- fwf, wjtTTw,jj f Tyjy" 7Ttrr5'VFwrs'rr'c:n " MH1M1W(I JlS"7W 'i'v -a- .4ftf'!....S ,1 . fS. -, - -v;;7 r ' r; l1! l .5 Mm if&r r THE SCRANTON TJlllBDNB-FKIftAY Al'UIL i5, 1902. 7, VJ! M 1 DAYLIQHT.STORE Every Item 1 FRIDAY I AFTERNOON SALES 1 The basement is a wonder to very many people. There never has been a time in this store's history that such values have been offered as the items that are quoted in today's sales. Every Friday we save you money. Come and see. Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. b3' $t Mi each Sale of Lunch Boxes Made from a good quality leatheroid ; Regular price Vic. Friday buy them at Sale of Scrub Brushes A firmly constructed brush, size shaped from Sea Root and regularly sold Sale of Salad Bowls fl-inch This Friday buy them at, each Sale of Chambers Large size ; steel grey enamel chamber. Regular value 30c. this Fridav buv them at, each Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. Sale of Ribbons We know tRESt'. "Jar 'Hi wide: all silk metallic flush laffeta Ribbons; all colors and black and months ago when this Ribbon would cost you 19c. Today buy it Sale of Ginghams Standard Dress Ginghams; this spring's best styles and late colorings. This lot of Ginghams was purchased in short lengths, from 10 to 20 yards, and if in the ,1 full piece, would cost you !c. or 10c. a yard.. Friday buy it at, per yard 0?C Sale of Children's Hats, on the Second Floor This kind are exceptionally good, have silk scaif. Straw comes in brown, while, red and blue, trimmed in pretty ribbon contrast. A decided Q bargain treat in hats for the miss. A regular $l.2."i value. Friday VoC Sale of Women's Spring Jackets, on the Second Floor About 40 covert and cheviot jackets. Tan, castor and black, double and single breasted; Romaine lining; neat turn down collar; tailor made; stitched with four and five rows of stitching; worth $5.00 to $0.00. Fridav buy g( them at ' . 3. vU Sale of Fine Cambric Gowns, on the Second Floor Trimmed with lace and many trimmed with insertion of fine embroidery; also cambric ruffle; all sizes; good length. A 50-ccnt value. Friday . u9 C Sale No. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. yard ,' 1 UC . Sale of Fine Madras Shirt Waists All colors. The style of this vaist is in accordance with the latest spring fashion, and they are all worth fifty cents each, but Friday buy them on the Main Floor at .' ".....'.' JyC Sale of Soap Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar Soap; lathers freely in hard or soft water. t Regular 5c. value everywhere. Friday buy :i cakes for '. 1 UC Sale of Bureau Scarfs il-iiich fringe on side, center plain; colors of red, pink, yellow t and blue ; size MixHX. Regular value ItOc. Friday, one hour, buy them at, each ..,', XlC Sale of Boys' Knee Pants on the Second Floor Conic in beautiful plaids, checks and plain colors, also navy blue and corduroy. All full cut; have best Excelsior elastic waist bands; . . seams taped ; size It to 15 years. Friday, one hour, buy them at 44C Sale of Lace Curtains and Extension Curtain Rod A combination of extraordinary value. The curtains arc .1 yards long, ill! inches wide, overlooked stitched edges ; floral and bow knot de signs; value S!)c. ,a pair. Curtain Rod is :!(' to U inches; trimmed ends; also a pair of ,- loops ; all go Friday at the small price of OC ltKAi) IT OtVEK AGAIN FOK IT'S GOOD SEWS. Advertisers of Facts Only Jonas Long's Sons JONAS LONQ'S SONS. mentioned here is not a glittering show in cold type, but carefully planned, full of practical usefulness, which is characteristic of OUR GREAT Sale of Chair Scats In light and dark colors ; perforat ed. Complete with brass nails and priced Friday at, each. . . Sale of Moth Balls This hot weather will necessitate the put ting away of woolen garments. This simple remedy is the i best moth preventive. Friday, one hour, a pound 52C Sale of Brooms Another lot of those splendid values in good corn; made strong; si-string; value tWc. Buy them today at , x yc Sale of Glass Dishes This kind can be used for many things about the table. A pretty cut glass style individual dish, value Jc. Buy them today, one hour, at jLQ, Sale of Knives and Forks Genuine Cocoa Bola Handles; good (iiality; quantity limited. 'Value 35 pair Sale of Shopping Bags Decidedly unique ; made from import- eu rusn; goon size: vaiuc jw cems. at Ulc. rriday buy them at . .. size; glass cut imitation of high priced goods. Sale of All-Wool Challies JM) inches wide ; this lot contains the latest color effects, designs that will not be found elsewhere: albO Persian effects and a number of patterns in small size dots on cream colored grounds. Not a better bargain this season ; always . sold for"r!)c. Friday buy them at 4J5C Sale of Kid Gloves Women's Fine I'-CIasp Kid Gloves; all shades ; self and black stitching, making a pretty contrast . Our 7i"c. glove. Friday buy them at VC Sale of Plate Racks, on the Fourth Floor Made of solid oak ; P.fi inches long, U inches wide; double groove plate shelfs; .- ornamental brass cup hangers ; regular value (wc. Today. . OC Sale of Shoes and Oxford Tics, Also Colonial Slippers This combination sale is considered very extraordinary. The Oxford Ties and Slippers have large gilt buckles ; also boys' and girls' shoes m button and lace; an arc made value St.'Jo and $l..")0. For (iO minutes of nothing better in this list today Sale of Women's White Ribbed Vests i"c. kind; taped neck; low neck, no sleeves; low neck and wing sleeves; all sizes; this season's best underwear bargain at the Big Store. Buy as many as you can Friday at, each C Sale of Women's and Misses' Percale Sun Bonnets on the Second Floor New spring styles; patterns mostly small; colors all desirable; laundered and a 15 cent value. Friday at, each 1 UC Sale of Men's Fine Summer Merino Underwear Shirts and Drawers Shirts trimmed with tape around neck ; pearl buttons ; full length; drawers have suspender straps; all seams taped; usual price ;i!)c. Friday buy them at XlC Sale of White Lawn This kind on sale today is forty inches wide; a fabric that is very sheer, aikl its width gives it a value of nuicli importance; regular 13c. kind. Friday buy it at, a USE BOTH 'PHONES.', 8c cents a pair. Today, a 10c j-huuv uuj mum u, 6c 8c 10c 10c 25c plenty large enough. to fit the hand. Made Value 1.1c. For ot good solid leatncr; 91c today, buy them at . . than these Ribbons; l mencs white. Jt s only a few at , 10c Theatrical, J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. lALTUH ACADK.MV Ilic I'iitat WnMliiff." Mulit, ''llio .Outpost." Altcmooti anl liliilil. STAti-VlcloiU nttrtit. IliiilMqnpr'. Atlcinoon rml "The Outpost." .). K. limine), won of t lie fiimoiu (luni.ui ring iliff romnlhn, with Ml t.odlc (ll!oii in lilt fcllou-slir, opcncil u tliiro il.ijs' ituditeinont ill llio Ariilrmy vl Mtule ltt nlttlit, In tliclr new pby "Hie Oulpul." H h it drum I Imllt uljuiit the lt.cr nut jinl II li mi unu.iu.ilty rh.h! one. Kininott lukci the iirl of a minis lloor cnplnlu of vtiiiliivriit lit low! Willi nn Iil-li lrl, pli.tctl liy MIm (lllm, who Is In Smtli Afrit i nlth her Imiilid fl'lir ut tin' iut tirnil: ft IickIIIIHi". T.IcuIciiihI Pi'inionil. Iirotlier of tht ,oi"iff lloir'd sHoctlimit, U In line wltli tin1 tlstii- of tin1 liner c.iptuhi. A .1 (.oiwii'irni'C of nil tliU tlii'ie l 11 litdiilltiKpif 'ii mul Imit tint l.eow the lie 11 1 luteieot nt 11 telHlau ull tliu time, Tlio Iju lire two ilewr jmiiiit people. The romp my cotil.ilni ery rnpilile pljj en, the ino-t cieilltjhle of whom aio ,1, I), t'oopir, .11 the lllilnon KimlUi (.ipUln; .1. A. Miinn, who .h "Ooiii l'cti'i" ireeiil'( niakvtip In strlMnp; ic-MMihl.iiieo to the only, orliilnil riom; MlM Miry Home .mil Aillmr K. SpiiiRiie. 'I lure li nlo a cuimliiir nml clecr thllil nitrii. Them lire four complete ! ot oilnln.il tienery ii'ed in the pioiliutlou of t lie piece mul two of them 111 e very elihouite nml pktmeiqne. Tlie peiloim.iliee will he lepciteil tlil nltii noon .mil euiilut: ami toinonow nfteiiiooii mul oentii!f. Victoria Burlesquers. 1M IIii-h- Vie I0H.1 llin Ir.muei s cite enti rt.iln liirnls it the htnr llielter e?tenliy tint weie entllled to he pl.ieiil oil the llt with the beit. The eonip.my contain .1 well ilillled thoiin mul coiuoill.iiH who me funiiv. Asiies Hrhler, the le.ulliis foulncttte, deareil comldcralilo iiuiiiment tiyiulm; to the old mid jouii? Iiojs ot the nudlence, and the IIaipei, .1 tnlrntcd uilorcil couple, ctileiUtuei! tho nudlence In- leiiilltlniii of cu'iu fongs in a way that left little to the lui.iglii.il Ion. A funny inii-lcil aet w.n piprcntcil by (lieae mid (licen. and Heed and (tilbirt nppened in n .imlclllr hl.eicli ot iiiiu-uil moiit. 'Hie pei foi 111:1 111 e ilon with 11 '.paiMini; mtlie entitled '"liuiiiiilns in China town." 'Hie Vitlnrlis will lie at the frlr.r the balance of the week. "The Fatal Weddine." One of the ino.it lnacnilii Mit scenes er ne scntul on miy st.ipo N said to lie the jjrtat wcd dlnjr sceno ill "Hie l'alnl Weddin?," which up-1en- at the I.uciim loniclil and tomonow mat inee ami ide;ht. Ill older to make llil-. uie ai licit p.'iled a po-ililo, the liiiniffemenl hae inociucd the onlif of Hie well-known oifjan-L-t, Jlii (leilnule lla.tnct. JlKi llaiie li.i- a world-wide icputntion n a rhurcli oijcanM, and lhi .iroueil a cieat dell of attention with licr "Choir Celestial." TliU ron-'Kt'J of .1 choir of twenty-file lio.is, lieided liy the hoy .oloist, Ma tor JameH lt.vme. All of tlie-e hoj-i are clothed in the ii'Riil ition iiiilice and caso(k, and a Jli-s ll.i.Miej ilais upon an organ, wliich h e pec Lilly oaiilul for ilie occioion, the boj march in upon a lii.ijriutlcc'iit chmcli M'ttiiu', uinuiuK oine well known In mil like "Ihe l'aliii," or "The Holy Cltj." 'J he effect U most impiessiM1, and for a fiw rnoincnts the theatrical clleet is entiiely lojt and (he full ftljrniflc nice of the rtlijrlous Intent mchh to dominate cerythlni? and eeijbodi. Tldd !ccnc Iik ai;ain and airain been dul.ucd the mot etreilhe eer vie-ented on any ttage. And jet, this K onlv one-fealilio of the many to be i-ecn in 'The l'.ital Heddlns," ko there is little wonder that the attiactlon ni a whole is pioiinsr siuh 111 imnien'p ucce';, and uL'iuiiiK uideral piaie fnnu pies aiul public alike. Seats now on 'lie. Sandow. Kuseni Smdow, aeioiiipaniid by his own v.iiuloullo lonipmy, wlllin.ike his appeaiauco at Hie I.jceiun for one night, next Tucdiy, Thisj extraordinaiy injjaReinent of the modern Hercules i-, nioie tli 111 intcio-itim? for the fict that this will bo In-, fhit appeuance in this city, and al-o hi-i X.itcucll appeal nice, as Sandow ejiws up the .uulcille stacre to dliecl his college that is beini; built loi hint in New Voik, 11 palatial building which is a f.unliiille of the Suulow colkKe in Iondon and 1'aiN. Ihiuiur the ensiKement of till- Mondciful aitl't he will iutiodilce all new feature, heals go on sale Situiday inniiiln-- at ! o'clock. Return of the Favorites. (hules lajbuine and his Hon Toll Stock coin pany will .vain lie tem in Suanton ilunnsr nil of net week. The lunipmv will present "A .Man of M.isiny" as a peciil niatinee olfeilng Mondiy afternoon. In the eieniiig the company will be seen in Jlaik bwan's comedy diauii in four acts, intitled "'Ihe rilnitv, of 1'atchcV with Dainty Kiunu Duntiui: in the title tole. New specialties are c.iuied Willi the compiny 011 this then H'cond l-lt here. STAOE NOTES. IMnln lliandt rrpkucd I) mid II. llaikius in the cit of "The Last Appeal," now bun' plijcd at Wallack's theatie, .New Veil;. The tcenn ol I'liley mul Ludei's mw opcia, "The l'llnce of 1'iU-i," U laid in Xite during the cainlal peaon. The prince is to bo the I on oicd gue.-.t of the occasion, but is delajeil, and the hoiious, tluougli a mistake, fill tu an Snn.il. an brewer of Cleiman eli.ullon who is toiuing the eouuliy with pictty Uaiuhteis, 'Ihe puuee Anally uirhe.s mid witnwes tlie spmt Imignlto. The opni U to bo iioduii.d for the lht time in llostou Jlir u. POLITICAL. FIMSr IXUlbLATTVi: DlSTmur-Notiio U here by ghen to the ltipublican voleis of the First Irtglslathe DMilct, that a piunaiy elec tion will bo held on Satuiday, April JJ, 1WIJ, be tween the lioum of four and men p. 111., ior the fiuipobc of iiomlnating a candidate for the I.ck slatuic to represent the dMilit 1111J to elect two delegate,: to the llepublitau State Com cm Ion to be hi Id at llairhbiirg .lime 11, 100-J. The convention to romputu the vote wlll be held on Tuculaj, April U'J, at 1U oMoek ill Co. opiratiVo Hall, liacli randidato must reglstir. wltli tho dUtrlct (hiirmaii, liU full name and pootoflleo nddicfj. and piy his i)seimcnt tlfteen days liefoic tlie ileitlon, or his luiue will not bo placed on tic ollicial ballot. Tlie district icilance coimuittee, In the Nati ons product!, will conduit the dedioii, and tho icult will ho upoitcd liv the ittuin Judrfu to tho dUlilct tomcntlcii, which will be toinpoud of tho tetiirii judgis, A written notlco lontaln lug their libtructioim will be mailed to the ineni bem of the various district vlullanio lomiiilttces. Clio. W. JI'.MvlNs, Clulmun. ,tlft-W. V. SIMPSON', fecretaiy. STORAGE. ine ocrautou Storage Co. offers perfect facilities for the Storage of household goods etc, Upwards of 30 dry, cleau and thoroughly veutilated rooms, with individual keys are at the disposal of the public, 113 Franklin Ave. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines More Than Four Lines, 10 Cents ,1 Cents (or fruit Extra l.ln;. Tor Bent. kfWW roll lll'.NT A 0 loomed colt me romplstily furnished with one bolt and IWlilinj pkr for Ihe neiuon coinnicreliis .Iiiiio I, ltm-2, nt I, ike Slicrhl in, near Kietorjvllle, 1M. See J. U. Zut filch, il7 Iiackawannn nvruue. HOli'M'.t) mid rooim for rent, IIoiko and lots for file, 1'iiiiin for Mle. Se .1. C. Zurtlloh, M7 Lackaw-anm avenue. roil Itr.NT S;ven tooins on wrntul floor loiiplc prefcrrrd without ehlhlreii; also to take rati' ot livvu ami garden. Tlk'i Cliy imiuie, Dunnioie, roil Hi:S l' Hlvroum Hit with bitli. lcim heat, k" ttime, mid nil modriii Impiove mentis; lent reason ible. Call earlj. Tied U. Hind, P0I .Mulbeiry blreet, I'Olt ItP.NT All modiin Iniprovemeiits, eluhl loom lioue, Ki0i Pine lliet. "ne ldoik lioui stred car. Attuiney llatteubiri;, "It Coniicll ItulKlincr. roll lIK.NT-liiuht and twelve-loom hotisei. Clieen lllillte, Miiiiii I eat; vei lcisouable. HoUatc I'Olt li r-Snnll (uriilKlieil hoii'O tor rent. In quiie at I'it Vine street. 6'IOHK KOlt lti:Nl'-lii! We-t Lackawanna avr nue. Iiupiirc I'hltlp Schnell, 020 West Lacka- iimu avenue. UAHN- roil niINT-12, April 1st, three bo-c and three ulrnle stall, and wash lack, tear oi Sit Madison avenue. Inquire at 1.31 Madlscn ove. FOIt HIIXT-Sioii. hulldlnir loi lent in l"'.0" City. Pa. llulldiiiK SO feet l.v 21 ft. ' J under ill, and second doiv can bo nrraiiitcil .jw a Mmlly. All In koo.I lepilr renly for w. lo coal breikem and mines close "by imploylnK over a lhoiis.mil people. An rntriprisiiw .,'" "',, can get a lnruo Hade. Apply to Wniw"''' Hklimoml, Itichniond Hill, :il!K X. Mln "-w, Ecianton. Pa. "7" Furnished Booms. FOll Itli.VT One or two furnished 01 mifurnldil loom' In (Jreen Itldtte. l'lnc loialloii, pri vale fainllj. It. !. I)., Tiiliune ofllce. I'lliNIMIKII fiont room, li.ilt block from court liniHe sipi.ue;. M1.1111 heat, M, 11-e of batli. Cll Spiiiie aticct. A MCI! fiont loom Willi above at the Xasli: also a nice inoin lor two juuiik men. Ull Adams avenue. I"0n liKNT One furnished loom, with impiove menls; also one on tliiul lloor, cheap. HJ7 Adams avenue. FUnXI&HIID ItOOMS foi rent, modem imple ments; piivato lamll; sentleinen ptpfcirid, at 5M7 Adams avenue. KOil REST irnished front loom, with heat, batli and eras: near court house; gentleman prelencd. Addrcw Iloom. llox 2')!). roil RKYr Furnished room; 6C5 Linden fitiect. heat nd batlu FUIlMSIIi:i) ROOMS FOR RHNT. with beat, pas and both, gentlemen prefened, at 039 Adams avenue. For Sale. FOR SALli A few second hand books, intludlng nit of Chambers Lnc.vcllpedia. Addicts V. U 'Pribune. FOR SALi: Twentv-tive fat three-.veir-old stec'13 at the firm of If. J. TiucmIjIp, Hush, Pa. I'OII SALi: b'even-jeai le.ino and furniture of a .7)100111 hold in Rood lepiir, neu Central depot. Reason for .oiling-, my time all lnkn tip in othel bu-iiucs. lllght man who knows Ihe steel pi nit people can do a hip trade as they all have to pas the hotel. Rent ''-MIOO a jcar; all thor oughly lenovatcd. Xevv bar .mil kitchen lc-t "pruur. (old Dollar hotel (an 11N0 be bought on cisy term-. Addict J. V. Ashley, Gold Dollar Hotel, llutlalo, X. V.' FOR SALI! Clli:P Doulile and (OIikIo dwellings and bun, OJl-Ji! lliomlev avenue, heianton, centially located. Rents for fJO icr month; a 10 per cent, investment. Pike, f.t,0(X). Further paiticiil.na, write or fee Aunstions,- & f-andirs, Real Kslato Agents, Pillston, Pa. FOR KAMI Will baenllce a HW piano of an old leliible make; walnut case; only been iwd two jcirs and is In peifect condition, Foi pai ticulaia address "( h imc," Tribune office. FOR SALI'. Cheap for c isli, phaeton, good coiv dltion; liugain to one who wihe to buy. Inquiic 11(1 (,'icen Ridge sticct, Dunmoie. FOR Sl.i:-Soih fountain. C. Fait .M.nket diect, Scranton. Cooper, C0l IOR SLli Sliade treLS and nuisciy Mod;, elia Mze-. (llles L. CI ilk, "J00 Wood stieet. Xevv 'phono 1021 I). FOR SALU Uiicre rcfiigerator, in good condition. Call at Iltl Quincv avenue. Jl'Sl' ARRIViiD, two car load of horses, Kood woikeis and drivel-, weilit fiom l.tiOO tiil.liOO; several closely luatchcd teuns; can be een at .131 Rijmond couit. I'. M. Cobb. CAlll'iriS 50,01)0 jarcls Brussels. Ingrains, Vel vets, al-o Mattings. Oil Cloth: 30,000 pieces linen sheets, tabic cloths, blankets, rountct panes, napkins, etc., iron bciU, spiings, !iiatlir-i, ehalrs. about t.l carloads at pulilh' auction. Sile begins Tueday at 10 a. ni. and 2 and 7 p. 111., at 230 Lackawinna avenue, next Seranton Sueet Rillroid waiting loom, opposite Penii avenue. Ciiiimilngs & llio.. An. tionccre. FOR SALK A beautiful cllainond ring, one caia,l. Will sell for Ij.s3. Addict P. O. llo-. Ill, City. FCflS for hilclilng, linn Leghorns exclusively Unecell(d In sUe and coloi, 7ae. per It. CI. A. Gardner, 1I2J Penii avenue, Seranton, I'a. FOR SALL-IImid till, dnubleis. Dros., Paterson, X, .1. Jvcw. llamford Por Stile or Bent. FOR .SALK OR RUNT The Forot lloue Hotel r-plcudhl location and sitlaf utoi.v ic.lsou.-. for climge. Terms 1111 application to A, .1. Gavin, Foie-t llotiac, .lei 111 vn. Beat Estate, FOR SALF-OX Main avenue, neir 'Iilpp lesl deuce, bevill lob, at about hilf value 101 1 1-Ii. Call on C, P, Jadwiu, .r13 Mears ImlhliuK. FOR SALi: A deaiiablo mid well inipiovcd faun, ultuated two miles 110111 llnuesdale lont.iiniii 5d or mole acies, Good buildings, vvell untiled, a never failing i-pilni:, oielnid and wood lot, suaai bush unci nut giove. Mis. .leicmlili Gai lett, lione.sdilu, I'a. FOIt SM.i: Faim uoacus; atoek, good oidiuil; building in kcoiI older; nine nilL'S fiom Serau Ion, I w miles lulu omvv, 1'aiin alone, m fJliu and Hoik. SI uy Jenkins, il iil- Like, Lick awaiina count), I'a FOR SAI.K-Lhvant kites fui homts In upper Giecn ltlde,c; cl.olee nclghboiliood, liuiil ele. slruble luealitv lot home In Lackiwanna toimt) J, A. Marvlne, 17.I0 binilcii-un aunuc. FARM FOR SALFM acles, T liilleo fiom Seian. ton; ahn f0 acies pattuui land lot valo 01 lent; all lecated near F.luihuiid, F, Ik (iatdner, alotcovv, Pa, FARM FOR hl.i: Siitv-lwo aeirs, one mile fiont Lake Ariel; twelve .11 11 4 ut tlinhet, lest iinpiovi'd; ixcellent tpiiug vvaler 1111 lot; faun titiiatrd 011 toad. For pjrtinilais uddiiss Will iam Trealar, Ariel, I1'1' Auction. CARl'll'lh-fiU.biX) .vault lluiMols. liiaialiu, Vel Vets, 11U0 .M.tlliiic.s, Oil Cloth; lo.uoil pieeoi linen bin'cl., i-'i'iu c 101 11s, iiunkcij, coiiiiici pane, napkins, etc., Inm bds, Hirlns, iiullifefcei,, chalis, ubout tlx larlouU at publio nut lion, Sale begins 'liuwlay ut Id a, 111. and 2 and 7 p. m., at 2.0 l-iikavv huh kviiiiu, next heiantou Strut Rallioid vvaillnir room, vppoallo I'eiiu avenue, Cuuiuiliivs .V llio,, Auc tioneers, Botudevs Wanted, I'ltlVATi: FAMILY vvUhes to Into two nl-o mii to board, Ucrinan or FiijlUh. Call any tima titer TUur.day. All lomenlsuces, tt)7 llarthoii avenue. Wanted Boomu and Boaid. WANTED Tvvj (cmiuunliatliig looms with boanl, pliwte family prefened. Two ladles and 4 gentleman, btito full paiticulars aii.irns t). II. D., Tl Ibune oftlce. SITUATION 3 WANTED FREE. Branch WANT Offlcas. Wnnt AdverttsementB Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M, Central City At.nCltr SCIII't.TX, toiner Mulberry utreet mul Webster avenue. (ItiSTAV I'ICIIIIL, MO Adams avenue. West Side ' tlF.OP.Gi: W, .HISKl.NS, 101 South Miln aientie. South Seranton 1'IIKII I;. TLItl'Pi:. 72') Cedir avenue. North Seranton OHO, W. DAVK," corner Xorth Vain avenue and Market -tied. Green Ridge CIIAItLKS P. J0.i:S 1.V.7 Diikson nveiiue. J". .1. JOHNS Oil) Green Ridge klrcel, C. LORIiS, cornel Washington avc- avenue and .Marion died. Petersburg W. il, IvM:PFFL, 1017 living avenue. Dunmoie .1. a. 110x1: ,v- f-ox. Help Wanted Male. .- rf . WANTIID Short older cook for night vvoik peihi Rest uiranl, .Main t Caihondile, lin l'a. M'AXTF.D-lly one of the Ingest old line life Jnsiiiaiuu coiupanle", ten agents for Noith- eastern 1'iniio It.iiiLi. Iain ml conli.lcl. nl ny or coitimlsion. Addles il linger, cue Tribune. WANTFD A joting man who Ins hid one jeu'a ixpciience ill tin Iiop. I'oote k Fuller, ile.us building. WAXTLD- woik. I'lllfiton. I'ltj-t class shoe linker, foi leinli l A. l)ni, Lu.eine avenue, West W nti:d-i NTi:i) Palnleis; onlv good men need apply. Call at Charles Manner's "l Adiitis avci.ue. Help Wanted Female. WANTF.I) Women to c iiiv.im for and lemesnt the TAIIARI) l.NX LIIIRARV; in some dl tricts Mibseifptions have been seemed at pric tieally every house; experienced r.im assern cm mike $'i0 a week, (five refeiences and address. W. F. Smith, ilgr. Sub. Dent., The Ilooklovers Libraiy, Plilladelphia. WAXTFD A t.vpewiitei and assist mt book keeper; female preferred; refeienco icqulied. Addicss L". F. C, Tribune oilice. WAXTLU A liousckecpei, iniKt bo-a good plain cook; leferenees rnpilrcd. Call at 7a7 Con uell building or 1010 X. Washington avenue. WANTi:i-flhl for genenl 717 ilouico a'cmic. hott-ewoik. Apply LADY CAXVASSF.R wanted to foliclt subscrip tlonn for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guaianteo for first-class worker. Apply personally at Business Manager's office, Seranton Tribune. Agents Wanted. THIRTY DAY OIFF.lt For 5c. in stamps we will send two simple knife (.Iiiipeneis, iustiuc tlon and agent,,' prices. W. .k- L. Gourlav, P. O. box 100, Harri-burs, I'a. AGENTS WANTED LIFE OP T. DEW1TT TALMAOB, by Ids Son, RF.V. FRAXK DF.W1TT TAI.MAGK aiul associate cditois of Cluisti.in Herald. Only book endowed b Talmagc f.imih. liiioiiuous piollt foi agents who act quickly, Outfit ten cents. Wiite iunnediitely CLAKK & C (., 3J3 s, 4tn b., I'nlla., I'n. Mention this Paper. Situations Wanted. SITLATIOX WANTLD Lilly stenogi.iphiT and tjpcv.ritcr desires position; experienced. Is'JO, Tl ibune. SITUATION- WANT n-ly a 1 citable eoloted man as jiorter, olfice or tli ess II. A., :I10 Penii avenue. elav'n woik. Ad- POSITION wanted by a first ehs carriage paint er. Address lliti 1'iospect avenue. SITUATION WAXTFD-Ity an expeiicneed mm, wltli good rcput ition, us teainter or t ible work. Can furnish icfeicnces. Addict 427 Oik lord place, city. S11TATIOX WAXTFD A mail vvcaibl like to get woik spading gaidens. grading or taking care of lawn. 1111 I.lojd sticct, top lloor. WAXTLD Position as bookkeeper and tjpevvriter, experienced. Addieis l'ciinanent Position, caic ot Tribune olllee. SITI'ATIOX WANTKD Uy .1 widow, would like washing and home lUjiiIh? by the day. Jit's. Millet, 712 Sehncll court. Money to Loan. ANY. AMOUNT OF MONFV TO LOAX-Qulck. Btrsight loans or Uulldlns and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 3U-313 Council building. Wanted To Bent. WANTLD ItOOMS For two adults three or (qui looms furnished 01 unfurnished for verv light liouiekceplng, tlt9t floor piefcrred. Address M. I)., Tilbuno olliec. WANTED rurnlalicd houo or four or flvo 1001m for liousekceilni-. Address A. 0. 1-'., Tilbuno ofllce. Business Opportunity. CARPF,lS-.V),()il vatds Hilled., Ingrains, Vel vets a Ko ilittlng. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces linen .heels, table clotlis, blankets e miner panes, nupklin, ell., iron beds, Miring-, matt;esis chalii., about l cailoids at pulillu aiidlon, Sile begiiH Tue.day at 10 a. in. and 2 and 7 p. in,, at 210 Lackavvanni avenuo, next Serautin Stint Jlillioad waitln,' loom, oiipixtlc I'eiiu avi'iiue, ( uinniings a llio., Auc tioned s. SroClx AM) WHEAT TUUH'.RS without delay. Write foi our .pedal niaikit letter. Ireo on application, s. M. Hlbbaid S: Co., mcinbjrs X. V, CciHolidated and Stock Sxcbange, tl und ID Hioadvvay, New oik. F.stablUhcd 111. Long DUtinees' I'hone 2JSS Bread. Loot. I.O-iT A datk si How pet lal, anaweib to the name or Tnhlle. A nultubla icwaid if le (iiined to l.ll'i Capouso uventie. I.O.M ladiis' gold waUh; a llbeial tenant will bo given If ictuined to Hotel TniJcc, LOST -A gold watch und fob either on (aibon etttel 01 from Caibon tin t tu ilulheiry on Piiiti, Finder letutii to Geoige J, Aili, Tiiue ofllce, Revvaid. l.O'sl' Steel beaded pun contulning cinal) miiii of money, on Ijekjwanna uvenue, near Wy oming. Finder plifc'e return purse to 'iiibuiia ullleo and keep lontcnts LOsT IJ2.1, between I'ccl; Lumber Co., East Mar Let Itmt and l'rctbcrian chinch. Ilewaid if lelumed to nltico ot Peel; Lumbtr t'o. Bhoumatiam. ltHEUMA'llbM All uaitlej that nbli ran bj ckcpHIIc- mul iicriiuiiently euied of all rlUlcs of lUicuniutiaui by 4 vsge'table eoiiipoiiud., Luirs guaranictu. lor. Sciantou. Inqulro or addicts i, E. Tay- MtHMWaMflBlMiiUMW DIRECTORY; n. 1 3 Insertions 25 Cents MoreThm Pour Unci, 6 Centt lor Gacli tUtrj Uti. LEGAL. 10 CltliDllOlts lljde l'atk- Ilinlc! VN.S k .11.1.11.... 11 ,.;...- ".."" ? . ,m "-.iii- ..ii ., v oil- cenc, is now neintt matte liv 1 !St, 1 i.,!lcn,?1Vll nt ""'" m ,,onr'1 ot 1'"le llultdlnir. Call from 2 p. m. to 3 p. in. N. H. ilOTf. Assignee. Till. A.VSIfAL meeting ot the nloctcliotcler 01 , .1 ?i I'l,,t,fr"l.';,r,i.41 r"i"'iiy IH be hold Jt their otllce, "01 Connell imlfillng, Bcrantou, I.I., ilondiu-, llav flth, at two o'clock n. in. for the election of a bond nf dlrectorn ami tlir tritisutioii of Riieh other kindness as may prop fily come befoio It. ' A. J. COXXF.LL, Secretary. 10 Till: OHM'.tlS or nptiled owners of property boiindlnir 01 abutting on both sides of West Carbon drcot, riom the Carbon utreet bridge to Providence rmd; 011 both sides of Providence roji) from West Milium street to Dlaiuoiul avenue; ot otitli iddes of Diamond avenue from Providence road to Com I utiert; and on both .hie of Cinnl street from Dlimond avenuo to Providence told, In tho Tvwiily-llrst mul Seroiul wards, City ot Seranton, I'a. Take notice that under the direction nf coun cils, asscsinints will bo made for the curbing aim for the pivlrg, with vltillled brlclt on a ronctete base, Mest Culion utiert. Piovldcnce road, Dli incinil avenue mid Court street, between the points aliove tinned, 011 Wednesday, April SO, HUB, at 10 o'dock in the forenoon, at the De partment nf Public Woik", lltireau nf Knglncei In?, Cily Hall, S'uaiiton, Pi., at which time mid place j cm in ly appear and be hcniel If you no drshc. joiix 1:. Rociii:. Dlrec lor Deiurtment of Public Works, Pmn(nn, I'a., April 2t, 1002. XOTICI! Is heieby given tint A. R. Gould ,fe sons, peiHous having a Hen, under the laws of l'rnnst, lv tula, upon goods, wares and ni"i clnndlse nf Hie Deer l'aik Hiewlng Compinv', consisting of one two horse delivery wagon, on ai count of storage and hbor bestowed on sneh goods, the owners having failul, neglected nnd re fused to pav the .inioini t nt such charges upon said propeitv within sixty dajs alter dennnd theieof 111 nlc pciMinilly, w-lli expose Ihe said twohoi-e delivery wagon to vile, at public mo tion, at Giuhrrt Caul.ige Works, Xo. 41". 421 Linden dieet. city of Seranton, Larkavrunui rountv", Pemisilvauia, on the J HI1 day of itiv, A. D. Its).', at 10 o'clock a. m and i-ell lh Kline 01 fo Hindi thereof as shall be sufficient tu diih.iige "lid lien together with costs of site mid advertising. a. n. goi;lt & oxs. WILLARI), WMIHF.V k KNAPP, Solicitors. SEALED PROPOSALS. SLALFD PROPOSALS will be opened In the of llio of the City Recorder by the Director ot the Dopiitinenl of Public Winks at 3 o'clock p. m. on M011d.1v, May .", lts)2, for cleaning and pilutlng the Lackiwiuuii avenue and Cedar ave nue bridgis .molding 10 speellleatlons on file hi the IIiiiciiii of Knglniering. Didders dull nrloe with each propoi-al, cadi or peisonal certified chcik in the sum of one hundred dollars as a guiiaiilce to exec ute 1 conflict within ten (10) da.vs if awaidcd the iaine. In ea-.o the bidder to whom the contiart (-bill hive been awaided, re fuses 01 omits to execute .1 contrict for the woik acemdlnir to the j-pcelfloa tlons therefor, within ten dijs fiom the dite of Ihe award, the enclosure accoiupinving his pioposal shall be foi felted to the iw of the City of Seranton. Pioposal blanks will be fumWied at the llil leiu of Fngiiieerlng and no otiii-rs will be ac cepted. All proposils must be llled in the office of Ihe City Controller, City Hall, Seranton. Pa., not later thin :M0 p. in. on Monday, May 15, 1002. The city icseives the right to reject any or all bids johx r:. nOOHB. Director Department ot Public Works. Seranton, I'a., April 23, 1002. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO. Kt TRADERS BANK Building, and St Paiil Building. New otk. Architects. EDWARD H. Building. DAVIS, AROIHTECT, CONNELt. FREDERICK I,. BROWN, ARCH. B., REAt. Estate Exchange Bldg.. 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 81, CONNELL UUILDINQ. STEVENSON KNIGHT. 72U CONXELb BLDO Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, Spruce itreet, Seranton. PAULI BUILDINO, DR. C. O. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMtNG AVENUE. Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsclloisat-Law. UU to 012 Council Building. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. REPLbGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NF.0O tiated on real estate becurity. Mears Bulldin,-, corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street. JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-tellors-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Room) 19, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOM OOJ-004, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Seranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADER'S NATJONA1 Bank Building O. COMEOVS, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDINO, A. W. BERTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. ill Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E, avenue. ALLEN. 6L NORTH WASHINGTON DR. 8. W. IAMORE UX, OFFICE S39 WASH ington avenue. Holdeuco, 1318 Mulbcuy Chronlo dUeats, luns, heart, kldnejs an; genlto-urlnaiy organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR D. G. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, IMS VAS. Ington avenue. Chronic and neivous diseastf a specially. Consultation lito. , Hotels and Bestaurants. 1111! ELK CAFE. 13 AND 1J7 FRA.NKLIN AVE- nue. Hates rcasouaoic P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor. 6CRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. I. U Y. YAf- aeniser depot. Conducted m tho Europen plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. BrBRIG03 CLEA3 I'ltlVV VAUIr3 AN . . 1... .. tnr mile tmnioved nuinns used. .r " " r;..-.. ...... '...ir, una A. 11. Briggs, U. Iiriggs. propiov"!, ." "" ' Knrtli Midi avenue. or l.ici.1. n uiuk a.uiv, r ner Adan-s and Mulberry, lioui teiepiioncs. Seeds. 0 R. CLARKE CO., SEEDSMEN AND MJH3- . . ...., in.jl.lnn.i... ..'.nil,. enHn rrvmen. kioio -vi 11 ,iu,ii.vt .i""i 7 hauws, 1050 tioitt) aiain avenue, bvuio hii- phone, 782, Wiie Screens, JoiEPIl KULTIEL. REAR Sit LACKA. 'AVE., Seranton, l'a manufacturer of Who berecni. Miscellaneous. Dili SSMAKlSa FOR ClIILDREN TO OHUKB: alto ladies waUts. LwuKo bliomukcr, f Adams avenue, UEGARUEE DUOS., PRINTERV SUl'l'LIES. EN v elotes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, lit Wiuljiiigtui avenpe, Seranton, Pa. THE WlLKES-UARRE RECORD CAN HE HAD nous ktands of Rcl.maji In Seranton at the Hrc.-;,4(W,tBfucc,tiUet KU Linden: II. Noitoti. SM LackaWannaUtciiuetl.b'. 'bchutttr, 211 Bninci street f .; ff, '- .' .. -..), Xii r?v 1 V'.'
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