The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Fittingly Celebrated Lost Evening at
Their Now Homo on North Hyde
Park Avenue Artistic Concert in
the Washburn Street Presbyterian
Church Numbor of Enjoyable So
cial Events Aldermanic Cases.
Events of This Evening Other
Shorter Paragraphs.
The twonty-nrth wedding anniversary
of Mr, and Mrs. Rowland U. Thomas,
of North Hyde Park avenue, wus 111
tlntrly celebrated at their beautiful new
homo last evening, and the eveot was
participated In by a larpro number of
their friends and relatives.
Air. and Airs. Thomas were united In
marrliifro a quartet' of a century ugo In
this city, by the Rev. Rowland H.
IS vans, and seven children have blessed
their union, llvo of whom are living,
namely, Atnttlc, John, Lizzie, George
and Wlllard.
They wore heartily congratulated last
evening by their guests, and received
many beautiful presents as evidences
of appreciation and esteem In which
they are held. The time was spent in
an Inlormal manner, and at 10 o'clock
refreshments wcro served, under the
supervision of Airs. Joseph Thomas.
Atlss Alattiu Thomas, who acted as
hostess, was assisted In receiving and
serving by the Alisses Alurgarot Lud
wlg, Kllzubeth Alorgim. Emmet Ellis,
Isabella AIcDowell and Ida Lewis.
Piano selections were rendered by
Airs. D. 15. Thomas, and congratulatory
remarks wore nit' do by a number of
tho gentlemen ptcsont.
Alt-. Thomas Is well known as the for
mer street commissioner, having served
for two years in that capacity under
former Afnyor Aloir. Prior to holding
that olTleo he was engaged as fire boss
at the Urlsbln mine, nnd is now en
gaged In that poition, having served
altogether for nearly tWonty-flve years
under tho Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company. Those ptesent at
the celebration last evening were the
Moscnw Dr. and Jlt. T. V. Wllvm.
Wrst I'ltliton MKi Itmnali
I'ailmnd.ile Mr. and Mrs. Oeoijre Davis, Mr.
and Mr Thorn is Dni, Ml Caule Davi--.
Soiantnn Hon. and .Mr. .Tames Moir, Judiic
and Mi. . A. Vo-huiir, Mr. .mil Mr. John
T. William v Mr. and Mr-. Jmipli IteinoluV, Mr.
TIib Best family Cough Jteiiiedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
' for Sal- by
101 S. Main ave.
There Is but One Complete Silk Stock
In Scranton. It's Here at Your Service
Spring silk selling is no little matter at the Globe Warehouse, and
the present marks one of the busiest seasons on record. That's
why the
Annual Spring Sale
Of Black and Fancy Silks
Has been so long delayed. We could not find time to get at the
details. Better late than never, however, and todav we present
to the public the choicest bargain array of guaranteed silks ever
olfered in Northeastern Pennsylvania at corresponding figures.
Crisp Facts for
Shrewd Buyers
4 Remarkable Values
in Fancy Silks
19-Inch Taffeta Cords, splendid as
sortment of colors and effects. Will
xmika charming Summer Waists.
Worth C5c. Sale price,
20-Inch Cashmere .Stripe Taffetas, in
Pompadour itud Luce clftuts. A won
det fully effective silk at a moderate
cost. Worth t-Sc. Now
20-lnch Fancy Strlpo Silks, none
worm less titan $i.oo tho yard, and
all desirable styles for' present season's
vcur. Tho salo prlci-,
21-lneh Sutln-ilnlHli Fottlauls.einbrac
Iiik an exceptionally lino range of now
colors and effects. The best b3c. value
wo know of for
Popular Plain Weave
Colored Silks, Cloaks
l!)-inch extra heavy, bright finish
Tuffeta Silks, in all the slutdes most
sought for this season, as well us cream
nnd white. These beautiful silks are
not loaded with wool or unjbothor for
eign substance. Wo guaHinleo them
absolutely puro and guarantee their
wear also In tho most positive terms.
They're worth 75c. the yurd. Sale price),
jjldlre Silks for Jackets
Waists, Skirts, etc. They have first
call just now in fushlon'a realm, and
our into ot coiors, uiaaxs or Whites,
icuvcn nullum,
to bo desired. Jt Is
Globe Warehoii:
nrnl Mm. T. J. Itfj-noIiK Mr. nnil Mrs. I). S.
Ktnf, Iter, and Mr, tl, 1. K.m, Nov. mi.l Mm.
Hugh l)al, Mr. anil Mrs. P. tl. Thoni,t, Mr. nnil
Mm. lllctinnl Jones, Mr. him! Mrs. W. tt. Parry,
Mr. and Mr. Mellaril Ovcn, Mr. nnd Mr.
William Williams Mr. and Mm. lUtlrl lldnnrdt,
ilr. and Mrs. William Jonc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Tho.
Itouilh, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Eintm, Mr. nnd
Mm. William 11. William.., Mr. and Mr;, .tosopli
Thomas, Mr. and Mr. Atidcison Jonc, Mr. nnd
Mm. John A. Tliomm, Mr. and Mm. Iliatt 1M
wtrili, Mr. nnd Mm. John HurIim, Mr. nnd
Sir Thoin.18 O. Williams Mr. nnd Mr. l).ild
l'hllllpi, Mr. and Mr. .latiici Williams,' Mr, mid
Mm. llarley Knlln, Mr. nnd Mm. (leorKe I).
Keglar, Mr. nnd Mm. Hlchard Ktitnt, Mi. nnd
Mm. l'rcd t-rltncr, Mr. and Mm. I-ojnl Hill, Mr.
nnd Mm. tlnuley, Mr. nnd Mm. David lli',non,
Mr. nnd Mm. John H. J.mici, Mr. V. Aubrry
l'oncll, Mrs. .Tone, Mrs. William Kiiitu, Mis.
Klizalietli Wllllatm, Mis. C'arllnc Droohs, Mrs.
Ta Joseph, Mis. Janice W. Jjiiici, Mr. .Tamos
II. .Tamos,
Mli-ios Ma A- Iiourn, Idi I.ohIi, Margaret
Hiighci, r.ll?aT.icth Jrnkini, Klirahcth Stein, Jes
sie Lewis, Isabolle MrDoncll, Margaret 1.ii.1hIp,
Sue Kdnaids, Kllli.
Messrs William Whloner, Cluilr-i W. Dii-on,
IMwjid WatMiis, John Koinhardt, William
An Artistic Success.
The concert clven in the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church last even
ing in aid of the talent fund, under the
direction of Air. and Airs. L. C. Arm
brust, was an artistic success, and was
one of the most elaborate events of tho
tenson. A large and appreciative audi
ence was in attendance, nnd all of the
artists who participated were enthusi
astically received.
The orchestral numbers, under the
direction of George Waters, wore a
pleasing surprise, and demonstrated
that the Bible school of the church has
some excellent talent In that resnect.
The opening vocal number was a
soprano solo by Allss Lydla Sailer, who
is ti popular favorite in West Scranton.
She sang a flower song from Faust,
which earned for her a very hearty en
core, and she was presented with a
bouquet of flowers.
Allss Bessie Sloto recited "The Soul
of the Violin," In her usual nrtlstic
nfanner. The baritone solo by D. W.
Davis, "The Children's Thanksgiving,"
demonstrated that his voice has lost
The Reduced
Price List
Which appeals below Is worthy of
more than passing attention. The llg
ures quoted arc guaranteed, una the
range Is so extensive as to lilt thu bill
In every particular.
Black Taffeta Silks
of Guaranteed Quality
19-Inch Silks,
19-lnch Silks,
19-Inch Silks.
worth 1,'c,
worth DSc,
worth CSc,
worth sric,
worth Mil-,
worth $1.00,
worth grit-.
for r.:,a
for 4.-0
for r..r,(!
for ii:,c
for fino
for 75c
for 7o
for !)3c
for $1.00
for 1.1(1
for J. 25
for .if
for 1.45
for 1.09
21-luch Silks.
21-Inch Slllts,
21-IIU'll silks,
27-Inch Silks,
27-inch Silks.
worth $1,2.".
.ib-incn silks, worth $l.,l,-.
.ifi-lnch Silks, worth $1,50,
42-Inch Silks, worth $1.75,
22-luch Silks, worth Sl.r.O,
23-inch Silks, worth $1.75,
23-Inch Silks, worth $2.23,
Peau De Sole Weaves
of Exquisite Texture
19-lnch Silks, worth KSc.. for....
21-itch Silks, worth $1.00, for...
2l-luch Silks, worth $1.25, for...
24-Inch silks, worth $1.50, for..
22-Hiuh Silks, worth $1.75, for.
ifi-lnch Silks, worth $2.25, for.
ao-lnch Silks, worth $1,25, for...
:iC-lnch silks, woith $2.25, for...
Fine Satin Duchess
19-lnch Silks, worth 09c, for....
X9-lnch silks, worth s;o. for.
21- IlL'h SIlkH. urnrll, iot ,"'"'
,. IW11
1. 7l)o
. 3c
,. 1.39
,. 1.09
. 93o
,. 1.S5,
, 55c
... B!)o
,,, 95o
24-lneh Silks, worth fi.h for.!
All of tho nbovo Silks uro warranted
tp weur perfectly. it, nuwiufuct m
they are llawjess, und every yurd is of
pure dye.
none of Its old-time sweetness, nnd his
effort vos thoroughly appreciated.
Tho feature of tho event was the Bluff
ing of Allss Elsa Van Uorvoort, of Now
York, whose tend 1 1 Ion of "O Let Night
Speak of Me," was received with much
enthusiasm, and she was accorded n
flattering encore atnl sang a rosu fable,
which was also well received.
Another superb rendition was the
tenor solo, " 'Twas but a Dream," by
Alfred Woooler, and for an encore ho
sang a composition by Cleorge Dudley
Alartln. of tills city, entitled "For Us,"
which Is exceedingly pretty and catchy.
Miss Van Dervoort again sang "Sweet
heart, Thy Lips Are Touched with
Flame," and received another encore.
William Roberts, the basso, favored
the audience with a lino rendition of "A
Cavalier Song," and was heartily en
cored, nnd gave another pleasing selec
tion. The closing vocal number was a
duct by Misses Stiller uno Van Der
voort, In which tltclr bountiful voices
blended exceedingly well, and they were
compelled to sing an encore. This num
ber was undoubtedly one of the best on
tho programme.
D. W. Morgan acted as chairman, and
the accompanists of the evening were
Airs. D. II. Thomas, Mrs. I'lerco T. Fel
lows, Allss Alorgaret Glbbs and Walter
Davis, and their efforts contributed
much to the success of the concert. Air.
and Airs. Armbrust are to be congratu
lated for providing such nn excellent
entertainment, and the talent fund of
the church will reap a good siyu as a
Miss Watklns Entertains.
Allss Jennie Watklns, daughter of Air.
and Airs. James Watklns, of 23:2 North
Hydo Park avenue, gave a phonograph
party on Wednesday evening to a largo
numbor of friends. Samuel Thomas, of
Greenwood, was In charge of the phono
graph, and all the popular selections
were played. At a seasonable hour re
freshments were served by Airs. AVut
klns, assisted by Alisses Alttry Watklns
nnd Nettle Sansenbach. Those present
Air. and Airs. John J. Alorgan, Air.
nnd Airs. Richard Ilavard, Alisses Net
tle Sansenbach, Alary Watklns, Eva
Kittle, Gertrude Loomls, AInry James,
Beuluh Hlne, Nora. Confer, Rhoda Wat
kins, Hattio Rnynor, Ethel Watklns,
Stella Alorgan, Clara Watklns, Jennie
Watklns, Messrs. John Thomas, "Will
iam Watklns, James Thomas, A. B.
Craning, F. L. Watklns, Arthur Cos
ner, Harry York, Howard Cosnur, Will
Morgans, Boyd Jacoby, Wendell Evans,
Hurry Watklns.
Alleged Shooting Affray.
A telephone mc&snge was received .it
the police station early last evening to
the effect that a resident of Sixteenth
street had shot his wife. Two olllcers
were immediately dispatched to the
scene, where a. large crowd had as
sembled. Investigation revealed the fact that
the man had struck bis wife with a
board on the leg. and the report
sounded as if it was u pistol shot. The
woman screamed and yelled that she
had been shot, and a passer-by, with
out waiting to investigate, telephoned
for the police. The participants in tho
attair were very much chargined when
the ofllcers put In an appearance.
Aldermanic Cases.
Alichael AIcHale. of 2100 Lafayette
street, was arcstcd yestettlay at the
instance of his father, charged with
committing nn assault on his brother
Patrick AIcHale. Tho hearing was
held before Alderman John and
Alichael was held In ?300 ball for his
appearance at court.
Patrick Lynn, of Luzctne street, wus
at rested yestetday nt the Instance of
V. H. Coon, of 211 Ninth street, charged
with removing a load of wood belong
ing to him from the Central mine
switch. The evidence given btfore
Alderman Kollow was circumstantial
but was deemed sutllclont to hold him
In ?200 bail for his appearance at
Party on Fifteenth Street.
Jliss Ida Jones, of Fifteenth and
Division streets, was tendered a parly
by her friends Tuesday evening. Tho
usual dhersions Incidental to such
gatherings weru indulged In, nnd jo-frcshmentrf-
were served. Those pres
ent were:
Jllsses Esther Hughes, Lottie Mor
gans, Maggie Thomas, Kdlth Jones,
Lizzie Jenkins, Llzzfu Davis, Ida Davis;
Messsrs. William Jones, Walter Whit
man, Llewellyn Jones, Walter Hughes,
Kvnn Kvans, George Hodges and David
Going Back to Arizona.
Kred Sherman, of Keyset1 avenue and
Jackson street, who will leave for Ari
zona in a few dajs, was tendered a sur
prise party recently by a number of
friends tit tho home of his parents.
A feature of the event was a cake-
walk, which wits won by J. H. Amer
uiaii and Mrs. William Amermnn. A
largo party of guests were In attend
ance. Given Away.
Ilosp bushes, that will bloom this
year, given away. See our advertise
ment on third page of this paper.
Meats & Ilagen.
ri.ivi No. 1, of thu I'li.l lljplNt Sunday hIloI,
will conduit .111 rntiTl linm. ut 11ml mango
in Hip jisuuldy lotin till-, mnliu'.
An rnlnuliimnit and mici.i1 will lu 1 ,.-1 I in
Hie J1.1 kinn htici't HiptUt lull 1 ti Hii, Mining
tu iiuiiiiili mililillllj anions th j Siuiiliy iilmol
mIihIjih .mil tlndr fikiiiN,
'I hi' Mntliilf.' Ji'WoN will incut In the s;nii-oii
MillunlU I.'I,iiim1 1I11111I1 jI it.S ii'ilnck. .Ml
ililldli'li iitnlcr 11 Ji'JH uf .igo .ire iu tu .it
Und. Miks Mimv, u( I.if.ijclli- sticil. will in.
Iriljln tiic V, b. X nt Hit' hiiiion lli''lidlt
I:iImoi.i1 iliuii'li litis ociittiir.
1'l.i.s .Nn, IS, of the r.inliuiy .Hi'lliodl.t i:pl. huniliy mIiohI, will ir,i 1, "ili.imi v("
UiU Miiilnu nt Hie In me i,f tin Ir tuclii'i-, Jlist
IMu.t lliuincr, V'l- l.ueiiio Mini,
Tint Ijdlrs of the Itiilionl auxiliary k.'iinl .1
clam iliowiVr uipper In the Simpson MrtliudUl
1'pki'opal thtnili lit I'leiilni,' to 11 ui;e minilm
of puliaiif.
Smlii oi'f lliu iiiualiis of the late I.1011. U weie held .usterdaj afleinoon at tlie
liiitisc, SiitM Wa.Uiiuu btierl, and wne In iliai'e
of llev. lald Jonvi, ulor of (he rin,t WVWi
mM, into the future and eee the condition
to which our coiikIi, if iieclcctctl.
Trill urltiR you, on Mould icel: relief nl
once and that naturally would L-e through
f4 -4 4-, Guaranteed 0 cure ton-
vLlI tj tnuntlon, Jtronc hltla,
-" Asthma, aud all I.ung
Troubles. Cure; Coughs aud Colds iu a day.
23 cents. Write to S. C. Wslls & Co..
I,e Koy, N, V lor free trial bottle.
Karl's Cloter Root Tea purifies the Blood
ConRre( thnnli. Interment wai nude In
tho U'Mhburn street irmcter.v. The fall-boircM
wrro tleow l'hlltlw, Iteero IImiiih, llnnlel UU,
Henry Snillh, Willi im and (Infield Thotnpion.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 lianas lltddoe, til Notlh fhr
field MUitir, held nn lie i renin iwlnl nl tliolr
home on U'cilnniiljy utriiliiR nr the benefit ot
the .tiudnon Street tlnntk rhurth.
Chen No. 8, of (ho airfield Acnuc Mtalon
uliool will hold nn entertainment nnd on
t'rldiy t-unltifr, May S, l.'neh tmhnier ! a
ticket will hia n tlmnec on n door price
A'Krllo1i t,f (he toadhed on North Mneoln nc
tuio, belwren bnfiiyrtlo and Hwelliind atrecti,
which w.11 recently lorn tip, hn nettled Bcterti
fell and I in a dangerous condition, line' of P.
McCnnn'H hoicen fell In the trench recently nnd
wa rescued niter much difficulty. Tho Bclttlliitf
l duo to the 1.1) Ing of w.ttcr idpc.
Dr. I). W, Kvuu, of North M.iln nwntte. has
tettirucd homo from tho wrt, whtro ho wot culled
by tho scrloun Illness of hi mother.
Illrlianl H. William, of Academy etreet. who
underwent another operation nt tho Moc Taylor
hopltal recently, has returned homo iigaln, much
Mrs. William Hiptlrcs, Mr, nnd Mrs. Ttlchard
llirnum, of llalhtead, arc tho nueiti of Mr. and
Mm. Alfred Kern, of 1123 Wafhbimi Mrrct.
Harry C. Morgan, of Thirteenth idroct, h nt
the Lncknwannn hospital, where he will ho up.
crated on for appendicltU.
John Jones, of Chlcano, son of tho late ltcv,
II, I'otilk Jones formerly of UiU clly, li the
finest of Dr. .nut Mm. J. J, llabcrls, ot fJoutli
Main ucmie.
Iter. H.'N.' Harris, of WeWi Hill, will occupy
tho pulpit of the l'l) mouth Cougrcgatloni!
church, next Sunday morning and ccnlmr.
A ton was recently born to Mr. nnd SIrt.
f Italics Dixon, of North Hjilo I'ark merino.
John II. Dunn, ClcnrKo Ki urer, Harry Wcdi1
man, Harry Wcher and C'urtU Whetstone mo rep
icsciitlnir St. Matk'B Lutheran dune h nt tho
hi.untn's lomcnllon In Wllkes-llirrc.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. llat, nf North Sumner nve
line, nnl Mr. nnd Mm C. W. Lull, of Prl'-e
tlrcct, hate relumed home from nn cnjoyiblo
trip to the Charleston exposition.
Another large irowd of young people were in
attendance at the Wohneta dancing (.oc'al
In Mo.irs' hall lust evcnlnt,'. MUs Kute lien
dun played for them.
The first quarterly conferenco of the Knthnry
Jlnthodlst Kpiscnpil clitirili will bo held In the
new tomoriow evening at 7 o'clock. All
official members nro requested to be present.
Through a Might mistake tho name of fll-s
Anna Jones was omitted from the programme
which will he gUeu tit the orange toelul held at
the Pint Piptlst church this evening.
There will be a meeting ot the Driving club
this evening at 8 o'clock nt Deckclnlck's hotel.
Mnlachi Coyne, the New Select Coun
cilman from the Twentieth Ward.
Other Matters.
The new select councilman ftom the
Twentieth ward, Malachl Coyne, Is a
man who will have an opportunity to
make a great impress on legislation
during: the coming year. He has a posi
tion on most of tho important commit-
tees, where his sttong common sense
and conservatism will be of great bene
fit in considering matters to come be
fore council.
Mr. Coyne has for years been tt resi
dent of the Twentieth ward and Is par
ticularly Interested In all matters tend
ing to tho Improvement of this part of
the city.
Given Away.
Itoso bushes, that will bloom this
year, given away. See our advertise
ment on third page of this paper.
M Meurs & Hagen.
The Sir.inlon Allilcllo dub met in srml.niO'illi
ly h-hIoh List eionlns.
The ninsii'R.ition of die I' ilrncli
on Illeloi,v Mieil, met in monthly kession at the
lurMi lioiiso ji.t cicnmir.
Jtis Tied Until, of KdHarilsilllc, was the Ruest
of Mis. II, H. fonie.i, en S'oeum sticet, jcsteuliy.
Tlie esceller.t eimutlu programme of the
Scranton Athletic iluli'b junior classes on Wad-ne-d.i)u
iarht was the mlijeit of ireneral ill-ciu-fcion
on this hide jesteidav. Inslinctoi Victor
N'oth, wa.s warmly priised for the rnpalile man.
net In which lie handled the esereUeh and per
forimir. Dr. (J11I1111 moM'd to 125 I'lttstou at rim;.
Ilotli 'plione.
The irtintly orBiinizcil oc ! ly will liold a upe
1l.1l iiieitlns this cenliirf in Sifts hotel, and all
menilierf. are urged to he pictent.
Dr. fkhlej'.s lanitf IIimIIiik lljl-sim Is Riiir
atilti'd to euro all loughs. "No cure, no p.11."
1'of (..lie liy all iIcjIi-m.
An Hi lit in Mils toltmui jesleuliy Mated that J
farewell patty lud liccn tcmlerril .loscpli Kldeii,
who lud rt'slcnnl Ills position h the T.aeka.
wanni btoii) company, and was about to liave for
Ituffalo. Tlie whole story originated in the mind
if .1 JuUr. It did Mr, Klden an Injustice, lie
( uise miiiio of the pethons lnentlotied 11s belli'?
piornl nt tho paily were not cien aerjiuint.
ai.ies of Ids,
Nino Yenr Old Leonard DeMaxko Has
Disappeared from Home An
thony Dougherty Arrested.
The Italian neighborhood on Smith
ptreel Is all agog over tho dlHiiupeur
ancii fioin home. Tuesday afternoon, of
Leonard DeMuiUo, 11 U-yeur-old boy,
who itttnnds No. 6 bcliool,
On Titusdity ho was sent homo from
school by Allss Dupgun, for untuly con
duct. It is thought that ho feared In
go honiu itutl ti'll his story and won
dered away, lie had only lived Item
during the post four mouths, anil was
hut Hllghtly itcijualntea with tho town.
When last seen ho was dressed In a
blue blouse, short punts, old shoes anil
rubbers. Ho lias brown, curly hair ami
his hands were badly chapped. Tho
police of Dunmorn and Scranton have
been notified, but at this tlmo no triteu
bus been found. Any Information would
be most thankfully received.
Arrested for Trespassing,
Anthony Dougherty, of OaK street,
was arraigned before Hurgesa Hurschell
Wednesday, charged with ticspasslng
upon tho property of A. D. & F, M.
Spencer. Ho was arrested yesterday
morning, about 'i o'clock, while disturb
Ing the men engaged In sinking the
new Bhaft. Wllllain Osley, tho fore
man, testified that Dougherty refused
to leave the property when ordered nnd
grew very ubuslve und Insulting.
General Manager Spencer said they
hIA - - mM
In Staple Goods that you will need every day at prices
it will pay you to come for. These prices for
Main Floor Specials
Oat Heal Dishes
Gold lined, decorated,
3 colors, were 10c, Friday
Brass Extension Rods
Open 24 to 38 inches.
Complete, worth 10 cents. .
Friday 4C
Bread Knives
Red handle and 8 In.
blade. Regular 25c
value. Friday
Collar Button Sets
Four GoId-Plated( Buttons, with
celluloid backs. Worth
10c set. Friday, set 4C
100 New
Style Embroideries
Worth 8c and 10c
yard. Friday, yard . . . .
Brown floire Ribbon
40, 60 and 80 In. widths. 3 .
4 and 5 Inch width. Heavy
quality, worth 25c yard.
Friday, yaid )C
J. H. LADWIG, Proprietor,
did not desire to push the case, hut
simply wanted to give warning that
similar offenders would be s-everely
dealt with. After tho explanation
Dougherty was discharged with a rep
rimand. Odd Fellows Banquet.
The Odd Follows held their h.uuiuct
nnil Installation of olllcers nl their
rooms Wednesday night. A large num
ber of members of slbter lodges weru
present. Intel ostitis' addrespca were
made by Judge A. A. Yosburg and
Tho olllcers Installed were as follows:
Xoble grand. Oeorgu YV OUell; vice
grand, Frank Marshall: hecretary, liy
ron Urudy; financial secretary, Harry
Klzer; treasurer, Orrln Correll; tuth
tee, Harry Klzer.
Given Away.
Iloso bushes, that will bloom this
year, given away. Ken our udvei llsi.'
mt'iit on third page of this pttpcr.
Jli'uia & Uugen.
'Ihc of the lite MiniH 1'lasermin tu.
iiirii'd fiimi I lie Inline of hh ihushtcr, ili). .lone, '
on Drinker i-tiiit, ie.-.tiuli,. llev, , V, tiili. 1
lions, of the I'nMiv U' iliurili. ollulalid. A I
lajpn nimihiT of liitiulr and neljihlien 114 nell .11
deleiratleu of (lid lYIInnn eie In atli ndiin ',
'liilirunnt u nude In Hiuiiuoro iiiueteii,
t'h.iihs llioik, of MiIlIh aienue, lm'i;oie to
Altoona, where he will p. inuueutly n-hle,
Mlt. A. I.. llrilni has 11 tinned liouie aflei .1
oliy of llirn' MuU In I'llWnii.
Ml. J. W. Wliltuun, of Aloe.1, h ii-llin-fill
uds In tu-.1 11,
Mi, and M, Miller and MI'i susle I'uhr, of
(!iom ti i'l, lift 011 xiturda) foi a lll nlili
telatlii's iu (,'i'iniiiiy,
Itev, t'liaih'H II, .Vuulit' tetiirned homo ,u
teiday ftciu Wjiuli,
William II.iikU, of I'lileao, tpent .leMciday at
M, W, Chiinbullu'r, on llli.kely Hrect.
'I ho 111 t ii,I(1 . lilt ill o eutcilaliuueiit eier
eetu In IhU n'ltlon i.'.iii kIuii liy thu inemhiu
of tho Ninth fHiuiitim butllute of lluiuin Dotil
iim lit ut tho f) 11111 Jaliuu liit cunlui;. The
IKlfoniunie .n laittrly altend'd and Dr, Yoiihk
wai highly eoniinrndcd fur li'd woil: ulili tic
ila.c. The iNhlhitioii all thu uuy lliroii';li n
Intel estltiK and ainti!ii',-. 'Hie pio'r.iiiiine ion-
In In itorc for nil who use liemp'n l4lam for iho
Throat and I.unift, thu 1,-ieat guarauteril lemedy.
Would ou licllivu Hut It h Hold on its merit, tin I
uuy dm. -slit la sutlnrUid by the pioprlctor ot
thin uouderful rcimdy to fie jou u cunple bottlu
free! It neicr faiU to mro uiuto or chronic
coujlts. All urusgistj tell Kemp's Ualuin. Price,
"3c. iud iOc.
Second Floor
Window Screens
Buy early if you wish to keep
the flies out, Now you can very
easily keep tham ont the whole
We have an 1 8-inch
operis from 24 to 32
in., worth 25c Friday.
. Only 50 dozen. Come early.
Roller Bearing Screens, 18
inches high, opens 17 to 32
inches. Fits many windows that
are hard to fit, worth
25c. Friday 1 9C
Same Screen, 24 Inches
high, worth 35 cents. .
Friday 24C
Larger sizes at 39c and 34c.
By the yard to repair your
old doors or windows,
By the yard in 24 f
inches, at, yard 1 OC
Wider widths to 20c a yard.
Screen Door Hinges
Worth 15c a pair. 4
Friday, pair IOC
The best assortment
ever shown, from 49Z
Lyceum Theatre
M, ni'.lS. I.rsei nnd Manager.
X J. DUITV, DuMne-,3 Maiueir.
nid.iy Mislit, Saturday Matinee and Sight.
A 1'li.y of I),cp lleait liiteu-t.
1 wis
A Stiong Company Headed liy
Mr. Edwin Mordant
l'riie KieninB, 2.", 50, 7.V. and
Sneeial Matinee l'ilie Kntile lower llcor. Mi':
entire luhony, "J.'e. C'hlhliin to any pait of
theater, l.V.
S'eat now ready.
tl'imi.w. Ai'itif, ami.
A Night of Vaudeville
Tlie Great, the Magnificent,
Stimii;fl Man on Karlh.
Willi lll Siptili Vaudeiille Coinpiny of
European and American Novelties.
l'l Ill's IV. . ilk',, I.""',,
Seali, on Mle sal 11 1 da 1
and !,
fl.lid of M'H'ral Inieiettlns kjiup, c- ,1 tnci.
lllnir 1111I1I1 lu'tHiiii tun mciuln'iK if thai c!j,,
iluiuli hell nml tneul nilur dillh, ami the Mi.-t
Kline of luket lull mi ein In UiN with 11
pla.iid by nili. One of the fiatiues of the
lU'idusc was thu ileur cluh Jusfflln:; (,r Hi.
l'lre tot illy dotiojid the ham IibIoiuIikt to
I'etti )oie, of Mary tticet, jeiteiday inoininif
uhoul U.HU ii'iloik. An alaim wax trot iu fi 111
hox b7, iihiih IiioukIiI all the inmpanlej ul thin
H'cllmi o ihc wone, Upon airliiuit at tho cene,
Iho lum uat fu tt hum of tlanus, and the woiU
of the firemen .u nf in. .nail, Iho liulldlus wa
totally ilttlwjril. It m not lu,ured.
The funeral of the late Mm. William Anderson,
of Wajne u w mu, wilt take plato from lur late
Kkldime thlj aftcinoun at S o'lhxk. hcrilifs
will lie eundiietcd liy the Itcv (koitro A.
fine, of the McthodUt iliiu-h. Intmueiit will
lu made in Koiot Hill cemetery.
Tliciiud Mi(!aur'han, of Willow street, w,j
tlneil Ihv dollar innl iou, ,iejterdiy moriilni;,
Iu wllic rouit, hefoie Ma.'Utiato Kldler, fei hi
lin; drunlc and dUoiduly und throw Ini; lonr i.t
the a! net earn.
ltoc Hujlii'5, that will bloom this jear, gheo
away, ike our adttrtUeiuent on third pae of
tliU paper. Meaw & Ilagen.
l-ibre Ware Sale
1 2-Quart Fibre Buck
ets, worth 24c. Friday
Fibre Cuspidores
With lift-off tops.very
easy to clean, was 50c.
Friday '.
Fibre Tubs
Will last longer than 3 cedar
or pine tubs, no hoops to drop off,
nothing to shrink or swell, Our
price one-half of elsewhere.
Friday, each, 7.1c, 80c
and UC
Fibre Wash Basins
Was 24 cents. Friday.
Fibre Slop Pails
and Covers
Friday 39C
14-Quart Size, was .
74c. Friday 49C
Fibre Toilet Sets
Large Pitcher, Basin
and Jar. Worth $1. 50.
Friday, set
Brass Top
Barroom Cuspidor
Large size .worth 98c. .
Friday 74C
Many other goods made in
Fibre Ware we have here at very
low prices.
Large, Fresh
Three Popular
Priced Stores.
Academy of flusic
U. ItElS, Ltace. A. J. Duffy, Mna;tr.
I.aat llueo Mchl Mitiuec lildiy nnd Katurday.
pi the Seiuallonal Comedy Puma,
Plreitloit cf lluitli; fc Seniion.
1'rli cs-15, i 33 and 50c; matinees, 1.1 and 2V,
Ai.b .mat vi:i:k.
Openlne ith u Special Monday Jfotlnee,
Chas. Ljyboiiiiie, Emma Bunting
and Company, I'tesenllng a Itcpcttolie of I.ato
1'flicj 10, 20 and WV.j inatlnce, 10 and 20c.
ALF. 0. HEnRIXOTO.y, Minaser,
Thursday, l'rlday and Satiifdjy,
Al'ltlfi 2, 25 AXI 'M.
k. :
'"VrV. J
r s