j. iBRBBTiS!.'. "-'.''C till fc H!' .mi , f .? - 3RANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAV, APRIL ,25, UK)2. ' ' ' , THE SCRANTON I LW c , i p. V ft i; THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. Nw York, April 21. This Important Inllucnce Pi the (train crop proipcct upon the Block mar ket was nnaln itrinomtraicd today. After a MroriB opcnlns ptlcM ttnvcrrcl ond rommcnccel lei po back. Ilcport from tho r:r,iln mirkcl at tributed the wcakntM there entirely to rtMlht le? of profits on oicr extended loner accounts, as 110 news v.ng forthi.omliiir to Indicate it heller crincl.tlon In tlie crop. Naturally Ihc covering elcinaiid from the nliott Inlctrst In Mortis which li.ii accumulated un the tteeU'n ilcellno sIm pl.ijrd a ionslderabli part In llic fiHciil.Ulve movement. Hut Hie dn.' rvctiM ntc n striking; n'letenee of the Intimate naotlntIon at piiwnt between the Bra hi market and tlio Rccuiltles tnarlcrl. The quick response between the two ii iniphnlznl by the general romlrthn tint tlie f urgent, slreiiiif lcMderthlp in Hie stock market It Wii by person of Ions experience In (train pec tilitlon mill licitilly committed In lire current nr.iln rleallnpri. There were other fatten which coiiloincd to help the rail. In sloek. The nn tiu.il report of the Lake Shore railroad was u pilpahlo Influence on all of the Vanderblll and indirectly on llic whole railroad list, on account of 'the fliormom earning power rcMuliil and the fjnod traffic) e-oiielltlons. The disclosure of the purchase by the Lake shore of n larue block of Lchifili Valley utotlt and ndmMom on the part of the principal banking liotiio interested In the Coalers that purchase of ltcadlnir were being: made by Now Voik Control, 1'eimn.vhanla nnd the floulels waa taken on eorrborallon of the ex tensile community of Interest helm? established In the whole coal transportation load? of the eountry. New York Central iccovereil ttronuly 2i Irom Hi recent elrpirs-loii. Lake Shore it helf and Michigan Central, ottlnsr lo (he small noaiinet supply outside me mjw lorn centr.ii treasury, roe 13 and lli'J tixpec-tlvelv on n xery llcrht demand. United Klatei Hlrel stock H-lnrcd In the slrenslli of the market for tlie Mist time In many weeks rllnir 1!4 r.uh on iivcjunt of the Aery aellvo eondltlorw In the trade. At tention was attracted today fo the ciionnoiu ex pansion of plant In progress which, nceoiillnir to one authority will add nl least fi.oOO tuns ililly fo the present Iron product, 1'ioin one polnl of lew this Is died us ciilenre of the contldonee! of rontlmicd prospeilly In the li.mle, us these en- njrciiKtits will not come Inlu full production for a year or a year and n lulf. Hut the point Is also made lliat a romldciahli! put of the heavy tonnasc now rrnndlmr Ihe market l fcir thec mine iinproicmcnls and extensions of hou works licmwhcs, Akhlc.Ii lire ilosluncd to swell the sup ly. A arlely of fpceiallles, Incliidlnir the mom Important Indus! tl.iN, nil shared In the strength of the niaikrt. Total sales today, 1,!!0.nO shales. The bond inirkel wm niilte aitise and ttron?. Total salc., par value, u.,feI5.0iX). United Mates bonds were all unchanged on the l.T-t call. Tlie following' auotatlens are furnlhed Tlie Tribune by Halirht & 1'recse Co.. 3H-313 Mcars building, n. 1). llunyon, manager. Open. High. Low. Close. .mal. Copper Ms fi"',i fs! 7'i Am. Car oKundiy .'!)' .Ml ii)li "0 American Ice , ld'j li.1; Irt'.j llt'i Amcr. locomotive :iil :'i.i,i ,"."ir's ::(! Am. Locomotive. II- .... !ia; o n".i IH3! Am. Smelt. & liel. Co.. li'b t.V,'i -IHj 4"S -nicilran Sugar li.'i 127', 12V!4 I'-M'i Atchison JjflVi l3i VftTi M .t( bison. I'r ni f!) jii (') Italt. k Ohio lOsi-i lirtii 3iJ iiiyit Hrook. It. T Hi'3 7 Hi s,. 703M CuiiJilUii I'jcinc HVb 127-TA IM'i 3-7'i i he. & Ohio t7i 47vs 'V. I7 Chicago & Alton Ti K73i "'i '"' Chic, 0. W 2,j'j i' T:. ?., Chic, Jill. SI. 1' Id." li.'i'l 17'.. H'.Tii Chic. Ii. 1. ,fc I 7l. 172U 171'j 1721A ol. Fuel k lion 17'A llli,s 107'i lOSi Col. & Snutherii M' :il SOOJ so'ft Del. ,t Hud lT.-.'i 17."i'i l".'i 17:i'.. ):rl .".'" W :!')', 4014 Kile, 1st IV 7n 71 701J, 70'A Tlie. 2d lr .Vi'i ; .Vili tii IloeLing Vallev SI"- al SJ (-4 Illinois Central 117'. IK l7ia ll? 1-oiiIm. & Nash 1'JU'i 327!i 12il'i VHP, Manluttnn l.Tli i:ir,i4 i:ia4 ,5,-,'jj Jletiopolilan SI. lly ....l.Vi Vi IVi IS! Jlclein Central lis'i 2r; 2.-'"; 2S'A Mo. K.111. & Te 2'i'i :!."71 2"U 2VJ Jin. Kan. ,VTcv., IV .... .'iV .V"t, .Vi'j R,Vih Missiuii Pacific 1in'i HUH ft)v8 H'l y. Y. Central 1.1-H V',i r. 1.VIJ4 "Vorfolk .t Western .Vi .VI .J ,V om, v West :ii ::.-) .141. .tj tVmi.1. It. It l.MS, Tili 13ls ISP'i lVoplc's fi. WlvA (MTi ifiPi lftta; l'liwcil Steel Car Il' Kk 41KV M'i Heading .'!'., r.7i WA iW Heading, 1st l'r nPi H'H St?' . ftl"4 Heading, 2d IV 72', ' 1 T2'- Kt Kepublic Steel 20 20 2T,i 20 " llepubllc Steel. I , 7.", 7.VJ 7" 7.V St. Louis, ic sin Trail.. liS'-j r.'l34 8',s f.oa; Siiitlii'm 1'acitie -s'j fi'i'i r.sif, doai Soiithcin I'jiille nr, d73i fiO;j r.7-l s.iut'iern 11. it wvi "1"; mn :;ii3i Southern it. 1'.. l'r !'"'; OSij fi",.-.; p,-,5H Tinii. Coal k I101 71 7tls 7.tU 7.1U lev is fi I'aoiDe IF; i ia4 41 T'nlon I'.ieirie KUL'. KMH rtt :uiH V. S. I.e.ither 12"i 'Vi U-"i 2i V. S. LeaUtcr, l'r Si& f.V-i S'fi Si"-J V. S. StC'l I2'i ISti 12 42U T. S. Steel, IV !I2A fl 'ii; 'X.'i Vilias-h 2.11.'. 2ii''i 2"i'i er.U VabaMi, IV Hi.; t".T8 41' IIV3 Wevtiui Union Xvt t'l injs; n, " Vl-ninsln Centnl 2iir)s 2'!;s 2' Sui Total ales, l.-jco.uu 'hales K-diidcnd. , CHICAGO (iltAIN AMI PHOVISION JIARKIIT. WIIE.W Open. Ilish. Lew. Cloe. Jlav TC'm 7CTi 7."i 7."U Inly 77? 7S rii'. 7i,.i ron.v Jlav r,iai r.ni Bii (.t'i July W m i!ii 01 v. OATS- inly ."7'. 2 :i7''. v'h XiHi Siptrmber 81 :tl?i SI'J Dli I'ORK Jliv Ifi.SO 1.!i7 Ifi.T.'i 1i!.S7 July 17,01) 17.117 17.W 17.02 IiAKD- ji.iv n.s p.no n.s.-. n.no July 10.11-i 10.02 lO.fiO W.ttJ it ins. Jlav !i.2." fl,2."i fi.2.'i P.2.' July 11.40 !M2 D.40 11.40 NKW Y01IK COriO.V JIAIIKKT. Open. High, Low. Close. Jlav V:JS H..I3 (1.27 o.:a Julv H.2S fl.28 0.21 i,2rt August S.US li.Oj S.tiS y.lVj Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Lac kawanna Dairv Co,, IV. iVi County Savings Hank & Trust Co.. SOO 1'iist National Hank (Cirbondale) 500 Third National Hank 550 Dime Deposit and Discount Hank... ::00 lleonoiny Light, II. 4: P. Co 4d 1'irst National Dank 1300 l.acku, Trust ,t Safe. Deposit Co,... l!l", ... Claik k SnoierCo. IV 125 Siraiitou Saiings Hank 500 ... Traders' National Hank 221 ... Seianlnn nolt & Nut Co 125 ... Proplc'a Batik ,,., l'ij ... I10NDS. Scranton Packing Co S3 riraiitim Passenger Hallway, tlrt Mortgage, due 1920 115 ... I'rople'd Street Hallway, Hist mort gage, due 1D18 115 T c Reversible Smyrna RUGS, 95c. Only One to Each Customer. Our domestic buyer loves a special bargain, as a mother adores her babe, so when recently an opportunity came his way to secure two hundred fine Smyrna Reversible Rugs, at a "way down" figure, he -naturally "gathered thera in." The shipment was divided equally between our Baltimore and Scranton stores. The public like bargains, too and we are continually striv ing to gratify their desires so with the simple addition of freight the handling charges to the original buying price, we BhrtU sell, on FIUDAY, APRIL 25TH, our entire allotment of 100 rugs, at a shadow of their real value. Tlieio Heersihlc Suorna Hugs are BOxCO Inches , in tlce-, ond pon'ctu In .lppeaiaueo all the high urt TurkUli and Persian effects cf the inipoited aw tide. 95c. Friday Pflco (one to a customer). THB XWOMY : rcople'n Blreet nallway, flcnernt morlgage, due 1921 ,m un 113 Se-ranton Trarllon 6 per cent, 4,.,. i, 113 Kronomy Light, Heat tc Tower Co, 4 ... "7 North' Jersey tc I'ocono lrn (Vi, 11 N Consolidated Water Supply Co,.n.. ... 10.1 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by If. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Avr.) rlour-jfMiV ... nuller Kresli creamery, COc.l fresh dairy, 20c. Cheese ISalJVio. i:ggs Nearby, 15c: western, l"Me, Peas Per bushel, !l,7.". Marrow tlcans Per hmhel, $2.fl5a2.IO. Clreen Peas Per bmhels, ?li"3. Potalocs Per bushel, lfl.00, O.ilons Per bushel, $1,110. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, April 21. Wheat lc. lower! con tract gradr, April, 0!iaS7c,l lorn, le. lower! No. 2 mixed. April, (KiaOtl'.ic Oals tjillet but steady) No. 2 white clipped, CtaSmc. Dullei 1',i.i2v. lower! extra wesletn creamery, SOc; extra neaiby prints, 2fc. Lggs A slinle rasirrj flesh nearby, HH.e.i do. western, ll!iat"r.t do. muthwcslerii, lillici do. southern, llic. Chce.se Stcadv: New York lull crram.s, fancy small. 1241 i:ie, io. do. fair to rliolce, Ual2',4c. lleflued Sugars Unchanged. Cotton Sleaily. Tallow Stcadvi city prime in tiercel, flUiO'.Je.! counlry do,, in barrels, ni(i4r,; 1I0. dirk, fi'ic; enke, (lVi'C-. Lhe Ponltn Quiet but steady! fowls, heavy fal hcn, 13c! do. small and medium, 12.1 12',4e'.i "hi rcKislcis, De.j winter clilckens, 13i20c. ! spring chickens, no.Ut.'ie. , ducks, 12113c.! geese, thine. Dressed Poultry Vlnn, fair demands fowls, choice, 13e.i do. fair to good, 12aU',2r. ', old loostcm, SiS'.Je,! western chickens, 12.1II1'. Ilccelpts l'loiir, 2,:!00 barrels and 2,0iX),0iX) pounds In tacks; wheat, 107,000 bushels! corn, 600 budi els! oals 2.'l,li( bushels. Shipments Wlieit, 13(1, (100 bushels! coin, 2,700 busliel-Si oits, l.l.OtXI bu'li-ell. New York Grain nnd Produce Mnrkot New York, April 21. l'loui Lcs ucthe but well held al old prices. Wheat Spot weik! No. 2. SS'Jc. elevators No. 2 reel, S'J'.ic f. ob. afloat ; No. 1 northern Unhith. SlWc f. 0. b. nfioit; options had 11 rallierwe.il: day, pi ices yielding to prtillitcel showois In the southwest and poor ex port demin. 'Ilieio was heavy profit taking by tlio publioj elosed Aei'.ik at l'sc. net decline; Jlav closed Rl'.ic; July, S2Uc; September, Slviu; Dee 1 ruber, M'.Je, Com Spot easier; No. 2, T0',ie, elevator nnd 71 e f. o. b. atloaf. options weak llirougliout Ihe clay and elided weal:, le. lower; May closed O'le.; Julv, OO'Je.; Sept cm bcr. CSiie. Oats Spot iuiet: No. 2. I0e.; No. , 48HiO.; No. '- white. r.i',e.: No. :t while. 3Je.; tiack mWrd western, 4t)a30c.; track white. 52.1 fifl'&c1.; eiptions quiet and generally easier. Ilutler Unsettled; cieameiv. 2.t.i2Ce.; do. factory. 21a 2.!!'.c: renovated, 2tii21c-.: imitation cieunery. 22a24i0e.! state daliv, 2.1a23e. Cheese Finn: state full cream, small early make, fancy coloied and white, 13a134ei! rull eream, large fall make, fancy colored and white. 12a21'ie. Usgs Weak; state nnd Pennsylvania. 17al7i,o.; western, lfoia ll!i'.; southern, lAviainVic Chicago Grnin Market. Chicago. Auril 21. Hulls In the grain plti clianged front today and bears came in for a slmc of the pioflts. After yesterday's icm.nk nblc advance of elray weather a dusty weather map started prices thin, but tains brought a scare and llo.uld.itlon was the outer of the clay. IVies slipped down badly. May wheat closed Talv'Je. lower; May corn Hie. depressed and Jlav cats lie. ntf. Provision were Inilenemlcntly firm and closed 21''. In (W.c. higher. Cash qnotalliilis were as follows: Hour Finns No. J! spring wheat, "flvsc: No. 2 led. Slavics No. 2 yel low, (najo.s No. 2 oils. 4liHC'je.s No. 2 white, 4:ivia4(li&e.s No. :i white, 4l?i!ilOlic: No. 2 rje, ri'liriOaif.; good fording barley, OHic.; fair to choice milting. fiOiOUe.; No. 1 fliv seed. 5-l.fis No. 1 northwestern, $1.71); prime tlmothv seel, (I.M)i7: mess iiork. JlO.SOimS.'.: laid. 0.S7iA 1 P.PO: short ribs, sides, $1.20i9.30: dry salt"d shoulders. 7'';i7-74c; short clear sides, Hi.TU.iu.bu; whiskey. i?l..:o. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, April 24. Cattle Receipts. .".MO; steady to strong; good to piime steers. sij.SOi 7.CO:'jioor to medium. ?l.7."ii0.30j -dockers and fecdeis. '2.7,"iai tiO: cows, $l.,V)ii; heifers, f2..'Oa liD.',: canners, l.30a2..V); bulls. si..-lo.lj.rci; ealies, S2a.r..T; Texas fed stceis. S,'!.!jn.iil.,liO. Hogs lie reipts today. TJ.OOl; tomorrow. 12,000; left oer. 6,090: 10 lo 20 cents higher: mixed and butchers, S4i.T5i7.lA; coed to choice hcay. f.7.1."i 7.40; lough liraiy. W.Sia7.10; light, fB.fi.lul 0); bulk of sales. iiH.S3.i7.10. Sheep ltcccipto, 12. (100s sheep. 2c. lowers lamlte. 10e. lowers good to choice wetheis, fVUOaO: western sheep, $4.T3aO; ratiie lamb" flipped, f4.7."iifi.ri.i; westem lainos, ellmicd, I.SJie.CO; wooled Colorado lambs, top, $7,13. East Liberty Live Stock Market. K.if Liberty, April 21. Cattle Steidv; choice, Sfi.ROiT; prime. 50.50.iG.T5; good. W.PoaB.SS. Hogs Higher; prime hcaiic-.. R7.13a7.20s best me diums. S7.13i7.20: heavy Yorkers, Hi 33.17.30: light do.. lf6.70a(l.S0; pics. N!.IOaG30. Slcreii Steady; prime xvcthcrs. S5.50i3.n3: culls, and comnion, J2.30i3.50; veal oalies, S5a5.30. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa., April 21. Credit balances 120; certificates, no bid; shipments. 117,531 barrels; aicuige. 111,321 barrels; runs, uj,0$l bauds; av erage, 70,151 barrels. FINANCIAL THE Six Eagles Minis An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .60 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, six eagles mm CO 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. X : Credit You? Certainly! 221-223-225-227 WYQaiNQ AVENUE. FINANCIAL. iSa 'tiih.v tiik ruiuKOFTiiu tjH I Eastern I H nnncnlklafarl W I Oi! Co. I mI.... fl stock v;n,. advanoc. gpR rrn dXtJdr$0tfi DH Aetlvoworlt on proven oil laticU E&tt M iNrtWy'.Tfes. MM In Clhio Iiiii lirouulit u lirgo in. BCfifl fl J L I " M 'V,',tft-i jH cre.iietnoll production ultiiln lint B?BH ! " , 4WH "JlLll It IX WMu Pint few weeks. Stock pays 3 per (L A c, ' f, I. M!fV RjH rent, monthly on tlio linpstnii nt. UUu liUVV-Ji'- !' f. w 's. m It's ii liroposHlon worth your care- hHi - ' R.nni i 'I'tVA ful coinlderatlon. I'rescnt pMco Mi ((W . e'(b'4 i 7" 1 8ae;c A SHARE FOR B l&is$0) 1 Uy m A FEW DAYS ONLY 3H; 4&L- sHiBiBBBSBSBBESSBBBBIrH II ttt'WtffeMA JS Hb iTi:. i'ik" jl I'n . in'' ii.'.iiTiH W r'- .i-.p. Ifl-Je la FB Trmt liM,K.liiPlill.idclililJ. OpenH 5SSSfcsJ. "Hi hj GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM U. K INO & CO. .Moinlicru eir llmiotoii (Toxns) Oil Stoek Ex cliuuo hollclt oiciei'.", THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital; $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evening. from 7.30 to 8.30. ' SIRAIVIUJN BUSINESS HOUSES. 7H-SS ZHTERPRISINQ DEALERS Cl SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHtRCTER PROMPTLY ANO SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALB IlItOOIL'S and WAfiOXS of all kinds; al. H-.uses nnd Huildins LoU at bargains. HOUSLS CLIPPED and (.'KOOMllD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage WoiLs. J.EB.Woolsey cSOo CONTRACTORS ANO BUILDERS. Healers in Plate Glass and Lumbsr OP ALL KINDS. SECURITY BUILDING S 5 W.V3S U VOV Homo Office. 20S-209 Jlcara Building. We are maturing shaiea each month whieh (.how a net eralu to the investor of ahout U jier cent. We loan money. Wo also issue 1 I'LL PAID STOCK l(0.00 per iharc, inter est payable tcmi-annually. ALtlL'flT BALL, Socrelaiy. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Sll Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of irc Screens of all Mink; fully picpaad for the sprins Mason. Wo make) all kimls of poich screens, etc. PETER STIPP. (Jcncril rcntractnr, Iluilelcr and Dealer in litiilcliiifr Moms Crmentlng of cclluib a i." daily. Telephone' "JSW. Office, 27 Washington menue. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK ANDTlLEMANUFACTUIINaOOUPANY Malera of I'aiins Uriel, etc. M. II. Dale, General Hales Agent, Office S3) Washington oc. Wotl.s at Nny Auir, l'J., IT. k W. V. Jt.lt. For l rur men O fm 3 A & 9 9 A 4 w (Union-Made.) f Men's, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 ' Boys', $1.50, $2, and $1.50. J I Shoes Shined Free. a I 109 Wyoming; Avenue. 9 m CONRAD'S Combination Underwear For Meii Conrad, The only dealer that has a complete line, $1 a Suit to $5 THE IDEAL Undergarment. Dickson Mill & Grain Co. Providence Road, SCRANTON, PA. Flour, Feed, Grain and Hay Celebrated Snow White Floor All grocers sell it. Ve only wholesale it. Branch at Oly pliant, Pa. Headquarters for Incandesce! Gas Mantles, Portable Laraps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GwisieilForsyiii '253-327 Penn AveiuiD. O 9 1 1 0 anu dovs. 1 "r -?a i. fan 'J Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington Ave. OF INTEREST TO ALL WOMEN Whether you are satisfied or not with your present Corset you Will find a visit to our corset section profitable during the . , Demonstration and Free Fittings Of Her Majesty's Corset And other products of the Princess ol Wales Company. These corsets have earned a reputation that is international. They have successfully outlived dozens of weakly imitators, and they have grown better and better as the years have passed, Theold styles continue in popular favor while the new stvles, which have been added, have proven ail innovation to thousands who desired HER MAJES I Y'S spitmdid wearing qualities without so much rigidity. The new GORED CORSET, the new GIRDLE and the cheaper Princess of Wales' Corset, have solved many problems and put within the reach of many the best made Corsets in the world. We Are Delighted to Announce The Engagement of l Madame Menska. an Expert Corsetiere, for All of the Week, Beginning Honday. April 28th-nake Free to Consult Her. Don't fail to ask for the latest J&mi: tEonf ooridT f Both of these goods are designed bv an expert, and are perfect satisfaction than any other corset of Ihe kind offered for sale. Connolly & Wallace.1 No Extra Charge for Credit r Our Conf idential"ChargeIt" System flats and Sho?s Wc lmc a Hat llcpailmcnt for Men ami eti" for Women anil a Shoe Dcimi Intent also. Wc liny Shoes unci ll,iU foi .'ill Mule-, Cm wc! sell them at low prices? Can a IMi snlm? 317 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. L RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Now Jersey Central. In Kllcct Nov. 17, 1001. Staliom in New York, foot of Libcity street and South Tciry, N. It. Trains leave Scran Ion for New Votk, Philadel phia, Kaslrn, Ucthlclu-ni, Allcntonn, , Maucb Chunk, White- Haven, Ashley and Wilkcs-Uanc at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 n. in. bunday, 2,10 p. m. Quaker City KxprciJ leaves heunton ut 7..10 o. m through tolld e.tlbula li.ili: with l'ullman Buffet l'arlor Cars, for l'hlladelphia, with onI one tbangc of tars for Baltimore, Wiuliliurton, D. 0 and all piinelpal poinU couth nnU een,t. Tor Aioea, I'lltMon and Wllkej-Batru, 1 p. m. and t p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. ta. for Lous Branch, Ocean CI rove, etc., 7.30 i. in. and 1 p. m. For Iteadinj, Ubamn and Hariisburir, via Al 'cntown, ut T,:iO a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Pottsvlllo at 7.!:o a. m. and 1 p m. For ialc.1 and tlikels apply to a;ent at station. W. G. lt:M.i:it, Ceneiat Mauascr. Selnwnre, Lackawanna and Western. In Meet Nov. 3, 1101. Trains leaiu Scranton for New oik At 1.40, S.15, O.W. 7.60 and 10.03 a. in.; l'.'J.i, n.40, 3.2J p. in. For New York and I'hllaJolplila 7.00, 10.05 a. m., and 12.15 and 3."3 p, m. For Tobj hanna At I'. I1) p. m. For llulfalo 1.13, 0.22 and 0.00 a. hi.; 1.55, b.00 and 11.33 p. in, For UinR liaintcn and nay stations 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. Foi Oi.Ncso, butusu and Utlea 1,15 and 0 22 a, in.; 1.35 p. in. Oiwcko, Sjracu-o and Utica tuin at 0.22 a. in. dally, except bunday. For MuntroM. 0.00 a, lit. ; 1,10 anel 0.30 p. in. NiclioUon aeconimodalior. 1,00 and 0.15 p. m. UlooiinhiirB Division For Noiihumhcrland, at 0.33 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and O.lo p. ni. For Plymouth, at 6,10 u. in.; 3.10 anJ 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, I.JO, 3.15. 0.08 ant 10.05 a. in.; 3,10, 3.33 p. in. For llulfalo 1.13 and 0.22 a. n.i 1.35, 0.50 anel 11,35 p. ni. For liinsliainton and nay stations 10.20 u. ui. Ilicomsburir l)iUiou I.eau tiuanton, 10.03 a. ni. and 0.10 p. m. New York, Ontario nnd Westem. In UUect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. NOUTH HOUND. Lcaio I.eavd Arrlm t.,,1.,. Scranton. Cirhoudale. Cadoia. No 1 ....... ,10.3)u. 111. 11. 10a. in. 1.00 p. ni. v0' 7 ,, 0.10)1. in. Ar. Ciiibondal0.40p. ni. fto. ,.,..... sujnl douxd, Leave) I.cavu .trrk. Trains. Cidosla, V A Carhondale, Beranton. 7,00 a.m. 7,10a. in Su ........ 2-15 P. I". 1.00 l.in. 4.40p.m. -u - .:;..,.... ii.iv vnn'i'cc itiuTvi, &U.MJ-1'- "-i-i .",, ""w.,1-, Leao Leave An It Trains tiumon. Caibondale. Cadosla. N-" U S.30a, in. lUOp. in 10.43a. in. '- JW;eJ5"llalUr,W''ni Leaie Leave; Arrlvo Trains. Cadola. Carboiidalc. Scranton. No, c 0i,'lu," 7,40 a. m. so. JO 4.30p. in. 0.0.1p.m. 0.45p. nt. Tiaiiu Kos. 1 on ucek ua, ami 0 on tuudaes, insku main line connetlloni fur New York city, Uleldlctonu, Walton, Norwieh, Uniida, Oohiuj ahd all points uet. For further inclination icmult ticket agents, ' J. O. ANl)i:ilsOS, G. y. A.. New York. J, K. WFIAII. T, P. A., tktanton, Pa. production of the Princess of Wales $ 1 .00 Per Pair 1CL0TH8NG(S0NCRED1T1 is becoming, more popular every day. New accounts are being opened daily and old cus tomers never desert us. We offer you the advantage of liberal credit. We ofer you stylish, dependable Clothing, Hats and Shoes, NOW, at lowest possible prices, and let you pay in small convenient payments. It's the modern idea of merchandising; it's the correct idea you gel what you want at the time you want it most. With 30 large Stores and a manufacturing establishment, we defy competition. Fop Women's Wear Handsome Man-tailoreil Suits ; si mining SprinB.laels, Sniirt Waists, Silk ItaiilaiH, Mjli-.li Skint, 1'iiip I'etlleo.iH Sone move M liSli nc;nc nrieecl lower. Nci terins ejsici'. PEOPLE'S RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Hailroad. In nffect, Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leaves Sernnlon. Fc Philadelphia and New Yoik U I), efc II. II. li., at 0.38 and 0.38 a. m.. and 2.18, 4.27 flllack Diamond .pross). and 11.3J p. in. Sun days, D. k II. It. It., 1.88. 8.27 p. m. For White llaien, Ila.lcton and pilncipal points in tho coal regions, via IJ. k II. II. H., 0 38, 2.13 and 4.27 p. in. Pur Pottsvllle, U.3S u. in., 2.13 For Uctlilclieni. Faston, Ileadliiif, llairiiburp, and principal intermediate .taliuii.I,i 1) k ; II. 11 It, 0.S8, 0.38 a. 111.; 2.15, 1,27 (Hl.uk Ula inond Kxpiess). 11.30 p. in. hundays, JJ. k II. II. It JS a. 111.; 1.5s, 8.27 p. in. For Tiinkhannotk, Towanda, l.linlu, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Iniciinedlate stations, vi D , L. and W. 11. H.. 8.10 a. ni. and 3.50 p. m. For Geneva, Itocheitcr, Buffalo, Xlagaru Falls, ChleaKO and nil points Best. l.i J. k II. It 11.. 7 4b 12.03 a. in.; 1.42. 2.28 (Black Diamond F. nrcs,), 7.4S, 10.41. 11.30 p. 111. isumlajs, 1). k U. It. II., 12.0J, 8.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and deeping or Lehljrh Valley Parlor ears on all trains betweej Vi'Ilkes-llarre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Smpcn sion Bridge. IIOLMN II. WILflllll, Gen. faupt., 20 Cortland trtet. New York, CIIAIII.FS b. I.l'.ll. Gen. Pass. Agt 20 Cortland ttrcet, New Yoik. A. W. NONIUIAL'llllll, Div. Pasi. Agt., South Bethlehem, I'a. For ticket ii ml Pullman icscrvatlom apply to city ticket olllce, 00 Public bquarv, Wllkccllarie, Po. Dnlnwnre nnd Hudson. In F.ffcct Noieinbcr SI, 1501, Trains lur t'uiboiidalo Icnvo beiamoii at 0,20, .00, 8.33, 10. la a. in,; 12.00. 1,20, J.sj, 3.52, .20, C.25, 7.37, 0.15, 11.20 p. 111.; 1.31 a. ni. For HoiiesdJle 0.20, lo.lia. tn.; 2.31 and 5.2S P. in. For Wllkes-naire 0.3?, 7.43, 8.41, 0.33, 10.41 g. in. 12.0J, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.28, 4.27, CiO, 7,43, 10.11, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. II. I!, rolnt 0.3S, 0.33 4. in.: J.JS, 4.27 and 11.31) p. iu. For Penu) lunla It. It. Polnti 0.33, 0.38 a, m.: 1.12. 3.28 and t.27 p. ni. lor Albany and all points noith 0.2U a, m, and 3.52 p. III. fcUNDW TIIAINS. For Caibondale 8.50, 11.33 a. m.j 3.34, 3.32, 5.52 and 11,17 p. III. i Foi WIlLcw-llaiu U.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1,53, S.J, 0.32 and U.17 p. m. I For Albany and poliuj north 3.52 p. in. For lloiienlale 3.50 a. in. and 3.53 p. rti. W. L. PIMOil, ). P. A.. Scranton. Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule iu Select June 3, 1001. Trains leatu S-ianu.i; O.34 a. in., neck days, through vrdlbnle train fiom Wllkes-Bjire. full man bullet pallor car and loaches to Philadel phia, l.i Potl.ville; ktops al principal iuteiiue dlate ctatlons, Al.-o e ounce is tor .Viulnir, liar rUbure, PhllJdelphij, Baltlmcic, IVasliiuijloii and fur 1'iitbbiiru mid tho v.iit, 0.3S a. 111., week d.iyt for Suubury, llairlsburt;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Puts burii and lhe wot. 1.4.' P. m.i week clays (S'ii.das, 1.53 n. m.), lor Suubury, IWtil.hurcr, I'lilladelplda, Baltimore, Warhlni;ion and Pituburg and tho ueit. 3.23 . in., week d.ivs. t'.iioush M.tjbule train from Wllkwlljrrc. Pullman buffet pirloi Car Corset, the best value ever offered. as to their lines and will give better Stylish Worthy Spring Clothing Men and Boys yeibliy Sprins: Sulla in atliMcltie pallcrni, haiiilviiiiply iniele up anel earefiilly flnUheil popular M. le.-.. ItoeV SulU, sinale nuil clnulilc-lircasted cry .trolls', durable and sl.li.sh. Credit Clothing Company Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock ; PILSNER I . llrew ry. ., 43S 45S N. scrcntu at. .Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 3331. New "Phone, 2935, A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby, A "For Rent" ad, In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Four lines one time, lOc. Four lines three times, 2c5 and loachet tn Philadelphia ila PotUUle. Slops at piinelpal Inleinicdlatu tUtlcns 4.27 . iu.. week days, fur lladeion, Suubury, UarrUb.irj,', Philadelphia and Pittsburif. J. It. llU'irill.W-DX. Gen. Mgr, J. B. WOOD, Ueu. Pass. Agt ii im . ft $ . 3.
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