The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    f" bifWS
,$' sn
r.TTf m
v"? 'V 'T, '' VY
4 . ,
1 . Brilliancy.
2. Durability.
3. Covering Capncity.
tin inmiurliiull ttlllt tlic SVTISKACTION
Ulicrlcmccl mill lll!M'tr iilltiilnol In
ti'lnff mi ntllili wl.lch uintnlm thcc
I. llir IIKCOflSIZniJ srANHAni) In ready
Mixed IMillK
- Atlantic White Lead and
Para Unseed Oil ... .
make mi "i:T.lll.ASTINO" tmltit ami
ttliru npiilll wllh WHITING'S MtUMUIS,
lirautlfiil ml permanent llnWi Is nl
va asMiictl.
WllOl.i:SAI.i: nml nctall Agents.
320 Lackawanna Ave.
Back to the I
Old Stand
Vie have rit lat recovered
from the effuot.s o our lecent
Are, unci nre now back to the
old stand but Us n brand new
store nevertheless", anil the hand
somest In town.
Dining this week we will srlve
double trading stamps with all
purchases ot IK&-
Wall Paper, Pictures,
Frames, Paints, etc
Jacobs & Fasold
209 Washington Avenue.
First Appeal front the New City
Assessment Comes from the Pro
prietor of Richmond Hill Attor
neys of the Well Known Retired
Coal Operator Aver that Richmond
Hill Is a Farming Establishment
and Should Re Assessed as Third
Class Property.
Chairs Recaned
Furniture upholstered and repaired.
Send postal to IIMS Providence Ttoad.
Old 'Phone, 100-3, Green nidge.
( City Notes.
P., L. k W. l'.W-DW.. Vlic employs .if all
Hit colliciios in tliu I.ii,itii2 dMiiit unc ;.iiil
jcatcrdj.v, anil the lcKji.iiina 1IM1M niip'n'.is
lll lie pjiil tod.iy ami toinonciw.
The tlrst nml only apppitl from the
new city assessment vnsheaid In
argument eoutt, yesterday, by Judges
Kdwardii and Xewcomb. The appellant
In VV. II. Illchmond, of Klchmnnd Hill.
Ho claims that the assessment on his
property Is generally excessive.
The city assessor catalogues most
of his propei ty In the third' class, us
farm land. His residence und the
fenced-in six acres surrounding It was
assessed as suburban or second class
property. He contends that It Is all
farm land and that the assessment on
his mansion Is at all events fur beyond
Its market value.
The mansion Is assessed at $10,000.
He wants It reduced to $14,000. averlng
that this latter figure represents what
It would bring if put on the market.
Uitvld Haines und J. B. Woulsey,
builders, and P. I,. Brownsuperlnted
ent of the bureau of building Inspec
tion testified that the house could not
be duplicated for less than $40,000. Mr.
Richmond admitted that this might be
tine, but on account of Its location In
an Isolated part of the city It Is not
readily marketable, and. consetiuent-
ly, there Is a wide vatlnnce between
Its actual and Its market value.
Mr. Hichniotid's lawyers Insisted that
he was a. farmer nml that his whole
property was farm pioporty. F. K.
Tracy and V,'. J. Hand represented
him. The assessors were represented
by City Solicitor George M. Watson.
Arguments were also heard by the
court, In banc, on tile rules secured
by Henry T. Koehler. William Delke
ami Charles Mayer to strike off the
liens against their properties for the
Mulberry street paving assessment.
They claim the liens were tiled live
days lute. The city contended Hint
wliile the liens, on their faces would
Indicate they were filed after the pre
scribed six months had expired, they
weie actually filed In the pioper lime,
and couit was asked to allow that an
amendment might be made to the liens.
Court argued that the amendment
might be submitted for consideration.
1. H. Burns lepresented the rules.oCity
Solicitor Watson opposed them.
Judge Kelly heard arguments on a
rule for a new trial in the ease of
C. II. Williamson against M. II. Car
penter. Attorney J. M. Walker argued
for the uile. c S. Woodruff opposed
will be continued on Tuesday, April
colli it.t 10 n. in. The claimant was
represented by C, W. Dawson I 'the
heirs by .t, P. Murphy, and the estate
by David J, Davis,
Commissions Have Arrived.
Recorder of Doedi "Until Bonn yestor-
.day received from Governor Stone the
commissions of seventeen nldermen nml
Justices of the peace elected lust spring,
They nre! H, Dnvles, ttltlertnnn, Fifth
ward, Scranlon; Christian Storr, alder
man, Nineteenth ward, Heranton; O. ('.
Donovnn, ulderimin, Twelfth ward,
Hcruntoti; John It. Williams, Justice of
peace, Blnkcly; Daniel Holland, Justice
ot peace, Old Forge; M. O, Shoemaker,
Justice of pence, Dallon; Josepli.A! Dol
phin, Justice of pence, Olyphnnt: Hor
ace Henmnns, Justice of peace, I,n
Flume; William G. Howells, Justice of
pence, Taylor; James F. Koone, nlder
innn, Eighteenth ward, Sernnton; James
Brown, Justice ot pence, Throbpi, George
Smith, Justice of peace, Blnkely; .AVIU
Inin A. Stevens, Justice or peace, North
Ablngton; Herman Klefer, Justice of
pence, Jenny n; George W. Cramer, Jus
tice of pence, Greenfield; D. M. Iltith
ninker. Justice ot pence, Itansoni: Fred
erick Fryer, Justice of pence, Tliroop.
Mnrilage Licenses.
Antonio s.iiiIuisIcio Ilunniurc
Mary .1. Salil.i Pimmore
Tlicoilote llcullirr Scraiitiui
ltuile .Vwhuu-i' tptinlun
.Inllus Oii-mlu , Surinam
I'mut Kozi.lick .scr.uitun
fimrl, .irilciiby, ilrriveil tlic .Hlojillon ef Wil
liam ('. rhlipi' hy Ami.i II. Kelly.
tmrpli rainey w.w rclci-i'il from the tienttrii
tlary, ,.cMerihy, nftir rrtng one jmr, two
iikuiIIli anil flftien ( of a j ear ami "I ninntlis'
fciiti-nic- fur UmIIiiv a tuli of hulti'i from the
Iu hau.Hin.l lailluiil itutloii.
A Milt uf lubi-.H impus mis - Lined jtMrnliy
by Attorney .I.iiiiw .Malum to -I'liiie the ieleae
of Mlihai'l .luilp-, who wax i onunltli'il to th
ininit.v jail hy Alili-mi.iii ItuiM.v, .Munli ilf, Jn
default of yiNi hill, for lirmiy of Junk limn
tin: I.jikuvtamii lallroid.
Judge Orlady Says the Attempt of
. Councils to Prescribe the Hates to
Be Charged by the Scran ton Oas
and Water Company Was Without
Authority of Law The Exclusive
Jurisdiction In the Matter of Re
vising Water Rate Is Vested In
the Court of Common Pleas.
He Went Back on Michael Judge and
Mackie McDonough, His Two
Companions in Crime.
CASK WAS ST.T'U.i:!).-Ihe case Mought
nt-ainst. Detecthe'lKe fe.ddman by Honey Iriln,
Mho accused him of oht lining fi under fal'c
preten-vs lias been cclllnl, and the jnoseuiiur
withdrew the chaise je-t.'id.n.
TAKEN HACK TO 'IIIIiOOl'.-.lo-eHi Dolbin,
the prisoner who i-iapod fiom Ihe Tlnoop lock
up on Tucotlay nljrhl, mid ho was eaptmvd in
Noitli Scranton on 'llmimliy iiIkIiI, wa-i taken
luck to Tlnoop la.f niirht l.v Chiet m" Polite
L'A'l'lli:UII.t. Ui:i)I)INl!-.lolm Kane, of Koinlh
strict, and MI- Miry halin, of IJulncy an
line. Mire mauled i'ilne-diy afternoon in .St.
Peter's cathcdial. A. .1. Malion Mas Kicoiieuiiu,
.and MUs Kittle Hamilton bridcmuld. .Mr. nml
Jlr. Kane 1iip Maitid hoiHoKecplns: on 1'ourlli
i:uciiiti: in ciiti:i:N limnn. trpwauu of ml
enl.v-flic plajeit cnjoyol pioKicHc iMiilne it
the Orecn HIiIkc WhechiK'n's ilub liou-e lat
nlsht. Tliomas Mooic won tlie flit.1 prize, and .1.
Hailion Smith, the second, Millie the eoiiMililicn
pric Ment to Taj lor I.uey. A spec hi pilze fm
Ihe plajcv Minnlng out on the hugi'it iimiibu- of
lone hand. win won by CJeorse It. l).i itlnuii. ,
AN INFOltMAI, DANCK.-nie l.ulleV km Hon it
tliu Scrintoii I.lcdcikiau. tondiii.led a hiuies,ful
ilanie lat nlclit ill Mnle Hall. 'Ihe aftalr V.J4
purely liifomul, and the fifty ami umio couplis
iiltendini; cnjoicd danelnir to initio furnished lv
the bawicnce unlioll.l. The four Jouns lad!c
Mho ariaiwd for the atlalr Mire flic .Mlt-cs
T.insKUth, lloiiih, lli'iiiunu and I'ahicnholt.
AU, KIXIIS 01' ('f.l)-li:.- damp nncted
In Vine llrook list nl(!ht hy V.itrolnuii .lam.h
llatt Mas Milrdly and nondei fully altiied. lie
1ml on no li'M than clitht diffeienl loats of van-.
oils l.lndi nml siri', l-anirln' from an ubaudomd!
polli email's loat lo a m kliiin ill's- Jersey, He
n!to More no Km than tlnce pairs of troustr.-.
Seirn pint liottle-. fllled with dilnUini; iatir
Merc found nn Ills pi i ion. fie giei every oil.
ilcnee of belli;," lii-aiii'.
Woman Killed on Railroad Was Mrs.
Mary Creegan.
The body of the woiiinii who was
killed on the Ontario & Western rail
road near the Mt. Pleasant vnsliery
on WedncMlay nlglii was Identllled
yesterday as that of Mis, Mary Cren
Kiin, of McNIcholiiM court, aged 00
Mrs. t'reegan hud been demented for
the past six weeks and hud frequently
wandered away from home necessitat
ing inuoh trouble for her lelutlves In
locating her whereabouts. She Is sur
vlved by ono son and two daughters,
I'Vunk Creegan, Mis. Thomas Ford and
Mrs. Jitinos Hughes. The, funeral will
lie cnudiieted .Sunday afternoon from
St, Patrick's church with Interment
In tho Cathedral cemetery,
Coroner ttnltry viewed the remains
yesterday and luiH practically decided
that uu Imiuest Is unnecessary.
For sale cheap: Barrels of household
goods, Including 1000 wusher, bookcase,
parlor heater, kitchen table, lawn mow
or, hurness, chairs, portlers, etc, Mrs,
I,. Smith, 1422 Wyoming avenue, -
Her Son's Life Saved by Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and
) Diarrhoea Remedy,
"A no ihbor ran In with a bottlo of
Chuinbe aln's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itmedy when my son was suf
fering with severe cramps and was
given tip as beyond hope by my regu
lar phytilclun, who stands high In his
profession. After udmlnliRurlng tlneo
doses of It my son regulned conscious
nesa and recovered entirely within
twcnty.four hours," rays Mis. Mary
Ifuller, of Mt. CruwftujJ, Vu. This
nemedy Is for sale by all druggists
More York State Marriages.
The futility of Pennsylvania people
trying to have a lasting nuptial knot
tied in York state was doubly in
stanced, again, yesterday in two divorce
decrees handed down by Judge K. C.
Ida Compton and Clarence K. Abbev,
of Vimmers, skipped over to Port Jer
vis, August 2, 3S9V, and were man led.
Fifty-eight days later, when the wife's
father hunted up the tmnnt husband
and told him he ,11111st provide for his
wife, the truant husband told him to
"go to hell."
Sometime later Abbey applied for a
divorce, alleging desertion. His wife
appealed at the hearing and offered to
live with hlni. This ended the case.
AVhen nrttr repeated appeals he re
fused to take her back, she began pro
ceedings in divorce and yesterday was
decreed fiee from tho Port Jervls knot.
"W, W. Baylor was her attorney.
April 11. 1900, AVilllnm Heibett and
Myrtle Seler eloped from Carbondalo
and were married in AVIndsor, N. v.,
returning to Carbondale to live. Five
days later, he went on a drunk and
began to abuse her. May 20 ho left her
and was gone for six months. Thanks
giving day he beat her, and thereupon
she resolved to have nothing morn to
do with him. Yesterday she got a
divorce. Attorney Louis Glamer helped
her to get It.
Attorney Thomas P. Duffy yesterday
filed with Prothonotary Copeland ail
application for divorce In the name of
Laura I. Kldrldge, who accuses her
husband, AVIlllam C. Uldridge, a North
hcranton business man, of turning her
out of doors and ot being unfaithful.
Gertrude J. Moore is named as co-respondent.
They were married July 4,
1SSS. She was put out of his house, she
says, May S, 1901.
The divorce case of Lbzlo F, Kinder
against ('hnrle.s II. Kinder, which was
to have been heard In argument court
yesterday, was continued until Juno 2.
The divorce case of Llbble M. Palmer
against D. n, Palmer was continued
until the next term of argument court.
For a Dead Man's Board BUI.
Testimony was taken nil day yes
terday lu the orphans' court beforii
Judge A. A. A'osbmg In the audit in
the estate of Jermliih Simons, deceased.
The decedent died In West Sernnton,
leaving no estate eccpt a policy of
life Insurance, tho proceeds of which
were payable to his estate, and collect
ed and accounted lor by D. j, Davis,
his adminlstiator. He was boaidlng at
Hie tlino of his deatk with Thomas
Fletcher who now presents a claim for
a large balance for board and tiNo for
bonnwed inoncv. which I111 alleges lie
loaned the decedent tit different times,
Considerable testimony was taken to
show tho habits of llfo of the decedent
Willi tho view of showing how much
the board was worth, and testhnonv
was also received " tho part of the
heirs and representatives of the estato
to show that tho board had been paid
and that there was no Indebtedness
The healing was not concluded but
Michael Judge, "Mackie" Mc
Donough and John AVelsh, three mein
beis of a celebrated gang of toughs
which has terrorized Bellovuo tor many
years were again anested yesteulay
on two specific chaiges of butglary.
The three were ai rested 11 little over
11 month ago for stealing n quantity
of old iron from the Hellevue breaker
and cn:;'lng It with 11 horse and wagon
to a Junk shop nearby. They are now
charged with stealing a set of harness
fiom the burn of .Michael Uegan, ol
325 Fifth avenue and with burglailzing
the hotel of Alonzo Hubbard, on South
Washington avenue. Welsh "peached"
on his comrades at a hearing conducted
yesieiday afternoon and told the whole
He said thai he took no active part
In the sttaltiig of the iron fiom the
Bellevue breaker but had assisted in
unloading it at the Junk s-liop. Judge
niic. McDonough had told him, he said,
that they had taken, the horse and
wagon from McConnell's bain 011
South Washington avenue and the
harness fiom Kegan's bain. The har
ness was found on the following 11101 n
ing in Mi'CouneU's barn, ir having
been left on the hoi so when that
animal was returned,
lie was ghen a number of cigars
and some whiskey which Judge and
McDonough told hi in they had obtain
ed fiom Ifubbnid's saloon that night.
They didn't say they hud stolen the
stulf but he supposed they had.
Hubbard testllled that cigars
whiskey had been taken fiom
The mnslsliate held Judge und
Uonough under $1,000 ball each but has
made no disposition of Welsh's case
yet. McDonough, who seems to be the
boldest and wildesl of all, smiled
cheei fully as he was being taken up
to the county Jail.
"I don't care if I get two years In
the "pen," be said. "It ain't so bad as
they make It out to be, I guess."
From 'Congregation of Providence
weisn congregational unurcn.
The following minute, adopted by
the Providence AVelsh Congregational
church, has been sent to Tho Tribune
with a request that It be printed:
Whuc3, The member', of Hie I'loildenee WMi
('onriKitional chinch, .North Km), ilty, hailni;
inn the I'Miidinitly full npoiti. of tin hcniiii,
held last Suiidji and .Mcnu.ii in toimiitinoration
of the thiril.lli Jli! of llieii pi.toi, 1 1 e .
li. S. .lonis. 1). 1)., lelnjr itenilib d In t'a-j
imetlns Wcdncnlaj cxrnliiu, Apill ?.!. heir leap
to i'prC". oui sinci'i-t io the wtilmn
papeii of our lily, and u-pccki'ly to the Scan.
Ion Tiihune for Its eiy ctiii-hc, full and
loncl-e repoiK of the proiccdlnj.-.
We oho wlih to i'lend our beirliiwt thinks
to the Noilh Fnd irpoitvi of this pipei for his
untiring auilfillifiil i flint in Katlivrlui; the Ur
torle fails and xltiui; '"'-h a full I of tie
whole nicetliiKf, If j on plr.iie to aicepl of our
sliRerot thinks On behalf of the iliiuih,
I'.obeit It. William.', Scuctai.
Apiil SI, 190-.',
Appended Is the opinion of the
Superior court In the ease of Conrad
Schroeder against tho Scranton Gas
nml AVater company, In whlcli'lt is de
cided that the councils of the city nre
not empowered to fix water rates:
The was Incorporated l.v u (.p-eld
nl "f acmbly approfed Mnnli 1(1, 'isUl, v. ),.
of 18.1(1. p. u'l-l, for the uupo of "making-, ralv
Inir and Introduclm into the Itl.tixc of Scran
ton, t.u7inie lounly, ,i niflkicnt lupplv of ,-ai
iinil pure waloi." It ins bim (dun addition d
URhlathe hiitliorlly by ml of
ii(inbly whhli fiillllatol ami inlarged tliu
original ohJ"its of lt ircatloii, ami It has no
icptcd the pioilslons of flic net of Apill Kl, J87I,
V. I.. SJ, entitled, "An uct to pioilde for tie
Iniorimiiitlnii nml iculatlon of mrporatloin,"
and the Mippleincnls tlurutu,
in the conduct of lift limlncM it cstahlHieil nr
lain yeaily i.ites, payable nionilily, and meter
iliamcs for hu ue of water furnWicd to Its
iiMuiikis, ainonit whom was the philntlll. While
the-e rates and chargcrt weic In fonc In- the tie
fintant lompany an oiillnanco "llniitini; the
pilin to be iliarmd for FUppl. iiif wuicr o tliu
inhabitants of the uly of fuianlon nml prm tiling
a pi'iialty foi the violation of flic pun Pilous there
of," was tnaitid by the proper municipal an
tlinrltli", in iii.d by wlilch oullnancu the ralia
und ilniicis foi the use of watei were in iteililly
'lhc plainthlil la the owner of ccilaln building
in the city of Sri.irli.ii in wliiih eloiin tainllics
ic.sulcil mid In whiili then- vcrc In e bath
lull, watci'Clovctd, Im-o imireetioiw, cte. 'Ihe
defendant company pit-ented a bill or ttatcni'Mit
clciiianillng p.'.imiut in acioidaiuc with the latin
and duna-H in ii-6hy die water . one
I any. The plainllll' denniidul hr bill r.r
ilalm should be leiluud to conform with the latei
.md pilct'i li linen in Hie oidlniine, width dennml
wa iifn-id, and the water company thircupaii
Ihiejlemil to Mult or? the supplr of walrr fiom
lhc plaiiitin's builtling tin-".s he paid the bill
a piioc'iiled.
in i.i, w.s rii.r.p.
A bill iii cipilty was filed in whMi the ptiin
till tor an injunction, preliminary until
Krailng ai'd pupdiial llii'ieaflei', to nMi.iin an I the mm lei louipaiij, il officers, cte..
linn 11111111,!- on Hie siijiph ,f watei, etc., laid
tor it'llef, ei -. 'Ihu. defend ml llled n
ilimiuiti, which was mi. tallied by the i.nirt he-lie-,
mid (he bill was liKinl-cd.' '(he fails nl
leinsl in the pl.iinllifs bill are adiulfled by tlic
I'linuiii'i' and tin it- U i-i, alleaatlon ,liat thc'i.ltes
and ih.n;.'is ai IKliI I iv the deliii'I.nil .lie unjiiil,
iiiueas inblr or liii'ipiitablo. It is nioreoiei ion-
icdi'd lint lhc only ipiolion lab-iil by tliis
i that tf the li-ifil cttei I to he itiicn to the
oidiiiinic of llio cil.i of iiaiiloii in llvlnir the
late-, to bo ihused by the delindint for water
luiiii-hcd to It-. cih.loiiin- within the u'tj-.
It is al-o i nm cded thai this defendant hai
pi.ieth.illy a moiiopolv of tlic water Mipph (oi
the illy of Siraiiton ninth ha, gniwii Iiomi a
lllaae In l'il, when the defendant wis incor-
ui it-.l. lo bo a illy of the second ila-s of ihe
loiiiiuonwialth. It ilin-, not follow-, n..r is It
iliuiiul, lint linilri it-, iliarter It has Mich oom
pbte and control our its ntcc ai.d
ihiiKO-. a to ciiahle it lo make them uiusison
able oi uiijiM. it, .!. all ulhti lorpoiatioi v. is
iimcnihle lo ui-el ition by law: ami in fiet the
eioiid of ilau-e 7 of rtllnn .SI of the
nit ot Apill 2 1-71, I', b. 7f, and sulieiinenl, was disi-juci to iroiern thi--. .nil
other like dctcndauK in detiimiiiiiii; the pI-jirih
fu water luiiilslivil: Ilijmii f. lluilei WaiVi
Co., 17J I'a. M); White .i. Meadiillc, 177 I'a.
M.t; iriimioiiweilih n, Uin-(ll. 17 Pa. .".oi.: (,'a
.. W itn ( o. i-. 'Ijione lioioiyh, -, l'i. .",'iU.
Although Hits dcfiiiduit caiup.uj wis Ineoi-
tiorrtteit by a uprclal net of nsciu1ily many J earn
prior In the adoption of the romtllnllon ol 134,
rl nlien It ncceplnl lhc ptoilslons of tint ton
tltulloii) It nvenleil lo all of It." proiMoni, f.rd
liecaiie rnlltleit lo "all the iriillee, Ininuinl'
tlM, franchlrei and powtm confertcd by tlie ml" t
niuonit whlih, and llal lo Hits rac, Is thf fee
ontl proUsa of cluisc 7 cf aerllon nl, iiupri, wlileli
Is follows! "And proildcd futlhcr tint the
(ourt of common plonn uf the proper rnunly flnll
me Jurlmllclloii mid iowcr upon tlie bill or pi"
tltlon of any citizen mlnit Ihe gai or w-nler of
any of Hi Id companies to hear, Inquire and de
termine as to the tinners thereof for Raj or wafer
ro furnljlied, and In ilcyrce tint the "lid bill bo
ill'inlsKil, or thai the tliarttrs sliill lie itrrrn "cd,
us In the oald court may scetn Just and cqull'ilttv,
and lo enfoire olicillenre to their iletlres liy the
usual ptocc'5."
The tllv uf Scranton undotiblrdly lni nuthor-
Ity lo administer Die public.' affairs for lli. eon
enicnt Koxernmcnt of tin.' ronimunlly, and tlic
plalnlllt contends thil tuuler wliat Is known an
the Rcncrnl welfare dauro (llio foitj-slslh ieu
lion) of article 6 of tlie ail of May 2.1, Issn. V.
I,. 277, which piovlilrs for the Inroi para! Ion and
KAAcrnment of cltlen of Ihe thlid ilixii (the illy
of Scranlon bcina; of tliat chv wlien tin ordi
nance was enacted), the city had ainpla authority
lo enact the ordinance, and lliat lie has llio light
to assert it as OKiiln-t Hie ilitend.tnl miter ein
fiany. Ily this nertlon tlic cliv Is iiiitliuil'eil ti
make nidlnaiura, by-laws, lilies and tmulitleis
not InconsUtei't with tlie constitution und l.iwi
of the commonwcaltli, fir the miintrnamc rf tho
peoie, unod g eminent, und wdfire of the i Ity,
and Its li.nle, lonimerce and iiianufaiturei. which
Is but a define I utateliicnt ef the police power of
any iiuuiliip.illl.v.
Xo authority U uivcn by this section to tram
fer Ihe decMun of the question Imolied liom the
i ourt of common picas to the illy count lln. Tlic
IcRlslilure, which, is the eoiiuncn source of ioer
of botli the i Ity jro eminent and the water iom
p.m.v, lias liudo It the fmrWiiir the courts
to i-lve effect not cnlj to legislation ilolenail to
(iroteet public pcice ami eifely lint nlo to muid
tlie propeity ilsihts of titlcns. 'll.c action of
Hie ttty toiuitlls in atlcniptlna; to ninilale the
clnrcs of the water company was without an
thoiity of law.
In reiraul to fliis tliere i.m tie no qu-jtlon.
TIig Supreme court has laid: "In the lomlr.ic
Hon of it chatter lo bu In donlit U to b-j te
colit'd, cud cuiy irsuliitfnii wliiih sprlnirs from
doubt is naiiust the inrimrition:" llilltiud ('"in-p-my
s. ('.mil Commlss'oii.'i, 21 V.i. 2J; mil "If
Jou aseit that a torpii.ltiou had leitaiu litlv
lleites, show us tlie wonli of Hie lei;llaline ion
fcrrini; them. Tallinn in this jou mint n!ve t.p
jour claim, for nothini; cl-e can polblv .wall
j on. A doubtful chartir dot not cist, lieciu-e
wli.itcrr is doubtful is iluldedlv ng.ilnl tlic
corporation:" t'oinmonweallli i. I'.ile .. N'ortli
Kast It.illrc.Jil C'uinpany. 27 Pi. ."M; III . White
Deer Mt. Water Co.', 1!7 I'a. SO.
The mimliipal lorpotatlon and Ihe pricite tor
poijtion ale c.-ich itstrieti-il in their powu and.
by the ait of 1-171, Hie celu-ie Juilsilietlon of
the tjucolitu Im ol cd in Ibis ta-e Is et.'d 111
the couit of itiiiinou pit i. "Of cierj iiiiiut'ipil
corpoiatleii, (lie clartei or Matutc- b.v whMi it
is creiltil is its onsanit ail. Xeilher (lie toipov
atlon nor Us otlleers can do aii.i ait or make any
contrail or bum any lLibiilt.- not .iiithoiitt'd
tlieieby or b.v m.iiic lmW.illic .it I
tlirrrlo. All ..els hc.vml Ihe nope of the po-v.-ri
tirantcil me oid:" 1 Dillon on Mini. La- t'llh
c.l.) K'C. S'l.
'the plaintifl's ta'c iet wholly up n the or
tllninie. that is Inijbl, 'Hil- deaee ot the
court below is afllumil.
- m. -. .,
Lodore Will Be the Mecca for Ex
cursionists the Coming Season.
All Indications point to Lake Lodore
as the most popular of all excursion re
sorts for the fast-approaching season,
and to even surpass its immense busi
ness ot last year. The individual ex
cursionist prefers a lake resort, und the
scenic beauties of Lodore Itself. Its far
spreading grove, Incomparable dame
pavilion, Its merry-go-round, the de
light of the children, its well-equipped
kitchens, clam oven, refreshment
booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha
launches, steamer, large excursion boat
and varied other amusements render it
a summer paradise, and at the same
time the most profit-making resort for
churches and societies. There are some
splendid dates loft, for the privilege ot
which please nppply to AV. L. Pryor,
dislrlet passenger agent. Deluware and
Hudson Knlhoad, Scranton, Ta.
I 5T
New Fraternal nnd Beneficial Organ
ization Planted Here.
A local branch of the National Pro
tectlve Legion was formed at Itaub's
hall last night by Organizer O. It. oho,
of AVilkes-H.irro. It starts with a mem
bership of foity, representing all parts
of tho city.
The oilleers nre: Past president,
Mllto AVIiltney; president, AVIlllam It,
li, McCarthy: vice-president, Frank
Adams; secretary, itobert Owens; treas
urer, Arthur Whitney; chaplain, Agnes
Callahan; conductor, AVIlllam li, Ue
dea; Inside doorkeeper, Thomas Dor
phey; outside doorkeeper, Claude AVhit
liey; trustees, AVIlllam It. II. McCarthy,
W. II. Bedea and Frederick Soellner.
It Is a rrnternul and beneficial society,
wth sonio very inviting features. Tho
local organization will bo known as
F.leotrlo City legion.
On Friday and Saturday, we will make "li
our annual distribution of ROSE Si
BUSHES. Hardy two-year field- i
grown strong-rooted Rose Bushes, Si
r$ sure to bloom the first year. $;
if Varieties.
Welrich Brumer,
jS Perle des Blanches,
Louis Nan Houtte,
js: Marie Bauman,
Caroline" Testant,
flagna Charta,
n. Gabriel Luizet,
Haclam PJanteer,
Victor Verdier.
3 Large Three-year Old Bushes.
One given with a $3.00 purchase.
Two " " ,5500
-.a One Rose Bush given with a 1.00 purchase. S
Two " Bushes " " .oo " g
1 Three $00 S
' Five " " " ' $,0,00 " :
Sir: Ple.ibo enroll my name us ono of tho contestants In The Trib
une's Educational Contest, and send me equipment and more detailed
Information concerning tho work as soon ns issued.
... 1 ...,., .
(( lit thi.1 out aud null lo "Contest IMItor, htranton 'I'libune, heraiiloii, I'a.," at once
in older Hut ou may bo anions Hie tli.t to itcthii ih pilnttd matter and caiuajsei-'d ou:
lit, bee admtU'uaiit ou foiirlh page of thU htiie.)
No customer will receive more 'than
six Rose Bushes. Please do not ask
for anything different for we will not
allow it.
ci &
Mears & Hagenl
415-417 Lackawanna Ave.
it l Important w tr" t '
1.V10I ikn .tff m uu M, nr ' 1 1
m l!v;!nJ CWm u nttoi w hIi imi
Liwn.i,e.t f ft
A Request.
We respectfully re-"
mind tlie trade that-
since'1840 our ware
has been known
aud sold as
Haviland China
Wc expect that dealers will, In a spirit of fairness, sell all Imitations
under the name In full with which they are stamped.
We are Scranton's Agents for Haviland & Co.
CfruvfrHaXV 134 Wyoming Ave.
GEO. V. Mlt-UAR & CO. AValk in and look around.
Upholstering and Cushion Work
Is done by us cheaper aud better, than any where else
in. town. We refmish furniture also. Our. cabinet maker
will call on request to give estimates.
Scranton Bedding Co.,
P. A- KAISER, Manager.
Lackawnnna and Adams Avenues.
Both 'PhonM
The Embroidery
I Occasion of the Year
iThe Embroidery . I
St. dull. Switzerland, is i.iiinus the world over for its em-
2 broideric. Everybody embroider, in factory or in cottage, -ft.
jl Hut St. Gall li.tb one best producer of embroideries, just as g
Scranton lias one best store, and we got this manufacturer's 5!
output at prices much below the usual.' 51
i Edgings, Insertions. All-Overs
All tlic patterns are new; all the goods arc embroidered on
band machines, insuring fast edges and good wearing qualities
in every way. The edgings are from one to eight inches wide ;
the insertions arc from three-quarters of an inch to three inches
The fabric.-, arc Cambric and Swiss Aluslin, Mull and Nain
sook, find all the widths in Allovers to match the insertions and
edgings. Bow Knots,' h'leur de Lis. Carnations, Lilies of the
Valley and other dainty patterns. Prices range from 2c. the
yard up. Sets from 10c. to So.00 the yard.
Linen Embroidery in the usual widths and shades.
I And the Laces
Point Yenise, Point de Paris. Mechlin, Valenciennes and
all the other fashionable and much sought after laces.
Jt is no art to know Avhat people want, but it's a fine art to
know how to fill their wants at acceptable prices.
This is the art we've been studying these many years, and
this store of ours furnishes pretty good evidence that we have
mastered it. Positive goodness, positive newness and better
ment in store methods.
fMcConnell &Co.
The Satisfactory Store -
1 400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
The Bulk of
the Local Home
Furnishing Business
is done here under the roof of 'Tllli NEW
In the old store it was the same story every
season saw more business done than during the
preceding one.
This season, thus far, is a repetition of our
past success.
The reason for this is plain. We have in -proved
as wc went along. Wc have advanced
with each passing season, until now we place be
"fore tlie home furnishers of Lackawanna Valley
a perfect Home Furnishing store. Here you find
Fiirnifdpe, Carpets, Riigs,
Mattings, Qirfains, Draperies,
Wall Paper and Window Shades
in greater variety than elsewhere and at prices
that are reasonable prices that are real bargain
prices, when the quality of the article is cou
, sidcred,
129 Wyoming Avenue.
1 va
aiiLJ .V.- h . & . ifa.i.V.i tj. . . :... i.. e . ... - ti ..-.....- ,J
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' 1
Jia. -Wt-Jw. -- - -w- 4gryJ h..,1 V.--". J--ramK 0f 'M
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