r.'-' ...L... p . .. rr&'fjzz.'-r r r '-OT:i?lllKmaw iW WViW ?.Ti " F v w3 i:i-- - jt ". ..i, - . j. r- m a . i.n- inw Tn 'riiirTiiT. ra -ji ( i t jwfj--" fV3 i- . 'm I THE SOltAftTOtf TllIfeUNJ MONDAY, APRIL 2$, 1902 . itt&ffiiffPfr i7!'B'', ? ' " Xi!''i'v' 'fl?if'?' '' KIDNEY DISEASE CURED Roliof Cnmo to Hla Aching Back from tho First Bottlo, unci now this Scranton Miner is Absolutely Cured of Kldnoy Trouble by using DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY riiU tntes w man Is t,tv otic of m h.it till-) Blent nipdiihtc J ?T V I I m Ik 1 1 time. Don't ilelay If jou li.ne uny ol the above i-.t mptoiiH. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will Positively Cure Kidney Trouble It lull been cuilnar Kidney I)lcise3 for over tliiily e.iv. It is n sLimhril lenirdy, Hie tue ' ftrlptlon rf one of tlio norM'i inc-t M1110111 pliiiei.MH 11t.1l fpei.iliU for Kidney llNr.nr. Ho not tnlle ttllli .ouivelf. (let lid of jour trouble wlillu tlieie U time. WIi.it H one dollar In i.eiiipirioii In jour IipjIIIi. nnd poisiblv our llfcf If jour druggist li.i--n't sot l'axoiitc lttluedj, we will nnd It In jrm for oni" iloltjr. To I'rovo whit it will do send for Free Sample Bott!c. DOCTOR DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N, V. sm&t HOLLOW SNAKEttlARMER HANK SAUNDERS IS FOLLOWED BY 29 ADDERS. A Snake Yarn from Cascade Items of Interest in Railroad Circles. General News from Susquehanna County Snap Shots at Side Issues. Hits and Hisses. pcil.il to lltu tii.".:ilou Tiilmnr. Susquehanna. April 27. tn Smoke Hollow, Hunk Saunders, a young snake charmer, has twenty-nine adders that think so much of. him that they follow him around like doss. On wash day eucli one takes the tip of a companlo'hs tail In his mouth, and thus allow them selves to he hunt? up on poles for clothes-lines. In the summer time they braid themselves Into a most ingenious hammock, In which the Miake charmer rests or read novels on the front porch. Last September, Farmer Comstock, of the Cascade section, discovered that one of his Jersey cow3 yielded but very littlri milk. Ho suspected some neigh bors, but could' prove nothing. Each night and morning the cow was a cer tain place near a marsh. One night Farmer Comstock decided to settle the York hospital for sevpr.il weeks, will revolver, he went to the pasture and hid behind a big hemlock stump. Tho Jersey cow was in her acccus tomed place, evidently expecting some thing. In a. few moments he saw a great black snake crawl noiselessly up from the swamp and begin milking the cow. Then Comstock seized a stone, killed tho snake and solved the mys tery. After the cow had mourned sev eral days she resumed her business or giving milk. JX UAILUOAD CHICLES. John W. Bond, teccntly foreman of the Erie boiler shops In Susquehanna, has been appointed general foreman of boiler shops at Decatur, Ala. Thero is a teport that the Erie will run its freight trains from Jersey City to Susquehanna, cutting out Port Jervls ns a terminal station. EUe Engineer John King, of the Jef ferson division, who has been In 11 Now York hospital for several weeks, will resume duty about May 1. Two Jefferson division train crews, about fourteen men, will In a few days remove from Susquehanna, to Carbon dale. Tho ofllces ot tho Erie storage depart ment will remove from Susquehanna to Meadcvllle, during tho first week In May. IK SUSQUEHANX.V COUNTY. The Hallrttead Herald doesn't take kindly to tho proposition of tho Ulng liamton Electric Huilroad company to extend Its lines to Hnllstend. It elalnri that the Lackawanna railroad Is good enough. Tho Susquehanna medical examining board met at Montrose on Wednesday. The old Klstler tanning building at Great Demi, now used us a chamois fuctory, has been sold at shot Iff 'a sale to tho First National bank of Susque hanna, which had a mortgage of $10, 000 against It. Tho chamois factory ;ill continue business, It Is reported that tho Susqui'hnuna county prohibitionists, to meet at Montrose on Tnewluy next, will nomi nate a Held ticket. SIDE 1S.SUES. Long sermons are spoken of as "cler Jcal errors." Tho whalo nnd the school girls are the greatest soutces or blubber In this ruuntry. ' Tho crow very tioldoin leaves n place .Without caws. An olllco that sefka the man Is tho pollen oflleo. It Is said that tho hair crop will lie fchott next summer, A towlne beo can't sting, but It does lots of uuzzzlng. What u, dull, olupld world this would o without any hea serpents In the s.uin- Her Son's Life Saved by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. "A neighbor ran In with a. bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera uml Dlar jhoetv llemedy when my sou was suf ,'erlng with sovero cramps and' was l'on up as beyond hope by my regit, tar physician, who stands high hi his profession. After administering three doses of It my son regained conscious ness nnd recovered entirely within iwenty-four hours," says Mrs. Mary Haller. of Mt. Crawford, Yn, Tills "inedv Ih for halo by all drugget8- iny tliotiiinrs who have Ijccii cured liv Favorite Remedy. It thin 1.1 doing for humanity, iinl shows low Minrce:iry It in Tor my MiPito suffer trom Kl.lncy Trouble. It Hows how ...it.i.. ,-itf .. Ml n.M.t nti.l lim. Httrrli' n ilU'i) inni.in ii-iivi in iuiiih II - ' --j Will lip dleotod. Listen to III rtMyi ... "Sernnton, Pu Mnrch SO. 1000. "Vour trial linttlo cnina to hand safe. I toolc the medicine as directed. Then I bought ft big bottte and have tak en Hint nil. nnd I "in now taking the second nnd f do feel a now limn. I lmvi! no pain In my buck. It 1b good for tho kidneys, and I do recommend it to nil that cumtilnlii of a lame bauk. I don't have any need of n doctor ho long ns I can got the price of a bottlo of Doctor David Kennedy's Favorite netnedy. Win. P. Reese. 'tills "til.it buttle," thai In- mentions Is ii wim ple Hint wo fend fri'C to iim-onc who would HUo t ti'y he fou' they buy. Wo Know rnvoilto Hun cdy wilt urn', so nic willing to stand tlio lest. Symptoms or Kidney Disease. If vou Imp n lamo 1.ul;, frequent desire to urinate, ii ml :i scalding pain In pisuliitt Muter; If vonr ttrlnp slnlrn linen, put Mime mine In a glass 'tumbler, let It dand Iwnitj-fonr hours, Ben if thero Is .1 sediment or .1 milk, cloudy appear- nun'. . FHEF. Mi:i)H'Afil)VI('i:. lfmi uie woiiinl or uncertain uliout jimr iie, fcml jour njniptouii uml tlio Hector will ,ulvl-e you !i.il to iVj. 'l1iftiir.iniU aro i)liiEccry week fioni Klilnej friiiihtr. ltnr-nllvn I,V line not t.lkcll nieillelno 111 mer, and daisies and dandelions in mid-winter! Tln 111.111 that nil Hip town nilmilo-i, And cnlls "the bo tiupil-ei," II n i'Mtj tiling the heart ilenlvl-. lie's the leading adU'ltisei. TOWN TOPICS. The funeral of the lato Miss Frances Townsend, of Price street, look place and was largely attended from Christ Episcopal church on Saturday after nooon, Rev. Charles V. Boot officiating. Interment was made In Evergreen cem etery. The Carrlck Theater company will appear In Hogan Opera house till of this week. Tho congregation of the Methodist church on Saturday evening at the par sonage, tendered the pastor, IJev. Isaac B. Shlpman, a pleasant reception. John L-. Sullivan was in Susquehanna for 11 few hours on Thursday evening. This is fame Indeed. Unless they are granted a new trial,, the Daiins, lather and son. of Susque hanna, who shot and stabbed James Langheln, will today receive their sen tence. They have circulated a petition, which has been numerously signed, ask ing for 11 suspension of sentence in the case of Frank Dann, the father, and a light sentence for Anthony D.inn, tho son, HITS AND MISSES. Blessed Is the man who sltteth on 11 hat pin, for he shall rise again. The war on trusts is being extended to the bar-room. Man was eieated first. 'Woman was n sort oC recreation. liutter remains high and strong. It is calculated by a careful Darwin inn theorist that tho next generation in Pennnsylvanla will be born with fur on. A Scranton writer wants to know "what It is, with f-o many negroes dy ing, nobody ever sees a black ghost?" It is for the same leason that, with so many white people dying, nobody ever sees a white ghost. A Binghamton reporter wiote of "a quiet but effective wedding." Fine days aro "spring novelties." man named Nail. She will probably be able to hit tho mill on tho head every A Groat Bend woman has married a time. Whitney. TUNKHANNOCK. Speeial to the 'Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, April 27. There will bo a regular meeting of J. W. Reynolds' Belief corps on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Attorney Felix Ausart, ot Wilkes Barre, was looking after business Inter ests here on Friday. Ex-Sheriff Ahlrn CJ. Gregory, ot Me shoppen, was In town on Friday, Uurglais attempted to break into thiee different business places on Fri day night, namely, the stores of Theo dore Streetor, William A. Klttrldgo and Cleorge O. Skinner. They were fright PICTURE ., . -l-WWWM 1 .1 ii. 11 1 1 I 1-M . '' I I I ' II " I Cotton Mather prayluir witchcraft out of n Danvers family. Find his as sociates. Solution for Lust Week's Puzzles; Stouday, April 21, TI19 ton U under the man's tight arm ;ual the cow it under liU ctulr. Tuesday, April 22. One Indlau U In the tico brauchci to the left and the othtr ii back of the tejr soldier. , Wedncsd ij-, Apiil 2a. The father U directly back of the little clrl'4 head and the biother U titar the point et the anchor. Thursday, April 21. Hold the picture upside down and you will liuduo oitlccr in the untro ot tliu picture and nuothci bail of the little toy. ened uwny In cncli Instance without bo ctiritig uny booty. There Is no ullte to lliclr Identity. Tho license for the Wyoming house was IrniiRfcrrnd from Mrs, Sarah Hard ing to John Lee, by tho court, on Fri day, At the Republican prlnjftrlen, held on Saturday afternoon, tlio fallowing dele gates, were elected: First ward, Fred .TeuiilngM nnd U V. Camp: Second word, Arthur V. Williams and W. U. Shaw, 0. CI. Bought, it Nicholson business man, was n visitor In town on Satur day. Coroy M. Klshpaugh, of tho depart ment of Internal affairs nt llarrlsburg, Is In town nnd wilt remain until after the Republican county convention, which takes place this (Monday) after noon. Mr. and Mis. Eugene Welter, of Beau mont, were calling in town on Satur day. A game ot unite ball was played on the Klttrodgo lot on Susquehanna street, Friday afternoon, between the married and unmarried men ot tho town. The married men worn beaten, but wo decline to give the score, from cliatititblc motives. Colonel 3). X. Mntthewsou, ot tho pension department at Washington, was ti caller In town on Thursday. John W. Townsend, who is employed hi Now York, is spending a two weeks' vacation with his parents here. WIA1MERS. Special to the Siunton Tribune. Wlmmcrs. April 26. Mr. C. X. West, of Elindalo, is home, having been In Susquehanna county nearly all winter, In tho employ of tho American Farm company, of Buffalo, X. Y manufac tures ot silos and growers of good farm seeds. Mr. West has taken or ders for forty-six silos and a quantity of ffirin seeds. Ills son, Lloyd L. West, Is; fixing up a new poultry house, and has been a very successful poultry, man. C. X. West has one-half acre ot early potatoes planted, which origin ated with his Arm, the American Farm company. Mr. W. S. Cobb's sale of the 21th lust, was n success, as far as getting pood prices for all goods sold, which consisted of live stock and farm imple ment!) nnd household furniture. The Elmdalo washery Is nearly com pleted, and will be In n condition to wash coal next week. "Mr. Joiieu, on the Cramer Flats, Is making arrangements for market gar dening and expects to grow two acres of onions. Mr. Aaion Gillott is fitting up the coal washery and thinks he can ac commodate all who want coal soon. Tho Ladies' Aid will meet at the homo of Mrs. Alfied Emery, Mny 2!l, at V, iinmci s. HAWLEY. Spuial In the Sir.inton Tiilnui". Haw ley, April 27. Clarence Bodgers has returned from MIddletown, X. Y., where he was employed, and' is at present occupying 11 position on the railroad. Tho following olllccis of Wampum lodge, No. 448. were installed last Wed nesday evening, by District Deputy Grand Master J. E. Tiffany, of Pleas ant Mount: Noble grand, George Mil ler; vice grand, C. Sutter; secretary, George Colluni; treasurer, J. II. Ames; trustee, N. C. Knupp. Allle Vnndemark, of the Times, has gone to Hancock, N. Y., to work on the Hancock Herald. Mrs. Jessie Collum, of Port Jervls, N. Y., lately visited her son, George Col lum and family. The Presbyterian Christian Endeavor society will hold a rummage sale next Tuesday and Wednesday at the Kear ney building. Mrs. Leslie Phillips and son, ot Poughkeepsle. K. Y., were guests of M. W. Cole, the past week. Hawloy will organize an Improve ment society nl n public meeting to bij held at the town hall next Monday night. NICHOLSON. Sped.il (11 The Seianlou Tribune. Nicholson, April 2b Miss Buth Johnson left for her new home In Jer sey City Saturday. The opera "Pinafore," which was given Friday night, April 23, to a lurge audience, was a financial success. Mrs. Shaffer and son, of Scranton, spent Friday with her niece, Mrs. AV. S. Decker. Miss Elizabeth Bunnell, of Scranton, attended tho "Pinafore" production, with her friend, Miss Susan Bluck. Mrs. W. F. Shields and daughter, Katherine, of Now Milford, aro visit ing Mrs. E. L, Day. Mrs. O. D. Roberts, of Foster, Is vis iting her sister, Mrs, E, D. Bell, PUZZLE. Frldaj-, April 23. The r.iptaln U In the tiec bad of the tailor. Ono tailor Ii foimed by the liui ot the little gtrl'd hat and the olhci'ji proMc is formed by the face to the left. Saturday, April 2'3. Tlio do,; ij to tho right of the little one I.ik'cIIui;. Tho t;oo.,u U quite laigc, and Its head Is near the small plant in the low or part of the picture. 'I he )i?n U in the tree to the llifht. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT IWh Powder Used by peoplo of roflnemoat for over a quarter of a century, I Theatrical, J ATTRACTION TODAY. AC'ADIUIV t hatles I.cybourno'n lion Ton Stodc company. .MMIned nnd night. Bon Ton Stock Company. Kiunia flimtlnff, tho little lady, thai hold the hearlH ot (he p.ilioin of the Aiudcmy heie In Scranton, will iigaln bo wen till week. Thlt HI tie woman has indeaied licuclt to the people of Scinnlon as well as iweiv other i-lly i-bc li.it plajcd In, nnd few companies cm li.nt ,( the liuslnpAi that tho Cliuk'4 l.ejbouine lion Ton Mode company lue, pl.ijcd to. On tills their "eimitl lslt heie till se.Kon, Iho company will open today with u ln.itltic. Mail; Swan's Rre.it ilclcctho play In four nitt, entitled, "A Man of M.iiderj-," wilt be presented this nlternooii. Sandow Tomorrow Night. A thcalrlc.il cenL of Impedance will be the uppcinnixc nl Iho l.jccum lliutcr tomorrow ecn ln of Sandow nnd his I'omp.im- of Uuropenn .iiuleille utai's. No man ot modern times has cut 1 roat vil tho Interest In tho world of fclcncc that Sandow Ins, and no man has cut held the public cje for t,o lone; a time and with riny thlii;,' upprouhinK tho t.imc fascination, lie Is a Miong man, bin mj dllfercut fiom uny other .slrunir. man who cur nppearid nu the Maso tint all otlicis tiuk Into itulKnillcnucp bj- comparison. The London Times calls him .1 tierfei t man, and whli i-o much precision of judgment that the public of two lietnirplieien Imp adopted the name tu dh-tlmtuldu'd him iioiu all othtrs. Modjeska-Jnmes Combination. Anions the toier.ll pictciitiotis proposition" pro srntul by the more ici-uiincful lliiMtiic.il mana gers thus far during tho iiiescnt iictho i-cason, few from n popular ami none lor an aitMIc ttand point, ciinaf hi importance Wiisinliil's and Kem per's puidmtinn ot "'I he Meichaut of Venice," which is to be presented at the I.jieuiu, with Madame Modjeska uml f.ouls James in the lolc.s of Poitl.i and Mijloik. A4 n proiluclloii it N tald to Ic with the bpt ifloits ot either Henry Ininn or ttlch.iiil Mans Held. P01 Ha h.is no pic.iter eponcnt than tho fa nious l'oli-h ncties, and Mr. .limes bhouM be no lis billliant ill poilr.ijing Hie Insatiable, Aor HMcliiiiK nmbition of the i-iafty Slijloik. The ic njipcarainc heie of Madame Modicskn and I.ouls James as joint stais will be 0110 of the most brilliant cnsaseinenH of the jear. The orBani. zallon fompii-es nejilj- hfty tieoplc, and two i.us aie utilized 111 the traii'pnii.itiun of its hccnic clfecl". ?' 1 1 - jto 011 mIo Tuesday nioininv at 0 o'clotk. . ' Success of the Blue Bloods. 'Ihc Hup lllnoil Kills, to li.' .-ecu at the Star net 'Ihuwlay make fun, and pli nty of it. Bet ter nnd more fun than wc hac Ijujhed at be foie. t:.idi tcii.e, t.uh dame and eieiv romping, brilliant tliriuc, piodiKifc M'enes and .111 cmh-m-mult of cst.iij, liewildiiinjc cnjojinent and pleas me. 'tin' civi 'at mint of IhK coinpniiy is but tluce dijs. STAGE NOTES. P.. II. Sothcin will .sail for laimpn May 21. UKi Itjan. fnriiKily with Paly's.-MusliHl com pany, is to star nct jc.ir in "Nevada." Xat (iooilnln Is now i-aid tiS-iispho to Hubert Dowuins's old lole of (he "tllidhilor." When Mis. l'atiidc ('aniibell comes to this cotinlij' licit teason .she will be liei- own innnnver. Pan Mi-i'., the (01mdl.u1, and M.ibelle (!il 111:111 me cnsjaijed, the in.illiie taking place nctt fall. "Tho J..ut Appeal" is s.dd to pit ise the Xew Yolkeis, nnd It will scum beicpl.ucd by lal ltke'a "The Mum- fill I," a 111usic.il (uiutdy. John Slaiu, now- With "'the' bibeity Itills," has illed to phij the lilli lolc in "Tne Wit nil of Oz" in f hicaiio dining tho nuimici. John llcn-iiaw, who lias been pl.iM'ng Hands Wilson's old put In "Tho hti'ollii," his made .1 lug lilt and the piece will bo out furilu net season, Lillian Xnidlci his Inouglit .souit agiiiisl tho Southern lallnmd for yii.ftw for allegoil Injuiies uceiied tome tinio ago in a l.illw.iy eolll.lon in tlie south. Jetonie Sjkcs of "l'oy (Juilloi" fame, tlic-liiari of pietiiiiitui.il Fagaclty, is lepoited to li.no been buncoed nut of 10 in Xew Vork at tho undiiit llim-tljin gimc. DUNA10RE. The funeral of the Into Frank W. Pearce took place fiom tho homo of his sister, Mrs. J. G. Bone, yesterday after noon. Rev. Chniies Benjamin, or tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, and Rev, W. F. Gibbons, of the Presby terian church, oftlclated. Tho pallbear ers were Major Edmund Peurce, Chus. Pearce, George Penrco and Frank T. Sturges. Interment was made In Dun more cemetery. John Relber, of Rlgg street, wns painfully Injured by ti fall of roof In the Jnrinyn mine on Saturday morning. Ho was removed to his home, where ho Is resting comfortably at this time. General Manager Slade, of the Erie railroad, was a business caller In town on Saturday. He was accompanied by his pilvnte secretary, J. H. Swan, who wns formerly a resident heie. George Fritz, of Philadelphia, Is spending a few days with his parents on Blakely street, John Blink returned home on Satur day from Big pond with the finest bas ket of trout seen In town this season, Dr. E. P. Carty Is Indisposed at his home on BInkely street. Miss M. O'Biien, of Binghnmton, Is tho guest ot Miss Mary Gllllgan, of Shoemaker avenue. Miss Nellie Muriay. of West Drinker street, has returned home from n visit nt Lopez. Mrs. Frank Hogart, of Apple street, la visiting friends In Plko county. Mls'i Mary Weils, ot .Wilkes-Burre, spent yesterday with trlends In town. George Kerns, of Jersey City, Is spending n few days with relatives In town. The Royal Areanum will hold an liu poitant meeting at Masonic hall to night, John J. Mullen 'has accepted o posi tion at Hotel Cosmopolitan. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. M. Spencer and air. ami' .Mr. and Mrs. McB'rido were in Plko county on a trout llshlng trip. frrii ir nr a itu wilt be aiA rx kjj IV. . strong as Dura if von trv Shiloh's Consumption "" j j j - oiul ours is so strong we I .lilt BU!lin,Uec,culeo''t:funil Vrf V V jnouey, and ivo kcinl you free trial bottle If you write for It. KlIILOU'S costs 25 cents ana will cure Con cuuiptlou, Pneumonia, Urpuchltls and all I.uiig Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has been doing these tilings for CD years. S. C. Wellb & Co.. I.cKoy.N.Y. If al' Clnxtmm Dnnt Tn mwrmeta it., &inmh VL " " J wnifl hi ii 'irnm-Ti-inMnrawnTwrTiniMMa THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Linos 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Ech Dxtrs l.'ts. For Rent. FOfl Ilt'.NT Seen rooms on hoc nml floor touplo piefcrred without thlldrrtil ulso In take cnic ot lawn ami garden, 70.1 Clay menuo, liunmorc. l'Olt 1IBXT SU-room tint with t'Ulli. ulcam heat, g.iii ranjje, nnd nil modem Impinvi" mentsj tent rennonahle. fall early. 1'iod C. Hand, 00.1 Mulberiy oluet. l'Olt tinXT-nislit nnd twehe-room limi'. Jlrceii Illdge, uteiini honl; ery leiuonnblc. ""'f " .' I'Olf Iir..T-Sin.iliTiiiliithed hou.e for rent. In qulro nt Iffil Vino striet. s'loitn rou hunt res' vi i.uk.vMinu.i ty nue. Inmilrc I'lilllp Sdinell, 0W Wct l.Ki wnim.i aeinic. HAItN l'Olt lti:NT-12, Apill 1st, lhreo lioi ami Hirre lngle stall, nnd wash tnik. teai ol MIMailloii nvenna. Impilre at fill Madlsoii ave. KOIl Itl''T-SJn7p'"llidl7gTii' tpnt In W"!"0" City. I'a. Ilulldlng W) fpet b? 21 feet, eel ar under nil, nnd second ttorv can lie arranged iot a family. All In good upilr ie.uly tor nn 1" coal breakers nnd mines close by pinplnjlni; over n lliouiumt people. An enterprising merihuiH can get a large tinde. Apply l' w,ll,l'im "' lliehnioml. Illeluiinuil Mill. JIM X. Mill" aumw. Sernnton, Pi, Fui-nlshod Rooms. l'LiiXISIIDI) front room, half block fiom rourt house square; Meant lio.il, gas, use of bath, fill Spiuco slti-ct. A Xlfi: front loom with nbmc it the X.ithi also a nice loom for two joun men. 410 Adams incline. KOIt III! 'INT One furnished room, with improve ts; alio one on thlld Moor, cheap. 027 men Adams avenue. runxiSHIU) HOOMS for rent, modem Improve ments; private family; gentlemen pieteired, at G37 Adams avenue. l'Olt Itn.NT rurnljhed Trent room, with heat, bath nnd gas; near mint house; Bentleinin prefencd. Aildtc-v lluoiii, llo 2B. KOK HUNT Ktirnlsli.il room; GCS Linden tttict heat tnd- bath. KUnNISHKU ItOOMS KOtt Itf.NT. with heat, ras and bath, gentlemen prctencd, at A19 Adami avenue. ' i For Sale. n.OOIHXd Mutehcd llanlwood and all other kindf. Our lumber Is well seasoned. Host grades, lowest piiccs nissible. Kzra l'itiii & Soih, Cornel A'li stteit and l'eim avenue. Moth 'phones. l'Olt SALL Heavv- coal wagon, double bov, or will cMluinjrc for light uayun. J. C. Ilailej-, Chinchilla. 1IOHSLS. four good joting driving horses for sale. O. II, stone, Clark's (ireen. FOH SALK Seien-ycir le.uo nnd fuiiiiluie of a ."lO-rooin hotil in good lepaii, near C'cnlriil depot. Helton foi selling, tnv time all tnk"n up in other business, (tight man who knows the steel plant people can do a big trade as thej- all have to iUjss tho hotel. Pent sJ.OUO a year; all thoroughly- leuovatcd. New- bu uml kltilu u Ust spring, fiold Doll.it hotel can also be bought on ny lemis. Addiis, .1. W. Ahlev, Hold Hollar Hotel, Ilullalo, X. Y. I'Oll SAf.i: Will sacrldio a sC( pi.mo or an old leliihlo make; walnut case; only tieen mod two je.iis mid Is in pcifcd londilion. IVr ptr tiiulau address "t Ii.uk i," Tribune office. FOH SLL Che.ii for ca-h, )haeloii. good ion dltion; bargain to one who wishes to buy. Iiiquiic HO tticen Itldge stterl, Uuniuore. FOH SAl.i: boda fountain. C. l' Cooper, Wl I last Maikct ttieel, suantnii. l'Olt SALK Hiado tieis and nuisiiv simk, plri si?es. filh'a L. Claik, WW Woul sheet. Xew 'photic 1021 II. Jl'ST AHHIVI'.H. two ear lo.nl of hcu,es, good vvoikers and diiveis, weight fiom l.tHJii to l.filHI; tevtial closelj matcliid teams; can be &ccu at w.'lt ll.ijmond couit. V. M. Cobb. L'AKI'i: I'M .'0,(100 vanls llru-.sels, Ingnfm. Vel vets, also Mattings, Oil Cloth: 10,000 picics linen sheets, table doths, blankets milliter tunes, napkins, etc.. iinn beds, splines, mattie.sses. ih.ilis, tihout siv i.iiloids at puhllr aiutiou. Silo begins Tiiisdj.v nl to a. m. and 2 nml 7 p. in., at 210 L.u kaiv lima avenue, next Scranton Slieei lt.ilb.ud vvnlling loom, oipo'lte Penii aienue. Cunnliiii's K llni., Au lloneei'.s. roit S.M.i:-A beniiliful diamond ling, one cant. Will sell for '. Addre- P. 0. It.rc IW. City. FOH SALIl-II.ind s ilnuliUrs. Xew. Ilanifnrd Pins., l'ater-on, X. J. Wanted To Rent. WAXTLI) K0OMS For two adults, thiee or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished for ury light hou-ekeeping, fust floor piefured. . Address M, P., Tiibuno of Ike. WANTKU Furnished hoii'e ni four or live looms for housekeeping. Address A. O. V.., Tribune ofllce. Real Estate. FOH KALKUloBjaiit slten for lioine In upper Cietn llldgo; cholcu tiplghboihood; mosrl de sirable locality for home in Laekawauui cuuiitj', .f. A. Marvlne, 17.1(1 Sindcison iivcnue. I'Oll KENT or sale nt Sunbiiry, Pa, A substan tial fuurstoiy In Id; building, for fuctoty or whole-ulo stoic. Light from thiee Hides, nttiic, back of wnichotise, cnrrlagn bouse and stable convenient. Kent icasonable. Addioos I.. l.jon, l' mouth, I'a. WOODLAW.V I'AHK LOTS livery other invvst Iticnt tpeculat lie, Vnluea Mu-t lucuuse. Small amount invested nftut brings muprisiiig letiirus, A Liiid-Ilink Is the onlv sure one. Seo us nt once, Kra Finn Ic Sins, Comer Ash slu'et and l'itiii avenue, lloth 'phones. FOU SALK Two lots improved, with fence, side walk ami ituttii. X. lllaki'l.v- St., Iliinmore; verj- leasiiuahlc, Aihliess Albeit Jenkins, Suutli ("ana in, Waj no count j Pa. l'Olt SAI.i: A desliable and well iiupiovcil faun, situated two miles from llniii.-ibli! containing Fd or more ucres. llooii liullillnirs, well watered, a never falling spiing, onliaril and wood lot, tii.-ar bush uml nut grove. Mis. Jeremiah Har rett, Iloncsdjle, Pa, l'Olt SAI.i: Fann Uitauea; stock, good ordiud; bulliliug In good oulcr; nine mhos from Reun ion, two miles Item Moscow, Farm alone, or faim uml stoik. M uy Jenkins, Mapte Lake, Lack, aw nulla county, Pa, FOII SALF Klegant sites for homes lit upper Hiccii Hldge; iholvc nelghboihood; most do. tlrable locality lor home in LnekawaiiiH muntj, J, A, Marvlne, 17.1(1 Satideisou avenue. FAI1M FOII RM.i: Sixty-two acres, one mile from Lake Ariel; tvvelvo actcs uf timber, let Improved; excellent tptlng vvatir on lot; finn titiiatul on toad. For partkulais aihliess Wilb lain Tiedar, Ariel, Pa, Auction. CAIIl'KT.-r-60,(100 jaids llru'sels, Ingrains, Vol vctii, nUo Mattings, Oil cloth: lo.uo) pioici linen thcits, table dotlu, blanketn, counter pines, napkins, clc, lion bcdii, tiirlugs, luatlienses, dialr.s, nbout sis' carlotds at publio am Hon. Mile begins Tuesday at Hi a. in. and 2 and 7 p. m., nt 2.(1 liickaivjiina i.venua, next Scranton Stteet ltillfo.ul waiting tooin, uiiposlto I'uni avenue, C'ummlugs k llio., Auu tlonecrs. Lost. I.OVf Adtik jillow- in't rat, urnwera tn the name of Tcddlc. A tullablc icwaril it ie. turned to JJ l'aiouo avenue. LOST A ladles' gold watch; u libera! reward will bo given If ictunuil to Hotel Tcirace. LOST A tvihl vvatdi and fob cither en Carbon stieet oi from Carbon stieet to Mulberry en Penii. Flndei return to Oeoiije J, Aih, Time otllee. Hevvard. LOST Steel beaded purse containing sin ill sum ot itioncj-, on Lackawanna avenue, near Wy. omliiff. I'luuer (ileaio return imrsa to Trlbunj eftlco and Ucep content. LOsT ?2S, lictwecu Peck Lumber Co., Uuat Mar ket died and I'rcsbyteiiau cliurih. ltcwjrd tt returned to ofllce of feck Lumbet fo. SITUATION 3 WANTED Branch WANT Gfflcas, Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing: Dnifj Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City .M.HKIlr SCHFLTZ, iniiirr Mulberry licet nml Welwter nveniie. OL'STAV liCili:i tl.Vi Ad.iuu aveiuio. West Side " tlFolttll! W .Ii:.NKIXS, 10l South Main incline. South Scumton liti:i) )t Tl'.ltl'Pi:, 7211 Cidir nveniie. North Sernnton HUO. W. IIAVIS, eoiiiei' Xuilli Main avenue and Mnrkt'1 slieei. Green Ridge (.ilAIII.LS P. JOXIN, 1.V.7 llicksnu nveniie. F. J. .101 INS, 2(l (In en Hldire stud. , C. I.OIU'.NX, emnir Washington avo nveniie mid M.uloit ttrcet. Petersburg W. II, ivNUI'Fr.L, 1017 living avenue. Diinmorc J. s. iio.nj: k SOX. Help Wanted Malo. WANTED Young man to take charge of oda water fountain. Apply nt Jonas Long's Sons. WAX'IFI) lly one ot tho l.uge.t old line life lii-uraute roiupmics leu ugents lor Xoith- castetn Pemi'-jlviinl.i. Lihiiiil lontind. sal.ny or comiuKsioii, Aihliess Miuagei, cue 'f illume. WAXTHU A joting man who Ins hid one veil 'a experience In tin shop, l'oote A. I'ullei, Meius buihllng, WA.STKI) I'ii.st tl.i-s shiieniaker. for reivilr vvoifc. II. A. IMvis Lueriip aunue. Wist Plltston. WAXTni Pilnleis; onlv good men need apply. Call at Chailes Wagnei's, .".:!1 Adams avenue. Help Wanted Female. WAXTIID Young lady bookkeeper. Ailduss in hindwritlng, giving experience mid icf.-r-enec and Plating salary expeelcd. Addieos "Shaw nee," care of Tribune. WAXTFIl A good reliable gill to do general lionsewoik In a sin ill pilvato familj. A per manent situation for the right peisou. Call at oni c, (113 M.tdlsou nvenue. WAXTKD Wumiii to canv.KS Joe and tetiics."vt the TAHAHI) 1XX LIIlltAUV; in some ills tilcts Koli-ulpiijiis have boon seemed at pruc-ticullj-( evi ij- bouse; expcrltmed innvassers can make stVJ a week, (tlve lefeiences and adilics. W. P. Smith. Mgr. Sufi. Dopt., Tlie Uooklovers Library, Phil idelphia. WANIFIl A tjiiewiitfii- anil as.i-taiit book keeper; femile preferred; tcfiTcnce ii'ijuhed. Addie-cs 11. F. ('., Tribune ofliie. WANTKU fllil for genrral lionsewoik. Applj 717 Monicc- a'cnuc. LADY CAXVASSr.H wanted to. solicit subscrip tions for 'the Tribune; good I'oniinls-loit of feied vsjth a fair gvinr.nitcc for first-class worker. Afiplytlici-onally at Uuslncss Manager's office, Scranton Tribuii". Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED I IFH OF T. DEWITT TALA1AOH, by his Son, W:V. I'HAMC DIIWITT TM.MAHi: nnd astoclilp rilltms of Clulstl.iu lleiald. Only book endoiscd by Talm.igc family. Fnoiniot'.s prollt fur agents who .ul ipiliklj. Outfit ten cents. Wilte immediately CLAKK. & C ,.. aaj ft, .(tn , P.il.'u.. I'a. Mention this Paper. 1IIIUTV PAY OFFIIR For Be. in stamps wp will suid two sample knife shaipiTiers, iiisinn tiou and aginls' iiieef. W. .fc L. Goutlay, P. O, box 100, llarilsbtug, I'a. Situations Wanted. A WOMAN" wants pl.nc In counliy l.ulel or fann where she cm have her boj- to woiH for his ho.inl ami wnm.iii to cook and do general lionsewoik. M. P., Moscow-, Pa. SITUATION- WAS'llin Lilly stenusiapher and tjpewtiler deslrcb position; e.xpeiieuted, lstj, Tribune. SITUATION- WANTED Hy a leliatde colored 11.111 as potter, dike or d.ij'.s wnik. Ad dress II. A 31U I'ciin avenue. POsjITIOX wanted by a first clas carriage paint er, Address 1128 Pimped avenue, SITUATION' WAXTF.U-liy nit ixpirlenccd min. with good repiitalion, as teamster or stable vvmk. Can finnUlt icfeienics. Addies 127 Oak foul plaie, cilj'. SITUATION WAN'li:il-lty a widow-, would llkn washing nnd houc eleJiiing by the daj-, Mrs. Miller, 712 Sihnell comt. For- Sale or Rent. FOH SALE OH PENT The Forest Ilou.e Hotel. Splendid location and sitlntaitoiy lcisons for di.Uige. Terms on application to A. J, Cavity Forest House, .lermjn. Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTED Twa communicating looms with board, privato fumlly prefencd. Two ladles and a ceiitliinan. Ktito full iiaitliulats. Addresi O. II. P., TilLimo office. Boarders Wanted. 1'IUVATI! I'AMIIiV wlihcs to Imo two idco men to board. Ceiman or English. Call any timj after Thursday, All conveniences, 607 Harrison avenue. Business Opportunity. CAIH'E'lS-f'O.OOO vault llnissels. Ingrain, Vel vets, also Mattings. Oil Cloth; Kl.WX) pines linen .bods, table cloths, blankets, inuntri panes, napkins, etc.. lion lied., spring., matttc.'ses, (halts, about sk rntloads at liubllu auction. Silo begins 'luesday at Ul n. in and 2 and 7 p. in., at 2.0 Ltikiw.inu.1 uvmue, next Seiantcit Sheet ltilliii.nl waiting loom, oiipmlto I'cnn avenue, Cuiuniitigs Ic Pro,, Auc tluiui'io. STOCK AND WHEAT TltAPEIIS without delay. Write for our tpedal niiikiH letter, I'rco on application, h. M, llibbard & Co., members N. V, C.mulidatcd and Stock Sxchange, 41 and 10 Broadway; New Yotk. Established IvH, Long pUliure' Phono 2.1CS nroad, Money to Loan. AN-V AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck, straight loam or Ilulldlng and Loan. At (torn 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X. V, Walker, Ml-310 Council bulldlnj. Iffr'monlal. wi'vi.tiiv risneitjblu vounc widow, no chil dren or near relutvcs, wjnts tiuo and homo hiving husband. Address lllller, ll WasIiliitou tint, Vbhago, 111. IHIEHMATISM All parties that wlali ran bo ueedlly and pcrmmiently lured of all v rleth'j ot ltheuiiutl.nl by W vegetable lompouud. Cures guaranteed. Iiioulre or addicss J. E. Tajr- Cures guaranteed lor, eciautou, I, -A UY DIRECTORY; 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thu Pour Lines, 0 Cents lor Hsch tUtrs U.n, LEGAL. NOTICE Is lieicby given tint A. It. Oonlil k Sons, persons having a lleti, under Hie laws of PrniKjlvanln, ttpott ponds, wires and mer ehandlso ol tlie Deer Patk Prow lug Company, (onslstlng of onp tvvn-hore delivery wagon, nn nccoimt of storage and hbnr bolovveil on stlcli good, the owners having failed, neglected and re filled to pay the amount of such charges upon Mid pioperly within sixty days alter ilcmini! Ihcicot niacin peisonill.v, will expose the Mid two-horn' dellveiy vvjgim tn wile, nt pttlillf i.ue linn, nt (Imld's Catrlage Work, No, 415421 Lltnlpii treet, city of ScMntoti, Lackawnnui county, Pfiiusjlvaiil.t, on the lltb day ol May, A. 11. 1KU, at 10 o'clock n. tn and (ell the same or to much thereof ns shall be sufficient tn illselnrkP ild Hen together w Hit costs of sila and advertising. A. ft. flOIJMI k SOX1. WILL MID. WAHIH'.N' k K.VAPP. Solicitors. MAjS..rfSfcrfl SETl LJED PROPOSALS SEALED PIIOPOSAIX will lip opened In the of flee of the (.'Hy Recorder by the IHreator of the Depaitluent of Public Works, at :1 o'clock p. m. im .MiihiIiiv, Miy ii, l')2. for cleaning and painting the Llrk.iwaiiin avenue and Cedar nvp. line bridges acini ding In specifications on flip in the llureau of Engineering. Illdclfrs shall eticloit wltli each iiopo.-.il. insli or personal certified check In the sum of one hundred dollirs as .i gutrantee to execntp a conlratt within ten (10) ciajs If mvnided the samp, lit cam the bidder In whom the toiiliait shnll have been awarded, re fuses or omits (it cncciiIc a conttaet (or tlm woik .ictoidliig to Hip speclHcatlon therefor, vvitlilit ten cliys fiom the dtte of the award, tho rndosiiie aiioiupinjliig bin proposal shnll be for feited to the iisp of the City of Serantott. Proposal blanks will be furnished nl the !ln renit nt Engineering uml no others will be flc copied. All proposals must be tiled In the ofllce of tin Cllv rVmiinlloi. City Mill. Scranton, Pa., not liter tltair tl.flO p. m. on Monday, May .", ItXH. The citj teseivcs thu rlghl to rclect nny or all bids. JOHN- 1'.. HOCIIK. Dlteittir Depirhnent of Public Work. Sitnntoii, Pa., April 21,' 1W12. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EnwAHD c sp.uii.Dt.va. si 'nunKtiu dash Duildlng, and St. Paul Building. Kovr York. Architects. EDWARD II, DAVIS. ARCIUTEOT, CONSELfa Dulldlmr. Fnt:DF.mcK i,. nnowx. arch. n nuAL Estnte Exchange Hide. 126 Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. tf. L. ll.Mini.VO, S15, CONNELIi DUILDINQ. STEVENSON Sc KXIGIIT. 720 CONXI'.LL BLDO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILEXDEROER. PAUL! BU1LD1NO. Spruce atrent, Scranton. DR. O. 0. LAUDACH. 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Lawyers. W1LLARD. WAHREX & KXAPP, ATTORXGY9 and Counsellor at-Luw. W)3 to 012 Conncll Uulldirg. PRANK E BOYLE, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 10 and IS Burr Building. D. B. REI'LOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOO tiated on real estate securitj-. Mears Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce stieet. JESSUP Is JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- tellors-al-law. Cotnmonvvcaltli Building, Roomi 10, 20- and 21. EDWAHD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. R00M9 9OJ-O04, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A WATRES. ATTORNEY-Ar-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL. Haul; Building C. COMEOYS. 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BEUTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W, E. ALLEN. 612 NOHl'It WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORE UX, OFFICII 339 WASH ington avenue. Residence. 1U13 Mulberry. Chronic aiscajcs, lungs, heart, kldnejs and gcnlto-urlnary organs a specialty, llours, 1 to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR. I). 0. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 12G-8 WASH Ingtnit avenu". Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK OAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rales reasonable. P. ZIEOLF.R, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. PAS- tencer depot. Conducted on tho Kuropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A B."b1U0OS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no 5ilor; only improved pumps used. A U. Briggs, proptietor. Leave otders HM North Main avenue, or Kicks' drug store, ear ner Adams and Mnlheiry. Both telephones. Seeds. 0 R. CLARKE k CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS crimen, store 201 Washington avenue; gicen houses, 1930 Notth Main avenue; storo tele phone, 782. Who Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 511 LAOKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa,, mannlacturcr of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; ulio ladles waUts. Louise Shoemaker, 2U Adams avenue. J Mi:oAitar.n niios., printers supplies, en. vclopes, paper bags, twine; Warehouse, 139 Wasliliigtili avenue, Scranton, Tj. - J- THE WILKES-11AIIRK HECtiRD CAN BE HAD lit Scranton at the news stands of Reiiman Bros., -IM. rpruce nml oOJ Linden; M. Noiton," 222 Lackiwanna avenue; I. S. Schutzcr, 211 Boruce slreeL " STORAGE. The Scrauton Storage. Coj. offers perfect facilities for the Storage of household g'ood: etc. Upwards of 30 dry, clean aud thoroughly ventilated rooms, with, individual keys are at the disposal of the public, irFrijjllSi'lAve. - fK'rf ' 1 ? -U' ' -'