suggest that oui busi ness bulldeis look Into this field for me piomotion of tici. niton's Industiial iutuic. n ought to piove feitlle. IMMor of Tlio Tilbune sin I tin Viol lli to liespaw upon Jonr Util nlile fpiir, Imt jonr tepb to tny letter plied liu, iinlnlintlonallj ho ilnubl, In n fale iO"lllon. I did not ileim It ncuMti'. In n lmrt letter, to nnke llic Irlto Milcinenl tliat llieie cili1 lotti male nguri gallon of capitit for tho lietlc'r prwe union nf lmlnej). Mr Innuljle piolet is lmpb iiRiillit ttuitn ornuiil?ed lo ttiuli out roinp"tltluli ami In put up price 'llieje tlia rk, In my opin ion, oui he Irutlilnlh nmde ngilnst inoit of the nocallnl liiiMi formed in tlice dijH. 1 am Hot Iriioi ml of tho liux of demanit And wippb mid toinpclltlon and legil tiiiAmeiit, to fchu.lt jou Icfil, and that no relied Upon to coircrt Hie alnne of lrul? Hut t mictt that, with unlimit ed cipllal and natural monopoly and a high tar In", many of lliero tmls aie thwarting; the liat uiid 1jhi of tiuile and tuttilnir Iheni lo llieh ohii (lllli pmpoti', Ui Ihc lull ill of the ptiulk'. I will tpeillj, 'the Stianlon flu and Water compam, hialns removed tompetlllon and imn Iiii; the watcrrhed of t litt valtev, lias lnUcd water lenli to an ixlrut that euijboily Lnoua to lie evbihllaut, Tin. Aiclilald coinpin chugeit a peion hiuliipr a tilth room, etc, 18 per Jear, nut did a pinlUihlo liiKlnen; the present luiii piny thaigea tor the nine prhlleges i'.i .veil in adi inco of owr 21 pir mil. 1 lie old loin piny, tonsuleilnij Ihclr inoiiiy value In lepiei sing iniciidlirhni, runltled the ttatcr rent to the thurihn: Ihc tew lonipuij talv tlio lite bo high that mont Miull ihuiehej have bcc.li obllired lo take nit their vuteiplic no Hint, whllo lhco ihuiilies may lino tho iter of life, they line no heranton ulci, emi foi tblrstj little chlhheu. Again, tho luge operaloia in niilhtaclto coil control tint whole biilnev, and they hue with in ttto i rt aihinred the prlen of the common hind of coil used In this valley 73 cenli per ton. 'the sni1(lr(t oil companj, owiilng about nil the nil Uirlloty In thN coui'lry, and liacli.B tlio nlilllly to niMi all poweiful omiictltoi, holds kriocne oil nt Mich a pike tint fl cm ny dividends of forlj flip oi fifty million ilothu i unuallj , Son, Ml. lMltoi, wheie do the la of com petition come in when deallnff with tlml-, hold- iiiK thi.ii lulural monopolies? There me other tiuvt) oi iiionopolici tint are cubed and aided In a high taillf. 1 lie Mign tniit h a conipleu oin iaiiii1c We aie feciiw cen now it a power to defeat am fill teclprncity with Cubi oi my olliei tirilT legWitloii tint hluill it all 1 uen Itn ciioinious inolll", In the Interets of consnni er. 'Ihu nine nnj ho Fild of the steel limt, with its fihulum dlvldemls and of manj other. Tliej .no piotected b ,i high tarlft" iiu thev aie itiong- ciioiyh to defy competition, and Ihei hue pown euoim'h h congress to Inve little feu of nderM liglslallon. II Is cuv to utler the plitltudis of political efoimni ihoul Ii ide legulitiiii; ll'clf and about enforcing itatiifc liwii. but the law'n operUlon1! aie slow, comic- Hon is difficult, mom; av ills much, and Ihe-y-cnat trusts or vvlutciei they may be pilled, have siuccs-fully ivaded and dLfeited natuiul and Mitulo laws up lo tlio piosent time, and they nre likeh lo do so foi a lonpf time to come. Wi peah. of good tltius, and with oni gieat ami nch coimtn the people nnv have a meisitre nf pn-peiltv, n en though thev aie being robbed Hut libotincf men and men on filirles and tie pioplc geneially, (hue little in the much vaunl id, but little leilicd priisperllv. Wlnt, then, is the unicdy? 11 Is difficult to su Mitteis should be ii'tclllgcntli agitated and the people should lie t night their lights. There should be si long- condemnitlon of the op-pie-ion of the tui-Us on tho one band, and the ftilhis and boycotts and liwlessness of the labor in Ion-,, on tliL nihil Innd "Jlicie hould be pulilioltv of statiniint, on the put of tuiiis 'iheie should be tailll iel,ion md lediictlon. aionj llie lines niilic ilnl in our lito pieslden,, in bis Buffalo niecih Vbmc ill, men should bo elided to enact laws who aie above am- rus plclon of coiniption I ven with these reform.', ill om evils will not be leniedled, nor will the s-lfhhncss of human nituio be entiielj ciadicitcd, but om gicit corpoiations can be kept within I hi u legitimate 'pline tint of conducting ind extending bll-lnes, with flu piofits to thcin i1m, and with the luncptv itinn of the wclfue of the people f vomi l'cckville, April J gicoha admlnUlrallou, anil llils tllv and tie ncpubllcani cf tehanoii counly tlncerelv hope and triul tint he Villi bi homlnitcil at the utale lomenllon fn Ifiirljhutir on Jump ti. lie would conduct one of the most lining- cimpilgnj of icccnt ,vmm, and nl the polls, !u oclnbel, ll.o people v ould mike Ills vklorv lmprehely com plete. Not At'iald to Utter Convictions. l'loin llie I'hlladclphh Inquirer. It Is htiinllhllii(r to eo n many editors In thin lnle who are Foinewhat In the londlllon of Alte muj Ward, when he sahl "I ain't Rot no prln eiputaj I'm Jn the nhow tiiuliipx," The In niilier 111 cs a nnnlv. Mralght out fight. It IIU to fee oluer fight filr, wholher thry mure with it or not, but it doe hate to we tntellecluil Jelly ll.hrs waltlntr around nnlll they aio bImii pcriniMion to tnink. Iho Inipilrei- Is (roliiir to ugiit lor l lkln to Ihc iKtamliipcct lo fee him nominated, but It would r.ilbrr iwlit fm- M. knowlntr he was going to certain dehat, than to' nave no views upon a subject thai Is of import ance to eury clti'eu of lids utile i cuhjeel that Includes inajoilly rule, Justice, ami llie ilaht of the people lo name their candhhte. Elkin and Quay. H. a .Van Ham in In the New Aoik Sun. Tohn P. Klktri Ins (or many jeais been Maltlicw Stanley Jiii'a clonest, ablest and mo,t fillhfut lieutenant, lie U llie attornev general of the state and n lawjcr of pre eminent altalnincnla. In all the jeirs in which Quay was initio the object of powerful pcisecutlou, lie was nlw i.ia found at Ills nhle. his chnnu- nun litillfful In liU defence. In 1S00, when the Wanamakcr puly nurcreueu in preicntlntr the le election of CJuiy to the senate and in deldlocklnt' the t'ciit!l i nil legist iture, It was John I', lllklu who la bored in teuon and out for the senior scntlor. I wu present at every ballot tiken hi that, the mote incmorauio-i-ession in the lilatcnv of the stile. Tor three months ami twenty dajs, the legislature lnllolrd. Not for a moment during ill that time did tlkln ceaso hl vWlmce or waver in Ids lojillj. Around him like n lock rurged the wives of antl (JuijUin. Ills devotion was such that he would (.tmd or fall with til clilef. Agilmt the combined power and wealth of the Waininakerl linn irowd, lie fought as onlv a giant e m tight. In the Joint conven tion', which met cverv ilij, it wis Klkln's gieat knowledge of pirllaincntaiy h that enabled the Quay people to manouup niccessfulb- in the in tricate trciinlial debates on legislative pnctlce that biought the fiction claslilng almost dally, and in the long- roll eills in that long struggle, ho knew- at all time, down to the verv nnn, oactly how the tall Mood. After tho fctrugglo wis tin own into the United fctatcs wnato by (ioicmor Stone's certldcito of appointment, it wis takln's voice lint was again raised before llie senate committee in a seiles of brilliant and able arguments on the gteit constitutional ques tions imnhcel. and when the senate reiected the cirtlllcale lij n lmjorlt of one, ho leturncd to Pcnnsvlnni'i to niiew the atrugglc nt the ml marie And tills Is the mm who now asks to he icwaidcd (and upon whom tjun his tinned ALWAYS BUSr. Spring md Summer Oifouls and Pools thai con tent the mind ami comfort the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfoids, 93.00 Ladies' "Melbn" Oxfoids, $2.50. Lewis 8c Reilly, 114-110 Wyoming Avenue. EDUCATIONAL. Announcement During tlio summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given nt Cotuit Cottaqes, a Summer School of Secondary liibtruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles K. Fish The couises of instruction are (or the benefit of five classes of students: The Greatest of All Educational! Contests OVER $9500 n SPECIAL REWARDS The Scranton Tribune will open on May 5 Its third great hducational Contest. Like the others, which proved so profit able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be open to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka wann.i and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There are oll'cied as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest number of points, Thirtythree Scholarships institutions in the country. FORGET-ME-NOT. PUBLIC SENTIMENT. Believes in Fail- Play. 1'ioui the Jcini.vn I'ic It is cnnsideieil by a good nnny otns who do tlnli own thinking- tint theic i-. in this Mite om 111111 who iiiogitcs to hiniaelf a powci tint neither tlio stitc constitution nor tint of the I'nilcd Hale-, wuiinU Scmlor Qiny is nut tho whole ot i'liinsjh mil, and hK tinning- down of Jh. 1 IKI11 111 iv pioie a booinering- to the candi dile tint he select-, So hi as is, known, .Mi. 1 IKin 111 ins iiiieet ippeil lo the voter-, wis meet in' with 1 oiieics tint fully wairmtcd him in his i-plrilions fin the gubcrnatoihl otllee We Vnuiicaus Inline in fan piav, and me ki owing tind ot this one inm's kci and political boas--hip Jieiau'-e Mi. Council Ins clioo.o the manly erm-c to slmd b I lkln, ho his lo submit to all kind-, of alini md vituperation, but he K a tncil ihd faithful lepieseiitalive and bis opinion and eholee lie cutilnl.i worth as liuiili as (uaj's mid e believe tint 11 will ,-o piove One iweel luing- morn in tho ages gone. When the mWoms were murnred vlth dm, llie pkv bent unel kl-ied a larc f ilr flower And iU pile face icflecled the blue. And never it heeded when 1 i!n drops fill Oi the south wind cime to woo, But gentlv inclined its giaccfiil bead And to its onbj love wis fun. And 'lis eur Hit emblem of constant loio Ihl-. lilo'-om nf dellcite hue With ils pure blue ejes, like the far-off skies, And its golden bint si Hue llien tell lb luve with the blue end fluw'r, Iioiii Inside the lushing: biook, I" ill Kolden heaitLd tlow'i lhat glows In moiale-t, bhady nook II V. B s 1. Candidates who have leceived conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by leason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to -make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. S. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of the next Scholastic Year. jn some of the leading educational i ne ust is as follows 2 Scholarships in Syracuse University, at $432 each. ...$ 864 1 Scholarship In Bucknell Univorsity 020 1 Scholarship in The University of Rochester 324 1 Scholarship in Washington School for Boyo 1700 1 Scholarship in Williamsport Dickinson Sominary 750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiato Preparatory School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiato Institute 720 1 Scholarship in Koystono Academy 000 1 Scholarship in Brown Collogo Piepaiatory School.... 600 1 Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholaiship in Wilkcs-Barre Institute 276 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) 230 $1708 6020 It the iai nioi s, in tlio I'lu-t wouia i.ilse stock, Jm, twul of selling- calves to veal niei chants unci liny to hinpuliitoisc, mill realise tlu-lr land vvltlmut elepeml Injr oiitiielv upon phosphateis, ihoy would not only m.ilte tho liianlimlullons oi a beer mist dlllkult but would ul.so be uble to liuiu-si i.uiei ciop. StliLiiMtitclj Ii.ih ti owned upon ihu Sundav b io ball sunie.s, Tlio .Sunday ball ftaiiie Is Miinetlilmr tlmt can well be illsjieubeil with in eivllled oiniiiuii ties. Tho only uiBument lhat tan bo u-td 111 Its lav or h the allegation that It t,oiuctlinos ItLcps Imodiums out of vvoi.se inlsihlrt. Till' citUens of J-llUbuit,- me deserv illB of bj liliiiitliy on account of llie ie cent wind htm m. 11 would seem as tlioURli l'ittsbuieH cNpeileiue uh a political wind Mm in ceniet ought tu iniiku It exotnpt Horn othet tenom. Elkin in Allegheny. 1'ioni the laneitei ew Ki I, flic subcinatoiiil siluillon ippcais to he un cliifoliiEf i mill ill i 'mine in ihu western rait of the Mate, i cluiwi whullj out of accord with "-iintri (,'uaj's pieioucclvcil ideas, as iiceived fio-ii tin Million lire OIlicis, wlio weie laigely in itiumciital in leidhitf the M-nitor to Mcrlflco tho p file mis who hid pioud their friendship unci !m ilt.i on mini notible occasions. Instead of Alleghcnv eoimtv beiupr solid for any candidate Miuleii- ijuij uiaj evintiiillr decide upon, the lilist dnclopmeiiu liidii ite tint l.lkiu may lime i lii?o unoiil, and llir Milllonaliea' Conibim, iipicin(cd In lh Ollur-, will have to put up a veiy Klicmioui iontet t make anv hhowimr whilnir in the stile convention fiom thcii home i omit v. The fact that a solid Alhfcluny iuhk'hiuii win not one up wan tnc I'lill idelphia in iclilne, put, an altoKcthei illlfeient iihaso en the Kiibcinitoiiil kituitlou, and make-, the l.l kiu t'lsht dWIncth hopeful. In tlio nieaiillnu, Vnito' (Jun'n plan of ciicoiiiaine the "favorite ou" mIiciiic in ordu In keip the delegate-, liom 1 lkln and hue them dlilded amoiih' a hcoic of eandlihtes all of whom aie evpectcd to lellro it the nppropihto tlmo when the Kieat unknown Is imhliiikttid, does not btriu to be meeting vvllh i, re it niucese. 'Iheie h a unlicri-al dimind fiom all kTUohs of the el lie tint on the Moie cf fab plu, Senitor Qiuj nll inmu hU nnn and allow the piople lo piv- upon hint. IhU diniaiul I-. beennilii to loud md cinpliillei that it will 1j iljnn'iinii in illn ,' ml il iimili lon'ii. Not a Riot but a Revolution. 1 mm the I'ltHmi,' Iliipitdi, 'Iho news eiimi-. up fioin lliaver tint the Siliilk' Hut Is In icvolt .md will chooju at lea.t cue iiieuuictu, and perhaps two, Whin Ileaici counh c iiinot In ullid iipm to fuinl-.li dclicralfi and JcerWiloi-, as Qinj indei", tho tlmn has come in ieio'me tun it is not i Hot, but a ieohi. Ilcn SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's! Toot 1'ise, i powder. It ciues painful, i-mullns, nervous tcit and innrowinff nails, and inslantly takes the sling out of coin and bunions It's the greatest comfort di-coveiy of the aie Mien' Toot ne nnkes tight oi new shoes fcl cisv. It is a certain cure foi sweating nillnm. anil not, tlreu, aciung net. Jrj it tndi. vl, lij all druggisti and shoe "tore liem t airept anj substitute D mall for 2ic in stamp- 'tiul pickage I'lltr. Adihcss, Allen S. Olmsted, 1c itoj, . v. For particulais address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. 1840 NEW YORK HOTELS LDINE HOTEL iiu av.,ce rvui:. onr and fioTiisTi. NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. FI'EPROOF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross.tovn cars and transfer at 4th avc. direct to hotel, Itooiiis with Hath ) fSultH with Butli ?l,oO apwnul. j ( $2.50. W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth &t. and Ir Ine Dace, NEW YORK. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thoit comse, nor an easy course, 1101 a cheap course, but the best cilucatlon to be had. No other education is worth spending lime and monev on. If ou do, wiite for a cataloguo of 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at $120 oach 500 4 Scholarships in Hardenboi gh School of Music and Art 460 3 Scholarships in Scinnton Business College, at $100 each 300 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average valuo $57 each 286 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at $85 each 170 S Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio 125 33 $0574 Each contestant failing to secure one of the scholarships as a special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tiibune during the contest. Special Honor Prizes. A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points each month. Just what the prizes will be are to be announced later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as watches, books, etc. The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune's Educational Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given: RULES OF THE CONTEST. pedal rcnaids will be given to the securing the largest number of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which offers thorough pieparatlon in tlte Knglnceiing and Chemical Professions ai well as the regulai College courses. the pcison point. I'olnt. will be credited to contcitant sc cuiin new mb'cubers to 'Ihc Scranton Inbunc is follows. Points One month's sub-.ciiption.... $ 50 1 Three months' .uli.-.eiiption... 1 2J a Si n ontlu' subscription .... 2 50 0 One jear' mnVcnptton 5 00 12 . The contestant with tlio hUhct number of polnl3 will be ghen a choice from the list of special iowird-i; tho contestant with the Eecond lushest number of points v.ill bo shen a choice of tie rcmalnins ie wards, and so on through the ht. The contestant who secures the hl'hcit number of points during any calendar month of the contest will receive a pcc.iit honor reward, thla reward beinj entirely independent of the ultimate disposition ol the schoTirshlp'. l.'ach contestant falling; to socurc a tpc clal lcward will be given 10 per ccntj of nil money he or she turns in. AH subscriptions must be paid in idiancc. Only new subscribers will bo counted. Ilcnewals by peisous wheso names arc al ready on oui suhsciiption list will not bo credited The 'iriliunc will inv estimate each subscription and if fouid iireifular in any way reserves the right to reject it. Ivo transfois can be nude after credit has once been given All subscriptions and the ca.sh to pay tor them must be handed in at The Tribune of fice within the week in which they are se emed, so Iliac papers can be sent to tho subscribe! h at once. tMib'cnptioiis must be written on blanks, which can be soured at 'the Tribune office, or will bo sent by mall. Ameilcan Plan, 13 60 Per Day and Upwards European Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. Epecial Rates to Fomlllei. T. THOMPSON, Prop. For Business Men In the heart ot tlio wholcsaU district. For SlionyeM x mlnuteo' walk to Wanamakerv. S minutes to Biegel Coopers Eli; Store Ensy of accesa to tho b'tea: Dry Gooda Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'wa? Cars. civ. ine easy transportatlou to all points of Interest. 1 HOTEL ALBERT : f NEW YOItK. Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 2Sth jear. Twenty five vcars under the nnnie ment of MISS HOWAItD. College, picparatoiy and academic courses Resident pupils limited to 20 CO girls non icsidcnt. Ileiuliful grounds. Tennis coiuts. instmctlon in iiicaidance with highest requirements of bet college-,, for pii ticulars and catalogue address lohn JIacUuflle, Ph. I Springfield, Mass Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their names .it once, and they will be the first to receive the book of instruction"- and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. 1 1 ""."".."l. "' A new line of Wrist Bags Cor. 11th ST. UNlVi'USITY VU Only one Block fiom lircadraj. Hnnrti! $1 Nn mkstaurant nOQUlS, 0 I Up. prCCJ Reaionbls -' Jlulvai' tiiul Uuevaiiii lime cvlileiitly ilecii'eil tli.it tin co sqiim e nieulb a day 1110 inoiu to bo clPfclictl tlian Hid a,j". intiiulon of 11 few fault-iiiieiing- antl Imiietlallsls upvttal tliuumiml inlles avvtn, Tlie iiilulstoilallsts of I'l.imu vveiu caught In u v'clonoiit Un, iee uut elec tions, All of the ollur "l.sts," seem to liuve iecceil criiiulis oi lonifoit ol' some boit, The luerf agent of the hutisu ImuMiij; anil fuiiouey bill dlbplaya t'liteunlso ittiHiu passed by tho advance men of tho "gte.ilest hhow on eaith." The mnks of the vvlseacies who no, fess to he able to explain Juit vmt Air, Quay Intends to do nio svvellliifr with new leuults dally. diavvhutUst It has - Tt. ft. jf The tot co of tho sp Innrtlitiu zephyrs thus far piedlets th.it the eaily straw hat will need to he unchoied by a euble, No Wonder Quay Is Woiried, l'loin the ie'iaiiou Dill) Niw. Jul 11 I' I lkln Is twin-' il.'ht alourr with Ids uiiiipili.il fui goieinor mid the iicwtpapri that incillittil Un i.irly culUp.o of hU linnui alter Ninliu (in) liiiued agiln.1 lilui me bMiinUhlng fu tome .men In git behind, Ihey aio .iiiiacd ut the kli'iiKtli hi lawlidJiy Ins dnoloped, iiud uio fiiieed to declaio that ho ha-i bien uieitlv lindii cntlniitid bv those oppo id lo him. Siiialnr iJiij), 111010 Ih 111 nii)ono clc, doubt. li fuN the kiln,- of l.lklu'i iaphl pionreaj and llie siilijlinllal liirotd. he Ih miklnff in the rank and lllo nf Iho Itepublltaii pait), Whelhei oi not Iiohcli ot in'iatitndo in iUci uneaai the pnioiv in 1110 smaior, lime can be do doiiht Ih. I tlu gineral iipiKlng of Iho pioplo In bchall of l.lkiu ha Chen the 'Old Alan" .1 miIoiis hock mid opened hl p)e to the fut that tlni time ha Jiiiud whin tho people pioposo tu haio Mllllcdllll,' 10 ell )! (hi illlltloil (if tliibi) who aie tu vlu 1111111 in niikiai nip ie I tin , I'lkinN htitiutli and popnlailly liaj been u gieat HitprUe tu (Jul), 1 iCM-lulloii in fin, and fur 01 111 in .U life ho jiiiwii la be undecided 111 'I I'miiKlerlnir. 'Jin nhi of llr, 1 II in to B0 bifoiL the peopli of the 1 iriouj counliesi in open pilmai) cunte.U and I1I4 iiaitatlon for ntlui laudldate In como foiwaid and lel.tci, U u luaulfiitl) tair and 111 inly that thcru I 110 (,.! tin,' anav fiom or iludgliif II, bueh fiaiik open. nc.i .tilk'ii a iiiioiilic ilioul in the iitjiu 0 Ike people, and tlie uppo&lllou i now ipiakhv hi iU boot-, ut Ihc ilulit an I bound of tlie giaud ru.h md 1.1II) foi l.lkiu It Ii a uiitabic btaui. petle in ilia louutiy ilitiiit. ami ulii-io labor U laigely tuipIo)ul, foi Jn John .hlklu (he farmer and wugc noikus sen for the flikt time in IhU ttate Hull ideal candidate. Mr. tlkln lus no nupcilor In gi acioiiiif and ability. M gov ernor, he would gin a clean, intelligent and pio- STATB NORMAL, SCHOOL 1'a't Stioudsbiug, I'j. The evaniination-j foi admission to the Middle Year and Senior cai claiwea will be held June ill HiUi school giaduatm will be permitted lo take both cvamlnatlon and culrr the eenloi rla5 wheie thill woik bin toiercd tho Juiiloi and mid dle jcar-i couife of the normal II1I4 )car will bu the kit oppoitinitv glim to do t-o, us the tluee .veils' coulee In in lull foiro .md all will ennio uiidci the Mite ie Rtilatlon.s of eliminations, l'or full iiiitiiuliiii addiei at once, ft. l HIIIU:, A. Jl 1'ilnclpal. BCHANTON CORRKSPONDENOE SQKOOM hCRANTOV, PA. T, J. Foster, President. Hlnier II. LawU, Irets. It. 3, Foster, Stanley V. Allen, Vlca President. Secretary. In Seal, Walrus or Liz- ard, with plaiu or Jeweled in Silver and Gold clasps fittisli, -tvlitch vary in price from 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 79.2. Don't Strike ! Buy the $4.00 to $15.00. ? SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS. Atlantic City, HOTEL RALEIGH ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. WILL MAKI: A SPECIAL RATH FROM APRIL TO JUNU OP $2 and $2.50 PER. DAY $10, $12,50 aud $15 PER WEEK 200 BEAUTfFUIv ROOMS NEW AND MODERN. WITH hVERY APPOINTjWENT AND CONVENIENCE TO BE FOUND IN A FIRS1-CLASS SEASIDE RESORT. Tho superior sen Ice and cuisine as of the past two seasons, will be maintained through out the entire year, JOHN B. sCOTT, Mcrcereau & Connell, 1H2 Wyoming Avonue. i" 5 J ' ! ? tj Hotel Sothern On Miglnla airiiui, tlie wide.t and mo.t f.i-Ii-louable in Atlantic! ( it), Within a few jards of the Famous Steel Tier ami Boardwalk "and in front of tho met deniable ballihiir grounds. All comcnicnccd, ineludin.' steam heat, un parlor, elevator to tli't-t level, hot and cold batlm. Table excellent. Accommodation for (hue bundled Icuiu inodeiate. ritQ fQi booklet. N. R. Bothwell. The Westminister Keiituck) ae., near Ileal h, Atlantic C'lly, Open all the 'eat, bun Parlon hlevator and all inodiiii iniproic-mintu. hpeclal Sjniiitf Hate. s CIIAb. BUM RE, Prop. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office, Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Manlles, Portable Lamps. KM . . - n jj THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. ''Sinoot," the Typewriter Man. takes pleasure in ex hibiting its raerit3 from inoru till night. 1st floor Guernsey Building, Scranton, Pa. GunsterHForsytii 2.13-327 Venn Aveuuc. The Dr. Diemel LinenMesh Underwear Is the most henlthful. comfoitfibla. cleanly underclothing of any hither to known, This Is ft liuge clnlni, but those who have used the goods uuur iHiiiiiiiuuy to me nccuiacy ot It. Bond tor deseiiptlve pamphlet nncl samples of mateilal, or call and ex amine the gniments for men, women and childien. ALSO SOLE AGENTS FOR Dr, Jaegars' Sanitary Underwear TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS muuLim " 0.) 412 Spiuce Street 300 Lackawanna Avenue. . -Vji . J. .- -rfJLV -;
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