n is -,,;,! & - ' f ;."A ' r, v - t , v ' V sV J" w' A k Tffil SORAOTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY APRIL 2Ut 1002. 5$ s.T W$& Points AboutPAINT 1. Brilliancy. 2. Durability. 3 Covering Capacity. THE COST l SOMIN'.M. nnl Iiimh no runiparlfon with tlir CATISKArrlON rrprtlcnrrd 1111.I IH'.M'liT nlltitlnert In ti'liifr an nttlclr wl,Mi cnnhtliu tlinse Tiinb: irosKNTtAii ott.i,iTir.s LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT , f the itt:r.oriNizi:i) srrAND.n In tniy Mhnl Paints. Atlantic While Load and Pun Linseed Oil ... . timkn mi 'nVr.MI.VSTINr." Mint n.l hfn applied wllh WIIITINTi'S ItltWStlKS, bpaiitllul and nciiiuiiciit flnirii Is nl wbjh uvurnl. WIIOI.KSU.K and UctJll AroiiIs. MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lackawanna Ave. Our New Store at the Old Stand Is the most attractive and artistic in the city. The same can be said of our stock of Pictures Frames, Wall Paper, etc, You are most cordially invited to call and see the beautiful things wo have for sale. Jacobs & Fasold 200 Washington Avenue. . I City Notes. INFORMATION WANTED A mUrrilipr t!c iies to know tho value of a coin dated 1.!.", vitlj fjoddess of Lihcily .mil l:i Uid on Jl fai-c. Can any of our U'.uIit.s unincrV U'lLKO-IIAKIti: HANKKl'iT.- Icuc Ilurm. a U'illvca-II.irrc ic.-lnur.int keeper, jrtnl.iy filed .1 rietltlon in lianl;iuplr,v with Judge Anliliald. Ilia liabilities arc fV.21 anil arjet:., ijl.WT.W. CATHOLIC 1IISTOHIO.U. MICIIITY. At to. nlelil' meeting ot the Cathollu Historical m eicly, Attorney 1'. I. Lnuslii.m will iMIier a lcctur.- on ,,Kci:diliin." JIIm Jluiy Dnylc l) tpcaK en "Dante." 11. I. A. r.NTKIlTAl.NMUNT. The llojs1 Indus trial ossoei ition, .Ttfisled by local talent, will uho an ciitertulnnicnt Thursday etrniiiK, May 1, in HI. Luke's uu'Iltoiioimi, fur the bentflt ol the boj's summer camp fund. A UK) SAl'K. A lincre safe, ueiehint; sccnty tlvc tom, his arried in this city and is beini? .installed in the new Tirst Nation il Hank building, now in proeths ot cont'.uttion. The m(o lame on a special Htcel car and wai drawn by a special locomotic. TWO Di:AI) LETrEHh. To letters lontain ins money await the claim of the solders at the Kcranti.il postofllie. lliey aie addieseil, respec lively .1. A. Mm Inn. 2'!j Ninth arenue, New York, and 'Irrsurla Tunda, ra Mulberry tticet, New Yorli. i:ivonTii u:.(si'i: kntkutainmiixt. -on Thursdiy evening of i his week the Kpwurih I.e.iRiie of the Klin I'.uk ihurch will Wc an en tertainment, with a social, in the lecture loom, A noui pi'jgrauune liaj bet'i prepared, and all aie imlteil. A silver nilerii's at the door will be rerelved. TAIlt AT l'i:iT.lt$l!UH;.-.U the fair of the riinicicedtlpn of Sr. Telei's l.utlitian iliurch, in tho uIkv.'.uh at l'cti-i.-.li.uir, an oiclieftia tiom Dunniore will fiuni-Ii inu-ic toiiicht, and timoi low night the TtiiiKKohl band, of South Pcraulcii will be heard. An Interesting piogranimc Is glU'M at the fair each nlshl. AH'KU Till: UOVINi:S. Tu wandeilnir tows Wile tound sraliiK over lawns an I llower bah. on Sanderson's Hill ,cstviday inoriiiiiB and win; impounded by the poihe in a bain In the rear of the lminlcipil bulldlni;, Thilr cwnem will luw to pay i?J to Ret them out, iind so will tin owners of nil other iow.s lound wauderliif; about tint cltj's ktrrcS. PAST XIASTEH'S DEfiHEE.-ihe degiee of past matter will bo (oiifeind on about titty mcnibcin of the Knights of Mall .1 oil kiturdiy nlght ill Xlalta temple 011 Noilli Washington menue, The degiees will be covin red by (inud (j'eucrnlissiinu .Sir .lames I.. Jackson, of Wll Il.unsport, ar.d (.'land Commai.dei' Sit E, S. Fomwald, of Blooinsljiug, EVANGELISM) SEItVICK. An eangellitle twice will be held at the Adams Ammo chapel, coiner Adams nenuc and New Voik ntreet, thla veiling, conducted by the Christian Workcu' league, an Independent body of joung men ami women spreading out hum the Wurkcw' band of lb? Young .Men's Christian iwoeUtlon, Augmt Kcllemian, wlio promoted tho movement, will (.peak, and tho Young Xleu' ChrUtlau uvso-!ntl n quartette will king. The meeting will begin promptly at t o'clock and all Interested are rain e.tly I in lied to come and bring their fiU-iidj. DR. HOUSEB DISGUSTED. Says Some Local Physicians Show Xack of Judgment. Dr. J, W. IIouser. who has been en Bagert bj tho city to look utter tho mmUlpox capes, Is illsgUHted at whnt he calls tho lack of Judgment shown by a number of locul nhynlclans. n0 was notified on HuwluV that a- suspected ense of smallpox existed In a MeC'on nel family, residing in North Bcrnnton. Investigation yesterday revealed the fact that no onu In tho family Is suffer ing from any symptoms which could lie called preliminary symptoms of that illM'iise by the wildest distortion of diagnosis. "Kvorybody thnt's got a pimple or two these days seems to think thnt he or she has got the smallpox," Bald the doctor lust night, "and they seem to be encouraged In this belief by physlcluns. Many doctors, tho moment they see a little eruption, decide at once, without further examination, tliut the patient hnB tho smallpox, and mukc n wild Uusli for the nearest telephone to let me know about it und bring me on u two or turea mile wild goose chase. U'b getting very tiresome, I assure you." The doctor said thut no new eas.es of the dlseuso developed yesterday. NEW BOOKS FOR THEJJBRARY THEY WERE ADDED DURING THIS MONTH. Additions to the Departments of Philosophy, Religion, Sociology, Education, Science, Useful Arts, Fine Arts, Literature, Fiction, Bi ography, Travel and History Lat est Additions to the Literature on These Subjects from the Fens of Foremost Writers of tho Times, Thr following now books wore lidded to tho public library during the month of April: l'tfit.oscipitv ni:i.im.v. 0innliclm, Xnllun Mvntal drouth and Contr.)!. 150 0 Sllprr, C, , llctwccn llrathciilMii and Chris- tliinlly. 1SDS 210 l 211 It l'alth. 211 S2 VX Vo I'ulry, VIIH.itn Nnlnr.il Theology. Hurst. .1. I'. IINtory nf nationalism. Snijth, Newman Through Hrlcncc to 1'ctcrn, M. t'.- The .lew aa ,i Patriot, socio!.onr. Stdld, W. T. Ainerlcanlzatlon of the World. .120. 1 Hi Diinnlnfr, W. A. History o! rolltlcal Theoflc', Ancient, and Mcdlacal. 320.9 1) Hatch, T. V. Alasko-Canadlan Kiontlcr. 27 Ul Parsons. Frank City for the People. :;j2 PI Folks, llomer Caro of Destitute, Neglected and Delinquent Children. Wit) V bdlnlc-t-'ul, Charles The Perfect Woman, awl H7 EDUCATION. Colburn, Ilcrtha U tlraded Phjical i:ercises. 071.7 C Ware, I'ahlan Uducatlonal Foundations of Trade and Industry. .i7n V Teall, V. II. Conipoundliiff of English Words. 122 T3 Ten Brink, B. language and Metro of Chaucer. 423 T Mouis, E. P. On Principles mid Methods in Latin Sjntax. 17S M SCiEXCn. Ollilw, .1. W, Vector Analels. I0 i (lulllcinin & l.ockyer Forces of Xaturr. 'M Hi Tunir.s, M. W. Experimental Study of Ciases. MJT Jonf.s, II. C Klemenls of Physical Chemistry. Cll .1 I'enfleld & Pirnson Contributions to Miner.il.ijy and Petrography. All) P Moigan, Alesandei Advanced Ph.isiographv. 3.-.1 M2 Mad'arlaur, .lame Coal Iteginirs of America; Topography, Oology ami Development. 3W.2 M2 Miesse, fliarlcs Points on Coal and the Coil Hiudnos. 1SS7. 6W.S M3 ' Wjatt, Friniis Pliosplutos of Auieiiea. Ml.ti W I.iihbok, Sir John Scenery of England and the Ciusrs. Ml i.l Dune k Hrooks lUndbouk ol the Ticcs of New England. .2 IU USEri'l. ARTS. Ilus, Ilonild Mnsipilto Iliig.ides and Hem- to Or ganize Them. (11 1.7 It Durand, .1. 1'. Practical Marine Engineering. C21.I 1) banghein, Ceoigr Eleitrodeposilion of Mctils. 02l. I.T Davey, Ilenr.v Prim i pies. Construction ami Ap plication of Pumping Machineiy. 021. li I) Andertr.n, .I.W.--Prospector's Handbook. (122.1 A l.upton, Arnold Pr.i( Ileal Treatise on Mine Svir- t eying. 112 . I h Daw, A. W. fi 7.. W. Illistine of Hocks in .Mines, (Juarriei, Tunnels, etc.. part 1. H22.2 D Foster, C. I.eX. Tet-bnok of Ore and Stone Mining. B22.:i V lhlscng, M, C Manual of Mining. d22 :i 1 Michell, Stephen Mine Drainage. (122.; M Lainprcclit, Hoheit ltnoveiy Woik After Pit Files. 022. S U (Jreene, ('. E. Tiiissci and Archc: by Giaplii (al Methods. 3. (,2t C, llridgcniau, Thomas Fruit (Jardening. rat III Itridgcman, Thomas Kitchen (Jardening. ist.'i III Lush, Ethel It. Iloincstlu Economy for Schnhr ship and Certificate Students. (S0 , Wheeled Maiiannt The Baby: His Care and Training. . lilt) W2 Business Man's Porketbook: Handbook for Of fice Workers, etc. 030 7.1 Berk, C. E. Heck's Ideal Plionogiaphy. fi.Vi B2 Bishop, H, C Job Printci's List of Iiiees and F.stiniat" fiuide. 033 117 Evans, Frank The I.inotjpe: Mechanical De tails and Their Adjustment. O.Vi 2 IJ Sceward, diaries Linotype Manual. (i"i".2 S Eaihart, J. F. Color Printer. (13.:: El Zander, C. (',. Photo tilihrom itle Piinting. fc3).3 '.'. Lawn, J, (I. Mine Acioiuits ami Mine nunl.l.i in;. n7 L Elsslir, Manuel -Melalhiigy of fiold. i.w.2 E Pcteu, E. D. Modern Copper bmrlting. (if.9.1 P Cockicll, Douglas Bookbinding and the Care of Books. , f,Sfi O Crane, W. J. E. Bookbinding toi Amateur. (.50 CI Building TiiiiIcr Poektlbnok. f.'XS Y.l Lawlir, .1. .1. Moduli Plumbing, yStc.im and Hot Water Heating. r. l.l Tower, 1". W. liiuubci ;' Manual and Text -book. "JO. T FINE AI1TS. Waterhoiu-e, P. I.. Story of tlic Ait of Building, 720. 'i W Addis, M. E. L,-Calhcdrals and A1.1jc.i-. id Piesbyteriuii .Scotland. 72il A Whoclwrlcht, E. XL Selmol Arrhttirtme. 727 W Soiumenille, Xt.iwvell Ihigraved (ieuis. 7.W Kl Harper, C, f!. Drawing for Xlodein .Methods of Itciiiodtiction. 711 ll.'l :..) p v.r, Ft T.-.J Hi Art, etc, Potter, Xlary K. l.oe In Ail. French, .1. L. ( hrisl in Art, lluill, iMcllo XL Madonna in Alt. Itoubt. Xtiry I', N. Saint Anthony in T... K 7.'.". W2 757 II r. 777 S and Lltuo. Water, CI11.1 II. l).-Augcl in it. llurll, llitille JI.-ClilliMlfc In Alt. Sehiaubst.ulter, Carl Pliotoengrain: Wllkltisim, W. T. Photo-engradng giaphy, etc. i, Winlcll, F, W, Choir and Chorus Conducting, 7?a W Mai.li, J, 11, T. btury of the Jubilee Slngeis. 7SI.7 M LITEIIATUIIE, Jlatkl.ani, Edn In Lincoln and Other Iocin, SU XI5 Iliowne, C, I'. AittiniH Wuitx Ills Hook. SI7 I ii High, .1. L.-r.'rcal Chancellor, etc. SIS III2 .ImIidsoii, It, II. Popular lliilUli Hallads; An- 1 lent and Modem. Iv, Wl.03 .1 fijllup, Ellcabctli W, Tragedy of Anne nolejn, K.! (II (iillup, Ell&ilutli V.-I.Jtral Cjpher of Sir Francis Ilacon SJJ..1 fl.l Swift, .lona'than louinal to Stella. Keller, A. CI. Iloinciic hociely, Hopkins E. W.-Circat Epic of India, iTcnox. Iluiuelt, Fiances II, Methods of ,ny hiiisl. fid SI fM K vi.a 11 Wiildfl- n:a jo I'.MJi) siui.tis Johnston, .Mary Anility. Peuibeiton, Mi. fllant's (late, Mntkliiii, F, II, Kate llonnet. Wharlon, E.lilb Valley of DeoWon. Wwids, Miruuift 1.,Sons ol iho Sword. WKD.S W3I.1 fuy, Anuelliu W. .Ie.111 MllclicU's St lio.il WOI l TO THE CONTEST EDITOR SCRANTON TRIBUNE, Sir: Pleuse enroll my name as one of the contestants In The Trib une's Educational Contest, and send mo equipment and more detailed Information concerning the work us soon us Issued. ADDRESS "MMtOMMMMtM (Cut this out and null to '('ontut Editor, Scranton Tilbunc, Scranton, Pa.," at 01110 )n older that .xou may bo among the flrot to rrcrlio th'j printed nutter and cunaci'. out. lit, Sco admtl.-cmcnt on fointh page of thia lisue.) ipjpjpj -.jjpj iflpjBpjpjpjk KfS i'tt pjpjpjh Mrs. D. Arnold, President German Woman's Club, Grand Pacific Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal., Relieved of a Tumor by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam : I suffered four years ago with a tumor in my womb, and the doctors declared I must go to the hospital and un dergo an operation, which I dreaded very much and hesitated to submit. " My husband consulted an old friend who had studied medicine, although he was not a practising physician, and he said he believed that Lydia E. PInklinm's Vegetable Compound would cure me. That same day I took my first dose, and 1 kept it up faithfully until twelve bottles had been used, and not only did the tumor dis appear, but my general health was very much improved and I had not felt so well since I was a young woman. " As I have suffered no relapse since, and as I took no other med icine, I am sure that your Compound restored my health and I believe saved my life." Mrs. D. Arnold. $6000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea. displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros tration, or are beset, with such symptoms us dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all gone," and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. niofinAPiiv. Hall, T. C John Hall, Paitor and Preacher. 02J.3 III Klngtfoid, C. I.. Henry V the Tj-plcal Xktllic- al Hern. f23.1 1110 Jones, J. S. Life of Andrew Johnson. C-J.i J"- Itosc, J. IL Life of Napoleon II. ti. W1.1 N3U TRAVEL AND HISTORY. KhM. Benjamin Principles of Western Ciilli tion. (H)l Kl Ilourne, E. (!. Ksajs in Historical Criticism. not n-j (Irahani, Alexander Roman Afrle.1, 1)1.1.(1 li Mackindcr, II. J.-Britain and the Hrltish S-as. !H.S XII Stoddard, C. W. In the Foolprinls of the Padres. , OK.fll SI 'Edwards, O. XL Walci (Story of the Nalh.nsl. 'J42.0 i: Kovaleuky, Xlaxlmc ltu.sslan Political In-titu- lions. 017 K2 Hopkin.s, F.. W.-Indla Old and .New. '.Ol IU Sliwali, J. ('. CV.nfederitc Mates of Anierlci, 1S61-1 ?...: A Financial and Industrial Ilito:v. U7.-I.7 Slj firaham. (1. E. Stlilcy and Santiago. P7J.U C2 .Miner, Lewis 11. Valley of Wyoming: The Ito- manec of lt History anil Poetry. !i71.b Xli A FRESH YOUNG MAN. He Ban Afoul of Becordei-'s Secre tary, Mark Edgar. A breezy and juighly fresh young man, who gave his name as Stock bridge, blew into Recorder Connell's ofHce yesterday morning, and without asking any questions proceeded to un screw the cover from the collection box for tho Consumptives' hospital, In Philadelphia, and was about to abstract the money It contained when he was stopped by Mark Edgar, the recorder's seeretnrw He announced that he was taking the place of the regular collector, who was 111, and showed a letter addressed to the general secretary of the hospital and signed by a Mr. McGuIre, tho alleged local collector, as his uuthorltx. This didn't satisfy Mr. Kdgur, and he re fused to allow Mr. Stockbrldge to ttiko the money. This greatly enraged the young man and he proceeded to threaten all manner of dire things. Tie was finally told that unless Mrs. AV. n. Duggan, who Installed the boxes In this city, consented, he could not re move tin- money In the box. He went out hurriedly, and Mr. Edgar, believ ing hltn to be a fakir, notified Detective Uelter and suggested that he be ar rested. In the meantime, young Mr. Stockbrldge convinced Mrs. Duggan of his authority und was permitted to take the money fiom tho box. He had previ ously taken upwards of $30 from other boxes In the city. Detective Delter came across him about noon, Just as he was making for n train, and took him in charge. He was taken to headquarters and held for over an hour, but as Mrs. Duggan ex pressed u belief In his story he was re leased. The police ure still inclined a little to the belief that he Is suspicious. AN IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL. Remains of Mrs, George H. Catlin Laid at Rest. An exceedingly large number of the representative citizens of this city at tended the funeral of the late Mrs, George H. Catlin conducted yesterday afternoon from the family residence on Uldge Row. Tho room In which the remains reposed was heavy with the scent of a profusion of (lowers sent by loving relatives and friends of the dead woman. Tho funeral services were conducted by Rev, BY. Junius McLeod, pastor of the First Presbyterian church ami Rev. Dr. P. -'. hognti, pastor emeritus, both of whum referred to Mis. Cutlln's long connection xvlth the church and of her ceaseless Christian activity. A quar tette comprising Mis, cieorge Dn n, Dlmmlck, Miss I.Ida Ourngan, Alfred "V00ler und John T, Watklns rendered several apptoprlnte selections during the ei vices, Mrs, Dlmmlck suns "Uuyond the Smiling und the Weep ing." ,,,.,,... .,,.., ,,,.,. The pall-bearers were as follows: A. W. Dickson, William F. Hallstead, W. W. Scranton, James P. Dickson, A. R Blair, F. K. Piatt und Joseph A. Scran ton. Interment was made In the Dun more cemetery by Undertaker William A. Price, who had charge of the funeral. SANDOW PROGRAMME. Offering That He Will Make at the Lyceum Tonight. Following is tho programme which will be rendered at the Lyceum tonight with Sandow, the wonderful: Leslie Brothers, Australian musical eccentrics; Cross and Hoitlen, singers dancers and talkers; the Damm Broth ers, comedy acrobats; Julie Ring, tht American girl; the Mason-Keeler coin pany, in "Hooked by a Crook"; Littlt Pucks, America's cleverest juvenile art ists; Eugene Sandow, "The Perfect Man"; the vltagraph, moving pictures, latest events. Seats are now on sale at the theatre box office. ,. j X,. A dispatch from Wilkes-Barre last night to The Tribune said, concerning; the Sandow show in that city last night: "Tho Sandow show played to big business here tonight, and is the cleanest and best variety show that ever was here. The women enjoyed it especially. All Scranton should see It.' JAMES HEALEY KILLED. His Body Was Found on the Dela ware and Hudson Track. At about 11,30 o'clock Sundux- night the body of James Healey wns found on the Delaware and Hudson track, u short distance from his home In Mooslc. He spent Sunday xvlth his brother-in-law in Duryea and was returning home when tho accident happened, presum ably by being struck bx the 10.40 north bound passenger train. Healey had been, since he came to the country, extremely unfortunate. A few years ago he was badly injured In the mines and while In the hospital a hot water bag burst and the contents wore discharged about the lower limbs, scalding hltn to the bono. He had since been a cripple. Vesterday morning his wife gave birth to a daughter. There nre five children, the eldest being only fVve years old. The remains were taken to the homo of his mother-in-lnw, Mrs. Dough erty, of Hill street, Avocu, rrom which place the funeral will take ulace to morrow afternoon. A BIG SEASON ASSURED. Lodore Will Bo the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming Season. All Indications nolnt to Lake Lodore as the most popular of all excursion re sorts for the fast-approaching season, and to even surpass Its Immense busi ness of lust yeur. Tho individual ex cursionist prefers n lake resort, und tho scenic beauties of Lodore Itself, Its fnr sprcadlng grove, Incomparable dance pavilion. Its merry-go-round, the de light of tho children, Its well-equipped kitchens, clam oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha launches, steamer, large excursion boat and varied other amusements render It n summer paradise, und at the same time the most prollt-muklng resort for churches and societies, There are some splendid dates left, for tho privilege of which please nppply to W, L. Pryor, district passenger agent. Delaware und Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa, For sale cheap: Barrels of household goods, Including 1!)00 washer, bookcase, pin lor heater, kitchen table, lawn mow er, harness, chairs, portlers, etc, Mrs, L. Smith, Wii Wyoming avenue, TO THERM Is a reproJucrion of the front rover to a valuable booklet (In three colors! we have lust Ii5iieJ. It contains ninny iKiRes of useful Information which will guide you 'J'O Till: RIOIIT road to health. It ilcscriseb the bctt equipped Institution In (he KjU for the sden. tifiu treatment of Chronic nml Lingering Diseases without the mo of drugs or the knife. Why not Bt rid of that rheums, tlf m ) Let us tell you how wo una litre yon even niter all others sy t,m liavo failed. TTJTiTTiriT TJf .MMjn SEND FOR IT NEULS LOSES HISLAWSUIT SUPERIOR COURT AGREES WITH JUDGE CARPENTER. Ex-City Assessor, Who Wns Removed by Recorder Molr, Under tho Pro visions of the New Second-Class City Act, Has No Legal Grounds to Complain Legislature Had Au thority to Authorize His Removal. Decision of Judge Edwards In Bas sett Pond Case Also Affirmed, The Superior court In Pittsburg, yes terday, handed down tho following de cisions: John A. Xculs against the city ot Scranlonj Judgment affirmed. II. C. Olhlis and (Iconic (I. (llhbs, admlnUtra torn of the estate ot I), tt (llbl, deceased, against DeWIIton Sweet; Judgment olllrmcd. The case ot Neuls against the city Is one of the .several cases growing out of the passage of Scranton from a third to a second class city. Tho plaintiff, John A. Neuls, was one of the three elective city assessors who had n x'oar yet to serve when the new second class city net went into ef fect. Recorder Molr, In appointing five assessors to take the place of tho three, provided for In the third class city laws, left Neuls out. Ho brought suit against the city, alleging that he wan n constitutional officer, who could not bo removed during the term for which he was elected. Judge Carpenter, before whom the case-stated wus tried, ruled, In sub stance as follows: "A city assessor, not being a constitutional officer, there can be no question that tho legislature may provide for his removal from of fice." In tho so-called "Ripper bill," It Is provided that "The city recorder shall have the right and power and nre here by authorized to remove from office. " members of the board of asses--ors." The Superior court agrees with Judge Carpenter that Mr. Neuls sued in vain. The suit of GIbbs against Sweet is of 10 great moment, as far as the gen oral welfare of the public is concerned. 3weet Untied In Bassett lake for more than twenty-one years. The sons of 3lbbs, the owner of this lake, had him arrested for fishing therein, and he was fined therefore. He appealed, on the ground that he had fished in the lake "or more than twenty-one years and therefore had acquired what his luwx'er was pleased to term tho right of pisca tory by prescription. In other words, ho wanted to establish that he had a icmatter's right to the fish In the pond. Judge Edwards decided that he had no such right and the Superior court agrees with his finding. D. W. VAUGHAN CHOSEN. Was Elected Chairman of Auditing Committee Unanimously. The new Joint auditing committee of 'ouncils met last night in the city .ierk's office for the first time and elect ed Select Councilman D. W. Vaughan as chairman without opposition. This was a splendid compliment to his past services in this capacity as he Is a Democrat and the Democrats are hope lessly in the minority on this commit tee. The position of chairman as filled bj Mr. Vaughan last year Is an especially Important one. The clerk merely rends the total amount of each bill up for consideration and If there are no ob jections the bill is considered approved. It Is Mr, Vaughan's custom to carefully scrutinize each bill us It Is passed over to him by the clerk and If he discovers anything that doesn't look rjght he raises his hand and no more bills ure considered until the particular Item that has caught his eye Is threshed out. Last night the committee approved of nearly $10,000 worth of deficiency bills provided for In the appropriation ordinance. These are the bills, the warrants for which Controller Costello refused to countersign until approved. Among the bills passed was one of $2,067 for services rendered by special I This Elegant Made of clear white maple, varnished", and is large, heavy, strong and durable. We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come early to get one. They sell regularly from $.5o to $3,oo. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co., 4QQ Lackawanna Avenue, . 4. 4 4. 4. . .; ) 4 4 ! ! i !' 4 ( 4 ! ! 4 ) ! i ! XTfXim.ims.mtmin 9 mm The GREEN RIDGE fiMiiSZiCBiEMHsiS FACTS CONCERNING BY ICBjEKfltfMal2.iI DR. HERB'T I. FURMAN, OSTEOPATHIST, Specialist In Lingering and ..m tn I u. m " rt.. TrailttlD Vrtntvi Suite aoi Cartel HulMiug, r, Adtms Av, and Linden ht. Vltjr ItvatiMjSj iwtiii Cor, CONSULTATION, 8CRANTON, Kxaniluation and literature free. Upholstering and Cushion WorT" Is doue by us cheaper and better than anywhere else iu towu. Wc refiuish furniture also. Our cabinet maker will call on request to give estimates. Scranton Bedding Co, F. A- KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. j THE SATISFACTORY STORE. lYoull Have 9 Ito Excuse Our I Pride in These 9 And you will, after a visit to the Second Floor. It's Waists : we're talking about; the newest models, the newest mater- & inls, and our buyer says "Tho biggest assortment in Scran- S! ton." If we could nnrspn In nvArvthtnir ns wr can in these V A charming garments, there I The New Sbirt Waists The Washable Kind We have Wash Waists up to $4.00 each, including the pop ular "Geisha Waists," a most attractive style and very be coming. Some have blind em broidery, tuckings, and other dainty embellishments; others have stock collars. Theie's a special lot of White Lawn Waists of extra quality, with embroidery and tucks, front and back, tucked cuffs and pearl buttons. Intended to sell for one dollar, but our price is 85c each. Another lot of fine Gingham Waists, tucked front and back; the colors are oxblood and blue, in plain and striped effects. Our price for these is SOc each. 9 IMcConnell &Co. I 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. ftmmmwmmmnmmmmmm9m$ The Labor 1AAE? Art . 1 falls o some one m evry home every JlVft JVl621IS year. Any labsr-caTer shsuldhavecon )JSU tlivwio 8ideration,andthati9jiegreatFintf n- "None lnrpi. tnie ware of At? officers during the recent street strike. Porch Chair I '," SANITARIUM and --' , OSTEOPATHY Chronic Diseases, I lit lilt IW U W. tilt Green Rldgo Sanitarium, i5o Waihlntftoii Avenue. Net. Marlon and Uiccn H. SU. PA, HOTll'l'llONBS. I.2' Assistants, rsjfsf MuBliHI iwtJL b Both 'Phonei would be but one store in the city. The New Silk Waists The Fashionable Kind To facilitate the rapid sell ing of our fine Silk Waists, of which we have an unusually large assortment, you'll find special prices on them. The Waists are made of Taf feta Sllks,Peau de Cygne, Satin Liberty and other fine Silks, including unlined Jap. Waists, in white, beautifully finished with dainty workmanship In every stitch. Here's the best Silk Waist value with the most Waist style that the price ever bought. Waists like these are sold everywhere nt $5.00 and thought cheap at that; .our price is S3.60 each. With this understood, we have no doubt about where the Waist selling will be done this week. ingl nje every Q of Preparing NONE SUCH Mince Meat It has the largest sale ( any pre pared mince meat, became it is the best. We sold ten million paok- I ages last year. It is "compreesM" sold in cleau, dainty cartM. Avoid "wet" mince meat, seld from open palls that stand eo dirty floors and In dusty door waya. Seen" is Oc a uacVn:;?, which makes two i - v ls. "Like mother ud to make." Be. imckiiRea inadeia close invitation of oan insist on receiving a pacKUce oi imonb aucn." rtERRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. Y. I Wear I I a Si I 1 Skirt... I If you don't mind the cost. But if you are looking for style, ser vice and wear at little expense, buy one of our Mercerized blark Skirts. . They look like silk, wear better, and cost 11 less. $1 In $5 Will buy a handsome, diirabb .shirt with ruffled or , plaited llounces. Choose yours be fore the prettiest are taken. ill. I 'U., I JMWjQ.ogftw, iwmmmmmw X, v - il,l. . iSvWSiifiSii -, ,v-fS ,. V , vtA-fVh.i ajiaaw a ,-)
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