The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1902, Image 1

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Debate on Philippines Measure
Will Probabl i) 13c Continued
in the Senate.
A Miscellaneous List Ahead for the
House The Omnibus Public Build
ing Bill Will Be Brought in and
Passed The Appropriation Bills
Well Advanced This Year.
C I'ulusl'c Wire fiom The AsMidnted I'lcs..
Washington, April 27. The plans of
11k; senate for the week do not extend
beyond the continuation of the debate
on the Philippine government bill and
the consideration of minor matters
when there In no one prepared to speak
on the Philippine bill. There Is no pros
pect thus far for speeches In support of
that measure, and consequently all the
talk bids fair to continue to be on the
ii"gatlve side of the question. Up to the
present time the speeches nil have been
made by minority members of the Phil
ippine committee, but it is stated that
other Democratic senators have prom
ised to lift their voices in opposition to
the bill, among- them being Messrs. Tur
ner. Clay and Simmons. Senator Hoar
also has made known his intention to
speak on the bill, but it isnot expected
that he will be henrd during the pres
ent week.
In the committees, the inquiries into
the sugar question s related to Cuba !
and into General Crozler's connection
with gun carriage inventions probably ',
will be begun. The committee on the
Philippines also will proceed with its
investigation into the condition of af
fairs in the Philippines.
There is a miscellaneous programme
nhcad for the house this week. Tomor
row the special rule for consideration of
the omnibus public building- bill will
bo brought in and passed, and the ir
mainder of the day will be devoted to
District of Columbia business. Tues
day the omnibus bill will be passed.
Wednesday consideration of the agri
cultural appropriation bill will be re
Hiimed and when It is. disposed of the
District of Columbia appropriation bill
will be taken up and probably, passed
before the end of the week. "With its
passage only two appropriation bills
will remain to be acted on by the bouse
the naval and general deticieney bills.
Seldom have the appropriation bills
been so well advanced at a long session
of congress as they are this year.
A Copy of the Majority Report Is
Now Being Distributed Among
..Over a Million Americans,
Bj i:diMe Wile from The Asoci.ited lri'.
Washington, April 27, The majority
report on the house banking and cur
rency bill Is being circulated to an ex
tent probably without precedent. Chair
man Fowler, bf the committee report
ing the bill, when asked today its to
the extent to which the report was be
ing mailed, said:
"To be accurate, I urn sending the
report to 1,026,816 persons, classiiled us
follows: 133,159 clergymen; 120,364
physicians; 83,687 lawyers; 15,000
teachers, principals and professors; 16,
2X banks and bankers; 21,000 news
papers und periodicals; 10.M91 manu
facturers; 32,6'JO jobbers; -110,000 far
mers; total, 1,028,810,
"The reform of our finances and cur
rency, Is, to iny mind, the most Import
ant question now before the American
people; especially as those who use
their credit or the borrowers of money,
the true builders of our nation are
deeply and muterlully interested, As
deeply convinced of this fact ns I am, I
deem It my llrst duty to do everything
in my power to bring to the attention
of the people full Information about a
subject which I regard as the most
vital question of our time."
This enormous circulation Is being
accomplished by contract coveting the
foregoing addresses.
itfichael Cherko Is Shot by George
Smith Near a Greek Church.
Ily 'clusiVi Win- from The Asviti-ited IVm.
llJilcton, Pj Apill 27. lliih-iil iheiho, .ncd
SS ye-m., w-ii iimrdeieil -ihout a dunilnd tu-t fioui
the fiteeli C'jtliolla ihuiih ut KiecUiul thi mom.
Jng dming; the pioi;ies of the (Steel, llaslci w
Ckoige Smith Is under micst clurijed with hav
ing cunmiittcil the ciliue, It Is ulligeil tlut
Fmltli, uxn entering the ihuiih, f.illed tu le.
more hl.-i hat J 11' I when icrjueitid 1o ihi ri by
CherKo, one of the trustees, ideiv a Wait;
iyj assaulted Chugo. 'Hie Utter Mil out (In
door followed hy Smith. CliiiKn lu! not trwie
fir when Smith, dun-ins a revolver, hiil him
through tlio bach, di'Jlli Men;; liistaiit.iiieoii.
Friends of the dead man oveiponeied Nniltd and
took lilm to the ttutiou home, 'fhe nutlets i-.une
to an abrupt trimlnailou amid t,'ic'Jt exellcinent,
Move Bodies Recovered.
By Hxilushe Wiic fioui The Associated I'resi.
Talro, III., April ST, I'our tnoic Iradle uf the
lttjms of the City uf l-itu-tm-; wieiU were le
coveted today, nuking foily to djle. Onu vji
Identified w Out of Joseph Itulddig, a rtilker
engineer of loulllle. 'fhe other tinea were,
colored, tno men and one woman,
- -
Queen's Condition Satisfactory,
By Exclusive Wiic from The Associated I'fisj.
The Hague, April 27.-Uulletliu i.ued at Gi.
tie l.oo deelirc the lomlitlon of (Jucui Willie)
wliu continues sJtl.fittci.
Shaffer, Oompers and Other Leaders
to Meet on Floor of Amal
gamated Convention.
Il.v li.ultnlve Who from The Ai-oel.ikd l'ici.
Whrellng, W. Vn., April 27. The cli
max in the labor controversy between
President Shaffer, of the Amalgamated
Association of Iron, Steel and Tin
Workers, and President Gonipen-, of
the American Federation of Labor, la
expected to be reached tomorrow or
Tuesday on the lloor of the Amalga
mated Association convention, now In
session here. T. H. Flynn, national or
ganizer of the Federation, is expected
to ask the privilege of the floor to an
swer the charges said to hove been
made by Shaffer against Mr. Oompers,
and the latter, It Is believed, will bo
present in person and demand the same
At Monday's session of the conven
tion the several standing committees
will make their repot ts, most Important
of which will bo that of the wage scale
committee. IJoth the majority and mi
nority reports will be presented, the
majority recommending ratlllcation of
the scales negotiated by Shaffer and his
cabinet with constituent companies of
the United States Steel corporation,
and the latter, while not objecting to
the terms of Hip scales registering their
constitutional objections and recom
mending that all future scales be based
on recommendations made by the con
vention Itself.
The fight for the presidency con
tinues In much the tame condition as
last week.
It is expected that the convention will
be able to finish its labors and adjourn
not later than Wednesday.
No Results Can Be Predicted from
the Informal Talk Opinions
of the Representatives.
Ily lluluslw Wire fiom Ihc V-.-oti.itcd l'rc..
New York, April 27. President Mitch
ell, of the United Jllne Workers, and
the three presidents of the anthracite
districts who accompanied him to this
city, had an informal talk ut the Ash
land house today. When Mr. Mitchell
was seen later be said the situation
had not materially changed since Sat
urday. W. H. Truesdale, president of
the Deiawaie, Lackawanna and West
ern ltallroad company, who is a mem
ber of the sub-committee appointed on
Saturday to try to form a basis of set
tlement, said:
"There is no reason why the miners
should not be satistled with present
conditions. There is no reason why
we should make concessions to them.
The rank and tile of the miners are
perfectly satisfied with matters as they
Mr. Truesdale would not say whether
or not the chances seemed more favor
able to a settlement at the beginning
of the conference than when It was
ended. All ho would say that the
miners were well paid, and worked un
der fair conditions.
Asked as to the sentiments that Pres
ident Mitchell, of the United Mino
Workers, and his colleagues expressed
at the conference regarding concessions,
he said he could not talk on the subject
now. He added:
"Mitchell, I believe, does not want a
13. It. Thomas, chairman of the board
of directors of the Erie Railroad com
pany, who is also on the sub-committee,
declined to express an opinion as to tlio
chances of a settlement.
"It is the throwing of a penny lit the
air," he said. "You can't say whether
heads or tails will come uppermost."
The committees of the operators and
miners forming the Joint committee
i-nursed with the work of trying to find
a basis of settlement, will confer separ
ately tomonow, mo as to be ready for
the joint conference in the ofilce of the
Central Halhoad of New Jeisey Tues
Rector of the Catholic University
Does Not Intend to Resign.
Uy i:.sim'e Win- horn llu- AocIti-d Pro".
Wu-hluuton, Apill 27, DWiop Tliomjs -luuiei
f'uiiaty, uctoi f the CjIIiuIIu I'uhmily f
AiiK-tkj, tuiphillc.iUy ili)lln .1 puUIUhul ll-pult In K'lililliiJU- hImiIihc the ii tiilidiiji uf
(lie uiilvni-liy, e sjy ti.eie urn tin iIUm-ikIhih
Bt the iinuiUy -ind (bat lie I. in ihi Intentbii
uf rosluhiiu, e llKiwiv uinlioil.'e-. tin' elate
limit tint tlieiu l ii.i (n'liidjiluii fur leporu ion
iiiniutt tin- fiiuiiilil iiniilliiui nt tlu uubevlly,
The Cill.cilii' rnlu'i.liv i if Amrilea, lli.f all
rdinalional la.illutlon,, he -,n, K) UiKer Hi
dowiiKiit for uiulri ilMi'lepiuiiit, Mil It lui le
irhcil Kiqi'iuiit hiih.i,
Clinton Pjlmajies,
H Ktilushe Wire fiom '1'ho ,iueialrd I'um,
l.cik llaven, pj Apill S7, -'Ilia Itipulilldiu
plluuihij in Clliituii tuuniy 1j niaht reailied
In the election u( II. Sittcilehl, t DiU ilt.
.mil , P, ,lihuuii, uf IIjimwi, j, iU-Iisj(i.- o til"
Hate lonv.iitliin nld.ii.u lii.tiiii'lloiK. of four
laiidld.ilei luv i iiiiiily iiiiiiiuli..ioinr W)II.iiii limn,
ii.o ami II. I , Stuner arc In the le-id. 'Ihe ifiunlj
coiiMiiiii.n ,lll mu't 'iuesdny when a pill (UUet
will he iioiiiliiatiil.
Sunday Ball Game Closed.,
By Kfliulve Wire from The Aineluted I'rf4a.
S-'cht ntvl idy, X. V.. April 2. -'I he Use lull
came Intuit n the Scln.neit.idy lfJu.uu team and
tloiitual u-j i.ot pla.vdl today,, a Jibtlic of the
l'caii) ricderiikf, of Itolti-nlini, In u)l(h tuin
tin) ball t;iounjj me located, fuilude the nun
ogemciit tv play. Mtinbei. of four ainricur hall
toai'H were fined fj each hy the same Jaillee re
tUitly for buuday ball plajln;;.
Three Persons Lose Their Lives in
Lake Eric.
Dy Ktcliuhe Wire from The AuocUlnl l'res.
Cleveland, April 27. A rpertul to the
Plain Dealer from Sandusky says:
The rclitioner Harklow, from Murine
City, foundered In Luke Krle, half a
mile from Ptit-lii-Uny. late Saturday
afternoon and three perstnm loi't their
lives in consequence. The dead are Cap
tain Hobcrt Partly, of Marine City, his
wife and his stepson, Alexander Mor
ris, aged 10 yeais. iJlck Ittlrke, a sailor,
of Port Huron, survived the wreck and
was brotiRht to Sandusky today by the
llfe-iiiivlng crew front thalplni'e, who
bad tried several times during the night
to reach the wreck.
According to Hurke'e story, when the
boat seemed hopelessly In the power of
the fearful storm the party got into the
rigging, the captain, his wife and Mor
ris on the lee side of the boat. The boat
soon filled with water and fell over onto
the lee side, throwing the three persons
Into the water, from which they were
unable to recover, drowning almost Immediately.
Former Head of the Agri
cultural Department
Passes Away.
Ily lL-lu-.iv Wile fiom The Ant!tileil J'n .
Chicago, April 27. Hon. J. Stetling
Morton, former secretary of agricul
ture, died at 4.30 o'clock this nfternoon
ut I.ake lorrest, at the home of his
son, Mark Morton. 'For several weeks
Mr. Morton had beeti gradually failing.
The 'nature of his illness had not been
determined, anil a week ago he was
brought from his home at Nebraska
City, Neb., to Lake Forrest, for medical
attendance. The change brought no
Improvement, and he failed gradually
until death came. ,
The arrangements for tiro funeral are
as yet incomplete, but it has beeen de
termined that services will be held at
1-ake Forrest at 2 o'clock Tuesday af
ternoon, after which the i cumins will
be removed to Mr. Morton's country
home at Arbor Lodge, near Nebraska
City, where services will bo held on
Wednesday afternoon.
The interment will be at Nebraska
City. A special train bearing the re
mains of Mr. Morton and members o
his family and friends will leave Lake
Forrest Tuesday afternoon for Ne
braska City.
Death was due to cerebral thrombus.
Washington, April 27. Julius Sterling
Morton was in Washington for four
years as s-ecretary of agriculture in
President Cleveland's second adminis
tration. He was a man of steadfast
convictions, unswerving honesty and
undoubted ability. By nature a con
troversialist, Mr. Morton came to the
cabinet with many fixed ideas about
the government service. He was a prac
tical farmer and run his department
along practical lines, but nevertheless
not without many squabbles. He re
garded the distribution of seeds 'as pa
ternalistic and on that subject found
himself in opposition to congress.
The ex-secretary was author of Arbor
day, April 22, which began to be ob
served generally during his incumbency
jis head of the department of agricul
ture, and Is now generally observed in
all the states. His constant motto was
to "plant trees," having It stamped In
large letters under a picture or a tree
on his stationery. He was an inveter
ate letter writer. He found keen en
joyment In answering the communica
tions from fanners and It was no un
usual occurrence for him to call news
paper men Into his ofllco to read the
answers he was writing to fanners,
often giving out portions of them for
The ex-secretary was exactly 70 years
old, today having bi-en the anniversary
of his birthday, lie was of Scoteh-
Kngllsh descent. He was born In Jef
ferson county, New York, but his par
ents moved to Michigan when he was
very young. He was a graduate of
Union college, New York. Mr. Morion
was connected editorially for a time
with the Detiolt Free and the
Chicago Times, und then located at
Helleville, Neb,, In November. lS.'il,
where In April following he issued the
! first number of the Nebraska city
j News. He was elected to the tertltorlal
I legislature the same year and re-elected
in 1S.i7. He was appointed secretary nt
tlrtf territory In IS5S to fill the vacancy
caused by the death 'of Thoiras 13. Cum
ing and served until May, IfcGl, p.ut of
the thrift as acting governor. He was
elected to congiess In 180, but wis un
sealed as the rcMtlt of a contest, He
was four times nominated by his patty
as governor of Nebraska, but was de
feated each time, He was u stalwart
gold man mid had an eaily falling out
with Mr. W. J, Urynn, who:.o political
aspirations he vigorously opposed, He
was Identlllt-d ofllelnlly with many agii
oiiiturul and liiirili-ultiinil orjjaulzn-
Nebraska City, Nrb April 27. Tlio
Illness of Hk-i entry Morttui dates front
last November, when ho contracted a
severe cold, while speaking at the stock
hliow In Chicago. The cold inn Into an
attack of the grip and Mr. Motion was
In a hospital fop mino .time, When
lm was iiblo to do so, lie returned to his
home In this city, wheie he suffered a
rvlapse, Aner a partial recovery he
left, early In March, for the city of
Mexico, expecting to regain liU health,
miring his stay In the southern roun
(ty, (l disease of the bloilehlal itrlfiles
developed und lie returned north, lie
HUtfered s-everely on the return Journey
and leaihed his home with his
health (finch Impaired.
Three weeks ago .Mr, Morton it-turned
to Chicago, with the hopo of securing
the services of n specialist. The condi
tion of the throat again became aggra
vated and a week ugo he suffered ait
attack of apoplexy.
From tills last attack he rallied but
little. His Immediate death, how-over,
according to Dr. (ilyiui. his local phy.-il-clau,
was due to an Inllanmiutlon of
the bronchial arteries.
Paris Docs Mot Sent) a Single
Ministerialist to tlicGliain-
bcr of Deputies.
Nationalists, Antl - Ministerialists,
Bepublicaii3 and Conservatives
Are Returned The " Worst Defeat
the Government Has Ever Sus
tainedVote Is Twenty Per Cent.
Heavier Than at Last Elections.
By Kieliiilvc Wire from the A-wociated Preji.
Purls, April 27. Paris has not elected
a single ministerialist to the chamber
of deputies. Eight Nationalists, six
jintl-mlnlsterlnl Socialists, four nntl
mlnlsterial Republicans and three Con
servatives were returned. Tt was the
woisi defeat the government has ever
sustained in Paris. The ministerialists
loft four seats and another now con
stituency was won by the Nationalists.
Rc-balloting will occur in twenty-nine
The Nationalists, however suffered a
sew re check in Algiers, where M. Dru
innnl, the notorious anti-Semite, was
turned out by a majority of 000.
Among the prominent deputies re
elected to the chamber Is Count Bonl
de Castollane (Progressive), from the
dirtvict of Castellane, department of
The polling for the election of new
members to the chamber of deputies
began at S o'clock this morning and
clos-ed at C o'clock this evening. The
total mnnber of candidates was 2,515.
Or this number, 253 stood in the de
partment of the Seine.
A drenching rain in Paris did not
prevent the voters from going to the
bout lis. The poll everywhere was
about twenty per cent, heavier than at
the last elections. The rain ceased in
the evening and immense crowds gath
ered on the boulevards In front of the
newspaper offices, where, notwith
standing the prohibition of the police,
illuminated sheets -u;ere displayed,
upon which the results of the elec
tions were flashed immediately after
they were received. No disturbance
worth mentioning occurred anywhere
In the city. During the day, the au
thorities took strln'gpnt precautions to
cope witlr possible disorders, and
stroi.p bodies of police kept the! crowds
in motion. The entire Republican
guaid was (iiranlered in the various
public buildings.
Ijense crowds, composed chiefly of
Nationalist", assembled in fiont of the
offices of the Libre Parole, the Gaulols,
and Hip Kchoe de Paris, and greeted
the first election announcements, which
Included three Nationalist victories in
Parrs, with tremendous cheering. M.
Millerand, Radical Socialist, who stood
' for re-election in one of the districts of
l-'uris, failed to uecure his election on
the first ballot, his Nationalist oppon
ent running him close throughout. If
Ui tes recorded by the anlt-minis-terlulists
and the Socialists are trans
ferred to M. Millerand on the second
i ballot, to be held May 11, lie is certain
' to lie re-elected.
A Half-Million Dollar Fire Throws
a Thousand Hands Out of Work.
Hj Inclusive Wiie hum The Associated I'resi.
(liens Falls, N. Y April 27. A dis
astrous lire visited Glens Falls today,
1 i mishit; a. property loss estimated at
over half a million dollars. The flro
s-.tnrtf.-d In the clothing store of Webb
; Brother!, on Glen street, spreading to
tlio large plant of the Joseph Fowler
rthlrt and Collar company, occupying
I lire upper .story of nearly the entire
' block. Fanned by high wind, the
' flumes communicated to neighboring
The destruction of the Fowler shirt
plum throws nearly SOD operatives out
of employment and 200 more will be out
of work temporarily. It Is thought the
liisui-unee will nearly cover the lossae?,
Thirteenth Strest Presbyterian in
New York Badly Dnmaged,
tl. Ktelwhc Win- from 'Jhc Auurlalril Pirn.
Xew Vmk, Apill a. 'llio Intel lm- of the Tlili.
Ill rath hlii'd tlnlicli wa wieiked
b lln lil Lunihs, A ilefeillu1 clectiii- wire it
Hipp'iMil lo luie suited a hl.ire under the pul
pit .it. il liUom the lliniei ui-ie etiiiuUlii-. tin,.
' mo d imam lu'l hem dun.-. The pji-in, the
lle, -l.niu". 11, lluiilley, who litei two itooir
hum the idllhe, hi puuiipl Jitlun, minufcd t
Mile tin chilli It I u me!-, -nut tin imiiiminltin .-d-tine,
'1!U In tin- luiiilli linn- litis i-liuiih In- hem
in file t-luie 1U1. 'lil.i'n lint lame '.'h'-n ),j
Mllie.i wile hi'im; held,
'4 Ik Tiihliinlh .Street l'ie--lteil.iii tinned we
Inn t'i'd In lstll li.e- (lie Ilev. Miiiuel II, lliiuli
,nd oi "Itum, Itoni.ini.iii J nd It-liellinn" .inn-,
The Schleys at Memphis.,
l- Km drove ire fn in The An-vjelated I'rt-tt.
,11111111.11 i-i in... i.ii v- iiiv k'ibi " i"w
ell- until Wedniwlny iwjlit. whin lie will rtart
for d i lilt in puny cities ot MviNlppl.
WllUeo-Uuie, Apill 57, lit,-.-, IMiiMpl -khUiii,
for till- eJio ,i iiilul.lir in Ihe Wi-Uli liiptllt
(hiiuli, illul lo.l.iy .it'lili lionie In Ihli illy tt .1
ceiiiplliutlt.n of ili-e.ue-i, Hired 3 ,ienn. Je hlle-l
nun- iluini.i In Welili llJpllit ilnuilii's In thU
state Jinl Ohio during lilt Inns; iiilnlitiy.
Wilkeo-ltjiro, April Si.I.'. I". MilJnern. a
pianiinent number of the l.nreine hir und died in
the t huspltal, Vnlladelphlj, today,
itlitrv liu lud none for tieitnitnt for tamer jt
full. 'J'lia t-.ini.ei- J4 well deieloi'i'd when lie
jwi. i oi p lud at tlio h"pllol and lie undeiuent (lie
A-ioy tiejtinent in its liteit fouu,
Memi'lib, 'J'enn., Apill y". lli-n und
ll- W, X iVhh'.i- .illlud in MeinpdU ou-i ll.u
Huiillitin ihi-i euiilii,.'. St'U-ul liimilii'd
ptuple uile .'it-llio Onion pUlicn In hid thun wtl.
i.t...i. .1 u. i.i. . ,im l... .1... ......I ..r .1. n
I tint.
Arrangements Completed for Sea
aloita to Be Held at Washington.
It- Exclusive Wire from The AMoclntcrl Pre'?.
Washington, April 27. Arrangements
have been practically romploted for the
national congress of the Sons of tire
American Revolution, which assembles
In this city Wednesday. The sessions
of the congress will be held nt lire now
Wlllurd hotel. The arrival of delegates
hai commenced. President General
Walter feth Loguu, of New York, ar
rived In Washington yesterday, and
several others from various parts of the
country have registered at hotels.
While the congress does not nssemblc
until Wednesday, a ceremony of con
siderable interest will bo held Tuesday
at Congressional cemetery, when a
committee of distinguished New York
delegates will visit the cemetery for
the purpose of placing one of the soci
ety's markers nt the grave of General
George Clinton, an aide to General
Washington in planning his campaign,
first governor of New York, and twice
Vice president of the United States. He
died In this city and was Interred nt
Congressional cemetery In 1812. A
monument was placed at the grave by
the state of New York. A floral offer
ing from the white house will be placed
on the grave and the marker will be
put In ppsltton with simple ceremony,
no speeches being made and no services
being held.
Significant Declaration from
State Bank Examiner
Harrah, of Beaver.
II- Ksclu-dtp Wire from The Associated Pre.
Philadelphia, April 27. A Pittsburg
special to the Pres3 today gives the
following view of the situation:
Kenitor II. H. Qiuy, after (-pending the day in
Pittidnrs tellm? ids followers who called on
him Clkin would not he nominated, went
to his lioiii tonight. John l Klkin having spent
the d.iy telling his callers that lie would he
noininitcd, tonight attended the Ainciican i-lub
Although Senator Qu-iy does not say yet t.ho.n
he f.uors, one of liU tlose friendi today talked
in a manner that lead, knowing ones to ray
that Quay will put forward Slide- when the
time conies. State Hank Examiner J. H.,
of Heaver, who h nlwiys at Senator Quay'H elbow
during a hot tight. &aid that he helloed that
Sibley was the man lo nominate. Those vim
heard Mr. Hurrah's htutemeni were fhIhII:iI that
lie would not hj- .-o wdes it were in aeeord
with Senator (Juay't sentiment. Mr. Harrali i
UMiully as clote-monthcil in Senttor iiay.
Senator Quay i-.ini" tn I'itt'buig tlm numins
and legu-tcied at the Hotel Puquesne, while a
block away Attorney Klkin was dl the
office of one of Ids fritnds. It was eipeet'-d that
Quay and Klkin might meet ut tin Riant Iii.ii
quet tonight, but Senator Qui announced lint
Ids tier tor had foihiddcn him to ntttrnd. Bold
Quay and Illkni today denied that they had My
atetsion toward meeting.
Senator Quay declaed that hi had not -vi-nounced
his choice of a gubctnatoiial i.tndhhite,
that lie ,n only one delegate und had not yet
been elected.- He also paid the candidate would
not be known until the state is.ii lent ion bad
Among those who think tlie.v aie on the in,hle
it i, hinted tint S'cn.ttcr Quay puipoe3 to ik the
"favuilte -on" plan in various pails of the -.tule
to hold delegitrs in line until lie lias enough to
nominate, and that then his chuice will liccei-m
know ii.
"Disturbances Primarily Not of a Po
litical Nature Unprotected Es
tates Ravaged.
ll-l"tli'-lie Wiic fiom 'the A.odattd Pics.
r-'t. Petcisburg. April 2t. Trustwor
thy reports received here, say eighteen
thom-andH peasants are participating In
the riots in the provinces of Poltava
ami Kharhoff alone.
The disturbances throughout the
Southern provinces were primarily not
of a political nature, but began in tliu
elforts of ftarvlng peasants forcibly to
seize .seed corn from the big estates.
Ay.Itaturs (Uilckly took advantage of
the riituitlon when the troops began to
ruthlessly refiress the disorders, and In-t-lled
the peasants against the authori
ties, Alter this, the desperate country folk
rnv.if-ed every unprotected estate, de
ttroyiriy everything which they could
not curry olV.
Vl-.-unu, April "ti. A dispatch to tlio
AlUiinelne Xeltuns from .St. 1'eters
bttrg, published todn uriiiouui-es that
Huiinux riots of strikers huvti taken
jd.ii-o at .Moscow, and that the itilll
taiy dlsiiersed the tioleis with much
hloodslu-d. One report s.tys that fifty
persons wm'u killed or wounded.
Kuvolts of peasantry in the piovlnees
of Southern Itussln, the dispatch adds,
itte itiiisilig a moiu crllleal situation,
parileuhirly at Kleff and Poltava,
wheru the troops were reiiulred to sup-jit-esa
the oulbivaks,"
Ninety lien Belonging: to the Second
Cavalry Anive from Matauaas,
ily l.'ulailie Wire lion. The Aw.vlatid IVii,
XiY Vmk, Apill ". Xli.tly men Muiitlng 1.)
the lint and thud .piadiun ut the St-cuml i.u-nil-,
I'l.lted .Stales ariuy, In eh-irue nf l.leiitiM.
tint; lleauiy and I'oh, l.nim-li tiailonul at Men.
luegoi and M.iI.ii..h, Cnlu, urrlud htle to.
ni-dil on boaid Ihc rleamer ,)l.l-,
They will preeeul lu Port fllhni Allen, Vt,,
oftir laiullnir lemciriv.v niuiiiin.'. 'I hem ;lu
mi boa id CM hur'e.i liulun-iin tn tlio -Hcc'id
15,000 Men Reported to Be Engaged.
Rebels T"ice Repulsed,
Ily ntc!usi,e Wlm from 'Ilia Awoe'iitiil ,e.
Washington, Apill !r,--'lli3 t.ue depaitmuit
Inn been iritonind by cible fi'Din llosota
lleuo I'-illiit: in u-oin;; on near (j.utaviti, (oily
lho miles Iroin llDgota, ft h iq)ui"rtij that 13,'rt)
nun are incased.
According to -,'uwiumcnl udtluti, the ami' cf
lifiuiul Tribe Urlbs', tlio revululloiiht, liu Icon
twinv'e'catcd and Us ut, ini,-. 'the jjini'lliM.'nt
fviics I'viitinne tu diante
Two Deaths Result from the Gale.
Great Damage to PropertyTele
graph Companies Hampered.
Ily l.'ttiuihc Wire from The AtottjM I'resn.
Pittsburg, April 27. The wind storm
of rhuost cyclonic proportions which
prevailed In this section during all of
j-oslerday and the greater part of to
day, wa3 followed by much destruc
tion cf property and was the cause of
tiro loss of at least two lives.
l.nst night, as the Columbia accom
modation train on the Baltimore and
Ohio approaching the city, the
engine wits thrown from the track and
overturned at Port Perry by the roof
of n freight car standing on a siding
being blown In front of It. Edward C.
Hpeiow, the fireman, was caught un
der the wreck and so badly scalded
that he died shortly afterward. None
of the passengers were hurt.
Today nt McDonald, an Italian,
whose named could not be learned, was
crushed to dp.illr by an oil derrick
being blown over on hint. 'Another
death, the result of the storm. Is re
ported from Rochester, Pa., but not
confirmed as yet.
The wind played havoc with tele
graph and telephone wires generally, a
condition which hns contributed to
make the strike of the linemen a ser
ious matter to the several companies.
The strike leaders claim the elements
aro materially crippling the com
pnnii'S. and say Hint much of the,
tvouble caused by the storm on the last
of Jfarch and augmented by the storms
of the present month, has not been re
paired and no new work can be started.
The officials of the companies admit
they are somewhat handicapped, but
say ric-w men are being put to work
every day and that police protection
has been asked for them. They expect
to be In good shape soon.
CONDITION HOPEFUL for the Prelate's Recovery
Delivered in the New York
Churches Yesterday.
By Kxclusiie Wire from The Associated Piess.
New York, April 27, The physicians
in attendance on Archbishop Corrlgnn
i Isitod him today about 10 o'clock, and
after a consultation upon the morning's
developments, the following bulletin
was lirhued:
"'J in- archbishop's condition Is, in all
ltspecls satisfactory.
"E. L. Keyes,
"Francis Delalleld."
Father Cur-ley, Archbishop Corrlgan's
fcici-iitary, said the patient's condition
was so far Improvetl that the doctors
had decided to add to his diet of ku
myss, small portions of broth, salads
and beef.
At St. Patrick's cathedral. Father
MoAleer, who delivered the sermon at
high mass, announced from the pulpit,
to the satisfaction of the large num
ber '.resent, the hopeful condition of
the pt elate, and dellveted u prayer for
hl-3 speedy recovery.
From the pulpits throughout the city,
I payers were offered for the archbish
op's speedy recovery,
Iteferring to a cablegram from Home,
r.nmeii today, that the pope had dlc-
i taied letters to the American bishops,
with a view to making Arehbli-liop
a c.iidlnal. Father Ctuiey said
the report was not Hue.
' Archbishop Corrigan's physicians Is-bu-'rt
this bulletin at 10 o'clock tonight:
"Everything In the archbishop's con
dition): points satisfactorily towards
.Speaking of the prelate's condition,
Dr. Keyes added:
"Archbishop Corrlgan Is on the road
to recovery and tomorrow the critical
day In the progress of the disease
will be a day of convalescence, Today,
for the first '.hue since his Illness b
Min Thursday, the archbishop took
solid nourishment.
"l'i to today lie has been kept on
milk and btoth. This morning for
bifslu'uHt ho hud rlt'i). For dinner wo
permitted him to oat roast beef and
boiled potatoes sparingly. For the test
of the duy he hud mill:. Ills recovery,
although sure, will tuko Mime time, bu-caus-'tr
of his weakened condition,"
Fw': the llrst time since his illness, the
firi-hhlshiip was today permitted lo see
ntlie.'h than his physicians and the
nur-eiJ. His bmtheis visited him in
lite ruoru and talked somo time with
1,1m. Tlu-y are: Mr. Joseph Cnnigail,
a physician of Hi, l-i-i mid the
Hev. Father Ueoi-gti Conigan, of Si.
JtM-ph'h church, Newark, N. .1, Dr.
('(iiiigrin, of Flotida, wits sent for on
Thurntuy, when the Illness showed ll
selt', n d nrilved today.
Steamship Arrivals.
i- llfiliwhe Win-uum 'lln- Aivi-jud I'icm.
New York, Apill '.'T.Aniuil- lleiaiiiaii, l,h
nfwlj llindliain, llotieid.iui and lleiilo,jne Sur
Mti; St, l.oul.-, hiiiuliauiiiji'li 'and fhiibuiiitfi
t'nibilo, l.lvt-ipeul and iiieiutown, tiibialtai -Airhtili
I'al-ni.i, Naw Veil, mr .NjiiIm and
t,'ene. (and nntetdul). t-allidi I.jIiii, Hum HO'
una .Saidei, X Yini.. Itiinion-.'irlhdi, Sim- Ymk in t.lieiboui).'. i?m in.tuwn
,jUil! l.tiianll, lii'in l.lveipool, New Veil--,
Bathing- Resort Swept by Eire.
Ily I'si'Iiirhu Wlia Horn The ,sodatcil Press.
Xew tnk, Apill 27. South lleach, a tJlhlng
ie..iit un tlio fetatcn Island ihoru tut outside tlio
luuows. was tiro twept tonight, eveiy structure
uluinr the beach for a distance ot 2,000 feet be
intc detiied, Invohinf a loss btlmated at 1W,
WW. The riS'rt is not yt open for the season
and most uf the placed destroyed were untenanted.
Insurgent Gliief and His Band
Brought Into Gamp liij Gen
eral Grant's Men.
Thirty-eight Officers and 189 Ken
Accompanied the Dusky Leader
Who Succeeded General Lukban.
Three Hundred Bolomcn Surrender
at Sulat, Also in Snmar Others
Are Expected to Lay Down Their
Arms at Catbalogan.
Hy J.' Wire fiom The Atoclaled l're-w.
.Manila, April 27. General Frederick
D. Grain's expedition, In the gunboats
Bazo and Florida, several steam
launches and native lighters, has as
cended the Gandarn river, In the island
of Sainar, and has brought the Insur
gent leader Guevarni and his entire
command down to the coast. Guovar
ra'u command consists of Rafael Sebas
tian, Abaki and thirty-eight other offl
eers, IS!) man and ICt rifles.
Three hundred insurgents, with 131
rifles, atu expected to arrive at Catba
logan, Saintir, today, to surrender for
mally to the American authorities. ,
Three hundred bolomen, 28 of them
armed with rifles, surrendered yester
day at Sulat, also in Samar.
(luevaria succeeded General Lukban
to the command of the insurgent forces
In Saturn, when the latter was cap
tured last February. He announced
his Intention to surrender last March.
Surrender of Ruf o.
Captain 1.. W. V. Keimoir, of the
Sixth Infantry, icports from the island
of Xegros the surrender of the Ladrone
leader, Itufu, with 108 officers and men
of his command, together with twelve
guns, 110 bolos, seven spears and a fow
revolvers and daggers. Captain Ken
non says tliis surrender means the
opening up of the whole of the southern
toast of the Island of Xegros. After
lr pa Islo, Jtufo was the Important La
dioiie chief on the Island. He promises
to force Papa Islo and his few remain
ing follower, to (surrender. Papa Islo
was appointed a colonel in the Insur
gent anny by General .Ytnlvar, one year
The Cholera Situation.
The cholera situation In the Islands
does not show any Improvement. Chol
era rases are reported among the Amer
ican soldier k in the Camarlnes prov
inces of Southern Luzon and elsewhere,
but so far lew Americans have been
attacked, and the disease Is mainly con
lined to natives and Chinamen.
In Manila theie have been 55
and 4l'.i deaths from cholera, while the
provinces report 1,599 cases and 1,109
Eighth Annual Meeting at Eranklin,
Field, Saturday.
Hi i:clilsiU' Wiie fiom The Associated Pies.
Philadelphia, April 27. Pennsylva
nia's eighth annual relay carnival on
Franklin field, Saturday afternoon, was
the most successful track athletic meet
ever held under the auspices of the Red
and Blue. Hundreds of athletes, repre
senting the strongest college and school
teams, contested for athletic honors be
fore an enthusiastic ciowd of about 8,0(10
spectators. It was a record-breaking
meet. Harvard took the one-mile cham
pionship in :)-21 2-5, which clips one
llftlr of a second off tlio time made on
Manhattan held in lMt" by the Xew
York Athletic elub team, composed of
Yefers, Long, Hurke and Lyons.
Pennsylvania won the two-mile evept
In 8,01 4-r seconds, which is one-fifth ot
a second better than the lecord estab
lished by Princeton in 1000. Duffy, the
crack Georgetown (-printer, equaled his
woild's leeoi-d of it -I-." seconds fop M0
-.. 1 ..1. i..i. I-, 41,. . .-!., 1 ni.,1
j yaron uacu, mini i i"'- i ,.
i heats; and the South Division High
t'ehool, of Chicago, biokc tne uign
s-ehool championship one-mile relay .rec
ord. The schoolboys covered the dis
tance In 3-!lo. The Conner record, .(.U.'Mi,
was held by the Washington Central
High school. .v
In the Held events another record was
htbken when Gray defeated Magle,' tiro
Chicago star, and Iorton, of Princeton,
In the polo vault, clearing the bar nt U
feet S Inches. Thla beats tho intercol
legiate record of 11 feet 4 Inches, held
bv clapp, of Yale, and 13 .within !!',:
Similes of tlio world's amateur record.
held by the siuno auueie. aiageo ano
beat tlie college record, clearing tho bur
nt 11 feet 5 inches. Horton, of Prince
tori, was third at IX feet 1-lnoh.
Tho I'our-mllo championship 'Was un
easy victory for Yale, thereby dividing
the championship relay honors equally
between Harvard, Yulo and Pennsyl
vania, "
Mr. Cummings Improving. '
Hy KMUfthc Wire fioia Tlio Associated !',
llaltlnioie, April S7, The condition of C'onj-ie
nun Amoa J, Curnraiugv is reported as slightly
improved this euning,
t "!
- Wut-hingrton, April 'M. Koiceiit for '
4- Jlonday'and Tueiiliyi 1'utern lenn. V
.4- vjiiU, fair ItouJiy iai Tutadiy; Unlit 4-
-4- north winds becoming title. '4
' J
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