The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
K?&ttMU i.-iJ 1 ' iWOfr' KCTi - IWrv W" '' :' ' w" it ill' oa tfr T I A .ivl tr v V 'C, R-rr iri ? es a r-iilillilicel Willi-, Sunday, iy Tlie Trlli tone Publishing Company, at fitly CciiM Meintli, J.IVY B. HtCttAllO, r.dltnr. U. V. MY.MIKH, .llinlnrai Maiuner. New Yolk Office ! 150 Nawati St. - s. a. vnt:r.iisit, ' Hole ArchI tor I'airlRii A'lurtUIn?. fcnlcrcel at the l'olnflle.c at Seranluti, Swontl ClaM Mall Matter. Pa,, in When space will permit, The Tribune Is always glnd to print short letters from Its friends bear ing: on current topics, but Its rule Is that these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. nit: i-f..r ii.vri: roii .ivi:imsixi. Thr followliiir table ohuun the liilce- per I111I1 f.Kh lncrtlou, to be inl rtltliln imp cir. Pull .(,0 .mi .I'l .1-. .P "lfim'ot Miiltiu JHSI'hAV, . JMpprlJIc'.icll i.(i"tirin"m (ih'Iipi. ,m ."" M Inclifs Ml .It im mi ,:i.l tWi ' ; .-: friO " 20 ,a Iikxi " in ,17." iioixi " i.v, .17 (IIKIO ' .IS .111" sylvitiila, New York mill Illinois have naturally flptirrtt liiiBtly In the mailer of number Involved, with 27, and II nor cent., ipspeullvely, tif till those tin own nut or work. Thltty-ono per cent, of Hip ulrllteia were hi the con I and coke Industrie?, li por cent. In tile litillitliiK tntilos unit 8 tier cent, each In niutitls nnd In it'nnxporlntloti. Ot nil the Htrlkes which oitauned only itliout mic-lmlf Httcceedeil, lit per cent, were piii-tlully HUcccHofitl mid :M per cent, fulled entirely. The number of em ployes In nti'lkc.M lulling iiltORPthcr wuh ulmoMt ni Iniffc iih Unit In which they wholly or partially Hucccedcdi Tilts Iuhboii nf theno BiMierul llBltles Is confirmed .liy local exiierlence. C'ount- Iiik up, all the coils ot strikes In Sornn lon In the past three years, Who cull contend that they have paid'.' We notice tlntl certain Democratic. Journals me cIiiiirIiik that President Koosevell had 11 hand In Quay's In irratltude to Klkln. They would like to pet Trthly mixed up In 11 state ,iuur rcl, hut their milmiis Is too iippnrput. Tor each of tlintiU, rci-rlutlon of romlfili'iKv, nnd similar tonli ihul loin lu tlip tiJtuie ot ml citllntr 'I lie Tillnino nukes u 1 liaise ot 5 cfnli line. ll.ilpi ot Ch.lfleil AiIiimIMhi; fmiiMiril on application. SOHANTOX. APnifi ISO!'. For governor of Pennsylvania, on the Issue of nn open Held mid fair play, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, subject to the will of the Republican masses. T Timely Counsel. lIIE Olyphant Record stiongly advlsesjagalnst the proposed Incursion of the Central ' Labor union Into politics on a separate labor party basis. It says: "One of U10 most dangerous tenden cies In u country like ours is the effort to divide the population Into classes. Our government in its entire makeup Is hostile to such nn Idea. Caste dis tinction cunnot prevail here success fully and it would bo a very sorry diy tor the country if It over should. The wage-earner today is often the employer and capitalist of tomorrow, and every ambitious toller should see in every attempt to divide our popu lation into classes a menace to his hopes and to his liberty. Simply on this ground alone the launching of such a political enterprise should be put out of mind. Better go slow gentlemen. But every man who knows the history of trades unionism, nnd who honestly deslies the success of such organizations will not be In :i huiry to start a labor party In this valley. This is not a new venture. It has been tiled before, and has al ways resulted disastrously to the unions. Scrjnton has had enough ex perience In this line to cause the older and wiser heads to doubt the wisdom of trying It again. U is not necessary to go Into particulars. They are really too sad a feature of our history to be brought for waul except upon the greatest necessity. The men v,ho sought to do these things years ngo have leceived the punishment for their notions; but the greatest suffer ing came to the organizations. Kvery labor movement that has gone Into politics wrecked itelf and brought loss to the unions." If there were a leal necessity for a labor third party, the formation of one would constitute u public service. Hut recognition of just labor claims is easily secured from the existing parties, thus obviating the need of another party. If it veie desired to uisrupi me labor movement in this region no better way could be selected than to encourage the movement for a labor party. It was a foregone conclusion when K. L. Fuller started to get control of the Western Maryland rallioad that he would get It. It Is a way he has. m S' Figures Worthy of Study. OJIE Interesting' deductions ure drawn by Bradstreet's from the recent report of the com missioner of labor dealing with the statistics of strikes and lockouts. First and chief Is that the strike as n weapon ot otfense by the employe is at best a dangerous one, costly to the em ployer, it is true, In many instances, but infinitely more costly, to the employe, not only because of the fact that sta tistics show that the employe In the mass loses two dollars to the employ er's one. Another conclusion Is that the risk of friction, in other'words, the dan ger of strikes occutrliig, seems to In- oiease us the number of hands em ployed In an Industry Increases. That there may be some connection between the character of the men employed as legards intelligence and the tendency to strike also is brought to mind when it Is Iearnvd that the, coal and coke In dustries are, basing the reasoning on twenty yenis" experience, most liable to strikes. The building trades, metal In dustries and transportation employes nro next most commonly alfeoted. Males, of coutse, largely exceed females in "industrial occupations, and it Is no surprise to leant that !)0 per cent, of all strlkeis In the past twenty yeats liavo been mules, while only 10 pur cent, have been females. It Is to be noted, however, that Industries employing largo proportions of employes suffer from strikes to a great degree. For instance, fully ouo-half of the strikers in the cotton, wonfen and silk goods In dustries have been females and 0110 tltlrjl, tq tNYo-lifths of tho clothing, car pcH, 'paper, rope, rubber and tobacco vworTteis weie women, Ifls shown by the teport that employee were thrown out or employ niftU'Tiy tho "strikes and lockouts of thj'past twenty years, M per cent, by tllV'TIi?!'.. ("id the. loss In wages by euYployes In that timo was upward of tfdfi.'OOtf.OOd. In addition, tho stilkera, or thope locked out, obtained nearly $20, 009,000 from other organizations, which tva's presumably used in supporting the strikers. Tho loss or employora by the itrjkes and lockouts was over $112,000, )ou;t so that tho troubles may be said to have been twite us costly to the op. tltlvvs us to the employers. I'epn- Senator Bevcrldge's Speech. UK Ol'UNTNCl note of the Re publican iintiimnt campaign . M of 1002 was sounded at In dianapolis "Wednesday In a speech of great power by Senator Uev erldge, the gi eater part of which was devoted to n consldeiallon of the legis lative problems growing out of what mo popularly called "trusts"; In re ality, combinations of capital mid en terprise for works piiinmlly or inci dentally or public benellt. The senator presented Jlguies in some detail and with exceptional skill to prove that whatever evils may come to pass through abuse of power by those man aging these large lncoiporatlons, they are far outweighed by the public ad vantages. To illustrate; Tlip fanner tliip-i hU main to 1IM1111I point", liumlrevl.-, iIiousiikU of mile aaj. lip nerds I hup VJlcs nm! cpikk ipp.i! Shuit anil fop' null- Urns of 1.1II10.I1I weie ilHomenli'llt, hixli pilieii, wia.ife anil lim. The lui-lne 1 in 111 IP iiiire.l liU mail In- the -ifte-t. 1110.111-.; ilei.i.v of u J.i , an hour, 111.1) mean ili.itir. 'iiin-i tiaiw portilion iikii foimil that ilieii piolit 1 11 in meeting (lie tieie-sMtie-t of the pioilueing and the Ihimikm woihl. lleie in M'gleif.ileil lo.uls Hue lon-ollil-iled into tin- "IIIlt I'oin" 1IH". 'I lie old "J. II. and I," "Vinceiines" anil ". mil. ilia" welf alisoilied lij (lie Pcnii-.lvaiii.i. What followed? Intprmpil Kriu Iiilici-ciI em ployment of I.1I101, higher .ijii'j U'Riilar p.1.1, leiluced lain on fieii;ht, lower laie-. for tmel, dinitne , penl anil e.ilet. Tor evimple: The uierane i.ite per himdie lu'eijfiil 011 grain fiom (heen-)hmjf (o Chnagn dining tuit.fie jl.hs liefoio the "llii; Pom" r onolidalion w.m V't cent. Today it ii a r-ci.K 'In Xew Veil; the old late Wat l',7!i ct iit; today. Ifi'.i tcntA On live 'tod; fiom l.'ieen-liuii; 1 11 Cliie-iRO the inerayc tieilit late tor tuciily-llp heloie conwli dallon W.I-. '" oints ptr hmnlipilweiKht; todiy II is U ii nl. To 'i Yoik then, S1.10; today. 7 tent, temp tltlmi did not cainc all tlii-, In-'e lietuien !ieenljm mid Chitaso theie i- pot, and iicut I1.1- lieen. the slightc-t competi tion. Mini iliil c.ui-e it? Jleiely tlii-. s-imple l.m : I.oh iatu 1111M114 Kiealer flilpnien(-, and luiilin? at ijnanlitle- at Miiallu piites ineaiH meater total iiulit. Coi'.--ider Hie impioemenl in peed: Uefoie consolidation, the axeraso time of i ran-poitaiion t.f a car of freight from lliei nOiuitf to Clikairo ne.uly lliiee 1 1,1 s ; todaj tln inprase Ihne i-. s-i(ecn hnmi. To Nm Vml; tlie old lime was ten to fifteen il.i.; 110M' th" -iM' time is the to .-i d.ijih. Or coii'-idtr im leaded tonunieiKe: Htfoie lonf-oli-ditioii, .1 pa-eiii;ir soin" lium Tine II mle to New Veil; hul to ilunae cats live times; today lie Koes llniiiiii wiliuait .1 .inle i li.inne. Ilr tike l.iilw.iy i iiipk'.unriit tlnoiiKhout the whole lepnlilk: In l&tK) has lh,m 70',0iK) men weie emploM'd I,v Anicneaii railw.n-, lrtehlni; .i,little 0M1 KKi,l)0,iHin in r-alarh-. and wai;e- eeiy jtar. In 1"UO nenlv l,20il,UiO liirn weie eniplo.(d liy I illiu.iiU. and weie iiid niaily 'vl-fl.UUO.OiK) ceiy ,uai. 'yii-. imiea-e was nut t.uwd liy new mil u.a liec-aii-e tnd.n iheie rile ne.ui.i .'Kni.tKlO ninie mm rmplojed lij iiilw.i) than weie tin ploiiil in lvi7, and ale p.iid neaily s2n,(ioi,u,iij mule iay .w.u lhe, weie paid in ISI7: and -cince flicn not 1 iionah new i.iilwas liae lieen lmilt tci tmpo( in opei.ition 7u,(-0() men. Another much-attacked specimen of the industrial tendency to bring to gether manufacturing' processes under centralized direction is the steel trust. Senator Ueverldgo wns not afraid to tell the truth about the steel trust: It rmplms mer 20,0txl moie hhoiinir men now til 111 the total nimiher employed h. all t tie ev-tjljlNlitiiciil- w lilt It weie tonoliilated into fids itiRlc tonipiny. 'the tteel tui-t emploj-. today mole limn ln,(KX) laiiouis and pa,.i thiin mole tli.m uliri.ijW.OiJii innj jiar in waKt, 1101 in iliiiltiij olticeis and .-.alaiics. 'Hie auiasu wjRe lo eaili l.ihoiei i-. J(I per lint, l-mjer than hcfoie lon-olidilion, and nuiiieir.ile wajte-. -lie mcr 10 per cent, meaier tlian bifoie. Has this general movement toward concentration by consolidation upon the whole oppressed the American people'.' Senator Beveildge thinks not; It lias not oppre-.ul the woiklnsnien, lieean-e moie lalioien aie now emplojed nt'hlshir waye than ever befme in hkloiy, and In .i inj? hanks .Uono American wiuklngim-ii have on depoiii to day c,cr 4,r.0il,Wi(),Miil-moie than tiiuiigli le.nli to lau out anv ten of Hie ure-ilcst coipoia". lions of tho woiiil. It U M lint this mine ment lliion-s lahnr out of employment, Whin the lallio.ul i.inie, the I.iki- ilibir and lioi-e dealer thought they were thrown out of em ployment; hilt, Instead, ntw and lietlir Mil plnyiiicnt was noiilcil. Wht-n (he udMiinder t .imc. hUM'steis tlniiiKlii their nttiinailon irone: ilutead, new and lllcr neiiipation eaini', whole develo)ineiil, llnowiiii,' men help and ciminion limlliethooil of wtWce Inako ot the Aiiirffe.111 propld not only tlio iiiraf fimrcittil tilil lnip)ilet of tiatloml Paul down the liliitl; fl.iR bt cl.i4i httreil nnd let the! Slnm nint SIllpM ot freedom mill lr.ltctnll.v nlont! &c oer llilt pco. de ituile ttrDiijj nnd (dorlont liy nnitUnl roii llitriiei! mill nITectluii. liidii'tilnl peace tlnottpli. out I Im Ilrpiilillct linhitrliil war, our fortrs nil united) :maltit forrlgn ihtiH hi the in.iikclt ot tho world. "I iillrd no llimil, ilhldeil we fait" t lil Is the council nt pitilolPm anil pnxperity. The seiutlor dwelt at length on the approaches necessary' lo a wise federal supervision of Incorporations engaged In Interstate commerce, and took a position alongside the president in favor of such supervision aiming to check rascality and to "nilmlu human greed." Hut he made no concession to popular piejudlco. lie refused to play to Hit! galleries. "The Republican party," hi: declined In his ncrorutlon, 'Is the organized spirit of Ameilcau progress. Wt dare not stoop to demagogue de vices; that Is the role of the opposition to the government. We dare not trick up llctltlous Issues to catch temporary applause. We dure not bo Insincere to capture this or that eotcrloof voters. We darn not counsel with fear or com promise with read Ion. Our success our very life Is In harmony with the progress of the American people toward their natural supremacy." It Is Inspiriting to hear such candid anil hopeful talk In place of the flabby dointtgoglsm so orten palmed a(t by fake politicians on a long-suffering public. The announcement , that the beef tiust has cornered the poultry In Chicago will no doubt bo heeded by the intelligent farmers of the Kast. Now Is the time to give the setting liens opportunity.' Chicken raising may prove the most profitable ot agricultural put suits hereubouts this season. Governor Odell announces that ho has no present presidential aspirations but would like to go as a delegate to the next national convention so that he may cast a vote for Theodore Hoosevolt to succeed himself. Xo doubt this can be arranged. The met that the claims of mission aries in China for property destroyed by Boxers amounts to $2,000,000 shows that the contents of the contribution boxes must have boon more valuable than we have been led lo suppose. The limit of the woes of Paterson seems to hove been approached. With afflictions or fire, water arid anarchy following in close succession, the good citizens must begin to realize the feel ings of Job. U (tropin In tlio tor a ciiiitllelale wliei will liavo Hilflclcnl ttirngUi In tneiko jkimIIiIc IiU liomliullon wltlt the aid of the lundon-illy-owncd ildejrttlom from IMill.Wktplil.l mnl Alleitlteny'. HOW FOBAKER JOINED ARMY. It is expected that on June 23th the northwestern corner of the common wealth will jingle with parlotism and modern .Tefferesonian simplicity. It Is unfortunate fiom an anti-im-perlallstie: standpoint that the much talked of "water cure" is an invention of tho Filipinos. THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. but, 'I Ills time out of emplnjnient for a eliy, fiiniMirs peim.inenlly Imicii-iil employment for (lie eur enlarKimr numliii' of Anii'ilean workiiiRinen; and while l.'-lil.M" wae e.nneis weie einnloieil in nuiiuf.ictmc ten ,r.n.-, ao, upaily li,lnv),uto worlcliiisnuu aie r-iiiiliu; lilsher mmijis inav In the sliiuhi oceupition of tuto .ilone, This mou'iui'ut, llipii, h.t. nul oipi(-ed lihoi, It Ii.h not oppie-sed the nRiliiilimisK hei.iiko mtil. can fanneis in the jt rfs t,i.i luuo paid ui.ut. (,-iki-. on their f -i i in-, to tho amount of ij.Oil.ihli), mm, and the faimei; eouhl todiy with hi- live lok iilone pay tlio entlli! I11II011.1I delils of Pnalaml ami liunuuy, and -l 1 1 1 havo nvi 1 irJ20,iX)i),WHl left. It I1J1 not oppie.'d any ilass, lipi-uiae tho well helm; of the whole p'oih) Ii the UstviiMiiiiPiit and tmy of the wnild, Oliilcs the people? W I1.1 i-liimM (iny oi-iinl-ntlon ot Indiiitiy or-ioiuuei(e ippip. the p-o, ile? Their pio-peiity ili'penels upon llm jieopie's prmpeiity, Piolit of lallmad-. 101110 linn fieiKlitH em shipment;) or fairs i,f ii.ii-onii.s. And pioptrlly of tlio people nn-iiis laii;e ildp. ment' and luavy travel; poveil) of I lie people liieaiu little fielsht and fiw pa-s nuns. lUnki liavo no bOinie of iiieoiuu.otliei than i.e,haiiii ami loans; hut when times aie haul time aie few Joans ami little euliainje. The teel tin.t can make money only by mIIIiii; kti'il fur i.ill- loid., bullcliiiKi, biiilKC.; bill If Ini.liie.v, Is not ruuiI, bulldlnss, ijlliuad., liiidKOi will not be (ioiutiiieted. The prnllU of eveiy ins.iiil.itlon of ceimueiie, iinlutiy and finauee aie di.iun tioiu tho cleat fountain of the common pm-peiity ot the people. When tlii'-o orrfaulzatious uihl ttaiily lak-u pilieii for lempoiaiy profit, folly dlrei'ls their lui.lni'.i, and that folly u tlnin (.elves U .1 wipnif In the people, and iuut be pietU'lileit and inmMied, Hut ile'Cirasiiiir in lee-. impioHil tpulily, beltir Keivke-theso .110 he vIm and kviipi.iI polity of oij,".ui!u Indnstiy. 'h.v 1 llecaiue theaper pritet. ami bitter epiallly iiu'.iu Biealer tali's; and tho tno largir luotltp In vat talcs with inull iiiuigiu o) eaeli (ale than theie in In tew tales with a Ktealer piolit on rath tale, Siuto' WA steel ludiistiy lias .teadlly triown Into even vailer ilngle ursaiiUitlous, un til now the uilmiiutlon 1011194 in the uilijlitlett Iudutila ecn-olld.itloii ot hUtoiy; .let hue Is tho filling ichedule in the pikes of ulcel; In lts;s fctei'l rails Kild in Anmka 11 1 !1U) per ton; 1675, W0.30; lfftj Heel rails tell at f.!S jwr ton. Opprojlonf PetallallonK Vinifeanee? Dislave. mint! let tlnteei bitter woieU be hu.heilt Let iistleo. ivIkiiI Let toleiJiice be ,ou'iel'iit Let human tliouglit and aelivlly be hfifl Elkin's Candidacy Growing in Favoi'. 1'iom ( lianibeitijuii; Public Opinion. All le.Honahle peifims wlio line watihed the lanipaijtn or the Ifoneuable John 1'. Klkln frr the nomination for governor of l'ennijlvan'a inut be iinpiessed with the manliness ot it. .nii; befoio any of the piliu.uies vveio held lie announced hiimelf as a randielate, thus openine; Im? up a fail field for a fair raee. The lesult is lint in almo-t eveiy county wheie the primaties liavo been held eitlir delegates liavo been neleel cd who aie -eniely Klkln men ri the one-, clio-en have been iii-tiucle'd for him. An instance ot the failings of his rontct was etiven in Ul.itr county, win re Colonel Waties finliil to hive ids pipei-. lileil in time to p;ct ills name upon the ballot, Xot wMiIur- to lake an adv. mtaw .Mr. lllkln waive.l tlu mle and peimitlcj hi-, opponent's name to pro n the ticket. 'I his Ip-iro to be fair is all the men e noticeable in view ot the fact tliat it is piett.v well estahli-hed tliat L'uluul Wanes' manageis puipo.-1'ly delaved until too late in older to make the howl that Mr. r.lkiu had taken an'- :iilv.uil.iui. If .Mr. lllklii had held to die "tiict letter of Hie mle in lllair county the moil Krel pie-n of the state would have published lnei.okj.-t that he had iudiileteil In .shatp piaetlce at the e'.peno of his opponent, 'fortunately, Jlr. KlkiiiV houetty and fuline-.s foie-,lalled this tcheme. The altoinev ( lias piatlkally won hi.s llalit lufore the llepuhlkan vntei-s of the Mate, lie has vlitn.illy i-e'cmed ids nomination. shall It lie wrested fiom him now? Mull he be turned down at the benest of ,1 few of his pciroual enemies in PUbhurff and becau-e of the Inwlnrts deiliiiKs of 11 .vouni; lii'in lo whom the ltcpublb can piny nvviv. ab-ailutelj uolhins? It is tor (he iii.ijouly of the delei:ales to the Male I'onventicn to an-wpr this iiiiiMlnii, II elionld be .iiuvvried by plaeiiier .Inliii 1', Kll.lirat Ihe held of the ticket. Bradford Stands Firm. I'lom Ihe Tow.inil.i Ileioiter-Journil. lu a till' -ind temperate aitlelo In it- l.i-.t iisiie the JItailfoiil Itipubliiau In dl-e UsIus tlie politi cal i-ltuatiou in this county k.i.vs: "II1.11I1011I cmmt.v 'ii ilelejr.iK.s au in-.tnii.tcil for Klkln, and if they, stand by in.tiue tion. will vote for him in the convention, whetliu he 1-. a laudiilalo or not." The drlcKilcs fioui III. ahold lount.v lanuot consistently ov hone.lly do an.v thiinc el-e than lollow the Instructions: trlven them hy the ion- venllon. The l-ne was will underilood befme the piluijih-s and their le-nlt was endoised by the I'Ciiiveiillou llislliu-llin,' iU delegate-. In vole (or .Inliu I'. Klkln for governor. That they will do M as hunt u- he 1. a landidite, ami that he will be a tandidite, "inl; or .swim" until Ihe lonviiitloii ineelt, theie is nn ijiie.-tiOM, A Beautiful Scheme, Until It Failed. 1111111 the l,aue astir ew K1.1. II l aunoiuued on appauntly lelialde aulhoi. Il.v lh it senaloi ijua.v oliiud lo Mippoit lleniy W, Ollvei. Hie I'ltUbuii; inlllioiulie, mid leade'i of the illllion-iliiV Combine In Allegheny, i 1 1 etoveinor, but the. latter piomptly decliueel. It )s ulmi Intimated Hut the deal which involved the lieacheiy to and taeilhee of I'.lkiu tartlv'l with it Ihe 1 lection of t'.nneion lo the smci. iioiviup iiihi uaiil in lie Mluiu a. I'liaj'ti eiic ce.jor. Incldeiilall), lo make po-.lble tho cari.v Inir nut of the suppo.eilly well-laid ehenij, Din. him, in mmldeiallnii ot ilellvi'lini; a tolld dele. nation fiom I'lilladelphli In the e lonveii. II, hi, was piewnUeil' b,v llm Icudeu of (ho lain Independent mnuimiit lu PhllnlelpliU entile abseiue of opposilloii (u hi. iiia.vnialty eaudldalo net ribiuary, Tho ileal wa. ikllllully aiiungril nnd toinpieheii.lve, but as Ihe wtahii, of tlio peo ple weie not lousldeird. Its mii-icm In Its pie lluiluaiy it.mi'S li.u not been all that w.u imtlel, pated, I'.lkin Is IoikIiik ahead ami bJne;liiK' dele, i-.itcs wheie lea.t autltipated, t'.imtroH Is piue tkally bowled out, nnd iiIIut Is too nn.ut i lie) cauijht wllli (Jiin.vV Kohlbikk nomination fur an iilllee, to civuie width ho would have to run the ttaiinllet of (lies peoplv, With Iho kaleldo- tcopio 1 1 iti-.s In polities fiom day to da.v, al- most any development 1,111 he expelled and none will eie.ile tuipihe. .Mejuulille, rViutor (uay When the eiulp toinmltlee mi liillllary iilT.ln was iccently toiwfelfrlng (.umliy bills lo coirect tlio Ipenuli ot notcUcM Who hail srrvcet III the Civil War tlicin w notne n.vintiilhy cvprcmed Inr peti'lou applicants who hid been illMpl.itltlod thimult tecli'iltjHtloj. ''1 know how- It ii," ahl Hrnalor Joseph n. I'oriiker of Ohio. "I inlitht be ilebatrtil )njelt If t npplleel for a t;cli' Ion. When I tried to tnllst I vvav only ' 10 jeurs old. They told me that lH jeam va the limit, I wanted to net Inln the army, anil, nj I looked to bo older than 1 Win, f confided lny troubles nnd my desires to an old tcrireiiiit who Win ulliwliid to the rerrultlnir nltlte. 'Ilele,' he raid, '-oil take thli chalk and made "13" on the soles nf jour lio. Then, when tlio recruit. Inn! oirker nk how old nn ore, Jon can cay joil me over IS.' It was quite 11 Mrcltli for iny 1 oiixrlpiicc, but I did ll, ut Ihe Mine, and was duly ciuolleit as IS je.irs ot .me. Now, my rceorel In the field Is nil rluhl, but my ofli rial 1 re in el is not, and, Ihercloie, I might have n lot nf ti milile If 1 tried to Ret 11 pension." ALWAYS BUSY. HEIRY BELIN, JR., Centttt A-ftnt lot lh Wyomlr.f District tit Du pout's Powder Mlnlnff, niMtlntr, Snorltnir, RmokcltM nd th Repauno Clitmtcal Cejinptny'i HIOH EXPLOSIVES. Etfttj' Fuse, Ctps nd Ktplodcri. Itcom 401 ' nell DulldlnK ,Scrntcn. Con- AOKNCIKS. .tons it. smith k fcOM , E. W. MOM.IOAN . ...I'ljmoulli WIllcM-Hiirre Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machlno BuslneM ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkca-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. yj- 'is 4 ar Spring and Piininier Oxfords and Dools that con tent the mind and comfort the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 Ladles' "Melba" Oxfords, ?2.50. Lewis 8c Re illy, 1 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. Brass Beds Elegantly Rich Designs The new patterns we are now showing are beautiful specimens of the metal worker's and designer's skill they possess charac ter and finish that appeals to the exacting purchaser. The prices, too, are as at tractive as the designs. "We invite inspection and comparison. Have you seen the new patterns in the twin beds we've something worth seeing, whether you wish to buy or not. Many new and beautiful patterns in odd Dressers and pieces for the bedroom. EDUCATIONAL. Announcement During tho summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to tlie best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles B. Fish Tlie courses of instruction are lor the benefit of live classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of the next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. Hill & Cornell 121 Washington Avenue. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a short comse, nor an easy couiso, nor u cheap course, but tlio best education to be had, Xo other education U worth spending time and money on. II you do, write for a catalogue ot l Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which olfcis thorough pirpaiation in the laiginccriiiK and Chemical rrofe'ions aj well as tho legular College couiscs. The Greatest of All Educational Contests OVER $9500 SPECIAL REWARDS The Scranton Tribune will open on May 5 its third great Educational Contest. Like the others, which proved. so profit able to the contestants during the past two years, this will be open to young people, not only of Scranton. but throughout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There tire offered as Special Rewards to those who secure the largest number of points, Thirtythree Scholarships in some of the leading educational Institutions in the country. The list is as follows : 2 Scholarships in Syracuse University, at ?432 each. . .S 804 1 Scholarship in Bucknell .University 520 1 Scholarship in The University of Rochester 324 1 Scholarsliln In Wnshlntrtoii School for Boys 1TO0 1 Scholarship in Williamsport Dickinson Seminary . . . 750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 750 J Scholarship in Newton Collegiate Institute 720 J Scholarship in Keystone Academy 000 J Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School . . . 600 J Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholarship in Wllkes-Barre Institute 276 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) 230 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at S125 each 4 Scholarships in Hardenbergh School of Music and Art 3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College at $100 each 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average value S57 each 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at $85 each $1708 6020 500 460 300 285 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio 125 33 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Kat StroueWmi s, l'a. The cMitiiiiatlons for ndmisbion to tiie Middle Year and Senior Year I'liviP? will lie held .lime Hi. Hijtii kIioo! pradiutei will ho permitted to take both criminations anil enter tho senior rla wlieie their woih lias covered tlio junior and mid dle cjm couiso of tin1 tiinmal. This jcar will lie the last oppnitunit)' c,rle'ii to do po, as tin1 tliiiv c.ii-i e.oui-0 is ill full force ami all will come under tho stale regulations of examinations. For full particulars addrev, at once. (1. P. llinu:, A. Jl., Principal. SCRAHT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PA. T. J. Foster, President, Elmer H. Lawtll, Ttcm. Foster, Stanley P. Allen, $ R. J. Vice President. Allen, Becretiry. BpOOOOOOKKKS jnvtjri0 nwn Rxssnsnoj Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. Under Management ot Friends Offers a vIde range of elective studies within the four courses that lead to degrees In ARTS, SCIENCE, LETTERS AND ENGINEERING. Swarthmore College has extensive campus; beautiful situation and surroundings; superior sanitary conditions; adequate libraries, laboratories, shops, etc, It provides for sound and liberal scholarship and intelligent physical culture while It at tends to the needs of individual students. Catalogues on applica tion to the President. 1840 $0574 Each contestant failing to secure one of the scnolarships as a special reward will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. Special Honor Prizes. A new feature is to be added this year. Special honor prizes will be given to those securing the largest number of points. each month. Just what the prizes will be are to be announced later, but they will consist of valuable and useful presents, such as 0vatches, books, etc. . The best explanation of the plan of The Tribune s Educational Contest will be found in the rules, which are here given: RULES OF THE CONTEST. independent of the ultimate position ct Tlie special rewards will ho ijiteii to the pcison securing the larse-t nuuihcr of point?. Points will bo credited to eonle-duiit.s so curliiff new f,uhci ihers to The Scianton Trihunc as follows: Points. One month's subseiiption ? .50 1 Three months' subscription... l.'2S 3 hlx months' subscription 2.f0 n One jear'a subscription 500 li Tlio contestant with the highest number of points will be given a choice from the liit of special rewinds; tlio contestant witli the second hisliest number of points will be Riun a choice of tlie lemainini to ward, nnd to on through the list. Tlie contestant who secures the highest number of points during any calendar month of tlio contest will rcceUo a t:crl honor lewaiel. tills reward beins entirely the scholarship.. llach contestant fallinp; to secure a spe cial reward will bo given 10 per tent, of all money lie or she turns in. All subscriptions must be paid In advance. Only i.ew subscriber will be counted. ItenewaU liy persons whose names are al ready on our subscription INt will not bo credited. The Tifhunc will investigate lacli subscription and it fourel irregular In any way reserves the right to reject it. No transfers can bo made after credit lias once been glu'ii. All subsciiptions and the cash to pay for thcin must be landed in at The Tribune of fice within tho week in which they are se cured, so that papers can bo sent to the subscribers al once. Subciiplions mint he written nn lilnnles, which can be secured at Tlie Tribune oflice, or will be sent by mail. Those desiring to enter the Contest should send in their names at once, and they will be the first to receive the book of instructions and canvasser's outfit when the contest opens onMay 5. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton. Pa. 1 l..!..!..!..!.. A new line of Wrist Bags lu Seal, Walrus or L:z- ard, with plain or Jeweled clasps in Silver and Gold finish, which vary in price frm ! $4.00 to $15.00. t V 'Phone 2007. Old 'Phone 7o.a" Don't Strike ! Buy the n Jf'4 tHKoo;j;5oosjfO ft' V, , H . It r . K K . J , . t KH . K ! It . ! K tK, R m ! W USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to lia bhaken Into tho iJioej. Your feet fetl swollen, iicivoim and hot, and get tiled easily. It ou Imio (mailing feet or tight thoe. try Allin'n I'oot.Ka.l. It tools tho feej, and make walking tasy, t'tue swolli'ii, wcjtug tect, ingiowing nallc, bli.tcis and callon spalt ItclicK conn and bunions ot all lulu and glws iet ami comfort. Try It today. Sold by all diiis, glits and blioc loie' for 23c. Don't; mce-ut any tuUtltutrs. Tilal paekago I'll in:. Addicus Allen S. Oluuteil, l.v Hoy, ,. V, SHOES We are speaking of New Spring Shoes now. The newest that fashion lias dictated, and the newest and the best that makers have made, Shoes for the millionaire and mechanic ; Shoes (or mistress and maid ! Shoes for youth and age ; Shoes for indoor and out, . In fact, all foot-wants are here, and at prices 1hat allow your purse ' to go away a third heavier than It would from most houses hereabouts. 'J X J, Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, s 330 Lackawanna Avenue, It 'A 4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 4 '4 '4 4'4 '4 W '4 '4 '4 "4 '4 '4 ' ' '4 '4 4 4 '4 '4 '4 X Alercereau & Connell, .j. ; 132 Wyoming Avenue. SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS Atlautic City. hotel KALEICH CupailtyoulniKi'ilto il(). Newitnel. Modem son lIHAUTimi. ROOMS Will ninku ii Spcciul Sprlnc Rnto of $3 mul per day; Mil, 3 niul 15 per week. TiioMipcHiiii'i.enle'Otiiiili'iili.liiool tho punt two m'iinuiih -vltt ho iiwilntiiltiiMl tliroiiKliont tlio onlliei your. JOH.n . tCulT. The Westminister Kentucky ixe., near Keaeli, Allaiuie I'ilj. 1 ipeii all Ihe .eir. Mm I'Jilnr, llli'iamr and all nioiK'iii Jiiipiuuiiuntt. ictial Spiliiij Hates. CIIAS, HUltkll, Prop. VSmoot," the Typewriter Mau, takes pleasure in ex hibiting its merits from morn till night. 1st floor Guernsej Building, Scranton, Pa. Hotel Soton On Mrglida aiiiiic, the witloit ami nio.-t faln lon.ihle- lu Atlantic; ('It). Iihlii a few jauli ul the raniuu Meel Pier ami lleiaulwjlk mid In fiout nf the most clcsliuhlc balhluK iiioilild,. All W'lluiiU'iic'i'.!, Iiieliidiuir bleaui heal, sun pului, ileatni to fctiiel Icul, hot an.) ceild h.illn. Table ru'cllc'iu, AeuonmiuiljlloiH for thicii hundicd. VclliH iiiuilcratc. Willu for bnukle't. The Dr. Diemel LinenMesh Underwear is tho most healthful, comfortable cleanly underclothing1 of tiny hither to known. This is i Invge claim but those who have used the goods beax' testimony to the accuracy of it. Send for descriptive pamphlet and samples of material, or call and ex. amine the garments for men, women and children. SOLE AGENTS FOR Dr, Jaegars' Sanitary Underwear dmi rMLfl N. R- Bothwell. 4 IS Spruce Street 809 Xnckawanna Avenue. '' H U -. W' ( tSta' K -. ., , .i$ '7 Kj-Up M.t 1 Hi .towj BCI 1" " , ' ibjXfi ffi&, hK-t)k?A iiit-&m&tsm