rTr (N -'MIS. "1 Jl ' ' 1 , iv fr-tV n,f -srf, y- ' fu' j--r tfi -v. i- M Si THE SCRAtfTON TRIBUNE-MONDAV, APRIL 28, 100 FIVE DECREES 0PDIV0RCE ARE COMING NOW IN GOOD SIZED BUNCHES. Three Wives nnd Two Husbands Have Tholr Petitions Granted for legal Helense from Unhappy Nup tial Bonds William Bepp Wants to Bo Relieved from Paying the Costs in the Sllllman Case Liquor Licenses Were Transferred Walsh Turned State's Evidence. Another batch of divorce decrees, five In number, was banded down by coutt Saturday morning. The parties vera: Margaret Webster against Thomas Webster. William Kraft against Catherine Kraft. . , Kate Lewis against William K. Lewis. Howard Satterwalthe against Ida Sat Irrwnlthu. Elizabeth A. Ralsley against Sanford G. rtalsley. , The Webstora were married July 3, 3836, and the husband deserted In 1898. George M. Okelt was the libelant's at torney. Desertion was the ground for the divorce In the Kraft case. They were married in Philadelphia In 1898. Two years later the husband came to this city, looking for work. When he re turned home, after a few months, he found his wife and all the household belongings missing. He waited two years for her return and when she failed "to put in an appearance he took steps to secure a divorce. O'Brien & Martin were the attorneys. In the Lewis case the charge against the husband was cruel treatment and unfaithfulness. Mrs. Edith Hopkins was named as co-respondent. They were married in Lykensville, April 13, 1893, and lived together until August 30, 1900. The last three years of their married life was spent in Scranton. Attorney Charles E. Daniels represented Mrs. XjOwIh. The Satterwalthes were married in Ilarrlsburg, March 4, 1S94. They sep arated a few years later in Philadel phia, but made up their quarrel and be tran living together again. In 1S9S they again separated. Attorney George M. Okell represented the llbellant. Cruel treatment was alleged in the Kalsley case. They were married at Oxford Furnace, N. J., in 18S7 and lived together about ten years. Clarence Bal- entine was attorney for Mrs. liaisiey. Repp Wants to Be Relieved. Before Judge Wheaton, of Luzerne county, Saturday, arguments were made on the rule to remit the costs placed on William Repp in the case in which he pio.secuted Frank Sllllman, jr., general manager of the Scranton Railway com pany, on the charge of bribing Old Forgo councilmen. The case was on trial for a week, and the costs amounted to about $500. Cornelius Comegys represented Mr. Repp. The nile was opposed by Will ard, Warren & Knapp and O'Brien & Martin. Transfer of Licenses. Court, on Saturday, transferred the hotel license of Hotel Irving to Charles II. Scliadt. It was held by Kate Kin bnck and Fred Weicbel. The license of Andrew Campbell, of 43 Lackawanna avenue, was transferred to Edward F. Melvln, and that of William H. Jlc Js.unara, of 900 We&t Market street, to John McGuire. The petition for the transfer of the lii case of M. F. Fadden, of Scranton street, was refused, and the petition for Ihe transfer of tho license of Hugh .O'Boyle, of the Second ward of Oly jilinnt, to Richard M. Owens was held under advisement. Turned State's Evidence. Testimony was heard by Judge Ed wards. Saturday, on the petition for the release of Michael Judge from the county jail on a wilt of habeas corpus. Judge, John Walsh and Patrick Fln negffh were arrested for stealing axles from the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western yard and selling them to a junk dealer. Walsh, who was caught Jn the act, implicated the other two. Judge denied having had anything to do with the theft, but Walsh positively swore he had, and Judge Edwards sent liim back to jail. Attorney James Mahon appeared for Judge. Assistant District, Attorney Thomas appeared against the writ. Judges in Consultation. Th will be no court session in com mon pleas this week. Judges Edwards, Kelly and Newromb will consult on rases argued before them during tho past week and other matters which are awaiting decisions. Next week there will bo sessions of equity court and the grand jury. Judge Edwards will preside. District Attor ney Lewis, who Is at Old Point Com fort, will return for the grand jury ses sion. In Orphans' Court. In the Orphans' court, on Saturday, Judge A. A. Vosburg heard motions and made orders in various estates. In the estate of Frederick Marker a petition was presented by Attorneys Bell nnd Wells, counsel for the legal repre sentatives of tho pstate, uslting for an order of sale for the payment of debts, there being no personal property avail able for that purpose. An order of sale was made accordingly, returnable on May 28, at 10 a, m. In the' estate of William Mosher, de ceased, George S. Horn, representing the administratrix, presented a petition asking for leave for the udminlstratilx to bid at the partition sale on the leal estate of tho decedent, ujd an order was accordingly made. In tho estate of Ann O'Boyln a cita tion upon the executors to file an ac count was returnable and an answer flavins been filed In which the liability to account Is denied, an order was made fixing May 12, at 10 a. m., for the Rear ing upon petition and answer, The petition was represented by C, Balen tne, nnd tho respondents by O'Brien & Martin. The next session of the Orphans' court will bo on Tuesday at 10 a. in, TIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. The Twenty-ninth Annual Report Has Been Completed. By Exclusive Wire from 11a Atooclited Pre, Ilarrlsburg, April 27.. The twenty ninth annual reDort1 of the" insurance department, showing the condjtipn on December 31, JDQl.jof the'flrennd marine insurance companies doipg business In l'eniibylvanla has just been completed br Commissioner Durhanv The follow ing statement bIiowb, In brief, the con dition and business of the Joint stock companies of tho commonwealth In iOOl contrasted with that of 1900: 1 lwo. loot. Number of companies.. "0 32 Amets ,,,,,,.1 43,(03,103 $ 45,400,109 Liabilities, except cup- 1U1 ....n., 23.011,707 2-1,204,080 Capital , 11,702,875 laoffWi Surplus , 10.tKJ,f9l IWJ.'M Premiums rceehed ,. 17,071,283 10,V,6M Total receipts ,. 50,0.11, HI 21,001,017 Lovnt paid 11.07S.SJ1) ll.o.K.ISX Uhldondi paid l,2!U,n!! 1,181,531 Total dlpurcmonM... 20,747,3.1 20,770,MJ lllskg In tone .. S,MU,iM23 2,852,180,8:0 The following summary 1iowb tho to tal business of stock companies au thorized to do business In the state during tho past year: Hro rlki written ..11.0j7,2t0,107 Premiums rtcclicd lW,r,72,00l ft I.owm tuld 02,716,')m 1.1 Marine nnd Inhnd rliks written .... 4,841,323,630 Premiums recoiled 11,00,1,1)00 12 Losses paid II,M7,030 8.1 Tho following summary exhibits In a condensed form tho entire builnes of stock companies of Pennsylvania dur ing tho year: lrcmlum Income 10,5),8W 01 1.CS.-.M and ctpenscs 10,500,003 CO MkcclUncou income 2,3 10, 7M 87 Total net Income 2,305,033 22 Dilidcnds 1,183,58100 i:cets of Insomo OMr expenses 1,122,037 22 During the past year there were no mutual companion organized for any purpose whatever. The Doylestown Mutual Insurance company, Farmers' Mutual Live Stock company, of Jack son Centre, and Pennsboro Mutual Horse Insurance and Detective com pany retired and failed to make any report during the year. The following table shows the busi ness done by the mutual fire Insurance companies during the year 1901: Mean amount at risk $704,839,320 Bisks written $202,000,134 Oisli picmlums and assessments ,. .2,381,017 44 Losses paid 1,309,038 07 The receipts of the department from fees of office from January 1 to Decem ber 31, 1901, amounted to $85,670.71. The expenditures for the same period were $21,210.45. m INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Present Condition of the Anthracite Coal Trade The I. L. and W. Board for Today. The demand for anthracite is very active and more than sufficient to take the total current output of the collier ies. This does not mean that the out put this month will exceed the record of last April since a number of condi tions tend to restrict production. Car supply is Insufficient on about all the anthracite roads and on some Is far be low the demand. The anticipated im provement seems to be coming, but it is coming slowly. At a few collieries there are strikes and the miners are out. Another restriction on production is the condition of many mines, par ticularly in the Lfhigh and Schuylkill regions, as a result of the floods of last winter. A vast amount of repair work has been necessary to put the flooded workings In proper shape again. The total output this month may amount to nearly 5,000,000 tons. The to tal production for March Is given as 3, 818,767 tons, a good showing, consider ing the damage done by floods. The total output for the first quarter of the year is 12,098,1C8 tons. Trade in the Northwest is gwierally flbiet. But little anthracite has"rrlved at the head of the lakes yet, owing to the great demand there for bituminous and receipts of anthracite will prob ably remain light for some weeks. In Chicago territory 'buying is active and a considerable tonnage of lake coal has already arrived. The total receipts by lake for the month should come close to 73,000 tons, something of a contrast to April, 1901, when not a ton 1 cached the docks. Shipments from the docks aie light,, but rail coal is in very fall demand and shipments to outlying ter ritory are satisfactory. Along the low er lakes and in the all-rail trade tho demand Is brisk, while receipts are none too heavy. As last week, demand is heaviest along the Atlantic seaboard, and a lot of coal is in transit to New England ports. Egg, stove and nut are most wanted of the prepared sizes. The advance of 25c. per ton on broken may affect sales, but prophesies are out of oider thus early In tho season. Deal ers at Boston are eager to get coal at Apill prices, but the demand is so heavy that a heavy tonnage order can not be delivered. With the coming of warm weather retail trade is generally quiet. April prices for free burning white ash coal f. o. b. New York harbor points aie: Broken, $3.75; egg, stove and chestnut, $4. Engineering and Mining Journal. D., L. & W. Board for Today. The following is tho make-up of the D L and Wboard for today: 6USDAY, APKITj 27. Extras K.ist 8 p. m., T. J. 'Ihompson; 10 p. m., Hoboken, J. A. Buh. MONDAY, APWL 23. Kxtrai Kast 1,30 p. in., George Tlionus; ,1, ni Hoboken, J. II, Swartz; 0 .1. in., llobouen, Kitzpatrick; 11 n. m., D. Haggertji; 1 p. in., llo. boken, l-ittimer, Annum' crew; 2 p. m., l Cuanaugli; 3.30 p. 111., Hoboken, J. Ocirlty; .1 p. in., J. II. McCain; 0 p. 111,, Hoboken, .7. W. Dcvinc. bUNDAY, APIW 27. Summits Vft-0 p. in., J. Hennlgan. ritehrn 3 p. m., nolierty. MONDAY, AI'lHfc US. Summits Wcst-8 a, 111., r'rounfelkci ; W a, in., JflchoH; 2 p. m., Carrigg. Pushers 4 a. m,, Mastcis; 0 a. 111., Wldnor; 7 .1. 111., S, Kinnerlyj 8 a." in., Homer; 11,15 11. 111,, Muran; 1 p, in., Njuiiuii; 1 p. in., W. II, liar. tliolomew; 2 p. in., William Klrby; J.30 p. in., M, Olnley; 3 p. in., f, Uaitholomew; 7.30 p. in,, Jluiphy; 0 p. in., Singer; 11 p. 111., Lamping. llelpeis-7 a. 111., Galluey; 10 a. in., Seeor; 3,'iO p. 111., btanton. Ktia Wt It a, m., O, IMmlnlpli; 1 p. in., M. Ooldeni 2 p, in., M, (Munod)i p. in., T. Uotidlcan; 11 p. in., O, Kingslty, xotici:. Mcfuc and mw run K a, 111. i'tu, Apill 23, Hafterty nnd crew run Xo. 02 April 28, W, J, Moslcr and trew and Conduitor J, r, HurUiart will report at tnlwnastcr'4 ufilce S a, 111., April 23. LEDGER COAL ARTICLE, By Ilxclitohe Wire fiom 'Hie Associated I'reu. Philadelphia, April 27, The Ledger In its coal article tomoriow, will ta) s "Tho anthracite coal tiade Is my acthc, nnd tho April output is expected to total up to largo Ogurci, jKMlbly 4,600,1X10 tons. The weather liai favored full working at moat of tho collieries, aril the expectation of continued coal mining without any labor troubles this Hiring has produced a condition ol lesttulne&i and satisfaction through out the whole mining district, 'flit demand la good, being stimulated by the discount!, 13 tho prices will advance under the new circular 10 cents per ton May 1 and 10 cents additional each month thereafter. It U evident that thli will be a year ol excellent results in the anthracite Industry, and heuce the appreciation ol the coal company securities and the excellent condition ol affairs in the mining regions. Coastwise hlp menu are active and the movement westward U aisuoiiog larger proportions." THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following uuotilloM an fumtslied Th Tribune by lUlght k Krtese Co., 311-316 Mean maiding. W, D. Itutijon, manager. Open. High. Low. Cloje. Anial. Copper .....,.,, 0714 07J4 tW?i OOtt Am. Car foundry ,..,,, SO :104 30 30'i American Ice 1?IS MH 17'4 10 Atncr, LocomotlM' 3.W4 3,1 E.1J4 35H Am. Lncomothp, IT .... US WA Vi'A 0SU Am. Smelt, k Iter. Co .. 4IU 41 44U 41 American bugar i..12(l IMH 12Hi 1-0 Ahaeonila Copper ......111 HI 11-1 111 Atchison 82V 82'4 &1T4 M'l Atchison, Pr 0(4 fDVi lT4 "'' Halt. & Ohio ion 100 103:4 100 Ilrooklju II, T 7H1 7(lS 70 70i Canadian I'neMc 12!4 1294 12114 120., Che. fc Ohio IS 48H IS 481(i Chltfliro k Allon .'I71; 37H 37Ri 371t Chlu. & (I. V 2o 20-H 23U 20VI Chic., Mil, k St. l ...,U0l4 170-4 lfl'T4 10' Chic, It. I. l 17.1H 171 17.1? 171 Col. I'tiel k Iron .lOS'SJ 10Ti 101 lai Col. k Southern 3174 3l 81 a I , Col. k Siutlicrn, Pr .... 43 f'4 454 4,1j Del, & Hud 1704 17014 170 170' Kile .TOT4 .TO'4 SSJ 3'Hi i:rlc, lit l'r 70 'O11 704 T0i llrle, 2d Ir MIS Mlj 61 03 HiiLklrtff Valley 8414 8IV4 81 81 Illinois Central 1I8 !1S'4 141 141 Louli. k Nli 12l)4 1.W14 1M4 128 Manhattan 1.114 1.104 12814 128 Mctiopolltan fct. Uy ....K.2V4 1524 lfli!4 152 MnxtianCentr.ll. 2) 204 2914 In0i Missouri IMpIOo 101 101 101 t01 X. Y. Central U 102&4 1W 12 Norfolk & Western .... mV IW M14 5074 Ont. k West 3.V4 3"'?4 : Xi Piicldc Mill I2'4 424 42'4 42 J4 Penna. It. II 151 132Tb 131 l''iV4 Peopled (las MB 101 10114 10114 fteswd Steel Car 41 43'i 4)14 4J'4 ltoadlng- 07!i 7'4 C"4 '4 Heading, 2d l'r 72 72 72 72 Hcpubllo Steel 1fl 104 10 ln14 Itcpubllo Steel, l'r 73 7i 7V4 7514 Rout horn Paclflc OS OS 07 07 Southern It 38 KSU 37 3714 Southern It. It., l'r .... Ort'i IW M14 IW'i Tcnn. Coal k Iron 72 73 724 72'4 Tcxai & Pacific I34 U 1114 43 Union IMfine 100 inn loili 10114 U. S. Leather 13VJ 14 1.1U 14 II. S. leather, Pr 81 8.1 84 8,1 1). S. Steel 414 4114 41 43, V. S. Steel, Pr 04 OIH "Hi 014 Wabash 20 2 26 28 Wabash. Pr 45 41 41 41 Western Union 0214 02i Oi'i C-Vi Wisconsin Central 20 20 20 20 CHICAGO GRAIN AND 1'ItOVlSION MAtlKKT. WIIKAl Open. Hlirh. Low. Close. Mar 71 71 71 7.1 J u 1 - 75 70 75 70 (OltN - May 2'4 02 C2 02 July W 61 C314 04 OATS Julv f. 31 31 31 Srp'tcmber 30 30 30 30 PORK May 10.70 10 7.1 10 70 10.75 July 10.93 10U7 10.P5 10 07 LARD P.S2 PS7 P.S2 0.87 Julv 0.25- 10.13 005 10.13 MB5!. May P.20 0.21 0 20 0.22 Jufy 9.37 9.10 9 35 0.33 NEW YORK COTTON MRKr.T. Open. HUh. Low. Close. Var 0.44 f.4') 0.44 0.44 July 9.10 9.44 "10 9 11 August 9.17 9.20 917 920 DANK STATEMENT. ltrscro, inciea.ie $2,8s2,J0O Loans, decrease ''Jfll'rli Specie, incrcifc 7 01. OM I.cjal tender, increase 2"-S!'r,H!l l)epoits, Incrc.TO "'in Circulation, decrca--e 0.G0J Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. A'l.cd. Lnelfuvanui Dairy Co., Vr. 00 ..... Tounty SaMiigs nmk Trut Co.. 300 Kil-t Nitlonal Hmk (Caiboudalc) 500 Tldrd National Hank 510 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank... COO Kionoiny Light, 11. & P. Co 4b First Nationil Bank 1300 1 mka. Trust Site Dipo-.it Co.... 105 Clark k Fnoier Co , Pr 121 Scranton Sainss Bank 50,) Traders' National Bank 221 Scunton Holt & Xut Co 12.1 People1!. Bank 133 BONDS. Scranton luking Co 33 Sirnnlon Passenger Railway, first MortRigt, due 1020 113 ... People's Street ltnlwai, Hut molt- giise, due 1013 , 113 People's Street Railway, (Jcneial mortgage, due 1921 115 ... Sir.intou 'Auction 0 pel ent 115 .. Etouomy Light, lit at &, Power Co 97 North Jersey k IVrour, Itt- Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna AcO I'lour 4 40. Butter Kush creaineiy, S0c; fresh daily, 29c. Cliee.se 13al314c. l.'ggs Ni arby, lie. ; wctcrn, 17'c. Peas Per bushel, 1.7.1. Manow Bean Per bushel, ,2.11a2.40. fiiecn Peas Per bushels, '1.75. Potatoes Per busiiel, 1.00. Onioa. Per bushel, $1.30. OUR DOMESTIC TRADE. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Wj-lilngton, April 27. DOML'SriC trade moiements for the fln-t quarter of 1102 compared witli those for the corusponduu period in 1001 are re porteil in the Much tununary of in ternal commerce by the treuaiirj biirciu of bta tlstics. 'Jliose tlguies t-eem to indicate n con tinual i ik i case in tiie oluume of npte-ontative branches of comineiie, Tlie urelpU nf wheit at ulght markets m the interior for tho jeai 1901 up to April, 1 amounted to 181,78.1,001 limlick, compiled with 10O,iJ.:2,7oO liutliels for the coire hpondins period of l'j)2. Theie is tluib a uiiii of 6.1 per cent to the ciedit of the cuirent quirter. The lic otoek inotcinents cidilblt the tamo sen cr.il tendency, with some ccrpl!ons. Tor the first quarter of 1 the lecelpts of fio Muds of ttock at the flic K.idintr maikctn of tlie in terior were 7,412,703 head; for tlie lliet quirter of 1001 tho receipts totaled 7,040,572 head, for 1002 totaled 7,S31,9S2 liead. 'Ihe greatest pel ccntago of gain amone; (lie hie classed of nock was made in tlie receipts of olve.s. A compari son of lecelpts, fihipinents nnd consumption of calts brliiRS to iljlit tlie fact tliat the primary markets aie ruttlns deeper than usual into tho .Notmser classes of stock on the western funis, and other aicas of supply, '1 lie, mirage welslit of hogs at Ctileaso was 6 puunds less than during Maich, 1'JOt; at St, Joseph, S pounds lis; .it Omaha, 12 puunds less, and at Kansas Cti, 10 pounds les. 'I In- carload reevlpts of stock f lit erally bliow an increase, ccept at Kansas City, where there was n ilmcuc of ,11 per tent, in tho number of tan, compmi with Marth, VOl, Tor llui threo months fndnifc" Maich fit of this year Chicago retched 75,811 ens of ftoik, and i.'),5ti fol the coireKpondins quailer of the precedinj tjr; thowlnif n gain of 0,231 cars, indlcatluif tliat the Cliicago supply U being kept up by tlie ttntral wwt and northwest, Traflit- in ltc btodc compared for the first quarter of threo tuectss. ive j cjis showed that foi Ihe flr.st quarter of 1001 four markets reteiid 122,892 tar!; tor l'Wi, tho rorrt'tpoudlni; figure was 0l,9so' cam, and for 1002, 127,219 cars. 'I here Is, therefore, a material sain to the ciedit of the western lle tloek tratilo tlius far this jear oer eltliiv of the lirccedlnij two jean, dcaplte the .soulliwciteru shortage of supply. The coinnieiiial 'j car's report on tlie poik packing industry tonllrius tliose flgurt-x of tho in ert use of llo ntock tiJfrlc, The Cincliiiiatl Pilco Curuiit gUts 25,41l,t7ii he-id J a the total of hoga packed in the wcittin lentera timing tho )car Hiding Mauli 1, tompirtd with 2.;, 000,071 held for the preceding )car, Tlio itccipts of hogs at New- York, Phlladelphl i and Baltimore, liuw. tttr, dutiiig tho 12 'inuntlis ending March 1 were tlie lowest in fen n jcais. Tragilu on tlie (Ileal Lakes fur Manh was niarked by the opening of local operations on the lower lakes ami the clearing of a few t.,igoca of ore mid wheat. from the upper lake ports duiing tlie list week of the month. Receipts (or Match were 251,294 tons of freight cuinpaitd with IS.), HIS terns in March, 1M1, The March lake ship ment further bhows that tho ilonicUlo hhlpments of hard coal during tho reason of 1901 amounted tu 3,310,321 tons; toft coal, 5,970,231 Ions and that 1,753,238 tons of coal were loadtd for wtsels' consumption at 121 lako polls by 120 ilitUivn! firms. 'I ho esports of coal from northern lake districts in 1001 amounted to 4,ll2,2t3 tons, com pared with 6,031,15$ tons during the calendar jcar 1900. The total shipments of coal on tlie lake, including coa,twlse and foreign for JlXIt amounted to 13,137,077 tons, compared Mlth 12, 020,&II ton in 1900. At the Norlli Atlantic rejboaid the receipts ol Hour and guitl at ','civ VoiV tor March amounted FINANCIAL, rs..., THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. We offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issue. $i,ooo,ooo) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination J1000. Maturins 1 to 30 jew- Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STBEET, NEW YOBK CITY. THE ix Eagles An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise monoy for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIH EAGLES HI1G CO 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. REAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM a KINd&CO. Member") or Houston (Texan) Oil Stock K.T.. clmtigo solicit orders, LQmFABMSMJRM BALANCE iCROPTILrAlDitefl VMi au. Sicwaren. to 8,311,212 buskelrf, including flour and meal re duced to liusheld, compiled with 11,8o7,!'j7 litt-li-eli m Mmh, 1101. drain anl flour receipts jt Boston for tlie ihiee months ending with March ot tills j ear were G,50l507 liushoH including ilout and meal reduced to liiuheU, rompircd with 12,251,240 bushels (or the corresponding period of tlie precedii.j: year. At l'liiladeliihU the receipts were 3,.'iJl,fe(i2 bushels of wlic.it, rorn and O.U-., against lO.SST.'-OJ bushels for the cor icspondiiifr quirter of 1'XH. At llaltlnnro .i.'ilO, 7.j7 bushels of wheat, coin, oats and rje, aiil.cd, compared with 1S,2'),301 bushels durinpr tho flrt three month t of 1001. The four poits of Jloton, New Voik, I'liiladolpliia and Ualtimore, on the basis of the aboe totals received an aKRiesato or !:,W0,0.)7 bultels to Mai ell 31, 1002, compared with 7J,3ft2,031 btialielH for the corrcpondins pe riod in 1001, Tills is j dccituse of 52.05 pel cent, in tliis particular feature of traffic by ull fiom tlie inteiior to the M-ahoard, Co.itwise coal ttliipmenln'icported for Pcen months ending citli Tibiuary 23, from both Phil ndelplii.i and Ntw York, weic :i,7S2,20t tons, iep resenting tho trade by the principal baige lines and tchooncrs, The iccelpU at lloston foi the quarter Just closed Blielitly evceoded one million tons. Totton recehed in sieht from the Atlantic states amounted to .1,481,42.) bales out of .i totn! of 0,273, JW biles reported to Marcli .11; while fiom Texas teiritory 2,80,147 bales were ieceled, and 2,OSS,7.M bales from the other Otiif btate.i. Ilccflpts of iwmiI btores at 11 pilnury miikots for (lie t-eason endinc; April 1, 1U02, were 2.02S,. Ml barrels of ro-in, and 541,00') cults of hpliita of tin pontine, being a honiowhat nuallcv output than lat year, but considerably larger than tlut of tho prcecdintr jear. On the I'aclflo coast there is a falling off In the cltius fruit moiempnt. 1 lie ucraje weekly lilpnieiits to April 2, lust car, were 005 cars; this j cur, 40S cars, Antbiudte coal hlpments for Man li wera ", S13.767 torn, couipareil witli 4,001,13.! ton? ill March, 1001, and 3,I1S,S'W toua in 1000. Tho hi. tunilnniiH trade nm the rol.e trado irencullv kliow cams nil to tlie pirsent date oer (.hlpninis of u jr.ir ajo, Tlio aierag wieklj sliipmems n( oke in tlie OonnelMllle rigloii to March 20 weto 10,551 earn, compared wlih 10,)d cars to rurre tpviiidlntr dale in 11X11, Approximately rorrt'i t llures of oil tliipinciits fum tlie Utaumont, Texas, field credit tint ilMrht witli :i,4'i4,274 barrels of oil from the time shipment!, bea.ui in 1W1 to March 31, 1002. Tlio Northwest Maeasinc tf ?t, Paul, Minn., 6J); "Of all the nieiitnrious piopo-,itions new olli'rod to tlie Kcncr.il public, tlicie is none tlut oUi'is better or mora promising inducements than tho Sl Taglcs (Jo., of Washington. ,ftn inform ing oursehes icapi-cilng tlie oillcen of thU com pany, tlie thoiough practical iiiauagcimnt tlieraof, and tbn uluable mining properties which It owns absolutely, ami which aiu now in a propcious ktuto of dcu'lopmeiit. our confldeucu In tho Six y.jgUn proift-ity is w strong tliat the Kortli.fuv Magazine, tugetlier witli ccial of Its employes, bau secured block nf Mod: width U now being held among Its prefeircd tenuities, and It may bij he-re remaiked Incidentally tlut our confi dence In the future altits of this stock U m ttionif that not a dollai's wurtli of our lioldiutis is for (ale. Transport Grant Arrives, Sin KraucUco, Cal., Apill 27. alio tiamruirt (liaqt uirlied early this morning from Manila witli 1,015 passengers, including the Twelfth I'nited States infantry and four companies of casuals. Connolly & Wallace A Scranton's Shopping: Center 1 23, 1 25, J 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave. Demonstration of Her majes ty's Corsets all this week we would appreciate your attendance there is no obligation to buy. A LINEN EVENT A famous Scotch linen maker has just sent us his sample lots of table cloths (about 250, they are In two'slzes, 2 yards wide by 2 1-2 long, and 2 wide by 3 long. They are of a fine, heavy quality, pure linen double damask and were made to sell at the rate of $1.75 a yard, this would mean $4.38 for the 2 1-2 yard size and $5.25 for the 3 yards. Our Special Prices, $3.00 and $3.75 Each. A Special Feature of Our New Cotton Department is Scrubbing or Floor Cloths Here Is a number 22-lnches square, of spongy, absorbent cotton material. Un- ,, each a equalled for floor scrubbing OC or OoC dozen Summer Blankets 10-4 size, . . . $3.00 Pair. 11-4 " . . . 3.50 Or sold single at half the price, Summer Weight Comfortables 95c SSXfiffiSSSSSi white cotton, Size 72 x 72. A Bargain in Huck Towels. 10c each or $1.50 a dozen. Hemmed Huck Towels, size 17x34, with red or blue borders. Connolly & Wallace. IMPERIAL CIGAR CMH JIM. HE., OIMMU CIGARS RAILROAD TJME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. Ia Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leao Scranton (or ?,cy orK At 1.40, 8.10, 0.03, 7.S0 unci lO.Oj a. m.; 12.4"i, 3.40, 3.3J p m. For New Yoik and Philadelphia 7.50, 10 Oo a. m., and 12.45 and 3 3 p. m. For Tobjr liaiuia At 0.10 p. m. For Bufulo 1.13, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.: 1.53, 0.50 imd 11..11 p. m. For Bin,: hamton and way bUtioiib 10 20 a. m. and 1,10 p. m. For Oawfijo, Syracuse and Utlc.i 1.15 and U.2-J.a. in.; 1.35 p. in. Onego, Sjracu'e and Utlca train at 6.22 a. m. Uiily, eLept Sunda. For MonUo-c 0.(10 a. m.; l.lu and 6 50 p. m, Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 6.13 p. m. Ulooni-burs Division ror Northumberland, at e.35 and 10.03 a. in. i 1.55 and 0 10 p. m. For Hyrnouth, at 8.10 a. m. i 3 40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3,15, 0 03 and 10.01 a, in.; 3.40, 3.oD p. m. For lludalo 1.13 and fi.2J a. in.: 1.C3, U.50 and 11.33 p. m. For Ulngliainlon and way stations 10.20 a, m. nicomtburi; Division Leave Scranton, 10.03 a. in. and 0.10 p. m. Delaware nnd Hudson. In KUcct Noumbcr 21, 1001. Trains tor Cubondalo Icaio fccranton at C.20, 6.00, S.63, 10.13 a. in.; 1..00, 1.20, 2.34, 3 52, 6 2D, 0.25, 7.57, 0.10. 11.20 p. n; 1..11 a. m. For Ilonesdale 0.20, 10.1u. m.; 2.31 and 5,23 PFor Willvcs-Barrc 0 ES, 7.4S, 8.11, 0 3 10.41 a. m.; 12.0J, HI, 2.1i, 3.2S, 4.27, CIO, 7,4b, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. II. II. Points 0.3S, 0.33 a, m.; 2,19, 4 27 and 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania II. H. Tolnti 0.38, 0.33 a. m. ; 1.41, 3.2S ami 1.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m. and 3.32 p. m. SUSI1AV TKAINS. For Caiboudalc S.00, 11..M a. in.; 2.31, 3.32, 5,62 and 11.17 p. in. For Willvti-natic 0.S3 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3,23, 0.32 and i.17 V. in. For Albany and points noitli 3,52 p. m, For Ilonesdalc 8 50 a. in. and 3.62 p. in. W. U PHYOlt, D. V. A fecranton. Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Uflect June 2, 1901. Trains kaio bcianton; il.u.-i a. in,, week days, throuF.li vestlbulu train dam Wilkfe-llairo. Pull nian buffet parlor cjr and coaches to Philadel phia, via PoiuUllc; btupa at iiriuclpal iutenue. diate statio-is. Al.-o conuecu loi rMiiiliinj, liar riisbiirt,'. I'liUa Jolphi.i, lUltimoic, x,liini,'toii and lor Pitt'.biiig uml the nt. O.S3 a. in., week dajs, tor Sunbuiy, Hairisburif, Phll.idelp'iia, Ualtimore, Washington and Pitts burp; ar.il tho wet. 1.42 p. in., week ill) a fHundajs, 1,58 p. in.), for (nnl'iiry, IlairUbuiif, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitlsburg- and the west. 0,23 n. in., week dav, throiiKh cj.tibulc train from Vilke-llaire. Pullman bullet parlor car and i.oadici to Philadelphli U Puttsiille. Stopn at principal Intermediate tt.itlonj 4.27 p. in., week davi, tor lla, leton, bunbury, liairitbnrs, Piiiladclphla and Pltfeburir. j, it. uui'uill.NSo.N. ucn. Mtrr. J, U. WOOD, Ucn. Pass. Ast. New "Srovlt, Ontario and Western. In Uffcct Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1001, NUItlll BOUND, J,ca) I.ia)o , Arriia Trains Fiunton. riibonilaie, C'adoala, vo I 10.:0u, in. 11.10 a. in. l.DOp. in. t 7 , 0.10 n. in. Ai. Cailiondali) 0.40 p. in, " T -.OtllU IIUL.Ml. ' I.eu)o l.eaie Arrlw Trains Cadosla, Carbonilale. Fcrauion, I? a 7 00 J, hi. 7.40a. in S-o '........ 2-15 P-m. 4 00 p. in. I I'J n. in. " faUNUAb OM.Y, NOIilll IIOU.M), I.cavo ticaio Arriva Trains. No. 0 .... No. fi ,,,. S-cr.iiitoii. cainoiiuair. radosla, ,,, S.8U a. in. 0.10 p. in. 0 13 a. m. ... 7.00l. in. Ar. Caiboudale 7,10 p. m. SOUTH HOUM). Lcam I.eae Arrl Cadosla. Cailioudale. Scianton. 7.00 a. m. 7, o a. in. Train, No. 0 w. 10 ,,...., 4.30p. 111. 000 p. ir. 0 4"i p. m. . 'i mini Kan. 1 uii week ua)k. and 0 on Uiindits. nni.o main Itni. connections for New YoL citv. Uiddietowu, Walton, hoiwicli, Omo!J4,k0.iui-;-o and all points west. m For further Information ccnsult tickeM agents. J. C. ..MI-.llhU, tl. r. A., .C)".j voru j, K. wtLiii, r. r. a., ocraoteu, iv I nf ( Tlenske regarding Her Majesty's ! Corsets at any time during the E present week. Wo will have any Napkins or Table Cloths you may buy from us, hemmed and laundrlcd at a very small cost. Enquire at Linen counter. Of light weight wool and cotton mixture 2-3 wool.about 1-3 cotton very fine and pretty for summer use. Pink and light blue borders. lis SB Lager Manufacturers of (11 1 Slock . . riLdiicn s& Scranton, Pa. Old M'hone, 231. New 'Phone, 2935. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New Jersey Central. In Effect ,ov. 1,, lwl. Stations In New York, toot ot Libeity street and boiuh 1'eriy, N, It. Trains leavo &.'rauto'i for New York, Plillade!. nhia Kaaldi, nethlelii in, Allcntown. Maurli l-huiik. WliU.- Ilau-n. Ashley anil Wllkes-llario at 7 10 a. in,, 1 v. m. JiJ 4 P. in. hnnday, 2.10 p. in. Ouakcr t'ily HMirea leatw Scianton at 7.10 a in . tlucili solid iistlbnlc train with Pullinan liuffet Pailoi Cars, for Pldladelphla, with only one change of cars for Baltlinoio, Washington, D. C, and all principal points toutli and woe. Vo- oea, Plttbton and WllkcvBarre, lp.ni, and 4 p. in, Siinda), 2.10 p. m. For Long Brauch, Ocean (lroe, etc., 7,30 a. in. and 1 P. ni. , , ., , , i ., For HVadlinr. I.ebainu and llaiiisbure, )la AI. Icuiown, at 7.10 a. in. and 1 p. m, Simula), 2,10 Fcr Poltsullc at 7,0 n. m, and 1 p m. For laic, nnd tickets npplv to autnt at .latlon, W, ti, IIIM.hll. (inifral Manaicii. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In J'.A8ct, Nov. 3, 1001. 'iiains le-ivo Scranton. Fo Philadelphia and New York via I), k II. It lli al fi'"3 ""' 'J-'iS " "' anJ 2-'8' '-l ililack Diamond r:pics.), and 11.33 p. m. Sun. dais D. 4- II- II- " -53' s'-7 I'- " For liltc linen, lalctau and pilncipal polnls n thu coal reslow. U It. II. II. It,, 0 33, s.lrt and 4.27 p. in- Vol I'ottsillle, 0.38 a. in, 3 13 ' For Bethlehem, Kaslon, llfailln, Ilatrihi rif, and iniiiUp.il in tcrincliaio etatloni, la l. A: II, It It,, ll., i',3a a. in.; 2.1b. 4.27 (Black Dia. inond KM're.s), ll.0 p. in. S-undj), D, i, II. It. Jt., tt -la a. ' l-1'. t-'-'7 P- "' For lunkhaimoik, lonanda, Clmlia, Ithaca, (leneva and pilucipal inteimedlate stations, ill V.. U. and v. II. It.. 8.10 a. :n. and 3.60 p. in. For (Kne) J, llochc.ter, Uiiflfalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and ull iwlnts west, la I). II, It. II, 7,4b, 12 03 a, in.; 1.1J. 3,23 (lllacl, Dlamord Ia presO, -'). lu41. 11-30 p. in. fcundaju, ). k II. II. It., 12.0J, b.27 p. hi. Pullman pallor ami tleepius or Lehigh Valley Parlor car nn ail tulus lutuee.i Wilkes Bane jncl New- Yoik, Pliilailclpliia, llulfalu and butpen bliin Dildax. IIOM.IX II. WILBUR, Ctn. Smut., 20 CortlanJ slieit. .Ne. Yink. CIIAIII.KS S. Li:il. 'Id'. P.im. A;l., 20 Coittand ttitct, Xcn ork. A. W. NOMIM VCUUU, Div. Pa.s. Agt., South BcthleiiHii, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reflation apply ta city ticket uUlcc, b'j pabliu Sjuaie, ttlll.ivBane, i jI4- fiMA a Brass Beds Elegantly Rich Designs ' The new patterns we are now showing are beautiful specimens of the metal worker's and designer's skill they possess charac ter and finish that appeals to the exacting purchaser. The prices, too, are as at tractive as the designs. We invite inspection and comparison. Have you seen the new patterns in the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish to buy or not. Many new and beautiful patterns in odd Dressers and pieces for the bed room. Hill&Connell 121 Washington Avenue, HENRY BELIN, JR., ' i General Agent for the Wyoir.icg Dislitct for Dupont's Powder MInlnjr, lllastlm?, Bportliis. Smokeless and th Kepauno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. gaiety Fuse, Caps and i:plodors, lloow 401 Co nell Building ,bciantou. AQUNCIKS. JOHN It.-S.MI1U A. &Oy ..,,,,.,.,, Pliiiio'ith li. W, JUILUQAN ,...,..,.. .,,Wilkt-llaii Allis-Chalmers Co Successois to Machine nuslnesa ot Dickson Munufactui'lne Co., Scranton ana "Wllkes-Baire. Pa. ( Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mlnln Machinery, I'umps. s. ! , 54, V- .