The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Will Be Ouo of the Best Amateur
Productions Ever Attempted in the
City of Its Kind-Vaudeville Sketch
Direct from Kieth's Circuit Mis
sionary Services at the First Welsh
Baptist Church Other News of the
Churches News Notes and Per
sonal Paragraphs.
The full orchestra rehearsal of the
Eleutrlc City Wheelmen's minstrels was
held In MearH hall yesterday afternoon,
with Bauer's musicians, and the per
formance was carried out with much
snap and dash. Thosowho were privi
leged to attend pronounced It the very
best minstrel production ever attempted
by an amateur company In Northeast
ern Pennsylvania.
The Initial performance will he given
tomorrow evening, and the complete
programme, as rehearsed yesterdny.wlll
he as follows:
Ciiaml opening ouilure. "The Hunting Chorm"
mill "I'.leclrio JIty Wheelmen',"
l.'ntlrc Company an J Baiid'H Orchestra.
Introduction of tho vocalics, end men anJ coin
odl ms: Tunibos "lien" Allen, Emr.e .lev
r-ppli. Pivid Owen'. I.utlior Thoniu. Hones
"Hilly Van" William. A. 0. Dah, V. II.
ll.ii, Thomas Stephen.
Introduction o( the Cliorns Vitsl tenor, W. II.
DaiK Herbert Clialllold. V. H. Jonci, W. P.
Williams. Second tenor.-', A. 11, Brutmlng,
Frank Watklm, William Piohl, Keuben Sta
ples Fied Items, Hiiny MrOailtcn, William
,lonc, Willi.'m Lewi.. Jolm Thoma. A. (!.
Pal, Thoma Stephen'. Flint bass, 1'.
Harry Paris, Luther Thonia, Fred Follley, I'd
I). Morse. Second bat, Pax Id Owen., Lmrya
doseph, Owen Peptic, Aithur Hewitt.
Introduction of Ills IlljihneM.-. the Hojal Inter
locutor, II. W. I.iiti', Vocal instructor, Al
fred Woolcr. Mu-ie'l direelor, C. A. llynon.
Opening chorus "Tally Ho," by the entire com
pany of I'.lectilc City Wheelmen's lnlnslrels,
with oichiMral accompaniment.
PAitr rmsr.
Chcrtuie, "Creole llelK"
Tamboj, llonra and Chorum
Negro, ".My Sweet KI111011.1,"
David Owoih
"Sumthln' Poin'," "Lady Hotcnlot,"
Ilolpli Bruning
Baritone Solo, "I'nenda" Fred Softloy
"Sidewalk llittie?."
niectlle City Wheelmen' Quartette
'Jhomas Stephens, W. U. Kills, Luther Thomas,
a. c. Pui-.
ifanjo Solo, "Aaln't Dat a Shame,"
"Snow" ilonea
A Tale of, Woe, "Oh: Oh! Ml Caroline."
"Ben" Allen
The, Best1 Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sal- by
101 S. Main. ave.
Baritone Solo, "When Hie Wind Slgln In the
West" ., ...... ...Luther Thoinis
A Symphony In Black. "Can You lllame Sic
for Loving that Man Thomas Stevens
Artistic Clog Dancing,
WMi and McDonough
"A. h. I'.," "When Itcuticn Conic to Tonn,"
K. Durry UnU
"Without a Rival," on the harmonica,
Fred Ij. Robinson
A Darke'. Lote Lmncnt, "Menu Pear,"
fctnrys Joseph
A Negro Hilly, "J Got Mine,"
"Hilly Van" Williams
Orand FliuV, "llosey rosey," wllli Solo by
Walter II. Jonc Untlro Company
Oscar P. Slsson and Miss Esther Wal
lace, assisted by Miss Mae Slsson, hnve
been specially secured from Keith's cir
cuit, New York, through Ihe courtesy
of Henry F. Dixie, to present their most
successful musical satire, "My Wife's
Presents." The cast of characters Is us
Alfred Hummer, the husband t Skim
Sman, the maid fervant Mhn Mae Slawn
Plana Dimple, the concert ulrli Hose Hum
mer, the ttlfe Mlii Esther Wullacc
This Is a high-class vaudeville sketch,
which will run about thirty minutes,
and Is clean, bright and laughable. Tho
New York Dramatic Mirror says of Its
presentation at Tony Pastor's theatre:
" 'My Wife's Presents' Is a highly en
joyable, bright, lively sketch that
brought In sufficient quantities of
drama and melody, and registered an
unqualified hit. Moreover, It was all
uncommonly well played and handled
with an evident thorough appreciation
of every opportunity thai was af
forded." ,
The show will be followed by a dance,
under the direction of the social com
mittee C. M. Florey, chairman; Luther
Thomas. E. B. Davis, C. A. Eynon, W.
Henry Morgan, D. A. Hall, E. D. Morse,
Thomas Skerrltt, Harry McCracken and
Thomas Stephens.
Vigil ants Committees.
Tho following vigilants commlttt es
were nominated at Saturday's primaries
In the different West Scranton wards:
Fourth wjid First dMiict, Luther Thomas, W.
C. WiillaiiH, W. H. Kvjiw. Second ditiicl,
Hush Jones, .littkin .lenUini, L.iu Thomas. 'Ihlrd
district, firifflth Fiicc, Arthur Meredith, flcoigc
S'thell. Fourth dktriet, Christopher llobcitaou,
Harry Miller, Jolm Miller.
Fifth iaid Fust ilifctricl, Thomas O. Funi,
John D. .iK Walter Jones. Seioml di.trh't,
David J. Dali, William S. Freeman, W. II.
Wickheiscr. Third dWrkl, Thomas l'hllliw, Wal
ter Daic, Steven SiiinmcrhilL Fourth di.tii"t,
'Benjjmin Tliomas, John I. Thonus John h. Wil
liams, Sivlli ttard-Firft distiict. William A. Stan
ton, William (Jaughan, Fdnard Connor?. Second
district, Arthur Johnson, Patrick McXally, Fd
ward Kenney.
Fourteenth ward First district, William O.
Jonc, Eiigero S. Dale. W. F. Allno. Second dis
trict, J. J. Morton, (Jcorijo F. Kcllow, Aleck C.
S briefer.
Fifteenth ward First district, Palmer J. Will
ianw, Daniel Harris, Fred Evans. Second dis
trict, William Coiles, Frank Bevan, John (Jut
flth. Eighteenth Tard John M. Beaumont, Edwird
Williams, Henry Williams.
Twenty-first ward First district, Ch.iiies E. Ol
er. Griffith T. Pai, T. Owen Clnrle.s Seiond
district, Thomas Thomas, John Glutei bury, Itresc
It. Tlionua.
missionary Services.
Yesterday was Missionary Sunday at
I The Rash for White
1 and Fancy Wash Fabrics I
Is now in full swing, and we are prepared to meet it as never
before. Novelty after novelty is piled up on our show tables
and, with but very few exceptions, the' designs and styles
shown by us are not to be had elsewhere in town. The for
eign weaves are entirely our own importations, while fab
rics of American weave (except in the standard patterns and
designs, which cannot he copyrighted,) are confined exclu
sively to us in this territory.
It Is Utterly
Useless to Attempt
A description of the scores of now designs and color
schemes that await your attention. You could not go
through them nil in half a day's looking, and wo could not
do them justice in a whole day's writing; sufficient, therefore,
to say that the most popular weaves among the many shown
I In White Goods
Mercerized weaves, plain or with stripes, figures or dojts.
Dotted Swisses, with charming new cord effects. Sheer
Lawns, with cobweb-like laco insertions and dots. Leona
Brocados, light weight, but rich and handsome. Persian
Lawns and exquisite new Dimities. Madras Novelties that
please the artistic fancy. Now Stripo Waist Linens, India
Linons, etc. Mercerized Lawns, dainty Trench Damask
Weaves, etc.
In Fancy Wash Goods 1
The famous "Thistle" and genuine imported Dimities, .
Silk, Mercerized, Linen, French and Scotch Ginghams. Swiss f
Silks that wash as safely as white muslin. Printed Dimities s-
of home and foreign manufacture. Exquisite French and Do-
mestio Swisses. Now Manila Cords and Mercerized Serges.
Crepe Yeddos, Organdla Tillets, Batistes. Plain and Fancy fe
Ghamhroys in lovely new designs. Foulord de Loraine and ft
-Pineapple Zephyr weaves. Lovely new Grenadinos that are 2'
novelties, etc. sjf,
Special Display of White Goods and Fancy Wash I
Goods All of This Week.
- &
2 Parasols
tho First Welsh Baptist church, and
tho services throughout tho day were
of a missionary natUro. In tho morn
Inrj, at 10 o'clock, the exercises were In
English, and consisted of devotional
strvlccs, flinging, nnd an English ser
mon by the pastor, rtev. D. D. Hop
kins, on "Christ's Utile and tho Chris
tian's Submission." Tho discourse was
of a missionary nature, and pleased all
who wero privileged to hear It.
The evening son Ice, at G o'clock, was
both In English and Welsh. The Scrip
ture lesson wns road by Miss Elizabeth
Hughes, and tho singing was under the
dh'i'ctlon of tho chorister nnd organ
ist, Prof. W. W. Evans and Mrs. D. D.
Thomas. How D. D. Hopkins pre
sided. A feature was tho recitation,
"ftook of Ages," by Miss Lottie Jones.
James A. Evans delivered a splen
did address In tho Welsh language on
the subject of "Missions," and Mlsi
Stella Thomas sang a solo very effec
tively. After an anthem by tho choir,
David .1. Davis gave an English ad
dress on an Interesting missionary line,
nnd tho benediction was pronounced by
the pastor. Solos were also rendered
by John Evans, Vcrna Williams and
Sarah Lewis.
Coaching; Umbrellas, Etc 1
Our complete line is now open for your inspection. It in
cludes everything that is good, beautiful and fashionable.
We offer more quality and correct style for your money than
ever before, and no previous assortment shown by us can be
compared with this season's display.
Children's Parasols from 18c to $1.T5
Gkfc Warehouse I
Died at Hospital.
A young girl named Sophia Watltlns,
aged 1G years, who has been a putlent
at tho West Side hospital for some
time, suffering from a tumor, died at
tbat Institution yesterday morning at C
Deceased was a resident of Hend
ham, nnd the remains were token to
the homo of her parents yesterday. In
terment will be made In the Forest
Homo cemetery at Taylor.
Among the Churches.
The pulpit of the Plymouth Congre
gational church was occupied yester
day morning and evening jay the Rev.
P.. X. Harris, of Welsh Hill, Pa. Ho
preached twos excellent sermons to
largo congregations.
Hcv. E. U. Singer, assistant pastor
of the Elm Park church, occupied the
pulpit of the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church at both services yester
day. In the nbeence of the pastor, Rev,
H. C. McDormott, who was called to
Oneonta, N Y., to attend a funeral.
The final services In the old Hamp
ton Street Methodist Episcopal church
were held there yesterday. The con
gregation will worship In tho new Em
bury church next Sunday, when the
dedicatory services will be held. The
sacrament of tho Lord's supper wero
administered at the morning service.
Rev. A. L. Ranter, Ph. D., preached
on "The Holy Spirit Reproving the
World," and "The Word of Reconcilia
tion," at St. Mark's Lutheran church
jesterday. Today he will leave for
Ha?leton to. attend the semi-annual
conference of Lutheran churches, and
will preach the opening conference ser
mon this evening.
The usual services were held at the
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
yesterday. Rev. J. P. Moffat, the pas
tor, preaching at both services. He
also made porno reference to the recent
session of the Lackawanna presbytery,
held at Kingston.
Rev. AV. I. Steans, D. D., formerly
pastor of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian church, has resigned the pas
torate of tho First Presbyterian church
at Danville, Pa.
Rev. William Jenkins, of Wllkes
Knrre, preached In English at the
Welsh Onlvlnlstic Methodist church
yesterday morning, and at the 6 o'clock
service delivered a forceful Welsh ser
mon. Rev. S. F. Mathews occupied the pul
pit of tho First Baptist church as usual
yesterday, preaching to large congre
gations, morning and evening. Special
music was rendered by the choir.
"What It is to Be n Christian," was
the subject of Rev. Thomas de Gru
cliy's sermon at the Jackson Street
Paptlbt church last evening. A praise
and song serve preceded the preach
ing service. The congregation was
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. L. Davis, of Main
avenue and Jackson street, were called
to Paterson, N. J yesterday by the
death of Mrs. Davis' father, John
Mu tree.
Members of tho West Side board of
trade expect to haVo another confer
ence with Mr. Ashley this evening In
reference to locating a silk mill here.
Tho Welsh Bible society will give a
concert In the First Welsh Congrega
tional church, South Main hvenue, on
Wednesday evening.
A spring social will be held tomorrow
evening In the Bryn Muwr Baptist Mis
sion school, on the Round Woods plot.
Cake, coffee, Ice cream and temperance
drinks will be served.
The Austrian Obernmmergau Passion
Play was vividly presented In St. Lucie's
church, on Chestnut street, yesterday
The remnlns of the Into Mrs. Mary
Creegan, of McNIchols court, who was
found dead on the Ontario nnd Western
rullroad, wore interred In the Cnthedral
cemetery yesterday afternoon, Short
services were held at St. Patrick's
Catholic church prior to tho Interment.
Tho Onelta danrlnsr class, which has
been holding forth In Washington hall
Monday evenings, have discontinued
their socials for tho season.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweet, of Clark's
place, gave a party last Thursday after
noon at their home In honor of their
daughter Hazel's fifth birthday. A largo
number of little folks were in uttend
nnco. A large party of West Scranton young
peoplo enjoyed u jaunt to Bald Mount
on Saturday morning. They wero chap
eroned by Mrs. Jenkins und Mrs, Van
Vlelt, of Washburn street.
The West Sldo Browns base ball club
will meet In Mornn's hull, on Luzcrno
street, this evening to organize for tho
coining Henson. A number of now faces
will be seen on tho team this year.
The wedding of Loren Clark and Miss
Viola Evans, of North Bromley avenue,
Is announced to take place on Wednes
day next.
Tltu base ball team of No. lfi school
has been organized for tho seoson, and
they aro open for challenges from other
school tcaniH of their age.
The tenors and bassos of the Oxford
dee club will meet for rehearsal In Co
operative hull tomorrow evening,
Mrs. Margaret Fife, of Chestnut
street, Bpent Sunday with friends in
Miss Mamie Phillips, of South Ster-
As well o (lie lianJ.oincst, anil otlitri aic Invite!
to call on any dmgglst ami set free a trill Mtlo
of Kenip't IlJltim (or tlic Tin oat and I.unji, a
remedy tint u guaranteed to iura and relievo all
Chronic and Acute Cous'.u, Aitluna, Uroncliitli
and Consumption. I'rlcc 22c, and Ck;
cmifjjjuff Scm
Today Only at These Prices
This inducement begins sharp at eight and you can buy this season's best fabrics
in Dress Goods and Silks at the figures named in this advertisement for today only.
Lay aside the hour's work this morning and take time to
investigate what the Big Store offers. You may go else
where but we think you will find the best here. Read on.
Dress Goods
Etamines the popular light' weight
fabric which has that elegant cos-I
tume enect wnen maae up, in tne
latest and much wanted shades.
The 1.75 kind, today'sprice $1.25
" 1.50 " " " 1.10
" 1. 00 " " " .85
All our $1.00 quality, 45-inch Ar
mures, Poplins, Whip-cords, Prunel
las and a 54-inch Venetian and
Broadcloth, this seison's latest shades
and considered by judges of value to
be worth more than $1.00, 'JQrr
but today, buy them at ' "
Dress Patterns
A limited quantity and no two pat
terns alike A choice of either will
give you exclusiveness in dress. 6 to 7
yards long, mostly light shades AEst
worth 89c a yard. Today at..."
Plain and corded Mistral Cloth, a de
lightful fabric for hot weather wear,
it's open weave effect adapts it for this
season of the year, worth 89c. (L e
Monday at tlOC
Dress Good
A complete line can be found here
today we make you three matchless
offerings. All our $ 1. 00 Satin Soliels,
Prunellas, Melrose, Poplins, Whip
cords, Armures, Cheviots and QCr
Serges, at oaw
Choose today from lot and be happy.
Save 15c on every $1.00 you invest,
Revelation in Values-SILKSHigh Class Qualities
All our 50c Foulards at 39c
All our 85c Foulards at 59c
All our Satin Finish Foulard Silks,
regular 1.00 kind,v today at 65c
An exclusive line of French Foulards
from one of the best silk houses in
this country, 125 kinds at 89c.
M Pongee Silk.linen effects, to
day at 84c
Familiar names, all 1.00 and many
1.25 a yard fabrics. Peau de Lavant,
Louisine, Peau de Soie, a high class
finish and values that you can buy
today only, at 89c
llnpr, has returned home from a visit
with Miss Margaret Hughes, of North
Hyde Park avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkln T. Reese, of
Washburn street, have returned homo
from a visit with friends in Plttston.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hallett, of Strat
ford avenue, Lincoln Heights, have a
new daughter at their home.
Mrs. David J. Anthony, of Plttston,
has returned home from a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hutchinson,
of North Kebecca avenue.
Mrs. George Northrup, of Bulwer
street, Tripp Park, Is the guest of rela
tives In Clark's Summit.
Concert to Be Given at Workmen's
Hall Tonight Funeral of the
Late Eeinrich Kunz.
The Arbeit et Fortbiltungs and Kran-ken-Unzcrstitzungs
Vorein will conduct
11 grand German concert and musical
entertainment in Workmen's hall, cor
ner of Alder street and Prospect ave
nue, this evening. A comic sketch will
be one of the features and a dunce will
follow, the programme for which Is as
Overture 1'iof. Ouihv Schmidt
IY. tiiuich Gcsuiijj Section des Verclns
U twcnlull 11. Hauler
VowtrJKin-v-Ilerrn V.w, Stlunidl.
Da Z.ielullp-el odor (leatteiblttcn, Duet Vor
Rctraern...IIrrrn Tlieo. Stoub and Wra. llauor
Vhrcnplut (bear Lindner
VorKClugen, Kw. Schmidt,
tin Fidcles GefangiiiKi odcr tie rrozess.
Schu.nik in One Act .'. lteutcr
Muller, OiKoiiomcn aus A, Ilrusa
Stlimldt, MccklciiburK 1'. Heinrich
Kranke, (iefanuiiUfdirektiir W. llauor
ricseh, (iefamrnliiiwartcr 1). SUinnrr
Hartkonf, Ncclitwaehtcr r. SjircLkler
Selection Gtut
(a) Wun&cli : I. Witt
(1)) Soma;; Uts Simon Ilreu
(lesans Section del Vcrcins.
Ii.inettte nnd Nanette, oiler Kocliln und Uans
madclicn Humorous St cue fur Two I.adlca
Ilanette Kochin IYanzL-ka
Nanette llandeiuaddicn Lulu Schmidt
I'tricn, Riiiulmiacliermeistcr P. Selir.urr
Amanda, teine tochtu..r Win. IUucr
Ammandus llusdnerbetn, Primaut-r,
Herr Charles lhnm
Anton riroirenhergrr O. Llwlirr
Urliomitilie Solo, Scene Mlt Couplet,
Vorgctragrn v. Urrrn Kw. Schmidt
Tho following comprise tho commit
tee of arrangements: Gustav Roesch,
Herman Heinrich und Herman Kroyen-feld.
teams of youths ocupled the various
clearings on this sldo yesterday.
pi: Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all deuleis."0
Camp 430, Patriotic Order Sons of
America, will meet In Hartman's hall
this evening.
The newly organized social club was
named Friday night. It will be known
as the "Round X club."
Dr. Qulnn has moved to 723 Plttston
avenue. Both 'phones. '
John Mahon, of this side, had one of
his hands caught in the machinery
where ho works, a few days ago, and it
was badly mangled. Dr. J. J. Walsh
dressed the Injured member.
George Gallagher, of Plttston, was
visiting friends on this sldo yesterday.
Mrs. J. L. Itea, of Sanderson avenue,
has returned from a months' stay in
the southern part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Watts and
daughter, of Philadelphia, are guests
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Watts, of Capouso avenue.
About fifty members of Green Itidgo
ledge, Indcpedendent Order of Odd
' Follows, attended the exercises held in
tho Auditorium yesterday afternoon,
celebrating the eighty-third anniver
sary of tho organization of the order
of Odd Fellows.
Valentino Bliss has added a third
story to the property on Sanderson
avenue, recently purchased by him
from tlie Dlmmlck estate, and Is mak
ing extensive Improvements to the in
terior of the building. A low wall of
dressed stone is being built around tho
grounds, which will bo surmounted by
a pretty Iron fence. When the work
now In progress is completed, Mr. Bliss
will possess one of the most conven
ient nnd beautiful homes In this pretty
The funeral of William McLoughlln
took place from his late home, on Dick
son avenue, yesterday afternoon nt 2.C0
o'clock. Rev. ' Francis Bateiuan, rec
tor of Church of the Good Shepherd,
conducted the services, A male quar
tette rendered very effectively, "Down
ihe Valley" and "Come Unto Me." The
pall bearers were Anthony Long, Jos
eph Seward, Joseph Haugl, Robert
Shnrcll, Edward Laughlln and Daniel
rls, Kthel Clark, Ithoda Klias, Floy
Klntner, Maud Chlvers, Kthel Vlpoud,
Gertrude Tripp, and Messrs. Fred Ath
erton. Art Kilns, Henry Twining, Don
ald Gulick, George Evans, Edward
Clark, George England.
Among the Musicians.
If yesterday's rehearsal can bo taken
ns a sample of what tho S.tengerrundo
intends to supply at their concert to
morrow night, It should certainly be
well patronized, as It will, without a
doubt, be one of tho rare musical treats
of the bocial season. The choir of nearly
fifty voices was accompanied by Bausi's
orchestra, and the sweet German music
delighted those who wero privileged to
attend. Under tho leadership of Pro
fessor Theodore Hemberger, this society
bids fair to surpass Its old standard of
The Junger Maennerchor also met for
rehearsal yesterday afternoon at their
headquarters, corner of Hickory street
and Cednr avenue, nnd for over two
hours tho hall was tilled with melody
reminiscent of the "Vatterland." This
organization Is also entered In tho samo
class as the Saeiigerrundo lu the
Memorial day national eisteddfod, and
both aro hard at work to gain tho
coveted prize. It will glvo general sat
isfaction throughout this section if
both should prove prize winners.
Itnid nt Host,
Tho remains of Heinrich Kunz, of
Dunmore, who was Killed In the mines
Thursday last, wero Interred yesterday
In the Mlnookn cemetery, after services
had been conducted In the Christ Luth
eran church, on Cedar avenue.
A fitting trlbuto wns paid to the de
ceased's memory by Rev, Jacob Wlttke,
who tendered the consolation of Christ's
Iqvo to the bereaved family,
Funeral of tho Late James Burns,
James Haswell Injured Other
News Notes nnd Personals.
Huso ball has become the fad lib a
Sunday recreution. and u hulf-dozen
Tho funeral of the late James Burns,
a highly respected and prominent citi
zen of this part of the city, took place
from his lato residence, on Bloom ave
nue, yesterday afternoon at '2 o'clock.
Long before the time for tho tuneinl lo
arrive at the Holy Rosary church, largo
throngs of friends lllled tho chinch, to
vluw the remit Inw
Rev. Father Holmes conducted tho
funerul services and delivered a bilef
eulogy. Tho members of UrHIln post,
No. 189, Grand Army of tho Republic,
with which Mr, Burns was connected,
attended the funeral in u body. Inter
ment was made lu the, Cathedral cemetery.
Horse and Buggy Missing.
A man giving his name us Kdwnrds,
during the early part of last week went
to Connelly's livery, on East Market
street, and hired a horse nnd buggy.
He has not been seen since.
Mr. Connelly and one of his employes
gave chase after the man as far as Mt.
Pocono. the next day, but failed to
locate him.
The description of the "horse and
buggy Is as follows: Horse, bay, with
two white feet and star on forehead;
buggy, black, with red running gear.
The above description has been sent to
tho police of the various towns.
Jolm Thomas, of Plttston, wns tho
guest of his father, Patrolman Thomas
It. Thomas, of North Main avenue, yes
terday. The comedy-drama, entitled "Hotel
Upside Down," given by the famous
Kelly trio, assisted by some of our local
talent, at the Auditorium, Saturday
afternoon and night, was well attended.
On May 10 tho trio leave for Detroit,
Mich., where they open an engagement
In one of the theatres.
The High Works basket ball team
will have ns their opponents at the
Auditorium this evening the Defenders,
of South Scranton.
Rev. Clymer, of the Christian church,
gave a very interesting talk to the
women in tho Young Women's Chris
tian association looms yesterday.
Lyceum Theatre
XL nni". Lessee and Jlan.ifcr.
A. .1. DUH'V. Business Manager.
A Night oT" Vaudeville
The Great, the Magnificent,
Strongest Man on U.irt1i.
Willi HN Superb Vaudeville Company nf
European and American Novelties,
Price? 2.", uOc 7., and $1.
Seats on (ale Saturday.
, Kxtraordlnary Event
WagenliaU k Kemper Trcsent
) And an Incomparable Company in
Merchant of Venice"
I'llics :3c., SUc, 7.iC, ?1.00, 1.50.
Seals en Falc Tuesday.
Academy of flusic
U, ni:iS, Lence.
A. J. Dully, Utner.
Boys from the Pioneer City Wero
Defeated by a Score of 19 to
O by the League Team.
James Haswell Injured,
James Haswell, manager of tho Xoith
End Stars basket ball team, met with
a peculiar acldent whllo riding on n
Carbondulo car, near l'eel;villi yester
day afternoon,
Mr, Haswell was cm his way homo
and tho car was going at a fair rate of
speed and Hearing u curve, gave n ijulck
Jar, throwing' Mr, Haswell fiom the
platform up against tlft side of a fence,
Injuring his leg, Ho was taken to his
home, on Church avenue, where medi
cal attendance was called.
Pleasantly Entertained.
William Finn, sou of ex-Councllnuui
Wade Finn, entertained a number of
his friends nt his home, on North Main
avenue, Friday evening'. The greater
part of tho evening was taken up with
tho usual party diversions, nnd refresh
ments were served ut a late hour.
Among those present ut tho pleasant
gathering were: Misses Nllaud, Cjraco
Atherton, Vnledlu Griilln, Reatrlce Mor-
Did Scranton win? Well, they rolled
up nineteen runs against Carbondale's
Scranton's playing against Carbon
dale Saturday showed a vast Improve
ment over the work of the previous
Saturday. They ran tho bases better,
fielded better and batted better.
Smith did tho pitching for Carbon
dale for live innings and with good
support the Scranton score would have
been much lower.
At the end of the sixth Inning Jack
Fee icplnccd Smith, but when Fee came
to bat he was hit lu tho head by a
pitched ball, which mado It necessary
for him to retire from tho game. Ho
was replaced by Cuff, who pitched tho
giimn out. The game was not close
enough to be highly interesting. The
A.ll. II. II. o,- ,. j:.
(iorli'ii, cf i ; 1 i 0 'o
ivnk II i s a a a o
NUI.eb, if I .': I 'J 0 II
hullhjii, :! I 1 I 1 II i)
tM'lm, ill, Hi :i I 0 10 o 1
l.i, 2li t .' t l o a o
Franz, m ,,,.,.., il :i 2 u a ii
Stclntirii,', c ,, .'! II 0 fi 0 0
llalney, o a u 0 n 0 n
wilt.H, p , a i a a :i i
.Mil.'jiry, p , a o ii ii to
Mun.iy, Rti ,,....
Cuff, II, ii
iiart. ab
Liiumt, If, cf ,,,
Loflib, c ,,
Hauls, If
Smith, p., t'f ,.,,
Mi'Andriu', Hi ,,,
MillaL', s
IVe, ii ,,,,,,,,,,,
10 l:
A.ll. II,
i a7 n
Opening with a Special .Monday Matinee,
has. Leybourne,
Emma Bunting
and Company, Presenting a Kcpertoire of Late
Pliers 10, 20 and Sue. ; matinee, 10 and 20c
ALF. O. UCRKIN'OTO.V, Manager.
Tliurtd.iv, Friday and haturday,
MAY 1, a AND :i.
The Blue Bloods"
liattinir In a very ckrr manner. Tlie litter'a
liiltinir and Ik'ldni; as all that rould ho dc
UlaKiy wasn't in the game Saturday. He wat
laid up ulth a lime tliouldi-r,
Ni.Nt Saturday .Scranton plays tlm opcnlni!
game of tin- leaituo texson nltli Vlllliinporl,
WHWe made u uiy iciiMVIona! slop of a Iiljjli
lull In the lillli limine; thai bioutclit loitli the ap
plamo of tho audience,
itainey c.nnjlit tlm lat hilf of III" came f'T
Scranton and ho created a Rood iiupriN.ioii .lining
llio fins, lie N a quick llnower and a u-iy hard
n. jh to t.lcal w co ml on.
Totali , u 0 t a7 10 n
Caihoudalc! 0 II II I) II II 0 0 0- 0
Seraulou ! I a ii 5 :i I 1 o-l'l
Left tin luc Scranton, I; Caibondile, i).
I'liet luie vu Lallv-Oit Miliauy, lj on Miiilli,
l; ol( Cull, a. htjuck out lly Smith, II i hv
Cuff, Si Lj Wilts.!, Ill by MtlUiiy, .1. Thicc-baio
I ll Morion. 'lwoliac hits IW, WIIU?,
itoleii Imc-fiorlcn, VvuU a. Nickel, 2, Ito-,
Flans , WilUe, h.nllli 2. limbic pU) Slmray
to Halt. Hit by pitcher l'u. Pawed lulli
Loftm, 4. I'mplie Saulheid, rime 2.20.
Notes of Satui day's Game.
Vilts.o juel Corlon picbably pla.wd the I't-tft
(.me fur Reunion, tho former pitililu;' and
They Begin on May 1 and Conclude
September 14,
The vacations of policemen will begin
on May 1 f this year and conclude
Kept, II. The dates follow:
May l to 10, Samuel K, Sloat, James
F. Quliuuiii, David F. Davis; May 10
to 20, ficorge Jones, John Sultry, Chris
tian Hose; May 20 to 30, Thomas deiii
liipll, Patrick May, Thomas Collins;
May 30 to Juno 9, John Addynian, T,
It. Thomas, John D. Thomas; Juno 9
to 10, William Matthews, Domlnlck Ho
land, Louis Clnerlltz; Juno 19 to 29,
John McColllgnn, Thomas Connery, Jns,
Hurt; June 2U to July 8, John McMul
en, Thomas Potter, Wells Hockenher
ry; July 8 to IS, Thomas Lowry, Wil
liam Oscheldle, Victor Suitor; July IS
to 2S, John Million, Flnley Itoss, Peter
Haggerty; July 29 to Aug. C, John Joll
ier, Fred Karlus, Michael Walsh; Aug.
6 to 10, Hezeklah Peters, Thomas Jones,
Conrad Marker; Aug. 10 to 20, David
Parry, ThoniaB Evans, Charles Xeuls;
Aug. 20 to Sept. I, Hairy Flax, Jolm H.
Thomas, Adam Pan(le; Sept. 4 to H,
Chillies Webber, Hajry liradshaw and
John MeHrtle.
,s,j, .&;. ti. , yj j ,nAtajfeu2.